Jimmies Spirit - St James College
Jimmies Spirit - St James College
Jimmies Spirit Past Students’ Newsletter Volume 4 February 2013 From the Principal Welcome to the first edition of Jimmies Spirit for 2013. Each school year begins in a very hectic fashion and this year has been no exception. We have been delighted to welcome into the school a new cohort of enthusiastic Year 8 students together with many other students across all year levels. In keeping with the College’s faithfulness to value of ‘inclusion’ which is a key feature of the Charter of Edmund Rice Education Australia, and also to the traditions and history of Jimmies, we continue to welcome students from many different backgrounds, cultures and faith traditions. We also provide special opportunities for those young men and women who need extra care and attention because of learning differences or social issues. It has also been a great strength of the College, as you all know, that it provides opportunities for students who, because of particular home situations or financial circumstances, may not be able to access a Catholic education in other environments. To see all these students flourish is a source of great satisfaction to the staff of the College who give so much of themselves and their time towards the education of their students. After much planning and discussion, we were very pleased to receive a letter from the State Minister for Education, John Paul Langbroek, confirming that the College would be in receipt this year of a significant grant towards the building of a new $3.1m state-of-the-art Library and Science facility. This long-awaited confirmation has resulted in our being able to submit a formal Development Application to Brisbane City Council, and, if successful, to commence building later this year. This will be the first stage of some exciting developments on the College campus over the next several years as we prepare for the intake of Year 7 students in 2015. Existing Science laboratories will be refurbished to accommodate prospective Year 7s and it is planned that the old Library will be part of a new refurbishment project for the College administration in the heritage-listed St James Building. The re-development of Jimmies on the Dam is steadily taking place as senior students studying Construction and Engineering Certificate courses use their skills to build new facilities and refurbish old ones on the site. It is planned to hold a Community Picnic Day on Sunday, 5 May, up at Jimmies on the Dam. Present and past students and their families are welcome to attend. Anyone wishing to assist either financially or in other ways with the re-development project is encouraged to contact either me or Anthony Hill, Head of the Design and Technology Department at the College (anthony.hill@stjamescollege.qld.edu.au). Thank you once again to all our Past Students for your continued support of the College. Should any of you wish to contribute financially to the College, there are two avenues. Contributions can be made to the College Building Fund to assist in continuing to provide excellent facilities for our students or to the Lighthouse project. The St James “Lighthouse for Athletes” program provides another opportunity to support our young men and women who are striving for excellence in their particular sport. Money raised through this latter avenue goes towards providing uniforms and travel assistance for students particularly for students who, because of their personal circumstances, would not be able to participate. I would like to thank in particular the following past students, families of past students and companies who have financially contributed to the College through one or other of the avenues above: Gary Allen, Martin Quinn, Andrew Lovett, Peter Egan, John Callaghan, Peter Wilson, John O’Hara, Brian Davies, Tim Fairfax, Adrian McDonald (Advice & Information Pty Ltd), Tony Palella (PHV Law Solicitors), Adrian Di Marco (Technology One), Wendy Bomgaars (Practice Management International), Zimi Meka (Yellow Daisy Foundation), Fox International Systems, Madison Cleaning. In addition, late last year, Peter McWhirter, through his company donated a massive amount of new casual clothing for students – certainly a very generous gesture and one of which many of our kids were extremely appreciative. The Alan and Ailsa Metcalf Student Leadership Program, supported generously by past student, Bernard Stapleton, has continued this year. Our 2013 College Captains, Melissa Tabulo and Efrem Tesfai, were the recipients of this funding and joined student leaders from Edmund Rice Colleges across Australia for a College Captains Leadership Conference in January at the Mary McKillop Centre in North Sydney. Both Mel and Efrem returned excited about their leadership possibilities and capabilities and the ways in which they can continue to serve the St James community. A special thanks to Bernard for providing the assistance for the students to attend this wonderful event. Further enquiries in regards to donations can be directed to College Business Manager, David Cantwell. (david.cantwell@stjamescollege.qld.edu.au). The College is currently seeking new members for its Board. The College Board acts in an advisory capacity to the Principal in the strategic management of the school and meets approximately seven times during the year in the St James Room. Any past student who feels they may have the expertise and experience to assist as a member of the Board, I would encourage you to contact the Principal’s PA, Naomi Ritchie, at the College for details. Thank you all once again for your support of this extraordinary little school of St James. The young men and women who walk in through those gates every day and place their open hand on the crest in that time-honoured tradition, see themselves as keepers of and participants in a wonderful story that is Jimmies. Faithful Forever Gerry Crooks Principal Jimmies Spirit | February 2013 1 Co-Curricular Activities at St James The final term for 2012 was a memorable one with St James College awarded the Champion Sporting School for 2012. After years of dwelling down the bottom of the South Districts school ranking, St James College rose up to take out the Champion School award for 2012. This is great recognition for the community involvement as the award is calculated on the number of district champion sporting teams, student population as well as staff involvement in district trials. We were ranked Number 1 out of a possible 12 schools and were the only school not to have seniors involved in competitive teams making the achievement even more incredible. Past student and legend of Queensland Rugby League, Peter McWhirter generously gave away thousands of dollars’ worth of clothing to staff and students of St James College at the end of 2012. Peter’s company had a back log of merchandise and the Jimmies community was on the receiving end of numerous garments of excellent quality. Peter attended St James in the late 60’s and early 70’s and represented Qld against NSW playing in the famous number six jersey in 1979 and 1980. The last weekend of the 2012 school term saw our Year 9 boys and girls basketball in action at Auchenflower for the BBI Junior Tournament. The tournament concluded with the boys going down to overall winners Brisbane State High in the semi finals and the girls reaching third place in their pool. Many of the junior girls squad went on to represent St James at the national basketball tournament in Melbourne. It was a fantastic week of competition and despite not registering a victory - staff, students and parents thoroughly enjoyed the experience and hope to return again in 2013. Over the Christmas break we had some fantastic achievements from past and present students of St James. Senior student Zac Telfer not only returned from Italy with no less than 8 medals from the World Down Syndrome Swimming meet, but also set two new world records along the way. I believe Zac is the first Jimmies student to set a world record and should be commended for his achievement. We also had a past and present student represent Australia and New Zealand at the Australian Youth Olympics Festival in Sydney. 2011 Senior, Jon Pakchung, did an outstanding job in weightlifting up against a Chinese team that broke several Commonwealth Games records at the meet. Jon would have received silver for his overall lift if he was in his preferred weight category. Pene Bishop-Paenga not only had the honour of being flag bearer for the New Zealand team, but returned home with a bronze medal in the basketball, going down to the eventual winners Australia in the semi. system that will ensure success is not confined to the court but equalled in the class room. There are some exciting changes in the Junior Sport program each Wednesday this year. The Year 8’s will begin a new look schedule that will include Rock Climbing, Golf and a Ukulele/ Guitar music program. The old favourites will return for the Years 9’s and 10’s with Fishing, Table Tennis, Ten Pin Bowling, Basketball and Futsal headlining this term’s activities. The extremely successful and rewarding Sporting Chance Program run by exBrisbane Bullets’ player Leroy Loggins will also be offered each Wednesday afternoon. Leroy runs a mentoring program that includes team building, health and fitness as well as culturally significant outings. It looks like it will be another successful year for junior sport at St James College. Andrew Ebrington Sports Co-ordinator 2013 is shaping up to be the most exciting and successful year in the Jimmies basketball program’s brief history. The senior boys have wasted no time and are well into the GBL U23 Men’s season at BBI. The program is bigger and better than ever with more players, more coaches, more fundraising and more tournaments planned for 2013. The Jimmies Basketball Supporters’ Committee are pleased to announce the return of head coach Kirron Byrne for 2013 and are excited to inform the community of the appointment of Nigel Berghan as the senior boys’ coach for 2013. Nigel comes to us from BBC where he has taken their senior squad to Nationals for the past two seasons and will be part of a dynamic coaching team that has been assembled over the break. As well as an up to date web page the basketball program will be rolling out an academic tracking Pene Bishop-Paenga Jon Pakchung. 2 St James College Zac Telfer. Outdoor Recreation & Health Staff Retreat at Jimmies on the Dam Arnold Palmer once said: “The most rewarding things you do in life are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Camps are an integral part of St James College, giving students an unforgettable experience outside of the classroom. This year will see a return of Year Level camps to Jimmies on the Dam, with a Year 9 Camp operating during the last week of Term 1. With this in mind some of the College teaching staff and their families visited Jimmies on the Dam during the school holidays to experience first-hand some of the fantastic new facilities built by the Certificate 1 Construction students under the supervision of Mr Hill and the Design & Technology Department. The school is very excited to be returning to this wonderful setting, the site of such history and memories. If any previous student has any old photos, memories of camps at Jimmies on the Dam or would like to attend the Year 9 Camp this year, please contact Mr Marty Wiseman at: martin.wiseman@stjamescollege.qld.edu.au. The school would be keen to hear from you as we try to recreate the magic of these camps for future students. Mr James Anderson Head of Department – Outdoor Recreation & Health Jimmies Spirit | February 2013 3 St James and YOS Community Partnership itself, with the full support of staff and its students. In 2012 a Year 11 Student enrolled in the program, requested to enrol in OP Art and Study of Religion at St James. Artistically talented, this student submitted some amazing photographs that were displayed at the St James Art Show and represented many aspects of her life and experiences. Below is a collection of her work. She also engages in service, by participating in the Jimmies Breakfast Van on Wednesday mornings before school, that helps feed the homeless, something she has been familiar within the past, having experience many long periods of homelessness and instability. However, today she looks forward as she enters her final year of study with the desire and goal to finish her Senior Education and move forward in the direction of a future that now has hope and possibilities. Samantha Gall ~ Pride of Australia. The YOS Education Program is a Community Partnership Program between St James College, Brisbane and The Salvation Army Youth Outreach Service. Established in 2006, as a response to an increasing number of young people considered to be at risk of not completing their education, it now enters its eighth year, and has assisted over 105 young people successfully work towards their QCE and towards the attainment of realistic and attainable educational opportunities. The majority of young people engaged in the YOS Education Program are located in the inner city region of Brisbane and are considered to be homeless or at risk of homelessness. The Partnership to date has created an individualised holistic learning environment, providing each student enrolled with a ‘case manager’ to support lifestyle issues and a teaching team that provides high quality academic support and teaching through flexible delivery. St James College and YOS are partners centred on an inclusive Christian ethos, providing support and individual care with focus on learning and moving forward. The YOS Education Program is a unique opportunity to educate marginalised youth, and encourage the young people enrolled in the program to be transformational in their society. The YOS Education Program offers young people an avenue to return to education without prejudice and complete their Senior Phase of Learning, offering students the ability to enrol in Year 10 and Senior, as well as access to the TAFE Schools Program, and Senior Subjects and Sports at the College. Student choosing to access additional subjects at St James, not offered at YOS, are welcomed to attend those classes at the College 4 St James College Students from the program over the last seven years have gone on to Tertiary Studies through various TAFE’s throughout Queensland, undertaken Education Training Programs within Queensland Health and Government, have been accepted into University Courses in some of Queensland’s top Universities and have gone on to also gain meaningful and career orientated employment. The commitment of students in the YOS Education Program, not only to their studies, but also their desire to work and earn an income, demonstrates a tenacity and strength to move above and beyond the turbulence of their past and create a future with real skills, experience and understanding around the demands of life while learning to stand on their own two feet as a contributing member to society and their community. Having had the privilege to work with this particular group of students, I am always in awe, having been privy to their stories and often the extreme and traumatic events they have experienced in their short lives to date, and am amazed and humbled by their determination and persistence to not give up or give in, particularly when 8590% of the cohort live independently and with very little or no family support. People often see the issues of these young people rather than their strengths, and it is those strengths, that sometimes they do not even realise that play a crucial role in turning their lives around. Whenever I talk with students in the program and students who have completed the program, the underlying thread and feedback I receive, is that, it is the fact that the teams involved in the YOS Education Program never give up on them and go above and beyond. Like any school or program, there are challenging days, but all staff involved put that aside and continue to work with our students and believe in them, and for that I am extremely grateful and blessed to be part of a school and community that share the same passion and belief in our students as I do. I was very blessed and overwhelmed last year having been selected as a finalist for the Pride of Australia Medal in the Inspiration category, and then in September announced as the QLD Winner of the Inspiration Category for my work with at risk youth and contribution to the YOS Education Program in Fortitude Valley for the last elven years, assisting young people disengaged from mainstream schooling to complete Year 10 and Senior Studies. However, the true inspiration actually lies within the young people themselves who want to rebuild their lives, move forward and gain a sense of hope and pride back. It is the most amazing feeling seeing young person’s eyes ignite and fire up with a desire, passion, empowerment and determination to want to succeed and achieve for the purpose of making something of themselves and their lives in the future. As a result of being recognised in my field, the YOS Education Program more importantly has gained recognition and exposure that has allowed parents, services and young people the opportunity to explore this amazing Community Partnership Program as an option to finish education and ignite conversations around seeking further support and avenues for the future. It is truly a privilege to be part of something so special and to have the backing and support of Edmund Rice Australia, St James College and their amazing team of teachers and administration personnel, Youth Workers at YOS and our wonderful Education Team. All this is what creates an Educational Program that at its core provides the right support students need to feel a sense of stability, consistency, guidance and accepts a student’s individuality, believes in their worth and provides hope for their future. Samantha Gall Student artwork. Program Coordinator YOS Campus Coming Events CLASS OF 2008 5 Year Reunion on Friday 3 May, 2013 The College would like to host a gathering for the Class of 2008 to celebrate having graduated from St James five years ago. This event will be held on Friday 3 May in the College Library from 5.00pm to 7.00pm at a cost of $10.00 per person, inclusive of drinks and nibbles. We hope you can join us on this occasion and look forward to catching up on what you’ve been doing over the past five years. RSVP by Monday 29 April, 2013 Mrs Naomi Ritchie, Principal’s PA – (07) 3230 8686 naomi.ritchie@stjamescollege.qld.edu.au JIMMIES ON THE DAM PICNIC DAY Sunday, 5 May 2013 All in the St James Community – past and current students and their families, College staff and families - are warmly invited to attend a Picnic Day at St James Outdoor Education facility Jimmies on the Dam. The property is located at 365 Burnett Creek Road, Maroon. Look out for the red and white sign saying Jimmies on the Dam which is situated at the front gate. As the property is located on the banks of Maroon Dam please feel free to bring along any sporting or recreational equipment you may wish to utilise. All attending will need to provide their own food and drinks together with picnic tables, chairs, rugs etc. We hope you can join us for a relaxing and enjoyable day. Should you have any enquiries please contact Naomi Ritchie: Phone: 07 3230 8686 or email at naomi.ritchie@stjamescollege.qld.edu.au Basketball Challenge Past Students vs Current Students Friday, 19 April 2013 Games at 5.00pm and 6.00pm in the School Hall The College would like to invite all interested past students of Jimmies to participate in the Past Students vs Current Students Basketball Challenge. Two games have been scheduled for Friday 19 April, with 5.00pm and 6.00pm starts. Refreshments will be provided by the Basketball Supporters’ Committee at a reasonable price. No need to rush home for dinner, enjoy a burger or two from the barbeque. Cold drinks will also be available. Everyone is welcome to come along and either actively participate on the court or attend as a supporter. Should you wish to play and be part of a Past Students’ Team, would you kindly contact Andrew Ebrington on 0408 870 960 or at andrew.ebrington@stjamescollege.qld.edu.au by Monday, 15 April 2013. Jimmies Spirit | February 2013 5 Where are they now? Peter Wall (1952) As a recipient of Volume 3 of Jimmies Spirit I was intrigued by a question on Page 7, “Has a past student ever represented Australia at the Olympic games?” I’d like to let you know that my good friend and Jimmie’s old boy, John Bukowski (deceased 20/2/2001), represented Australia at a number of COMMONWEALTH GAMES and TWO consecutive OLYMPIC GAMES. The following is a press extract for readers’ information: “One of Australia’s best amateur boxers, John Bukowski, died on Tuesday night. Bukowski, who fought at the Rome (1960) &Tokyo (1964) Olympics and two Empire Games before turning pro, was 62 years old. He died of a heart attack in the back of an ambulance on his property at Mundubberra.). For those who are not aware the 50s and 60s was an era of very good boxers & coincidently the heavyweight Gold Medal winner at the Rome Olympics was a boxer called Cassius Clay who we all know now as the famous Muhammed Ali. John was a particularly good friend of mine. We attended St James from 1948 to 1952 and then went up to Terrace for 1953 and 1954 (Years 9 & 10 which were called Sub-Junior and Junior in those days). We both went to Gatton College in 1955. John left at the end of that year to pursue his boxing career. We only ever went to one reunion and luckily it was the year before John passed away. If John was alive today he would be 73 cheery years of age - the same age as me! I also have two brothers who went to St James. Greg Sheedy (1963 Junior) I spent 41 years employed in the Australian Domestic Airline business with roles in airport training, supervision and airport management. Prior to this, after leaving school, I was employed in the Motor Vehicle Spare Parts Trade in Brisbane before moving to Tassy in 1968. I am now retired with Pennant Squash, Motorsport, Golf and Rugby still being keen interests. Kenneth Howell (1977) Ken Howell was a foundation member of the St Stephen’s Cathedral Choir in 1970 when he was in Grade 7 at St James. He left St James in 1977 to commence studies for the priesthood at Banyo Seminary. Fr Ken spent 15 years at the Cathedral of St Stephen including seven 6 St James College years as Dean. In January 2013 Fr Ken took up the role of parish priest at Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast. Kevin St Clair (1977) I am a supervising scientist and laboratory manager in the Pathology Department at Redcliffe Hospital. Rhett Willis (1996) Rhett is the head chef at Jellyfish Restaurant, Eagle Street Brisbane. He is currently a contestant on Masterchef: The Professionals. Best wishes Rhett from all in the St James Community! Martin Edge (2005) Martin’s next Solo Show, titled “A Colourful Journey”, is at Robyn Bauer Gallery. The Show opens Wednesday 1 May, 2013. Opening Night is Saturday 4 May from 6pm to 8pm. The Show runs till May 31. There will be an Artist Talk on Thursday 9 May between 11am to 12pm. Everyone is welcome and light refreshments will be served. In October 2012 Martin entered an art piece in the Visual Arts Category of the Naturally Autistic People Awards in Canada. Martin received a Certificate of Recognition. On 4 December 2012 Martin was invited by Naturally Autistic Radio in Canada to be interviewed live on their afternoon program. The host, Leonora Gregory-Collura who is President of Naturally Autistic, had images of Martin’s work and discussed them with him for one hour. On Australia Day this year Martin was honoured by Hon. Peter Dutton MP Federal Member for Dickson and the Shadow Minister for Health & Ageing for a Dickson Community Award. In April 2013 Martin’s artwork will be used by Autism Qld for their “GO BLUE FOR AUTISM” campaign. There will be an event in the Queen Street Mall on April 2. Martin has been invited to be a guest speaker. The art piece to be used for the campaign will be able to be viewed at Martin’s solo show in May. Joseph Yunis (2008) I’m Joseph Yunis past student and college captain of St James College from 2006 to 2008. Since leaving Jimmies, I enrolled in a Bachelor of Biomedical Science at the University of Queensland in 2009. After four years of study, I graduated with first class honours in Microbiology in 2012. My project was to investigate the signals encoded in a Murine Cytomegalovirus gene “M78” that was internalised by HeLa cells. I also earned a Summer Research Scholarship from the University of Queensland to investigate the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs on tumours from cancer patients at the UQ Diamantina Institute now part of the Translational Research Institute. Beside my study and love for science exploration in the form of research, I have been involved in a charity organisation I founded and got registered on the 4th December 2012. The vision of the organisation is to ensure that every disadvantaged child in pursuit of quality education define their futures through scholarships, community based schools and institutions that encourage community involvement and ownership, that advance leadership, conflict resolution and reconciliation to provide quality education and bridge cultural divide. The Nuba people of South Kordofan in Sudan have suffered for so many years since 1956 to this very moment. Today, they are victims of relentless aerial bombardments which has caused indiscriminate killing of civilians including children, women and the elderly, massive migration and population displacement, political unrest and economic instability, lack of access to clean drinking water, health, food and shelter. These factors have directly and indirectly affected education in the Nuba Mountains and beyond. Direct effects include; constant fear i.e insecurity, destruction of schools, displacement of students and communities and exodus of qualified teaching and supporting staff. Indirect effect includes; limited economic activity to provide income, limited agriculture to provide food for consumption and sale to generate income, displacement which traumatises students and parents and the uncertainty that comes with it. This is particularly important for students who were sent by either the SPLA-N government (protect civilians in South Kordofan) or parents for high schooling in Uganda or Kenya before the war started because many cannot provide school fees, writing stationery and textbooks. This is a direct and an indirect effect of the war on Nuba. These are the challenges the organisation is trying to alleviate through seminars to sensitize the public, collect old mobile phones and recycle through foneraiser (1 broken mobile phone =$3 which can provide writing stationery for 1 year, $40= school fees). As part of the organisation plans to develop better understanding of the problems at hand, I will travel to Africa late this year and to the Catholic School in Masindi-Uganda. They are the beneficiary of this first project Where are they now? which involves setting up a computer class with 1 laptop that we can currently afford to train students and project managers to manage the organisation projects and provide reports and feedback. For more information visit the organisation’s website www.nubaeducation.org or facebook page https://www.facebook.com/NubaMounta insEducationInitiative. Thank you for your support. 35 year milestone for Max early stage, differences between the two establishments became apparent- the Jimmy’s kids would almost fight with each other to go out to the road to rub off the Parking Inspector’s chalk marks from my car tyres; no offers from up the road! Nick Filer (2009) Nick has just graduated from Griffith University with a Batchelor of International Relations. His final assessment on Islam and democratic societies has been accepted for publication in an academic journal. He has been accepted into Honours in 2013 and following this wants to study Law at UQ and then his Masters in the UK (hopefully at Oxford). Well done Nick. Dom Mallett (2011) I am currently studying a dual degree in Science and IT at QUT. I am working on several Games Design projects and I am a hobby artist on deviantART, specializing in chibi artwork. I am currently looking for employment in the field of IT as I have a love for computers and technology. At year’s end, Benny (you know who I mean) gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse: Laurie Moran, the incumbent Maths teacher, decided to leave. “Do you want to be full-time Maths?” he asks. I reply affirmatively and one year was followed by another, then another, then another… Max Ryan – A milestone in Maths education. To students past and present As I sit here, wondering what to write, two things I still find hard to believe: I can’t believe how long I’ve been here and I can’t believe I’m about to go. However, both are true even in spite of my initial meeting with the good Br Steele when I stood back; took a long, long look at Jimmies and consoled myself with the thought “Not much of a place but, no worries, won’t be here long…” Yeah. Sure. That was the beginning of Jimmies for me. Very different from my previous experiences. Indeed, after not parting on the best of terms at State High after only 11 weeks and three years at Churchie, my staying power was apparently not that great. Notices Engagement Class of 2010 Congratulations to Ged Sheehan & Johanna Hull who became engaged in October 2012. Ged is currently working towards becoming a fireman and Johanna is undertaking a Business/ Communications degree. Deaths Andrew Peter Puzniak 27 May 1955 – 12 October 2012 Andrew was in his early twenties when cancer first struck. His last battle with cancer started six years ago until in October 2012 he ran out of strength and finally lost his 35 year battle with cancer. Andrew was the adoring and devoted husband to Jane, the proud and loving father of Mark and David, a caring friend and trusted colleague, a man of generous spirit and incredible determination. Throughout my Jimmies’ journey is a panorama of events: I meet my good wife there. Zillions of teachers, students and friends. Some forgotten; most remembered. And when I had a look at the photos of the recent 50 year olds at the Races, I remembered very well. Mario hadn’t changed much. He looked like that when I first met him (kidding). The vast majority of students I saw have had a lowering of their centres of gravity (not kidding). One thing outstanding is how I perceived I related to the twin engines of the school, the students and teachers. It was virtually identical. The biggest, biggest majority of both parties I liked, respected appreciated etc. I would like to think that the small number I did not resonate with will forget and forgive at this stage. And so to all, a fond goodbye and sincere wishes for the future. At first, I had to share my day with Jimmies in the morning and up the road at Terrace in the afternoon. Even at this Andrew was born in Brisbane on Friday 27 May, 1955, the only son of Joe and Teresa Puzniak, who emigrated from Poland to Australia to give their son the opportunity of a better life. He was the apple of their eye and from them learnt the importance of family, friends, education and hard-work. Andrew started at St James in Year 5. St James was a tough school in those days, made up largely by a student body of English and Italian heritages and run by Christian brothers who believed in the strap. Andrew graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours, to which he later added Graduate Diplomas in Management and Computer Science. Andrew had a long and successful career as a professional engineer in Telstra and during his 32 years with the company he worked in a variety of roles from Max Ryan underground cable installation to strategic planning. It is said a man’s life should not be measured by the number of his days here on earth, but instead by the sum of the people he touched during his time with us. Andrew had a great love of life and people, and lived life to the fullest. Although he has left us, memories of his determination, joy, warmth and good humour live on with his family and friends, and we will remember and cherish: • his generosity and kindness towards people • his courage in the face of overwhelming adversity • his love of family and friends, because they mattered so much to him. Ray Di Marco Class of ‘72 Jimmies Spirit | February 2013 7 Stay Connected Past Students, please send your details to: Naomi Ritchie, Principal’s Assistant St James College, 201 Boundary Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone: (07) 3230 8686 Naomi.Ritchie@stjamescollege.qld.edu.au • • • • • • • • • • Title & Surname Surname at School Given Names Telephone New Address Previous Address Email Last year at St James & Year Level Occupation/Skills/Interests Have you been doing anything we should know about? • Please advise if you would prefer not to receive information from the Past Students’ Association. Br Thomas Justin O’Farrell (1913 – 2013), Past Student of St James College and World’s Oldest Christian Brother Obituary by Br Tim Scott cfc When Brother Thomas Justin O’Farrell died in mid-January this year at Holy Spirit Home at Carseldine he was in his hundredth year. He had joined the Christian Brothers in 1926. As one past student commented, “Once he put his hand to the plough he never looked back.” Thomas was born in Stephenson Street at Hamilton on the 9th November, 1913. His parents James and Florence already had a little daughter, Jean. Later another daughter Bridget and son James would be born. Thomas’s early years were to be difficult with his little brother, Jimmie, dying of meningitis just after his first birthday, and Thomas’s father returning from the First World War blinded from a wound to the head. His first teaching appointment was to Tamworth in 1931 and then to St Patrick’s College in Ballarat until 1935. For the next sixty-five years until his return to his home State of Queensland, he ministered to students in orphanages run by the Brothers as well as technical schools in Melbourne and Geelong. So it was in July 1926 that he decided to answer the call to follow Edmund Rice and entered the Christian Brothers’ formation house at Strathfield in Sydney. Another classmate, Bill Henry joined the priesthood, and another, Claver Geraghty, also joined the Brothers. One of his confreres, Brother Frank Chappell, who knew him well during this time wrote: “His presence would have been enough to have kept the school going, but he was tirelessly active in his leadership and teaching. The lay staff had some strong personalities, but they were prepared to follow Jus. They saw a man of integrity, whose word was his bond. They admired his decades of service to technical education. They found him generous and even in disposition. Not only was he admired and respected by the staff but also by the boys. All understood that they would obtain maximum value from his machine shop classes. He had years of experience, prepared his work thoroughly and was generous in working overtime with those who needed a little extra. That commitment did not pass without appreciation.” On receiving the habit he was given the name ‘Brother Justin’ and so for over eightyfive years he was known as Jus or Jusso or When news of his passing spread, one Melbourne mother wrote of her memories: “When I told our sons that Brother O’Farrell The family moved to Rainbow Street in Sandgate and after a short time at Sacred Heart Convent, he began the daily train trip to St James College in Fortitude Valley in 1925. It was here that he came under the influence of the Brothers like Br Cel Gasper and Br Stan Gurr. 8 to the students as ‘Brother Joffa’ adapting Br Justin’s intials (J.O’F) as a nickname and kids do. St James College had died on Saturday, they remembered him with great admiration and respect, and told stories of what they had learned from him in the classroom workshop. His welding skills, his fastidious preparation of equipment and skills for repairing broken equipment have taught them valuable life-long lessons.” Jus’s final week was peaceful and many sat at his bedside to pray with him including many of the Holy Spirit Sisters who administered the Holy Spirit Home. When Jus died he was the oldest Christian Brother in the world and the most senior by entry into the Brothers. It was fitting that he was laid to rest at Nudgee Cemetery with his confreres and will share the grave with the first Brother to arrive in Australia in 1843 – Brother Patrick Larkin who actually knew the Founder of the Christian Brothers, Edmund Rice, and also taught Brother Ambrose Treacy who brought the Christian Brothers to Queensland. A relic of Blessed Edmund Rice was placed in Jus’s hand as he lay dying. Coincidentally, Jus’s only trip overseas was to Ireland for the opening of the then newly-built Edmund Rice Chapel in Waterford where the Founder himself is buried. We are saying everything when we name Jus as “a faithful Christian Brother”, a man who epitomised the Jimmies motto: Faithful Forever.
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