Acedemic Report for CE/TRAN


Acedemic Report for CE/TRAN
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Telephone: 973-596-6083
Date: February 1, 2012
I. EDUCATION ...................................................................................................................4
A. Formal .......................................................................................................................4
B. Workshop ..................................................................................................................4
C. Other Education/Special Course .................................................................................5
II. RESEARCH INTERESTS .............................................................................................6
III. EXPERIENCE ..............................................................................................................7
A. Academic Appointments.............................................................................................7
B. Non-academic Employment ........................................................................................7
C. Consulting..................................................................................................................7
IV. TEACHING ACTIVITIES ...........................................................................................7
A. Classroom Evaluation.................................................................................................7
B. New Course Developed..............................................................................................8
C. Manuals Developed and Course or Laboratory Notes .................................................8
D. Teaching Related Publications and Grants ..................................................................9
E. Student Advisement ...................................................................................................9
Supervised Doctoral Dissertation (10) ............................................................................9
Current Doctoral Students (7) ...................................................................................... 10
M.S. Thesis/Project Advisor (18) ................................................................................. 10
Ph.D. Dissertation and M.S. Thesis Committees (24) ................................................... 11
V. SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................... 13
A. Books Publication .................................................................................................... 13
A-1. Published Books .................................................................................................. 13
A-2. Published Book Chapters ..................................................................................... 13
B. Refereed Papers Publication ..................................................................................... 13
B-1. Published Refereed Journal Papers ....................................................................... 13
B-2. Published Refereed Conference Papers ................................................................. 21
B-3. Published Refereed Conference Abstracts ............................................................. 27
C. Non-Refereed Papers Publication ............................................................................. 28
C-1. Published Non-Refereed Journal Papers................................................................ 28
C-2. Published Non-Refereed Conference Papers ......................................................... 28
C-3. Published Reports ................................................................................................ 28
C-4. Published Abstracts .............................................................................................. 31
D. Submitted Papers under Review ............................................................................... 31
E. Published Reviews.................................................................................................... 34
F. Professional Presentations ........................................................................................ 37
VI. PROPOSALS AND GRANTS .................................................................................... 50
A. Awarded Grants ....................................................................................................... 51
B. Submitted Proposals................................................................................................. 55
C. Non-Funded Proposals ............................................................................................. 56
VII. PATENTS AWARDED ............................................................................................. 60
VIII. PROFESSIONAL LICENCES ................................................................................ 60
A. Professional Licenses .................................................................................................. 60
B. Certifications ............................................................................................................ 60
IX. SERVICE ACTIVITES .............................................................................................. 60
A. University ................................................................................................................... 60
B. Department ................................................................................................................. 60
C. External Evaluator of University Professor Tenure/Promotion .................................. 61
D. Peer Review Activities ............................................................................................. 61
E. Editorial Activities ................................................................................................... 62
F. Community/Government .......................................................................................... 62
G. Professional Societies ............................................................................................... 63
X. HONORS, AWARDS, AND LISTINGS ...................................................................... 65
A. Awards and Honors .................................................................................................... 65
B. Students Receiving Awards ......................................................................................... 66
XI. MISCELLANEOUS .................................................................................................... 67
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Home Address:
Faculty Address:
22 Wingate Way
Green Brook, NJ 08812
TEL 732-926-0662
Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept.
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ 07102
TEL: 973-596-6083
A. Formal
Civil/Transportation 1995
Civil/Transportation 1991
Civil Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Maryland, College Park
Tamkang University, Taiwan
B. Workshop
1. Teaching Workshops
“Effective Teaching: A Workshop,” R. Felder and R. Brent
NSF/Gateway Coalition, New Jersey Institute of Technology
April 2000
“Integrating Transit and Traffic ITS Applications”
National Transit Institute, New York NY
January 1998
2. Research Workshops
“CORSIM/TSIS 5.0 Beta Tester Training and Introduction”
Federal Highway Administration, McLean VA
June 2000
“Speed Management”
Transportation Research Board, Washington DC
January 2000
“Multiyear Prioritization of Projects in Pavement Management Systems”
Transportation Research Board, Washington DC
January 1997
“Operating and Maintaining Advanced Traffic Signal Systems”
Transportation Research Board, Washington DC
January 1997
3. Professional Workshops
“Bus Rapid Transit: International Experience”
National Transit Institute, National Center of Transportation and Industrial
Productivity and America Public Transit Association, Newark, New Jersey
May 2000
“Management of High Speed Rail Transportation”
Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan
December 1998
“Regional Workshop #8: Review of Public Comments”
Transit Communications Interface Profiles, Newark, New Jersey
November 1997
C. Other Education/Special Course
“Applications of Artificial Neural Network in Transportation Problems”
Federal Highway Administration, McLean VA
“Computer Programming – Assembly”
Intensive Course, National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan
“Data Structure”
Intensive Course, National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan
My research interests cover the following areas in Transportation Planning and Traffic
Intermodal Transit Systems Planning and Operations
Intermodal transit system coordination
Dynamic vehicle dispatching
Timed transfer for terminals in transportation networks
Transit network design, planning and operations
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Real-time traffic management systems
Dynamic access and exit control and travel time prediction
Evaluation of ITS system performance and regional impact
Cost/benefit analysis of ITS applications
Transportation Systems Analysis
Recurring and non-recurring delay estimation
Scheduling work zones for multi-lane highways
Mathematical modeling of transportation problems
Artificial intelligence on transportation systems optimization
Traffic Simulation
Micro-, meso-, and macroscopic traffic simulation models
Transportation systems evaluation
Train operation and optimal control
Emergency evacuation
A. Academic Appointments
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor
Visiting Scholar
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Research Assistant
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Chang’an University
National Cheng-Kung University
National Cheng-Kung University
National Cheng-Kung University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University of Maryland
Federal Highway Administration
University of Maryland
2006 ~ present
Mar. 2011~Jun. 2011
May~Dec. 2010
July~Aug. 2009
June 2007
2003 ~ 2006
2000 ~ 2006
1996 ~ 2000
1992 ~ 1993
1991 ~ 1992
1989 ~ 1991
B. Non-academic Employment
Sr. Transportation Engr. Information Dynamics Inc.
System Engineer
China Engineer Consultant Inc.
1993 ~ 1996
1985 ~ 1989
C. Consulting
Beta Tester
University of Florida – McTrans
University of Texas, El Paso
1997 ~ 2002
2005 ~ 2006
A. Classroom Evaluation
While at NJIT, my teaching activities and results of evaluation are as follows:
Fall 1996
Fall 1996
Spring 1997
Spring 1997
Fall 1997
Spring 1998
Spring 1998
Fall 1998
Fall 1998
Spring 1999
Fall 1999
Course No.
CE 350
Course Title
Mass Transp. Systems.
Urban Systems Engrg,
Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Transp. Engineering
Mass Transp. Systems
Traffic Safety
Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Mass Transp. Systems
Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Traffic Safety
Urban Systems Engrg.
# Eval
# Reg
Spring 2000 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2000
CE 495
Civil Engrg. Design - II
Spring 2001 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2001
CE 351
Introd. to Transp. Systems
Spring 2002 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2002
CE/TRAN 705 Mass Transp. Systems
Spring 2003 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2003
CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Spring 2004 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2004
CE/TRAN 705 Mass Transp. Systems
Spring 2005 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2005
CE/TRAN 705 Mass Transp. Systems
Spring 2006 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2006
CE 351
Introd. to Transp. Systems
Spring 2007 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2007
CE/TRAN 705 Mass Transp. Systems
Spring 2008 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2008
CE/TRAN 705 Mass Transp. Systems
Spring 2009 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2009
CE/TRAN 705 Mass Transp. Systems
Spring 2010 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 10’**
CE/TRAN 705 Mass Transp. Systems
Spring 11** CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
Fall 2011
CE/TRAN 705 Mass Transp. Systems
Spring 2012 CE/TRAN 625 Pub. Transp. Ops. & Tech.
 * based on scores from items 5 through 12
 ** on sabbatical leave
B. New Course Developed
CE/TRAN 705: Mass Transportation Systems, (First time taught, Fall
CE 495: Civil Engineering Design – II (Transportation), Offered in
Fall 2000 (New Teaching Materials), (First time taught, Fall 2000)
CE 351: Introduction to Transportation Systems
(First time taught, Fall 2001)
TRAN 625: Public Transportation Systems Operations and
Technologies, On-line Cource (Spring, 2013)
C. Manuals Developed and Course or Laboratory Notes
Course Notes, CE/TRAN 705 – Mass Transportation Systems
Course Notes, CE/TRAN 650 – Urban Systems Engineering
Course Notes, CE/TRAN 625 – Public Transportation System
Operations and Technology
Course Notes, CE/TRAN 653 – Traffic Safety
Course Notes and two Case Studies, CE 495 – Civil Engineering
Design II (Transportation)
Course Notes, CE 350 – Transportation Engineering
Course Notes, CE 351 – Introduction to Transportation Systems
Course Notes, ITE PDH Course – Optimization of Work Zones on
Two-Lane Highways, 2005
Course Notes, NJDOT – SYNCHRO 6.0 Tutorial, 2005
MIP 601: Paterson Transportation Studio, Offered in Fall 2005
D. Teaching Related Publications and Grants
1. Federal Highway Administration – US Department of Transportation,
“Freeway Capacity Analysis with Microscopic Simulation Models
(CORSIM),” Identified problems in Microscopic Simulation Models.
CORSIM has been extensively used in courses CE 495 and CE/TRAN 653.
2. New Jersey Institute of Technology – Separately Budgeted Research,
“Microscopic Transit Simulation Models”, Developed a model to simulate a
bus transit route (New Jersey Transit Route #39) for course CE/TRAN 625.
E. Student Advisement
Supervised Doctoral Dissertation (10)
1. Yuqing Ding, Dissertation Topic: “Development and Application of Models for RealTime Transit Operational Control and Arrival Time Prediction,” Interdisciplinary
Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 1999 (ITS Engineer, parsons
Transportation Group, Inc.)
2. Shoaib Chowdhury, Dissertation Topic: “Intermodal Transit System Coordination
with Dynamic Vehicle Dispatching,” Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation,
NJIT, May 2000 (Research Associated Professor, City College of New York)
3. Jiangtao Luo, Dissertation Topic: “Dynamic Ramp Metering Control with Stochastic
Perturbation Simultaneous Approximation,” Interdisciplinary Program in
Transportation, NJIT, May 2003
4. Xiaobo Liu, Dissertation Topic: “Development of Dynamic Recursive Models for
Freeway Travel Time Prediction,” Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT,
May 2004 (Visiting Professor, Southwest Jiao-tong University, PROC)
5. Vivek Korikanthimath, Dissertation Topic: “Development of an Analytical Model for
Simutaneous and Staged Emergency Evacuations,” Interdisciplinary Program in
Transportation, NJIT, May 2006 (Senior Transportation Engineer, AECOM, Inc.)
6. Yimin Tang, Dissertation Topic: “Optimization of Work Zones for Highway
Maintenance Projects,” Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, December
2007 (Senior Transportation Engineer, AECOM, Inc.)
7. Feng-Ming Tsai, Dissertation Topic: “Optimization of Temporal and Differentiated
Fare Structure and Service Frequency for an Intercity Transit System,”
Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 2008 (Assistant
Professor, National Kaoshong First Technology and Science University, Taiwan)
8. Jongho Byun, Dissertation Topic: “Freeway Speed-Flow Relationships under Rain and
Congested Conditions during Traffic Peak Period,” Interdisciplinary Program in
Transportation, NJIT, May 2009 (Co-Advised with Dr. Janice Daniel) (Assistant
Professor, Hang Yang University, Korea)
9. Kitae Kim, Dissertation Topic: “Optimal Train Control Considering Track Alignment
and Schedule Adherence” Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT,
December 2009 (Research Associate, NJIT)
10. Yavuz Ulusoy, Dissertation Topic: “Optimization of Transit Services for
Heterogeneous and Time-Varying Demand” Dept. of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, NJIT, May 2010 (Director, Technical Education Department, Milkyway
Education Center, Inc.)
Current Doctoral Students (7)
1. Patricia DiJoseph, Tentative topic: “Optimization of Vehicle-based Sensor Spacing
and Locations for Travel Time Estimation,” Expected graduation: December 2012
2. Haifeng Yu, Tentative Topic: “Optimal Vehicle Routing and Scheduling for Emergent
Winter Road Maintenance with Service Time and Route Continuity Constraints” Dept.
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT, Expected graduation: December 2012
3. Jayakrishna Patnaik, Tentative topic: “Optimization of Tolls in Congested Networks”
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT, Expected graduation: May 2013
4. Daniel Peterson, Tentative topic: “Optimal Design of Intermodal Transit Terminal for
Improving Pedestrian Movement” Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
NJIT, Expected graduation: May 2014
5. Lida Izadmehr, Tentative topic: “Assessing the Impact and Benefits of Depolying a
Regional Traffic Signal Priority,” Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT,
Expected graduation: May 2014
6. Liuhui Zhao, Tentative Topic: “Optimal ESS Locations for Winter Road
Maintenance” Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT, Expected
graduation: December 2014
M.S. Thesis/Project Advisor (18)
1. Zhaowei Yang, “A Genetic Algorithm for Dynamic Bus Routing Problems”,
Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, May 1999
2. Noreen Zayas, “Calibration and Validation of Microscopic Transit Simulation
Models,” Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, May 1999
3. Yimin Tang, “Optimization of Work Zones for Highway Maintenance Projects,”
Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 2000
4. Qing Qu, “Lane Occupancy Delay Estimation Systems (LODES),” Interdisciplinary
Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 2000
5. Guancheng Li, “Application of TAIMS in Truck Accident Study,” Interdisciplinary
Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 2001
6. Feng-Ming Tsai, “Application of GIS in Bus Route Planning,” Interdisciplinary
Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 2001
7. Sunil K. Daripally, “Development of a Probabilistic Model to Optimize Disseminated
Bus Arrival Times,” Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT, December
8. Saroj Joshi, “Cost and Benefit Analysis for Signal Optimization on NJ Highways,”
Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 2003
9. Husain Wajahat, “Development of a Web-Based Survey Tool for Traffic Calming
Study,” Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 2003
10. Kitae Kim, “Development of a Cost and Benefit Analysis System for Signal
Optimization Projects,” Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT,
December 2004
11. Jimmy Sierra, “Location Problems – Optimizing Average Access Distance,”
Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 2005
12. Kier E. Opie, “Simulation-Based Analysis for Toll Plazas with Multiple Toll Collection
Methods,” Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, May 2006
13. Malini Balakrishnan, “Optimization of Transit Networks” Interdisciplinary Program in
Transportation, NJIT, May 2007
14. Zhongying Li, Topic: “Optimization of Transit Networks” Dept. of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, NJIT, May 2008
15. Haifeng Yu, Topic: “Minimization of Total Cost for Travel Time Data Collection”
Dept. of Industrial and Manufacture Engineering, NJIT, December 2008
16. Kiran Kolluri, Topic: “Analyzing Variability of Travel Times on NJ Highways” Dept.
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT, December 2008
17. Hassan Hashmi, Topic: “Evaluation of the Impact of Adverse Weather to Travel
Speed and It’s Variation” Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT,
Expected graduation: December 2011
18. Xuejun Liu, Topic: “Optimization of Temporal Service Frequency and Train Size for
Minimizing Total Cost and Maximizing Profit and Social Welfare” Dept. of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, NJIT, Expected graduation: December 2011
19. Ming-Jen Hsu, Topic: “Adaptive Signal Control Model for Bus Terminal Inner
Junctions with Neural Network System” Dept. of Transportation and Communication
Management, National Cheng Kung University, Expected graduation: May 2012
Ph.D. Dissertation and M.S. Thesis Committees (24)
1. Zhengfang Chen, “Decentralized Reliable Control for Large-scale LTI Systems”,
Dissertation Committee, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NJIT, 1997
2. Tao Qu, “Impact of Access Points on Multilane Highway Accidents”, MS Thesis
Committee, Institute for Transportation, NJIT, 1997
3. Sun Wu, “Optimization of Urban Traffic Control Strategies by a Network Design
Model”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Institute for Transportation, NJIT, 1999
4. Mei Chen, “A Methodology for Solving the Network Toll Design Problem”, Ph.D.
Dissertation Committee, Institute for Transportation, NJIT, 1999
5. Manual Martinez, “Transit Productivity Analysis in Heterogenious Conditions Using
Data Envelopment Analysis with an Application to Rail Transit”, Ph.D. Dissertation
Committee, Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, 2001
6. Ya Wang, “A Bi-Level Programming Approach for Shipper-Carrier Network
Problems”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Interdisciplinary Program in
Transportation, NJIT, 2001
7. Rajat Rajbhandari, “Time Series Analysis of Truck Crashes in New Jersey”, MS Thesis
Committee, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT, 2002
8. Mahesh Damodaran, “Hazardous Materials Spillage Rates for New Jersey Roadways”,
MS Thesis Committee, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NJIT, 2002
9. Qi (Grace) Yi, “Incident Delay Analysis and Estimation”, Ph.D. Dissertation
Committee, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Polytechical University at
Brooklyn, New York, December 2002
10. Renu Chhonkar, “A Conceptual Framework for Using Feedback Control within
Existing Adaptive Control Systems”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Interdisciplinary
Program in Transportation, NJIT, 2003
11. Ki-Beum Kim, “Time Separation Control between Pedestrians and Turning Vehicles at
Intersections”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Dept. of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Polytechical University at Brooklyn, New York, 2004
12. Chun-Hung (Peter) Chen, “Integrated Management of Highway Maintenance and
Traffic”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of
Maryland, College Park, 2003
13. Congzhe Zhang, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Dept. of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, NJIT, January 2004
14. Rajat Rajbhandari, “Application of Time Series Methods to Predict Bus Arrival Time
Using AVL/APC Information”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Interdisciplinary
Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 2004
15. Yongqiang Yang, “Optimal Speed Limit for Shared Traffic Roadways”, Ph.D.
Dissertation Committee, Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, July 2005
16. Zhigang Wang, “Mobile Ad Hoc Network for Intelligent System”, Ph.D. Dissertation
Committee, Dept. of Electric and Computer Engineering, NJIT, December, 2005
17. Daegwun Yoon, “Risk Management and Analisis of Container Delays at Seaport
Inspection Stations”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Interdisciplinary Program in
Transportation, NJIT, May 2007
18. Yi Deng, “Combimed Surface Intermodal Network and System Evaluation”, Ph.D.
Dissertation Committee, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, NJIT, May
19. Godson Tetteh, “Optimal Allocation of Blood Products”, Ph.D. Dissertation
Committee, Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, May 2008
20. Changqian Guan, “Analysis of Externalities of Congestion at Marine Container
Terminals”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Interdisciplinary Program in
Transportation, NJIT, December 2008
21. Dejan Besenski, “Optimizing Container Retrieval Operation at a Port Container
Terminal”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation,
NJIT, May 2009
22. Kelly Leone, “Development of An Analytical Model for Optimizing In-Line Explosives
Detection System Equipment”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Interdisciplinary
Program in Transportation, NJIT, December 2009
23. Fei Yang, “Weekend Travel Demand Model with Joint Participation and Multiday
Time of Day Choices”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Interdisciplinary Program in
Transportation, NJIT, May 2010
24. Ning Yang, “Optimizing Highway Maintenance and Traffic Considering Long-term
Regional Impacts”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Dept. of Civil Engineering,
University of Maryland, College Park, May 2010
25. Zhaodong, Huang, “Optimal Feeder Bus Stops and Network”, Ph.D. Dissertation
Committee, Interdisciplinary Program in Transportation, NJIT, (proposal) December
26. Sim Liu, “TBD”, Ph.D. Dissertation Committee, Department of Civil & Environmental
Engineering, NJIT, (proposal) December 2012
A. Books Publication
A-1. Published Books
None yet
A-2. Published Book Chapters
Steven Chien and Xiaobo Liu, “Chapter 2 - An Investigation of Measurement for
Travel Time Variability” in the book titled “Intelligent Transportation Systems”
InTech – Open Access Publisher, ISBN: 978-953-51-0347-9, pp21 ~ 40, March
2012, (Peer Reviewed)
B. Refereed Papers Publication
B-1. Published Refereed Journal Papers
Steven Chien and Paul Schonfeld, “Optimization of Urban Grid Transit System in
Heterogeneous Urban Environments,” Journal of Transportation Engineering,
ASCE, Vol. 123, No. 1, pp. 28~35, 1997 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien and Paul Schonfeld, “Joint Optimization of a Rail Transit Line and
its Feeder Bus System,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp.
253-284, 1998 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien and Paul Schonfeld, “Optimal Work Zone Lengths for Two Lane
Highways,” Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 125, No. 1, pp
21~29, 1999 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Kyriacos Mouskos, Wu Sun, Steven Chien, Arthur Eisdorfer, and Tao Qu,
“Effect of Mid-Block Access Points on Traffic Accidents on State Highways in
New Jersey,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 1665, pp.
75 ~ 83, 2000 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Mei Chen, David Bernstein, Steven Chien, and Kyriacos Mouskos, “A Simple
Formulation for Toll Design Problems,” Transportation Research Record, Journal
of the Transportation Research Board, No 1667, pp 88~95, 2000 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Shoarb Chowdhury, Kyriacos Mouskos, and Yuqing Ding,
“Enhancements of the CORSIM Model in Simulating Transit Vehicle Operations,”
Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 5, pp 396~404, 2000
Steven Chien and Zhaowei Yang, “Optimal Feeder Bus Routes with Irregular
Street Networks,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp
213~248, 2000 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Eric Ho, Steven Chien, and Ching-Jung Ting, “A Hybrid Modeling Method for
the Planning and Evaluation of Intelligent Transportation Systems,” Transportation
Planning and Technology, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp 1~23, 2000 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Mei Chen and Steven Chien, “Determining the Number of Probe Vehicles for
Freeway Travel Time Estimation Using Microscopic Simulation,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 1719, pp 61~68, 2001 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Yuqing Ding, and, Noreen Zayas, “Microscopic Simulation of Bus
Transit Operations –Bus Route #39 of New Jersey Transit,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 1731, pp 104~111, 2001 (SCI, SSCI,
Steven Chien, Zhaowei Yang, and Edwin Hou, “A Genetic Algorithm Approach
for Transit Route Planning and Design,” Journal of Transportation Engineering,
ASCE, Vol. 127, No. 3, pp 200~207, 2001 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien and Paul Schonfeld, “Optimal Work Zone Lengths for Four-Lane
Highways,” Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 127, No. 2, pp
124~131, 2001 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Lazar Spasovic, Renu Chhonkar, and Spyridon Elefsiniotis,
“Evaluation of Feeder Bus Systems with Probabilistic Time–Varying Demands and
Non-Additive Time Costs,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board
TRR No. 1760, pp 47~55, 2001 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Kyriacos Mouskos, and Shoaib Chowdhury, “Generating Driver
Population for the Microscopic Simulation Model (CORSIM),” SIMULATION
Vol. 76, No.1, pp 40~45, 2001 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Mei Chen and Steven Chien, “Dynamic Freeway Travel Time Prediction Using
Probe Vehicle Data: Link-Based vs. Path-Based,” Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, TRR No. 1768, pp 157~161, 2001 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Yuqing Ding and Steven Chien, “Improving Transit Service Quality and Headway
Regularity with Real-Time Control,” Journal of the Transportation Research
Board, TRR No. 1760, pp 161 ~ 170, 2001 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Shoaib Chowdhury and Steven Chien, “Dynamic Vehicle Dispatching at
Intermodal Transfer Stations,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board
TRR No. 1753, pp 61~68, 2001 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, “Evaluating Ramp Metering Control Systems Using
Microsimulation for the US Interstate Highway I-80,” Tamkang Journal of Science
and Engineering – An International Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 277 ~ 292, (Special
Issue on Civil Engineering Technology), 2001 (EI)
Steven Chien, Joseph Wen, Ching-Tung Ting, and Jing Qu, “Lane Occupancy
Delay Estimation Systems for Logistics Management,” Logistics Information
Management – An International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1 and 2, pp 58 ~ 71, 2002
Steven Chien, Yimin Tang, and Paul Schonfeld, “Optimizing Work Zones for
Two-Lane Highway Maintenance Projects,” Journal of Transportation
Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 2, pp 145~155, 2002 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Yuqing Ding, and Chien-hung Wei, “Dynamic Bus Arrival Time
Prediction using Adaptive Artificial Networks,” Journal of Transportation
Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 5, pp 429~438, 2002 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Dimitrios Goulias, Shmuel Yahalom, and Shoaib Chowdhury,
“Simulation Based Estimations of Delays at Freeway Work Zones,” Journal of
Advanced Transportation, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp 131~156, 2002 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien and Lazar Spasovic, “Optimization of Grid Bus Transit Systems
with Elastic Demand,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp
63~91, 2002 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Guancheng Li, and Janice Daniel, “GIS-Based Truck Accident
Information and Management System,” Journal of the Transportation Research
Board, TRR No. 1818, pp 134~142, 2003 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Janice Daniel, Feng-Ming Tsai, and Steven Chien, “Factors Influencing Truck
Crashes on Roadways with Intersections,” Journal of the Transportation Research
Board, TRR No. 1818, pp 54~59, 2003 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Branislav Dimitrijevic, and Lazar Spasovic, “Optimization of Bus
Route Planning in Urban Commuter Networks,” Journal of Public Transportation
Vol. 6, No. 1, pp 53~79, 2003 (EI)
Steven Chien and Shoaib Chowdhury, “Intermodal Transit System Coordination,”
Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 25, pp. 257~287, 2002 (SCI,
Steven Chien, and Chandra Mouly Kuchipudi, “Dynamic Travel Time Prediction
with Real-time and Historical Data,” Journal of Transportation Engineering,
ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 6, pp 608~616, 2003 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Rajat Rajbhandari, Steven Chien, and Janice Daniel, “Estimation of Bus Dwell
Times with Automatic Passenger Counter Data,” Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, TRR No. 1841, pp 120~127, 2004 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Chuck Tsai, and Edwin Hou, “Optimization of Multi-Route Feeder
Bus Service - An Application of GIS,” Journal of the Transportation Research
Board, TRR No. 1857, pp 56~64, 2004 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Xiaobo Liu, and Kaan Ozbay, “Predicting Travel Times for the
South Jersey Real-Time Motorist Information System,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 1855, pp 32~40, 2004 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Chandra Mouly Kuchipudi, and Steven Chien, “Development of a Hybrid Model
for Dynamic Travel Time Prediction,” Journal of the Transportation Research
Board, TRR No. 1855, pp 22~31, 2004 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Jaikrishna Patraik, Steven Chien, and Athanassios Bladikas, “Estimation of Bus
Arrival Times Using APC Data,” Journal of Public Transportation, Vol. 7, No. 1,
pp 1~20, 2004 (EI)
Steven Chien and Zhouqiong Qin, “Optimal Bus Stop Locations for Improving
Transit Accessibility,” Transportation Planning and Technology
Vol. 27, No. 3, pp 211~227, 2004 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Mei Chen, Xiaobo Liu, Jingxin Xia, and Steven Chien, “A Dynamic Bus Arrival
Time Prediction Model Based on APC Data,” Journal of Computer-Aided Civil
and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp 364~376, 2004 (SCI, SSCI,
Janice Daniel and Steven Chien, “Truck Safety Factors on Urban Arterials,”
Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 130, No. 6, pp 742~752, 2004
Kaan Ozbay, Bekir Bartin, and Steven Chien, “South Jersey Real-Time Motorist
Information System: Technology and Practice,” Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, TRR No. 1886, pp 68~75, 2005 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, “Optimization of Headway, Vehicle Size, and Route Choice for
Minimum Cost Feeder Service,” Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol.
28, No. 5, pp. 359~380, 2005 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Jaykrishna Patraik, Steven Chien, and Athanssios Bladikas, “Using Data Mining
Techniques on APC Data to Develop Effective Bus Scheduling Plans,” Journal of
Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (JSCI), Vol. 4, 2006
Steven Chien, Kitae Kim, and Janice Daniel, “Cost and Benefit Analysis for
Optimized Signal Timing – Case Study: New Jersey Route 23” ITE Journal, Vol.
76, No. 10, October, 2006, pp 37 ~ 41 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, and Vivek Korikanthimath, “Optimization of Staged Evacuation
for Emergency Transportation Management,” the Journal of Transportation
Engineering, ASCE,, Vol. 133, No. 3, March 2007, pp 190 ~ 197 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Mei Chen, Jason Yaw, Steven Chien, and Xiaobo Liu, “Using AVL/APC Data in
Bus Arrival Time Prediction,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 41, No.
3, Fall 2007, pp 267 ~ 283 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Sunil Kumar Daripally, and Kitae Kim, "Development of a
Probabilistic Model to Disseminate Bus Arrival Times,” Journal of Advanced
Transportation, Vol. 41, No. 2, Spring 2007, pp 195~215 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien and Feng-Ming Tsai, “Optimization of Fare Structure and Service
Frequency for Maximum Profitability of Transit System,” Transportation Planning
and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 5, October 2007, pp 477~500 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien and Jiangtao Luo, “Optimization of Dynamic Ramp Metering
Control with Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approxination,” International
Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 36 Issue 1, January 2008, pp
Yimin Tang and Steven Chien, “Scheduling Work Zones for Highway
Maintenance Project Considering Variable Time-cost Relation,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 2055, October 2008, pp 21~30 (SCI,
Feng-Ming Tsai, Steven Chien, and Lazar Spasovic, “Optimizing Distance-Based
Fares and Headway of an Intercity Transportation System with Elastic Demand
and Trip Length Differentiation,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
TRR No. 2089, January 2008, pp 101~109 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Yimin Tang and Steven Chien, “Orange Eyes – Genetic Makes Engineering Work
Zones More Efficient, Safer,” Transportation Management and Engineering, Vol.
13, No. 3, July 2008, pp 12~15
Yimin Tang and Steven Chien, “Genetics at Work – How to Save Time, Money,
and Tempers at Roadway Workzones,” Traffic Technology International, 2009
Annual Showcase, March 2009, pp 34~37
Steven Chien, Keir Opie, and Kaan Ozbay, “Analysis and Modeling of Evacuation
for Cape May County, New Jersey,” Institute of Transportation Engineer Journal,
September 2009, pp 69~75 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien, Jongho Byun, and Athanassios Bladikas “Optimal Stop Spacing
and Headway of Congested Transit System Considering Realistic Wait Time,”
Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 33, Issue 6, June 2010, 495~513
Steven Chien, Yavuz Ulusoy, and Chien-Hung Wei “Integrated Transit Services
for Minimum Cost Operation Considering Heterogeneous Demand,”
Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 33, Issue 7, Septembert 2010, pp
605~624 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Yimin Tang and Steven Chien, “Create a Diversion – Combined with work-zone
scheduling, traffic tactic can help reduce congestion and increase safety,” Safety
Today – A Supplement of ROADS & BRIDGES, August 2010, pp 9~12
Steven Chien and Hifeng Yu, and Ching-jung Ting, “Bi-level Programming Model
for Minimum Cost Travel Time Data Collection with Time-Windows,” Journal of
the Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 2197, November 2010, pp 29~35
Steven Chien, Yavuz Ulusoy, and Chien-Hung Wei, “Optimal All-Stop, ShortTurn, and Express Transit Services under Heterogeneous Demand,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 2197, November 2010, pp 8~18 (SCI,
Kitae Kim and Steven Chien, “Simulation-based Analysis of Energy Consumption
for Various Train Controls and Track Alignments,” Journal of Transportation
Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 136, No. 11, October 2010 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien and Jiangtao Luo, and Ching-Jung Ting, “Optimization of Dynamic
Multi-ramp Metering Control with Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic
Approxination,” International Journal of Operations Research, January, Vol. 8,
No. 1, 2011, pp 23~35 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Kitae Kim and Steven Chien, “Optimal Train Operation for Minimum Energy
Consumption Considering Track Alignment, Speed Limit, and Schedule
Adherence,” Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 137, No. 9, pp
665 ~ 674, September 2011 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Shoaib Chowdhury and Steven Chien, “Joint Optimization of Bus Size, Headway,
and Slack Time for Efficient Timed Transfer,” Journal of Transportation Research
Board, TRR No. 2218, pp. 48-58. October 2011 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Patricia DiJoseph and Steven Chien, “Optimizing sustainable feeder bus operation
considering realistic networks and heterogeneous demand,” Journal of Advanced
Transportation, Article first published online: May 2011, DOI: 10.1002/atr.174
Steven Chien and Yimin Tang, “Scheduling Highway Work Zones with Genetic
Algorithm Considering the Impact of Traffic Diversion,” Journal of Advanced
Transportation (accepted for publication), November 2011 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
Steven Chien and Kiran Kolluri, “Evaluation of Freeway Travel Time Variability
and Reliability under Adverse Weather with TRANSMIT Data,” Journal of Civil
Engineering and Architecture, February 2012 (accepted for publication), (EI)
B-2. Published Refereed Conference Papers
Steven Chien and Yuqing Ding, “Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in
Prediction of Transit Vehicle Arrival Times,” Intelligent Transportation Society of
AMERICA (ITS-America) the 9th Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM,
Washington DC, April 1999
Steven Chien and Yuqing Ding, “A Dynamic Headway Control Strategy for
Transit Operations,” The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation
Systems, Preprint CD-ROM, Toronto, Canada, November 1999
Shoaib Chowdhury and Steven Chien, “Intermodal Transit System Coordination”
Transportation Research Board the 79th Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM,
Washington DC, January 2000
Mei Chen and Steven Chien, “Factors Affecting the Minimum Number of Probe
Vehicles Required for Freeway Travel Time Estimation,” International Conference
on Computational Intelligence & Neurosciences (CI&N) – Intelligent
Transportation Systems, Conference Proceedings, pp. 726~729, Atlantic City,
New Jersey, February 2000
Yuqing Ding and Steven Chien, “The Prediction of Bus Arrival Times with Linkbased Artificial Neural Networks,” International Conference on Computational
Intelligence & Neurosciences (CI&N) – Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Conference Proceedings, pp. 730~733, Atlantic City, New Jersey, February 2000
Shoaib Chowdhury and Steven Chien, “Optimization of Transfer Coordination for
Intermodal Transit Networks,” Transportation Research Board the 80th Annual
Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC, January 2001
Lazar Spasovic, Steven Chien, Cecilia Kelnhofer-Feeley, Qiang Hu, and Ya,
Wang, “A Methodology for Evaluating of School Bus Routing: A Case Study of
Riverdale, New Jersey,” Transportation Research Board the 80th Annual Meeting,
Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC, January 2001
Steven Chien, Branislav Dimitrijevic, and Lazar Spasovic, “Bus Route Planning in
Urban Grid Commuter Networks,” Transportation Research Board the 80th Annual
Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC, January 2001
Steven Chien, and Chandra Mouly Kuchipudi, “Dynamic Travel Time Prediction
with Real-time and Historical Data,” Transportation Research Board the 81th
Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC, January 2002
Dimitrios Goulias, Steven Chien, and Shmuel Yahalom, “Methodology for
Defining Rational & Defensible Highway Occupancy Charges,” Transportation
Research Board the 81th Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC,
January 2002
Janice Daniel, Rajat Rajbhandari, and Steven Chien, “Evaluation of Truck
Crashes on the National Network,” Transportation Research Board the 81th
Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC, January 2002
Steven Chien, “Development of Travel-Time Predictive Model for New York
Thruway,” International Bridges, Tunnels, and Turnpikes Association, Annual
Meeting (2002), CD-ROM, New York, NY, May 2002
Steven Chien and Xiaobo Liu, “The Development of Dynamic Travel Times
Prediction Models for South Jersey Real-time Motorist Information System,” The
6th World Multiconference on Systematics, Cybernetics and Information (SCI),
CD-ROM, Orlando, FL, July 2002
Steven Chien and Xiaobo Liu, “Predicting Travel Times for the South Jersey
Real-time Motorist Information System,” Association for Chinese Mangement
Educators (ACME), 2002 Annual Conference, CD-ROM, Los Angles, CA, 2002
Vincent Cardon, Debbi Schlosser, and Steven Chien, “Design and Optimization of
an Express Transit Service to Sandy Hook, NJ,” Journal of the Transportation
Research Board, The 82nd TRB Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington
DC, 2003
Steven Chien and Himansu Patel, “Optimal Work Zone Lengths for Two-Lane
Commuter Roadways,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, The 82nd
TRB Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC, 2003
Mei Chen, Steven Chien, Xiaobo Liu, and Jeremy Brickey, “Application of
AVL/APC Data Support System,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board
The 82nd TRB Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC, 2003
Steven Chien, Zhouqiong Qin, and Rachel Liu, “Optimal Bus Stop Locations for
Improving Transit Accessibility,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board
The 82nd TRB Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC, 2003
Mei Chen, Jason Yaw, Steven Chien, and Xiaobo Liu, “Using AVL/APC Data in
Bus Arrival Time Prediction,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board
The 82nd TRB Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC, 2003
Steven Chien, Lazar Spasovic, Kier Opie, Vivek Korikanthimath, and Dejan
Besenski, “Simulation-Based Analysis for Toll Plazas with Multiple Toll Collection
Methods,” The 84th TRB Annual Meeting, Preprint CD-ROM, Washington DC,
Jayakrishna Patraik, Steven Chien, and Athanssios Bladikas, “Using Data Mining
Techniques on APC Data to Develop Effective Bus Scheduling Plans,” The 9th
World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL,
Kaan Ozbay, Mustafa Anil Yazici, and Steven Chien, “Study of Networkwide
Impact of Various Demand Generation Methods under Hurricane Evacuation
Conditions,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC,
January 2006
Janice Daniel, Steven Chien, Rachel Liu, and Nazhat Aboobaker, “Visual
Preference Survey of Traffic Calming Measures in New Jersey,” the 85th Annual
Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, (Peer Reviewed),
January 2006
Janice Daniel, Steven Chien, Rachel Liu, “Motorized Scooters Safety and
Regulation,” the 85th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board,
Washington DC, (Peer Reviewed), January 2006
Kyriacos Mouskos, Athanasios Ziliaskopoulos, Steven Chien, and Camille Kamga,
“Implementing Dynamic Traffic Assignment to Support Incident Management,”
ICTPA Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Hong Kong, May 2006
[V.B2.26] Yimin Tang, and Steven Chien, “Scheduling Highway Maintenance
Projects with Genetic Algorithms,” WMSCI2007, Orlando Florida, July 2007
Steven Chien, “Analysis and Modeling of Emergency Evacuation,” The 20th
ICTPA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 2007
Yimin Tang and Steven Chien, “Scheduling Work Zones for Highway
Maintenance Project Considering Variable Time-cost Relation,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2008
Feng-Ming Tsai, Steven Chien, and Lazar Spasovic, “Optimizing Distance-Based
Fares and Headway of an Intercity Transportation System with Elastic Demand
and Trip Length Differentiation,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board
(Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C., January 2008
Yimin Tang and Steven Chien, “Using Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Highway
Work Zone Schedules,” the 21st ICTPA Annual Conference (Peer Reviewed),
Nanjing, China, May 2008
Kitae Kim and Steven Chien, “Simulation Analysis of Energy Consumption for
Various Train Controls and Track Alignments,” Transportation Research Board,
the 88th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C., January 2009
Steven Chien, Yavuz Ulusoy, and Chien-Hung Wei “Optimal Transit Service for
Minimum Cost Operation” Transportation Research Board, the 88 th Annual
Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C., January 2009
Athanassios K Bladikas, Feng-Ming Tsai, and Steven Chien, “Evaluation of Bus
Travel Time and Schedule Adherence under Adverse Weather,” Transportation
Research Board, the 88th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C.,
January 2009
Janice Daniel, Steven Chien, and Jongho Byun, “Impact of Adverse Weather on
Freeway Speeds and Flows,” Transportation Research Board, the 88th Annual
Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C., January 2009
Patricia DiJoseph and Steven Chien, “Optimizing Service Planning for Sustainable
Transit Systems,” Transportation Research Forum, 2009 Annual Forum (Peer
Reviewed), Oregan, USA, March 2009
Jongho Byun, Janice Daniel, and Steven Chien, “Estimating Average Travel
Speed under Adverse Weather Conditions,” the 2nd International Symposium on
Freeway and Tollway Operations (Peer Reviewed), Hawaii, April 2009
Kitae Kim, and Steven Chien, “Estimating Average Travel Speed under Adverse
Weather Conditions,” the 22nd ICTPA Annual Meeting, East Rutherford, New
Jersey, May 2009
Chuck Tsai, Steven Chien, and Chien-Hung Wei, “Optimizing Fare Structure and
Service Frequency for an Intercity Transit - A Case Study of Taiwan High Speed
Rail,” the 22nd ICTPA Annual Meeting, East Rutherford, New Jersey, May 2009
Chien-Hung Wei, Chuck Tsai, Wun-Jin, Chen, and Steven Chien, “Design and
Modeling of Public Transit Services and Networks,” the 22nd ICTPA Annual
Meeting, East Rutherford, New Jersey, May 2009
Steven Chien and Yavuz Ulusoy, Chien-Hung Wei, “Optimal All-Stop, ShortTurn, and Express Transit Services under Heterogeneous Demand,”
Transportation Research Board, the 89th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed),
Washington, D.C., January 2010
Steven Chien, Haifeng Yu, and Ching-Jung Ting, “A Bi-level Programming
Model for Minimum Cost Travel Time Data Collection with Time-Windows,”
Transportation Research Board, the 89th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed),
Washington, D.C., January 2010
Yimin Tang and Steven Chien, “Optimization of Work Zone Schedule
Considering Time-Varying Traffic Diversion,” Transportation Research Board, the
89th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C., January 2010
Kitae Kim and Steven Chien, “Optimal Train Operation for Minimum Energy
Consumption Considering Schedule Adherence,” Transportation Research Board,
the 89th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C., January 2010
Steven Chien and Kiran Kolluri, “Evaluation of Freeway Travel Time Variability
and Reliability under Adverse Weather with TRANSMIT Data,” Transportation
Research Board, the 89th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C.,
January 2010
Anil Yazici, Kaan Ozbay, and Steven Chien, “Comprehensive Analysis of
Important Questions Related to Incident Durations Based on Past Studies and
Recent Empirical Data,” Transportation Research Board, the 89th Annual Meeting
(Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C., January 2010
Byun, Jongho, Daniel, Janice R., and Steven Chien, “Speed-Flow Relationships
under Adverse Weather Conditions,” Transportation Research Board, the 89th
Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C., January 2010
Yavus Ulusoy and Steven Chien, “Optimizing Integrated Bus Service for
Minimum Cost Operation with Genetic Algorithm – A Case Study in New Jersey,”
Transportation Research Board, the 90th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed),
Washington, D.C., January 2011
Shoaib Chowdhury and Steven Chien, “Joint Optimization of Bus Size, Headway,
and Slack Time for Efficient Timed Transfer,” Transportation Research Board, the
90th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, D.C., January 2011
Kitae Kim, Steven Chien, and Lazar Spasovic, “Evaluation of Technologies for
Freeway Travel Time Estimation: A Case Study of I-287 in New Jersey,”
Transportation Research Board, the 90th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed),
Washington, D.C., January 2011
Chien-hung Wei, Steven Chien, and Ming-Jeng Hsu, “Reducing Internal Delay for
the Taipei Bus Station with Signal Control Considering Bus Operation and
Geographic Constraints – An Analytical Approach,” ITS Forum (Peer Reviewed),
Kaoshiung, Taiwan, June 2011.
Chien-hung Wei, Steven Chien, and Miao-Shan Yeh, “Simulation-Based Analysis
of Incident Management with Variable Speed Limit Control,” ITS Forum (Peer
Reviewed), Kaoshiung, Taiwan, June 2011.
Liuhui Zhao and Steven Chien “Analysis of Weather Impact on Travel Speed and
Travel Time Reliability,” COTA International Conference of Transportation
Professionals, CICTP 2012, (Peer Reviewed), Bejing China, August 2012
Steven Chien, "Maintenance Decision Support System for Winter Road
Treatment," International Chinese Transportation and Professional Association,
Chingching, China, June 2012. (Peer Reviewed)
Liuhui Zhao and Steven Chien “Analysis of Weather Impact on Bus Service
Reliability,” Third International Conference on Urban Transportation Systems
(ICUTS2012), ASCE, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), (Peer
Reviewed), Paris, France, November 2012
B-3. Published Refereed Conference Abstracts
Kyriacos C. Mouskos, Steven Chien, Athanasios K. Ziliaskopoulos, and Curtis
Barrett, “Implementation of a Simulation-based Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Model for the New Jersey (NJ) I80 ITS Priority Corridor,” The Huntsville
Simulation Conference 2004, Huntsville, Alabama, October 2004
C. Non-Refereed Papers Publication
C-1. Published Non-Refereed Journal Papers
Steven Chien, “Using Grade Correction in FRESIM,” TRAF Notes, Vol. 3, No.
1, pp. 3~4, 1996.
Dimitrios G. Goulias, Shmuel Yahalom, Steven Chien, “Lane Occupancy
Charges,” Transportation Resaerch Digest, Arizona Transportation Research
Center, 206 S. 17 Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85007, Mail Drop 075R; ph. 602-712-3137;
Fax 602-712-3400,, 2002
C-2. Published Non-Refereed Conference Papers
Steven Chien and Lazar Spasovic, “Transportation Research at New Jersey
Institute of Technology,” International Chinese Transportation Professional
Association, Northeastern (ICTPA-USNE) Chapter, Annual Report, pp. 13~15,
New York, NY, 2000
Steven Chien, “ICTPA/USNE 2001 Technical Seminar Highlights,” International
Chinese Transportation Professional Association, Northeastern (ICTPA-USNE)
Chapter, Annual Report, pp. 5, New York, NY, 2001
C-3. Published Reports
Full Reports are included in the box, referring Appendix BOX.2
Steven Chien and Shoaib Chowdhury, “Scheduling of Coordinated Transfers for
Public Transit Services,” Project Report, SBR, NJIT, 1997 (75 pages)
Steven Chien and Shoaib Chowdhury, “Freeway Capacity Analysis with
Microscopic Simulation Models – Phase I,” Project Report, Federal Highway
Administration, USDOT, Sept. 1997 (89 pages)
Steven Chien and Shoaib Chowdhury, “Freeway Capacity Analysis with
Microscopic Simulation Models – Phase II,” Project Report, Federal Highway
Administration, USDOT, April 1998 (77 pages)
Steven Chien and Yuqing Ding, “Microscopic Transit Simulation Models,”
Project Report, Separately Budgeted Research, NJIT, May 1998 (100 pages)
Steven Chien, Yuqing Ding, and Noreen Zayas, “Validation of Enhanced
CORSIM for Simulating Transit Operations,” Project Report, Separately
Budgeted Research, NJIT, Jan. 1999 (59 pages)
Dimitrios Goulias, Shmuel Yahalon, and Steven Chien, “Lane Occupancy
Charges Studies,” Project Report, New Jersey Department of Transportation and
University Research Center Region II, July 2000 (110 pages)
Steven Chien and Jiangtao Luo, “Evaluation of the Potential for Using Ramp
Metering in the ATMS of the I-80 Showcase Corridor,” Project Report,
FHWA/NJ-2001-13, New Jersey Department of Transportation, 2001 (164 pages)
Kaan Ozbay, Steven Chien, and Robert McCabe, “South Jersey Real-time
Motorist Information Systems,” Project Report, FHWA/NJ-2001-001, New Jersey
Department of Transportation, June 2002 (100 pages)
Janice Daniel and Steven Chien, “Identifying Factors and Mitigation Technologies
in Truck Accidents in New Jersey,” Project Report, FHWA/NJ-2002-021, New
Jersey Department of Transportation, December 2002 (66 pages)
Steven Chien, Mei Chen and Xiaobo Liu “Prediction of Bus Arrival Times with
Neural/Dynamic Models under Congested Conditions,” Project Report,
FHWA/NJ-2003-019, New Jersey Department of Transportation, 2003 (98 pages)
Steven Chien and Kyriacos Mouskos, and Athenassious Ziliaskopolious,
“Development of Simulation/Assignment Models for an ITS Priority Corridor,”
Project Report, FHWA/NJ-2005-011, New Jersey Department of Transportation,
June 2005 (236 pages)
Steven Chien and George Fallat, “Computer Modeling and Simulation of New
Jersey Signalized Highways,” Project Report, FHWA/NJ-2005-008, New Jersey
Department of Transportation, June 2005 (155 pages)
Steven Chien and Kim Kitae, “Cost/Benefit Analysis - Computer Modeling and
Simulation of New Jersey Signalized Highways,” Project Report, FHWA/NJ-2005009, New Jersey Department of Transportation, June 2005 (50 pages)
Steven Chien and Keir Opie, “Analysis and Modeling of Cape May County
Roadway Elevations and Evacuation Routes,” Project Report, FHWA/NJ-2005022, New Jersey Department of Transportation, December 2005 (65 pages)
Steven Chien, Janice Daniel, and Athanassios Bladikas, “Stability and Accuracy of
HCM under Adverse Weather,” Project Report, FHWA/NJ-2008-02, New Jersey
Department of Transportation, September 2008 (100 pages)
Steven Chien, Kaan Ozbay, Feng-Ming Tsai, and Anil Yazici, “Development of
New Jersey Rates for NJCMS Incident Delay Model,” Project Report, FHWA/NJ2008, New Jersey Department of Transportation, December 2008 (165 pages)
Steven Chien, Lazar Spasovic, Keir Opie, Josh Curley, “Development of
Simulation and Prototype Data Warehouse Models for Evaluating ITS Projects,”
Project Report, FHWA/NJ-2010-xxx, New Jersey Department of Transportation,
January 2010
Steven Chien, Lazar Spasovic, Kitae Kim, “Evaluation of Technologies for Travel
Time Estimation,” Statewide Traffic Operations, New Jersey Department of
Transportation, October 2009
Steven Chien, Lazar Spasovic, Kitae Kim, “Evaluation of Travel Time Variability
on New Jersey Turnpike and I-295,” Statewide Traffic Operations, New Jersey
Department of Transportation, October 2009
Steven Chien and Kitae Kim, “Variable Speed Limits (VSL) System Operations
and Applications – Literature Review,” Statewide Traffic Operations, New Jersey
Department of Transportation, October 2009
Steven Chien and Patricia DiJoseph, “Location of Sensors to the Accuracy of
Travel Time Estimation,” Statewide Traffic Operations, New Jersey Department of
Transportation, February 2010
Steven Chien, Kyriacos Mouskos, Maria Boile, Kitae Kim, and Mihalis Golias,
“Variability of Travel Times on New Jersey Highways,” Project Report,
FHWA/NJ-2011-003, New Jersey Department of Transportation, June 2011
Steven Chien, Jay Meegoda, and Kung E Cheng, “Implementation of
Maintenance Decision Support System in New Jersey (NJ-MDSS),” Project
Report, FHWA/NJ-2010-xxx, New Jersey Department of Transportation,
February 2010
C-4. Published Abstracts
Steven Chien, “Critical Issues in Public Transportation,” International Chinese
Transportation Professional Association, Northeastern (ICTPA-USNE) Chapter,
Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings, page 19, September 1999
Jongho Byun, Janice Daniel, and Steven Chien, “Estimating Average Travel
Speed under Adverse Weather Conditions,” the 2nd International Symposium on
Freeway and Tollway Operations (Peer Reviewed), Hawaii, April 2009
D. Submitted Papers under Review
Vivek Korikanthimath and Steven Chien, “Optimization of Staged Evacuation for
Emergency Transportation Management,” the Journal of Transportation
Engineering, ASCE, September 2007
Chien-Hung Wei, Pei-Kai Hsu, and Steven Chien, “Knowledge Management and
Operations Performance of Intercity Bus Services- A Case Study of Taiwan,”
Transportmetrica (Peer Reviewed), December 2007
Athanassios K Bladikas, Feng-Ming Tsai, and Steven Chien, “Evaluation of Bus
Travel Time and Schedule Adherence under Adverse Weather,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board – Transportation Research Record (Peer
Reviewed), August 2008
Anil Yazici, Kaan Ozbay, and Steven Chien, “Comprehensive Analysis of
Important Questions Related to Incident Durations Based on Past Studies and
Recent Empirical Data,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board –
Transportation Research Record (Peer Reviewed), August 2009
Byun, Jongho, Daniel, Janice R., and Steven Chien, “Speed-Flow Relationships
under Adverse Weather Conditions,” Journal of the Transportation Research
Board – Transportation Research Record (Peer Reviewed), August 2009
Chuck Feng-Ming Tsai, Steven Chien, and Louis Chien-Hung Wei “Optimizing Fare
Structure and Service Frequency for an Intercity Transit - A Case Study of Taiwan
High Speed Rail,” Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE (Peer Reviewed),
December 2010
Yavus Ulusoy and Steven Chien, “Optimizing Integrated Bus Service for
Minimum Cost Operation with Genetic Algorithm – A Case Study in New Jersey,”
Journal of the Transportation Research Board – Transportation Research Record
(Peer Reviewed), August 2010
Kitae Kim and Steven Chien, “Evaluation of Technologies for Freeway Travel
Time Estimation: A Case Study of I-287 in New Jersey,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board – Transportation Research Record (Peer
Reviewed), August 2010
Steven Chien and Xiaobo Liu, “Evaluation of Floating Car Technologies for
Travel Time Estimation”, Journal of Modern Transportation (Peer Reviewed),
Southwest jiaotong University, China, December 2011.
Steven Chien, Lazar Spasovic, Kier Opie, Vivek Korikanthimath, Dejan Besenski,
“Simulation-Based Analysis for Toll Plazas with Multiple Toll Collection
Methods,” Modelling and Simulation in Engineering (Peer Reviewed), March 2011
– Need to find other journal!
Patricia DiJoseph and Steven Chien, “Evaluating the Impact of Vehicle-Based
Sensor Spacing to the Accuracy of Freeway Travel Time Estimation,” Journal of
the Transportation Research Board – Transportation Research Record (Peer
Reviewed), August 2012
Hifeng Yu and Steven Chien, “Minimum Cost Data Collection with Time32
Windows in a Large Scale Network Considering Variability of Travel Time,”
Journal of the Transportation Research Board – Transportation Research Record
(Peer Reviewed), August 2012
Hifeng Yu and Steven Chien, “Optimal Vehicle Routing for Emergent Winter
Highway Maintenance with Service Time and Route Continuity Constraints,”
Journal of the Transportation Research Board – Transportation Research Record
(Peer Reviewed), August 2012
Po-Hsin Tzeng, Tung-Yin Lin, and Steven Chien, “Investigating the Impact of
Highway Electronic Toll Collection to the External Cost,” Transportation
Research: Part D (Peer Reviewed), February 2012
Shoaib Chowdhury and Steven Chien, “Evaluating the Impact of Fare and
Headway to Transit System Performance with Timed Transfer,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board – Transportation Research Record (Peer
Reviewed), August 2011
Xiaobo Liu, Steven Chien, and Mei Chen, “Dynamic Parameter Optimization for
Exponential Smoothing to Predict Highway Travel Time,” Journal of Advanced
Transportation (Peer Reviewed), February 2012
Liuhui Zhao and Steven Chien “Analysis of Weather Impact on Bus Service
Reliability,” Third International Conference on Urban Transportation Systems
(ICUTS2012), (Peer Reviewed), Paris, France, November 2012
Liuhui Zhao and Steven Chien “Analysis of Weather Impact on Travel Speed and
Travel Time Reliability,” COTA International Conference of Transportation
Professionals, CICTP 2012, (Peer Reviewed), Bejing China, August 2012
Hifeng Yu and Steven Chien, “Optimal Locations of Variable Message Signs for
Reducing Total Travel Time of Congested Transportation Networks,” Journal of
the Transportation Research Board – Transportation Research Record (Peer
Reviewed), August 201?
Chien-hung Wei, Steven Chien, and Ming-Jeng Hsu, “Reducing Internal Delay for
the Taipei Bus Station with Signal Control Considering Bus Operation and
Geographic Constraints – An Analytical Approach,” Journal of the Transportation
Research Board – Transportation Research Record (Peer Reviewed), August 201?
Chien-hung Wei, Steven Chien, and Miao-Shan Yeh, “Simulation-Based Analysis
of Incident Management with Variable Speed Limit Control,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board – Transportation Research Record (Peer
Reviewed), August 201?
Kitae Kim and Steven Chien, “Maximum Reliabiliable Operation with Optimal
Train Control…,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board – Transportation
Research Record (Peer Reviewed), August 201?
Yavuz Ulusoy and Steven Chien, “Evaluation of Various Service Patterns for a
Bus Transit Route,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board –
Transportation Research Record (Peer Reviewed), August 201?
Steven Chien and Hassan Hashmi: Evaluation the impact of traffic operation –
based on INRIX and Clarus data
Steven Chien and Xuejun Liu: Optimizing Transit Service Pattern
E. Published Reviews
“Heuristic Approaches for Solving the Large Scale Bus Transit Vehicle Scheduling
Problem,” Transportation Research (Part A), 2000
“Techniques Used to Minimize Lane Occupancy during Construction and
Maintenance,” National Cooperated Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
Synthesis 293, National Academic Science, 2000
“Modeling the Impact of Pre-Trip Information on Commuters' Behavior in
Taiwan: Departure Time and Route Decisions,” Journal of Advanced
Transportation, May 1998
“Applications of ITS Technologies in VMT Forecasting and Monitoring,” Journal
of Advanced Transportation, May 1998
“Genetic Algorithms Approach to the Problem of Automatic Vehicle,
Identification Equipment Locations,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, 1998
“Stable Dynamics in Transportation Systems,” The 77th Annual Meeting of
Transportation Research Board, September 1998
“Properties of a Cell-based Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model,” The 79th Annual
Meeting of Transportation Research Board, September 1998
“The Parallel Implementation of a Highway Traffic Flow Simulation,” The 79th
Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, October 1998
“Fundamental Issues in Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Position Paper,”
Journal of Advanced Transportation, November 1998
“Estimation of Traffic Conflicts at Urban Uncontrolled Intersection by Simulation
Approach,” Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, April 1999
“Heuristic Approaches for Solving the Large Scale Bus Transit Vehicle
Scheduling Problem,” Transportation Research - Part A, June 1999
“A Genetic Algorithm for Selecting and Scheduling Interdependent Projects,”
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, ASCE, June 1999
“The Access Control Problem on Capacitated FIFO Networks with Unique O-D
Paths is Hard,” Operations Research, June 2000
“Neural Network Model for Rapid Forecasting of Freeway Link Travel Time,”
Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, August 2000 (1st Review) and
February 2001 (2nd Review)
“GIS Based Algorithms for Transit Network,” The 80th Annual Meeting of
Transportation Research Board, September 2000
“Assessing Performance Reliability of Road Networks under Non-recurrent
Congestion,” The 80th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,
September, 2000
“Temporal Control of Variable Message Signs towards Achieving Dynamic
System Optimum,” The 80th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,
September, 2000
“Assessing Financial Feasibility of Build-Operate-Transfer Project Under
Uncertain Demand,” The 80th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,
September 2000
“An Application of the CUSUM Algorithm to Freeway Incident Detection Based
on Two Contoguous Detectors,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2001
“Optimal Municipal Bus Routing Using A Genetic Algorithm,” Journal of
Advanced Transportation, January 2001
“Calibration and Evaluation of MITSIMLab in Stockholm,” Journal of the
Transportation Research Board, January 2002
“Link Travel Time Estimation for Transit Scheduling: An Application of Density
Function Estimation,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, January
“An Improved Genetic Algorithm-Simulation Methodology for Lane Closure
Scheduling,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, January 2002
“Optimization of an Integrated Finished Goods Inventory System: Development
and Application of a Simulative Approach,” Logistics Information Management,
November 2001
“Applications of ITS Technologies in VMT Forecasting and Monitoring,”
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, May 2002
“Scheduling for Intermodal Transport,” Logistics Information Management, May
“World Wide Web Using Mining,” The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics,
Cybernetics, and Informatics, SCI 2002, July 2002
“Development of the Reusable GIS Components in Local Governments,” The 6th
World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, SCI 2002,
July 2002
“Knowledge Hiding in Databases and Its Relationship to KDD,” The 6th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, SCI 2002, July 2002
“Real-time Bus Arrival Time Information System,” Transit Cooperated Research
Program (TCRP) Synthesis 48, National Academies of Science, 2003
F. Professional Presentations
Yanlin Li, Andrew Leu, and Steven Chien, “Identical Traffic Streams
Enhancement for the CORSIM Simulation Model,” Presentation at Conference
INFORMS, San Diego CA, May 4, 1997
Steven Chien, “Application of Microscopic Simulation Models for Traffic
Operational Analysis on Freeways,” New Jersey Turnpike Authority, 1997
Steven Chien, “Strategies for Traffic Control on Freeways,” Sigma Xi - NJIT
Chapter and IEEE - North Jersey Chapter, New Jersey Institute of Technology,
March 1998 (Invited)
Steven Chien, “Microscopic Traffic Simulation Models,” Tamkang University,
Taipei, Taiwan, December 1998 (Invited)
Steven Chien, “High Speed Rail Systems and Intermodal Coordination,”
Workshop on Management of High Speed Rail Transportation in Taiwan, Taipei,
Taiwan, December 1998 (Invited)
Steven Chien, “Intermodal Transportation Systems Planning and Coordination,”
Institute of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation and Communications,
Taipei, Taiwan, December 1998 (Invited)
Kyriacos Mouskos, Wu Sun, Arthur Eisdorfer, and Steven Chien, “Impact of
Mid-Block Access Points on Traffic Accidents on State Highways in New Jersey,”
The 78th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 1999, Contributed paper
also listed in [V.B1.4] and [V.B2.1]
Mei Chen, David Bernstein, Steven Chien, and Kyriacos Mouskos, “A Simple
Formulation for Toll Design Problems,” The 78th TRB Annual Meeting,
Washington DC, 1999, Contributed paper also listed in [V.B1.8] and [V.B2.2]
Steven Chien, “Critical Issues in Public Transportation,” International Chinese
Transportation Professional Association, Northeast (ICTPA-USNE) Chapter,
Annual Meeting, page 19, New York, NY, 1999, Contributed paper also listed in
[V.C4.1] (Invited)
Dimitrios Goulias, Shmuel Yahalom, and Steven Chien, “Lane Occupancy
Charges,” NJDOT Research Showcase 1999 & CAIT Dedication, Rutgers
University, November 1999
Mei Chen and Steven Chien, “Determining the Number of Probe Vehicles for
Freeway Travel Time Estimation Using Microscopic Simulation,” The 79 th TRB
Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2000, Paper are listed in [V.B1.4] and [V.B2.6]
Shoaib Chowdhury and Steven Chien, “Intermodal Transit System Coordination,”
The 79th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2000, Contributed paper
also listed in [V.B2.5]
Yuqing Ding, Steven Chien, and Noreen Zayas, “Microscopic Simulation of Bus
Transit Operations – Case Study: Bus Rt. #39 of New Jersey Transit,”
Transportation Research Board, 79th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January
2000, Contributed paper also listed in [V.B1.6] and [V.B2.7]
Steven Chien, “Developing Dynamic Models for Travel Time Forecasting,” NJTIDE Center, Advisory Committee Meeting, New Jersey Technology and Science
Commission, February 2000
Mei Chen and Steven Chien, “Factors Affecting the Minimum Number of Probe
Vehicles Required for Freeway Travel Time Estimation,” International Conference
on Computational Intelligence & Neurosciences (CI&N) – Intelligent
Transportation Systems, Atlantic City, NJ, 2000, Paper also listed in [V.B2.8]
Yuqing Ding and Steven Chien, “The Prediction of Bus Arrival Times with Linkbased Artificial Neural Networks,” International Conference on Computational
Intelligence & Neurosciences (CI&N) – Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Atlantic City, NJ, February 2000, Contributed paper also listed in [V.B2.9]
Steven Chien, “Transportation Research Projects Conducted for NJDOT,”
NJDOT Research and Technology Division and CEE Department, New Jersey
Institute of Technology, May 2000
Steven Chien and Kyriacos Mouskos, “CORSIM and SYNCHOR Computer
Software Training Course,” New Jersey Department of Transportation, July 2000
Steven Chien, “Policy Issues in Subsidization of Public Transp. Systems for the
21st Century,” National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, July 2000 (Invited)
Steven Chien, “Policy Issues in Subsidization of Public Transp. Systems for the
21st Century,” Institute of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation and
Communications, Taipei, Taiwan, August 2000 (Invited)
Mei Chen and Steven Chien, “Dynamic Freeway Travel Time Prediction Using
Probe Vehicle Data: Link-Based vs. Path-Based,” The 80th TRB Annual Meeting,
Washington DC, January 2001
Shoaib Chowdhury and Steven Chien, “Optimization of Transfer Coordination for
Intermodal Transit Networks,” The 80th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC,
January 2001
Shoaib Chowdhury and Steven Chien, “Dynamic Vehicle Dispatching at
Intermodal Transfer Stations,” The 80th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC,
January 2001
Cecilia Kelnhofer-Feeley, Qiang Hu, Steven Chien, L. Spasovic and Ya Wang,
“A Methodology for Evaluating of School Bus Routing: A Case Study of
Riverdale, New Jersey,” The 80th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2001
Steven Chien, Branislav Dimitrijevic, and Lazar Spasovic, “Bus Route Planning in
Urban Grid Commuter Networks,” The 80th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington
DC, January 2001
Yuqing Ding and Steven Chien, “Improving Transit Service Quality and Headway
Regularity with Real-Time Control,” The 80th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington
DC, January 2001
Steven Chien, “International Intermodal Transportation Corridor Center,”
Institute of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation and Communications,
Taipei, Taiwan, June 2001 (Invited)
Steven Chien, “Recipe for Success as a Leader in the 21st Century,” Tamkang
University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2001 (Invited)
Steven Chien, “Improving Transit Headway Regularity with Real-Time Control,”
National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, May 2001 (Invited)
Steven Chien, and Chandra Mouly Kuchipudi, “Dynamic Travel Time Prediction
with Real-time and Historical Data,” The 81th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington
DC, 2002
Steven Chien, Guancheng Li, and Janice Daniel, “GIS-Based Truch Accident
Information and Management System,” The 81th TRB Annual Meeting,
Washington DC, 2002
Dimitrios Goulias Steven Chien, and Shmuel Yahalom, “Methodology for
Defining Rational & Defensible Highway Occupancy Charges,” The 81th TRB
Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2002
Janice Daniel, Feng-Ming Tsai, and Steven Chien, “Factors Influencing Truck
Crashes on Roadways with Intersections,” The 81th TRB Annual Meeting,
Washington DC, 2002
Janice Daniel, Rajat Rajbhandari, and Steven Chien, “Evaluation of Truck
Crashes on the National Network,” The 81th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington
DC, 2002
Steven Chien, “Traffic Forecasting Systems in NJ-TIDE,” Annual Peer Review
Meeting, New Jersey Commission Science and Technology, Princeton University,
Princeton, 2002
Steven Chien, Kyriacos Mouskos, Athenasios Ziliaskoupolos, “Development of
Simulation/Assignment Model for an ITS Corridor in NJ,” Annual Report Project
Meeting, New Jersey Department of Transportation, Trenton, New Jersey, 2002
Steven Chien, “Development of Travel-Time Predictive Model for New York
Thruway,” International Bridges, Tunnels, and Turnpikes Association, Annual
Meeting (2002), CD-ROM, New York, NY, May 2002
Steven Chien and Xiaobo Liu, “The Development of Dynamic Travel Times
Prediction Models for South Jersey Real-time Motorist Information System,” The
6th World Multiconference on Systematics, Cybernetics and Information (SCI),
CD-ROM, Orlando, FL, 2002
Steven Chien and Xiaobo Liu, “Predicting Travel Times for the South Jersey
Real-time Motorist Information System,” Association for Chinese Mangement
Educators (ACME), 2002 Annual Conference, CD-ROM, Los Angles, CA, 2002
Steven Chien, “Development of Simulation/Assignment Model for New Jersey
ITS Priority Corridor,” Serve as a Panelist in ITS Panel Session, New Jersey
Department of Transportation Research Showcase, Rowan University
Glassboro, NJ, 2002
Steven Chien, “Use of Neural Network/Dynamic Algorithms to Predict Bus
Travel Times under Congested Conditions,” New Jersey Department of
Transportation Research Showcase, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, 2002
Steven Chien, “Computer Modeling and Simulation of New Jersey Signalized
Intersections,” New Jersey Department of Transportation Research Showcase,
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, 2002
Vincent Cardon, Debbi Schlosser, and Steven Chien, “Design and Optimization of
an Express Transit Service to Sandy Hook, NJ,” The 82th TRB Annual Meeting,
Washington DC, 2003
Rajat Rajbhandari, Steven Chien, and Janice Daniel, “Development of Statistic
Models for Estimating Bus Dwell Times with AVL/APC Data,” The 82th TRB
Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2003
Steven Chien, Chuck Tsai, and Edwin Hou, “Optimization of Multi-Route Feeder
Bus Service - An Application of GIS,” The 82th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington
DC, 2003
Steven Chien, Xiaobo Liu, and Kaan Ozbay, “Predicting Travel Times for the
South Jersey Real-Time Motorist Information System,” The 82th TRB Annual
Meeting, Washington DC, 2003
Steven Chien and Himansu Patel, “Optimal Work Zone Lengths for Two-Lane
Commuter Roadways,” The 82th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2003
Chandra Mouly Kuchipudi, and Steven Chien, “Development of a Hybrid Model
for Dynamic Travel Time Prediction,” The 82th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington
DC, 2003
Mei Chen, Steven Chien, Xiaobo Liu, and Jeremy Brickey, “Application of
AVL/APC Data Support System,” The 82th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington
DC, 2003
Steven Chien, Zhouqiong Qin, and Rachel Liu, “Optimal Bus Stop Locations for
Improving Transit Accessibility,” The 82th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC,
Mei Chen, Jason Yaw, Steven Chien, and Xiaobo Liu, “Using AVL/APC Data in
Bus Arrival Time Prediction,” The 82th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC,
January 2003
Paul Schonfeld and Steven Chien, “Optimizing Highway Alignments with Genetic
Algorithms and GIS,” New Jersey Department of Transportation, Trenton, New
Jersey, February 2003
Steven Chien, “Computer Modeling and Simulation of New Jersey Signalized
Highways,” NJDOT Research Showcase 2003, Hyatt Regency Hotel, New
Brunswick, NJ, October 2003
Kaan Ozbay, Bekir Bartin, and Steven Chien, “South Jersey Real-Time Motorist
Information System: Technology and Practice,” The 83rd TRB Annual Meeting,
Washington DC, January 2004
Kyriacos C. Mouskos, Steven Chien, Athanasios K. Ziliaskopoulos, and Curtis
Barrett, “Implementation of a Simulation-based Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Model for the New Jersey (NJ) I80 ITS Priority Corridor,” The Huntsville
Simulation Conference 2004, Huntsville, Alabama, October 2004
Steven Chien, Lazar Spasovic, Kier Opie, Vivek Korikanthimath, and Dejan
Besenski, “Simulation-Based Analysis for Toll Plazas with Multiple Toll Collection
Methods,” The 84th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2005
Steven Chien, “Optimization of Work Zone Lengths for Highway Maintenance
Projects,” ITE Met Section, Newark Club, Newark, NJ, May 2005
Steven Chien and Keir Opie, “Application of SYNCHRO 6.0 for Signal
Optimization on New Jersey Highways,” NJDOT, Trenton, NJ, August 2005
Steven Chien, “Cost/Benefit Analysis for Computer Modeling and Simulation of
New Jersey Signalized Highways,” NJDOT Research Showcase 2005, Westin
Hotel, Princeton, NJ, October 2005
Steven Chien, “CORSIM – A Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model for
Integrated Network,” New Jersey Institute of Technology, CEE Graduate
Seminars, Nov. 14, 2005.
Steven Chien, “Applications of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model for
Integrated Network,” Center for Transportation Research and Education,
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, January 13, 2006.
Janice Daniel, Steven Chien, Rachel Liu, and Nazhat Aboobaker, “Visual
Preference Survey of Traffic Calming Measures in New Jersey,” the 85th Annual
Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, January 2006
Janice Daniel, Steven Chien, Rachel Liu, “Motorized Scooters Safety and
Regulation,” the 85th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board,
Washington DC, January 2006
Kaan Ozbay, Mustafa Anil Yazici, and Steven Chien, “Study of Networkwide
Impact of Various Demand Generation Methods Under Hurricane Evacuation
Conditions,” The 85th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 2006
Kyriacos C. Mouskos, Athanasios K. Ziliaskopoulos, Steven Chien, and Camille
Kamga, “Implementing Dynamic Traffic Assignment to Support Incident
Management,” The 6th Asia-Pacific Transportation Development Conference and
the 19th ICTPA Annual Meeting, Hong Kong and Macau, May 2006
Steven Chien, “Advanced Transportation Research in ITS Applications,” Annual
Meeting, Chinese Institute of Engineers, Newark, New Jersey, September 2006
Steven Chien, “Analysis and Modeling of Evacuation for Cape May County, New
Jersey,” The 20th ICTPA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 2007
Steven Chien, “Simulation and Optimization of Greyhound Networks,” National
Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, June 2007 (Invited)
Steven Chien, “Advanced ITS Research Projects at NJIT,” National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2007 (Invited)
Yimin Tang, and Steven Chien, “Scheduling Highway Maintenance Projects with
Genetic Algorithms,” WMSCI2007, Orlando Florida, July 2007
Steven Chien, “Analysis and Modeling of Emergency Evacuation,” The 20th
ICTPA Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 2007 (Invited)
Yimin Tang and Steven Chien, “Scheduling Work Zones for Highway
Maintenance Project Considering Variable Time-cost Relation,” The 86th TRB
Annual Meeting, (Peer Reviewed), Washington, DC, January 2008
Feng-Ming Tsai, Steven Chien, and Lazar Spasovic, “Optimizing Distance-Based
Fares and Headway of an Intercity Transportation System with Elastic Demand
and Trip Length Differentiation,” The 86th TRB Annual Meeting, (Peer Reviewed),
Washington, DC, January 2008
Yimin Tang and Steven Chien, “Using Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Highway
Work Zone Schedules,” ICTPA Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Nanjing, China,
May 2008
Steven Chien, “Maintenance Decision Support Systems,” Transportation Forum,
Chinese Institute of Transportation, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2008
Steven Chien, “Development and Application of TELUS – Transportation
Economic and Land Use System,” THI Consultant Inc., Taipei, Taiwan, June 2008
Steven Chien, “Stability and Accuracy of HCM Level of Service in Darkness and
Adverse Weather,” New Jersey Department of Transportation Research Showcase,
Trenton, New Jersey, October 2008
Steven Chien, “Transportation Research @ NJIT,” ICTPA-USNE 2008 Annual
Meeting, Newark, New Jersey, October 2008 (invited)
Kitae Kim and Steven Chien, “Simulation Analysis of Energy Consumption for
Various Train Controls and Track Alignments,” Transportation Research Board,
the 88th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington DC, January 2009
Steven Chien and Yavuz Ulusoy, “Optimal Transit Service for Minimum Cost
Operation” Transportation Research Board, the 88th Annual Meeting (Peer
Reviewed), Washington DC, January 2009
Athanassios K Bladikas, Feng-Ming Tsai, and Steven Chien, “Evaluation of Bus
Travel Time and Schedule Adherence under Adverse Weather,” Transportation
Research Board, the 88th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington DC,
January 2009
Janice Daniel, Steven Chien, and Jongho Byun, “Impact of Adverse Weather on
Freeway Speeds and Flows,” Transportation Research Board, the 88th Annual
Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington DC, January 2009
Patricia DiJoseph and Steven Chien, “Optimizing Service Planning for Sustainable
Transit Systems,” Transportation Research Forum, 2009 Annual Forum (Peer
Reviewed), Oregan, USA, March 2009
Jongho Byun, Janice Daniel, and Steven Chien, “Estimating Average Travel
Speed under Adverse Weather Conditions,” the 2nd International Symposium on
Freeway and Tollway Operations (Peer Reviewed), Hawaii, April 2009
Kitae Kim, and Steven Chien, “Estimating Average Travel Speed under Adverse
Weather Conditions,” the 22nd ICTPA Annual Meeting, East Rutherford, New
Jersey, May 2009
Chuck Tsai, Steven Chien, and Chien-Hung Wei, “Optimal Differentiated Fare
and Temporal Service for an Intercity Transit,” the 22nd ICTPA Annual Meeting,
East Rutherford, New Jersey, May 2009
Chien-Hung Wei, Chuck Tsai, Wun-Jin, Chen, and Steven Chien, “Design and
Modeling of Public Transit Services and Networks,” the 22nd ICTPA Annual
Meeting, East Rutherford, New Jersey, May 2009
Steven Chien, “New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)/NJDOT MDSS
Implementation,” the 11nd Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS)
Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, September 2009
Steven Chien and Yavuz Ulusoy, “Optimal All-Stop, Short-Turn, and Express
Transit Services under Heterogeneous Demand,” Transportation Research Board,
the 89th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, DC, January 2010
Steven Chien, Haifeng Yu, and Ching-Jung Ting, “A Bi-level Programming
Model for Minimum Cost Travel Time Data Collection with Time-Windows,”
Transportation Research Board, the 89th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed),
Washington, DC, January 2010
Yimin Tang and Steven Chien, “Optimization of Work Zone Schedule
Considering Time-Varying Traffic Diversion,” Transportation Research Board, the
89th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, DC, January 2010
Kitae Kim and Steven Chien, “Optimal Train Operation for Minimum Energy
Consumption Considering Schedule Adherence,” Transportation Research Board,
the 89th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, DC, January 2010
Steven Chien and Kiran Kolluri, “Evaluation of Freeway Travel Time Variability
and Reliability under Adverse Weather with TRANSMIT Data,” Transportation
Research Board, the 89th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, DC,
January 2010
Anil Yazici, Kaan Ozbay, and Steven Chien, “Comprehensive Analysis of
Important Questions Related to Incident Durations Based on Past Studies and
Recent Empirical Data,” Transportation Research Board, the 89th Annual Meeting
(Peer Reviewed), Washington, DC, January 2010
Byun, Jongho, Daniel, Janice R., and Steven Chien, “Speed-Flow Relationships
under Adverse Weather Conditions,” Transportation Research Board, the 89th
Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington, DC, January 2010
Steven Chien, “ITS Resource Center,”
Transportation, Trenton, NJ, May 2010
Steven Chien, “Operations and Performance Evaluation of of Intermodal Transit
Transfer Terminal,” Sponsored by Taipei Bus Terminal, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2010
Steven Chien, Section Moderator, “Public Transportation Systems in Urban
Settings and Airports,” 第 18 屆海峽兩岸都市交通學術研討會, Shenyang,
China, July 2010
Steven Chien, “Optimization of Transfer Coordination for Intermodal
Transit Networks,” 2010 Workshop - Operation Coordination and Optimization
for an Intermodal Public Transit System, Sponsored by Beijing Jiaotong University
& Beijing Public Transport Institute, Beijing, China, August 2010
Steven Chien, “OD Demand Prediction in Urban Transit Systems,” 2010
Workshop - Operation Coordination and Optimization for an Intermodal Public
Transit System, Sponsored by Beijing Jiaotong University & Beijing Public
Transport Institute, Beijing, China, August 2010
Steven Chien, “Bus Travel Times Prediction for Urban Transit Systems,” 2010
Workshop - Operation Coordination and Optimization for an Intermodal Public
Transit System, Sponsored by Beijing Jiaotong University & Beijing Public
Transport Institute, Beijing, China, August 2010
Steven Chien, “Dynamic Bus Dispatching of Urban Intermodal Transit Systems,”
2010 Workshop - Operation Coordination and Optimization for an Intermodal
Public Transit System, Sponsored by Beijing Jiaotong University & Beijing Public
Transport Institute, Beijing, China, August 2010
Steven Chien, Special Guest Speaker, “Transportation Education in the 21 st
Centry,” the 23rd Chinese American Academic and Professional Society (CAAPS),
Flushing, NY, August 2010.
Steven Chien, “Turning Transportation Research into Solutions,” Graduate
Seminar, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, ROC, October 7, 2010
Steven Chien and Kitae Kim, “Variability of Travel Time on New jersey
Highways,” NJDOT Research Showcase 2010, Mercer County College, Trenton,
NJ, October 2010
Steven Chien and Kung E Cheng, “Implementation of Maintenance Decision
System in New Jersey,” NJDOT Research Showcase 2010, Mercer County
College, Trenton, NJ, October 2010
Steven Chien, “University Transportation Research Centers in US and Some
Projects at NJIT,” Graduate Seminar, National Kaoshiung First Science and
Technical University, Taiwan, ROC, November 11, 2010
Steven Chien, “The Joy of Writing,” Graduate Seminar, National Cheng-Kung
University, Taiwan, ROC, November 18, 2010
Steven Chien, “University Transport Research Centers in US and Some Projects
at NJIT,” Seminar for Undergraduate Students, College of Automobile, Chang’an
University, Xi’an, China, December 7, 2010
Steven Chien, “A Vision of Transportation Education and Research in the 21st
Century,” Seminar for faculty and research staff, College of Automobile, Chang’an
University, Xi’an, China, December 8, 2010
Steven Chien, “Transport Research @ NJIT,” Seminar for graduate students,
College of Automobile, Xi’an, Chang’an University, China, December 9, 2010
Yavus Ulusoy and Steven Chien, “Optimizing Integrated Bus Service for
Minimum Cost Operation with Genetic Algorithm – A Case Study in New Jersey,”
Transportation Research Board, the 90th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed),
Washington DC, January 2011
Shoaib Chowdhury and Steven Chien, “Joint Optimization of Bus Size, Headway,
and Slack Time for Efficient Timed Transfer,” Transportation Research Board, the
90th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington DC, January 2011
Kitae Kim and Steven Chien, “Evaluation of Technologies for Freeway Travel
Time Estimation: A Case Study of I-287 in New Jersey,” Transportation Research
Board, the 90th Annual Meeting (Peer Reviewed), Washington DC, January 2011
Chien-hung Wei, Steven Chien, and Ming-Jeng Hsu, “Reducing Internal Delay for
the Taipei Bus Station with Signal Control Considering Bus Operation and
Geographic Constraints – An Analytical Approach,” ITS Forum (Peer Reviewed),
Kaoshiung, Taiwan, June 2011.
Chien-hung Wei, Steven Chien, and Miao-Shan Yeh, “Simulation-Based Analysis
of Incident Management with Variable Speed Limit Control,” ITS Forum (Peer
Reviewed), Kaoshiung, Taiwan, June 2011.
Steven Chien, “Writing Research Papers for Publishing in Peer Reviewed
Journals,” Seminar for faculty and research staff, College of Automobile, Chang’an
University, Xi’an, China, January 4, 2012
Liuhui Zhao and Steven Chien, ‘Analysis of Weather Impact on Travel Speed and
Travel Time Reliability, CICTP 2012 – Bejing, China, August 3~6, 2012. (Peer
Steven Chien, "Maintenance Decision Support System for Winter Road
Treatment," International Chinese Transportation and Professional Association,
Chingching, China, June 2012. (Peer Reviewed)
Liuhui Zhao and Steven Chien “Analysis of Weather Impact on Bus Service
Reliability”, The 3rd International Conference on Urban Transportation Systems,
ASCE, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), Paris, France,
November 13-16 2012. (Peer Reviewed)
(PI: Principal Investigator; CP: Co-Principal; I: Investigator)
A. Awarded Grants
Principal Investigator, Scheduling of Coordinated Transfers for Public Transit
Services, NJIT, July 1997 ~ July 1997 ($12,000)
Principal Investigator, Freeway Capacity Analysis with Microscopic Simulation
Models - Phase I, USDOT-FHWA, May 1997 ~ October 1997 ($35,948)
Principal Investigator, Freeway Capacity Analysis with Microscopic Simulation
Models - Phase II, USDOT-FHWA, October 1997 ~ March 1998 ($40,924)
Principal Investigator, Microscopic Transit Simulation Models, NJIT, July 1997 ~
July 1998 ($19,300)
Principal Investigator (NJIT Team), Lane Occupancy Charges Study, USDOTUTRC (Region II) & NJDOT, July 1998 ~ July 1999 ($109,096, NJIT share
Principal Investigator, Development of Neural Dynamic Prediction for Bus Arrival
Times, NJIT, July 1998 ~ July 1999 ($7,500)
Principal Investigator, Evaluation of the Potential for Using Ramp Metering in the
ATMS of the I-80 Showcase Corridor, USDOT-NCTIP & NJDOT, June 1999 ~
June 2001 ($226,257)
Principal Investigator (NJIT Team), South Jersey Real-Time Motorist Information
Systems, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, May 2001 ~ December 2002 ($250,000,
NJIT share $32,641)
Investigator, Identifying Factors and Mitigation Technologies in Truck Accidents
in New Jersey, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, April 2001 ~ April 2002 ($121,226)
Principal Investigator, Development of a Simulation/Assignment Model for an ITS
Priority Corridor, USDOT-NCTIP & NJDOT, May 2001 ~ October 2003
Principal Investigator, New Jersey Transportation Information and Decision
Center (NJ-TIDE), New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology, January,
1999 ~ December 2003 ($2,100,000)
Principal Investigator, Prediction of Bus Arrival Times with Neural/Dynamic
Models, USDOT-NCTIP & NJDOT, January 2002 ~ January 2003 ($145,047)
Principal Investigator, Computer Modeling and Simulation of New Jersey
Signalized Highways, USDOT-NCTIP & NJDOT, January 2002 ~ January 2004
Investigator, Effectiveness of Certain Design Solutions on Reducing Vehicle
Speeds, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, January 2003 ~ June 2004 ($153,061)
Investigator, Motorized Scooters/Go-Peds, USDOT & NJDOT, 2004 ($60,352)
Principal Investigator, Cost and Benefit Analysis of Computer Modeling and
Simulation of New Jersey Signalized Highways, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT,
January 2004 ~ January 2005 ($76,118)
Principal Investigator, Greyhound SWIFT Project – Route Design Model (Phase I
– Model Definition and Specification), Greyhound Inc., 2004 ($35,611)
Investigator, Parking Management and Architecture Development Strategies,
USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, 2005~2006 ($100,000)
Principal Investigator, Analysis and Modeling of Cape May County Roadway
Elevations and Evacuation Routes, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, 2005~2006
Investigator, TRANSIMS Prototype for New Jersey, Subcontract of Rutgers
University, FHWA, 2005~2006 (Total $500,000, NJIT – $200,000)
Principal Investigator, Development of Simulation and Prototype Data Warehouse
Models for Evaluating ITS Projects, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, January 2005 ~
September 2007 ($160,021) (PROJECT ACCOUNT – 995997)
Principal Investigator, Training - Computer Modeling and Simulation of New
Jersey Signalized Intersections, USDOT & NJDOT, August 2005 ($5,716)
Principal Investigator, Implementation Services for TELUS's Browser Based
Information and Decision Support System for Use on NYMTC's TIP, NYMTC,
March 2005 ~ December 2005 ($49,978) (PROJECT ACCOUNT – 998437)
Principal Investigator, Greyhound SWIFT Project – The State-of-The-Art Route
Design Model, Greyhound Inc., May 2005 ~ July 2006 ($352,625) (PROJECT
ACCOUNT – 998436)
Principal Investigator, Training - Computer Modeling and Simulation of New
Jersey Signalized Intersections, USDOT & NJDOT, August 2006 ($5,312)
Principal Investigator, Customization of Web TELUS for Houston-Galveston Area
Council, H-GAC, July 2006 ~ December 2006 ($21,612) (PROJECT ACCOUNT
– 998476)
Co-Principal Investigator, US Route 46 Congested Corridor: Operational and ITS
Solutions, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, January 2007 ($66,159)
Co-Principal Investigator, US Route 80 Congested Corridor: Operational and ITS
Solutions, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, January 2007 ($66,159)
Co-Principal Investigator, US Route 280 Congested Corridor: Operational and
ITS Solutions, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, January 2007 ($66,159)
Principal Investigator, Development of New Jersey Rates for NJCMS Incident
Delay Model, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, January 2006 ~ September 2007
($198,993) (PROJECT ACCOUNT – 995810)
Principal Investigator, Stability and Accuracy of HCM Level of Service in
Darkness and Adverse Weather, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, January 2006 ~
September 2008 ( Year 1: $151,225; and Year 2: $154,638) (PROJECT
ACCOUNT – 995809)
Principal Investigator, Development of Simulation and Prototype Data Warehouse
Models for Evaluating ITS Projects - Extension, USDOT-FHWA $ NJDOT,
September 2007 ~ June 2009 ($38,994) (PROJECT ACCOUNT – 995997)
Principal Investigator, Variability of Travel Times on New Jersey Highways,
USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, December 2006 ~ February 2009 (Year 1: $199,964;
Year 2: $99,112; and Total: $299,076) (PROJECT ACCOUNT – 995816)
Principal Investigator, Maintenance and Support for Project Information
Management System (PIMS), NYMTC, August 2008 ~ July 2009 ($14,628)
Principal Investigator, Maintenance and Support for Project Information
Management System (PIMS), NYMTC, August 2009 ~ July 2010 ($14,974)
Co-Principal Investigator, Traffic Control and Work Zone Safety for High Volume
Roads, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, Janyary 2010 ~ June 2012 ($240,000)
Co-Principal Investigator, Work Zone Safety Analysis, USDOT-FHWA &
NJDOT, January 2010 ~ December 2011 ($360,418) (PROJECT ACCOUNT –
Co-Principal Investigator, Development of a Transportation Economic and Land
Use System, USDOT-FHWA, DTFH61-07-H-00020, August 2007 ~ August 2011
(Year-1: $706,022; Year-2: $724,536; Year-3: $735,491; and Year-4 $735,493)
Co-Principal Investigator, Establishment of the Intelligent Transportation Systems
Resources Center (ITSRC) - Evaluation of Technologies for Travel Time
Estimation; Optimization of Sensor Types and Locations; and Optimization of
DMS Locations & Messages, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, (June 2008 ~ April
2011:$525,000; November 2011~ November 2012: $398,189) (PROJECT
ACCOUNT – 995835)
Principal Investigator, NYMTC PIMS Transition Support, NYMTC, November
2010 ~ December 2012 ($14,996) (PROJECT ACCOUNT – 995635, 995636)
Principal Investigator, Implementation of Maintenance Decision Support System in
New Jersey, FHWA & NJDOT, July 2007 ~ July 2012 (Year 1: $370,050; Yeat 2:
$55,628; Year 3; $200,000; Year 4: $200,000; and Total: $825,678) (PROJECT
ACCOUNT – 995822)
Principal Investigator, Customization of TELUS-Based Project Information
Management System (PIMS) – SA1, NYMTC, February 2011 ~ January 2013
($182,783) (PROJECT ACCOUNTS – 995656, 995657, 995658)
Principal Investigator, Customization of TELUS-Based Project Information
Management System (PIMS) Archiving – SA2, NYMTC, July 2011 ~ July 2012
Principal Investigator, Snow Model Analysis, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, May
2011 ~ October 2012 ($352,700) (PROJECT ACCOUNT – 995679)
Principal Investigator (NJIT-team), Vulnerability of Transportation System and
Evacuation Plan for Coastal Flooding in Climate Change, December 2011 ~ September
2012 ($50,000) – team with CUNY, Dr. Hansong Tang (PROJECT ACCOUNT –
Principal Investigator, “Road Weather Information System (RWIS) Statewide
Implementation Plan”, NYSDOT/UTRC-II, January 2012 ~ January 2013
($185,000) (PROJECT ACCOUNT – TBD)
B. Submitted Proposals
Co-Principal Investigator, A Framework for in Finding the Best Location of VMSs
in a Transportation Network Using DTA, July 2010 ~ July 2011 ($50,000) – team
with CUNY, Dr. Neville Parker
Principal Investigator, “Innovative Rail Intelligent Systems (IRIS)”, China South
Rail (CSR), China, Submitted in November 2011.
Co-Principal Investigator, Feasibility of Lane Closures Using Probe Data,
USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, submitted December 2011 ($365,115)
Principal Investigator, Real Time Probe Data Tied to Contractor Performance,
USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, submitted December 2011 ($347,547)
Principal Investigator, Highway Repair Consolidation Feasibility, USDOT-FHWA
& NJDOT, submitted December 2011 ($494,801)
Co-Principal Investigator, A Network Service System to Facilitate Two-Way
Information Flow in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, NSF, December 2011, for
Co-Principal Investigator, ADA Paratransit Service Area Geographic Realignment,
USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, submitted March 2012 ($200,000)
C. Non-Funded Proposals
Principal Investigator, Optimization of Timed Transfers for Scheduling Public
Transit Services, USDOT-NCTIP & New Jersey Transit ($67,000)
Principal Investigator, Dynamic Travel Time Information System for Improving
Paratransit Scheduling, Atlantic Express Transportation Group, Inc. ($72,000)
Principal Investigator, Real-Time Construction Zone Management, Jersey City
Principal Investigator, Emission Impacts of Better Acceleration/Deceleration
Lanes, USDOT-NCTIP & NJDOT ($113,000)
Principal Investigator, Center for Efficient Enterprise Operations, New Jersey
Commission of Science and Technology, ($1,405,505)
Co-Principal Investigator, Assessment of Variable Speed Limit Implementation
Issues, NCHRP-NAS ($521,529)
Co-Principal Investigator, Evaluation of Adaptive Control Strategies for New
Jersey Highways, USDOT-NCTIP & NJDOT ($182,725)
Principal Investigator, Dynamic System for Predicting Bus Travel Times, NSF
Co-Principal Investigator, Development of an Ad Hoc Network for Transportation
Systems, NSF ($300,000)
Principal Investigator, New Jersey Operational Improvements at Traffic Circles,
USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT ($263,968)
Principal Investigator, Methodology to Predict the Safety Performance of Urban
and Suburban Arterials, NCHRP-NAS ($500,000)
Principal Investigator, Development of Simulation Models for Traffic Evacuation,
USDOT-Center for Advanced Transportation Systems Simulation ($100,000)
Principal Investigator, Safety Audit of Fatalities of Transportation Involving Guide
Rail, USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT ($586,690)
Principal Investigator, Integrating Ad Hoc Network into Transportation
Communication Networks, NSF ($150,000)
Principal Investigator, Software for an Environmental Information Management
and Decision Support System, NCHRP-NAS, January 2004 ~ June 2006
Principal Investigator, Economic Impact Analysis for the Lackawanna Cut-Off
Passenger Service, Restoration Project, PennDOT, April 2004 ($30,000)
Principal Investigator, Benefits to Signal Timing Optimization and ITS to Corridor
Operations, PennDOT, 2004 ($100,000)
Co-Principal Investigator, Development of a Simulation/Assignment Model
to Evaluate Variable Message Sign Location and Content, The Year 2005
UTRC Initiative, March 2005
Principal Investigator, Benefits to Signal Timing Optimization and ITS to Corridor
Operations - REBID, PennDOT, June 2005 ($100,000)
Principal Investigator (NJIT team), Transportation Needs Assessment Financial
Analysis in Pennsylvania, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, August
2005 ($225,000)
Principal Investigator, Uniform Standars for Allowable Lane Closure,
USDOT-FHWA & NJDOT, July 2006 ($228,283)
Co-Principal Investigator,
Principal Investigator, Improving Mobility through the Intelligent Gathering,
Sharing and Use of Real-Time Travel Speeds, USDOT-FHWA, March 2008
Principal Investigator, Simulation Modeling and Analysis of Transportation
Emergency Operations and Evacuation for Atlantic City, New Jersey, USDOTFHWA & NJDOT, 2004 ($250,000)
Principal Investigator, Development of a Real-Time Emergency Response
and Decision Support System (RT-ERDSS), USDOT-FHWA, NJDOT, and
New Jersey State Police, January 2005
Investigator (Team with UTRC-Region II), GEN-3 ERC Program Solicitation
NSF 07-521, NSF, February 2007
Investigator, Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Solicitation NSF 07-569, NSF, September 2007
Principal Investigator, Signalized Intersection Interactive Database, USDOTFHWA & NJDOT, September 2008 ($385,000)
Investigator, Establishing Monitoring Programs for Travel Time Reliability, SHRP
II – L02, Transportation Research Board, September 2008 ($1,500,000) – team
Investigator, Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures in Operations and
Planning Modeling Tools, SHRP II – L04 Transportation Research Board,
September 2008 ($1,250,000) – team with Noblis (former Mitertek Systems, Inc.)
Investigator, An REU Site for Resilient and Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, NSF,
August 2008, Principal Investigator (PI): T. Marhaba; Senior Personnel (SP): L.
Axe, S. Bagheri, S. Chien, J. Greenfeld, H-N. Hsieh, T. Juliano, F. Karaa, W.
Konon, J. Meegoda, P. Nelson, D. Raghu, J. Schuring, W. Spillers; Budget:
$422,381 for 2009-2011
Principal Investigator, Developing a Prediction Model for Real-time School Bus
Arrival Time, January 2010 ~ July 2011
Principal Investigator, Development of Weather Responsive Regional
Transportation Management Systems through Variable Message Signs (VMS) –
An Application of Clarus System Data, August 2010 ~ August 2011 ($80,000)
Co-Principal Investigator, Evaluation of Residential and Transportation Impact of
Predicted Coastal Flooding due to Climate Change, July 2010 ~ July 2011
($50,000) – team with CUNY, Dr. Hansong Tang
Co-Principal Investigator, Daily Congestion Pricing System, UTRC II, July 2010 ~
July 2011 ($50,000) – team with CAIT Center, Dr. Ali Maher
None yet
A. Professional Licenses
E.I.T. Maryland, 1991.
B. Certifications
None yet
A. University
1. Faculty Representative (Transportation) - Library Committee, 1999 ~ present
2. New Jersey Institute of Technology Open House at New Jersey Department of
Transportation, 1999
3. Member, University Library Technical Reference Librarian Search Committee, 2000 ~
4. Search Committee Member, Dean of Newark College of Engineering, 2002~2003
5. Search Committee Member, Yin Wu Chair, Department of Electronic and Computer
Engineering, Newark College of Engineering, 2007~present
6. University P&T Committee Member, 2011~present
B. Department
1. Committee Member, Department Faculty Search Committee (2012)
2. Committee Member, Department Committee for Research (2002, 2006 ~ present)
3. Faculty Advisor, Student Chapter of the Institute for Transportation Engineers, (1999
~ present)
4. Committee Member, Department Committee of a Joint Program with a Universitry in
Tailand, 2001
Committee Member, Department Transportation Faculty Search Committee, 2001
Committee Member, Department Transportation Faculty Search Committee, 2000
Marshall, Institute for Transportation, May 1999
Committee Member, Department Computing Planning Committee, 1998
Committee Chair, Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Committee, Institute for Transportation,
10. Committee Member, Department Transportation Faculty Search Committee, 1998
11. Marshall, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, May 1998
12. Marshall, Institute for Transportation, May 1997
13. Committee Chair, Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Committee, Institute for Transportation,
14. Committee Member, Department Teaching Excellence Committee, 1996
C. External Evaluator of University Professor Tenure/Promotion
1. Faculty Tenure Promotion Evaluator, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, September 2003.
2. Faculty Tenure Evaluator, Department of Civil Engineering, City College of New
York, New York, New York, February 2007.
3. Faculty Tenure Promotion Evaluator, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland, September 2008.
4. Faculty Tenure & Promotion Evaluator, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering,, United Arab Emirates (UAE) University, Al Ain United Arab Emirates,
November 2008
5. Faculty Promotion Evaluator, Department of Civil Engineering, City College of New
York, New York, New York, February 2009.
6. Faculty Promotion Evaluator, Department of Civil Engineering, Florida Atlantic
University, Boca Raton, Florida, October 2011.
7. Faculty Promotion Evaluator, Department of Civil Engineering, National Central
University, Chungli, Taiwan, ROC, February 2012.
D. Peer Review Activities
1. Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board.
2. Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers.
3. Journal of Waterway, Port, and Ocean Engineering, American Society of Civil
4. University Transportation Center Region 1 (New England).
5. National Center for Transportation and Industrial Productivity (NCTIP).
6. Journal of Advanced Transportation.
7. Transportation Research (TR) – Parts A, B, C, D, and E
8. National Academic Science, National Cooperated Highway Research Program.
9. Delware Transportation Institute (DTI).
10. Logistics Information Management (LIM) – An International Journal.
11. American Chinese Management Educators Association.
12. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI).
13. International Chinese Transportation Professional and Association.
14. International Journal of Computer-Aided Civil & Infrastructure Engineering.
15. ITS Journal.
16. Collaborate Incentive Research Grant Program, The City University of New York
17. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers
18. Springer's Series of Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems.
19. Scientia Iranica.
20. Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS).
21. World of Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics Congress, TRAIL Research School.
22. IEEE – Transaction of Intelligent Transportation Systems
23. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
24. International Journal of Forecasting.
25. International Journal of Modelling and Simulation.
26. Transportmetrica.
27. International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory.
28. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis.
29. Journal Environmental Informatics.
30. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.
31. Networks.
32. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, American Society of Civil Engineers.
33. Economics of Transportation, the Journal of International Transportation Economics
34. Israel Science Foundation (ISF)
35. National Science Fundation (NSF)
E. Editorial Activities
1. Edirorial Panel Member: National Cooperated Highway Research Program (NCHRP),
1998 ~ 1999.
2. Editorial Advisory Board Member: Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2001 ~ 2003.
3. Editorial Panel Member: Transit Cooperated Research Program (TCRP), 2001 ~
4. Editorial Board Member: Logistics Information Management, 2001~ 2003.
5. Associate Editor: Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2003 ~ present.
6. Editorial Board Member: Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 2003~
F. Community/Government
1. Member, Transit Communication Interface Profiles (TCIP) - Traffic Management
Committee, 1997
2. Advisory Committee Chair – Forecasting Systems Technology, New Jersey
Transportation Information Decision Engineering (NJ-TIDE) Center, 1999 ~ present
3. Panel Committee for National Cooperated Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
Project 20-5, Topic 30-12 “Techniques Used to Minimize Lane Occupancy During
Construction and Maintenance”, National Academies of Science, 1998 ~ 2000
4. The Middle States Subcommittee – Committee Member, 2000
5. Beta Tester, McTrans Center, University of Florida, 1996 ~ present
6. Member, Delware Transportation Institute FY-2002 Proposal Review Committee,
7. Panel Committee for Transit Cooperated Research Program (TCRP) Project J-7,
Topic SA-14 “Real Time Bus Arrival Information Systems”, National Academies of
Science, 2001 ~ present
G. Professional Societies
1. Faculty Advisor - NJIT Student Chapter of the Institute for Transportation Engineers
(ITE), 1999 ~ present
2. Member - Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, 1998 ~ present
3. Member, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996 ~ present
4. Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1996 ~ present
5. Member, Transportation Research Board, 1990 ~ present
6. Member, International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association, 1990 ~
7. Committee, Network Modeling Committee of the Transportation Research Board,
1998 ~ present
8. Committee, Artificial Intelligence Committee of the Transportation Research Board,
1999 ~ present
9. Committee, Transit Committee of the Transportation Research Board, 1999 ~ present
10. Board Member, International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association –
Northeastern Chapter, 2000 ~ present
11. Chair the Technical Section for the Annual Meeting of ICTPA-USNE Chapter, 2000 ~
12. Co-Chair a seminar, “Maglev Technology and Its Potential Operating Locations,”
Jointly sponsored by Sigma Xi - NJIT Chapter and ITE & ITS Student Chapter,
September 28, 2001
13. Member, American Society of Engineering Education, 2001 ~ present
14. Member, American Chinese Management Educators Association, 2002 ~ present
15. Member, Subcommittee on Commercial Fleet and Transit Network Modeling,
Transportation Research Board, 2002~ present
16. Member and Board of Director, Chinese American Academic and Professional Society
(CAAPS), 1999 ~ present
17. Session Chair, “Transportation Management” for the Annual Meeting of American
Chinese Management and Educator (ACME) Association, August 3, 2002
18. Technical Advisor, International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association –
Northeastern Chapter, 2002 ~ present
19. Program Chairperson, Technical Program, the Annual Meeting of International
Chinese Transportation Professional Association – United States Northeastern
Chapter, April 27, 2002
20. Session Chairperson, Transportation Management Session, the American Chinese
Management and Educator (ACME) Association Annual Meeting, August 3, 2002
21. Committee, Information Technology Committee of the Transportation Research
Board, 2003 ~ present
22. Charter Member, Transportation and Development Institute, American Society of
Civil Engineers, 2003 ~ present.
23. Vice President, Chinese American Academic and Professional Society, 2003~ 2005
24. Executive Committee Member, International Road Federation, 2004 ~ present
25. Co-Chair, Technical Paper Review Committee, the Annual Meeting of International
Chinese Transportation Professional Association, Taipei, Taiwan, 11~13 February,
26. Conference Chairperson, the Annual Meeting of Chinese American Academic &
Professional Society (CAAPS), Flushing, New York, August 14, 2004
27. Program Chairperson, Technical Program in the Annual Meeting of International
Chinese Transportation Professional Association – United States Northeastern
Chapter, September 25, 2004
28. Conference Chairperson, the Annual Meeting of International Chinese Transportation
Professional Association – United States Northeastern Chapter, October 1, 2005
29. Secretary General, Board of Directors, Chinese American Academic and Professional
Society (CAAPS), 2005~ 2006
30. Chair, Membership Committee, Chinese American Academic and Professional Society
(CAAPS), 2006~2007
31. President, International Chinese Transportation Professional Association Northeastern Chapter, 2005 ~ 2007
32. Conference Moderator – Session III, the 9th Technical Symposium on Important Issues
of Transportation Development in China and Neighboring Regions,’ North America
China Overseas Transportation Association (NACOTA) & Washington D.C. Chinese
Transportation Association (WCTA), Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington D.C.,
January 22, 2006
33. Member of Conference Committee & Co-Chair Technical Sessions, the 6th AsiaPacific Transportation Development Conference and the 19th ICTPA Annual Meeting,
International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association, Hong Kong/Macau,
May 29 ~ June 1, 2006
34. Conference Section Chair, The 20th Annual Meeting of International Chinese
Transportation Professional Association, Los Angeles, CA, May 2007
35. Chair, Nomination Committee, Chinese American Academic and Professional Society
(CAAPS), 2007~2008
36. Conference Section Chair, Urban Transportation Planning and Zoning Workshop, The
33th Annual Convention Program, Chinese American Academic & Professional
Society (CAAPS), Flushing, NY, September 2008
37. Chairman, Panel Discussion on “City Planning Workshop”, The 33 rd Annual Meeting
of Chinese American Academic & Professional Society (CAAPS), Flushing, NY,
August 2008
38. Member of Conference Committee & Technical Program Chair, the 22nd ICTPA
Annual Meeting, International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association, East
Rutherford, New Jersey, May 22 ~ May 24, 2009
39. Conference Section Chair, Urban Planning and Environmental Protection Workshop,
The 34th Annual Convention Program, Chinese American Academic & Professional
Society (CAAPS), Flushing, NY, September 2009
40. Program Chairperson, Technical Program in the Annual Meeting of International
Chinese Transportation Professional Association – United States Northeastern
Chapter, September 16, 2011
A. Awards and Honors
1. Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Research Fellowship Award, US
Department of Transportation, 1991.
2. The Most Supportive Professor, Meeting of the Institute for Transportation,
sponsored by the Student Chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers at NJIT
and the Alpha Student Chapter of ITS America at NJIT, May 1997.
3. Marquis Who’s Who in America, 2000 ~ present
4. Who’s Who in the World, 2000 ~ present
5. Tenured and Promotion to Associate Professor, NJIT, 2001
6. Outstanding Service Award, International Chinese Transportation Professional
Association – United States Northeastern Chapter, October 2002
7. Certificate of Appreciation by NJDOT Bureau of Research “In Recognition of Your
Commitment and Dedication to the Advancement of Transportation Research in the
State of New Jersey,” NJDOT Research Showcase, November 2002.
8. Best Paper Award for Year 2002, Steven Chien, Yimin Tang, and Paul Schonfeld,
“Optimizing Work Zones for Two-Lane Highway Maintenance Projects,” Journal of
Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 2, pp 145~155, March/April 2002.
9. Best Paper Award, J. Patraik, Steven Chien, and A.Bladikas, “Using Data Mining
Techniques on APC Data to Develop Effective Bus Scheduling Plans,” The 9th World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL, 2005
10. Service Award, Annual Meeting of International Chinese Transportation Professional
Association (ICTPA), Hongkong and Macau, 2006
11. Promotion to Full Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2006
12. The very first recipient of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Research
Implementation Award, Award Project: “Computer Modeling and Simulation of NJ
Signalized Highways (Volumes 1 and 2)”, the 10th Annual NJDOT Research
Showcase, Trenton, October 16, 2008.
13. Outstanding Service Award, The 22nd Annual Conference of ICTPA, East Rutherford,
New Jersey, May 22~24, 2009
14. Visiting Professor for NCKU Project of Promoting Academic Excellence &
Developing World Class Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan,
ROC, July 2009
15. Visiting Professor and Distinguished Scholar for NCKU Project of Promoting
Academic Excellence & Developing World Class Research Center, National Cheng
Kung University, Taiwan, ROC, May 2010 ~ March 2011
16. Visiting Professor and Distinguished Scholar, Chang’an University, Xi’an, China,
March 2011
17. Research Excellence Award in Transportration and Infrastructure (百人计划), Shaanxi Province, and Distinguish Visiting Professor, Chang’an University, China, January
B. Students Receiving Awards
1. Shoaib Chowdhury, Dissertation - “Intermodal Transit System Coordination,” George
Krambles Transit Foundation National Scholarship Award, $2,000, 1998
2. Yuqing Ding, Dissertation - “A Dynamic Headway Control Strategy for Transit
Operations,” George Krambles Transit Foundation National Scholarship Award,
$2,500, 1999
3. Xiaobo Liu, Research Paper - “Application of APC and GIS Data in Bus Performance
Analysis – Case Study NJ Transit Route 62,” George Krambles Transit Foundation
National Scholarship Award, $2,500, 2003
4. Xiaobo Liu, Research Paper - “Applications of APC Data for Bus On-time
Performance Analysis,” Most Outstanding Student Paper Award of ITE for Year
5. Jayakrishna Patnaik, Research Paper - “Improving Accuracy with Kalman Filtering
Algorithm (KFA) to Predict Bus Arrival Times,” George Krambles Transit Foundation
National Scholarship Award, $2,500, 2004
6. Zhaoqiong Qin, Resaerch Paper - “Improve Transit Accessibility: Optimal Design of
Bus Stop Number and Locations,” ITE MET Section Student Paper Award for Year
2004~2005 (First Place), 2005
7. Jayakrishna Patnaik, Research Paper - “Development a Regression Model for
Predicting Bus Arrival Times,” ITE MET Section Student Paper Award for Year
2004~2005 (Third Place), 2005
8. Vivek V. Korikanthimath, IRF Executive Leadership Fellow Award, International
Road Federation, Washington DC, 2006
9. Kanchana Balakrishnan, Research Paper - “A Bi-Level Optimization Model for Transit
Network Route Design Problem,” ITE MET Section The Most Outstanding Student
Paper Award for Year 2005~2006
10. Chuck (Feng-Ming) Tsai, IRF Executive Leadership Fellow Award, International
Road Federation, Washington DC, 2007
11. Kitae Kim, IRF Executive Leadership Fellow Award, International Road Federation,
Washington DC, 2008
12. Yavuz Ulsoy, IRF Executive Leadership Fellow Award, International Road
Federation, Washington DC, 2009
Host a seminar for National Center for Transportation and Industrial
Productivity, “Transfer Coordination in Transportation Systems,” October
23, 1998, Speaker: Dr. Paul Schonfeld (UMCP)
Exhibit, Dimitrios Goulias, Shmuel Yahalom, and Steven Chien, “Lane
Occupancy Charges,” NJDOT Research Showcase 1999 & CAIT
Dedication, Rutgers University, November 1999
Exhibit, Steven Chien, “Evaluation of the Potential for Using Ramp
Metering in the ATMS of the I-80 Showcase Corridor,” NJDOT Research
Showcase 1999 & CAIT Dedication, Rutgers University, November 1999
Exhibit, Steven Chien, “High Speed Rail Systems,” Taipei High Speed Rail
Corporation, January 2000
Organize a seminar for National Center for Transportation and Industrial
Productivity, “CORSIM: A State-of-the-Best Practice for Traffic
Analysis,” January 27, 2000, Speaker: Dr. Henry Lieu (FHWA-USDOT)
Organize a workshop for National Transit Institute, National Center of
Transportation and Industrial Productivity, and America Public Transit
Association, “Bus Rapid Transit: International Experience,” May 15, 2000
Short Course, Steven Chien and Kyriacos Mouskos, “Short Course on
CORSIM and SYNCHRO Transportation Software,” New Jersey
Department of Transportation, July 2000
Co-Chair the Technical Section for the Annual Meeting of ICTPA-USNE
Chapter September 30, 2000
Exhibit, Steven Chien, “Evaluation of the Potential for Using Ramp
Metering in the ATMS of the I-80 Showcase Corridor,” NJDOT Research
Month, October 2000
[XI.B.10] Exhibit, Steven Chien, “Evaluation of the Potential for Using Ramp
Metering in the ATMS of the I-80 Showcase Corridor,” NJDOT Research
Showcase 2000, National Center for Transportation and Industrial
Productivity, New Jersey Institute of Technology, November 2000
[XI.B.11] Organize a field trip for ITE Student Chapter, “Metro North Train Control
Center – Grand Central Station, New York, NY,” March 16, 2001
[XI.B.12] Organize a field trip for ITE/ITS Student Chapter, “New Jersey Transit
Train Control Center – Hoboken, New Jersey,” March 16, 2001
[XI.B.13] Organize a seminar for National Center for Transportation and Industrial
Productivity, “Brownfield Redevelopment and Freight Transportation –
Maximizing Economic Benefit from Increase Trade,” May 15, 2001,
Speaker: Mr. John Hummer (NJTPA)
[XI.B.14] Chaired the Technical Section for the ICTPA-USNE Chapter Conference,
May 15, 2001
[XI.B.15] Co-Chair the Technical Section for the Annual Meeting of ICTPA-USNE
Chapter September 22, 2001
[XI.B.16] Co-chair a seminar, “Maglev Technology and Its Potential Operating
Locations,” Jointly sponsored by Sigma Xi - NJIT Chapter and ITE & ITS
Student Chapter, September 28, 2001
[XI.B.17] Exhibit, Janice Daniel and Steven Chien, “Identifying factors and
Mitigation Technologies in Truck Accidents in New Jersey,” NJDOT
Research Showcase 2001, October 12, 2000
[XI.B.18] Exhibit, Steven Chien, Kyriacos Mouskos, and Athanasios Ziliaskopoulos,
“Development of a Simulation/Assignment Model for an ITS Priority
Corridor,” NJDOT Research Showcase 2001, October 12, 2001
[XI.B.19] Exhibit, Steven Chien, “Evaluation of the Potential for Using Ramp
Metering in the ATMS of the I-80 Showcase Corridor,” NJDOT Research
Showcase 2001, National Center for Transportation and Industrial
Productivity, New Jersey Institute of Technology, October 12, 2000
[XI.B.20] Workshop Organizer, Steven Chien, Kyriacos Mouskos, Athenasios
Ziliaskoupolos, “Application of VISTA/ROUTESIM in Transportation
Planning and Operations Analysis - Year 1,” New Jersey Department of
Transportation, March 25, 2002
[XI.B.21] Program Co-chairperson, Technical Program, the Annual Meeting of
International Chinese Transportation Professional Association – United
States Northeastern Chapter, September 22, 2001
[XI.B.22] Co-chairperson, “Maglev Technology and Its Potential Operating
Locations,” Jointly sponsored by Sigma Xi - NJIT Chapter and ITE & ITS
Student Chapter, September 28, 2001
[XI.B.23] Program Chairperson, Technical Program, the Annual Meeting of
International Chinese Transportation Professional Association – United
States Northeastern Chapter, April 27, 2002
[XI.B.24] Session Chairperson, Transportation Management Session, the American
Chinese Management and Educator (ACME) Association Annual Meeting,
August 3, 2002
[XI.B.25] Program Chairperson, Technical Program, the Annual Meeting of
International Chinese Transportation Professional Association – United
States Northeastern Chapter, October 5, 2002
[XI.B.26] Workshop Organizer, Steven Chien, Kyriacos Mouskos, Athenasios
Ziliaskoupolos, “Application of VISTA/ROUTESIM in Transportation
Planning and Operations Analysis - Year 2,” New Jersey Department of
Transportation, December 12 and 13, 2002
[XI.B.27] Workshop Organizer, Steven Chien, Kyriacos Mouskos, Athenasios
Ziliaskoupolos, “Application of VISTA/ROUTESIM in Transportation
Planning and Operations Analysis – Final Presentation,” New Jersey
Department of Transportation, June 19, 2003
[XI.B.28] Program Chairperson, Technical Program in the Annual Meeting of
International Chinese Transportation Professional Association – United
States Northeastern Chapter, September 2003
[XI.B.29] Workshop, Steven Chien, Matthew Juckes, “Computer Modeling and
Simulation of New Jersey Signalized Highways – SYNCHRO 5.0,” New
Jersey Department of Transportation, October 16~17, 2003
[XI.B.30] Exhibit, Steven Chien, “Development of Assignment/Simulation Model for
ITS Showcase Corridor,” NJDOT Research Showcase 2003, Hyatt
Regency Hotel, New Brunswick, October 24, 2003
[XI.B.31] Exhibit, Steven Chien, “Development of N/D Algorithms for Predicting
Bus Arrival Times under Congested Condition,” NJDOT Research
Showcase 2003, Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Brunswick, October 24, 2003
[XI.B.32] Exhibit, Steven Chien, “Computer Modeling and Simulation of New Jersey
Signalized Highways,” NJDOT Research Showcase 2003, Hyatt Regency
Hotel, New Brunswick, October 24, 2003
[XI.B.33] Conference Chairperson, the Annual Meeting of Chinese American
Academic & Professional Society (CAAPS), Flushing, New York, August
14, 2004
[XI.B.34] Program Chairperson, Technical Program in the Annual Meeting of
International Chinese Transportation Professional Association – United
States Northeastern Chapter, September 25, 2004
[XI.B.35] Conference Chairperson, the Annual Meeting of International Chinese
Transportation Professional Association – United States Northeastern
Chapter, October 1, 2005
[XI.B.36] Conference Moderator – Session III, the 9th Technical Symposium on
Important Issues of Transportation Development in China and Neighboring
Regions,’ North America China Overseas Transportation Association
(NACOTA) & Washington D.C. Chinese Transportation Association
(WCTA), Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington D.C., January 22, 2006
[XI.B.37] Member of Conference Committee & Co-Chair Technical Sessions, the 6th
Asia-Pacific Transportation Development Conference and the 19th ICTPA
Annual Meeting, International Chinese Transportation Professionals
Association, Hong Kong/Macau, May 29 ~ June 1, 2006
[XI.B.38] Chairman, Panel Discussion on “City Planning Workshop”, The 33 rd
Annual Meeting of Chinese American Academic & Professional Society
(CAAPS), Flushing, NY, August 2008
[XI.B.39] Chairman, Panel Discussion on “City Planning Workshop”, The 33rd
Annual Meeting of Chinese American Academic & Professional Society
(CAAPS), Flushing, NY, August 2008
[XI.B.40] Conference Steering Committee & Technical Program Chair, the 22nd
ICTPA Annual Meeting, International Chinese Transportation
Professionals Association, New Jersey, May 22 ~ May 24, 2009
[XI.B.41] Conference Steering Committee & Technical Program Chair, ICTPAUSNE Annual Meeting, International Chinese Transportation Professionals
Association, New York, September 2011