Spectral emissivity measurements of Mercury`s surface indicate Mg
Spectral emissivity measurements of Mercury`s surface indicate Mg
ARTICLE IN PRESS Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Planetary and Space Science journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/pss Spectral emissivity measurements of Mercury’s surface indicate Mg- and Ca-rich mineralogy, K-spar, Na-rich plagioclase, rutile, with possible perovskite, and garnet A.L. Sprague a,, K.L. Donaldson Hanna b, R.W.H. Kozlowski c, J. Helbert d, A. Maturilli d, J.B. Warell e, J.L. Hora f a Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, 1629 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721-0092, USA Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA c Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA 17870, USA d Institute for Planetary Research, DLR, Rutherfordstrasse 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany e Institutionen for Astronomi och Rymfysik, Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala, Sweden f Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA b a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 8 October 2008 Received in revised form 14 January 2009 Accepted 15 January 2009 Available online 29 January 2009 Mid-infrared 2-D spectroscopic measurements from 8.0 to 12.7 mm of Mercury were taken using Boston University’s Mid-Infrared Spectrometer and Imager (MIRSI) mounted on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, 7–11 April 2006. Measurements reported here cover radar bright region C, a dark plains region west of Caloris Basin, and the interior of Caloris Basin. By use of spectral deconvolution with a large spectral library composed of many mineral compositions and grain size separates, we fitted, or ‘‘unmixed’’, the Mercury spectra. We find mineral suites composed of magnesium-rich orthopyroxene and olivine, Ca-, Mg-, Na-rich clinopyroxene, potassium feldspar, and Na-bearing plagioclase feldspar. Both Ca- and Mg-rich garnet (pyrope and grossular, respectively) are apparently present in small amounts. Opaque minerals are required for spectral matching, with rutile (TiO2) repeatedly providing the ‘‘best fit’’. However, in the case of the radar bright region C, perovskite also contributed to a very good fit. Caloris Basin infill is rich in both potassium feldspar and Na-rich plagioclase. There is little or no olivine in the Caloris interior smooth plains. Together with the high alkali content, this indicates that resurfacing magmas were low to intermediate in SiO2. Data suggest the dark plains exterior to Caloris are highly differentiated low-iron basaltic magmas resulting in material that might be classified as oligoclase basalts. & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Mercury Mercury’s surface composition Iron-poor mineralogy Spectroscopy of mercury’s surface Mercury’s formation 1. Introduction Here we present results of Mercury surface observations using IRTF on Mauna Kea Hawaii. We used MIRSI (http://www.cfa.harvard. edu/mirsi/) to obtain mid-infrared spectra from three regions on Mercury’s surface. It is important to know the composition of Mercury’s surface to build an understanding of the volcanic and thermal history of the planet, infer the composition of its crust and model the composition of the mantle on the assumption that the lavas were extracted from it by partial melting. To this end, we discuss in this manuscript, measurements from radar bright region C, dark plains west of Caloris Basin, and the interior of Caloris Basin. The data presented here were obtained in 2006. Data reduction and analysis have been time consuming because Corresponding author. Tel.: 520 621 2282; fax: 520 621 4933. E-mail address: sprague@lpl.arizona.edu (A.L. Sprague). 0032-0633/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2009.01.006 we have been pioneering the data analysis procedures which are described here along with some details of the instrumentation used and the observations. First results from analysis of some Mercury and lunar data obtained during the same time period have been presented previously (e.g. Hanna et al., 2006; Sprague et al., 2008), but this is the first time that a detailed description of observations, methods, results, and implications of these data from these three specially chosen regions have been presented. 1.1. Brief historical context Many ground-based observations of Mercury and two NASA spacecraft have made measurements of Mercury. The surface superficially resembles that of the Earth’s Moon, covered with silicates, heavily cratered over much of the surface, with bright crater ejecta rays against a darker background (cf. Strom et al., 1975; Davies et al., 1978). Imaging by the Mercury Dual Imaging ARTICLE IN PRESS A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 System (MDIS) on MESSENGER spacecraft has revealed volcanic vents, pyroclastics, and other evidence of extrusive volcanism (Head et al., 2008; Murchie et al., 2008). Briefly stated, Mercury’s surface materials are low in FeO which is common in silicates on the Moon, asteroids, and Earth (cf. Vilas, 1988; Warell et al., 2006. McClintock et al., 2008). Microwave imaging and modeling has observed Mercury’s regolith to be more transparent (lower in Ti and Fe) than that of the Moon (cf. Mitchell and de Pater, 1994). Previous mid-infrared observations of Mercury’s surface at other locations (Sprague et al., 1994, 1997a, 2002; Sprague and Roush, 1998; Emery et al., 1998, Cooper et al., 2001), have discerned a heterogeneous surface chemistry based on emissivity maxima, transparency minima and variations in spectral activity in Reststrählen bands between 7.7 and 13.5 mm. These results are complementary to those from the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Spectrometer (MASCS) (McClintock et al., 2008), MDIS (Robinson et al., 2008) and other data from instruments obtained during the first MESSENGER flyby of Mercury because the same regions on Mercury’s surface were traversed (Solomon et al., 2008). Neither the MDIS nor the MASCS discerned the FeO absorption band from Mercury’s surface materials at the locations measured. The synergy between the MESSENGER observations and our ground-based measurements will be discussed in detail in the sections to follow. 2. Geologic context of three regions measured The footprint of each location (Fig. 1A–C) has been outlined in white on a grey scale on a portion of the departure mosaic obtained by the MDIS during the first Mercury flyby in January 2008. The size and location of the three regions is estimated from imagery obtained at the time of data acquisition. Our long slit spectra permit the acquisition of spatially resolved regions on the surface no smaller than 400–600 km either perpendicular to or along the spectrograph slit. Thus our measurements blend the signal from many smaller regions into our signal and the resulting spectra are a mixture of spectra from all rock, mineral, and soil types in the footprint. We provide compositions of extended regions which are the estimated abundances of mineral phases contributing to the signal in our data. Thus, we do not discern smaller compositional units which may exist within the regions, but the blend of all mineral phases in the region. Using the location of the slit on the Earth-facing disk of Mercury and the 365 ephemerides for the day and time of observation, we computed the locations along the slit in latitude and longitude. 2.1. Radar bright region C (RBC) Goldstone-VLA X-band imaging of Mercury (Slade et al., 1992, Butler et al., 1993) observed a bright radar return signal over a large irregular region centered N of the equator at about 1201E. This high radar backscattering region included and surrounds an area that corresponds approximately with one of the ‘‘Goldstein features’’ seen several years before in pioneering radar imaging of Mercury (Goldstein, 1970, 1971). The high radar backscatter properties indicate a rough and blocky surface possibly composed of excavated material generated during impact, or some other process that caused roughness on the scale of several decimeters. The region has acquired the familiar name of ‘‘radar bright spot C’’ (Harmon, 1997). The region appears as an irregular radar bright region in the radar albedo map adapted from Butler et al. (1993) (section of Fig. 2 with grid lines) and as a rough, heavily impacted, and irregularly surfaced region in Arecibo S band (12.6 cm wavelength) images in dual polarization, delayed-Doppler imaging which found the area to correspond to heavily cratered terrain with a relatively fresh 125 km diameter impact crater centered at 1141E, 111N latitude surrounded by prominent lobate ejecta also within the region (Harmon et al., 2007) (bottom section of Fig. 2). The extended system of bright impact ejecta rays which appears bright against the dark background east of radar bright spot C may contribute slightly to, but does not explain, the high radar backscatter over the entire region. The region was chosen for discussion here because ground-based imaging by Ksanfomality (2004) suggested the presence of a large basin to the west. Ejecta from the basin-forming impact may be in this region and thus have spectral signatures from the apparently heavily cratered and highly radar backscattering characteristics. So far there is scant evidence for the basin suggested by Ksanfomality (2004) in the MESSENGER imaging but additional images and a variety of illumination geometries will be necessary to determine the presence or extent of an ancient, highly modified feature. MDIS imaging Wide Angle Camera departure color sequences show the radar bright region C and surrounding terrain to have many circular bright albedo areas, corresponding to heavily cratered terrain with inter-fingering of material 10% lower in reflectance than the planetary average (Robinson et al., 2008). 2.2. Dark plains west of Caloris Basin (DPWCB) Fig. 1. MDIS departure image from the first fly by of Mercury by the MESSENGER spacecraft illustrates the three regions of this study. Region A—radar bright region C (RBC), rough on the scale of decimeter wavelength and longer. The prominent impact crater centered at 1141E, 111N, its lobate ejecta and the heavily cratered regions surrounding this impact contribute to the high radar backscatter. Region B—dark plains west of Caloris Basin (DPWCB). Region C—Caloris Basin (CB). The white outlines indicate the approximate footprint of mid-infrared spectral imaging for each region. Mercury mosaic is courtesy of Applied Physics Laboratory and Johns Hopkins University, www.jhu.messenger.misison. The smooth dark plains surrounding and west of Caloris Basin exhibit a crater density 40% less than on the plains interior to Caloris Basin and are therefore thought to be volcanic plains younger than those in the Caloris Basin interior (Strom et al., 2008). Similar dark plains material, classified by Robinson et al. (2008) as generally low-reflectance material (LRM) extends to the south of Caloris Basin and covers much of the side of the southern hemisphere imaged during the flyby. Analysis of our spectra presents direct evidence for mineral phases and relative abundances for the dark plains region (white outlines B, Fig. 1). Spectral measurements of the dark plains surface materials presented in this paper were obtained on 8 and 9 April 2006 (frames #063 and #098, respectively). The data and ‘‘best fit’’ modeling of data obtained on those two separate days enhance our confidence in the results. 2.3. Caloris Basin (CB) One exciting discovery of the first flyby was evidence for intrusive and extrusive volcanic activity in and around Caloris ARTICLE IN PRESS 366 A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 enhanced signal of neutral atmospheric potassium emission (Sprague et al., 1990). Our observations within Caloris Basin identify mineral phases consistent with MDIS imaging that shows a relatively high albedo with a redder slope than the surrounding dark plains. We discuss measurements of materials in Caloris Basin obtained in two consecutive days (8 and 9 April 2006; frames #071 and #080, respectively) and outlined in white Fig. 1C. 3. Observations Spectral measurements of Mercury and the Moon’s surfaces were taken using Boston University’s MIRSI mounted on the NASA IRTF on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Observations were obtained during daytime observations on 7–11 April 2006 covering longitudes between 1001 and 1841E. Mid-infrared standard stars, b Pegasus (b Peg) and a Bootis (a Boo), were measured in the same observing mode as Mercury. At the time of the observations, Mercury was between 7.4 and 7.9 arcsec in diameter, 0.46 AU from the Sun, with the sub-Earth longitude varying from 1881 to 1621E longitude. MIRSI is an imaging spectrograph with the 10-mm grism covering 8–14 mm with resolving power (l/Dl) equal to 200 and a slit width of 0.600 . The MIRSI detector is a 16-channel 320 240 Si:As IBC array developed by Raytheon; each channel measures 20 240 pixels. Daytime observations are kept short to keep the detector response within the linear regime in all 16 channels characterized by the same gain. More details about MIRSI can be found in Deutsch et al. (2003) and Kassis et al. (2006, 2008). 3.1. Mercury and standard star observations Fig. 2. (top) Goldstone-VLA X-band imaging showing RBC as the dark irregular patch between the equator and 301N and 100–1401E longitude (adapted from Butler et al., 1993). (bottom) Arecibo S-band dual polarization, delay-Doppler imaging showing heavily cratered terrain in the same region (adapted from Fig. 7, Harmon et al., 2007). Basin. An extensive radial fracture system (Pantheon Fossae) with over 100 graben likely results from stress faulting following surface uplift, caused by pressure from upwelling magma into a system of dikes near the basin center or volcanic vents observed in and around Caloris Basin (cf. Head et al., 2008, Murchie et al., 2008). While fracturing and faulting within Caloris Basin was known from Mariner 10 imaging and previously related to a period of uplift of the crater floor, possibly caused by either exterior loading lateral crustal flow (cf. Thomas et al., 1988, Watters et al., 2005), the MDIS imaging from the flyby has permitted a much better understanding of the extensive volcanic activity that has taken place within the Caloris rim material (Murchie et al., 2008). It has been proposed that the extensive fracture system within the basin, along with the high temperatures at the longitude of Caloris Basin at perihelion, facilitate the diffusion of potassium (K) into Mercury’s exosphere and cause the Mercury was observed near maximum western elongation in the early morning as it transited. b Peg (M2.5 II–III spectral type star) was chosen because of its proximity to Mercury in the sky and its relatively large flux in the mid-infrared. Long slit spectra were obtained for b Peg prior to and following Mercury observations. Mercury and b Peg spectra were taken in chop/nod mode as is standard technique for mid-infrared observations. We obtained narrow band filter images of the target (both Mercury and standard star) at several wavelengths between 7.7 and 13 mm (spectral data extend from 8.0 to 12.7 mm) for flux calibration. In addition, an image shows the extent to which atmospheric turbulence smears the image of Mercury and, by inference, the view of Mercury’s surface in the long slit (see Fig. 3). Note that the regions along the slits in Fig. 3 are reprojected onto an MDIS image with a different geometry in Fig. 1. The location of the slit on Mercury’s surface can be determined using ephemerides for Mercury for the exact time of spectral integration. A good estimate of the seeing smear can be made by comparing the observed image of Mercury to a model computed with no seeing smear. Using both model and image, the location of the slit on the disk and the number of distinguishable sectors Fig. 3. Images, taken in MIRSI’s imaging mode, just prior to the spectral image integration for (a) RBC, (b) DPWCB, and (c) CB. The location and width of the MIRSI spectrograph slit at the time of integration is indicated by the parallel black lines. ARTICLE IN PRESS A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 along the slit in latitude and longitude can be determined. The signal along the portion of the slit that falls over the disk of the planet, which is typically 6–8 arcsec in diameter, can be divided into latitude regions for spatially resolved spectral study. The spatial extent of the spectrograph slit width and CCD array pixel are 0.6 and 0.3 arcsec. Mercury was 7.7 arcsec in diameter at the time of measurement. With perfect ‘‘seeing’’ the spectrum would be 26 lines (pixels) from north pole to south pole. With atmospheric seeing, the spectrum contains more lines and, when plotted, the flux approximates a Gaussian which is typical for slit spectroscopy of Mercury’s surface (see Sprague et al., 1997b) for a detailed study of this phenomenon and seeing deconvolution method. Typically we use a simple Gaussian fit to the continuum from limb to limb along the slit which may fall anywhere on the illuminated disk and is not necessarily subtending a full diameter. For the sake of simplicity we divide the spectrum into four equal regions with the cut off at 2 sigma from the peak. Each frame has a slightly different seeing smear but on average each spatially discrete sector is 600 km mapped along the slit. We name each spectrum by date of collection, identify the spatial sectors as north (N), north-mid (NM), south-mid (SM), and south (S), respectively, and archive spectra for future analysis. In this paper we present the north mid-latitude sector over radar bright C and the dark plains west of Caloris Basin. In the case of Caloris Basin it was necessary to extract several lines from our spectral images that did not fall into one of the standard four divisions. 4. Data reduction 4.1. Sky removal, dispersion correction, and image rectification Along with emitted light from Mercury or the standard star, MIRSI spectral images contain signal from the telescope, instrument, day sky, and dark current. Signals from the sky and dark current are easily removed through a subtraction of chop and nod frames. Signal from the sky and dark current must be removed from a spectral image to increase its signal-to-noise ratio. While images are collected in chop/nod mode, the secondary mirror chops on target storing a spectral image in frames 0 and 1 of a FITS file; the telescope then nods to the sky and the secondary mirror chops on the sky storing a spectral image in frames 2 and 3 of the same FITS file. Spectral images are dark noise and sky corrected by subtracting the differenced sky frames from the differenced target frames ((target 1sky 1)(target 2sky 2)) in the usual fashion for mid-infrared telescopic observations. MIRSI images exhibit spectral and spatial distortions, curvature in both x (wavelength dispersion) and y (spatial dimension) coordinates of the spectrum due to refraction of light as it passes through the optics. The correction of spectral and spatial distortions is done using tools in Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF) (Tody, 1986, 1993). A lunar spectrum obtained during the same observing period was chosen to fit dispersion functions across both lines and columns (320 240 pixels). The chosen lunar spectrum had several distinct low albedo regions (dark shadows, maria), several rows tall that were used to fit the dispersion function in the y-coordinate. Ozone and water absorption bands were chosen in the lunar image to fit the dispersion function in the x-coordinate. IRAF tools were used to fit dispersion functions curvatures with polynomials and then pixels were rebinned for linearization in both dimensions. The dispersion functions were then applied to all spectra. Telluric absorptions measured with the MIRSI grism and telluric absorptions in atmospheric spectra collected with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL) MkIV Interferometer were used for calculating the wavelength dispersion of MIRSI’s 10 mm grism. The 367 JPL MkIV Interferometer is a high-resolution Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectrometer designed to remotely sense the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere by the technique of solar absorption spectrometry (Toon, 1991). Spectral observations range from low air mass (solar zenith angle ¼ 201) to high air mass (solar zenith angle ¼ 851) under warm and cold conditions (from plus 101 to negative 15 1C). MkIV spectra were convolved to the slit function of the MIRSI instrument to smooth the high-resolution MkIV spectra to the lower resolution MIRSI spectra. The slit function for the 10 mm grism is a Gaussian function with a sigma of 1.6 pixels (or 0.0306 mm assuming a linear spectral dispersion of 0.0191 mm). A running Gaussian smooth was performed for a 2-sigma Gaussian width of 1.0, 1.2, and 1.6 pixels full-width halfmaxima. Five telluric features observed in both the MkIV and MIRSI spectra were chosen: an H2O feature at 8.111 mm, three O3 features at 9.486, 9.573, and 9.651 mm and a CO2 at 12.709 mm. Pixel positions in the x-coordinate for the five telluric features were found in the MIRSI calibration spectrum and were then fitted with a polynomial function to map the wavelength scale. 4.2. Correction for telluric absorptions, the stellar spectral shape and thermal continuum After the spectral images had been corrected for instrumental effects it was necessary to remove telluric absorptions, stellar spectral shape, and the thermal slope of Mercury’s rough surface to prepare Mercury spectra for spectral ‘‘unmixing’’ (hereafter called UM). We used the standard method for removing telluric absorptions in telescopic spectral data (taking a ratio of the target spectrum to a spectrum of a well characterized mid-infrared standard star collected at the same air mass as the target spectrum). Stellar spectral images were collected as close as possible on the sky and in time to Mercury spectra in order to approximate the same atmospheric depth and opacity. In the cases when the identical air mass was not achieved, we ‘‘corrected’’ stellar spectra to the air mass of Mercury. This was made possible by computing extinction coefficients from sequential stellar spectra for each MIRSI wavelength and interpolating the actual spectrum to the airmass at which the Mercury spectrum had been obtained. After division of Mercury spectra by standard star spectra to complete telluric corrections, the quotient was corrected for the stellar spectral slope and features. Infrared standard stars’ spectral shapes have been determined by Cohen et al. (1995, 1996). Stellar spectra contain absorption bands due to SiO and CO fundamentals and a general continuum whose shape is controlled mainly by effective temperature. After correction of the Mercury spectra for both stellar shape and telluric absorptions we divide by a rough surface thermal model (Emery et al., 1998) computed for the exact ephemerides of the target during the observation. This division removes the spectral slope introduced by Mercury’s hot rough surface and prepares it for deconvolution processing (spectral unmixing). 5. Spectral analysis Our Mercury spectra have been analyzed by spectral UM using an established spectral deconvolution algorithm based on the principle that the emitted or reflected energy from a multimineralic surface is a linear combination of the energy radiated from each component in proportion to its areal percentage (Ramsey, 1996; Ramsey and Christensen, 1998). Using this assumption, computation of the percentage of spectral endmember minerals with known particle size and density approximates the abundance of each end-member present. Ramsey and Christensen (1998) generated laboratory mixes with varying ARTICLE IN PRESS 368 A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 abundances of hornblende, microcline, oligoclase, and quartz and performed a blind retrieval test by selecting all end-members. Results for the blind retrieval test showed that for each mineral in the mixture differences between the UM abundance and the actual abundance could be as great as 12%, but the average difference was 4%. For some of the laboratory mixtures, the UM fitted minerals that are not present in the laboratory mixture, but these are fitted with abundances of less than 5%. This indicates that the linear spectral deconvolution method can be used to predict mineral abundances to within 5% in the cases where the spectral end-members are spectra from the actual sample mineral mixes. An iterative process of comparison of linear combinations of spectra end-members to the target data is made. A root mean square (RMS) error to the fit to the target data over the entire spectral range and a residual model spectrum are generated for each ‘‘best fit model’’ (BFM) spectrum. A blackbody can also be added to the spectral end-member UM to accommodate variations in the spectral contrast between the input spectrum and the best model fit (Hamilton et al., 1997). For our Mercury spectral fitting, the best model fits are dependent our spectral libraries, built with many mineral compositions and different grain size fractions. They are unlikely to have the exact composition and grain size mixture of the regolith on Mercury (which of course we do not know). Thus best fit models are approximations of what might be present on Mercury’s surface or representative of mineral phases and grain sizes present given the assemblage of spectra used in the spectral library during the UM. Hamilton and Christensen (2000) found that end-members chosen by the deconvolution process for the best model fit will be overestimated if some spectral end-members of the exact mineral composition are absent from the spectral library. Hamilton et al. (1997) demonstrated this with the olivine solid solution (fayalite to forsterite) and cautions that the compositions of the spectral endmembers chosen will only approximate those of the actual target spectrum. Minor and trace constituents usually are not accurately chosen because their contributions to the bulk spectrum may in some cases be slight and the algorithm will judge their contribution as null. Exceptions to this case occur when the minor constituent has a distinctive spectral feature that fits a spectral feature in the target spectrum. An additional complication that may lead flawed abundance computations is that a spectrum of the correct mineral phase may be present in the spectral library but not measured at the correct grain size to perfectly match that of the regolith for the region measured. To our knowledge no good quantitative study of these effects has yet been published. 5.1. Previous use of deconvolution algorithm in mid-infrared analyses Previous successes interpreting target spectra with this spectral deconvolution algorithm include: Hamilton et al. (1997) who fitted whole Martian meteorite samples representing the SNC meteorites, Feely and Christensen (1999) who modeled whole rock samples that had previously been studied using petrographic techniques, Wyatt et al. (2001) who determined the phase abundances of whole igneous rocks and comparing the results with phase abundances determined by electron microprobe mapping, and Milam et al. (2007) who modeled complex mixtures of plagioclase sands and other mineral phases. In addition, Donaldson Hanna and Sprague (2009) have identified compositions of HED meteorites and Vesta from deconvolution of laboratory and telescopic mid-infrared spectra, respectively. 5.2. Spectral libraries and spectral library end-members For our Mercury spectral studies it was necessary to build a large spectral library of many mineral compositions and for many grain size separates (a good discussion of the effect of small and hyperfine grain sizes on rock, mineral, and soil spectra can be found in Mustard and Hays, 1997). Mercury’s surface is well comminuted from meteoroid impact and its thermal infrared spectrum has been shown to be dominated by small grain size particles from observations in the VISNIR (Dollfus and Auriere, 1974; Warell and Blewett, 2004) and in the mid-infrared (cf. Henderson and Jakosky, 1997; Emery et al., 1998). Even though evidence suggests there is little or no FeO absorption in near-infrared spectra from Mercury (see Warell et al., 2006) we do not assume any single starting set of rock or mineral spectra that might be a priori ‘‘suitable’’ like lunar or martian suites of minerals, or only minerals low in FeO. Our spectral libraries have spectral end-members (a term used to denote the spectra in the library that may be used to fit the target spectrum during the deconvolution; from Christensen et al., 2000) with a broad range of composition representing rock-forming minerals on Earth, the Moon, asteroids, and meteorites. We use spectra from several large spectral libraries including reflectance spectra of plagioclase glasses and typical lunar samples (Nash, 1991; Nash and Salisbury, 1991, respectively) and spectra from the ASTER collection (Hook, 1998). The ASTER collection includes laboratory reflectance spectra from two sources: Johns Hopkins University (JHU) (Salisbury et al., 1987, 1988, 1991) and JPL (Grove et al., 1992). JHU end-member samples were sieved into two grain size fractions (0–74 and 74–250 mm) and reflectance measurements were obtained using a Nicolet* 5 DxB interferometer spectrometer. JPL end-member samples were sieved into three grain size fractions (o45, 45–125, and 125–500 mm) and reflectance measurements were obtained over the 2.2–25.0 mm spectral range using a Nicolet interferometer spectrometer. Many more mineral species and phases were available to be easily downloaded from the Brown University RELAB spectral library (Pieters and Hiroi, 2004) where samples are of varying grain size and are measured over the 2.0–25.0 mm spectral range using a Thermo Nicolet Nexus 870 spectrometer. We also obtained end-member samples of varying grain size fractions from the USGS spectral library (Clark et al., 2007) measured using a Nicolet Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) interferometer spectrometer covering 1.3–150 mm. We used selected emittance spectra from two sources. (1) The Arizona State University (ASU) spectral library (Ruff et al., 1997, Christensen et al., 2000) where end-member samples available are mostly of a single grain size (710–1000 mm). Thermal emission spectra are collected under a nitrogen purge at over the 2.0–25.0 mm spectral range using a Mattson Cygnus 100 interferometric spectrometer. (2) The Planetary Emission Laboratory (PEL) established to support future mid-infrared spectral measurements of Mercury’s surface by the Mercury Emission Radiometer and Spectrometer (MERTIS) (Helbert et al., 2007; Helbert and Maturilli, 2008; Hiesinger et al., 2008; Maturilli et al., 2006, 2008) as part of the BepiColombo mission (Benkhoff et al., 2009) to Mercury that is scheduled for a 2014 launch. Laboratory measurements are made of many mineral types and of four grain size fractions: some of them in the o25, 25–63, 63–90, and 90–125 mm range (Maturilli et al., 2006), others in the o25, 25–63, 63–125, and 125–250 mm range (Maturilli et al., 2008). Thermal emission spectra are collected over 6.3–22.0 mm using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (Maturilli et al., 2006). Systematic measurements are made at incremental temperatures appropriate for Mercury’s regolith; 100–700 K (Helbert and Maturilli, 2008). These spectra are accumulated and categorized in the Berlin Emissivity Database (BED). The chamber for the vacuum measurements has been purchased but the laboratory setup and the expected spectral library are not yet available. Our Mercury spectra are emittance spectra emanating from surface materials at a wide range of temperatures, mostly hotter ARTICLE IN PRESS A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 369 than room temperature, in a vacuum environment. Laboratory spectra obtained in such conditions are not available. Thus large reflectance and emissivity spectral libraries generated at room temperature and one bar pressure are used in our deconvolution process. We inverted the reflectance spectra to emittance using Kirchoff’s law (Emissivity ¼ 1Reflectance), the well-known relationship that is regularly used in remote sensing applications (Salisbury et al., 1994). All of the measurements of the spectral libraries listed above were made in reflectance at room temperature and at one bar atmosphere. Small differences between biconical reflectance and hemispherical reflectance spectra of the same laboratory sample have been thoroughly discussed by Salisbury et al. (1994) and there are slight departures from an exact application of Kirchoff’s Law to the former. The additional uncertainty in the deconvolution is likely to be commensurate with the small differences in conversion of the two types of reflectance spectra. We combined the spectra measured in emittance with the inverted reflectance spectra to form our working spectral end-member library. Diagnostic absorption bands may not be quantitatively reproduced among these different types of spectra for the same exact mineral phase and grain size but their use is the best we could do at this time. 6. Previous results and spectral library comparisons We have found it instructive to use the same spectral libraries used to successfully model Howardite, Eucrite, and Diogenite (HED) meteorites, aubrite meteorites, Vesta, and the Moon to UM spectra from Mercury. If we restrict ourselves to the same mineral phase end-members for deconvolution of Mercury spectra the results are not satisfactory. This is an important point because it may not be obvious that some spectral end-member libraries have mineral suites that are suited for the HED meteorites or aubrites, for example, but not for Mercury. It was not obvious until these comparisons were made to the HED library, the Vesta library, and the lunar library that no good matches over the entire wavelength range were possible. This important result is now examined in some detail. Figs. 4–6 illustrate this point. Donaldson Hanna and Sprague (2009) found good spectral deconvolution matches to spectra of differentiated meteorites Johnstown (diogenite) and Bholghati (howardite) with excellent correspondence to the correct mineral suites known to be present in them. The spectral deconvolution algorithm produces a best fit using the primary minerals for the Howardite meteorite (low- and high-Ca pyroxene and plagioclase feldspar) with minor amounts of chromite and olivine (Fo89). The major phase end-members (greater than 10 vol%) are plotted in Fig. 4. Major minerals chosen in the best model fit included low-Ca pyroxene, high-Ca pyroxene, and plagioclase. Two low-Ca pyroxenes were chosen: a BED pigeonite with a grain size fraction of 25–63 mm and USGS hypersthene (PYX02) with a grain size fraction of 4250 mm. Compositions of both the pigeonite and hypersthene end-member samples fit within the large phase range measured by Furhman and Papike (1981). The deconvolution algorithm overestimated the modal abundance of low-Ca pyroxene by 6% over the measured range. The high-Ca pyroxene chosen for the best fit model is a RELAB Zagami pyroxene with a grain size fraction of 0–50 mm. The modal abundance of high-Ca pyroxene (24%) determined by the deconvolution algorithm falls within the measured range and other derived mineral phases and abundances for Bholghati fit within the definition of a Howardite meteorite. Also shown in Fig. 4 is the deconvolution UM for Johnstown, the largest representative by mass of the diogenite class of meteorites (Floran et al., 1981). Diogenites are dominated (approximately 84–100 vol%) by orthopyroxene with minor Fig. 4. Spectral unmixing of HED meteorites. Figure adapted from Donaldson Hanna and Sprague (2009). For discussion see Section 6, page 14. Fig. 5. Mercury spectrum #071 from Caloris Basin is compared to best fit models computed using three different spectral libraries: (top) minerals found in aubrite meteorites, (middle) minerals found in HED meteorites, and (bottom) lunar sample soils. For discussion see Section 6, page 15. minerals (approximately 0–5 vol%) chromite and olivine and accessory minerals (approximately 0–2 vol%) diopside, troilite, metal, a silica phase, and rare phosphates (Mittlefehldt et al., 1998). The spectral deconvolution algorithm produces a best fit using the primary mineral for the diogenite meteorite (low-Ca pyroxene) with minor amounts of plagioclase and olivine. The ARTICLE IN PRESS 370 A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 spectral end-members that gave good fits to those targets, did not give good fits to Mercury data supports our previous work that indicates Mercury has a distinctly different surface composition. We will demonstrate, in the next section, that much better fits can be obtained if we expand the contents of the spectral library to include more rock-forming mineral phases and minor mineral phases of more grain sizes than were required for our HED, aubrite, and lunar spectral fitting discussed in this paper. 7. Results Fig. 6. Lunar (top) and Mercury (bottom) spectra are fit using the same set of minerals from the spectral library used to fit several lunar spectra (Donaldson Hanna et al., 2007). We were not able to achieve a good best fit with the lunar mineral spectral library. For discussion see Section 6, page 15. best fit modeled mineral percentage for low-Ca pyroxene and plagioclase fit within approximately the published data for Johnstown; however, the olivine abundance is over estimated by 14%. The spectrally derived mineral modes and abundances for Johnstown fit within the definition of a diogenite meteorite. The interested reader can find the details of the Bholghati and Johnstown study in Donaldson Hanna and Sprague (2009). Our first examples with Mercury are shown in Fig. 5. Spectrum #071 from Caloris Basin has been ‘‘unmixed’’ using the aubrite mineral spectral library (top), the HED-Vesta mineral library (middle), and the lunar soil spectral library (bottom). After many trials of deconvolution with many different subsets of the spectral end-member library we finally converge on the BFM. The BFM is defined in two ways: first by examining the residual spectrum from the deconvolution UM and using the eye for comparing key spectral features and second, by minimizing RMS error of the UM across the spectral region used in the deconvolution for a given set of spectra permitted for use in the spectral unmixing. Sometimes the BMF is excellent (determined by visual study of target spectrum and BFM) and matches most of the spectral features in the Mercury spectrum. However, sometimes the BFM results only match a portion or none of the Mercury spectrum (or other target). In cases of excellent visual match the RMS deviation over the entire spectrum is lower than in the cases where the BFM exhibits visible departures from the Mercury spectrum. There are some occasions when our spectral library does not contain either the required mineral phases or grain size samples of the mineral phases or both and we cannot match the target spectrum. In the cases shown in Fig. 5, no BFM reproduces all of the Mercury spectral features, although some are reproduced. Most notable is the match of two emissivity maxima at 8.2 and 8.5 mm in the top and middle panels. These peaks are those of enstatite. No combination of lunar soil spectra matches these peaks. Fig. 6 shows a good fit to a spectrum from Grimaldi Basin, also obtained with MIRSI during the same observing period. We used a library of terrestrial mineral laboratory spectra with mineral phases known to be in lunar rocks and soils. Obviously this spectral library, which is adequate to model lunar spectra, does not yield a satisfactory fit to the Mercury spectrum, or to other Mercury spectra in our data set. That we obtained good fits to telescopic data from the Moon, and differentiated meteorites, gives us confidence in the spectral deconvolution method. That the same spectral libraries with We report the approximate compositions for radar bright C (RBC), the dark plains to the west of Caloris Basin (DPWCB), and Caloris Basin (CB). Intermediate, mafic, and rock compositions are indicated by Mg-rich chemistry, K-spars, either orthoclase or sanidine, Na-bearing plagioclase, and high Ca-pyroxene as dominant phases. Minor Ca- and Mg-garnet, and opaque phases are also strongly indicated. Opaque phases indicated are rutile (TiO2), and possibly, perovskite (CaTiO3) in radar bright C region, and or troilite (FeS) in materials of Caloris Basin and surrounds. The end-member spectra for ilmenite in our spectral library were never chosen in any UM. Obviously, the mineral phase identifications from UM outcomes can only contain mineral phases for which there are spectra in the spectral libraries. By repeating deconvolution trials with spectral libraries containing a wide range of end-members, a pattern of minerals of a range of compositions and grain sizes becomes apparent. For example after hundreds of trials the only olivine spectral end-members chosen were Mg-rich tending toward the forsterite endmember (Mg2SiO4) of the olivine solid solution which is represented (Mg, Fe)2SiO4. We present alternative BFM for the three locations measured. We also provide model ‘‘bad fits’’ as a basis for discussion of the results of omitting or including certain mineral phases. Comparison of results permits a visual method of assessing the goodness-of-fit and the degree to which the results may be considered definitive or suggestive. 7.1. Radar bright region C 7.1.1. Exploration of orthopyroxenes Best fit models to RBC repeatedly require Mg-rich orthopyroxene as well as other mineral phases that will be discussed in Section 7.1.2. We decided to take a detailed look at our spectral library and determine if we had any end-member available that would exactly match the spectral features of orthopyroxene in our Mercury spectrum from this region. We included orthopyroxene spectral end-members containing a broad range in Mg, Fe, and Ti. Hamilton (2003) gives an excellent illustrated discussion of changes in mid-infrared spectral bands as a function of chemical elemental abundances of major and minor elements. We found that no one end-member matched all the features in the Mercury spectrum but several matched some of the features. This is illustrated in Fig. 7 where the closest matching spectra are plotted along with the Mercury data from RBC. Close examination of Fig. 7 shows that the Mercury spectrum has many features of Mg-rich orthopyroxene, particularly enstatite. This is illustrated by the close match between 10.8 and 11.3 mm in the double peak feature. The grain size has a strong effect on the 11.7–12.7 mm region where the Mercury spectrum exhibits the characteristics of small grain size (USGS (usgs) and RELAB (rel) spectra with grain size o180 and 0–74 mm, respectively). This grain size range is consistent with previous measurements on Mercury’s surface detailed in the earlier Section 1.1. Our spectral library does not contain the end-member ARTICLE IN PRESS A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 371 Fig. 7. Mercury data from RBC are plotted along with a selection of orthopyroxene spectra from our working spectral library. It is apparent that the double peaked feature between 10.8 and 11.3 mm is that of Mg-rich orthopyroxene, probably enstatite (compared to enstatite_710_1000_Hamilton_ASU) but we do not have a perfect match in both grain size and composition. orthopyroxene spectra that can match all of the spectral features likely caused by orthopyroxene mineral phase. 7.1.2. Other mineral phases Early in the deconvolution ‘‘unmixing’’ we found that the best matches were always from the small grain size mineral separates (0–25 mm; 25–63 mm; 0–74 mm; and so on) even though the coarse grain size separates of the same compositions were included as end-members. Several mineral phases were repeatedly chosen, including Mg-rich olivine, Mg- and Ca-rich pyroxenes, and Mg- and Ca-rich garnets and potassium feldspar (K-spar). However, for K-spar, both orthoclase and sanidine were chosen for different regions. We also found that an opaque phase was required for the best fits but no one opaque phase was chosen exclusively. We found that rutile was the significant contributing opaque phases to the BFM. Perovskite and troilite were also chosen. Ilmenite (FeTiO3) was chosen in two cases when spectra from no other opaque were available in the spectral unmixing. Plagioclase end-members chosen in the deconvolution are repeatedly Na-rich trending between bytownite and albite. In an effort to determine our uncertainties and to explore cosmochemical differences that might be exhibited by the spectra and the good fits, we ran many models with restricted spectral end-member options for comparison. For example, we made many deconvolutions where we permitted only orthoclase or sanidine, but not both and found the BFM for each. There are only minor visual spectral differences between the orthoclase and sanidine spectra in our library (Fig. 8, top panel). For RBC, the best UM included orthoclase or sanidine 100% of the time, but the choice did not seem to have an obvious effect on the best UM spectrum. Orthoclase and sanidine were chosen equally often. This presented serious ambiguity in our ability to identify which phase was present and prevents discussing the petrologic significance of discrimination between the two phases. Also difficult to visually determine was the effect on goodness-of-fit caused by opaque phases that might be present at Mercury and present in our library (Fig. 8, bottom three panels). Every Fig. 8. (a) JHU orthoclase and sanidine, 0–74 mm grain size fractions; (b) rutile (TiO2), spectra most often providing best fit for opaque phase; (c) perovskite (CaTiO3) chosen as opaque in radar bright region C; (d) troilite was chosen when rutile was not permitted, (e) ilmenite (Fe2TiO3), never chosen, when rutile or other opaque was permitted. deconvolution that had a satisfactory fit contained minor amounts of garnet. The garnets chosen were always the Mg- (grossular) or Ca- (pyrope) phases (Fig. 9). Almandine, the Fe-rich garnet, was never chosen although several spectra of different grain size fractions were in the library. To explore subtle differences between end-member choices, we ran five cases of ‘‘unmixing’’ the Mercury spectrum from RBC with orthoclase as the only permitted K-spar choice. We then repeated the same five cases with sanidine as the only K-spar choice. The five cases altered which opaque phase was permitted as a possible end-member in the solution. We include the fits from work done for a Lunar and Planetary Science Conference poster (Sprague et al., 2008). The spectral deconvolutions for that study were obtained using an 89 member spectral library. These BFM are shown in cases for each of the sanidine and orthoclase trials. All other UM were made with a much larger spectral library with 327 members. The choices for opaques were: (a) rutile included, 89 member spectral library, (b) rutile (TiO2), (c) ilmenite (FeTiO3) (permitted but not chosen), (d) perovskite (CaTiO3), and (e) troilite (FeS). ARTICLE IN PRESS 372 A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 Fig. 10 shows the same Mercury spectrum fit with the options described for the two cases where the K-spar is restricted to be orthoclase (left panel) and restricted to sanidine (right panel). A presentation of the best composition results are detailed in Table 1 for the cases where orthoclase was required as the K-spar chosen, if any. Table 2 gives the results for the cases where sanidine was required if a K-spar was chosen. The restriction on the K-spar mineral phase does result in slight differences for other miner phases chosen. The restriction of the opaque phase also causes slight changes in the amount of the other mineral phases. However, the relative order of abundance (%) does not change. This indicates that the fits are quite robust. The names of the spectral library members can be read from Tables 1 and 2. The abbreviations of the spectral library members contain enough information to identify the mineral phase, the grain size fraction of the end-member spectrum, and the laboratory providing the spectrum. 7.2. Dark plains west of Caloris Basin Fig. 9. Magnesium- and calcium-rich garnet spectra from two different grain size separates are shown to illustrate that both the spectral structure and the grain size are important to spectral fitting. Note especially the difference in emissivity from 10 to 12.7 mm with small grain size having the highest emissivity. Spectra and spectral deconvolution UM models from two independent observations of the DPWCB are shown in Fig. 11 (left panel, 8 April, #063; right panel, 9 April, #098). Spectra were obtained on different days and used different standard star spectra for telluric corrections. This independence provides an excellent test of our data acquisition, analysis, and modeling. We ran many deconvolutions of both spectra with a wide variety of spectral libraries (including lunar and meteorite spectra, including hydrated minerals and sulfates, restricting spectra end-members to anhydrous minerals, etc.). All of the BFM had similar endmember choices with some variations in grain size and some cases mineral phases. As with RBC, we found it instructive to Fig. 10. (left panel) The Mercury spectrum from over RBC shown (black points) along with unmixing models (grey points) for which K-spar was orthoclase: (a) rutile permitted, small library; (b) rutile permitted, more end-members added; (c) ilmenite permitted, rutile not permitted, ilmenite not chosen; (d) perovskite and ilmenite permitted, perovskite chosen; (e) troilite and ilmenite permitted, troilite chosen. (right panel) The Mercury spectrum from over RBC is shown (black points) along with unmixing models (grey points) for which K-spar was sanidine: (a) rutile permitted, small library; (b) TiO2 rutile permitted as opaque phase; (c) FeTiO3 ilmenite permitted, rutile not permitted, ilmenite not chosen; (d) perovskite and ilmenite permitted, perovskite chosen; (e) troilite and ilmenite permitted, troilite chosen. ARTICLE IN PRESS A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 Table 1 #046 Radar bright C (RBC) best-fit model (BFM) test results for orthoclase (O-a) to (O-e) case study corresponding to the left panel of Fig. 10. (O-a) #046 Radar bright C RMS for BFM a LPSC BFM+orthopyroxene to fit 10.6–11.6 mm Rutile_0–45_15sm—JPL b ort_3f_gs0–74—JHU enstatite_nmnh128288.7447_gs25—USGS ort_90c_gs0–63—BED olv_7p_fo66_gs0–74—JHU hyp2_180c_gs125–250—BED pyrope_180c_gs0–25—BED olivine_gds71.16579_fo91—USGS olivine_ki3189.16976_fo60_gs25—USGS grossular_garnet_125–500_15sm—JPL grossular_ws485.8753_gs171—USGS 0.0024 oAbundance (%) 37 19 10 10 9 7 3 2 1 1 1 Total 100 (O-b) #046 Radar bright C RMS for BFM Rutile+more end-members added orthoclase.3f—JHU enstatite 0–45—JPL rutile 45–125—JPL oligoclase 90c 63–90—BED enstatite_0_45_nmnh128288.7447—USGS hyperstene180c 25–63—BED orthoclase 90c 0–25—BED olivine_0_60_ki3054.16862 (Fo66)—USGS bytownite green 180c 63–125—BED pyrope 180c 63–125—BED grossular_0_65_nmnh155371.8586—USGS 0.0022 oAbundance (%) 28 15 11 10 10 9 7 5 4 0.7 0.3 Total 100% (O-c) #046 Radar bright C RMS for BFM Ilmenite permitted, not chosen hedenbergite.1f—JHU orthoclase.3f—JHU enstatite 0–45—JPL bytownite green 180c 25–63—BED andesine hs142.2101—USGS pyrope.1f—JHU enstatite_0_45_nmnh128288.7447—USGS grossular_0_210_ws484.8698—USGS 0.0033 oAbundance (%) 38 26 14 8 7 3 4 0.4 Total 100 (O-d) #046 Radar bright C RMS for BFM Perovskite permitted, chosen olivin7f_emiss_lib—JHU diopside_0–45_15sm_emiss_lib—JPL enstat1c_emiss_lib—JHU orthoclase_nmnh142137.17360_gs0–74—USGS PV-EAC-002_MagnetCove_perovskite_gs0–45—RELAB PV-EAC-020_Tapira_perovskite_gs0–45—RELAB emiss_hyperstene180c0_25—BED orthoclase_125–500_15sm_emiss_lib—JPL PV-EAC-024_Afrikanda_perovskite_gs0–45—RELAB emiss_avg_orthoclase90c0_63—BED 0.0023 oAbundance (%) 25 16 15 12 11 7 4 4 4 2 Total 100 (O-e) #046 Radar bright C RMS for BFM Troilite permitted, chosen enstat1f_emiss_lib—JHU EA-EAC-001C_HeatedCanyonDiablo_troilite—RELAB orthoc3f_emiss_lib—JHU enstatite_0–45_15sm_emiss_lib—JPL olivin9p_emiss_lib—JHU hypers1c_emiss_lib—JHU orthoclase_hs13.17296_gs74–250—USGS pyrope1f_emiss_lib—JHU 0.0018 o Abundance (%) 34 23 18 8 4 4 3 3 373 Table 1. (continued ) olivine_ki3054.16862_Fo66_gs25—USGS grossular_ws484.8698_gs210—USGS emiss_grossular180c125_250—BED 2 1 1 Total 100 The computed statistical error between the best-fit model (BFM) and the Mercury spectrum over the entire spectral interval is defined as the root mean square (RMS) and is provided for each case. a LPSC model for (a) refers to Lunar and Planetary Science Institute Conference Abstracts: Sprague et al. (2007). b Spectra are named to provide identification of the mineral phase, grain size, and laboratory. For example, the second entry, orthoclase model (O-a), ort_3f_gs0–74—JHU can be interpreted as: orthoclase sample 3fine with grain size separates of 0–45 mm obtained from the JHU spectral library. The constituents are listed in relative order of upper limit percent abundance that resulted from the BFM of a particular case, such as O-a, O-b, O-c, O-d, etc. explore the chemistry of the dark plains by restricting the endmember choices to elucidate which mineral phases were essential to good fits and which were either non-essential or clearly not present on the surface. The BFM cases are shown as case (a) in Fig. 11 both left and right panels. A clear trend of Na-rich plagioclase (albite, oligoclase, bytownite), Ca-, Na, and Mg-rich clinopyroxene (augite), Mg-rich orthopyroxene, and pyrope, the Mg-rich garnet phase is present. It is obvious that the only good fits are those of case (a) for both spectra from the dark plains. The names of the spectral endmembers can be read from Tables 3 and 4. As with Tables 2 and 3, the abbreviations of the spectra end-members contain enough information to identify the mineral phase, the grain size fraction of the end-member spectrum, and the laboratory providing the spectrum. We learn something about Mercury’s composition by studying the poor fits (b–d). An opaque phase is required for a good fit to the data. Only rutile gives a good fit. When ilmenite is chosen at 28% (see Table 3, case (c)), the fit is poor. Also, pyrope Mg3Al2(SiO4)3 is required for a good fit to the spectra (compare panels (a) and (b) in both DP #063 and DP #098). The presence of these magnesium aluminum silicates in the dark plains units is surprising in that there is no related evidence for deep excavation similar to the region in RBC. Never the less our spectral deconvolution of the Mercury spectra are BFM with pyrope included as a spectral end-member. We have determined that both the spectral peaks and grain size in the garnet spectrum chosen by the deconvolution BFM is important. Fig. 11 case (a) in both left- and right-hand panels are best fit with the inclusion of pyrope which provides the spectral peak at 10.5 and 11.4 mm without providing too much emissivity in the 11.5–12.7 mm region where the spectral emissivity is declining in the Mercury spectra for both #063 and #098 (compared to the same spectral region in Fig. 9). Examination of Tables 3 and 4 show that the 75–250 mm grain size pyrope spectrum is chosen in the BFM rather than the 0–74 mm grain size pyrope spectrum because the continuum height is too great in the smallest grain size separate to mix with the other constituents of the BFM and retain the continuum height of the Mercury spectrum. The larger grain size separate provides the peak contributions without raising the spectrum excessively in the 11.5–12.7 mm spectral region. 7.3. Caloris Basin The mineralogy of CB is unlike that of RBC and the DPWCB. While there are some common mineral phases chosen, the basin infill is distinct with a significant abundance of potassium ARTICLE IN PRESS 374 A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 Table 2 #046 Radar bright C BFM and test results for sanidine (S-a) to (S-e) case study corresponding to the right panel of Fig. 10. (S-a) #046 Radar Bright C RMS for BFM LPSCa post+only orthopyx to fit 10.6–11.6 labradorite_0–45A_15sm—JPL b olv_7f_fo66_gs0–74—JHU enstatite_nmnh128288.7447_gs25—USGS rutile_hs126.19708_15sm—USGS hyp2_180c_gs125–250—BED san_180c_gs0–25—BED andesine_hs142.2101_gs74–250—USGS lab_1c_gs75–250—JHU olivine_ki3189.16976_fo60_gs25—USGS grossular_garnet_45–125_15sm—JPL olivine_gds71.16534_fo91—USGS 0.0030 oAbundance (%) 21 15 15 13 11 10 8 2 2 1 1 Total 100 (S-b) #046 Radar Bright C RMS for BFM Rutile+more end-members added sanidine.1f—JHU hypersthene_0_45_nmnhc2368.10362—USGS rutile hs126.19708—USGS bytownite 90c 0–63—BED enstatite nmnh128288.7447—USGS andesine hs142.2101—USGS labradorite 45–125A—JPL olivine ki3054.16862 (Fo66)—USGS grossular hs113.8529—USGS 0.0023 oAbundance (%) 31 14 13 12 11 6 6 4 3 Total 100 (S-c) #046 Radar Bright C RMS for BFM Ilmenite permitted, not chosen hedenbergite.1f—JHU sanidine.1f—JHU enstatite 0–45—JPL andesine hs142.2101—USGS grossular hs113.8529—USGS enstatite nmnh128288.7447—USGS olivine gds71.16638 (Fo91)—USGS labradorite 90c 63–90—BED pyrope.1f—JHU 0.0028 oAbundance (%) 34 26 16 10 5 4 2 0.9 0.5 Total 100 (S-d) #046 Radar Bright C RMS for BFM Perovskite permitted, chosen sanidi1f_emiss_lib—JHU olivi10f_emiss_lib—JHU olivin7f_emiss_lib—JHU diopside_0–45_15sm_emiss_lib—JPL enstatite_0–45_15sm_emiss_lib—JPL grossular2f_emiss_lib—JHU enstat1c_emiss_lib—JHU hypers1c_emiss_lib—JHU PV-EAC-022_IceRiverComplex_perovskite—RELAB pyrope1c_emiss_lib—JHU grossular_garnet_45–125_15sm_emiss_lib—JPL 0.0022 oAbundance (%) 24 19 18 10 6 6 5 5 4 3 1 Total 100 (S-e) #046 Radar Bright C RMS for BFM Troilite permitted, chosen enstat1f_emiss_lib—JHU sanidi1f_emiss_lib—JHU TB-TJM-050_ParagouldChondrite_troilite—RELAB hypers1c_emiss_lib—JHU emiss_sanidine180c125_250—BED olivine_ki3054.16862_Fo66_gs25—USGS olivi12c_emiss_lib—JHU grossular_garnet_0-45_15sm_emiss_lib—JPL 0.0019 oAbundance (%) 47 17 16 9 6 2 2 2 Table 2. (continued ) grossular_ws485.8753_gs171—USGSS 1 Total 100 The computed statistical error between the best-fit model (BFM) and the Mercury spectrum over the entire spectral interval is defined as the root mean square (RMS) and is provided for each case. a LPSC model for (a) refers to Lunar and Planetary Science Institute Conference Abstracts: Sprague et al. (2007). b Another example of how to read the spectral nomenclature: olv_7f_fo66_gs0–74—JPL may be interpreted as olivine number 7f of chemistry corresponding to forsterite 66%, fayalite 54%, grains size 0–74 mm. feldspar (best fit with orthoclase). Fig. 12 illustrates seven UM for spectrum #071 and 5 UM for spectrum #080. The sequences (a–g) in the left panel explore the best fit minerals including garnet, while restricting the K-spar to either orthoclase or sanidine, and permitting amphibole. The sequence (a–e) in the right-hand panel of Fig. 12 tests the BFM for inclusion or exclusion of garnet, orthoclase, sanidine, rutile, and ilmenite. Inclusion of orthoclase, garnet, and rutile result in the lowest RMS and BFM for both #071 and #080. In addition, for #071, the presence of hornblende results in the BFM of Fig. 12a. The identification of orthoclase supports the ground-based observations of Sprague et al. (1990) who observed enhanced column abundances of atomic potassium in Mercury’s exosphere over Caloris Basin. Also indicated in the UM is the presence of amphibole, a mineral that has water of hydration as part of its lattice structure. Two examples of amphibole whose spectra were indicated in UM are hornblende, (Na, Ca)2(Mg, Fe, Al)5(SiAl)8O22(OH)2, and glaucophane, the Na-rich end-member of the glaucophane-riebeckite solid solution Na2(Mg, Fe, Al)5Si8O22(OH)2. Hornblende is an important and widespread rock-forming mineral common in igneous plutonic rocks on Earth. It can vary greatly in composition and is found in basic igneous rocks often associated with significant amounts of titanium (up to 10% TiO2 in analyses). That the TiO2 occurs without the association of Fe is consistent with our results for all of the UM from CB where rutile is the only TiO2 phase indicated. Hornblende occurs especially in diorites and syenites. This is particularly interesting because Emery et al. (1998) found spectral similarities from measurements of Mercury’s surface made from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory over this region that were suggestive of alkali syenites or diorite. For the glaucophaneriebeckite solid solution series, substitution of ferrous and ferric iron for magnesium and aluminum occurs depending on available elements in the melt. These two mineral phases are logical members of mineral suites that are expected in Caloris Basin which has a highly fractured floor from extensional tectonics described in detail by Strom et al. (1975), Melosh and McKinnon (1988), Watters et al. (2005) and the presence of more than 230 linear troughs part of the extensive system of radial graben discovered in high-resolution MDIS imaging (cf. Murchie et al., 2008, Watters et al., 2008). In addition, multiple episodes of magmatic instrusion and resurfacing are indicated by wrinkle ridges concentric to the basin walls and within the interior (Watters et al., 2009). The radial graben, cracks, and fissures within the CB may be locations of secondary magmatic intrusion where, on Earth, such sodium-rich amphiboles have been found. Alternatively, a second (or more) episode of magmatic intrusion may have included a hydrous magmatic composition. We found early in the UM process that Na- and Ca-rich hornblende and or Na-rich amphibole was included in chosen UM mineral phases. At first we were worried that this was an unrealistic mineral to be present in such a hot environment on a presumably dry planet but hornblende and amphibole are stable ARTICLE IN PRESS A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 375 Fig. 11. Two independent spectra from the DPWCB (#063 and #098, left panel and right panel, respectively) are shown along with four spectral unmixes (panels a–d) to illustrate best-fit choices and chemical composition at this location are shown above. Remarkably, for both spectra, best unmixed minerals include about 10% pyrope, the Mg-rich garnet phase. Left and right panels: (a) best-fit case—best unmixed minerals; (b) best unmixed minerals, no pyrope; (c) ilmenite permitted, no rutile; (d) no opaque. against out gassing or conversion to non-hydrated species at Mercury’s highest temperature (Berry and Mason, 1959). In support of this identification are the results of the fast ion particle (FIPS) measurements (Zurbuchen et al., 2008) which, by modeling the ratio of the charge to mass of many ions found strong evidence for OH+ and other water group ions during the first flyby of Mercury in the vicinity of Caloris Basin. Because no improvement was shown for Mercury spectrum #080 from Caloris Basin with either hornblende or spessartine, unlike the case for #071, there are no corresponding panels (f) and (g) for #080. While suggestive, the evidence for hydrated mineral species is not conclusive. The water group ions observed by the FIPS instrument could be explained by surface chemistry in the regolith induced by solar wind impact on the surface of Mercury (Gibson, 1977). More observations in the mid-infrared and by instruments on MESSENGER and BepiColombo will be required before we can determine if hydrated minerals are present on Mercury’s surface. If they are, it must be determined if they are present as original mineral phases or as altered phases following copius and perpetual solar wind H and O ion impact and implantation chemistry (cf. Gibson, 1977) or exogenous material delivered from meteoroids or comets. 8. Three region summary and brief comments The results detailed in Section 6 in Figs. 10–12 and Tables 1–6 are now summarized in Table 7 for the orthoclase and sanidine case study for radar bright region C and Table 8 for the two spectra from each of the dark plains west of Caloris Basin and Caloris Basin. Because it is unlikely that Mercury’s surface at any of the locations measured has exactly the chemical composition and grain size of the library spectra chosen for the BFM listed in Tables 1–6, we have summed all similar mineral phases into broad categories. For example, for each Mercury spectrum and for each UM case, we summed all plagioclase abundance estimates (all contained Na) and entered the result in the category ‘‘Na-bearing plagioclase’’. We have retained the UM abundances but point out that these abundances are upper limits for the reasons discussed in Section 4 and we expect that there are other mineral phases at the locations measured for which we had no appropriate spectral end-member and thus they are missing from the table. The RMS for each BFM is provided for easy comparison. The major similarities and differences among the three regions are: (1) RBC and CB both have relatively high abundances of K-spar (polymorph phases of KAlSi3O8). K-spar in the hightemperature crystalline structure of sanidine occurs in volcanic rocks such as rapidly crystallized basalts. This is the preferred phase of K-spar for radar bright C. The spectra of CB are well matched with K-spar in the crystalline structure of orthoclase. Orthoclase is found in a wide variety of igneous and metamorphic rocks and has crystallized at intermediate to low temperatures. We suggest both monoclinic K-spars are in the smooth plains of Caloris Basin—sanidine in rhyolite or other volcanic rocks and orthoclase in the radial dyke system observed by MESSENGER in MDIS imaging (Murchie et al., 2008). There is no indication of K-spar in the mineral suites of the DPWCB, while it is a major phase in the smooth plains of the basin interior. The relatively high abundance of K-spar is a likely one cause of the high reflectance (I/F defined as the observed radiance divided by the solar irradiance from a normally solar-illuminated Lambertian disk). Caloris Basin smooth plains material are 15% higher than Mercury’s hemispherical average (Murchie et al., 2008). (2) RBC has very high abundances of orthopyroxene and low to no high-Ca clinopyroxene. The smooth plains within Caloris Basin have high abundances of high-Ca clinopyroxene and lesser amounts of orthopyroxene. (3) The dark plains west of Caloris have more Mg-rich olivine (10%) than the interior of the basin. The olivine spectral end-members chosen, although Mg-rich, have small amounts of iron present. The same is true for the orthopyroxene spectral end-members chosen in the BFM cases (a) and (b) for the dark plains (see Tables 3 and 4). ARTICLE IN PRESS 376 A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 Table 3 #063 Dark plains west of Caloris Basin (DPWCB) BFM and test results corresponding to the left panel of Fig. 11. Table 4 #098 Dark plains west of Caloris Basin (DPWCB) BFM and test results corresponding to the right panel of Fig. 11. (a) #063 Dark plains west of Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Best unmixed minerals aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU rutile_0–45_15sm—JPL bytownite_0–45_15sm—JPL pyrope_1f_gs0_74—JHU ALBITE_0–45_15sm—JPL hyp2_180c_gs0_25—BED albite_45–125_15sm—JPL aug2_180c_gs125_250—BED rutile_125–500_15sm—JPL olv2_180c_gs0_25—BED oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGS 0.0049 oAbundance (%) 23 14 11 10 9 8 8 6 5 4 1 Total (a) #098 Dark plains west of Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Best unmixed minerals aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED rutile_0–45_15sm—JPL hyp_1c_gs75_250—JHU rutile_125–500_15sm—JPL albite_0–45_15sm—JPL bytownite_0–45_15sm—JPL pyrope_1c_gs75_250—JHU oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGS olv_9f_fo88_gs0_74—JHU lab_90c_gs0_25—BED olv_12c_fo91_gs75_250—JHU olv_180c_gs63_125—BED olivine_ki3189.16976_Fo60_gs25—USGS 0.0059 oAbundance (%) 22 15 11 10 10 10 10 4 3 3 2 1 0.04 100 (b) #063 Dark plains west of Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Best unmixed minerals, no garnets hyp2_180c_gs0_25—BED rutile_0–45_15sm—JPL albite_0–45_15sm—JPL albite_45–125_15sm—JPL olv2_180c_gs0_25—BED rutile_125–500_15sm—JPL aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU aug2_180c_gs125_250—BED 0.0086 oAbundance (%) 26 20 17 14 13 6 4 1 Total 100 Total 100 (b) #098 Dark plains west of Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Best unmixed minerals, no garnets olv_9f_fo88_gs0_74—JHU albite_0–45_15sm—JPL hyp_1c_gs75_250—JHU rutile_125–500_15sm—JPL aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED rutile_0–45_15sm—JPL bytownite_0–45_15sm—JPL olivine_ki3189.16976_Fo60_gs25—USGS oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGS olv_12c_fo91_gs75_250—JHU 0.0121 oAbundance (%) 23 19 14 13 12 6 5 3 2 2 (c) #063 Dark plains west of Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Ilmenite permitted, no rutile aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU ilmenite_hs231.11112_gs74–250—USGS ilm_180c_gs25_63—BED bytownite_0–45_15sm—JPL pyrope_1f_gs0_74—JHU albite_45–125_15sm—JPL 0.0141 oAbundance (%) 32 28 17 14 5 4 Total 100 Total 100 (c) #098 Dark plains west of Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Ilmenite permitted, no rutile olv_9f_fo88_gs0_74—JHU bytownite_0–45_15sm—JPL ilmenite_hs231.11112_gs74–250—USGS aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED pyrope_1c_gs75_250—JHU oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGS 0.0204 oAbundance (%) 43 29 13 11 2 1 (d) #063 Dark plains west of Caloris Basin RMS for BFM No opaque aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU bytownite_0–45_15sm—JPL pyrope_1f_gs0_74—JHU oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGS hyp2_180c_gs0_25—BED 0.0133 oAbundance (%) 61 17 13 7 1 Total 100 Total 100 The computed statistical error between the best-fit model (BFM) and the Mercury spectrum over the entire spectral interval is defined as the root mean square (RMS) and is provided for each case. (d) #098 Dark plains west of Caloris Basin RMS for BFM No opaque olv_9f_fo88_gs0_74—JHU bytownite_0–45_15sm—JPL aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED pyrope_1c_gs75_250—JHU oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGS 0.0204 oAbundance (%) 43 29 11 2 1 Total 100 9. Discussion The computed statistical error between the best-fit model (BFM) and the Mercury spectrum over the entire spectral interval is defined as the root mean square (RMS) and is provided for each case. 9.1. Possible presence of microscopic iron metal blebs (npFe0) Our results indicate more olivine in the dark plains region than in Caloris Basin. This is consistent with the lower reflectance (I/F) measured by MDIS on MESSENGER during the first flyby (Robinson et al., 2008). Even though the olivine chosen in the BFM is Mg-rich, some olivine sample spectra contained small amounts of FeO. It is possible that the dark plains west of Caloris are affected by the conversion of FeO in the olivine to npFe0. Noble et al. (2007) found in detailed laboratory experiments that for the visible and near-infrared, small amount of npFe0 embedded in silica gels may cause changes in albedo and spectral slope. The most important factors in predicting the result is the size of the embedded npFe0 particles and the concentration. Some combinations of npFe0 size and concentration only darken the spectrum with no change in spectral slope; other combinations both redden and darken the spectrum. Comparison of asteroid, lunar, and Mercury spectra showed that darkening and slope effects differed. For Mercury, they found that npFe0 is larger and that Mercury spectra in the visible and near-infrared are systematically lowered in albedo across the entire visible and near-infrared range but ARTICLE IN PRESS A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 377 Fig. 12. Spectra from CB obtained on two different days are shown along with several models to elucidate spectral similarities and differences between them and to illustrate the changing spectra fits with altering the chemistry of the mineral phases by making restrictions to the spectral libraries. (left panel) CB #071: (a) best fit minerals with hornblende; (b) best fit minerals, no hornblende; (c) K-spar is sanidine, best fit minerals but no garnet permitted; (d) K-spar is sanidine, ilmenite is permitted, no rutile permitted; (e) sanidine, all best minerals but no opaque; (f) K-spar is orthoclase, best minerals; (g) best minerals with spessartine instead of pyrope. (right panel) CB #080: (a) sanidine, best minerals; (b) sanidine, best minerals, no garnets; (c) sanidine, ilmenite, no rutile; (d) sanidine, no orthoclase or opaque; (e) orthoclase permitted, no sanidine. with little change in continuum slope. It is possible that the npFe0 in the dark plains is in the size range 410 nm and therefore only darkens the spectrum without causing a change in the spectral slope of the MDIS near-infrared multi-band spectrum. In contrast, the smooth plains in Caloris have a higher (I/F), are rich in K-spar, and have significantly less olivine, demonstrably less orthopyroxene, and more high-Ca clinopyroxene than the surrounding dark plains. 5. All regions apparently have some Ca- and Mg-rich garnet phases contributing to the spectral signatures. Alternatively, there could be some other mineral phase missing from our spectral library that exists on Mercury and exhibits the emissivity matched by pyrope and/or grossular. Clearly, the discovery of ubiquitous garnet in Mercury’s surface materials would be a major chemical discovery. While the spectral evidence is highly suggestive, we cannot definitively prove its presence because our mineral spectral end-members are incomplete and spectra are not obtained in a heated vacuum environment simulating the conditions of Mercury’s daylight surface. A reanalysis of our data when such spectra become available will likely clarify this issue. 9.2. General trends from these data and others The general trends of compositions for the three regions measured are very clear with Mg-, Ca-, Na-, Ti-rich mineralogy dominating. K-spar is a major phase in two of the three regions measured. The obvious lack of mineral phases containing larger than a few %FeO is consistent with all prior observations (cf. Vilas, 1988 and references therein, Warell et al., 2006, Warell and Blewett, 2004) and recent spectroscopic and multi-band spectral imaging of Mercury’s surface during the first MESSENGER flyby (McClintock et al., 2008; Robinson et al., 2008), respectively. While the trend to Mg-rich orthopyroxenes, Ca-rich clinopyroxene, Na-bearing plagioclase, TiO2, and K-spar is notable for these regions, at the same time there is clearly heterogeneity among the mineral phases and relative abundances. Strong heterogeneity from location to location on Mercury’s surface has previously been demonstrated by other mid-infrared spectral measurements. For the sake of brevity, results from several previous observations and observing groups have been ARTICLE IN PRESS 378 A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 Table 5 #071 Caloris Basin (CB) BFM results corresponding to the case studies in the left panel of Fig. 12. (a) #071 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Sanidine, best minerals+hornblende aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED san_3f_gs0_74—JHU rutile_0–45_15sm—JPL lab_90c_gs0_63—BED rutile_125–500_15sm—JPL oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGS hornblende_nmnh117329.10137—USGS pyrope_1f_gs0_74—JHU olivine_gds70.16357_Fo89_gs115—USGS grossular_ws484.8698_gs210—USGS 0.0080 o% Abundance 31 18 12 11 10 6 5 5 1 1 Total 100 (b) #071 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Sanidine, best minerals aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU hypersthene_0–45_15sm—JPL aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED san_3f_gs0_74—JHU rutile_125–500_15sm—JPL pyrope_1f_gs0_74—JHU lab_90c_gs0_63—BED rutile_0–45_15sm—JPL oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGS albite_gds30.359_gs74–250—USGS olivine_gds70.16357_Fo89_gs115—USGS grossular_ws484.8698_gs210—USGS 0.0074 o% Abundance 20 16 14 10 7 7 7 7 6 5 1 1 Total 100 (c) #071 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Sanidine, best minerals, no garnets hypersthene_0–45_15sm—JPL aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED san_3f_gs0_74—JHU albite_gds30.359_gs74–250—USGS aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU rutile_125–500_15sm—JPL rutile_0-45_15sm—JPL oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGS olivine_gds70.16357_Fo89_gs115—USGS 0.0104 o% Abundance 35 13 11 10 9 8 7 7 1 Total 100 (d) #071 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Sanidine, best minerals, +ilmenite, no rutile hypersthene_0–45_15sm—JPL san_3f_gs0_74—JHU aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGSS pyrope_1f_gs0_74—JHU 0.0204 o% Abundance 37 30 24 8 1 Total 100 (e) #071 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Sanidine, best minerals, no opaque hypersthene_0–45_15sm—JPL san_3f_gs0_74—JHU aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGSS 0.0208 o% Abundance 39 30 22 8 Total 100 (f) #071 Caloris Basin (CB) RMS for BFM Orthoclase, best minerals, no sanidine aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED hypersthene_0–45_15sm—JPL 0.0154 o% Abundance 26 25 Table 5. (continued ) rutile_0–45_15sm—JPL orthoclase_nmnh142137.17360_gs0–74—USGSS pyrope_1f_gs0_74—JHU oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGSS albite_gds30.359_gs74–250—USGSS grossular_ws484.8698_gs210—USGSS 19 18 7 3 2 1 Total 100 (g) #071 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM No pyrope, or grossular permitted, but spessartine permitted san_3f_gs0_74—JHU hypersthene_0–45_15sm—JPL aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU spessartine_2f_gs0_74—JHU oligoclase_hs110.16239_gs74–250—USGSS aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED rutile_125–500_15sm—JPL glaucophane_0–45_15sm—JPL olivine_gds70.16357_Fo89_gs115—USGSS 0.0115 o% Abundance 27 21 19 12 7 6 5 3 1 Total 100 The computed statistical error between the BFM and the Mercury spectrum over the entire spectral interval is defined as the root mean square (RMS) and is provided for each case. organized according to longitude region, latitude, and suggested composition in Table 9. References to the original observations and analyses are noted. The results presented in this paper have been added to Table 9 for completeness. The range of compositions shown in Table 9 can be found in extrusive igneous rocks, exposed intrusive dykes, sills, and domes, plutons, impact melts, and material excavated from depth, possibly as deep as the crust–mantle interface. In other words, unlike the Moon, which is primarily anorthositic plagioclase, Fe-, Mg-, Ca- and Na-bearing pyroxenes with lesser Mg- and Feolivine and up to 20% ilmenite (Taylor, 1992), Mercury displays a wider and more complex chemical composition. Jeanloz et al. (1995) concluded that Mercury did not experience widespread basaltic volcanism whose magma originated deep within the mantle. Instead, they suggested that the magma source for exogenic resurfacing was shallow in origin, highly differentiated, and likely to be alkali basalts and possibly, alkali-rich feldspathoids. Indeed, spectral observations of Mercury’s surface found good spectral matches to alkali basalt (Sprague et al., 1994) and some spectral features that were indicative of alkali syenites in spectra obtained from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO) while looking at 200–2601E longitude, near equatorial and midlatitude regions from east to west—Beethoven, Ts’ao Chan, Balzac, Budh Planitia, to Tolstoj (Emery et al., 1998). However, in RBC, the DPWCB, and within CB, no sodalite or nepheline end-member spectra were chosen in any UM despite their presence in several different grain size fractions in the spectral library. We therefore conclude that the surface rock types in RBC, and DPWCB, are not under-saturated in silica as is typical of feldspathoids. However, the indication of low-intermedicate silica content (no or minor olivine) and high alkali content in CB are suggestive of magma that is close to under-saturated in silica. This striking regional heterogeneity can be explained by different source magmas. The modeled primary opaque phase on Mercury’s surface at the three locations measured is rutile (TiO2), with possible perovskite (CaTiO3) in the RBC. This is demonstrative of the degree to which Mercury’s crustal material is iron-depleted compared to the Moon and Earth where ilmenite is common in basalts and other rocks. The abundance of rutile indicated in the ARTICLE IN PRESS A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 Table 6 #080 Caloris Basin (CB) BFM results corresponding to the case studies in the right panel of Fig. 12. (a) #080 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Sanidine, best minerals aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED san_3f_gs0_74—JHU rutile_0–45_15sm—JPL aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU labradorite_0–45A_15sm—JPL enstatite_0–45_15sm—JPL albite_hs143.524_gs74–250—USGSS rutile_45–125_15sm—JPL grossular_2f_gs0_74—JHU sanidine_0–45_15sm—JPL olv_12c_fo91_gs75_250—JHU pyrope_1c_gs75_250—JHU hypersthene_nmnhc2368.10362_gs0–74—USGS grossular_2c_gs75_250—JHU 0.0104 o% Abundance 18 12 10 9 8 7 7 7 5 5 4 3 3 2 (b) #080 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Sanidine, best minerals, no garnets san_3f_gs0_74—JHU hypersthene_nmnhc2368.10362_gs0–74—USGS labradorite_0–45A_15sm—JPL rutile_45–125_15sm—JPL rutile_0–45_15sm—JPL aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU olv_12c_fo91_gs75_250—JHU aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED albite_hs143.524_gs74–250—USGS 0.0065 o% Abundance 29 14 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 Total 100% (c) #080 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Sanidine, best minerals, ilmenite permitted, no rutile aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU ilm_180c_gs25_63—BED ilmenite_hs231.11112_gs74–250—USGS labradorite_0–45A_15sm—JPL grossular_2f_gs0_74—JHU albite_hs143.524_gs74–250—USGS aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED 0.0132 o% Abundance 29 22 22 18 6 2 2 Total 100% (d) #080 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Sanidine, best minerals, no opaque aug_1f_gs0_74—JHU san_3f_gs0_74—JHU grossular_2f_gs0_74—JHU enstatite_0–45_15sm—JPL aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED albite_hs143.524_gs74–250—USGS 0.0137 o% Abundance 36 20 16 12 9 7 Total 100% (e) #080 Caloris Basin RMS for BFM Orthoclase permitted, no sanidine aug2_180c_gs0_25—BED rutile_0–45_15sm-JPL hypersthene_nmnhc2368.10362_gs0–74—USGS rutile_45–125_15sm—JPL orthoclase_0–45_15sm—JPL labradorite_0–45A_15sm—JPL albite_hs143.524_gs74–250—USGS grossular_2c_gs75_250—JHU olv_12c_fo91_gs75_250—JHU ort_90c_gs90_125—BED 0.0054 o% Abundance 23 16 11 11 9 8 8 7 6 1 Total 100% The computed statistical error between the BFM and the Mercury spectrum over the entire spectral interval is defined as the root mean square (RMS) and is provided for each case. 379 UM (from 10% to 25%) is about the same as the abundance of ilmenite in lunar basalts (Lewis, 1997). This abundance may be overestimated because of the absence of spectra with the correct composition or grain size in the spectral library. Laboratory spectroscopy of rock chips demonstrates that Reststrählen band structure is lost in albite and anorthosite following highpressure shock (details can be found in Johnson et al., 2002; Johnson and Horz, 2003). Mercury’s regolith undoubtedly contains some shocked material. We included the spectra of shocked plagioclase feldspars, anorthosites, and pyroxenites but they were not chosen. It may be because the spectra were from chip surfaces and not finely sized particles. This puzzle may be pursued in a future deconvolution when spectra of minerals having undergone high-pressure shock are available at a range of grain sizes. The spectral shape of rutile is the important factor in its choice for the BFM cases. As shown in Fig. 8 panels (b–e), the opaque mineral phases have different spectral slopes in the mid-infrared spectral region. The steep slope to lower emissivity of the rutile spectra is a critical factor in matching the Mercury spectra. Could the decreasing spectral emissivity in the Mercury spectra from about 10 to 13 mm that is satisfied by the inclusion of rutile in the BFM be an artifact of an improper thermal continuum removal? We reexamined the way in which we correct the Mercury spectra for the thermal continuum (using methods of Emery et al. (1998) and Henderson and Jakosky (1997)) and determined that no such decrease in emissivity would be caused by our thermal continuum removal. It is notable that the ilmenite spectra were never chosen for the BFM unmixes unless rutile was not permitted as a choice (see Fig. 8). At the Moon, ilmenite (FeTiO3) is the most common opaque. It is a less likely candidate for an opaque at Mercury because of its Fe content and because spectra lack the drop in emissivity from 10 to 12.7 mm. Spectra from all regions are best fit with the inclusion of a small amount (1–10%) of Mg- or Ca-rich garnet (pyrope or grossular, respectively) with the exception of one case for CB when neither pyrope nor grossular spectra were permitted as choices (case g, #071) and the Mn-rich garnet spessartite (Mn3Al2(SiO4)3) was chosen. Garnet is an important cosmochemical marker and may give important constraints for the formation of Mercury and its evolution to the planet whose surface we see today. It remains to be seen if the interpretation of small amounts of ubiquitous garnet remains robust following more observations and interpretation with spectral libraries prepared for Mercury’s vacuum and temperature environment. It may be that the MASCS spectral data will be able to elucidate this finding. It is possible we will have to wait until the planned observations by the thermal emission spectrograph MERTIS on BepiColombo to verify this tentative discovery, or to discover some other mineral phase that is providing the spectral shape required to fit the Mercury data that is provided by Ca- and Mg- and Mn-rich garnets in our spectral libraries. The same could be said of the spectral shapes of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. We think that the identification of garnet is likely to be correct. The suggestion of Ca- and Mg-bearing garnets in RBC is not be too surprising. The heavily cratered, ancient material exhibits a roughness indicated of deep excavation and overturn which very likely exposed lithologies formed deep in the crust, or even at the mantle–crust interface. On Earth, garnets are found in igneous rocks resulting from episodes of extrusive volcanism that occurred on rapid timescales as a result of some accompanying geophysical disturbance such as impact or faulting. In these cases, there is not time for dissolving garnets and subsequent equilibration with the rising magma column. In the case of terrestrial potash rhyolites, Mn-garnet is a minor phase (see more discussion below in Section 9.3). ARTICLE IN PRESS 380 A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 Table 7 Upper limits for categories of mineral phases summed from BFM spectral choices listed in Tables 1 and 2 at radar bright region C (RBC) for orthoclase and sanidine cases with different options for opaque phase. RMS 102 vales are given. Radar Bright C (RBC) #046 orthoclase cases Radar Bright C (RBC) #046 sanidine cases a b c d e a b c d e 102 RMS of BFM Na-bearing Plagioclase High Ca-clinopyroxene high Mg-orthopyroxene High Mg-olivine K-spar Garnet Hornblende 0.24 0 0 17 12 29 5 0 0.22 14 0 34 5 35 1 0 0.33 15 38 18 0 26 3 0 0.23 0 16 19 25 18 0 0 0.18 0 0 46 6 21 5 0 0.30 31 0 26 18 10 1 0 0.23 24 0 25 4 31 3 0 0.28 11 34 20 2 26 6 0 0.22 0 10 16 37 24 10 0 0.19 0 0 56 4 23 3 0 Opaque phases below Rutile Perovskite Troilite 37 0 0 11 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 23 13 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 16 Cases a, b, c, d, e, correspond to the cases in the left and right panels of Fig. 9. Table 8 Upper limits for categories of mineral phases for a and b cases of BFM for dark plains west of Caloris Basin (DPWCB) summed from Tables 3 and 4, and for Caloris Basin (CB) summed from Tables 5 and 6. Table 9 Comparison of results presented in this manuscript to historical mid-infrared spectral observations. Reference Region Dark plains (DPWCB) Caloris Basin (CB) Mercury file # #063 #071 BFM cases a b a b a b a b 102 RMS of BFM Na-bearing Plagioclase High Ca-clinopyroxene High Mg-orthopyroxene High Mg-olivine K-spar Garnet Hornblende 0.49 29 29 8 4 0 10 0 0.86 31 5 26 13 0 0 0 0.59 27 22 11 6 0 10 0 1.2 26 12 14 28 0 0 0 0.80 17 31 0 1 18 6 5 0.74 18 34 16 1 10 8 0 0.39 15 27 10 4 17 10 0 0.65 16 15 14 7 29 0 0 #098 #080 1 2 3 4 5a 6 7 Opaque phases below Rutile Perovskite Troilite 19 0 0 26 0 0 25 0 0 19 0 0 22 0 0 14 0 0 17 0 0 18 0 0 Results from two spectra for each region are shown. RMS 102 values are given. Cases correspond to top two cases from left and right panels of Figs. 10 and 11. 8 9b 10 9.3. Suggested rock types and formation conditions Gillis-Davis et al. (2009) have given considerable evidence for volcanic vents and rocks over large portions of Mercury’s surface. Most notable are the vents and volcanic features within and around CB. Thus, it is of interest to discuss examples of rock types that result from differentiated primary Mg-rich olivine basalt magmas. Some examples of those differentiated in volcanic provinces are trachybasalts and oligoclase basalts. If the primary low-Fe olivine basalt magma is differentiated and undergoes plutonic crystallization, alkali gabbros and diorites may result. Rocks expected from primary granidiorite form, by differentiation and volcanic crystallization, dacites, latites andesites, and rhyolites. Given the possibilities described above, we examine the specifics of Tables 7 and 8 and the summary of historical observations in Table 9. Tyler et al. (1988) obtained mid-infrared spectral measurements of Mercury and found a Christiansen feature at 7.8 mm, a wavelength for an emissivity maximum that is consistent with intermediate rock types such as rhyolite (Logan 10 East longitude region 3201, 3141 338–3481 2501 240–2501 3301 295–3501 200–2601 240–2501 201S–201N 27517101 18017101,17017101 35017101, 21517101 201S–201N 275–3151 252–2921 0–301N 150–1601 125–1351 50–751N, 1101 50–751S, 166–2501 50–751N, 166–2501 Radar 0–301N bright C 100–1401 Dark plains 0–301N 124–1551 10 Caloris Basin 20–451N 152–1801 Reported result Feldspathic, intermediate rock types Alkali basalt Labradorite Labradorite, 52–61 wt% SiO2; 90% Feldspar and 10% Mg-pyroxene Not modeled Possible alkali syenite 90% Labradorite and 10% enstatite 44 wt% SiO2 45–57 wt% SiO2 50 and 42 wt% SiO2 52–61 wt% SiO2 Labradorite and clinopyroxene Pyroxene (unspecified) 46–60 wt% SiO2 46–60 wt% SiO2 No FeO Orthopyroxene 52–61 wt% SiO2 Clinopyroxene 52–61 wt% SiO2 Enstatite, forsterite, K-spar, labradorite Ca- and Mg-garnet, rutile/perovskite Na-plagioclase (albite, oligoclase), K-spar, enstatite, Mg-rich hypersthene, Ca-, Na-, Alclinopyroxene (augite) High Ca-, Na-, Mg-clinopyroxene, K-spar, Na-plagioclase, minor Mg-rich orthopyroxene, Mg-garnet, possible amphibole 1 Tyler et al. (1988), 2Sprague et al. (1994), 3Sprague et al. (1997a, b), 4Emery et al. (1998), 5Sprague and Roush (1998), 6Cooper et al. (2001), 7Sprague et al. (2002), 8 Sprague et al. (2007), 9Warell et al. (2006), 10This manuscript. a Improved modeling of Sprague et al. (1994, 1997a, b). b 0.8–5 mm SpeX observations. and Hunt, 1970). In fact potash rhyolites are good candidates for Mercury’s surface based on the typical presence of either orthoclase or sanidine and soda-rich amphibole and Mg-rich pyroxene. Potash rhyolites also have green diopside augite and manganese garnet in the linings of lithophysae (Williams et al., 1955). Manganese is an effective darkening agent and may explain the dark plains exterior to Caloris Basin and dark albedo layers in ARTICLE IN PRESS A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 surface materials imaged by MESSENGER (Robinson et al., 2008). While we cannot be certain of the identity of the exact rock types on Mercury, we have narrowed the possible and likely rock types to dacite, latite, trachybasalts, tonalites, possible rhyolitic pyroclastics and oligoclase basalts. We consider both extrusive and intrusive rocks. This is especially justified by the recent discovery of Pantheon Fossae within Caloris Basin and the implications of formation by upwelling magma beneath the basin. 9.4. Cosmochemical implications of observations Taken together, the body of mid-infrared and visible, near-infrared spectral observations demonstrates that Mercury’s surface, and probably its crust, is depleted in iron. The results described here make it possible to answer the question ‘‘has space weathering been the primary reason ground-based observations in the vis and near-ir do not see the FeO absorption band?’’ That answer is ‘‘no, Mercury’s surface is covered in very low-iron Mg- Ca- Na- K- silicates and alumino silicates’’. The semi-volatile abundance is significant, as demonstrated by the presence of 14–28% Na- and K-bearing feldspars in RBC, the DPWCB, and CB. These results are consistent with Warell and Blewett (2004) from Hapke modeling and Robinson et al. (2008) who found most Fe to be bound in opaques and not in silicates. Opaques such as FeS are chemically consistent with iron-free rutile. Iron differentiation to the core must have been thoroughly completed by the time of the freezing of the magma ocean if one existed. If our observations included any primary crust produced by crystallization from an early magma ocean (cf. Taylor, 1982), we suggest it would be in the RBC region. If an ancient huge basin is found to be as large as ground-based observations indicate (Ksanfomality, 2004), it would lend support to giant impact theory for an explanation of the large fraction of volume occupied by Mercury’s presumed iron core (Cameron, 1985, Benz et al., 1988). This catastrophic event is also consistent with the fact that Mercury’s surface has retained its semi-volatiles Na, K, discovered in Mercury’s exosphere by Potter and Morgan (1985, 1986), respectively. In addition, Na+ and K+, S+ and water group ions were discovered by Zurbuchen et al. (2008) during the first MESSENGER fly by. Impact and recondensation models have shown much of all but the most volatile material (H2O, FeO) will be retained and recondensed following a large impact where debris is captured in orbit around Mercury. These details are thoroughly described and modeled by Benz et al. (2007) who examine the fractionation induced by a giant impact on the proto Mercury having roughly chondritic elemental abundances. Some ejected material will be reaccreted. This accretion, which includes semi-volatile inventory, can account for the anomalously high mean density of the planet. It may be that we now have samples of Mercury in our meteorite collections. Such meteorites will be characterized by FeO content o1%, Mg-rich orthopyroxene, and olivine, if present. Plagioclase will be 4Ab10 in modal chemistry. Mg- and/or Ca- garnet may be present as will be potassium feldspar and possibly sulfides. These are not entirely new ideas, Love and Keil (1995) and Burbine et al. (2002) outlined somewhat different expectations also including low-Fe chemistry, a reducing environment conducive to the formation of sulfides. We suggest that new searches among our sample stores should look for meteorites containing high Mg- and Ca-pyroxenes, Mg- and Ca- and possibly Mn-garnets, Na-rich plagioclase, K-spar, and enstatite or very Mgrich olivine if olivine is present. 10. Caveats Spectral end-members used in this analysis were primarily reflectance spectra converted to emissivity by standard techni- 381 ques discussed in detail in Section 4.2 and some emissivity spectra from the PEL and BED library as well as pyroxenes from ASU. All spectra were obtained at Earth’s atmospheric pressure. Some systems were under a N2 purge, or other purging system. Most spectra were obtained in spectrometers operating with laboratory air. Logan and Hunt (1970) demonstrated that the wavelength of the Christainsen feature (emissivity maximum near 7–9 mm) was changed in shape and possibly in wavelength if spectra were obtained in a near vacuum rather than at 1 bar atmosphere. Two of the authors of this paper, (Helbert and Maturilli, 2008) have shown that some differences exist between spectra obtained from the same sample at different temperatures, especially in the region of the Reststrählen bands. Differences in spectral signature at temperatures relevant for Mercury, 300–725 K need to be quantified and characterized. Helbert and Maturilli are in the process of doing so. In addition, a new vacuum chamber, suitable for housing the sample for induction heating is under fabrication and assembly. Already, they have obtained the first spectra in the induction heating experiments and have observed important changes spectral activity. For example, in stepwise heating of fine grained quartz separates, an emissivity peak systematically shifted from 14.4 to 14.5 mm as the temperature was increased from 200 C to 500 C. For the peak near 12.3 mm, a region where transparency features are very important in Mercury spectra, the peak shifted less than 0.05 mm. The central wavelength of the transparency minimum in a very low FeO labradorite sample (FeOo0.08%) shifted from 12.1 to 12.2 mm over the same temperature range. The central wavelength of the transparency minimum is predictably related to overall bulk SiO2 content in a rock or mineral powder. Thus, the SiO2% given in Table 9 are considered approximate given as a range of values based on the spectral data from Mercury and from the laboratory. However, the central wavelengths of the transparency minima fall well within the range of intermediate to mafic rocks. Spectral emissivity maxima at the Christiansen frequency and in the Reststrählen region did not shift in wavelength over the same change in temperature. Therefore, we conclude that our identifications of the Na-bearing plagioclase feldspars based on the maximum wavelength and shape of the Christiansen feature is robust. We expect that our identifications of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and olivine will also remain valid. There will probably be slight changes in compositions and relative abundances. We cannot predict if the differentiation we see between sanidine and orthoclase will remain robust. Nor can we predict if each BFM will require pyrope or grossular. However, despite these deficiencies in our present analysis, we believe we have done the best that we could do in the present era. We look forward to the future opportunity to test the results in this paper. Once the new PEL facility is available with its new spectral library of spectra of many grain sizes, measured while heated to Mercury temperatures and obtained in a vacuum environment, we will reanalyze these Mercury spectra and others called out in Table 9. We anticipate that there will be some new discoveries, some of which may demonstrate that what we have done here withstand the new analysis and others do not. 11. Conclusions 1. Mercury’s surface is clearly heterogeneous in composition with minerals formed from highly differentiated magma coming from more than one extrusive event. The heterogeneity strongly argues for more than one source magma. Spectral unmixing indicates volcanic rocks ranging from trachytes (CB) to Mg-rich oligoclase basalts (DPWCB) indicative of highly evolved Mg-rich primary magmas. In both Caloris Basin and ARTICLE IN PRESS 382 2. 3. 4. 5. A.L. Sprague et al. / Planetary and Space Science 57 (2009) 364–383 the dark plains west of Caloris Basin, the possibility of garnet suggests rapid magma flow which carried garnets from plutonic rocks in timescales that did not permit equilibration, dissolving of the garnets before reaching the surface. Evidence for intrusive igneous rocks is indicated by the mineral suites Caloris Basin. K-spar in orthoclase crystalline structure, and Ca-, Mg-, Na- pyroxene are characteristic of intrusive dykes where slower cooling and retention of some water of hydration may occur resulting in the presence of amphiboles (hornblende and or glaucophane) as suggested in one case within our data. At the three locations measured in this study there is little evidence for feldspathoid-bearing rocks and thus magma under-saturated in silica. However, the low abundance of olivine and the high abundance of both orthoclase and Na-rich plagioclase feldspar indicate magma at or close to the low silica boundary. The dark plains west of Caloris and generally forming an annulus around the Caloris perimeter are younger than the smooth plains interior to Caloris (Strom et al., 2008) but systematically darker and their visible and near-infrared spectra are bluer in slope than those of Caloris (based on spectra composed of multi-band I/F measurements by MDIS (Robinson et al., 2008). They provide a counter example to the lunar space weathering style of ‘‘older is darker and redder’’. Our measurements indicate that the albedo and slope differences apparent in the visible and near-infrared are caused by differences in the mineral content of the regolith. We support the conclusions of Noble et al. (2007) who conclude that not all solar system regoliths have the same space weathering characteristics. They compare laboratory spectra of npFe0 in silica gels to telescopic Mercury spectra at the same wavelengths and conclude that npFe0 Mercury’s regolith is larger in size and lower in concentration than in the lunar soil and thus direct application of lunar space weathering analysis is inappropriate for Mercury. Reanalysis of the same and other data sets with the PEL spectral library populated by spectra obtained at temperatures appropriate for Mercury’s surface and cyclical heating and cooling cycle in a vacuum environment may result in different BFM. Our goal is to repeat the analysis exclusively using those data when they become available. Acknowledgements The authors of this paper were Visiting Astronomers at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility which is operated by the University of Hawaii under contract from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 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