BULLETIN - Meeteetse, Wyoming
BULLETIN - Meeteetse, Wyoming
MEETEETSE COMMUNITY BULLETIN Produced & Distributed by Meeteetse Visitor Center director@tctwest.net (307)868-2454 March 23, 2016 The Bulletin is published at the Meeteetse Visitor Center. Please email ads to: director@tctwest.net or deliver to the Visitor Center by MONDAY at Noon for WEDNESDAY’S edition. Side ads may be purchased for $5 per week (this includes 2 free lines in the business section). Please keep line ads at a Three Line Max. The Meeteetse Visitor Center does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of advertisers, nor is it responsible for the content of any of the advertisers in this publication. ——— MEETEETSE VISITOR CENTER NEWS ——— The Visitor Center’s Winter Hours: TUESDAY thru SATURDAY 10:30am - 4:00pm. If you need immediate assistance during these hours and the office is closed, please contact, Yvonne Renner 272-0610, Tess Fremlin 272-7808, or Sherry Long 8682551. If the office is closed, ORV permits are available at the Oasis Motel. MVC BOARD MEETINGS ARE HELD ON THE 2nd Wednesday of the month **CHANGE** THE NEXT BOARD MEETING WILL BE April 11, 2016 ——— SENIOR CITIZENS’ MEALS ——— Please note: All menus are subject to change without notice. Mon, Mar 28: Chicken Pot Pie with Peas & Carrots, Green Beans, Salad, Fruit Pizza Wed, Mar 30: Ham, Sweet Potatoes, Veggie, Roll, Pineapple Upside Down Cake ——— NEWS ——— I want to give my Thanks with Love to all who have helped me at the passing of my beloved and best friend, Cathy. The support I’ve received has been overwhelming and I have felt your love for both me and Cathy. Please mark your calendars for a Celebration of Life where we will spread her ashes, eat, drink and remember all the good times. All are invited to the Flying ~U~ Ranch on Saturday, May 7th @ 2:30pm. ~Tim Upton Happy Easter! “Latigo & Lace Antiques & Gifts” has new arrivals just in time for Easter baskets. Try the new 12 bright colors of “Chalkables” chalk board sticks, Color “In” books that are travel size, and a box of wood free colored pencils. So for that last minute gift or basket stuffer come check out “the little shop across the river” and crack an egg for a discount. Open Fri & Sat 10:30 to 4:00. FOUND: On highway near Catholic Church -- TV Remote -- Claim at Meeteetse Visitor Center Cowboy Bar and Outlaw Café will be hosting a Wine and Painting venue with Jordyn Payne on March 31st at 7 pm. Ten seats are available. The cost will be $30 per painter. We will be offering wine and drink specials, along with Hors d'oeuvres. Please reserve your spot by calling Nikki at 307-272-2124. REWARD: In the early hours of February 19, 2016, our Meeteetse Game Warden, Jim Olson’s mule was shot and killed at his home by a person or persons unknown. We are looking to establish a reward fund for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for this heinous act. If you would like to contribute to this reward, please drop your contribution off at Bank of the West in Meeteetse, where and account has been set up for this purpose. The mission of Wyoming Outdoorsmen is to plan for the future of Wyoming's outdoors by working closely with related entities to improve habitat and conservation through quality wildlife management programs, and to encourage youth and family involvement in our western outdoor heritage. The annual fundraiser banquet is April 2. Call Rori Renner for tickets 272-9474. “ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATED "THE REVENANT" IS NOW AVAILABLE IN BOOK FORMAT. We also have two publications on the true story of Hugh Glass. littleBigman is at the Meeteetse Visitor's Center. Stop in for these books and browse the others we carry. Did you know that Amelia Earhart wrote three books? We have all three for sale at littlebigman books at the Meeteetse Visitor's center. Find out more about her life experiences in her own words. SHOP LOCAL! MORE NEWS ON PAGE 2 ——— MORE NEWS ——— Cody, Wyo. (February 23, 2016) – With snow conditions at a lower than normal level, work of the Double D Salvage Timber Sale is expected to begin in early March 2016. This timber sale is located along the Wood River on the Shoshone National Forest. Work on the Double D Salvage Timber Sale will begin in the vicinity of Double D Cabin. Work along County Road 4DT (FSR 200), also known as the Kirwin Road, will include use of logging trucks. All individuals in the area are advised to use caution and be aware that logging operations may cause delays up to 15 Host Families wanted for high school exchange students for 2016-2017 year. CETUSA.org -- Contact Jo Wiley 307-231-1504 Ranch Hand with 20 yrs experience, looking for work. Calving, horse experience, has own tack, transportation, and valid drivers license. Call Charlie at 307-699-0513 in Meeteetse area. Will also do day labor. (12/23/15) Local Handyman is ready for some part-time work. Specializes in interior painting. Is able to do interior and exterior odd jobs around your house. Free estimates just call George Franzen 307-2504306 ——— MEETEETSE SENIOR CENTER NEWS —— To Contact Meeteetse Senior Center, call 868-2622 — if no answer, call Tracie @ 272-4768 Have you tried the Meeteetse Senior Center for lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays? The food is fantastic and at a cost of $3.50 for Senior Citizens 60 years plus and $6.25 for everyone else, the price can’t be beat. We welcome guests and serve at 12noon. Hope to see you soon! The Meeteetse Senior Center would like to give a big THANK YOU to the Upper Greybull 4H Club for the cute little decorated Easter Eggs for our tables. They are adorable! Also, we would like to give a big THANK YOU to the Crafter's from the Library for displaying their beautiful book birdhouses on our tables. A perfect addition to our tables for spring! THANK YOU BOTH FOR THINKING OF US! The Meeteetse Senior Center is looking for individuals or groups to give programs during lunch on Mondays or Wednesdays. Educational, Funny, Musical, Creative, Food, etc. We'd love to have you! Please contact Tracie @ 868-2622 or 307-272-4768 if you can come share. ——— LIBRARY NEWS ——— Book Club meets on Thursday, Mar. 24 at 2:00. Come and join us. We will be OPEN next week while School's out for Spring Break. Come in and get a book to read or movie to watch. "The Studio" at the Meeteetse Visitor's Center will have a small exhibit of original paintings in pastels from March 16th to March 30th. Pastels are exceptionally vibrant in color, and these are beautifully painted. Drop by during business hours and enjoy traditional subjects painted in deep hews by several artists from the Western part of the United States. All paintings come with a certificate of authenticity for your records. Meeteetse Recreation District News March 23, 2016 The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place this Saturday March 26th at the Golf Course. All children preschool through Grade 4 are welcome to attend. Please bring your own basket. The hunt will begin promptly at 10:00am. Thank you so much Meeteetse Senior Citizens for filling all the eggs for Easter Egg Hunt. You’re the best and we appreciate you. OPEN GYM FOR ALL STUDENTS will be on Fridays from 1:00-2:00pm at the school gym. Open Gym for middle & high school students as well as adults will be on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm. Tuesdays – Volleyball; Thursdays – Basketball. No street shoes please. The Meeteetse Recreation District offers an annual scholarship to graduating seniors. Priority is given to students that have worked for or volunteered with the Recreation District. Applications are now available at the office located at 1010 Park Avenue. REMINDER: The MeetRecKids After School Program is available for students in grades k-5 and takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00-5:00pm. We provide weekly transportation for members of our community; whether it be for groceries, household supplies, or medical treatment. The bus goes to Cody on Thursdays leaving at 8:30am. Please schedule your trip with the Senior Center (868-2622) or the Rec (868-2603) by Wednesday if you would like to make the trip. Zumba is every Tuesday at 6:00pm at the After School Program Building. Update: The 4th week of the month Zumba will be held on Wednesday rather than Tuesday. The cost is $3.00 per class for non-members. Contact the office to sign up. Yoga: Monday and Wednesday 7:30-8:30am at the After School Program Building. The cost is $5.00 per session for non-members. + Pool Schedule for March 2016 Adult Swim Saturday 8:00-10:00am Lap Swim Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:00 – 6:30am Hydrocise Tuesday, Thursday 4:30 – 5:30pm Meeteetse Recreation District has Annual Membership Passes available! Your pass will allow you to participate in all recreational activities offered. The cost for membership passes are as follows: • • • Senior Membership (Age 65 & up) $100.00 per year Individual Membership $200.00 per year Family/Couples Membership $300.00 per year (Parents and child(ren) thru age 18) Keep up with all activities we offer on our website: www.meetrec.org. ——— RELIGIOUS NEWS ——— Meeteetse Community Church: HE IS ALIVE!! Happy Easter everyone! We invite you to join us for a special Easter service followed by a chicken dinner. Sunday, March 27, beginning at 10:30am. All are welcome! Place your Ad here For only $5 ST. THERESE Catholic Church will hold Holy Thursday Mass at 5:00 p.m. and Good Friday Service at 3:00 p.m. Please join us. Good Friday, Mar. 25 - Stations of the Cross at 4:30 pm - a quiet, contemplative service - Everyone is welcome. Saturday, Mar. 26 - Easter Vigil - the front doors of St. Andrew's will be open all day. You are welcome to come in for silent prayer, contemplation or meditation. Easter Sunday, Mar. 27 Easter Eucharist Celebration at 7:00 am followed by Carry In Brunch. Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate with us! The Anglican Church. (Church of the Holy Spirit) is using the Meeteetse Community Church facilities for their services. Special service times will be noted in this bulletin. COWBOY CHURCH 7pm Thursday nights in the shop at Cowboys with a Mission. Join us for worship, fellowship and a message from local and guest speakers. Cowboys with a Mission 369 Hwy 290 (307)868-2238 Welcome to Meeteetse Community Church! www.meeteetsecc.org On the “events” page you will be able to click on a link that will take you to the church FaceBook page. To contact a person in leadership meeteetsecc@gmail.com and leave a message or call Un-Packing the Word @ the Old Museum building on the Hill. Tuesday nights at 7pm. Each week stands on it’s own. There is no ‘catching up’ or ‘falling behind’. For more info call Johnny 272-7153 or go to unpackingtheword.org ——— SCHOOL NEWS ——— School Board monthly meetings are held in the Cafeteria on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm. All are encouraged and welcome to come. WE NEED BOXTOPS!!! Meeteetse School Collects Boxtops found on most products! Please clip them and give them to our school! Each Boxtop is worth 10 cents! Thank you for supporting our kids! 307-213-9660 If no one is at the church, your call will automatically be transferred to a person in leadership with whom you can talk. We try to be available all hours of the day or night. The Big Horn Rodeo Circuit Is at is again! Sponsorship is available at all levels. Become a new BUCKLE sponsor for only $250 and get recognized all over the Big Horn Basin. We would like to welcome our 2016 sponsors: Security State Bank Old Gringo Boots If you would like to donate or sponsor, please contact Tess at events@meeteetsewy.com Or 272-7808 Help support the Big Horn Rodeo Circuit Available at the MVC Unisex Youth to Adult sm-3xl $15 Glitter Ladies sm-3xl $20 Park County Sheriff Dispatch (non-emergency calls) 800-786-2848 One Call of WY 800-849-2476 or 811 Park County Court House 800-786-2844 Frequently Used Phone Numbers: Bank 868-2521 Fire Dept. 868-2627 Town Hall 868-2278 Library 868-2248 Museum 868-2423 Post Office 868-2461 Rec Center 868-2603 School 868-2501 Senior Citizens 868-2622 Visitor Center 868-2454 Meeteetse Museum District 1947 State Street ~ Meeteetse, Wyoming 82433 307-868-2423 Charles Belden Museum Meeteetse Museum First National Bank Museum Hours of Operation: Tuesday - Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Check our website meeteetsemuseums.org Email us at info@meeteetsemuseums.org FREE ADMISSION COMING SATURDAY, APRIL 2!! “WYOMING’S DINOSAUR DISCOVERIES” PRESENTATION AND BOOK SIGNING, 1 - 3 PM JESSICA LIPPINCOTT, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE BIG HORN BASIN FOUNDATION, WILL PRESENT INFORMATION ABOUT WYOMING’S DINOSAURS AND HER NEW BOOK, “WYOMING’S DINOSAUR DISCOVERIES.” A BOOK SIGNING AND RECEPTION WILL FOLLOW THE PRESENTATION. ADMISSION IS FREE. KIDS WILL RECEIVE AN ACTUAL DINOSAUR FOSSIL COURTESY OF THE DINOSAUR MUSEUM IN THERMOPOLIS!! SEE YOU THERE! BRING THE KIDS! —— FOR SALE —— Please let us know when your item sells so it can be removed from the Bulletin FOR SALE: 15’ X 16’ log cabin with loft. Approx. 100 years old. Can be seen from the alley behind 2129 Franklin St. or call Gary at 272-0672 to see inside. Asking $2200 FREE: Comfortable plastic chairs that can be used indoors or outdoors. They are located behind the Community Church on Highland Ave. Help yourselves. FREE open adoption for 3 male Kelpie & Heeler pups. They are 9 months old, ready for work or play and great with kids. Please contact Lisa at 296-6280 FOR SALE: Good seasoned firewood -- $140 per cord -- delivery available -- multi cord discount!! Call Tim at 307-921-4051 Lewis Construction now has Timber Creek sawmill up and running. There is an inventory on hand of common cut lumber, plus custom cutting is offered. If you need rough cut lumber call Dan at 307-2728063. (2/17/16) FOR SALE: 4 - 16” rims & tires $400 -- 4 - 15” rims $50 -- 4 - 16” GMC rims $100 -- Straighttalk 4GLTE $45, 30 day plan phone card will sell for $40 -- Call 868-9295 Meeteetse Labor Day Rodeo Is just around the corner and all of us at the MVC and those on the Rodeo Committee are gearing up for another great year! Sponsorships are available for both the Party in the Pasture Rodeo (June) and the Labor Day Rodeo. Become a BUCKLE sponsor for only $250, and secure your name in the record books. Please contact Tess at the MVC (307)868-2454 events@meeteetsewy.com Busy B’s Auto is seeking person that bought key maker at Young's auction. Would be interested in purchasing for a service to community Call 868-9295 Don't throw it away! I will save the following items from going to your trash: wine bottles, tin can lids, jeans, tee shirts, tight knit sweaters. Call 250-4473 and leave a message or text for pick up. For Sale: Collectible Daisy 22 cal. bolt action rifle (like brand new) w/ scope. Call 250-8431 For Sale: Concentrator Machine -- Call Jake Weber 307-868-2206 ********************************* Cody, WY – The Park County Democratic Party announces that it will hold its 2016 County Convention on Saturday April 9th, 2016 at the Cody Cattle Company, 1910 Demaris Dr. (Off Yellowstone Ave) Cody, WY. The Convention will start at 11:00 AM. Only Democrats registered to vote on or before March 25th, 2016 may participate or vote on presidential candidates and the county platform. The convention will elect delegates to represent Park County at the Wyoming Democratic Party State Convention in Cheyenne on May 28, 2016. You may pre-register for the county convention at www.wyodems.org. At the state Convention, delegates will adopt a state platform and elect delegates to the Democratic National Convention. Individuals interested in being delegates to the National Convention should file a statement of candidacy form by April 28, 20016. The Form is available on the web at www.wyodems.org. All media are welcome. For more information, please contact Mike Specht, Chairman, Park County Democratic Party 307 645-3383. Check out our New inventory WHISPERING ELK CREATIONS at the MVC Online Store: www.handmadeartists .com/shop/ rondamclean 12/23/15 —— AREA REAL ESTATE —— If you have a home or property for sale or rent, please contact the Visitor Center and it will be listed here and passed on to anyone who contacts the Visitor Center. Looking for housing for a family of four, preferably 3 bedrooms. Please call 307-217-3091 with any information. Brian Webster Associate Broker Integrity in your Real Estate Transaction Office: 307-587-5584 Cell: 307-899-2494 Home: 307-587-0881 E-mail: bwebster@tctwest.net Www.westernre.net (12/23/15) Brian Webster - Associate Broker (307) 899-2494 Western Real Estate of WY, Inc. 1. NEW! 2236 Franklin Street-1123 sf home on large lot. Steel siding and hardwood flooring. $64,900 2. 2245 Franklin Street. 2112 sq ft twinhome with many updates & large attached garage. $139,500 FOR SALE: Three bedroom, 1 bath home on Warren St. $120,000 -- 3.43 acre lot on Sand Cliffs Rd - water, electricity, & gas already to the pad $42,000 - Call Shawna 307-272-0939 Brand Above Real Estate 307-548-7070 FOR SALE: 6 bdrm/3 full bath home on 2 lots. 2 car garage/storage shed. Auto Sprinklers, wood stove, great location! $220,000 — Call Jody at Real Living Eagle Real Estate @307-250-4421 Best buy in Meeteetse! FOR RENT: 1 Bedroom w/ washer/dryer, No dogs or smoking. $500 / month. 250-0116 - 899-3561 NEW OWNER: Trailer & RV Park lots for rent --- Call Annette Wilson @ 307-868-2233 (12/23/15) ——— BUSINESS INFORMATION ——— Tax time is here! Call Nikki Blake (307)272-2124 or Meg Nicholson (307)868-2352, and they can solve all of your tax and bookkeeping needs The American Legion #85 will be collecting old flags so that we can dispose of them with a proper ceremony. You can give any old, damaged flag to any Legion member. Catch us at the Legion the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. Please take them to the Meeteetse Visitor Center. Thank You Casciato’s Farrier Service is available in Meeteetse, call Cole Casciato at 307-921-1336 Public is welcome to attend the Meeteetse Shooting Club every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at the American Legion Hall in the basement of the Senior Center. MEETEETSE MEDICAL CLINIC 8-3 on Mondays, Call 868-2272 for an appointment Experienced Ranch Hand seeking ranch job - feeding, calving, fencing, haying etc. Please contact ltdumbear@live.com or 307-359-0011 Meeteetse Medical Clinic Mondays 8am-3pm For an appointment call 868-2272 or 347-2555 (12//23/15) 12/02/15 3/24/16 Park County Commissioners’ Office APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE WYOMING PUBLIC LANDS INITITIAVE PARK COUNTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Park County Commissioners are seeking applicants interested in participating on the Wyoming Public Lands Initiative (WPLI) Advisory Committee. Committee members will be selected by the Board of County Commissioners based on training, experience or affiliation pertinent to the goals of the WPLI initiative. Successful applicants will be Park County residents able to make a two- to three-year commitment to serve on the committee and must be able to work cooperatively in a group comprised of diversified interests to develop a unified recommendation. One representative from each of the following areas will be appointed: agriculture/ranching, conservation, sportsman, energy, motorized recreation, non-motorized recreation. Four members representing the general public will be appointed. Applications are available at the Park County Commissioners’ office, 1002 Sheridan Avenue, Cody; on the Park County web site (under News); by email sromero@parkcounty.us. The deadline to submit applications is 5:00 p.m., Friday, April 8, 2016. The core goal of the Wyoming Public Lands Initiative (WPLI) is to develop a locally-led, Wyoming-specific, legislative lands package to address designation, release, or other management for Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) in Wyoming. The WPLI is a voluntary project initiated and led at the county level that will culminate in legislation forwarded to Wyoming’s Congressional delegation. While the WPLI is intended to allow for flexibility at the county or multi-county level in the development of final recommendations for legislative text, process integrity and stakeholder inclusion is critical to a successful conclusion. Advertise your Meeteetse Business! Would you like an opportunity to get a little cheap advertising for your Meeteetse business, home based business or organization? The MVC is putting baskets together to give to the Wyoming Association of Municipalities conference being held in Cody in June. Councilpersons, Mayors, and more from all over the state of Wyoming will be in attendance giving us a great chance to show just what we have to offer. These baskets will be raffled off, put in a silent auction or given as prizes and each business who donates will be mentioned and printed at the conference. Items for baskets will need to be dropped off at the MVC by April 15th. You may bring just an item or a completed basket. Coming Soon ... Events in Meeteetse in 2016 Meeteetse Visitors Center 2005 Warren Street / PO Box 238 Meeteetse, WY 82433 (307) 868-2454 See events below that you can be a part of! All event forms & schedules can be found on our website at www.meeteetsewy.com Contact person is Tess Fremlin at the Meeteetse Visitors Center, email is events@meeteetsewy.com May 14th & 15th (Saturday & Sunday) – May Days in Meeteetse Garage-a-Rama – this ONE day only event on Saturday, May 14 th is to cater to all those who are busy in the mornings. Beginning at 12pm until 4:30pm, come to Meeteetse to find your treasure. This Open Water Fishing Derby with a Fish Fry on Saturday night and an awards donation dinner on Sunday after fishing. Fishing will be Saturday on the Upper Sunshine and Sunday on the Lower Sunshine Reservoir. Cost of entering a 3 person team is $75, children of the ages 14 and under may fish in the Small Fry division for Free. Prizes will be given out to winners of the derby. This is an open water, harvest contest. **Volunteers are needed for judging and awards dinner. Sponsors for Door Prizes are needed** June 4th – Party in the Pasture Rodeo This rodeo will be part of the Big Horn Rodeo Circuit held at the Meeteetse Rodeo Grounds. To begin at 4pm with all events and slack to be done before the performance beginning at noon. We also hope to have a street dance in the parking lot between the bars downtown with local talent. There are plans in the making for an Antique Auto Show before the rodeo in downtown Meeteetse. **Food and other vendors needed. Volunteers are needed for rodeo gate, office, & runners** June 25th (Saturday) – Wagon Box Social Run A mountain run put on by the Meeteetse Recreation District. 868-2603 July 16th (Saturday) – National Day of the Cowboy The day begins at the Rodeo Grounds for a good ole’ fashioned Ranch Rodeo. Then a donation supper with a small presentation following at the Oasis Campground, starts at 6pm. After supper there is a dance from 7pm to midnight. There will also be a Silent Auction to benefit the MVC. Celebrating the ‘Cowboy’ and all they do for us. The Meeteetse Museum also has a Gypsy ‘V’ performance on Friday the 15 th and a Double D Tour on Sunday the 17th. **Remember to bring in your salt licks and decorated boots! Volunteers needed to prepare & serve food** August 6th (Saturday) – Kirwin Tour This is a tour of the historic ghost town of Kirwin put on by the Meeteetse Museum. 868-2423 August 18th (Thursday) – Taste of Meeteetse Get a taste of the local cuisine. Event starts at 6pm at the authentic boardwalk in downtown Meeteetse. There is no cost to try out everything there is. The entry that gets the most donated money will win first place and there is People’s Choice award as well. Donations collected will go to the Meeteetse Christmas Baskets and the Meeteetse Youth Works Program. **Good cookers needed! :) ** September 3rd , 4th & 5th (Saturday, Sunday & Monday) – Labor Day Celebration 104th annual celebration in Meeteetse with the Craft Fair, Parade, Street Dance and more. This will also be the Big Horn Rodeo Circuit’s Finale Rodeo to wrap up the Circuit’s second year. (Sat) Annual Absaroka Challenge is a great 5k, 10k or 15k mountain run that starts at 10am, put on by the Meeteetse Recreation District. 8682603 **Food and other vendors needed. Volunteers needed for the rodeo, parade, and other weekend activities** September 23rd & 24th (Friday & Saturday) – Fall Garage-a-Rama. A town wide garage sale. Cost is only $5 to participate for selling and free to the public. Come find a treasure! September 23rd & 24th (Friday & Saturday) – Black Footed Ferret Celebration Exhibits at the Meeteetse Museums with lectures, presentations about finding the black footed ferret and live ferrets. 868-2423 December 10th (Saturday) – Christmas in Meeteetse Fun for all...all over Meeteetse! Local artisan’s Craft Fair, food specials, Santa visit, and lighting of the Memory Tree, roasting marshmallows,
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