general catalogue
general catalogue
GENERAL CATALOGUE Edition 2013 COLOR CARD Dear Customer, Gentile Cliente, We thank you for giving us the opportunity to present our colour card. This catalogue is completely new compared to the previous versions. In the new catalogue you can choose from 295 different coloured tapes; we can obviously dye any other colour upon your request. Our sales staff will be happy to help you with any further information you may require. This is the first edition of the Riri group catalogue and includes the Meras range. La ringraziamo per averci offerto l’opportunità di illustrarle la nostra raccolta. Questa selezione è completamente nuova rispetto alle versioni precedenti, che sono pertanto superate e annullate. Nella nuova raccolta potrà scegliere tra 295 colori. Naturalmente possiamo tingere qualsiasi altro colore a sua richiesta. A tale proposito il nostro personale di vendita sarà lieto di illustrarle le modalità operative. Come potrà notare, si tratta della prima selezione del rinnovato gruppo Riri, ed include pertanto anche i prodotti della linea Meras. We would like to point out that extended use of this catalogue may cause the colours to fade. To prevent this please avoid long exposure of the pages to light sources. There may be a slight variation in colour on different types of zip tape, this phenomenon should be considered normal. The perception of colour can also vary in different light conditions. New and improved products are regularly added to the range as a result of technical developments and innovations as well as aesthetical influences from the fashion field. Ci permettiamo di sottolineare che a causa dell’utilizzo prolungato della presente selezione la tonalità dei colori potrebbe deteriorarsi. Per minimizzare tale eventuale sbiadimento, eviti l’esposizione prolungata di queste pagine alle sorgenti luminose. Il colore potrebbe apparire leggermente diverso se riprodotto su nastri differenti, a causa delle caratteristiche dei diversi tessuti. Questo fenomeno è da considerarsi normale. Le condizioni di luminosità possono influenzare la percezione dei colori. With our best compliments. In considerazione dei costanti miglioramenti dettati da una parte dagli sviluppi tecnologici e dalle innovazioni in generale, dall’altra dalle esigenze più strettamente estetiche e dalla moda, la informiamo che i prodotti Riri sono regolarmente sottoposti a miglioramenti e rinnovamenti. Con i nostri migliori complimenti e auguri per un proficuo lavoro. essential details 2124 2128 Color marked with 2124 2128 or 2123 2123 2122 2122 2121 2121 2119 2119 2130 2130 2120 2120 2129 2129 2102 2102 2118 2118 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2131 2131 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2117 2117 2133 2133 2111 2111 2132 2132 2101 2101 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Color marked with 2127 2127 2126 2126 2109 2109 2108 2108 2107 2107 2106 2106 2125 2125 2105 2105 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2110 2116 or 2110 2116 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2104 2104 2103 2103 2114 2114 2113 2113 2112 2112 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2207 2229 Color marked with 2207 2229 or 2206 2206 2221 2221 2231 2231 2232 2232 2216 2216 2213 2213 2215 2215 2212 2212 2230 2230 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2242 2242 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2203 2203 2204 2204 2227 2227 2201 2201 2202 2202 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2208 2243 Color marked with 2208 2243 or 2246 2246 2219 2219 2234 2234 2223 2223 2233 2233 2222 2222 2241 2241 2220 2220 2228 2228 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2239 2239 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2205 2205 2240 2240 2211 2211 2238 2238 2235 2235 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Color marked with or 2225 2226 2224 2224 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2225 2226 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2237 2237 2236 2236 2209 2209 2245 2245 2244 2244 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2307 2315 Color marked with 2307 2315 or 2306 2306 2311 2311 2305 2305 2318 2318 2312 2312 2309 2309 2304 2304 2316 2316 2303 2303 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2319 2319 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2310 2310 2302 2302 2308 2308 2301 2301 2314 2314 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2432 2438 Color marked with 2432 2438 or 2409 2409 2407 2407 2406 2406 2405 2405 2452 2452 2412 2412 2436 2436 2404 2404 2403 2403 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2437 2437 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2435 2435 2451 2451 2434 2434 2418 2418 2313 2313 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2442 2429 Color marked with 2442 2429 or 2424 2424 2423 2423 2420 2420 2419 2419 2422 2422 2441 2441 2440 2440 2439 2439 2417 2417 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2449 2449 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2421 2421 2411 2411 2433 2433 2414 2414 2410 2410 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Color marked with or 2445 2444 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2445 2444 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2446 2446 2425 2425 2443 2443 2450 2450 2430 2430 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2510 2517 Color marked with 2510 2517 or 2516 2516 2520 2520 2505 2505 2507 2507 2519 2519 2514 2514 2506 2506 2515 2515 2504 2504 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2511 2511 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2503 2503 2513 2513 2502 2502 2512 2512 2501 2501 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2649 2639 Color marked with 2649 2639 or 2651 2651 2616 2616 2615 2615 2614 2614 2638 2638 2635 2635 2637 2637 2650 2650 2629 2629 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2622 2622 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2601 2601 2628 2628 2633 2633 2613 2613 2518 2518 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2609 2643 Color marked with 2609 2643 or 2636 2636 2630 2630 2605 2605 2634 2634 2604 2604 2603 2603 2608 2608 2607 2607 2606 2606 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2642 2642 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2641 2641 2623 2623 2640 2640 2618 2618 2652 2652 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Color marked with or 2627 2653 2647 2647 2646 2646 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2627 2653 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2626 2626 2645 2645 2625 2625 2644 2644 2610 2610 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2749 2746 Color marked with 2749 2746 or 2744 2744 2710 2710 2743 2743 2715 2715 2709 2709 2742 2742 2714 2714 2750 2750 2708 2708 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2722 2722 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2741 2741 2751 2751 2740 2740 2739 2739 2707 2707 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2720 2736 Color marked with 2720 2736 or 2705 2705 2735 2735 2702 2702 2701 2701 2712 2712 2752 2752 2706 2706 2753 2753 2711 2711 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2703 2703 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2733 2733 2723 2723 2734 2734 2721 2721 2745 2745 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Color marked with or We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 2738 2738 2747 2747 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 07.13 2648 2648 2737 2737 2704 2704 2748 2748 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 2833 2820 Color marked with 2833 2820 or 2805 2805 2812 2812 2811 2811 2819 2819 2810 2810 2809 2809 2825 2825 2808 2808 2802 2802 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2832 2832 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2807 2807 2803 2803 2806 2806 2804 2804 2801 2801 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 or 2817 2817 2816 2816 2827 2827 2830 2830 2826 2826 2815 2815 2814 2814 2831 2831 2824 2824 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2828 2818 Color marked with 2828 2818 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 2823 2823 2822 2822 2821 2821 2813 2813 2829 2829 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 SPECIAL TAPES 07.13 3138 3131 3131 3651 3651 3265 3265 3132 3132 2447 2447 Intreccio di filati di poliestere e di viscosa ricoperti di lamine metalliche per ottenere l’effetto lamè. FLUO 3124 3124 3121 3121 3120 3120 3119 3119 3118 3118 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Nastro trattato con coloranti fluorescenti che emettono una luminosità particolare ai raggi ultravioletti. 3628 3138 Intreccio di due filati di colore diverso con effetto finale mélange. 8002 3628 Tape treated with fluorescent dyestuff which releases a particular luminosity at ultraviolet light. 3134 8002 Weave of two different colors to obtain a melange effect. 3128 3134 Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Weave of polyester and viscose threads covered by a metallic thin layer to obtain a lamé effect. 3200 3128 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. MÉLANGE 3225 3280 3200 or LUREX 3225 3280 Color marked with We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 07.13 3736 3224 3224 3214 3214 3419 3419 3999 3999 3143 3143 Particolare filato di fibra aramidica che ha la caratteristica di non infiammarsi ma di carbonizzare e di autoestinguersi. Resiste a temperature vicine ai 400°C. Nastro che permette, grazie ai fili di carbonio longitudinali, lo scarico di corrente elettrostatica una volta ollegato a una terra. I filati sono misti carbonio e poliestere. Tape which allows, thanks to longitudinal carbon threads, the release of electrostatic energy once earthed. The threads are made of mixed carbon fibres and polyester. 3125 3736 Particular thread of aramidic fibres non-inflammable but charring and self-extinguishing. It resists to temperatures close to 400°C. 3627 3125 1000 1000 999 999 Nastro eseguito con filati grezzi di poliestere. Non consigliato per la tintura in capo a causa delle alte temperature del processo tintoriale che potrebbero danneggiare le parti metalliche o sintetiche della cerniera. Nastro in cotone, ideale per le tinture in capo. È indispensabile eseguire prove di tintura con campioni di cerniere prima di procedere alla produzione dei capi tinti. Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 3 - 4 - 6 - 10 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Decor 10E Manufactured tape with raw polyester threads. Not recommended for garment dye due to high temperatures, which could damage the synthetic or metallic parts of the zipper. RAW 998 998 Decor 8E Decor 4E - Decor 6E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Eloxal 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Eloxal 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Cotton tape, suitable for garment dye products. Dyeing tests on samples are necessary before starting production. COTTON are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. CARBON 3110 3826 3627 or NOMEX® 3110 3826 Color marked with We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. Aquazip, Filmetal and Nylon reversed coated color card Colors of this card refer only to PU coating in combination with the textile tape as per samples provided. When ordering we require the customers to specify both colors (PU and textile tape). As a standard, for AQUAzip, chain and slider are combined with the PU coating, unless otherwise specified by the customer. FILMetal’s chains and sliders finishes have to be always specified. For the Nylon reversed coated family, the coil and slider’s shades are in accordance to the tape’s color, unless orherwise specified. The instructions for washing and ironing the tapes can be found in the following pages below. I colori di questa cartella si riferiscono unicamente al colore del rivestimento PU in combinazione con il nastro in tessuto. Al momento dell’ordine, è necessario specificare entrambi i colori (PU e nastro tessile). Per la linea AQUAzip, come standard, catena e cursore sono abbinati al rivestimento PU, se non diversamente indicato. Le finiture delle catene e dei cursori per FILMetal, devono essere sempre specificate. Per la famiglia delle Nylon rovesciate spalmate, tonalità di spirale e di cursore sono da intendersi in accordo con il colore del nastro, salvo diversa indicazione. È possibile visualizzare le istruzioni dei lavaggi dei nastri in calce a ciascuna delle pagine che seguono. Nylon reversed coated 4 - 6 FILMetal 4 - 6 - 8 AQUAzip 4 - 6 - 8 2101 2110 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. Aquazip, Filmetal and Nylon reversed coated color card We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 2118 2126 2127 2128 2224 2226 2232 2304 Color marked with or 2404 2407 2412 07.13 CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR PU TAPES. We invite you to respect the following washing and ironing instructions to maintain the quality of the product. NORME DI MANUTENZIONE PER NASTRI PU La invitiamo a rispettare le seguenti istruzioni di lavaggio e stiratura per mantenere la qualità del prodotto. ° R I a Uc Nylon reversed coated 4 - 6 FILMetal 4 - 6 - 8 AQUAzip 4 - 6 - 8 2414 2422 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. Aquazip, Filmetal and Nylon reversed coated color card We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 2438 2517 2518 2625 2627 2630 2647 2747 Color marked with or 2805 2821 2827 07.13 CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR PU TAPES. We invite you to respect the following washing and ironing instructions to maintain the quality of the product. NORME DI MANUTENZIONE PER NASTRI PU La invitiamo a rispettare le seguenti istruzioni di lavaggio e stiratura per mantenere la qualità del prodotto. ° R I a Uc Nylon reversed coated 4 - 6 FILMetal 4 - 6 - 8 AQUAzip 4 - 6 - 8 Aquazip, Filmetal and Nylon reversed coated color card 3100 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 3119 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 3121 3900 3920 5240 9122 33207 9157* 9549* Color marked with or 9716* 9156** (*) Combined with black polyester tape (2110) only. (**) Combined with white polyester tape (2101) only. 07.13 CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR PU TAPES. We invite you to respect the following washing and ironing instructions to maintain the quality of the product. NORME DI MANUTENZIONE PER NASTRI PU La invitiamo a rispettare le seguenti istruzioni di lavaggio e stiratura per mantenere la qualità del prodotto. ° R I a Uc SATIN AND VELVET COLOR CARD We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 2110 2111 2119 2121 2126 2131 2207 2212 2213 2216 2223 07.13 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2109 or 2104 Color marked with SATIN tapes NYLON METALLIZZATA 4 - 6 METAL 8 SIMMETRICA 8 METAL 6 SIMMETRICA 6 METAL 4 SIMMETRICA 4 When ordering, please specify if SATIN or VELVET tape. Al momento dell’ordine specificare se nastro in SATIN o VELLUTO. 998 2101 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 2232 2236 2239 2304 2314 2420 2421 2439 2445 2502 2510 07.13 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2231 or 2230 Color marked with SATIN tapes 2225 2226 NYLON METALLIZZATA 4 - 6 METAL 8 SIMMETRICA 8 METAL 6 SIMMETRICA 6 METAL 4 SIMMETRICA 4 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 2723 2803 2806 2827 5167 5193 5194 5195 5264 5339 5592 07.13 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2647 or 2644 Color marked with SATIN tapes 2601 2627 NYLON METALLIZZATA 4 - 6 METAL 8 SIMMETRICA 8 METAL 6 SIMMETRICA 6 METAL 4 SIMMETRICA 4 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 5859 5860 5861 5879 5881 5884 5885 9101 9105 9112 9200 07.13 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 5858 or 5693 Color marked with SATIN tapes 5687 5692 NYLON METALLIZZATA 4 - 6 METAL 8 SIMMETRICA 8 METAL 6 SIMMETRICA 6 METAL 4 SIMMETRICA 4 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 9218 9225 9226 9227 9228 9406 9407 9412 9413 9414 9415 07.13 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 9217 or 9216 Color marked with SATIN tapes 9213 9215 NYLON METALLIZZATA 4 - 6 METAL 8 SIMMETRICA 8 METAL 6 SIMMETRICA 6 METAL 4 SIMMETRICA 4 We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 9427 9428 9429 9432 9442 9451 9452 9505 9507 9516 9603 07.13 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 9426 or 9423 Color marked with SATIN tapes 9419 9422 NYLON METALLIZZATA 4 - 6 METAL 8 SIMMETRICA 8 METAL 6 SIMMETRICA 6 METAL 4 SIMMETRICA 4 2129 2226 2230 2314 2405 2418 2503 2712 2823 5195 9218 07.13 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. VELVET tapes Color marked with or We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 998 2101 2110 NYLON METALLIZZATA 4 - 6 METAL 8 SIMMETRICA 8 METAL 6 SIMMETRICA 6 METAL 4 SIMMETRICA 4 EXECUTIONS Terminology · Terminologia DIN 3416 Tape overhang Sporgenza superiore del nastro Top stop Fermo superiore Tooth Dente Slider Cursore Ring Gancio Puller Tiretto Chain Catena Tape Nastro Bottom tape overhang Sporgenza inferiore del nastro Bottom stop Fermo Inferiore TBC Mobile pin Spillo mobile Fix pin Spillo fisso Mobile pin Spillo mobile Fix pin Spillo fisso Tape reinforcement Rinforzo nastro 07.13 TB Retainer box Calotta How to measure a zip · Come si misura una zip GE CD Closed end - non separating Chiuso non divisibile Two-way closed end “X” type Chiuso doppio cursore tipo “X” CK TB Two-way closed end “O” type Chiuso doppio cursore tipo “O” Open end (Left hand puller, right insert) Divisibile (Apertura a sinistra, inserimento a destra) TBL Open end (Right hand puller, left insert) Divisibile (Apertura a destra, inserimento a sinistra) TBC Two-way open end (Left hand puller, right insert) Divisibile doppio cursore (Apertura a sinistra, inserimento a destra) TBCL Two-way open end (Right hand puller, left insert) Divisibile doppio cursore (Apertura a destra, inserimento a sinistra) THE TOLERANCES LE TOLLERANZE STANDARD Length Lunghezza ≤ 50 cm ± 5 mm Length Lunghezza > 50 cm ±1% REDUCED tolerances only under specific request. Possibilità di tolleranze RIDOTTE solo su specifica richiesta. Compliant with DIN 3417/3418 norm · In conformità con la norma DIN 3417/3418 MODELS AND SURFACES Models · Modelli Metal and Simmetrica Eloxal Zippers with pre-blanked brass teeth mounted and fixed on tape one by one. The particular polishing of the tooth allows having a perfectly smooth chain pleasant to touch. The several galvanic treatments of the metallic surfaces of the Riri zippers range from shiny to dull and from aged to oxidized effects, resistant to the most rigorous tests of chemical aggression. In addition treatments with precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium can be carried out as well as specific treatments requested by clients. The tapes made in polyester, cotton, satin, velvet and other yarns further enhance the product with exclusive executions. The Metal and Simmetrica zippers are available in 4, 6 and 8 mm. The Simmetrica tooth allows the slider to run smoothly in both directions of the chain and confers a sounder and more regular aesthetic aspect. lt is particularly suitable for all uses in the leather industry. Zipper with pre-blanked aluminium teeth mounted and fixed on the tape one by one. The aluminium teeth can be coloured with an anodising process granting fanciful chromatic effects. The Eloxal zipper is also appreciated for its lightness (it weights half a brass zipper). Available in 6 and 8 mm also with symmetric teeth. METAL 4 SIMMETRICA 4 METAL 6 ELOXAL 6 SIMMETRICA 6 METAL 8 ELOXAL 8 SIMMETRICA 8 METAL 14 07.13 Models · Modelli Filmetal Is a Metal zipper. The frontal side of the tape is coated with a colored polyurethane film. Available in the 4,6 and 8 mm. FILMETAL 4 FILMETAL 8 07.13 FILMETAL 6 We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. AK Antique copper Rame antico AM Antique brass Ottone antico AU Real gold Oro BE Antique silver Argento antico EB Gun metal Canna di fucile GA Dark gold Oro scuro 07.13 Eloxal 6 - Eloxal 8 Filmetal 8 Filmetal 6 Filmetal 4 Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simmetrica 8 Metal 6 - Simmetrica 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Surfaces Superfici We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. NL Shining nickel Nickel lucido 07.13 Eloxal 6 - Eloxal 8 Filmetal 8 Filmetal 6 Filmetal 4 Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simmetrica 8 Metal 6 - Simmetrica 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Surfaces Superfici GD Sandblasted brass Ottone sabbiato GO Brass Ottone KU Copper Rame IQ Lacquered nickel Nickel laccato NI Eco-Nickel Nickel ecologico Nickel containing We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. OO Oxidized brass Ottone ossidato OY Clean gold Oro pulito PG Pink gold Oro rosa RIO Multicolored Multicouleur RU Ruthenium Rutenio TY Tytanium Titanio 07.13 Eloxal 6 - Eloxal 8 Filmetal 8 Filmetal 6 Filmetal 4 Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simmetrica 8 Metal 6 - Simmetrica 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Surfaces Superfici Models · Modelli Top and Solid Zippers with zinc teeth die-cast directly on the tape. This process makes teeth particularly resistant to traction. The most suitable uses are in the military clothing or in fashion requiring a “vintage” or a particularly metallic effect. Several galvanic treatments such as nickel, old brass and many others can be carried out on Top zippers. The Top and Solid zippers are available in 6,8 and 10 mm. 07.13 TOPSTAR STAR TOP 6E SOLID 6 TOP 8E SOLID 8 TOP 10E SOLID 10 We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. AM Antique brass Ottone antico BL Natural zinc Zinco naturale BO Bonderized Bonderizzato BP Bonderized brushed Bonderizzato spazzolato CO Enamelled Laccato 07.13 Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 10E Top 6E - Top 8E Topstar Surfaces Superfici Nickel containing We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. GO NI Nickel Nickel 07.13 Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 10E Top 6E - Top 8E Topstar Surfaces Superfici Nickel containing Brass Ottone Nickel containing Models · Modelli Decor Aquazip Zipper with acetalic resin teeth made with an injection process. lt is characterized by the lengthened teeth on which the slider runs and is appreciated for its accurate homogeneity of the chain, tape and slider colours. The water repellent zipper. Thanks to Riri’s unique polyurethane coating technique the AQUAzip will keep you dry and comfortable in demanding weather conditions. By coating the woven tape and then affixing the teeth, Riri’s process protects from any damage or peeling of the coating. All elements of the AQUAzip have been developed and tested for maximum performance in extreme conditions. Aquazip is available in size 4,6 and 8 mm. DECOR 4E AQUAZIP 4 DECOR 6E AQUAZIP 6 DECOR 8E AQUAZIP 8 DECOR 10E 07.13 We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. DUO Duo Duo 07.13 Aquazip 8 Aquazip 6 Aquazip 4 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 6E Decor 4E Surfaces Superfici AK Antique copper Rame antico AM Antique brass Ottone antico BW Dark silver Selene scuro CO Colored Colorato CR Natural Naturale Right and left chains different colored Semi catene di colore diverso We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. EB Gun metal Canna di fucile FL Fluorescent Fluorescente GO Brass Ottone SE Selene Selene CF Cristal flash Cristal flash CI Cristal fire Cristal fire 07.13 Aquazip 8 Aquazip 6 Aquazip 4 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 6E Decor 4E Surfaces Superfici We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. CL Cristal light Cristal light CV Cristal mint Cristal mint 07.13 Aquazip 8 Aquazip 6 Aquazip 4 Decor 10E Decor 8E Decor 6E Decor 4E Surfaces Superfici We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. AU Real gold Oro BE Antique silver Argento antico 07.13 Decor 10E Decor 6E - Decor 8E Decor 4E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Filmetal 8 Filmetal 6 Filmetal 4 Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Elox. 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Elox. 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Slider finishes Trattamenti cursore AD Old brass Ottone invecchiato AK Antique copper Rame antico AM Antique brass Ottone antico Real flash gold Flash di oro vero We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. GA Dark gold Oro scuro GO Brass Ottone 07.13 Decor 10E Decor 6E - Decor 8E Decor 4E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Filmetal 8 Filmetal 6 Filmetal 4 Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Elox. 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Elox. 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Slider finishes Trattamenti cursore BN Bronze Bronzo EB Gun metal Canna di fucile EV Black mat Nero opaco Flash of real gold Flash di oro vero We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. NL Shining nickel Nickel lucido OI Pale gold Oro pallido 07.13 Decor 10E Decor 6E - Decor 8E Decor 4E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Filmetal 8 Filmetal 6 Filmetal 4 Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Elox. 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Elox. 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Slider finishes Trattamenti cursore KN Yellow copper Rame ingiallito KU Copper Rame NI Eco-Nickel Nickel ecologico Nickel containing We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. PA Palladium Palladio PG Pink gold Oro rosa RU Ruthenium Rutenio SF Black Silver Argento annerito 07.13 Decor 10E Decor 6E - Decor 8E Decor 4E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Filmetal 8 Filmetal 6 Filmetal 4 Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Elox. 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Elox. 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Slider finishes Trattamenti cursore OO Oxidized brass Ottone ossidato Flash of real palladium Flash di palladio vero TY We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. Tytanium Titanio Decor zippers sliders are always enamelled the same color as the chain unless specific requested. I cursori delle cerniere Decor sono sempre laccati nello stesso colore della catena salvo specifiche richieste. Eloxal zippers sliders are only available in the enamelled version. I cursori delle cerniere Eloxal sono solo disponibili nella versione laccata. 07.13 Decor 10E Decor 6E - Decor 8E Decor 4E Solid 6 - Solid 8 - Solid 10 Star Top 6E - Top 8E - Top 10E Topstar Filmetal 8 Filmetal 6 Filmetal 4 Metal 14 Metal 8 - Simm. 8 - Elox. 8 Metal 6 - Simm. 6 - Elox. 6 Metal 4 - Simmetrica 4 Slider finishes Trattamenti cursore PULLERS ASCOT AUR BELL BELT CHAIN CUP DRAHT FLACH FLACH21 FLACH DP FLAT FLAT21 FLIP GEBOG GEBOG DP GERADE GOLF HOSEN KETTE KTA KUKE LANG LANG31 LCP LINEA LOOP NET RING RIRI92 RUND SPIN SPITZ STAB STARRE SUB SWAR TROPF TROPF19 ZUFF KTA Metal ASCOT material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO ASCOT-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP ASCOT-L XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO AUR material DIE CAST ZAMAK (S-L) MILLED STEEL (M) materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA (S-L) ACCIAIO TRANCIATO (M) logo EMBOSSED (S-L) ENGRAVED (M) logo IN RILIEVO (S-L) INCISO (M) AUR-S 07.13 AUR-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP AUR-L XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO BELL material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO BELL-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO BELT material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO BELT-S 07.13 BELT-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP BELT-L XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO CHAIN material DIE CAST ZAMAK and STEEL materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA e ACCIAIO logo NONE logo NESSUNO length equal to the zipper lunghezza pari alla cerniera CHAIN-S chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP CHAIN-M XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO CUP material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO CUP-S 07.13 CUP-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP CUP-L XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO DRAHT material STEEL materiale ACCIAIO logo NONE logo NESSUNO DRAHT-S chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP DRAHT-M XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO FLACH material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO FLACH-S 07.13 FLACH-M FLACH-L chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP FLACH-XL XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO FLACH21 material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO FLACH21-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO FLACH DP material ZAMAK DIE CASTING materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO FLACH-M DP 07.13 chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type REVERSIBLE tipo attacco REVERSIBILE FLAT material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO FLAT-S chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP FLAT-M XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO FLAT21 material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO FLAT21-M 07.13 chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO FLIP material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO FLIP-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO GEBOG material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO GEBOG-M 07.13 GEBOG-L chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP GEBOG-XL XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation SINGLE FACED orientamento MONOFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO GEBOG DP material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO GEBOG-S DP GEBOG-M DP chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation SINGLE FACED orientamento MONOFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type REVERSIBLE tipo attacco REVERSIBILE GERADE material STAMPED BRASS materiale OTTONE TRANCIATO logo ENGRAVED logo INCISO GERADE-M 07.13 chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO GOLF material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO GOLF-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP GOLF-L XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO HOSEN material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO HOSEN-S 07.13 chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP HOSEN-M XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation SINGLE FACED orientamento MONOFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type HOSEN tipo attacco HOSEN KETTE material DIE CAST ZAMAK and STEEL materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA e ACCIAIO logo NONE logo NESSUNO KETTE-S chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP KETTE-M XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO KTA material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo ENGRAVED logo INCISO KTA-S 07.13 KTA-M KTA-L chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP KTA-XL XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO KUKE material DIE CAST ZAMAK and STEEL materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA e ACCIAIO logo NONE logo NESSUNO KUKE-S chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP KUKE-M XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation SINGLE FACED orientamento MONOFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO LANG material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO LANG-XS 07.13 LANG-S LANG-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension LANG-L TP LANG-XL XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO LANG31 material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO LANG31-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type CLAW tipo attacco GANASCIA LCP material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo ENGRAVED and ENAMELLED logo INCISO e SMALTATO LCP-L 07.13 chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation SINGLE FACED orientamento MONOFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO LINEA material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO LINEA-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO LOOP material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO LOOP-M 07.13 chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO NET material MICROCAST BRASS materiale OTTONE MICROFUSO logo CUT OUT logo PASSANTE NET-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation SINGLE FACED orientamento MONOFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO RING material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO 07.13 RING-S RING-M RING-XL RING-L dimensione tiretto chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena puller dimension ME chain type RING-XS TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO RIRI92 material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO RIRI92-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP RIRI92-L XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation SINGLE FACED orientamento MONOFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO RUND material STAMPED BRASS materiale OTTONE TRANCIATO logo ENGRAVED logo INCISO RUND-S 07.13 RUND-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP RUND-L XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type REVERSIBLE tipo attacco REVERSIBILE SPIN material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO SPIN-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO SPITZ material DIE CASTING ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo NONE logo NESSUNO SPITZ-M 07.13 chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO STAB material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo ENGRAVED (M) or NONE (L) logo INCISO (M) o NESSUNO (L) STAB-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP STAB-L XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO STARRE material STAMPED BRASS materiale OTTONE TRANCIATO logo ENGRAVED logo INCISO STARRE-S 07.13 chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP STARRE-M XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation SINGLE FACED orientamento MONOFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO SUB material POLYAMIDE and STEEL materiale POLIAMMIDE e ACCIAIO logo ENGRAVED logo INCISO SUB-M chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP SUB-L XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type CO-MOULDED tipo attacco CO-STAMPATO SWAR material ZAMAK DIE CASTING and SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA e SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS logo ENGRAVED logo INCISO SWAR-M 07.13 chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation SINGLE FACED orientamento MONOFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO TROPF material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED or NONE (XS) logo IN RILIEVO o NESSUNO (XS) TROPF-XS TROPF-S chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP TROPF-M XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation SINGLE FACED orientamento MONOFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO TROPF19 material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA logo EMBOSSED logo IN RILIEVO TROPF19-M 07.13 chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta link type CLAW tipo attacco GANASCIA ZUFF material DIE CAST ZAMAK and BRASS materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA e OTTONE logo NONE logo NESSUNO ZUFF-S chain dimension dimensione catena tipo catena dimensione tiretto ME chain type puller dimension TP XS S M 3 4 6 L 8 orientation DOUBLE FACE orientamento BIFACCIALE XL 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile 07.13 ZUFF-M on request su richiesta link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO LINK TYPES CLAW GANASCIA KOBO 3 PIECE BATA MATI MONOCORPO available body sliders corpi disponibili CO-MOULDED CO-STAMPATO PLASTIC UNIVERSAL PLASTIC DOUBLE BRIDGE available body sliders corpi disponibili 07.13 HOSEN HOSEN available body sliders corpi disponibili LOOP GANCIO UNIVERSAL 3 PIECE BATA KOBO MATI SINUS MONOCORPO available body sliders corpi disponibili 07.13 LOOP & PIN SPINA KOBO UNIVERSAL 3 PIECE MATI SINUS available body sliders corpi disponibili ONE PIECE PEZZO UNICO KOBO 3 PIECE BATA MATI MONOCORPO available body sliders corpi disponibili 07.13 REVERSIBLE REVERSIBILE REVERSIBLE available body sliders corpi disponibili 07.13 BODY SLIDERS UNIVERSAL DOUBLE BRIDGE UNIVERSAL KOBO KOBO BAGS MATI BAGS SINUS BATA KTA KOBO DOUBLE BRIDGE MATI MONOCORPO HOSEN PLASTIC DOUBLE BRIDGE PLASTIC UNIVERSAL REVERSIBLE 3 PIECE KTA non locking libero GT 6 8 dimensione catena 3 ME TP 4 10 6 8 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta LOOP LOOP & PIN available link types tipi di attacco disponibili 4 chain dimension 07.13 material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA locking bloccante tipo catena 3 GA chain type references sigle UNIVERSAL UNIVERSAL DOUBLE BRIDGE DGA non locking libero DGT material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA locking bloccante chain dimension 14 dimensione catena 3 ME TP 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta LOOP LOOP & PIN available link types tipi di attacco disponibili 6 tipo catena 4 chain type references sigle DOPPIO PONTE 3 PIECE 3A non locking libero material DIE CAST ZAMAK and STEEL (spring) materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA e ACCIAIO (molletta) 3T locking bloccante 4 07.13 3 tipo catena dimensione catena ME chain type chain dimension 6 TP 8 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI CLAW LOOP LOOP & PIN ONE PIECE SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta available link types tipi di attacco disponibili references sigle 3 PEZZI BA non locking libero material DIE CAST ZAMAK and BRASS (cap) materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA e OTTONE (calotta) BT locking bloccante 4 3 tipo catena dimensione catena ME chain type chain dimension 6 TP 8 4 6 8 10 14 DE CLAW SI SO HA available disponibile LOOP on request su richiesta ONE PIECE available link types tipi di attacco disponibili references sigle BATA material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA chain dimension 07.13 8 dimensione catena 14 3 ME TP 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI CLAW LOOP LOOP & PIN ONE PIECE SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta available link types tipi di attacco disponibili 6 tipo catena 4 BO chain type references sigle KOBO KOBO BAGS BO.VAL material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA 6 10 3 tipo catena dimensione catena ME chain type chain dimension 8 TP 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI CLAW LOOP LOOP & PIN ONE PIECE SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta available link types tipi di attacco disponibili references sigle KOBO VALIGERIA KOBO DOUBLE BRIDGE references sigle DOPPIO PONTE KOBO DBO material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA 4 tipo catena 3 ME TP 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI CLAW LOOP LOOP & PIN ONE PIECE SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta available link types tipi di attacco disponibili 07.13 dimensione catena chain type chain dimension MA material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA 6 3 tipo catena dimensione catena ME chain type chain dimension TP 8 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI CLAW LOOP LOOP & PIN ONE PIECE SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta available link types tipi di attacco disponibili references sigle MATI MATI BAGS references sigle MATI VALIGERIA MA.VAL material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA 8 tipo catena 3 ME TP 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI CLAW LOOP LOOP & PIN ONE PIECE SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta available link types tipi di attacco disponibili 07.13 dimensione catena chain type chain dimension SI material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA 6 3 tipo catena dimensione catena ME chain type chain dimension 8 TP 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta LOOP LOOP & PIN available link types tipi di attacco disponibili references sigle SINUS 1A non locking libero material DIE CAST ZAMAK and STEEL (spring) materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA e ACCIAIO (molletta) 1T locking bloccante 4 07.13 3 tipo catena dimensione catena ME chain type chain dimension TP 6 4 6 8 10 14 DE CLAW SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta LOOP ONE PIECE available link types tipi di attacco disponibili references sigle MONOCORPO HS material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA 4 3 tipo catena dimensione catena ME chain type chain dimension TP 6 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta HOSEN available link types tipi di attacco disponibili references sigle HOSEN REVERSIBLE DA non locking libero DT material DIE CAST ZAMAK materiale ZAMA PRESSOFUSA locking bloccante 4 07.13 3 tipo catena dimensione catena ME chain type chain dimension 6 TP 8 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta REVERSIBLE available link types tipi di attacco disponibili references sigle REVERSIBILE PLASTIC UNIVERSAL PA non locking libero PT material POLYAMIDE materiale POLIAMMIDE locking bloccante 6 10 3 tipo catena dimensione catena ME chain type chain dimension 8 TP 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta CO-MOULDED available link types tipi di attacco disponibili references sigle UNIVERSAL PLASTICO PLASTIC DOUBLE BRIDGE DPA non locking libero DPT material POLYAMIDE materiale POLIAMMIDE locking bloccante 6 07.13 10 3 tipo catena dimensione catena ME chain type chain dimension 8 TP 4 6 8 10 14 DE SI SO HA available disponibile on request su richiesta CO-MOULDED available link types tipi di attacco disponibili references sigle DOPPIO PONTE PLASTICO FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS JUNCTIONS SNODI SNODO2-M SNODO7-S SNODO3-M link type LOOP tipo attacco GANCIO SNODO7-M link type REVERSIBLE tipo attacco REVERSIBILE SNODO7-M DP RINGS ANELLI ANELLO 9MM 07.13 ANELLO 11MM ANELLO 12MM ANELLO 12,7MM link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO STAFFE STAFFA S2-S STAFFA X4-S STAFFA X4-M STAFFA X4-L STAFFA A1-S STAFFA A1-M STAFFA A1-L link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO STAFFE 07.13 STAFFA IG-S DP STAFFA IG-M DP STAFFA IG-L DP STAFFA Q1-S DP STAFFA Q1-M DP STAFFA Q1-L DP STAFFA Q2-L DP link type REVERSIBLE tipo attacco REVERSIBILE STAFFE STAFFA G3 STAFFA G13 STAFFA G10 STAFFA G12 STAFFA G5 STAFFA G9 STAFFA G16 STAFFA G15 STAFFA G17 link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO STAFFE STAFFA W2-M STAFFA GH 07.13 STAFFA LDB-M STAFFA W2-XL link type ONE PIECE tipo attacco PEZZO UNICO link type LOOP & PIN tipo attacco SPINA GENERAL CATALOGUE MODELS AND SURFACES Models · Modelli Classic Zipper with blanked metal teeth directly applied on the tape and successively brushed. Available in different galvanic finishing and innovative materials such as stainless steel, which is particularly suitable for garment dyeing thanks to the resistance to chemical agents active in the dye baths. The Metallo zipper is available in 4,6 and 8 mm. 07.13 CLASSIC 3 CLASSIC 4 CLASSIC 5 CLASSIC 8 Models · Modelli Plus Is a Metal zipper, Meras branded. Teeth are pre cut and brass made as the top and bottom stops. Available in the 4,5 and 8 mm. PLUS 4 PLUS 8 07.13 PLUS 5 Models · Modelli Nylon Zipper with a chain made in polyester yarn previously thermo set and then sewn on the tape. This product is particularly flexible and has good mechanical resistance. F F Nylon Reversed 4 Nylon 3 B F F Nylon Reversed 6 Nylon 4 B F F Nylon Reversed Coated 4 Nylon 6 B F F Nylon Reversed Coated 6 Nylon 10 B 07.13 F front F fronte B back B retro We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. F0 Copper Rame F3 Antique copper Rame vecchio G2 Gold plus Oro plus G4 Antique gold Oro vecchio G7 Brass Ottone HU Gun metal Canna di fucile 07.13 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Surfaces Superfici We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. M1 Burnished Brunito M8 Nickel free Nickel eco M9 Matt nickel free Nickel opaco eco NA White bronze Bronzo bianco NI German silver nickel free Alpacca nickel eco NX Stainless steel eco Inox 07.13 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Surfaces Superfici RIO ickel free/brass/burnished Nickel eco/ottone/brunito U2 We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. Antique german silver nickel free Alpacca vecchia nickel eco DX Brass brilliant Brilliant ottone LX Brilliant Nickel free Brilliant Nickel free SX Brilliant brunito Burnished brilliant 07.13 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Surfaces Superfici We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. D2 Antique nickel free Nickel antico eco F0 Copper Rame F3 Antique copper Rame vecchio G0 Light gold Oro chiaro G2 Gold Oro G4 Antique gold Oro vecchio 07.13 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Slider finishes Trattamenti cursore We remind you that real finishes may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital finishes card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. G5 Pure gold Oro zecchino G7 Brass Ottone HL Gun metal Canna di fucile M1 Burnished Brunito M8 Nickel free Nickel eco M9 Matt nickel free Nickel opaco eco 07.13 Plus 4 - 5 - 8 Classic 3 - 4 - 5 - 8 Slider finishes Trattamenti cursore COIL COLOR CARD FOR NYLON 4, 6, 10 Dear Customer, Gentile Cliente, We are pleased to present to you the colour card for the shade choise for zip chain and stitching, for zippers belonging to the NYLON family (4, 6, 10), particularly for the Mix (Fig. 1) and the Metallizzata (Fig. 2). Abbiamo il piacere di presentarle la carta colori valida nella scelta della tonalità della catena e del cucirino, per le cerniere appartenenti alla famiglia NYLON (4, 6, 10), in particolare per la Mix (Fig. 1) e la Metallizzata (Fig. 2). For both categories, the tape color can be selected from the 125 colours approved for the group colour card. Per entrambe le categorie la tonalità del nastro può essere selezionata tra i 125 colori abilitati come da carta colori di gruppo. There are 20 colours available for the zip chain and sewing thread for the MIX products. When ordering you must specify both. Unless otherwise specified chain and sewing will have the same tone. Sono 20 i colori disponibili per catena e cucirino nella categoria MIX. Al momento dell‘ordine è necessario specificarli entrambi. Salvo diversa indicazione catena e cucirino avranno la stessa tonalità. 8 combinations of standard chain and sewing thread are available for the category METALLIZZATA. 8 combinazioni standard di catena e cucirino sono invece disponibili per la categoria METALLIZZATA. We are at your disposal to discuss any requests for combinations outside the defined standard. Our sales staff will be glad to help you with any enquiries. Siamo comunque a disposizione per valutare eventuali richieste di combinazioni al di fuori dello standard definito. Il nostro personale di vendita sarà lieto di illustrarle le modalità operative. We would like to emphasize that due to prolonged use of this selection the shade of the colours may deteriorate. To minimize any such discoloration, avoid prolonged exposure to light sources of these products. With our best compliments. Ci permettiamo di sottolineare che a causa dell‘utilizzo prolungato della presente selezione la tonalità dei colori potrebbe deteriorarsi. Per minimizzare tale eventuale sbiadimento, eviti l‘esposizione prolungata di queste pagine alle sorgenti luminose. Con i nostri migliori complimenti e auguri per un proficuo lavoro. essential details How a nylon zipper is made · Come è fatta una cerniera nylon Tape Nastro Plastic coil Spirale plastica Thread Cucirino Fig. 1 - Mix Tape Nastro Fig. 2 - Metallizzata 07.13 Metallic coil Spirale metallizzata 2411 2107 2440 2127 2513 2110 2637 2230 2642 2223 2627 2226 2750 2303 2812 2403 2827 Nylon 10 are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. 2118 Color marked with 2407 Nylon 6 Nylon 4 Nylon 10 Nylon 6 Nylon 4 standard colors We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. 2101 07.13 RECOMMENDED CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SINGLE AND MIXED COLOURED ZIPS We invite you to respect the following washing and ironing instructions to maintain the quality of the product NORME DI MANUTENZIONE CONSIGLIATE PER NYLON TINTA UNITA E MIX La invitiamo a rispettare le seguenti istruzioni di lavaggio e stiratura per mantenere la qualità del prodotto ° R I a Uc Z5 ORO OPACO Z6 RAME Z1 ARGENTO Z4 ARGENTO OPACO Z0 BRUNITO Z8 CANNA DI FUCILE Nylon 10 Nylon 6 Nylon 4 Nylon 10 Nylon 6 Nylon 4 Z2 ORO VECCHIO are to be intended as standard. Other combinations to be evaluated and quoted upon request. Color marked with We remind you that real colors may be different than they appear on the screen. This digital color card should be used as reference only and under no circumstance we grant any guarantee. metallic colors Z3 ORO 07.13 RECOMMENDED CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR NYLON METALLIZZATA We invite you to respect the following washing and ironing instructions to maintain the quality of the product NORME DI MANUTENZIONE CONSIGLIATE PER NYLON METALLIZZATA La invitiamo a rispettare le seguenti istruzioni di lavaggio e stiratura per mantenere la qualità del prodotto ° R I a Uc PULLERS RANGE Please note that the pullers are not in scale. X4 W2 H3 H7 A0-OT X8 07.13 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 10 Nylon 6 Nylon 4 Nylon 3 Plus 8 Plus 5 Plus 4 Classic 8 Classic 5 Classic 4 Classic 3 Please note that the pullers are not in scale. A0-OT-M7 L1 RT L1 A0 P1 IO 07.13 Only on reversed coated Solo per rovesciata spalmata Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 10 Nylon 6 Nylon 4 Nylon 3 Plus 8 Plus 5 Plus 4 Classic 8 Classic 5 Classic 4 Classic 3 Please note that the pullers are not in scale. D0 S6 S8 P8 T1 T7 07.13 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 10 Nylon 6 Nylon 4 Nylon 3 Plus 8 Plus 5 Plus 4 Classic 8 Classic 5 Classic 4 Classic 3 Please note that the pullers are not in scale. B7 L6 H5 H4 B5 B6 07.13 Invisibile Nylon 1 Nylon 10 Nylon 6 Nylon 4 Nylon 3 Plus 8 Plus 5 Plus 4 Classic 8 Classic 5 Classic 4 Classic 3 CLIP Clip Colors Colori 2101 2626 2110 The length, how to measure it La lunghezza, come si misura 10 cm +/- 5 mm Rettangolo Foglia 07.13 2110 Natural zinc Zinco naturale 2626 BL 2101 Clip Chain finishes Trattamenti catena BO Bonderized Bondeizzato Slider finishes Trattamenti cursore BP Bonderised brushed Bonderizzato spazzolato NI Eco-Nickel Nickel ecologico 07.13 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR ALL THE OTHER COUNTRIES CONDIZIONI GENERALI DI COMPRAVENDITA PER L’ITALIA 1. Contract’s conclusion and validity of the general conditions: the sale contract shall be deemed to have been entered into either with the confirmation of the seller’s order, or, in the event that there is no order confirmation, from the time the buyer begins to fulfil his obligations under the contract. Insofar as the present general conditions of sale have not been previously contested in writing, at the conclusion of the contract the buyer accepts them without any reservation whatsoever. Any general conditions of the buyer are fully rejected. Should the general conditions in other languages differ, the English version shall prevail. 1. Conclusione del contratto: il contratto di compravendita è concluso con la conferma d’ordine da parte del venditore, o in mancanza di conferma d’ordine, nel momento in cui il compratore inizia l’adempimento degli obblighi contrattuali a lui incombenti. Con la conclusione del contratto il compratore accetta senza riserve le presenti condizioni generali di compravendita, nella misura in cui non siano state contestate in precedenza per iscritto. Eventuali condizioni generali del compratore sono espressamente respinte. 2. Payment conditions 2.1. The payment conditions set out in the order confirmation are binding. 2.2. In case of default of the buyer in complying with the terms of payment agreed the latter shall - without any formal notice - be liable to pay overdue interests at a minimum rate of 8%. Moreover, the seller shall be entitled not to make any further deliveries until full payment of the amounts due. 3. Set-off excluded: any form of set-off by the buyer is excluded. 4. Delivery term 4.1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing among the parties, the term of delivery indicated in the confirmation of the seller’s order is approximate and shall be deemed ex factory. 4.2. If the delivery term has been postponed for more than 4 weeks and on the condition that the order has been solicited in writing, the buyer has the right to reject the goods. Any other right or claim for delay in the delivery is excluded. 5. Inspection of the goods 5.1. The buyer shall inspect the goods’ conditions as soon as possible and immediately notify the seller in writing should he discover defects for which the seller is liable. In any case such notification must be given within 8 days from the placing at disposal of the goods. After such deadline the goods are deemed to have been accepted. 5.2. In particular the buyer shall inspect from time to time and under his exclusive liability, if the solidity degree of the dyes corresponds to his application requirements. The use of dyes in contrast with the cloth has to be previously authorized in writing by the seller. 6. Warranties 6.1. In consideration of the variety of potential applications, the buyer shall determinate every time and under his exclusive liability if the zip fasteners he has chosen and which have been delivered by the seller are appropriate for the application to his products. In any case the seller’s warranty related to the suitability of the zip fastener for the application and delivered in compliance with the buyer’s request is waived. 6.2. The seller warrants the conformity of the materials and of the products, the solidity of the dyes as well as workmanship free of manufacturing defects. Differences with regard to colors, quality or discrepancies compared to specimen which are common in the seller’s operating sector and/or technically unavoidable are not deemed to be defects, and shall therefore not be object of claims. The warranty of the seller will be of one year starting from the placing at disposal of the goods. 6.3. During the warranty period, upon written request the seller shall, at his choice, either eliminate the defects as soon as possible or replace the defective goods. Any further obligation deriving from defective delivery is excluded, in particular the buyer’s option to claim damages or rescission of the contract is excluded. 6.4. The seller’s warranty does not cover damages due to incorrect storage, in particular due to an inadequate storage with regard to the properties of the product (including but not limited to the weather storage conditions). Upon request, the seller will furnish information on the methods and storage conditions. 7. Passing of risk 7.1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the risks shall be transferred to the buyer latest at the placing at disposal of the goods. Should the delivery be delayed for reasons which are beyond the seller’s control the risks shall be transferred to the buyer at the time originally agreed. From that time, the goods will be stored and insured at the expenses and risks of the buyer whom the effective costs of deposit, loading and unloading will be charged to. 7.2. Should the buyer ask for a type of transportation which differs from the one proposed by the seller, the risks will be transferred to the buyer latest at the placing of the goods at disposal of the carrier. 8. Packing, carriage and insurance 8.1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing the usages of the sector shall be applicable. Special requirements regarding packing shall be taken into account only if submitted in writing to the seller before the forwarding of the order confirmation. 8.2. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the damages liability insurance is to be paid by the seller. 9. Liability: The seller shall not be liable for any damages due to an inappropriate use of the goods and in no event shall he be liable for claims related to indirect damages. 2. Condizioni di pagamento 2.1. Valgono le condizioni di pagamento indicate nella conferma d’ordine. 2.2. Qualora il compratore non dovesse rispettare i termini di pagamento pattuiti gli sarà computato - senza sollecitazione - un interesse di mora pari all’8% su base annua. Inoltre, il venditore non è tenuto ad alcuna ulteriore consegna sino al pagamento degli importi dovuti. 3. Compensazione esclusa: ogni forma di compensazione da parte del compratore è esclusa. 4. Termine di consegna 4.1. Il termine di consegna indicato nella conferma d’ordine del venditore è indicativo e si intende franco fabbrica salvo se diversamente convenuto per iscritto fra le parti. 4.2. Il compratore ha il diritto di rifiutare la merce se il termine di consegna viene superato di oltre 4 settimane, a condizione che l’ordine sia stato sollecitato per iscritto. Viene esclusa qualsiasi altra pretesa o rivendicazione a seguito di un ritardo nella consegna. 5. Denuncia 5.1. Il compratore deve esaminare lo stato della merce ricevuta al più presto e, se vi scopre vizi di cui il venditore è responsabile, denunciarli subito per iscritto. La presenza di vizi deve comunque essere notificata per lettera raccomandata entro il termine di 8 giorni dalla messa a disposizione della merce. Trascorso detto termine la merce si ritiene accettata. 5.2. In particolare il compratore è tenuto a verificare, di volta in volta e sotto la sua esclusiva responsabilità, se il grado di solidità delle tinte corrisponde alle sue esigenze di applicazione. L’utilizzo di tinte in contrasto con il tessuto non può essere attuato se non previo accordo scritto del venditore. 6. Garanzie 6.1. Data la molteplicità delle possibili applicazioni spetta al compratore determinare, di volta in volta e sotto la sua esclusiva responsabilità, l’idoneità all’applicazione sui suoi prodotti delle chiusure lampo fornite dal venditore nei modelli scelti dal compratore stesso. Il venditore comunque non risponde della non idoneità all’applicazione dei modelli delle chiusure lampo forniti su scelta del compratore. 6.2. Il venditore garantisce la conformità dei materiali e dei prodotti, la solidità delle tinte nonché l’esecuzione esente da difetti di fabbricazione. Differenze per quanto riguarda la qualità, i colori o rispetto al campione usuali per il settore nel quale opera il venditore e/o tecnicamente inevitabili non sono ritenuti difetti e non possono quindi essere oggetto di contestazioni. La garanzia del venditore è prestata per la durata di un anno dalla messa a disposizione della merce. 6.3. Durante il periodo di validità della garanzia il venditore si impegna, su richiesta scritta e a sua libera scelta, a eliminare i vizi appena possibile o sostituire la merce viziata. È esclusa ogni ulteriore pretesa derivante da forniture viziate, in particolare è esclusa la facoltà per il compratore di chiedere il risarcimento danni o la rescissione del contratto. 6.4. Il venditore non risponde per i danni derivanti da uno stoccaggio scorretto, in particolare per uno stoccaggio non adeguato alle caratteristiche del prodotto (ivi comprese le condizioni climatiche di stoccaggio). Il venditore fornisce su richiesta indicazioni sui metodi e le condizioni di stoccaggio. 7. Passaggio dei rischi 7.1. I rischi passano al compratore al più tardi alla messa a disposizione della merce, salvo se altrimenti convenuto per iscritto. Nel caso in cui l’invio sia stato procrastinato per motivi non imputabili al venditore, i rischi passano al compratore al momento previsto originariamente. Da tale momento in poi la merce verrà immagazzinata ed assicurata a carico e rischio del compratore al quale verranno imputati i costi effettivi di deposito, carico e scarico. 7.2. Nel caso in cui il compratore richiedesse un tipo di trasporto diverso da quello proposto dal venditore, i rischi passano al compratore al più tardi con la messa a disposizione della merce al trasportatore. 8. Imballaggio, trasporto e assicurazione 8.1. Salvo se altrimenti pattuito per iscritto, si applicano gli usi del settore. Particolari richieste circa l’imballaggio saranno tenute in considerazione solo se giunte per iscritto al venditore prima dell’invio della conferma d’ordine. 8.2. Salvo se altrimenti convenuto per iscritto, l’assicurazione contro danni è a carico del venditore. 9. Responsabilità: il venditore non risponde dei danni dovuti ad un uso improprio della merce e non si assume in nessun caso la responsabilità per pretese derivanti da danni indiretti. 10. Retention of title 10.1. The title of the delivered goods shall not be transferred to the buyer, until all agreed payments have been made in full according to the terms of the contract. 10.2. The buyer shall assist the seller in taking any action necessary for maintaining and protecting the seller’s title. With the conclusion of the contract, the seller shall be specifically authorized to register the retention of title according to the applicable laws of the concerned jurisdiction and to accomplish any necessary formality at the buyer’s expenses. 10.3. During the retention of title the buyer shall, at his own expenses, provide for the maintenance and the insurance of the goods, especially against theft, fire, water. The buyer shall take as well any action necessary to maintain and protect the seller’s title, especially avoiding the pledging of the goods, their sale or their placing at disposal of third parties. The buyer shall immediately notify the seller of any action taken by authorities or third parties of seizure, attachment or the like and he shall be liable for any damage caused by a late notice. 10. Patto di riservato dominio 10.1. Il venditore rimane proprietario dell’intera fornitura finché non abbia completamente ricevuto tutti i pagamenti convenuti conformemente a quanto previsto dal contratto. 10.2. Il compratore è obbligato ad assistere il venditore in tutti i provvedimenti necessari alla tutela della proprietà di quest’ultimo. In particolare, il venditore è autorizzato con la conclusione del contratto a procedere alla registrazione o annotazione della riserva di proprietà in conformità alle leggi vigenti nel paese in questione e a compiere tutte le necessarie formalità, a spese del compratore. 10.3. Il compratore provvederà a sue spese, per l’intera durata della riserva di proprietà, alla manutenzione ed all’assicurazione della fornitura, in particolare contro furto, fuoco, acqua. Il compratore prenderà pure tutti i provvedimenti necessari alla tutela del diritto di proprietà del venditore, soprattutto evitando la messa in pegno, la vendita o la messa a disposizione di terzi della fornitura. Il compratore darà immediato avviso al venditore in caso di pignoramento, sequestro o simili provvedimenti da parte di autorità o di terzi ed è responsabile per ogni danno derivato dal mancato tempestivo avviso. 11. Exclusive jurisdiction: Mendrisio. 11. Foro esclusivo: il Tribunale di Milano. 12. Applicable law: the contract shall be governed by the Swiss law, with the exception of the Vienna Treaty of April 11 1980, which is not applicable. 12. Diritto applicabile: il contratto è sottoposto al diritto italiano, ad eccezione della Convenzione di Vienna dell’11 aprile 1980 la cui applicazione è esclusa. ITALY Riri SA Via al Gas, 3 CH-6850 Mendrisio T +41 (91) 640 6161 F +41 (91) 640 6101 Riri SA Via Soderini, 25 20146 Milano T +39 02 4225081 F +39 02 47717587 FRANCE Riri France Eurl 326, rue Saint Martin 75003 Paris T +33 (0) 1 53 01 01 40 F +33 (0) 1 42 76 93 96 USA Riri USA, Inc. Empire State Building 350 Fifth Ave., Suite 6700 New York, NY 10118 T +1 (0) 212 268 3866 T +1 (800) RiriUSA F +1 (0) 212 268 3868 Riri USA, Inc. 722 S. Los Angeles Street, # 409 Los Angeles, CA 90014 T +1 (213) 622 2965 F +1 (800) 651 4767 CHINA & HONG KONG Riri (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Suite 2309, 23rd Floor, 388 Nanjing West Road Ciro’s Plaza, Shanghai 200003 China T +86-21-6334 6161 F +86-21-6334 5077 Riri (Hong Kong) Limited Unit 06, 13/F, Lippo Sun Plaza 28 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui West Kowloon, Hong Kong T +852-2371 0282 F +852-2572 1978
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