pdf 1 MB - Aldavilla Primary School


pdf 1 MB - Aldavilla Primary School
A Proud Member of the Macleay Educational Community of Schools
Delivering Excellence, Opportunity, Innovation, Success
Find us at: Sherwood Road Aldavilla NSW 2440 PH: 6563 1141
Email: aldavilla-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Term 3 Week 2
26th July 2016
Each year the school collects information about families enrolling their children
in Kindergarten in the following year. We also attract Out of Zone enrolment
enquiries and process that information in a meeting during early Term 3. If you
are intending to enroll your child at Aldavilla PS in 2017 or beyond, please call
into the office and provide that information. For all of our planning it is
urgent that we get this information about Kindergarten enrolments as
early and as accurately as possible.
July 26
Premiers Debate
Wheelchair Roadshow
July 28
Year 1 Healthy Breakfast
July 29
HB9 Assembly 12.15pm
Macleay PSSA Athletics
In Week 10, Teliyah K, Alex R, Jack V, Maya W and Teesha S participated in the
August 1
Kempsey Eisteddfod’s under 14 years Public Speaking Competition. Students
MECS Music Festival
presented a prepared speech and were also required to give an impromptu speech.
The topic for the impromptu speech is given to children at the Eisteddfod and they
August 4
have just 5 minutes to prepare their speech. What a challenge!
Year 2 Sleepover
All students received positive feedback from the adjudicator who was very
impressed by their skills and confidence. At the conclusion of the Eisteddfod, the
adjudicator nominated Maya for a special encouragement award which included a
$100 prize.
August 8 – 12
Stage 3 Lake Ainsworth Camp
August 12
Then on Thursday 30 June, Teesha, Maya and Teliyah travelled to Port Macquarie HB 9 Assembly
for the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition. Again students are
required to present a prepared and an impromptu speech, with each speech worth
50% of their final score. Teliyah received an encouragement award in the Years 3/4 During Term 3 classes will
participate in Child Protection
section, while Teesha was awarded 1 place in the Years 5/6 section. Teesha will
lessons as part of their PDHPE
now proceed to the Regional Final to be held in Tamworth on the 1 September.
Congratulations to the public speaking group who worked so hard, responded so
well to feedback and represented Aldavilla School so successfully. Mrs Foulkes
The Kempsey Eisteddfod results were:
Teliyah K – Prepared 3rd Place, Impromptu Highly Commended.
Alex R – Prepared Highly Commended, Impromptu 3 Place.
Jack V - Prepared 1 Place, Impromptu Highly Commended.
Maya W - Prepared Highly Commended, Impromptu 1 Place and
Winner of under 14yrs Encouragement Award.
Teesha S - Prepared 2 Place, Impromptu 2 Place.
Teliyah K – Prepared 3
Term 3 Week 2
26th July 2016
Book Week will be in Week 6 and the Book Character Parade will be on Thursday 25 August.
Students will need to dress as a book character and bring a copy of the book with them. A further reminder and
time will be in the next newsletter.
This term, our school, like many other public schools in the state, will participate in a Department of Education
initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. The survey aims to help improve student learning outcomes
and measure factors that are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes.
The focus of the NSW-wide survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and
effective teaching practices.
Students from Years 4, 5 and 6 also participated in a Tell Them From Me student survey in Term 1 this year
Asking students to complete the survey twice in one year allows us to identify trends in student responses as well as
track engagement and motivation across the school year.
More information about the survey is available at: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au/information-for-parents
The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide us with valuable and quick feedback on what they
think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them.
Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help improve
how they do things at school.
I want to assure you that the survey is confidential. The survey is conducted online and will typically take less
than 30 minutes to complete. It will be administered during school hours between 22 August and 21 October.
Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary.
A consent form and FAQs for parents/carers about the survey is being sent home with students. If you do not want
your child or children to participate, please return the form to school by Friday 5 August 2016. Copies of the form and
FAQs are available from the website above.
Our Kubota B6200 Mini Diesel tractor is for sale by
Expression of Interest (EOI). It is currently at Macleay
Valley Mowers and the mowing deck needs repair. It
is sold as is with no warranty.
Your expression of interest needs to be above the
reserve price of $3500. Please submit your EOI in a
sealed envelope “APS Kubota Mower” to the school
office by Thursday 28 July 3pm.
The successful EOI will be required to pay for the
mower at Aldavilla PS office (EFTPOS is available)
and collect it from Macleay Valley Mowers by COB
Friday 29 July.
Inspections are only available at Macleay Valley
Mowers between 830-930 am on Tuesday 26 July
and Wednesday 27 July.
Enquiries please contact Mrs Michelle Summerhill at Aldavilla PS
phone 65631141.
26th July 2016
Term 3 Week 2
Our school Learning & Support team regularly monitors student attendance to ensure that students are attending school
daily. Our attendance rates for Term 2 put us over the state average in most year groups and it looks like we will
improve our overall attendance for the year.
School year
Overall Attendance
Attendance every day is critical for students to maximize their learning. Keep up the effort in getting your children to
school every day!
Parenting Ideas by Michael Grose
Getting Kids to School On Time
“Come on Jack! Get a move on. School starts in ten minutes and you’re not even dressed yet!”
If this scenario sounds familiar then you are not alone. Anecdotal evidence suggests that getting children to school or
pre-school on time can be one of the most difficult tasks for parents.
Missing a few minutes each day may not seem like a big deal but your child may be missing more than you realise if
he or she is continually late.
Current research shows that mornings for most children are the most productive time of the day with 10.00am the peak
period for productivity. When children arrive late and take time to settle as they inevitably do, precious minutes are lost.
A child who is fifteen minutes late to school each day misses one week of school every year. How can you get your
dawdling kids out the door without yelling yourself hoarse? Here are a few techniques and ideas for you to try to get
your punctually-challenged children to school on time:
✔ Establish a morning routine. Make sure your children know what is expected of them in the morning, and also what
you will do. Resist nagging but be willing to take them to school even if they haven’t fully prepared for the day.
✔ Identify and remove distractions such as television. If the children are regular watchers before school change the
routine and keep the TV off. It should only be turned on when children are completely ready for school.
✔ Teach some of the basics of time management. The average adult underestimates by about 25 per cent the time it
takes to do various jobs. Make sure you have realistic time estimates and stop packing so much into the time you
allocate. Encourage older children to estimate how long it takes to do activities such as getting ready in the morning .
Then they can measure the time taken to do these tasks and compare their estimates with real time.
✔ Model a good routine. It’s pointless expecting children to be organised in the morning if you are in a muddle
yourself. Set a good example by being as methodical as possible and avoid sleeping in unless your children are so
organised that they get you breakfast in bed. And pigs might fly as well!
Term 3 Week 2
26th July 2016
Term 3 Week 2
26th July 2016
We value your opinions and need your feedback to help with future planning. Only 17 Parents from across the school
have participated in the current Parent and Carer Survey. Links can be found on our school website and app. Paper
copies of the survey are also available in the foyer of the front office. Place completed surveys in envelopes provided
and have your child return the envelope to the front office. To ensure anonymity, no names or records of returned
surveys will be kept. Please take this opportunity to have your say.
Occasionally I will send a message asking you to open and refresh the app calendar to keep everything up to date.
The reward items for Term 3 are (available while stocks last):
•Jump and Skip Rope
•Backtrack Eraser Pen
Thank you for supporting the School Banking program and don’t forget that Wednesday is School Banking day! Bank
books can be sent in on Monday, Tuesday or early Wednesday morning.
Thank you to our wonderful banking volunteer co-ordinator, Jessica, for making school banking at Aldavilla possible.
The Crunch ‘n’ Munch Canteen has been renovated! We now have 2 new ovens and an induction cooktop with lots
more bench space, along with the recent addition of a stainless steel fridge/freezer.
The students have been really enjoying the variety of goodies on offer, particularly at Morning Recess. There is also Hot
Milo available before school on these chilly mornings.
In order to provide fresh food with lots of variety, WE NEED MORE HELPERS, particularly on Mondays and Thursdays.
Even if you can only spare an hour, your help will be greatly appreciated. The students love to see a familiar face and
you may have a favourite recipe you’d like to share.
Copies of the menu are available at the Office.
Congratulations to Sonny M from HB 5 and Chelsea S
from HB 2 (pictured below) for displaying positive behaviour
and winning a $5.00 voucher from Dizzy Lizzy Country Store.
Kitchen Garden Program
Welcome back for Term 3. We will be taking our taste buds around the world this term, starting with Chinese cuisine in
weeks 2 and 3.
26th July 2016
Term 3 Week 2
Kel Wright
Kel Wright & Co
Certified Practicing Accountants
Shop 5, 44 Forth Street
(PO Box 223)
Kempsey NSW 2440
Telephone: 6562 8699
Fax: 6563 1200
26th July 2016
Term 3 Week 2
Quality explicit teaching of
Literacy & Numeracy!
Kitchen and Gardening Program!
PSSA Sport, Debating, Dance,
Drama, Public Speaking,
Technology & Singing!
Modern, progressive and air
conditioned classrooms!
Innovative technology in
every room!
Please make an appointment for
your personal tour of our school.
26th July 2016
Term 3 Week 2
Aldavilla P&C
Spring Fete
Save the Date: Thursday
Full Fete newsletter next week