Motion to adopt RESOLUTION appointing Election Judges
Motion to adopt RESOLUTION appointing Election Judges
Grrvor Deuruo ReouEsrFoRAcnoru Department Head Citv GouncilDate Marlene E. Kittock, City Clerk August1, 2006 Aqendaltem ElectionJudgesfor the 2006Primaryand GeneralElection. Additional appointing AdoptResolution ACTIONREQUESTED Adopt ResolutionappointingAdditionalElectionJudgesfor the 2006 Primaryand GeneralElection. BACKGROUND At the July 18thCouncilmeeting,the Counciladopteda ResolutionappointingElectionJudgesfor the 2006 PrimaryElection,September12 andthe GeneralElection,November7,2006. Sincethat time additional applicaiionshave been receivedfrom residentswillingto work as an ElectionJudge. Thegejudges must be appointedby Resolution.Councilis askedto adoptthe Resolutiontonightappointingadditionalelectionjudges for the 2006 Primaryand GeneralElection. FUNDING Fundingfor ElectionJudgeswill comeout of the GeneralFund. ATTACHMENTS . Resolution of ElectionJudges.doc U:\RFA- Appointment CITY OF DEI,ATiTO RESOLUTION R-06ELECTION RESOLUTION APPOINTING ADDITIONAI PRII4ARY ELECTION AI{D GENERAI, ELECTION a Primary W H E R E A SI September 72, 2006; and 7, T { H E R E j A S ,a G e n e r a l 2006. Election Election will will JT'DGES be held FOR on be hel-d on Tuesday, appointed 18, the City CouncilV|HEREAS, On July - i r r d n c q- d p q i o n a t e c l n o l I ' in c r n ' l a r : e a n c l s e f n n l I i n c r h o u r s J U U Y U J t v v r f Y I I q u v v THE 2006 Tuesday, November election for the 2006 Primary and General- EJection. Notil, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL\ZEDBY THE CITY COTNCIL OF DELAIIO' MINNESOTA: That the persons whose names appear on the l-ist attached trA' are hereby appointed hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit Election Judges for the 2006 Primary, September 12, as additional are 2006; and they November l, 2006 and General Election, of of the office and directed to perform al-l- duties authorized Election Judge as provided by law. ADOPTED BY THE IIAYOR AIID COUNCIL THIS 1.t DAY OF AUGUST 2006. .Tnn ATTEST: Marlene E. Kittock, City Clerk Mnl- i nn Rrr. \a^Ann H\/. Steinmetz: McDonal-d: Fmarrz. !r,ru ! j . Qal.rrrrnn. uvrr! uylr. Hotchkiss: Q 1 _o i nma.l- z v u v 4 r r l ! r v u a t Marrnr Exhibit A NE'T IR Thomas Schaffer Dawn Locklear Marfene E. Kittock g ! g g l t T,:rrra Rrrrcr ' I r a ^ \ t k a t farolrzn n Hirsr:h T nrlananrlan-o !llsvvvrru |) dar r\vYv! smf - h LeAnn Zimmerman
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