Mario Cravo Neto
Mario Cravo Neto
PROPOSAL E X H I B I T I O N Mario Cravo Neto A serene expectation of light EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 2 INTRODUCTION Cravo Neto’s photographs shed light on the deeply spiritual and idiosyncratic lives of the people of Bahia, highlighting the complex cultural heritage of the Bahia State’s capital city, Salvador, where Cravo Neto was born and spent most of his life, and of which was a point of entry for millions of African slaves at the peak of Portuguese colonial rule between the 16 and 18th centuries. His images contain a beauty and inner force that dignify the inherited struggle for survival that followed the trauma of the middle passage, and the complexity of mixed cultural codes as well as the effect of poverty and segregation that resulted from colonisation as experienced in contemporary life. During the mid 1970s, Cravo Neto began to develop photographic works that made a transition between sculpture and photography. By associating inanimate objects and human bodies in his compositions, he inaugurated his unique, authorial image making. The black and white images produced between the mid 1980s to the late 1990s became Mario Cravo Neto’s trademark images—sensual and unique photo-sculptures where the subjects seem ‘…caressed by his serene expectation of light’, as poet and composer Caetano Veloso described them. Cravo Neto belongs to a generation of Brazilian photographers who experimented with the medium, freeing it from its documentary function. Despite his focus in the visual repertoire offered by Bahia, he did not intend to illustrate any aspect of Brazilian culture in an ethnographic manner - as his friend Pierre Verger and other photographers of the previous generations did - but rather constructed a self-contained contemporary cosmogony that celebrates the soul of the African Diaspora in Brazil in a poetic and stunningly lush visual way. His tableaux vivants are visual essays on the identification of African spiritualities and European Catholicism that took root in Brazil, particularly the development of Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian form of worship that Cravo Neto also practised. This rich and multilayered belief system born from resistance to oppression and sustained to this present day, finds in Cravo Neto’s body of work an expression of splendour that connects Bahia with Africa, Portuguese baroque, Catholic liturgy and popular culture. EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 3 SELECTION OF WORKS A serene expectation of light is selected from two bodies of work, the studio portraits executed during the 1980s and 1990s, and the Laróyè series produced in the preceding ten years before Cravo Neto’s untimely death in 2009. 15 Black and white photographs “My idea from now on is to develop that transition between the inert object and the sacred object. It is simply a religious position in photography that I wish to adopt.” The series reflects Cravo Neto’s formative interests in sculpture — relaying the artist’s attention to the materiality and construction of the image in the studio to its final production in the lab, where the printing process and the print surface of the image acquires a pictorial density, dramatising the interplay between shadow and light, sensuality and theatricality. Human figures appear fragmented and juxtaposed with animals used in Candomblé rituals – doves, geese, roosters, as well as fruits, stones, daggers and other symbolic objects that emerge from an African repertoire and also recall the attributes that populate European still life and vanitas paintings from the 17th and 18th century. Cravo Neto was likely to have been influenced by the religious reliquaries and paintings adorning the multiple baroque churches of Salvador. This material and religious syncretism becomes a metaphor for the union of Aiyé (the material world) and Orun (the metaphysical world) punctuating the visual image with an impact comparable to that of the religious belief. 20 full colour photographs Laróyè depicts instances of urban Salvador — capturing the everyday life of its inhabitants, cultural activities such as carnival, and Salvador’s environmental and architectural landmarks. Cravo Neto’s visual style strays from ethnographic depictions, dwelling deeply into the textural and symbolic patterns of Salvadorian reality. Candomblé’s inception in Brazil enabled African slaves to retain a sense of self amidst the oppression of forced labour. The religious practice allowed communities to survive the misfortune of exploitation through a spiritual practice that represented a form of individual and communal resistance. In present day Bahia, as well as in the main urban centres of the country’s south, where the majority of the black population experiences conditions of unemployment, underdevelopment and lack of opportunities, Candomblé remains a code of EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 4 conduct, which does not distinguish between good and evil, and therefore becomes an ethical alternative for deprived social groups. Throughout this series, Cravo Neto pays homage to Èsù, messenger of God; a trickster divinity and overseer of the cross roads between the material and spiritual worlds. Èsù’s symbolic attributes are observed as fully present in daily life and ritualistic activity: the colours red and black, the iron prongs and the clay phallus are encountered casually in the street markets and the old city’s corners. The invocation of Èsù, as head of an extensive pantheon of saints to initiate all rituals, regardless of the patron saint presiding the session, confirms his wise but playful spirit. As chief protector of the household he lives by the main door and likes to be offered sweets, tobacco and liquor. He is the guardian of orphan children and vagrants. He likes to dance and drink and is prone to party, wandering the streets Èsù attracts fortune or causes great losses. EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 5 BLACK AND WHITE WORKS Selenium toned prints on Ilford fibre base paper. Approx 96.5 x 96.5 cm Framed 103 x 103 x 3 cm Deus da cabeça 1988 Odé 1989 EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 6 Homem com dois peixes 1992 Homem com lagrimas de passaro 1992 EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 7 Silencio 1992 Tinho III (mãos) 1990 Tinho I 1990 Sacrificio V 1989 Angela e Lukas, torso com Penas brancas 1988 Èsù dos ventos 1997 Tinho com osso 1990 Luciana 1994 Homem com objeto estranho 1994 Mascara com dois peixes 1992 Coração de pedra 1991 EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 8 LARÓYÈ COLOUR PRINTS Approx. 70 x 100 cm Framed EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 9 EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 10 EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 11 EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 12 ARTIST BIOGRAPHY Critically considered among the most influential Brazilian artists of his time, Mario Cravo Neto was born in 1947. His father, the sculptor Mario Cravo Junior introduced his son at the age of 17 to the art of sculpture and photography. The younger artist accompanied his father to Berlin during an artist’ sresidency sponsored by the Ford Foundation, returning to Brazil in 1965 to complete his secondary education, and then eventually moving three years later in 1968 to New York, where he studied at the Art Students League, creating sculptures and installations—terrariums of living plants and acrylic boxes inspired by land art interventions and conceived for the gallery space and outdoors. In 1970 he participated in the XII São Paulo Biennale with a large earth-based installation. His work continued in this vein and expanded to include performance, and then after a near-fatal car accident in 1975, which left him immobile for a year, Cravo Neto focused on film and photography. After a very long illness and battle against skin cancer, Cravo Neto died in August 2009 in Salvador, Bahia. S E L E C T E D S O LO E X H I B I T I O N S I N EUROPE AND THE US 2006 The Eternal Now Patrizia Papachristidis Gallery, London Territórios de Transe Galeria Fernando Pradilla, Madrid 2005 The Eternal Now Rencontres d’Arles. Arles, France 2003 La Mirada, Daros Latin America, Zürich 2002 IFA-Galerien Stuttgart, Berlin, Bonn Galleria Carla Sozzani, Milan 2001 Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York Nationalhistoriske Museum Frederiksborg 1999 Centro de Fotografia Universidad, Salamanca Galeria Visor, Valencia Galeria S-292, Barcelona Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, Paris 1998 Photo España, Madrid Fahey Klein Gallery, Los Angeles 1997 Oldenburger Kunstverein Bentley Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona Bohusläns Museum, Uddevalla Boras Kunstmuseeet 1996 Museum für Fotografie Braunschweig Kunstverein Steyr, Stein Centro Cultural de Bélem, Lisbon 1995 Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicago The Witkin Gallery, New York Susan Spiritus Gallery, Costa Mesa, CA 1994 Frankfurter Kunstverein Museum of Photographic Art, San Diego Fisher Gallery, Los Angeles Kathleen Ewing Gallery, Washington, DC 1993 Vision Gallery, San Francisco Fahley/Klein Gallery, Los Angeles Galeria Módulo, Lisbon 1992 Houston FotoFest Canon Image Center, Amsterdam 1990 Galerie Springer, Berlin 1988 The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki 2000 Contemporain de Lyon Sicardi Sanders Gallery, Houston EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 13 S E L E C T E D S O LO E X H I B I T I O N S I N L AT I N A M E R I C A A N D A F R I C A 2008 Flecha em Repouso, Paulo Darzé Galeria de Arte, Salvador, Bahia Territórios de Transe, Arte 21 Galeria, Rio de Janeiro. FotoMuseo, Bogotá O Tigre do Dahomey – A Serpente de Whydah Museu Afro-Brasil, São Paulo 2005 Somewhere Over The Rainbow – La Mer Video Installation at Mostra Pan Africana de Arte Contemporânea, Museu de Arte Moderna, Salvador, Bahia 2004 VI Biennale de l’Art Contemporain, Dakar Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro Gallleri Image, Arhus Galeria Bolsa de Arte, Rio de Janeiro Galeria André Millan, Sao Paulo Galeria Paulo Darzé, Salvador Espaço Cultural ECCO, Brasilia Palacio Aguirre de Cartagena Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo Espaço Neogama, São Paulo Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires Galeria Pierre Verger, Salvador, Bahia Solar do Barao, Curitiba Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro Ada Galeria, Salvador, Bahia Galeria del Teatro General San Martin, Buenos Aires MONOGRAPHS 2000 – 2008 A Flecha em repouso, Paulo Darzé Galeria de Arte, Salvador, Bahia, 2008 O Tigre do Dahomey – A Serpente de Whydah, Paulo Darzé Galeria de Arte, Salvador, Bahia, 2004 Trance-Territories, Dahlen Ethnologisches Museum, Berlin, Verlad das Wunderhorn, Heidelberg, 2004 Na Terra Sob Meus Pés, Ed. by Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, 2003 The Eternal Now, Áries Editora, Salvador, Bahia, 2002 EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto, Carla Sozzani Editore Milano, 2001 Laróyè, Áries Editora, Salvador, Bahia, 2000 Salvador, Áries Editora, Salvador, Bahia, 1999 Mario Cravo Neto, edition Stemmle, Zurich, 1994 Exvoto, Áries Editora, Salvador, Bahia, 1986 P R I V AT E A N D M U S E U M C O L L E C T I O N S The Museum of Modern Art, New York The Museum of Fine Arts/The Allan Chasanoff Photographic Collection, Houston The Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego The Princeton Art Museum, Princeton The Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara Volfsburg Kunst Museum, Volfsburg Museet for Fotokunst, Odense Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Sao Paulo Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam Suomen Valokuvataiteen Museo, Helsinki Museo de Arte Contemporanea de São Paulo Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador Museum voor Fotografie, Antwerpen The Hasselblad Collection, Goteborg The Brooklyn Museum, New York Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics, Center of Photography, Tokyo Fondation Cartier, Paris DG Bank, Frankfurt Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection, Caracas Daros Latinamerica, Zurich Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid Mr Bert Hartcamp Collection, Amsterdam Kim Stevens Collection, São Paulo Gilberto Chateaubriand Collection/Museo de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro Links to related sites Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 14 C U R ATO R B I O G R A P H I E S Gabriela Salgado is an Argentine-born curator based in London, UK. After obtaining an MA in Curating Contemporary Art at the Royal College of Art she was appointed curator of the Collection of Latin American Art at Essex University, UECLAA (1999-2005). From 2006 to 2011 she worked as curator of Public Programmes at Tate Modern and co-curated the 2 Biennale of Thessaloniki (Greece) ‘PRAXIS: Art in Times of Uncertainty’ in 2009. Working independently in the UK and Latin America since 2005, she curated a number of exhibitions and organised international workshops, residencies programmes and art education activities in the UK, Greece, Brazil, Argentina, Mark Sealy studied at Goldsmith College, London University and then worked in Fleet Street for a major national newspaper. He subsequently worked for three years with Network Documentary Photographers in both development of reportage features, and syndication and sales, before moving on in 1991 to become Director of Autograph ABP, where he has initiated the production of over 50 publications, produced exhibitions globally, as well as commissions and residencies projects. Sealy has a special interest in art and its relationship to social change and Human Rights. Recent acclaimed recent curatorial projects included Disposable People a Hayward Gallery Chile, Mexico, Algeria, Cuba, Colombia, Nigeria and Spain. She regularly contributes articles and essays to art publications and participates in international conferences and symposia with a focus on trans-national practice and dialogues between the Latin American and African Diasporas around the world. Touring exhibition which opened at Royal Festival Hall in London Oct 2008 and toured nationally throughout 2009 and was viewed by over 250,000 people. In 2007, Sealy was awarded the Hood Medal for services to photography by the Royal Photographic Society. He is currently a PhD candidate at Durham University. His research focuses on photography and cultural violence. AUTOGRAPH A B P © 2012 Autograph ABP Autograph ABP Rivington Place London EC2! 3BA T +44 (0)20 7729 9200 E Registered charity no 1127712 EXHIBITION PROPOSAL Mario Cravo Neto a serene expectation of light Autograph ABP and Gabriela Salgado 15 is a charity that works internationally to educate the public in photography by addressing issues of cultural identity and human rights. It achieves this through formal and informal education programmes, exhibitions, publishing, and the creation of an accessible archive of culturally diverse photography that is available to the public for research. Established in 1988 with the aim of advocating the inclusion of historically marginalised photographic practices, Autograph ABP collaborates with peer organisations, nationally and internationally, to develop, exhibit and publish contemporary and historical photography.