Bulletins - Colorado Community College System
Bulletins - Colorado Community College System
Volume 11, Issue 11, January 29, 2013 Welcome to the eleventh issue of CTE Trends for the 2012-13! Bulletins February is CTE Month: Here’s Some Ideas to Commemorate It February is Career and Technical Education Month. ACTE suggests that CTE educators across the nation follow the following calendar to commemorate the month. . . February 1-8: SHOW that CTE Works! Are your CTE students, doing something cool in your community as a part of their CTE class or CTSO chapter? Show it off this week! Conduct a community outreach event, host an open house of the program, post a photo of your class or project on the ACTE Facebook page or send your story to ACTE! February 11-15: TELL that CTE Works! Social Media Advocacy Week: Tell your CTE success stories, learn more about CTE and add your voice to the conversation! Join the conversation by using the hashtags #CTEmonth2013 and #careerteched. Share the CTE Month PSA video, found on the CTE Month website, www.ctemonth.com and across your social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr! February 18-28: CELEBRATE that CTE Works! Highlight your CTSO’s activities, leadership opportunities and awards at your school! Recognize your CTE teachers and administrators during this week! You can write a letter to your local newspaper editor recognizing your CTE teacher or program, tweet about your CTE experience and teachers or host a celebration event for CTE students and teachers during this week! - Page 1 of 23 - To help you enhance your activities, ACTE has developed CTE Month products that include the 2013 official logo, so you can show pride in your profession and that CTE Works! To place an order, please visit www.acteonline.org/shop or call 800.826.9972 Visit ACTE’s CTE Month site, http://www.acteonline.org/ctemon th, to find a number of resources that could help you better plan your school activities. Some of these are: promotional ideas, ideas on how to get publicity, and even a CTE fact sheet. If your school has already planned activities for CTE month and would like to share them, please send them to ACTE and they will post them online. Or if have any special activity you want us to promote through our press releases, please contact Ashley Parker at aparker@acteonline.org. Make sure to share your CTE Month celebrations. ACTE would be happy to post your pictures, stories and suggestions. For more information on CTE Month contact Elizabeth Heatley at eheatley@acteonline.org or by phone at 800.826.9972. – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – Learn What You Can Do to Celebrate School Counseling Week, February 4-8 Educators have something else besides the impact of CTE to celebrate in February. February 4-8 is School Counseling Week. During this time, everyone should take time out to acknowledge the great work of these vital professionals. - Page 2 of 23 - CCCS-CTE Career Guidance Trainer Lauren Jones would like folks to do the following during School Counseling Week and then e-mail her stories/photos of how these ideas go (Lauren.Kones@cccs.edu): Monday, February 4 Pop in and say ‘Good Morning’ to your School Counselor(s) wishing him/her a GREAT School Counseling Week! Tuesday, February 5 Check in on your School Counselor(s) at lunch (or when you have a break) and ask ‘how’s your day going?’ Wednesday, February 6 High Five your Counselor(s) (be sure that they are looking ) Thursday, February 7 Invite your School Counselor(s) into your classroom for a moment while your students are doing a contextual/relevant/meaningful CTE activity that shows how ‘very cool’ your program is! Friday, February 8 Pop in at the end of the day today with a smile and applaud the good job your School Counselor(s) have/has done this week with all the students, grades, tests, issues, groups, ICAP activities and classes they worked on! – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – - Page 3 of 23 - President’s Corner: An Update from CACTE President Dr. Michael Siegrist PRESIDENT’S CORNER A Periodic Update from the CACTE President January 29, 2013 Colleagues: I would like to start a habit each month and write a bit about one of the many individuals either serving in a leadership role in CACTE, or those individuals or industries who educate those who are highly trained to be a part of a productive workforce. CACTE President Dr. Michael Siegrist This month the CACTE board is pleased to welcome Jonathan Howard as the new STEM president‐elect. Jonathan is a new and welcome addition to the CTE board team here in Colorado. Jonathan Howard has served as a music and audio production instructor at the Denver School of the Arts since 2003 and at the Perpich Center for Arts Education in Golden Valley, MN from 1994‐2003. His program at the Denver School of the Arts trains students to master the skills Jonathan Howard involved in engineering sound for live performances and studio recording. Jonathan also teaches a Math Infused Audio Production course which allows students to explore the embedded mathematical principles that exist in the study of acoustics, audio production and music composition. He has been instrumental in expanding opportunities for CTE students in the area of Technical Arts through helping to develop the Creative Careers Student Organization and the annual Creative Careers Festival that started in 2010. Jonathan has served two terms as the Treasurer for the STEM, Arts and IT Division of CACTE. He is a member of the Arts and A/V Content Team and helped in the development of the Technical Theatre standards for the State of Colorado and the - Page 4 of 23 - alignment of CTE and Academic standards. He has assisted in the facilitation for the Math‐ in‐CTE program for Denver Public Schools and currently serves as a member of the Design Team that is charged with developing the implementation of the Student Assessment component of the new Colorado Teacher Evaluation System. In 2011, Jonathan was awarded the Merit Award to an Educator at the 2011 CACTE Conference for his work in developing new and innovative programs for CTE students. Jonathan was also selected for this year’s national ACTE fellowship program representing Region V for one year term. In this capacity, Jonathan will promote the image of Career and Technical Education and provide an understanding of policies related to Career and Technical Education. We also want to congratulate our very own CACTE president‐elect Jennifer Vander Meer for being selected into this year’s Region V fellowship program for a two year term. Both Jonathan and Jennifer will be required to attend the ACTE Annual Convention, the ACTE National Policy Seminar, and the state association conference. Jonathan and Jennifer will have a busy year, as well as the schedule of events ahead that will keep everyone busy. Jennifer Vander Meer Remember we have some upcoming events: Agriculture Education: Mid‐Winter Conference in Colorado Springs February 1‐2. 2013 CACTA MidWinter Conference will be held February 4 –7 at the Antler’s Hilton Hotel in Colorado Springs. The annual CACTE‘s Day at the Capitol will be held on February 12 in Denver. The National Policy Seminar will be held in Washington D.C. March 4–6. STEM, Arts and IT: Creative Careers Festival will be April 19 on the Auraria campus. It will be a busy year ahead indeed. So on behalf of the executive committee and everyone on the board committee, I want to say thanks again to Jonathan, for stepping forward to help lead the STEM division, we all look forward to working with you in the upcoming year. Finally as a member and/or a valued colleague, we would like your input! Please take a minute and give us your feedback for the location of the summer 2014 "CACTE Collaborative Summit” at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YL2FW23 - Page 5 of 23 - Thank you and best regards, Michael MICHAEL SIEGRIST, PH.D. PRESIDENT COLORADO ASSOCIATION FOR CARRER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – Colorado Among Five States Selected for National Project to Build Capacity to Integrate Programs of Study into Their Career Pathways System The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) is pleased to announce that Colorado is one of just five states to have been chosen through a competitive application process to participate in a two-year project dubbed Advancing Career and Technical Education in State and Local Career Pathways Systems. The project is being managed by Jobs for the Future through a contract with OVAE. The project calls for technical assistance to be provided to Colorado and the other four states to build their capacities to integrate CTE Programs of Study into their broader career pathways system development efforts. Participating states each will be assigned a coach and will have subject matter experts available to help them develop and implement their action plans and achieve their goals. The other states who were selected to participate in this project are Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Oregon. This project is led by Jobs for the Future Director for Workforce Policy Mary Clagett. She can be reached at mclagett@jff.org or at 202.709.5330, ext. 406. – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – - Page 6 of 23 - Register Now for February 12 Day at the Capitol for CACTE, Colorado School Counselor Association and Colorado Council for High School/College Relations Join us for the CACTE Day at the Capitol For Colorado School Counselor Association and Colorado Council for High School/College Relations Members Too 2013 CACTE Day at the Capitol February 12, 2013 7:30AM - 6:30 PM Don't miss: Career and Technical Education Resolution read in the House and Senate Tour the Colorado State Capitol Meet and support CTE with state legislators Network with the Colorado School Counselors and Colorado Council for High School/ College Relations members Bring CTSO Officers and CTE students DRAFT Agenda Follows on Next Page - Page 7 of 23 - DRAFT Agenda 7:30 – 8:00 a.m. Meet at Colorado Consistory, 1370 Grant Street, Denver, Colorado 80203 8:00 – 8:15 a.m. Welcome & Organization Introductions 8:15 – 8:30 a.m. What to Expect & Legislative Update 8:30 – 8:50 a.m. Policy Presentation 8:50 – 9:00 a.m. Proceed to Chamber Floors & Galleries 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. Floor Work & CTE Resolution 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch with Legislators and Remarks 1:30 p.m. – Afternoon Legislative Committees Afternoon: Optional Legislative Meetings scheduled by Salazar & Associates, tours and meet with legislators 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Reception with the Counselors, instructors, and students of Career and Technical Education and legislators at the First Baptist Church of Denver 1373 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203 Cost: $20 per person Check www.cacte.org for further information Members of the: Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education Colorado School Counselor Association and Colorado Council for High School /College Relations may register by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/Y4KQY4 For more information, visit - Page 8 of 23 - www.cacte.org. – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – Registration Open for the Career Clusters™ Institute 2013 in Fort Worth Institute Sessions include topics on: Common Career Technical Core Programs of Study College and Career Readiness Effective Partnerships Common Core State Standards Federal Policy Impacting CTE Credit Transfer Agreements Data-Driven Decision Making Career Guidance and Counseling Registration Open for Career Clusters™ Institute 2013 June 10-12, 2013 Fort Worth, Texas Omni Fort Worth Hotel The National Career Clusters™ Institute is an annual summer event that offers a range of seminars and workshops highlighting model CTE programs across the country that are aligned to the National Career Clusters Framework™. Sessions and workshops cover timely subjects ranging from energy-focused programs of study to crosscurricular collaboration and other important leading-edge approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment. REGISTER TODAY for early bird rates! - Page 9 of 23 - Click this link to learn more about the Institute: http://bit.ly/VcH6Bt Brought to you by NCTEF The National Career Technical Education Foundation (NCTEF) is an organization that partners with the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc). NCTEF is committed to supporting the improvement and expansion of CTE through the implementation of Career Clusters™. Learn more about the Institute: Guest Blogs from Institute Speakers Visit our blog and read the Career Clusters™ Institute Blog Series. The blog series provides readers with insight on the valuable content that was shared at the 2012 Institute. Guest bloggers are among teachers, faculty, researchers and other experts that presented at the national gathering in Washington, DC in June. Stay tuned for the 2013 blog series! Click this link to visit the blog: http://bit.ly/SO2joi NASDCTEc/NCTEF | 8484 Georgia Avenue | Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – - Page 10 of 23 - Emily Griffith Technical College Making Concerted Effort to Recruit Females into Programs Typically Populated by Males Emily Griffith Technical College Dean of Trades and Industry Brad Vickers tells CTE Trends that EGTC has been making a concerted effort to recruit women into program areas that have traditionally been populated by male students. Vickers says the college has found that women enrolled in programs such as Aircraft Training and Maintenance, Automotive Technology/Collision Repair, HVAC and Welding have historically excelled. EGTC is currently planning a program for female high school students who have excellent grades and attendance, in which they will be released to attend a special automotive course, held over four Fridays. The course will demonstrate the importance of proper maintenance, how to perform basic service, plus, the students will get to explore the many career opportunities in the automotive service industry. Vickers says, “Even if they decide that automotive service is not a career they wish to pursue, this course will result in these students being better informed and confident when working with a service provider. “ In the past five months, EGTC has hired two new educators to their Technical Trade and Industrial Education team. Both happen to be women in non-traditional careers. Janet Corio is a Lab Tech Assistant in EGTC’s HVAC program and Emily Waser is an Auto Collision Technology instructor. Janet and Emily have participated in many EGTC recruiting and public relations events where they have been seen as proof that females can have a rewarding career in these areas. They also serve as role models to those considering, or currently pursuing, a non-traditional career path. – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – - Page 11 of 23 - Reminders Don’t Miss College In Colorado’s 8th Annual Pre-Collegiate Conference - Page 12 of 23 - – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – The Middle School CTE Pilot: Visit the New Website. . .Join the Taskforce. . .Share Your Experiences – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – - Page 13 of 23 - CCCS CTE Launches New Website to Promote Accomplishments of the Skilled Trade and Technical Science Programs Across Colorado To visit now, click this link: www.coloskilledtrades.com. CTE NEWS Pueblo Community College Showcases Their New Simulation Lab at St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center PUEBLO - The January 21 community open house to showcase Pueblo Community College’s new Simulation Lab at St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center was a big success. Both community and PCC advisory council and foundation board members turned out to join employees of the two institutions in checking out the facility which is located on a sixth-floor wing of the hospital’s east tower. PCC Nursing Department Chair Eva Tapia PCC nursing students were available to demonstrate the Simulation Lab’s six simulators and other state-of-theart equipment that was purchased through federal Carl Perkins funding. PCC Simulation Lab Coordinator Chyrstal Stark - Page 14 of 23 - Preceding the open house was a news conference at which PCC Simulation Lab Coordinator Chyrstal Stark served as emcee and explained how the lab helps students develop critical thinking skills. Later in the program, Nursing Department Chair Eva Tapia noted how the facility helps students learn, process and use information in nonthreatening situations thus making graduates more workready. The Simulation Lab is also used by the hospital nursing staff to provide training opportunities and assess competencies. The individual benefits of the new Simulation Lab were stressed by PCC President Patty Erjavec, while Saint Mary-Corwin Medical Center CEO Rob Ryder noted its many community benefits. PCC Nursing students show off their new in‐hospital Simulation Lab. – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – Community College of Aurora Student First in State in Recent North American Cisco Competition An old hand at Community College of Aurora has a new handle: No. 1 in the state in a recent North American competition hosted by a worldwide computing leader. Eric Withrow, who has been attending classes at the college since he was a Grandview High School student in 2001, entered the Cisco Networking Academy NetRiders post-secondary competition essentially for fun. The interactive contest was comprised of three total rounds and tested a range of IT skills through a series of exams and simulation activities. Eric Withrow Hundreds of competitors were whittled down to just 94 finalists reaching the rigorous third and final round. Withrow – who finished first in the initial two rounds among five in-state competitors – was 18th overall in the United States and Canada when the final results were tallied. “I’m certainly happy with that,” said Withrow, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Georgia Tech after his initial CCA experience as a high school student. “There was a lot of competitors that were very talented and I was happy with my ranking. I wasn’t out to get first place or anything. The most important thing to me was just having fun.” But the offshoot of participating went beyond testing his limits. Withrow, currently Chief Technology Officer at Mattress Firm locally, is currently turning to CCA to prepare to gain certification as a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), which is a top-tier designation in the field. - Page 15 of 23 - The competition, in a sense, served as a primer for future exams related to that personal mission. “It really helped with that,” he explained, “because after all these rounds, taking probably four theoretical exams and two simulation exams, it’s great preparation for the CCNA. I can probably go into the test and pass it with flying colors with Cisco.” Even if he attains that goal, Withrow figures to continue filling in the blanks on his resume at the college. He even transferred credits taking summer classes while attending Georgia Tech, and he’s since kept current on computer technology with individual classes at CCA. “The nice thing is the program is constantly evolving,” he said. “When I started taking computer classes at Grandview at CCA it was something that’s not even relevant today (Visual Basic programming), whereas today I can go take a .NET programming class or whatever. The technology is constantly changing, so I just look up the schedule, see the newest thing and do that.” Withrow has taken various Cisco coursework at CCA through the spring and fall semesters this year, feeding into his love of technology. “It’s all about continuing education,” he said. The Cisco Networking Academy NetRiders post-secondary competition started with a firstround qualifier from Oct. 15-26 and the top five scores per academy advanced. Withrow was tops in the state, with four students from Colorado Mesa University/Western Colorado Community College comprising the rest of those moving on from his group. Only two Colorado qualifiers advanced out of Round 2 after a pair of two 60-minute exams between Nov. 5-16. That led to the finale, which boasted a top prize of a study trip to Cisco Headquarters for the top scorers from Canada and the U.S., plus the next two top scores. Withrow won’t be making that trip but was hardly defeated by that prospect. “I didn’t think I’d make it past the first or second round. But the rankings kept coming out and I kept showing up, ‘first place, first place,’ which was really surprising. The final round was really challenging. It was a marathon four-hour exam. It was one of the hardest tests I’ve probably ever taken. … But It was really to see how far I could go, and I met my goal.” By Community College of Aurora Coordinator of Public Relations Lee Rasizer. – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – - Page 16 of 23 - CTSO Related Greeley District 6’s Health Science Academy Leverages Partnership with Banner Health Systems and Community Colleges to Deliver Outstanding Career Education: Academy’s New HOSA Chapter Already Making a Big Splash GREELEY - 2012-13 marks the inaugural school year of the Greeley District 6 Health Science Academy, a magnet program, based out of Central High School, designed for high school students desiring exposure to the health professions. District 6 has reorganized their high schools around career clusters. As such, students choose the career cluster they are interested in and then attend the high school where it is housed (e.g., Health Science students from across the district are attending Central instead of their neighborhood high school). Health Science Academy Pharmacy Technician student Michelle Delgado explores the operation of the DaVinci surgical robot under the supervision of Dr. Paul Hiratzka during an open house event at Northern Colorado Medical Center. District 6 and their Health Science Academy are fortunate to have a unique partnership with North Colorado Medical Center (NCMC) and its parent organization Banner Health Systems. This partnership has already yielded rich results in its first semester and is guaranteeing clinical access for health science students. So far this year, the academy’s Pharmacy Technician students have benefited from a series of guest speakers discussing major topics of the field. Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, physicians and nurses have all presented to the academy students on topics such as pharmacy practice in the retail setting, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, compounding of intravenous medications, the chemistry of antibiotics (including the beta-lactam ring) and the Northern Colorado Medical Center establishment of a Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) chapter at the academy. Generous support from Greeley’s health professions community has also afforded the academy’s students the opportunity to take field trips to a retail pharmacy and the DaVinci Robotic Surgery Suite, Sleep Center and In-Patient Pharmacy at NCMC. Three of the academy’s advisory committee founders, Patti Smith, R.N., Natalie Yount, Pharm.D. and Orinda McIntire, Pharm.D., have been instrumental in making these experiences possible. The generous support of NCMC and Banner Health Systems has included construction of a state of the art classroom at the Health Science Academy. This classroom features hospital beds, training mannequins, anatomical models, molecular model kits, a Promethean interactive display board, a classroom set of laptop computers, blood pressure - Page 17 of 23 - monitoring equipment, pharmacy compounding equipment and textbooks for our courses. These resources have been put to daily use and greatly enhance the learning environment. While completing a unit on anti-infective drugs, Pharmacy Technician students at the Health Science Academy built models of the anti-viral medication acyclovir. This allowed them to see how this drug interferes with DNA replication in a herpes virus. Health Science Academy students are regularly assigned group and individual projects. As an example, students were recently given the task of researching respiratory drugs and presenting their findings as Prezi or Power Point presentations using the Promethean interactive display board. This enabled students to practice professional communication skills while learning the technical details of health care. The Health Science Academy is able to provide college-level training through collaboration with Arapahoe Community College and Aims Community College. Through this partnership, academy students are able to earn college credit that can be applied toward completion of a degree once they graduate high school. To ensure the quality of the academy’s programs, teams from these community colleges have made frequent visits to our classrooms not only to observe our students, but to provide valuable guidance and assistance to the instructors. The trio of teachers leading the Health Science Academy this year are Markee Swank, who teaches introductory science courses, Tae Stamper who teaches the Health Science Technical Education (HSTE) course, and Sean P. Madden, who teaches the pharmacy technician class. All three instructors are veteran teachers with experience in health care. The goal of all the instructors and supporting volunteers is that the academy exposes its students to the excitement and demands of a career in health care. This includes the goal of preparing the Pharmacy Technician students to take and pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Exam (PTCB). Academy students are also already serving as great teachers and role models. For instance, this year students in the Pharmacy Technician HOSA Chapter organized volunteer activities that included participation in a Suicide Education and Support Services (SESS) fundraising event, an American Cancer Society event called “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer,” hosting a robotics demonstration booth at the NCMC Open House and participation in the Colorado HOSA State Leadership Conference in Denver. In the academy’s first year it has enjoyed enthusiastic participation in the Health Science Academy program by over 60 students from all over Greeley and the generous support of health care professionals in the community. The academy looks forward to strengthening its program through continued collaboration with these partners. By Health Science Academy Pharmacy Technician Instructor Sean P. Madden. – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – - Page 18 of 23 - Social Media Director of Top Fort Collins Marketing Company Tells Newspaper that DECA Launched Her Down Her Career Path As Social Media Director for Mantooth Marketing Kerrie Luginbill is a young professional on the management team of one of Fort Collin’s top marketing companies. She was recently profiled by the Fort Collin Coloradoan in a question and answer piece. When the newspaper asked her, “What did you want to be when you grew up?” Lunginbill replied: This is going to sound cliché, but I have always wanted to go into public relations and marketing. When I was at Brighton High School I was in a marketing club called DECA. Each year in DECA, members have to create a large marketing campaign to take to a statewide competition, so my senior year of high school I did a public relations campaign about stroke awareness. I ended up placing at state and going to nationals in Dallas, Texas, to present it and I’ve had my heart set on public relations and marketing ever since. Colorado CTSOs give students the leadership experiences they need so that when they reach their careers they will thrive. During a CTE teacher’s career they become partially responsible for countless successes like Kerrie Lunginbill. To read the rest of the Coloradoan’s interview with her, click on: http://www.coloradoan.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012312280046 – CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO UPDATES VE-135/130 and VE-135/130 Reporting Information ANNOUNCEMENT: - Page 19 of 23 - RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – GENERAL VE-135 INFORMATION: Thanks to everyone for all of your reporting efforts for the 2011-12 reporting year! Watch for upcoming announcements on requirements for the 2012-13 reporting year. The deadlines are March 30, 2013 for the follow-up and July 30, 2013 for the enrollment.* Be sure to put these dates in your calendar! Please contact us if you’ve had VE-135 contact changes at your district, school, or college so that we can update our records and you will receive important VE-135 related announcements. CCCS is required by law to collect the VE-135 follow-up and enrollment data each year in order to comply with the accountability requirements set forth by both the state funded Colorado Technical Act CTA and the federally funded Carl D. Perkins Act. You must report the VE-135 data even if you do NOT receive state or federal funding for your approved CTE programs because the data is used in the program renewal process and civil rights monitoring visits. Contact Julie Eddy, CTE Accountability Director, by email at julie.eddy@cccs.edu or by phone at 303.595.1527 with any CTE data reporting questions or comments. You may also contact Tim Cousineau, CTE Programmer Analyst, by email at tim.cousineau@cccs.edu or by phone at 720.858.2843 with CTE data reporting questions or VE-135 website technical assistance. * Exception: Postsecondary level enrollment data for all System colleges, Aims, WCCC, CMC, Pickens Tech, Delta Montrose and Emily Griffith will be imported later in the reporting year. - Page 20 of 23 - ‐ CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX ‐ CCCS CTE Leadership Position E-mail Phone Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs Curriculum Coordinator Assistant Provost, CTE CTE Services Manager CTE Web Designer CTA Accountant Credentialing CTA Contact CTE Career Guidance Trainer and Specialist Perkins Director CTE Accountability Director VE 130, VE 135 CTE Programmer Analyst CTE Programmer Analyst Geri.Anderson@cccs.edu 720.858.2759 Lauren.Kordupleski@cccs.edu Scott.Stump@cccs.edu Jennifer.Jasinowski@cccs.edu Victoria.Ekelund@cccs.edu Laura.Speaker@cccs.edu Paul.Hammeke@cccs.edu Laura.Speaker@cccs.edu Lauren.Jones@cccs.edu 720-858-2786 303.595.1578 720.858.2773 303.595.1613 720.858.2745 720.858.2890 720.858.2745 720.858.2825 Lorrie.Toni@cccs.edu Julie.Eddy@cccs.edu 303.595.1565 303.595.1527 Shuxin.Yin@cccs.edu Tim.Cousineau@cccs.edu 303.595.1644 720.858.2843 Michael.Womochil@cccs.edu Kenton.Ochsner@cccs.edu 720.858.2808 720.858.2765 Miki.Gann@cccs.edu 720.858.2741 Laurie.Urich@cccs.edu Everett.Vaughan@cccs.edu 720.858.2746 303.595.1576 Jacqui.Geiselman@cccs.edu 303.595.1583 Linda.Bigley@cccs.edu 303.595.1617 Katy.Blatnick-Gagne@cccs.edu Robert.VanDyke@cccs.edu 720.858.2713 720.858.2330 Barnetta.Greenwalt@cccs.edu 303.595.1585 Deborah.Lardinois@cccs.edu 720.858.2324 Cindy.LeCoq@cccs.edu Jennifer.Girvin@cccs.edu 303.595.1590 720.858.2752 CTE Program Assistance Agriculture Education Program Director Asst. Program Director, FFA State Advisor Administrative Assistant Business and Marketing Program Director Asst. Program Director, DECA State Advisor Asst. Program Director, FBLA/ PBL State Advisor Administrative Assistant Family and Consumer Sciences Program Director Asst. Program Director, FCCLA State Advisor CTSO Conference Membership Coordinator Administrative Assistant Health/ACE/Public Safety Program Director, HOSA State Advisor Goes by Jennifer Staley-Girvin Administrative Assistant Deborah.Lardinois@cccs.edu 720.858.2324 Jennifer.Jirous@cccs.edu Pat.Sagrillo@cccs.edu 720.858.2811 303.595.1568 STEM/Arts/Design/IT Program Director Administrative Assistant - Page 21 of 23 - Skilled Trades & Technical Sciences Program Director Asst. Program Director, SkillsUSA/TSA Advisor Administrative Assistant Ben.Nesbitt@cccs.edu Tony.Raymond@cccs.edu 303.595.1614 720.858.2794 Miki.Gann@cccs.edu 720.858.2741 Advanced Credit Pathways Credit Scott.Stump@cccs.edu 303.595.1578 Internal Audit and Compliance Senior Compliance Coordinator Victoria.Crownover@cccs.edu 720.858.2775 Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education Leadership Position/Name E-mail Phone Executive Director Darrell Green cacte@cacte.org 303.250.3741 siegrms@d11.org 719.244.2246 President-Elect Jennifer Vander Meer jennifer.vandermeer@ccaurora.edu 303.340.7129 Past President Steve Alkire salkire@greeleyschools.org 970.348.6295 Secretary Brenda Rhodes brenda.rhodes@njc.edu 970.522.5881 Treasurer Jennifer Staley-Girvin Jennifer.Girvin@cccs.edu 303.982.5575 President Michael Siegrist - CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – Valuable CTE Websites CCCS CTE Perkins new State Plan: www.coloradostateplan.com/ Colorado CTE Blog: www.coloradocte.blogspot.com/ CTE Directors Directory: http://www.coloradostateplan.com/resources/CTE_Director_Directory.pdf ACTE: www.acteonline.org CACTE: www.cacte.org Colorado Community College System: http://www.cccs.edu/ Colorado DECA: www.deca.cccs.edu/ Colorado Technology Education Association: www.cteaonline.org - Page 22 of 23 - Comprehensive Career Guidance: www.coloradostateplan.com/counselors.htm Credentialing Office: http://www.coloradostateplan.com/default_cred.htm CTE Calendar: http://www.calendarwiz.com/contact: Julie Eddy, 303.595.1527 CTE Forms and Reports from CCCS: http://www.coloradostateplan.com/formsReports.htm E-Colorado: http://www.e-colorado.org FBLA-PBL: http://www.fbla-pbl.cccs.edu/ FCCLA: http://www.fccla.cccs.edu/ FFA: http://www.ffa.cccs.edu/ HOSA: http://www.hosa.cccs.edu/ SkillsUSA: http://www.skillsusa.cccs.edu/ TSA Colorado: http://www.cotsa.cccs.edu/ Secondary CTE Job Board: http://www.cccs.edu/HR/CTE-JobBoard.html Workplace Gender Balance: http://www.coloradostateplan.com/genderBalance.htm - CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX – This is issue #1111 of CTE Trends. The next issue will be distributed on February 12. Scheduled publication dates: February 12 and 26, March 26, April 9 and 23 and May 7 and 21. Distributed to nearly 1,400 CTE educators and administrators throughout Colorado, CTE Trends is made possible through The Carl D. Perkins Vocational-Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 federal funding as administered by the Colorado Community College System and a partnership with the Colorado Association for Career and Technical Education. Editor: Joe.Marquez@cccs.edu - CLICK BROWSER BACK BUTTON Colorado Community College System 9101 E. Lowry Blvd. Denver 802306011 - Page 23 of 23 - TO RETURN TO ISSUE INDEX -
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Bulletins - Colorado Community College System
in the exhibit area, and your company will be recognized when the prize is awarded!