Come Celebrate the 1st Annual Florida Dyngus Day!
Come Celebrate the 1st Annual Florida Dyngus Day!
POLE TO POLE ISSUE 65-3 Mar-Apr 2016 Dyngus Day Edition Polish American Society of St. Petersburg, Florida Since 1951 (727) 894-9908 Come Celebrate the 1st Annual Florida Dyngus Day! Monday, March 28, 2016 Doors Open 4 PM Polish Food Available Dancing to The Polish Kid & Band 5-8 PM Reserve your tickets today! Tickets: $8 advanced purchase, $10 at the door. SAVE $2 with advanced purchase. Call Barbara Poplawski (972) 741-3749. Sunday Dance Live Band Schedule Mar 13 – Outside Da Box Mar 20 – Sounds of The South Mar 27 – CLOSED FOR EASTER Mar 28 – Polish Kid Dyngus Day Celebration 4-8 PM Apr 03 – FL Honky Polka Band Apr 10 – Sounds of The South Apr 17 – Nu Soundz Apr 24 – Northern Sounds May 01 – Jasiu’s Polka All Stars Sunday Dinner 2-3:30 PM $8 per person Dancing 3-6 PM $5 members / $8 non-members From the Desk of the President Although the Polish American Society has done well with attendance at our dinner dances, and Monday and Thursday night socials, our membership is down from last year. We have to entice new members to join our Society, and when possible to contribute to our booster club. Another serious item for our Club is the age of our members. If we don’t encourage younger members to join, we will soon go out of existence. At the present time, our Club is run with a few people doing most of the organizing and work. At this rate, we can’t stay open very long. I grant that this is a pessimistic outlook, but I don’t see a more optimistic outlook unless things change. Please help when you can if you want us to continue into the future. January 24, 2016 However, on a positive note, our bands are already scheduled for the coming year, and we do have the financial resources to continue. THE FIRST DINNER & DANCE OF THE FALL SEASON WILL BE SUNDAY, OCT 30 TO CELEBRATE WALTER WALSEK'S 97TH BIRTHDAY. Please enjoy our dinner dances and support them as much as you can. Sincerely, Your President, Gene Poplawski 1 P OLE TO P OLE POLISH AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA 1343 Beach Drive SE St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (727) 894-9908 PAS OFFICERS Gene Poplawski, President / (972) 741-3749 Gloria Smolick, Vice President / (727) 463-5845 Monika Smolarczyk, Secretary / (727) 433-0587 Ken Cichowski, Treasurer / (727) 742-7419 Frank Karwoski, Financial Secretary Bernie Yencha, Sergeant at Arms PAS BOARD MEMBERS Roman Brejer Don Kohler Marian Majewski Edith Manthe Barbara Poplawski Beverly Wolenyk All art in this issue created by Wilma & Walter Walsek Pole to Pole Publisher Monika Smolarczyk / (727) 433-0587 Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych! The Polish American Society Officers and Board Members are wishing all of our Club Members Happy Easter! THE CLUB NEWS THE 1ST ANNUAL FLORIDA DYNGUS DAY SPONSORED BY US! We are thrilled to announce that on Monday March 28, the 1st Dyngus Day celebration at our Club, Don Cialkoszewski, The Polish Kid and his band will provide the music at 5-8 PM. Doors Open 4 PM. Polish food will be available for purchase, and our full cash bar will be open until 8 PM. Monday, March 28 4-8 PM Dancing 5-8 PM Tickets: $8 Advanced Purchase, $10 at the Door. SAVE $2! For tickets, call Barbara Poplawski at (972) 741-3749 Celebrated on Easter Monday in Poland, Dyngus Day has also become one of America’s most unique and spirited ethnic celebrations. Dyngus Day is a post-Lenten party and its quirky customs include the playful flirting by the tap of a pussy willows or exchanging a sprinkling of water and dancing polka. To learn more, visit OUR 65TH ANNIVERSARY SUCCESS! From the Dinner to the Dance Contest, the Raffle & Door Prizes, the Ballroom Dance Champion Performance, the Recognition & Awards, and the Finale of Singing God Bless America & the Polish National Anthem with all circling the Dance Floor. Top Chef Tony and his staff were at their best. Six couples competed and provided an outstanding dance exhibition. Over 50 Door Prizes & Raffle Winnings worth over a $1,000 were handed out. Victoria Buckler and Michael Pecina showed us why they are Champion Dancers. The Northern Sounds provided the music for dance contests as well as our dancing. This Was A Day to Remember!!!! Congratulations to Our 65th Anniversary Dance Contest Winners! place – Sandra Swan & Russ Ingraham nd 2 place – Katy Trofimov & Harry Black 3rd place – Marilyn & Wil Smaka Luxus Discount Liquors Serving Polish American Community Since 1999 Richard and Eliza Przytula 5000 34th St N St Pete, FL 33714 (727) 520-1435 Your Local Expert Roofing Contractor FREE Estimate and SAVE $300 on Your New Roof with this Ad 1st Call (727) 657-6193 Repair Replacement Emergency Services Licensed Bonded Insured Lic CCC1330253 2 P OLE TO P OLE SUPPORT THE CLUB by Becoming a Sponsor Call The Club (727) 894-9908 for information SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS Old Southeast Market Our neighborhood spot! 1700 3rd St S St Petersburg, FL 33701 (727) 823-1992 Mon-Sat 8 am - 8 pm Sun 8 am - 6 pm Tim O’Connell (727) 442-0637 TEA DANCES are held on the 2nd and 4th Wed, to Apr 27. They begin with dance instructions from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Ballroom dancing follows from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM to the live music of Bobby Tess and The Pleasures. Cash bar only. Admission to the lesson and dance is $10; admission to the dance only is $7. The Tea Dances provide opportunities for everyone to learn new dances and introduce new members to our Club. Call Betty Braverman at (727) 895-4167. 3 P OLE TO P OLE Your PAS Contacts Dyngus Day Tickets – call Barbara Poplawski (972) 741-3749 Sunday Dinner and Dance Info & Reservation – call Wilma Walsek (727) 360-0584 Volunteering – call Wilma Walsek (727) 360-0584 Kitchen Committee – call Alice Kohler (301) 639-8553 Membership – call Edith Manthe (727) 688-7248 Boosters – call Edith Manthe (727) 688-7248 or Polka Pat (813) 855-3978 Hall Rental – call Gene Poplawski (972) 741-3749 or Rich Malinowki (509) 630-4589 Sponsorship and Advertising – call Jolanta Malinowski (727) 748-6395 HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to everyone who celebrates their birthday during March and April. Sto Lat! Thank You for Your Support The following (list on right) donations were made during the last 12 Months. The date following the donor’s name is your reminder about another donation. The asterisk * indicates a donation made in memory. Booster Contributions The Polish American Society of St. Petersburg acknowledges the following donations, which are very important to our future. Our generous members and friends help make our society thrive. Thank you sincerely. Several different levels of donations are available for your consideration: Boosters $10, Super Boosters $25, Silver Club $50, Century Club $100. Mail your donations to: Polish American Society 1343 Beach Drive SE St .Petersburg, FL 33701 or give your donation to Polka Pat or Edith Manthe during our Sunday dances. Support Our Club by Volunteering! Many opportunities available. Especially, we need volunteers to help in the kitchen. Contact Alice Kohler at (301) 639-8553. Pole to Pole and The Club news – call Monika Smolarczyk (727) 433-0587 Members’ News – call Sunshine Lady, Bernardine Yencha (727) 344-2033 to report our members’ milestones, illnesses or accomplishments. They will be reported in the next Pole to Pole. Bernie also accepts donations of Polish art objects, artifacts and apparel. All proceeds go to The Club. Many Thanks! College Scholarship Donations – call Barbara Poplawski (972) 741-3749 The Club Rental Our beautiful hall is available to rent for personal or business functions, including weddings, dances, meetings, birthdays and anniversaries. The hall accommodates 225 people and has a great wooden dance floor, great acoustics, full bar and kitchen. Call the Club at (727) 894-9908 to set up a viewing appointment. Century Club - $100 Bendick, Frank Kohler, Alice Kohler, Don Rokosz, Gloria Rokosz, Tom Walsek, Walter Walsek, Wilma Silver Club - $50 Cisniewicz, Adele* Donohue, Wanda Dovgan, Nancy Dovgan, Ronald Gula, Joe Holtzmann, Katalin Kruk, Milton Kruk, Stephanie Obremski, Charles* Obremski, David Zielinski, Florian* 2/17 2/17 2/17 2/17 2/17 2/17 2/17 11/16 4/16 3/16 3/16 2/16 1/16 3/17 3/17 11/16 11/16 1/16 Special Thanks to Our Volunteers Thank you all for volunteering at The Club during the past year. Without your hard work, our Club would not be able to function. Support Our Club by Becoming a Member or Renewing Your Membership The annual membership is $25. You will get dance admission discounts and other benefits. Contact Edith Manthe (727) 688-7248. Super Boosters - $25 Boosters - $10 Brejer, Jane 3/16 Bernadyn, Madeline* Brejer, Roman 3/16 Bernadyn, Stephen* Caldwell, Polka Pat 4/16 Chmielewski, David Cichowski, Ken 1/17 Cicale, Joanne Debski, Ted* 2/17 Crisp Fiorentino, Jerry 4/16 Crisp Gabrielle, Glenn 3/17 DeCurtis, Jane* Gabrielle, Marge 3/17 DeCurtis, Mario* Hadersbeck, Bill 4/16 Durczynski, Julie Ingraham, Russ 3/17 Durczynski, Ron Jakubowski, Caroline 3/16 Gumienny, Ed Jakubowski, Robert 3/16 Klima. Larry Jurek, Bill 2/17 Klima, Susan Juricic, Steve 11/16 Kryk, Carole Kardel, Gertrude 2/17 Kryk, Gerry Klazer, Arlene* 2/17 Majewski, Marian Krall, Hedy 1/17 Mekruit, Elaine Lyman, Agnes 11/16 Myer, Esther Lyman, Lou 11/16 Meyer, Eddie Poplawski, Barbara 4/16 Milewski, Rich Poplawski, Eugene 4/16 Nash, Carol Rygula, Ed 2/17 Oles, Stanislaw Rygula, Joan 2/17 Oles, Martin Shiero, Bob* 4/17 Sassone, John Shiero, Norma 4/17 Simms, Cathy Simms, Stan 1/17 Turk, Corrine Smolick, Gloria 1/17 Wilcox, Mary Ann Tinsley, Joe 1/17 Yencha, Bernadine Wolanyk, Beverly 1/16 Yencha, Francine Joe & Theresa Poper - $15 Zdanowski, Louise In Memory of Jane DeCurtis Zdanowski, Richard - Jane & Roman Brejer 11/16 11/16 3/16 3/16 2/17 2/17 3/16 3/16 4/16 4/16 3/16 1/16 1/16 2/17 2/17 5/16 4/16 4/15 4/15 4/16 4/16 2/17 2/17 3/16 3/16 11/16 4/16 2/17 2/17 5/16 5/16 4 P OLE TO P OLE