An Updated Report on the ADMM-Plus HA/DR EWGs from 2014 to
An Updated Report on the ADMM-Plus HA/DR EWGs from 2014 to
An Updated Report on the ADMM-Plus HA/DR EWGs from 2014 to 2015 Co-Chairs of Lao PDR and Japan Contents Review of HA/DR EWG activities from 2014 to 2015: 1 Schedule of HADR EWG 2 Work plan for HADR EWG: main 3 pillars 3 2014: a year of the good preparation 4 2015: a year of the great progress 5 Schedule for HADR EWG in 2016 SCHEDULE OF HADR EWG 2014 2015 #4 #5 Meeting Meeting (JUL 2014) (DEC 2014) Japan Lao PDR #6 Meeting (with TTX) (AUG 2015) Lao PDR CDC (AUG 2015) Lao PDR Successfully finished 2016 #7 #8 AM-HEx #9 Meeting Meeting [CPX / FTX] Meeting (DEC 2015) (MAY 2016) (SEP 2016) (DEC 2016) Japan Japan Thailand Lao PDR IPC (NOV 2015) Thailand MPC FPC (MAY 2016) (JUL 2016) Japan Thailand 2016 Work plan for HADR EWG: main 3 pillars - Work plan and the sequent activities in HADR EWG Swift Response • To deploy a certain scale of assisting entities such as military org. to affected areas as quickly as possible. • Need to improve readiness to receive, information gathering capabilities, decision-making process, and transportation capabilities. • To establish more efficient domestic procedures for deploying and accepting assistance troops. Considering relevant legal issues by assisting foreign forces Shared Assessment and Seamless Support Smooth hand-over to Reconstruction players • To make all players share the accurate needs of affected areas. • To maintain effective supply cycle under cooperation with local govt., civilians, to deliver proper assistance to right areas, at the right time. • To avoid duplication, waste of labor • To realize smooth hand-over of military relief operations to civilian sectors that can be engaged with recovery efforts for a longer time. • Need to closely collaborate with NGOs and UN agencies. Development of SOP focusing on the MNCC “Best practices” on the withdrawal phase of the HA/DR operations Relevant legal issues by assisting foreign forces [1/2] - The Co-chairs prepared a template of the Declaration by affected countries. - The template aims to serve as an effective tool to help settle various issues that might arise when the affected country receives foreign forces assistance during an HA/DR operation. - The EWG recongnizes the worst situation is when the affected country has no prior arrangement with the assisting country, such as a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) or Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA). - After collecting inputs from the TTX in AUG 2015, the 7th EWG meeting last December in Tokyo accepted in principle the final version of the template of declaration by affected countries, reaffirming that the template is not legally-binding in any sense and each member country is advised to apply it with its own judgments and modification. Relevant legal issues by assisting foreign forces [2/2] - Through the template, what will be solved follows as: Items Detail 1 Transition through the airspace of the third country 2 C.I.Q process - 3 Use of Infrastructure - Highways, air/sea ports, river, land for the stationing of foreign forces, etc. 4 Force Protection 5 Licenses & Special Items 6 Accidents 7 Communications 8 Mutual Provision of Items & Services Food relief assistance. Medical tools: knives for medical operation, X-ray scanners, etc. Medicines and anesthesia. Search and rescue dogs. - Would the affected country be able to allocate resources for the force protection of the foreign forces? - How about the protection of the stationing premises for the foreign forces? - Should the affected country allow those sites to be under the exclusive control of the foreign forces? - License for medical service, surgical operations, etc. - License for car, ship and other vehicles to drive. - Medical tools, medicines, disease prevention chemicals, etc. - In case foreign forces were accidentally involved in the following situations, should these cases be disputed in the court of the affected country? - Traffic accidents. - Death of patients in medical treatment or surgical operations. - Infringement of private properties. - Risk of overlapping frequencies. - Providing required items and service assistance for each other might be useful for greater military-to-military cooperation in HA/DR situation? Development of SOP focusing on the MNCC [1/2] - The SOP should state clearly that the MNCC (Multi-National Coordination Center) functions as a coordinating platform to facilitate foreign military assistance, and is not intended for command and control purposes. - The primary roles of MNCC should include sharing information and assisting the optimal use of foreign military assets. - The MNCC should contain appropriate interface with civilian actors and be coordinated in broader national architecture for HADR within the affected country (national disaster management authority and JTF). - The SOP will be developed as annex to its unfinished Chapter 6 of SASOP based on the authorization in ACDM (ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management). Development of SOP focusing on the MNCC [2/2] * Tentative standard structure of the MNCC JTF/NDMO/ Relevant organisation Assisting Foreign Forces Director Assistant Director Information Sharing Cell Center Support General Coord Monitoring Request for Assistance Analysis Cell Culture/ Lang Cell Operational Cell SAR/Engr Medical Air Naval Land Transportation Legal/ Local Policing Cell Foreign Liaison Planning Cell Affected State Coord Cell Logistics Coordination Cell Public Affairs/ Media Cell CIMIC Cell Civilian Sector “Best practices” on the withdrawal phase [1/2] - Given that careful planning and practices are required for the smooth withdrawal of the HA/DR operations, the HA/DR EWG agreed on the importance of further discussing the issues related to the withdrawal and transition phase of the HA/DR operations in the future HA/DR EWG. - It is difficult us to establish solid criteria on military withdrawal from the affected areas, because it is frequently influenced by various factors such as diplomatic, political, social and others. - It is, however, possible to find some clues and implications for such criteria, conditions and necessary matters for consideration through collecting the “Best Practices”, inter alia, focusing on the withdrawal phase in the recent DR cases which the ADMMPlus member countries have been involved in. “Best practices” on the withdrawal phase [2/2] * An example of Thailand’s assistance for Myanmar in 2015 Item Outline of the Disaster Term of Detachment Organization & Task Activities Exit Strategy Content Severe flooding ,Jul.-Sep.2015 affecting 12 of the country's 14 states and resulting in about 103 deaths and up to 1,000,000 people otherwise affected. The Myanmar’s government declared a state of emergency on 30 July in the four worst-hit regions 27 Aug.- 4 Sep. 2015 ( 7 days at 10 villages in Hinthada District, Ayeyarwadee Region) HA during the recovery phase of the rain disaster. 51 Military Personnel ( not included 18 FA) Assets : 1 MMU( 19) , 1 PMU(5), 2 WPU(11), CP&CS(10), Com(6) Mobile Medical Services. Preventive Medicine and Disease Control, Water Purification. - Term of the Detachment and mission was determined in the Joint Plan with Ministry of Public Health and Local Government before deployment. ( 7 days , 14 villages) - Consideration of transfer to civilian local governments and local health agencies as well as medical supplies contribution to civilian hospital. 2014: a year of the good preparation 4th HA/DR-EWG in JUL 2014, JPN [1/2] 4th HA/DR-EWG in JUL 2014, JPN [2/2] - 4 action items adopted in 4th EWG in JUL 2014, Tokyo (extract) 1 Considering ways to address the legal issues of the assisting foreign forces - Discuss ways to address the legal issues with regard to the status of the assisting foreign forces - It is politically unrealistic to conclude legally binding treaties such as a regional Status of Force Agreement - Streamlining the C.I.Q requirements, for example, would contribute to swift entry of the assisting foreign forces into the affected state. 2 Development of an ADMM Plus HA/DR Standard Operating Procedures(SOP) - Developing a multilateral HADR SOP with a view to establishing ADMM Plus standards - Building upon the existing SOPs (MNF SOP) * Creating a brand-new SOP might risk causing confusions - Incorporating past regional experiences (e.g. Haiyan MNCC lessons) - Long term contribution for future development of the SASOP Chapter Six 3 “Best practices” booklet on the withdrawal phase of the HA/DR operations - Instead of creating a SOP on the withdrawal of the HADR operation, gather and share the experiences and the issues that are relevant for planning smooth withdrawal of the military assets - One of the key elements is the Civil-Military Cooperation (e.g. how to smoothly hand-over the responsibilities from the military forces to civilian actors) 4 “More effective ways to store and share the lessons?” - As the first step, developing a portal website which has a list of direct links to relevant websites in order to facilitate easier access to relevant information - Sharing the HA/DR lessons and the related activities of the participant countries - Uploading HA/DR’s EWG activities (EWG discussions, exercises, a SOP , etc) 5th HA/DR-EWG in DEC 2014, Lao PDR [1/2] 5th HA/DR-EWG in DEC 2014, Lao PDR [2/2] 1 “Legal Issues of Foreign Forces” - The Meeting recognized the draft of declaration contents as the useful starting points for the EWG continuing discussions on the legal issues of foreign forces’ activities. - For the future activities including 2015 TTX in the Lao PDR, the EWG continues to discuss the item in order to deepen the regional understanding on the legal aspects of the foreign forces in HADR. 2 “Development of an ADMM-Plus HADR Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)” - The Meeting agreed that the EWG should continue to develop the SOP contents based on the CoChairs’ document on the MNCC. - The Meeting also asked the Co-Chairs to make a request in their EWG reporting at the upcoming ADSOM-Plus WG that the value of the EWG’s SOP, being developed as potential annexes to SASOP Chapter Six would be discussed at the ADSOM process. The outcome of the ADSOM discussions on this subject would be shared at the future EWG meetings. 3 “Concept of Table Top Exercise (TTX) in the Lao PDR, 2015” - The Meeting agreed that the Concept of TTX as presented in the TTX Workshop on the 11th December 2014 is the useful first step towards a fuller planning of the exercise in 2015. - While the key focus of TTX remains military-to-military cooperation, the Co-Chairs recognized the importance of involving civilian partners concerned, including from AHA Centre, UNOCHA, legal specialists, and other related disaster management organizations. 2015: a year of the great progress 6th HA/DR-EWG & TTX in AUG 2015, Lao PDR [1/5] 6th HA/DR-EWG & TTX in AUG 2015, Lao PDR [2/5] 6th HA/DR-EWG & TTX in AUG 2015, Lao PDR [3/5] 6th HA/DR-EWG & TTX in AUG 2015, Lao PDR [4/5] 6th HA/DR-EWG & TTX in AUG 2015, Lao PDR [5/5] - Points of co-chair’s summary in 6th EWG in AUG 2015, Lao PDR (extract) The Meeting recognized that the draft needs to be updated, taking into consideration the points which include – but not limited to – the following; 1 Declaration by affected countries - The term for privileges and immunities of military personnel should be carefully refined to be more specific, rethinking the applicability of the Vienna Convention to assisting foreign troops in HADR operations - The nature of this declaration should be clarified as a declaration unilaterally issued by the affected country, which might include formal request for foreign assistance upon disasters. - The declaration should include reference to existing documents such as AADMER and SASOP and be consistent with them. - The declaration should clearly state that the affected state has primary responsibility for providing security and protection for assisting foreign troops. 2 The SOP focusing on the Multi-national Coordination Centre (MNCC) - The SOP should state clearly that MNCC functions as a coordinating platform to facilitate foreign military assistance, and is not intended for command and control purposes. - The primary roles of MNCC should include sharing information and assisting optimal use of foreign military assets. - The MNCC should contain appropriate interface with civilian actors and be nested with broader national architecture for HADR within the affected country (national disaster management authority and JTF). - The SOP should clearly state that it needs to be applied with relevant modification based on operational variables such as capabilities of JTF or types of assets available. 7th HA/DR-EWG in DEC 2015, Japan [1/6] 7th HA/DR-EWG in DEC 2015, Japan [2/6] 7th HA/DR-EWG in DEC 2015, Japan [3/6] 7th HA/DR-EWG in DEC 2015, Japan [4/6] 7th HA/DR-EWG in DEC 2015, Japan [5/6] 7th HA/DR-EWG in DEC 2015, Japan [6/6] - Points of co-chair’s summary in 7th EWG in DEC 2015, Japan (extract) 1 Declaration by affected countries - The Meeting accepted in principle the final version of the template of declaration by affected countries, reaffirming that the template is not legally-binding in any sense and each member country is advised to apply it with its own judgments and modification. 2 The SOP focusing on the Multi-national Coordination Centre (MNCC) - The Meeting recognized that the draft SOP needs to be refined further, especially in terms of its CIMIC function, taking into consideration the comments from UNOCHA, requesting the cochairs circulate the updated draft NLT the 4th week of DEC 2015, seeking further comments from the member countries until 31st MAR 2016. 3 The “Best Practices” on the withdrawal phase of the HA/DR operations - The Meeting acknowledged the importance of relevant documents, inter alia, the SASOP, APC-MADRO and Oslo Guideline when considering the withdrawal phase. - The Meeting recognized the following: The phases of DR operations are varied and difficult to distinguish from one another, which depend on the affected areas and fields like airlift, medical, transport, etc. Careful attention should be paid so as not to impair the sentiments of the people in the affected areas when the affected country announces the transition of the phase and/or assisting foreign forces announce their withdrawal The EWG member countries’ ideas are of great value when considering concrete criteria and conditions in withdrawal before deployment - The Meeting requested the co-chairs to finish collecting the Best Practices by the end of 2016. Schedule for HADR EWG in 2016 ADMM Plus 2 0 1 3 Exercises Jun. HADR MM Exercise (Brunei) [AUG] ADMM Plus @Brunei [FEB] ADSOM + WG @Myanmar 2 0 1 4 EWG [APR] ADSOM + @Myanmar [JAN] 3rd HADR EWG (Vietnam) [JUL] 4th HADR EWG (JPN) [DEC] 5th HADR EWG (Lao PDR) [FEB] ADSOM + WG (Malaysia) 2 0 1 5 [APR] ADSOM + (Malaysia) Back-to- [AUG] 6th HADR EWG & TTX (Lao PDR) back [AUG] CDC [NOV] ADMM Plus (Malaysia) [DEC] 7th HADR EWG (JPN) [NOV] IPC・ISS [FEB] ADSOM + WG (Lao PDR) [APR] ADSOM + (Lao PDR) [MAY] 8th HADR EWG (JPN) Back-toback [MAY] MPC [JUL] FPC・FSS 2 0 1 6 [SEP] AM-HEx CPX・FTX 2 0 1 7 [TBC] ADSOM+ WG (Philippines) [DEC] 9th HADR EWG (Lao PDR) wrap up & hand over to the next co-chairs Malaysia and the US 8th HA/DR-EWG & MPC in MAY 2016, Japan [8th HA/DR-EWG] Date: Afternoon of 10 MAY Venue: Hilton Narita (Narita) Closest Airport: Narita Airport [MPC for AM-HEx 2016] Date: 11 and 12 MAY Venue: Hilton Narita (Narita) Closest Airport: Narita Airport AM-HEx 2016: September in Thailand 2016: a year of accomplishment… …and of bridge to the next cycle of the EWG