waynoka news - Lake Waynoka
waynoka news - Lake Waynoka
WAYNOKA NEWS “Official Newsletter for the Waynoka Property Owners Association” November, 2010 ISSUE 266 Lake Waynoka - General Manager The Lake Waynoka Subdivision of Brown County, Ohio, a private, gated lake community, is seeking candidates for the position of General Manager. The General Manager is the Chief Operating Executive of the Waynoka Property Owner’s Association (WPOA) and is responsible for the effective management of all aspects of WPOA operations, including but not limited to personnel management, administrative support processes, maintenance, repair and upkeep of grounds and facilities, security of grounds and facilities and enforcement of rules and regulations, financial accounting processes, budget control, contractor and project management. The General Manager reports directly to the WPOA Board of Trustees and is responsible to all members of the WPOA. The General Manager may also be required through contractual agreement with the Waynoka Regional Water and Sewer District (WRWSD) to provide similar management services for WRWSD operations. Minimum Qualifications: Demonstrated ability to perform, including at least two years paid work experience, one year of which is in a management capacity. Bachelor’s degree in Management, Business Administration or related fields preferred or equivalent combinations of education and experience which indicates a thorough knowledge of general management practices required to complete the essential duties successfully. Interested individuals should forward a resume with a cover letter including salary requirements to: Waynoka Property Owner’s Association One Waynoka Drive Lake Waynoka, Ohio 45171 Attention: GM Sourcing Committee ATTENTION The lake will NOT be lowered until late November or early December. EEO HUNTERS EDUCATION COURSE, NOVEMBER 6TH Saturday, November 6th, 8:00 am at the Lake Waynoka Lodge. This course will take approximately 5 hours and is FREE to everyone. This course will be a (HOME Study Completion Course). All students under the age of 18 must review the Hunters Education Manual on the Ohio Division Of Wildlife Website @ www.wildohio.com. Please download and print out the review questions at the end of each chapter. Answer each question and bring them to this scheduled course. Seating is limited, so register early! To Register, call 1-800-wildlife (945-3543). Further Questions, contact Instructor Ken Dash at (937-446-2124) or www.kdash67@gmail.com PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - DeClaire Insurance & Real Estate Dan * Dennis 112 North Main Street Sardinia, Ohio 45171 (937) 446-2610 or (937) 446-3585 MALOTT AUTOMOTIVE DOMESTIC & IMPORT REPAIRS 13512 FivePoints-Mowrystown Rd, Sardinia,Ohio 937-446-3985 Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am to 7 pm Sat. 8 am to 3 pm Conveniently located 4 miles out back gate Todd Malott, Owner ASE Certified We do it all Big or Small!!! 937-509-0042 TOM RAINES McConn & Cutrell Attorneys At Law Jay D. Cutrell Julie A. McConn-Pirman General Practice of Law, including Real Estate Titles and Closings, Title Insurance, Probate, Estates, Wills and Trusts, Business Transactions, Income Tax and Personal Injury Cases. Experienced in Lake Waynoka Real Estate Transfers, Sales and Purchases, Title Examinations and Closings. Our Hours are: Our Toll-Free 937-378-6165 Mon Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Number or Sat 8:30 am - 12:00 Noon 800-378-6167 937-378-3256 118 S Main St, Georgetown, Ohio 45121 mail@mcconn-cutrell.com PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - Waynoka Property Owners Association Board of Trustees Meeting Saturday, October 9, 2010 President Tim Redick called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Pastor Bonnie Keith gave the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance followed. Roll Call: Present: Conners, Freeman, Kinney, McDulin, Meyer, Purdin, and Redick Absent: Johnson (ex.) and Lindy (ex.) Minutes: The motion to approve the minutes of the September meeting as published in the October Waynoka Newsletter was made by McDulin, seconded by Kinney and passed by those present. President’s Statement regarding Manager O’Farrell: WPOA President, Tim Redick began the meeting by sharing a statement in which he provided the membership with accurate information regarding the now vacant General Manager position. He stressed that he was speaking “on behalf of the WPOA Board”. He explained why and how the Boards of the WPOA and the WRWSD and Manager Tim O’Farrell reached a mutual agreement to end Tim’s tenure as an active employee of the WPOA effective September 30, 2010. He also announced how the Lake will be managed until the position is filled. Please note that the full text of the statement will be printed in the November issue of the Lake Waynoka Newsletter as a part of the WPOA President’s Message. Treasurer’s Report (Betty Purdin): A brief review of the monthly report was shared with emphasis on the monies available in the capital funds accounts for the roads, the recreational facility, the lake and the campground. The treasurer with the help of Vickie Johnson will be happy to answer any questions property owners may have about the monthly WPOA Treasurer’s Report. Other Reports: Security (Chief Ellis): The Chief shared the good news that the number of criminal damaging, burglary and breaking and entering reports are down significantly (to zero) in September. All of the suspects with pending charges for offenses as previously reported in the WPOA minutes have pleaded guilty. An off-season house check procedure has been developed at the request of some property owners who do not reside at the Lake on a full-time basis. For a fee the security department will conduct house checks on a regular basis depending on the number of checks an individual home owner would like per week or per month. Contact the Chief with questions and the Administrative Office to sign up for participation in this procedure. A security check means that security personnel will go to one’s house, physically ‘try’ all of the doors, inspect all of the windows and keep a log of each check that is made. The Chief shared a graphic of the markings for the new cruiser and hopes that all of the equipment will be installed in the next week so the cruiser can be in service very soon. The chief thanked our alert citizenry for their help and support in solving cases. Long Range Planning (Ron Gloss): The website committee has a signed contract with a company in West Union to develop a new website for Lake Waynoka. Information is being shared and work has begun. The job description committee finished the general manager description in time to assist with the search for a new manager. The committee which has been reviewing rental policies for various Lake Waynoka owned properties will be making a presentation to the Board in the next month or so. The survey committee is working on a survey which will ask for property owner input regarding various issues and needs at the Lake and will be distributed by the end of the year. Lake Advisory (George Kinney): George shared that the committee continues to explore the options for excavating the upper end of the Lake and to solicit the services of a consulting firm to assess the lake and make recommendations to improve its condition. The Lake Committee and the Lake Advisory Committee will work together stocking the Lake in early spring. Nominating (Betty Purdin): As of 4 p.m. on October 8, 2010, three individuals – Joan Conners, Eric Kirk and Walt Robinson – submitted applications for the WPOA Board of Trustees and two individuals – Ron Gloss and Prescilla Redick – submitted applications for the WRWSD Board of Trustees. Unless applications come in the mail postmarked October 8, 2010, there will not be a need to hold an election for either Board according to the rules and regulations of both Boards. The Campground (Walt Robinson): Walt reminded everyone that the Halloween festivities are next Saturday evening. Walt asked the Board to work on the street addresses and numbers over the winter as well as possibly identify the streets with letters or whatever to prevent security, the life squad, and other emergency personnel from having problems locating campers who need their help. It was suggested that signage to the campground from the back gate also be erected. Also since the use of the pavilion has increased significantly it was suggested that a ‘satellite privy’ be installed. The Chapel (Bonnie Keith): The steeple will be installed on the chapel in the next couple of weeks. Chimes will also be installed. Stoney and Rhonda Hamilton are the new music ministers at the Chapel. There are now Wednesday evening services. Shawnee Squaws (Betty Purdin): Betty reminded everyone to attend the Craft Fair being held in the Health and Rec Center until 4 p.m. today. Lake Committee (Prescilla Redick): The winners of the Fall Bass Classic on Oct. 2nd (local residents Kiefer and Carter) took home over $1000 in prizes for first place and biggest bass. Donations for the Halloween festivities at the Lake are welcomed. Pending Resolutions and Motions: none Introduction of New Resolutions and Motions: none Unfinished Business: none (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - BURKE TRUCKING & LANDSCAPING 3INCE 2835 Gath Rd, Sardinia, Ohio 45171 CAHALL BROS., INC. Dump Truck, Bobcat & Backhoe Services WE SPECIALIZE IN: Driveways – Shoreline Protection Retaining Walls – Trenching – Excavating Grading – Seeding Proud to be Your Full Service Dealer Landscape Maintenance & Much More! Rip Rap – Crushed Stone – Decorative Rock Sand – Top Soil – Fill Dirt – Mulch & More! - INSURED 937-442-2500 Office 937-763-6649 Mobile John Burke Owner ,OOKINGFORINSURANCE &ORALLTHEINSURANCEPROTECTIONYOUNEEDPLUS SOMEYOUMAYHAVEOVERLOOKEDCALLMETODAY Georgetown (937) 378-6439 / 800-474-4095 Amelia (513) 797-4500 !MERICAN&AMILY-UTUAL)NSURANCE#OMPANYANDITS3UBSIDIARIES (OME/FFICEn-ADISON7) WWWCAHALLBROSINCCOM ¹ *OSHUA'%DMISTEN!GENCY 3OUTH(IGH3T -OUNT/RAB n HEWITT BOAT LIFTS PONTOON * FISHING * SKI BOATS SALES * SERVICE*INSTALLATION*ACCESSORIES STEVE VOGEL AUTHORIZED DEALER CALL FOR DETAILS 937-377-2025 - Office 937-822-1422 - Cell All your Dock needs: Construction of Decking, Boat Covers, Lifts & Landscaping Don’t forget your Shoreline! PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - New Business: Pres. Redick reviewed business discussed in the workshops on Sept. 17 and Oct. 8 as follows: 9/17 The web site renovation proposal was presented and the Board agreed to finalize the contract (approx. $6K) to undertake this project. 9/17 & 10/08 The budget planning schedule was discussed. 9/17 & 10/08 The Board supports action in regard to the pump dredging proposal and final arrangements should be completed in the next few weeks. 9/17 & 10/08 It was agreed that a contract to paint a center line on Waynoka Dr. be pursued (cost approx. $7K of road capital monies). 9/17 The implementation of the lottery machine proposal at the lounge was delayed until March 2011. 9/17 The restaurant will be closed from November 1 through March 30. 9/17 & 10/08 The golf cart opinion survey was discussed and is a work in progress. 9/17 The replacement for the old snowplow truck which will be sold to the WRWSD will be financed with road capital monies. 9/17 Chief Ellis was directed to develop a fee-based home security check service. 9/17 The Board reviewed a program proposed for charging for yard debris chipping services. Current on file requests will be done without a charge. 9/17 The Board agreed to donate a speaker’s podium in the lodge to the Tri-County Baptist Church in Sardinia. A thank you has already been received. 9/17 Estimates for the work needed to repair the campground water infiltration problem were reviewed. 10/08 Repairs at the Health and Rec Center will be made in the near future. The worn carpeting in the workout room will be replaced and the gym floor will be refinished. (A weekend closure of the gym will be required.) Requests to upgrade equipment were reviewed. 10/08 The Board agreed to look into potentially lower cost electrical suppliers. 10/08 The Board discussed the need for a building inspector as well as improved Information Technology support. 10/08 The advertisement and screening processes to replace the manager were reviewed. Redick then responded to membership concerns from the September public meeting. No action was taken regarding the expansion of the campground or its lighting. However, signage on the roads in the campground was discussed and will be painted once it is determined how it should be done. Maintenance has been directed to come up with a solution to make the restrooms at the Beach bathhouse handicap accessible. The pool pavilion fencing was discussed, but no action was taken. Replacement street signs have been purchased and will be installed in the near future. No action was taken about directional signs to the back gate. The erosion of the bank at the upper end of the Lake was discussed, but no action has been taken. Membership Concerns: Ann Jones (Lot #2821): Ann shared her concern about Custer Dr. becoming a ‘speed strip’. She suggested the installation of speed bumps. The Chief took note of this concern. Secondly, Ann asked if there were ways other than the Newsletter which arrives late in the month to announce activities and events at the Lake so that everyone has adequate time to make plans to attend. Lastly, Ann requested that the trash on Lot #2650 be cleaned up as “it looks terrible”! Bonnie Keith (Lot #3945): Bonnie asked the Treasurer to clarify that the total monies in the Campground Capital Fund were the total after all expenses had been paid as of September 30, 2010. The Treasurer agreed. Paul Hilliard (Lot #3314): Paul asked the status of the golf cart issue. Redick answered, “A survey is being developed to gather input from the property owners so that the Board can act in a manner which represents everybody’s desires.” Paul also asked Mr. Redick if he owned and operated a golf cart. Redick answered that he does own a golf cart and occasionally uses it for yard work. The cart is used because his property is ‘quite large’ and on a hill; but the cart is not used on the road. Pat McDulin (Lot#690): Pat reminded everyone that the Lounge does serve pizzas and sandwiches in the evenings. This would be an alternative to the restaurant which will be closing the end of this month. Board members also suggested that the proprietors of The Outpost (formerly, Mel’s) and The Backstreet Deli would also be happy to serve their sandwiches, etc. to Lake residents. Charles Palk (Lot #1029): Charles questioned whether or not the golf cart issue was ‘voted down’ three years ago. Charles believes that the Lake will “regret putting golf carts on these roads”. He suggested that someone on the Board make a motion that this issue not be revisited for at least ten years. Adjournment: The motion to adjourn was made by Freeman, seconded by Kinney, and passed by a unanimous vote at 10:45 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Joanne A. Coker WPOA Assistant Recording Secretary PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - Waynoka Regional Water and Sewer District 1 Waynoka Drive, Sardinia, Ohio 45171 WRWSD MEETNG - Fri., October 1, 2010 President Steve Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:20 a.m. Roll Call: Present: Buskey, Doughman, Gloss, Johnson, Kirk, Purdin, Redick, Rider & Plant Supt. Culver Absent: None Minutes: The minutes of the September 11th public meeting were read. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Buskey, seconded by Rider and passed unanimously. Treasurer’s Report (John Buskey): The monthly report for September was unavailable since this meeting is being held on the first day of the month. It was noted that there were many expenses in September. The details of these expenses will be shared during the October 9th meeting. The sewer assessment and delinquent water availability charges were certified to the Brown Co. Auditor on September 10. Plant Supt.’s Report (George Culver): As of September 30th the contractor has installed more than 650 of the anti-backup sewer valves. Problems have been encountered on several properties where blacktop or concrete cover the area where the installation is to be done. It was suggested that the WPOA building code be reviewed and updated to prevent such problems in the future. This work should be completed in the next week or so. The Lake has been receiving its water supply from the Brown County Rural Water Assn. since September 20th because equipment maintenance is being done in the plant. The sewer and water clarifiers and the sand filters are being sandblasted and painted. Culver and Buskey shared the progress and details of the work being done on the building at the water tower which will house equipment for the Brown County emergency services communications project as well as our network equipment. Introduction of New Resolutions and Motions: none Pending Resolutions and Motions: none Old Business: Gloss reviewed the details of the upcoming WRWSD election with the Board. Buskey then shared the proposal related to the restructuring of the budget. (All of the Board members had been given copies of the proposal prior to this meeting.) The original objectives were reviewed and specific changes were noted. The changes to policy were shared. All of these changes came from many discussions during meetings with the accountant on retainer, the manager and staff, the finance committee and Board members. A ‘clean’ copy of the “new budget” incorporating all of the changes and showing the 2010 budget amounts was reviewed to show how the “new budget” would actually function. The Board suggested that Buskey meet with Culver soon to discuss this document in detail. The Board agreed that work should continue to ‘tweak’ this document and to create a monthly report format that reflects the ‘new budget’ proposal. (Purdin was excused from the meeting about 9:50 a.m.) New Business: Motion #2010-13 was made by Buskey and seconded by Kirk to update the signature authority on all WRWSD bank accounts, certificates of deposits and other financial instruments at National Bank & Trust and other financial institutions effective October 1, 2010. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed with seven yes votes. Other Business: Redick shared that the WPOA found it necessary to replace the old snowplow truck. The one ton diesel truck with a dump bed was offered to the WRWSD for purchase and necessary repairs. After discussing the offer Culver was directed by the Board to investigate the costs that would be incurred to repair this truck and to report his findings at the October 9th public meeting. After a brief discussion the Board also asked Culver to investigate engineering firms to consult about the possible expansion of the sewer plant. Adjournment: The motion to adjourn was made by Kirk and seconded by Rider. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Joanne A. Coker WRWSD Assistant Recording Secretary PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - Crossroads Contracting Services, Inc. 3440 Logans Lane West Union, Ohio 45693 937-544-7081 Phone 937-544-9809 Fax Re-rock Banks * Trenching * Excavating * Lay/Repair Driveways Electric, Water, Sewer, Gas & Drain Lines Gravel Hauling * Tractor Tilling * Commercial Mowing * Straw Blowing Finish Grade * Equipment Hauling NOW OFFERING LAWN CARE & RESIDENTIAL MOWING We also have: Shredded topsoil, Seed, Straw, Mulch, Topsoil and Fill Dirt!!! CALL: John 513-312-9307 NO JOB TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE!!!! WALKER LANDSCAPE AND LAWN CARE Commercial and Residential www.walkerlandscapeandlawncare.com 513-305-5296 or toll free 877-838-4234 Many years of experience Mowing & Trimming-Landscaping-Mulching & Pruning Planting-Fertilizing-Edging-Aeration Patio Pavers-Walkways Spring Cleanup-Leaf Removal Free Estimates-Competitive Rates-Fully Insured While you play, let us provide the service to make your property look its best Give us a call … you’ll be glad you did Bess Landscaping Docks *Decks Shoreline Restoration Mowing*Mulching*Trimming Edging*Grass Seeding*Fertilizing Tree & Shrub Trimming Tree Removal*Stump Removal Leaf Removal*Firewood Snowplowing Gravel & Mulch Hauling Scott Bess 937-695-1294 513-509-2859 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - Waynoka Regional Water and Sewer District 1 Waynoka Drive, Sardinia, Ohio 45171 WRWSD MEETNG - Sat., October 9, 2010 Vice President Ron Gloss called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Roll Call: Present: Buskey, Doughman, Gloss, Kirk, Purdin, Redick, and Rider Absent: Johnson (ex.) Minutes: The minutes of the October 1st workshop meeting were approved as read. Treasurer’s Report (John Buskey): The cash balance including CDs available in the WRWSD budget was $918,008.71 as of September 30th. This balance is about $190K less than the August balance and reflects several major expenditures mostly relating to capital expenses made during September. The expenditures included the purchase of 25 grinder pumps for future use ($69K); the completion of the 6” water supply connection to BCRWA ($17,663) which came in under the budgeted estimate of $20,000; the painting of the water clarifier and the sewer clarifier ($7500 each); and the installation of the anti backup sewer valves at 700+ locations ($104K so far). The Lake’s water supply is presently coming from BCRWA. The painting should be finished early next week and after the paint dries for six to seven days the Lake will once again supply water for its residents. The installation of the backup sewer valves should also be completed in the near future. There are four locations where blacktop or concrete are problematic and Lake employees will be working with the property owners to finish this project. The WRWSD bills will be late this month due to the difficulties being experienced when using the instrument that reads the meters. Action will be taken soon to correct this problem. Culver reported prior to this meeting that the WPOA truck is being evaluated by mechanics. He will have an estimate of repair costs in the next week once the specific cause of the problem is determined. Old Business: none New Business: none Pending Resolutions and Motions: none Introduction of New Resolutions and Motions: none Other Business: none Membership Concerns: Ken Waggoner (Lot#764): Ken asked the Board’s opinion about the possible cause of a ‘clunking or hammering’ sound in his pipes that has just begun in the last couple of weeks. Several opinions were shared by members of the Board as well as the audience. Bill Marshall (Lot #1777): Bill asked how the BCRWA charged the Lake for its water. It was explained that the Lake pays for BCRWA water on a per use basis (presently $3.50 per 1000 gallons). There is no monthly fee in this 20 year contract. The Lake paid for the installation of the box, the meter and the cross connection line. Bonnie Keith (Lot # 3945): Bonnie had asked the WRWSD Board to check into the possibility of providing blanket sewer backup coverage for all of the 700+ homes at the Lake. Tim Redick responded that he has put the question to both legal counsel and the insurance company, but does not yet have a response from either one. Nancee Klein (Lot #1620): Nancee shared her experience when she submitted her claim to her insurance company for the sewer backup damage to her home and how this claim has affected her insurance rates. It was noted by Gloss that many home owners are also experiencing significant rate increases due to the new fire protection regulations that are now in effect. Roger Coker (Lot #1888): Roger shared that he had talked to Culver four or five days ago about the reclamation of his property after the backup valve installation. He questioned if the contractor had difficulty locating where to place the valve because the area torn up seems much larger than on other properties. There are tracks and ruts that he will not be able to mow over. Gloss shared that he and Culver had discussed that in the spring it will be necessary to repair some yards due to settlement of the soil over the winter. Gloss also shared that the contractor did not charge the Lake for the reclamation that was done and that any future work will be done by Lake employees. Gloss suggested that Culver will take a look at Roger’s property. Adjournment: The motion to adjourn was made by Purdin and seconded by Rider. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 9:51 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Joanne A. Coker WRWSD Assistant Recording Secretary PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 10 KELL HEATING & COOLING Accepting New Customers LANDSCAPING Design & Installation Trees & Bushes Mulch Pruning Edging HARDSCAPING Retaining Walls Patio Pavers NEW CONSTRUCTION Rough/Final/Finish Grading Sod/Seed/Straw MAINTENANCE Seeding/Aerating/ Over seeding Fertilization Mowing Leaf Removal Derrick Kell, Owner 937-442-5635 Bus. 937-763-3047 Cell Call for a “Check-up” We Service Most Makes & Models Authorized Trane, Frigidaire & Carrier Dealer Most Part Warranties Honored TRENCHING Downspouts French Drains SNOW REMOVAL Plowing Salting Fire Pits, Poured & Stamped Concrete 937-444-4363 Cell: 513-276-2836 Fax: 937-444-6267 Sales - Service - Installation Oil - Gas - Heat Pumps - A/C Free Estimates 241 Beacon Hill Drive Mount Orab, Ohio 45154 Email: info@jndprofessional.com www.jndprofessional.com “Our Family Serving Yours” Joe Schlueter 937-695-5325 Emergency Service: 513-771-7588 ATTENTION! ThE ENErgy TAx crEdIT ExpIrEs dEcEmbEr 31. AcT NOw TO sAvE bIg! The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provides a tax credit of up to $1,500 when you make certain energy-efficient improvements to your home. We carry Bryant® products that qualify for this tax credit PLUS come with up to $1,200 in factory rebates! Add in energy savings and reliable comfort…well, there’s no better time to save on a new heating and cooling system than now! But the federal tax credit program ends December 31, 2010, so act fast! Don’t miss your chance to get a part of the stimulus package while making your home more comfortable and energy-efficient. Call us to learn how you can SAVE BIG TODAY. CARNEY’S HEATING & COOLING 937-446-4099 SM PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 11 NOVEMBER, 2010 Calendar of Events Adult Tap Class – Thursdays, 9:15 am Art Class – Mondays, 10:00 am to 12 noon Bridge – Mondays, 6:00 pm Campground Mtg.- April 2011, 10:00 am Chapel – Sundays, 10:00 am Chorus - Nov. 2nd & 16th, 6:30 to 8:00 pm Civic Club – November 23rd, 7:00 pm Dance Lessons - Tuesdays, 8:00 pm Euchre – Fridays, 7:30 pm Garden Club – March, 2011, 7:00 pm Lake Committee – , 7:00 pm Line Dancing Class – Tuesdays, 2:00 pm Lions Club –Nov. 2nd & 16th, 6:30 pm Project Linus - Thursdays, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Shawnee Squaws – Nov. 10th, 10:00 am Waynoka Tribe – Nov. 9th, 7:00 pm Watersports Club – Nov. 7th, 12:00 pm WRWSD Workshop –Nov. 5th 8:00 am WPOA Workshop – Nov. 12th, 7:00 pm WRWSD Board Mtg. – Nov. 13th, 9:30 am WPOA Board Mtg. – Nov. 13th, 10:00 am Craft Session (Tribe) - Nov. 14th WAYNOKA TRIBE The leaves are falling and so are the temperatures. Good thing cause I need plenty of clothes to cover up the effects of Fair food and Halloween Candy... Coming up on November 14th the Tribe will be holding a Christmas Craft Session at the Lodge. Items created will be used to decorate the Lodge for this coming Christmas. In the next month the Tribe will be accepting monetary donations for the Children’s Christmas Assistance Fund. This year we will be working more closely with the Waynoka Chapel for purchasing and distributing the gifts for the families in the area to have a Merry Christmas. Donations will be accepted by any Waynoka Tribe member. Checks can be made out to “The Waynoka Tribe”. In December, the Tribe will be hosting “Breakfast with Santa”. The morning will be at the Lodge, but watch for fliers as advanced registration is required. Good luck to all staying off the naughty list! 09/13 Elwood Patrick................................................6020 Duck Patrick...................................................5580 09/20 Carolyn Slater..................................................6690 Elwood Patrick................................................6210 09/27 Eddie Slater.....................................................7080 Elwood Patrick................................................5350 10/04 Elwood Patrick................................................4410 Jean Hilliard....................................................3840 Bridge Club meets every Monday at 6:00 pm in the Lodge. Newcomers are welcome. Questions? Jeanne Eastlake 446-3013 EUCHRE SCORES 09/03 Bob Branson.......................................................58 Milt Jordan.........................................................56 Carolyn Slater.....................................................56 Linda Wagner......................................................56 09/10 Eddie Slater.........................................................69 Dick Schubert.....................................................68 09/17 Elwood Patrick...................................................66 Carlos Day..........................................................61 09/24 Dick Schubert.....................................................67 Tony Schneider...................................................63 If you would like to play Euchre, meet new people and have a good time, come to the Lodge on Fridays and join the fun! Play starts at 7:30 p.m. so come early to get a seat. NOTE FROM SECURITY PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR THIRD ANNUAL SECURITY FOOD DRIVE. PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR NON-PERISHABLE ITEMS NOW THUR DECEMBER 10, 2010 THANKS, SECURITY PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 12 The Carolina - 1798 sq. ft. - 3 bedrooms/2 baths The family room with a cozy corner fireplace has easy access to the large kitchen/breakfast area. And a two-car garage opens to a combination laundry/mudroom. taylorhomes.com 513-688-0443 or 800-96-TAYLOR •Custom built brick homes •Prices starting from the mid-$70’s •Free cost estimates •Down payment assistance available •Hundreds of flexible floor plans to choose from, or bring your own •Check for money saving promotions offered at taylorhomes.com Model home location: 4570 East Tech Dr., Cincinnati OH ~ Open Mon., Fri., Sat. 12-6, Sun. 1-5 One Hour With Taylor Homes Could $ave You Thousands of Dollars! PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 13 President’s Message The following is a rendition of my comments on behalf of the Trustees at the last WPOA Board meeting on October 8, 2010 regarding the retirement of Tim O’Farrell, our General Manager. My hope is that they may be helpful in understanding the course of this decision. The background to this decision actually began In June of this year when Tim initiated discussions with me and other Board members concerning the possibility of changes to his current employment agreement. These discussions were motivated by his desire to reduce the physical and mental demands of his General Manager’s role while allowing him to continue some involvement with WPOA. Additionally since Tim’s personal situation necessarily placed a great deal of importance on medical benefits provided to WPOA permanent full time employees, he preferred to retain this feature of his employment. As a result of that conversation and many subsequent discussions since, the WPOA Board of Trustees, the WRWSD Board of Trustees and Manager Tim O’Farrell unanimously reached a mutual agreement that effectively ended Tim’s tenure as an active employee of WPOA. This agreement, at Tim’s request, set his last day of active employment as Sept 30, 2010. Although some specifics of this agreement are necessarily confidential, I can tell you that in addition to ensuring that Tim received all compensation due him under the current employment agreement, it provides for supporting his need for medical insurance through the early part of 2012. During this same period of time Tim has agreed to be available to consult with the WPOA and WRWSD Boards anytime his experience and knowledge may be of benefit to the Boards. Of course there have been many rumors concerning the work on this agreement and the motivations for it. While the Board does not feel compelled to correct the accuracy of all of these, I will tell you that all trustees worked diligently to ensure that the best interests of both a long-term loyal employee and the association were met as well as they could be. This work has been very difficult for all of us involved because we are friends and neighbors and in the end we care about each other. All of us on both Boards have the utmost respect and appreciation for Tim’s many accomplishments over his 25 year career at Lake Waynoka. In many ways we are what we are as a community because of his work here. And while all of us most sincerely wish Tim the very best in his early retirement, I expect that we will continue to see him involved around the community in the months ahead. If you do, hopefully each of you will take the opportunity to personally express your own appreciation and best wishes. Going forward the Board will move as quickly as possible to fill the vacant manager’s position. To dispel one rumor I can tell you that all current Board members are ineligible to be considered for the position. As we are unsure as to how long this sourcing may take, we are asking everyone’s cooperation in managing through this transition. All department heads have been advised that we must continue to make every effort to maintain our quality of service to the property owners. Keep in mind that some projects may be delayed but we will continue to plan to progress as a community. Vickie Johnson will be acting as the interim manager of operations. She will be supported by the executive committees of both Boards as necessary. I will be personally assisting Vickie in responding to property owner concerns and developing solutions to the normal operational issues that must be dealt with on a day to day basis. With everyone’s help I would expect no major problems. Thank you, Tim Redick The Lake Waynoka Chapel welcomes Stoney and Rhonda Hamilton as our directors of music and chapel music ministers. Also we welcome John Naylor as one of our guitarist and gospel singers . You are invited to come and enjoy our church services Adult Sunday School 9:30am Church Service 10:00 am Children Sunday School 10:00am Wednesday Service 7:00 pm Pastor Bonnie Keith PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 14 5IFi/BOUVDLFUw 'SPN &MFWBUJPO" 4UBOEBSE&MFWBUJPO QFSDFOUEPXOVTF ZPVSMBOEFRVJUZ DSFEJUTDPSFT ZSöYFE &MFWBUJPO# /BOUVDLFU4UBOEBSE TRVBSFGFFU CFESPPNT CBUIT t4QBDJPVTGSPOUQPSDI t4FDPOEøPPSMBVOESZSPPN t/BSSPXMPUEFTJHO t/BS t'JSTUøPPSNBTUFSCFESPPN XXXULDPOTUSVDUPSTDPN 'JSTU'MPPS 4FDPOE'MPPS 4UBSUJOHPVSTUOEBOESEIPNFTBU8BZOPLBUIJTNPOUI $FSUBJOSFTUSJDUJPOTBQQMZ1MFBTFTFFTBMFTDPOTVMUBOUGPSEFUBJMT PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 15 It is the Veteran who gives us our freedoms! On Friday, September 10th the Shawnee Squaws of Lake Waynoka were honored to be allowed to thank a small group of men and women who have helped guarantee our freedoms of religion and assembly, the free press and free speech, and our rights to fair trials and to vote in our great country. Twenty five veterans from the VA Home in Georgetown and more than a dozen vets who live at the Lake were treated to a great meal and an afternoon of fishing and relaxation courtesy of the Shawnee Squaws. The weather was perfect… no rain or extreme heat! Thank you, God! The pavilion, bathhouse and grounds were so clean! Thank you, Waynoka Men of Maintenance! The food was as wonderful as always! Thank you, ladies of the Shawnee Squaws! Thank you, Julie of the Mt. Orab Kroger’s for the gift card that helped us purchase the meat. The meats were grilled to perfection! Thank you, Vince, Roger, George, Beve, John and Betty! The ice that chilled our drinks did its job! Thank you, Jim and James of the Marina! The fish didn’t go hungry either… There were worms for them all! Thank you, Jim and James of the Marina, for your donation of the bait. The wheelchair accessible picnic tables were just what 16 vets needed! Thank you, Lake Waynoka Lions Club members! The set-up, serving and clean up went very well! Thank you, ladies of the Shawnee Squaws and your husbands, vets and other guests who helped! The vets loved winning the patriotic T-shirts, bags and blankets in the raffle. Thank you, Valerie and Betty for your donations. And lastly, a very large thank you to the ladies on the Veteran’s Picnic Committee: Liz Beresford, Eileen Brown, Diana DeVol, Lynn Prewitt & Mary Kay Wolfe. THANK YOU, EVERYONE for making this year’s picnic the best one yet! Joanne Coker, Chair of the Shawnee Squaws’ Annual VA Picnic Lake Waynoka Chorus GOOD NEWS for the Chorus; An accomplished piano player, Joy Crieghton, has joined the Chorus. This releaves Jeanne Eastlake and Gloria Rutan whoe now may give full attention to singing. Also, a new soprano Diane Winklejohn, has joined. All members have use of a song book of 34 songs. At the last session, Tuesday, Oct. 5, the group felt there was interest in the Chorus beyond Lake Waynoka boundaries, therefore, it was decided to accept members beyond our community boundaries. The storage items in the music room have been removed and the room with its new piano is excellent for the Chorus. The next session is Tuesday, 10/19 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Discussion is 6:30 to 7:00 and singing is 7:00 to 8:00. If anyone wishes to join, call me or any Chorus member. Aristotle Roussos PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 16 Is your hair frizzy, damaged and dull? We have the solution for you! Before Get silky, shiny, frizz free hair with the Brazilian Keratin Treatment at SunQuest Hair Designs! Monthly publish highlights from the Waynoka Awareness Safety Program to keep you and your neighbors safe. Each month you will find a helpful suggestion from the program guide for your use and to share with those around you. If you would like to have a WASP booklet or if you have something you would like to have included please call. Text First. Talk Second After DON’T WAIT CALL KATY FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATION TODAY! SUNQUEST HAIR DESIGNS 7588 Staten Rd. • Sardinia, OH 937-446-2306 THE WASP NEST Mon. & Fri. 9-5, Tues., Wed., & Thurs. 9-8, Sat. 9-3 Safe America created the Text First. Talk Second. to raise public awareness around the importance of utilizing text messaging for non-emergency communications during a disaster. When disasters strike, voice networks can become congested with people trying to call each other for nonvital communications. This can result in people in desperate need of help being unable to contact those they need to reach, such as emergency services, friends or loved ones. In some instances, this may also result in emergency service personnel being unable to communicate with each other. Here is what you can do: - Take the Pledge! Join hundreds of thousands of your fellow citizens in pledging to participate in a preparedness activity (texting). - Get the word out. Let your family and friends know if a natural or man-made disaster happens in your vicinity, the best way to find out if you are okay is to first try and contact you via text message and then phone. - Make sure everyone in your family knows how to use the text messaging function on their mobile phone and if they don’t, teach them. Finally, do one of the following texting activities: Drill A – Family/Friend/ Emergency Contact: Send, Receive, and Confirm text message with family member or friend. 1. Individual sends a text message to a family member and/or friend during the exercise. Text First. Talk Second “I M OK”/ “R U OK” 2. Family member/friend responds with “I M OK” Drill B – Employer to Employee Groups: Send, Receive and Confirm text messages with employees. 1. Employer sends text message to employees announcing a drill, e.g., “This is a texting drill through the alert notification system. For more information on preparedness, please go towww.safeamericaprepared.org (or insert organization website) or contact (supervisor, safety department, etc.) for more information.” 2. Employees respond by going to the website and/or making the suggested contact for moreinformation on preparedness. Vince DeVol 446-1702 Prescilla Redick 446-9385 PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 17 Fall Tournament Winners Lake Committee Report – Mark Talmage MEETINGS: Last Thursday of the month in the lodge at 7:00 Results for the August 18th Wednesday Night Tour. Trophies sponsored by Stihl 15 Entries, 35 Fish Released Total Weight=57.62 lbs. 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Big Bass Taylor & Taylor Beyer Leedy & Fussnecker Leedy & Fussnecker 1st Place Campbell & Quisno 7.89 lbs. 7.84 lbs. 5.64 lbs. 4.54 lbs. Results for September 15th Wednesday Night Tour. Trophies sponsored by B&T Shaft 17 Entries, 33 Fish Released Total Weight=54.18 lbs. 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Big Bass Kieffer & Carter Walke & Hargut Forbes & Keller Kieffer & Carter 10.80 lbs. 9.38 lbs. 8.86 lbs. 2nd Place Beyer & Cross Results for the Fall Tournament, September 18th 21 Entries, 56 Fish Released Total Weight=80.40 lbs. 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place Big Bass Quisno & Campbell Beyer & Cross McCann & Bobo Kieffer & Kieffer Sheldon & Ross 10.79 lbs. 8.70 lbs. 7.29 lbs. 6.08 lbs. 4.14 lbs. Results for the Bass Classic, October 2nd 24 Entries, 46 Fish Released Total Weight=61.96 lbs. 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Big Bass Kieffer & Carter Shaw & Grimes Beyer & Mitler Kieffer and Carter 11.50 lbs. 6.34 lbs. 5.70 lbs. 5.73 lbs. 3rd Place McCann & Bobo CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF THE WINNERS IN 2010 SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL OF OUR PARTICIPANTS FOR THEIR CONTINUOUS SUPPORT AS WELL AS OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 18 THE LAKE WAYNOKA LION’S CLUB WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL THESE SPONSORS FOR HELPING US PUT ON OUR 10th ANNUAL CAR SHOW ON SEPTEMBER 5, 2010 PLEASE SUPPORT ALL OUR SPONSORS A SPECIAL THANKS GOES TO COLES FURNITURE OF MT. ORAB STANLEY TOOLS OF GEORGETOWN THE PEPSI BOTTLING COMPANY OF RIPLEY BRYAN EQUIPMENT SALES OF LOVELAND PIERRE FOODS OF CINCINNATI SPONSORS OF LARGE AWARDS TOM BELCHER’S BODY SHOP OF SARDINIA MALOTT AUTOMOTIVE OF SARDINIA LUCKY YOU ARCADE AT RT 71 & RT 41 NATIONAL BANK & TRUST OF SARDINIA BOB MALCOM CHRYSLER-DODGE-JEEP, INC. OF PEEBLES BARRY’S CHEVROLET OF WEST UNION INDUSTRIAL PARTS & EQUIPMENT OF CINCINNATI ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY– AGENT CHRIS MUNN OF MT. ORAB CARNEY’S HEATING & COOLING OF LAKE WAYNOKA MT. ORAB FORD & MERCURY SUE BOONE REALTY OF HILLSBORO SUE BOONE-BROKER ROBIN GEIER-AGENT MIKE CASTRUCCI FORD SALES OF MILFORD RE/MAX RESULTS PLUS DORIS KITCHEN, REALTOR WE ALSO WANT TO THANK C103 “THE COW” RADIO WAYNOKA NEWSLETTER BROWN COUNTY PRESS HIGHLAND SUN & HIGHLAND CO. PRESS CLERMONT SUN PEOPLES DEFENDER NEWS DEMOCRAT TIMES GAZETTE PEEBLES MESSENGER WAYNOKA SECURITY OTHER SPONSORS FIRST STATE BANK OF ADAMS COUNTY IN WINCHESTER STIHL’S REEL IN THE OUTDOORS WITH JOE THOMAS OF MILFORD SARDINIA PHARMACY DONALD E. FENDER REALTY-AGENTS JIM BRIDGES, LIZ DOSS, RISA BOONE, & TIM ROSS BLUE FLAME OF HILLSBORO COMMAC FOODS OF WEST UNION MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OF MT. ORAB MT. ORAB FOOD COURT RENT-2-OWN OF GEORGETOWN MARTIN’S SUPERVALU OF SARDINIA OLD “Y” RESTAURANT ON RT 62 THE ECLECTIC MOOSE OF RUSSELLVILLE CARPET OUTLET ON TRI-COUNTY RD. CARRIAGE TRADE OF GEORGETOWN DeCLAIRE INSURANCE OF SARDINIA BROWN COUNTY MOTORS OF RUSSELLVILLE HOOK REAL ESTATE OF GEORGETOWN BARRERA GARAGE & BODY SHOP IN NEW MARKET ODYSSEY CANVAS WORKS OF RIPLEY SEIP’S AUTO PARTS & SERVICE OF GEORGETOWN STEVE BLEVIN’S CONSTRUCTION OF SARDINIA SWEARINGEN’S AUTO CARE & TIRE OF GEORGETOWN SARDINIA FUEL MART BILL’S SIGN COMPANY OF LAKE WAYNOKA McCONN & CUTRELL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW PAUL HALL & ASSOCIATES OF MT. ORAB LAKE MANOR RESTAURANT OF MT. ORAB TONY BROWN CONSTRUCTION STEVE VOGEL CONSTRUCTION FIFTH-THIRD BANK OF GEORGETOWN & RUSSELLVILLE DONATED DOOR PRIZES FOR CAR SHOW ADVANCE AUTO PARTS OF HILLSBORO & WASHINGTON C.H. DICK’S SPORTING GOODS, ARBY’S RESTAURANTS, PIZZA HUT, McDONALD’S RESTAURANTS, COMMAC FOODS, INC. , WEST UNION , PONDEROSA STEAK HOUSE , HILLSBORO, PEP BOY AUTO PARTS, EASTGATE , SKYLINE CHILI, MT ORAB WALMART, WEST UNION & HILLSBORO, CARTER LUMBER, STAR CINEMAS, HILLSBORO, KIBLER LUMBER, MT ORAB DAVE’S AUTO SERVICE & TIRE, HAMERSVILLE FRISCH’S RESTAURANTS TANKER’S MARATHON ON RT 32 BACKSTREETS DELI, ARNHEIM NAPA AUTO PARTS, WEST UNION & WASHINGTON C.H. MT ORAB FOOD COURT BUTTERMILK FALLS GOLF CLUB, GEORGETOWN IGA, GEORGETOWN STEPHANO’S PIZZA, HILLSBORO WALSH POOL & SPA SUPPLIES, TRI-COUNTY HY O. K. AUTO PARTS, PEEBLES SUBWAY, GEORGETOWN AUTO ZONE AUTO PARTS OF HILLsORO, WEST UNION, GEORGETOWN, WASHINGTON CH, AND MT ORAB HAUKE’S AUTOCARE, GEORGETOWN PAMIDA INC., GEORGETOWN HEDRICK’S GARAGE, PEEBLES HIGHLAND LANES, HILLSBORO BROWN CO AUTOMOTIVE, MT ORAB FIRST SAFETY BANK, GEORGETOWN ALLEY 21 NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL, HILLSBORO ROCKAUTO.COM O’REILLY AUTO PARTS, WEST UNION , HILLSBORO & WASHINGTON C.H. EQUIPMENT SUPERSTORE, GEORGETOWN SECRET GARDEN FLORIST, SARDINIA CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS, HILLSBORO NEWS DEMOCRAT BUTTERBEE’S AMERICAN GRILL, MT ORAB DOMINO’S PIZZA GOLD STAR CHILI, GEORGETOWN APPLEGATES HARDWARE, GEORGETOWN HUNAN PALACE, GEORGETOWN THE HOME PLACE, GEORGETOWN CVS PHARMACY, GEORGETOWN BIG BOY’S TOYS, ABERDEEN FIRESIDE RESTAURANT, GEORGETOWN SARDINIA AUTO REPAIR FIFTH-THIRD SECURITIES, GEORGETOWN SEARS, GEORGETOWN PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 19 Lake Waynoka Lounge Lake Waynoka Lounge Under new management November’s Events Every Monday – Happy Hour Domestic Beers only 7-9pm Every Tuesday - 8-ball Tournament 7:30 pm Every Wednesday – Euchre Night – 8:00 pm (excluding Nov. 24th) Every Thursday – Open pool Every Friday and Saturday – D.J, Karaoke, Live Bands Call 446-2012 for info Sunday – FOOTBALL all day – open at 1:00 Closed November 25th - Happy Thanksgiving Monday and Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Friday and Saturday Sunday Christmas is around the corner!! A great Gift idea. We have some Tee Shirts, sweatshirts, and hats in stock or you can place an order. Call Diana DeVol at 446-1702 Classified DOCKS/DECKS CLEANED & STAINED CALL BILL @ 446-4039 4:00 - 11:00 PM 4:00 - 12:00 AM 4:00 - 1:00 AM 1:00 - 11:00 PM GRINDER PUMP REMINDER Your grinder pump is not a garbage disposal. The following items should never be put in your system: *Egg shells *Fish scales *Cat litter *Diapers, socks, rags or cloth of any kind *Personal hygiene products *Oils or grease *Strong chemicals (drain cleaner) *Glass or metal objects. If the above items are introduced into the system it could result in premature failure of the pump and require service. If the red light on the electric box is on it means the pump is not working properly. Please call Security if you see your light or your neighbors light on. Security will dispatch our mechanics. 937-446-3214. **DURING POWER OUTAGES WATER USAGE SHOULD BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM** REPORT ALL ELECTRIC OUTAGES Dial 1-800-543-5599 to report an outage. Everyone should report an outage immediately, the TOTAL NUMBER of phone calls received in DUKE’S automated report system determines priority of repair. The more calls – the faster the response to our area. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor Waynoka News - 20 WAYNOKA PROPERTY OWNER’S ASSOCIATION, INC. This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer. 1 Waynoka Drive – Lake Waynoka Lake Waynoka, Ohio 45171 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID GEORGETOWN, OH 45121 PERMIT NO. 133 Waynoka News EDITOR Leslie Poole Lake Waynoka ADMINISTRATION OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Closed for Thanksgiving November 25th, 26th, & 27th WAYNOKA MARINA 14 Beach Cove, Sardinia, Ohio 937-446-4429 Marina Open Daily 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday & Saturday open till 7:00 Closed Wednesday We now have 20lb & 30lb Propane Tanks Stop by, we are here for your needs. WPOA accepts Visa, MasterCard & Discover REFERENCE NUMBERS Admin. Office Security Rec. Center Lounge Restaurant Marina Campground www.lakewaynoka.com 937-446-3232 937-446-3214 937-446-1778 937-446-2012 937-446-3774 937-446-4429 937-446-2887 Waynoka Restaurant CLOSED FOR THE WINTER WPOA BOARD OF TRUSTEES Any opinion expressed in this WRWSD BOARD newsletter reflects only the opinion OF TRUSTEES of the author and does not Tim Redick...................….President necessarily constitute an opinion of Steve Johnson....................President Joan Conners….….…VicePresident the W.P.O.A., its Board of Directors Ron Gloss..................Vice President Bert Freeman...……….….Secretary or any other individual. John Buskey......................Treasurer Betty Purdin……..……....Treasurer George Kinney.............Mbr. at Large Steve Johnson John McDulin Rudy Lindy Jim Meyer Advertising in this newsletter is not an endorsement of products or services. Larry Doughman...............Secretary Betty Purdin...............Mbr. at Large Gordon Rider Tim Redick Eric Kirk PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor