Pasadena Buddhist Temple Hikari


Pasadena Buddhist Temple Hikari
Pasadena Buddhist Temple Hikari
July & August 2016
1993 Glen Avenue • Pasadena, CA 91103 • 626-798-4781
Shotsuki Service (Monthly Memorial Service) is held for those who passed away during a particular month. Family members and
friends offer incense in honor of their loved one. This service provides the opportunity to acknowledge the influence this person made
on your own life. Names of the deceased are read at this service. If you would like your loved one to be added to a monthly list, please
contact Reverend Gibbs.
August Shotsuki Service - August 7th
AKITA, Sawako
ARAI, Fumio
FUJII, Ruth Reiko
FUJITAKI, Tom Takashi
GOTO, Chiyoso
HAMADA, Hiroshi
ITO, Haru
KAMOTO, Hohichi
KAWAHARA, Kumataro
KONISHI, Kanichi
KORO, Hakomi
KORO, Kotaro
NAKANO, Hansuke
NAKANO, Miyako
OGAWA, Kameichi
OGAWA, Kansaburo
OGAWA, Michiyo
OGURA, Kazuko
OKADA, Ryoko
OTANI, Atsushi
OTANI, Junichi
OTANI, Shizuye
OYAMA, Kansaburo
SHIMODA, Kunisuke
SHINMOTO, Miyokichi
SHUBO, Itsuyo
SOGI, Otomatsu
SUNADA, Kazuaki
TERAZAWA, Masaichi
UMETA, Suyeno
YAHADA, Fusakichi
YAMANE, Kamekichi
YONEDA, Hitoshi
YONEDA, Keiichi
September Shotsuki Service - September 4th
ARITA, Ratsu
GOTO, Choichi
GOTO, Kyoichi
HIROSE, Shigeru
INOUYE, Kaoru Mr.
ITO, Frank
KAWAMOTO, Kunitaro
KOBUKE, Yutaka
KUBO, Kiyomasa
MASUMOTO, Hachitaro
MENTZ, Geraldine
MITO, Shika
NAITO, Imakichi
OGURA, Tomie
OKIDA, Mariko
OKUNO, Matsu
ONISHI, Yoshisuke
OTAKE, Takeo
OYAMA, Majyu
Temple Contact Info:
Phone number: 626-798-4781
FAX: 626-345-9095
Pasadena Buddhist Temple • HIKARI • July-August, 2016
OYAMA, Mitomu
SOGA, Noriko
SOGI, Atsuye
SUGIMOTO, Hatsujiro
TAKAYAMA, Otomatsu
WAKASA, Kiyozo
YAMADA, Tokutaro
Altar Flower and
Osonae Fund
If you would like to make a contribution to this
fund, please send a check made out to Pasadena
Buddhist Temple and write Flowers on the memo line. We will
acknowledge your donation in the monthly Hikari.
We are hoping that our Sangha would like to contribute to this
fund which will be maintained by Mrs. Gibbs.
Many thanks to: Alan Hatakeyama.......$100
page 1
In the Midst of Summer
Rev. Jundo Gregory Gibbs
My family and I are spending our second summer with you
here in Pasadena. We will take some vacation time in August.
We will get to the beach on my days off. All four of us plan on
doing a lot of reading before Fall arrives. But we will also appreciate our time with you all here at the Pasadena Buddhist
July will bring the Pasadena Buddhist Temple’s Obon and
Hatsubon service, July 17th, 10 am, and our Obon festival, July
23rd and 24th, starting at about 4 pm and running until 9 pm,
perhaps finishing at 8:30 pm on Sunday the 24th. For those
who would like to join in the Obon dancing on the 23rd and
24th, may I suggest attending one or more of the Obon dance
practices. These will be held in our parking lot at 7 pm on
Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning June 30th and running
through July 21st. Everyone is welcome to join in the Obon
dancing at our festival and no one minds if you are not expert.
Still, I find I am more comfortable when I have budgeted time
to attend the free Obon dance practices leading up to the Obon
In August we will wind down a bit, albeit, we will have a
service on Sunday, August 7th. We will be back, running at full
force, in September. So,… even the temple minister and lay
leaders will be taking it easy in mid to late August. But that
doesn’t mean that we will not be saying the nembutsu and
entrusting to the Primal Vow, Amida Buddha’s Vow of Universal Liberation.
Jodo Shinshu is a portable form of Buddhist spirituality. The
temple and the wonderful community that supports it, our
Sangha, is a great resource. Yet there will be times, perhaps on
a quiet Fall day, perhaps in the midst of summer, times when
we just say the nembutsu in forms like “Namo Amida Butsu”
and truly feel accepted and loved.
I will look forward to seeing many of you at the Obon
service and the Obon festival. I hope that when we are not
together you will, on occasion, stop to say or reflect silently
on the nembutsu. This is a simple practice with deep implications. I hope that we each may find ourselves saying the
nembutsu and feeling confident about the future. I hope we
will do this often throughout the year. I hope we will do this in
the midst of summer.
Girl Scout Gold Award
Presidents’ Message
As you read this article, preparations for our upcoming Obon festival and services are already being completed.
Thanks to everyone who took time off from their busy schedules to help clean our temple on June 4th. We had a wonderful
pot-luck lunch and everyone had a chance to spend time with
others in our sangha.
Our main fundraiser for the year is Obon and one way
you can help raise funds is by selling your raffle tickets. Each
family has been sent one booklet, but we hope and encourage
you to sell more if possible. Just let a board member or Sensei
know you want more tickets and we will gladly get some for
Another way you can help us at Obon is by donating a
raffle prize or an item for our Silent Auction. More information on the Silent Auction can be found in this edition.
The best way you can help us is to volunteer time to help
out before and during Obon. We have many tasks that need
to be handled and we can always use your help. Please do not
wait to be asked...we can use everyone during this busy time.
We will have sign-up sheets and you can call and leave a message on the temple phone and we will get back to you.
We also hope that you will be able to attend the Obon/Hatsubon service on July 17th. Reverend Okada will be our guest
speaker in Japanese that day. There will be no temple service
July 24th.
As a reminder, we are accepting monetary donations to
help purchase the flowers for our services. If you would like
to provide flowers for our service and also for our Obon canopies and tarps. Write what your donation is for in the memo
line on your check so we can acknowledge your donation in
the Hikari.
Rev Gibbs has been scheduling classes and if you have
a suggestion on a topic you would be interested in, please
let him know. He has been trying very hard to provide our
sangha with topics and activities that we want.
At the Southern District BCA/BWA conference we listened
to “New” Buddhists tell their personal story about their path
to Shin Buddhism. Many responded that it was the friendliness and acceptance from the sangha that made them feel
welcome. Others said that that it was the smiling faces of
sangha members having a good time, even when working
hard and long hours.
Gassho, Jeannie Toshima
I would need donations to pay for all of the supplies.
My goal is to raise $1,000 to cover the costs. I will also
need volunteers to help me clean and set up. If you are
interested in helping out in any way, please reach out to
me as soon as possible. If you would like to volunteer to
help or make a donation, please email me at lanimas@
Dear Pasadena Buddhist Temple Members,
Hello, my name is Lani Masumoto and I am
currently working on my Girl Scout Gold Award
Project at the Buddhist Temple. My project
involves educating the youth in our community
by designing and remodeling a room for the
Dharma School to meet in. I will be also adding a Library with
a system so that the kids can check out the books that they are
interested in. Anyone who is interested in using the resources
would have the chance to. In order to complete the project,
Pasadena Buddhist Temple • HIKARI • July-August, 2016
I will be planning the set up days once I get enough funds to
buy the supplies.
I thank you so much for your consideration.
In Gassho, Lani Masumoto
page 2
Obon and Hatsubon
At the Pasadena Buddhist temple, as at most of the 65 Jodo
Shinshu temples in the US, our Hatsubon and Obon services are
combined. Obon is the oldest continuous service in Buddhist
tradition and started about 2,500 years ago in India.
Obon is a memorial service in which we remember and honor all of our deceased loved ones. Hatsubon is the first Obon
service since passing away. Some of the very large temples
have to separate Obon and Hatsubon because there are so
many people to be honored the service would be terribly long,
if combined. Fortunately we do not have that problem.
Please come to our combined Obon and Hatsubon service,
10 am on Sunday July 17th. It won’t be terribly long, but it will
be a reverent and meaningful event. Please plan on attending.
Silent Auction and Raffle
The Silent Auction is a major fund raiser at Obon...We are
now excepting donations for the Silent Auction. We would
greatly appreciate items such as antiques,
Japanese items, gift baskets, toys,gift cards, etc.
Please contact Corky at
Deadline by July 18th.
Please sell your Raffle Tickets to friends and
relatives. This is a major fundraiser for our temple.
We are also accepting raffle prizes, so if you have
contacts or items to donate, please contact Shelley Shinmoto
Obon Help Needed
Obon is not just a two-day event...we will need help prior
to and after this very important weekend. Please check
your calendar to see if you might be able to help us.
We can use people to help with set-up, food preparation,
sales (food, tickets, etc), checking the restrooms, helping
in the parking lot, distributing refreshments to the dancers,
and many other tasks....we can really use your help!
July 16 @ 8:30 am..............Booth Construction
July 19 & 21 @ 9:00 am .....Help secure booths
July 21 @ 6:30 pm...............Set-up electicity and booths
July 22 @ 9:00 am...............Help with food ingredients
July 22 @ 6:00 pm...............Prepare chow mein ingredients
July 23 @ 9:00 am...............Help with food prep and sushi
July 23 from noon-9:00......Help in a booth or sales
July 24 @ 10:00 am.............Help with food prep and sushi
July 24 from noon-9:00......Help in a booth or sales
July 25 @ 6:00 pm�������������Clean-up and take-down
If you can help...please contact Gerry Ito or Dona Mitoma. We
will also have a sign-up sheet with jobs that need to be covered.
Pasadena Buddhist Temple • HIKARI • July-August, 2016
Temple Calendar
26����� Family Service
Cemetary Obon Visitation will be made by Rev Gibbs. Call
to make arrangements.(Rose Hills, Evergreen & Mt. View)
3������� Monthly Memorial Service (Shotsuki Hoyo)
5������� Obon Dance practice from 7:00 - 8:00 PM
7������� Obon Dance Practice
10����� Family Service
12����� Obon Dance Practice
14����� Obon Dance Practice
16����� Booth Construction @ 8:30 am
17����� Obon & Hatsubon Service @ 10 am
19����� Obon Dance Practice
��������� Dine Out Fundraiser at Marie Callendar’s
21����� Obon set-up @ 6:30 pm
��������� Last Obon Dance practice
22����� Obon Set-up and Food Prep @ 6:30 pm
23����� Obon Festival
24����� NO SERVICE
24����� Obon Festival
25����� Obon clean-up
31����� Family Service
7������� Monthly Memorial Service (Shotsuki Hoyo)
16����� Dine Out Fundraiser at The Habit Burger
There will be NO temple services during the month of August.
We hope to see you on September 4th.
Obon Dance Practice
Will be held on Tuesdays and Thursday
evenings from 7:00 - 8:00 PM in the temple
parking lot beginning on June 28th until July
21st. Sandy Watson and Julie Toyama will be
here to teach us all the dances to help celebrate
Obon and “life”.
Obon dancing is not about “looking good” it’s
all about having a good time and dancing with
joy ... all ages are welcome! It’s great exercise
and lots of fun!
These dances will be performed at all the
Southern District you can dance all summer long!
Southern District Obon Calendar
(Odori Start Time)
2...............Senshin (7:00)
9...............La Betsuin (7:00) & Oxnard (6:00)
10.............LA Betsuin (6:30)
16.............OCBC (7:00), Venice (6:30) & Santa Barbara (4:00)
17.............OCBC (7:00), Venice (6:30)
23 & 24....Pasadena (6:30) & Vista (6:30)
30 & 31....Higashi (5:30) & West LA (6:30)
6............... Las Vegas (12:45) & San Diego (6:30)
13.............Gardena (6:00)
14.............Gardena (6:00)
page 3
Donations Received April and May
The following donations received in the month of April are
gratefully acknowledged.
The following donations received in the month of May are
gratefully acknowledged.
SHOTSKI HOYO - April 3, 2016
SHOTSUKI HOYO - May 1, 2016
$25..... Jun Yamasaki for Satoko Yamasaki
$25..... Monica & Paul Hiroto for Marlene Nishimoto-Horowitz
$25..... Mitchell Nishimoto for Marlene Nishimoto
$25..... Kim Sakata for Marlene Nishimoto
$25..... Lillian Fukutani for Toshiko Uyetanaka
$25..... Manabu Nishimoto for Marlene Nishimoto
$30..... Minoru Okida for Mother
$50..... Reiko Shishido in memory of Fumiyo Omori
$50..... Al Nakata for Yukiko Nakanishi
$50..... Yukiko Kataoka for Fumiyo Omori
$50..... Rumiko Shiroma for Fumiyo Omori
$100... Midori Okamoto for Chiyeko Sunairi
$200... Shinobu Kiriyama for Aki Kiriyama & Tadashi Tsukimoto
$100�����Shinobu Kiriyama in memory of Taketoshi Kiriyama
$100�����Irene Tanihara in memory of Yoshie Sano
$50�������Linda Ito in memory of Genkichi Miyagashima
$30�������Naomi Yonesawa in memory of “Uncle Johnny” Narumi
$30�������Carol Oyama in memory of Hirose Nakashimo
$25�������Alice Kikkawa HANAMATSURI - April 10, 2016
$5�����Tony Stonehill
$20 ��Lynne Masumoto, Catherine Mikuni, Judy Mitoma, Albert
$25 ��Helen Hamaguchi, Alan Hatakeyama, Glen Hatakeyama,
Alice Kikkawa, Shinobu Kiriyama, Melissa Meza, Dona
Mitoma, Clifford Nakatani, Shelley Shinmoto, Janice Shue,
Jane Yamanaka, Naomi Yonesawa
$30 ��Sachiyo Hamada, June Hayashi, Masae Matsuba, Manabu
Nishimoto, Minoru Okida, Carol Oyama, Mitsue Oyama,
Kim Sakata, Tomomi Yamasaki
$35 ��Misako Morihiro, Akiko Tsukida
$40 ��Mitsunori Nishikawa
$50 ��Midori Ikenaga, Gerald Ito, Yukiko Kataoka, Albert Nakata,
David Nishimura, Michiko Oba, Yukie Okazaki, Lynne
Ozawa, Yaeko Sakahara, Rumiko Shiroma, Roy Sunada,
Frances Tamanaha, Jean Toshima
$60 ��Yoshiko Takahashi
$75��� Sachiko Watari
$100�Nina Akiyama, Edward Fujimoto , Maye Fukumoto, Mary
Hatate, Irene Takemori
$50……. Mitsunori Nishikawa
Las Vegas Obon Bus Trip
August 5-7
The Las Vegas Obon is on August 6th. We have chartered a bus
that will leave the Temple at 9:00AM on Friday and leave Las
Vegas on Sunday at 11:00 am (Bus will also stop at the East San
Gabrield Japanese Cultural Center.) The 2-night hotel stay will be
at the California Hotel in Downtown Las Vegas (Meals are also
included if using the hotel package).
• Bus + Hotel + Meals (Single Occupancy) $220/person
• Bus + Hotel + Meals (Double Occupancy) $200/person
• Bus ONLY: $90/person (You get your own room reservation)
Contact Jeannie Toshima (562-305-6018) for more information or
to sign-up. Sign up before June 30th
Pasadena Buddhist Temple • HIKARI • July-August, 2016
GOTANYE - May 22, 2016
$20�������Lynne Masumoto
$25�������Glen & Reiko Hatakeyama, Clifford Nakatani, Yaeko
Sakahara, Gerry Ito, Janice Shue, Alice Kikkawa
$30�������Sachiko Tsukida, Sachiyo Hamada, Tomomi Yamasaki,
Minoru Okida
$35�������Manabu Nishimoto
$40�������Mitsunori Nishikawa, Jean Toshima, Kathy Kumagai
$50�������Alan Goto, Roy Sunada, Lynne Ozawa, Yukie Okazaki,
George Yamane, Heather Owen
$100�����Maye Fukumoto, Irene Takemori, Mary Hatate
$4���������Hiroko Kunitake - Chicken Teriyaki
$16�������Yoji Arai - Chicken Teriyaki
$30�������Yoshiko Takahashi
$50�������Shelley Shinmoto for Kendall Shinmoto Raffle
$51�������George Sugimoto - Chicken Teriyaki
$400�����Chien Yu Lin for wedding at temple
$500�����Miss PJCI Committee for facility use
$1,000��Nathan Sugimoto in memory of Ruri Sugimoto
Donate Your Car
“Cars for the PBT Cause”
It’s so easy and convenient to donate that old car
you need to get rid of. Just let us know and all the
arrangements will be made for you. You’ll get the
tax write-off, feel great about donating to the Temple,
and make room in your driveway for something
new! Let’s spread the word and help rid the world
of clunkers. Contact Scott Shinmoto if you have questions. or call 310-991-0585.
Thanks to Evelyn Lew and Gloria Yamashita
for donating their cars to our cause!
If you are an Amazon shopper,
please selct the Pasadena Buddhist Church as your charity
to support. A portion of your
purchase price will be donated to our temple. It does not cost you
anything extra, Amazon has initiated this as a way to give back to
eligible charities.
Shop at and select us as your charity
and everytime you log in to shop, it will remember this preference.
page 4
Youth News
Buddhist Women’s
Association News
We have just concluded a busy month of activities - thank you
to all for helping at the Teriyaki Chicken Dinner; Temple Cleanup and Omigaki; bag stuffing and breakfast service for the Keiro
Genki Workshop; the Kimono nd Yukata Trunk Sale. We also
want to thank those of you who have been participating in the
twice-a-month Dine-Out Fundraising events for the BWA. We really need to try to get a higher partcipation at these events - some
of the past events have not produced the minum purchase levels
to earn a portion of sales from our our group; revenue from these
events are down from last year by about 50%. Please mark your
calendars for the upcoming events listed below; we will have online sign-ups for Obon soon. Lastly, our BWA has been one of the
few charitalbe organizatins selected to participate in the Shopping
Extravaganza at the Citadel Outlet Shopp[ing Center on October
1st. We need your help to sell/buy a minimum of 125 tickets - this
is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the BWA and we need
everyone’s help!!
17�� Obon Service otoki and refreshments
19�� Dine-Out Fundraiser at Marie Callendar’s
������ Prepare tsukemono for Obon
22�� Obon preparations: Pick up donated vegetables and tofu;
prepare sushi and chirashi ingredients; assemble ingredients
for tofu salad; measure ingredients for mochigashi
23�� Obon Festival; Make mochigashi; make inarizushi and makizushi; cut teriyaki chicken; set-up Temple Silent Auction; sell
tamales, chashu bao, tofu salad, tsukemono
24�� Obon festival: same as July 23rd, clean-up
16�� Dine-out fundraiser at The Habit Burger, La Cañada
18�� Fall Ohigan Service otoki
1���� Shopping Extravaganza at the Citadel fundraiser
22�� Temple Fall Dinner
TV’s and Monitors
Computers and Laptops
Scanners and Printers
Fax and Copy Machines
Networking Equipment
Computer Parts and Cables •
And remember, during the month of August there will be no
scheduled class days.
Happy Summer to everyone!
Douglas Ideno is the recipient
of the 2016 BCA Certificate
of Congratulations Award for
Graduating Seniors. Douglas
recently graduated from Rosemead
High School and had been the
Pasadena Jr YBA President in 20142015.
He recently built the flower garden
here at the Pasadena Temple for his
Eagle Scout Award.We are grateful
for his service to the temple and
wish him the best in his future endeavors!
Jr YBA News
If you know of someone in the 9th-12th grade that is
interested in hanging out with some really cool, interesting, friendly, and intelligent young people their age, invite
them to come to our JrYBA meetings on the first and third
Sundays of the month. Following service, they’ll get to
have a meaningful and current discussion with Reverend
Unno, and the post discussion snacks are worth getting
up early for on a Sunday morning! Contact mmeza317@ for more information. Kizuna is hosting its Nikkei Discovery Camp in the Pasadena
area in the 2016 summer! The Nikkei Discovery
Camp is a local summer camp for kids ages
7-13 (entering 2nd grade to entering 8th grade),
centered on building a foundation of Japanese
American culture and heritage. Camp will be held at the Pasadena Japanese
Cultural Institute from August 1-5, 2016. The camp is run daily from
9am to 5pm. Pricing begins at $215 per child. Please visit www. or contact Paul Matsushima at paul@kizuna-la.
org or (213) 973-4465 for more information.
The collection bins are located in the
parking lot behind gym.
Also, don’t forget the Manzanar Camping Trip scheduled
for August 20 - 21.
Nikkei Discovery Camp
Free Electronic Recycling
What can you recycle?
July is soon approaching and it is Obon season. The Pasadena Buddhist Temple Obon is July 23-24. We will have a
Bottle Ring Toss game booth and the Junior YBA will have
the Food/Drink booth as usual. We will also need help with
Bingo. I am hoping everyone can help out during the festival.
Microwave Ovens
VCR and DVD Players
Stereo Equipment
Telephone Systems
Cell Phones
Digital Cameras
Other Electronic Devices
Pasadena Buddhist Temple • HIKARI • July-August, 2016
Monthly Opportunity Raffle
May - McKenzie Nakata
June - Sara Portugas
page 5
July Classes at the Pasadena Temple
Reverend Gibbs is providing the following classes to the members of the
Sangha and public. They are free with suggested per class donations of
$5 for non-members.
Tai Chi Classes
Tai Chi as Exercise Class
​ ev Gibbs will conduct 30-minute class with limbering
and Tai Chi exercises, no experience necessary, no
special clothing needed. Classes meet Tuesdays 1:00
pm (note exceptions) and Thursdays at 1 pm.
Buddhist Study Classes
Rev. Gibbs will lead classes on Topics in Buddhism, open to all, no prior
knowledge of Buddhism is necessary. Each class will consist of a short
directed reading that will then be discussed by Rev. Gibbs and the class.
Class length is 1 hour.​
Forms of Meditation
Rev. Gibbs will instruct and lead participants through several different
forms of meditation: mindfulness of breath, visualization, Attentiveness,
Walking Meditation as Ki Cultivation. Forms will vary depending
on participants interest. Classes meet on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm and
Thursdays at 9:30 am.
Please check calendar as funerals, hospital visitations and such can preempt scheduled classes
Pasadena Buddhist Temple • HIKARI • July-August, 2016
Legacy Giving Tree
The Giving Tree has been installed in
the classroom that faces the garden. The tree
will be quite large, approximately 8 ft. tall
and will have bronze ginko leaves inscribed
with our donor’s names.
The Legacy Fund was established as a
way to build our operating revenue through
donations from our members. We know you
already give so much to the Temple, not just
your monetary donations and support of our
fundraisers, but your time and hard work. As we look beyond the
next few years, it’s important to plan for future needs and build a
firm foundation so that the Temple exists for generations to come.
We would like to ask that you consider joining many other
thoughtful and generous members by making a gift to the Pasadena Buddhist Temple Legacy Fund.
You may do this in a number of ways. First, a simple cash donation that can be deposited into the Legacy Fund for general operations, or if you prefer, can be designated for a specific purpose or
need as you see fit. This can be done at once or pledged in payments spread over time. Second, a bequest such as property, cash,
insurance, or securities will help ensure that the Pasadena Buddhist
Temple sustains itself as a center of Jodo Shinshu teachings and a
rich and vital source of Japanese culture. Third, you can establish a
Charitable Annuity Trust, which is also a tax-planning vehicle that
can be of benefit to some.
page 6
Pasadena Buddhist Temple
Obon festival
July 23 & 24, 2016
4:00 - 9:00 pm
Obon Dancing: 6:30 pm
L.A. Matsuri Taiko at 6:00 pm
4:00 - 8:30
Obon Dancing: 6:30 pm
West L.A. Buddhist Temple Taiko at 6:00
*check website for updated schedule
• Food • Games • Martial Arts Demonstrations •
• Craft and Gift Vendors • Silent Auction •
• Buddhist Churches of America Historical Exhibits
1993 Glen Avenue • Pasadena 91103 • 626-798-4781
Obon Demonstration Schedule
Saturday, July 23rd
Sunday, July 24th
4:00...QiGong Talk and Discussion 5:00..... Kyudo
5:00....Pasadena Shotokan Karate 5:30..... Pasadena Naginata
5:30....Pasadena Kendo
Ikebana Display
The Buddhist Churches in WWII Internment Camps
Heritage Source
Great source for all books and publications dealing with Asian Culture
Will have schedule of authors who will autograph their books during Obon
Mariko III
Beautifully sewn purses, bags and accessories
Pat on the Back
Handmade items from our favorite crafter from Arizona
kisanoreen jewelry
Beautiful handmade jewelry including children and adult Onenju
Ahiozawa Pottery
Handmade clay items by local artist. New to our Obon this year!
Silent Auction in Sakai Hall
Obon Raffle
Many antiques, new items and other
wonderful items will be available
1st prize ............................... $1000
Come early to look at all the items that
will be auctioned off!
3rd prize................................. $250
Payment can be made by credit card or checks.
2nd prize................................ $500
Winners need not be present for these grand prizes
Many other prizes will be awarded. Some
items will be given away during the day, so
turn in your raffle tickets early!