Please Deliver Promptly - Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society


Please Deliver Promptly - Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
Send Exchange Bulletins to:
June Harris
107 Dell Way
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Please Deliver Promptly
Santa Clara Valley
Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
April, 2012
All American Club
Volume 59
Number 4
President: Randy Harris
(831) 438-5150
Vice President: Rick Kennedy
(408) 529-9690
Secretary: RK Owen
(408) 377-5373
Treasurer: Frank Mullaney
(408) 266-1791
Editor: June Harris
(831) 438-5150
Federation Director: Chuck Boblenz
(408) 734-2473
Alternate Fed. Director: Ruth Bailey
(408) 248-6195
Victor Gassmann
(408) 376-1721
David Lowe
(408) 720-9339
David Marshall
(408) 246-7681
Bill Simpson
(408) 559-0789
Sharon Updyke
(408) 515-8739
Historian: Michael Paone (408) 340-3258
Parliamentarian: Dean Welder
(408) 353-2675
Donation Receiving Committee Chair:
George Yamashita
Field Trip Committee Coordinator:
Dean Welder
Founder’s Day Picnic Food:
Art Pimentel and Michael Paone
Founder’s Day Raffle: Frank Mullaney
Founder’s Day Bingo: Randy Harris
Hospitality: Kathi Peverini
Installation Dinner: Nancy Reineking
Librarian: Jennifer House
Member Displays: Rick Kennedy
PLAC (Public Lands Advisory Committee): Bill Spence
Program: David Lowe
Refreshments: Ed Orekar
Secret Auction: Donation Receiving
Sergeant-at-arms: OPEN
Show 2012: Frank Mullaney,
Marc Mullaney and Randy Harris
Show 2013: OPEN
Silent Auction: Julaine Mullaney
Social: Jaquelyn Calderon
Sunshine: Ernestine Smith
Trailer Custodian: Herb Vogel
Trophies: Frank Mullaney
Webmaster: RK Owen
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
Santa Clara Valley
Gem and Mineral Society
P.O. Box 54, San Jose, CA 95103-0054
Phone Number (408) 265-1422
An Invitation
This society is pleased to invite guests to attend general
meetings, study groups, and field trips. General meetings are normally held the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:45 PM at 100
Belwood Gateway (the Cabana Club), Los Gatos, CA 95032.
Belwood Gateway is just south of Blossom Hill Road between Leigh
Avenue and Harwood Road.
Our next general meeting will be on April 24, 2012, at the Cabana
Club, 100 Belwood Gateway, Los Gatos, CA 95032 at 7:45 PM.
Our next board meeting will be on April 26, 2012, at Rick Kennedy’s
home, 5360 Colony Park Circle, San Jose, CA 95123 at 7:30 PM.
Our Society’s Purpose: The inculcation of a love of rocks and minerals
by the furtherance of members' interests in the earth sciences and by education in
all facets of related educational activities with the promotion of good fellowship,
proper ethics, and conduct.
Our Membership Requirements: Attendance at two general meetings
within twelve months. This society is a member of the California Federation of
Mineralogical Societies (CFMS) and is affiliated with the American Federation of
Mineralogical Societies (AFMS). Dues are $20.00 per year.
Our Newsletter, the Breccia, is published ten times annually. The deadline for most articles is the Sunday before the regular meeting. The Breccia Editor is June Harris who may be contacted by email at
or by phone at (831) 438-5150. The Breccia is proofread by Randy Harris. Ruth
Bailey handles all aspects of mailing. Exchange bulletins may be sent to June
Harris at the following address: 107 Dell Way, Scotts Valley, CA 95066. Permission to copy is freely granted to American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
(AFMS) affiliated clubs when proper credit is given.
Study Group Leaders
For information on a study group, please call the leader(s) listed below
Facet Cutters
Max Casey
(408) 227-0526
Marc Mullaney
(408) 691-1584
Chuck Boblenz
(408) 734-2473
Pat Speece
(408) 266-4327
April, 2012
Randy’s Ramblings
What’s in this issue?
Hello Fellow Rockhounds,
As most of you know, the annual Show is approaching
quickly. There are many areas that we need your help to
make things go well. Please sign up to help in some way,
whether it is Set up, Security, Hospitality, the Kids Area, Ticket
Sales, Scholarship Booth, or some other area. The duties are
not difficult, but we need people to help (the more the better). There is set up on Wednesday and Thursday, and tear
down on Sunday after the show ends. We need your help in
all of these areas and others. Please call Frank Mullaney
and volunteer if you have not already signed up for something. Listen for our radio ads on 94.5 KBAY and pre-movie
ads at the Oakridge Century Theater in the weeks before
the show. There are many activities planned. Don’t forget to
sign in and out when you come to work. We are awarding a
raffle ticket at the Founder’s Day Picnic for every four hours
President’s Message
Page 3
Member displays schedule
Meeting program info.
Show Setup information
Rockhound of the Month
Page 4
Page 4
Page 4
Page 4
Page 4
Study Group Reports
SCVGMS show reminder
SCVGMS Directories
Page 5
Page 5
Page 5
New members
Sign up for show work stations
Rockhound of the month
There are many wonderful adventures waiting for you to go
Field Trip to
collecting. There is a list of them here in the Breccia. There
Hallelujah Junction
are more in the planning stages. You need to contact Dean
Welder, our field trip chairman, for more information about
2012 SCVGMS Calendar
upcoming trips. He will have information on trips being
hosted by other clubs as well as the ones our club is planField Trip Schedule
ning. If you would like to go on the fee dig to Hallelujah
Junction, you need to contact Rick Kennedy by April 14 th to CFMS Club Show Schedule
put your name on the list.
Page 6
Page 6
Page 6
Page 6
Page 6
Page 7
Page 7
Page 8
Founder’s day picnic
The Founder’s Day Picnic will be held on June 9th. There is a
RSVP form
reservation form here in the Breccia. We always have a
good time with great food, the raffle and Rock Bingo.
Come and see what your extra raffle tickets for working the Junior Activities
show will bring you! Also there will be a Strawberry Shortcake Social before the next regular meeting on April 24th at Membership renewal form
6:30 PM. The club will be supplying everything. All you need
to do is come and enjoy everyone’s company.
Show sign up sheet– Friday
See you at the Show!!!
Shortcake Social
at the April 24th meeting
to celebrate another
successful show.
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Show sign up sheet– Saturday
Show sign up sheet– Sunday
Endangered Species
West Nile Virus
Page 14
General Meeting Minutes
Page 17
Board Meeting minutes
Page 17-18
Treasurer’s Report
Page 18
Page 15
Page 16
April, 2012
Members’ Display
There was no member sharing at the
March meeting. Members whose last name
start with the letters “G” or “H” are asked to
bring something to share for member
The April program is on mineral collecting in Arizona. Maybe something from
your collection that pertains to this subject
might be appropriate. Or, anything that you
have recently collected or purchased
would be to share. Maybe your first rock
collected would be appropriate.
Each month, sharing is not limited to
the list in the January edition of the Breccia.
Anyone with something to share can bring it
and talk about their treasure. The list in the
Breccia is just a monthly reminder that members are requested to bring something each
year to share with the club. Remember, if
you don’t have anything for the Braggin’
Rights contest this month, you can bring
anything for the member displays.
Our sympathies and condolences are offered
the following members:
Upcoming Meeting Programs
April: Stan Bogosian will be presenting
“Arizona Mineral Collecting and
the Tucson 2012 Main Show”.
May: Rick Kennedy will be presenting
an “Update on the California Blue
Mine Aquamarine Dig”.
To Kevin and Sheila Mullaney and their family
for the loss of Cory, their son, & to Frank and
Julaine Mullaney for the loss of their grandson.
To Pat and Dennis Phelps for the loss of Pat’s
To Randy Harris for the loss of his aunt.
If you know of a society member who has
been or is ill, had a death in the family, or has
had a great event happen in their life, please
contact Ernestine Smith with the news.
Ernestine’s phone number is (408) 395-5035, or
email her at
SCVGMS Show setup begins on
April 18 at 9:00 AM at the Santa
Clara County Fairgrounds, 344
Tully Rd., San Jose, and goes until
5 PM. We resume on the 19th at
9:00 AM. Display cases can be
filled on the 19th between
noon and 8:00 PM.
Rockhound of the Month
for the month of March
David Lowe
June: Dick Pankey will be presenting
a program on the Texas Springs
limbcast area.
for becoming our new meeting
program chairman and
being on the board.
Congratulations !
July: David Lowe will be presenting on
New Mexico mineral collecting.
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
April, 2012
The Mineraleer's met on Wednesday, March
14th, at the Boblenz home with nine attendees. The
meeting had Gary Parson give a talk on Monterey
Banded Chert with numerous examples of the material for each to see and touch.
I wish to thank Gary for a very interesting talk
and discussion about some local material.
The April meeting is postponed due to members being too busy preparing for the clubs show. The
May meeting will be held at the Moore's residence
on the 9th at 7:30 PM. The topic will be announced
at the April meeting.
The meeting moved to the kitchen where Jeri
served delicious refreshments and numerous conversations continued.
by Sundari Naidu
The Stringers meet on the last Monday
of the month from 6-8 pm at Sundari
Naidu’s home. Please call Sundari at (408) 265-6912
for directions and more information about this
group. We continued working on the Spiral Rope
technique in March. For April, the group wanted to
learn how to make Noriko Romanko’s Apple Blossom
Necklace. If we need to cancel a date, we will send
out an email as soon as possible.
Materials list:
7g Size 11 seed beads
1g Size 15 seed beads
9 8mm Crystal pearls
9 6mm Crystal rounds
16 6 mm Crystal pearls
68 4 mm Crystal rounds
Smoke Fireline
2 Jump Rings
1 Clasp
4 crimps
Beadalone stringing wire
4 wireguards.
2 Size 12 beading needles
Crimping pliers
Chain-nose pliers
Flush cutter
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
Smithies Schedule 2012
All workshops are from 7 to 10pm at the Speece
home, the second Monday of each month and the
following Friday (of the same week).
April 9 & 13
June 11 & 15
August 13 & 17
October 8 & 12
December 10 & 14
May 14 & 18
July 9 & 13
September 10 & 14
November 12 & 16
If we need to cancel a date, we will send out an
email as soon as possible. If you would like to be on
our Smithies email list, please let me know.
Though we have equipment and materials for your
use, you are welcome to bring your own.
The Faceters meet on the first Saturday
of the month from
9 AM—noon at
Max Casey’s home. Please call Max at
(408) 227-0526 for directions and more
information about this group.
SCVGMS Directories are available
to all members. Please pick one up
from the society secretary,
RK Owen,
at the next meeting.
Mark Your Calendars
Next SCVGMS annual show will be
April 20th-22nd, 2012
Setup will begin on April 18th, 9 AM.
April, 2012
New Members
Bragging rights
Stephanie Walty (a Junior member)– she in interested in collecting, geology, minerals, and field
Jill and Brian Borders– They are interested in
supporting their daughter, Annie’s, interests.
Annie Borders (a Junior member) - she is
interested in cutting and polishing, collecting,
fossils, geology, and minerals.
Erik Welch and Colin Updyke-Welch (a junior
member)-they are interested in cutting and polishing, carving, geology, minerals, and field trips.
Lets make them feel welcome. Looks like there
could be some new members added to some
study groups.
Sign up for work stations and times for
the annual show with Frank Mullaney,
(408) 691-2656. Check out pages 1214 to see what jobs and times are
available. Make sure you sign in and
out at the show. FD raffle tickets are
based on hours worked at the show.
Setup and teardown are included in
the hours for FD raffle tickets.
Have you nominated a member for
Rockhound of the Month?
Please give your recommendation to Randy Harris. You can contact him at a meeting or by email
at Please include
a short note about what this member has done in
support of the society.
I wonder who will be the next Rockhound of the
month. Could it be you?
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
For the month of April (we skipped
March because of the silent auction) the contest theme is the color “Blue.” So entry must be
primarily blue in color. You can enter in one of
two categories, either judged or people’s
choice. The judged category is for items or
specimens that you have found/purchased
and done something to “improve”. People’s
choice is for specimens or items you have purchased. Both categories have prizes that will
be awarded at the next meeting.
We would like Bill Spence (judged category) and Rick Kennedy (people’s choice) to
bring the winning specimens from the February
contest to the April meeting to show them off
SCVGMS Field Trip to Peterson Mountain
(Hallelujah Junction)
On May 4th, the Santa Clara Valley Gem
and Mineral Society is invited to a fee dig at
Peterson Mountain on the claim owned by
Foster Hollman. The price is $120.00 and
there is a limit of 15 people. Rick Kennedy is
collecting fees now.
Checks should be written to Joe George.
Here is the scoop: The $120 per person pays
for an excavator that makes collecting much
easier! The only fine print is that if anyone
finds a crystal determined to be worth more
than $500.00, they will make a price for you
to buy it, or it goes in Foster's sales
stock. Please note, this is not an accumulation of crystals, it is single crystals worth that
much. You can find a dozen $200.00 crystals
(or more) and get to keep them all! If you
saw the ones Rick brought to the last meeting, you will be excited about this dig! Any
questions or if you want to be put on the list
before the next meeting, email Rick
( .
April, 2012
Field Trip Schedule
For more information about the
April 7th Faceters meeting starts at 9 AM at Max Ca- field trips below, please contact
sey’s home.
Dean Welder at
April 9th Smithies workshop from 7-10 PM at Pat
Speece’s home.
April 13th Smithies workshop from 7-10 PM at Pat
Speece’s home.
April 18th Setup for annual show
April 19th Setup for annual show
April 20th-22nd Annual show at Santa Clara County
Fairgrounds from 9-5 daily.
April 22nd Teardown for annual show at 5:00 PM.
April 24th General meeting at 7:45 PM. Strawberry
shortcake social before the meeting at 6:30 PM.
April 26th Board meeting at 7:30 PM at Rick Kennedy’s home.
May 14th Smithies workshop from 7-10 PM at Pat
Speece’s home.
May 18th Smithies workshop from 7-10 PM at Pat
Speece’s home.
May 22nd General meeting at 7:45 PM
May 24th Board meeting at 7:30 PM at RK Owen’s
June 9th Founder’s Day picnic at the Cabana
club. RSVP form on page 9 of Breccia.
June 11th Smithies workshop from 7-10 PM at Pat
Speece’s home.
June 15th Smithies workshop from 7-10 PM at Pat
Speece’s home.
June 26th General meeting at 7:45 PM
June 28th Board meeting at 7:30 PM at Dean
Welder’s home.
July 9th Smithies workshop from 7-10 PM at Pat
Speece’s home.
July 13th Smithies workshop from 7-10 PM at Pat
Speece’s home.
July 24th General meeting at 7:45 PM
July 26th Board meeting at 7:30 PM Location to be
August 13th Smithies workshop from 7-10 PM at Pat
Speece’s home.
August 17th Smithies workshop from 7-10 PM at Pat
Speece’s home.
August 28th General meeting at 7:45 PM
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
April 5th-8th Topaz Mountain and
Dugway Geode Beds, Delta UT for topaz, red beryl, hematite crystals and
May 5th-6th Spring Royston Turquoise
Fee Dig– for turquoise. This a fee dig,
not sponsored by a CFMS society,
rather coordinated by an individual.
May 19th-20th Silver Springs & Yerington areas, NV for agate, jasper, verdi
antique, copper minerals, selenite
May 25th-28th Bend, OR area, Buchanan Thunderegg fee dig (not a
CFMS club trip).
May 26th Ludlow, CA for Lavic Siding
jasper (sponsored by CFMS field trips
May 27th Wildwood, CA area, Spider
Mine for Rhodonite
June 9th Virgin Valley, NV for opal
June 16th Malakoff Diggins SHP for a
guided tour, gold panning.
June 23rd Monitor Pass for crystals in
August 4th-5th Monitor Valley, Pete’s
Summit near Austin NV for fossils
April, 2012
Let’s visit a show
CFMS Club Show Calendar
2012 CFMS club shows
April 7 - 8: PARADISE, CA, Paradise Gem & Mineral Society,
Elks Lodge, 6309 Clark Road, Hours: Sat 9 - 5 ; Sun 9 - 4,
Manuel Garcia, (530) 877-7324, Email: , Website:
April 13 - 15: VISTA, CA, San Diego County Council of Gem
& Mineral Societies, Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum,
2040 N. Santa Fe Avenue, Hours: 9 - 5 daily, Contacts: Ray
Pearce, (760) 726-7570, Simon King, (619) 991-2226, Cathy
Davis, (858) 278-9987,
April 14 - 15: MARIPOSA, CA, Mariposa Gem & Mineral Society, Mariposa County Fairgrounds, 5005 Fairgrounds Road,
(Hwy 49, 1.8 miles South of Mariposa), Hours: Sat. 10 - 6; Sun.
10 - 4, Contact: Randy Bolt or Chel Bebernes, 209) 742-7625
April 20 - 22: SAN JOSE, CA, Santa Clara
Valley Gem & Mineral Society, Santa Clara
County Fairgrounds, 334 Tully Road, Hours: Fri
9 – 5; Sat & Sun 10 – 5, Phone: (408) 265-1422,
April 20 - 22: INDIO, CA, Shadow Mountain Gem & Mineral
Society, Coachella Valley Wild Bird Center, 46500 Van Buren
Street, Hours: 9 - 5 daily, Contact: Darlene Bjork, (760) 3286916, Email:, Website:
April 21 - 22: THOUSAND OAKS, CA, Conejo Gem & Mineral
Club, Borchard Park Community Center, 190 Reino Road (at
Borchard Rd.), Hours: 10 - 5 daily, Contact: Robert Sankovich, (805) 494-7734, Email:
April 28 - 29: SANTA CRUZ, CA, Santa Cruz Mineral & Gem
Society, Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, 307 Church St (corner
Church & Center), Hours: 10 - 5 daily, Contact: Dean
Welder, (408) 353-2675 Email:
April 28 - 29: LANCASTER, CA, Antelope Gem & Mineral Society, Lancaster High School, 44701 - 32nd Street West, Hours:
9 - 5 daily, Contact: CJ Quitoriano, (661) 2099092, ,Contact: Rod Skillings, (661) 4005198,,
May 4 - 6: BISHOP, CA, Lone Pine Gem & Mineral Society, TriCounty Fairgrounds, Corner of Sierra Street & Fair Drive,
Hours: Fri. 6pm-9; Sat. 9:30-5; Sun. 9:30-3, Contact: Francee
Graham, (760) 876-4319, Email:
May 5 - 6: ANAHEIM, CA, Searchers Gem & Mineral Society,
Brookhurst Community Center, 2271 W. Crescent Avenue,
Hours: Sat. 10 - 5; Sun 10 - 4:30, Contact: Steve Duncan, (714)
724-7102, Email:,
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
May 12 -13: JACKSON, CA, Fossils For Fun Society, Kennedy
Gold Mine, 12954 Kennedy Mine Road (off Hwy 49), Hours:
9 - 5 daily, Contact: Debbie Bunn, (916) 929-6665, Email:, Website:
May 12 - 13: RENO, NV, Reno Gem & Mineral Society, Reno
Livestock Events Center, 1350 N. Wells Ave., Hours: Sat. 10 5; Sun. 10 - 4, Contact: John Peterson, (775) 849-1522,
May 19 - 20: YUCAIPA, CA, Yucaipa Valley Gem & Mineral
Society, Yucaipa Community Center, 34900 Oak Glen
Road, Hours: Sat. 9 - 5, Sun. 10 - 4, Contact: Lee Peterson,
(909) 794-0731, Email:,
June 16 - 17: GLENDORA, CA, Glendora Gems & Mineral
Society, Goddard Middle School, 859 East Sierra Madre,
Hours: Sat. 10 - 5; Sun. 10 - 4, Contact: Bonnie Bidwell, (626)
963-4638, Email:
June 9 - 10: LA HABRA, CA , North Orange County Gem &
Mineral Society, La Habra Community Center, 101 W. La
Habra Blvd., Hours: 10 - 5 daily, Contact: Loretta Ogden,
(909) 598-2456, (909) 217-5864 Cell, Email:
June 30 - July 1: CULVER CITY, CA, Culver City Rock & Mineral Club, Culver City Veterians Memorial Auditorium, 4117
Overland Avenue (Overland & Culver), Hours: Sat 10 - 6;
Sun 10 - 5, Contact: Robert Thirlaway, (310) 462-2269,
CONVENTION, Hosted by Valley Prospectors, Riverside Municipal Auditorium, 3485 Mission Inn Avenue, Hours: Fri & Sat
10 – 5; Sun 10 – 4, Contact: Steve Schubert, Show
Chair, (951) 943-0535, Email:
August 3 - 5: NIPOMO, CA, Orcutt Mineral Society, Nipomo
High School, 525 North Thompson Ave., Hours: 10 - 5 daily,
Contact: Wes Lingerfelt, (805) 929-3788, Website:
August 31 - September 3: FORT BRAGG, CA, Mendocino
Coast Gem & Mineral Society, Town Hall, Corner of Main &
Laurel Street, Hours: Fri-Sun 10 - 6; Mon 10 - 4, Jerry Sommer,
(707) 937-1833
September 8 - 9: DOWNEY, CA, Delvers Gem & Mineral
Society, Woman's Club of Downey, 9813 Paramount Blvd.,
Hours: 10 - 5 daily, Contact: Jon Fults, (714) 856-7548,
714) 287-5743 cell, Email:
September 15 - 16: PASO ROBLES, CA, Santa Lucia Rockhounds, Pioneer Park & Museum, 2010 Riverside Avenue,
Hours: 9 - 5 daily, Contact: Dale Conrad, (805) 226-0719,
September 15 - 16: REDWOOD CITY, CA, Sequoia Gem &
Mineral Society, Community Activities Building, 1400 Roosevelt Avenue, Hours: 10 - 5 daily, Contact: Mary Lou Froese,
(650) 755-8753, Email:, Website:
April, 2012
Day Picnic
June 9, 2012
All members and their guests
Lunch served at Noon
The Cabana Club, 100 Belwood Gateway, Los Gatos 95032
Lunch, Bingo, Raffle and Swimming if you’d like
Please Bring Lawn Chairs & Serving Utensils for the Potluck Dish You Bring to Share
To Attend the Event
Fill out the form below and mail it by May 28
To: SCVGMS Founder’s Day Picnic
6647 Catamaran St, San Jose, CA 95119
------------------------------------------------------SCVGMS Founder’s Day Picnic Sign Up Form
Number of Adults attending:
Number of Juniors attending:
Number of Chicken meals:
Number of Tri-tip meals:
Number of Hot Dogs-children:
Will you be swimming?
Dish you will bring to share?
Yes or No
Salad or Dessert (for 10-12 people)
Looking Forward to Seeing Everyone There ! ! !
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
April, 2012
Junior Activities
by Michele Yamanaka, Junior Activities Chairman,
MWF Newsletter, March 2007; via Badger Diggin’s, June 2007
Mineral Identification Clue #8A
Fluorescence II
1. UV lights have a purple glass filter to screen our visible light. The purple color is a little bit of visible
light that escapes. A piece of ordinary glass placed over the UV light will eliminate the shortwave light and allow only longwave to pass through.
2. There are many kinds of light. Our eyes cannot see a lot of it. All the kinds of light are called
“the electromagnetic spectrum.” Fluorescence is part of the UV spectrum, which includes the
rays from the sun which cause sunburn. This is between the long wave and the short wave. Here
is a diagram to show.
Sun rays reaching the earth
Sunburn rays
Rest of
kinds of
light ...
Visible light
UV Spectrum
3. The word “fluorescence” comes from the name of the mineral fluorite in which a visible blue
glow was seen because of the UV in sunlight. Sir George Stokes, in the early 1800s, saw this and
called if “fluorescence.” Even today, some fluorite has a color change when put in sunlight. This
is fluorescence bright enough to be seen in spite of the sun rays.
4. Fluorescence happens when UV light hits electrons in the atom, making them move. The electron gives off energy when moving, and we see it as visible light (fluorescence).
5. Phosphorescence happens when the electrons are slow about moving to new positions and
they keep on giving off energy.
6. Uses of Fluorescence
A. Marking money
B. Finding pet stains on carpet
C. To locate caner through x-rays
D. Fluorescent lights
E. TV screens
F. Postage stamps for sorting and checking forgeries
G. Dirt Detection
H. Dyes in detergents to make clothes look “brighter”
I. Advertising signs
J. Dusting for fingerprints
K. Finding uranium
L. Eye drops to help doctor check for
cataracts or injuries
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
April, 2012
It is Time to Renew
Your Membership
For those of you who wish to be ahead of the game, you may remit
your 2012-2013 dues now. Please use the form below when you pay
your dues. We hope that this form will help catch changes in your
address or email.
Dues are due by May 31, 2012. They are past due on June 1st, 2012.
Membership renewal form
Please provide the following information along with your dues payment.
Please “print clearly”
My address and email address is correct in the 2012 directory ____Yes ___No
Street Address or P.O. Box #_________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code:_______________________________________________________
Phone Number(s):(_______)________________
Email Address(es):_________________________________________________________
Type of membership: _____#Adult @ $20.00
______#Junior @ $5.00 (8-17)
Dues renewal fee
Total remitted
Checks must be made out to: SCVGMS
Please turn in or mail this form and your payment to:
SCVGMS Treasurer, C/O Frank Mullaney, 5705 Begonia Dr., San Jose, CA 95124
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
April, 2012
Show Sign Form for Friday, April 20th, 2012
9 AM - Noon
Noon – 2 PM.
2 PM - 5 PM
Marc Mullaney
Marc Mullaney
Marc Mullaney
RK Owen
Don Butler
Door Prizes
Door Prizes
Larry Moore
Larry Moore
Duane Elder
Duane Elder
George Yamashita
Lynn Toschi
Don Butler
Scholarship Booth
Bill Spence
Tony Macias
Scholarship Booth
Jane Yamashita
Mike Blakely
Scholarship Booth
Scholarship Booth
Kid Area
Rachel Kubinski
Kids Area
Antoni Kubinski
Kids Area
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
April 2012
Show Sign Form for Saturday, April 21st, 2012
10 AM - Noon
Noon – 2 PM.
2 PM - 5 PM
Marc Mullaney
Marc Mullaney
Marc Mullaney
Jian Zheng
RK Owen
Bill Simpson
Dean Welder
Georgiana Rudge
Gerry Moseley
Sieg Vogel
Nancy Welty
Rosmarie Vogel
Door Prizes
D’Evelyn Moran
D’Evelyn Moran
D’Evelyn Moran
Door Prizes
Robert Tyler
Robert Tyler
Robert Tyler
Larry Moore
Larry Moore
Georgiana Rudge
Louis Latronica
Don Butler
Lynn Toschi
Georgiana Rudge
Scholarship Booth
David Lowe
Scholarship Booth
Barbara Zimmerman Barbara Zimmerman Barbara Zimmerman
Scholarship Booth
Bob Phelps
Scholarship Booth
Jian Zheng
David Lowe
Bob Phelps
David Lowe
Bob Phelps
Isabella and Colin
Updyke Welch
Kid Area
Nancy Walty
Kids Area
Antoni Kubinski
Kids Area
Rachel Kubinski
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
Nancy Walty
April, 2012
Show Sign Form for Sunday, April 22nd, 2012
10 AM - Noon
Noon – 2 PM.
2 PM - 5 PM
Marc Mullaney
Marc Mullaney
Marc Mullaney
Jian Zheng
Joan Schramm
Joan Schramm
Joan Schramm
Jane Yamashita
Door Prizes
Karen Welder
Nancy Walty
Jesús Ruiz
Jesús Ruiz
Jian Zheng
Vito Cangemi
Vito Cangemi
George Yamashita
Gerry Moseley
Rosmarie Vogel
Sieg Vogel
Anne Ruiz
Anne Ruiz
Scholarship Booth
David Lowe
David Lowe
Scholarship Booth
Isabella and Colin
Door Prizes
David Lowe
Lisa LaRocca
Scholarship Booth
Nancy Walty
Scholarship Booth
Bob Phelps
Bob Phelps
Kid Area
Nancy Walty
Victor Gassmann
Bob Phelps
Kids Area
Kids Area
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
April, 2012
Rockhounds - Endangered Species
By Dick Pankey, President, ALAA
This past January, I ran into Bill Depue, the
president of Diamond Pacific Tool Corp at the
Desert Gardens show in Quartzsite. On this warm
sunny day, Bill was sitting at the entrance to the
Diamond Pacific Building polishing cabs on his Big
Foot machine and talking with whoever stopped
to watch. As I talked with Bill, our conversation
drifted to collecting in the desert around Barstow,
CA and BLM land use in general. Bill mused “that
he thinks that rockhounds are an endangered
species due to loss of habitat.” I saw his point and
I have to agree. With the expansion and proliferation of Wilderness areas, Wilderness Study areas,
and proposed and new National Monument, our
“habitat” (our collecting areas) have been dramatically reduced.
But unlike other endangered species, the
“endangered rockhound” can do something
about the loss of their habitat. The “rockhound”
can affect their future; they don’t have to wait for
others to recognize their plight and change their
future for them. Rockhound can participate in
the Land Use Planning and Travel Management
Planning Process. These planning processes are
how the BLM and Forest Service establish how our
public lands will be managed for protection of
resource and for recreation, travel, commercial
and other purposes.
An example of the process is taking place
right now with the La Posa TMP for the BLM land
around Quartzsite, AZ. In January the American
Lands Access Association brought the rockhounds, off highway users and others who recreating this area together to develop the plan.
Shirley Leeson wrote an article about the meeting
which explains the process in the March issue of
the AFMS Newsletter. Subsequent to our meeting
the BLM released the plan at an Open House in
early February. This meeting was attended by
over 500 rockhounds, off highway people, and
others who recreate in this area. The BLM was
overwhelmed and impressed by the attendance
and the interest in the plan. Now is the time for the
rockhounds to respond to the various proposals
and alternatives offered. Many of the members of
the Roadrunners Rock Club in Quartzsite attended
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
the open house to see first hand the maps with
proposed road changes and the details. They
were able to get maps and details online, or
copies of CD’s with the information. After reviewing the maps with the proposed changes they
are now submitting letters and emails with the
specific responses and recommendations to the
proposals. The important action now for the rockhounds is to become knowledgeable about the
details, send letters and emails to the BLM with
specific comments and recommendations about
the plan. The more rockhounds that participate,
the stronger our position and the more impact
we will have on the process. That is, the better
the chance to protect access, road use and collecting sites.
Responding to the proposed alternatives is
just one step in the process. After the responses
to the alternative are tallied the BLM will issue the
“Draft Plan” for final review and comment. We
need to scrutinize the draft plan and respond as
necessary; support or challenge. We can’t stop
until the final plan is issued.
If you don’t think your comments and participation is important or necessary, just remember that the well organized and well-funded preservationist and anti-access coalitions are submitting their ideas and recommendations also. Your
participation is important.
The habitat of the “endangered rockhound” is affected by legislation. Currently there
is a bill before Congress that can increase our
habitat: H.R. 1581 Wilderness Study Area and
Roadless Release Act of 2011. Congressman
Kevin McCarthy from Bakersfield, CA is the author /sponsor of this bill. This bill removes land
from Wilderness Study Area designation that has
been determined not to meet the criteria to be a
Wilderness and to return the land to “multiple
use” designation. The rockhounds can help increase their habitat and reopen collecting sites,
road access and land use by writing to the congressmen and senators asking them to support
H.R. 1581.
Unlike other “endangered species”, the
“endangered rockhound” can help shape the
future. What will be the future of our habitat?
How will you help shape our future?
April, 2012
West Nile Virus
by Mark Nelson, Emergency Medical
Technician, Pasadena Lapidary Society
via AFMS newsletter, March, 2012
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a concern
for rock collectors during field trips and
knowledge of the causes and prevention
can help us all enjoy our hobby more fully!
WNV is a mosquito-borne disease that was
originally found in Africa. In 1999, it was
detected in the eastern United States.
Since then the virus has spread throughout
the United States and is well established in
most states. WNV is spread by the bite of a
mosquito that becomes a carrier
(“vector”) when it feeds on infected birds
or squirrels. Infected mosquitoes can then
spread WNV to humans and other animals
when they bite.
California’s first case of human
infection for 2011 occurred in Santa
Barbara County in July. Infection with WNV
can produce serious, life threatening,
illness and should be taken seriously. While
most people (80%) who are infected with
WNV will not show any symptoms, the
other 20% will display symptoms. In its
mildest form, these symptoms can include
fever, headache, body ache, nausea,
vomiting, and sometimes swollen lymph
glands or a skin rash on the chest, stomach
and back. Symptoms generally last for just
a few days, although even previously
healthy people have been sick for several
Residents are cautioned to take
precautions now to avoid mosquito bites
and eliminate standing water sources to
break the mosquito life cycle. The CDC
and the California Department of Public
Health recommend the “4 D’s”:
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
•DEET - Apply insect repellent containing
DEET, picaradin, oil of lemon eucalyptus
or IR3535 (according to label instructions)
on exposed skin when you go outdoors.
Repellants keep the mosquitoes from
biting you. DEET can be used safely on
infants and children 2 months of age and
•DRESS - Wear clothing that reduces the
risk of skin exposure to mosquito bites.
Wear long-sleeves, long pants and socks
when outdoors. Mosquitoes may bite
through thin clothing, so spraying clothes
with repellent will give extra protection.
Don’t apply repellents containing
permethrin directly to skin. Do not spray
repellent on the skin under your clothing.
•DAWN AND DUSK - Mosquitoes bite in the
early morning and evening so it is important to wear repellent at this time. Make
sure that your doors and windows have
tight-fitting screens to keep out mosquitoes. Repair or replace screens with tears
or holes.
•DRAIN - Mosquitoes lay their eggs on
standing water. Eliminate all sources of
standing water on your property, including flower pots, old car tires, rain gutters
and pet bowls. If you have a pond, use
mosquito fish (available from your local
mosquito and vector control agency) or
commercially available products to eliminate mosquito larvae.
You can help track down the West
Nile Virus by reporting all dead birds and
squirrels, which often die as a result of the
WNV infection. To find the WNV reporting
agency for your state call the U.S. Center
for Disease Control, which was the source
of the information contained in this article,
at (800) CDC-INFO.
April, 2012
SCVGMS General Meeting - Mar 27, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:46pm at the Cabana Club.
Meeting was concluded at 9:15pm .
Minutes from the Feb 28, 2012 meeting were approved as printed in the Breccia.
General meeting notes were submitted by Secr. R.K. Owen.
Announcements: Members and guests were welcomed. Reminder of upcoming Board Meeting at Ruth Bailey’s home
hosted by David Marshall on Mar 29 at 7:30pm.
New Members: Nancy Walty, Raquel & Antoni Kubinski
Awards: Rockhound of the Month was awarded to David Lowe for his work on arranging programs for the monthly meetings. Mike Blakely received his award for a winning display in the 2011 show.
Field Trips (Dean Welder): reminder about the upcoming NBFT meeting and field trips. See Breccia and club calendar
for dates and contact Dean Welder by email for details.
Program for the evening: Silent Auction.
American Lands Access Association, Inc. receipt for ALAA dues ($50), stickers, and certification of membership for
SCVGMS until 12/31/2012.
 Diamond Dan Publications - moving sale, 20% off,
 Vendor contract.
 Dodge & Cox Funds, 2011 Annual Report
 Thank you letters sent to Christine Levine and the Bill Norton family for donations of rocks and minerals.
Sunshine: Frank & Julaine Mullaney’s 10 yr. old grandson, Cory, passed away. Randy Harris’ aunt passed away. Pat
Phelps’ mother passed away. Jean Sickler of the peninsula club passed away.
2012 Show (Frank Mullaney): See the calendar for set-up times. Members need to sign up for various show tasks.
Nomination and Election: To fill the empty Board of Directors position: Bill Simpson was nominated and elected to fill
the position for the remainder of the term.
Study Groups:
Cutaways and Carvers (likely new leader - Randy Harris): will probably start up after the show.
Stringers (Sundari Naidu): Meeting on the 4th Monday of the month (Apr 23).
Smithies (Pat Speece): At Pat Speece’s home on the second Monday and following Friday.
Faceters (Max Casey): First Saturday (Apr 7) at Max Casey’s home
Mineraleers (Chuck Boblenz): Next meeting May 9 at Larry & Winnie Moore’s home
DRC (George Yamashita): announced an upcoming DRC sale after the show on Apr 28.
Hospitality (Kathy Peverini): 50 Members and 11 Guests were in attendance.
Socials (Jaquelyn Calderon): Strawberry Shortcake Social before the next meeting at 6:30pm.
PLAC (Bill Spence): The Clear Creek BLM will likely open again in 90 days after review, and described an AFMS letter regarding the Wildlands Policy which was defunded by Congress.
SCVGMS Board Meeting - Mar 29, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:26pm at the home of Ruth Bailey, hosted by David Marshall . Meeting was concluded
at 8:41pm . Board meeting notes were submitted by Secr. R.K. Owen.
Roll Call:
The following board members were present: Pres. Randy Harris, VP Rick Kennedy, Secr. R.K. Owen, Treas. Frank
Mullaney, Editor June Harris, Fed.Dir. Chuck Boblenz, Alt.Fed.Dir. Ruth Bailey, Directors Sharon Updyke, David Lowe, David
Marshall, Bill Simpson, Victor Gassmann, Parl. Dean Welder
The following were absent: Hist. Michael Paone
Prior Board Minutes: Read and approved the minutes from the Mar 1, 2012 board meeting (Frank M. , Dean W.).
New Members: Stephany Walty (grandchild of Nancy Walty); Brian & Jill Borders, & daughter Annie; Erik Welch
(spouse of Sharon Updyke) & son Colin.
Correspondence: no new correspondence since general meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Frank Mullaney. M/S/P to pay the bills as presented (Ruth B, Chuck B). M/S/P to
pay upcoming bills (Ruth B, David M).
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
April, 2012
Committee Reports:
Juniors Group: (Sharon Updyke) - discussed the Junior Rockhound program, April field trip to annual show (Sat @
2:00pm - 5:00pm).
Show 2012: Next show meeting at Randy Harris’ on Apr 12 @ 7:30pm. Will print up 1500 paper programs for
show. There’s some concern regarding parking at & traffic on the fairgrounds. Frank M. will talk to fairground management
regarding concerns. Will start email blast advertising show. A proposed business card for next year was
viewed. Upcoming general meeting programs will appear in show program.
Field Trips: Motion to authorise the Field Trip chairman to spend $100 for a BLM permit for an upcoming field trip (see
Jan 16 board meeting), (June H, Frank M, P). Rick Kennedy discussed the Hallelujah Junction Fee Dig (see May 4 calendar item), 7 are confirmed, 3 more are likely, and the dig operators need a total of 15, which is likely to be filled.
Bus Trip: (See Jan 26 board meeting notes) The bus coordinator has recommended the trip be cancelled due to lack of
interest (only 5 of the 40 spots were filled). Motion to cancel the bus trip (Frank M., Bill P, passed with 1 objection).
Old Business:
1. Upcoming general meeting programs: April - Stan Bogosian, Arizona mineral collection; May - Rick Kennedy, California
Blue Mine 2.0; June - DVD; July - David Lowe, New Mexico minerals & collecting.
2.3Founder’s Day Picnic (June 9): reservation forms will be placed in the Apr & May Breccia.
3. County Fair Booth (see Mar 1 board meeting, new business #4): The county fair has agreed to provide a complimentary
booth. Still contingent on other issues.
New Business: none
SCVGMS Treasurer’s report
March 29, 2012
Beginning Balance:
Initiation fee
Kids Area
Dealer fees
Silent auction
Total Receipts
$ 14.00
$ 210.00
$ 467.00
$ 5492.21
February social
Treasurer’s expense
Posters for show
Cabana club rental
Fire Marshall for fairgrounds
Kids Area fliers
Posters for show
Kids Area postage
Show badges
Dealer postage
March Refreshments
Total disbursements
Ending balance
Santa Clara Valley Gem and Mineral Society
San Jose, CA
$ 50.00
$ 79.92
$ 7.61
$ 36.06
$ 17.36
$ 24.19
$ 25.65
$ 32.39
$ 6.30
$ 52.08
April, 2012