NEWSLETTER - Henley High School
NEWSLETTER - Henley High School
NEWSLETTER TERM 2 | WEEK 10 Cudmore Terrace, Henley Beach SA 5022 Ph (08) 8355 7000 Fax (08) 8355 7070 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Dear Parents and Caregivers, Once again it has been a very hectic term. This term we farewell Andrew Marshallsay who has decided to retire after 40 years of teaching, the last nine which have been at Henley High School, we wish him a wonderful time in his retirement. We also say goodbye to our visitors from Jay Pritzker Academy who have spent the last five weeks with us and we are looking forward to the opportunity to catch up with them once again when some of our students and staff visit Cambodia in September. I will be continuing on as the Principal for Term 3 and am pleased to announce that Trevor Cibich has won the position of Deputy Principal for the remainder of the year. Trevor will continue on with his role of leading the Middle School Student Wellbeing team as well as being responsible for Quality Assurance and Improvement. Trevor has contributed to the Principal’s report in this edition, please read below. Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing holiday. Sandra Moran | Principal MIDDLE SCHOOL CURRICULUM 2017 Our Year 8 and Year 9 curriculums have been the same for a number of years based on the Middle School Philosophy that we have adapted which dictated that the Year 8s do a fixed curriculum all together in their Mentor Group with some choice introduced at Year 9. There were a range of reasons why this model was chosen and it was based on best practice Middle Schooling at the time. One key aspect of the Year 8 model was based around the social and emotional well-being of students and supporting their transition from primary school to secondary school. This was to be achieved by reducing the number of teachers students are exposed to while allowing opportunities for friendship groups to be formed within Mentor Groups and Sub Schools and relationships developed between students, staff and their families. Recent feedback from teachers and students has questioned whether this is the best model. Students have reported feeling anxiety in the transition from Year 9 to 10 due to the fact that they are in prac and non-prac classes with “students (and teachers) they have never met” and need to form new productive learning relationships with their peers. Similarly others have experienced anxiety in the transition from year 8 to 9 as they have never been encouraged to depart from their primary school friendship groups and going into year 9 prac classes may result in them having “none of their friends” in their classes. In semester 2, 2015 there were a number of trials were conducted with our Middle School students where students were in mixed classes across their sub school or sub schools (where timetable allowed) in Maths and Science, taught by teachers with a particular interest in either field. The data collected from these trials showed an improved level of engagement by the students and improved learning outcomes as students experienced different teachers and different teaching styles. Friendship groups were broadened as well. continued on page 2..... Department for Education and Child Development T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS Provider number: 00018A TERM 2 | WEEK 10 1 TERM DATES TERM ONE 1st February - 15th April TERM TWO 2nd May - 8th July TERM THREE 25th July - 30th September TERM FOUR 17th October - 16th December .....continued from page 1. The need to improve outcomes for all Middle School students, the results of the trails along with recommendations from our External School Review which took place in term 4, 2015 highlighted a need to review both what we deliver and how we deliver the curriculum at Year 8 and Year 9. In reviewing the Middle School Curriculum and breaking away from status quo it was important to work within specific parameters and guidelines which included: • The Australian Curriculum still needs to be provided for. • The Year 8 curriculum still needs to provide a broad experience and access to all curriculum areas. • No curriculum area was to be seen as more valuable than any other and • The Day structure needed to be maintained. STUDENT FREE DAYS MONDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER Term 3, Week 7 Whole School closure TUESDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER Term 3, Week 7 MONDAY 17TH OCTOBER Term 4, Week 1 The entire Year 8 and Year 9 curriculum package is available on our schools website. However, a summary of the changes are; 1. Grouping of subjects to encourage integration and innovation e.g. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 2. 13 compulsory semesters at Year 8 compared to 15 previously. 3. Introduction of Japanese into Year 8 and consequent choice between German/ Japanese. 4. SSP as a fulltime subject in the Year 8 curriculum (and not as an overlay). 5. Two semesters of choice at Year 8 (previously none) and Year 9 to be selected from Languages, Design and Technology, The Arts, Physical Education and Home Economics. 6. The PLP at Year 8 will be embedded into all Curriculum Areas throughout the year rather than as a “stand alone subject”. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS MONDAY 13TH JUNE Queens Birthday MONDAY 3RD OCTOBER Labour Day 7. Year 9 students will begin their Stage 1 PLP (a compulsory subject of the SACE) in second semester and have it completed by end of Semester 1, Year 10. Finally there will be a focus on teams delivering Integrated units of work through a Thematic or Project Based approach. This, along with Task Design and Intellectual Stretching has been a major focus of our recent Training and Development days for staff. Curriculum time in semester 2 this year will be devoted to preparing these units in readiness for 2017. A number of Thematic/Project Based topics were initiated at our last T&D day and below is a small snapshot of examples that could be delivered through a Collaborative Cross Curricula approach in 2017: Future Living in an Urban World - Tech/HASS/HEc/PE/Maths Sound – Science/Maths/Music/Tech Timelines – Science/History Sugars-Hero or Villain – HEc/Maths/PE/Sc/Eng Asian Culture – Music/PE/Languages/Drama/Tech/HEc Historical Films – Eng/History/drama/Digital Media Heart Rates/Anatomy – PE/Sc/Maths STUDENT ABSENCES To report a Student absence please report online via our Website or phone Student Services on 8355 7014 or 8355 7015. 2 Trevor Cibich | Deputy Principal CONGRATULATIONS! The Open Girls Indoor Soccer Team won the state indoor finals, beating Adelaide High in the final. This has been the first time the open girls have won this competition since 2010! Well done girls! HENLEY HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER EARLY CAREER TEACHER AWARD Congratulations to Cat Callery who has recently won the 2016 Australian Professional Teacher Associations’ Early Career Teacher Award! On World Teachers’ Day last year, Cat was also awarded the CEASA Early Career Teacher Award. She was nominated by the South Australian German Teachers Association (SAGTA) for which she is the secretary. Cat was recognised for her contributions to the German Association, as well as her quality teaching whilst at Henley High School. She was the Languages Manager in 2015, and is currently the Sub-School Manager of Mitchell in the Middle School. Congratulations Cat for your incredible achievements. Alice Gorman | Lowitja MS Sub-School Manager A MESSAGE FROM STUDENT SERVICES Change of Details Have you changed address, phone number or have a different work contact? Please contact student services by phone on 8355 7014 or 8355 7015 for a change of student information form or by clicking here to download from our website. This will make it easier for the school to contact you and make sure you receive important information. Lost Property Please remember to clearly name your student’s school uniform. This makes it easier for us to return the article of clothing to the appropriate student. Chris Gardner | Manager Student Services TERM 2 | WEEK 10 MOTIVATIONAL MEDIA PRESENTATION EVERYDAY HEROES When you think of heroes, generally you would think of someone who has done something huge and significant that they themselves could never accomplish. What is often missed, is the journey the hero has been on until that point in time. The journey colossal hours, those moments of dedication, commitment and perseverance, low points where failure could have been embraced but the choice to persevere was made, those years of hard work. That is what makes up a Hero, not just a singular act of bravado, one audition, one try. On the 16th June, students in Years 9-12 (over 2 sessions) viewed the Motivational Media Presentation in the Hall. The aim of the presentation was to inspire young people to build resilience skills and strive to build strength within themselves so that they can achieve great things if they work hard and put their mind to it. A handful of stories were shown from various facets of life and demonstrated ways in which they’d overcome adversities in their own lives. Shown over 3 massive screens and a dark-lit Hall, the audience was silent and captured by relatable cartoon characters, movie snippets and popular music clips in the background. We hope students were able to take away at least one message from this presentation to adopt into their own lives and strive for academic success. Feedback from students included: “The presentation showed me that something I think is too hard, actually isn’t, and I just need to persevere and keep working away bit by bit and I’ll eventually get there in the end.” “The videos were easy to relate to and were teamed with inspirational stories and upbeat music. I liked how there was some humour and jokes included, sometimes we need to not take things so seriously and enjoy the moment.” For more information, you can visit or Alycia Spencer | Mentoring & Wellbeing Coordinator YOUNG WOMEN IN TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE On Thursday 9th of June, 10 of our aspiring, high achieving STEM students attended the Young Women in Technology Experience at Adelaide University. Each of the girls were nominated to attend by their Maths and Science Teachers, using the criteria: high achieving and interested in STEM. Girls were from both Years 9 and 10. Year 9 students: Sara Bolic, Brittany Chuong, Alex Haydon, Greta Hutchinson and Jessica Woolman. Year 10 students: Olivia Armitage, Izzy Cremasco, Hargun Kaur, Alice Miller and Rachelle Popov. Throughout the day, the girls heard from inspiring Female Engineer students and the current President of Engineering South Australia, Nicky Robinson. Ms Robinson is the first female engineer to hold this position in South Australia, an amazing achievement, and she is paving the way for our young women in field. Our girls then engaged in activities that tested them in several areas of engineering and proudly represented Henley High School by winning first prize in some of the challenges. The chocolate prizes were enjoyed by everyone on the bus ride home. I congratulate these girls for taking up this opportunity and hope the message carries with them from this event. Be brave, try everything, don’t be scared to fail, success come from hard work, activities that are difficult are often the most rewarding. Tracy Moore | Assistant Principal, Director of Studies 4 HENLEY HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER VET & CAREERS EXPO AT HENLEY HIGH SCHOOL On Tuesday May 31st between 5-7pm, students and parents had the opportunity to visit Henley High School to hear from and meet with a wide range of training and tertiary organisations who currently support our school’s diverse VET offerings and offer amazing post school opportunities in training, further education and employment. Whilst in the past this evening has focussed on the Trade Training Centre courses, this expo endeavoured to showcase all of the VET on offer at HHS and potential pathways available to students. A range of organisations had displays and staff available and the Trade Training Centre facilities were open for viewing with VET staff able to talk about courses and the benefits of undertaking VET. The evening enabled students and parents to gain career information to make good subject choices for 2017. Henley High School appreciates and acknowledges the given by the following organisations: Chris Mesecke I VET Coordinator AN APPRENTICESHIP PATHWAY AND SACE CONGRATULATIONS NATHAN! Nathan is currently enrolled at Henley High School in year 12 and after completing work experience as part of his Workplace Practices’ course, was successful in gaining a school based apprenticeship as a carpenter. As a school based apprentice, Nathan comes into school on a Monday to undertake his Stage 2 Maths, on the other 4 days he is undertaking paid work on site. He will attend TAFE SA later in the year to begin his first year units of study under the tutelage of RTO lectures and build upon what he is learning every day onsite. Nathan was keen to secure his apprenticeship and complete his SACE and by attending ‘trade school’ as part of his apprenticeship he will secure enough SACE credit for him to be able to do this and successfully graduate from Henley HS. Chris Houltby is the Apprenticeship Broker for Henley High School and Nathan attributes his success to Chris’s work. “Chris was a huge help to me. He went through all of the steps and together we organized work experience with an employer who was keen to and willing to give up their time to take me on. By the end of the week I was told they were looking for an apprentice and I had a chance to take that spot.” Nathan impressed his employer with his enthusiasm, initiative and enthusiasm. Students are able to undertake a school based traineeship or apprenticeship from year 10 onwards in order to set themselves up for a post school vocational pathway or to use it as part of their transition to further tertiary education and training. For further information, contact Chris Houltby our Apprenticeship Broker on 0488 584 029 or at Chris is at our school every Thursday and students and parents can make an appointment with him through Student Services. Chris Mesecke I VET Coordinator TERM 2 | WEEK 10 FAMILY FEUD SHIELD EVENT In weeks 3 to 7, the Middle School and the English curriculum hosted the next Middle School Shield Event. Year 8 and 9 teams from each sub school competed in a series of Family Feud games. Teams had to work together to improvise and determine answers according to various survey questions. Well done to all of the students who competed in the rounds and thank you to the Sub School Managers and House Captains for their support. The Year 8 champions were Lowitja: The Year 9 champions were Florey: (Photo order): Dan Berg, Amanda Jayawickrama, Stella Ostrognay and Samuel Hayles (Photo order): Kiana Ponce-Castro, Maddi Gear, Angus Crockford, and Zane Williams Overall Points (for the Shield) 1. Lowitja 5 points 2. Florey 4 points 3. Mitchell 3 points 4. Oliphant 2 points 5. Mawson 1 point Progressive Results for the Middle School Shield after Family Feud: 1. Mitchell and Lowitja 24 points 3. Florey 19 points 4 Mawson 14 points 5 Oliphant 12 points Jade Ambler | Middle School Coordinator MOCK TRIAL ROUND THREE RESULTS Last Tuesday our Henley High School Mock Trial team battled it out in Round Three of the Law Society’s Mock Trial competition against Sacred Heart College. The students were nervous but excited to be competing against the team of Stage 1 Legal Studies students in a fictional court case of assault. The round was tight with our students thoroughly cross-examining the witnesses in the hope of proving beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant was guilty. As the results were delivered our team thanked Sacred Heart College for their excellent delivery and lines of questioning as they graciously accepted the win for both the round and the case. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all students involved in the competition for their diligent work and effort throughout this competition. A special thanks to Jared Pantsios for providing assistance, guiding the students and supporting them in preparation for their roles. The students are eager to use their new found skills in public speaking and persuasive arguments in the 2016 round of the competition. Sharmaine Mills | English, History and Psychology Teacher 6 HENLEY HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING CHALLENGE On Wednesday, 15th June 2016, a team of 28 students from Years 8 to 11 competed in the annual Science and Engineering Challenge, held at the University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus. Our team included six Cambodian students from Jay Pritzker Academy, who are currently attending Henley High School as part of a STEM-focussed exchange. Students were divided into teams of three or four and undertook either one full day or two half day challenges. Individual challenges included designing and constructing: • A hovercraft to negotiate obstacles at speed. • A vehicle to traverse an undulating surface whilst balancing a payload as part of the “Mission to Mars” Challenge. • A tower made of paper to withstand earthquakes whilst supporting maximum weight. • A bionic hand to pick up objects and execute sign language signals. The traditional finale activity was the “Bridge-Building Challenge”, in which teams were required to design and construct a bridge from a small amount of balsa wood, pins, tape and paddle pop sticks to withstand a dynamic load of up to 10kg. Despite a good design, which included triangulation to maximise strength, the bridge collapsed under a small load, much to the disappointment of the Henley team. Scores were then tallied and we waited in anticipation for the final results. Henley finished sixth of the competing schools from across Metropolitan Adelaide. A special mention must go to the “Mission to Mars” team, who won their individual challenge. Well done to all participating students for their fantastic team effort and superb conduct on the day. We look forward to another attempt at the ‘Challenge’ in 2017. Andrew Sayers and Sam Rowe | Teachers SCIENCE IN THE SUPPORTED LEARNING CENTRE In week 4, the SLC students had the opportunity to conduct exciting Science experiments with Mrs McGrath and Flinders University pre-service teachers. The topic was electricity. Students interacted with static poles and sheep skin using balloons and confetti. They also lit mini light globes by designing their own creative circuit boards, and watched an electrostatic Van de Graaf generator explode alfoil pie plates. Students worked individually, and in pairs, to problem solve, predict, demonstrate and extend their knowledge with science materials familiar to them. Today in the SLC we did Science. The teachers were Mrs McGrath, Miss Booker, Mr Belperio and Yuulan. We made bicarbonate of soda and vinegar volcanoes first. Then we put Smarties in warm water and put them on filter paper to see what colours would come out. We made a coke bottle and Mentos volcano. After that, we put marshmallows in liquid nitrogen and they went so hard they could be smashed. Using cream, chocolate milk and liquid nitrogen, we made ice cream. Miss McGrath put liquid nitrogen on the pavers and it evaporated in a cloud of smoke! “Electricity is for a computer, television and refrigerator. It was It was fun, awesome and the food was yum. good fun” William By Donte Year 9 SLC2 “I loved the static balloons” Angelica “I liked working on the circuit boards” Wil From the SLC students and staff. TERM 2 | WEEK 10 NEW CALEDONIA VISIT On 25th June, Henley High School staff and choir students met at Adelaide Airport to pick up their exchange home stay students from New Caledonia. Everyone was bubbling with excitement in anticipation of the week ahead. Throughout the action packed week, Henley High School students lead the New Caledonians through Australian day to day life of school from 8:45am – 3:10pm and numerous after school activities. The students also treated their homestays to experience Adelaide sites such as Bounce, the Ice Arena, the South Australian Museum, the Central Markets, The Adelaide Zoo and shopping at Harbor Town and Rundle Mall, all things they do not have in New Caledonia. On the Friday evening, students from both Henley High School and New Caledonia preformed to parents and staff songs they had learnt in English and French. Before everyone knew it, the week was complete and we were all back at the airport with teary farewells. It was truly a week that all will remember! The Students from Henley High School along with Gavin Cox and Katie Long will be travelling to New Caledonia in early September this year for the second part of the exchange programme to experience the New Caledonian way of life and music. Katie Long | Visual Arts Teacher INTERNATIONAL STUDENT THANKS I want to thank Mr. Noll, Ms. Bennett, Ms. Treilibs, Ms. Foster, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Clifton and Ms. Madigan for their support and care. I cannot believe that six years passed since my visit to Australia. The stay at Adelaide was an unforgettable experience. I learned a lot at school and about myself. All the impressions and experiences I could make in my live so far, affected my development. They brought me where I am today. As well did the time at Henley High. Eventually I did finish my painting Ms. Bennett. I graduated with a degree in Biology and Geography at the University of Innsbruck. Now I am looking forward to work as a high school teacher in South Tyrol, Italy. The schoolyear starts in September. My wish is to become a good teacher, to encourage my students the way I experienced it. Again, thank you for the enjoyable time at your school. Lisa K HOMESTAYS NEEDED Due to the growth and diversity of our International Program we are constantly looking for families to host students from various countries. As a local family hosting an international student, you will have the chance to: • learn about other cultures, customs and traditions • make lifelong friendships with your student and their family • participate in activities and meet other host families • explore fun things to see and do in South Australia Homestay families are paid approximately $250 per week to host a student. Our International Student Program depends on the warm hospitality of the local community. If you are willing to host students or are interested in more information please contact the Global Education Team, via email or phone 8355 7007. 8 HENLEY HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER WHAT DANCE AND SSP DANCE GOT UP TO IN SEMESTER 1 Throughout this semester our Dance and SSP Dance students have had opportunities to participate in workshops run by industry professionals, see live dance performances and perform to friends and family at Dance Star competitions and our own Choreographic Evening. In term 1 our Stage 2 students worked with a variety of professional dancers and instructors, including ACARTS graduates Hayley Kollevris and Cazna Brass. We were also fortunate enough to have ex-Australian Dance Theatre company member, Kialea Nadine-Williams take our Stage 1 and 2 class through a partnering workshop. All of our students also had the opportunity to attend an excursion to see Kialea on stage at the Space Theatre in Larissa McGowan’s professional show, Mortal Condition. This performance explored video gaming and was highly engaging for our students, especially as some had not seen a live professional dance performance before. Also in term 1, our stage 1 and 2 Dance and SSP Dance students attended an excursion at the Festival Theatre for SACE Dance Day. This day was full of workshops with different industry professionals – the students all worked hard participating in a jazz workshop with Brent Street graduate Kristin Agnoli, learning contemporary technique with independent artist Katrina Lazaroff and being challenged with a composition workshop with ex Australian Dance Theatre dancer and choreographer, Larissa McGowan. This experience allowed students to develop multiple strategies to be successful throughout their Dance studies. ACARTS is the full time tertiary dance course in Adelaide. Earlier this year ACARTS ran a day of workshops and performances for Dance students which our Henley students attended. Not only did they participate in a practical workshop in ACARTS’ spacious studios, the students watched the Second and Third year Dance students perform. The professional performance allowed our students to observe what tertiary dance looks like and get an insight into the full time course offered at ACARTS. Throughout this semester our SSP Dance students have been working on dances to perform at the Dance Star competition. The preliminary round took place at Westminster High School on the 22nd of May, and our teams placed second in Contemporary, and third and fifth in Hip Hop. Then, on the 26th of June our teams were able to maintain these positions in the Finals, with two of our teams being invited to compete at the National competition in the Gold Coast in August this year. Finally, in week 7 this term all of our Dance students performed to friends and family at the Odeon Theatre in Norwood for our Choreographic Evening. This performance saw our Stage 2 students and our SSP students present their choreographic assignment for assessment, as well as all year 9-11 students performing their class dances for assessment. This was a huge night, and we are so proud of our students’ hard work and dedication. Next semester will be just as exciting and busy for our Dance students with the stage 2 Dance exam and performance night for all of our students just around the corner! It is taking place at the Odeon Theatre in Norwood on the 29th of September (tickets on sale soon!). Laura Eitel | Dance and Drama Teacher TERM 2 | WEEK 10 SSP PRIMARY SCHOOL COACHING The SSP Hockey students have just completed a very successful 4 week coaching program with over 100 students from West Beach Primary School involved. It was Group Assessment Task and students were divided into groups of 3/4 and worked with approximately 20 students from years 5-7. The students delivered fun, engaging and exciting sessions with a number of students wishing to join local hockey clubs as a result of the experience. We received good support from Hockey SA who provided us with hockey sticks and shin pads while their Game Development Officer took students through their Community Coaching Certificate and gave them some coaching ideas that they all used in their sessions. Thanks also to Adelaide University Club for the use of their venue and West Beach Primary School teachers who helped with the smooth running of the sessions. Trevor Cibich Deputy Principal ZONE MIXED HOCKEY On Thursday 9th June 20 year 8/9 students braved very wintery conditions to take part in a 7 aside mixed hockey carnival. This was an initiative from the Secondary School Sports Association to promote the sport of hockey while our school used it as selection for our 8/9 Knockout teams. A round-robin competition was held followed by play offs to determine positions 1-4. Henley Green defeated Portside Christian School in the play off for third and fourth but tables were turned in the Gold Medal match with Portside defeating Henley Red 2-1 in a very close and exciting game. It was a great day with students from both schools showing great teamwork and improvement as the day progressed but most importantly they participated with great sportsmanship and support for each other. Trevor Cibich Deputy Principal FOOTBALL PROGRAM In week 4 the Henley Football Program had a successful trip to Mt Gambier. This celebrated the tenth year of the exchange and our boys enjoyed the time away together. In week 6 the Mt Gambier High School football program participated in their camp in Adelaide. On Tuesday the 7th June the two schools played a match at Henley and it was a great opportunity for our boys to prepare for their knockout game in week 8. It was good to involve our year 8 SSP students and their enthusiasm towards the game was impressive. Although our team was younger in age (8/9’s v’s 9/10’s) the boys showed some very impressive passages of play and become more familiar with the team structures we have been working on. Jordan White (year 8), Jackson Mead, Riley Davis, Trent Burgoyne and D’Arcy Vassollo (year 9’s) all played standout games for the school. Henley 16.6. 96 def. Mt Gambier 6.7.43 Ben Kane| SSP Football Coach and PE Teacher SPECIALIST SPORT PROGRAM 2017 Applications are now open for current HHS Students for the 2017 Year 9 - 12 SSP Program. Click here for more details 10 HENLEY HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER COURTNEY LEWIS Congratulations to Year 8 Courtney Lewis who has won a Champions Female of the Year Award with Eye Play Sport. Courtney was nominated by a past coach and she was presented on stage at the Gala Event where she also received a $250 scholarship prize. A huge surprise for Courtney on the night was corporate sponsors handing her an envelope with $2500 to go towards her athletics! She was also asked to be an ambassador for Eye Play Sport and be a guest speaker at the functions. Congratulations Courtney, it is great that your sporting talents and hard work are being recognised in the wider community. Jarrod Gillings | Athlete Support Manager NICK MATTHEWS In week 4 of this term one of our students, Nick Matthews travelled to Melbourne to compete in the Australian Gymnastics Championships. Nick was part of the victorious Level 8 Under 14 Men's Artistic Gymnastics team which won Gold at the National Gymnastics Championships. Triumphing over Victoria by 0.236 in a thrilling finish after 2 days of competition 340.731 pts to 340.495 with NSW finishing 3rd. Despite struggling with a back injury Nick's individual performance earned him 4th place in the Individual All Around competition, with 4th place finishes on both Parallel Bars and High Bar. SOPHIE CROFT In April this year one of our SSP Netball students, Sophie Croft represented South Australia under 19’s in the National Netball Championships in Perth. They played 7 games of Netball in the minor round coming out with 5 wins and 2 loses, putting them 2nd on the ladder going into the final series. SA lost to NSW 39-24 in the semifinal forcing them to play off for 3rd and 4th position. In the final SA played WA and came out the winners with a 47-34 victory giving them 3rd place overall and a bronze medal. BADMINTON BROTHERS ON TOTALLY WILD Tristan and Keith Edison were recently interviewed by Channel 10s Totally Wild about their Badminton success. It can be seen on Tuesday 26 July 2016 at 8:00am on Channel Eleven. TERM 2 | WEEK 10 12 HENLEY HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER MEET THE STAFF Each Newsletter we will introduce you to a few of the Henley High School Staff Members JANNA LEWIS Position: Home Economics Teacher and Manager How long have you worked at HHS: This is my first year here at Henley High School Number of years teaching: 7 years Previous experience/ schools: Started teaching in Whyalla at Stuart High School and I have spent the last 5 years teaching at Mark Oliphant College. Describe what you do: My role is to lead the curriculum design in the Home Economics faculty and ensure that the assessment tasks are aligned to the Australian Curriculum. I also work with the Home Economics team to ensure the tasks are fun and engaging for students. What subjects do you teach: I currently teach Home Economics to Year 9 and 10 and also Year 10, 11 and 12 Child Studies Why did you choose to teach in this area: I chose to teach Home Economics because I love cooking and sewing, and child studies is a bonus as it combines both. CHAD WINSTANLEY Position: Physical Education Curriculum Coordinator, SSP Basketball Manager, Senior School Mentor How long have you worked at HHS: 12 Years Number of years with DECD: 12 Years Previous experience/ schools: As a student teacher I was fortunate enough to complete my final work placement at Henley High, during this time I was teaching classes under the guidance of Mr Paul Whaley, Mr Tim Kloeden in Physical Education and Mr Steve Muggleton and ‘Boss’ Jamal Nordin in Science. I was a midyear graduate and was then employed to teach at Henley at the beginning of the next semester, and have remained at Henley for the start of my career. Describe what you do: Lead, teach, mentor, engage, support, listen, advise, motivate. Career aspirations: Keep enjoying work. Career aspirations: I am currently doing my Masters of Education so in the future I would like to use some of the knowledge I have developed to support my colleagues in some capacity. Tell us 3 non work facts about you: Family time is important. Tell us 3 non work facts about you: I could easily eat a whole tray of lasagne Mr Sam Venning is not related to me. (To feature in the next edition of the Newsletter ‘Game, Set, Match’) I still enjoy watching highlight reels of Michael Jordan ‘Sports Illustrated Greatest Athlete of All Time’ playing. He definitely set a standard for all sport to be played. I’ve watched every episode Seinfeld T2 is currently my favourite shop TERM 2 | WEEK 10 14 HENLEY HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Shore Start Community Term 3 2016 When? g Thursday 4 Au 7:00 to 9:00 pm Setting limits on children’s behavior working with relationship Join the lifelong learning journey! TER S I REG NE I ONL ! W O N Where? t Wha ? This work shop will outline a simple process for guiding children's behaviour that keeps the relationship between you and your child as a central focus which leaves you and your child feeling OK about discipline. Facilitator: Donna Broadhurst, Counselling Therapist & DECD Family Services Coordinator Henley Community Kindergarten 8 White Street, Henley Beach For more information email: TERM 2 | WEEK 10 ECD Local Partnerships Session Date - Time - Venue Workshop Setting limits on children’s behaviour – working with relationship When: Thursday, 4 August at 7:00 - 9:00 pm Where: Henley Community Kindergarten 8 White Street Henley Beach Workshop Supporting children to be Powerful Learners of Numeracy – MIDDLE Years 6-9 Facilitator: Lisa-Jane O’Connor Consultant, PRIMARY MATHS ASSOCIATION Workshop Understanding your child’s temperament Facilitator: Donna Broadhurst, Counselling Therapist & DECD Family Services Coordinator Workshop Building perseverance and resilience in children Facilitator: Rebekah Bleby, Year Rec/1 Teacher, West Beach Primary School Week 3 Facilitator: Lisa-Jane O’Connor Consultant, PRIMARY MATHS ASSOCIATION Week 5 Workshop Supporting children to be Powerful Learners of Numeracy – PRIMARY Years 3-5 Week 6 Facilitator: Donna Broadhurst, Counselling Therapist & DECD Family Services Coordinator Week 2 Session Title Week 8 Shore Start Community Learning Workshops TERM 3 DATE CLAIMER 2016 When: Monday 8 August 9:15 - 11:00 am Where: West Beach PS 3 Woodhead Street West Beach When: Monday 8 August 7:00 - 9:00 pm Where: West Beach PS 3 Woodhead Street West Beach MORNING SESSION EVENING SESSION When: Monday 22 August 9:15 - 11:00 am Where: Henley Beach PS When: Monday 22 August 7:00 - 9:00 pm Where: Henley Beach PS MORNING SESSION MORNING SESSION When: Monday, 29 August at 7:00 - 9:00 pm Where: West Beach Kindergarten 13 Winston Crescent West Beach When: Wednesday 14 September 9:15 - 10:15 am Where: West Beach PS When: Wednesday 14 September 7:00 - 8:00 pm Where: West Beach PS 3 Woodhead Street West Beach MORNING SESSION 3 Woodhead Street West Beach EVENING SESSION REGISTER NOW ONLINE! Email: or check with your child’s school 16 HENLEY HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER