Shure WireleSS Frequency Guide
Shure WireleSS Frequency Guide
DISTRIBUTION UK Fold-out Overview of Shure Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions Shure Wireless Frequency Guide Digital Switchover compliant Channel 69 to 38 Switchover Information Shure Distribution UK Unit 2, The IO Centre, Lea Road, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 1AS Copyright © Shure UK 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without Shure UKs permission. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this brochure is correct, we accept no liability in respect of errors or omissions. All specifications are subject to change without prior notice, correct at time of print, for the latest updates visit our website at E&OE. SWFG07/13 T: +44 (0)1992 703058 F: +44 (0)1992 703057 E: © 2013 Shure Incorporated. 31 Shure are a proud sponsor member of Overview of Shure Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions: G10E (470-542 MHz) L8E (626-698 MHz) K3E (606-630 MHz) K14 (614-638 MHz) Operates within 2.4 GHz band - Licence Free Globally Operates within 2.4 GHz band - Licence Free Globally G5E (494-518 MHz) K3E (606-630 MHz) G4E (470-494 MHz) L4E (638-662 MHz) G5E (494-518 MHz) G4E (470-494 MHz) ULX-D G51 (470-534 MHz) K51 (606-670 MHz) Q2 (748-784 MHz) L4E (638-662 MHz) L51 (632-698 MHz) S6 (838-865 MHz) T1 (846-865 MHz) P51 (710-782 MHz) M5E (694-758 MHz) R9 (790-865 MHz) L3E (638-698 MHz) UHF-R 470 478 486 21 22 494 502 23 Q5 (740-814 MHz) P8 (710-790 MHz) J5E (578-638 MHz) G1E (470-530 MHz) 24 510 518 25 26 526 27 534 28 542 29 550 30 558 31 566 32 574 33 582 34 590 35 598 36 S3 (829-865 MHz) P4 (702-726 MHz) K4E (606-666 MHz) H4E (518-578 MHz) S6 (838-865 MHz) M2 (662-698 MHz) K3E (606-630 MHz) H51 (534-598 MHz) Operates within 2.4 GHz band - Licence Free Globally P4 (702-726 MHz) K2E (606-642 MHz) G3E (470-506 MHz) FP TV CHANNEL Q15 (750-790 MHz) P8 (710-790 MHz) J8E (578-638 MHz) GLX D MHz P7 (702-742 MHz) L9E (670-742 MHz) BLX TOTAL Compliance Assured. L6E (656-692 MHz) K10E (596-670 MHz) PSM 1000 ULX S5 (842-865 MHz) Q3 (749-782 MHz) K1E (596-632 MHz) G7E (506-542 MHz) PSM 900 G6E (470-506 MHz) SLX Cleared Spectrum as a result of Digital Switchover. No longer available for wireless microphones and In-Ear Monitoring Systems from 1st January 2013. Interleaved Spectrum available for wireless microphones and inear monitoring systems now and beyond Digital Switchover 2012. Please contact JFMG for licensing and availability in your area. K9E (606-638 MHz) PSM 200 De-Regulated 863-865MHz, License Free now and beyond 2012 Cleared Spectrum as a result of Digital Switchover. Available for wireless microphones and In-Ear Monitoring Systems until at least April 1st, 2013. Channel 38 available for licensing now. Interleaved Spectrum available for wireless microphones and In-Ear Monitoring systems now and beyond Digital Switchover 2012. Please contact JFMG for licensing and availability in your area. Shure Wireless Product Range This table illustrates all the usable frequency versions for the United Kingdom. Channel 38 is highlighted in yellow. 606 37 38 614 622 39 630 40 638 41 646 42 654 43 662 44 670 45 678 46 686 47 694 48 702 49 710 718 50 51 726 52 734 53 742 54 750 55 758 56 766 774 57 58 782 59 790 60 798 61 806 62 814 63 822 830 64 65 838 66 846 67 854 68 862 69 865 70 WHAT LEGENDARY PERFORMANCE MEANS TO SHURE We believe that the phrase legendary performance should not be used lightly. At Shure, we take its connotations seriously and use past accomplishments as a foundation and roadmap for the future. We start by thinking about performance as it relates to our products, and we work hard to ensure that they remain the “gold standard” of quality, reliability, and durability. Equally, we are always conscious of our performance as an industry leader. We are committed to developing products that will provide the same high quality and reliability tomorrow as they do today. We also rate our performance in the context of our relationships. Enabling others to fulfil their potential drives us to provide the best service, support and training possible. In this respect, we like to share our knowledge freely. Ultimately, our 88-year heritage has been built on a diverse and storied foundation of legendary performances, and all of our activities revolve around optimising and enabling your best performance. 3 A NEW BEGINNING The end of 2012 also marked the beginning of the end for the audio, broadcast and entertainment industries’ access to the 800MHz RF band for radio microphone use, including the dedicated Channel 69, which has been cleared. What does this mean, why is it important, and what happens next? The Great Spectrum Rush Today there is far more commercial interest in wireless RF (Radio Frequency) spectrum than there ever was. The last 15 years have seen the explosion of mobile telephones, and then, in rapid succession, the demand to have fast wireless internet access available on these devices. It’s fair to say that with the increasing use of social media on smartphones alongside ‘traditional’ mobile phone use, RF spectrum has never before been in such widespread everyday use by the general public. Consequently, rights and licenses to use that spectrum are now big business in a way they never were before. In recognition of this fact, when the UK government announced the analogue-to-digital television switchover in 2003, it was immediately followed by plans to auction off the rights to use those portions of the RF spectrum that would no longer be needed for the transmission of analogue TV signals after 2012. The spectrum auction process and the income it would generate for the UK government from the highest bidders became known as the Digital Dividend Review. A Brief History of the Digital Dividend Review (DDR) From Analogue to Digital TV In the past, our televisions at home have received an analogue signal. In 2003, the UK Government announced that all analogue TV transmitters would be shut off and replaced by new digital transmitters and that the current spectrum used by analogue TV transmitters would be auctioned away to new services, most likely mobile broadband. This announcement created a problem for major productions as wireless microphones and in-ear monitoring systems in the UK have always shared the same spectrum as analogue television. 4 about channel 38 Channel 69 – The Old Home of Wireless Mic’s and In-Ear Monitors (IEM) This development was only of passing interest to the majority of people working in the creative AV and broadcast industries (or PMSE, Program Making & Special Events) until 2007, when it became apparent that Ofcom was also thinking about auctioning off Channel 69 (854862MHz), which had been dedicated for use by radio microphones in the UK. It had been understood that Channel 69 would not be affected by the Digital Switchover but the World Radio Conference in 2007 changed everything. The newly announced European plan was to completely clear the so-called ‘800MHz band’ of spectrum (which covers 790-862MHz) for eventual use by next generation 4G mobile broadband services across the EU, leading to Europe-wide economies of scale for the providers of such services. It was thus no surprise, that shortly thereafter, Ofcom changed its original plans and included both channels 61 and 62 along with Channel 69 in the auction process which according to Ofcom, were in the interests of harmonisation with Europe. With this announcement the future of Channel 69 was abruptly ended and wireless users of all levels were left in a desperate situation with virtually no spectrum at all beyond 2012. From Channel 69 to Channel 38 – The New Home of Wireless Mic’s and In-Ear Monitors Intensive lobbying by the likes of BEIRG, the British Entertainment Industry Radio Group, and the specially formed Save Our Sound UK campaign, as well as high-profile individuals and industry bodies representing equipment manufacturers, achieved some advances for the PSME cause. Channel 38 was announced as the replacement for Channel 69 on June 30th 2009, and is setup in a similar fashion to Channel 69 as being the only Ofcom recognised and protected home for PMSE equipment meaning that we are not sharing spectrum with other harmful unlicensed devices such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi etc. that occupy other bands such as 2.4GHz. Channel 38 is available for licensed use now and also when 4G services are expected to be launched in the 800MHz band. Along with Channel 38, the PMSE industry has been granted access to the bands in which the new digital television (DTV) transmitters exist in meaning that we can share this spectrum on an interleaved basis much like we used to share the spectrum with analogue TV in the 800MHz band. 5 WHAT NEXT As we bid Channel 69 and the rest of the 800MHz band farewell, how do you know what wireless system is appropriate to use now and in the coming years? What is certain is that it is now illegal to use radio microphones and IEM systems in the 800MHz band. The 800MHz band has been allocated to mobile broadband operators who plan on launching 4G services around Autumn 2013. Anyone who carries on operating wireless equipment in this band will not only be subject to extremely high levels of interference from mobile devices but more importantly will be illegally using this block of spectrum. All Shure systems are specifically engineered to operate in the UK bands to provide our customers future proof products and as a result of the global changes to spectrum re-allocation Shure has invested a lot of time and resources into developing new and ground-breaking products. Some of these technologies, such as those in Shure’s Axient systems, offer users the ability to change frequencies seamlessly if interference is detected, and ULX-D sets a new standard for spectrum efficiency. Understanding spectrum regulation in full is difficult to grasp and Shure has been at the forefront of the discussions not only in the UK, but also in Europe as well as the United States for close to 10 years now. We are dedicated to providing our customers with all the necessary information to make the transition as smooth as possible as well as complimenting this information with the latest in wireless technology. 6 . SWITCHOVER TIMETABLE & FAQ‘S FAQ’s What is the 2012 Digital Switchover (DSO)? The analogue to digital TV switchover is Government policy. It will mean that almost everyone will be able to receive digital TV through an aerial. Digital TV uses less broadcast space which means that now the switchover is complete, there is more room for new services such as wireless broadband (4G), local TV and High Definition Television (HDTV). Why does it affect wireless microphone & IEM users? The 800MHz (TV Channels 61-69) band is no longer used for TV broadcast. The 800MHz band was previously used by wireless microphones alongside broadcast. Ofcom has cleared the 800MHz band to match spectrum being released in other European countries (European Harmonisation). This will benefit people across the UK because the spectrum will be able to be used for next-generation mobile broadband services in the form of 4G. What frequencies are affected? 550-606MHz (TV channels 31-37) and 790-862MHz (TV channels 61-69). What happens to the European harmonised de-regulated licence-free spectrum between 863–865MHz? The de-regulated licence-free spectrum (863-865MHz) remains untouched by DSO. If you are currently operating in this area of spectrum, you are free to carry on using it now even after the 2012 DSO. However with the introduction of 4G, Ofcom recently conducted a study on potential interference from 4G services into 863-865MHz. The results of the study can be found here. 7 WHICH FREQUENCIES CAN I USE FOR WIRELESS MICROPHONES & IEM’S? 1. TV Channel 38 (606-614MHz) has been officially announced by Ofcom as the replacement for TV channel 69 (854-862MHz). Note A Shared Licence allows wireless mics and IEM systems to be used in Channels 38. Contact the Joint Frequency Management Group (JFMG) on for information. Note The availability of Channel 38 can also be checked using the online ‘Look Up Tool’ from JMFG on 2. 470-550MHz (TV Channels 21-30) and 630-790MHz (TV Channels 41-60) is available now and post 2012 for wireless microphones and IEM’s on an interleaved basis. These are to be used for large events, fixed installations and other special project events only and require a unique licence. Refer to 550-606 (TV Channels 31-37) is also available for PMSE on a 6 month rolling notice period. 3. The deregulated licence-free spectrum 863-865MHz remains untouched by DSO. 8 frequency changes Table showing current availability of UK TV channels for use by wireless microphones and IEMs. TV Channel 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Frequency Range 470478MHz 478486MHz 486494MHz 494502MHz 502510MHz 510518MHz 518526MHz TV Channel 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Frequency Range 526534MHz 534542MHz 542550MHz 550558MHz 558566MHz 566574MHz 574582MHz TV Channel 35 36 37 38 39 40 Frequency Range 582590MHz 590598MHz 598606MHz 606614MHz 614622MHz 622630MHz TV Channel 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Frequency Range 630638MHz 638646MHz 646654MHz 654662MHz 662670MHz 670678MHz 678686MHz TV Channel 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Frequency Range 686694MHz 694702MHz 702710MHz 710718MHz 718726MHz 726734MHz 734742MHz TV Channel 55 56 57 58 59 60 Frequency Range 742750MHz 750758MHz 758766MHz 766774MHz 774782MHz 782790MHz TV Channel 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Frequency Range 790798MHz 798806MHz 806814MHz 814822MHz 822830MHz 830838MHz 838846MHz TV Channel 68 69 70 Frequency Range 846854MHz 854862MHz 863865MHz Interleaved Spectrum available for wireless microphones and IEM’s now. Channel 38 available for wireless microphones and IEM’s on a shared license basis. Cleared spectrum as a result of DSO. Previously available for wireless microphones and IEM’s (until 31.12.2012) TV Channels 31-37 available for PMSE use on a six-month rolling notice period. License free spectrum available now and not affected by DSO. Note only 2MHz slice of channel 70 is available. 9 Do I need a licence to operate my wireless microphones or IEM’s? Yes. It is required by law in the UK to be in possession of a licence to legally operate radio microphones or IEM’s unless you are using the de-regulated spectrum between 863-865MHz. Contact JFMG for licensing information What can I do if I own Shure wireless products, that I can no longer use? If your product is non-compliant you will need to purchase a new product as it is not possible to modify or re-tune a currently non-compliant product. All operation of wireless equipment in the 800MHz band MUST stop on 31.12.2012. Usage of wireless equipment in the 800MHz band after this date will be prone to interference from 4G services but is also legally not permitted. All Shure wireless products are now available in specifically designed UK Channel 38 (606-614MHz) versions. Visit or call 01992 703058 for product information. What Shure wireless system is right for me? Shure manufactures wireless systems in a number of different versions that operate in different parts of the spectrum. A suffix indicates the tuning bandwidth or frequency range that a particular product can operate in e.g. for K4E the frequency range is 606-666MHz. A table illustrating all usable frequencies for the UK can be found on page 9. Details of all Shure products that are 2012 DSO compliant follow in this guide see page 31, visit or call Shure Sales Team on 01992 703058 for more information or advice. Wireless users around the world all face the same dilemma. The demand for wireless 10 choosing the right system microphones is constantly rising yet the available spectrum they require to operate in is visibly shrinking. Yet interference free operation is essential. Shure has allocated vast amounts of resources into the development of cutting edge wireless solutions from entry level systems to top tier systems used in some of the largest events the world has ever seen. The pinnacle of this development cycle is Axient wireless. Axient features several new-to-the-world technologies that drive a range of innovative wireless system capabilities. Individually compelling, these features collectively represent forwardthinking innovation by Shure, and realise the most complete vision yet for the integration of RF management and control solutions in a single wireless platform. While Axient addresses the top tier of wireless users a more recent addition to the product range offers ground-breaking performance at a lower price point. ULX-D is Shure’s first complete digital wireless microphone solution and starts to perhaps realise the direction in which wireless microphone are heading in. Shure manufactures all of its wireless systems in a number of different frequency versions that operate in different parts of spectrum. A suffix after the model name indicates the tuning bandwidth or frequency range that a particular product can operate in e.g. for K4E the frequency range is 606-666MHz. A table illustrating all usable frequencies for the UK can be found on page 9. Details of all Shure products that are 2012 DSO compliant can be found on page 31, alternative visit or call the Shure Sales Team on 01992 703058 for more information or advice. Shure has just launched the new GLX-D digital wireless system. This is the first Shure system to operate at 2.4 GHz and therefore be license free globally. 11 BLX Wireless Shure BLX Wireless Systems combine professional-quality sound with simple setup and an intuitive interface for legendary audio performance right out of the box. Precision-built and available in a variety of configurations. BLX Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions: K3E covers TV channels 38 – 40 606 – 630MHz K14 covers TV channels 39 – 41 614 – 638MHz Available for use with a channel 38 licence K3E: Seven radio microphones simultaneously in TV channel 38 (groups 11-13) or up to twelve radio microphones simultaneously in TV channels 38-40 (groups 1-4). 12 SHURE Wireless Microphones & IEM Which frequency version should I purchase? The primary UK frequency version is K3E. This version covers TV channel 38. For fixed-site installations, users may prefer choose the K14 version as this operates only in the interleaved spectrum. Please contact JFMG for licensing information. NEW 13 GLX-D Digital Wireless NEW Revolutionary Shure GLX-D Digital Wireless Systems combine leading-edge LINKFREQ Automatic Frequency Management technology with best-in-class intelligent lithium-ion battery rechargeability (16 hours continuous use from one charge) to define the new standard for seamless operation and digital audio clarity. Available in a variety of configurations, including the first Shure pedal-mounted guitar option GLX-D Wireless Frequency Band/Version: Z2* covers the 2.4GHz band *No licence is required for GLX-D How many systems can I use together? Up to eight GLX-D receivers can operate simultaneously in the 2.4GHz spectrum. Five systems can be used together with Shure’s Interference Detection and Avoidance. This technology seamlessly moves away from interference to backup frequencies without audio interruption. Eight systems can be used together without backup frequencies to avoid interference. This should only be used in controlled Wi-Fi environments. 14 SHURE Wireless Microphones & IEM What’s the key benefit of choosing Digital? GLX-D operates within the 2.4GHz band which is utilised by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other wireless devices. The benefit of 2.4GHz is that it’s a global band that can be used anywhere in the world, license free. There is only one frequency version of GLX-D available. Z2 – 2.4GHz band NEW 15 SLX Wireless ® Unparalleled ease of set-up and exceptional audio quality. With included accessories, SLX is also installation-ready out-of-the-box and has a wide selection of legendary Shure microphones to choose from. SLX offers a tailored solution for virtually any application where rack mounted units and remote antennas are required. SLX Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions: ® K3E covers TV channels 38 – 40 606 – 630MHz G4E covers TV channels 21 – 23 470 – 494MHz G5E covers TV channels 24 – 26 494 – 518MHz L4E covers TV channels 42 – 44 638 – 662MHz P4 covers TV channels 50 – 52 702 – 726MHz S6 covers TV channels 67 – 70** 838 – 865MHz* Available for use with a Channel 38 licence K3E: Six radio microphones simultaneously in TV channel 38 (groups 6-11) or fourteen radio microphones simultaneously in TV channels 38-40 (groups 1-3). * Licence free: Up to two SLX systems can be used simultaneously using frequency version S6 without a licence. Use group 10. ** Note only 2MHz slice of channel 70 is available. 16 SHURE Wireless Microphones & IEM Larger installations or systems: In case you need more than fourteen compatible systems to run simultaneously, multiple frequency bands can be combined to achieve this. Call the Shure Applications Department for frequency co-ordination information and assistance. See page 30 for contact information. Which frequency version should I purchase? We suggest K3E as this is the primary UK version that covers Channel 38. Please note that a licence is required to operate wireless microphones in Channel 38. If you are not using more than two radio microphones simultaneously, S6 can be used licence-free as long as you operate between 863-865MHz. This de-regulated band is unaffected by DSO. Should you require more than three radio microphones to operate simultaneously we suggest using K3E. This is the primary UK frequency version that covers Channel 38. Please contact JFMG for licensing information. 17 FP Portable Wireless Featuring proven wireless technology, including Shure patented Audio Reference Companding, and intuitive, flexible components such as portable receivers and XLR plug-on transmitters, FP Wireless is the perfect choice when portability is required to capture professional sound in demanding and dynamic broadcast or field production environments. FP Portable Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions: K3E covers TV channels 38 – 40 606 – 630MHz G4E covers TV channels 21 – 23 470 – 494MHz G5E covers TV channels 24 – 26 494 – 518MHz L4E covers TV channels 42 – 44 638 – 662MHz P4 covers TV channels 50 – 52 702 – 726MHz S6 covers TV channels 67 – 70** 838 – 865MHz* Available for use with a Channel 38 licence K3E: Six radio microphones simultaneously in TV channel 38 (groups 6-11) or fourteen radio microphones simultaneously in TV channels 38-40 (groups 1-3). * Licence free: Up to two SLX systems can be used simultaneously using frequency version S6 without a licence. Use group 10. ** Note only 2MHz slice of channel 70 is available. 18 SHURE Wireless Microphones & IEM Which frequency version should I purchase? We suggest K3E as this is the primary UK version that covers Channel 38. Please note that a licence is required to operate wireless microphones in Channel 38. If you are not using more than two radio microphones simultaneously, S6 can be used licence-free now as long as you operate between 863-865MHz. This de-regulated band is un-affected by DSO. Should you require more than three radio microphones to operate simultaneously we suggest using K3E. This is the primary UK frequency version that covers Channel 38. Please contact JFMG for licensing information. NEW 19 ULX Wireless ® ULX Professional wireless, UHF systems for working musicians and professional sound installers. Multiple system configurations provide limitless options, each with a choice of legendary Shure microphones, or instrument cables. ULX Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions: ® K2E covers TV channels 38 – 42 606 – 642MHz G3E covers TV channels 21 – 25 470 – 506MHz M2 covers TV channels 45 – 49 662 – 698MHz Q2 covers TV channels 55 – 59 748 – 784MHz S3 covers TV channels 66 – 70** 829 – 865MHz* Available for use with a channel 38 licence K2E: Ten radio microphones simultaneously in TV channel 38 (groups 7-9) or twenty-four radio microphones simultaneously in TV channels 38-40 (groups 1-3). * Licence free: Up to four ULX systems can be used simultaneously using frequency version S3 without a licence. Please use group 10 or 11. ** Note only 2MHz slice of channel 70 is available. 20 SHURE Wireless Microphones & IEM Larger installations or systems: In case you need more than twenty-four compatible systems to run simultaneously, multiple frequency bands can be combined to achieve this. Call the Shure Applications Department for frequency co-ordination information and assistance. See page 30 for contact information. Which frequency version should I purchase? We suggest K2E as this is the primary UK version that covers channel 38. Note that a licence is required to operate wireless microphones in channel 38. 21 ULX-D® Wireless ULX-D wireless systems for professional installed sound reinforcement. Shure ULX-D offers a premium 24-bit/48kHz digital audio quality combined with spectrum-efficient and intelligent RF performance, meeting the needs of the most demanding applications. ULX-D offers a host of ground-breaking technologies which make the product perfectly suited for large installations, corporate AV rentals or professional PA Rental companies. ULX-D Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions: ® K51 covers TV channels 38 – 44 606 – 670MHz G51 covers TV channels 21 – 28 470 – 534MHz* H51 covers TV channels 29 – 36 534 – 598MHz L51 covers TV channels 41 – 78 632 – 696MHz P51 covers TV channels 51 – 59 710 – 782MHz Available for use with a channel 38 licence K51E: Seventeen radio microphones simultaneously in TV channel 38 (Groups 6-8). ULX-D is extremely spectrally efficient due to its Digital Modulation. High Density Mode further enhances this efficiency and permits sixty-three (63!!) channels to be simultaneously used in Channel 38. 22 SHURE Wireless Microphones & IEM Larger installations or systems: In case you need assistance with the co-ordination of a large ULX-D system call the Shure Applications Department for frequency co-ordination information and assistance. See page 30 for contact information. Which frequency version should I purchase? We suggest K51 as this is the primary UK version that covers channel 38. Note that a licence is required to operate wireless microphones in channel 38. NEW 23 UHF-R Wireless ® Premier Wireless Technology Shure UHF-R® Wireless Microphone Systems master the high pressure and extreme conditions of any large-scale touring or installations environment while delivering uncompromising Shure sound. Rock-solid engineering, the latest technology, and unparalleled RF performance provide sound professionals with all the features and flexibility they need to tightly control up to 108 systems for the most elaborate productions. UHF-R Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions: ® K4E covers TV channels 38 – 45 606 – 666MHz G1E covers TV channels 21 – 28 470 – 530MHz J5E covers TV channels 34 – 41 578 – 638MHz L3E covers TV channels 42 – 49 638 – 698MHz M5E covers TV channels 49 – 56 694 – 758MHz Q5 covers TV channels 55 – 63 740 – 814MHz R9 covers TV channels 61 – 70** 790 – 865MHz* Available for use with a channel 38 licence K4E: Eleven radio microphones simultaneously in TV channel 38 (groups 6-11) or forty-five radio microphones simultaneously in TV channels 38-45 (groups 1-3). * Licence free: Up to four UHF-R® systems can be used simultaneously using frequency version R9 without a licence. Use group 45. ** Note only 2MHz slice of channel 70 is available. 24 SHURE Wireless Microphones & IEM Larger installations or systems: In case you need more than forty-five compatible systems to run simultaneously, multiple frequency bands can be combined to achieve this. UHF-R can be used to make extremely large systems (100 channels or more) for the most demanding performances. Call the Shure Applications Department for frequency co-ordination information and assistance. See page 30 for contact information. Which frequency version should I purchase? We suggest K4E as this is the primary UK version that covers channel 38. Note that a licence is required to operate wireless microphones in channel 38. 25 PSM 900 In-Ear Monitoring ® The PSM® 900 In-Ear Personal Monitoring System offers clear audio quality and robust RF performance for pro applications. Innovative features allowing for ease of use and quick setup make it the ideal solution for the most demanding professional applications. PSM 900 Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions: ® K1E covers TV channels 37 – 40 596 – 632MHz Q15 covers TV channels 56 – 60 750 – 790MHz G6E covers TV channels 21 – 25 470 – 506MHz G7E covers TV channels 25 – 29 506 – 542MHz L6E covers TV channels 44 – 48 656 – 692MHz P7 TV channels 50 – 54 702 – 742MHz covers Available for use with a channel 38 licence K1E: Eight frequencies simultaneously in TV channel 38 (groups 6-8) or twenty frequencies simultaneously in TV channels 38-40 (groups 1-3). 26 SHURE Wireless Microphones & IEM Larger Installations or Systems: In case you need more than twenty compatible systems to run simultaneously, multiple frequency bands can be combined to achieve this. Call the Shure Applications Department for frequency co-ordination information and assistance. See page 30 for contact information. Which frequency version should I purchase? We suggest K1E as this is the primary UK version that covers Channel 38. Note that a licence is required to operate wireless microphones in Channel 38. 27 PSM 1000 In-Ear Monitoring ® PSM®1000, the flagship In-Ear Personal Monitoring System with full rack dual channel wireless transmitter, ethernet Port for Shure Network Connectivity, Internal Power Supply and up to 80MHz tuning bandwidth. PSM 1000 Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions: ® K10E covers TV channels 36 – 45 596 – 670MHz G10E covers TV channels 21 – 29 470 – 542MHz L8E covers TV channels 41 – 49 626 – 698MHz L9E covers TV channels 46 – 54 670 – 742MHz P8 TV channels 51 – 60 710 – 790MHz covers Available for use with a channel 38 licence K10E: Eight frequencies simultaneously in TV channel 38 (groups 6-8) or twenty frequencies simultaneously in TV channels 38-40 (groups 1-3). 28 SHURE Wireless Microphones & IEM Larger Installations or Systems: In case you need more than forty compatible systems to run simultaneously, multiple frequency bands can be combined to achieve this. Call the Shure Applications Department for frequency co-ordination information and assistance. See page 30 for contact information. Which frequency version should I purchase? We suggest K10E as this is the primary UK version that covers Channel 38. Note that a licence is required to operate wireless microphones in Channel 38. 29 contacts for information and support Who to contact at Shure for further information? Channel 69 to 38 Switchover Helpline: 01992 703 038 Email: Shure’s Applications Engineers are your primary contact for any technical queries, seminars or training requirements. Tuomo George-Tolonen Tom Colman Applications & Product Planning Manager BEIRG Steering Committee Member Applications Engineer Email: Email: BEIRG (British Entertainment Industry Radio Group) Founded in late 2004 BEIRG is an independent and non-profit making organisation working on behalf of all those who use wireless equipment. BEIRG’s key objective is to secure access to sufficient quality and quantity of spectrum so our industry can carry on operating the wireless equipment we have become so dependent on for live performances to broadcasting. For more information on how you can become a BEIRG Member Ofcom The independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries. Ofcom, Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 9HA Switchboard: 0300 123 3000 or 020 7981 3000 Fax: 020 7981 3333 Textphone: 020 7981 3043 30 Overview of Shure Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions: G10E (470-542 MHz) L8E (626-698 MHz) K3E (606-630 MHz) K14 (614-638 MHz) Operates within 2.4 GHz band - Licence Free Globally Operates within 2.4 GHz band - Licence Free Globally G5E (494-518 MHz) K3E (606-630 MHz) G4E (470-494 MHz) L4E (638-662 MHz) G5E (494-518 MHz) G4E (470-494 MHz) ULX-D G51 (470-534 MHz) K51 (606-670 MHz) Q2 (748-784 MHz) L4E (638-662 MHz) L51 (632-698 MHz) S6 (838-865 MHz) T1 (846-865 MHz) P51 (710-782 MHz) M5E (694-758 MHz) R9 (790-865 MHz) L3E (638-698 MHz) UHF-R 470 478 486 21 22 494 502 23 Q5 (740-814 MHz) P8 (710-790 MHz) J5E (578-638 MHz) G1E (470-530 MHz) 24 510 518 25 26 526 27 534 28 542 29 550 30 558 31 566 32 574 33 582 34 590 35 598 36 S3 (829-865 MHz) P4 (702-726 MHz) K4E (606-666 MHz) H4E (518-578 MHz) S6 (838-865 MHz) M2 (662-698 MHz) K3E (606-630 MHz) H51 (534-598 MHz) Operates within 2.4 GHz band - Licence Free Globally P4 (702-726 MHz) K2E (606-642 MHz) G3E (470-506 MHz) FP TV CHANNEL Q15 (750-790 MHz) P8 (710-790 MHz) J8E (578-638 MHz) GLX D MHz P7 (702-742 MHz) L9E (670-742 MHz) BLX TOTAL Compliance Assured. L6E (656-692 MHz) K10E (596-670 MHz) PSM 1000 ULX S5 (842-865 MHz) Q3 (749-782 MHz) K1E (596-632 MHz) G7E (506-542 MHz) PSM 900 G6E (470-506 MHz) SLX Cleared Spectrum as a result of Digital Switchover. No longer available for wireless microphones and In-Ear Monitoring Systems from 1st January 2013. Interleaved Spectrum available for wireless microphones and inear monitoring systems now and beyond Digital Switchover 2012. Please contact JFMG for licensing and availability in your area. K9E (606-638 MHz) PSM 200 De-Regulated 863-865MHz, License Free now and beyond 2012 Cleared Spectrum as a result of Digital Switchover. Available for wireless microphones and In-Ear Monitoring Systems until at least April 1st, 2013. Channel 38 available for licensing now. Interleaved Spectrum available for wireless microphones and In-Ear Monitoring systems now and beyond Digital Switchover 2012. Please contact JFMG for licensing and availability in your area. Shure Wireless Product Range This table illustrates all the usable frequency versions for the United Kingdom. Channel 38 is highlighted in yellow. 606 37 38 614 622 39 630 40 638 41 646 42 654 43 662 44 670 45 678 46 686 47 694 48 702 49 710 718 50 51 726 52 734 53 742 54 750 55 758 56 766 774 57 58 782 59 790 60 798 61 806 62 814 63 822 830 64 65 838 66 846 67 854 68 862 69 865 70 DISTRIBUTION UK Fold-out Overview of Shure Wireless Frequency Bands/Versions Shure Wireless Frequency Guide Digital Switchover compliant Channel 69 to 38 Switchover Information Shure Distribution UK Unit 2, The IO Centre, Lea Road, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 1AS Copyright © Shure UK 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without Shure UKs permission. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this brochure is correct, we accept no liability in respect of errors or omissions. All specifications are subject to change without prior notice, correct at time of print, for the latest updates visit our website at E&OE. SWFG07/13 T: +44 (0)1992 703058 F: +44 (0)1992 703057 E: © 2013 Shure Incorporated. 31 Shure are a proud sponsor member of