Faith Lutheran LINK - Faith Lutheran Church
Faith Lutheran LINK - Faith Lutheran Church
Faith Lutheran LINK JUNE 2014 WWW.ENERGIZEDBYFAITH.COM ISSUE FIVE We are a family of professing Christians inspired by Christ’s grace and love Pentecost is the day that the church was born. Christ was crucified, rose again, spent forty days with his disciples, then ascended to heaven. Pentecost immediately followed. For two millennia, Christians have been celebrating the church's birthday with joy and exuberance. Pentecost takes place 50 days after Easter. Believed to be the oldest feast in the Church, the story of Pentecost dates back to the first century A.D. The feast of Pentecost coincided with the Jewish Feast of Weeks, which occurs 50 days after the Passover (Deuteronomy 16:10). According to Jewish tradition, the Ten Commandments were given to Moses 50 days after the first Pastor: Rev. R.Tim Carnahan Passover, which freed the that was heard throughout the Hebrews from their bondage in city. Small flames of fire rested Egypt. As the Hebrews settled upon their heads, and they into Canaan, the feast became began to speak in other a time to honor the Lord for languages. As crowds came to blessing the fruits of their investigate the commotion, the labors. At the time of Jesus, Apostle Peter spoke to them the festival focused on about Jesus and exhorted rabbinical law and traditions. Since this Come and See! Jewish holiday took place at the same time of the Bible Study/ Sunday Pentecost, many Jewish Christians appropriated School 9:00 - 9:45 AM its celebration into their Worship: 10:00 Am Christian commemoration of the coming of the Spirit. According to book of Acts, the Church came them to repent. From the into being on the day of crowd of Jews and converts, Pentecost. As 120 worshipers, 3,000 realized the truth of his including the Disciples, were words and became followers fasting and praying in an of Jesus. upper room in Jerusalem, the There are many Pentecost Holy Spirit descended upon traditions. them in a violent rushing wind (cont. on next page) Faith Lutheran Church 4930 Newanga Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95405 Fundraiser Night Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 (continued from page 1) Benefiting FAITH LUTHERN CHURCH Johnny Garlic’s will donate 25% of pre-tax food sales generated by Faith Lutheran Church VACATION BIBLE In some churches, baptisms are SCHOOL!throughout the day. performed Pentecost is also known are so grateful to of the as We Whitsunday, because Debbie white garments worn by those who are baptized. In most Flyer must be present at Pentecost services, priests or church officials wear red the time of purchase to vestments. Sanctuaries are decorated with banners depicting participate in the flames, wind, and doves. fundraiser, reservations Churches in Italy disperse rose highly recommended. petals from the ceiling to symbolize the tongues of Sorry, no coupons, scrip or fire described in the book of Acts. discounts will be honored in French churches blow trumpets throughout the service to suggest conjunction with this fundraiser. This invitation can’t be distributed at the Holy Spirit coming with a violent rushing wind. Both the restaurants entrance or in its Catholic and Protestant services vicinity. have scripture readings from the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Joel, or When: Acts. Present this flyer on July 9th, The purest meaning of Pentecost 2014 is that of a time of renewal for between 11:00 a.m. and 10:00 Christian believers. There is a renewed focus on evangelism, p.m. empowerment from the Holy Spirit, deeper intimacy with God, Where: and fellowship. For Christians, Johnny Garlic’s the celebration of Pentecost 1460 Farmer’s Ln., Santa imparts faith, hope, a sharing of community, and an awareness of Rosa, CA 95404 a purpose much greater than Call for reservations (707) themselves. 571-1800 (Be sure to mention fundraiser participation when making reservations) reprinted from Keep in Prayer A friend of the congregation suffering from cancer, who wishes to remain anonymous; Larry Babb and Caroyln Huntington, struggling with cancer; Elena Barajas (Larry and Blythe’s daughter); family of Nelia Crews, David Lorenzen recovering from chemotherapy; Pastor Flak; Marianne Burns; Faith Parson; Jack Marsh and Mary (Helen O’Donnell’s brother-in-law and mother); Eleanor and Hal Martin (Mariann Hubbs’ mother and stepfather, battling cancer); Donna Besser who has been in pain with her knees, Jennifer Worner, Pastor Carnahan’s father, John Carnahan, Al Francis, friend of Kathryn Miller, Vera Gregg, sister of aNna rybaT, suffering from cancer. “He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” -Mark 5:34 Your 2014 Church Council POSITION NAME PHONE Pastor Rev. Tim Carnahan 539-2521/490-5340 President Lauren Morris 523-0310/217-0218 Vice President Ed Rybat 536-9855 Secretary aNna rybaT 536-9855 Buildings & Grounds Norm Nielsen 542-9597 Personnel Luara Tighe 591-8810 PreSchool Steve Norton 538-3748 Sharing Faith Diane Cohen 539-6382/291-1003 Treasurer Connie Duncan 573-1762 Worship Experience Chris Carson 837-5400/239-6332 Finance/Stewardship Rita McGowan 578-3114 Social Ministry Terri Abramson 523-1670 Financial Secretary Christian Ed/Youth 539-2521 Rose Knight 544-4404 Would you like to avoid all the hassle of writing your offering check each month? Would you like to make sure that your offering is here even if your body is not? We've been able to offer electronic offering for a while but have never seemed to get it off the ground. “Grieving Parents” by Kathe Kollwitz Well let's get this thing flying! Contact the office, you'll need a cancelled check and a signature and then we will get you going with Thrivent Giving. To include friends and loved ones on the prayer list, please fill out the back of a pew card and place in the offering plate. Be sure to include your contact information on the card! Thank you! image by aNna rybaT Celebrate! Birthdays and Anniversaries Faith Lutheran Church Treasurer’s Report May 31, 2014 5 Norm Nielsen 6 Kimberly Roland 6 Ahrine Mansoor 7 Joseph Wilkening 11 Janice Hall 12 Alexander Caldera 14 Paige DeBiase 15 Donna Hoberg 15 Terry Larson The total General (non-Designated) income for May 2014 was $12,946.19 Year to date was $71,839.92. The General expenses for May were $11,805.40 Year to date was $63,740.76. The total net income for May was $1,140.79 Year to date net income was $8,099.16 The amount transferred and paid to the Benevolence was $880.00 (was paid in June) 15 Christine Winter 21 Ashlee Wilkening Special funds received were $33.54 from SaveMart, $14.71.49 from Script, $50.00 for the Memorial Fund (Lantz), $85.00 for S. Quam Kindle, $25.00 for the Endowment, $5.00 for the Synod Assembly and $25.00 from flowers. ________________________________ 22 Laurie Wennes Getting to Know You Sundays 23 Jessica Farber On the last Sunday of each month after service at coffee hour, please stay to get to know each other better. You will be asked to sit in groups of three and four, preferable with people you don’t know well and talk to one another. This is an exercise in becoming a closer congregation able to reach out to strangers later when we start to converse with people of our surrounding community. So, come practice in fun. The first question we’ll ask one another? Where did you meet the love of your life? (You get to define who you consider the love of your life.) The point is to share and get to know one another better. Expect laughter. K.Miller 16 Scott Sederholm 19 Ruth Fawcett 23 Carol Hintze 28 Elly Kensinger 28 Ken Lantz VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! Corrections, please contact editor Thanks! (image by August and Desmond Schutzenhofer - grandchildren of Ed & aNna rybaT) We are so grateful to Debbie Carnahan for volunteering to lead VBS this year. The theme is wilderness escape. Dates: July 28 -‐ August 1 from 9AM to noon. Thanks to Janet Hammond, Debbie and Rita McGowan who meet each Tuesday to plan. Due to the late start, pre-‐school will not be participating this year. Registration begins soon. Please contact church ofTice for questions.: 539-‐2521. Bible Study meets on Thursday evenings in Hummon Hall at seven and studying until 8:30 PM. Materials are often e-mailed to participants so if you would like to be in the know when you arrive, contact Pastor Carnahan for details.. mission church. We held a "name the church" contest and the winners were.......Dan White, Stephen Bell and Helmut Klee. The first child baptized was Terry Williams, November 6, 1960. This is Where We Have Been (Chapter 2) - by Dr. Bob Bell The congregation began with four families:The Reverend and Mrs. Robert Freistedt, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel White, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bell, and Mr.and Mrs. Lyle Christensen who met at the service of Ordination, May 15 1960 at St. Marks Lutheran Church in San Francisco for Pastor Freistedt, who was designated Mission Developer in Santa Rosa for The United Lutheran Church in America. Those on the steering committee were Robert Bell, Vice Chairman; Jim Nelson, Treasurer; Eva Vaughan, Secretary; Helmut Klee, Lyle Christensen, and Dan White. Our congregation met at 1411 Carlos Court in Rincon Valley. The first worship service of our mission congregation was held at Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center. Our first order of business was to have a contest to select a name for our Santa Rosa was recommended to the "Board of American Missions" by Dan White as an ideal site for a congregation. The board agreed. Before Faith Lutheran was established, Dan, Dorothy, and their children Stuart, Barbara, and Howard attended worship services every Sunday in Napa. We began with the signing of the Charter by 70 Adults and 10 confirmands. Our first service was held with 140 in attendance. Bethlehem Lutheran Choir sang. Lily Greer returned from Europe to help Dorothy White with the music. Dorothy was our pianist and she would call out, "Oh Toot" when she hit a clunker. Our coffee hour after service was a time when we chatted and enjoyed each other's company. Confirmation classes were held on Sunday mornings for the following: Blythe Allen, Billie Jean Block, Robert Bell III, Brian Compton, Eldred Compton, William Kent Davis, Dennis Neiblas, and Stephen Robinson. On May 7,1961 we had our Service of Organization. The Board of American Missions of the United Lutheran Church in America sent us a letter of congratulations as did other congregations. Dr. C. V. Tambert of the Southwest Synod gave the sermon and officiated at the installation of the church Council. They were Robert C. Bell, Robert Bills, Roy Besser, Hjelmer Elvig, Helmut Klee, James Nelson, William Schmidt, Eva Vaughan and Daniel White. CHECK IT OUT: Notecards (with envelope) with a beautiful image of our church by Don Caufield (Rita McGowan’s son in law) are for sale: $2 each or 10 for $18.00. Proceeds will go to the church. Don graciously donated the picture to our church. We would like to have it framed and displayed in a prominent place. Advance orders for cards are being taken; they should be available by the end of June. Please contact aNna rybaT for pre-orders: or 707-536-9855. PreSchool Report student safety. Copies are available for Board review. The new handbook is being used for any new registrations and everyone will receive a copy at the beginning of the new academic year, August. The Board regular meeting was held on Monday May 12th and we reviewed the results of operations through the end of April. John reported that income was $26,184. Payroll was $15,322 (59% of revenue) and including payroll, total expenses were $23,932 leaving an operating surplus for the month of $2,252. Cash on hand 4/31/14 was $22,996. Kelli reported that current enrollment has remained at 51 and indications are that we will have good attendance during the summer program beginning in June. The spring ‘pasta’ fund raiser will be Friday, May 16th and Graduation will be Thursday, May 29th at 12:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend both of these wonderful events. -‐ Discussion continues about exposure to Whooping Cough. We are still hope to establish a policy of not enrolling any children who are not vaccinated. -‐ We are down to selecting between two vendors for a permanent playground shade structure. Price will be between $4100 and $5100 plus installation. Delivery is 4-6 weeks so if we don’t make the move there won’t be much summer left. Other business: -‐ We still feel that we need to get people to slow down in the parking lot. The ready-made speed bumps would not hold up against the garbage truck traffic in the area so we are going to try orange cones and flags. -‐ We have a plan to change the bathroom doors to resolve oversight and safety concerns. Cost will be modest and existing door will be stored as the means of restoring the original arrangement if and when needed. -‐ Kelli and Steve have updated the Parent Handbook giving attention to financial policies and -‐ Late breaking news involving the Pasta Fundraiser held on Friday May 16th is that it was very well attended by preschool families and members of the congregation. A good time was had by all. Gross receipts were $5133 and we hope for about $1400 in matching funds from Thrivant. Expense will be about $850 leaving an income of about $5,600 which should cover virtually all of the cost for the shade structure. Congratulations to Kelli and her wonderful staff for making this all happen. (Special Note: One of the many great things to be enjoyed during that evening was the fact that we had two generations of the Lorenzen family keeping watch over this wonderful outreach program.) - Submitted by Steve Norton. We give thanks and pray for those who are serving our nation: Michael Bell, US Army, currently in Virginia, Jeremy Thompson’s best friend, Victor Villalobos, USMC, now in Iraq, Kodie Ali Yocham, USMC, Granddaughter of Don Lee, now in Afghanistan, Eddie Rybat, USMC, returned home safely from Afghanistan. Ashley for helping out in church office ....and so many more. Flowers on the altar are lovingly given this month by: June 1: Laurie Wennes; June 8: Helen O’donnell in memory of Dad; June 15: Chris Carson for Jared’s birthday; June 22 --and June 29 --- by the Altar Guild. We would love to have flowers from your garden to add to the arrangements Flowers may be distributed to members of the congregation or community who are in need of cheering. If you prefer to keep your arrangement, please pick it by Monday morning. Flowers left on the altar after Monday may be delivered. If you would like to participate in this ministry, contact AFFIRMATIONS!!! THANK YOU: -Rose Knight for picking up Sunday School -Debbie Carnahan for taking on Vacation Bible School. She still needs lots of help so please call if you can help! Kathryn Miller for donating proceeds of her book sales! Lloyd Koonst for cleaning up the church this month! Announcements! Like Bridge? Join FLC Bridge Club, we meet here in Hummon Hall on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM. For more info, call Blanche at 578-4755. FUNDRAISER: If you would like notecards with our church (image pg. 2), $2@ or 10 for $18, please preorder by emailing Thank you! Link newsletter editor: aNna rybaT, or 707-536-9855. Please submit imput/corrections by the 21st of @ month. i welcome your photographs (.jpeg) or articles of general interest! Thank you! SERVING THIS MONTH Date June 1 June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 Worship Altar Guild Ushers Assistant Helen Karen Terri O'Donnell Larson & Abramson Diane Cohen Helen Terri O'Donnell Abramson Helen Janis Terri O'Donnell Motley & Abramson aNna rybaT Helen Karen Terri O'Donnell Larson Abramson Helen Terri O'Donnell Abramson 2 Men's Dinner, Hummon Hall, 6PM Sunday Bulletins Counters School Rose Knight Chris Carson Flowers Laurie Wennes Church Cleaned by Lloyd Koonst Rose Knight Helen O'Donnell Chris Carson Lloyd Koonst Lloyd Koonst Rose Knight Rose Knight Rose Knight Joan Muzzin Coffee Snacks Lloyd Koonst Lloyd Koonst A reading from Acts 2: 25-29 David said about him: ‘I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest in hope, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, you will not let your holy one see decay. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in y o u r p r e s e n c e. ’ Fe l l o w Israelites, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day. Did you know? This illustration of Faith Lutheran Church is by Peg Kensinger Pownall, daughter of Elly Kensinger F A I T H L U T H E R A N C H U R C H 4930 Newanga Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95405 ph: 707-539-2521 TO:
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