NewLeaves - New Leaf Distributing
NewLeaves - New Leaf Distributing
NewLeaves NOVEMBER 2015 update Monthly New Product Feature Catalog S U B J E C T S | B E S T S E L L E R S | H A R D B A C K - T O - PA P E R B A C K | S P E C I A L S This fascinating book encourages all of us, not just parents, to take a much more active role in communicating with our planet's new arrivals... and to realize that there is far more to this earthly experience than what we percieve with our five senses. $22.99 | 256 Pages | ISBN: 9781401948528 To l l F r e e O r d e r s 8 0 0 - 3 2 6 - 2 6 6 5 w w w. n e w l e a f - d i s t . c o m Fa x O r d e r s 8 0 0 - 3 2 6 - 1 0 6 6 This Issue: Holiday Gifts See cover article, advertisements on new products and featured specials inside... Your ONE SOURCE for books, tools, accessories and recordings for holistic living. In the tradition of “Holy Harmony” comes from Healing Sounds® Pioneer Jonathan Goldman 0 2-3 2299 33-999 This may be one of the most powerful tools for manifestation! Two new sonIc revelaTIons combIned for THe 1sT TIme: • The divine name—The lost name of God • The moses code frequencies—The sound of the I am Imagine ancient monks invoking the divine name of God In special frequencies revealed to Moses As an enchanting priestess tones along with these sacred sounds! Perfect for •Meditation •Energywork •Bodywork •Manifestation HEALING SOUNDS® That Make a Difference! take a look at these titles BY Dr. Wayne W. Dyer MEMORIES OF HEAVEN I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW Dr. Wayne W. Dyer & Dee Garnes $22.99 | 256 Pages ISBN: 9781401948528 Dr. Wayne W. Dyer $17.99 | 384 Pages ISBN: 9781401944049 EVERYDAY WISDOM 2016 CALENDAR Dr. Wayne W. Dyer $16.99 | Page-A-Day Calendar ISBN: 9781401944742 GREAT READS FOR THE SEASON COURSE IN MIRACLES MADE EASY Alan Cohen $15.99 | 232 Pages ISBN: 9781401947347 ESSENTIAL LAW OF ATTRACTION COLLECTION Esther Hicks & Jerry Hicks $19.99 | 224 Pages ISBN: 9781401950040 CONSCIOUS LOVING EVER AFTER Gay Hendricks Ph.D & Kathlyn Hendricks Ph.D $24.99 | 248 Pages ISBN: 9781401947323 RESILIENCE FROM THE HEART Gregg Braden $15.99 | 328 Pages ISBN: 9781401929268 the following excerpt was authored by Dr. Wayne Dyer Chapter Three Memories of Choosing Parents I recall a humorous conversation I had with one of my daughters when she was seven years old. Serena was the child who persistently observed my parenting behavior, and was quite frequently very vocal about expressing her displeasure whenever my actions did not meet with her approval. On this particular day, I stopped her from complaining about me and said, “I’m doing the best job I know how to do as your father. If you don’t like the way I’m parenting you, I suggest that you stop whining about me, and instead take full responsibility for my actions yourself. You are the one who chose me to be your father, and if you think I’m inadequate in this role, you should be blaming yourself for the bad choice that you made.” She looked at me quite quizzically and replied, “You mean to tell me that I actually picked you to be my father, and Mom to be my mother?” When I told her that was the case, she put her hands on her hips and said, “I must have been in a hurry.” I’ve always loved this story, and although I was being a bit facetious at the time, in the ensuing years I have come to regard that conversation as having a whole lot more validity that I once could even imagine. The literature on past-life research seems to support this idea that there actually is a selection process, often in cooperation with “God,” in deciding who will be the actual parents for this newly arriving baby from the world of Spirit. In addition, Dee and I received thousands of responses to our request for parents to give us examples of this topic, and the brief vignettes offered in this chapter are only a small percentage of those we received. These selections are all the direct result of words spoken by youngsters, totally unprovoked, in which they’d spontaneously just blurt out words such as, “I am so glad that I picked you to be my mother.” Children offer highly specific details about the entire process of picking their parents, very often in collusion with a God Whom they often define as a loving, happy presence. After reviewing the many thousands of responses to our request for stories about life before life, it is impossible not to wonder about this seemingly uncanny reaction from so many people around the world. Both my wife, Marcelene, and I have always felt that our youngest child, Saje, played a role in bringing her conception to fruition. Something inexplicable took place that night in Brisbane, Australia, back in 1989: An energy awakened my wife and had her acting in ways that she had never before, or since, exhibited in all the years that we were together. It was like a presence saying to both of us, “I’ve picked you be to be my parents. Now here I am, tapping on your shoulders and insisting that you cooperate with me and punch my ticket to the Earthbound Express that will bring me to the life that awaits me with both of you.” $22.99 | 256 Pages | ISBN: 9781401948528 When my wife and I returned to the United States and discovered that we had conceived a child that night, both of us knew that something supernatural had taken place, and that our very arrival and presence here on Earth is in the hands of an intelligence that is beyond our human abilities to comprehend it. I was so profoundly touched by this awareness that I wrote a short poem for my wife, which I titled “Brisbane”: Brisbane Where God was revealed to us. Only the two of us know the magic and awe of that presence. Against impossible odds…. Our connection to eternity further reinforced, strengthened. Yet the paradox always lingers… We are in control/we are not in control, doomed to make choices. All I am certain of is our love imbedded in forever. So many people report these kinds of interactions with young children who are just beginning to speak. Once again, this is a reminder to have a mind that is open to an idea that seems beyond the realm of possibility to your human mind—but when you consider the concept of an infinite universe supported by a Divine consciousness in which “All things are possible,” then perhaps you are living with people who selected you to be their partners on this voyage . . . and you too were once a formless spirit who picked the parents that you would need this time around. It’s all so very fascinating. Enjoy these many stories that innocently came out of the mouths of little ones, who can only speak the truths that they feel. Poet William Wordsworth expressed the idea that we gradually lose our intimate knowledge of heaven as we grow up, observing that “our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting” of our previous existence in Spirit. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and co-author Dee Garnes had often talked about how the ones who know the most about God are those who have just recently been wrapped in the arms of the Divine: our infants and toddlers. In fact, Dee had an interaction with her own young son that convinced her of his acquaintance with our Source of being. Curious about this phenomenon, Wayne and Dee decided to issue an invitation to parents all over the globe to share their experiences. The overwhelming response they received prompted them to put together this book, which includes the most interesting and illuminating of these stories in which boys and girls speak about their remembrances from the time before they were born. Children share their dialogues with God, talk about long-deceased family members they knew while in the dimension of Spirit, verify past-life recollections, give evidence that they themselves had a hand in picking their own parents and the timing of their sojourn to Earth, and speak eloquently and accurately of a kind of Divine love that exists beyond this physical realm. This fascinating book encourages all of us, not just parents, to take a much more active role in communicating with our planet’s new arrivals . . . and to realize that there is far more to this earthly experience than what we perceive with our five senses. 8 Showcase AYURVEDA: Ancient Wisdom Modern Life Kumudini Shoba Service-Plants USA, LLC $19.95 ISBN13:9788086581699 LIGHTWORKER'S LOG: Transformation SAM Lightworker's Log $18.88 ISBN13:9781939890139 A wayshower's journey of awaking to the beauty of humanity's true nature unfolds in this book. The book increases awareness of the True Self within. An elegantly written memoir, it shows how one can leave behind old concepts, old beliefs, to refresh the body back to wholeness and health and to create a better world filled with unexpected wonder. As you peruse the pages, read between the lines to incorporate the hidden energies within, which allow you to move further along the path of Oneness. Ayurveda, Ancient Wisdom Modern Life provides an insight to the ancient Indian healing system of ayurveda and how these principles are as relevant to humanity today as they were thousands of years ago. Inside you will be able to discover your own mind/ body constitution and understand how to create a life of balance with your own nature. The author is an ayurvedic practitioner and master herbalist who resides in Seattle, Washington. She comes from a traditional ayurvedic-healing family in Sri Lanka and is a distinguished graduate in both Western science and ayurveda. RAVEN RECORDINGS: The RMX (CD) Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors and Sub Swara Raven Recording $16.95 UPC:736998515027 DESERT LIGHT (CD) Al Jewer and Andy Mitran Laughing Cat Records $15.99 UPC:712396184126 Desert Light is inspired by the spaciousness of America's Southwestern deserts. This stunning tone poem conveys both the intimacy and the grand scale of desert lands. Along with Brian Eno, Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors is the band many music critics see as the seminal influence in the creation of the ambient music genre. Producer Robert Ansell: "When we first tried to market this no-lyrics, no-choruses, no-verses, trance/ dance, rhythm-ride music in the early '80's, there was no bin to accommodate it." Sixteen albums later, the music of Gabrielle Roth & The Mirrors is danced to by hundreds of thousands of people as the predominant sound track of the ecstatic dance movement that is sweeping the world. 44% off retail For the month oF november Discovering your innate psychic skills Created by the well-known medium Lisa Williams and illustrated by talented artist Marie-Chantal Martineau, the Intuitive Soul Oracle deck of cards was specifically designed to help you open up your intuition and develop your psychic senses. Regular retail price is 20 $ USD ISBN : 978-289436-563-2 STERLING PUBLISHING Great Books for the Season MANDALA MEDITATION COLORING BOOK ART OF RELAXATION COLORING BOOK I CHING PACK Edited by: Sterling Ethos ISBN: 9781454916185 $14.95 | 96 Pages Lark Crafts ISBN: 9781454709411 $14.95 | 128 Pages Marshall, Chris ISBN: 9781780976099 $17.95 | 160 Pages SOCIAL SCIENCE | Death & Dying $19.95 | Can. $22.95 gr e at PeNDuLuM A CH BOOK Q UA RONOLO G IC A L JOUR NE Y N T U M R E S U R R E C T I ON Gems & Crystals chronicle of history’s preeminent and peculiar notions of death and the afterlife, this eerie chronology ventures to the fractal boundaries of psychology, culture, biology, and physics, exploring such diverse topics as the Maya death gods, golems, séances, zombies, and quantum immortality. With the turn of every page, you will encounter beautiful artwork and unexpected insights about death and what may lie beyond. Har l ow/ Sof i an i d e S the Gems & Crystals f r o m o n e o f t h e w o r l d ’ s g r e at c o l l e c t i o n s G e or Ge e . Ha r l o w Curator of Gems and Minerals, American Museum of Natural History an d a nna S. Sofi an i d eS Photography by e r i c a a n d H a r o l d Va n P e lt DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE pe t r a son n e n berg THE GREAT PENDULUM BOOK Sonnenberg, Peter ISBN: 9781454917175 $14.95 | 320 Pages Pickover, Clifford A ISBN: 9781454914341 $19.95 | 320 Pages GEMS & CRYSTALS Harlow, George E Sofianides, Anna S. Erica & Harold Van Pelt (Photography) ISBN: 9781454917113 $27.95 | 256 Pages NEW LEAF's new titles - by category Conscious Living Books ART OF ZENTANGLE: 50 Inspiring Drawings, Designs & Ideas For The Meditative Artist (O) Bremner, Margaret & Burnell, Norma J. & Raile, Penny & Williams, Lara SKU: 122752 | 9781600583582 | $19.95 Sub: Creativity & Self Expression PubDate: 04/15/2013 BE YOUR OWN FAIRY TALE: Working With Storytelling For Positive Life Change (H) Davies, Alison SKU: 122759 | 9781780287591 | $16.95 Sub: Creativity & Self Expression PubDate: 10/13/2015 GROW YOUR SPIRITUAL BUSINESS: How To Build A Business In The Internet Age Griffith, Cindy & Lisa K SKU: 122266 | 9781844096749 | $19.95 Sub: Economics & Business PubDate: 11/10/2015 HOW TO CREATE MANDALAS (O) Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122662 | 9780486491790 | $5.99 Sub: Arts & Crafts PubDate: 08/22/2013 HOW TO CREATE MEHNDI DESIGNS (O) CRACKING THE FAMILY CODE: A Guide To Living Your Dreams Miller, Leslie SKU: 122469 | 9780615992570 | $20.00 Sub: Creativity & Self Expression PubDate: 03/20/2015 Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122661 | 9780486494654 | $5.99 Sub: Arts & Crafts PubDate: 03/19/2014 IDIOT’S GUIDES: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CRAFTING GRATITUDE: Creating & Celebrating Our Blessings With Hand & Heart Shannon, Maggie Oman SKU: 122274 | 9781632280343 | $16.95 Sub: Creativity & Self Expression PubDate: 11/10/2015 EMPATHY: Why It Matters & How To Get It Krznaric, Roman SKU: 122217 | 9780399171406 | $16.95 Sub: Self Help: Inner Work & Feelings PubDate: 11/03/2015 FEELING LOVED: The Science Of Nurturing Meaningful Connections & Building Lasting Happiness Segal, Jeanne SKU: 122261 | 9781941631478 | $16.95 Sub: Self Help: Relationships & Communication PubDate: 11/17/2015 FIND YOUR BLISS: Break Free Of Self-Imposed Boundaries & Embrace A New World Of Possibilities Hansen, J P SKU: 121756 | 9781632650184 | $15.99 Sub: Self Help: Inner Work & Feelings PubDate: 11/01/2015 Bailey, Eileen SKU: 122697 | 9781615646159 | $21.95 Sub: Psychology & Therapy PubDate: 10/07/2014 IDIOT’S GUIDES: Organizing Your Life Aldred, Cyndy SKU: 122700 | 9781615646487 | $19.95 Sub: Simple Living & Self Reliance PubDate: 12/02/2014 IDIOT’S GUIDES: Psychology Johnston, Joni E SKU: 122706 | 9781615645039 | $19.95 Sub: Psychology & Therapy PubDate: 07/01/2014 IDIOT’S GUIDES: Unlocking Your Creativity Poreba, Doreen Marcial SKU: 122704 | 9781615647729 | $19.95 Sub: Creativity & Self Expression PubDate: 05/05/2015 IDIOT’S GUIDES: Zen Doodling Williams, David SKU: 122707 | 9781615647576 | $19.95 Sub: Creativity & Self Expression PubDate: 05/05/2015 11 INSIDE THE MIRACLE: Enduring Suffering, Approaching Wholeness ZENDOODLE: Meditative Drawing To Calm Your Inner Self (O) Nepo, Mark SKU: 121581 | 9781622034918 | $21.95 Sub: Self Help: Coping With Crisis & Challenge PubDate: 11/01/2015 Schaadt, Susanne SKU: 122733 | 9781782212348 | $17.95 Sub: Creativity & Self Expression PubDate: 11/16/2015 General Market MINDFULNESS FOR TEEN ANGER: A Workbook To Overcome Anger Using MBSR & DBT Skills (O) CREATIVE AWAKENING: Soul Touch Coloring Journal (O) Purcell, Mark C. & Murphy, Jason R. SKU: 122509 | 9781608829163 | $16.95 Sub: Parenting & Family: Teenagers PubDate: 04/01/2014 Koff-Chapin, Deborah SKU: 121852 | 9780964562387 | $13.99 Sub: SELF-HELP / Creativity PubDate: 11/03/2015 MORE TIME TO THINK: The Power Of Independent Thinking EDGE OF WONDER: Notes From The Wildness Of Being Kline, Nancy SKU: 122182 | 9781844037964 | $12.99 Sub: Personal Fulfillment PubDate: 11/03/2015 Erickson, Victoria SKU: 121998 | 9780994784315 | $19.95 Sub: POETRY / General PubDate: 11/15/2015 RELEVANCE OF RELIGION: How Faithful People Can Change Politics (H) GIFTS OF THE FEMININE: Soul Touch Coloring Journal (O) Danforth, John SKU: 122527 | 9780812997903 | $28.00 Sub: Politics PubDate: 10/13/2015 Koff-Chapin, Deborah SKU: 121854 | 9780996463416 | $13.99 Sub: SELF-HELP / Creativity PubDate: 11/03/2015 LASTING LEAVING LEFT ROOT SPEAKS TO BUD: Fulfilling The Purpose Of Life Gebel, W. H. S. SKU: 122535 | 9781941810118 | $21.95 Sub: Personal Fulfillment PubDate: 07/30/2015 Dyke, Robin SKU: 121479 | 9781987857207 | $9.95 Sub: POETRY / Canadian PubDate: 11/03/2015 LISTENING WITHIN: Soul Touch Coloring Journal (O) SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO: Surviving A Narcissistic Relationship Durvasula, Ramani SKU: 122287 | 9781618688781 | $25.00 Sub: Self Help: Relationships & Communication PubDate: 11/24/2015 SUCCULENT WILD LOVE: Six Powerful Habits For Feeling More Love More Often Sark & Waddell, John SKU: 121816 | 9781608683581 | $22.95 Sub: Relationships PubDate: 11/01/2015 Koff-Chapin, Deborah SKU: 121855 | 9780996463423 | $12.99 Sub: SELF-HELP / Creativity PubDate: 11/03/2015 MOTHER’S DANCE: A Memoir--One Step Back, Two Steps Forward, Full Circle Hall, Pattie Welek SKU: 121343 | 9781608081349 | $19.95 Sub: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth PubDate: 11/06/2015 TEACHINGS OF THE PEYOTE SHAMANS: The Five Points Of Attention REDEMPTION: Book Two In The Reluctant Warrior Series Endredy, James SKU: 121621 | 9781620554616 | $16.95 Sub: Psychedelic Culture PubDate: 11/22/2015 Stafford, Jon SKU: 121345 | 9781939371621 | $17.95 Sub: FICTION / Historical PubDate: 11/11/2015 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 12 SAME DOG, DIFFERENT SHITE: A Little Brown Dog, Book 2 ART AND SCIENCE OF HAND READING: Classical Methods For Self-Discovery Through Palmistry (H) Riddell, Michael SKU: 121344 | 9781939371362 | $18.95 Sub: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth PubDate: 11/03/2015 Goldberg, Ellen & Bergen, Dorian SKU: 121613 | 9781620551080 | $35.00 Sub: Divination PubDate: 11/02/2015 ART AND SKILL OF BUDDHIST MEDITATION: Mindfulness, Concentration & Insight SPIRITUAL GRAFFITI Brown, Jeff SKU: 121908 | 9780980885996 | $19.95 Sub: SELF-HELP / General PubDate: 11/15/2015 Shankman, Richard SKU: 122095 | 9781626252936 | $16.95 Sub: Meditation & Prayer: Buddhist PubDate: 11/01/2015 AWAKENING YOUR CHAKRAS: A Magical Journey Of Transformation Through Your Chakras TREASURE OF OCRACOKE ISLAND: The Adventures Of The Cali Family, Book Three Gillgren, John SKU: 121476 | 9781987857146 | $10.95 Sub: FICTION / Action & Adventure PubDate: 11/17/2015 Metaphysical Books 365 THOUGHTS ON THE PATH OF BUDDHA (H) White Star Publishers SKU: 122354 | 9788854409507 | $19.95 Sub: Meditation & Prayer: Buddhist PubDate: 11/03/2015 365 WAYS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR SPIRITUALITY: Simple Ways To Connect With The Divine Chauran, Alexandra SKU: 121786 | 9780738740126 | $16.99 Sub: Spiritual Development: New Age PubDate: 11/08/2015 ACID DIARIES (Spanish Version: LOS DIARIOS DEL ACIDO) Gray, Christopher SKU: 122554 | 9781620554661 | $16.95 Sub: Spanish Language - Meta titles PubDate: 07/17/2015 AMERICA: Nation Of The Goddess--The Venus Families & The Founding Of The United States Butler, Alan & Wolter, Janet SKU: 121612 | 9781620553978 | $18.95 Sub: Freemasonry & The Rosicrucian Order PubDate: 11/23/2015 ANGELS: A Comprehensive Guide To Divine Messengers On Earth Faugerolas, Marie-Ange SKU: 122212 | 9780399176401 | $19.95 Sub: Angels PubDate: 11/17/2015 Sarada, Jewels SKU: 122522 | 9781893037076 | $22.00 Sub: Aura PubDate: 05/11/2013 BEING PRESENT: A Book Of Daily Reflections Kundtz, David SKU: 122026 | 9781573246446 | $16.95 Sub: Daily Meditation Books PubDate: 11/01/2015 BODY AND ITS SYMBOLISM: A Kabbalistic Approach de Souzenelle, Annick & Chaplin, Christopher & James, Tony SKU: 122010 | 9780835609326 | $26.95 Sub: Kabbalah: General PubDate: 11/01/2015 CARAVAN OF NO DESPAIR: A Memoir Of Loss & Transformation Starr, Mirabai SKU: 121580 | 9781622034130 | $16.95 Sub: Spiritual Development: New Age PubDate: 11/01/2015 CHILDREN OF ROSWELL: A Seven-Decade Legacy Of Fear, Intimidation & Cover-Ups Carey, Thomas J & Schmitt, Donald R SKU: 121751 | 9781632650191 | $16.99 Sub: UFOs & Extraterrestrials PubDate: 11/01/2015 CHUANG TSU: Inner Chapters--A Companion To Tao Te Ching (m) Gia-fu Feng & English, Jane SKU: 122086 | 9781401946609 | $14.99 Sub: Taoism PubDate: 11/03/2015 13 COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO ISLAM EXTRAORDINARY PSYCHIC: Proven Techniques to Master Your Natural Psychic Abilities Emerick, Yahiya SKU: 122756 | 9781615641291 | $19.95 Sub: Islam PubDate: 11/01/2011 Katz, Debra Lynne SKU: 122529 | 9780989094153 | $22.00 Sub: Psychic Development PubDate: 05/20/2014 COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO THE KORAN FALLING UP: My Wild Ride From Victim To Kick-Ass Victory (H) Sarwar, Muhammad & Toropov, Brandon SKU: 122757 | 9781592571055 | $19.95 Sub: Islamic Texts & Commentaries PubDate: 11/17/2014 COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO WORLD RELIGIONS (4th edition) Liesegang, Dana & Stoynoff, Natasha SKU: 122084 | 9781401946340 | $26.99 Sub: Biographies & Personal Experiences PubDate: 11/10/2015 FENG SHUI FOR LOVE & MONEY Toropov, Brandon & Buckles, Luke SKU: 122760 | 9781615640690 | $19.95 Sub: Comparative Religion PubDate: 09/26/2011 Englebert, Clear SKU: 122512 | 9781935690719 | $12.95 Sub: Feng Shui & Geomancy PubDate: 08/03/2015 CONFESSIONS: The Making Of A Postdenominational Priest--Revised & Updated Fox, Matthew SKU: 122312 | 9781583949351 | $18.95 Sub: Biographies & Personal Experiences PubDate: 11/10/2015 FOR LOVE OF THE REAL: A Story Of Life’s Mystical Secret (H) Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn SKU: 122195 | 9781941394113 | $19.95 Sub: Mysticism PubDate: 11/01/2015 CONVERSION PROPHECY Solomon, Michael SKU: 122500 | 9781623860158 | $19.95 Sub: Visionary Fiction PubDate: 06/11/2015 FULL: How I Learned To Satisfy My Insatiable Hunger & Feed My Soul (H) Simpkins, Kimber SKU: 122526 | 9781626252271 | $24.95 Sub: Biographies & Personal Experiences PubDate: 04/02/2015 CONVOLUTED UNIVERSE: Book Five Cannon, Dolores SKU: 122028 | 9781940265292 | $20.00 Sub: Revealed Teachings PubDate: 11/01/2015 FUTURE OF GOD: A Practical Approach To Spirituality For Our Times (q) DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE: A Chronological Journey, From Cremation To Quantum Resurrection (H) Pickover, Clifford A. SKU: 122539 | 9781454914341 | $19.95 Sub: Death & Dying PubDate: 10/06/2015 HAPPINESS HANDBOOK: Strategies For A Happy Life DREAMS: What Your Subconscious Wants To Tell You Inserra, Rose SKU: 121920 | 9781925017175 | $19.95 Sub: Dreams PubDate: 11/01/2015 Chopra, Deepak SKU: 121895 | 9780307884985 | $15.00 Sub: Spiritual Development: General & Miscellaneous PubDate: 11/10/2015 Sharp, Timothy SKU: 121915 | 9781925048063 | $19.95 Sub: Inspiration & Motivation PubDate: 11/01/2015 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 14 HEALING OF JORDAN YOUNG: A 21st-Century Spiritual Guide To Health & Healing Blake, Tobin SKU: 121815 | 9781608683543 | $15.95 Sub: Miracles PubDate: 11/01/2015 ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WITCHCRAFT & PRACTICAL MAGIC: A Visual Guide To The History & Practice Of Magic Through The Ages Greenwood, Susan & Airey, Raje SKU: 122553 | 9781780194301 | $18.99 Sub: Natural Magic: General PubDate: 06/01/2015 IN THE ONENESS OF TIME: The Education Of A Diviner HEALTH REVELATIONS FROM HEAVEN AND EARTH (H) Rosa, Tommy & Sinatra, Stephen T SKU: 121804 | 9781623366247 | $25.99 Sub: Science & Spirituality PubDate: 11/17/2015 Horden, William Douglas SKU: 121362 | 9781936012763 | $16.95 Sub: Divination PubDate: 11/07/2015 INTELLIGENT LIFE: Buddhist Psychology Of Self-Transformation HOMOSEXUALITY IN THE HOROSCOPE Heimsoth, Karl Guenter SKU: 122555 | 9780866901130 | $21.95 Sub: Astrology: General & Miscellaneous PubDate: 07/31/2015 Yokoyama, Koitsu & Puthuparampil, Varghese SKU: 122524 | 9781614291961 | $16.95 Sub: Buddhism: General PubDate: 08/11/2015 KINDLING THE NATIVE SPIRIT: Sacred Practices For Everyday Life IDIOT’S GUIDES: Mindfulness Burk, Domyo Sater SKU: 122699 | 9781615646180 | $21.95 Sub: Meditation & Prayer: General PubDate: 10/07/2014 Linn, Denise SKU: 122069 | 9781401945923 | $16.99 Sub: Native American Wisdom: General & Miscellaneous PubDate: 11/03/2015 LEVITATION: What It Is, How It Works, How To Do It IDIOT’S GUIDES: Self-Hypnosis Andrews, Synthia SKU: 122705 | 9781615646302 | $19.95 Sub: Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy PubDate: 11/04/2014 Richards, Steve SKU: 122007 | 9781578635795 | $14.95 Sub: Occult Sciences PubDate: 11/01/2015 IDIOT’S GUIDES: The Bible Phillips, Benjamin SKU: 122696 | 9781615646272 | $21.95 Sub: Bibles & Christian Texts PubDate: 10/07/2014 IDIOT’S GUIDES: The Kama Sutra Cadell, Ava SKU: 122708 | 9781615647149 | $19.95 Sub: Sexuality PubDate: 01/06/2015 IDIOT’S GUIDES: The Tarot (includes full size Rider-Waite deck) Venefica, Avia SKU: 122695 | 9781615644995 | $29.95 Sub: Tarot Books PubDate: 06/03/2014 LIGHT BETWEEN US: Lessons From Heaven That Teach Us To Live Better In The Here & Now (H) Jackson, Laura Lynne SKU: 121885 | 9780812998382 | $26.00 Sub: Spirit World PubDate: 11/10/2015 LLEWELLYN’S COMPLETE BOOK OF CHAKRAS: Your Definitive Source Of Energy Center Knowledge For Health, Happiness & Spiritual Evolution (O) Dale, Cyndi SKU: 121673 | 9780738739625 | $39.99 Sub: Chakras PubDate: 11/08/2015 15 LOVE EVERYONE: The Transcendent Wisdom Of Neem Karoli Baba Told Through The Stories Of The Westerners Whose Lives He Transformed (H) Markus, Parvati SKU: 121983 | 9780062342997 | $27.99 Sub: Spiritual Teachers PubDate: 11/10/2015 MEANINGFUL COINCIDENCE: Synchronistic Stories Of The Soul (O) Zabel, Alanna SKU: 121517 | 9780986207518 | $19.95 Sub: Synchronicity & Coincidence PubDate: 11/01/2015 MINDFULNESS A TO Z: 108 Insights For Awakening Now Kozak, Arnie SKU: 122523 | 9781614290575 | $16.95 Sub: Meditation & Prayer: Buddhist PubDate: 09/22/2015 ON THE PATH OF THE BELOVED (reissue) Brooks, Leslie SKU: 122520 | 9780996652308 | $20.00 Sub: Inspiration & Motivation PubDate: 08/15/2015 OUT OF THE BLUE: True-Life Experiences Of Awakening, Revelation & Transformation Terhune, Mary SKU: 122078 | 9781401947866 | $14.99 Sub: Spiritual Development: New Thought PubDate: 11/17/2015 PRACTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ROCKS & MINERALS: How To Find, Identify, Collect & Preserve The World’s Best Specimens (H) Farndon, John SKU: 122551 | 9781844776702 | $25.00 Sub: Gems, Stones & Crystals PubDate: 06/01/2015 MYSTIC PATH TO COSMIC POWER (reissue) PRESENCE OF THE INFINTE: The Spiritual Experience Of Beauty, Truth & Goodness Howard, Vernon SKU: 122519 | 9781934162637 | $11.95 Sub: Mind Power PubDate: 09/01/2015 McIntosh, Steve SKU: 122009 | 9780835609418 | $18.95 Sub: Spiritual Development: New Thought PubDate: 11/01/2015 NUMEROLOGY: Discover Your Future, Life Purpose & Destiny From Your Birth Date & Name (Hay House Basics) PSYCHIC VISION: Developing Your Clairvoyant & Remote Viewing Skills Buchanan, Michelle SKU: 122071 | 9781781805565 | $15.99 Sub: Numerology PubDate: 11/03/2015 Barnum, Melanie SKU: 121787 | 9780738746234 | $16.99 Sub: Psychic Development PubDate: 11/08/2015 OCCULT (THE): The Ultimate Guide For Those Who Would Walk With The Gods (new edition) RAPHAEL’S ASTRONOMICAL EPHEMERIS OF THE PLANETS’ PLACES FOR 2016 (b) Wilson, Colin SKU: 122300 | 9781780288468 | $24.95 Sub: Occult Sciences PubDate: 11/17/2015 Raphael, Edwin SKU: 122621 | 9780572045449 | $8.95 Sub: Astrology: Tools, Tables & Charts PubDate: 02/11/2015 OMNIVERSE (THE): Transdimensional Intelligence, Time Travel, The Afterlife & The Secret Colony On Mars Webre, Alfred Lambremont SKU: 121607 | 9781591432159 | $16.00 Sub: UFOs & Extraterrestrials PubDate: 11/20/2015 RELAXED MIND: A Seven-Step Method For Deepening Meditation Practice Dza Kilung Rinpoche SKU: 121898 | 9781611802825 | $16.95 Sub: Meditation & Prayer: Buddhist PubDate: 11/10/2015 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 16 RESTORING FLEXIBILITY: A Gentle Yoga-Based Practice To Increase Mobility At Any Age Gilats, Andrea SKU: 122275 | 9781612434919 | $14.95 Sub: Yoga PubDate: 11/10/2015 SLIDING Foster, Jane SKU: 122502 | 9781623860172 | $16.95 Sub: Visionary Fiction PubDate: 10/06/2015 ROMANCE OF THE GRAIL: The Magic & Mystery Of Arthurian Myth (H) Campbell, Joseph & Smith, Evans Lansing SKU: 121811 | 9781608683246 | $24.95 Sub: Celts, Druids & Arthurian/Grail Legend PubDate: 11/01/2015 SAVED FROM ENLIGHTENMENT: The Memoir Of An Unlikely Devotee Bauliya, Tarini SKU: 122370 | 9781942493075 | $19.95 Sub: Biographies & Personal Experiences PubDate: 11/15/2015 SEARCH IN SECRET EGYPT (q) Brunton, Paul SKU: 122307 | 9781583949818 | $19.95 Sub: Egyptian Spirituality & Wisdom PubDate: 11/24/2015 SORCERERS: A Novel Needleman, Jacob SKU: 122279 | 9781939681478 | $16.95 Sub: Visionary Fiction PubDate: 11/10/2015 SOUL INFUSIONS: Weaving Our Soul’s Light Into T he Fabric Of Every Day (O) Drake, Joy SKU: 122683 | 9780936878690 | $15.95 Sub: Meditation & Prayer: General PubDate: 05/23/2015 SOUL SEARCHER’S HANDBOOK: A Modern Girl’s Guide To The New Age World Mildon, Emma SKU: 122290 | 9781582705248 | $18.99 Sub: Women’s Spirituality PubDate: 11/17/2015 SOUL WRITER (reissue) SHAMAN’S MIRACULOUS TOOLS FOR HEALING Villoldo, Alberto & O’Neill, Anne E SKU: 121722 | 9781571747372 | $18.95 Sub: Shamanism: General & Miscellaneous PubDate: 11/01/2015 Brooks, Leslie SKU: 122518 | 9780996652315 | $17.95 Sub: Inspiration & Motivation PubDate: 07/17/2015 ST. TERESA OF AVILA PRAYER BOOK SIBERIAN SHAMANISM: The Shanar Ritual Of The Buryats (O) Tkacz, Virlana & Zhambalov, Sayan & Phipps, Wanda & Khantaev, Alexander SKU: 121603 | 9781620554319 | $19.95 Sub: Shamanism: Australian & Asian PubDate: 11/23/2015 SID Feng, Anita N. SKU: 122525 | 9781614292272 | $16.95 Sub: Visionary Fiction PubDate: 09/08/2015 Wright, Vinita Hampton SKU: 122364 | 9781612616605 | $16.99 Sub: Saints & Mystics PubDate: 11/28/2015 STORY OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI: As Told In The Twenty-Eight Frescoes Of The Basilica Of San Francisco (H) Verdon, Timothy SKU: 122363 | 9781612616858 | $24.99 Sub: Saints & Mystics PubDate: 11/28/2015 SYNCHRONICITY: Empowering Your Life Path With The Gift Of Confidence (H) Mackey, Chris SKU: 122758 | 9781780288086 | $24.95 Sub: New Age Science & New Physics PubDate: 09/15/2015 17 TAO OF HAPPINES: Stories From Chuang Tzu For Your Spiritual Journey WALKING AMONG US: The Alien Plan To Control Humanity Lin, Derek SKU: 122211 | 9780399175510 | $15.95 Sub: Taoism PubDate: 11/17/2015 Jacobs, David M. SKU: 122516 | 9781938875144 | $21.95 Sub: UFOs & Extraterrestrials PubDate: 09/01/2015 TENDING BRIGID’S FLAME: Awaken To the Celtic Goddess Of The Hearth, Temple & Forge WHAT IT MEANS TO UNDERSTAND FENG SHUI Weatherstone, Lunaea SKU: 121788 | 9780738740898 | $17.99 Sub: Pagan Spirituality PubDate: 11/08/2015 Ketch, Tina SKU: 122649 | 9780996185479 | $12.95 Sub: Feng Shui & Geomancy PubDate: 06/01/2015 THREAT (THE): Revealing The Secret Alien Agenda Jacobs, David M. SKU: 122517 | 9780684848136 | $19.95 Sub: UFOs & Extraterrestrials PubDate: 03/11/1999 TOUCHED BY THE DRAGON’S BREATH: Conversations At Colliding Rivers (new edition) Harrington, Michael SKU: 122505 | 9780974871639 | $14.95 Sub: New Age (The) PubDate: 07/01/2015 WILDWOOD WAY: Spiritual Growth In The Heart Of Nature Seruntine, Cliff SKU: 121789 | 9780738740324 | $19.99 Sub: Inspiration & Motivation PubDate: 11/08/2015 WORLD’S GREATEST ENIGMAS: 52 Mystical Sites (H) Di Martino, Giulio SKU: 122540 | 9788854409361 | $24.95 Sub: Megaliths & Sacred Sites PubDate: 09/01/2015 ULTIMATE GUIDE TO THE THOTH TAROT Fiebig, Johannes & Burger, Evelin SKU: 121783 | 9780738743363 | $22.99 Sub: Tarot Books PubDate: 11/08/2015 UNION OF ISIS AND THOTH: Magic & Initiatory Practices Of Ancient Egypt Ellis, Normandi & Scully, Nicki SKU: 121606 | 9781591432081 | $18.00 Sub: Egyptian Spirituality & Wisdom PubDate: 11/21/2015 VOYAGER TAROT COMPANION Hegland, R. Lloyd SKU: 122563 | 9780989094146 | $19.95 Sub: Tarot Books PubDate: 05/10/2013 YOGA & PILATES FOR EVERYONE: A Complete Sourcebook of Yoga & Pilates Exercises To Tone & Strengthen The Body (H) Freedman, Francoise Barbira & Gibbs, Bel & Hall, Doriel & Kelly, Emily & Monks, Jonathan & Smith, Judy SKU: 122546 | 9781844777693 | $25.00 Sub: Yoga PubDate: 05/07/2015 Metaphysical Spoken Audio MEDITATION IN SEVEN STEPS: Unlocking The Depths Of Human Fulfillment (2 CD) Ray, Reginald A SKU: 122123 | 9781622035434 | $19.95 Sub: Meditation & Prayer PubDate: 11/01/2015 Music AMONG FRIENDS: 1975-2015: A 40 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE (CD) Halpern, Steven SKU: 122679 | 093791809020 | $14.98 Sub: Meditation/Relaxation/Healing PubDate: 05/01/2015 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 18 BOOK OF ROUNDS: 21 Songs Of Grace (CD) RAVEN RECORDINGS: The RMX (CD) October Project SKU: 122119 | 9781622035472 | $15.98 Sub: Vocal/Chant PubDate: 11/01/2015 Roth & The Mirrors, Gabrielle & , Sub Swara SKU: 122565 | 736998515027 | $16.95 Sub: Ethnic Fusion PubDate: 09/25/2015 DESERT LIGHT (Demo) Jewer, Al & Mitran, Andy SKU: 122514 | 9789991584447 | $0.00 Sub: Meditation/Relaxation/Healing PubDate: 08/14/2015 ENTERING THE NIGREDO (9 disc CD set) (special order only) Kenyon, Tom SKU: 122611 | 9781931032551 | $135.00 Sub: Meditation/Relaxation/Healing PubDate: 08/25/2015 FOUR GREAT WINDS: A Global Voyage Into Sacred Song (CD) Peia SKU: 122112 | 9781622034406 | $15.98 Sub: World Music PubDate: 11/01/2015 IMAGININGS (CD) Adams, Paul & Hoffman, David & Godkhindi, Pravin & Geyer, Elizabeth SKU: 122622 | 885007564423 | $16.00 Sub: Meditation/Relaxation/Healing PubDate: 09/01/2015 Sidelines ABSTRACT PATTERNS: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122487 | 9780486489285 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/14/2011 ABSTRACTS: Creative Haven 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Johnson, Brian SKU: 122591 | 9780486790718 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 03/19/2014 ALLOVER PATTERNS STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) Bloomenstein, Susan SKU: 122669 | 9780486497846 | $6.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/19/2012 KIRTAN RABBI LIVE! (CD) AMAZON ANIMALS: Creative Haven Coloring Book With A Hidden Picture Twist (O) Kirtan Rabbi SKU: 122781 | 616892989226 | $17.99 Sub: Vocal/Chant PubDate: 10/01/2008 Sovak, Jan SKU: 122482 | 9780486798998 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/19/2015 MUSIC OF THE EARTH (Demo) Jewer, Al & Mitran, Andy SKU: 122513 | 9789991584430 | $0.00 Sub: Meditation/Relaxation/Healing PubDate: 08/14/2015 NONDUAL (CD) Kirtan Rabbi SKU: 122783 | 616892253648 | $17.99 Sub: Vocal/Chant PubDate: 06/01/2015 ONE THING I SEEK: Achat Sha’alti (CD) Kirtan Rabbi SKU: 122782 | 616892079569 | $17.99 Sub: Vocal/Chant PubDate: 02/01/2010 PASSION COMPASSION ALEGRIA (CD) Coxon, Robert SKU: 122712 | 772955992227 | $15.98 Sub: Piano PubDate: 09/01/2015 AMERICAN LANDSCAPES COLOR BY NUMBER: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Pereira, Diego Jourdan SKU: 122718 | 9780486798554 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/19/2015 ARABESQUE DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Crossling, Nick SKU: 122618 | 9780486493169 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/24/2013 ART ANATOMY SIMPLIFIED (O) Carlson, Charles SKU: 122578 | 9780486452623 | $5.95 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 12/01/2006 19 ART DECO DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Schmidt, Carol SKU: 122638 | 9780486781372 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/22/2014 BLANK BOOK, GRATITUDE:Writing & Creativity Journal (deluxe soft cover) Salerno, Toni Carmine SKU: 122634 | 9781922161697 | $14.95 Sub: Journals & Blank Books PubDate: 10/01/2015 ART NOUVEAU ANIMAL DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) BLANK BOOK, MINDFULNESS:Writing & Creativity Journal (deluxe soft cover) Noble, Marty SKU: 122584 | 9780486493107 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 02/21/2013 Salerno, Toni Carmine SKU: 122645 | 9781922161703 | $14.95 Sub: Journals & Blank Books PubDate: 11/01/2015 ASIAN TATTOO DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) BLANK BOOK, SACRED SPACE: Writing & Creativity Journal (deluxe soft cover) Siuda, Erik SKU: 122620 | 9780486494579 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 03/19/2014 AUDUBON BIRDS STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) Krez, Carol SKU: 122587 | 9780486293271 | $6.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 11/07/1996 BLANK BOOK, TO THE WONDER: Writing & Creativity Journal (deluxe soft cover) Salerno, Toni Carmine SKU: 122647 | 9781922161727 | $14.95 Sub: Journals & Blank Books PubDate: 10/01/2015 AWESOME ANIMALS DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Baker, Robin J. & Baker, Kelly A. SKU: 122617 | 9780486491356 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/24/2012 BUTTERFLIES AND BLOSSOMS: Creative Haven Stained Glass Coloring Book (O) BEAUTIFUL FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Tarbox, Charlene SKU: 122623 | 9780486493459 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/19/2013 Schmidt, Carol SKU: 122585 | 9780486796000 | $7.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/22/2014 BUTTERFLIES: Spark Coloring Book (O) Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122605 | 9780486802176 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/22/2015 BEOWULF COLORING BOOK (O) Green, John SKU: 122660 | 9780486456553 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 02/27/2007 CALMING SWIRLS: Stress-Relieving Designs To Color & Display--Zendoodle Coloring (O) BIRDS DRAW AND COLOR: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122593 | 9780486793962 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/17/2014 Salerno, Toni Carmine SKU: 122646 | 9781922161710 | $14.95 Sub: Journals & Blank Books PubDate: 10/01/2015 Corley, Nikolett SKU: 122737 | 9781250086495 | $12.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/25/2015 CANDLE HOLDER, ENGRAVED BLUE CUP (2.25” glass, holds votive candles, sold individually) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122775 | 9789991584973 | $6.40 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 20 CANDLE HOLDER, ENGRAVED SUNRISE CUP (2.25” glass, holds votive candles, sold individually) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122776 | 9789991584980 | $6.40 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 CANDLE HOLDER, ENGRAVED YELLOW CUP (2.25” glass, holds votive candles, sold individually) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122774 | 9789991584966 | $6.40 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 CATS STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) Soffer, Ruth SKU: 122590 | 9780486469942 | $6.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 03/26/2009 CHRISTMAS TREES: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Lanza, Barbara SKU: 122635 | 9780486803906 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/22/2015 CANDLE HOLDER, HEART PLATE (5” recycled aluminum, sold individually) CHRISTMASSCAPES: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122771 | 9789991584935 | $9.90 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122636 | 9780486791876 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/23/2014 CANDLE HOLDER, PURPLE LINED CUP (2.25” glass, holds votive candles, sold individually) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122784 | 9789991585000 | $6.40 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/04/2015 CANDLE HOLDER, PURPLE STONE CUP (2.5” stone, holds votive candles, sold individually) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122785 | 9789991585017 | $9.00 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines CANDLE HOLDER, SIMPLICITY CUP (2.25” plain, clear glass, holds votive candles, sold individually) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122777 | 9789991584997 | $1.20 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 CANDLE HOLDER, STAINED GLASS CUP (2.5” glass, holds votive candles) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122773 | 9789991584959 | $10.00 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines CAT LOVERS’ COLORING BOOK (O) Soffer, Ruth SKU: 122603 | 9780486462004 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 11/09/2007 CIRCLES AND SQUARES: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Snozek, Lee Anne SKU: 122604 | 9780486489247 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/14/2011 COLORING ANIMAL MANDALAS Piersall, Wendy SKU: 122533 | 9781612433509 | $10.00 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/02/2014 COLORING DREAM MANDALAS: 30 Hand-Drawn Designs For Mindful Relaxation Piersall, Wendy SKU: 122531 | 9781612435299 | $10.00 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/21/2015 COLORING FLOWER MANDALAS: 30 Hand-Drawn Designs For Mindful Relaxation Piersall, Wendy SKU: 122534 | 9781612434575 | $10.00 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 05/12/2015 COLORING OCEAN MANDALAS: 30 Hand-Drawn Nautical Designs For Mindful Relaxation Piersall, Wendy SKU: 122532 | 9781612435466 | $10.00 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/20/2015 21 COOL CATS: Spark Coloring Book (O) DOGS STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) Dahlen, Noelle SKU: 122610 | 9780486800585 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/17/2015 Soffer, Ruth SKU: 122589 | 9780486478029 | $6.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/21/2010 COUNTRY SCENES: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) DREAM DOODLES: Creative Haven Coloring Book With A Hidden Picture Twist (O) Barlowe, Dot SKU: 122637 | 9780486494555 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 03/19/2014 Ahrens, Kathy SKU: 122483 | 9780486799025 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/19/2015 CRAZY PAISLEY: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Baker, Kelly A. & Baker, Robin J. SKU: 122474 | 9780486490861 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/24/2012 Lanza, Barbara SKU: 122722 | 9780486799186 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/21/2015 CREATIVE SENSATIONS: Hypnotic Patterns To Color & Display--Zendoodle Coloring (O) Snegireva, Julie SKU: 122738 | 9781250086488 | $12.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/25/2015 ENCHANTED FAIRIES: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) ENCHANTING GARDENS: Captivating Florals To Color & Display--Zendoodle Coloring (O) Corley, Nikolett SKU: 122739 | 9781250086464 | $12.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/21/2015 CURIOUS CREATURES: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) EXOTIC BIRDS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Weber, Amy SKU: 122582 | 9780486492698 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/22/2013 Soffer, Ruth SKU: 122633 | 9780486783376 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 12/17/2014 DEVIANT MOON TAROT (78-card deck & instruction booklet) EXPLORING ECOSYSTEMS: An Environmentally Friendly Coloring Book (O) Valenza, Patrick SKU: 122507 | 9781572816367 | $20.00 Sub: Tarot & Divinatory Decks PubDate: 01/01/2008 Dutton, Michael SKU: 122601 | 9780486469881 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 03/26/2009 FAIRIES AROUND THE WORLD COLORING BOOK (O) DIMENSIONS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Wik, John SKU: 122721 | 9780486795393 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/21/2015 DOGS DRAW AND COLOR: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Shaffer, Christy SKU: 122595 | 9780486472898 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 11/18/2009 FANCIFUL FACES: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Adatto, Miryam SKU: 122632 | 9780486779355 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/23/2014 Green, John SKU: 122592 | 9780486797991 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/17/2015 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 22 FANTASY DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Pocock, Aaron SKU: 122732 | 9780486801285 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/21/2015 GARDEN FLOWERS DRAW AND COLOR: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122631 | 9780486793979 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/17/2014 FLORAL DESIGN COLOR BY NUMBER: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) GARDEN PARTY: Creative Haven Stained Glass Coloring Book (O) Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122477 | 9780486793856 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/17/2014 Baker, Robin J. & Baker, Kelly A. SKU: 122586 | 9780486798271 | $7.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/25/2014 FLORAL FAIRIES COLORING BOOK (O) GEOMETRIC MADNESS: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Craig, Carol SKU: 122596 | 9780486783277 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 01/21/2015 FLORAL FRENZY: Creative Haven Coloring Book Adatto, Miryam SKU: 122579 | 9780486793504 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/16/2015 Alves, John SKU: 122488 | 9780486489292 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/14/2011 GO GREEN FUN KIT (includes 3 coloring books, activity book, poster & crayons; boxed) Dover Book Editors SKU: 122678 | 9780486474854 | $16.99 Sub: Children’s Sidelines PubDate: 07/22/2009 FLORAL MOSAICS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) GRAPHIC ART DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122473 | 9780486781785 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 11/19/2014 Elder, Jeremy SKU: 122580 | 9780486492162 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 02/21/2013 HABITATS COLORING BOOK (O) FLORAL TATTOO DESIGN: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Siuda, Erik SKU: 122624 | 9780486496290 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 03/19/2014 Dutton, Michael SKU: 122666 | 9780486487090 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 03/21/2012 HALLOWEENSCAPES COLORING BOOK (O) FLOWER FASHION FANTASIES: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Ming-Ju Sun SKU: 122627 | 9780486498638 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/24/2012 Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122597 | 9780486481791 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/21/2011 HEART MANDALAS COLORING BOOK (O) FLOWER POWER STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) Bloomenstein, Susan SKU: 122675 | 9780486483894 | $6.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 01/18/2012 Noble, Marty SKU: 122664 | 9780486492193 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 11/20/2013 23 HEART TO HEART STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) IN FULL BLOOM: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Foldvary-Anderson, Carol SKU: 122671 | 9780486486482 | $6.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 11/21/2012 Soffer, Ruth SKU: 122476 | 9780486494531 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 01/23/2014 HEARTS AND ROSES STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) INCENSE HOLDER ROUND PAINTED STONE (5” diam.) Foldvary-Anderson, Carol SKU: 122673 | 9780486470238 | $6.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 02/02/2009 Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122688 | 9789991584676 | $9.90 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/29/2015 HEARTS STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) INCENSE HOLDER STAR (3”) Beylon, Cathy SKU: 122672 | 9780486438443 | $1.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/16/2004 Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122689 | 9789991584683 | $3.00 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/29/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, ANKH (10” wooden with inlaid design) HEAVENLY SNOWFLAKES STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) Green, John SKU: 122676 | 9780486449234 | $1.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/07/2006 HIDDEN PICTURE PUZZLE COLORING BOOK (O) Pomaska, Anna SKU: 122665 | 9780486239095 | $4.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 05/01/1980 HORSES COLOR BY NUMBER: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Toufexis, George SKU: 122463 | 9780486793849 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/17/2014 HORSES DRAW AND COLOR: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122594 | 9780486798004 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/17/2015 HUMAN BODY COLORING BOOK (O) DK Publishing SKU: 122713 | 9780756682347 | $21.95 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/15/2011 Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122572 | 9789991584515 | $2.10 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/24/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, BLUE FLORAL(10.25” wood) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122651 | 9789991584577 | $7.90 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/26/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, DOME CONE CUP (cones only) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122687 | 9789991584669 | $5.00 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/29/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, DOUBLE CARVED WOOD (10”) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122692 | 9789991584713 | $7.50 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/29/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, DRAGON PLATE (4.” square; carved soapstone) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122656 | 9789991584638 | $7.90 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/26/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, EGG CONE CUP (cones only) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122691 | 9789991584706 | $5.00 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/29/2015 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 24 INCENSE HOLDER, ELEPHANT & STARS (10” wooden with inlaid design) INCENSE HOLDER, ROSE & VINE (10” polished recycled aluminum) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122574 | 9789991584539 | $2.10 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/24/2015 Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122569 | 9789991584485 | $7.90 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/24/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, GREEN LEAF (10” polished recycled, brown aluminum) INCENSE HOLDER, SUN, MOON, AND STARS (10” long; soapstone) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122568 | 9789991584478 | $12.20 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/24/2015 Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122653 | 9789991584591 | $10.50 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/26/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, GREEN WITH FLOWERS (10.25” wood) INCENSE HOLDER, TWO TONE COMPARTMENT (10.5” soapstone) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122652 | 9789991584584 | $7.90 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/26/2015 Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122654 | 9789991584607 | $15.00 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/26/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, LOVE FLOWERS ( 10” hand-painted wood) INCENSE HOLDER, VINE & FLOWER (10” wooden with inlaid design) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122648 | 9789991584553 | $7.90 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/26/2015 Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122575 | 9789991584546 | $2.10 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/24/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, MINI LOTUS FLOWER (2” soapstone) INCENSE HOLDER, VINE/LEAF (10” wooden with inlaid design) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122658 | 9789991584652 | $1.50 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/26/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, ONE TONE COMPARTMENT (10.5” soapstone) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122655 | 9789991584614 | $15.00 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/26/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, PAINTED FLOWERS (3”x3” square) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122690 | 9789991584690 | $5.50 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/29/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, PEACE SIGN (10” wooden with inlaid design) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122573 | 9789991584522 | $2.10 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/24/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, RED FLOWER VINE(10.25” wood) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122650 | 9789991584560 | $7.90 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/26/2015 Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122571 | 9789991584508 | $2.10 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/24/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, WOODEN ANTIQUED COMPARTMENT (12”) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122710 | 9789991584751 | $11.90 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/31/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, WOODEN INLAY COMPARTMENT (11.75”) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122709 | 9789991584744 | $11.90 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/31/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, WOODEN TUBE COMPARTMENT (12”) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122693 | 9789991584720 | $11.90 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/29/2015 INCENSE HOLDER, WOODLAND LEAF (10” polished recycled aluminum) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122570 | 9789991584492 | $7.50 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/24/2015 25 INCENSE HOLDER, ZEN MINI (2.75” soapstone) KEEP MERRY AND COLOR ON: 75 Yuletide Designs --Zendoodle Coloring (O) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122657 | 9789991584645 | $2.30 Sub: Incense: Holders, Burners & Charcoal PubDate: 08/26/2015 Mennitt, Meredith SKU: 122735 | 9781250100610 | $12.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 11/03/2015 INCREDIBLE INSECT DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) LEGRANDE CIRCUS & SIDESHOW TAROT (78-card deck & 64-page booklet) Noble, Marty SKU: 122583 | 9780486494999 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 03/19/2014 Lee, Joe SKU: 122498 | 9781572817319 | $21.95 Sub: Tarot & Divinatory Decks PubDate: 08/15/2015 INSIGHT FROM A COURSE IN MIRACLES CARDS (217 cards, boxed) LET’S COLOR TOGETHER: Fabulous Fairies (O) Dieterichs, Shelley SKU: 122612 | 9780486779720 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 01/23/2014 Miracle Distribution Center SKU: 122686 | 9781495164453 | $16.95 Sub: Inspirational Decks & Cards PubDate: 09/15/2015 INSPIRING ZENDALAS: Mystical Circles To Color & Display--Zendoodle Coloring (O) LET’S COLOR TOGETHER: Mandalas (O) Snegireva, Julie SKU: 122740 | 9781250086471 | $12.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/21/2015 Pomaska, Anna SKU: 122613 | 9780486779751 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 01/23/2014 INTUITIVE SOUL ORACLE CARDS (44 cards/guidebook, boxed) LET’S COLOR TOGETHER: Sun, Moon & Stars (O) Williams, Lisa & Mattineau (Illust.), Marie-Chantal SKU: 122778 | 9782894365632 | $20.00 Sub: Inspirational Decks & Cards PubDate: 10/03/2014 Swanson, Maggie SKU: 122659 | 9780486779706 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 01/23/2014 JAPANESE KIMONO DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) MANDALAS: Spark Coloring Book (O) Ming-Ju Sun SKU: 122630 | 9780486493442 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/19/2013 Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122607 | 9780486802145 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/17/2015 KEEP CALM AND COLOR ON: 75 Stress-Relieving Designs--Zendoodle Coloring MANEKI NEKO LUCKY CAT COLORING BOOK (O) Mennitt, Meredith SKU: 122734 | 9781250093332 | $12.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/06/2015 KEEP HAPPY AND COLOR ON: 75 Delightful Designs--Zendoodle Coloring (O) Mennitt, Meredith SKU: 122736 | 9781250093349 | $12.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/06/2015 Roytman, Arkady SKU: 122717 | 9780486799308 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/16/2015 MEHNDI DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122472 | 9780486803531 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/17/2015 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 26 MERMAIDS FUN KIT (includes 2 paper doll books, 2 coloring books, 10 stickers; 10 tattoos, poster & crayons; boxed) Dover Book Editors SKU: 122677 | 9780486477138 | $16.99 Sub: Children’s Sidelines PubDate: 07/22/2009 MEXICAN FOLK ART: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122629 | 9780486494517 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 12/20/2013 MIDNIGHT GARDEN: Heart & Flower Designs On A Dramatic Black Background --Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Boylan, Lindsey SKU: 122625 | 9780486803180 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/16/2015 MODERN TATTOO DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Siuda, Erik SKU: 122628 | 9780486493268 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/22/2013 MOSAICS: Designs With A Splash Of Color --Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122480 | 9780486805368 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/19/2015 MY FIRST HUMAN BODY COLORING BOOK (O) Silver, Donald M. & Wynne, Patricia J. SKU: 122602 | 9780486494104 | $4.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/24/2013 MYSTICAL MANDALA COLORING BOOK (O) Hutchinson, Alberta SKU: 122725 | 9780486456942 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 02/02/2007 NATIVE SPIRIT ORACLE CARDS: A 44-Card Deck & Guidebook Linn, Denise SKU: 122070 | 9781401945930 | $17.99 Sub: Divination Tools: Cards, Decks & Sets PubDate: 11/03/2015 OIL DIFFUSER, ELEPHANT VINE (3” soapstone) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122761 | 9789991584843 | $11.90 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 OIL DIFFUSER, LABYRINTH SWIRL (3.5” soapstone w/glass bowl) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122763 | 9789991584867 | $15.90 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 OIL DIFFUSER, STARRY NIGHT (3.5” one piece soapstone) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122764 | 9789991584874 | $7.90 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines OIL DIFFUSER, TWO-TONE SUN /MOON/OM (5” soapstone w/glass bowl) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122770 | 9789991584928 | $29.90 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines OIL DIFFUSER, WISE OWL (5” three-piece soapstone) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122766 | 9789991584898 | $17.00 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 MY FIRST MANDALAS: Animals --Dover Coloring Book (O) Pomaska, Anna SKU: 122614 | 9780486475585 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 03/24/2010 MY FIRST MANDALAS: Nature--Dover Coloring Book (O) Pomaska, Anna SKU: 122615 | 9780486487083 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/22/2012 OIL DIFFUSER, ZEN BLACK (4.5” soapstone) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122768 | 9789991584904 | $15.90 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 27 OIL, TRILOKA/PERFUME--EVENING BREEZE (1 dram; to use as perfume or in fragrance diffuser) OIL, TRILOKA/PERFUME--MIDNIGHT SPICE (1 dram; to use as perfume or in fragrance diffuser) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122748 | 9789991584812 | $7.00 Sub: Oils: Aromatherapy & Perfume Oils PubDate: 09/01/2015 Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122749 | 9789991584829 | $7.00 Sub: Oils: Aromatherapy & Perfume Oils PubDate: 09/02/2015 OIL, TRILOKA/PERFUME--FLORAL GODDESS (1 dram; to use as perfume or in fragrance diffuser) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122746 | 9789991584799 | $7.00 Sub: Oils: Aromatherapy & Perfume Oils PubDate: 09/01/2015 OIL, TRILOKA/PERFUME--GREEN TEA (1 dram; to use as perfume or in fragrance diffuser) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122745 | 9789991584782 | $7.00 Sub: Oils: Aromatherapy & Perfume Oils PubDate: 09/01/2015 OIL, TRILOKA/PERFUME--SUMMER GARDEN (1 dram; to use as perfume or in fragrance diffuser) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122750 | 9789991584836 | $7.00 Sub: Oils: Aromatherapy & Perfume Oils PubDate: 09/01/2015 OIL DIFFUSER, ANTIQUE COPPER (5” copper) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122769 | 9789991584911 | $19.50 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 OIL DIFFUSER, INTRICATE ELEPHANT (4.25” soapstone) OIL, TRILOKA/PERFUME--LILAC (1 dram; to use as perfume or in fragrance diffuser) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122711 | 9789991584768 | $7.00 Sub: Oils: Aromatherapy & Perfume Oils PubDate: 08/31/2015 Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122765 | 9789991584881 | $15.90 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 OIL DIFFUSER, OM MINI (3.5” two-piece soapstone) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122762 | 9789991584850 | $7.90 Sub: Aromatherapy Sidelines PubDate: 09/02/2015 OIL, TRILOKA/PERFUME--LOTUS (1 dram; to use as perfume or in fragrance diffuser) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122744 | 9789991584775 | $7.00 Sub: Oils: Aromatherapy & Perfume Oils PubDate: 09/01/2015 OWLS: Spark Coloring Book (O) Dahlen, Noelle SKU: 122609 | 9780486802114 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/17/2015 PAISLEY DESIGNS: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) OIL, TRILOKA/PERFUME--MAUI SUNSHINE (1 dram; to use as perfume or in fragrance diffuser) Windrose Trading Co. SKU: 122747 | 9789991584805 | $7.00 Sub: Oils: Aromatherapy & Perfume Oils PubDate: 09/01/2015 Noble, Marty SKU: 122496 | 9780486484273 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/23/2014 PAISLEY DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Baker, Kelly A. & Baker, Robin J. & Noble, Marty SKU: 122471 | 9780486803555 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/17/2015 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 28 PAISLEY DESIGNS: Creative Haven Stained Glass Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122486 | 9780486798301 | $7.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/22/2014 SAINTS STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) Green, John SKU: 122667 | 9780486479095 | $6.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/20/2011 PAISLEY MANDALAS: Designs With A Splash Of Color--Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) SEA LIFE COLOR BY NUMBER: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Kerrigan, Shala SKU: 122481 | 9780486805351 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/19/2015 Toufexis, George SKU: 122464 | 9780486797953 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 02/18/2015 PATHWORK QUILT DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) SEA LIFE DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Schmidt, Carol SKU: 122619 | 9780486780313 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 01/23/2014 Montgomery, Kelly SKU: 122468 | 9780486490885 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/24/2012 PEACOCK DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) SEASCAPES: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122616 | 9780486779966 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 04/23/2014 Wynne, Patricia J. SKU: 122470 | 9780486494234 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 05/22/2013 POLYNESIAN DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) SIMPLY ABSTRACT: Creative Haven Stained Glass Coloring Book (O) Siuda, Erik SKU: 122462 | 9780486789651 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/17/2014 Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122485 | 9780486798318 | $7.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/22/2014 RING CYCLE TAROT (78-card deck & 256-page book) SKYSCAPES: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Printz, Allegra SKU: 122561 | 9780764348174 | $45.00 Sub: Tarot & Divinatory Sets PubDate: 09/28/2015 Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122467 | 9780486488349 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/24/2012 RUMI ORACLE CARDS: An Invitation into the Heart of the Divine (44 Cards, 204 pg. gdebook packaged in hard box set) Fairchild, Alana & , Rassouli SKU: 122521 | 9781922161680 | $23.95 Sub: Divination Tools: Cards, Decks & Sets PubDate: 11/01/2015 SACRED YANTRA COLORING BOOK (O) Stegenga, Wil SKU: 122663 | 9780486470818 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/21/2009 SNOWFLAKE DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Smith, A G SKU: 122466 | 9780486791852 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/23/2014 SNOWFLAKE MANDALAS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122475 | 9780486803760 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/19/2015 29 SOLFEGGIO MANDALA ACTIVATION GUIDE COLORING BOOK 4: The Natural Frequencies (O) Prout, Susan SKU: 122588 | 9780988854567 | $11.00 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/25/2015 TRUE LOVE STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) Miller, Eileen Rudisill SKU: 122670 | 9780486478357 | $6.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 12/17/2010 SOLFEGGIO MANDALA MEDITATION DECK 4: The Natural Frequencies (nine 3.25” x 3.75” cards) VISUAL ILLUSIONS: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Prout, Susan SKU: 122606 | 9780988854574 | $11.00 Sub: Inspirational Decks & Cards PubDate: 07/25/2015 Horemis, Spyros & Sato, Koichi SKU: 122497 | 9780486489261 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/14/2011 SPELLBINDING DESIGNS: Creative Haven Stained Glass Coloring Book (O) Androshak, Maxine SKU: 122715 | 9780486797755 | $7.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/02/2015 STARBURSTS STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) VOODOO YOU LOVE? The Black Magic Guide To Getting Lucky, Getting Even & Getting Over It! (includes voodoo doll, 8 pins & illustrated book) Helmes, Amy SKU: 122536 | 9781454916864 | $14.95 Sub: Miscellaneous Sidelines PubDate: 10/06/2015 WILD ANIMAL PORTRAITS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Smith, A G SKU: 122674 | 9780486444604 | $1.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/30/2005 Hunter, Llyn SKU: 122479 | 9780486791760 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/15/2015 STEAMPUNK FASHIONS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) WILD HORSES: Creative Haven Stained Glass Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122626 | 9780486797489 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/16/2015 Noble, Marty SKU: 122484 | 9780486798288 | $7.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/22/2014 SUN, MOON AND STARS: Spark Coloring Book (O) WILDLIFE COLOR BY NUMBER: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Swanson, Maggie SKU: 122608 | 9780486802169 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/17/2015 Pereira, Diego Jourdan SKU: 122478 | 9780486798561 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/19/2015 TARTAN DESIGNS: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) WINTERSCAPES: Creative Haven Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122461 | 9780486786254 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/17/2014 Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122581 | 9780486791869 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/23/2014 TROPICAL WORLD: A Coloring Book Adventure (O) Marotta, Millie SKU: 122543 | 9781454709138 | $14.95 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/08/2015 WONDROUS WIZARDS COLORING BOOK (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122600 | 9780486456669 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/26/2007 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 30 WORLD OF DRAGONS COLORING BOOK (O) Roytman, Arkady SKU: 122599 | 9780486494456 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 05/21/2014 ZEN DOODLE UNLEASHED: Freeform Tangle Art You Can Draw & Color (O) Lovering, Tiffany SKU: 122743 | 9781440342707 | $22.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/23/2015 ZEN DOODLE: Oodles Of Doodles (O) Jenny, Tonia SKU: 122741 | 9781440336591 | $19.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 01/02/2015 ZEN DOODLE: Tons Of Tangles (O) Jenny, Tonia & Dallmann-Jones, Amy SKU: 122742 | 9781440332104 | $19.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/11/2013 Wellness Books ADHD WORKBOOK FOR KIDS: Helping Children Gain Self-Confidence, Social Skills & Self-Control (O) Shapiro, Lawrence E. SKU: 122510 | 9781572247666 | $16.95 Sub: Hyperactivity & A D D PubDate: 05/01/2010 BLUE BOTTLE MYSTERY: An Asperger Adventure Hoopmann, Kathy & Smith, Rachael SKU: 121952 | 9781849056502 | $13.95 Sub: Autism Spectrum Disorders PubDate: 11/21/2015 BODY INTELLIGENCE: Harness Your Body’s Energies For Your Best Life (H) Cardillo, Joseph SKU: 122289 | 9781582705187 | $24.00 Sub: Anatomy & Physiology PubDate: 11/03/2015 BREAKING VEGAN: One Woman’s Journey From Veganism & Extreme Dieting To A More Balanced Life Younger, Jordan SKU: 121664 | 9781592337002 | $21.99 Sub: Nutrition: General PubDate: 11/01/2015 BREAST CANCER CLEAR & SIMPLE: All Your Questions Answered American Cancer Society SKU: 121827 | 9781604432367 | $14.95 Sub: Cancer PubDate: 11/01/2015 CHANGE YOUR BRAIN, CHANGE YOUR LIFE: The Breakthrough Program For Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Lack Of Focus, Anger & Memory Problems--Revised & Expanded Amen, Daniel G SKU: 121894 | 9781101904640 | $17.00 Sub: Memory & Brain Fitness PubDate: 11/03/2015 CONCISE HANDBOOK TO ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES: A Practical Guide To Natural Treatments & What They Do (H) Evans, Mark SKU: 122547 | 9780754830757 | $13.99 Sub: Complementary Or Integrated Medicine PubDate: 10/07/2015 CRYSTALS & CRYSTAL HEALING: Harnessing The Unique Power Of Crystals & Gemstones For Health & Inner Harmony With Over 200 Beautiful Photographs (H) Lilly, Simon SKU: 122549 | 9780754830399 | $9.99 Sub: Crystal & Gemstone Healing PubDate: 04/07/2015 CULTURED FOOD FOR HEALTH: A Guide To Healing Yourself With Probiotic Foods Schwenk, Donna SKU: 122072 | 9781401947835 | $19.99 Sub: Nutrition: General PubDate: 11/03/2015 EMOTIONAL TERRORISM: Breaking the Chains of a Toxic Relationship Leonard, PhD., Erin K. SKU: 122501 | 9781623860059 | $16.95 Sub: Emotional & Mental Health PubDate: 08/11/2014 ENERGY HEALING FOR ANIMALS: A Hands-On Guide For Enhancing The Health, Longevity & Happiness Of Your Pets Ranquet, Joan SKU: 121578 | 9781604076714 | $16.95 Sub: Pet & Animal Care PubDate: 11/01/2015 ESSENTIAL OILS FOR BEAUTY, WELLNESS AND THE HOME: 100 Natural, Non-Toxic Recipes For The Beginner & Beyond Atkinson, Alicia SKU: 122247 | 9781634504959 | $14.99 Sub: Aromatherapy & Essential Oils PubDate: 11/03/2015 31 FOOD ALLERGY COOKBOOK: A Guide To Living With Allergies & Entertaining With Healthy, Delicious Meals Nelson, Carmel & Ibrisimovic, Amra SKU: 122537 | 9781632203441 | $16.99 Sub: Food Medicine PubDate: 06/16/2015 HEALTHY VEGETARIAN: Special Edition Cookbook (O) Null, Gary SKU: 121876 | 9781942332053 | $31.95 Sub: Cookbooks: Vegetarian PubDate: 11/20/2015 FOOD IS MEDICINE, VOL.1: The Scientific Evidence (H) HYPNOBIRTHING: The Mongan Method--A Natural Approach To A Safe, Easier, More Comfortable Birthing (revised edition) Clement, Brian SKU: 122560 | 9781570672743 | $29.95 Sub: Food Medicine PubDate: 05/01/2012 Mongan, Marie F SKU: 121641 | 9780757318375 | $19.95 Sub: Pregnancy, Childbirth & Breastfeeding PubDate: 11/01/2015 FOOD IS MEDICINE, VOL.2: Edible Plant Foods, Fruits & Spices From A To Z --Evidence For Their Healing Properties (H) IDIOT’S GUIDES: Overcoming Anxiety Johnston, Joni E SKU: 122701 | 9781615646333 | $21.95 Sub: Stress Reduction & Relaxation PubDate: 11/04/2014 Clement, Brian SKU: 122559 | 9781570673009 | $39.95 Sub: Food Medicine PubDate: 10/01/2013 FOOD IS MEDICINE, VOL.3: Foods That Undermine Your Health (H) IDIOT’S GUIDES: Pilates Paden, Linda SKU: 122702 | 9781615646517 | $19.95 Sub: Pilates PubDate: 12/02/2014 Clement, Brian SKU: 122558 | 9781570673214 | $29.95 Sub: Food Medicine PubDate: 10/27/2014 IDIOT’S GUIDES: Reflexology HAPPY VEGAN: A Guide To Living A Long, Healthy & Successful Life (H) Flocco, Bill SKU: 122703 | 9781615646548 | $19.95 Sub: Acupressure, Reflexology & Shiatsu PubDate: 12/02/2014 Simmons, Russell & Morrow, Chris SKU: 120475 | 9781592409327 | $20.00 Sub: Vegetarianism & Veganism PubDate: 11/03/2015 HEALING SMOOTHIES: 100 Research-Based, Delicious Recipes That Provide Nutrition Support For Cancer Prevention & Recovery (H) Chace, Daniella SKU: 122542 | 9781632204479 | $16.99 Sub: Juices & Juicing PubDate: 07/07/2015 INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE FOR SPECIAL NEEDS: Easy-To-Learn, Adaptable Techniques To Reduce Anxiety & Promote Wellbeing Fenwick, Giuliana SKU: 121938 | 9781848192751 | $24.95 Sub: Massage PubDate: 11/21/2015 IYENGAR YOGA: Classic Yoga Postures For Mind, Body & Spirit (H) (new edition) HEALING WAYS: An Integrative Health Sourcebook Parente, Matilde SKU: 121644 | 9781438006376 | $14.99 Sub: Complementary Or Integrated Medicine PubDate: 11/01/2015 Smith, Judy SKU: 122544 | 9780754830764 | $16.99 Sub: Hatha Yoga PubDate: 07/07/2015 LIVING PAIN-FREE: Natural & Spiritual Solutions To Eliminate Physical Pain (q) HEALTHY BODY: Balance Your Hormones & Shred Fat For Life (O) Matterson, Sally SKU: 121914 | 9781925017526 | $19.95 Sub: Weight Management PubDate: 11/01/2015 Virtue, Doreen & Reeves, Robert SKU: 122073 | 9781401944124 | $14.99 Sub: Pain Relief PubDate: 11/17/2015 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 32 MEDICAL MEDIUM: Secrets Behind Chronic & Mystery Illness & How To Finally Heal (H) QUANTUM HEALING: Exploring The Frontiers Of Mind/ Body Medicine--Revised & Updated William, Anthony SKU: 122087 | 9781401948290 | $26.99 Sub: Chronic Illness PubDate: 11/10/2015 Chopra, Deepak SKU: 121886 | 9781101884973 | $16.00 Sub: Body/Mind & Psychoneuroimmunology * PubDate: 11/17/2015 MEDICINAL PLANTS AT HOME: More Than 100 Easy, Practical & Efficient Natural Remedies (O) Luengo, Maria Transito Lopez & Ariso, Carlota Manez SKU: 122263 | 9781634504560 | $19.99 Sub: Herbs: Medicinal, Healing & Herbals PubDate: 11/03/2015 MINDFUL TEEN: Powerful Skills To Help You Handle Stress One Moment At A Time Vo, Dzung X. SKU: 122508 | 9781626250802 | $16.95 Sub: Stress Reduction & Relaxation PubDate: 04/01/2015 MODERN JUICER: 52 Dairy-Free Drink Recipes Using Rice, Oats, Barley, Soy & Vegetables (H) del Mar Gomez, Maria SKU: 122538 | 9781632204899 | $16.99 Sub: Juices & Juicing PubDate: 07/07/2015 NATURAL SCENT THERAPY: How To Use The Fragrance Of Flowers, Herbs & Essential Oils For Health & Wellbeing (H) Airey, Raje SKU: 122548 | 9780754830924 | $9.99 Sub: Aromatherapy & Essential Oils PubDate: 10/07/2015 RAW FOOD NUTRITIONAL HANDBOOK: An Essential Guide To Understanding Raw Food Diets Dina, Karin & Dina, Rick SKU: 122557 | 9781570673276 | $14.95 Sub: Raw Foods & Fruitarianism PubDate: 06/01/2015 REFLEXOLOGY: A Step-By-Step Guide To Therapeutic Healing With The Hands & Feet (H) Oxenford, Rosalind SKU: 122550 | 9780754830672 | $9.99 Sub: Acupressure, Reflexology & Shiatsu PubDate: 10/07/2015 SEAHORSE’S MAGICAL SUN SEQUENCES: How All Children (And Sea Creatures) Can Use Yoga To Feel Positive, Confident & Completely Included (H) Chissick, Michael SKU: 121940 | 9781848192836 | $19.95 Sub: Children’s Health PubDate: 11/21/2015 STRESS PANDEMIC: 9 Natural Steps To Break The Cycle Of Stress & Thrive (2nd edition) Huljich, Paul SKU: 122779 | 9780984820405 | $24.95 Sub: Stress Reduction & Relaxation PubDate: 10/01/2014 PALEO PLANET: Primal Foods From The Global Kitchen, With More Than 125 Recipes STRESS REDUCTION WORKBOOK FOR TEENS: Mindfulness Skills To Help You Deal With Stress (O) Winkler, Rebecca SKU: 122428 | 9781558328532 | $24.95 Sub: Cookbooks: Special Diets PubDate: 11/03/2015 Biegel, Gina M. SKU: 122511 | 9781572246973 | $15.95 Sub: Stress Reduction & Relaxation PubDate: 01/02/2010 PALM BEACH PAIN RELIEF SYSTEM: A Clinically-Proven, Natural & Integrative Approach To Healing Chronic Pain, Arthritis & Injuries SUPER GENES: The Key To Health & Well-Being (H) Nuchovich, Daniel SKU: 121878 | 9781942332015 | $19.95 Sub: Pain Relief PubDate: 11/20/2015 Chopra, Deepak & Tanzi, Rudolph E SKU: 121892 | 9780804140133 | $26.00 Sub: Healing PubDate: 11/10/2015 PRACTICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HOME REMEDIES & NATURAL THERAPIES: Medicinal Herbs, Yoga, Healing, Massage SUPERNOURISHMENT FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER: A Practical Nutritional Approach To Optimizing Diet For Whole Brain & Body Health Evans, Mark SKU: 122552 | 9781780194585 | $18.99 Sub: Complementary Or Integrated Medicine PubDate: 10/07/2015 Muller, Angelette SKU: 121943 | 9781849053839 | $21.95 Sub: Autism Spectrum Disorders PubDate: 11/21/2015 33 TRAUMA IS REALLY STRANGE CHRISTMAS STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) Haines, Steve SKU: 121941 | 9781848192935 | $12.95 Sub: Pain Relief PubDate: 11/21/2015 Menten, Ted SKU: 122643 | 9780486211190 | $6.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/01/1973 CRAZY CHRISTMAS: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) VEGETARIAN CHEF: Mastering The Art Of Recipe-Free Cooking (O) Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122639 | 9780486484099 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/21/2011 Crowther, Susan SKU: 122541 | 9781632203298 | $16.99 Sub: Vegetarianism & Veganism PubDate: 06/16/2015 WHY SMART MEN DO THE SAME DUMB THINGS: A Warrior’s Manual For Change CREATE YOUR OWN MANDALAS: Fantasy Debacque, Pascal SKU: 122754 | 9780486493732 | $6.99 Sub: Activity Books PubDate: 11/21/2013 Tatsuguchi, Rosalie K. SKU: 122684 | 9781935690665 | $16.95 Sub: Emotional & Mental Health PubDate: 09/15/2015 CREATE YOUR OWN MANDALAS: Nature WHY SMART PEOPLE DO THE SAME DUMB THINGS: Causes & Cures From Buddhism & Science Tatsuguchi, Rosalie K. SKU: 122685 | 9781935690191 | $16.95 Sub: Emotional & Mental Health PubDate: 05/31/2012 FLORAL DESIGNS: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) YOUR WATER FOOTPRINT: The Shocking Facts About How Much Water We Use To Make Everyday Products (O) Baker, Robin J. & Mazurkiewicz, Jessica & Baker, Kelly A. SKU: 122492 | 9780486489339 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/14/2011 FLOWER POWER! 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Leahy, Stephen SKU: 122564 | 9781770852952 | $19.95 Sub: Water PubDate: 10/17/2014 Baker, Robin J. & Baker, Kelly A. SKU: 122490 | 9780486490120 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 11/21/2012 Wellness Video IREST YOGA NIDRA: Restorative Practices For Health, Resiliency & Well-Being (6 CD) (Special Order Only) Miller, Richard SKU: 122128 | 9781622035366 | $69.95 Sub: Yoga PubDate: 11/01/2015 Young Readers Books GEOMETRIX: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Bishop, Jennifer Lynn & Horemis, Spyros SKU: 122489 | 9780486489278 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/14/2011 GEOSCAPES: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) ABSTRACTIONS: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122491 | 9780486484167 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 08/20/2014 Debacque, Pascal SKU: 122755 | 9780486493756 | $6.99 Sub: Activity Books PubDate: 11/21/2013 David, Hop SKU: 122493 | 9780486489308 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/20/2011 NEW LEAF DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1-800-326-2665 34 HAPPY HALLOWEEN COLORING BOOK (O) Hall, Susan T. SKU: 122598 | 9780486492186 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/19/2013 MOTHER EARTH AND HER CHILDREN: A Quilted Fairy Tale (O) Von Olfers, Sibylle & Zipes, Jack & Schoen-Smith, Sieglinde SKU: 121821 | 9781933308500 | $12.95 Sub: Picture Storybooks PubDate: 11/01/2015 HAPPY HALLOWEEN STAINED GLASS JR COLORING BOOK (O) MY AMAZING DAY: A Celebration of Wonder and Gratitude (H) (board book) Beylon, Cathy SKU: 122641 | 9780486498720 | $3.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/18/2012 Fisher-Golton, Karin & Cheung, Photographer, Lori A. & Iwamiya, Designer, Elizabeth SKU: 122499 | 9780989614511 | $8.99 Sub: Bedtime Books PubDate: 11/13/2015 HORSES: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Noble, Marty SKU: 122668 | 9780486494746 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 03/19/2014 IMPOSSIBLE COLORING BOOK: Can You Color These Amazing Visual Illusions? (O) Sarcone, Gianni & Waeber, Marie Jo SKU: 122556 | 9780785831259 | $7.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 05/01/2014 KID’S GUIDE TO EXPLORING NATURE Brooklyn Botanic Garden Educators SKU: 122682 | 9781889538891 | $12.95 Sub: Nature & Environment PubDate: 09/01/2015 MERRY CHRISTMAS! STAINED GLASS COLORING BOOK (O) Menten, Ted & Green, John & Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122644 | 9780486469447 | $12.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 09/03/2008 MINDFULNESS COLORING BOOK: Anti-Stress Art Therapy For Busy People Farrarons, Emma SKU: 122545 | 9781615192823 | $9.95 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 06/02/2015 MOSAIC MADNESS: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Mazurkiewicz, Jessica SKU: 122494 | 9780486481043 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/20/2010 MOTHER EARTH AND HER CHILDREN COLORING BOOK: Color The Wonderful World Of Nature As You See It! 24 Magical, Mythical Coloring Scenes (O) Von Olfers, Sibylle & Zipes, Jack & Schoen-Smith, Sieglinde SKU: 121822 | 9781933308548 | $6.95 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 11/01/2015 MY FIRST GEOMETRIC DESIGNS: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Pomaska, Anna SKU: 122495 | 9780486481104 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/20/2010 ORANGUTAN: A Day In The Rainforest Canopy (H) Goldner, Rita SKU: 122239 | 9780983633358 | $17.95 Sub: Nature & Environment PubDate: 11/01/2015 SACRED NATURE: Coloring Experiences For The Mystical & Magical (Coloring Books For The Soul) (O) Hess, Lydia SKU: 122576 | 9780062434388 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/06/2015 SACRED SYMBOLS: Coloring Experiences For The Mystical & Magical (Coloring Books For The Soul) (O) Hess, Lydia SKU: 122577 | 9780062434258 | $9.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 10/06/2015 TURNED UPSIDE DOWN: A Flip Book - Turning Upside Down Right Side Up... By Connecting With the Other Side (H) Tache, Teana & Keesler (Illust.), Karen SKU: 122767 | 9780989603201 | $17.95 Sub: Death & Dying PubDate: 10/02/2013 VAMPIRES & ZOMBIES: 3-Dimensional Coloring Book (O) Dutton, Michael & Roytman, Arkady SKU: 122640 | 9780486484150 | $5.99 Sub: Coloring Books PubDate: 07/21/2011 35 May the search be for service rather than POWER or CURIOSITY, and the quest be for BALANCE and HARMONY... My life changed dramatically at age thirty with a spontaneous kundalini experience and I was led into a cosmos of many dimensions. My path is unique due to my own background, upbringing, philosophy and experiences. From these I have written a handbook that will help teach the reader to journey and evolve towards ascension and use wisdom to differentiate between intuition, and psychism, and truth and illusion. With the intent of teaching and passing on what I have learned, I offer, Ascension Journey and Crossover, a Handbook for Healing Towards Ascension. - Judith Marie McLean Ph.D Published by: Judith M. McLean 309 Pages $20.00 ISBN 9781499501735 The Search for Meaning in Civilizations Gone Missing History Between the Lines, and Connections Beyond the Galaxy. g om in Fr Ris ew is N ant tl A FORGOTTEN ORIGINS Rescuing Order From Chaos Considered by many to be the magazine of record for ancient mysteries, future science, and unexplained anomalies, Atlantis Rising® provides some of the most astounding reading to be found anywhere. Who we are and where we come from are the eternal mysteries that have engaged humanity for millennia. Evidence for human origins—our biology, technology, intellect, and spirituality—spans realms from scientific research to the bible to mystical traditions to clues that point us to alien beginnings. Today’s information highway has provided us with a great stew of information; what we have been missing is the lens through which we can focus that information and rescue order from chaos. Editor J. Douglas Kenyon has culled from the pages of Atlantis Rising magazine this collection of 34 concise and well-illustrated articles by world-class researchers and theoreticians such as Colin Wilson, Frank Joseph, Steven Sora, David Childress, Philip Coppens, and many others, who offer thought-provoking insights from the lost secrets of ancient and primordial wisdom. About the Editor: FORGOTTEN ORIGINS Rescuing Order From Chaos J. Douglas Kenyon Atlantis Rising 256 pages • $16.95 ISBN: 9780990690412 J. Douglas Kenyon is the editor and publisher of Atlantis Rising magazine. He is also the editor of Forbidden History, Forbidden Science, and Forbidden Religion. 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