October - the 1st State Corvette Club
October - the 1st State Corvette Club
October 2013 First State Corvette Club and Solloway’s Sales & Service Sponsored by: Officers of the First State Corvette Club 2013-2014 President bb108tank@aol.com Bruce Ballard 670-0500 Vice President creed@tealconstruction.com Chatty Reed 678-9897 Secretary wasadear@msn.com Donna Ballard 653-6850 Treasurer kwolechny@aol.com Kathy Olechny 678-8742 Officer at Large normkiaunis@comcast.net Norm Kiaunis 410-209-0711 Corresponding. Secretary tracy1161@msn.com Tracy Solloway 653-5193 Public Relations carolcares@aol.com Carole Kisner 492-8115 Parade Chairman Zitro53@comcast.net Jeff Ortiz 302-450-2954 NCM Coordinator jimloismurray@aol.com Jim Murray 678-2960 Quartermaster snappyjacks@mchsi.com Sandy Powell 539-2012 The FSCC Meeting was held Wednesday October 2, 2013 at Abbotts Grill in Milford, DE. President Bruce Ballard called the meeting to order at 7:25 pm. Pledge of Allegiance Reading and Approval of Minutes. Motioned by Dave Zerbe, seconded by Jack Mason and approved unanimously. Established 1970 www.firststatecorvetteclub.org DUES ARE DUE NEW MEMBER Bruce Wayne Hibbs Bridgeville, DE 2002 Red Coupe Ron & Maureen Riggi Dover, DE 2007 Yellow Coupe Richard & Phyllis Andrese Sussex, NJ 1984 Red Coupe Tom & Lucy Mehl Milford, DE 1967 Red Convertible Luis & Yvette Burgos Dover, DE 1977 White Coupe 2011 Grey Grand Sport Conv Member of the Month Car Mike Gentile of Smyrna with a 1992 Black Coupe corner of College Rd and Salisbury Rd – and it has a nursing home and an assisted living complex. Vice President: Chatty is looking for restaurants that will hold 80 or more persons for our monthly meetings. Anyone with a suggestion should contact Chatty. Wed. Nov 6 Roma Restaurant in Dover Sun. Dec 8 Harrington Raceway & Casino Wed. Jan 8 Smyrna Diner Secretary: Always check the website for newest activities and past happenings. And with so many new members, please remember to sign in at the meetings. And for those that have not paid your dues, the November Newsletter will be your last. Mike Gentile says, “I've wanted a corvette since I was about 10 years old. It only took another 37 years to finally get one. After passing Solloway's on my way to and from work every day, I finally found one that was in good shape and affordable. After many hours of negotiations with Lynette, I finally convinced her to at least look at one. So we stopped one evening and looked at it. After some more negotiating she finally agreed to let me buy it. We enjoyed being in the parades especially the 4th of July parade in Dover. Being a part of the FSCC has been a great way to meet friends and also to give back to the community.” President: There will be an executive meeting on October 31 at Teal Construction offices at 612 Mary Street. The five elected officers will go over some policy changes and set a tentative Activity Schedule for 2014. One of the items to be covered is Member –vsMember & Spouse/Significant Other Voting. Later in the meeting we will be taking nominee’s for the Member of the Year. Elected officers are not eligible. We will vote in November and the award will be given at the December party. Westminster Assisted Living facility has asked us to put on a display of cars for the residents and they will supply coffee and cookies. Since the request was so late in the year, and winter is coming, we have asked that we put this off until spring. Westminster is on the Treasurer: Submitted by Kathy Olechny Beginning Balance Deposits Withdrawals Ending Balance A motion was made by Rick Berry, seconded by Tyler Bullock to accept the treasurer’s report as read. Passed Unanimously. Membership: We currently have 93 members with a total of 166 people. This included those that have not paid their dues and have not made their intention to renew known to us. Corresponding Secretary: no report Publicity: no report Parade Chairman: Sat. Sept 14 – Dover Fire Prevention Parade – good turnout to carry the Hartly Misses and Little Misses. 2 Sat. Sept 28 – Townsend Fair Parade – there was only one signup, so this parade participation was cancelled. Fri. Oct 4 – CR High School Homecoming Parade – The school asked for 17 cars for this parade and the signup was great – we have 21 cars signed up so the turnout will be great. Those not carrying a student or teacher will still parade with the rest. Meet just west of Camden Wyoming Ave along the railroad tracks in Wyoming, next to the ice cream stand. Lineup is 5pm – parade starts promptly at 6pm. Coming soon will be the Dover Home for the Holidays Parade – more info at the Nov. meeting. Quartermaster – Sandy reports she has t-shirts, hats, visors, new long sleeve t-shirts and you can still order club shirts. Pete Thompson showed a possible club jacket – can be available in Navy Blue with gold writing. For Jacket with logo on front is $51. If name or club name added on back, additional cost. National Corvette Museum – ‘Jim Murray reported the many raffles going off right now at the Museum for around $100 per ticket. check it out on www.corvettemuseum.com Committee Reports: Car Show Committee – Chatty gave an overview of the car show. We had 119 registered cars. In addition to that, we had 39 club cars on display. There were 42 members attending and working the show. Great turnout. The approximate income from the car show was $5600. The exact amount to be given to the Home of the Brave Foundation will be announced at the Nov. meeting. The comments about the venue were very favorable and Chatty has booked next year’s date – 9/20/14. Just waiting for the contract to be written to make sure we get the same conditions as this year. Our expenses for the use of the Fairgrounds were $64 so that made the total donation much bigger. A post-car show meeting will be held on Oct 24 th at 6:30pm at the Teal Construction office at 612 Mary St. in Dover. Christmas Party/Meeting: Sandy Powell reported that this year’s party will be Sunday December 8th at $15 per person – prepaid. It will be at the Harrington Casino again – in the Gold Ball Room. The dinner will be buffet style with a Silent Auction and Raffle. Members can donate items for both the auction and raffle. Contact Sandy Powell. The deadline for reservations will be Nov. 13th, no exceptions. Send your $15pp to Kathy Olechny 60 Sackarackin Ave, Dover, DE 19901 – or bring to the November meeting. She is accepting cash, check, or dipstick dollars. Due to the size of the club now, only members and a guest (spouse, significant other, date) will be allowed this year. 3 A vote was taken over whether we should exchange gifts this year, as in previous years. The outcome was no gift exchange. There will be a jar for donations to the Food Bank of Delaware for those wishing to donate. There will be private parking for all the Corvettes, guarded by Dave Zerbes team of security specialists. Thanks went out to Dave for all his help with getting the Casino venue as well as all the perks that go with it…. This year’s Christmas Committee consists of Sandy Powell, Lee Rossetti, Holly Kehler, Kathy Olechny, and Cathy Raley. Thank these girls for all the time and effort they have put into this spectacular event. Sat. Sept 14 – Adopt-a-Highway - 15 members picked up trash along Apple Grove School Road for Adopt-a-Highway. Great time was had by all – especially Keith & Lori trying out a different mode of travel. Thanks to Rick & Linda Baker, Dennis Hummel, Bill Olechny, Carole Kisner, Ken & Kathy Messer, Keith & Lori Koyanagi, Bruce & Donna Ballard, Rob & Jen Wright, and Rick & Linda Berry. Past Events Sat. Sept 7 – End of Summer Party at the Harrington Casino – The showing was great – 22 members and 1 new member. Thanks to Dave Zerbe, Jim Jones, Eddie & Susan Stone, Norm Kiaunis, Jack & Cynthia Mason, Art & Ann Matichak, Dennis Hummel, Keith & Lori Koyanagi, Stan & Laura Lavend, Tyler Bullock, Donna Ballard, Pete & Vickie Thompson, Bill & Kathy Olechny, John Cullen, Darlene Hurley, Don & Sue Hammond, Rick & Linda Berry, Dan & Sue Dziombak, Al Monsanto, John & Barb DeRue, George Deering, and Ed Marcelle & Sue Lehman. New member attending was Bruce Wayne Hicks. Winners were 3rd place, John DeRue, 2nd place George Deering, and 1st place Dave Zerbe. Sept 15 – Blades Volunteer Fire Company Car Show – FSCC had 6 cars attend this show, and came away with 3 trophies – John DeRue, Norm Kiaunis, and Mike Copes. We also got the Most Club Participation Award. 4 Sept 26-30 – Vermont Cruise – The Green Shirt Brigade had the best trip ever. 12 Corvettes containing 23 FSCC Members left Smyrna Rest Area at 7:30am on Thursday Sept 26th and headed north. After stopping at almost every rest area on the NJ Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway, we ended up at the Vermont Country Store. After some shopping, we continued to Woodstock, VT at the Kedron Valley Inn for the first night. After checking in and getting settled, we traveled in to downtown Woodstock to Bentley’s Restaurant for a group dinner. After breakfast on Friday morning, at the hotel, we took a scenic cruise, through a covered bridge, to the Billings Farm and Museum in Woodstock. There was a visit and tour of the Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller Mansion and Park close by. We met for lunch at the Woodstock Inn and gathered for a group photo. From the Inn we traveled north to Stowe, VT stopping for a necessary snack at Ben & Jerry’s Factory in Waterbury, VT. This was mostly for Chatty who talked about ice cream for hours before we finally got there. Something about Chunky Monkey or Cherry Garcia. After everyone had their fill of ice cream and took several hundred pictures, we continued several miles to the Commodore Inn in Stowe. Some decided to partake in the buffet at the hotel, some decided to travel to a neat little bar called the Matterhorn, and some remained down near the lake – sipping nameless drinks and munching on cheese and crackers. Saturday morning we departed for our Mystery Cruise with Gordon leading the pack. We went north thru the Notch – a road similar to the Tail of the Dragon with bus sized boulder’s sitting at each corner. We arrived at the Alburg Golf Links on the beautiful Lake Champlain for lunch. Lots more picture taking. From there, we went to St. Ann’s Shrine set on a little peninsula in the middle of Lake Champlain. We returned on winding roads to the Commodore Inn for a short break in driving. For dinner, we traveled to a restaurant called Gracie’s for scrumptious food and great company. Sunday morning we departed Stowe to travel to Saratoga Springs, NY for the Concours Car Show and visit the Saratoga Auto Museum. From the car show, we traveled to Malta, NY to the Fairfield Inn. Dinner at the Ripe Tomato Restaurant turned into an adventure when Gordon decided to let Chatty lead the caravan. After about 15-20 minutes on the road, it was decided we were going in the wrong direction and had to make spectacular u-turns to get going in the right direction. Upon arrival at the restaurant, Mike and Linda Waal were waiting and wondering where we were - - but dinner was superb, American Italian. Monday it was time to start home. Mike Waal had an acquaintance in Kingston, NY with a Corvette Showroom, Corvette repair facility and a Vintage Race Car for us to visit. Several of the group decided to stop and see this facility, while others started home, or places unknown. There were even a few that stopped further down in NY to walk a pedestrian bridge over the Hudson. Everyone attending had a good time – praises to Gordon for a great trip. Check the website soon for pictures. Upcoming Events Oct 4-5 Free State Corvette Club Show in OC, MD – Jack Mason is coordinating anyone going to the show. There will be no overnight stays this year but members will meet for Dinner on Saturday as usual. You can register on line for the event and/or the ride down the boardwalk. The boardwalk parade is a 4pm, and those wanting to join in can meet at BJ’s for dinner at 5:30. Contact Jack Mason so he can have a head count for dinner. 410-924-2176 Sat. Oct 5th – 6th Annual Wings & Wheels Car Show at the Sussex County Airport in Georgetown. Those attending will meet at the Milford Bowling Alley at 7:30am, leaving at 7:45 for Georgetown. Bruce will send out an email for all those signed up. Sat/Sun Oct 12/13 – 4th Annual Flight 93 Run This is an overnight run to the 9/11 Flight 93 crash site memorial at Shanksville, PA. Norm has 14 people going so far and invites anyone else that wants to attend. If you are thinking about joining the group, contact Norm. 5 Sat. Oct 19 – 1st Annual Wheels for a Cure – Lori Koyanagi brought this car show to our attention since it is near and dear to her heart. She works with oncology patients and this show benefits Sussex County Cancer Survivors Fun. She has used this fund before, helping patients she knows and says it is a great charity. The show is at Holly Lake Campsites just off Route 24. Sat. Oct 19 – Delaware Veterans Home Car Show – Jim Jones reported that this is a car show sponsored by and for the veterans at the home. It is called Fallout 2013. FSCC has participated in this show before and always enjoy seeing the veterans come out and tour the cars. Anyone signed up for this will meet at the Milford Bowling Alley at 7:30am. Sun Oct 20 – Ride Around Dover Downs – Again this year Chatty is arranging for members to drive their cars around Dover Downs International Speedway. Those signed up should arrive at 10am to sign your waiver and pay with exact change in cash. Car and Driver is $20 – passenger is $7. Chatty is limiting the cars to members Corvettes Only, a maximum of 50 cars. After the Ride Around, participants have the option to have lunch at Doc Magrogan’s in the Casino –OR- cruise over to Ridgley, MD for a car show. You must check off you preference on the signup sheet so reservations can be made at Doc Magrogan’s and we can get enough parking spaces marked off for our cars at the Casino parking lot. If you missed the signup – contact Chatty Reed. Sun. Oct 20 – 3rd Annual Car Fest at the Ridgely Pharmacy & Ice Cream Parlor – This show is from 9am to 4pm. Richard Petty will be there signing autographs from 12:30 to 2:00. There will be fun for the whole family: rock climbing wall, Mountain Dew simulator, fire truck rides, clowns, face painting, and Iron Man Competition. Sat. Nov. 9th – Mystery Lunch Cruise compliments of Norm and Cathy. That’s it – no more information. It’s a Mystery, remember. Meeting places will be announced at the Nov. Meeting. Old Business One Acre Club – After discussion over the purchase of land for the Corvette Museum, it was motioned by Chatty Reed that we wait for the next program to come up at the museum and then decide if we want to donate or not. Seconded by Jim Woodland. Passed. New Business New Members – Norm reports 5 new members. Bruce Wayne Hibbs, a.k.a. Batman, of Bridgeville, DE has a 2002 Red Coupe. Ron & Maureen Riggi of Dover, DE have a 2007 Yellow Coupe. Richard & Phyllis Andrese of Sussex, NJ have a 1984 Red Coupe. Tom & Lucy Mehl of Milford, DE have a 1967 Red Convertible. Luis & Yvette Burgos of Dover have a 1977 White Coupe and a 2011 Grey Grand Sport Conv. A motion was made by Gordon English, seconded by Ken Messer to accept these 5 new members. Passed Unanimously. Welcome to the club and be sure to join us for all the events in the future. Member of the Year nominations: Each year we select a member of the year from our membership. This person cannot be an elected officer. This person should be someone that has done an outstanding job helping further the name and reputation of our club. Those nominated tonight will be voted on at the November meeting and the results announced at the December Party/Meeting. Nominee’s are: Sandy Powell Dave Zerbe Gordon English Jim Jones Jeff Ortiz A motion was made to close nominations by Chatty Reed, Seconded by Jim Woodland. Passed. 6 Good of the Organization: Points Winners: Marianne Callahan presented the Points Winners shirts to Jim Jones and Lori Koyanagi for having the most points in 2013. Jim chose a sedate black while Lori went for Lime Green. Congratulations to both for being good members. We appreciate your efforts. Sunday Shooting: Jeff Ortiz wanted members to join him on Sundays for a little target shooting. Get your Thanksgiving “Turkey”…… National Corvette Caravan 2014 – Chatty Reed has information on the Mid- Atlantic group that will be joining the National Caravan in 2014. They have already booked rooms in Bowling Green, KY 1. Registration: corvettemuseum.org: Events 2. Rooms: Arrival Date: Aug 27, 2014 Departure : Aug 31, 2014 Contact: April Flowers Email: april.flowers@dellisart.com Phone: 270-904-0480 Club Anniversaries October Art & Ann Matichak Bob & Tammy Mounts Susan Palen Dave & Tracy Solloway Jack & Cynthia Mason Billy & JoAnn Vorwald Jim Jones Stan & Laura Lavend Angelo & Lee Rossetti George & Cheryl Deering Dennis & Sharilyn Hummel Joel & Lorraine Marks 9 yrs 9 yrs 9 yrs 9 yrs 4 yrs 4 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 2 yrs 1 yr 1 yr Peek into the Past Chatty passed out booklets of information about the Caravan with additional rooms to book. Motion made by Dave Zerbe, seconded by Jeff Ortiz to adjourn the meeting. Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 pm Respectfully Submitted, Donna Ballard FSCC Secretary 2003YardSale/Displayat TownsendBrothers Wednesday November 6, 2013 Roma Italian Restaurant Dover, DE 6:00 Dinner 7:30 Meeting (GPS: 3 Presidents Dr, Dover, DE 19901) 7 Trivia Won By John DeRue Thanks to Norm Kiaunis for preparing Trivia 50/50 Won By Ann Matichak $106 Thanks to Jack Powell and Cathy Raley for selling tickets Professional Private Driver Safe & Reliable transportation in the comfort of your own vehicle. Call for Rates. 302-734-8840 or cell 302-423-2326 FSCC Member Member Jim Erb has the following item for sale: Side Exhaust Pipes. 327 2.5 inch Aluminized – Loud. They are for a 19631967 Corvette. Asking $650 or BO. In Good Shape. Contact Jim at prolabjre@aol.com or call 1-302-735-4744. 1981 Corvette – 95,000 miles – Auto – 302672-7704 Wanda Pfieffer Solloway’s Sales & Service, LLC 10/ Martha Morytko 10/1 Julie Moran 10/11 Sharilyn Hummel 10/11 Jim Murray 10/12 Keith Koyanagi 10/16 Fred Henckel 10/16 Chris Litscher 10/16 Sandy Powell 10/18 Chuck Hutchings 10/19 Phyllis Andrese 10/20 Jeff Witt 10/21 Lee Rossetti 10/24 Philomena Meehan 10/26 Pat Hughes 10/31 JoAnn Vorwald 10/31 Midge Yacono Located at 103 S. DuPont Blvd. Smyrna, DE Visit them online at www.solloways.com Townsend Brothers Chevrolet Located at 1450 S. DuPont Hwy Dover, DE. Visit us online at www.townsendchevy.com 8 To order Name Tags - $8.00 prepaid Contact Carole Ann Kisner 302-492-8115 Sandy Powell (302) 539-2012 Quartermaster Club Flags are $13 each Club Patches are $3.00 each Window Clings - $1.00 For Sale 1979 Corvette (L-48) Beige w/Doe Skin interior (recent paint & interior) 61K miles, Garage Kept w/cover. Nice C3 era car. $15,000. 302-674-2324 or kbinde@verizon.net previous FSCC mbr. Club Embroidery If you wish to have items embroidered with the First State Corvette Club logo, or purchase a shirt, jacket, etc, contact any location below: Signature Stitches 29 W. Loockerman Dover 736-6500 RWM Embroidery Main St Smyrna 653-8384 Pete Thompson Classic Designs 734-4677 For Sale Rear cargo shade with C5 logo. West Coast Corvette Product #16110299 originally $79.99. Will sell for $30. Great Condition. Call Jack or Sandy 302-539-2012 9 Attendance for Oct 2nd Carl & Diane Acker Rick & Linda Baker Bruce & Donna Ballard Rick & Linda Berry Tyler Bullock Marianne Callahan John Cullen John & Barbara DeRue Dan & Sue Dziombak Gordon English Jim & Vicki Erb Randy Goodlett John Gula & Chase Bruce Hartig Fred Henckel Joe & Pat Hughes Darlene Hurley Chuck Hutchings Jim Jones Holly Kehler Norm Kiaunis & Cathy Raley John Klos Keith & Lori Koyanagi Stan & Laura Lavend Glen & Nina Lewis Julie Lynn Ed Marcelle & Sue Lehman Joel & Lorraine Marks Jack & Cynthia Mason Art & Ann Matichak Philomena Meehan & Jeff Ortiz Tom & Lucy Mehl Jim & Joyce Melvin Ken & Kathy Messer Nick Miller Lee Moran Tammy Mounts Jim Murray Buster Neeman Bill & Kathy Olechny Jack & Sandy Powell Greg Price Chatty Reed Donnie & Dorothy Ringgold Frank & Linda Silvaggio Pete & Vickie Thompson Jeff & Ann Witt Jim Woodland Rob Wright Dave & Debra Zerbe 77 2013 Car Show Sponsors A Natural Paw A1 Kevin’s Landscaping Inc Coffee Garage Kelly’s Scissors RWM Embroidery & More Solloway’s Sales & Service Carole Cares Team CSchell Spice Specialists Inc National Concrete Products Teal Constructions Inc Merrill Lynch Mom & Chick Custom Tee Shirts Herbalife Distrib, Diane Acker Allison Auto Body LLC Fletcher Plumbing & Heating 10 Lawn Quenchers, Inc RLM Lawn Cutting Service LLC Smyrna Community Hardware Tip Top Trim Shop Wolf’s Auto Repair Roma’s Italian Restaurant Jake’s Wayback Burgers/Smyrna Smyrna Diner Cape Code Corvette Club Spring & Associates Inc Atlantic Auto Repair LLC Marcos Quiroz – LC Homes Jeff, the Handyman Daniel J Fay DMD Heathers Holistic Health Irish Mike’s Old Town Pub R & R Home Repair W.T. Smithers BennettiHolmes Insurance Jonathan’s Landing Golf Club Melvin’s Service Center Westside Car Wash Paradise Energy Solutions Wadkins Garage and Towing Remembering Dennis Bianco Artisans’ Bank New Creation Lawn Care Frankfurt Bakery Sambo’s Tavern Animal Inn J.S. Hovnanian & Sons/Tammy Quiroz Townsend Brothers Chevrolet Jake’s Wayback Burgers/Millsboro Norm Kiaunis & Cathy Raley Luigi’s Pizza Classic Designs and Promotions Two Tree Restaurant Dover Homebrew Supply Carl King Tire Co Inc Birch Tree Café Dynamic Physical Therapy Center Good Earth Market Nail by Laura (at Kelly’s Scissors) Annette and Tim Clausen Schmittinger and Rodriguez Caliber Home Loans Abba First LLC, Family Financial Center Wawa Home of the Brave Conte’s Corvette Hemming’s Motor Sport Summit Racing Equipment Dr. Chris Schellinger Corvette Central 11
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