Joint Appendix
Joint Appendix
IIIIII IIIIH fPII IlUl flJI IJIII IllIIIII Ilfl IIIIII IlitIH Ilrrl IIII IIIlll IIIIr IIII Ill USFC2006-1090-04 {OFCB993F-B863-41 {70880} FC-BDEF-C3869F7F2AOE} {32-060606:131755}{060106} JOINT APPENDIX FILED U.S.COUm"OF APPEALSFOR TH_ I:_DI_RALCIRCUIT JUN 06-1090 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS AKEVA FOR THE I 2006 J_ HORB_Y FEDERAL _kI_CUIT L.L.C., Plaintiff-Appellant, g. ADIDAS-SALOMON AG, Defendant, and ADIDAS AMERICA, 1NC., Defendant-Appellee. Appeals From The United States District Court For The Middle Of North Carolina, Greensboro Division, In Case No. 1:03-cv-01207, Judge William L. Osteen JOINT APPENDIX Dirk D. Thomas Robert A. Auchter Danielle Avolio Andr6 J. Bahou Jason Buratti Munir R. Meghjee Robins, Kaplan, Miller 2800 LaSalle Plaza Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P. 1801 K Street, N.W., Suite 1200 Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel: Tel: (202) 775-0725 District 800 LaSalle Minneapolis, & Ciresi Avenue MN 55402 (612) 349-8500 Attorneys for Plaintiff-Appellant Akeva, L.L.C. L.L.P. Table of Contents Joint Appendix Title Pa_es Memorandum Opinion and Order ..................................................................... Memorandum Opinion and Order ................................................................... Final Order and Judgment Civil Docket A 1-51 A52-70 ............................................................................... A71-72 Sheet ........................................................................................... A73-94 United States Patent 6,604,300 B2 ................................................................ A95-140 United States Patent 6,662,471 B2 .............................................................. A 141-180 Exhibit I, U.S. Patent No. 5,185,943, to Akeva Response to Adidas Claim Construction Brief Exhibit L, U.S. Patent L.L.C.'s Excerpt Court's Response No. 5,560,126, to Adidas of Akeva's Motion Claim Construction in Support L.L.C.'s to Akeva Claim Construction A698-727 Brief of the .................. Thereof A756-773 A756-763, A770-772 ..................................... A786-824 ..................................... A849-861 Thereof Exhibit E, U.S. Patent No. 5,615,497, to Akeva's Motion for Partial Reconsideration of the Court's Claim Construction Order and Memorandum in Support A668-685 ........................................ for Partial Reconsideration Order and Memorandum Exhibit C, U.S. Patent No. 5,806,210, to Akeva's Motion for Partial Reconsideration of the Court's Claim Construction Order and Memorandum in Support ........................... Thereof Adidas America, Inc.'s Brief Regarding Phillips v. A WH Corporation DCI 45684570.1 ................................................ 1 A 1002-1011 Excerpt of Complaint and Demand Adidas America's Answer Affirmative Defenses for Jury Trial ................................... and ......................................... A 1019-1028 Notice of Appeal to the United States Court of ..................................... Appeals For The Federal Circuit A1033-1034 Excerpt of Adidas' Summary Judgment Declaration to Complaint A 1012-1015 Brief in support Regarding of its Motion the '300 Patent of Keith R. Williams, Excerpt of Akeva L.L.C.'S for Summary Judgment for ................................... A2010-2016 P.H.D ................................................ Response to Adidas's A2000, Motions A2023-2024 .......................... A2025, A 1042-1045 Excerpt of U.S. File History 6,604,300 B2 ..................................................... A3727, A4268-4271 Excerpt of U.S. File History 6,662,471 B2 ...................................................... A4339 A4414-4420, A4496-4499, A4706-4712, A4736-4742, A4749-4952 ........................................................... A5358, A5463-5465, A5468-5473, A5521-5533 ExcerptofU.S. DCI 45684570.1 File History5,615,497 2 Case _1:03,cv-O1207-WLO FOR AKEVA Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 IN THE UNITED STATES THE MIDDLE DISTRICT DISTRICT OF NORTH Page 1 of 51 COURT CAROLINA L_L.C., Plaintiff, v. aDIDAS I:03CV01207 z AMERICA, INC., Defendant. MEMORANDUM OSTEEN, District Plaintiff action ("adidas"). Patent (_'300 and "Athletic shoe with violation of by A M@rk_a Cir. brings this against Defendant adidas America, asserts 35 United § •inventor 1995), aff'd, •. asserted z The First, to be the U.S. infringed" company's trade Inc., 370, _meaning and 391, and must scope be name 116 F.3d S. of the A 0001 with to 1384, patent Id. a in were 967, Ct. determined. begins Patent"), requires 52 Sole" entitled patents assigned infringement _nstruments, 517 6,662,471 The States Improved ("'471 (b). Meschan patent No. Inc. United with Structure" and F. Shoe Patent Heel 271(a) David of Westview States patent infringed _Athletic Improved U.S.C. v, Defendant entitled determination q (1996) ("Akeva") 6,604,300 Patent") acquired ORDEK L.L.C. Plaintiff No. and Judge Akeva infringement OPINION lowercase Akeva. two 976 steps. (Fed. 1396 claims Second, "a." the Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO properly construed accused of meaning and the duty full of scope the briefing the I. Patent, of descriptions of The _300 of wearer's several matter has now the '300 of been the and product that assessment (the out has is of law and, the subject the thus, of _Markman proper '471 construction Patents. at like heel a shoe. below is few the details gives with more of a the general complete Analysis its interior. this athletic section, with heel that interior Generally cushioning extra theme. with spring. Central A 0002 Claim the region plate its shoe a durability, infringed, the beneath trampoline, an Beginning void on in a section usefulness, flexible andproviding variations given the a and below. Patent asserts a Patent, This discloses incorporates acts a inventions, claims _secured" deflection plate the '300 claimed enhance Akeva periphery, the Patent first region in the an hearing sets contention. the of sole herein 6,604,300 features claim in the performance rear is a to step, This and terms of are description whose first court. court compared Page 2 of 51 BACKGROUND aspects The be Filed 05/17/2005 claims, parties claim 133 The patent the the disputed A. Id. of by FACTUAL '471 must district and Many claims infringing. of hearing"), Document 93, which the is supported shoe. area, and speaking, to is at is of '300 of a The heel its capable the impact one the discloses of The sole and patent the rear flexible the Patent the claims disputes Case is the a 1:03-cv-O1207-WLO feature shoe wherein by the This allows becomes worn or allows wearing, heel no life. invention the longer The should a different separated new needs to the activity,• by the portion be located the giving parties whether the and flexible plate, r0tatability of as the in and feature that the fast- back the Plaintiff as its it of heel _spirit" heel, of playing very thereby the when that ground-engaging, disagree attached as a so at rest cushioning also wearer the heel such is Page 3 of 51 from different There rotated heel replace running. be be removability to wearer Filed 05/17/2005 be a the than to can wearer ground-engaging is longer heel 133 allowing for rather the heel the when properties basketball the wearer, place. spring Document the • a of the contends, or Defendant argues. B. The The '471 constructed recumbent •each The U other wearer returning Patent shape is made of in joined to of top at the their original the between shifts. the athletic _U" and lying bottom end of by shoe on its walls a heel curved wall the recumbent U "stiffening member" to this increase 3 A 0003 parallel or absorbs add springing As • the impact. and be to bend. spring deflection can is This generally structure after that side. the positions A walls a heel, components weight an one the wearer's bend discloses the weight to Patent in and adds energy 6,662,471 added effect. a by as at the Case IX. 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document Filed 05/17/2005 Page 4 of 51 ANALYSIS Here, the court tackles infringement determination, the First, patent. analysis is properly consider of 133 an given, evidence. the first which is explanation including and Second, weight the court to of the the step the be a patent construe the language appropriate evidence to in a construes method district given to the of court may different disputed of types claim terms. A. Applicable 1. Law The Court Construe Should Claims, if Needed. Evidence, A court claims: (1) should the use specification, Markman, 52 evidence and A court claims scope F.3d the second step the invention, and "is the Within and 979. always should "[f]irst both patented _nq., is to but single the the (3) look the three be consulted. . . the best F.3d the look specification to (Fed. the to the is a written A 0004 words CorD. history. intrinsic of to the define the v, Cir. 1996). The The claims define always meaning the of the prosecution specification. "is meaning (2) nonasserted, 1582 specification guide themselves, Vitrqnics 1576, the are to Extrinsic determine sources and Evidence Consider patent's These asserted to to claims invention." 90 Intrinsic andMay sources of should ¢onceptronic, Id. at themselves, of three language patent's Consider the of highly a relevant" disputed description of term." the Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO invention that invention described. construction in the claim." of for F.3d at of lexicographer, the specification. the be •construed using the However, in the the because "[t]hat The way is in _undisputed Trademark right to is the the exclude" public Markman, record' is of 52 of primary F.3d at in Id. A view uses S_e Vitronics, acted clearly of word defined, The or F.3d using of evidence at in in not information Id. "file consult, 1582. if "This Patent and understanding "specification will 980. "do[] to the word than claims." the F.3d a at the his in term description purpose significance used rather 52 from 90 words as redefined that of court has proceedings A 0005 read patentee intrinsic 980. terms explicit written Vitronic_, define to the of specification sometimes•called of sort any has and make consider has others type Id.; be _, its to claim a meaning. meaning function third may definitions meaning. and the a patentee history, evidence. Office Z the ordinary prosecution wrapper," claims. the when patentee then the also as part." ordinary special the a whether as specification delimit is such and art _For act "must Page 5 of 51 the 979. may are should giving word's they their court specification, at terms instance, If F.3d in invention Claim which meaning, • own in A skilled 52 the with 1582. Filed 05/17/2005 description •Id. inconsistently •statements it the explains consider, terms •90 which the someone Markman, specification, should allow purposes, dictionary, used would Document 133 and the Case 1:03-cv-01207oWLO Document 133 Filed 05/1712005 Page 6 of 51 /,... claim[s] are the they bear on their said when he was Dent_ Vulcanit@ (1880)). order If to the obtain the be from estopped Pall 1218 (Fed. should it . the When a 90 the disputed F.3d patent at 2 The V. patentee at prior art, This F.3d at Otto then the in to patentee scope 66 prosecution would into F.3d in the (quoting the the 1211, history used vary' 222 scope as Inc., or 980 12 Goodyear can and claims, limitations Goodyear in Dental 227). evidence fails evidence evidence Circuit may the proper Instruments, 517 U.S. decision, as indicated an ambiguity consulted. all such expert in Vitronics, evidence aversion outside the testimony, to the 2 use of In Markma_, the court and his patent attorney amounted to no more than construction Inc., 52 370, 391, 116 the Federal reaui_es us to give no deference about the meaning of the claims." resolve be includes history, has to in claim construction. testimony of the inventor no deference because it aff'd, a later such language diminish, prosecution opinion on v. Westview 227, Separations. patentee (quoting disclaimed the the surrendered claims, the extrinsic 1583. or construction what 222, the _Although the _ U.S. this MAcron intrinsic Federal Cir. 1995), (1996). In of understand U.S. its 102 from 52 by application." allowance V, and confirmed disclaimed 'enlarge, expert testimony stated that the was entitled to _M_r_m_n inventor Davis, to term, and a legal Markman CQ. 1995). 102 be his Markman, Vulcanite, "may patentee" reincorporating cannot c_aims." the making CORD. used of invention Cir. be words face an distinguish claims. /" in of F.3d the claims. 967, 983 S. Ct. Circuit to 1384, went (Fed. 1396 further: the testimony Hoechst CelaDese of (continued...) A 0006 the Case the inventor's other 52 1:03-cv-01207-WLO testimony, statements, F.3d at understanding A of the extrinsic court the record is - 2. is The Court Claim "In remain Digital Cir. Svs., 2002) by the that V, persons claims. Should not if or treatises. use to it Id. the to at Its F.Sd Markman, aid its vary or 981. intrinsic 90 Begin the The use evidence at of -- the 1583. Construction analytical language of Teleuen_x, terms meaning skilled the the in written the the focus claims In¢,, quotations the ordinary consult the (internal presumption" have Inc. may materials evidence Vi_roni_s, claims, on but Page 7 of 51 with the begin and Language. construing centered this proper unclear. learned use in only marketing and may used Filed 05/17/2005 company's patent, terms evidence public a 133 dictionaries, 980. contradict Document 308 omitted). in that the claims would relevant description be themselves." F.3d 1193, There is "mean Id. at prosecution Texa_ 1201 a what attributed art." and must (Fed. "heavy they say to those 1202. To history and words before =(...continued) _orp. v. (emphasis BP Chems. added). that any technical a disputed documents, expert expert, claim taken L_., 78 Additionally, of the claim terms." 90 F.3d 1576, in such "rare and dictionaries reliable, and invention. 1575, 1580 the Federal (Fed. Cir. 1996) Circuit has stated testimony, _whether it be of an attorney, a or the inventor, on the proper construction of term . . may only be relied upon if the patent as a whole, are insufficient to enable the court to construe disputed ConceDtroni¢, Inc., court continued that documents objective, F.3d Vi_ronics 1585 (Fed. instances," are preferred are accessible Id___=. A 0007 Corp, v. Cir. 1996). prior art because to the they public The are at thetime Case 1:03-cv-01207.WLO looking into to the an ordinary claims Circuit. use the and Id____. at would be only as an exemplary In determining to an . any long definition and other is issued[] sources F.3d the its references of at of are of common litigation itself. any Federal example, claim to terms. should in time at serve 90 F.3d at and the types of events, a£ during the 1203. n.6. A serve n court litigation, A 0008 time whether patent serves as the patent reliable D_git_l, 308 "unbiased by motives, may the patent as are untainted parties' A of Texas references contradict encyclopedias, the meaning. understanding, free claim not reading at that some construing a to a to are dictionaries, available term's is does by 1584, resources a Although "Judges when look considered it definition ascertained may long 1202. rule. or on Id. been definitions claims, court evidence, general dictionary These subsequent at the a have Id. "publicly testimony, materials the for embodiments extrinsic the information" reflections limit limitations of court, meaning, which objective 1202-03. to ordinary is Vitroni¢_, notice a because dictionary found documents." invention importing precedent lead resources." to as the could treatises, exception so public the on risk Page 8 of 51 form. treatise rely •terms, It Filed 05/17/2005 would however, useful or 133 violate the error, and dictionary extent would of This• "particularly meaning 1203. embodiment dictionaries Document expert and consult the these introduced into Case 1:03-cv-O1207-WLO evidence or not. court should these meanings the record look be of The will rebutted if "the patentee, clearly set at In 1204. _must the art redefine the 395 F.3d 1364, will be rebutted claim scope." Texas patentee has its this of have on 1370 if the by that Merc_ Cir. a which of words by Digital, "distinguished expressly the disclaimed F.3d his or T_va Second, has disavowed or expressions at A 0009 Pbarms. USA, ordinary or of In this from a Inc., meaning disclaimed manifest disavowal of situation, prior or the reasonably to 1204. matter, one in intended clear subject of Diqital, made put it own definition a invention her statement v, v. First, Texas to in 2002). his Id. limited InG. Cir. inventor representing 308 or clarity the rebutted." explicit the intrinsic whether is meaning." 2005). words determine as an _ CO. inventor using restriction, acting forth full _i_D_ss. (Fed. sufficient (Fed. _the ¢C$ ordinary notice the berebutted situation, term." coverage, or may 1366 F.3d reference, use meaning 1359, F.3d to customary 288 308 exclusion determine the case See has specification every here. from of to Page 9 of 51 definitions, determined, relevant different scope multiple record is meaning term in in and the skilled has with meaning ordinary lexicographer, .\ word consistent ordinary CorD., be most a intrinsic examined situations Brunswick the ordinary _must three to "is the 1204. When Filed 05/17/2005 Id_ presumption at Id. inventor." Once Document 133 claim the art highlighted a Case . . 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 10 of 51 .... particular feature v, Corruaatinq A Atl_n_ third situation meaning patentee so deprive by the scope which language used." 175 F.3d 985, F.3d at in Network Serv. one less the claim Cir. 1343, term of invention." or may see the the there is no from v. means the Z_bGo Tezos Co. 2004). by IDG, also Cir. than ascertained A_09., Hall chosen that be 1999); (Fed. other terms clarity _.E. 1353 definition W or_wide (Fed. of a own not rebutted. on v. Covad 2001). If 1353. the a claim demonstrates a the definition." to unambiguous the CQrp., Diq_l, term of term 395 308 be at inconsistency disputed term of JohDsQn in the 262 is said the term WQrldwi4_, I0 A 0010 put F.3d Be_l 1258, 175 to more ordinary meaning is clearly set meaning is not rather 1268 ambiguous, have W.E. written A_I. is ordinary 1371; of one susceptible to the will rebuttal meaning. the and F.3d to evidence from cannot breadth different merely depart the enough intrinsic that thus, Inc., inventor _, (and, GROUP, the definition of term of Comm_. Additionally, use be notice intent See claim must art clear, his limited 990 patentee's than "Varied of the the F.3d a claim interpretation, out at the Johnson the Cir. the "Where meaning) skilled if is 370 requires redefinition ordinary than LLC, to 1204. The (Fed. important that ordinary its as Hall, be 370 or F.3d enough. description than F.3d providing at 991. a Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Bell While redefinition Atl,, 262 F.3d claim terms in ascertained or (quoting have 'by the term the followed by showed it 1272. claim distinc£ based on that in omitted). of B. The The a thepatent the to in the court, 'found Id. be used a In to the patentee's three flow. it was claim at 1273 term to in at the was _beyond (internal and Id. there terms consistent construe written limiting because of Bell modes," of that term statement selectable data to enough reviewing the the 1271. amorphous" In said manner _rate" been no their quotations its redefined Id. Analysis their take has at specification. proposing be the Id. of may description embodiment Parties'.Methods define limited notion had may modes, broadening throughout parties, constructions the specification." Also, _mode" the preferred allowed the three explicit. may in and found of he Id. 1269. one from term patentee if _broad at in of rejected A written Circuit court support use Id. The authority found be documents.'" meaning." it a 1582). the not meaning patent single "operates be the the specification[] descriptions to that implication to need Page 11 of 51 specification patent Federal system at by limitation. description, of looked which it "[T]he F.3d a Flied 05/1712005 clear, such term only court some the 90 entire _mode," require 1268. reading claim with Atlantic, be implication' the consistent that at by a _throughout the must Vitronics, defined Document 133 preferred different ii A 0011 views claim of the proper Case claim its 1:03-cv-01207-WLO construction proposed defined terms, other segments for art how to not be on As chosen & Markman to limit when invention, the own Supp. Claim 8 be 1334 the ordinary and clear the 1368 regard to terms should be meaning. the It of end, the or enough skilled specification this is its provide someone the all figures, scope must teach To from only in the should Akeva that i0 (Fed. embodiments heavy allowed when relies ascertained is from Construction of NQv_rtis (Fed. is (quoting Cir. only 2003)).) describes should 12 A 0012 language by supported or when which (_Akeva's Cor p . v. •A has used.'" L.L.C. Abbott definition by a alternative v, Qvon_c Akeva taken B_tt_ry also embodiments be term, the Akeva this Kumar a of patentee means 2004)).) for the 'no pharms, Cir. presumption redefined there preference at the and meaning specification these is (quoting 1328, 1364, claims. clarity Mem. (Id. to 12 of 51 with description, define lexicographer may to ordinary written deviation such F.3d and invention, meaning at claim Page definitions. asserts, his the specification the use Filed 05/17/2005 argues, that or definition." that the claim "deliberate F.3d While the contrary 351 patent, dictionary 375 the make Brief") Labs., not sufficient lacks of plain claims be _term their the ordinary to (Mot. of Akeva and that asserts, the used heavily scope it rights.• support plain to 133 Akeva constructions, claim the analysis. according property Document as Co,, emphasizes of the examples only, the Case and 1:03-cv-O1207-WLO not as limitations on the embodiment or an "preferred" does not "the full affect have history, support, ordinary more of consistent with the the claim, specification, is construed there is more definition prosecution be the patentee's ordinary the one best term and construe the relies on the patent claim term notion is in If then the no the court according that determined to _[t]he in patentee is reject the patentee's accordance 13 A 0013 with to the the is term the 3.) the with a of meaning then meaning, of review first, (I_q_ at must meaning the Akeva uses history, meaning of Claim a in term If correct the specification, ordinary claims time ordinary comports claims, the than look, meaning." possible the prosecution the prosecution 9.) requires must the given Disputed specification which that at the _If be what Constr_ court ordinary at of art and the embodiment context-specific This one use, the 2.) terms. in more a should (Id_ Correct the and its history. the on claim manner than uses the have will patentee focus claims 13 of 51 of possible test" in at argues meaning a specification, adidas to skilled Brief") the a the takes Page description meaning." Br. Markman with of _objective _ language, but omission that the someone (adidas' claim A hand, on Filed 05/17/2005 claims. plain other to (_adidas' would their focuses invention. Terms the meant 133 requirement of on adidas would the the breadth adidas, view. Document way the and consistent ordinary use. with meaning adidas technical term its in usaae in the a Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 14 of 51 r. i specification, history elaborated and with invention." F.3d (Id. 1321, 1326 The years, the construction: focused into ) (Fed. are claims. supported by Federal Circuit focused Debate AWH En 86 away The from based Banc, court's the en • majority Cir. and its 2004). questions unless doctrine, in focused of on at claim & court of to Rehear Off. Soc'y appear and the Phillip_ v, case method could of the 14 A 0014 law as Phillips 911, be to 911 a claimsgranted CorD. 376 settle F.3d the 1382 vast (Fed. several However, construction now v. shifting has encompass it limits Federol court claim claim second read back analysis. its a to AWH that amends apply to the doctrine. this Over to and likely However, questions Circuit must more somewhat approaches language decisions construction appropriate 363 precedent. two Trademark of seven the Federal taken approach case outcome of CorD., although Decision 920-21. on • field Strvker Understandiqq recent the the Circuit is _ts Pat. The the this and most Id_ banc specifically that J. v. claim specification-based approach. rehearing the Molenda, Internal (2004•). on Josef prosecution in parties, has specification John the 2004)).) the _ircuit's CORD. CorD. by Federal the Norian Cir. by t•o usage advocated one on appropriate consideration (quoting analyses inconsistent, the due if stands. until a Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO C. The The asserts the 6,604,300 first is infringed by shoe of adidas is (emphasis the Patent Claim 93. This added to and the visible 118, which these 121, Akeva Both _secured," 122, the '300 section. by the parties. is _to make Dictionary interpreted 204 also disputed discloses terms): The In and region the to of the upper; plate is G_Dable the DeriDheral being of the at least shoe. subsequent and their infringed by the will plain the tie and down." Akeva to its _471 address context (1986). according heel of in part independent claims dependent claims, adidas. _ court fast: 2053 and Patent the surface outside in are _Secured this claim 4ireGtion substantially to the maSQr _xis of _b_ shoe, the h_v_nq at least one conG_ve Dortion, appear 192, i. in lower from terms asserts and Akeva peripher_l Portions of the plate beinq from movement relative to an interior the Pla_e in _ direction s_bstantiallv to _ majQr @xis of the _hoe so that portions _D @ perpendicular uDDer surface 117, that upper and lower surfaces and at least a portion of the rear a portion of the heel region Of the iqterior portion Qf heinQ deflected relative of 15 of 51 Terms '300 heel region; below the flexible plate having positioned between sole and at least the upper, xestrained portion of p_rDendicul_r Several Clalm Page comprising: an upper having a a rear sole secured and a Rled 05/17/2005 Disputed claim invention A 133 Patent's independent following 93. Document its ordinary of a asserts and 15 A 0015 use meaning is New not patents contested _to secure" Int'l _secured" ordinary term both object, Third that the in meaning physical Webster's plain Patent meaning should of be • Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 which would Page 16of51 ,.... _fastened _ or removable, argues _attached," and that rotatable this specifications Rather, to the the shoe the term Patent, and '471 first, always The court that then the background the wears its shape; cushioning customization of a different leaves an few light the because mean simply the the the other hand, the "fastened." heels "selectively address of on that proper '300 _secured" locked proper into construction specification of construction out much shoe of faster the in the light _300 of the running), individual wearer's for those invention. state the of shoe when most wherein requires of creates weight suffering 16 A 0016 heel the athletic an of outer rest the from The the shoe of the area; costly it of and remains loses and lack (3) acquisition (e.g., to customize preferences, or for midsole activity foot art periphery the inability and relies, description the in type the the compression, each written wherein entire which argument of with than especially for the summary wear, midsole options, adidas' problems outsole of (2) options and three (i) Patent, portion background basketball, to to or first the the effect, of shoes to replacement tennis, will address the shoes: good word removable, introductory athletic in rebutted contemplate in discusses requires adidas, is the permanent, specification. details heel use _secured" regard on not are Patent's With meaning specifications position." of attachment, plain do encompass and leg injuries Case or 1:03-cv-01207-WLO other 12. Document irregularities. It further _300 describes [t]o achieve description, 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Patent, col. I, Page i. 17 of 51 32-coi. 2, i. that [advantages claims, and to be set drawings] forth in the written and in accordance with the purpose of the invention . . ., the shoe includes an upper having a heel region, a rear sole _ecuredbelow the heel region of the upper, and a rear sole support secure the attached rear sole to the upper below the heel and Gonfiaured region of the to upper. Id., col. 2, later states, Which includes having ii. 27-33 _The thereby Rresent Qr different c_n added). invention _ccep_ a a cross The written includes plurality characteristics providing (emphasis (emphasis Qf and/or trainer a shoe." shoe rear surface Id., description or shoe _oles kit 1503 configurations, col. 6, Ii. 33-36 added). adidas also specification that construction states, points of _In all sole support and upper added). Figure 2 In generally components in The rear the sole of rear shoe." specification to a sole language more col. 7, describes support, mechanical to the ii. a depicted of the patents the patentee's in the in suit, numerical manner illustrated specification. 17 A 00t7 the court references rear 17-20 specification: quotations included the limited relative Id., in specification includes sole also rear a the invention the the of for notably, _h_ locking examples argument Most embodim_Dt$, selectively a its _secured." for connecting several support means (emphasis to has to for in Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO I To secure sole i50 Document 133 rear sole is simply 150 to rear press-fitted maDn@r O_ loGking rear one of several positions ways in which the rear repositioned, other part Id., col. further 5, ii. 14-20 describes selectively it may to allow be moved the user Id., specification's depicted in de_achably its that to error to Akeva possible the limitation argues, in with permanently of conjunction "secured" ii. flexible a detachable rear soles 18 A 0018 a each means that rear provided The the sole 43-45 ., desired shoe 150 that is relative (emphasis to added). proposed specification nor does does reason, it it not disavow would be the legal incorporate adidas' The description, written attached region rear as 140 added). adidas' to is support with at a "detachable." "The attached sole "secured," permanently with rear . positionable 4, or . explains this support 150 (emphasis to For term references embodiment: only term sole sole sole Patent's meaning. construe additional "300 rear specification includes opposition the ordinary rear col. 140, This The rotatably Id., rear positions 46-51 and/or the redefine the _also 140." in of ii. 1 to to description Figure argues, construction, and 6, written support Akeva plain col. the rear plurality secure support .... added). relative Page 18 of 51 into the shoe at any of several mechanical be removed, to _[s]ince to S@GDred sole purport a sole into 150 one can (emphasis that to sole is sole locked positionable position." rear and/or a shoe. of Filed 05/17/2005 rear also sole, well." soles as a need not be used but can be used Id., col. I0, ii. Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 f." Filed 05/17/2005 Page 19 of 51 . 14-16. this a If _secured" disclosed basic term of contemplated, top not the used such as rear sole sole to Id., Meschan's previous detachability, Claim 25 _'126 Patent"), of the col. of upper," and detachably securing No. If meaning Patent, would 8, makes ii. sole _a then shoe the 5,560,126 of Patent by reference another violation sole a rear below Oct. i, included merge of 1996), Claims a rule 19 A 0019 25 of and claim claim (the 4300 the heel region for heel region." col. 16, 40 Patent, that means notion sole feature. the 40 the that 5,560,126 claim the this below the rear to including sole the is and wants into dependent 25, sole argues Number their connection Akeva to secured to may "attached" to he not description rear reference claim "secured" when the that the attached U.S. (issued impermissibly that rear the Finally, specific makes of is is written because of that _wcure_ referencing exclude violation member or The shoe, 24-25. prior on between show a component Patent rear incorporated "[t]he this connection Meschan's the the a argues flexible 59-60. of would detachability a in is also placed ii. rest patents references the member "the he where to it which Akeva exclusively the support." patent, reference ii, the support: the contexts cushioning discussing includes in "secured" rear in in I__4__, col. use used of secured," construction. is U-shaped surface." does of claim _secured" a _detachably embodiment rule _have meant ii. U.S. 40-53. of detachability, in the construction. '126 Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Akeva Patent's is correct claims secured." This _secured," nor with a so location sole be but locked into patent's position" without also While being the attachment, it sole specifically includes mechanical relative to col. 7, ii. the points into 17-20 does the the not disavow place. The and added). 2O A 0020 not col. 7, sole be ii. 42- As the of a shoe rotatable) that written _%bod_ments, selectively support sole permanent in for rear shoe. statement means _the "selectively (e.g., express all may rear an "[i]n (emphasis out, the that detachability. position from that sole sole of is in the written written I___, require not be from The invention sole states it rear does fixed rear "the construction contain states and 58-63. '300 of the rear longer positionable." specification permanently ii. that detachable does the strike" an instance, no the meaning disavow will in "detachably plain For proposed locked the separating 6, used mean wherein without description selectively sole. heel rotatably adidas" in portion col. to Page 20 of 51 as description rear reiterates written be neither embodiment rotated only However, is first Patent, _secured" construed _worn user's Filed 05/17/2005 term written an the later removable rear the 133 be attached _300 description could does the may support." 43. limitation that of the not describes rotatable rear that should permanently description Document description the locking upper While of this disclaims invention the the rear shoe." statement sole Id., uses a Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO the word _includes," an open-ended of Patent 2004), include generally word allowing Examining it does not to including a relative to embodiment allow the rear user the can and no the shoe the position into upper. sole of the sole position be in 2 also This means rear rear while fixed mechanical lock rev. could the upper, as Manual ed., invention shoe permanently that choose (8th the language features, locking and support selectively user that Page 21 of 51 claim possible selectively is sole in 2163.Ii.A.I. support require to § for that " Filed 05/1712005 other possible sole sole would a Either rear rear for appear means the 133 interpreted Procedure mechanical relative Document latter present to position. rear sole, or she cannot. In $ciMed _i_ _¢,, the Svst@ms. patent in which embodiments" court the is deemed at own, in be 1341. This be question." the true Id, as of a The coaxial dual 1337 the include Considered structure disadvantages is reviewed F.3d "[w]here outside A_v_nced description 242 not v, Circuit written that does to "might lumen the explained Inc, Federal language. invention Id. Systems. the used (Fed. even broad if the enough specification rather structure similar specification of the in used in clear the language, SciMed dual, A 0021 of The that encompass than 21 2001). makes claims feature on the its the and its feature identified art, that patent." discussed prior of "all feature, claim to construction Cir. a particular reach Cardiovas¢_l_r a Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 22 of 51 ,..." described the coaxial structure for _ii con_emDlate_ found excluded of of description because of and be the it would been clearer" of it present only _difficult in making to a variant a be 1344. a "a clear embodiment applicable the the court imagine how the of the claimed of the SciMed decision any such disclaimer the mere absence to court _all found went on patents structure case written preferred words lumen court that The Indeed, coaxial The manner to expressly invention," Id. it at sleeve 1343. in Id. was basic invention at held discussing be every Id. invention and structure "the present " matter." unequivocal." that element not defined embodiments "broad subject could the the structure, as _h e herein. defined dual disclaimer of _i_clo_ed language the structure @mbodim_n_s add this lumen to say could "a have necessary invention." Id. .. The in potential subsequent matter must (Fed. because structure, inferior, in "all disclosed First, explicit, does invention. 906 cases. be embodiment reach not and exclude that Liebel-Flarsheim Cir. the 2004). Co. Explicit specification (2) and (i) characterized (3) embodiments herein." concluded of Id. No from v. Inc., discussed the present such was only alternative that the of Medrad, preferred inventi0n disclaimer 22 A 0022 been of embodiment disclaimer an has subject reference to an the of the scope 358 found one narrowed F.3d in type Sc_ed of structure as structure contemplated could be 898, found was and in used Case _iebe_-Fl_rsheim, embodiment the where using disclaimer patent the as physical engagement." only and defining they apply i__, S Victor Co. (holding the written in was F.3d no description see F.3d 1317, disclaimer of (Fed. one Water 2004). It reasoning of _less direct, . is at (Fed. matter 1122 Inc. Cir. v. 2002) when embodiment clear the Honeywell, 1326 a _tenacious Safari Id. also Second, filter The was an where Cir. way. subject described 907. v. structure 1344); at require Inc. language describe bottle embodiments.'" 298 merely not some to example, water 1121 in '[the] at Ltd., a did iiii, the all For Water. joined phrase for Japan there cap F.3d be Id. clear. this because 242 of and 381 structure (quoting the as preferable another). Despite to IDC., than . and Page 23 of 51 failed structure. direct filter Filed 05/17/2005 simply _nnova/P_re that not patent _associated," Sys,, did basic to being required SciMed be the assembly the 133 alternative must described Fil_r_t_Q_ Document apply to patent. or two possible may be the shoe. Wall in dual form, These (i.e., interpretations embodiments" SciMed forms: movable and subsequent the Like coaxial clear the where the it "locked embodiments unequivocal statement the securing may language be of lumen of in exist the 23 A 0023 in sole fixed position") cannot be rear permanently into it appearing could the SciMed, by in in Akeva's either here presents Place the wearer simultaneously. written appears description or it of The that Case . /"'" t 1:03-cv-O1207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 24 of 51 . _all embodiments means for choice of the the selectively of a of one locking form permanently present over the positioned the rear other, and rear include sole sole an show a an mechanical unmistakable unqualified from the disclaimer subject matter of invention. The written invention The written accept description does not includes a contains include description invention a plurality a the or shoe shoe of rear surface a shoe." '300 cross trainer statement appears detachable This from the disclaimer other of statements that is disclaimer of F.3d 1327 statement no for at about conclusive a However, structure even but the the so rear other not invention could an statements attached by the are 24 A 0024 be This removable can envision or replace it. with a rear sole internal equivocal soles. internally not providing inconsistent rear _was be too can 33-36. must This attached ii. soles is is that 6, that specification or thereby rear detachable. sole. different sole attachment contemplated these the the present includes having col. that rear _The which specification (stating weight [] that permanently the kit Patent, that shoe in in mean positioned configurations, permanent rotatable inconsistency 298 to evidence statement: soles and/or further permanently makes characteristics a invention" thought it, sentence's consistent See render but out" finding first in it Honeywell, inconsistent well to to summary and so support portion). supporting the Case idea 1:03-cv-01207-WLO that whether the or only a in rear refutes Akeva refers used I0, can the rear sole SciMed, to which and does not address the remainder of detachability.' Therefore, or sole In depend, the discloses a portion 4 In after the "secured" rotatable, its but Patent, _a of the proposed Claim shoe is upper." findings the the the rear sole. permanently claim mean _a from _471 . . a Patent, submitted to the A 0025 notion that into all in other rear sole col. 13, the of would position. to _a selectively court Markman hearing, Akeva proposed a construction that defined it as _attached and encompasses and removable attachment." 25 term, _300 sole fixed which col. reference rear notpermanently Patent, none, locked terms' . can Likewise, the found .. claim to in has by detachability addressed court comprising region _300 statement cited movable. into are to be read of i, language must only shoe. discusses soles." not Patent's construed fastened, '471 the that _300 is rear no the _flexible excludes cited and sole secured" permanently below has the sole the arguments from of rear does positions, specification None that Page 25 of 51 various detached movability Akeva's the be the court the rear into movable. statement Akeva a moved attached the Filed 05/17/2005 Patent's that specification, contemplate 133 can statement This one rear is permanently feature, be '300 notion the 14-16. Patent's the that the with ii. sole sole Akeva be rear not Like Document position." claims secured ii. 7-9. shortly of permanent, Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO f'-" Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 26 of 51 , J No further is made mention in The a the '471 of 32 detachability, claims Patent's permanently fixed rear paragraph In the first _Field of the Invention," more relates sole, to Following problems of detachable shoes) prior rear athletic to solve £he introduction art, which states only rear subtitled that the athletic _present shoes and, with '471 is a discusses col.l, the of inability designs and Patent, discussion the (mostly problems, not attached specification, soles." this various permanently shoes designs moveability disclaims multi-purpose rear sole a patentee to interchangeable/detachable however, but the or patent. of generally particularly, 13-15. this specification, sole. invention of rotatability, the of regarding obstacles ii. other dress involved in f adapting without See conventional compromising id., _Summary col. of i, the rear support." the written saying from invention incQrporate_ _01e, associated - and col. 2, rear Id., sole col. later conventional _ a 3, that significantly with conventional 31. is ii. the to athletic important The general provides shoes, bQel designs other i. gives _[a] description departure rear 18 Invention" by heel cushioning i. invention sole detachable properties. section titled description detachably 14-15. shoes of secured Most that _in _boe of a the radical present includina a alleviates heel problems soles and 26 A 0026 provides to importantly, _ructure, wear the detachable enhanced the Case I l:03-cv-O1207-WLO cushioning and/or Document spring." 133 Id., Filed 05/17/2005 col. 4, ii. Page 27 of 51 54-59 (emphasis added). Like in detachable lack rear of In related art appears to awareness sole. interchangeable "471 a to detachable as the the reference one sole" all or to more heel 5 The athletic cushioning the Although shoe scope the structures discussion _shoe _a of of heel of of the weight col. 2, a the is or is use _including a prior art each shoe 54-57. continues: 27 A 0027 a Patent, a clear merely huge heel fact to rear requires _Similarly, a same that detachable offer varying despite the spans not the detachable invention include size not invention" The invention including '300 and the and the invention, of Finally, present entire of athletic clear the this for ii. an industry structure[] SciMe_ shoe manufacturer has yet to firmness in each shoe size, consumer body '471 Patent, trend 50-54. language present structure of of on given ii. heel this section of simply 2, as apparent contains the language "the is col. incorporating sole." no function it Id., limiting embodiments. modify "5 if a commercial with and the designs above, description embodiments" to to soles. designs reference use a characterizes unmistakable the written rear Mall statements _the that statement invention" also only conventionalshoe dramatically Patent's discusses specialization, fact rear unequivocal Patent Patent in the that changed '471 to increased the '471 soles addition be be The rear laments of can the Akeva's detachable inferior. shoe _, rear no that spectrum." Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 28 of 51 /--. sole. See F.3d C.R. 858, implant 865 (Fed. includes surface" have a describing construed the the pleated (finding surface" "patent require[d] _471 the connection to be mean Patent's _a of rear _Flexible S#rq_cal that and a the "plug the use of the rear sole Cprp,, phrases "[t]he having 'implant' 388 a or pleated 'plug' to _secured" sole in to deteohably Claim the 1 shoe secured in mustbe below a portion deform and ordinary the patentee. plain (adidas' _plate" _flexible" piece the of a of is its material plate" plain that bent." and is adidas rebutted because the uses the manner inconsistent with their being flat, bowed Br. thin, at flat, a of down] _plate" smooth 12-13.) and However, smooth, or of uniform convex or arched 28 A 0028 of which does that term is patent meaning but the plain _coined" _flexible" by and ordinary meanings. '' adidas argues, without breaking" is a of uniform in the piece To of is and material thickness. specification, thickness, shape. '300 ordinary terms _flexible, bent meaning relatively requires of [i.e., ordinary Markman not meaning the argues specification ordinary in bendable The and is _flexible to when meaning and plain is Akeva, permanently in _capable plate" according thin not _plate" to defined smooth, that 2004) St_t_$ upper." should the Vnited pleated the According The V, surface").- 2. _a Inc, Cir. a meant Thus, of Bard, a and stay true to Case i the as 1:03-cv-01207-WLO patent, "a adidas separate being state without that flexible the is not in touch Patent, col. limitation elevated the described the ii. is the in possible embodiments patentee has plate, to find the the sole any court This The first described phrase of refer the are not invention, describe require That in in the the a more 29 A 0029 of perimeter its does not state " meant to embodiment direct and _[i]n The encompass ones specification. of "[i]n begins the structure an embodiments .... only any with sentence, the that support possible the _300 structure the so normal sole., sentence but its the rear to embodiments, sentences limitation would one sentence. a portion in The as to of in outer and/or out its downward), central statement appears to its plate." set of which into support portion support (in bent elevated the interior carefully of be to capable 12-13.) in embodiments preceding chosen must is defined periphery) is at be state its statement _flexible these that to relative plate. material (Id. 34-41. term above _embodiments" case, raised rear the the should portion plate Page 29 of 51 plate unflexed central embodiments," in of of the flexible of normal, following shoe, center the the the 12, on of relative flexible member does elevated the each placed a Filed 05/17/2005 flexible permanently." "In when 133 piece from which cites inZerior: each is deforming argument the removable bent (in adidas each and portion flexed of argues, repeatedly central Document the In the clear all any flexible reference, Case along or 1:03-cv-01207-WLO the a lines more ii, not of at fit an the used instead here is a thicker to a there at the the plate highly of center no of See "plate" that Patent, that not does enough word _plate" way, but must be scientific the of the the uniform "300 is or at a embodiment The that SciMed, embodiment technical shape in have an one claim. indication than not periphery. of the used plate." need definition limit is "flexible the Page 30 of 51 language discloses at technical in the description description Additionally, of than The the Filed 05/17/2005 specification 27-32. within 133 embodiments" that center inconsistency being so also, the ii. "all definition because thicker col. the argues, thickness is of explicit adidas Document is not component. the periphery, plate only that it may be constructed. Finally, integral adidas with removable flexible shoe. the shoe Patent, • patent forms, the that or col. appears can 7, be a ii. use a flexible be written can a "flexible plate" be construed as contends to the 200 to must cannot example, region and mostly but region that adidas refers For _flexible shoe component, description several the argues be that flexible plate integra is ! In the terms the with member A 0030 and can parts other or view, take of provides interchangeably. 3O which other into court's separate embodiment description flexible 63-64. an be written region, incorporated separate the a cannot the of the that elements of plate." '300 however, the For instance, Case in 1:03-cv-01207-WLO referring to description member plate also Components. . an support or integral 28-30 Id., (_the be Even the following member the or flexible plate flexible embodiments. integral find that the with the being with See, rear flexible the e.a., id., plate of must of parts col. Thus, be a be integral 200 the rear of separate 10, flexible the the and of 12, according to the its term plain flexible and plate ordinary should members shoe"). _region" are the in shoe ii. be 46-47 made court and meaning. 31 A 0031 be The ii. flexible may the of the cannot removable component. Therefore, with could either of members support"). flexible id___=.,col. "member" flexible sole also portion other of description spirit embodiment both above-described the an a _any configurations embodiments into integral of the see that member _[s]imilar 41-45; is region, least of ii. incorporated as (_each 9, _flexible as may part[] within disclosed envisioned some are and written _flexible written members and and used The _flexible sole," the states be 58-59. integral region col. integrally if rear 500" may flexible an 200" specification Ii. Page 31 of 51 figures, member example: as flexible invention." can For incorporated sole the the region members 12, that in _flexible the col. contemplates other to flexible Id., Filed 05/17/2005 _flexible Additionally, 700." 133 depicted both also above-described region be to and 500." the components refers 200," Document defined dictionary at Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO definition usu. of nearly _plate" flat or thickness throughout." _a a perfectly the appropriate noun thin flat court choice. look Here, to the embodiments that are uniform thickness. This indicates is the _flexible" is _capable _capable of Webster's being Third specification being New and there turned _bendable," flexed," or that springiness is or no are is that Akeva's otherwise the of to consistent nor general, of breaking." the flexibility, flexible need be definition with of Again, the plate proposed discern specifically, (1986). properties two more without 869 1734 definition more twisted important indication twisted. and the uniform to first, being Dictionary other Dictionary flat dictionary Int'l or discloses perfectly or smooth specification the of 51 _a the specification that bowed, of between The turned, metal Int'l choice. of indicates cushioning, However, better is material New the neither •Page32 shape of difference several definition of Third some must a piece sheet Webster's is Filed 05/17/2005 defining relatively Becausethere definitions, the as and material" (1986). Document 133 the plate. capable of uses dictionary definition. Thus, _a smooth, metal or the term usually other _flexible nearly material plate" flat, that is and should relatively bendable." 32 A 0032 be construed thin piece to of mean Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 3. _[P]erlpheral restrained from portion of the plate p_rpendlcular This claim restraint," below. 6 term is it causes the agree defined meaning. Akeva proposes movement relative to is portion that Markman Br. various components "prevented "change of should body Markman Br. _a at place or parties' major The dispute substantially 14.) the that There body shoe" on occur the plate from u compared as to plate." is no with crux "in of respect mean mean to" to (adidas' difference parties of should fixed." also heel-to-toe phrase a constructions substantive The _a (Akeva's "relative as The ordinary movement regarded the claim should is the and _restrained" point is this "movement" (3) far. of the as or thus discussed "restrained of (i) (2) perpendicular." can plain separate and one centers The restraint phrase "so that" and the restraint feature deflection "of its of phrase: position"; point of center _relative part for proposes this definitions axis the as movement being interior shoe" first portion from the feature to something"; movement or the interior to to Page 33 of 51 s_stantiallv of construction adidas doing at a closer of axis deflection that plate to an dlrec_ion according an 13.) a referred restrained from mean another the is in of the relative major been parties portion a has properly plate I Both to term and portions movement Filed 05/17/2005 between agree that axis. a direction the disagreement is and deflection terms are connected by the should be understood together to mean that functions in a certain manner "so that" the in a certain manner. 33 A 0033 Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 34 of 51 .." !.. whether this this should lateral) be includes be or as that history construed vertical construed contends the The ordinary used as the _being or that restraint 580 acts 7 In entirety, court must at Third the only as New "300 a this by defined that (medial-toargues it direction. "7 the prosecution the term it construction from to a as a a given should adidas the prior for mean art direction' or adidas that plate this that eliminating term, portion points relative teaches or is plane." discusses limiting and _perpendicular" (1986). statement _a plain physical line specification first the of 1684 proposes to of Dictionary reinforcement Akeva with definition context angles The construed adidas limited dictionary Int'l twice. horizontal distinguish its Patent's summary, be to argues claims. in right be examiner begin The Akeva _medial-to-lateral patent adjective set the while should the meaning. Webster's out allow direction. _either direction and an as the term lateral-to-medial vertical directions," only because reference the in is _housing lateral its restrained from movement as compared to a portion that is close to the center of the plate in either the horizontal (medial-to-lateral) or vertical directions." adidas proposes that the term mean peripheral changing direction portions their place with respect B The dictionary physical direction observation. a patent over referenced. of the flexible or position in to an contains related to This definition an athletic shoe interior an the plate are the medial portion additional horizon and is inappropriate where a given 34 A 0034 prevented to lateral of the definition outdoor in line _the from plate." of a the context is explicitly of Case l:03-cv-01207-WLO movement of col. ii. ii, the the above-described the rear the col. only lateral restraint term nor • of meaning The is the be only This of ii. the of teaches that _each made the they to member upon statements do not redefine any member. show with lateral disavow flexible integral of coverage Thus, the the plain of the and ordinary rebutted. of Notice language has direction m_l portion the peripheral directions, major axis. (adidas' Markman continued that direction. Patent, These or evidence '300 flexible but the use." be 47-52. Page 35 of 51 the of prosecution history Allowability. In before this the notice, court the stated: and the direction interior restraint may limits been interpreted direction being the direction major axis, i.e.[,] the major runs from the toe of the shoe feature, during disclaim no portion examiner's examiner they contains should . movement, do Filed 05/17/2005 members 12, movement specification statement periphery Id., types second Which reference other 560 flexible of deflection." member The support, • displacement 183 flexible 20-23. sole Document and, of as perpendicular axis is that to the heel portions i.e.[,] a Ex. G. in the direction at 2 (emphasis prior art reference by in fact, the Tong did peripheral at to the axis which of the shoe perpendicular/vertical perpendicular to a (Id. restrained D_rp_ndiQul_r _o _¢h i_•_he to lateral direction and allows of the plate to deflect relative Br. the the 2-3.) shoe portions Also, it 35 A 0035 in added).) Tong not the provided did the to the She not include include this any medial-to-lateral _no guidance as to Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 36 of 51 /. i how the interior periphery Tong of of the reference element, must on the reference Tong of to the its expand shoe, claimed a plate did not of '300 overcame that a wave a a (Id.) Tong 3.) that a single not a flexible or She that direction major the as concave described "allow[ed] 'in axis of For these the convex also along i.e.[,] Patent]." the any shape vertically, to moved at to concluded element, (Id. having reference examiner feature horizontally/in the Patent The surface. as in supporting perpendicular [in The _a and instead substantially '300 as upper react[ed] (Id.) feature member," sections plate plate." functioned deflective plate the the the major a direction the shoe' axis as reasons, the reference. doctrine of prosecution history where the prosecution history estoppel may limit a I" claim term shows the patentee examiner to Cyanami4 C9., induce 774 representations made the to made convince statutory claim F.2d the (Fed. claim or disavowed allowance." Id. to that of Cir. the the Statements terms during also 36 A 0036 and American arguments in meets and matter results v. invention would prosecution Estoppel Co. the _Such claims this subject . to 1985). utility, like any Oil claimed novelty, wrapper") . _tandard amendments Id. of 452 examiner _file representations grant." 448, requirements definition "disclaimed patent include nonobviousness." the a _express (or exclude that order when from was to obtain "arguments Case made 1:03-cv-01207-WLO during prosecution surrender _h_.P__, of 212 1241, are change patentability does Separations, examiner patentability a over technology an estoppel." point out applicant's not facts. to is this made prior and a quotations in and the to If the position will to the issue must be appear that estoppel "when particularly is In on generally hand, more purpose Id. MicrQn establish other order v, 1995). and the "[a] determine Corp. Cir. to fact substantive On art." the Reswarch estoppel. in P_II sought, 1220. in not argument invention, presumed result (Fed. is Ph_r_. (internal did "is patent unmistakable prosecution, 1219 this are overcome case, because the without intending the Whether the 2000) Page 37 of 51 impart latter examined case, on its Id____. In of arguments Elan V, estoppel." or at AG that 1211, Id. and patent's an a clear will change which for the a art, or estoppel a prior changes no during concession claim precision, changes F.3d a Cir. all create 66 on (Fed. or not InGr, relies generate made Filed 05/17/2005 Bayer 1251 not often non-substantive the matter." However, 133 . show subject F.3d omitted). changes Document Akeva or patentee indication it examiner was to patent not the to that does limit that clarifying it. amended an She was this it relying prior the art claims 37 A 0037 aspect merely distinguish examiner overcome she not of is the describes from on the an invention the Tong conform made there to features reference. argument reference, to warranted a by is limited no Case 1:03-cv-O1207-WLO ... interpretation there was only the of no to If not Allowability wherein the so enough the the Tong any direction and the Tong examiner had excluded the vertical relative restraint, restraint of feature movement in col. Ii. 28, direction _ direction 45-47 the shape to deflection "allow[ed] claim Br. is Ex. G. instance, the plate to of disclose a This if for 192 in would the to one of includes is a '300 the relative "restrained the anv from Patent, vertical invalid. notice . she Notice regard problem is reference however, in to plate separately Excluding this at the direction." restraint the interior claimed. portion added). relative such a vertical first an Moreover, Claim plate of The feature, For Y language discusses Markman direction. the this estoppel. create restraint could was Also, establish as direction Patent. (emphasis render the perpendicular (adidas' wherein would an '300 substantiall Finally, effect the to moved reference. overcome claims order interior movement would relative Patent separate this of discloses '300 Page 38 of 51 restraint. restraint, the to allowed in relative then as relative reference periphery long of Filed 05/17/2005 direction concludes, direction, be limit feature 133 direction medial-to-lateral does plate the need patentability. that Document to and the to When the she concludes expand 38 A 0038 clear talks that enough perpendicular states . medial 2.) not "the direction lateral direction." examiner discusses about the horizontally the Tong . vertical reference's ., instead to Case of 1:03-cv-01207-WLO YJrtic_llv, i.e.f,] p@rp_nd_cu_ar to added).) of Akeva the shoe" restraint, tO the is about or court the is Without patentee regarding court reference the flexible the term plate in is would _ major mean in to the of on by that the term term regard latter to reference, this language. found of the axis deflection. based on subject examiner perpendicular the restraint in reference surrender this used discuss only (emphasis relative examiner's based statement scope that is is • made generally of 3 of shoe" estoppel meaning "peripheral movement should plate as the about find at direction unmistakable the direction shoe" of (Id. or the direction, "perpendicular" to be of the in limited to the plate being direction. the a the itappears direct relative from position an to restrained the to find Thus, of correct cannot medial-to-lateral in is the hearing This though more shoe.'" direction estoppel a the axis Page 39 of 51 substantially the to even or Filed 05/17/2005 Markman regard vertical history matter. of deflection. unwilling statements 133 direction the major Akeva express plate in _the a axis at used of not Prosecution the major restraint, Whether 'in argued direction relative the a while comment Document compared any portions relative to substantially construed as are prevented from direction a portion that interior portion perpendicular be to an _the that is peripheral changing is close substantially 39 A 0039 to a of the major axis portions their to at place the a of or center right of angle Case to a 1:03-cv-O1207-WLO heel-to-toe lateral and Document axis the of vertical 133 shoe, directions. Filed 05/17/2005 This claim deflection" discussed definition: part is closer by the adidas /." _a to interior normal the I° Akeva can center as of the portion action portion unflexed a proposes the be of the wherein as plate, of the capable portions the the major "relative following compared to at Markman a portion least Br. in at 13.) as is susceptible position of the is changed through state (in which the normal interior to use from portion its is elevated relative to the periphery of the plate) into position in which the interior portion is bent downward with respect to the periphery of the plate. (adidas' Proposed CI. is based, construction as "constituted, 9 This a 118, definition 121, in part, situated, heel-to-toe 1o Relative 117, Construction does and the is 204 the at plain characterized not of deflection 122, on or axis Order shoe, used and in their subs_an_i_lly 47-50 (emphasis of being parallel independent restrained periphery in a _300 Patent, col. 28, ii. A 0040 meaning dependencies. _the interior relative to a adidas' restraint or uses different language: capable of being deflected 4O 2.) as include of in relative caused construed plate the as result (Akeva's term is to to deflect restraint." that an referred occurs portion relative the interior undergoing ..., above. plate proposes it of the plate the peripheral perpendicular sometimes and medial-to- "9 substant_ally shoe" is feature, restraint, that term the including 4. _ [T]he interior portion being deflected relative to a direction axis of the Page 40 of 51 portion at least vertica I added). in to "capable" susceptible a direction such claims Claim axis. 93, 192 of the plate a portion of 4ireGtion." is the Case or 1:03-cv-O1207-WLO open _curved to being or turned as _movement as fixed." Document affected"; the downward"; of one body (adidas' 133 plain the with Filed 05/1712005 meaning plain Markman Br. of meaning respect to Page 41 of 51 "deflected" as "relative to" of another that is regarded at 17-18 (internal quotations of being deflected" cannot omitted).) adidas on argues its plain position to and fin of curved changing it The interior convex or is (domed) or in arched is concave. Otherwise, if the be deflected. plain adjective is and Int'l Dictionary would appear a or stationary The because 592 more projectile or (1986). appropriate moving to in of a The in object. the of to "Curved" of is a more to in or is of shape, it an Third an New object deflection appropriate of to object. court the notes, plain first, meaning of that the Akeva's term 41 A 0041 definition should require a which position as the is adidas concave _turning" context one means, Webster's idea plate periphery, _deflected" downward." its state" is the deflects began meaning turned unflexed This and plate ordinary "curved relative changing The state" take the way. _normal, unflexed convex to because specific position. plate The a elevated the further very _normal, that not a "susceptible downward" from contends, could of turned position position. plate's a meaning discusses deflected the _capable ordinary become specification capable that is the incorrect center a Case f 1:03-cv-O1207-WLO Document plate compared 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 42 of 51 - .. of the offers that no the to evidence plate concave made further is of not there had claim scope all because an contention to Co_'n, 342 claim that if a claims F.3d 1361, to the be that the read other invention."). enough to patentee scope patent of the using limit one indicia A or must be Inc. 2003) and only disclosed a only one intention A 0042 rejected as being T_d@ is so clear 42 Liebel- embodiment if of exclude single (_[I]t terms expressions to International patentee of not simply construed v. of need and a Cir. the disavowal expressly only the into intended to embodiment court manifest the unless See (Fed. claim term enough has describes patent that deflection, invention. disclosure the not court that "demonstrated words the be specification is Allo¢, 1370 the inventioni ("IT]his embodiment."); without only claim 906 of a concave true or A of is the term. the a discussing limiting discussed scope at that impermissible the in to could it disclaimer, this not F.3d the limited is with, if argument deflect rubber) even warrant to as forms embodiments from 358 limit respect and begin (such other to Plaintiff adidas' shape To redefinition, embodiment embodiment, a a possible _, convex importantly, no periphery. construction, material enough been embodiment a the problematic. More with to this in flexible be also discuss the also discloses would that a refute begin deflected. specification this to must shape plate deflect can to may find limit exclusion the or Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 43 of 51 _..., ) restriction." Liebel-F!arsheim quotations omitted). specification convex only shape does not this shape. and show The substantially the the direction this the clear relative the instead this the term restraint. same See F.3d 1335, word appearing (Fed. consistently"). _the court ordinary must the The major axis interpret flexible plate the word that of it identical that the it _nc. (noting same claim should claim the initial to to in _in a construe relative Inc., that "the 149 same interpreted as discussed above. A 0043 the precedes must about 43 wording regard agreement meaning. wording "the" in term the word rule the to Identix, the and weight the regarding be matter, includes court v. to shoe" Next, With 1998) this the greater is defined shoe," an afford Cir. the of a direction _deflected" "a." are a axis As Biometri¢_, parties _in itself. except in the term term, begins specification perpendicular," way in claim that the the major will term Diaital 1345 court that shape, term of claim of substantially claim (internal true plate limit the 906 be deflection. the restraint axis" concave definition in of a to at may flexible to the specified it this of dictionary direction of of direction portion _major to F.3d a intent portion "downward," direction of deflects 358 while perpendicular specifies although Here, discusses any latter , according to the its meaning Thus, the plain and Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 44 of 51 i"- I The relative portions of curved, as plate, a in the any the _[T]he least The term at the plain is visible," the as center portions at the _the are of substantially term's ordinary the a able to be flexible right angle to medlal-to-lateral the meaning means that The contain be flexible any adidas makes note upper surface in of the this having term the deviate the claims nor argues but of any that the specification, 44 A 0044 from the be the court flexible additional adidas' disclosure must the read claim the is plate how not when surface to regarding Patent's the reason will Akeva applies regarding that apply. no below, absence only or agree the court testimony also should agree "hollowed of Akeva from parties surface sees term. '300 plate] is They where upper requirement and the bowl." perspective court plate expert of the "concave" definition the any the a Neither viewed, into considered the flexible and of of this meaning. specification requirements meaning that the "concave," inside from [of portion" is ordinary above. should surface here ordinary which the issue _viewed from views to construed including c0n_aYe addition, viewed plate is shoe, upper like and in surface the one and inward asserts, close be peripheral that of will directions." at plain the direction 5. rounded term plate to axis vertical that flexible compared heel-to-toe and deflection expert has not construction. of which a concave discusses Case only 1:03-cv-01207-WLO convex the or arched specification enough the to F.3d at silence 1368 to a the from encompass (_[Defendant] narrow or particular embodiment otherwise Filed 05/17/2005 regions discuss that would 133 flexible to exclude claims Document cannot ordinary Page 45 of 51. plates. The embodiment the it. scope See use the meaning of is of CCS of not the claims Fitness, intrinsic an failure if 288 evidence's unambiguous claim term."). The rounded term _concave" should be construed inward likethe inside of a 6. adidas argues to aperture" because does To be defined 7. of without sharp _a as without sharp term "opening" ordinary any any _breach or must meaning makes claim dispute that deviation breaks its extent defined bowl." specification propose of the or of no aperture, the construed _breach mention construction exists, be for term or of this it. term. "opening" should u _Curve" construction To and the proposes meaning the plain extent as Akeva that its not the _hollowed _Opening" according Akeva as _a from or term a take straight angularity." its plain line or adidas and plane proposes ordinary surface no own. any deviation breaks this dispute from or exists, a straight angularity." 45 A 0045 the line term or _curve" plane should surface be Case /. 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 46 of 51 . D. The There 31 is dependent these 6,662,471 only one claims• claims. (emphasis Patent's added independent Akeva The first to Disputed claim asserts claim disputed a that the '471 adidas discloses the Patent infringes following and all of invention terms): rear sole secur@¢ below a portion of the upper, the rear sole comprising: a member having a top wall with a lower surface, • . the member having a bottom wall with an upper surface, . . the top wall and the bottom wall each having a forward forward region regions and Of being connected wall; the and bottom walls of least at term discussed "secured" and defined additional also in terms the from • of the of the having .... a rearward region, the top and bottom at a closed end rearward regions being Qri_Dted _h_ shQe, one el@ment portion portion element sidewall; These in Terms A shoe comprising: an upper, and • The Claim .; positioned appears in discussion the '471 the of Patent by a curved of the top toward a back between top wall and bottom wall, at least one the walls at least at least a the at least interior '300 Patent "secured," are and one was above. disputed by the parties. 1. "[T]he rearward regions of the top and being oriented toward _ b_k of the shoe" adidas shoe" should argues be that construed surface of the shoe shoe." It reaches that this the as is term "oriented "placed at opposite definition the through 46 A 0046 toward or near front the a bottom walls back of the side or (toe) of dictionary the the a Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO definitions of opposite to (_place in the specification's at the to"), the use of in at the or to the the a in in in back "oriented is the at every or member argues not the be Plaintiff from the _directed near with are need stem in disclosed shoe. should is point consistent claim toward": location a opposition, the of that _orient" "at U-shaped Akeva, construction of relation of face"), or this because regions near term's meaning term or Page 47 of 51 something ("near" that shoe. rearward located ordinary the of front "toward" regions the surface its claims of Filed 05/17/2005 or as and rearward back that side adidas referenced proposes placed regarded the physically and side of"). embodiment, that (_the relation direction placed "back" the the Document 133 plain towards back of or the shoe." The or "placed 1591 the dictionary in (1986). adidas that plain not The include toward" encompasses particular and pointed ordinary plain something only of meaning requirement must the be notion _oriented" Webster's of Webster's has the to. H definition of." (1986). limited. relation The direction the definition Third _toward" Third to no New the that placed as a Int'l should phrase an object Dictionary 2417 evidence be _oriented that be 47 A 0047 or toward" is "in suggesting rebutted the direction. Dictionary is near object Int'l toward" preposition physically that _directed New compelling meaning of is does _oriented the facing thing. a It Case l:03-cv-O1207-WLO Document 133 Filed 05/17/2005 Page 48 of 51 7"" i Therefore, back of placed the in the shoe" proper construction should the d/rect/on 2. _Element" be of of _oriented construed as _directed locat/on at or a toward toward near a back a or of the shoe." The "part" or part." claim the meaning it § parts _ were this more a part is described used to increase Patent, for failure interpretation and to to adidas term of the as the ii, a shoe, the ii. of triviality or and the "[s]tiffening matters comply In spring with also in and or what a term narrower should sense be that rear kinds the description, the 35 components, member[] by of that much written generated ordinary specific argues be distinctly applying parts know _element" cannot requirements have is constituent out and the others "element" definition point shoes let definition. col. Generally, all broad fail of "a invention, to claimed, the this the claim enough _part" narrow vagueness, the uses simply of Because be than _471 matter meaning proposes, particularly not being specification Akeva does 2. not as ordinary argues cause 112 would or, the however, subject would U.S.C. that _component" because this agree adidas, used of parties sole." given this may be See 54-57. "[a]mbiguity, are 35 undue matters U.S.C. construction." which § 112 _nterv@_ 48 A 0048 breadth, go _ 2, Am., to claim not _n_. validity to V, Kee-Vet Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Laboratories, However, term Inc., it is a familiar it "unless available of Id. understand the Holdina$ p_¢, added). "Otherwise before analyzing the a _a 403 claim court of must wouldunderstand the the claim term's meaning is indefiniteness. ambiguous, rewrite the it 911. A that do to court not Even court may only preserve validi£y. also not appear may in the has under those when Servs.. (Fed. a it is construe not in limitations claim. Interv@_ 49 A 0049 § the read If a claim art in light Life for to and 112 claim invalid Liebel-Flarsheim, add U.S.C. determined the In Hartford 2004). is validity 35 is L.L.C.v. Cir. Claim claim Arm 1369. skilled the v. (emphasis the at _to for 2005) Id. still evidence Inc. put the is limited Cir. does all claim Comms.. claim axiom applying is court then if This the a its intrinsic (Fed. whether discernible, Id. the indefiniteness 1371 sustain 911. horse." claimed 1367, to Nazomi Bancorp F.3d to 1368-69 determine is when breadth construction what 359 their patent that that look construing specification." CQ,, must 1364, law after construction, validity." F.3d 1989). at concludes, before Cir. patent F.3d Page 49 of 51 (Fed. construed 358 court preserving Filed 05/17/2005 i053 of be court claims of _ns. axiom claim A purposes of I050, should the tools ambiguous." 2, F.2d Liebel-Flarsheim, apply cart 887 ambiguous, validity. not is Document 133 be may 358 not F.3d at from the specification Am., 887 F.2d at 1053. Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO i i Although it must _ if a U.S.C. the 282, In if Claim 1 followed by between an a and characteristics in claim the gives not term art a the cannot appears to be claim's to listed in the claim, is sufficiently idea of added be what to at the adidas' cannot be references intended second as used is an an includes it is be to additional correct give that one intended, skilled but unambiguous, further not -- that the may term Any this that possesses inventor limitations. location interpretation adidas the is is" broad, described render addressed to that _element" quite choose term object's one may interpretation. structure is 35 it and issues thus of time. argument, to limit the this embodiment example claim of and not should be descriptions as the any term. invention limitation in The that on scope. Therefore, ordinary susceptible shoe not its valid, claim one term Page 50 of 51 court A the term the specification adidas the of regard language the to claim and is the than of walls information amenable With is part clear enough validity it or more the While claim validity. requirements bottom a ambiguous, to Patent, sidewall. component this _471 because is susceptible the top interior ambiguous of is Filed 05/17/2005 that preserves additional the presumed term that it of be claim interpretation ambiguous Document 133 meaning the of term _a _element" constituent part." 5O A 0050 given its plain and Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO In in both should as conclusion, the be IIl. with '300 Patent construed discussed Document the and 133 Filed 05/17/2005 exception the according of '471 to the Patent, their plain Page 51 of 51 term "secured" used the disputed terms and ordinary meaning herein. CONCLUSION For IT claims the IS reasons ORDERED asserted construction Memorandum This set that to are be forth the above, meaning infringed determined and as set and scope presented forth in of the patent by the parties the for foregoing Opinion. the 17 th day of May 2005. r 51 A 0051 oistri • Ca_e 1:03-cv-01207-WLO 141 Filed 08/29/2005 IN THE UNITED STATES THE MIDDLE DISTRICT FOR AKEVA Document DISTRICT OF NORTH Page 1 of 19 COURT CAROLINA L.L.C., Plaintiff, 1:03CV01207 V. aDIDAS AMERICA, INC., Defendant. MEMORANDUM OSTEEN, District In this technology of Memorandum Opinion the athletic 415 herein considers of the Court's Thereof. For its ruling I. ORDER of the May of of Appeals 1303 (Fed. Plaintiff's Claim reasons stated will deny now 17, the 2005 (the en the its "Claim banc Phil_iDs Cir.•2005). for to reconsiders recent in Motion Construction and court light Court relating v. The Partial opinion of AW_ court also Reconsideration Order and Memorandum in below, the court reaffirm Plaintiff's will Support motion. BACKGROUND On Order the Order in F.3d action shoes, and Circuit _orDoratiQn, prior infringement Order"), Federal and Judge patent Construction OPINION May that Construction 17, 2005, construed Order this the court issued disputed claim construed all terms A 0052 the Claim terms. to have Construction The their Claim plain and Case 1:03-c'v-01207-WLO ordinary meaning, with United States Patent States Patent No. meaning more • The "471 the court Patents now the asks meaning. since •issued an en (Fed. v. AWH granting rehearing the construction court Phillips especially to both In held of claim United to ordinary have a meaning. the '300 scope, and limiting the F.3d the The Ph_llip$ first address have of in its See also (order submitted court's has 415 aspects 2004) to its Co_p,, ruling. Cir. and Circuit relied its parties the AWH court (Fed. on to several review 1382 ruling Federal v, clarifies court of the Phillip_ which its according addition, that on reconsider patents in banc). impact and both briefs claim will Phillips, and then will address motion. pHILLIPS In in 376 en in ruling. Plaintiff's II. Co_p,, and disclaimed opinion that was specifications court 2005), requiring "secured" Patent") Patent") plain Page 2 of 19 "secured." doctrine Phillips The banc Cir. •claim•construction discussing the the ordinary term (_'300 its or word "secured" and analysis, in term plain The ("'471 than the Filed 08/2912005 6,604,300 disavowed of 141 exception. 6,662,•471 that definition 1303 No. language Plaintiff F.3d one restrictive found construe Document V, relevant clarifies AW_ CORPQBATION part, the dictionaries the role and Federal of Circuit's intrinsic the and specification, A 0053 discussion extrinsic in in evidence, defining the Case 1:03-ev-01207-WLO scope of a patent's principles 52 claims. established F.3d 967 Vitron_cs (Fed. Corp. 1996), and $¥stem_, realigned in Cir. v. 381 its method addition Markman 1995), V. aff'd, ConceDtronic. Innova/Pure Inc,, In I_C, Iiii (Fed. of to analysis reaffirming the Ins_r_mQDts, 517 370 U.S. 90 V, F.3d $_fari Cir. to Page 3 of 19 We$$view Inc., Water, F.3d Filed 08/29/2005 (1996), 1576 Water 2004), the (Fed. Cir. Filtration the downplay Inc., court role of dictionaries. Phillips v. AWH CorD., 415 F.3d 1303, 1269, slip at 7-8 (Fed. Cir. Jul. 12, 2005).* claims define 03-1286, The Federal patentee's claim /" Document 141 point should "objective person A would view begin its court read The requires should the the to claims it page "contain numbers pagination in must the Id. a statutory a written the for a person of at be the of any Id. at from 9. term skilled A the meaning entire court that to in have. the art patent, I0. requirement, Phillips A 0054 the ascertained claim description slip 03- the art. customary understand a center analysis and that the Additionally, skilled context cited in at 12. ordinary the is at terms assume _in be claim would also specification the the art should the construction specifications" that * The the one claim of in of of that Id. meaning baseline" including refer the of skilled and analysis. that the reiterated rights construction court Id. Circuit property emphasized from op. Nos. opinion. v. and of AWH the the Corp. will law a Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO invention . to any enable same." 35 in Nos. when specification In •meaning of reveal scope the by the intention, the term or Id. CardiQV_Sc_l_r SVs., op. two of patentee's Id. heavily" Id. ways at in In in•the this 242 F.3d use the on the which First, "the a the claim term. control the specification disavowal, 1337, written the will of the is Svs.. _entirely 16. situation, Life is for specification, $¢_Med It terms. Second, or and as claims." 15. definition disclaimer, Inc,, the lexicography terms. (citing at claim special _ expressed dispositive." to make terms specification of _rely exact . to terms. scope a inventor." as to points intentional . _the slip Page 4 of 19 and construction claim the art Thus, court directed case, an a limit have this i. concise, the 03-1286, for Filed 08/29/2005 clear, proper Circuit may may _ the 141 in construing Federal patentee 112, then, The may § 03-1269, appropriate," description full, skilled informs Phillips, Id. such person U.S.C. •necessarily Document claim _inventor's regarded InC. v, 1343-44 •as A_vanced (Fed. Cir. 2001)). The history Patent _hilliDs is and invention. specification, prosecution a opinion useful source Trademark Id. at a history Office 17. court are In may in also reiterates of information and the to to A 0055 prosecution Id. how understood reviewing whatever evidence. the regarding inventor addition look that the the portions This the of information the is • Case often 1:03-cv-01207-WLO less than the shows useful, the regard patent and to its indicated on be the in in the patent to Id. whether during be less To the the clear extent it inventor prosecution, the evidence and evidence." patent the patent's different the and of it may be be of the may be invention." is Id. less only "in produced "for and meaning," it Generally, the precedence over the the the may _assist the 19. to In than purpose have for field the court in those of general, intrinsic of the is of been bias, of 18. evidence the potential at dictionaries, at context extrinsic contradicting Id. at reliable not patent. Because to Circuit limited terminology was of of Id. particular 21. risk place including used outside Federal understanding at have should technology. used evidence the evidence, court's evidence scope the of of the audience, pose courts underlying should Id. the type (i.e., history), particular, art extrinsic evidence district meaning however, take and prosecution aid and determining record ambiguous. extrinsic This to Dictionaries, and the that it. used invention skill even tends Page 5 of 19 Id. emphasis can of Filed 08/2912005 it understanding scope With again 141 because or inventor's helpful. the however, specification the limited Document not part of explaining created be intrinsic for a misleading, or undermining the public and prosecution history 20. specification dictionaries. A 0056 In Texas Diai_l should Svstem_, Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Inc. v, Teleaenix, dictionaries useful of and claim first step in Cir. 2002). avoid To at 1340). role of the avoid a the dictionary, _Properly in viewed, meaning to - the however, inquiry Phi_p the context op. in claim on the s of 'ordinary artisan focused on helping - reading patent law the at 22 (quoting SciMed, restrict[ed] Id. definition encouraged more after a reading the of Id. claim at focus specification. of a claims." "improperly meaning' (Fed. the abstract the written 1202 construction." court the that into slip result, ordinary of as the 1193, explained was meaning dictionary F.3d description the the 308 sins 03-1286, a ordinary consulting Diqita_ cardinal described _particularly the before court specification terms determining Texas written The focusing claim the 03-1269, F.3d from the of in as consulting the out the Nos. in history. Phillips, _one from PhilliD_, courts Page 6 of 19. previously sources construction set Circuit technical prosecution Fried 08/29/2005 Federal recommended claim it limitation the and In methodology courts for or the similar term, description 242 Inc,, resources" a Document 141 term entire 24. words on at is 25. its patent." Id. The Phillips to understand are supposed must create be more the and to opinion noted describe his be precise. dictionary broad and _d. for at the that the duty invention. purpose A 0057 the patentee Dictionary expansive, 26. of but Because of a the definitions patent applicant patentee describing was the did not Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO invention, there could responsibility to dictionary concern for that in at of should 26. properly This substantially claims, the it also clear in understanding made been both by interpretation." unbiased Id. and Id. person terms." the difficult specification of ordinary at 28. to skill Id. Various have that in the art Court the limitations focus Supreme 29. A 0058 of claims, to words and in of assist claim being Id. should the the in watch light of specification. "understanding would the litigation. terms from on advantage courts construing their of to with useful meaning prior Id. patent often the "beyond weaknesses construing the public cautions between keep They the importing should Id. at and first be history. understood court opinion line and Courts our accessible Finally, often commonly the patent." could _are showed protection instead, in sources as began, discussed these court inventor's analysis treatises possible The patent the the expansive" overbreadth" Circuit that 25. _unduly prosecution technical all and definitions to by patentee's invention[] at extending the and the used led afforded if Federal and Id. Page 7 of 19 _the aggregating systematic specification, dictionaries have terms, of his dictionary had corrected While of broad be "risk between words." of claim Filed 08/29/2005 claim objective use 141 conflict and construction constructions what a particular the claim be describe editors' definitions step Document understand how the a claim the Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO In realigning Circuit Id. stated at 30. matter be that long assigned policies to Having "there the those court determine whether intrinsic evidence, a reconsider no of in ruling by must of Id. Federal its on at the as to terms disputed claim weight to and from PhilliDs to focus and on specification, The that the ruling terms. terms not 31. renewed the will statutes prior Circuit's catechism." judge" discussion reassess Federal appropriate the at the or the the light relevant especially look formula used law." Page 8 of 19 analysis, _attach[es] the now Filed 08/29/2005 magic steps patent the fresh its is sources inform 14i construction court summarized the requires claim sequence as that opinion, its "The so Document court were will disputed only by the parties. A. _Secured" The most _secured" only found claim a construction CardiQvascular the clear in both given '300 its in "secured" $ciM_d Svstems, is issue deemed of clearly to '471 and claim be case where ordinary Inc. the outside A 0059 The a the This is the because patents court's principles v. Advanced Circuit particular reach term both on Federal the meaning of scope. excludes is Patents. heavily Systems, Inc,, this specifications relied Lif @ in and plain the disavowal specification feature at the language of established term not found evidencing _that in term thecourt when debated of held that feature, the claims of Case the patent." language, 242 on its Document F.3d at own, 141 Filed 08/29/2005 This is 1341. could otherwise true Page even encompass if that 9 of 19 the claim feature. Id. The Phill_ps inventor's which court disclaimer or may Phillip_, Nos. 03-1286, principle of its disclaimer Claim renewed 03-1269, prosecution on support in specification The court light sees of argues improperly in the Ph_liP_ find an of any over a its one way the court relied Further, and above the the evidence, or lends disavowal found claim terms. construing construction in terms. Thus, this disclaimer in an claim 16. other ignored Phillips patent's AWH the implicit CQrp, brief scope in of limitation of the a to of at 3-4.) the court's the possible permanently '300 Patent A 0060 the one Mem. of other that (Pl.'s Matter nature about disavowal language its specification. information explicit express be at alive. and is of which remains that toalter the v. mischaracterizes lack in limited described not on specification, notion need op. that scope meaning slip disavowal cannot no claim the dictionaries, the stating "secured" in Phillips. Akeva Impact to of limit Order the history, strong the or Construction emphasis SciMed, disavowal specification in the reaffirmed or Law more Concerning ruling. term of Plaintiff The _secured" forms, a ruling embodiments However, positioned and court's but court based rather rear permanently did on found sole by attached a Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO rear sole Order of by express May 17, Plaintiff limitation such p_illips cited same the e.a., 2005 WL regard In_. the (the description, includes Patent: 8hoe same the includina a heel problems provides 4, ii. in this language pres@Dt cushioning an the express The Op. & Cir. parent is court disclaimer I0 A 0061 of claim structure, alleviates '210 address the shoes, soles Patent not in heel significantly _210 will Patent present a No. written conventional spring." The same '210 conventional and/or In Patent the the _nGorPorates with 2005). share from that 03-1615, application, that sole, No. 2, same description. Inc., disavowal has the the written patents departure Impact from Aug. related construe created Motion, that Circuit normally single fact in Federal of added). and Law description inventiQn associated litigation, Concerning in the the Mem. a its of r@_r (emphasis creates and by found (Fed. radical detachable enhanced 51-56 share written a (Mem. language should R_Q_rch language 10 of 19 erroneous evidenced patents Patent"), the Patent. court's 3-4.) court they Patent _[I]n of wear a V, "'210 and the at F.3d '471 is across 1806123, the claim Matter when NTP, 5,806,210 that (Pl.'s that '471 Page 28.) render CQrp. Flied 08/29/2005 the "secured" consistently to 25, superfluous. application 141 in argues would AWH terms at term principle See, the the be v. parent '471 2005 limitation to language further of patents Document is and Patent, not at whether scope in col. issue this that Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO patent. For the '471 Patent is in other, related found the Document description. court to a ignore claimed a next which the the court should be (Pl.'s Mem. that express use is so-called the the or 4471 relies the main relates Concerning only the Impact the same written not require of of scope. the claims in which is member," the of this terms Phillips sole in v. AWH not disclaimer detachable argues, claim the claim language to in language repositionable The Plaintiff to disclaimer _flexible Patents. 11 of 19 the thrust or Page same does detachable so, the disclaimer that and to construction inapplicable Law inapplicable patents of Filed 08/29/2005 litigation, argues sole, held this se from '300 repositionable per patent's feature in of rule patents-in-suit distinct on not This Plaintiff the purposes 141 or language these patents. CORD. Matter at ! 5.) The court take the patent as and choose which pick apply and which contained patent in the a term . person in for inapplicable exists the to the public the All of and 03-1269, the of it _is the The court record, and cannot the must entire in the claims, it should slip to A 0062 op. of read left 10 the that a (stating claim If to the as at patent"). have figures considered specification II and must should "context" be deemed language description language 03-1286, skill merit. written comprise Phillips, context certain the of not. ordinary without on aspects Nos. of in it argument specification Phillip_, that this should discussed whole. wished finds Plaintiff be considered language out Case of 1:03-cv-01207-WLO the specification. court must Because consider is final specification also to without v, the "secured" term structure in problem with language in disavowal or that court length in of term the and given The claims. claim Claim Other to 12 of 19 patent, the improperly the term Concerning court's the term's the court found clear disclaimer a "secured," limitation did be used Impact court banc alter not the the find on lack of any such the explicit or that '300 ruling. the and in the of Patents, serves to prior does not Therefore, language '471 Order, Phillips disclaimer discussed limit the at scope opinion. Terms disputed this after ordinary (Mem. substantially in previous discussed Disputed by opinion its finding as supported and en in of description. _direction the Construction meaning plain Law by Rather, its "secured" fully the court to occasioned and court scope remainder Page scope. this The the The Circuit's The in 7.) specification B. its written the the ordinary remain claims, Mem. at not the of remains "structure" Matter reiterates disavowal Filed 08/29/2005 that (Pl.'s was Federal require provide Corp. the of The the AWH it argument, merit. PhilliD_ 141 it. Plaintiff's the Document terms court, and Ph_ISps. meaning Op. & were the analysis The _flexible after Order perpendicular" 12 A 0063 given of their plain appears plate" consideration May was 17, to 2005 given of at its was the 32.) plain Case and 1:03--cv-01207-WLO ordinary meaning description and history. a a (Id. back of meaning at the of of other in construing as a the the court the terms, in composing was in Phillips. _we op. do at not 28 court intend undue found The claims are for none court and the terms the claim 45, 48, '300 Patent's all terms 50.) given this relied heavily their themselves not definition the plain at toward ordinary and the generally prosecution _oriented Indeed, whether written _concave," were was the 13 of 19 and issue. should The apply of attempted to compose the in the use the dictionary definitions. definitions of Phil_PS, Nos. See definitions dictionaries as only The use nontechnical 03-1269, "useful" and stating court was concerned, however, with the dictionary because quite at narrowing 26. the warranted it attached specification, •expansive This court scope a and of more the and use 03-1286, Phillips analysis appropriate could appropriate 13 A 0064 give its terms, such terms but construction. weight use the with several disputed restrictive that of considered the of terms The Id. them to dictionary the often believes the it on preclude its breadth. arguments of Page to beginning definitions The (describing dictionaries"). a of _element" resource dictionaries slip 08/29/2005 facts. convenient approved Filed assessment terms disputed Although ( and at 141 review 44.) (Id. merely light 38, meaning an limited assessing specification. parties after shoe," after ordinary Document of to dictionary the Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO definitions within was the terms shoe consistent patent. subject design, dictionary Document 141 with The terms Filed 08/29/2005 the at patentee's issue to any unique definitions and the use a was of appropriate and use here were in standard Page the of not 14 of 19 the terms technical field of athletic English-language helpful in composing the claim constructions. After the Claim not require court reviewing Construction any its PLAINTIFF'S Before Order on a a number final final Mem'l their 927, 935 F.3d 505, Procedure interlocutory on of or District been (4th do set not orders, Cir. out but this rulings entered in only the disputed PhilliPs the Claim terms. The standard provide 14 A 0065 opinion, Construction Construction Order case, but is have the power the Ass'n 2003). any would Thus, its at CorD., Canoe and PhilliPs given. Claim courts Constr. Amer_G_n 514-15 of in terms, RECONSIDERATION The order that remaining issued grounds. disputed finds the PARTIAL Circuit Mercury (1983); court reconsideration has v. ruling interlocutory judgment Hosp. constructions the FOR ruling. reconsider in prior judgment interlocutory a for the the Federal moved patents-in-suit, Order, MOTION the Plaintiff not change reaffirms III. the their case. 460 v. U.S. MUrDhV Federal for they an to discretion Moses I, until H. 12, Cone 103 Farms, Rules S. Inc., of reconsideration are is "subject Civil of to Ct. 326 Case ...-_ l:03-cv-01207-WLO Document 141 Filed 08/29/2005 Page 15 of 19 . } revision P. at any an the Various judicial doctrines, evolved to a end to requires been Cir. litigation the Inc. entry See of judgment." as the Fed. 2003) ("[W]here they reason omitted)). on to R. Civ. controlling previously law; (2) available; clear error or Comm., 322 F.3d F.R.D. 468, 552-53 Plaintiff at 474 (3) the or United 167. the without fairly narrow set order prior decision v. was See Duke of and in intervening evidence injustice. court's quotations interlocutory an (2d good orders been Colqr the change that was based not on Official Enerqv CorD,, Po_er v. Potter, 199 arguments in support of 218 F.R.D. 2001). raises statement of 147, (internal a already interlocutory States 2003); have for nor additional manifest 167; Md. has is (M.D.N.C. (D. there there wouldwork reconsider. recent (i) an F.3d battled to their reconsider situations: Creditors again." favors operation UnsecBred 322 case," policy that required, it the questions once adhered reconsider will Qf have for have Public L,L,_,, be battle courts Courts following Lvbrand, neither to which opinions. 550, should Most Comm, litigants permitted, grounds & of thatefficient re-arguing official _law discretion. recognizes of Coopers such court's and avoidance v. decision, in guide decided. Tile, a before 54(b). have to time First, by several it the contends patent that examiner 15 A 0066 the of court the its should '300 motion consider Patent, Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO stating she of patent to was made this statement related, construed additional among and The the public public is two years relevancy, Inc., S. own of the F.3d Ct. 61 examiner's see to the '300 cites 1340 to (Fed. (2004), patentee's but by Id. statement it the Microsoft at to patent as broaden v. _@r_, the F.3d 16 A 0067 Texas at on 1583 Akeva of nearly for Multi-Tech Systems, __ did not Rather, how it to narrow U.S. rely , on it relied understood attempts its the made patent de_i@d, of which examiner arguing court scope Patent. granted. record examiner. Here, as '300 different statements 1349-50. extrinsic . constitute In evidence these is patent CORD. 2004), Defendant the 90 a a issued. Cir. the used of Microsoft statements and claims. Patent patent the be statement to claim, prosecution to court. history Here, but this is Vitronics, file patentee's later, examiner's the also rely_"). the extrinsic when and the statements invention, the of the after subsequent on 1202; is This available. by the it fixed during Akeva 357 consider a statement considered specification, entitled statement not is of considers this prosecution meaning. previously that be at record the not because F.3d claims, was Page 16 of 19 the ordinary prosecution not record and during Plaintiff things, will intrinsic ("The 125 other should 308 plain the that evidence Diai_al, its Filed 08/29/2005 "secured" Presumably, court additional term during evidence evidence The the have patent. argues, Document 141 claims, the to its meaning use a the Case 1:03--cv-01207-WLO proposition _hi_ie a unsupported V. (_The PPG is during by Indus,, purpose claim Document of to the Inc., consulting 'exclude 141 any Filed08/29/2005 case law Akeva 402 F.3d 1371, the prosecution ZMI cites. 1384 2 that CorD. v. 19 also Cir. in was 17of See (Fed. history interpretation prosecution.'")(quoting Page 2005) construing disclaimed Cardiac Resuscitator ! CorD., 844 examiner's F.2d 1576, statement Plaintiff notion that analysis. references and rise 2 The the to the cites other references examiner's the error the of were at flexible plate. The comes failed the court _clear (with characteristics in most, is on patent to the possible if vague. with to or errors of do the Construction court. errors considered, quite claimed). A 0068 failed Many Claim the construction asserted 3 of analysis would The of _secured," meaning" was. closest to an to understand claimed rear 17 claim the meaning _ordinary disagrees as grounded error." although the difference may be one of pure court's opinion, the '300 Patent discloses which is a shoe with two features, a rear plate the either The available it states that she used the ordinary does not elaborate on what this such, specifications even because its court patent statement, 3 The argument that error is that the court discloses two inventions: the discussed out, court in inventions. level As arguments that were point 1988). considered. several of Akeva to be contends aspects arguments unhelpful not Cir. committed understood to (Fed. advances court certain appear Akeva's next the incorrectly Order, will Plaintiff recognize not 1580 be examiner but she assertion of clear the '300 Patent sole and the claimed Akeva's notion, semantics. In the a single invention, sole and a flexible Case which the 1:03-cv-01207-WLO are better parties the court IV. reargue to on claim Plaintiff to declines addressed to Because Document has reconsider appeal. not its Filed 08/29/2005 The construction. the reconsider 141 court any not situation Construction opinion will 18 of 19 allow 4 advanced Claim Page compelling Order, the court further. CONCLUSION For the IT light IS of reasons ORDERED an __Q__p._, the set that constructions the reconsideration change reaffirms in above, after intervening court forth in its the of law in ruling Phillips analysis and the Opinion and Order Memorandum its v. AWH May 17, in claim of 2005; IT IS FURTHER Reconsideration ORDERED of the that Plaintiffs' Court's Claim Motion Construction for Partial Order [135] is DENIED. 4 It made by embodiment may be helpful for the Plaintiff contending in which part of court to place and part is rotatable or adjustable. not excluded from the court's construction in the _300 Patent. The court construed rear sole fastened, Order portion of _secured" but not is one permanently that May 17, 2005 at 25.) (e.g., the periphery is fixed A of adjust its on this ground. 18 A 0069 argument an fixed in This embodiment is of "secured" as used the term to mean that rear sole the sole) or similarly physicallyadjusted this definition because the rear permanently fixed in position. one to recognize permanently _selectively in position." removed, within not be construction address the court failed the rear sole is in can or permanently (Mem. Op. which only be rotated, & one moved, could be encompassed sole, as a whole, would The court declines to a Case l:03-cv-O1207-WLO Document 141 Filed 08/29/2005 Page 19 Of 19 ,"., This the 264 day of August 2005. _]nited 19 A 0070 States District Judge Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Document IN THE UNITED FOR THE MIDDLE Akeva 145 STATES DISTRICT Filed 10128/2005 DISTRICT Page 1 of 2 COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA L.L.C., Plaintiff, V° 1:03-CV-01207 Adidas America, Inc., Defendant. FINAL WHEREAS, terms in claims Patent Number its Order in this action for patent 93, 94, 100-106, 6,604,300 and claims term "secured" construction Indirectly of"secured," Akeva WHEREAS, defendant any of the Asserted of equivalents; infi-ingement, the Court 192-194, has construed 204-232 1-32 of U.S. Patent No. 6,662,471 Construction L.L.C. in the Claim Construction infringe doctrine plaintiff AND JUDGMENT 109, 117, 118, 121-154, dated May 17, 2005 ("Claim WHEREAS, ORDER of United ("Asserted States Claims") but Akeva adidas America, the Court's concedes Inc. ("adidas") construction of the that, under the Court's does not directly Claims of the patents in suit, either literally or or under the and the parties agree that Akeva in Order''); ("Akeva '_) disputes Order, the disputed has preserved Judgment; A 0071 its fights to appeal from this ' Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO It is hereby ORDERED Document 145 that final judgment Filed 10/28/2005 of noninfringement Page 2 of 2 of the Asserted Claims shallbe and hereby isenteredin favorof adidas,and Akeva shalltakenothing from adidas. This the 28th day of October 2005. _._3nited A 0072 States " " CM/F_F- ncmd- Docket Report Page 18BA, U.S. District North Carolina Middle CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE AKEVA Assigned Demand: Cause: Patent AKEVA L.L.C. A North Carolina TRIAL District (Durham) #: I:03-cv-01207-WLO Date Filed: 12/19/2003 Jury Demand: Plaintiff Nature of Suit: 830 Patent Infringement Jurisdiction: represented Corporation MEDIATION, Court L.L.C.v. ADIDAS-SALOMON AG, et al to: JUDGE WILLIAM L. OSTEEN $0 35:271 APPEAL, 1 of 22 by Federal Question ANDRE J. BAHOU ROBINS KAPLAN MILLER CIRESI L.L.P. & 1801 K ST., N.W., STE. 1200 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 202-775-0725 Fax: 202-223-8604 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED DEMETRIUS T. LOCKETT ALSTON & BIRD 1201 W. PEACHTREE ST. ONE ATLANTIC CTR. ATLANTA, GA 30309-3424 404-881-7000 TERMINATED: 11/08/2005 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY DIRK D. THOMAS ROBINS CIRESI TO BE NOTICED KAPLAN MILLER 1801 K ST., N.W., WASHINGTON, 202-775-0725 Fax: 202-223-8604 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY STE. 1200 DC 20006 TO BE NOTICED JASON IL BURATTI ROBINS KAPLAN MILLER CIRESI L.L.P. A 0073 & L.L.P. & 1801 K ST., N.W., STE. 1200 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 202-775-0725 Fax: 202-223-8604 923 0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Report Page 2 of 22 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY PATRICK TO BE NOTICED J. FLINN ALSTON & BIRD 1201 W. PEACHTREE ST. ONE ATLANTIC CTR. ATLANTA, GA 30309-3424 404-881-7000 TERM1NA TED: 11/08/2005 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED ROBERT A. AUCHTER ROBINS KAPLAN MILLER CIRESI L.L.P. 1801 K ST., N.W., & STE. 1200 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 202-775-0725 Fax: 202-223-8604 LEAD ATFORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED SCOTT ANDREW SCIIAAF TUGGLE DUGGINS P.A. POB 2888 GREENSBORO, 336-378-1431 Fax: 336-274-6590 & MESCHAN, NC 27402 Email: LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED V° ADIDAS-SALOMON AG A German Corporation TERMINATED; 03/08/2004 ADIDAS A Delaware AMERICA INC. represented Corporation H. KELLY, JR. by JAMES KILPATRICK STOCKTON, 1001 W. FOURTH ST. WINSTON-SALEM, 336-607-7351 Fax: 336-734-2625 A 0074 L.L.P. NC 27101 Email: j LEAD ATTORNEY 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd - DocketReport Page 3 of 22 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED JAMES JASON LINK KILPATRICK STOCKTON, 1001 W. FOURTH ST. WINSTON-SALEM, 336-607-7443 Fax: 336-734-2622 L.L.P. NC 27101 Email: .j link@,kilpatrickst LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED JOHN STEVEN GARDNER KILPATRICK STOCKTON, 1001 W. FOURTH ST. WINSTON-SALEM, 336-607-7483 Fax: 336-734-2650 Email: L.L.P. NC 27101 sgardner@_; LEAD A I"FORNEY ATTORNEY KEITH TO BE NOTICED A. ZULLOW GOODWlN PROCTOR LLP 599 LEXINGTON AVE. NEW YORK, 212-813-8800 NY 10022 LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED WILLIAM GOODWIN EXCHANGE 53 STATE A. MEUNIER PROCTOR LLP PLACE ST BOSTON, MA 02109 617-570-1000 LeADATTORNEr ArroRN r ro ,e NOtiCED Date Filed Docket 12/19/2003 I **Case assigned Dickerson) to Magistrate (Entered: Judge Text Sharp. AO Code 18BA (Ix/. 12/22/2003) =1 12/19/2003 12/19/2003 COMPLAINT with attachments; Filing Fee $150.00 !jury demand (N. Dickerson) (Entered: 12/22/2003) SUMMONS INC. issued (N. Dickerson) for ADIDAS-SALOMON (Entered: Receipt AG, ADIDAS #80436; AMERICA 12/22/2003) A 0075 0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Report Page 4 of 22 12/19/2003 Rule 7. l(a) Parent Company Disclosure Statement L.L.C. (N. Dickerson) (Entered: 12/22/2003) 12/19/2003 Notice of Right 12/22/2003) 12/19/2003 CASE SELECTED 12/22/2003) FOR MEDIATION 12/19/2003 See related 1:03CV1044 01/20/2004 MOTION Loekett to Consent case(s): by AKEVA to Appear 28 USC 636(c)(2) L.L.C. Motion(s) referred: [4-1] motion Lockett to Appear Pro Hac Vice (fe) (Entered: 01/22/2004) 01/26/2004 MOTION by ADIDAS 01/26/2004 (K. Welch) (N. Dickerson) for Patrick 01/22/2004 Pro Hac Vice (N. Diekerson) (N. Dickerson) Pro Hac Vice. filed by AKEVA (fe) (Entered: (Entered: (Entered: J. Flinn (Entered: 12/29/2003) and Demetrius T. 01/21/2004) for Patrick J. Flinn and Demetrius T. referred to MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP AMERICA INC. (Entered: for BRIAN M. GAFF to Appear 02/02/2004) MOTION by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. for STEPHEN D. WHETSTONE to Appear Pro I-Iac Vice (K. Welch) (Entered: 02/02/2004) 01/26/2004 MOTION by ADIDAS AMERICA Appear Pro Hac Vice (K. Welch) 01/26/2004 ANSWER (Entered: 01/27/2004 ORDER to Complaint 02/02/2004) granting [4-1] INC. for DOUGLAS (Entered: 02/02/2004) by ADIDAS motion AMERICA for Patrick INC. J. KLINE to (K. Welch) J. Flinn and Demetrius T. Lockett to Appear Pro Hac Vice. Signed by MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP. Cos dist. [EOD Date 1/28/04] (K. Welch) Modified on 02/02/2004 (Entered: 01/28/2004) 02/02/2004 Motion(s) referred: [7-1] motion for DOUGLAS J. KLINE to Appear Hac Vice referred to MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP, [6-1] motion for STEPHEN D. WHETSTONE to Appear Pro Hac Vice referred to Pro MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP, [5-1] motion for BRIAN M. GAFF to Appear Pro Hae Vice referred to MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP 0C Welch) (Entered: !02/06/2004 ORDER 02/02/2004) granting [5-1] motion Vice. Signed by MAG/JUDGE :2/6/04] (K. Welch) (Entered: 02/10/2004 1!1 ORDER granting [6-1] motion for BRIAN M. GAFF P. T. SHARP. 02/06/2004) for STEPHEN Appear Pro Hac Vice signed by MAG/JUDGE 2/10/04] (R. Winchester) (Entered: 02/10/2004) 02/10/2004 to Appear Ccs dist. [EOD D. WHETSTONE P. T. SHARP Pro Hac Date to [EOD Date 122 ORDER granting [7-1 ] motion for DOUGLAS J. KLINE to Appear Pro Hac Vice signed by MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP [EOD Date 2/10/04] (R. Winchester) (Entered: 02/10/2004) A 0076 0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF -nemd -Doeket Report 03/08/2004 Page5 of 22 NOTICE of Voluntary FRCvP, plaintiff Adidas-Salomon (K. Welch) 03/08/2004 CASE Dismissal pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1) of the hereby voluntarily dismisses all claims asserted against AG, but with respect to Adidas only, without prejudice. (Entered: AT ISSUE 03/09/2004) 0L Winchester) (Entered: 03/11/2004) im 03/16/2004 Rule 7. I (a) Parent AMERICA 03/23/2004 15 NOTICE 03/24/2004 16 MOTION Company INC. Disclosure (hi. Dickerson) Statement (Entered: filed by ADIDAS 03/17/2004) of Hearing: set Initial Pretrial Conference for 9:30 4/26/04 GREENSBORO 1A COURTROOM ( before MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP ). Cos. dist. (W. Williamson) (Entered: 03/23/2004) Appear 0313012004 by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. Pro Hae Vice 0C Welch) Motion(s) referred: [16-I] Hac Vice referred 03/30/2004) for RICHARD (Entered: motion to 03/30/2004) for RICHARD to MAG/JUDGE MYRUS in MYRUS P. T. SHARP to Appear (K. Welch) Pro (Entered: nm 04/02/2004 17 ORDER granting [16-1] motion for RICHARD MYRUS to Appear Hac Vice. Signed by MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP. Ces. dist. [EOD 4/2/04] (K. Welch) (Entered: 04/02/2004) 04/20/2004 CASE REFERRED to Mag/Jud Sharp (W. Williamson) (Entered: 04/20/2004) 0412112004 CASE NO LONGER (Entered: 04/22/2004) 04/21/2004 REFER.RED re: proposed to Mag/Jud Pro Date Jt. Rule 26(1) Report. Sharp ('K. Welch) L8 Joint Rule 26(t) Report and Order setting Discovery cutoff date as of Intent to file Disp. Motions due by 11/1/04; Complex Mediation should be conducted midway in the 10/21/04; Notice case-management; discovery period, the exact date to be set by the mediator after consultation with the parties. The parties agree that they shall supplement this report with the identity of their requested mediator within thirty (30) days from the Entry Date; Plaintiff should be allowed until ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of discovery to request leave to join additional parties or amend pleadings. Defendant should be allowed until ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of discovery to request leave to join additional parties or amend pleadings. The parties do not consent to reference this case to the Magistrate Judge. (Signed by MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP) E'I"T 5-8 days. (Entered: 04/22/2004) Cos. dist. [EOD Date 4/22/04] (K. Welch) u 04/21/2004 Complex 04/21/2004 Mediation upon 05/27/2004 Case (K. Welch) Hearing a mediator (Entered: 04/22/2004) set for no later than 8/23/04. by 5/21/04. ORDER Appointing pursuant (Entered: to LR 83.10d(a). 05/27/2004) (C. Gammon) Mediator JAMES The parties (Entered: D. MYERS Cos. dist. [EOD Date are to agree 04/26/2004) (signed 5/27/04] by Clerk) (C. Gammon) A 0077 923 0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket 06/28/2004 Report Page 6 of 22 20 NOTICE of Hearing: Set Jury Trial for 9:30 4/4/05 in UNASSIGNED COURTROOM, Set Trial Briefs, etc. deadline to 3/15/05 0L Winchester) 08/03/2004 (Entered: 21 STIPULATION documents [EOD 08/05/2004 PROTECTIVE 8/3/04] ORDER In Re: confidential by MAG/JUDGE (K. Welch) (Entered: P. T. SHARP) Ces. Dist. 08/03/2004) 22 JOINT MOTION by AKEVA L.L.C., ADIDAS AMERICA INC. for Amendment to [18-1] Joint Preliminary planning report and discovery 0810612004 filed on April 08/05/2004) 19, 2004 (Joint 26(0 Report). (L. Simmonds) r Motion(s) referred: [22-1] motion for Amendment to [18-I] Joint i Preliminary planning report and discovery schedule filed on April 2004 (Joint Winchester) 26(0 Report) referred (Entered: 08/06/2004) to MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP 19, 0L 23 ORDER granting [22-1] motion for Amendment to [18-1] Joint Preliminary planning report and discovery schedule filed on April 19, 2004 (Joint 26(0 Report). Mediation should be held 9/22/04; Setting Discovery deadline to 11/15/04, Dispositive motions due 11/22/04. Signed by MAG/IUDGE P. T. SHARP. Cos. Dist. [EOD Date 8/10/04] (K. Welch) 08/10/2004 Deadline i (Entered: 09/29/2004 24 MOTION (Entered: 08/10/2004) updated; Setting 08/10/2004) Mediation Deadline to 9/22/04 0C Welch) by AKEVA L.L.C. to Compel Defendant Adidas to Produce Under Rule 30(B)(6), to Answer Questions, and for Sanctions Witnesses (K. Welch) 09/29/2OO4 AND as set out; (Signed Date schedule (Entered: 08110/2004 06/28/2004) (Entered: 25 MEMORANDUM 10/01/2004) with Exhibits by AKEVA L.L.C. in support of [24-1] motion to Compel Defendant Adidas to Produce Witnesses Under Rule 30(E)(6), to Answer Questions, and for Sanctions by AKEVA L.L.C. (K. Welch) 09/29/2004 (Entered: 26 CERTIFICATION unable to reach Akeva's 10/13/2004 27 MOTION Plaintiff Motion 28 BRIEF motion OF COUNSEL by AKEVA L.L.C. Re: the parties an agreement concerning the matters addressed in to Compel 0C Welch) (Entered: with Exhibits by ADIDAS AMERICA Akeva, L.L.C. from Opposing Adidas' Constructions 10/13/2004 10/01/2004) (K. Welch) (Entered: with Exhibits by ADIDAS to Preclude PlaintiffAkeva, 10/01/2004) INC. to Preclude Proposed Claim 10/13/2004) AMERICA INC. in support of [27-1] L.L.C. from Opposing Adidas' Proposed Claim Constructions by ADIDAS AMERICA expandable file) (K. Welch) (Entered: 10/13/2004) 10/22/2004 29 JOINT Amend are INC. (located in MOTION by AKEVA L.L.C., ADIDAS AMERICA INC. to the Amended Joint Report amended 8/10/04 and Discovery Schedule. (proposed Copy of Joint Stipulation and Consent Order attached as Exhibit A) CR. Winchester) (Entered: 10/25/2004) A 0078'to/n/y/851600017-L 923 0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd 10/22/2004 - Docket Report Page 30 BRIEF [24-1] IN OPPOSITION motion to Compel with Exhibits Defendant by ADIDAS Adidas AMERICA to Produce 10/25/2004 11/02/2004 Motion(s) referred: [29-1] joint motion to Amend Report amended 8/10/04 and Discovery Schedule SHARP (R. Winchester) (Entered: 10/25/2004) INC. Witnesses Rule 30(B)(6), to Answer Questions, and for Sanctions L.L.C. (K. Welch) (Entered: 10/25/2004) 7 0f22 to Under by AKEVA the Amended Joint to MAG/JUDGE P. T. 31 ORDER granting [29-1] joint motion to Amend the Amended Joint Report of 8/I 0/04 and Discovery Schedule, except that dis'positive motions are due on December 13, responses are due January 3, 2005, and replies are due January 10. No further extensions will be granted. Setting Discovery deadline to 12/6/04, Dispositive due 12/13/04. Signed by MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP. Cos. Dist. [EOD Date 11/2/04] (K. Welch) (Entered: 11/02/2004) 11/04/2004 32 REPLY BRIEF with Exhibits by AKEVA L.L.C. to response to [24-1] motion to Compel Defendant Adidas to Produce Witnesses Under Rule 30(B)(6), to Answer Questions, and for Sanctions by AKEVA L.L.C. (K. Welch) (Entered: 11/05/2004) 11/05/2004 33 OPPOSITION with Exhibits by AKEVA L.L.C. PlaintiffAkeva, L.L.C. from Opposing Preclude Claim Construction 11/05/2004) by ADIDAS AMERICA to [27-1] Adidas's INC. motion to Proposed (K. Welch) (Entered: == 11/09/2004 Motion(s) referred: Produce Witnesses Sanctions referred, i from Opposing MAG/JUDGE 11/12/2004 [24-1] motion to Compel Defendant Adidas to Under Rule 30(B)(6), to Answer Questions, and for [27-1] motion to Preclude PlaintiffAkeva, L.L.C. Adidas' Proposed Claim Constructions P. T. SHARP 0L Winchester) (Entered: referred to 11/09/2004) 34 MOTION with Exhibits by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. to Exclude the September 8, 2004 Report ofPlaintiffAkeva, L.L.C.'s Expert Joseph J. Skaja (K. Welch) (Entered: 11/15/2004) iii 11/1212004 35 BRIEF motion with Exhibits by ADIDAS to Exclude the September L.L.C.'s Expert Joseph (Entered: 11/15/2004) J. Skaja AMERICA INC. in support of[34-1] 8, 2004 Report of PlaintiffAkeva, by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (K. Welch) m 11/22/2004 36 REPLY BRIEF to [27-1] motion Adidas' Proposed Welch) 11/22/2004 to Produce 11/22/2004 AMERICA INC. to response from Opposing AMERICA INC. (K. Adidas Inc. 11/23/2004) by AKEVA Samples L.L.C. to Compel of Accused Defendant Products and for Sanctions America, (K. Welch) 11/23/2004) 38 MEMORANDUM of [37-I] by ADIDAS to Preclude PlaintiffAkeva, L.L.C. Claim Constructions by ADIDAS (Entered: MOTION (Entered: with Exhibits motion OF LAW to Compel with Exhibits Defendant by AKEVA Adidas America, L.L.C. in support Inc. to Produce A 0079 https://ec 923_0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Report Page Samples of Aeensed Products Sanctions by AKEVA L.L.C. (Entered: 11/23/2004) 11/22/2004 39 CERTIFICATION Sanctions 11/2312004 40 by AKEVA L.L.C., [37-2] motion for (located in expandable file) (K. Welch) OF COUNSEL 1] motion to Compel Samples of Accused by plaintiffAKEVA L.L.C. Re: [37- Defendant Adidas America, Inc. to Produce Products by AKEVA L.L.C., [37-2] motion by AKEVA L.L.C. 8 of 22 (K. Welch) ORDER signed by MAG/JUDGE set for oral argument on Plaintiffs (Entered: for 11/23/2004) P.T. SHARP that this matter motion to compel discovery shall be (Pleading No. 24) on January 31, 2005 at 9:30 a.m. in GREENSBORO IA COURTROOM. At least 30 days prior to that date, the parties shall file a report to the Court certifying that (1) lead counsel for the parties have met and conferred on the motion in person in Greensboro or WinstonSalem, and (2) there remain discovery issues unresolved by lead counsel. Ces. Dist. [EOD Date 11/23/04] 0C Welch) (Entered: 11/23/2004) 12/06/2004 41 BRIEF IN OPPOSITION with Exlu'bits by AKEVA L.L.C. to [34-1] motion to Exclude the September 8, 2004 Report of PlalntiffAkeva, L.L.C.'s Joseph J. Skaja by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (located in expandable file) (K. Welch) Modified on 12/07/2004 (Entered: 12/07/2004) 12/10/2004 42 Notice 1/5/05. of Intent to File Dis'positive Motions. Filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. Dis'positive (K. Welch) Motions (Entered: due by 12/13/2004) 12/13/2004 43 BRIEF IN OPPOSITION with Exhibits by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. [37-1] motion to Compel Defendant Adidas America, Inc. to Produce Samples of Products by AKEVA LLC., [37-2] motion for Sanctions AKEVA L.L.C. (K. Welch) (Entered: 12/14/2004) 12/13/2004 44 12/13/2004 45 BRIEF by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. in support of [44-1] motion to Exceed Page Limitation with respect to adidas' Markman by ADIDAS 46 MOTION AMERICA INC. (K. Welch) for Summary Judgment 47 BRIEF with Exhibits A-D by ADIDAS [46-1] motion for Summary Judgment Welch) 12/13/2004 48 MOTION defendant 12/13/2004 49 BRIEF (Entered: (Entered: by defendant INC. on Invalidity of the '300 Patent Description Requirement (K. Welch) 12/13/2004 by MOTION by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. for Leave to Exceed Page Limitation with respect to adidas' Markman Brief (Copy of Brief w/Exhibits provided) (K. Welch) Modified on 12/14/2004 (Entered: 12/14/2004) Leave 12/13/2004 to 12/14/2004) ADIDAS for Faihtre (Entered: for Brief AMERICA to Satisfy the Written 12/14/2004) AMERICA by ADIDAS INC. in support of AMERICA INC. (K. 12/14/2004) for Summary Judgment Regarding the '300 Patent by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (K. Welch) (Entered: 12/14/2004) with Exhibits A-J by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. in support of A 0080 923 0-1 2/3/2006 F CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Report Page 9 of 22 [48-1 ] motion for Summary MDIDAS AMERICA INC. 12/13/2004 Judgment Regarding the '300 Patent by (Exhibit D - SEALED - located in Sealed Drawer) (K. Welch) (Entered: 12/14/2004) MOTION AKEVA with Memorandum in Support L.L.C. (attached Exhibits A-H) of Claim Construction (K. Welch) (Entered: of 12/14/2004) 12/13/2004 5_! MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Infi-ingement and Validity _ Regarding 12/13/2004 52 MEMORANDUM with Exhibits by plaintiffAKEVA Welch) (Entered: by AKEVA L.L.C. L.L.C. 12/14/2004) in support of [51-1 ] motion for Partial Summary Judgment by AKEVA L.L.C. (located in expandable file) (Exhibits 5 & 10 - SEALED located in Sealed Drawer) CK. Welch) (Entered: 12/14/2004) 12/14/2004 Motion(s) referred: [34-1] motion to Exclude the September 8, 2004 Report of Plaintiff Akeva, L.L.C.'s Expert Joseph J. Skaja referred, [37-2] motion for Sanctions referred, [37-1] motion to Compel Defendant Adidas America, Inc. to Produce Samples of Accused Products referred to MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP (R. Winchester) (Entered: 12/14/2004) 12/15/2004 Motion submission: [44-1] motion for Leave to Exceed Page Limitation with respect to adidas' Markman Brief submitted to Judge Osteen 0L Winchester) (Entered: 12/15/2004) 12/16/2004 53 Notice of Intent 1/5/05. 12/20/2004 54 REPLY 12/20/2004 55 MOTION 12/21/2004 56 ORDER to File Dispositive Filed by AKEVA L.L.C. Motions. CK. Welch) Dispositive (Entered: Motions due by 12/20/2004) BRIEF with Exhibits by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. to response to [34-1] motion to Exclude the September 8, 2004 Report of Plaintiff Akeva, L.L.C.'s Expert Joseph J. Skaja by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (K. Welch) (Entered: 12/21/2004) with Memorandum in Support by AKEVA L.L.C. to Strike Adidas' second motion for summary judgment, and Opposition to Defendant Adidas America, lnc.'s Motion for Leave to Exceed Page Limitation (K. Welch) (Entered: 12/21/2004) granting [44-1] motion for Leave to Exceed Page Limitation with respect to adidas' Marlcman Brief. The Court hereby accepts adidas' Markman Brief on the Correct Construction of Disputed Claim Terms, ! which was filed with the Court on December 13, 2004. Signed by :JUDGE Welch) • WILLIAM L. OSTEEN. (Entered: 12/21/2004) Cos. Dist. [EOD Date 12/21/04] =| 12/28/2004 57 MARKMAN BRIEF Correct Construction 01/04/2005 (Entered: 12/30/2004 58 REPLY BRIEF with Exhibits of Disputed 12/28/2004) with Exhibits by ADIDAS Claim by AKEVA Terms L.L.C. AMERICA INC. (K. Welch) Modified to response on the on to [37-1] motion tO Compel Defendant Adidas America, Inc. to Produce Samples of Accused Products by AKEVA L.L.C., [37-2] motion for Sanctions by AKEVA L.L.C. (K. Welch) (Entered: 01/03/2005) A 0081 https:l/ t ow017-L_923_0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF- ncmd 12/3012004 - Docket Report fi2 Page STATEMENT by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. of Errata Related Markman Brief correcting two errors (K. Welch) Modified on 01/03/2005 01/03/2005 (Entered: 01/03/2005 to its 01/03/2005) RESPONSE by plaintiffAKEVA L.L.C. to [40-2] Court's Order Requiring the Lead Counsels for the Parties to Meet and Confer in Greensboro 01/03/2005) 01/03/2005 10 of 22 .61 62 or Winston-Salem RESPONSE with Exhibits construction 01/04/2005) brief by Dec. 31, 2004 by plaintiffAKEVA by ADIDAS AMERICA (K. Welch) L.L.C. INC. RESPONSE with Exhibits by AKEVA L.L.C. Summary Judgment Regarding the '300 Patent (Entered: to [57-1] (K. Welch) claim (Entered: to [48-1] motion for by ADIDAS AMERICA INC., [46-1] motion for Summary Judgment by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (Exhibit 5 - SEALED - located in Sealed Drawer) (K. Welch) Modified on 01/04/2005 (Entered: 01/04/2005) 01/03/2005 6.3_BRIEF IN OPPOSITION with Exhibits by defendant AMERICA INC. to [50-1] motion of Claim L.L.C. (K. Welch) (Entered: 01/04/2005) 01/03/2005 OPPOSITION with Exhibits by ADIDAS motion for Partial Summary Judgment SEALED - located in Sealed Drawer) , ADIDAS Construction by AKEVA AMERICA INC. to [51-1] by AKEVA L.L.C. (Exhibit D (K. Welch) (Entered: 01/04/2005) m 01/03/2005 65 MOTION by AKEVA L.L.C. to Strike the Affidavit of Jerry Turner from Defendant Adidas's Motion for Summary Judgment Regarding the '300 Patent, and to Preclude Adidas's Reliance on or use as Evidence the Affidavit (Entered: 101/03/2005 of Jerry Turner 01/04/2005) _6_6MEMORANDUM motion to Strike Turner in expandable 01/05/2005 Person 01110/2005 and the Turntec Advertisement file) (K. Welch) (K. Welch) (Entered: (Entered: by AKEVA INC. to response of the '300 Patent to Satisfy the Written Description Requirement INC. (K. Welch) (Entered: 01/11/2005) AMERICA with Exhibits INC. (located AMERICA INC. to to Meet and Confer in by ADIDAS AMERICA Judgment of Invalidility REPLY BRIEF with Exhibit by ADIDAS to [48-1] motion for Summary Judgment 7_0_REPLY L.L.C. 01/04/2005) 01/06/2005) REPLY BRIEF with Exhibits ito [46-1] motion for Summary ADIDAS 01/10/2005 Regarding the '300 Patent by AKEVA L.L.C., [65-2] Adidas's Reliance or use as Evidence the Affidavit of with Exhibits by defendant ADIDAS the Court's order Requiring Lead Counsel for Failure AMERICA (K. Welch) L.L.C. in support of [65-1] from Defendant Motion for 6_7_RESPONSE [40-2] 101/10/2005 Advertisement with Exhibits by AKEVA the Affidavit of Jerry Turner Summary Judgment motion to Preclude iJerry and the Turntec (K. Welch) by AKEVA AMERICA Regarding (Entered: L.L.C. by ADIDAS INC. to response the '300 Patent by 01/11/2005) to response to [51-1] motion A 0082 923 0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd- Docket Report Page I I of 22 for Partial Summary Judgment Regarding Infringement AKEVA L.L.C. (K. Welch) CEntered: 01/11/2005) 01/10/2005 71 SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM and Validity with Exhibits by by plaintiff AKEVA L.L.C. in support of [65-1] motion to Strike the Affidavit of Jerry Turner from Defendant Adidas's Motion for Summary Judgment Regarding the '300 Patent by AKEVA L.L.C., [65-2] motion to Preclude Adidas's Reliance on or use as Evidence the Affidavit of Jerry Turner and I the Tumtec Advertisement file) (K. Welch) 01/11/2005 72 STATEMENT by AKEVA in Support 73 MEMORANDUM L.L.C. of Errata of Motion (located (J. Wilson)CEntered: Related to Strike IN RESPONSE 1] motion to Strike the Affidavit Motion for Summary Judgment L.L.C. L.L.C. in expandable 01/11/2005) by AKEVA Memorandum 01/11/2005) 01/12/2005 (Entered: to its Supplemental (K. Welch) by ADIDAS (Entered: AMERICA INC. to [65- of Jerry Turner fi'om Defendant Adidas's Regarding the BOO Patent by AKEVA 01/12/2005) m 01/18/2005 Motion submission: [46-1] motion for Summary Judgment submitted, [48-1] motion for Summary Judgment Regarding the '300 Patent submitted, [50-1 ] motion of Claim Construction submitted, [50-2] memorandum in support motion submitted, [51-1 ] motion for Partial Summary Judgment submitted, [55-1] motion to Strike Adidas' second motion for summary judgment, and Opposition to Defendant Adidas America, Inc.'s Motion for Leave to Exceed Page Limitation submitted, [55-2] memorandum Strike the Affidavit Summary Judgment to Preclude Adidas's i Jerry Turner 01/27/2005 Regarding Reliance and the Turntec CR. Winchester) 01/25/2005 in support motion submitted, of Jerry Turner from Defendant CEntered: Advertisement submitted to Judge MOTION by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. to Extend eight (8) days, to and including 2/3/05 to Respond to Plaintiffs Strike and to Preclude (It. Welch) (Entered: 01/26/2005) referred: [74-I] motion to Extend Time eight 01/28/2005 Time Motion (8) days, to to and to Strike and to (R. Winchester) Telephonic Notice: Received telephone call from Atty Jason Link re: Oral Argument scheduled for 1/31/05 before Mag/Judge Sharp on #24 I Motion to Compel. The parties have resolved the matter, is not necessary. (W. Williamson) (Entered: 01/28/2005) 01/28/2005 Osteen 01/18/2005) 74 CONSENT Motion(s) for the '300 Patent submitted, [65-2] motion on or use as Evidence the Affidavit of including 2/3/05 to Respond to Plaintiffs Motion Preclude referred to MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP CEntered: 01/27/2005) 101/28/2005 [65-1] motion to Adidas's Motion Mediation 75 JOINT Hearing MOTION Approval CEntered: held 1/26/05_ by AKEVA and Entry of Joint 01/28/2005) (C. Gammon) L.L.C., Stipulation ADIDAS CEntered: AMERICA and Order. and the hearing 01/28/2005) INC. for (W. WiUiamson) A 0083 httn.q:// 923 0-1 2/3/200f_ CM/ECF - ncmd 01/28/2005 - Docket Page12 of Report Motion(s) L.L.C. motion no longer referred: 02/02/2005 to Preclude Plaintiff Akeva, from Opposing Adidas' Proposed Claim Constructions, [34-1] to Exclude the September 8, 2004 Report of PlaintiffAkeva, L.L.C.'s 02/01/2005 [27-1 ] motion 22 Expert Joseph J. Skaja (W. Williamson) (Entered: 02/01/2005) Motion(s) referred: [75-1] joint motion for Approval and Entryof Joint Stipulation and Order referred to MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP (W. Williamson) (Entered: 02/01/2005) Motion(s) no longer referred: [74-1 ] motion to Extend days, to and including 2/3/05 to Respond to Plaintiffs and to Preclude (R. Winchester) (Entered: 02/02/2005) Time eight Motion (8) to Strike i 02/02/2005 Motion submission: [74-1 ] motion to Extend Time eight (8) days, to and including 2/3/05 to Respond to Plaintiffs Motion to Strike and to Preclude submitted to Judge Osteen (R. Winchester) (Entered: 02/02/2005) 02/03/2005 TRIAL CALENDAR mailed to parties for session 9:30 (D. Mccarty) (Entered: 02/03/2005) 02/03/2005 Deadline Updated; set Jury Trial for 9:30 4/4/05 in GREENSBORO #1 COURTROOM before JUDGE WILLIAM L. OSTEEN (D. Mccarty) (Entered: 02/03/2005 with Exhibits to Preclude Adidas's by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. Reliance on or use as Evidence of Jerry Turner and the Turntec Welch) (Entered: 02/04/2005) 02/04/2005 77 JOINT STIPULATION AND Advertisement ORDER by AKEVA (K. Welch) 78 ORDER including (Entered: granting 2/3/05 [74-1] motion to Extend Time eight (8) days, to and to Respond to Plaintiffs Motion to Strike and to Cos. Dist. [EOD 79 REPLY BRIEF filed by PlaintiffAKEVA L.L.C., to Response to 65 Motion to Strike the Affidavit of Jerry Turner, and to Preclude Adidas's Reliance on or use as evidence the Affidavit of Jerry Turner and the 8O NOTICE of Hearing: Settlement Conference in Greensboro Courtroom #1 before JUDGE (Winchester, 02/28/2005 resolves Entry no. 24. Date 2/4/05] Tumtee Advertisement filed by AKEVA L.L.C. (Attachments: 15, #2 Exhibit 16)(Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 02/23/2005) 02/28/2005 0C 02/04/2005) Preclude. Signed by JUDGE WILLIAM L. OSTEEN. Date 2/4/05] (K_ Welch) (Entered: 02/04/2005) 02/22/2005 at to [65-2] the Affidavit L.L.C. as set out; This Order and disposes of the Plaintiffs Motion to Compel, Docket Signed by MAG/JUDGE P. T. SHARP. Ccs. Dist. [EOD 02/04/2005 4/4/05 02/03/2005) 76 OPPOSITION motion beginning 81 MOTION AMER/CA Robin) (Entered: #1 Exhibit set for 3/21/2005 11:00 WILLIAM L. OSTEEN. AM 03/01/2005) to Withdraw as Attorney BRIAN M. GAFF INC. Responses due by 3/21/2005 (Welch, by ADIDAS Kelly) (Entered: 03/02/2005) A 0084 0-1 7/a/9oo_ CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Page Report 13 of 22 I 03/01/2005 82 1 MOTION for a Hearing on its Second and Third Motions to Compel, for an Order to Show Cause regarding contempt by AKEVA L.L.C. Responses due by 3/22/2005. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit I I #3 Exhibit 1 03/03/2005) B, #4 Exhibit C, #5 Exhibit D)('Weleh, Kelly) and A, (Entered: 03/01/2005 83 MOTION to Compel Defendant to Produce Sales Data, Shoe Blueprints, and Licensing Agreements and Related Correspondence by AKEVA L.L.C. Responses due by 3/22/2005 (Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 03/03/2005) 03/01/2005 84 MEMORANDUM OF LAW filed by Plaintiff MOTION to Compel filed by AKEVA L.L.C.. 03/03/2005) 03/01/2005 85 CERTIFICATION OF COUNSEL AKEVA (Welch, L.L.C. Kelly) re 84 Memorandum re (Entered: by AKEVA L.L.C. (Attachments: #(1) Exhibit l, #(2) Exhibit 2,#(3) Exhibit 3,#(4) Exhibit 4, #(5) Exhibit 5, #(6) Exhibit 6, #(7) Exhibit 7,#(8) Exhibit 8) (Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 03/03/2005) m 03/07/2005 Telephone Settlement Notice to Atty. Scott Sehaaf and Atty. James Conference set for 3/21/05 and rescheduling Conference 03/07/2005) 03/07/2005 NOTICE 3/23/2005 to 3/23/05 of Rescheduling Hearing: 02:00 PM in Greensboro WILLIAM 03/07/2005 at 2:00 p.m. (Winchester, L. OSTEEN. Robin) Settlement Courtroom (Winchester, Robin) Kelly cancelling the Settlement (Entered: Conference #1 before (Entered: set for JUDGE 03/07/2005) NOTICE of Hearing: Markman Hearing set for 3/23/2005 10:00 AM in Greensboro Courtroom #I before JUDGE WILLIAM L. OSTEEN. (Winchester, Robin) (Entered: 03/07/2005) 03/07/2005 Motions No Longer Submitted to Judge Osteen 83 MOTION to Compel, 8__ MOTION for Hearing MOTION for Order to Show Cause MOTION for Order to Show Cause (Winchester, Robin) (Entered: 03/07/2005) 03/07/2005 MOTION 83 MOTION to Compel, and 8_82, MOTION for Hearing/MOTION for Order to Show Cause REFERRED Mag/Jd Sharp. (Winchester, Robin) (Entered: 03/07/2005) 03/07/2005 8_88 ORDER Granting 81 Motion for BRIAN Attorney. Signed by Judge WILLIAM Kelly) (Entered: 03/07/2005) 03/09/2005 M. GAFF L. OSTEEN to Judge to Withdraw as on 3/7/05. (Welch, 89_ ORDER signed by Judge P. TREVOR SHARP on 3-9-05, that this matter shall be set for a hearing on the pending motions to compel on Thursday, March 24, 2005, at 10:30a.m. in Greensboro (Courtroom IA). (welch, Kelly) (Entered: 03/10/2005) i i 03/09/2005 ] Set Motion Hearing re 3_ Motion Motion Hearing set for 3/24/2005 #1A before MAG/JUDGE (Entered: 03/10/2005) to Compel, 8_.3MOTION 10:30 AM in Greensboro P. TREVOR SHARP. (Welch, to Compel: Courtroom Kelly) A 0085 10trou I/-L 923 0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd -.Docket 03/10/2005 Report Page 990 MOTION for Pro Hac Vice ADIDAS (Entered: 03/14/2005 AMERICA INC. 03/I 1/2005) MOTION 90for (Winchester, 03/15/2005 Admission Responses Pro Hac Vice Robin) (Entered: for attorney Keith due by 3/31/2005 Admission A. Zullow (Welch, REFERRED 14 of 22 by Kelly) to Mag/Jd Sharp. 03/14/2005) (SEALED) TRIAL BRIEF by Defendant ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (Attachments: # (1) Exhibit 1# (2) Exhibit 2# (3) Exhibit 3# (4) Exhibit 4# (5) Exhibit 9)(Winchester, 03/15/2005 92 MOTION 03/I 5/2005 9_3_Defendant 5# (6) Exhibit 6# (7) Exhibit 7# (8) Exhibit Robin) (Entered: 03/16/2005) 8# (9) Exhibit for Leave to Supplement the Claims Construction and Summary Judgment Record by AKEVA L.L.C. Responses due by 4/5/2005 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D)(Weleh, Kelly) (Entered: 03/16/2005) 03/15/2005 Instructions. Adidas America, lnc.'s Proposed (Winchester, Robin) (Entered: Preliminary 03/16/2005) Defendant Adidas Final (Winchester, 03/15/2005 Proposed Voir Dire (Winchester, 03/15/2005 America, Robin) Inc.'s (Entered: Jury Instructions. 03/16/2005) by Defendant Robin) Proposed Jury (Entered: ADIDAS AMERICA INC.. 03/16/2005) TRIAL BRIEF by PlaintiffAKEVA L.L.C.. (Attachments: # I Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B (part 1)# 3 Exhibit B (Part 2)# 4 Exhibit C-_ _ Exhibit D (Part 1)# 6 Exhibit D (Part 2)# 7 Extu'bit D (Part 3)# 8 Exhibit E# 9 Exhibit F# 10 Exhibit G# 11 Exhibit H (Part 1)# 12 Extu'bit H (Part 2)# 13 Exhibit I# 14 Exhibit J# 15 Exhibit K# 1_ Exhibit L# 17 Exhibit M# 03/15/2005 18 Exhibit 23 Exhibit N# _ Exhibit S# 24 Exhibit O# 2_QExhibit P# 21 Exhibit T# 25 Exhibit U# 26 Exhibit 28 Exlu'bit X# _ Y)(Winchester, 97 Plaintiff Akeva Exhibit LLC's Proposed (Entered: 03/17/2005) 03/16/2005 Proposed (Entered: Voir Dire by Plaintiff 03/17/2005) 03/16/2005 ORDER Granting Zullow, attorney 90 Motion 03/16/2005 SHARP (Entered: Jury Instructions. AKEVA for Pro Hae Vice on 3/16/05. (Winchester, Admission Proctor, (Welch, MOTION to Exclude the Untimely and Inadequate Report of Joseph J. Skaja by ADIDAS AMERICA by 4/6/2005 (Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 03/17/2005) 101 Robin) Robin) for Keith LLP. Signed Kelly) R# W# 03/17/2005) (Winchester, L.UC.. with the firm of Goodwin Judge P. TREVOR 03/17/2005) 03 / 16/2005 Robin) Q# 2_22Exhibit V# 27 Exhibit A. by (Entered: Second Supplement INC. Responses due BRIEF filed by Defendant ADIDAS AMERICA INC. in support ofl00 MOTION to Exclude filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 03/17/2005) A 0086 923 0-1 2/3/2006 I' CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Page Report 03/16/2005 NOTICE Exclude Re: Exhibits A-F to 101 BRIEF in support of Motion (located in original case file) (Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 15 of 22 to 03/17/2005) 03/18/2005 1__02MOTION in Limine to Limit the Number of Accused Shoes to the Nine Shoes Identified in Akeva's Interrogatory Responses and to Require that Akeva Elect Representative Patent Claims from the One Hundred and Ten Patent Claims that it has Asserted Against Addidas by ADIDAS AMERICA 03/21/2005) 03/18/2005 103 INC. Responses due by 4/11/2005 (Welch, Kelly) (Entered: MEMORANDUM filed by Defendant ADIDAS AMERICA INC. in support of_10_ MOTION in Limine filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C - part 1# 4 Exhibit C part 2# 5 Exhibit D# 6 Exhibit E# 7 Exhibit F# 8 Exhibit G# Exhibit H# 10 Exhibit I part 1# 11 Exhibit I part 2# 12 Exhibit I part 2-2# 13 Exhibit I part 3# 14 Exhibit I part 4# 15 Exhibit I part 4-1# 16 Exhibit I part 4-2# 1_27Exhibit I part 4-3# 18 Exhibit I part 4-4# 19 Exhibit I part 4-5# 20 Exhibit I part 4-6# 2__1Exhibit I part 4-7# 22 Exhibit I part 4-8# 23 Exhibit I part 4-9# 24 Exhibit I part 4-10# 25- Exhibit part 1# 2__7_ Exhibit K part 2# 28 Exhibit K part 3)(Welch, on 3/21/2005 (Welch, Kelly). (Entered: 03/21/2005) 03/21/2005 041 03/21/2005 ORDER Granting 92 Motion for leave to Supplement the Claims Construction and Summary Judgment Record. Signed by Judge WILLIAM L. OSTEEN on 3/21/05. (Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 03/21/2005) MOTION for attorney WILLIAM by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. Kelly) (Entered: 03/22/2005) 03/21/2005 03/21/2005 106 MOTION in Limine ADIDAS (Entered: AMERICA 03/22/2005) 1_0_7BRIEF l MOTION 1 Exhibit 03/21/2005 1o8 Responses to Preclude INC. A. MEUNIER Akeva to appear Pro Hac Vice due by 4/13/2005 from Alleging Responses due by 4/13/2005 (Welch, Copying (Welch, by Kelly) filed by Defendant ADIDAS AMERICA INC. in support of 106 in Limine filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (Attachments: # A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# _ Exhibit E# Exhibit Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G# _8 Exhibit H# 9 Exhibit I# 10 Exhibit J# 11 K# 12 Exhibit L# 13 Exhibit M# 14 Exhibit N# 15 Exhibit O# 16 Exhibit P# !.7. Exhibit Q)(Weleh, Kelly) (Entered: 03/22/2005) MOTION for Consideration of Adidas' Arguments in Opposition to Akeva's Motion for Leave to Supplement the Claims Construction and Summary Judgment Record, and for Reconsideration of 104 Court's Order Granting Leave to Supplement Responses due by 4/13/2005 (welch, 03/21/2005 J# 26 Exhibit K Kelly) Modified, 10__29 BRIEF MOTION filed by Defendant for Consideration by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. Kelly) (Entered: 03/22/2005) ADIDAS AMERICA INC. in support of 108 and for Reconsideration of L0__4Order Granting Motion for Leave filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2_ Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4# 5- A 0087 2/3/2006 I CIVI/ECF - ncmd - Docket Report Exhibit 03/21/2005 5)(Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 16 Of 22 03/22/2005) 110 BRIEF in Opposition to 83 MOTION to Compel filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. Replies due by 4/1/2005. (Attachments: # l Exhibit _2 Exhibit 2# 3_Ex/u'bit 3# 4_Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 4# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 03/21/2005 Page 7)(Welch, 111 OPPOSITION Kelly) (Entered: to 82 Plaintiffs 1# 03/22/2005) MOTION for an Order to Show Cause filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. Replies due by 4/1/2005. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Extu'bit C# 4_ Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G# 8 Exhibit H part 1# _ H part 2# 10 H part 3# _!2 H part 4# 12 H part 5# 13 H part 6# 14 H part 7)(Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 03/22/2005) 03/21/2005 112 OBJECTIONS 03/22/2005 l_l_t3 Opposition by Defendant ADIDAS AMERICA INC. to Akeva's Exhibit List and Pretrial Disclosures Pursuant to Fed. 1L Civ. P. 26(a)(3) (Attachments: # _1 Exlu'bit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C)(Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 03/22/2005) to 100 MOTION to Exclude the Second Supplemental Report of Joseph J. Skaja filed by AKEVA L.L.C. Replies due by 4/4/2005. (Attachments: # 1 Extffoit 1# 2 Exht_oit 2# 3- Exhibit 3# 4_Exhibit 4# _5 Exhibit 5 located in original case file# 6 Exhibit 6)(Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 03/24/2005) 03122/2005 NOTICE of Manual Filing RE: EXHIBIT 5 in support paper form with the Clerk's Office by PlaintiffAKEVA Kelly) (Entered: 03/24/2005) 0312312005 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge WILLIAM L. OSTEEN : Settlement Conference held on 3/23/2005. (Court Reporter Beck.) 03/23/2005 (Powell, Gloria) (Entered: Minute Entry for proceedings OSTEEN : Markman Hearing 03/23/2005) held before Judge held on 3/23/2005. @ 10:00 a.m. for replies prior to Hearing Case will be tried on 7/05 Master. (Court Gloria) (Entered: 03/23/2005) 03/23/2005 03/23/2005 03/24/2005 of Pleading 113 in L.L.C. (Welch, WILLIAM L. Hrg confd to 3/24/05 on Pending Motions to Compel. Reporter Beck.) (Poweli, Markman Courtroom Hearing confd to 3/24/2005 10:00 AM in Greensboro #1 before JUDGE WILLIAM L. OSTEEN. (Powell, (Entered: 03/23/2005) 11__4ORDER Gloria) WILLIAM Granting 105 Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission of attorney A. MEUNIER. Signed by Judge WILLIAM L. OSTEEN or_ 3/23/05. (Welch, Kelly) (Entered: Minute Entry for proceedings OSTEEN : Markman Hearing 03/24/2005) held before Judge held on 3/24/2005, WILLIAM L. con't from 3/23/05. Parties to submit proposed findings re: claim construction to submit brief re: pldg. 108 by 3/29/05. Motion Hearings 5/3/05 and 5/4/05. motions/outstanding by 4/1/05. to be held Pltf. By 4/7/05, the parties are to provide Ct. w/list of any issues they wish to discuss. Trial to commence A 0088 https J/ec 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Report 03/24/2005 Page 8/15/05, ETT 2 weeks. (Entered: 03/24/2005) (Court Reporter Snyder.) (Blumke, I 7 of 22 Sheila) Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge P. TREVOR SHARP : Motion Hearing held on 3/2412005 re 83 MOTION to Compel filed by AKEVA L.L.C.,, 8_2 MOTION for Hearing MOTION for Order to Show Cause MOTION for Order to Show Cause MOTION for Order to Show Cause MOTION for Order to Show Cause filed by AKEVA L.L.C.,, 37 Motion to CompelMotion for SanctionsMotion for Sanctions filed by AKEVA L.L.C. CL takesmatter under advisement Written order to follow. '03/24/2005 (Court Sheila) BRIEF filed MOTION for Leave ! Summary Judgment Exhibit E# 2 Exhibit (Blumke, Sheila) (Entered: Jury Trial set for 8/15/2005 #1 before JUDGE WILLIAM (Entered: b 11_!6REPLY (Entered: 03/24/2005) 09:30 AM in L. OSTEEN. 03/24/2005) by PlaintiffAKEVA L:L.C., in support of 92 to Supplement the Claims Construction and Record filed by AKEVA L.L.C. (Attachments: F# 3_ Exhibit G# 4 Exhibit I-I)(Welch, Kelly) # 1 04/05/2005) 03/30/2005 LI2 03/31/2005 ILL8 CORRECTED FURTHER RESPONSE TO Court's Inquiry Regarding Collection Shoe Samples filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. Replies due by 4/I 1/2005. (Attachments: # ! Exhibit A)(Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 04105/2005) of REPLY BRIEF filed by PlaintiffAKEVA L.L.C., in support of 92 MOTION for Leave to Supplement the Claims ConslTuetion and Summary Judgment Record filed by AKEVA L.L.C. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit E# 2 Exhibit F# 3_ Exhibit G# 4 Exhibit I-I) (Welch, 04/01/2005 Snyder.) _Set Deadlines/Hearings: Greensboro Courtroom _(Blumke, 103/29/2005 Reporter ORDER regarding (Pleading Kelly) (Entered: 04/05/2005) DENYING Akeva's __ motion to require adidas to "show contempt, GRANTING Akeva's third motion to compel No. 83) as set out; in resolution of this discovery dispute cause" (Pleading No. 37), within 40 days of the docketing of this Order, adidas shall file with the Court a full listing of all 800 plus models within the "a3" line, with a full description of the specific search made for this product (including new searches), ifa sample of this model is not produced to Akeva within the 40-day period; the Court does not impose Rule 37 sanctions upon either party in connection with Akeva's discovery motions, although the Court reservesthe issue of sanctions under the second and third motions to compel until the discovery proceedings outlined in the Order are completed Signed by Judge P. TREVOR SHARP on 41/05. (MeKenzie, Keayba) (Entered: 04/04/2005) m 04/01/2005 1_!9_OPPOSITION Regarding to Adidas's Collection due by 4/12/2005. 04/05/2005) 04/04/2005 REPLY BRIEF 117 Further of Shoe Samples (Attachments: filed by Defendant Response to Court's filed by AKEVA # ! Exhibit ADIDAS A)(Welch, AMERICA Inquiry L.L.C. Kelly) INC., Replies (Entered: in A 0089 https://ec 923 0- l 2/312006 CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Report Page support of 100 MOTION to Exclude the Untimely 18 of 22 and Inadequate Second Supplemental Report of Joseph J. Skaja filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit G# 2 Errata H# 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit J# 5 Exhibit K)(Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 04/05/2005) 04/0512005 121 i NOTICE OF FILING a corrected certificate of service I# for Akeva's [Proposed] Order Construing Claims to replace the previously-filed service page nunc pro tune by AKEVA L.L.C. (Welch, Kelly) (Entered: ' 04/06/2005) 04107/2005 122 STATEMENT Regarding Pending Motions and Other Issues by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (Welch, Kelly) (Entered: Defendant 04/08/2005) 04/11/2005 123 TRANSCRIPT before Judge Jo Ann 04/11/2005 of Proceedings (Status Conference) William L. Osteen, Sr., in Greensboro, Snyder. (Welch, Kelly) 124 :RESPONSE __ in Opposition I Number of Accused Shoes (Entered: held on 3/24/05 NC. Court Reporter: 04/12/2005) to 102 MOTION in Limine to Limit the and to Require that Akeva Elect Representative Patent Claims filed by AKEVA L.L.C. Replies due by 4/25/2005. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit l# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 5# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7# 8 Exhibit 8# 9 Exlu'bit 9# l0 Exhibit 10# ll Exhibit I l# 12 Exhibit 12# 13 Exhibit 13# 14 Exhibit 14# 15 Exhibit 15)(Welch, Kelly) Modified on 4/15/2005 update Reply deadline (Welch, Kelly). (Entered: 04/12/2005) 04/13/2005 125 OPPOSITION to 106 MOTION in Limine to Preclude Akeva to from Alleging Copying filed by AKEVA L.L.C. Replies due by 4/25/2005. (Attachments: # ! Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3_Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G# 8 Exhibit H# 9 Exhibit I# 10 Exhibit J# _U_Exhibit K# 12 Exhibit L# 13 Exhibit M# 14 Exhibit N# 1_55 Exhibit Exhibit 'Exhibit 04/15/2005 O# 16 Exhibit P# 17 Exhibit T# 21 Exhibit U# 22 Exhibit Y# 26 Exhibit Reset Reply 4/25/2005. 04/15/2005 126 MOTION Deadlines (welch, ZXWelch, Q# 18 Exhibit V# 23 Exhibit Kelly) (Entered: re 102 MOTION Kelly)(Entered: for Confirmation of Scope R# 19 Exhibit S# 20 W# 24 Exhibit X# 25 04/15/2005) in Limine: 04/15/2005 127 CERTIFICATION of Counsel due by 04/15/2005) of Accused Products Expedited Briefing and Heating by AKEVA L.L.C. 5/9/2005(welch, Kelly). (Entered: 04/18/2005) 04/15/2005 Replies re 126 MOTION Responses due by for Confirmation Scope of Accused Products and for Expedited L.L.C. (welch, Kelly) (Entered: 04/18/2005) Briefing MEMORANDUM L.L.C. filed by PlaintiffAKEVA and for of by AKEVA in support of 1_.__ MOTION for Confirmation of Scope of Accused Products and for Expedited Brief'rag and Hearing filed by AKEVA L.L.C. (Attachments: 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# -4 Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 5# _6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7# 8 Exhibit 8# 9 Exhibit 9# 10 Exhibit 10# 1l Exhibit 12# 12 Exhibit 12# _ Exhibit 13# 14 Exhibit 14# 15 Exhibit # 15# A 0090 httos:// 0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Report Page 16 Exhibit 104/19/2005 16XWelch, Kelly) (Entered: 19 of 22 04/18/2005) Minute Entry for proceedings held with Judge WILLIAM L. OSTEEN: Telephone Conference held on 4/19/2005 with Atty. Douglas K_line, Atty. Lance Lawson and Atty. Patrick Fline regarding pldg. 126 Motion for Conftrmaation of Scope of Accused Products and for Expedited Briefing and Hearing. The response shall be filed 04/29/05 and this matter will not be heard at the 05/03/05 and 05/04/05 hearing. (Winchester, Robin) (Entered: 04/20/2005) 04/20/2005 Set Response Deadline re 126 MOTION for Hearing MOTION for Confirmation of Scope of Accused Products MOTION for Confirmation of Scope of Accused Products: Responses due by 4/29/2005 (Winchester, Robin) 04/28/2005 (Entered: 04/20/2005) Telephone Conference with Atty. Demetrius T. Loekett, Atty. Patrick Flinn, Atty. Scott Schaaf, Atty. James Link, Atty. Richard Myrns, and Atty. Lance Lawson held on 4/28/2005 with JUDGE WILLIAM L. OSTEEN Re: Motions to be discussed at Hearings scheduled for May 3 and 4. The parties have agreed that all matters can be heard May 4, 2005 beginning at 10:00 a.m. (Winchester, Robin) (Entered: 04/29/2005) 04/28/2005 129 REPLY MOTION BRIEF filed by Defendant ADIDAS AMERICA INC. to 102 in Limine to Limit the Number of Accused Shoes to the Nine Shoes Identified in Akeva's Interrogatory Responses and to Require that Akeva Elect Representatives Claims filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. (Attachments: # _l Exhibit IA 2 Exhibit M# 3_Exhibit N# 4 Exhibit O# 5 Exhibit P# 6 Exhibit Q# 7 Exhibit R# 8 Exhibit Exhibit U# 1! Exhibit V# 1_-2Exhibit W)(Welch, 05/03/2005) 04/29/2005 130 S# 2 Exhibit T# Kelly) (Entered: BRIEF in Opposition to 1._ MOTION for Hearing MOTION Confirmation of Scope of Accused Products and for Expedited for Briefing filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. Replies due by 5/10/2005. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit Exhibit 5# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7# 8 Exhibit 10# 1_1.Exhibit 11# 12 Exhibit 12# 13 Exhibit Exhibit 15# 16 Exhibit 05/03/2005) 05/02/2005 13___!REPLY BRIEF 16# 1__77 Exhibit filed by Defendant Response to _ MOTION Copying filed by ADIDAS R)(Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 05/04/2005 Minute Entry 8# 9 Exhibit 9# 10 Exhibit 13# 1_ Exhibit 14# 15 17)(Welch, ADIDAS 4# 5 Kelly)(Entered: AMERICA INC. to in Limine to Preclude Akeva from Alleging AMERICA INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 05/03/2005) for proceedings beld before Judge WILLIAM L. OSTEEN : Motion Hearing held on 5/4/2005 re 65 Motion to Strike by AKEVA L.L.C., 100 MOTION to Exclude filed by ADIDAS filed AMERICA INC., 92 MOTION for Leave filed by AKEVA L.L.C., 34 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC., (Court Reporter Beck.) The court informed the parties that they should receive a ruling on the Markman Hearing by 5/13/05. The parties will be A 0091 httn_'//eef.ncmd.useourts._;ov/cgi-bin/ 9230-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Report Page notified by the court of the next hearing (Entered: 05/04/2005) 05/11/2005 132 ADIDAS AMERICA INC.'S OBTAIN a3 SHOE 2005. (Attachments: date. (Winchester, DESCRIPTION SAMPLES # 1 Exhibit Robin) OF ITS EFFORTS filed pursuant A# 2 Exhibit 20 of 22 to 115 Order B# 3 Exhibit TO of April 1, C part 1# 4 Exhibit C part 2# 5 Exhibit D# 6 Exlu'bit E# 7 Exhibit F# 8 Exhibit F part A# 9 Exhibit F part B# I_Q Exhibit F part C# 11 Exhibit G# 12 Exhibit H# 13 Exhibit I# 14 Exhibit J# 15 Exhibit K# 16 Exhibit L)(Welch, Kelly) (Entered: 05/16/2005) 05/17/2005 MEMORANDUM OPINION and ORDER signed by Judge WILLIAM [L. OSTEEN on 5/17/05, that the meaning and scope of the patent claims asserted to be infringed and presented by the parties determined as set forth in the foregoing Memorandum Kelly) (Entered: 05/17/2005) for construction are Opinion. (Welch, ,m o5/18/2oo5 31M REPLY to Brief in Opposition to J,_ MOTION for Confirmation of Scope of Accused Products and for Expedited Briefing and Hearing filed by AKEVA L.L.C.(Attaehments: # 1 Exhibit Letter dated May 2, 2005 to Patrick Flinn# 2 Exhibit Exhibit List to Plaintiffs Reply)(N/BURG, REBECCA) Modified text on 5/19/2005 (Welch, Kelly). (Entered: 05/18/2005) 05/18/2005 NOTICE of Docket Text/Event Modification re _ of Motion, : (Corrected event to reflect as a "Reply to Motion") Terminated deadlines (Welch, Kelly) Response in Support to Brief in Opposition (Entered: 05/19/2005) in 06/06/2005 135 MOTION for Reconsideration Construction Order (Partial) and Memorandum of the Court's in Support Claim Thereof by Attorney i SCOTT ANDREW SCHAAF on behalf of PlaintiffAKEVA L.L.C. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2_Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# _6Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G)(SCHAAF, SCOTT) (Entered: _06/06/2005) 06/13/2005 Minute Enlry for proceedings held before Judge WILLIAM L. OSTEEN : Telephone Conference held on 6/13/2005 with Atty. Richard :Myrus, Atty. Patrick Flinn, Atty. Lance Lawson Re: Discussion of the IAugust 15, 2005 trial date. (Winchester, Robin) (Entered: 06/14/2005) 06/14/2005 06/29/2005 Telephone Notice on 6/14/2005 Atty. Patrick Flinn cancelling (Winchester, Robin) to Atty. set for August Jason Link and 15, 2005. 06/14/2005) RESPONSE in Opposition to _ MOTION for Partial Reconsideration of the Court's Claim Construction Order and Memorandum in Support !Thereof filed by ADIDAS AMERICA INC. Replies due by 7/14/2005. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit E# _6 Exhibit 07/01/2005) 07/18/2005 (Entered: fi'om chambers Jury Trial 13___77 iNOTICE through A# 2 Exhibit B# 3. Exhibit F# 7 Exhi'bit G)(Welch, of Manual Filing of Prosecution G) in paper form with the Clerk's Kelly) C# _4 Exhibit D# 5 (Entered: File Histories (Exhibits A Office by PlaintiffAKEVA A 0092 https://ec 0-1 2/q/?w_ I1" CM/ECF - ncmd - Docket Report Page 21 of 22 L.L.C. iSCHAAF, i added 0"/11812005 SCOTT) on 7/2012005 31}_8REPLY, (Wilson, (Winchester, filed by Plaintiff JoAnne). Robin). AKEVA Additional (Entered: L.L.C., attachment(s) 07/18/2005) to Response to 135 MOTION for Reconsideration (Partial) of the Court's Claim Construction and Memorandum in Support Thereoj_filed by AKEVA L.L.C.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit H# 2 Exhibit I# 3 Exhibit J)(SCHAAF, SCOTT) 08/09/2005 139 (Entered: MEMORANDUM 07/18/2005) filed by PlaintiffAKEVA Reconsideration (Partial) Memorandum in Support Impact of Phillips v. A _ (Attachments: Order L.L.C. re _ MOTION for of the Court's Claim Construction Order and Thereof(Memorandum of Law Concerning the Corp. on this matter) filed by AKEVA L.L.C.. # 1 Exhibit A)(SCHAAF, SCOTT) (Entered: 08/09/2005) imm 08/09/2005 140 BRIEF Regarding Phillips v. A IYH Corp. by Defendant ADIDAS AMERICA INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit (Part 1)# 4 Exhibit C (Part 2)# 5 Exhibit D)(LINK, JAMES) (Entered: C 08/09/2005) m= 08/29/2005 MEMORANDUM OPINION and ORDER signed by Judge WILLIAM L. OSTEEN on 8/26105. Re: The court reconsidering its Memorandum Opinion Motion and Order of May 17, 2005, and also considering Plaintiffs for Partial Reconsideration of the Court's Claim Construction Order and Memorandum in Support; For the reasons reconsideration of its ruling in fight of an intervening set forth, that after change in the law in Phillips v. AWH Corp., the court reaffimas its analysis and the elaimconstruetions in the Memorandum Opinion and Order of May 2005; FURTHER that Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Reconsideration the Court's Claim Construction (Entered: 08/29/2005) 10/12/2005 142 Order _ is DENIED.(Welch, MOTION for Pro Hac Vice Admission ofDirk Auchter, Jason R. Buratti and Andre J. Bahou Responses due by 11/4/2005 (SCHAAF, D. Thomas, by AKEVA SCOTT) 17, of Kelly) Robert L.L.C.. (Entered: A. 10/12/2005) i 10/13/2005 • __ 1431 ORDER Thomas, Granting 142 Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission ofDirk Robert A. Auehter, Jason R. Buratti, and Andre J. Bahou. Signed by Judge WILLIAM (Entered: 10/13/2005) 10/27/2005 144 ¸ MOTION to Withdraw L. OSTEEN Patrick on 10/13/05. J. Flinn, Lance (Welch, A. Lawson Kelly) and Demetrius T. Lockett (Alston & Bird LLP) as Counsel of Record by AKEVA Responses due by 11/21/2005 (SCHAAF, SCOTT) (Entered: 10/27/2005) 10/28/2005 FINAL OSTEEN Asserted 11/08/2005 146 ORDER AND JUDGMENT on 10/28/05, Claims that final judgment shall be and hereby Akeva shall take nothing 10/28/2005) from ORDER WILLIAM signed signed by Judge adidas. by Judge WILLIAM of noninfringement is entered (welch, in favor Kelly) L. OSTEEN D. L.L.C.. L. of the of adidas, and (Entered: on 11/8/05, that A 0093 htlps:// 923 0-1 2/3/2006 CM/ECF -nemd - Docket Report IPatrick Page 22 of 22 J. Flinn, firm ofAlston Lance A. Lawson & Bird LLP are hereby Akeva L.L.C., Plaintiff (Entered: 11/08/2005) II/I5/2005 147 1111712005 12/02/2005 of record for Kelly) (Entered: Filing fee 11/15/2005) of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Circuit re 147 Notice of Appeal. (Law, Trina) 11/16/2005) Jo TRANSCRIPT REQUE_,ST by AKEVA L.L.C. for proceedings held on 03/23/05 and 03/24/05 before Judge William L. Osteen, Sr. sent to Mary and Jo Ann Snyder. (Law, Trina) (Entered: 11/18/2005) NOTICE of Docketing Appeal from USCA for the Federal Circuit re Notice of Appeal filed by AKEVA L.L.C. USCA Case Number: 061090. (Law, Trina) (Entered: 11/28/2005) /=52 NOTICE by ADIDAS AMERICA Parts of the Transcript 12/02/2005) TRANSCRIPT JUDGE Reporter: (Entered: 01/17/2006 as counsel litigation.(Welch, of MARKMAN HEARING Proceedings held on i03/23/05 before Judge William L. Osteen, Sr. Court Reporter:. Mary Beck. (Law, Trina) (Entered: 11/17/2005) Additional (Entered: 01/17/2006 and the law 1__49_ TRANSCRIPT Jo Beck 11/28/2005 SCOTT) Transmission of Notice Appeals for the Federal (Entered: 11/16/2005 withdrawn in the above-captioned T. Lockett NOTICE OF APPEAL as to 145 Judgment by AKEVA L.L.C.. :$ 255. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exl_'bit C) (SCHAAF, III1612005 and Demetrius of Settlement WILLIAM Discussions L. OSTEEN, Mary Jo Beck. 01/18/2006) INC. to Akeva L.L.C. to be Ordered (LINK, (located held on March (Welch, PACER Kelly) NC. in expandable (Welch, (Entered: Service Transaction 02/03/2006 23, 2005 StL, in Greensboro, file). TRANSCRIPT of Motion Hearing held on May 4, 2006 WILLIAM L. OSTEEN, SIL, in Greensboro, NC. Court Jo Beck. Designating JAMES) before Court Kelly) before JUDGE Reporter: Mary 01/18/2006) Center Receipt 14:11:50 ] 92493-0000-01697 11 l crtp"on: IIDocketR o"tlS C,"=rl ch ll:03- v-01207-WLOI I Billable Pages:14 Ilcost: 111.12 II PACERLogin:I_)016 IlCJlentCode: A 0094 https://ec 0-1 2/3/2006 • •! • 0 " c !/ t ImHHI|H|H|HI||iHIIH|B / 1 I"_fW'kC o2) United ' States Patent (1o) Patent Meschan (45) Date (54) _C SHO_ WITHIMPROVEDSOLE 221,,592 485,813 537,492 652,887 (75) Inventor:. • David F.Meschau, Greensboro.NC (us) " (73) Assignee:. Akeva LJ.,C., _ .(.) No.: of Patent: A A A A patent is extended or adjuste d under 215 U,S.C 154(o) by 0 flay_ Y • _ patent ;i, subject to a. terminal d_cllJ_er. 434 648 693 947 2 154 (I._ 6,604,300 ' ,Aug. B2 12, 2003 PATENT DOCUMENTS Subject to any dischimer,' the term of th_ CH DE DE DE DE US coe_inuedon newpage.) FORI_GN Notice: fk_ 11/18"/9 Mttclz_ et eL " 11/1892 Heeper " 4/1_89_ Sedt5 7/1900.Butterl_d "_ _c (us) KI3A'2 029 339 394 " 0_4 951 . 10/1%7 7/1937 7/1940. "//1956 5/'197"3 • • coetinnedon newpage.) , (65) Prior PubLication US 2002_u6842 F.a_rt 2002. • AI ,_q_. 29, 2002 Related "New. Footwear Co_ts" U.S_ Appllcaflou 17, 2(_0, of aFplic_oaNo. 0_/641,148, _ m_v. applic_ion PaL No. 6.324,772,_wh/ch 09/512,433, No. _ om ..A,u 8. 17, 1994, is _ed now Feb. ou Pat. No. m a matlmmtloa-la-pmt of _plicaaou on,Aug. (sl) Int. •(52) U.S. 17, ClJ. CL..- 1993, now PaL .................. .......... No. • coefimuttiou 25,2000,"Row 5,560,1.26, 'which lq_: Ce/lOS_d5, Sled 5,615.497 A43B 21/32; A43B -._.......... 13/48 R; 36/3.7; 36/28; 36/27; 36/35 R Field ot Search .................... 36/37, 25 R,i5, 36/100,105,103, 42, 31, 35 R, 35 B, 27, 36/25 .. (s6) _ Cited .U.S. PATENT 4s,6.s2 A 7/_s6.s ihyw,_ . 2_ P,dmoO_ _r--M: (74) Aaorney, AS_ l & ooomm,_o,, _ li_,_.) D. Pat_moo or F_t--Mmln . & l_nm, LLP As_o_ has an upper, a foot sq_on region ix_doned below at loimt a po_o_ of tl_ ._p_ to su_lx_ the bottom of user's foot, a sole secured below the foot supper v08ion, and • flex_bk member positioned below at leut • po_km of the R)ot support r_'gion and above at ]east a porliell c( the SOle. The flexible member has a top _fface.., • bottom surface, • peripheral poainn, a.d an interior portion. The interior port/ou .of the flexbk: member deflects in 'use in • dL-ectinn substautislly perpe_dbelar to • m_j_ lougitud_d axis of the sho_. At least • portion oJ[ the peripheral portbn is res_ from ax_vcme.,m relative to tbe inte_or portion in • dircctio_ submantially peq_ndicular to the. major longitudinal a._ds of the 6hoe. _39 c.Ja_ et at / ' by E.L de Pont de Nemoum oaAug. PaL No. 6,195,916, which is a coatl.mm_a of apptim_m No. 09/'313,667, filed on .May 18, 1_99, now'P_ No. 6,/_0,I_ which is'a ce_/muttlon of al_l/cat/oa NO. 0s,,_, e_. on sq,. :so, 19'_, uow rat.No. _,0!S.-_, is a coe:Smmtioo-l.n-pe_ of qRdicefioaNo; _4'291. 9,45, dated Jul. 30, Data (I_ Coattma_a of (ss) I_clartlioaof:_rry D. St_lefleid ABSTRACT iea) Data". D i ' Dec. 4_ 2001 l "Fib:d: (5 (=.) 't _O_ _U (21) . Appl. No.: 10/007,._35 A 0095 27 _w_ 65't smx_ •US 6,604,300 Page2. B2 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 674_S36.A 789,089 A s18_6t A 990,458 A t;o46,st5 A 1 _.,.338 A 1,112,635 A • m9t9 0-_ i,318,247 A 1,346,841. A 1,366,601 A 1,371.339 A 1,410,064 A 1,439,757 A 1,439,758 A 1,444,677 A 1,458,.257 ^ 1,479,7"73 A 1,501e765 A 1_1919 .1_11,024 A 1,721,714 A 1,8il,641 A _A 2,m3,6_6A •2,_7,311 A 2,119,8o7 A 2,148,9"74 A 2,2oe,2_oA 2,288,168 A 2,300,635 A 2.374.9s4A 2.446.627. A 2,491,280A '. 1/1921 2__021 3/1922 12/1922 2,54O,449A 3,._6,4fl9 A • Vk_r - Sella_ . Am_ e_aL Hu_ Redm_ 4.372,058 4,391,048 2/1923 _ .. . _1923 V_ Mel_ Free_ ]Kltmada 4,455,765 A 4,45_.7_ A. 4,,510,700 A 4,53o,t_A 4_:_,4,124 A 4,541,1_ W_940 I_ydeu 6/1942 Leu 4,561,195 A 4,._46,s._A 4_.S0_ I0 A A 4,5_,.,_ .A' _m942 sbepb_ _'1945 Pip_ae 8/1948 4_;139 A _,608,768 A 4,610,100 A 4._2_. "/_ A" 4_..S_ A Rmh R_mo " Holt Sbmpe . tueal. Rakm Rubens Me.K_ey • • eageA 6/1984 4_6,9_4 A 4/t93_ B_ e/t938 Vatey 2/1939 W_ow,t_ _v'_ceate KmJJ_ama ODmou_ l,_r 7/1983 St'_8 11/1983 Beate 7./1984 Metro. 5/1984 Stuh61efield •4,414,7_3 A 4.429,4'74 K 4,449.3o7 A 641925 Robkkmx 12/1926Odmaklt 7/1929.Ro_ • 6/1931 Marcelle _193 $ Ihzenme " 6/1935 De Bl_lo 12/1949 A 9/1979. Oleick_ 7/1980 Gouza_ 9/1980 D_-Cano • 3/1981 Famele_e, Jr. 4/1981 MichdoUi ' _1981 _ 5/1981 Bat_ 9/1981 Norton e_'tL 3/1982 Sottohea 4V1982 Dyke* 4/1982 Hockerma 8/1982 Mctdbd_n et. tL 12/1982 Bo_ 2,/1983 Stubble.field "3/I.983 Ba_er 4/1983 'Joln_e 7/1983 I,utz 4.3P3._ A" _24 7/19"24 11/1-924 A _.yr7.o42A 4,3"m/,43A 12/192_Ream _.950 2/1951 2,556,842 A. (_1951 2,607,134 A • 8/1952 • 2/1953 2,628,439 A 5]1955 2,'7o7,_z A 5_P56 234-S.197 •A .2,so6,._ x •911957 2.998.661 A • 9/1961 4/1963 3,083,478 A 3,o85,359 A • 4/1963 3J387,TX_ A 4/1963 • _t965 3.169.3"27 A 3/t965 3,171,218 A 9/1965 3.208J63 A 3_Y37,321 'A 3/1966 9/1966 3_t,ss5 .A 5/1967 3,318,o2s. A 7/19_9 3,455,038 A 11/1969 3.478,447 A 6/1970 3,514,879 A .Z500,302 A 4,2e_,92_A 4.320_ A 4,322,S94A 4,_22,_5 A 4,342J_8 A 4,363377 A - va_2o _ " ,,;263,728A 1(3/1914 May 1_31_Je6A 1,5t6,_ .A 1,542,t74A 4,168,._ A 4,214.-'3.84A 4,,224.749.A 4,258.48O A 4.2_.434 A 5/1901 5/1905 Fnmk 'V1906 lk_ _ a. 4/1911 S_oU 12/1912 ;.zv_e 4,642,917 A 4,_0,8"76 A , 4,706,392. 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Dyer et d, Ktlgore et aL K_re et aL Riduml et el. " Oaverla " G_htm et el. L_km et aL. Crawforcl. HI _c_ _ .L MmdMa ef aL Meu:hea _owu Ma_b_ . • game_ FOR_6N PAv_rr , ' DE FR GB OB GB OB ,GB GB. 2 742 138 3/1979 533972 3R922 25 728 11/1909 63342 W4 342 ' 229 _4 • 154O926 2 144 024 " 62-41601' 62-_ 5-18965 _UCA_O_S Etoni Spring 1996 Footwear PCT/US94_9001 Miz_o dated for Sport Shoe C_l_g; of Ttk:aya Kimura cv 00978). Mizuno International Appl/c_tion Jan. 2, 1995. S_ort Shoe Cmlog 09S6). Elonic Spring Dccl_atJoo ca_. P._port InternationalS¢_.h 1985 0254-4Y2531). S_ Sl_e " " t, $986 s_ 02532--0253"0. p. 4; (1993). (CiVil A_'_n catalog File .No. 1:00, excerp_ : st_ . c_dog ©x_.rpts (M_:JP. . . .Mizuno 198'7Atlde_c Footwear c*J_og e_ux_rpts(MIZJP 02538.O7.546).. Mizuno 1_8 Attde,,t: Footwear outlpg cxocrpts (MIZJP 02547-0254.9). 1991 02550-02556). Mizuno 1992 2/1911: 2/1911 3/1924. 2/1979" 2/1985 10/1987 12/1987 • 5/1993 l $,191f727 A All Line--Up Rue-Bird All catalog ©x'_ks (M_.JP Line-Up excerpts ca_dog (t,az.m02557--02559). Mtzuno 1993 AU4Jne-Up 025s3-o2._). , -_.L A 0097 catalogexceq_ts(MIZJP t U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet US 6,604,300 1 of 27 I - "_,-.-150 i 8O ( 160 FIG. 1 " ' A 0098 B2 U.S. Patent . 2 of 27 ! ' .. Sheet Aug. 12, 2003 ' 200 "i i65,,/ ..... "_ 165 FIG. 2 A 0099 US 6,604,300 B2 . i U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Shee_ 3 of 27 US 6;604.300 lip 240 t* 248 418 414 414 / FIG. 3 A0100 B2 U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet 4. of 27 g. l 5OO A 0101 US 6,604,300 B2 U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 =a Sheet 5 of 27 • 512 \, 514 p o 510 FIG, 5 A 0102 US 6,604,300 B2 . Q ' U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 • Sheet6 t. 520 FIG. 6 t A 0103 of 27 US 6,604,300 n2 U.S. Patent Aug. ii 7 of 27 US 6,604,300 B2 , • /// /'/ Sheet 12, 2003 i/,;// •i . . • ,'. ,, / ,'./.' 1 ,'.I • / . . ' . . . ' ,',. ,, ./ -//. ,,:/ ,, .,,/ ,, // ,'. ,,../// i_,,,-,," , ,,j____,...,,..,,,., FIG. 7 A 0104 i ! j530 '. : . • g U.S. Patent Sheet 8 of 27 Aug. 12, 2003 US 6,604,300 B2 •a • i I I 542 a 546 -542 FIG. 8 A 0105 • I U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet 9 of 27. US 6,604,30O 552 550 t .t 546 542 FIG. 9 A 0106 B2 U.S. Patent Sheet Aug. 12, 2003 10 of 27 US 6,604.300 ...:_ I • ii ( • '560 . % i • ., . ' ,, 566 "562 FIG. 10 A 0107 B2 • ! U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 • Sheet 11 of 27 US 6,'604,300 B2 •ttp t. 57O ,i 578 572 FIG. 11 A 0108 U.S. Patent Aug. I2, 2003 =, . sheet 12 of 27 US 6,604,300 g.. 566 "580 FIG. 12 A 0109 B2 U.S. Patent Sheet 13 of 27 Aug. 12, 2003 US 6,604,300 \ I / / 585 FIG. 13 A0110 : / : / B2 i U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet 14 of 2.7 •i - ) \ a a \ FIG. 14 A 0111 US 6,_04,300 B2 U.S. Patent Aug_ 12, 2003 Sheet 15 of 27 US 6,604,300 i tt 600 / u t 6.04 "602 FIG.15 A0112 B2 • i t ,U.S. Patent Aug. 12, "2003 US 6,604,300 Sheet 16 of 27 i. 610 ./ - i 604 6O2 FIG. 16 A 0113 B2 U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet 17 of 27 ' US i. 62O / t, ' 608 i .i _ 604 606 FIG. 17 .i" ' A 0114 61604,300 B2 U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet 18 of 27 US 6,604,300 606 FIG. _'A A 0115 B2 • g U.S. •Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet 19 of 27 ,j ? FIG. 18 A0116 US 6,604,300 B2 U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 •Sheet 20 of 27 ... , . . .. # q .142 ( 144 i i FIG. 19. A0117 US 6,604,300 B2 U.S. Patent Aug. 12, •2003 Sheet 2i of 27 US 6,604,30.0 t 44o FIG. 20 A0118 B2 t U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet US 6,604,300 22 of 27 I t* 52 447 FIG. 21 FIG. 22 A 0119 B2 U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet 23 of 27 US 6,604.300 464 • FIG, 23 A 0120 B2" . I U.S. Patent .q - Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet 24 of 2_7 ' US 6,'604,300 B2 . ¢_t, • t t* m 460 . .q 720 -464 FIG. 24 * A0121 . I U.S. •Patent Sheet Aug. 12, 2003 25 of _? US 6,_04,300 .t 750 756 756 FIG. 25 A 0122 756 754 B2 i r- .................................................... U.S. Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet 26 of 27 II 750 I... FIG. 26 A 0123 US 6,604,300 B2 t 6 U.S. •Patent Aug. 12, 2003 Sheet 27 of 27 . US 6,604,300 y. "1 t ._.L • • .., . , A 0124 . B2 ......... i .................. _ ......... - ............. . ................ US 6,604,.300/32 2 heelofashoe_othe_owu bodyweight,perusal preferen_, 1 ATaLrnCsao . wrr. OVEO sots. or need. They ins "stuck"with whatever a manufacturer This/s a continuation of eppllcatlon Set.No. 091641,148, happens toFv3vldein their shoe size. flied Aug. 17, 20_, now U.S Pat.No. 6,324,772, which is - Finally, _e.4e appear to be relatively few, if tny, footwear a continuation oftpplicatioa Se_.No. 09/517.,¢33, filedFeb. s optmr_ a_le to those pemons severing from f_t or leg 25, 2000, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,195,916, which is a continuirregulgriti_ foot or leg injuries, and legs of different atio_ of applicafioa'Sec No. 09/313 667 filed May 18, 1999, leugths, among other things, wbere thercisa need for the left now U,S, PaL No, 6,O50,fl02, which is a COntinuation of tnd tight rear roles _ be of a _rc_ height alid/or diffeicnt cushioningor spring propeaics. Preeently,such options application Set. No. 08/7Z3, ,857, filed Sep. 3Q,.1996, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,918,384, _hich is a C_P of 08/291,945 , filed t0 appear to is/elude only custom-made shoe_ that are proh,'biAug. 17, 1994, now U.S.-Pat. No. 5"r560,126, which is • CIP fix,ely expeusive and rendered useless ff the person's conof {}8/108,065, filedAug.¶17, _993, now U.S. Pat. No. dition improvesdr deteriorates. 5,615,497; all of which age incorporatcdhereln by rc feren6c. BACKGR(_UND •" _s .I.Fieklof the Invention OF THE INVENTION . The present invent/oo is dixectcd to a shoe that sultana. tiaUy obv/ates one or mote of,the problems due to I/m/tation_ and diadvantages of the _lated art. lmk The present invention relates generally to an improved rear sole fo( footwear and, more p_rly, to a rear sole " Addit/oe,ll features and ulv_ntages of.the invention will • . foran athletic shoe with an extendedand more versatile llfe 2o be set forth in the _d whlch follows, and in parl w_ •and betterperfl3rmanceinterm_ of cushioningand spring, be sppareat f_om the deS_il_iOn , or may 'be _ by 2.Discussionof tbeRelated An practice of the inveofio_. Tbe objectives and other advaaAlhletic shoes,such asthosedesignedforrunning,tennis, lage_ of the invention will be realized tad attained by tbe • b,skeabaU, ¢rom-trainiag, hlklng, wal_x_andother fmms shoes _d shoe systems parti¢_tdy l_intedout in the of cxcrc/sc, typically include a lain/hated sok aaadgd to • 25 wrlttea d_r/ption and c/s/ms, as well hs the sppen_d f_oft and pliable upper. The.lam_." ted sole generally includes dnwi_. e, rcailient/'ub_r outsole attached to • more t,cs/fient.midaole To w._eve these and other advantagc_ snd/n _ usually made of polyurethane, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), with thepurpose of the invention, as emboda'ed aad bto_lly •os a ndg_er compouneL Whe,n leminated, the sole h ax_hcd de.scribed herein, the shoe includes an upper having a heel "W Ibe upper _ a one-_ece strecttm:, withthe 3o _gion, • rear sole secured below the beet reg/on of the •kaegrdwithme _ofwa.,-d sole_. upper, and • rear sole support attached to the upper end One of the princlpai problems associated wiih athletic configured to sco.tre the rear sole below the heel tegi0n of shoes is outsole wear. A user rarely.has i choice of running the upper.'Tbe t_ar sole support includes e flcx_le region. surfaces, aad Lsphalt aod other abru_e surfsccs take a positionedbelow the heel regionof theupper m_d abe_ a tremendous toll on theoutsole. Th/s problem is exacerbated. 35 portion'of the rear sole. The _n'bk reg/on is sa_:ient/y by the fact thai most pronounced outs61e .wear, on running .. stiff to support tusei"while still bein 8 sufficiently flex_le to shoes in particular, occurs principally in. two places: the flex and spring when the user. tans or wtlks vigorously. The outer.periphery, of the heel and the ball of the foot, with . flem'ble'rcgion ht_ an interior p_rtiou _ch in its no_maL peripheral heel wear being, by far, a more aerate proble_t. In . unfl_xed, sqt_ h spaoed upwardly from the l_t_ou of thy the heel typk:ally wea_ oulmuch faster llumtherlmt of 40 tear sole immediately below said/medor portion, the _ntea nmni_g shoe, thus requ./rin8 replacement of the entire shoe rior portion been8 adapted to flex in a direction _sumtiaUy even though the bulk of the shoe is still in r_lisfa_Im'y perpendicul_ to the major lonshudimd axis of the shoe as it condition. is used. Midsole comp_n, patlk_arly in the case ofa.thlcti¢ The intL-tiof portion of the fleaa'ble region pfef_ably is _3Oe_ iS tootheracuteprobk'tIL As prcviotmly uotod, the 45.elevated relative to its peripheral l_Ct/on /a a di_c6on ' afidsole is generally made of • rcs_icot material to pmvlde - towel the heel reg/on of the upper. In certain oashi_ Ibrthe.uaer. However, _ repeated use,' the the flerlble regionisanintegral part of the rear sole support. midsole becomes compressed due tothelargefomes exerted The rear sole support may include an integral arch exten.s/oo on igthereby causing it to lose its cushioning effect. Midaole extending below the upper fi'um • position proximate compress/onis t_ wo_ ;- the aeel ue_, _ t_e area so heel region of the UPPer through a subsmu_l ixn't/o_ oftbe d/reedy unde( the user's heel bone-and the area directly arch regionof the upper tO suppcrt the arch region. • above the per_bexal outsole wetr spot. It is to' be understo6d that.both the fOregoing ge_ra] • Despitetectmological advaacemee_ in recent years/a "_5ou and the following deta_d cksa-ipSoo tre.6xem•midsole des/gn aad coostructlon, the beneflla of such lazy and explanatory .oelyand are am restrictive of the advsnccments can still be largeiy negated, ptrticularly in the ss invention,. _.daimed. " ' .heelamt, by two morqhs of _gular urm.The problems The accompanying dra_ which are incorporated in become costlyfo_ the.user sia_ athkti¢shge_arebecoming • part of this_eciflcatioa, illustrate several more eape-glve each ye_, w/th some top-of-thc.-linc models . a_d cons_ute embodiments of the inventionand together with the priced at over $LSO.O0a pair. By contrast, with dress shoes, whose heels can be nom_l cost over and over so description, serve to explain the in-inciples of the iny_ention. tear . • _VMMARY OF THE INVENTION egtia, the heel area(midso b and-oulsole) of conventional at/_t/c shoes cannot be. To date,there is nothing in the art •that successfully addresses the ptobk, m of midso|e C_mpt'e_ioain alhletic shoes,and this problem remains especitify severe/n the heel area of _ shoes: Another p_bkm is that perchasem of ¢oaveutioual ath- ktic shoes cannotcustomize.the cushioning orspring inthe BR_IEF DESCI_ON OF THE DRAWINGS FIO. I is an isometric view of tne_ut of the pre._nt invention. ofthe shoe FIG. 2 is aa exploded isometric v_ew of a rear sole suppo_ flexible member, and _ sole tot the shoe of FIG. 1. A 0125 ............ _- ...... : US 6,604300]32 •i • . , 4. 3 I; an explodexl immetric view of umtli_ e.mbodi- m_ai of t rear role support, flexible member,.and rear sole region: As. shown in FIG.. 2,. rear rok _ 140 .may . include an upwardly.extending wall 142, refermdto es a heel counter, that-_nrounds the peripl_ry of the heel region of. ""for _ in the abo_ of the prc_em invention. of _tm_l_ flexible uRper 120 to provide lateral atabilization. Wall 142 preSerFIGS. 4-18 are isometric_ •s ably mrmuad_ the reer tad _k_ of uplmr 120 Pt'mdmete the me.mb_ embodiments for me. in the shoe d the pnamnt heel region and h_ service sq_ports snd mab/I/zm the user's invention. . heel as he or she tuns. Rear role ro_rt 140 also inch•dan FIG. 19 is an isometric view of another_mbodimcm of a • downwardly extmdin 8 side waft 144"that defines • t'ece*s • rear _ola ropport for in th¢ ahem of abe lmmOnt invention. 146 size, d toreceive a portion of rear role 150, preferably' a -FIG. 20 is an .isometric view ofanother ctnbodimcm of 1o rear role which is removable a_l rotatable tO several prethe _ of the present iovontloa. d*termiae41 positions.Wall 144 _ in FIG, 2 is g_.ndly FIGS. 21 and 22 are isomctrlc views of• tear _le for the _ Of FIG. 20. FIG. 23 is an isometric view d tn_r +mbeOimem of circular and Securely con•aim end holds rear role 150. A plurality of _ 145 is focmed in wtll 144 to facilitate securement of rear role 150 to rear role supp_ 140. The, ts compooents of tear role support 140 tt_ preferably made the _ of the present invention. integral through injection molding or other _an_. FIG. 24 is an isoatearic view of a rear role _.tpport for abe technique* and are preferably _ of plasti_ _tch as shoe of FIG. 23. a durable plastic mannfactured under the ,t_ae P1RBAX. It FIG. 25 is ai_de elevation view of • t_curing member for is further contemplated-that the tear sole mtpport can be use in the shoe of the present itr_ntion. 2o made from • varieay of re•aerial& iocl3tdiog without limitaFIG. 26 iS • .partial ¢nt-•w•y isometric clew of the tion otber inj_c/ioo-mold_d.tl_mmplestic _tingrm' rocuting member of FIG. 2& .. ins. ' " FIGS. 27-29' •re view* of t rear sole for me in the _oe _'_m,_ inFI_. I and 2,. rear sole _mppott 140.may of tl_ p_nt inv*ntiotL ." DESCRiP'nON oF THEPREFERRED EMBODIMENTS ( RefertmctwW now be made in prefon_d embodiments of the in_nth_ illustrated ia the accompanying _le, the same mf_reac_ ch_ out the da'aWings to refer to the.same • FIG. I illustrtte_ • _ detail tO the pretumt exampks of which _ .Wherever will be u.s_._or h_ pert_ embodiment_0f, tbe _ _-inchde ao arch extension or support 180 to provide • finn 2s supportfor the arch0f the foot and tOal_viat_ _.. oftbe present .invention. The .shoe, designated ge.n_'ally am I00, • la_ a _e upper 120,rear i _ 140,.a rear role .1_0, rod • forward role 160. Shoe 100 alto pre_tbly include_ • flela_ble member 200 (FIG. 2) positioned between rear role 150 and a heel region of upper 120. The flexible member provides _m'hag to the user's gait cycle upon.heel *tnT_ mad reduces or elimi_tes ioteriot reu mideole compn_ion in is more .durable than sonvantional midrole, material. gapping pro_lem.s wben: role _w_ll 144.,retold be adjacent forward role 160. Arch extension 1_ genenny extends below upper 1_ from the _ portion of male Wall 144, through the arch region. It may ¢_xteud m fat as the ball of tim fOOL It is attach_ to uPl_r 120 and fixwazd ml_ 160 by gluing _ other coevantkmal methods. Archexteuslon 180 m•y be compo,sed of •be same _ _ the nmr sole support and made lmcgrad with rear sole._ 140 by injection molding. Altcruafively, it may be made of the same 35 or a d/fferent stiff but flexx_le material (_,tmh. _ carbon or fibergla._ dbbons in a resin binder) and glaed to rear role • sopport 140. Such oa¢-piec_ ooa.saxtctioa of tl_ ur, h e,m'nsion together with the rear role support solves anoth.r major problem, namely the t6nde_y athkfic shoe of con4o ventioual re*fllent material in the aw..h Lea to cud at the " juncture of Ihe substsnlially rigid rear sole SUl_t with the • mmai_t _rw_l role. .. " ' Shoe 100 also includes a rear sole 150 that is de••dully •secured to and/_ rotatably positiotmb]e relative to _ sole 4_ support 140. Rear role 1_, as shoWu in FIG. I. inc.btdm • rubber _--e_ _ 154 ._ • planar mma and tht_ bewleM .segments _ port•ore iim mft_ heel sm_ during use. As shown, the bevd_ t*gtmn_ or portions formed on the outsole We-the same shape and so o0afi$_rati(m and are-_ _tmm_ about the Uppgr.120 maybe cozapnsed of • raft, pliable material that covets the top and sides of abe user's _oo_ during use. Leather, nylon,.andotber _p/ntbel_m are e.xagap,les of the var/ons types of materials known in tbe art for s/xm upptm. The particular corn•ruction of the upper is not _ to the sho_ of the pte_nt inveution, h may eyen be _ as a &ttlhl or may be made o f molded p_ integnd w/th the rear role _, as in the c_se. of ad boots _r toner blade uppers. • pcripbetT of the i and preferably symmetrically po_Forward role 160 'isattached to upper 120 in a cowrenfinned about the center Of reu role 150. As explained in tional manner, typically by injectioo molding, stitching, or more detail, rear sole 150 .tad the attachment features that gluing. _ rok 160 ty_kally inciude_ two layem: an permit rear sole 150 to .be placed and locked into different ¢lastqmeri_ midrole lam_al_l tO an abrasiotl-I_i_tarlt ore- 5._ positions reladve to rear sole rapport ]4.0 Ir_. _ md role. The particular corn•ruction ofthe forward role is not coefigured ro that one symmetrically located bevded potcriti_ to the invention and varimm conflgurttinm may be don can be moved into the position pmViowdy occ_pled by used. For example, the midrole may be 'composed nf matetaothcr beveledportioo. As a tmult, as one of the beveled rift such is polyuretbane.or.ethyleoe vinyl soetate. (EVA) portions beginsto wear, rear role 150 eaa be mpmitiomd to aad may inctude air bladders Or gel-filled tubes anca_d so place an unworn beveled poftioa in the area of abe shoe therein,and the outrole may be compceed of, I_y means of where there is greater wear for t particuler eu:r.. By periexample only., an abrasion_reshttat rut_:_r sompoultd. odically • ltering the position oftbe sole before any beveled Rear sole support 140 is also attached to the heel region •portio a is badly worn, (or any midrole material directly. above the bevel .is badly compre_ the life aml effectiveof upper 120 in a sonventional, manner, such as injection molding, stitching, or gluing. Rear role _pport 140 _s es ner_ of the mar role, and.the an_ shoe, can be significantly ilicreas_. Moreov_, after a'glvta rear sole wea_ beyond its litlly ri_ tad is oonflBu_ed to stabilize the heel region of upper 120 and secure met role 150 below fl_heel ' point of usefulness, A 0126 it can be replaced with • new role with r- ..- US 6,604,300B2 5 6 m_ttedtls are l_refarably more resilient than matetiale for the rear sole support or arch extensi_t. + i used the same or diffca'eut characteristics. Prior to tepltcement, it is also posm'ble that left .and right rear sol_ may be exchanged with etch other intzm_.h ta left and right rear DetachabiLity of rear sole 150 allows the met to change sole* often exh_it opposite wearpatterm.. rear soles ctitirely when either the sole is worn to • signifiAs shown in.FiG. 2, rear sole Lq0 slso i_Judea a middle s cant degree _X the user desires a differem sole for dea/red 158 lamina_.d to outsole 1..¢4. Midsole 1.58 includes a performance characteristics for specific athletic eo_kavors sobf, tantitlly cyiindrie*l lover portion, 162 and • ,_,anor playing surfaces. The _e_ can mutte the tea_ sole to relocate a worm section to a lem _ area of tbe sole, and tlally cylindrkal upper pot'tim 164 that is smtlkx in dimctcr than lower portion 162. Upper portion 16tl inchlde* • eveut6aIly replace the rear sole altogegher when the sole is plurality of resilient _ 165 that mate with opealings 145 10 ezcoe*ively wont. By penodie*lly changing the posithm of in mu sole support 140_ As tdmwu_ the te*.flknt knobs 165 the rear sole, morc uaifotm wear and beg l_c (both outsole and openings 145 are syminetr_tlly ix_tloned about 'the and z_sole) can be achieved. Additin_al longevity in wear central axis of midsole 158 and tbe.recem of rear sole may also be achieved by interchanging removable rear soks support 140, respectively.To _ tear sole 150 to rear sole as between/he right and left shoe*, which _y exhibit support 140, rear sole 150 is simply Wes_fitted into recess 2s oppo_te wear patterns. 146 until knobs 16$ ensagc corte,q_ndin 8 Openings 145. ' In addition, some usomwill prefer to change the sol_, Thk maunar of ioddm8 rear sole 1.q0 into the shoe at troy one not because ofadveme wear patterns, but beeatme of a desire of several pgsitions is one of several mcchanictl Way_ in for diffcreot performa_e charucteristi_s orplayingsurfs_s. which the _ar sok .can be _moved,'repm_ tnd_r For example, it .is .coutemp¼ted that a peruoa using •locked to the *"earrote support or other part of a shoe. 2o invention in • shoe mar_ed as a."cre*_raine_may desire In the embodimenl shown in FIG.- 2, upper midsole one type of rear role for one sport, such as basketball and portion 164 has a diameter at least equd to and prefcrably anothertype of rear sole for another, such as running. A basketball player might require a haxtler and fitmsr rear sole slightly is.'ger than that of the. recem into which it firs. Midsole portion 162 has a diamct_ substtntially equ_ to the for stability, wbete quick, lateral movement is. e_en6al, • diameter defined by the exterior pofti6o 0f c_mlar wall 144. as whereas • rumor or jogger .misht teud to favor inctee*ed This contigutatinn of elements ellmlnatesaay ,_ertical.gapshock tb_q_4_ou featarm achievtbk from • softer, more. ping pmbkma from Ocoming between the wall ofttie rear cushloaed heel Similarly, • jogger phtanin 8 a ran outside on sole sopport and the peripheral surface of the tear sole. rough asphalt or cement might prefer • mote resilient rear The im/de.d/ameter of a c/rmlar recem 146, e* measured sole than th,_type that would be suitebte to ton on tm alretdy. between the inside mrface*of its sidewalls, or the distae_e 3o resilient indoor wooden track. Rear sole pen¢ormtnce may between the inside s_rf_-of a medial sidewall, aud aho depend oa the weight of the user or the amoum or type in'de mu'£tcoof tn oppealtelaterd, skkwall inthecaseof of cua3in_ degire_ a non-c/rcular rccg_'(n_t shown), may ac'alaUy be greater The inveutlOt3 includes • shoe or shoe kit which ' includes or cta accept a plurtlity of rear soles 1_ htviug than the width of the heel regiou of the shoe upper as and/or surface co_figuzltiom, metmued fi_m the exterior sucftc¢ of the medial side oftbe X+ differedt chara_eristie* beel region of the upp_ to the e_edof s_'fa_ of tbe lateral. ' tbertbyproviding • _ trainer shoe. As explainedinmore of theheelregionof theupper (i.e., theheelregionof detail Imlow, the shoc can also be de._gtw.d to igocpl sod ur_ the upper at its widest point). This is po_k becae_ the differeat fichu'hie members in the tear sole area, to a_Meve material used to make the rear sok support 140 and side . optimal fle_ ,ud c_loning, throughthe combinationof • wails is sufficiently atrong and durable to permit the side. 40 flexible member and rear sole aelectcd to provide the mo*t walls to "time out" u) • greater width than the heel reginu of " desirable flex. cushion, wear, support, and traction for • the upper wit_ut r/sk of bteakage. This in turu permits the. given app}{eatinn. In a prc[erted embodimeat, both the rear tree of • larger rear sok 150 with more gronnd-cogtging sole and the flexible member arc replaceable and I given rear sutLtce and, hence, more _bility_ (As stated, the exterior sole can b_ locked in a plm'allty o_ separate positions relative itisheld. walls Of the lower por6m Of the sole generally align. Io the feces,in_ Vortictlly with the exterior surfaceof_ _de wallsforming •Since rearsole150 shown inFIGS, 1 and 2 _sselectively therecess146).Ittlso.permits theemployment oft fle_n'ble poaitioneble relative to reu sole supp_ 140 in a tangle regi, m or member with • corn_pondin_y huge_ diameter, plane aboet an a_s pet'pend/cular to the major longitudinal width or teagth bco*e_ /e p_iphem edges opth_y axis of the shoe, it may be moved to • plursJity of positions should _ yuticaUywith the Imd-beu_ side walls of so with a meam proqided to tllow the user to secure the tear the reor_ Such • larger flcza'ble regina or member, with a sole at each desired positioo. After a period ofuse, outsole d_amcter, _ or length gneater than the width of the heel 154 will exhibit • wear paUeru at the point in which the heel region of the upper at its widest point, cretUm more cu__t contacts the gwund, Wbeu the mor is mnni_ for ioning and/or spring for the mset's heel durlog the grit cycle. cXatmple. Exce,_ve wear sormany occum at this point, and The observations and proviMons contained in this paragraph _s at midsole 158 generally above this point, clegrading the ate equally applicable to the embodimcnts described in performance of the rear sole. When the user detennloes that FIGS. 1, 2, tnd 3. the weax in thls atea is sisnifie*nt, the uscr can mote the rear Rear sole 150 k prefenbly msde horn tw_ different " sole so that the worn port/on w/ll no longer be in .the location of the user's first heel stnTge. For the shoe' shown in FIGS. materials: an abr-'_inn-reaistaut mM_er compouud for groued-_ngagh_ outsole 1._4; and i softer, mote elastomeric 6O I and 2, _otatiou is accomplished by,detaching the rear sole material such as polyurethane or ethylene vinyl tcctatc and reattaching at the desired location. For the embodiment (EVA) for mldsole 1_. However, rear sole 180 could be in FIG. 3 discussed below, the rear sole may be rotated comwised of a _glc homogenmm material, or two matewithout separating it from the tear sole support. The number rials (e.g., EVA enveloped by hard rubber), as wed as a of positiom into which rear sole of FIGS. 1 and 2 can be material comprising air eacaimulating tubes, for example, mtatcd is limited by the number Of kmbs/oponinss , but is disclmed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,005,3(X). Fcf e*ch of the unlimited for the rear sole shown in FIG, 3. The use of other diumsscd rear sole cmbodlmeutS, the outsole and mldso]e mechanical ieckmg systems to show selective movement A 0127 t US 6,604,300 B2 7 , ' 8. end.locking of the rear soie is comemplated within the spirit upward _ top anrftce of re._ sole suppo_.140. In thk " of the invent/on. , embod/meat, the member, or plate 200 is positioned betwem Rotating the t_tr _ole sho_ an axis normal _ the shoe'sthe rear sole Lf,0 _id the-heel portion of upper 120. A ledge major axis to _ position, for example, 180 degreee beyond i_ 148 may be formed in rear sole support 140 to support and stxtt/ag point, will _ the worn poftioa of the mar so_ at 5 la_rally _abillzc fl_m_ble member 200. or nearthe instep po_on of theshoe. Theinsteppoem is " 1"he_x_le memberm#yalso .bepem_nentlyetttchedto an ares of lessimportancefortrt_onin_ stab_ity , en_the top or bottom of the mar sole _uppot't or dntaduthly -. •ion/n_and shock absothing_ A_ longas theworn secured to _e shoe ut_t tnd mmov_le _ t l_t pordon of the mar soll/s mated beyond the uea of • fi_med in the material (not sbuwu) typlcaIly iocated on the /n/I/el hoel saike, pmtoeged t_: of the rear soil is pos_ii. _0 bottom surfso¢of the upper, or it can be exposed and The User can continue peri_ically to rmate the rear sole so removed tftu removing tbe sodc linex or afle_ tlfting the rear that an unworn portion of the rear so_ is located in the area portion of the sock lioec Alternatively, it may be totxlly of the_ heelstr/ke. expo_l _ in the _tse of flexibil member 200 showe in FIG., Tbe.shape of rear sole can be c/rculer, polygonal, 18, wherein the U-shaped c_onin8 member may have elliptical, "sand-dollar," elongated"sand-dollar.'-or othez-rs direct contact with the users heel without an ioterveuing sock liner in ,he heellmrtion of the shoe. _ removatn3_ty wi_..The shape of _ 146 is formed to be ocxnpefible of the fle_bil member allows the use of several different " with the shape of the rear sole. lu all cn_o_trb the typesof flex/bee m_:mbemof varying _ or ceml_/: " invention includes mechamcal means f_ _elecfvc|y locking .don and,therefore, can be 'adapted a_ordi_ to theweiSi_ the rear sole relative to Ihe rear sole suppoa and upper of the the .type of aboe. Prefershly, the rear sole is shaped so that at _ the 2o of the nm_e¢, the ability of the _ / involved, of the amount of c_hion_uSand/6r _ desh'ed ' rear edge of the outsole has a substxntislly idenfcal profile in the heel of the shoe. ,- at several, of preferably each rotated position. To allow for a plurality of rotatable poe_ons, the shape of the oueu_le ..• Rear solel._O may have a coecave top sudaceii6?, as pref_rshly sbonM be symmc(ric_ abont its centnd.tz_s. As shown io FIG. 2. Therefor:, whea the rear sole is attached shown in FIG. I_ the rear sole has fzce beveled portions to the rear sole rapport, the top 'mfface of the mar.sok does not come .into contact with the fle:u'ble memb_ when the which ate symmetrically l_sitiooed about its central ,The user in.th_ embod/me_ can rotate the mar sole 120° flexible .member dedec_ within/_ _ ran_ of flex. and place an imwofn beveled portion at the rear heel region • ,_.s a rcmdt, the middle of the flcxibk member can flex unde_ of the shoe, where wear is often maximum. Alternatively, the the we/ghtof the _r without being in_ by mu sole 2_0 thus acts h_e a.trampolioe to rear sole could have two beveled port/ous, 180" apart (in an 30 150. Flexible.member oval embodiment th_ would havc to be the c_e), in .which .provide extra spt'mg in the umw's gait iu addition to event only one rotation per_oe,-plus anexchange betw_n miaimi_, or preventing,midsole co_u inthe and left rear solen, would be posslb_before replece_ntral poaion of the rea: sole. meal of n_r soles would be necessary. 3s A second prefeenu:l embodiment is showo in FIG. 3. la Wht'le the above di_ussina is directed towa_l_ a rear _le this embodiment, a rear sole 2.50 is identical toreir sole 150 that rotate_ or separatesin its emit_y, it is apec/ficaIIy. contemplated that the same benefits of this invention can be achieved ff only • port/on of the rear sole is rotatable of removable. _nter _ shoV,'n ili FIG. 2 e_Cept that it hks a grooye 2.q4 helow upper • mldaole portion 232. ins_ad of knobs •165. A rear role. _upport.240 indudeJ a downwardly extending wan 244 that Fof exampil, a portion of the.rear sole, e.g., the 4o has a serrated bottom edge 246 and a threadedion_ surface may r_main stafiomry while the p_tlpbery of the - 248. Rear sole support 240 alsoincludesan upper rhn249_ 8round-engagiag stu'faceor cetsoil ;orates_d/oris detach• able. AS another example, themar sole may ao/be remov- The embodiment of FIG, 3 e,[so indicates a threaded • .400. R/ag 400 indude_ a threeded outer su 410 thai mates able but only wlatably posit_onabil.. w/th Iluended/m_ _ 248 of rear sole support 240. The In k preferred embod/ment of the inventi_,the shoe of _ also includes an outwardly and /nwardly extend_ the laesent invention im:ludesa flexibil region 200 that is flange 4.1:l that pre.sses against serrated bottom ed8 • 24fi l_ned above the rear sole and has'acentral pot'_onthat when the ring is screwed into the mar role suppo_ The in its. aormal unflexed Uarc is spaced upwardly from tbe bottom surface of flange 412 includes _ 414, andmay •poaionoftheshoe(rearsoil support, or_ sole)imme- also be.sorrttod to fur_,r grip the rearsale to prewmt diately below iL The 8ex_bleregion 200 is designedto So rotation The ring also has two ends 416. and 418, end.end. 416 may have a mail member, and cud 418 may be shaped providet preselecteddegru:of flex,cu_ andspring, . to thereby redu_ or ¢liminare midsole enmlm:_ to re,oeive the male member to lock the two ends together. sion found in enaventlomd mate_ial_ Flexible region 200 is Ring 400 may be mtde of hard pla_i¢ of other substantis_ made of stir,but fl_x_ule, mteritL Exemp_ of materlda rigid materials that provide a secure engagement with rear • thatn_.ybe.asedin.themanufactureof flen'ble member _5 sole ,_rpport 240 end.a firm fouadatioo for suppoz_ include thefollowing: _'_ i fiberglass; _aph/te (carbon) flexible member200. fibers set in a re.sin (Le. acrylic I_in) binder; flhergtass fibers Rear sole 2.50 is attachedto mar sole s_uport 7.40 by set in a resin (i.e. acrylic re_'in) bi_de_ = combination of ualocking the e=t_ of _ 4o0 _ pos/_/ou/ugri_.40e 8nphit_ (c4ub<m) fibers and fiberglass fibem set in • rein around upper midsole portion 252 of the rearsole such that (i.e. acrylic tea/n) binder, nylon; gla_-filled nylon; epoxy; 6o flange 412 engages groove 2S4. Ring 400 is. then firmly polypropyilne; polyethylene; acrylonitn]e buted/ene styreae locked onto 'he rear s_le by mating end 416 with end 418. (ABS); oU_r types of iujec_on-molded thermoplas_ engiFlem'ble member 200 ia inserted into the rear so.k support so neering re.s/as;spr/agste_l; andsea/ekes spn_q_ Uoet 7be that/{ presses age/nat uppe_ r/m 249. R_ 8 400, with tear. ." flexible n:gioo 200 can be incorporated into other elemeut,_ sole 2_0 attached_ is then serewed into the rear sole support of the shoe or c_mbe a separ_e flexlbil member or plare_ 65 by engaging threaded surface 410 of the r/t_ with threaded As shown in FIG. 2, flex_le member 200 _ be in the surface ?.48 of wall 7.44. The ring is when sc._wed into the form of a plate _apported at its peripheral region by an rear sole support until senated _,e _ of wsl1244 engages A 0128 _._i__---7 ............. _ ...................... _- .... ..... ' ..................... us 6,604,3OO132 : 10 9 flange 412 of _ 400. Serrated edge _6 serves to la'CVent • omtrti IXXt/on of the m/dsole.of the rear sole can be rotmino of abe ring du_ _ and the'top edge of tins 400 eliminated, since the flexible rcg/on of the shoc provides firmly supports flcxibk member 200. weight bea_ and_miouing at this area The rear sole _ si6cwslls n_ not be co_uuous • Other rear sole suRm_rear sole comblnatk_ for sureraround the eut_ r_ Such sidcwxih may be sub_tsn- 5 .ing the rear sot" to the shoe and for supporting the flex_le eliminated on the lateral tad medial sides of the rear member at or below th_ I_el _egio u of the upper are sole support, or even at the mar emi/o_ f_ont of the _tr sole contemplated a_l _ wifl_n the spirit of tl_ tnvcmion, as Suppof_ ex]xming ring 400 whea insml/ed, evcu allowing it dmc_ibed and clakacd. By means of exunple only, some to prolmde through the s_dewaLb where the ppeolngs are such ,ddifioual _oufigunttin_aredisclos_ in commonlycreated This has ao effe_' Whatsoever on the thread alisn- 10 owned U.S2patentapplication Set'. No. 08/291,945,which is merit ou the inside siu'fime of the remaining sidewalk The IncorP0r_edhere_ by refereucc. : advantage of doing II_ is qhat'a dngwith a'_ghtly larger Tbe flCkt_le _cSi_ of the prc_zut invention is uet elm/ted diameter than otherwise po_ib_e tud. heocc, a fle,_'ble .to a circul_ shape and can be aminrm to-the member with .a slightly larger diameter _ otherwise shape of tim rear sole. The flcx_le region also need not be po_u_k may be employed.. used only in conjunction with • detachable tear sole, but can In the embedimeat showu in FIG. 3, a variety of different be used with permanently attached rear soles u welL flem'ble mcmbem 200 having diffcrcut flex _d cuskinalng FIGS. 4--i7 show varinus'alternative embodiments of the chencterisdcs can be sele4::tively _oqmrtted into the shac. flcra, le member. In each of these embodiments, the flexible Flexible- member 200, once incoq_kted into 'the shoe, is member.'may be .curved or convex in drape, or have tn soctmdy held in pla_c with rear sole mspport 240. Preferably, 20 _vm_dly curved or concs,_e bouom retrace, such that the rear sole support cout_.V, _x_le mem_r 200 eaty interior portiou_of the flex3"ble member is elevated relative to along its outer periphray, and rear sole support 240 includes its pedpbery when the: flexible member is positioned in the auopeuing above the flexible member, thereby permitting shoe in its.norn_113m_cton. Each of the following flexible the .plate to pm4x'ede upwardly toward the u_er's heel member embedimeats may _ used in'co_junc_/oo with the .. Morenve_, because the top surface of r_Lr sole 2_ is 2S rear_ol9 support/reu.soleco_xinatinnsdisclosedin FIGS. preferably, coueave in shape, the _entrtl portiop of the rear 1-3 and,mote generally disclosed in this disclcemc in its sole does aot contact the centnd portico of the-flexible ent/rery., in addition _ inl/owing disclosed embodiments of .member in its unflexed, normal pos/_o_ As a result, the flexible members ca• be integrally incorporate, into a : flem'ble member can als0 flex dowawm'd. The degree Of portion of the stme. In either even t, the resultant shco has tiexing of the me.tubercan be ctmtmlled both by. the nelec3e • flem'ble re_oo which pmV'kles It incselcc/ed, flex and fiou of the materisl and shape of the member, _ well _ the .relttlve dimensions tml shape of rear sole mtppot't 240 and sP_d_gshoW_ in FIG. 4, flexible member _00 be, concave. rear sole 250. While flexible member 200 rod the cort¢. under surface S02 (when viewed born i/s bottom) • spond_ng access in rctr sole tmppert 240 are clrcular in FIG. conv_z upper surface, and is circular in shape..As 3, Oth,'r Shapes can be utilized. Rear sole support 240 could. • s _ •. • nmdt, the intedor portion of the flex_le member 5e0 is be designed to include • renem above upper tim 249 to clevated relative to its peripheral portiou and is positioeed accopt the flexible member and • mechsnicshncans, such tm below the w,,m"sole'of the user when mq_oned in the slme. • cinmlar lodging ring, similar to flag 400, to sopport a_d Fickle mcmbc_m 5"10and _.0 _howu in FIGS. l'tnd 6. kx:k the flexible member in place, in such tn emb<xtimcot, . arc Mmihr in _cm_c to.flexible member abe user could change the flex_le membex fi'om the _'of 40 re_-q/vel_, except that flexible member 510 has • bottom surfam 514. the shoe. S/mflarly, the flex_'ble member 200 could be fixedly secured to, or.inempomted as _m intngrtl part, of either the •and a ninon*shaped notch $12 and flexible membe_ $20 has rear'sote_rtor eke rear sotc. Simihr_ticusof a bottom suffuse _,4 and two opposing moon-shaped an mtnggal flexible regiou ate within the sp/rii of the • nCtcbesS_. NoWh512 o_'flexible memberS10 is preferably invelltin_ . 45 _ _h the'back of the lear sole,. One of noteh_ $22 Tbe embodimcut of FIG. 3 and other embodiments of the of flexfl_le member 520 may be a/isncd with the back °f the t_atsole. or xltenativelysuch uotcbesmaybe alignedwith tha_ includes • flexible ' pmaelu:ted spdng and • the lateral and .medial sides of the shoe. Flexible member _0 ts _own in FIG. 7 is icknticai in stlxtcture to flexible is p_cferably runnveble owu pre-selected cash- 5o member $20 showu in FIG. 6 except that it is not co•vex in pm_rt/es (bothoutsole ._I midsole)t_ which is " shape, but rather curved in only one direction. The _ex_le member $30 eJ_ameut opdom arc the same .m those of Inefersbly removable, mpl_¢eable, md capable of being ,flermle member _0, locked 'in place at • pluta_ty of prese_ _ • /nventinn preferably I_ • shoe reglou or membex which him _own cosliinmng claractertUic and which tud repla,_able, • rear role with its plural/tyof beveled pe_t/cmou theoutermrhce of the rear :A_ _ in FIG. 8, flexible me_er 540 includes • _ _ _C sole which tre pmfi:rsbly symmetric_y located about'its S$ pinral/W of q_okes _t2 etch joined el one end to • hub $44 .u_ md an intermlatitmship of the flex_le member, _ar and joined at an"oFimsite end to rim _46. The size, shape, and uemb_- of _ is variable depeuding oa th_ de_,_ed r,c4e support, andmar sole which permit abe flexible member _m_t'Ely, As showu in FIG. 8. each of spokes 542 has • to fl'eely flex to at _ a predetem_tined cks_:. The fle#blc region cud its characteristics, the rear sole .and its triangular c_s-section, although the cross-nection my'also _ l_ mar sok's relative incsfioe _ll_e be square, rectangular, or any other 8comelrictl shape. Wben positioned in the shoe, hub 544 iselevated rela6ve to flex/ble region can be selectively altered, to ptov/dein rim 546 such that hub 544 isclosertothehecl mgioa of th_ combimtine an opdmki shoe'for * giveo tppficatioo. Also, because of the rear sole mtetinu ind replacement permitted _pper. The flexible m¢,mbem showu in FIGS. 9-12 arc variations bythe invention, typically heavy outsole material m•y be of flexible member 540 shown in FIG. 8. Fle_le member m& thinner than on conventional athletic shoes, thus reducing the wetSht of the sho_. The invenSoe •1_ l_rmits . 550 shown in FIG. 9 is identical in sWmmm: to flex_ie the weight of the slme to be further reduced because the • member _40, but includes webbln 8 55"2 covering the top A 0129 .................... 7....... US 6,604_0 " sur_ce of flex_le .B'2 . 11 meml?er 550 and joi_ e_h of spokes ... 12 .upon im p.ct. 1_he U..,shaped cesh/oning •542 to mlnfon:e fle_le member 550. _bbh_8 &_2 may be injec_ioe molded with the _ of flexibk member, Flexible member 560 shown in HG. 10 is _ in UruCtur__ to member is shaped to generLU7 conform to the shape of the user's heel. Thus, the open eed o_,tbe U-shape is oriented tow_ the Lent of the shoe. Cushioning member 650 may be comlx_ed of poly- flexible member $40 s[_own in FIG: 8; however, spokes 562 decrease in thickness between hub 564 and the central por,_oa of each of tl_ _ _ •hd t_u inctt_ in • thh:kness fi'om the ¢entnd portion toward rim $66.. ' 5 u_thane or EVAor may be an air-f_led or gel-filkd member. Cushioein 8 member _ ctn be styled, to flex_le member SO0 by gluin_ or may be made integral with flexible in member 5_0 in an injection molding process.. If injeeticm Fiex/ble member b'70, •hewn in FIG. 11, ak_incindes a molded, cush/on/ng member 650 would be made of the same plund/ty of spokes 572 joined ai oppm/t,"• ends to hub 574 ]o material as flexible member.500. To _ the sfiff_e_ of and tim 576. In this embu_m_ent, the th/ckne_of the _okes chshiomng member 650 in this instance, small b_es (not dec_a._.s in a direction hem hub 574 toward tim 576. In shown) may be dn'lled in cu.dx/onin 8 nkmber 650 to weaken addition, wchbing b'78 may be phc=d over tl_ top sm'faoe o f it end therchy allow/t to depmsa more t'ead/ly 1_on/mpact flexible member 570"s_milar t0 that.discloeed in FIG. 9. and more un/f_rmly with flexible member _4). FIe. 12 inustmes a _ 580 _or supperfi_ the The cushioning member 6f,0 descn'bed above _an be." fle_a_le member in"thia example,, flex/hie member $60. incorporated.into a shoe having any of the va.tious flem:b_e Housing 580 has all L_ crms-6octinn to support the regions disclosed in this tppli_tinn and drewinp, as well as • bottom and s/de _au'ftoe,s _ rim .566. Hoe_g _80 may be other s_.. falling within the sco_ of the _tims, . .inserted into tbe sho6 heel with flexible member _60 or may If _hioning membgr 6S0 is used; the shoe stx:k liner, be permanently affixed t9 the rear sole sepport. In tither 20 wh/chge.4_ndly.prov/d_cu.._hioning, may be th/nner in the case, hou_ng 580 acts as'a rei_ment for limiting or heel are•or mmy rennin•teat the forwardedgc ofcushion_ug • elimlnUingistenl movemautof flexlblememberS60during o t' l member6S0.Ifcushio_ug _'6S0 iSnotused,thesock u_:. This may have the effect of making thc cenlg* of the flexiblemembermorespfit_gy.ltmaytlsoallowthemember to be made of thinmr and/or I_ghter weight material . - FIGS. 13 and 14 show f:u'ther vaziatinns of flext'ble plate 500 shown in FIG. 4. Whlk.flex_le plate 500 has • .gener_y uniform thie.knm_ at any given radh_ flex_le plate _ FIG. 13 dectr.4m_ in thickness fro m the center of the member towtrd its periphray. Flexible membei" $90 tJaown in FIG. 14, on the other hand, is thicker netr the center and at the periphery, but thinner th_'chetween., FIGS. 15--17A disclose flex_le mambem c_nposed of carbon n'bbons set in a resin binder. Aitcmattvely, they may be fibe_tt_ r0_om or • comblnttiou of cad)on and fiber-. gis_ _. Ribbons made of other tyl_of fiber may also be uacd. Flexible mamber 600 include_ radially or dismetritally projcctin8 nW_om 602, either _ from the center of flexible .member toward its i_dphery or, preferably, passing through the ceeter fi'om • point on the per/phery to a diamelrically opposite point on the periphery., These ribbons 602 are fi.xcd in po_lion by • resin binder 604 knowu in the art. Flexible mcmbe_r 610shown in FIG. 16 .also _ cidooa _602 set ins reran bindm" 604,. but further includes • rim 606 comprised of ribbon preset in the nmln binder and. defining the periphery of flex3"ble member 610. Flexible member 620 shown in FIG. 17 is liner may extend to the rear of the shoe and may be shaped to canf_'m?to the user's I_| on its top'sm'fat_ and the 25 flexible .member on its bottom surface. Its bottom surfi_ may _o..compensate for grim formed by the flem_ble mereber. Forexsmple, thetux:kliner.mayhaveao_ucavebo_tom surfaoc ia the heel at_a to co_d to those.flext'ble _ members havin 8 convex upper tmrfaces. In each of the above d_ e_ntr_ •be flex_le mamber is iJlum'ated as a septrtte component of the shoe which can be removed f_m the _X>e and rephcr.,d by a sim/iar _r different flexible member, a_ de_ In each of 35 the e_nts-the central pot•ion of the flexible member " h raised relative to .its outer l_.rimetsr so that when placed in the shoe, the imerlor porti0n in its nomml slate does not touch the rear sole support and/or rear sole. As • result, the • int*rio_ of the flexible member will flex in t,cspon_'to the 4o u._r's atrid_ without _ if ever, contac_An8 the tetr sole support and/or sole. Such flez3"ble member, therefore, can be u3ed with tear soles that haw: a fit• upper surface, as well amtho_ that have a concave upper surface. The relative shape _ pmitioning of •be flexible memberand'thc _ adjtcenl t:e.4u" sole support or rear sole can be _ to pt_de the optimum flex, _ and spring character_• tics: Hov_"ver,.etch of the above-described flex3"ble roambersm•ybe madeintegrtl with the rearsolcanlv°rt'which identical to flext'lfle member 610 shown in FIG. 16 exoept that it further incinde* a cizcutar n'l_oo 608 dis_ in resin bindcr604andcirmunsctibinsthecuteroffle_dblemembe r 620. The flex_le member shown in FIG. 17A is identical to • the flexilfle member 610 alm, wn in FIG. 17 except tim it has fewer _ aad further includes • plm-ality of cinadar .r_hona 608 spaced radinlly from the center of the member and _ in the tes/- binder 604. Flexible membem 600, 610, and 620 m•y be convex in shape _o that tbe center of the flexible member is raked relative to its outer perimeter, wflea placeA in tim Shoe. They may aiso have • U-chaped ctmhioning member placed on or r,e_tcd Io their top surface •- Like that showo in FIG. 18.... not only decree•e• the number of loose parts snd incretse,q 5o the efficiency of the manufactaring ptocc_ but also further - limits the lateraldisplacement of. the peaipbery of the flex_le member upon deflectioix, i_cntially cttattn8 more sprin 8 in the center and/m permitting the _ of thinner and/or lighter w_isht material. 55 As shown in FIG. 19, retr •ok _mppott 340 is identical in stmcttuc to mtr sole sopport 140 sbuwn in FIG, 2 except that rear s61e trapper• 340 has • flexible region 70Othat serye_ the • mmg. purpo_ and function as any of the above,-dcu:rt]y_ flex_le mcmbem. In fact, any of the abnvc-de_'Bx_ flex6o ible members may be used as fle_fiblc region 700 so 1oo8 as they can [3¢ made integral with rear sole support 340,. in this Since itis contemplated that the flex_k member w_l be example, flexible region 700 is convex in shape and thus composed of graphite or other stiff, but fleaa'bk, material, it similar to flexible member 500shown inFIG. 4. Ceshioning islmfferable toc_shion theimpact of•he user, shcel tSainst member 650 or a modified sock liner as descrDx, d above •be flexible member dur_ t_. As shown in FIG. 18, a 65 may also be used. sub_ntially U-shaped cushioning member 650 is disptmed The flexible region may be incorporated into other mer oo the top surftce of flexible member -_00 to ceahion the hccl sole support embudtments a.5well. A.5an alternative to using A 0130 " , i - , . . - us'6,604,300B2 , 13 at the same time m_g the tendency of the shoe to carl . •[ the j_ of the hard resr sole suppoet With the soft for'ward sole. Similar to rear. sole support 240. rear sole 10 support 440 includes • heel counter 442 and a si,k wall 444. Rear sole support 440 also includes a rim 448 and anchors 452 to"receive and retain a rear sole w/th a meting groom, " such as rearsole2,SO.Forward sole260 islongerinthis embodiment to ex_end back to the edge where it wonld abut 15 the rear sole. Flexible region 710 is identical to flexible region 700 in FIG. 19. • . 14. • rich extension 180, rear sole support 440 shown in HGS. • 20-22 includes 'a ihickeued tongue 447 that extends toward . ,,,the ball of the fool Thickened tougue 447 pc6v/des tddi_onsl gluie 8 surface f_r artaching the rGarsole support to fotw_d sole 160 and additio_l stif_ss to the heel portion. 5 of the r_oe aud the arcb area,' thus _the _ of separ_on of the forward sure from the rest"sole sttpport,and £ , In another embodiment, rear sole rapport 460, as shown in FIGS. 23 tad 24, inelude_ • tongue 462 that is tinner aad slightly smaller than tongue 447 shown in FIGS. 20--22. z0 However, 460 iocludes a.cu_ed wail464 that he• • pocket formed on its focward side for receiving a " rating rear edg_ of for-ward sole 360 nditceut the rear sole support. Curved .wall 464 pros/des a firm, smoo_y, contoured U'ansition flora hard-to-aLign resilient materials of the 2s -forward•rid rear soles and thereby minimizes gapping. It also [nov/des a de_'able 4>race or bmnper for the lower ' portion of the rear sole when the use• is running. Fle_n_le • region 720 is identical to flexible regioas 700 aad 710. As shown in FIGS. 25 .and26, the flexible member may 3o • also be integrated with the sesuring member. Seceriog member 750 is _ in st_cture and funcli6n ag r,ec_n8 member 400 in thai it includes • wall 7_2 with a " outer surface, an inwardly and outwardly' _dending rim 754, . and mchors 756. Securing member 750 also includes • 3s ccazvex flexible region 760 integral withwall 7.._2. Fler_le • region 760, h'ke flex_le reg/o_s 700 and 710. may incorporate any of the configurations shown in FIGS. 4-18. • Securing member 750 is simply substituted 'for _ufing member 400 aud flexible member 200 shown in FIG. 3 to 4o • llar,h rear sole 250 to rear sole support 240. How_.ver, elnee g member 750 does not include m•tiog ends z;16, 418, rear sole 250 is pre_,-fitle.d into securing member 70 until rear sole gr°°ve 21_1 mates with _ member rim 754" 4s This may have the effect of _ the center of the. flen'ble member more springy. It may also allo w the flex_le member to be made of thia_r and/or lighter weight.malerial. It will be apparcoi to those sk/lled in the ar_ that varions . bottom s_face,each of the non;planar p01dons being inclined _pwardly fiein another portion _ the boltom a direction toward the perimeter of the rear sole, me of the •t leas1 three non-planar potltms beiug prolimate the t'earward portion of the rear sole, algl at least two of the •t least three noo-plunar.po¢liom b_g pro•ira•to the forward potion of the _ sole and being oriented so that al least one .edge'of one of the •t least two uon-planar pot•iota pm_aate the .forward portion of the nutr sole is pmxlmate a medisl side of the rear so_e and at learg one edse of the o(hca"of the at leasl two non-_hnsr portions proximate the forwud po_on of the rear sole is pro_nm • lateral side of the-rear sole; " a fle_ble plate hevin8 upper .and lower surfaces and' suppot'led between at letst a portkm Oftbe rea: sole and at tern a ponio• of the heel region of _e Ul_r, peripbe_ poainm of 'the plate being re_ttrained horn i.. movemem _elatlve to-an interior ._.io_of th_ Fla_ in. • direction =_bstantlally peq_dkadar to • major axis of the shoe-so that the interior portion of the plate is espable of heing deliected reha/ve _o _ peri_,nd portinns in a disc•ion substantisUy major axis of the shoe, at leasl a surface of the plate being convex, the lower surface of the FLue porpend/colar to the portion of the upper at least _ port/on of 'berg concave, the.. interior, portion of the plate being _ over a void; and an openin8 in the boUom _ _ the t_tr'sole lo_ted beneath the interior port/on Of the pl_, the e_aning bein 8 in commu,_icetion with the void to expose the imedc¢ _ of the phte from outride of the shoe. 2. The shoe of claim 1, wbereio ea_ of _ho no_-plma: portions has a maximum linear dimemiou less than the greste_ w/dab of the bottom surfaee alo0g'a line pel_ndi/mlar to a major axis of the shoe. 3. The shoe of claim 1, wherein the bonom surfa_ includes an o_tsolu material thai is ground engaging, the rear sole including middle material above the oatsole material,. at _ a poe•ion of the midsole.material above the nonpknsr poem he_'_8, thianer _ the _sole umexisl above the at leasl one substantially pisnsrpoi'fion of the bottom star.ace .of the rear sole; 4. The shoe of claim 1, fiu'ther comprising at least One wall proximate tt kas_ a portion of tbe pe_ po_ of the plate and exte.nding in at least one of an upwardly direction _ .a downwardly d_tinn from the plate, abe at one wall being imegral with the plato. 5. Tbe shoe of dahn I. whereln the uppe¢ he• an arch region, and further comprising an arch bridge integnl w/th the plate, the arch br/dge e_e_nS from • po_tlon pl:oxi-. mod/fications and varlatiohs cau be made in the sysUan.of 50 thep_nt invention _ departing from the scOpe or mate a forwardport/onof the plate, forward U_.a,h at least spirit of the invent/on. Thus, it is intended that the presem • port/on of the andx regiou of the appec lnvemiofi cover the inod_iom and vt,'htions of this 6. The slice of cluim 5. wherein the arch bridge has a inveatioo provided they come within the so31_ of the da/ms bottom surface •hal is at.leKst in part vim'hie from.outslde of and their eqelvalants. 5s abe shoe. Whal isclaimedis:. 7. _ shoe of claim' 1, wherein the upper _lnrface has at L A sboe _omprising: le_ two convex portions, at. least •. portion of the Ul_.r _. upperhavin8 • heel region_ ' surface bein 8 concave, the coacave portion of the upper • rear sole having a rearward portion and in opposite surface being located between the two convex port/ore of forward portion ccmeected below the heel region, the the up_g sudac_. rear sole having a bottom surface •t least • pot't/on of " 8. The dine of claim 1. fxu'ther compri_og at lensl one. sidewall above at le_ a portion of the bottom surface of the which is ground eugaging, the bottom surface includin 8 sole, the at leasl one sidewall having at _ one bole at least one sub..qanfi/dly planar portion and at least •thou pot•iota ,_on-planar with the at teut o_ sebstantherethr_atgh Ioc_ on •t less• one. of • laterat side, a me,dial • fially planar portion, the non-planar por_oes being 65 side, and a _ Of the shoe. positioned pr6ximate the pedme_er of tbo marsule and 9. The shoe of claim L wherein at • subslanthl separated froth each other by other portiom of the portion of the peripheral portions of the flexible plate i_ A 0131 '. , • . US 6,604,300 B2 : .t /.. ! ,. , / .. 16 15 r_rain_ from movement relative to the interior por_a of flexible plate. • 10. The shoe of cl_ L w_in the pe_pl_rd pottiam oftl_/kx_ale plate being rea_ from move.meat relat/ve to the inh.tiat portion arc at a po_ along • _ side.and at a point-along a I_nd side of the shoe. 11. The shoe of dahn 1, wherein a forward fac_ portia and a tuu-ward facing portion of the pedphertl po_io,_ of the flex_le plate are restrs/nnd from movement relat/ve to the interinr porl/o_ t 12. The shoe of claim 1', s_aer_u the peripbetd portions of the flex_le plate are resu'sined frum movement relative to the.interior portion at at legst two spaced apart points along a medial side of the shoe and at' at least two spac_ apart points along a lateral side of the shoe, the interior port/on of the plate being located above a point between the at least two points along tbe medial side of the shoe end the at leaat two. points along the lateral side of the shoe and b_aeath the aRpmx/mate center of the user's heeL • 13..The shoe of cla;m 12, wherein upon the deflection of the interior portion of the plate, the at least two points along the medial side of the shoe and the at le4_ two points along the lateral side of the shoe ave d/splaceshlc in a d_ec/inn _y parallel to the ground. 14.'The shoe of claim 1, wherein the peripheral portlo_ of the fiex_le plate are re_ra/ned from movement relative to the interior portion both alo_ at least a.portina ors medial . "slde and at least a poftinU of a hteral side of tlgshoe _md on dt a port/on of a forward fac/ng portion and it iea_ a portion of a rearward facing portion of the poripberal portiom of the flex/ble plate. 15. The _ of dsim 1, wherein at least one of the peripheral poainm of the plate being re.s_'a/ned, from movement is along the upper surface of the plate aad at least one of the peripbetal p_xfion_ of th_ pl_ beh_g tzstrdned from movement is along the k3wer surface of the plate. 16. The shoe of clahn 15, where/n the peripheral portions a_ both toward the front of the d_3e. 17. The shoe of clsim L_, wherein the peripheral portions ate both toward the back of the shoe. ta the bottom sudace of the rear role locatod beneath the/_erior portiou-of the plate, the opening being in comm"-ication with the void to e_ the interi_ portion of the plate from ou_de of the shoe; 5 ' aa arch bddge integral w/th the plate, the 'arch bridge e._ending f_3m a posit/on pror;mate'a _orwa/d of the plate, f_'wa.M,beneath at .lea_ a portion of the ard= region of the upper; and at .le_ .one wall proximate at least a portion of the 10 peripberal portions of the plate ant4 extend_g in at least one of an upwardly d/tee/inn and a d0wn_ntrdly d/teefion fi'om the plate, the •t least one wall being integral •with the plate.. 23. The shoe of dsim 22, wherein the at least one wall _s extends in 'an upwardly direction. • 24. The shoe of claim 23, wherein the upwardly extend/_ wall b c_dagcled goat least a.pot'tina of the heel reSino of the upper. 2& T_ shoe of dsim 23, where/nat kast • porfice 0f the _0 epvardly e_.ndin8 w_tl is rifle f_om out,de of the shoe. 26. The shoe of dsim 2_, wherein at lea_.• _ of tl_ upwardly exteading wall is visible from • medial Mde of the shoe, from a lateral side of the shoe, and from a rear of the 25 27. The _ of dsim 23_ wherein the at least one wan inclu_ a wall extend/ng in i downwaxdly d/redo.. 28. T_e _oe. of claim 27, wherein the downwardly extendingwan contacts at ka.q a portinn of the rear sole. 29. Tbe shoe of claim 27, wherein at kt_ a porfi_ of the 30 downwardly .extending wall ig visible hon3 out,de of the shoe. 30. The shoe of dsim 29, wherein at lear,t a pot_iion of the dowuwaxdly extending wall b vi_le from • _ side of • the shoe. from a lateral _ of the shoe, mxl from a rear of 3s ibe shce. • 31. _ shoe bf dsim 22, wherein the at lea_t oue wall extends in a downwardly direct/on. 32. The shoe of c.lahn 31, wherein the" dowuwaidly extending wall contacts at leas/a port/on of the re_ sole. ,m .33. Tbe 'dz_¢ of claim 31, wbereiu at kast a IXXdon of the downwardly extending wdl is visible from ou_/de of the shoe. . • 34, T_ shoe of claim 22, wherein the erda b6Age is 18: The shoe of daim 15, wherein the-poripheral portions ate both on the lateral ,tide of the _e. 19. Toe shoe of chim I_, wherein the pofipbera[ po_ are both on the medial side of.the shoe. . . 20. The shoe of dsim 15, wbeada the peripheral.portions • integral v{/th ao upwardly extending wall on at one of of the upper and lower.serfaces ate pm:_mate one mothec 4_ a lateral side end a reed/a] _de of the sl_:. ' "2L The shoe of claim. 20, where the capable of bring 3_. TI_e shoe of dtim 34, rig upwardly extending •de,flen_l inter/or portion is located betweea the port/ons of wall is st least in part visible h_m outside of the Mine. the upper end lower surf_ and a point beneath • oentnd " 36. The sboe of claim 22, wharein the at_ bt'idge has a portion of the heel region of the upper. bottom g,,tt,face thai is at least in substantial part visgble fzum 22. A shoe ._mpdsing: so out,de of the shoe. an upper hav/ng a heelregion aad an ueh region; 37. The shoe of daim 36, wherein the bottom surface of • rear sole having • bottom mu'faen, the teat sole being 'the archbridge is vist'ble on a llne perpondic_dtr to amajor eecured below the heel reg/on of the uppe G a:ds of the shoe *_x_= a width of the ,n'.h bridge. 38. The shoe of chim 22, wherein the areh bddge is • flexible plata having upper aad lower surfaces and I : supported between at le•s_t a portion of the rear sole and .s_ integral _ • downwardly extend/_ wall. 39.The shoe ofdsim 38,wherein•tleast• potion.ofthe at least a portion of the heel reS_)u of the. Upper, downwardly extending wall is visible from _ of the peripheral poainm of the plate being rer,trsinnd from movement relative to aa inter/or portia of the plate in 40. The shoe Of claim 38, wherein the dowuwan_ly • direclion substaatinny porpendicuisr to a major axis of the shoe so tha_ the interior portion of the plate is so extending wall contacts at least a port/on of the rear sole. 41. The shoe of claim 38, wherein the downwardly cepable of being deflectedrelative to the pofipharal po_ons in a _u sabsumtis]ly perpendicular to the extending wall is integral with a rearward portion of the arch bridge. major axis of the shoe, at lea_ • portion of the upper 42. The shoe Of ddm 38, wherein the downwardly surface of the plate being convex,atleast a portionof extending wall is ar_ate: the lower surface of the plate being concave, the 43. The shoe of clshn 38, wherein the downwardly interior portion of the plate being pos/tioned over a void; extending wall is at least io pad acurate. A 0132 • 4 i | us 6,6oa,3ooB2 '' ': 18 • .17 44. The shoe of¢Itlm 38, wherein the _y 56.Theshoeofct6m55,wberetntheperlpheralporti_s • cxtend_a8 wall is curved. , a_ both toward tbe from of _e shoe. •" 45. Th_ shoe of chim38, whereiu the downwardly. 57.'Fbeshoeofdaim$S,_nere_tbeperipberalportlons exte_g wall isat'kas_ in part curved, arebolh tow'at'd theback of theshoe. 46. The shoe of claim 22, whel_in the rear sok has a . s " 58. The shoe of claim 55,wherein the peripheral po_ t'earward porliou, ted 8a opposites forwu'd porkion connected a_s both on the.kteral side of the shoe. below the heel vegioo, the rear sob: having a bottom surface 59. The _ o_ dahn 55,.wherein the peripbe_tl portions. :_e a portion of is ground engaging,planar, the pohion bottom including at which least one substantially • •"m-I at lca_ two .porl/ons non--plansr with the atIcam one sabstaatially planar portion, the non- phaat portlonx be/ng ale both on the medial side of the shoe. 60. TI_ shoe of chim 55, wherein tbe peripheral poaions " 1o of the uFPet" and lower surfaces are proz_nate one al_otber. •61. "fl_.sboeof daim 60, whereto ',he capeb|e of.belng positioned proximate the perimeter Of the tear sole and separated from' e*_ other by other portions of the bottom deilecied interior por1_ is located between Ibe pe6l_ntl surface, each of Ibe nou-plxnar porlions being inclined porlionsoftheupperand lowerma'f:acesandapointbennsth Ulrwtrdly from another portion of the bottom surface./n • • ceatral portion of the heel region of the upper. _ towani the peahneter of the rear sole, one of the at 15 62.A sboe comprls_ ' lea_ two non-plamr porlioas being prox/matc the reanvtrd an upper havms, a -heel i_gion; y potion of the rear sole, tnd the _ of the at least two n6n-pisnu porto,s being p_xlmate the forwtrd port/on of _he_ sore.. 47.The Shoe of chim .22,whereinIbeupper .mufacehas 2o ? •{ "1 a rear sole having abottom surface, the retr sole bein 8 _ below the heel reg;km of lhe. upper;, . • flex_leplate"having'upper aad lower mmSu:ns and supported-betwce_ atleast,poaim of-there, u soleand • , _ least two ¢on_xpo_ons, at _ a portion of the upper • .-surface being concave, Ibe concave po_on of the upper al le.est • pot'_on of the heel region of the upper,. ' sm'face being l_cated between the two convex portions of peripheral portions of the plate being remralne,d f_om Ihe 6ppcr surface, movemenl relative to an interim" portion of 4be plate in 48.'The shoe of clahn 22, furtber comprisin8 at kast one 2Y a di_n substtatially pe..q_ to a msjor a_. sidewall above at least a poaion oftbe bottOm surface Of the Ofthe shoe ao that the interior pm_/on of the pis_e./s rea_sole, ti_ _tkststoae_tew_ htvleg at kast oac hol.e " capable of be/ng dcflccled mht6ve_o the i_d_ ' tbe_thmughlocatedonatleastoneofalatexalside, amqdial " _inadirec_nsubetanthdlypetlueudlcuhrt°the aide, and a tear of the shoe., major axis of the shoe, at/ease • portion of I_ upper 49. The shoe of claim Z2, wherein' at le,a_ • _,slanlial _ surface of the plate being convex, at. _ • pm'twa of portion of the peripheral portions of the flexible plate is the lower surface of the plate bei_ concave, the reUralned from movement _htlw to the interior port/on of intedm" portion of the plate being po_onsd ove_ • the flexible plate. . void; . _. The sboe of clahn 22, wherein the _t/pberal portions an 0pcning in tbe botlom surfaco of the rear sok Ioctted . _ftbe flex_le pttte be_agres_ralned frommovcmea_ relstive 3_ beneaththe interior portionof the plat_ the "opening the ia_erio¢ at a poin! d/rag • medial s/de aad being in commuaicatlon, with the void to expose the .at a point along a lateral side of the shoe. . . inted¢_ portion of the plate from outside of the slx_; $1. The _ of claim 22, wherein a forwa?d facing " and " " portionand a rearward facing porti_ of tbe peripheral atlca.qo_m sidewtllaboveallea.'_aportion.ofthebottom portio_oftbefle'xlble_ate tre w.slrtined from movcmem 4o ' mu'faceoftheteatr.sole,the atlca_onex_dewailhav_ng relative to the in_erlor portioe, at least oue bole tberetbx-ough located lea_q one of 52.The shoe ofclaimZ2,whereintheperipheral portions a hteral side, • medial side,.anda rearof theshoe. of the flex_ie plate.are re_rained fi'om movement relative to 63. The shoe of claim 62, wherein the.atleast one bole the interior _ a! at least two spaced apart, poinls along includes at least two holes, ai least one of Ihe .at least two a medial sideof theshoe and at atleast two spaced aparl 45 bolnsbeing on themedial sideof the shoe and al points tlong a laleral s/de of the shoe, the inter_r p0rtion of 0f tbe at Ins_ two beles being on the lalend side of Ibe shoe. the pla_e be/rig located 8bove a point be_wcen the at let..q two 64. The shoe of cishn 63_ wherein tbe pla_ ts at k.t.q/n points along tbe medial slde of the 8hoe aud the at kast two ptd visible through both of Ihe at kas_ two holes. po/n_safovg _e l_teral sideof theshoe and beueath _he. 65;The sboe of ahhn 62,whereln the_dateisat_asl/n apim_ximate center of the usem heel 5o part vis/ble Ihmugh _ at le_ oee hole. .q3. The shoe of ch_ _., wbet_in upoe the ddtec_oa of 66, TI_ shce of cla/m _2, wbemin the al least o_e sidewall tbe interior imrtloo of.tbe plate, tbe at kast two polnls alon 8 has an interior"m_face, the wid being definedat._ea_ in part tbe medial slde of Ihe sl_oe wd the at lea.q two pointaalong by. Ibe inter_r surface of tbe at lc,kq oae sidewiU. laleral side o_ the shoe axe disph_able in • direction 67. The ahoe of eltlm 66, wherein the void is at least in sabelantially pa.,allei to the ground. " _ part vi_'ble thmush the at leastone h01e. $4. Tbe shoe of daim 22, wbereln the pedpheral portions 68. The .shoe of claim 67, wherein 'at lo_,t'one bole of this flex_k phte are restrained from movement relative to/ncludes at kast two holes, at lcest one of the at least two the interior po_n both along at least a i_aion of a medial holes being on the medial _ of the shoe and at k_t one slde sad at letst a portien 0f a latertl side of the shoe and on of the at k.ast twu holes being on the lateral sid_ o f lbe Sboe, at _ • poltion of • _m'ward facilig portion aad at I_l.q • .6o the void being at tea_ in part vis_le throughboth of the at ka_ two holns. portion of • rearward facing port/on of the per_heral pof69. The _me of chim 66, wherein the interior surfu:e of tiom of the _e_bl¢ plate.. _. The shoe of claim 22, wherein at [east one of the .,he at least one Sidewall is visible throush the opening in the. bottom sudace of the rear sok. peripheral portions of the plate b_n 8 restrained from move70.Tbe shoe ofchdm 66,wbereinatleasta portionof tbe ment is along the upper surface of the plate and al least one interior s_rfaceofttie attcast ons sidewallisvisiblethrough of the peripheral portions of the plate bein 8 restra/ncd from theat Icaslooe hole inthe ttloa._one sidewall movement is alon 8 the.lower surface of the phte. A 0133 us 6,604 300 ]32 19 2O 71.The shoe ofch_ 66, wherein the at km_e bole in . the at lenat one sidewall is on the latend side of the shoe, _he q, _interinr anffaoe of the at le.a_ one sidewall on the medhl side ( x of the'shoe _ vimbla through the at least one hole. 72.The shoe of chim 62, wherein the atle_ one sidewall inchtd_ midsole matet'_d. 73. The shne of claim 6Z wberein the at ]e_ one sidewall includes cutso]e materiaL '74'.The shne of cla;m 62, wbereln the at la•.st one sidewall inchuins both midsole material and out.sole matet_d. k 75. Theshoe of claim 62, further comprising ai lem one wail _)mximate at ]e_ a _ of the l_r_bcml pm"_ns of the plate an_l extending in at least one of aa upwardly and a downwardly d/t'_ctiou from the plate, {be at ]eau ooe wall beiog imegrtl with the plate. : 76. The shoe of claim 62, wherein the uH_r has an Ur.h region, and f'ur0_r oom_ an arch bridge integral with Ih¢ plate, the arch bridge extending from • position proximate a forward portion of the plate, forward beoe_th at le_ a portion of the ard) region of _h¢ upper. " 77. The shoe of ¢isim 76, wherein the arch bridge has a boUom surface that is at leaat in part vis_le from outside of , -'the shoe. - • "/8. The shoc 0f claim 62, wherein the rear sole has a rearward IX_OO iod an opposite fo_vud portion beiow the heel region, the rear sole having a bottom anff.ace at _ • poaioo of which,is ground engasios, the boitom • . sm'fac= including at kasl ooe s_bsumtia.lly planar portion and at le._ two ixmines uon-planer with the at['ou¢ sul_u_itny plaoar portion, the ooe- phner potions being po_tinned proximate the. perimeter of the rear. sole and separated from e.ac_ o/her by oth_ portioas of the boltom _r_co, each Of the non-pl_ portions being inclined upwardly from aoother portio- of the _ serhco in a dire_oo toward the perimeter of the rear sole, o_e of the at ieas_ two n_-planar podiom being pmximat_ the rearward portion Of the rear sole, md the other of the at ]east'two •non-planar porfiom being pm:_mate the forward portion _)f the rear sole. 79. The shoe of claim 62, Wherein tbe.upperendtce has at 1_ two convex po_doos, at le,as[ a portion of the upper m,'fa_ being concave, the" _acave portion of the upper . surface being _ betv.'_.u the two couvcx l:_li0ns of d_ upper ma'fac=. " 80. The'shoe .of olaim 62, wherein at l_s_ i substantial porti_ of tlie .peripheral portiom of the flex_b]e .plate is restrahu:d from movement xelative to the interior portion of the flem_k pkte. 111:The shoe of claim 62, wherein Ibe peripheral portions the medial side of the. shoe and I_e at lea_ two poinls aloo 8 ht_'nd .side of the shoe. are displaceabk in a direaioo • substenti,ny ptral_ to the _0,nd. • 8S. The sh6e o! claim 62, wherein the peripheral poaions S of the flexibk plate are restrained Born movement relative to the interior portion both a]oog at lem a port_ of a media] • si de and at leaat a i)c(linn of a lateral side of tlie shne aad co •at ka..q a portion of • fot'4ward f_mg polo n and at least • polo• of a .rearwaxd £m:ing portionof theperlphera] _rtioosof theflexible plate. _0 86. Tbe Shoe of ciahn 62, ,_ne_in at least one of the peripl_al portioos of the plate b=_.r_slmin=d from movemcm is a]eog the upper surface of the plate and at least .oo_ of the peripheral portions of the plite be_ nm_xained Born movement is *loug._ kiwe.r _ of the plate, . Is 87. The _oe of chim 86, whereln &e _al poa.ions m¢ both toward the front of the shoe. $8. Tbe shoe of Claim 86, whez¢in the perlpheral portiom ' are both toward the back of the shoe. 89. The shoe of ehim 86, wherein the p_'hcrtl portiond' 2o a_ both on the lateral s_de of the shne. 90. The shoe of chim 86, wherein the pe_phera] porUo,_ art bo_h on the medial side of the shoe; • 91..The _ of claim S6, w huein th• pe_beral pea_m . • 3o 3s to ofth= flex_bk plate being _sa'ained fi'om movement relative 5c to the intortor pOnino arc at • point along a medial side aod at • point along a lateral sideof the shoe. 82. The shoe of'chim 62, wherein a forward fa,_ng port/ a rem varct p oa mep ,ben :of the upper and lower sitrf_ces are pm_oato oue another. 92. The shoe of claim 91, wherein the c_ab]e of being deflec_d interior located between the l)e_.. poftinos o f the Ul_qPer a0d lower turf•can arid • Point beneath • cen_ra.l portion of the heel _gloo of the, uppe_. _.As_x)c coaq)dsi_: an upper havre8 a heel region; • rear sok scooted be]ew tbe heel re.g/o_ of the upp_, a_l a flcx_le plate having upper and lower _ tnd positioned between at least • portion of the rear sole end at km • portioo of the heel region of the upper, peripheral por_ous of abe plaXe being reurained fJom movemeot relative to aninterlor l)ortton of the plate in a direction substantially _ to • major axis of the shot so thattheinterior" _ of theplateis ,_pabk of being deflec_l relative to the peripheral pordons in a _ sabstanfiaUy pe rpe 0dicula_ m the ' major ax_s of the shoe, the _q)per emrfa_e hav_g at kast ,me coneave ponioo, aud .the tower surface being at least in part vis_l¢ flora outside of the shoe. 94. Tbe shne of claim 93, wherein the lower surface is at kaat in im't v_sibk thmngh an ope0_ng in the rear sote. 95. Tbe shoe of cJa_ 93, wherein the upper duff•ca h-,et at leas_ ooe co_vex portion,' the at leas/oo= convex portion being adjao_n! the at ]east one concave portioo of the upper surface. 96. Tbe shot of claim 9_, wherein Ibe upper surface has at least two convex portion_, the concave poflkm of the upper surface being located b_w_u._ couve x pordoas of. the upp_ surf•c=. • 97. The shoe of _ 96, l_rthercomprisin 8 at ]east one po_OOS of the flelib]e plate are restrained from movement _s waU pro:6mue at kas_ I po_n d me pe_pheral portinm • relative to the in_=dor portion. of the plateand extending in at. least' one of an .upwLnfly .83. The shoe.of chim 62, where_u' abe l)_iph=ral por_oos. direction and • downwardly d/rection from the plate _ at of_ flex_le plate Ire restrained from inove,4_ent re.,]ative to. lens_ oue will bebg integral with the plate. the interior poem at at least two spaced apart points along 9& Tbe shoe of chhn 96, wherein the upper has an.itch a medial side of the shoe "and at at kaat two spaced apart eo region, and further comprising an arch brldg_ integral with points along a lateral side or"'he shoe, the interior portion of the plate, the arch bridge axe•din8 from a position proximate a forwar_ port_n of tb_ plate, forward beaeatb at least. _l,e plate bein 8 Iomted above a point betwoeu t_ at kas_ two points ak)o 8 abe medla/,=ida of the shoe and the at least two a portioo of the areh region of the upper., the arch bridse •having a botlom sxtrface that/s at _ in parl vis/bk: _rom. points .along the laten] side of the shoe aod beneath the of the user's heeL outside of the sb0c. •99. The _ne of claim 96,: wherein the rearsok has a 84. The _ of claim 83, wherein upon the deflec_on of the imeri_ portion of the plate, the at least two points along rearward portico and an opposite forward portion counec_ed A 0134 us 6,60 ,300B2 21 i { , below the heelregion, the _tr sole having a bottom _fface • t kut • portion of which k ground eegagin 8, the bottbm ' am'faoe incldding at least one sulm_tinlly plmu pot_don and at [east two portin-t non-phtmr.with the at le_t one _y planar porfio_ file flow pl,umr portions being lxmltioeed' proximate, the perimeler of the rear sole and separated f_om each other by other poplin m of the bottom _-face, each of the ooQ*pla_r poftinm being i_ed upwardly from sttother portion of the bottom l_xfitce in a direoioo toward the podmeter o.f the aT.atsole, _me of the at least two ao.-pbnu.pera_o_ bcing._.tbe rear'ward . portion of the rear sole' .and the other of the at lem .nou2planar poaiona being pmxim_te the forward portion of •the rear role. . " . " • 100.Tbeshoeofc_sim_t3,fertheroompd_atleutone wall extendin 8 in at least one of an upwardly dire_on and. • downwardly direction, the at _ oGe wall being ;ntegnd _vitli at _ • pot•Joe oftheperipheral portiom of the plate. •IOL The shoe of claim 93, wh_re_..tbe upper has ta _-ch ..regk3u..•xxI further comp_ an ard3 bridge integral ,with • the plate, the tw.h bridge.eattending from a pos/ti_ proximate a fro'ward portion of the plate, forward beneath at least a portion o[ the amh region o.f the. upp_, the arch bridge ferthet" having a bottom sm'ft_ thai is at least .in part visa'bin from outside of the shoe. . • 102. The shoe of claim 93, _ "the rear solehas • 1• " 22 : .. .108. 'lhe shoe of claim 107, whereto upon the defloaion of the interior .portion of the plate, the at least two points alon8 the medial side of the shoe and the atlem two points along the tatertl side of the shoe are in a $ "direction mb6_mtial]y parallel to the gr'oun& 109. The shoe of claim 93, wborein thc imripherid pot•iota of thel]ex_leplate aret_trained from v_oveme.,_ relative to the interior portionboth along atle._ • poaion of a medial side nod at kaY, a porlion of a lateral side of lhe shoe md on 10 at least a por'don of a forward facing l_rtion and • re.a.nuard fadng imrtion of the peripheral portions of the Ikxibk plate. 110. "l_ shoe of claim 93, wherein at least one of the pcrip_al portions of the plate _ re._ra/ned from movemere it along the tq_er mtrfao: of the plate and at le._ (me lS o{_the.perip_ral lmrtiotm of the plate b_ng re_strtim:d f_m . movement is along the lowed surface of the plate, . 111. The shoe .of claim 110, wherein the. pofi#eral portioas are i_oth toward the'f_ont oftlv: shoe. " • m. _ _ of _ no, _rein't_ _,it_m 20 portions _" both towa,,d the back of fl_'sh6*. 113- The shoe of claim 110, wheaein .thepotipbond portions ale bo0i oa the lateral side of the du3e. 114. The _ of.clalm 110, wbocein the l_he-qd. portin_ a._ both.o/, the medial _,ide of the shoe. 2s 11S. TI_ shoe of claim,1.10, wherein the pe_id_.'tl po_tioes of the upper and lower surfa_ are I_reximate one another. , tettw_ po¢tion and an ol_aite fotwi.,d pot•ion _mnected Ll6.'Theshoe of claim 115,whereinthe Calmbl_ of belng below the heel region, the rear role having a bottom surface . at kaat• portion of which/s ground _aSq_g, the bottom deflected interior portion is Ioea_d between lhe ,p_ipheral surface inchKlk_ at least one substantially plenar"portinn _o potaions of the upper and lower mrf3tca.s md a Imint beneath and tt le.ut twu podions mm-lflanu with the tt let,st on• a c_ntrtl portion of the heel region of the uppec. 117. A shoe.mmpx_inS: tmbstam_y plaeu portion, the no•- planar portions being •positkmed .prmdmate the perimeter of the rear role and . an upp*r _avin$ a heel rc$ion; .. " tteparated fxom etch other by other portions of the bottom .ma-_ each of thenonglamr portions being indined _s a flekible plate having upper and lower s_ and • upwardly from another por6on of the'bouom surface in a • roppOrted botWeeo at lea_ a potlion of the rear role and direction towml the ped_aeter of the rear solo, one of the at least • portion of t_ l_l r_ioa.of the upper, lea•t two non-planar portions beingproximate the re.4u'ward l_tipbenl portio,,_ of the plate being _ from portion of the rear sole, and the o/her of the at kast two movegtent relative to an interior p0_ion of the p_ate no.plan& portions being pt_x.imate the forward portion of a d/n:ctinn.mbstantlatly perpendicular to • major the rear sole. of the rkoe so that the interior portion of the plate is. 103. The ahoe of claim 93, further comptir, in8 at ka..q one capableof being deflected _letive to.the peripheral _ above at leea;t.a lmrd_ of the bottom surfaoe Of _¢ porlinns in a dhw,ctinn mO_stanfially perpendicahr IOthe role, the at _ one sidewall having at least ooe hole majo" _ of the shoe, _,t least one portionof a cross therethmugh located k_ one of • leteral side, a mod_ ,is of the plate perpendicular to • major ax/sof the • side, and • mar of the_ shoe defininga on_,e in • direc_ongenerallyfrom a 104.The Shoe of claim 93,whe,_in_,t leasta sub_ten_ial medial slde of the slx)e to a laletal s_l¢ of the shoe; and portionof the peripheral portinosof the flex_leplateis an open_g _ _ bonom sm'faca of the rear sole located restrained 6ore movement relative totheinterlor portionof beneath the intet'inr portinn of the plate that exposes the the flexible plate. interin¢ portion of.the plate. ". 10_.Theshned chim93,wherein_ peri#eod pertioes 1.18. A shoe mmpri_g: • • of tim fle_leplate being restrained from movement relative m upl_r having a heel regkm; . • to the interiQr pomona are at a point aloog a medial side nod a at •point aloe8 a lateral _ of the shoe. .. 106. The eboc o[ claim 93, whe_n • forward facing ss .portion and a rea_ud faem 8 _ of the peripheral' portions of the fle_'ble plate are w,stralned from movement relative tothe inteti0r portion. ' 107.The shoeof claim93,,,vboxei_the pedl_xertl pottia_ " of the flex_ie.plate are restrained fxom movement relative to the interior portin_ at at least two.paced apart polnm aMng a medial side of the shoe a_d at at least two spa_l apart points along a late:d side of the shoe, t_ intsrint portion of • the plate being located •bore a point between the at least two •points along the medial side of the shoe and the at least two 65 point, alon 8 the lateral side of the _oe and beneath the approximate centerof the e._a'*s heel sole bein.,'- .a rear sole secured below • A 0135 ' the heel region of the uppe:;, fle_b k plate Wing u_pe_ and Lower sm'f_cea and ropported between at leL_t a ixmioo of the rear sole and at _ a portionof the heel regioo of the upper, peripheral portiom of t_ platebeing restrained mo_meot relative to en interior pot'tiou of-the.plate in a direction submatially perp=xlimdar to a majoc axis of the shoe so that 'the inte6_r po_on of the'phtte Ls capable of being deflecte_ relative to the peripheral Fo_iensin• d_.,ctio o subsusnfially peq_xliostu tothe major axisof theshoe,atleastone portionof a cxoss secl_n of the#ate parallel tothemaine axisoftheshoe defining a curveina direction generally h'om a frontof the.shoeto a back of theshoe; and . 4 us 6,6O4,3OOB2 3 t " *- opudng in the I_ttom sedate of the reu sole io_ted .bedetth the intet'i_ p0ztton of tha plate that ¢'xpo_s the • interior portion of the #ate. '*' n9, Tha _Jme o f _hn 118, wherein tSe upper mrf_e hax . at leaal two COnVex po_ at least a portion of.the upper S surfacebeing c_.ave, the cow.ave portion.ofthe upper surfiu_ being located b¢lween the twD convex por_n_ of the upper surfa_. 120; The shoe of claim 118, wherein the pedpher*l po_om of the fle.x_t e plate _ _ from movement _o • rehtive to the interior portion at at least two _0*ced apart pointsalang a medial eideof the shac and atat kern two .spaced apartpaintsalong • lateralsideof the.shoe, th* interior portion of the plate being located above • point between the at lea_ two point_ along the medial.side ofthe _s shoe and .the at least two [minis along the lateral side Of the shoe a;idbew.aththeappros_xalecenter of theuser'sheel, the a_ kast two points along the medial side of tha shoe and the at least two.points _oug the lateral side of the shoe being disphceable in a direction md_stantially parallel to the 2o ground upon the de_:_on of the intedor pardon of the ,plate. " ' " " 121. A shoe opmpd.sing: to upper having • lieel regiou; a _tr sole se,cu_l _tow the heel region of the uppe_ . • flexB3k .plate having upper and lower surfaces-and sappcn'_l between at least a portion of the rear sole and _ I .. ., 24 a direction _t/aly p_._,,ndk;ular to a majoc a31_ .ol'tha slme so that the.interio¢ port_ of the pht_ is cqumle of being deeected n_ive, to the pertain porllous in a dir_tion suha_y pe_ Io the ma_ _ of th_ shoe_ the upper _ of the plate bein8 in at k,tst substantial pad mu_,._ in shape, the imertor pordou of me #ate being poeaioned over.• • void, and the lower mrface of the phte being at iemt in p4u_v_'ble from _ of the _e; ud a sidewall.ihat tw.htdes midsole material located the pla_, _e sidewall havin8 an emer_ smqace that is el le,a_ in-pro visible from 0urge the ehoe and _m interi_ sudace that at least pardally defines the void, the sidewall further having at least ooe.openin 8 tharethrough os at lea_ one of a lateral side of the _boe,, medial side of the shoe, and .a re_ of the 123. 'I]ae shoe of chimr_, whea'einthe ,d lea_ one opening is on b_h a mi_lial slde of the M_e and a latertl slde of the 10A. The M_oe of _aim 122, wheeein at l e4mt_e ope_" is on both a medial.s/de of lhe ehoe and a laierd slde of the shoe, tnd on a t_,ar of the shoe. 125. The shoe of claim 122, wlr..rein tha v61d h vlm'ble at kara ip part from omsid_ tl_ shoe through tl_ at le_t one openingin the m&w_. 126. The shoe of claim 122, wherein the lower tmi'_e of plae is vi_'ble at kasl in part from outside the through theat_ one Ol_Uing in the _id_wall. " 127. "r_ r_oe of dram 122, _ tha _ mwfa_ at least' a portion of the heel r_ion _ the .U.l_r , of the sidew_dl is vim_le at least in imrt f_m oulmd¢ tl_ M_oe .peripheral portionsof thephte being re_xain_lfxbm through _e at ka.q o_e ope_g i_ the._k-wal_. movement t_lat_v¢ m tn interior parliouof the plate in 12& The rdme of claim 122, wherein at'leut ooe portion a dhection subsandally peq_ndicular to a major ax£s of • cross section of the plate perpe_ar tO • major axis" of the shoe so that the interior portion of. the .ph" is of Ihc sh_ defines a curve in a _n gen¢_all): fx'mn a capable of being deflected _latlve to the peripheral medial s_de _ the shoe to a lateral side of the shoe, at k,_ P°t_°_in a_n_stantiallyl_pendicular t° the 3s one pertmn of a cross s_on of the phte. paralkl to.lhe major ui_ of tha _oe, at leau 0he poai_, of a cro_ . seat/on of the plate perpendicular tO • major axis of.the major axis of the shoe _ a c'u_e in a. _xm defl_t_ a a directioo 8eoentlly from a. g,¢ncrally f_:ma ,i front o[ tha thoe to a hack of tt_ shoe. • medial side of the shoe m a lateral side of the shoe, at 129. The _zoe of clahn 122, whenda the at Ica_ one non-planar pardon has a malimum lioear dimension less bea.Mcme portion of • _ sec_u of the plate parallel 40 than the. greatest width of the bottom sta_ace .akmg • to the major _ of the shoe definin 8 • curve in a d/xec6ou generally f_om. a fi'o_ of tk¢ shoe to a hack o f perpendicular to a major axis of the shoe.. t_ _o¢; and . 130. The shoe of claim 122, whe_i_ tha bott, un _'_ce includes anoulsole material that is ground engagin& the tear au opening in the bottom smfac¢ Of the rear sole locateM _ole including middle materiaJ above the oetsole matetmd, I_meath the interior portion of.the plate that exptmcs the s_ at least • portion of the mid_k matcrinl abo_ the at karat intedor portion Of the phte_ o_e non-planar portion be/_ 8 thinner than the m/dmle 122. A,sboe mmpris/_. material above theat least oae _ubsumtial]y phnm" portion of an upper having a heel.repot; the bottom surface of the rear sole. a_ s_e secured below the b_l re#on and lavla 8 a 13L The shoe of chim 122. wherein the plate has at _trv_d poaioe, me ttu _ote furtl_ having a bottom _o one opening therein. 132. The shoe of da/m 131, whereinthe at _ one muface at least a portion of wiilch is gtoend engaSing. the gmund-eng*sing .poaion of the bottom mUfac¢ opening has a center'located beneath the appm_te center _g at least on 9 sutmmndaUy planar i_t-t_on and at of _e heel of the user. [east one portionnon-planarwith the at le.4ud, one 1x33.Theshoe of claim 132. wherein lhe plal¢ has multiple s_stantlany planar portion, the at _ one non_lanar ss elongated cut-out poaiom thcrcthrousb, portion, being positioned prmdmate a' perimeter of the 134. The shoe ofclahn 133, wherein the clo0geiCd cut-out .bottom surface and _ upwardly in a direction pordotm are oriented tutomxl the center of the _ ... t0wlxd, the perimele4r of li_ bott0 m surfaoe fl'0m t35. The shoe of claim 134, whet, ein the elongated c_xt-out another portion of tl_ bottom sadace, the at least one • " portions ,we evenly spaced around the center of the opemag. u_l-planax portion having an outer cdgc coincidcnt ee 136. The shoe of claim 135, wherein the elongated cut-out with the pcrimeler-of the bottom surface and being portions have • kngth and arc oriented around the ,mutez of located proximate the rearward port/ou of the waw role; the opening shc_ that the length is in a directioa away from • flex_bk #ate having upper and lower surfaces and the center of the opening and toward the per_hery of the pmideued betweea a_ lea.U a poai_e of the rear sole plate. and at ]easl • portionof lhe.hecl region of the upper, 65 137. The dine of claim LM,. wherein • mid.lo_itluJinal periphertl imrtmm of the plate being restrained f_om ax_ *long the length of the elongated cul-out poftiom passes Ihrougb the approximate center of the ope_. . movement relative to an imea'ior portion of the pltte in A 0136 i.. us 6,6o4,3oo 25 26 o i• 138• The shoe of claim 122, wherein , portion of the intec[or portion of the plate is _ than • port/on of the Peripheral p0rt/o_ of the pttte. /39• The shoe of claim 137, wherein the ©iongated era-out portions ate spaced _ the center of the opening in t 5 uar-h_e patter_ ", 140• The shoe of claim 137, wh_e_n the plate has dx _long_,d cut-out portions around the center of the opeaing, the cut=out poe•ions being od_i around the center of the opoaing i_ (_<legree hu:mmee_ ' _o 141., The shoe•im 131, w'herein the at least one opening sbo¢. 14z. ° io the plate is at least in part visible from oalside the of.the peril_ral i_'fiens of theplate bclng _ flora movement isalong thelower surfioeof the plate• 156. The shoe of claim I$$, wherein the perip_erd po_ 157• Wlio_ 158. potlio_ 159. portloos • 160. portloos t_bo(h toward the from of the shoe.. "I_ shoe of claim 155, whe_in the pofipheml am both lowanl the back of the M_oe. The shoe of claim 155, wherein the Pe_erel ate both on t_ lateral sideof the shoe.: The shoe of _ 1_5, wherein the _dpbcrtl ereboth on the medial side of the shoe• The shoe of claim L_$, wherein the pedphertL °f the upper _ lower su:faces are proximate one anotfi©r. m, er in • 161..The shoe o['cltim 160, y/cere the capable of hein8 portion of the gwund-_n_ging portion of the bottom mtr- s5 deflected idterior portion is located between the peripheral potlinus of the upper and lower surfaccs and ,, point bcucath. ' face of the rear sob: includes an interior edge, the interior. edge being locatedpfo_dmate an open_ in the ground• central PO_a of the heel region of theuppec 162, A shoe comlnisin_ cng/q_iag pot•Joe of the bottom surf*ce. 143: The shoe of claim 142, wherein the.interior edge is an upper having • heel region and *n a_ h region; :at least in pert curved. . . 20 a rear role having • r_ IXXtiou and an opposite 144. The shoe of claim. 142, wherein .the interior edge is forwa_ portion connected below the heel region, the _ in parr a.,_--_'-,ped. rear sole having • bouom serf_, at least_ portion of. 14S. Tbo shoe of daim 142, .wherein the interior edge whid_ _s gro_md engag/ng, the boaom _rf._e indud/ng deflncs at lem a pos.don of • circP,.. at least one sutnttanl/aIly planar portion and at least two 146. _ shoe of%lehn.142, wherein the opening is 25 pot•urns non-planar with Jhe at least ode substanfi_. " mb_mthny_atu insh_pe_ plunr poclton, the non-plaint lXmi_os boing pod-. . 147•.The shoe of _ 142, wt_ein the rear sole hu an ti0oed proximate the perimeter of the rear sole and interior sidewall adjacent and extending upwardly fxom the separated from each other by othe,: l_<_fions of the :interior edge of the non-planar portion of the ground. bottom surface, each of the _-planar poa/om ©ngaSing portion of the bottom smface. . 30 up_y fi_nn another portion of the bottom 148• The sho_ of _ 142,. wherein the in,dot 'edge surfacein a d/recliou mwanl thePerimet:rof therear ddincs • thidmms of • hyer of m outsole mated•l, the sole, ooc of t/_ at least two nou-pfamz porlio_ being ouUtole layer having an upper surface and • lower surface, pro_oate the rearward portion of the _ mle,and the the tqpper muface com,cting another portion of the reax'sole o(bor of the at least two nowplanar-portions being and the lower surface comptlsing at least • port/on of the 3s pr6zimate the forwa_ portion of therearsole; bottom.eurfaee of the sear sole. .a flex_le plate having upper tnd lower stufaces and 149• The shoe of claim 142, wherein, the Opening in the so[A0ortcd hetweca at least a pot•ice of the rear sole and grouud-engaging portion of the bottom surface exposes • at least • poaioo of the heel region, of the Ulq)er wall that defines, st leasl io part, a tnmcemd cone. peripht'ral po_om of the plate b¢in 8 reatrained fi_m 150, T'm sboe .of claim 122, wherein the Pedi_henl 4o movement relative to an inter_ poe.i_o of the plate in portions of the flem'ble plate _re rcslraioed from movemenr • _ subs_nthdly perp_ltcubr to • m,jot relative to the interior portion along at least It subst_tia.l of the _hoe so that the in•odor portion of the plate in poaiou of me per/_ i,ort/6n_ • capable of being deflected reh6ve to the peripheral 151.. The _of claim 12.2.. wlz_ein the peripheral po_ibm int dixeotion sabstanfially l_q_ndk:alar to the portimm of the flexible plate are restrained from mo,_emont 45 . m_of axis of the shoe; •4'el•tire to the _r poflino at a point along •.medial side' m opening in the bottom surface o[ the.teat'sole and al a.point aloa 8 a literal side of rig shoe. beneath the inter/or port/oeof the phm _ expose the The shoe of c/din. 122, whereio • fonmud fa_ng interior portion of the .plate fxom ontslde of the sbon; porfioQ and .a rearward facing .portion of the pedpher_ po¢fioos of the flex_le plate are restrained f_m movement 50 reh_v¢ tO the int_rk_ po_doa•. • an a_Ch bridge integral with the plate, the asch bridge exteoding from • position proem=re • _ pordou L_3. The shoe of claim 122, wherein the periphenl po_ of the 'flem'ble plate are restrained fJum movemem of the plate, forward beneath at least • portion of the _c_,ive to the interior _ both *t • point along • medltl uch _on of the ulVer, the ur.h bridge htvlng • side and at a point along • lateral side _ the shoe and •long 5s bottom muface that is at _ in part vis_le flora Outside of theshoe.. '.a fotwa_l facing portion and •_m'd fxciog portio n of the peripheral poaiom of _e Ik,-'ble plate. 163. Toe shoe of chim 162, further including _,t letU one • 154. The shoe of claim 122, the peripheral. wall prO:fimate at le_ t portionof the peripheral portions portioos of the fle:6ble plateatere_rainedfrom movement of the plate, the •t least cue wall being integral with the plate rclative to the inter'_r portion both along at leasl • portion _o and extcndlng in • downwardly d/reckon _/he plate,.the of • medial side and at le.._ a portion of • lateral s_deof the downw_a_[ly eXtending Wall contac_ng at least • portion of shoe and on at least a portion of a forward facing portion and ihe rear sole, at least s portion of the downwaldly extending at kest a po_on o_ • _ f_ciag portion O[ the wall bei_8 visible from o_ck of the shoe, peripheralpordo_,s of the flexible plate. I_5. The shoe of claim 122, wherei n at lctm one of the Peripheral po_us of the piste being n_rained from movemerit/_ along the upper surface of the plate aad at least one . 164. The shoe of claim 163, further including •t lea_ one wall proximate st _ • portion of the peripheral portions of theplate, the at Ic.ast one wail heing integral withtheplate and extending in an upwardly direction from the plate, at A 0137 US 6,604,300 : 28 27 least • port•on'of the upwardlyextcnding from outside of the shoe.. • J meet t_lat_e lo the interior pordon are at a poiut thing a medial side and at • point along a lateral side of the shoe. wall being visible . ' 165. Tbe shoe of clahn 162, f_thex including at least one wall pin-mate at least a poftioe of the peripheral ix_tintm of the ph, te, the at le.a_ one wall being intesral with the plate and extem_ in an upwardly dixection from the plate, at least a port:ion of the upwazdly extendilzg wall being yim'ble from outside of the shoe. 166: The shoe of chim 162, wherein a _ portion i W2 182. jpor_oo 5 portiocs relative 183. The shoe of claim !62, wherein a fot_lat'd facing an& a rcarw*ud flci_ pea•no of the pet_t_end of the flexible plate are restraine d movement to the' interior po_oe. The shoe of clmm 162, wherein the peripheral of the flora'bit plate are restrained fmmlmovemeot relative to the interior I_'tinn beth at • point along • media/ s/de lind • lateral side of the shoe a_l.a_on8 a f_rward fa_ por_oe and • rearward facing _ of the per/i_e_ p<wtinoof.the flexible plate. 184. The shoe of claim 162, wherein the peripheral lu3rtinne o f the flem'ble plate are restndned hem movenknt relative to _he interior porti_ both Idoug at l_tst • Fo_oo of • med_d side tnd a lateral ,_de of the shoe and oe at least • portionof • forward facin_portionand • rearwardfacing port/oeof the peripheral portionOf theflex_k plate. 185.The shoe of claim 162. whereinat_leas_ one of Ibe peripheral portione'of the plate boin 8 restnined horn mov emeat is along the upper surface of the plate aod at le_ one of the peripheral potions of the plate being restrained from movement is aloog the _ower s_ of the plate. . 186. The shoe of claim 185, wherein the pedpberal _ ar_ both toward the front of the shne. 187..The shoe of claim 185, whet'ein the peripheral of the boUom surface of _ arch .bridge is visible fz_m 10 outside of the shoe. 167. The shoe of claim 162, wherein the boUom sur_tce •of the arch bridge is vim'hie on '• line _ to. a m•jor axis of the shoe •czess • widlh 0f the trch bridge, 168. The. shoe of claim 162, whe_rein the arch bridge has iS proximateat least one of • medial side of the shoe and a side of the shoe at least one wall integral whh the arch bridge aod extending _z ari epward]y cSmctino. 169. The khoe of claim 168, where•f3 at bast a port•nil of 2o : the upwardly extending wall of the arch bridge is cetmectnd to the a_h region of the upper. 170. TI_ shoe of claim 168, wherein at least a portion of the _y extending wall of the arch bridge is visible from outside of the shoe. 171. The shoe of dtlm 170, wherein Ibe arch bridge has 2_ .pin'mate at least one of-a medial _ of the shoe and • lateral slde of the ethoeat le•st one wall'intcgrel whh the am..b potl_m are both t6ward the back of the shoe. bridge and cxtendlng in • dow_ dL,ection, at _ • 188. The shoe of claLm 185, wherein the pexil_rtl port,on• axe both on the lateral side of•be shoe.. : portion of the downwardly extending wall of the arch bridge 3o 189: The shoe of claim 185, where;-the p_ beiag visible from oul_de of the shoe. 172. _ sbo_ of chim 162, wherein the arch br/dg¢ has po_oe._ are both on the medial side of the shoe. 190. The shoe of claim 185, wherein the peripheral proximate at least oue of • medial _le of •be shoe and • latend side of _e r,hne at kam one wall integetl with tbo arck portioos of ibe upper and lower proximate oo¢ •neth_ bridge and extending in • dow_ direction, at _ • 19L rl_¢ aJ_e of claim 190, wherein the capable of being portion c_the downwanfly extendln8 wall of the arch bridge 35 being vim'hie from out_ck of the shoe. deflected .t.terior pct'_oo is located between the peripheral 173. The shoe of claim 168, fitrther/ndud/ng at least one porticos of the.up_: and lower md_:es aud • point beneath • central port/o_ of the heel regine of the upper. wall pm]fimate at leau • l_'fioe of the pertpber_ portions " of the plate, •be at lea.'= one wall being integral with the plate _92:A _ _mp_. and exteodin 8 in an. upwa.Jly dire_ino _n the plate. • 4o an upper having • heel region; 174. The shoe of claim 173, v_erei0 the upwardly extend• rear sole secured below the heelregion of the upper; and ing wall of the arch bridge is adjacent the upwardly extend. • flex_le plate having upper and lower surfaces and ing wall of the plate. supl ._o.rted betw_:en at leas_ • pOrl/oe of the rear sole and .175. The shoe of claim 173, _ the upwtrdly exteadat l,eest a portionof the heel regioo of the 'upper;, ing wtll of the arch bridge is integral with the upwardly 45 ••t le..asl a portion of the peripheryof the plate beiog _xtendi_ wall of thc _ • n_slrainnd from movemenl in It sulztam:itlly vertical 176_ The shoe of claim 175, wherein at least •.portion of direction mhtive to an interin_r ponioo so that the the opwardly extendio 8 waLl of the arch bridge and at least interior portion of the pl-te is capable of being • lc_rtion of the upwardly extendin 8 wall of the plate are deflected relative to at least a portion of the restrained vis_le from outside of the shoe. so periphery in a vet'tical _ and 177. The shoe of _ 1_2, wbercin f, rtber o_mpt'ising at least tee s_lewtl] above •t least a pogtioo of the boUom surfacc-0f the rear sole, the at least one sidewall having at kast one hole theretln'oush located on at kast ooe of a lateral side, a medial side, and a rear of the shoe. 55 178. Tbe shoe of cLtlth 177, _ the at least one hole inchdes at least.two holes, at least ooe of the at-least two boles being on the medial side of the _ and st least one of the at kant two holes being ou the late_ side of the shoe. 179• The shoe of clahn 162, wherein • sol,dan•hiportion of.the peripheral poi'tions of.the FI,-xible plate are restrained from movement relative to the interior potlion of the flem'ble plate. 180. The shoe of claim 162, wherein the flex/bl¢ plate has sebstanti_y its ee_'e peripheral portion re,a/ned. 181. The shoe of claim 162. wherein the peripheral pordoos of the flem'ble plate be/rig restrained from move- supportingsu'neture1o_ pmx_te _ phte havingat least one wall extending in • d6wn_u'd dit' st least partially define • recess, •t lea_ • portion of the rear sole secured in the _ of•be supp,:n_g structoxe. 193. The shoe of claim 192, wherein the interior porSon .of the plate is positioned over a void: 194. The shoe of clahn I_3, wherein at lea_ oneportina of a cross s_'tion of the plate parallel to the major axis of the shoe defines • carve in • direction generally from t front of the shoe to • hack of the shoe. 195. The shoe of claim 194, wherein the plate has an upper surface with at letr_ two convex portions, at least a portion of •be upper surface being coneave, the concave potion of the upper _rface beh_8 located between the two convex portions of the uR_r surf•ce A 0138 • I + i ..... : ........ i US 6,604300 •t , • • '30' 29 J B2 196. The sh0c 'of claim igs, whereln the l_OO of the • c_qJable of being delk.cted relative to the peripherld ,,,perlphery of the plate bei_ .resutiU_'fwm movemeot ' poflions in a direclino substantially pet'pendiou]ar to the ' majo_ exis of the shoe; at leaat a portion of at lem one relative to the interim, portion includes at at least two spaced apart points'doag t medlalside of the shoe md _t at kast cmss.sectlon of the plate defin_ a calve, the tmerior two spaced apart points •tong a htend side of the aboe, the' portion of theplate be_ pos_oned over a void, and interior portion of Ihe plate bein 8 located above • point thc lower so_acu of the plate being at _ in pa_ between the at least two points along the medial side of the • " vm_ole from ou_de of the shoe, the plate he_og at aho_a_l _ at _ two points along the latetil side of the least one opeaingtherein, the at lcm one.opening shoe and beoeath the approximate center of the users heel:. • having a center located beneath the approzimato center . 197. The shoe of eJa/m 196, whereio upon the deflection 10 of the reef's bee]; and of the interior portion of the plate, the at least two points • sidewgl that inchdes midsola ma_ri_d located bene.ah along Ihe medial Side of the sboe and.the at .least two poims the plate, the sidewall having an exterior sudace that is along the lateral side of the rime are displaceable in a at least in pad vi._'ble horn o_ the'abne and an _a substanlinUy parallel to the gro_d. inter/er amrface that at kast pat_dly.deflnea the void, •198.Tee _ of claim 196, wherein the upper has,- ar_ is the sidewal/further having at leas1 oee 0pooing the_region, and funhercompd_g an arch bridge integral with through on at leas_ one of a lateral side of the shoe, • the plate, the arch bridgee.xteoding Born • po_tiooproximed_ side of the shoe, and d rein" of•he aboe. mate • fnrward porto of the plate, forward beneath at least 205. _ shoe of claim 204, wherein eae at least _e a portion of the _ region of the ul_, the m'ch bridge upeai_g in the sidewsil ison-both a medial s/de of the shoe herin8 a bottom.sorface that is at lea••'in pm.vislble fxom 2o and a isteral sideof theshne. ' ' . , outside of the shoe. 206. The shoe of claim 204. wtiereiathe at" leastone , 199.Theshoeof chim19S,furmerc0mp_ at opening in the sidewall is on boll• • medial _Se of.the shoe one sidew_ above at least a portion of the bottom surfa_ •.. and • laterat side of the six/e, and on a rear of the sboe. of the rear _ole, the st least one sidewsil having at leist one 207. The shae of claim 204, wherein the void in vis/ble al . bole thervthrough k)cated oo at oft lateral side, a •cast in put f_<_n outside the sbo,= tht.ough the _t lem one medisl side, and a rear of the shoe. openiag _a the sidewag 200. The shoe of claim 199, fmtl_r comprising at least .20& The sboe of claim 204, wherein the lowex me'face of one wall pr0]dmate at least a p0r_oo of the periphery of the the plate is visible at least in pm't fJom oe.lside the shoe plate and extending in tt least one of an upwardly 6h'eclion through the at leasl one oponing in the _le'wa]L and a dowuwardly d/rec_n from the plate, the at least one 3o 209. The Shoe of dsim 204, wherein the-interiorsmface w,n being tntesral _th the plate. • of the sidewall is visible at leaat in pea fxom outslde the shoe 201. The shoe of claim 200, .wherein at o_e portion- ' lhm_h the tt leas_ one in the sldewa]L of the periphery of the plate bein 8 req_l,lned fxom move. 210. The shoe of claim 204, wherein the at learn one men• is along the upper am'face 9 f the plate and at lce._ one non-planar portion has a ma_dmum linear dimension le_ other poaion of the periphery of the plate l_eing restrained 3s than the greatest widXh of the bottom re•face along a line fxom movement is ttoug the lower sur_c_ of the plate. perp_diculat- to a major axisof the_oe. 202.The shoe of claim 201. wherein the po_dous of the " 21L The sboe bf claim 204,' _in the bolXom sofface periphery of the Upper and lower'mtrfaces being restrained includes an on•sole mater/al that I_ ground engaging, the rear from movement are proximate oae another, sole idduding midmle material above:the ontsole mate_k 203. The shoe of claim 202, where ,he capable of being 4o at least a portion of the midsole material above the at least deflected interior portion i_ located betwceo the pmlinus of one oon-plansr portion being thinner than the mldsole the periphery of the upper and lower surfaces bein 8 materislabovetbeatleastonesUl:manl_dlypisoa/poRionof _tralned am1 a point beueath a central portion of the hce| the bottom surface of _ae rear sole. resinn of the upper. 212: The shoe of claim 204, wherein the plato has multiple " 204. A dine comprising: . 4s elongated cut.out portions Uaefcfln'mxgh. " ' an uppe r herin8 a heelregioa; 213.The shoe of claim 212,where;the elongaled reX-one • mar sole sooued below th= heel region and having • portions are oriented axouod the (:enter Of the openiaS. "rearward port, on, the mar sole 0.trther ha;,'in8 a bottom 214:The shoe ofchlm 223.where'mthael6asuled cut-ore surfam at iem a portion of which is ground cugaglog, pot'6ons ere evenly _aced arouod the ceo_r of the 0peolng. the grmmd-cogaging portion of the botm,,'P, su.-_ce so 215. Tue shoe of claim 214, wherein the elongated cat-out including at _ oae mlmV,Jmtlatly planar portion and •t por_c_s have • lens_h and ere odemed m'olmd the center of the upenin 8 such that the length is in • direclion away from • _ one portion non-planar _ _ at kasl one substantially planar potion, the et least om non-plan• tile center of the opening and towaxd the periphery of the portionberg poP,ned pro_-,atea perimeter of the plate. :. bottouasurfaceand _ upwardly in a directmn Ss 216. The shoe of claim 215,.wherein • mid-io0gimdtnal toward the perimeter of the bottom, surface from axis along the length of the ©long•ted _ trio•bet po_on of ',l_.botthm m+tlflce, the at k+m,tone 0m)esh the •pproz_matecente_ of.the opeaing. oco-planar portion h•v_ag an outer edge minc_deut 21"/. The shoe of claim 204, where_n • portion of the with the perimeter of "the bottom muface and being inter•or porfio,_ of the plate is thinner than a portion of the located proximate the.rearward port/on of the rear sole; _o p_ph_at portions of the plate. 21B. The shoe ofchfm 216, wherein the el_gated cut-out a flexible plate having upper and lower s_taces and positio_l between at least a portion of the rear sole • end at lem a poainn of the heel region of the upper, percher•) portions of theplate beiag re_doed from. movement/elative tn an interior portion of the plate in _ • direction _y petpendic/dar to • major asis of the shoe so that the interior portion of the plate is A 0139 portions are spaced around the oenter of the opening in a slar-l.i_£e pattern. . 219. The _6e of claim 216, wherein the plate has six elongated cut..oul portions around the cen_ of the up,ruing, the cut-out portions being oriemed.aroundthe mater of the opeulng ia _degrec increments. t . " " us 6, ,3oom 31 ..-_-.. i ( '32 :220. The shoe of claim 204, wherein the at least oec open.lag in tl_ plate is at.lea_ i_ partvir_ le from out,de, the .7.3L-Th_ shoe of claim 7,04, wherein the peri#end •porous of the.flexible plate are re.Mrainedf_um movement n:lat/ve to the intedor imrtion both at • point a.loog• medial 221. The shoe of Claim 204. whe_in the no,planar side and at a point aloug a bt_rd side of the ahoe aud atong potion of _ grouad,-eugagm $ pocdooOf the'"_forwa.,d fa"c_ portion and • rearwud faclng portionof the face of the rear sole includes an interior edge, the imerlor peripheral po_oes of the flexible plate. edge being located t_o_ae *- ope3ieg iu the ground232. The sh_ of clafin 204, wherein the. pe_heral cngagin8 portion of the Ix_tom mu'f.a_. ' I_ of.the fle:u_bl¢plate are re..,,strained f_mmovement "/o_ The shoe of claim 221, wherein the inter e_se/s _o relative to the'interior portion both aloug at _ a po/tice at lets_ in part curved. . , . of a medial'_ide andallea_a _n ofalatertl s_le _ the 223, T_ s_ o_ _aim Z2L _i_ _ i_u_r edge is at leastln part am-shaped., • .dhoeand on atka..q.aponloa of • fi_ward faclug po_ou aud • 224. The shoe of claim '221, wherein the interi_ edge at teas_ a' portion of a rearward facin8 portion of the peripheralpo_ioos of the flexible plate. defines at te_ a p_'ou of, circle. • •22.S. The stme of claim 221, wherein the ol_ning is _s 233. The shoc of claim 204, wherein tt k_ one of the substa,tially _ shape. .. peripbe_alpordc_s of the plate bein8 resUaiw.,d from move• 226. The shoe of claim 221, wherein the rearsole has an meritis along the uppe_surface of the plate and at least one fixte.ciorsidew,dl,adjacent andexteadiag upwardly_r_ the of the pcr/pheral por_ons of_e plate being rcstrhinedf_m . intent .edge of the non-phnar poutioo of the ground- movem_n! is along the lower surface of the plate. engaging portion of the bottom surface. • z0" 234. The shoe of chim 233, whereia the perlphenl 227- The shoe of claim 221, w_ein the intedor edge pot_n.s an: both toward the f_ontof tbc _hoe. defines a thickness of a layer of au outsole material, the 235. The "shoe of claim 233, wh_n:/u the pe.,_phend outmle layer having an upper _ and a lower surface, pof6.0n.s are bothtowardthe back of the shoe. the upper mda,_ couttc/ing t_:,thcr por6on of the re_ sole 236. The shoe. of claim 233, wherein the .peripheral and.the lower _-face comprising at letst a potion of the 25 portions an_both on the lateral side of the shoe. botlom, surface of the _ sole. • • 237..Theshoe of claim 233_ wherein the pe_pheral 225. The shoe of claim 221_,wherein the op_in 8 in the por_oas _ both on the medial _de of the shoe. g_o_nd-eagaging portion of the bottom surface _ a 238. The shoe of claim 233, wherein the pet_ral .wallthat dlcflnca, at least in part, a t_ncatcd cone. arc.ix'o_mnate one 229. The shoe of claim 204, wherein the peripheral 30 portioes of the upper and lower su_.s another. portions of theflcx/bJe pl_e are re_rth_ from movemem 239. The shoe.of ¢lahn 238, wherein the capableof bein8 re/aX/veto the interiorportion at a pointa]ooga _ s/de defleaed intra'iorportiga b located between the ped#aeral and a/a point along A hteraJ side of the shoe. ponies of the upper md lower surf_:e,srod.apoiht_.ee_th • 230. The shoe of claim 204, where/_'a forwan:l fic/n 8 potion and • rearward facing portioe of the peripheral 35 • c_U_l poaion of the heel regioo of the upper. portio_mof the flem'ble plate are re,.qralnedflora movemem relative totl_interior port/on. . A 0140 '_ . inmmm.nnIBwmu ... •' o2) United States Patent (xo) Patent Meschan .. (s4) Avm:znc suoE wrm _e_ROV_ nm_ ' FOREIGN CI-I DiE DiE DE .. (753 lnveator. David F. Me,elms. Oreemboro.NC (us) •- " DE (*) _0_cc: _ imem _ o,, coe_,ee No.: US (4_3Date of Patent: . STRUCIRIRE • . USO_247H32 FR p_- OB GB OB OB 013 GB ..,-p ,-p . JP -_ application filed under 37 CFR i.53(d_.tnd is mbjed to the twenty year patent U:rm pmvlsiom of 35 U.S.C. xs4{,X2_ Sub)e_ to any disdtimer, the it:,. of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 . U_.C_ _4(b) bY 0 _ . 6,662,471 B2 *Dec. 16, 2003 I_ATF, NTDO_ .434029 648339 693 _4 947_4 2 L_4.931 2742 138 533972 " 2_728 63342 •.83342 • 229 _4. 1540926 2 144024 62-41601 62-20(}904 5-1_5 "OTHER 10/1967 7/]937 • 7/1940 -? 5/1973 3/1979 3/]922 11/1909 2/191..1 2/1911 3/1924 2/1979 2/1985 10/1987 12/1987 5/1993 -. '.... :. PUBUCATIONS AppL No.: 091419,64I F.ton_cSp_g - .... (,'_) Oct. 18, 1999 (65). Prier Peblkatien us 2muo'xe_ _,_,. -. • • .. ... ..(s) '- -i" .. ($1)" (-_) (S8) F..q_n D_Jarl_m of.. krry D. Stubblefie_d"dated 2OO2. AVIA 1989 Cattlog ex_rpL AVIA Fell1991 Fomw_ar C_ _ 7oo_ Coatmuation of q_pU_fiou No. 09/149,142, filed on _ 8, 19_.. now _ No. 5,.970,628, _ _* • c:outlmutic* o! tpplkatiou No. 08_1, _ied 9u OcL 12, L995,uew PaL N6. s,eoe,2xo. Int. CI, 7 ..... .L- .... U3. CI..:.--._.-:L..=__ Field of Search _ ......... A431_ 13/28 36/27; 36/28; 36/35 R ' 36/42, 39, 36 R, .36/36 A, 27, 31, 35 R, 15, 37, 69, 41_ 36C, 34 R, 275R, 100, 107, 103, 105, 38 (se) ..Rde_D¢_ _ - . 48,682A 7rims lhywud _ • 221.592A • tlA_9 _eSal. 3.S1_m2A - 2/1887 Buch .................... (I_ i_ my2 Hoopu comlaeed 36/38 JuL 30,... . PrU_ryE_r--Ted K*v_egh (74)Attorney, Agent, orJ_m----M_m& Perram,LLP (sO _,vre_cr A ehoe includes a w._r sok SupPcxt for receivin8 * replaceable rear sole to provide longex wear..The shoe may also hu:hute * flex_le plate suppoaed by the rear so_'suppOrl betweeo the heel and flu: mar sole m _ nfidsole comprcu_ioo,rid provideu_ditiou_d_ PATENT DOCVU , rS 4as_t3 A (1986)< Data . .... 1996"rmotwcau-catelogue." Mizuno Sport Shoe Catalog A mouatio8 member _re_ the _u role m the rear sole _rt, tad a member prcvcm.s rotation of the War sole _lat_ to d_ mu sok _upp_ dur_ use. Tt_ n;plm:eable rear sole. and _ flcxa)l¢ plate alk_ the sho_ to be _ m di_reat desired performtnce cbar_erist_ depeeding upon Oz intended activity -rid _n'_do or playing_. on next p_8c.) 32 Claims, A 0141 29 Drawing Slieets .. .., ,.. :.... .... .. us 662,471B2 .. Ptge 2. ........ u.s. pm-'_T DO_ " 652,887 A 674,636 A •7/m_ A •81B_I 9_0.458 1.046.815 A A A 7/1_ BaU_fleld " 5/1901 ' s/igor..Fnu_ 1#16,$05 I,,318,2,r7 A A .9/1919 10/1919 O'Neill _ " _6Z2S" ...__.._-.:. K A A A A 1/1921 _1921 21/1922 12/1922 12/1922 .1,444#77 A A 6/1923 t.4w,?'rj A . _924 1.501.765 1,516.384 A A Sdhum Amtz et aL Hum' R,_Inum Redm_ .. Frtt_4t K,ama_ _A 2,OO3,646A 2,078,311 A .VIg'JS_sumo_ 6/L_S De 4/193"/ Bo_ 2,119,807 2,148.,974 6/1938 Fm'/ey 2/1.939 2.208,7,60A ' 7/19_ H_y_. 2,2_,168 6/1942 Ltu .... 2.447.(g]3 2.491.280 A A 2.540,449 •" 2,.%_6.$42 2,607,134 _B,439 2,'707,34] ,2,74.5,197 A A A A A A S/]_8 Bi=r " Snyder " Ro@ _/194_ 12/1949 2/1951 6t195_ 8/1952 2/19';3 ' .5/195.5 ' 5/1956 4,2s_gm A ,i,320,Sm A 9n98t _rm_ _taL 3/1982So_o4m_. A 4/t 982 12/1982 ___ _Zg_ A 4.3_,6_ A 4;,,W9_o A " : 4,414,"/63 •,_. 4,429,474 4,45S.765 4,4S5,766 .... .- ' _ A :. A f_lg_ 6/i.°84 lhd_ms ]2_. 4,510,9oo 4,._0,,I'T3 ...'m._e5 7//_ A A .4,$41;I_ A 4,.._(,,.s_; A 4,_0,510 .A 4,561,1942;. A 9/1985 1o/1_8s 11/198:5 " 12/198_ 7rigs6 4,(_,'_ A 9/'J_d_ 4,610,100 4J_2.764 ¢,_8,Y'/_ 4,_917 4,6_0,8'_ A .A ' A A A ... 4,895,300 4,r/8,__o A A tQ'19m 11/1_1_ 9/1957 Rakm McKinley D'l.hba_ A A A A A A A. A ^ A A _ .. 9/1986 R_des 11/1.98_ lk_' 1/198"7 I]hn_m _J_g_7 . U_ur 7/1987 Pcag 7n9_ ' 4/1963. JL _ . _tubb Jc6cid Oeeda _ al_ '" A ^ 3,/_7,2_ A Brow_ . _ky, 4_,4_ 4_ 4/1963 4/1963 .. m_dy. 36/'38 9t19_6 McAulL_e A A . ":." ".. Bt_9_ Sdmdl '1,271,885A 3,(]83,478 •3,0_,359 "•: .SO._4 r_.b_d_ld 4.,_.,_4 A 4_34,_24 A ..: '-_ Sprees l_k- 2./I.984 9/]965 _W966 M¢.Kia_ 9/_961 /._ 3/1965 " |I/19_3 3,_8,163A 3,2_,32] A A 2,.998,66]^ A ' _ A 4.4,m,3mA " Kmaf_m_ G_mo_r L_/F_ Roc_Hn Romamo Holt _6,302 3,1"/1,218 'Bmm 7_J983..l._c 7tl_ Stig_ 4,?09,_ 4,712,3i4 4,741,114 4,7_,_3 4,7_6,095 4.?'M,I09: 4,77_7|7. 4.78S,557 4_t ,.soo 4.8x5,22_ 4,843237 3J69.327.A .. 2/1'_5 _oml_ Diaz-Ca.m 4/1981 Fr_ce_tm_ .. .S/_gBI..B_m_ 4,391,048 - .5/1945 l_tom 2,446,627A 7/1980 9/I_0 . Otis 12/192,50dumaldl " _ Hock .................. A " 7/1_ .A 6/19"31 l'dArctIle 2,374,954 A 1/1978 4,263,728 A' 4,267,650 A ' 4,_ ^ 4,YnD.rz A . 6t19"_ Robidoux A Kollbm. ct a... . Vr.9"_ _ .7/1978 4,_141384 A 4,224,749 A 4,363,177 A A A A 4,3"22,895 A Vaa Mclle 7/192,1 11/19"24 t,.s42J74 A 1,611.024 I_.04_'A • 1/'/21,714 •' 1,811,641 " 2ttg_ 1,45_'7 4,067,I_. .. 8/I_'7 •4.2_8.4_0A " 3/1981 Famoh._Jr 4_6_.434 A _1981 Mkbd_ " " ' 1.346,841 A . 7/19_) _ 1,366,601 1,371.339 1,410s064 1,4_19,757 i,439,758 ^ 4,m_oH A 4,.t_,06_ A 4/1906 4/191! ScEoU 12}1912 Lave_ l,o6_r:J_ A s/tgt3..]r.a_ 1,_S,_28 A • 2n914 _ t,n2_ A 1on914 _y 4DO,0_8 17,/1987 Wei_ 12/1987 .f_/'9_t _ul_k_dd _/1988 7/19_ Ltk_ "10f1988 - 10/1988 11/1988 3/1989 3/1_89 D_z 7/1989 .. •- _o_. ... Noom 3,432_._ 3,4.55,038 3,478,_ 3,514,899 3,._6,489 A A A A A 3/1969 IMIc_nbon ,., *L 7/1969 Kauba _/1969 O0eed 6/1990 Fmttalloa¢ 3/1971 Mod_ 3,646.49"/ 3.664,041 3,7_,894 "4,78_.010 3_04,099 3,928,881 A A A A. A. A 2/1992 $/1972 12/1973 1/1974 4/19'74 12/1975 4,8"_.8_ ^ 4,881,329 A 4,887,367 A Onhlde Fmtaltoee Fta_a_a_ Fra/mllon_ Hall Be,ue A 0142 4.9"79.319 4.995,173 $.0_,._0 5,014,449 RE33,648 A A .A A E 5,o_7_1_0 A K_zz. xl/1989 Gmlam et _L 1_ C_vky 12/'19_ 2_991 sptu 4/1991 5/1991 7/1991 10/1991 Diez ,_ aL Rlcha_ el aL Brown " I_.Ty et aL ,, . . • • .:. . - .. . ... . .-. • . '. • • US 6,662,471 ,.:, , .... B2 J .. • ,., .. ,,,.. • • ..-.: , .. . , . 5,070,629 5,m3,_S A A $_66r.Y74 A 5,ot2,oeo A ,, 5,1"/9,_] A SJSS.943 A 5.191,727 A SJ_7,206. A s,224,2w A • $.2._._ i A $.3m.&s6 ^. $,325,611 A ' 5.343.639 A S.9'_,523 A $.367,792 A .,-' .. . • 12/1991 1/1992 .... 2/1992 _2 1/1993 .2/1993 T_ e .L ' _/1993 Bray _., .. 3/_93 W_991 io/1993 To_ _ aL. 6/1994 eol_ et ,,L 7/1994 Dyer md. 9/1994 Kilgo_ _ nL. 10/1994]_i]_m_ 11/1994Richard a s/. " s_1,e_sA I/LO_"Q_rh .'5,40_ ^ 4/1995 Omh_ _ -k $,42S;184 A 6/I_$ • Lydea et aL S.435,0W A • "//1995 _ ...... ._..' ..... 36/38 - S,4e9,638 A 11/1995C_w'lord. Ill $,._8,S42 A 6/Ig96 P,k_c/d.I . .' •10/L9_ MeuSe e/,,L $.615.497 A 4/m_ I_da. .. :_D98 Bm_ 5,'r22J86 A • $.S06.2]0 A • 9/1998 Meacha= ........ 36/36R 5,829J72 ^ 11/1998 ][Car,_m Dechration ............... OTm_ of'Ttkaya _CA_O_ Kimert (Civil Action.F'de No. I:00 .. CV 0077S). .Miza=o 1_5 SI_= Shoe c,udo_¢x_q_ts. (MIT._ 0"m'_-.02_ X). _z=uo ],_ seo,= Sho¢ =u_og _x_q_,s. (M_'e... o_a_,-oz._ .... .Mizuno'1987 Athletic Footwear catalog excerpts r.oon_ " ,._udog (MIZ]P"" . 0_38-02546). Mizuno 1988 Atbl,_ O254?--O2549). Mi=m _99_ Au_p 02SU_2SS6). M/zaao 0mz 199"2 Rua-mrd _tao_ excerpts(M/Z_ ez=q_ (M',ZJP ALl Lim-2Up. catalog :.¢X=rlaS Mi_ao199_ ..AU.-gim-_ ozsc,o-oz_4). . _mlog _s Runner's Wodd"1989 Spring Shoe .Survey 135893-MIZ 135902). 4. _ of _ soldintheUnited States_ filing date of the above--_ferenccd application. - 0vngJP (MIZ tothe •"cited by exam/net . ... .., .- A 0143 .. • -. . ... U S 6,662,471 A0144 , • . • B2 • .- U.S. Patent . .-. . Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet .... 2 of 29 - US 6,662,471 B2 ! , "' ' .' . . . ." - .. 42 _. . '_',_ .. .. . ". 80 ' ,,-_ •" ' " • : ,,66 i I .i_'_ • • ('. 76 " " " ' 72 " " :" " 60 . • .-. 68 . I FIG. 2 A 0145 : " • . . . . . . U.S. Patent • . . . " Dec.16,_.003 ... • . Sheet3 or29 ... US 6,662,471 B2 .. ..... A 0146 .. :' .,.. .... ., ...- .'. "-.. .. ._. ,. U.S. Patent ... Dec.16,Z003 . Sheet4 of 29 .- • .. .-.. :us 6,_z,47,B2 ..... . .. ... -., ... . X A 0147 ... '.. • .'. • De_i6,2003 U.S. Patent • .. • •-.... '. . . . . Sheet$ of29 US 6,662,471 ' .. . .. .-. ".. .. •'• - • ... . . . . . .. .. • ... .. '. .. .... A 0148 . B2 .... .. i. U_S. Patent i'.v Sheet ••6•of 29 Dec. 16, 2003 .'. US _6,662,47i.B2 . : / / ! f II II II II II I I II I.. II. II I / i II // //: L/ .. / / I" .:: A 0149 .. • U.S. Patent Dec. 16,2003 !. . . . . . shea • 7 of 29 • . .. US 6,662,471 ... -_. .. • ! .. • A 0150 _". B2 U.S. Patent "'" . ve_ 16,2003 SheetS Or29 US 6,662,47! B2 - ._ . " O tO • A 0151 - ""'" , .. . .. .. . U.S. Patent . . . • .. ne_ 16,2003 • Sheet '... !. f 48 FIG. 9 A 0152• . "... x .' . us 6,662,47! BZ 9 of29 . - 52 ." • . .- . • "... ! .. . . . ... .- i 52 FIG. IOA A 0153 . . . ,. . ._" . .... .. • • . .. .'. • . U.S. Patent Dec. 16,2003 " Sheet ll of 29 '_ . : :52 A0154 . • US 6;662,471B2 \ FIG. lOB . " .. "" . i." . • .' US' 6,662,471 52 FIG. 10C A 0155 . • ]132 . • - . • . • ..... Sheet 13 of 29 • us 6,662,471 B2 ..- . . . ... ...' ..'... i .. _l_l_ A 0156 . . • . • U.S. Patent .. • . -. • " " . " Dec. l_, 2003 Sheet , ..... i4 of 29 '. - US : 1 . 6,662,471 B2 . • L .'- i •. A 0157 ". . . • .. .. .. .. . .... ,... • .. .. . U.S. Patent .. - ,, • Dec_ 16, 2003 ... Sheet .... - .... " . " 't- '.. . .... ..-.. .... i • 03 A 0158 15 0f29 . u s 6,662,47_B2 . U.S. Patent • .i" Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet • , 16 •of 29 , , ... ..,.. . f -. . • ¢M O3 "or O0. A 0159 • . . . . . . i: Sheet 17 of:29 .... •, . . US 6,662,,471 . . ..'_'." • ..-..... • • . ... • . . . .. .. cQ lit • • . . .... _. .. _'.". . • .- i • : . ...... _ .. • " • .' .-.. I A 0160 . ... B2 • U.S. Patent -.." ' "..'" Sheet Dec. 16, _0tD 18 of 29 ... US • 6,662,471 B2 . .. .' • 280 . • FIG. • : '. 16.4 282 280' FIG. 16B A 0161 . . • . . • _ "." • . U.S. Patent -_/ "... Sheet Dec. 16, 2003 • • _ ". I I " i60 1 I I FIG. 17 A 0162 . . . . Li9 2 .. " '. US 6,66.2,471 B2 19 of29. ' _ . u.S. • ...'. '. . Patent i" Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 20 of 29 • . us 6,662,471 m ." . • . "b" . ///' .. A 0163 " . . . • . . . ' • _. ". .. . U.S. . . Patent Dec. 16,2003 i 190 L_ . • . " -. . "" "194 FIG. 19..4. 190 . ". ".. FIG. 19B A 0164 ". ." . ....-" ::us gc_47i Bz Sheet 21. of29. ... • . U.S. Patent Sheet 22 of 29 US'6,662,471 B2 i ! ! .. :" . .. | | :. -I ! I . _260 I .'| ! [ " . I I t _0%! F/G. . 20 A 0165 j,oo "" . ... U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 Sheet 23of 29 US '6,662,47I B2 :0 " ' ' • " " " " ' 0 "i" i ' "' "" _aoz 314 FIG. 21 A 0166 .. • • .' .... ...' ." . . .. U.S. Patent Dec. 16, 2003 " . . us_2147x B2 Sheet 2A of 29 • .. A 0167 " ._.-.. . .. .'. : :: U.S. Patent D_. Sheet 16, 2003 US 6,662,471 B2 25 of 29 ,.,. { • . • • • .,' ,. . 316 .. ,, FIG, 23A " / 316_ " 318--_ f FIG. 23B ,\ FIG. 23C A 0168 FIG. 24 A 0169 . . . . U.S. Patent .. • ... ./ ....-. . Sheet 27 0f29 ..... ? .. . Od 0 ¢..0 oo ""l" 0 tO i !! !10 A 0170 US 6,662,471 B2 U.S. Patent Sheet 28 of 29 26 36 ...... 6O0 ) 60 : .. •" , , -.. " "!, '_ FIG. 26 A 0171 S 28 . • . "., U.S. Patent • ." • ve_ 16,zoo3 .., _eet 29 o1"29 " . f 602 608 • . . : FIG. 27A - ,.'. •. _ 600 • 6o4.. _',", B_ ,- ". ",i'" :. :. US 6,662,471 • . . • , , • .606 ' . • /600 -.' _08 FIG. 27B A 0172 . / : . . . ".. .. US 6,662,471 • A_C • B2 : ,_, in pmic_, i Sn6_ Wmt . . . : . . ' 2 • _t nm'ROVEB _ t_ _.ty _t _ ms STR_RE .requh_,ments from thet_st of the dgg sole which der/ve in submantisl put frem its rate of dexedorktion. • . . . : Other cksig_ which are Ininclptlly di_ed to sboe.s Th_ is a coutinuttiQn of.tppl/cat/_ Scr. No. 09/1.49,142, heel _ ouesole(e,g._ dress shoes), ' filed Sep. 8, 1998 now U.S. Pat. No. 5,9'70,638 which-is a 5 having a re,hg_ely _ disc!me, rear sole_ that are. detac_ble *nd which can be continuation of Pat.No. 5.806.210Scr. No. (08_12._I, Iolated whcn• portion of the _ sole becomes worn. Such . filed Oct. 12, 1995_ all of which am incmporated be_in by du_ans, however, have never ctuaht on in-th= _tphce reference. : .. . because it is simply too easy'and relatively _ tOBACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1o bare the ooth'c l_el on such footwearreplm:edat • _mu-. me_islshoe _psk shop. •1. Field of the Invention • .' . . . . •The pre_ut invention relate_ generally to melti-p_ athletic shoes and, moo: parlk'uhdy, to •thletic M3oes with interchangeable/detachable:rear sole= that provide exteigled • rid more vet:tat[In life and heater pcrformaace in terms of cushioning and spring. -2. Dbcu,=ion of theRelated Art shoes for varimm _. One reason'is thatthe soft. " _._ilioot materials utifizcd in atl_c_c shoe roles m*ke it )5 _y di/_cuh to devise t mm:hanlmn, f_rdeta_ably securing heel. ekments toeachother withoUl adverscly affec_ng the cusbinning and Other dmked pcpen_ of tlx shoe. On the other hand. utilization of b,rd .materials in • thle_c shoes tends to increme weight and _ _omfor_ _ 20 and perfarmence. For ©xtmple, U.S. PaL No. i,439,'/_8 to Rcdm_B di_ •of cxer_u_ typically include • laminated SOle •u•chcd to • sob and pliable.uppec The sole usually includes an abrasion" close_ ,i delacheble.retr DIe that is scouted to a heel of the. aboe with a cgnter e_ew that pet_tt_ttes the boltom of the resistant, nd_ber outsole •ttacbed to • ot_hioolng midsole rear sole and wh/ch is sc_wnd into the boaom of the hecl of usually made o[ pol3Atrothtn_ ethylene vinylacetate (EVA), thc sbo_ Such • des/gn canno4 be used i_ ath/c_ Mines or • mbher Compound. • because .the ceu_ ac_ew would detrimentally affeot the. One of .tlgprlnc_al pcoblems associMed with •thletlc. oosMoning propen_ of the n:m2knt mlds_ aad ma_ shoes is_ toboth llgoutsole tnd midsole. Auscr ttt_ly possibly I_ _med intotheheeJoftlguserwhoo the_k has .•choiceof _mnlng orpleyins surfaces, and upbalt and is compre_.d during use. Furdzm_Ore, • center_rew ebcs • other abresive surfacestake a ttengadoos toll on the outsole, pmbkm is exacerbalnd by the factthat, with the 3e litl_ fori_ripher'al adherence of the sole lo'the.sho_ heel in •lhe case of tgallicnt m•texinls. " " ' ' cax:eption of the tennis •hoe, the m_ pronounced out_31e Another tmhm in _ •tlilet/c shoe ind_.'yisthat,while wet• f_r•'•, on numing sho_ in puticuler,' occurs ooshionmg has received.a lot of attention, spring, has principally in two p|ace_: the outer igfiphet3, of the he_l and _cceived very little, despite the fact that me_erinls like the bidl of the foot, wlth heel wear _ by far, • m_4rc graphite and vulous forms of gr*phite coml_ peese_ • acute pro6lem hecaur_ oftlg great.force placed on the heel 3.5 the pmpc_ chtractcr_ics for spring esthanc_nool withooi during the: gilt cycle. In fact, the heel typically wears out t_ming.w_i_bt. One rc_n may be thc'peacclv_ ten. much.fa_er than the n:st of the •!biotic shoe,thusrequidng deucy of graph_le or grapbi_c compomtc to crack.undcr replacement of the _ shoe ewn though the _ of the s_res&.Yet another rea_n may be the _ cost assosboc is still in satisfaclory condition. • yet another rct_oti may be that " Midsoleweer, on the other hsod. resolts net from atnasive. _ ciatcd with tmch m_dal_, the t_:m_ vuiMion _n body w_ •nd spring p_eferforcc_ I_t from _.ated mmpre_sion of the resilient mateence of would--be u._m makes it commep_dly unfcas_le m rial formingthemidsoledecto the l_rge force e_erted c_ it maaa-marki:t athletic • shoes 'with graphite spring• .during uf,c. thereby cau_tg/t to lose its c_lhioning eff_L ' enhancement, given the countless options lhat would have tn Mid_ole compres_oo is _ the worm in the heel area, 4s be offered with each _ _. Sitge heel wrlng i_ ••ripely ptrtioJledy the outer periphery of the heel dina:tly above the il_ it_ without saying that tpring opti0rug are omsole wear spot .and the area d/xcctly under the USer's " non-ezistenL ctlcane_ of heel bone. Also tl_nt from the marketplaoe are truly.mulfi-pui'pose • .D_lltc hi_c_ prices •nd increased spccinlizatiou, " athlctic shock. Notwithstamllng a few "ran-walk.," "actablehas yci _ be_l wear pr_lems in aa effective way. To run," and all-nourt models, ._ unmistakabk commcmial date, there is n_. in the art to •ddresa the. combined uend appem m be increasedspecializa_u, with no apparproblems of mkhok ca3mpre_oo and outsole weer in em _ awat'cue_ of the facl that the use and function " • thktlc shoe_ and th4ute problems remain espe_ally _vere . of an athletic shoe can be changed dramat/ca_y.if it is simply in the beci arca of such ahoc& given intemhangeable rear soles. Similarly, no athlet_ shoe are known that specify the _placemem of the ss msnuf_rhas yet to Offer vuy_8 heel cushioning firmoodre on•sole of• shoe. Examples imdude those di_losccl in ness in e_h shoe size, desphe the facl thal cgmemer .b_ly U..S. PkL No•. 4345,693, 4,377,042 and 4,267,6.50. "lTIgae weighl for _tch shoe size spans a huge spectrum. While • concepts are impreclk_ fm most •ppllcatinnf_ however, few ma_ufactun:_ offer width optinm in Shoe _ varying especially athletic ._3oez, for several reasons. Fimt, tW,hi firmness of cuckooing in a sinalc model or sboc s_zc is adhereucc between thc sole and the shoe is difficult to ea nouex_c'm in _bc ma_tplace. achieve, ptr_cul*dy around the pcdp_ry of the sole. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Second, replacement of the entire sole is uunec_sary b_sed The presem invention is dirtied to a shoe that substanupon typical wear patterns in alldctic _. ']'bi/d, replacing A/hlel_c'f_boe6, sudl as tho_ de._ncd f¢_"131noln8, baske_ball.cmss_ainlng, hiking, walking, and ottzr farms . • . .. to cati_ role is or would be more expcm_vc than replecing tially obvlatez one or more of the needs or probkms due to. simpJy the worn ekmeut& a factor which bcomlx3unded if _5 limflatJo_ and dbndvantaSes of the relatedart. a repho:able, full-length sole for every men's and women's Additional feat_es •rid advantages of the invention will shoc size is to bc produced. Finally, it would appear thai the be set forth in the description which follows, and i.n partwill A 0173 -.. .. us 6 2,471B2 . .'..' ,3 be apparent from the _ or may be learned by " 'FIG. 17 is an exploded perspective _ of mo_er practice of the inv_ "The obje_ and other advaw e_od6_nent of the h¢¢1 _ of thel_ment/nvemion. • .. . . •ages of the/nventioo will be rea]L_ and at_ by the HG. 18 is a p•n_ve view of.-mourning member for system perticulady pointml0stinthewriuendescript.ino end _¢ heelsLmcmreshown" inFIG.17. claims,as wen U theq_cnded d_awings.' " " .s FIGS. |gA and 19B _ per_pec_ve viev_ of a Io¢_g To _e these and _ advantagesand in=cordsoce memberfm the heel s_cture showu in FIG. 17. with lh¢purposeof tbeiuveml0_ u embodied and broadly FIO. _ is _o exploded _W.ni_e view of .mother deurexd beaei.,, theshoe indudeaao upper baviog a heel eml_d/mem of thebed structure of thepcesem invention. • reginnaod rearsolesupportattached totheheelregionofthe 30 FIG. 21 is •o exploded penq)eefiveview of another upper.The tearsole supp(xlincludes• base,a _st wall • •mbodlmem of thebe¢latraem_ of thein• invention. extupdin8downwardly from.'the bane and having • 6m FIG. 22 is ,;p¢_. view of s_eral of the heel groove,and a second downv_Hy extendingwallopposite components Shown in FIG. 21. "' the first wall and havin8 a _ groove ftcin8the lust . groove.A rearsoleisdetachshlysecut_lto the rearsole FIGS. 23A-C are top, side, and •bottom views, support with • monn6_g member attached to the rear sole 3S respectively, of outsok sq_m•nta fix the be,el atrm_re " sbow. inHG. 21, : and incind/ng at least one rim for ensagi_ Ibe fin;I ind second grooves. A locking member en_ageslhe rear sole u is ,o of" suppgr! and ¢me of the rear •ok and mount/rig member to embndimetu of the heelstmctere Of thepreset inve.ndoo. preveot rotutioo of the rear _ re]at/re Io the rear role FIG: 7.5 is • pempec_ive vkw of too/bar embed•men• of . support during use. h is to be undemmod that both the • rearsok foruse with the_shoe'of theIxeseotinven6oo.- .. foregoing general dean ,ridthe fonowing detailed FIG. 26 is an explcxtedperspective_ of anther description are exe,lapla_ _ expltnattwy only lind'•re _ot 'reau_t/ve of the invemiou, as dr/mad. _:mbodimetu of •heel stolcm_of the pt_ent inve_. . The aocompanyin 8 drawings,which a_ iaceq)orated in . FIGS.27Aand27B are _le and from viev_ n:spe_vely, and cmn.slhulc • part o_thisspec/ficat/on, ilhtatrate e_bodi..._ of.a wafer for use in the heel atl,nctule shown in FIG. 26. .me_ of _= i.,_,eo.._ to_v.e_witht_ de_p_ D_,cm_no_,oF Tim •• s_ve m explain thc principles of the inveo_on. ' BRIEF DESCRIPTION [ EMBOD_II_r_ DKAWINGS Reference w_ oow be made in de,a0 Io the pt_enl" " preferred embodiments of the iow.:nt_oo,cnmpks of whlch are ill._ted in the _0m0any/ng dr•win•sWh_cvcr" pms/bk, abe same refea_ncedmmcu,rswillbeused througho_t tbe drawings to refer to abe same or like parts. " . su'ucmre for the shoe shown/a HG. I. •FIG. 1 /llns_es an embodiment of the sh6e 'ofthe FIG. 3 is a pempective v/ew of a rear sole support for the ss p_e.or m_ _ s_e, _ San_'_ly as 20, is he=i sm_ct,_e shown in FIG. 2. • as athleilc shoe _tly de_g0ed fornmulns, wn_ng, " " " " FIG. 4 is a _n: vkw _ the undersideof the bask••bait, I_ and other fonnS of exercise. -tear suk support shown in FIG. 3. ,_.sshovm in FIG. 1, shoe 20 ;.,-Indes an uppor 22, wb_cb : FIG. 5 is a per_vc view of,anorber embodiment of the 4o isthalportionoflbcshoe thatonverstbeuppeaporllonofd_e.. . stu_ of th= pre_ot inveellon. u_er's fool The upp_ may be made.of leafier, a symheuc FIG. 6 is a pempe.clive view of ,; rear sole soppon for the matsrlal, or any combination of met•rials .wellknown inthe d_oc slx_w_ in FIG. $. art. A forwatel sole 24 is attsched to the forefoot r_:giou of the FIG. 7 is • pempec_n:.v/ew •how'in 8 the undemld¢ of the HG. 1 is a l_mpecdve of the lmmeot invemion. .o OF THE View of curieembodimem bed mrucmre 4s upper. The fonva_l .sole is .a lightweight muctm¢ that • pmvidea cushioning*ome forefoot _*,_ _y an shras/on..res/stum.rubbev _tsok lain/rated to a softe_', the undem/de of the .. elmomeric midsok layei.. The fm_wani sole is attad_ to the upper in a _,'eofioual maoner, typically by injection rear sole support shoWn in FIG. 6. .FIG. 8 is • side view of a rear sol= for _ shown in FIG. 2. " FIG. 9 is a perspectiv_ view showing rear sole shown in FIG. 8. of a shoe _. moldinib s6tcblng or_gluing.: • " • FIGS, 10A-C are bottom views showh_g alternative .In some conventional _ the forward sok (simply gronnd--_._ging surf_ea for the rear sole shown in FIG. 8. re farted to in the industw ea a "r,a_e") would extend flora abe FIG. 11 is a sick view of a too.sting membe_ for the heel forcfc_ region to the rear .edge of the. be¢l. In other struc_re sbown in FIG. 2. conventional models,portionsoftheoutsolesud/ormidsole FIG. 12 is a pere_ve view of• lockingmember for Ibe ss ue reduo:d ne.eVan_na*cd in oett_m _m*stre_ area& soch a_ . bnel mmcture showo in FIG. 2. th¢ arch.area,to reduce welsh•. However,"in a radical FIG: 13 is a perspec_ view showing _e ol_p_z _k from _onvonSonel shoes,theshoe of _bc present of the locking member shown is FIG. 12. " invention incorporates a heel mructu_ _'_ling a de/•oh• FIGS. ]4A--C are top, perspe_ive, end s/de views, able rear •ok, O_at significantly al.kviatea hecl wear probrespectively, of a flem'ble plate for Ihe heci structure shown eo len_ associated with conventional soles and provides in FIG. 2. ¢.hanced cttshioning and/orspling. FIGS. 15A-C are top, pers_ct_ve_ and s_e views, An cmbodimeet of the heel s(ruc_re k shown in FIGS. I respec/ively, of ano_er embed/mere of a flexfole plate for and 2 and includes s rear •ok _pport 26 attached to the heel in abe heal s_mcture shown in FIG. 2. regionof the upper 22, a rear sok 28 detschably secured to FIGS. 16A and 16B arc lop and side views, reapecdvely, of another ¢mbod/mem of the flemble plat• for use in the heel smw_re shov_ in FIG. 2. the rear sok support 26, a mounfingmemb= 60 for detach. ably securing the rear sole 28 totherear sole _port 26, and Ioc)dn 8 membe:s A 0174 90 for preVeo6ng mr•don of tb¢ rear sole P '.. -5 .. :... ".. 28 relative to the lear sok support 26 dur_ usc. Io addillm; . /zcludes.a mbuantiagy ovalor.¢llip_.aDy-shape.d base30, with mmes_aat _attened, medial and fatal s/des,bavi_ a f_p Emrfac¢ that is attached to the upper by stitching, glu_. m other coev_m/onal mea_ The shape of such btse _ not l/m/led, and could be circular, polygonal, or any _,Miafioo of the foregoing. A fze_ wall 32 extends downwardly from a . from edge of lbe base 30, and a rear wan:38 cxxends dowmvudly from a _*r edge of the btm: 30: Toged_ •.' from and rear walls define a recess that,, as later .receives means for deutchably scour/rig the rear sole to the Js : rearsole.supporL" .. Tue ftmm wal_ 32 includes t lip 34 tuxned towm'd the recess, with lip 34and ihe feces5 side of wall 32 deflnin8 _m atc..thaped.froet groove. The.rear walI3S includes a lip 40 turned toward the _ess, _h lip 40 and the recem s_k of 2o •wail38 deemle8 m arc.ehatxdreargroove otherwi_ mbstami_IIyidenlical to .andfacingthefxonlgroove.Thefxotn. .-aod rear 8move.s have the same radi_s of cm_atum and toged_ my mtitute arcs of a common ifimk. At k,st . one, and pref_rtbly both, of the f_oul and t_ar gtuovcs 25 dls_c_,e.d in PIG. 4 (sod all drawinss that dis_k_: h-on! and. reu g_ves), define,.chcubr arcth*tis le.ss0_an180".As .. .. . shown in dlpf s_b draw/n_, bolh of suCh c/rcxdar an_ also may sat=umt/_y _rave_ the rear sole support 26 from its lateral to its medbd Side. The front aud _ _ may tho be M_ Iodefine ar_ of a _mmmou .ch'cle havln 8 • diameter gn:ater than the width of lira rear mk suppo_l 26 or moent/ng member 60 or reef sole 28 or cvea the beel regioe of theupper 22. The fret tnd mar walb may be'flush with the outeredge of bare 30 and arespaced from each o11_ _e the medial tnd lalenl side_ of Ihe ber,e by a di_tnce X, as _own _n FIG. 4, wh;eh may be sightly _'eater than the.wldth of the _ar sole suppon 26 or meun6ng member 60 _ _et_ r_le 28. . .....6 l/onaJ metlmds. Tbe arch br/d_ the heel structme may include a flex3"bl©pkte 80 f0¢ pro. _ v_ qn'/ng to the heel'of the user and redu_n8 _ . _used by midsole campreudon_ As sbowu in FIGS. 3 and 4, tbc teat'sole support 26 s ., ,. .. US 6,662,471B2 " " .. ... : . " 46. also may be composed of the Mine.material M lhe rear sa_e mq_part or a mo_e .flex_Ic materialandmaybemadelntegndwiththere_rs_c _. Such'0ne_iece _zsmzction-of the at_ch bridge. together with the rear sole.mppmt solves a mj0r problem, and tha.t is.the teu_ucy of ad ',thktic she¢ ofomventioua] **full body" ax_ _nstruc_on m _Ld or twisl at the juncm_ of lhe luud rear.eale _ and the redllem forwardink. It tim t_leees, the w_igl_t of the shoe b_ _ o_. mat would uormally oocupy me ar_ are.,ao_ me.sao¢ The rear s_l¢ stqpporl, hecl counter, imd alch b_idse nee d be mtde of _ solid material. Holes _ spao= mty be _cated, at tbe tlme.of man_. thmesbo_ the.suucmre tO decrea._,weight without dimiuish_ mngtb. As an _e to'd_ |_b bridge 46.-tl_teat'sole support26 h_allof tbeembodimenls maY includeuppcr wd lower horizootal wilts144 and 145,*sehowe inFIGS. 5--7, extendi_ 8 fzom, and pr_embly integrated _ _ wall 32.In'rids embodiment,Ibeforwtrdsole 24 ezte_ into I1_ ,rch _egtonand b umdwidsed between u_e_ m_! b_r wa_ 144 tnd 14_._ aphm fJ_mtw_ 'w. It. may theu be funi_ _ by. gh_ As a further alternative, the retr port/on of the fro,wahl sole may s,h_ply extend tO the rear role SUplx _ wilboul.uppcr aud .Iow_" warts.144 mkl 145, andbe _Juedm thefrom_tU 32.A_eUlvety, merc_ sete sepp_ 26 could have oae wall h_ eilher 144 or 145 cxtendin8 f_m and preferably _ntcgr*le.d with it, but neX .both walls; or pores, rods, or othe_ memberrb submantially 3o par_dlel to tl_ ground, couM be substituted fm walh and may extend fa0m and be imegraled with f_ont wan 32 into or tloe8 the surface of the midmk Orou_ole matedeJ in"the _orw_rd soM mid flgu r,cCm_ by ghsh_ Otbcr m_m amy be empk_n:d-as an tltemative to the trch bridge 46; An. 35 advautage to combiutng the m*r _k suPl_'t'whh wa_ 144 • and/¢r 145. or climlnati_ both ofai_ _ .egt_y, add all om_. ,d,-madves to the in_graZarc_ bdd_, is Oz_ o_ions, u_te d_eimegrd _ bridge,penn/tmuufac_ • of only 0nc rear ko]cSUplmn-mxhable for eilhcrthe]eft or _m i-ightsh6e, lbusde_manufac_ingc_ts. . .. The' rear sok support also has a central opcniag.36 The heel suuctme shown in FIG. 2 also iachules, rear directly below the heel reSion of the URPea. This cenlml .u3k 28 detzchably secured to the mar role _ As Whichmay be cix_ular,oval, or vlrmth'yany shown in FIGS. S and 9; rear role 7.8 may. incJude a. poly_mal shape., tllows tl_ heel of theuserm be c_thioncd 8rouud-engaShx8 o_taole 48 hminated'.m t _ 50, •by the reu sob: amw.b_ tothe n_arsole suppoa _ by the _s wh/ch may be mo_e res/llem than the outmle, w/th.both the • :x_le plale 80, i_t_Kl of _ finnmaterial _ompri_ the •ou_ok and mldsole being more _e.nt than the _ sole •.rear sole support.. Z_rl. Th_ outr,c_ wh_ may be composed of a nlbber. The *_ar.sok support may I_ composed of hardplasdc, • compound , prov/dcs Jbras[ou ,resistance *and some such ss •dumblc pla._c mauufactm'ed unde_ the name cusblou_8, vdu']c the midsole, which my be composed of PEBA.X'm; graph/re, a graphite composite, or ether male_l_al .so• more t'cm'J_em,:elz_omcricmaterialsuch as polymelba_, havin 8 suffi_cet rigidity and strength to securely enga_ the ethylene v/nyl _tc (EVA),_ s_ (made by ILl. rear talc allaching mechant_ (discussed below), lujecd0n DuPont de Ncmoum & Co.), os"olbcr matedab v_g known mok_z8 o_ otl_ couveatloea|techniqtcsmay be used to i_ _ m, p,-immy wovi0es,=shioutng m._ b=t_ form_ w, arsole rapport. 'TI_ retr sole mppotl 26 may al_ i_iude a heel amnter _ 44, as showu in FIG. 3,. for providing bterti stabilizadoe to user's becL TIz¢ heel oou_ter _uds upwazd_y horn edge of the base M in • contoured fashion aad is preferably made of the same material as, _ integral with, the mar role support through lajccdoa molding of othcr ceavcadooal eo • tcchnkpcs.. .. As r,howu in FIGS. 1-4, an arch bddse.46 my geaerally exxend from the base 30 o[ Ihe rear sole support to the forward sole for m_ppo_n 8 the arch region of the fool, The mob bridge 46 is an optional fetlum composed of a firm, I/_t mater_tL _ arch br/dge 46 is I|tacbe.d tO th_ upper 22 and forward sok 24 by gluin 8 or other _nVen- be,el str_e. Op;iooally, the nmr sole meld be eemprised of *_ homogenous mat edal,'_ any nmzzber'of layem or combinadon_ of materials, including * malerlal o_mp_ ak eu_pmhttng _b¢.s d_sciee_ 'f_ examp_, in U.S; Pat.' No. $,00_,300. The out_lc 48 may be idanex_ nowplao_. Preferably, _e cmr_le, pardculady cm rennin 8 shoe model_, includes one or more tapcrcd or bevekdscgmeuts _., as rdmwn in FIG. 8, Which wben located at the mar ot"lhe.shoe w_soflee ,x_l/or_ heel..mdkedudug _heg_ cyck. The beveled segments _2 may be located at the front _ rearportions of the mar sole, ts shown in FIG. 10A, idisbtly offr,et from tb e flout and rear port/ms, as shown in FIGS, 10B and 10C_., or at an,/other locat/on, dependingon Ibc pncferuuce of the A 0175 . • :. '. . . • ' • • . .. . ,,_ As • ". 7 " in . . •., , B2 , _mewhat flaumedmed_]andister*/sides, " 8 Bs_: layer 62 may be cufircly clitoral • ' horn themomat- ' i_ m_mb__0mow, i. m_. a. _,wh_ =_ m_p_ of th_ top mu:fac_ of rear sok 28 presto= tightly q_dm_ lips 34 .rid 40.of Ib_ rcar.sok _ wl_ cogag_d: . S To p_m the .rc_ sole from roUd_S r_ldfive to.tl_ with its leith idon8 I!_ major axis of the shoe .(wren am, clzd m _ _ sok support and _,dy _" us_) b_g . greater than its lateral width. As a rcmxlt, the rear sole has a greater Smuud-cnpging mu_*cc thauff it wen: drcular or cquilatcnlly, polygonal. S.uch../sic_cased gmund;.engaging ]o surface pruvicks greater mabi]/_, pan/cululy if multiple or " large beveled sogments are used. However, the ShallOf the rear sole 28 ma x also be circular, polygonal, or otbcrwir, c. Rear sole 28 may or may not feature a bole in ice center as Shown in FIG. 9, md preferably should not exit if flexible .zs plst_80 (liner_ " ". shown in PIG. 9,'rcar s0le 28 is elUpticalorovzl ' _,.w_h ... i " user or soy heel s_la: cr wear pattern. The tg,velcd re:Smears " 52 may also bc ,d/gncd ob a '_" ordc_ bsMs m deal with pardcul_ pronatioo or sup/mid0a charac_dmics of the ' " !. . US 6,662,471 '. is not.usa1. sok mppoaoucecUg,gcdwire c,c_ 0tb_, loddug _. 90 lock the mounting member to the rear role supporl al the appmpdatc orkntati6n. As shown in FIGS. X2"md 13, locking member 90 iocludes i base 92"wilh a'substtnlinny plauu innersur_ce 94 md ,_ omcrsurfa_ 96 eonto,red acceding to the sid_ of the rctr sole support when tttiched thereto.Apdr OfL-shq_t arms98 cxtcudfromtheb_ 92 (/_. crably gram ils top, e.g., kom the extcaml s_fac_ of the heel counter) *nd eugage oppoacd openings 42 (FIG.'2) in the rear sole support to pivotally attach tbc locking mcmbcr 90 Io Ihc _r sok suppo_ opeoin_ 42 may also b_ formed in the heel r_ion of thc uppec Wh_ a.ad_d to .the rear . P,car sole 28 is dclachab]y secured Io the rcu sole support 26 with a mounting n_mbcr 60. As shown in FIGS. 2 and' sole. sumxxt, tlg locking mcmbem.occu_, the.spaces, 11, mourning n_mbcr 60 has abss_ layer 62 tlmt is .aff_x_ 0roving a leogth X as showu in PIG. 4) bctweed rig hont and to the top'surfac_ of tbc F,ar sole 28 with adl_sivc or otl_r 2o rear walk of the mar mk supp_% is :shown in FIG. L' " cooventional mcam that wfd uot degrade the cushioning/ _nure_ 100"are fom=cd in the base 92 for receiving the' " spring inopcnics of the rcar sole. There is an engaging lair pmmminm68 of mountingmember60.Tl_.apertUre_ have 64 abow:' base layer62 and notchleycr 74A. Lateral sides a small opcuiug a_jac_ _ _,thcu expand in diameter esob ccmain promminm 68 with bulbous ends. Front and within the b*s_to a Imqgcr oi_ u_u" suffac_ 96 tO.. rear cods 70 of the eagag/n 8 li,yer'_4 .include ctxcul_r .._ _i:cmmoda,.. (be bulbous ends bf ibc proW_/_ns. 6& As a . arc-d_pat rims 72 hsv/ng sub_mfially the same radius of _sult. th_ p_U'usin_'soap'_imo m_ _ 1_0,o lock -. cus'vam_._ the .front and rc_r gmov_ of the mar sole. the locid_ membe_ in lX_t_on. In addido_ p_ " •support and cugagc the _oat and rear grooves of _c rear 102 extcnd inwmt_ from oppo_te ends of tnsc 92.aud sole msppoe.. To a--c_ _ i_ s_ to t_ reu_1_ support,the_r _0'cngagc nmchcs 74 in the mount.rag member between the from andrc*r ends and tht l_mmd sidc_ (FIOS. 2 and _) *o sole, with tbc mounting momber 60 attached (and, prevent _tio,v Of _ rear _ole wbcn thc Iockh_ a_mbcr_ . _y, with a flcxiblc plate 80..discusaed ]IMer, supam in the pos/fi_n shown in FIG. L " po_AI cmtbc mounting member 60), i_,positioocd relative to As mo_ in FIG.2.mounting incmb_ _0 _ slots . the mr sok support so that the. from aud rear _ of tbc 76 for mqqxw_ a flc]n'blc plate 80 between the scar sole mounting'm_mbcr are rotaxcd in a c/xcular manner no more 35 .and _ heel poirtioo of the u]p_ m._tl_i'a portloO of plate' thau _o'at 9&, about •xis Y h'om their positlons Mmwn in 80 is exposed thr_gh ccotr_ opening 36. The flext_ble plate, " FIG. 2. "rbc mounting mcmbcg is c_tc_cd ix:tw_cn the front whichmay be mackof agraphite compos_ ortuber and mar grooves, then in-eased agaiuu the bottom.of the base 30 sod ro4atcd less than 180 °, and generally ao mo_c tban butflcx_le, matcrisl, n:d.cesbccl-o=_ midsolecompre_' siooaud providessprinStotbcusec The flcxlble plate is, of '. court, miffcr thaa tl_ matedah uaed f_ the omsok or midsole; but mu_ be md_icnfly flex_le m as to no_ dcuimcntally affect cushlooing of the user'ehccLAgraphhe . or _raphiwJfil_rglm compos/tc, indud_g carbon m-carboo •bout90* (dockwise or cc_ntc&t0ck'v_c),so matdins 72 4o •/ul/yeng*gc _c b_mt and rear groovesof the rca_'_le support defined by lips 34 m_l 40 seen in FIG. 4. When the rea_ porlinn of the _r sole becom_ worn. the rear sole c,n . be totaled in.a c_cuhu" manacr. 180" so thai thc woru rc4r portiouuow faces towml the hourof rig slmcmuloccupies 4s sod graphitefibccswoven in m acrylic _ resin bssc,such , tn area somewhat fcovard of the caksoe_ where little or no v._-/ghtoftheuser isapplkd. Wbcathe rotated_ as. _ C_, poninn. mauufaclurcd by Biemechsoin_ CadiZ, may be used. _es.Co. of As d_owu in FIGS. 14A-C, flcx_le pl_ 80 includ_ of the rear sole also becomes _ the rear sole may be dclacbcd and cxchsogod w/lh tl_'.rear sole .of the shoe, sinc_ front and rear edges 82 and 84 that an: supported by slots 76 wc,r p_-,-ms of le_ *sxlrightheels arc typlc_y opposite, so (u:eFIG.2)in themountingmember.TIg fle:u'bleplateamy have • mthsumfially souvex .uppc_ sudace that upwardly betWCea the hont and rcu edges to an .apex 86, which is pn:ferably located bclow tbc cak=ncus of the _r. _d ri_t sh_. when tbc rear sole is k_ to the rcei" dole mpporL An The mouting mcmba 60 maybe madeof iny a.mbcrof apcmsrc 88 may be pmvlded *t the apex 8_t0 inacase bard, lightwci_t matcrlals that l_'Qvldc snffidem sUeng_h s$ spring.. aud risidity to firmly engage t_ rear sole supp_ and .The plate may also be fl*, or amcave_ and racy'tin suppoa the flex_le plate 80 if used. Examples o_ such substantially hour gltss-rdmped, as d_own in.FIGS. 14A.--C, matcri,tg inclu&: hard plastic; PERAX_; HYTREL TM in or H-shaped, as is the plafc 180 shown in. FIGS. 1-qA--C. its ba_d format; .graphite; and grSlpbitc, gr*phitc/flbcqllz _ aud libcrglam ._tes. Hsvdnc_ of th_ mounting mcm- 60 Other shapes arc also c_atcmpl, long as su_ shapes provide spring mad reduce mldsole compression of therear bcr amy in fact be cspec_ly important if flcx_Ic plate 80 is sole. For cxample, FIGS. I&A' and B show ano_r hour usod, bee*use the per_hertl edges of such plate need to gless-shspcd flcxibic plate 280 with disc_, upper and Wess against a finn foundatinu ff the cgn_ral portion of such lower sections 282 and 284. plate is to pmpcdy deflect uuder tbc weight of tbc u_er's fool and impm spring to _ user's gait cyck. In any event, the 65 When the flexible ldate is used, tl_ rear sole may be devoid _ material in im center, as shown in FIG..2, to reduce mounting pk_: material is generally sliffcr than tbc maw.rials used for tbc rear sole m/dsolc and outsole. the weight of the rctr sole. If the.cc0ter is devoid of material. l_bc rear sole may Mso bc discankd .one with orwitbomanyn_u and replaced with a new _ exchange betweenleft A 0176 " . .. . _ "., • . _. . i ". . .' . " . US 66 ,471 i". B2 .. '- prevent thereim ." nmimU_ . _ debris . : . " 10 flanged edge, composed ofplaslk of other suitable material may be imerted imo the void and a_ to the waIla of ibe from 'entering or collecting •Apexs6 is k)(=t_ is FIGS.14c u_ _c., _tly.m me .. -. . 9 void. by tempt•mien _l or otherwise,to seal the v_d and " • b d.UOmay - • . . =.q u removabk from abe support, ti shown in FIG. 17, or permanently secured .to the _ role support b)', "for' exampte, ¢ndo_8 one of me.grooves128 ,t_ 0Z el_ti¢ the4rcln. Also, the .band :may be. S band has been ime_ed pusbed or rolled Upward above grooves 128 on 0_e nutr sole suppe_ prim to'detaching _ men,re tl_ rear of the center of the meieraxis of plate 80, so as to be simply rolled _ to t_turn to an iut-smove.positlon bllowing remadxmem.As t furtheropen. the clinic band ix_oned mo_dinc0y benokth the center of the cakaneus. re.permanently attached s_rap flttdd Thus, it will be necessary to remove and rotate I_te 80 by so may be a remevable 180 on an axin the major ax_ 0f the IdJo¢ . the gmovus and havi_oppmln8 ends that may. be latched toBathar_ a bell or _el boo(.llu:_ wh¢0 the _ear sole is intern.d, in order m keep the apex positioned .di_dybeaeath ' the uslcancu_Howev_r, plate 80 • As a f)mberatterm_ve(mr shown), * U-drapede0enec- " : may be formed with the apex in my pc'._tinn to suit a useds mr ha3'ing opp_tc ends permanently _ toou¢ end of p_f_. It may eve_ be placed b the exael center of plate I S bmbInok_ members 90 may be remov_ly _ pummently. secu_ to de: euter _mrfa_ 0f eithea the f_t o_ tusr wall : 80 m ts to obviate the need for plate rotation When the rear sole is rotated. of the rear sole support/as a substitute f_r the symeni involving tiinges 98 on locking member* 90. The elaS_ FIcx_Ic plate 80 provides sprangto the user'sgab cycle " in the folknvlng manner. Dur!n 8 heel strike in the'gait cyck, band and other alternatives to the IMesed Ioddng member abe u_s beel_ a downwa_ forc_ against the plate. 2o can be ased in all of the embodimenefof the invention. "Since ibe peripherai edge.s bf the plate ate firmly mpporw.d I(.a flex'_k plain is not deslmd, the embodiment M_wu in by the m_unting member, the interior po_iem of the plate " FIG. 20 maybe us_l to supply mo_ eonve'nikmai 'midsok . de_ecta _ly relative to the peripbend edges. As the cushloning, ld tiffs embodime_ the mounting membe r 260 force is lemem_ (wlth the u_"s w¢igt_ belng transferred to is ,he meumi_d8 member 60 M_ewa in -FIG. 2 the other foot) the defleXted portion of the plate,, due to its 25 except that the I:mse lay_ 62 and slots 76 _ eUm/usted. It ¢hu_c chartcteri_tius, _| _tum to its original shape, _ao_Id again be noted that the ba_e lair 62 is an optiomd " therebypmvid_anupwardeqpring _reg to the u_g's heel f_atm_ in M.I of th¢.mo_ah_g .mambo" embodimenm. In Such. _ effec_ will also occur whenever a fmce is place of the retr sele 28 showu in FiG.2,arearmle200has . otherwise ap#kd t O and then removed from the bem'ble tn abgtsion-t'_isUmt ouVmle 2(12 laminated to • midaok 30 layer 204; On top of this ".m_nole layer 2t4 arc two additioud midmle hyer_ 206 lad 208._ layer bdag smaller TI_ removabx3ity of the eexibk pl._e allows *beus_ of alum the htye_ _ which it reals, with midsole layer 7._ severaldiffe_ rj_.s of ikxmle plates of varyingmtffnoss sized to fit witl_ the central opgning 36 in. the _ear. sole. or camped'doe,q'uus,fl•m'blaplate deslgm ted character- support 26. Midsok layent 20_ ted 2_1 may comt_'i_ two plate (e.g., jumping off one foot, or jump/n 8 from both feet stmummec,_), '.. : htlm canbe _dapted_rdin8 : tb theweightof 0g eser, the 3s separatepieces limdnatedtog•thenor a Mngt9piece molded or otherwisesl_q_edto bay• two R#o,_ *s "ab/lity of the uaer, abe type of _ereise or u_ involved, or the amount of _pdng the heel of the t/_:. Remov- In thls en_xlimenl, the monoting member 260 Is adheri_d by sluing of other means to abe top of the mldso/c layer" 204 detedo_tioe occur, • ceaorm in the case of vkmtlly any ,to such that it sanmmds.and abuts _galnm the Mdes st midsolc truly apdng*enhan_ plate material. layer 204g. ]1 maybe further secme.dtothe_ of midsole Tbe becl mrnoture embodiment shown in FIG. 2 is but 0on layer 206 by gluing or othei mature. The man_.r of a_ of many emtmdimeut_ _utempltted by the premmt invertthe re,r mk m_d mounting uicmbet to _ rest sek rapport •. tion_ While _rther cmbodimeuu_ are dlsctmm:d below, addi. is identica! to that des•re'bed with respect lo the cinb6di®nem tioual embodimcnts are possible and within the scope of the 4s r,hewn iu FIG. 2. In add;tion, the _p midsola lay_ 208 may, • in_ntinn. Unless otherwise noted, the ram•turn, material bul need no_ be, made circular to fac_taie roodion or tu_ composition, and chanctedutm of dte h¢¢1 mmlxmeata rear sole whe0 the midsok layer 206 is inmu:d into the • slmwe inFIGS. 1 _ 2 apply m all of the embodimems. •eared opening 36. Altem_vely, d_, layer may be f_'om layer 206 and planed in open/rig 36 w/th the shoe in an One mda embodiment is shown in FIGS. 17-19B. In tl_ embodimem, rear sok support 126 is sub_mhally ideodcal so inverted.pcf,idou.This maymake installationusdev ff layer 2m is ov, i in m,_, l_"opening 36. It eJ_o permits to rear sole support 26 shown in FIG. 2 except that i_ has horizontal grooves 128 on the exterior surfaces of each" Of _eplKemem' of layer 208_ rJ_tld its cushioning pmpertka d¢_rinre_ at a faster rate tht- the real of the _ sole. Of the _y extending walls and no boles 42. The mounting member 160 sbown in FIG. 17 is also identical to ceon_ this step w_ukl be accomplished bet*0re enMgemem lear sole supporl 26, which .. mounting member 60 shown in FIG. 2 except that protru- _ of mounting member 260 _ timm 168 do not have bulbous •ads, sim_sdy, could be accom#isbed wtu_ the _ is in mi inverted _ in ruder tbetlayer _ does not fall out or l.ock/ng members 190 d/ffer from those _ in FIG. 2 ab/I/ty also perm/ts easy replacement of the plate should. dislodge duringimamatinn. in fiat the h/nges are eliminated. Instead, the exledor It _ be noted that lay•re 284,206, m_d 2_ mt.ybe tm'fac_ of each of the _ng mcmbem 190 have a horimaterisht, includ_ without zomai groove 192 that aligns with the exterim groovea 128 eo made of daft•gem _ fccmed on the _car mk support. In addhjo_, apenm'cs 194 " limitation air-filled dlambenk BfJl-fllled chambera. EVA of (PIG. 19A) ate cyUnd_t in slope *ed need not bay• poly,atcthan¢, or my _tiom that•eL " expanded imerio_ potions Idm:e the Frollmsions 168 have no Yne Ru sole support is deigned to accemmodata a bulbous ends. variety of rear sote configumtieBs_ which vary according to To lock the lock,n8 members in place, an elastic band YIO 6S the activity ira, ohm.d,the,_.i#a of'tb_mar, and thecmhionin8and/orR_ing desiredby themar. Although addido_al rear sole cenfiguntieus are discussed below, many other rear is slreAchexi and fitted within the grooves 128on the rear role s_pcct and grooves 192 on the locking members. The A 0177 _ " . • ... . • i eok configuratiom • ude suppgrt 7.6, One a_ u .. ' . . 12 mty be used in cotrjunctino with dg " cxamplc .. .. US 5,662,471 B2 l '. . l • l . is shown in FIGS. 2"1sod 22. In this -embodiment,• rearsok 300 is. U_aped memberhaving " " the !7ouomwall maybe solid to incrcasesln_ _r maybe tunt-_q_l as shown in FIG. Z_ to fudl_r ix_rease spring, with or without a stiffening member 4L'L Mounting n_:mber 350is aimilar to that slmwn in FIG. 2 _t that t_e base plate 80 re_ts inslots 376_ 5 62 is dekted. Again, _:xible formed in the mounting member and is expo_d to the heel region of the uppe_ via the central opentn8 36 in the vea_ sole Suppoa 7,5. : _y paralk! walls 302 and 304 joined by a bend 385. The member .is compow.d of a m/if, but flexibk, material that will provide spring to. the heel of the liner without _ comfort. Matefef_ kud3 as tho_ dis"_ rear sole option is show_io FIG. 7.q.In th_. dosed with r_ to the flcxfl3le plate 80 maybe used for the rear sole 300. ]0 embedlmunt,,rearfob: SO0 b identical to mar sole 400 -Two hyen of _m midsule marconi 206 and 2_, • shown in FiG. 7A except that ii has a "tent-Iflu:" wall. 506 ©xt_ding from the boUom wall 504 toward top wull'2_02. which ma_ be moee mm'lk.ut than the U-abapedmember, are secured to the lOp of wall 302 by gluing Or other means to " Waft 506 may have a top s_uff;scc 508, or may be david of material at _ logan. Wall _ hut abe effect of inacasing •provideceshi_ug to the heel of the USer, and mounting mnd_r260isSleed_oO_w_ ut_d_lmthc top_rf*ce _s sfiffnc_ and, therefore, pmv/des men: sprig thun thatof tbe _ar sole 400 as shown. A Stiffening member 412 may also " of top wall 302 _ sormund and abet against the sidewall.of be uscd tofurthcr increasespring. Stiffuning member 412 is midsole layer 206. It may also be attachedto the side wall tomember 312 shown inFIG..24ex'pt thatithas of layer206 by gluing or other mca_. The mounting identical a stained wall 413 to unmpkmem and preas agidmsl the from mcmbct, may also be molded 'to the n:ar sole 300 as a sa'ucture. ToCmidsole layers 206 and 208, the 2o slopedsurface of wail] 506. Top.wall 502 may hav e a ,',,utnd ope_dng, _aboWn in lqG. 2.5, or may be solkl, such as Wall moenti_ member 260, and the war sole support 26 (as wetl 302 shown in FIG. 21. Wall $06 may be used in soy of the as optional features) am identical to those shown in FIG. 20, U-shaped t_ sole embodilacUtS.." .. sod the mmncr *rid olniom.for roaching the rear U/k and Finally, an optional wafer 600,uMbk in combination with mouada8 member tO tbe rex: sole soppoi't is the same, including without limimioa the option of scverin8 and *ny of the abo_ embodiments i_orporating k flex_le plate, • is di_lou_d in FIGS. 26--27B. As shovmin FIG. 26, wafer mmately insttUing by= 7.0s. 600 isdi_ In conJuacttonwith the he_:lmructmu shown To pm/c_ the bottom _gmund-¢ngaging surface of the in FIG. Z Wafer 600 is phiced o,_ abe top eurftce of fle_dble • U-_aped member and.k7pmvkle cusbiuning, the.rearsole may indndc unM_miun-_stunt oatsolc wh_ may .be 3e phte tntt it is exposed to tbe heel re4giea of the opper (not shown) Via central _ 36 of rear role _uppotl 26. Wafer more t_.,t_,mt than the U-daped member. As shown in FIG. 600 is "made of any suitable materials, sudb as those mate21, the bottom wad 304 of therearauk 300 includes boles _ for the midsuk layer c_ oumole layer of rear _ 306 t&mlgh which _movable oel_ole Scgt_.nts 308 arc ude 28,d_t provi_ cushioning to the bee,l of the us_ and . • . imer_, T'ae outsolc _ts 308, which may be made of • a robber compound or other material typically m_d for 35 which are more rem.q_m tlum the flex_3le plate. ' AS ahown ;,1 FIGS. 27A _ 2TB, wafer 600 _,ludce outsuiC material, provide an abrasion-resisttm layer for knobs 602 and 604 thatmap e_gage with_ " pmtectin 8 the bottom surface of wall 304. As shown in openhzgs:382 m_d 384 (see FIG. 26") in ae',-'ble plate 380. FIGS. 23A--C, the oulsole r,egn_ats haw a a_y coaic_y-,dutped top portion 316, a cylindrical ndddle potARboush two knobs are shown in this embodimem, any number _ knobs may be used; ia fact, the _mobs may be. • lion 318, and a rounded ground-engaging portion'320. The coeicany_ _ 316 _/ran ope_fs 306. and 4o eliminated entirely. the bottom of the cOnkMly-e_al_l portion acts to retain the AS abown in FIG. 26,wafer 600 isovd _, Mutp¢, although outeole segments in the opculngs. Alternatively, a one-piece aw/shal_ is coe_nphted so fong_ itlnovides thedesked outsole layer may be attached to the bottom _xrface of wall cuabiot_g to tlg heel of the user. If d/robed, the bcXtom 304, _ opc_gs 306 and se_ts 308, or eliminat4_ suds,',- 608 of wafer 600 may be concave in ord_ _o ing beth und uu_g "gluingor some other_ inatead. cunformwith the curved top surface of fkx/bk plate 380_ The top surface _ of wafer 600 may-also be concave in Such outmle layex may then be permanent or removable. Tbe reu sole 300 lnovides spring to the heel of the user • m_der to coofe_m with the coutoers of tha heel eefioo of thc opp_r or the user's heel. SO . The wafu need attached to tbe oex_li: plate.380. material is elastic, ea_gy mored 'in bend 305 and wall 304 Instead, the wafer.may, for.example, be permaoemly attac_sedtO thebouom oftbeuppeJ, secured within or made dudn8 deflectiun wgl qxin8 beod 30_ md wd1304 beck to original poslti_ as weight is shifted, Ibemby pmvld_g •integnl wi_, shoe sock _ (not abOwa);_z=d m me a springeffec_ tothereeds bceL St_'euln8 members 312 or mar sole support, m attadgd at any other location that 312Aare optional elemente thai may be used to _ the 5S would be capable of unabio_ the mat's heel.. -. spring generated by the rear sok 300. The sdffeuln 8 memIt will be apparent re.those ,.killed in the a_ that various bers include _ 314 that ¢_gage ap¢.rm_ 310 in abe modifications and variations can be made in the shoe of the bead of thc fcaz sole 300. Allcrnatively, bouom wall 304 present invention withoel d_ from the. scolg or spirit " (shown with large hole in middle) may be sofid to increa_ •of the invention and thai cedain features of one embodiment spring or may be tent-e,haped as _wn in FIG. 23 to further 60 may be used inic_hangeably in other embediment_ By way in the following manncg. Wbeo the heel of the user ttr_ce thegmm_ wat1304 w/ll deflecttowardw_ 302. Since the Inc_ase Rxing, with or without a uiffcaing member 412. Flexible plate 80 may also be used in poujunctlunwith t retr sole very dm_r to Ihat shown in FIG. 21. As shown in FIG. 24, rear _le 400 is identical to rear sole 300 shown in FIG. 21 except Ihat h has an optional opceing in the: top wull to reduce the wFight of the rear sok and allow additiomd space within which flex_le plate 80 may flex. Alternatively, "of exampk only, the w,ar role mpportAockm8 member ¢ombinatiuns shown in FIGS. 2 and 17 dan be used in conjunction with any of the above<k_c_bed rear sob co_58uradons , and can be used with or without the flexible. plate. Similarly, dg arch bridge shown in FIGS. 1--4, upper and lower botizomal want shown _n FIGS. 5--7 and other alternatives A 0178 to the arch bridge d/acuascd bemln may be , • • • .. • . . . .." , .. . , ,., • . , . . -....: . :: •mp,o d 13 *-y bodi = • ' .. '" . . . : .. • ' . . ., ._ ... .. • .. . • 14 • . .... ... .. . . .... . .... ot . .. is . onepa/phcral__Igc.. proximate the mcdial lide Of the ehoe. tnd moth_ of thc el letsl two pm_om of the botl0m wall has _" leasl oue pe_heral edge proximatethe lateral sideOf the.shoe.' the periphertl edg_ _eing al_mely partllcl with each other. ........ " ' ' -' le.T'eeshee._cltim9, wl_temmelperipheudultesof the at le,am tw_ portions of tbc bottom wall'prmdmate the medial s/dc and latcra] side of the shoc are at Iclett la parl visible fron_ oulside the shoe. •• 11. The shoe of claim _, whcvda each of.the .tl leasl two portio0s of the bottom wail. has th.inte_or ed_c_ thc tnlerlor. . - . . ' " edges of I_ at kest two ponioas of the tmnom v/all b_ . subs_uli_d_y planar v,,[I/a each other aad ...md_m_tlly par- • " '.,n,*l with the 8round. : '._ 12. Tbc shoe of cltim 1, wherein the cm'ved w_ hu at 2.5 Icm one pctlphcrtt edge .pmxinate ouc of theme,dialside . of.thcShoe sad the. lateral sideof ll_ sl_oe. 13. The _ of claim 12, wtbel_a tlz"tt _ o_e " .... pcrlphe_tl edge of. the curve.d Wall is at kul in p_t vls_le .. . from outside the shoe. . .... _m 14. The _oc of dtim I, wbc_n thc curve,d vadl h_ a. :.. . • mid*longidsdinal axis, w/tbancqpeu/ng a_4N, the mid]ong/tudimd _c[S of tl_'ct_ved wi/L ....... ' . . - IS. The shoe of .clttm 1_ whc_in _ae cu_ wall is . .. tbc shoe is in o0ntact w/lh the ground the pre_cl_rmi_d distancebetween dz atkast a.perdonof the _ at leest on_ element, poshloncd bctwccn at .least a potion of the top wag aud at _ a pot1_0u of.the . . . • vis_le from outside theshoes." ' .. y_ The shoe of claim 1, whesem the tmaom Wail lessl mu: perlpheral edge proximate ooc of the medial Mde oftheMu_tndthelMertl_koftheshoe_ .... .. .. 8.The ,hoe of datm'7, wherein the *t Io_t ouc pedpheml edgeofthebottomwalllsstks_pst_vls&kfromoulMde-.. the'shoe. .... •. 9- Tbi: .shoe of claim 1, whereiJn°ne_°f the el k:tst tw°" thetopw_llt_ving _s membcr havin8 a boltom wall w/th tn u_q_.r surfac_ ' Ibcbouomwsnhav/agatlea_twopo_tionsapprox/. mately planar with etch b0zr, paralkl, with Ibe ground, and septraled by a gap thercbctwecn, d_c top win _ Ihc bottom wall Cac_ havtl_ g fot"wltrd re,on aad a rearward_oe; theforw'akd tcgiom of thetopaudbo4tomw_ll.sbc_conncclcd,tacJoscd • end by a curved wall; thc top, bollom, _md curved • . walls bcing imegral, the rearwasd rcgioos of/be top' s_d bosom waUs bc/nK odoured toward a back of tl_ shoe,.a! a portion of lhc tpp and boltomw_l_ bciag sptccd• prcdelerm/ned _ flmm each othc_ such that dining the.western 8dt cycle when . • . • _ L Jo portiomof d_ bouomw*ll tins-* I_ aa ope_ bcncath the wearcr's becl, the midIcosiludiaal axis of the pc_heral cd_es of the top wall in_ a point _il is vertically tligncd with " approximate _enter of the opening in _ top wxll a_d the tpp_oximatc center of the wcsscr's, tl_ 2o . - .,. =d k a mcmbcr havin8 a top w_ wiih a Iow_ msrh_, 1he top wall having at least ooe peripbcrtl edse pmxi- " " mate • medial side.of lhe shoe. and al leasloae' periphcrtl edge proximate a lalcrai aide of the shoe, " thc peripheral edges of thc lop Wall Imv/n8 a .mid- longimd_t*xismcsetmw_n, t32 it that the presem iaventioa cover ill p<m_k combinations of . the fcamr_ shown -in Ihe di_erent _:m_ _'wcll as . modificalions and variations of this inveution, provide_ they. c°me'wflbin the scope of the claims tnd.lheir eq uivaknlss What is ¢lahned is: • l. Ashoc. compds_ng: _ .. an upper, .and . . . a rear sole sr,oucd below a p0rdoo of the upper, the rear sole comprlslng:• " .' ' '.. US 6,662,471 . . . .. .. . • . ...' ." . . ...: .. . • aplpmX_mst61y p_rpen_ of the shoe. . to thcma_r louglmd/na]'a3ds . " .. • - •• pasitioucd, bencalh Ihe w_axc_s' heel and 'tbovc at ]ca_. • portion Of tbc lop Wall of lhc mcmbcr, the tnmhiou and tbc . . . bottom wail,the*al_s4 oee ok.meathaving, aSleast tOpwalleach being made of a material, the material of the one interior sidew*dl; 40 cushion being more rcss3ient than the matcr_ 0f 1he .top • void located beneath tbc ope,_ in tlz top wall wall. " defined at kam in part by tl_ at least o_e imcrior .17. The shoe of claim 16. wbc_cin _.cusldoa his aa sidewall of the at ka.M oue element, at k,st a pordo n Upl_r mtfface conforming/n Mlspe to tbc bottom surface o f of tbc void being vcrtictlly aligned wltb tbe approxlthcwcar_'s• male omm_ of Ihe opening in I_ lop widl; • 4s 18. TI_ _m_ 0f _dm 17, wh_rcln Ihe cushloQ is ]m:aled atica_oncopedin_oa at lca_ one of the medlal and at loam. /u Into beneath the tpprm_m*te center.of the • lateral sidesoftheshoe.theopeningbeing incornwetrer'sh_.. • -" mun/ca6ou wit b tbc.vold; and . 19. _ shoe c_ claim i8, wherein the cusb_ is located • bottom sth'_ace"thSl is at lust in pan groundbe_teaih aad adjacent at letsl • porlioo 'of I_ Iris. -engaging. so . 20. T'_ r,b_of claim 1, wbcrcinthc opeota 8 in the top 2.The shoe of cltim"I,whercin t cross-m:c6o,_al profile wallisvis_k itl.cgm ininu't II_oughtheatle._tone ope_ of the lop md botlom.wans llutt trc coanccted at the closed - onatlcasl.Oncofthemedlalandlaterals_o_thcshoe_ cod by the cmvcd wall is generally in • recumbcm U-Mape. 21. TI_c nhoe of claim 1, wheb:_n tbc _ smrf=ce of the 3. Tbc shoe of claim 1, v,'berein Ibe redeced pt_lclcr-., top wall is at least in part Visible from outside the shoc mioed di_mx'e betweeo the at ]east a portion of the top aod SS throeghlbe at k*_oneopeoiog oeooe of the medi_'aod ' bottom walls results from the at kasx.a ix_rdoa ef onc of the latcrtl sides of the shoe. top and bottom walls deflecfin 8 toward the oth_. in • 22. The shoeof claim 1, wh_cin tl_ upper msrfsce-bf the sabstantitlly vertical dbection, bouom wall is at kasl in pan vi_'ble fi'om oets_k the 8hoe 4.The shoc of chdm L wixcrcla _ tcdaccd pt_lctc_"throughthcU Icast ooc0pen_ou a(le.astooc_t:hc mcdlal mineddis_ncebctwccotheallcastaponionoftbcmpand e0 and.lal_alsidesoftbcshoe. .. bottom w_tUs rcsulcs from the at lea_ a port/on of the top 23. The shoe of claim 1, whc_n the interior _kwall of wall deflecling toward the ground in a _ml_tandnlly vertictl the at leas_ oat'element is al least in'parl visible outside di/v,_oa. Ihc shOC I_ghlhe at lCS,MOl_.0peo_g in OOc0f the medial 5. 'The sboc of chim 1, wherein the top wsll lure at lea_t aad latcrtl sides of the shoe. .• oae perlpberal cdgepm,x_matc the rear of thc shoe. 65 24. The _.of cls/m ], wbc_clo' ihc atIcssl oac interior 6. The shoe of clitm _, wherein the at learn ooc peripheral sidcwaD of the tt least one at lca_ in parl vim_lc edge of tbc top wan proximate one of the medial side of the from outside the shoc. .. " . ." A 0179 . " • . . . - "• .." .: US 6,6621471 • .:- ' 15 16 " top wall over the at leasl'one element is solid. 26. Tl_e shoe of daim 1, wberc_ [b: boltom surface of the • rear sole has • nee-ground-engaging portion that is verfi'tally aligned With tt k_ 8 pmtiou of the 0pening in the to p walL.. .. . . 27. The sh_ of claim 26, whe_in the non-groundengaging portion o_the bcztom surfac_ of the rear sole is located 8t k*_ in part between the at letst two portioes of the bottomwail B2 ' 30..The shoe of chim zg, whe_._ the teut.:_aped portion .extendingtowardthempwall hasatktu me sidewallu tn tqlie to. the at le.ut in part gmund-eagag_ portlon of the b_mm smftce, the at least one imedor Mdcwtll of the at Jeakt One ek, meat being _ an angle tO the at ie_ in part 5 8mund.enlpqlingp_io e of the bottom surfwe, the at least one sidewall of the tcnt.4thtped potion being tdjtccnt the at least onc iatcrior skfewsll of the at leaU me element. 3L The shoc 0f claim 30, wherdn the angk of tbc u le4m oue sidevndlof me tem.ehapedpeNionthatis adj_em Og so at _ one haerim sidewall of d_ at ka_ me dement is 28. "I'ne shoe of cltim 26, wherein the non-groundapproximatelythe same as the angle of the at kast oue ¢ngigh]g portion of the boa_a mn'faoe of"tl_ rear sole interior sidewall of the at least ode ekmem thai is adjacent .. mml_h= a _ett.titlly pl*-tr _ rod an _ja_.nI Ihe at_ one sldewallof the tenl-shaped pmlm. _ portion uon-phnu with Ole pl_ar portion. 33. The shoe of dtim 1, wher¢i_ the at ]eam in part • 29. Tee shoe of claim 26, wlzrein the non-_rouud- Js ground-engaging portion of the boUom surface is formed of otmsole ma_erial. - engaging portion of the bottom muface of the w.4tr sole c_ninises a tem-_al_l ix_rfion extendi_ towan:l _ 'top wlt_.. .... {" i A 0180 ..' A 0668 AA000897 .. ". _ . . . .- . ( 0 A 0669 AA000898 . ..... . ...:=;... .• .; ".." . "... ., - .... .... . . :,.:,_ : ::'.. '_.. =,'_._',_ :i " _ . " :-'.', .' . "_ ,; _ -:. .'. .. . .__._.. ..-!.": . .. i". ".._. : : .., " . ,..-.-. • .._ . - : ( ,- .-f ,,..__ _-_--,..! . .. , ,.- -. . .. • . :-l!i::-.; . / l ._ _ '_': _ _:, .." ,,_.,..,._:... ..._=_.._... _... • •• . :iJ ' ._.._... _.. :- .:-" _.. ..... ._ ://_..._, =_-_ "_ ? .!':- i._,- _ :: - . . .,,' ._- _... " ..:. :_ ._', _-_ .-. " '-_:,. 'i _._i.: "i '_... .... • .. . . _. '.- .• ".,..._ .i... AA000899 A 0670 • : " _:""__:_: •. ;, •. , ...'_..-._.-.... C'-': '. • \_,_ _:.:..._..?_ .. ' "_'::= ...... _"? _ " '. :_'" ' ' '""---.-'-._--'-'.:. " .k,-.o.'. ;_._-.. • . . . _:-.. .. ' . -:..":i..' :. . _!. . • .... . "_ii. !.- .i . -. _-_. . .. . _, " ... _._,_. -. : ':..!. ....: • -=!'_" ! • : -., .. . _ '-.i" " \ CD CD • --, .:. , ,._ ,, ? _.,.. ,., .', ., ,. A 0672 ,,_,000901 • :'.. ':-,k- A 0673 • -..', AA000902 ;.: "',i- •.k ',i .. +'-"_.." . ',..,_.- •, .,.{. • ,;..... .',:....:..•-;.:;-. . . ' A 0676 . , _. .. . "... ; =.,.. . ,°4 "... . . - , • ..' . . . • . " :" - .. . ." .• , -" ._ .'.. " . . • , ..:.° " - ..'--i- - " L .-. • " • _:',.'. A 0677 AA0O09O "l : 0678 l:'lll A _ lll l • _... l _o6o9o7 . _'.'... involve AA000909 3 .::., ,, •":... A 0681 AA0009i0 .,,.... . . ' - Ahl_ouEh .._.. A 0682 AA000911 _. .. ! A 0683 AA00_912 A 0684 AAO0@I3 A O685 "AA000914 una umB United States Patent [,9] m] Mesdmn I_] et al. 4541 ATm,ETIC SHOE wrrll DdPltOVlm SOLE " "run R, Le, _ t_] A_dt,,_ A_ O_es. LL.C.,_ of Patent: N.C. Oct. 1, 1996 ir,mm_. Rdb_,do_. :_.,oz_ s/1m n=_,=. 2,2_8,1_ e01942 2_0t,_ 7n_ m,_. Leu. " 2,374_'_ ._n94._ l,tp_. • ...a:._" .o0_,_ m _t _..) Aug. 17, Related Dale i,51"6,384 il/1924 I_d_l't4 _/192_ [2_] Appl. No- 29],945 [22] s;56o,126 .- • . FOR,IOON P,_"l_'g"r ]X)CU'M]_r]_ U.S. Applleatlea • ... Data . . . . _R ._36R tstl A43B 2!J'_;A43B 21/32; A43B 21/24 ]bat. CL.e u.s.a. • . 947O54._/1_'_,6.. - 2154_I ..... " .3_ 3_v'_,_ s;. 36/36A; 36/2"/;36/31;36/35R; 36/15; 36f3"7 Fiendor Scm:b . 36V42, 39,6g, 36/4], 366. 36& 36 c, 34_R.ZT.31, 35 P.. 25 _ ]5, ]oo.]o_ !o3, ms, _7,3s [se] tS_ Rd'_ .. 2:zl.._ 7/1991 ]_ewa. _m_. Mad_ • • ..: 7/1900 501905 818,861 401906 .s_46,s15 ]2/1912 1.062,338 501913 1,112.635 1011914 1.316.505 9/1919 11318124"7 1001919 1.-546Jt41 "'//1920 !,366,601 1/1921 !,._'!.139 3719:21 3/1922 i,410,064 1.439.757 12/15rZ2 I _39,7_ _ 1,444,677 2/1923. 6/1923 !,458257 !/1924 : 1,479,773 25"/28 -11/19¢9 ID342 2/1911 2291184 3f1924 )5_926 - 2/19_ 2]44024 : 2/1_ t,h_ r_gdmn. Ualu_ Ktagdom. _ - .. .. . r.Jagdem. . m_l.. . . - Co_.q_" : - by E. L dn Pout dc N_ " Ethic Spdn8 1996 Foavvear catalogue. Ime_mflcmd._%aTch l_q)ort for Imemad_ US94,_)001:da_d Jam. 2, 1995. P_ _ D. Pau=non Auomey.Age_. or _rm.--Irm_an. _ _. Pnak. Bed_. et _1.. _ KJae. )/_hty O'l'qe_ Vtaot. Pldd_. _ .... ,Am_'tM. Hu. gedlma. itedmaa. Fbd_ ... 3_a Mek. Craig,. . . Oammy. *'New Foetwe_ Co.(1988)..- 537,492 6,52,8r; G=nm_uy, a_ u.s. p_11_IT !_ 33,648 '" _'n_ 2_4_t_ - 3/1_ & Appln.: Farabow, Oam:a & Dunam36/39 , Yat36 R 36/42 36/42 36_4_ 345/39 [57] AaSTRAC'r A _oe kglud_ aheel mxpimurtfor m:eiving a mlattl_ and n:placeable .n:ar tok io lZOVtde kmge_ wear. The shoe may abe indude a graphite imert mplx_rted by the t_ neplx_ betweea the hCeJ and the rein- r_de to reduce mM_e o_p._iee a_ i_le _dd_tio_ qntnS. T_e m_=ab_ mu_holeml th_graphiteimen allowthe 0hoe to be ada.o_ to diffenm desked tz_'e_manceduncu_a_ de0endtag ulmutlz ;mendedactivityaridtenain m"playing _'fac_. 4_ Chln_ t9 lka_e_ . . . .-• Sh_t, : . -J_. |__. A 0698 AA001131 P_2 U.S. PATi]NT DOCUMI_'FS .2,.540.4492,1951 _. _t1951 agmmr. • 2_o'h134. 8nSS2 t.,i_. 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"4.97.5,300 _.8"79,82111/1989 Gr_smn c__. 4,887,.3_ 12fl989 _ ctal.. 36/39 ; ; 9/198.50me. 4,606,1_ • 4,,_,7_8 _ _r_4 R ".... ,:. 4.546,5.56io_1sr8.5smut_J_. _J6R O'J6,ms . . 4,.510,'7oo4/198.5Bmmvu. _ Amdo • • 7ii969 r.mdm ,, . 2/1984 bSmo. - 4,_19.307 5/1984 _ 9/1961 lmeJ 4/19_ Rskus ,4/196:1 Rnbem. 3.'1965. D'_.hbmm .... g/'/_ Rnbem . • 10fl_93 Toq et aL. " 671994 F._-/a aL. 1/1995 _la. " 4/1_.50ral_un ct aL. ... " A 0699 AA001132 . .' . • .. . .._ • • . , ., _:. ,. " ..,_i_ A 0700 A_001133 " -. ,,._ • ,'', ... U.S. Patent sheet 2 of _i Oct. 1, 1996... 5,_60,126 \ / |0 •....: A 0701 AA001134 • ,1 U.S. Patent Sheet 3 of 19 . • 1 l, "-_l , 1 "ll "l.l'," 1 • " .. l" l: l" . 1 " 1 ° l:l 1.1 1 " • "'l 1 ". "l'l A 0702 .,_001 i3'5 . Oct. U.S. Patent 5,560,126 4or19 i, 1996 • . _ _ _ j . . . - . . •"- .-Il _ % .g- A 0703 J . • .. . . . . . i U.S. Patent : : . ". . . 1996 Sheet $ of 19 ...... , • ... Oct.l, .- ..'. . . ,... . " . _ • . .- '.... • . . . : ..! • (",4 :." .. ". A 0704 .. • ":•.. O" ,,--- ••. '._'. . .. . . ..-.... . . ._. . ' . .•.•. . . • .... . . • .... AA001137 i'. . . ". U.S. Patent Oct. 1, 1996 Sheet 6 of 19 5,560,126 • . • . • • .. ._. ...•. A 0705 AAOOII3B , .. . . U.S. •Patent 5;560,126 Sheet 7 of 19 Oct. 1, 1996 ." ... • -, _ : • . S(•I i•: ••• f. "" • .- "/ \ " " " ' " " • . :." . • "i" .. .. ) -yA 0706 AA001139 ".'- " _" . U.S. Patent Sheet • Oct. 1, 1996 8 of 19 5,560,126 "... ¢'q AA0_II40 A 0707 .. S,_60,126 Sheet 9 ef 1.91 " . --..:. . ..- •. . . . • . ": m Oct. 1, i996 _ U.S, •Patent • . ... ".. -,t • . .-... .- -.." •..._ :. A 0708 AA001141 U_. Patent 5,560,126 Sheeti10Of19 : ,. Oct.1, 1996 b. -... "-_ _ • . '. . .. • -, .. " " ", i. " ",,_ , " . . . . • ' . . ". ... . . .. " ., 4t./_" .•. ..'. . 0 "_ _'_ :L ' A 0709 .:.'_.. ,.. ", . " AA001142 . . ." _." . . . .. " : '. U.S. •Patent Oet. !, 1996 Sheet . •. • . . . - . . 1-1-ell9 "" , . AA001143 A 0710 .. ' ..... U.S. Patent .. sh=t _of 19 FIG.24 ..... A 0711 [." . . _,560,126 U.S. Patent i- ..5,s6o,1_ Sheet 13 el' 19 Oct. 1, 1996 ." . • -.- . • .. _ - "' • . ._. • ". .. . .. : .. .. ... .'. • .. / . . " - . " 640 . :...- 35O • : : . • . .'.._ ".. . : . " • .._. FIG. 25 _. ... A 0712 AA001i4$ ." : U.S. •Patent . • ,. 0_. i,• 1.q_ Sheet14ot 1# . : .'_"- , . A 0713 AA O01| 46 U_S. :Patent •o= 1,11_ S,5_),126 Sheet 15 of Z9 -. : 840 . . . ". . . . . . . . ; .. \ 849 400 • :j . . ' o _6t8 5 . t" A 0714 • AA001147 • .- /. . o° ." • • .. . _. • . ,. .. ' . • • ".. y_ AA001148 A 0715 . -... • . u.S. Patent Oct. 1, 1996 Sheet 17 of 19 - . - _ . s_s60,_.6 ...- . . . . _j,_ • ) 2 ,... m . . • .. ." ..." .. ... .. - - .- .." - . . AA001149 A 0716 'ql .. .. U.S. Patent • . • . .'• . sh_t_sot_ .. ." ... . • . ... . i ". . ...... . .. . .. A 71 A 07i 7 / "" !. " AA001150 ' . .. _jO -1t_ . . .'_ . • "" ..- '... .., ... • " ,., - .- . U.S. Patent OCL 1, Sheet 19 of 19 • " • --.. • " "..'" . ' -. ".; • .' ' i'.- . • .... . ".. ... '. ,•.... • .• ° . • : .: .'.. . - .L ". • _.. i.. • . _,_ i :.i _. " °. .: -_.. .'... • _- - ., Id ¢, .._,. i A 0718 . - AAO01151 . . .. . - . . • . • .:. -'.- " ATHLETI C SHOE B^cx otr • .. ....-. "- Isto be produc_ Finally, it would _ that0_eheel " •mlae, /n Im_Im_. has ea_y d_'ermt needs and. reqMxemer_ f_om the :es_ 0f 0_ shoe m]e eml deterioraws manmchfmu_no.e. • . . . .-. IMPROVED. SOLE oFmE uwE rno , ." 2 I WITH TMs is a ccadnuadon-ln-pan of U.S. pm_m application ,Ser. lV_-08t108,065_xIAug.17,1993,1_di_,.. • , 5,560,]26 s .. havi_, _y hardh_ aud_ (e.g.,dn_ alma), I. iqe.ldof the l.nwudon dJ_ mm..s0t_,. Ihat:m_ _k and _ c_m be• muued when a lSmlm.of the n_r role bccom_ worn. For TI_"pcl=m=nt iov=ndont'eJal_ gcl)mMlytoIn improved e_ampae,U.S.PaL"No."1,439,758 m Redmm' _sdo_s a n_rs_leforfomwearmd, mmepart[mhdy, man_rmle Io detachable n_u'soletl_issecuredtoaheeJoftbeshocwi_h for ms ath]e_ shoe with _a e___,'_0__ __ and m__ vma_e life a ,m_ez saew that pesmmm_ she bottom of the gar sale and =d be_ _xrromaa_ _ _ _ _g _d _ _,iS_hi, me,,ed _ Z _ of theRelatedAn Add_l_ md_= mo_d_dg=d_rmni_mds, bm_C_hO_wal_andmhcrfmmi _ t_ b_m of _ h_ o_ ,_. _o_ . 5ud_ a de_gu canno¢ be reed In mhie_c dm_ became th_ _ midsole _l:the.mi_ pliable upper_ notdgid mou_ m _min d:c cc=_'sc_.w. In addim=, d_cem_- so/_ m_dpIla_ uppe_. The _ solege_ h_dud_ of 0_ gesflknt mkhole aml may pmdbly be fonxd imotbe a sm/]i¢_ r_ ou_ole almr..bedm a mine re_Ik_ gaidsole heeloftheuse_when 0_ m_dsoleispre_l,din/rig me. mmllY made °f P01_ eshylene _ ace/_e(EVA)_ . Shoca wflh d_¢ iced"mica tluu lncor_ a cc_tcr m'az_=rco_V,'hmlam_thcmlc!smachcd z0 e totheepl_maoee-ptu:eun_mm, wlmmen_u_bdng. *otheahoeal*omyexpedencegapVm_l:_o_em*.Gappi_ Integral with me f='werd _ 1_m to the'gap that m_appem', e/merln/tiany or ov_time One of the. principal Im_bl_ms asscda_d with mldeslc with extruded me, Ixtw_z my desachable taxi non-deta_ shoes/sou_2e w_x. A me_ freely hm a cho/ceo_ham/rig ablee[ememsofa shoe.'Any gappingwill_ attm_ mffac_ md asplmlx and oth_ ahrmivc mffac_ takc a _ debm _'. _me flapp_ :aud it otherwir,e ae=hedudly tmmend0_ toll eh lhe outmle. ']*n/sprol_m it _ tmpleasing. Such a p_blem would be p_ levete la by the.fact thatmo_ pn_cxmcedoutsole wear,_ nm_Ing a shoe_t InchM_ an=x ,o_em_le ofredliem_ thin . shoesh_ l_Ocu_, eccm _ hstwo l_a=_ the Is_ely.m _ or movp away r_m.o_h_ sudacesWi,_ eu1_rpedphe_ofth_heel m_dtheb_t0ofthefoc/._dlhhee]exumded use.S_mflady, n_r solesdependenton center:... .'.wembeing, by f_.,amcn:acutepmblem, l.nfa_.thehee] _o. screws are likdy m be.l_ eway at the p_iphexy where ... ._wommuchfastert6_then:_efthemMetlc n:_ledt mmedah en_:uu:d. While _ m. dlwJmes '... aee, tram xequld_ replaceme_ of the entln: dine ev_ vcnlcal bed _ ddewalh, they do uel mlw e/d_. the dmesh the Imlk'of the thoe is _III 'mmals_ coedilico, gapping or the pedphe:al pr/-away problem ia the cme of a • Anothe_associmedwithou_solewea_ismldmle a_ re_]/_t_mle.Fo_example, debdsisstfl]llkelytolodge o0_q_xc_don. As izrCv_ously_ II_cn_dso_e h generally b_wcc_o a hc_l mq_ vc_lk_ sidewall m_da vcrdcal m_nmade u_ a zedllem mamlal to IXovlde _. fo_ tl_ s_c s_lcwall; m_l thc n_r sole m_y still bc prod _y at _c m_x_m_rg_xat_lus_tl_udd_ls_ lz:riPtm'YffCaughttnal_mZ_ntc_m:km'ldz'aston, iftlz_ " " d_c to _helnrge forces exeru_ ,_ _ du_ng me, Ihereby is mdy a ",_rl.[ca]wa]].'to relaln IL The latt_ probh_m i.s caudagitwlme/_e_',_s.M/ds_compn_on 4o c¢_ooundedbythefaCtthatavcttica]hedmpponddewaE Is the w_ tn the heel mea, pm'dculadythe ou_ pexiplu_ would gdp a redltent _ar m_k abom its nddsole wh_ of lhc heal md the m.eadin:c0y under the'us_-*l heal bone" rem_mcy, by deslgn, h khe great_ and le_ able to xesht Despite m:_mlog/cal advancemma in recem.yem in dlaplaceme_ ...udmok aad oe_te dedgn and _*hebene_ot" Rota_g a rear sole will lnot, of coune, coumena or such_'canslfllbelargely_ci_pa_cula_rly 45 aliev/s_midmle_o_oc_n/ng _lb=heclc_. /nthehi:dmea, bytwomcemhsofregulm'me.Thepmblems While n:placement c/" the enth.e rein"sole is always an Im:m_ f_r tl_ _s_ _c a:hl_ shoes are lxcomiag op*im_,tt may be Ikat Ihe full baxefit ofroml/on.wi,qlm bare me_.expendveea_ye_,wtthsometop_4he-li_modds .]_,dom$1'_0.00apalr. been realized whea lZe3-ceme_comp_ton Bycontrast.wlth&e_Mu_t , make .xhat .n_muTordedrabk-.Tl_tl_totaythalthen:m_ybesoo wtm_elu:e.bcanben_plm:d,_non.d_,:est0v=imdover_o..perip.lmzlemok_.__n_. d' - ..... . . ... _q_ah_,the hefJ area (nddselc and outsole) of an m/detlc shoe caxmot be, To da_ there h nethtngld the m_to add_m the • combined problems of midsok corn and outsole vm_rInathletk slSx_endtbe_e PnYolems n_Mn eSl_i_ severe In the Izd an= ofsuch Mines. " _ De_gns_areknown tl_ _ _e _.p_ ofthe emtre outsole of a dine. Examples Inch_ erase disdmed in U._.l_.Nos. d,745,_)_,4,377,042m_d4,267,_0. T'm_. cencepu m Imlnacdca] f_ mo_ applications, e_y ad_tic thpe,_ for several reasma. First, tight adherence _o between the sole m_d the shoe h dif_u]t to m:hk_ pe_. Although never in om_natton w/th a _etat/ng _ rely. able re_ sole., there have beea atlempts to deid with bedcenter, midu_le compreudon and_ to add. q_dng to the us_'sgaitby int_ various mech_Ic_ components Into heel conm'act/ou. One appma_ has beea to In.u:x't horizontally h_ _ I_.m'ea a thin iay_rofhm'd, flexible ' ' _ that Ix_ds und_r.tl_ m_"s wdgl_ a_l tl_ n_z_s wi_odg_dpodl_wl_dxcw_dgl_ofd_cmca-i_fl_d . • tothe other foot* Such.dl/eml_have me't with only ndnlmal succe_ however, for leyend Ra,mm. Such insert may have lacked eneugh tnherem n:M!lency fxom the outset. In other •"*,'_rly =_xmd the pedpl_ of the sde. Semnd, =pla=- ca._ k may have deterioratedwith use. tn an ca_t, it Im nt 6f the enlire ude is mmeo_my ba_l ut_n typical ---.:._car pattam In athlcdc shoes. Ttdxd, _placlngan cati_ soleb.o_wmddl_mo_p_dvemas.,'q,b_gdmp_l_ _ worn e,lemen_ a fact_ which is compoend_ ff a _aeeable, fu]l-le_,lh sole fo: e_sy _'s aad women's d_e dzc A0719 reded on a nadl/em foundadon m'_undits periid)e_, limll.lng itsability to flex in the ¢¢z_tct. ,amo0_prob_kt_ath]eticshoepur.ha_cannot cu.qomlze the cushic_g m spdng in the bed of a ahoe to _e_r own body we_ht, pe:7.omJ pnden_ce, or nee_ They .. -. .' . -. ...." 5_,126 . " " :.......... toix_-• 4 " " ' . FIG.9 Idm komel_cvleWofsmother' embody, oflhe ,ae_ with_'h_-ver a_ _ vldein_s_rshoe_._ ... sh_ofth_.1_mm.lnvmim. -.. " • tmmeu_v_,..w of e.b=e_ Hnany,th=e_,.._r* m be_t=i_y few. tf=y,foo_v_ar _uo. _oi_ ane_pt0_ea fromfoot orleg• . an_n_r_r,_s_0fF_O. footor._ _,.=d.-leO. or_ren_ s Fir) 11 is m_r e_)d_ 9.... options evMIabIetolhoSe_'raffcdng "': ,. :.: ba=/x_ v_'w of the.),,,-) 10. .. " " . ' " lenga_mc_g oth_d_¢s_Whemm_e Isaneedf_t_ le_ . _,tand_=_Of.FlO. . • _o._._,,,,_wd'e=_=='_e:ofFio. I1 ,' m c=nbeu_ _ _ • .tlany _ _ _,_ o_._m_n_ON _ . HO. 14.h _immm_ _ARY • ....- .- _=_o. u ,=,,,_ ,=_-,,,,_ ,_,.-.,, of==_,='i.,==: ,,a,._==. _om- m Indudeonlycustom-nmdc,daO_ d_at m'emndk_red .usr._s if the l_rso_'s c=_flm improvesor d_lmu_s. . -- in FIO.1.!;: . . ., . vicw of mmlh_ _ of o_me_mm _,m_a. _.ofFfO. 14...'. . . " .: .. . .:. 16.h.mxxber Isomeek vl_-w ef thelind, ,uppon of FIO.IS.. " = mn_ ofdZ p_:)l_= due_ lin_tatlo_ -_ mdd_m,lwmmges of thendmed art. ". _. _7,._=_,_.w of=_= =_Ui=_ _ _ " I:_ scLf_th In tl_ d_'_l_0_m wl_ f_0W_, _ Inpart_vtl] _= _fm_=, _,,mm_ _ ss_-=__.o=,_r_ _-,, =,,,h_J_ be appan_ from the _U:=r_t_.Or nmybe _med _ prac_ of _ U,w.n,_on. Theio_t_. _d oa_ advan- _o. _ t_mmher_m=r_c ,L_, of _ bed supp_ of sy,_mpmled_d_0o_med _uti_me.wr_x= d=cxi_t_ _ FIO.18.. " m_l _ _ - th__ m_ _ _ ,ho_ _ _ p_ ia'v=,_ HG. 21 _-an _ _ t_ u_. :.' ..... a,_d • - _ _ito_.Z_m_<s_n_- _o •. rea_ sole,,-_l.ln_d= _ for use In the _hoc of_he ._,_m_. •the midso_ made oC_m elaMom_c matcrinl tlmt is mote nn,u_mthand_ gruun0-eugag_g _a_ .... '- HO. _I Is a _c clcvadoavkw of _ In anoth= aspect/.tl_ =hoe, a fos'wm-d . role _ m xbe upper, a heel support auached to dze _q)p(_r 8x_d_ ax lcas_ (0_ wa]l_ downwat_y 'fi'um _h__ . homeulc view of a rein-_ waferfc_._dmeoftheim:u_inveaeon. _)cu)/xl _ mumtMy muunu_ to _)pon and_ .. FIGS. 20A end 20B m'z side z]cvallm', and plan"V_, wlth_e purpme ©ftheInvemion. as.embodied andbxu=_y mmdzd tothe.ul_c;. # he_l sul_vo_ _ " of FIG."IT.', ..,.... usg_, oftheInvention winbeiesl_.and'_n_dby dak=, aswe_ asth_aOpmded_. .. to, _ _ _r " - _oaCOfFIO. RO. 24 fs_,=xp]od_ _omca'ic'r'_v of a lice,l,upi:x_t. fa_=ri,:a_ =m- talc for u=e in th= d_ of th= th_ wall ,- ie.as_p_dally de:Sntog(, a n_o soleseceivablc Inlhcreom ofthehod support and HO. _ h ,,, e_0_od_l Isom_'icviewof another.embo_havin_ m least o_ _und-_gad__mf==, and s _phi= me_ of a h_ rapport,Ip.a1_t=la.m't,and=_" _L_ fro"me lmmx _.be_ _ within_xereces_of the heedrapport4o In th__ _r th__ Inv_ndm. . •or by the wall of t_ hee_ support between.fl_ re_ sole and a heelposdon of_ -._ppc_ -• • .. useIn_e d_ ofd_ Ineu:ut Invemioa. .. des_l_ion andm= foUowlng dmal]_. _ =e exempt7 md e_ptam_ory o_ly 8rid a_ _ot n=_ricd_ cf tl_ 4.s me_ of _ !_ _ _ l=m, ariare_.m. _.for • _ _, _ _0c_"-- _.A_ ._ .==I ,_mi_, _ of_q_mmi_ mum_ HG. :_ I# ,,',_ o_ ',k'wof.a ip'.q_ Imm't.forme ia _._h= _ _ L_. '_,_=_. .... " ': :./,: • :..embomm_tor_ _ _:_eO_. w_m th_d(_=_ so :V'_.29_'-,, =x_od_isoa=_ _,_o/" a_n_" _ a_ • _i)o, serveto =xp]alnthel_dph= of the"_ve_40_. elmflc bandfo_useIntheshoeofthep_scm inVentlo_ HO. 30 h a dde devatlon view of the t'cm" r,ele =_d idksdc ' BR.I]I_ D_ON FIGS. IA m_l IB are explod_l .l_c e_ ba_dof_O_. OF TH_ DRAWINGS view= of m_ o_..-_*,;,_m_, oftheshoeofdz printfoveado_ • HG. 2 Is a i_n FIG. 4 is a mar elevation view _-I_ . "..... nu=xof d',=heel_(_t, grqd_e Inure, =rid _ _/mle f= u= ia _ d_,. of theim_mt tav_o=. HO. _ Jsahison=e_cvkw of tl'_n=m"_ of FIg. _. of HO. IA. *hoe of HG. 1A. HG.._ is an expa=led v_w of,,_ bandfor I]_ d_,o ¢ _o of FIG. IA. FIG. 6 is a n:ar dcvadon view of an0_m"embodinu_ of """_ shoeofthel)_t_tInvemlo_. FIG.3_ h ad_ 34, .... F_t_. "_t,aimmv_ o_t__oe. ofFic,. _." RGS. 8A and 8B an: vtewt deptct_ anent mint of the sbocofthe _ hsvc.ndon. . F]Q. 34 h anexplodedhometrt¢v_¢,,w of an0thm"embodl- view of tl_ shoe oI_FIO. IA. •FIG. 3 is a side dcva_onview.of the _ ' -..... dev:adoa view of the heel mp1_rt efFIG: - , " " EMBODIMEN_ embodiembo¢fia)en_ oftheInve_on,examplesofwld'ch A 0720 _ • . . . " .. • - 5,560,i26 S t_ _-m:eaq)any_ m._ '. _ n_,_ , vaztev=, . pennia ,,,, both axe, a totalof only fourmr.hposlm_ due ._ t_ ¢_tl_cM _¢ _, tl_ rcsr_1¢... . FIG. IA lllmtrates a _ix embodimmt of the dine ef the " RoXs_ the sole about Im_ls net-_ _ . to the lime's prestob_mim3.The zhoe,dadlpm_lpszen_._ Ze,lm .s.=mJ_ _ m a ".pO_m_fm._ of leo de_ee, .a _oeuppa22, a fmwa_ sole_l, abce.l._t_, a_! • - I_o_lf_mr_Zx3im,_Zla_flzewompo_o_ofthe • ,_ ._ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _... ,_e-,_r_,z_looor,,--_oc._r0_ • . " " " ' - m theshoeuppCX m a cen_z_z_u ma_ez,z710_. •p_1ooiianax_aot'lc_impomm_c for_it, " " 'i'. "- ' "." . '" -. • _.i -. mbfl_, Az shownLn FIG..&thefmwaxdu_ 24 Indudes a m nme.,howevex, thazJn+ __,,,_4_+_.oth_thanth_tdle_. forward midsole S0 and an esamle 54. The forward mid_:, in I_L SO is _mtt_.Upl_ts dcgn_tonddcved=lx:m_of_xtUsdedusc.Aslongastbc convanio_ _ tnJeceonmoknngor _g.e_ ,_.g., - mi the euude S4 h • mue:lzdmthef_rdmt_. ...IMdalbedmg_pmlongedme0ftherear*olelspomd_ In lhe axt. _ .The tn_r.c_n _uue .,_ thewn i_ F_3, ZA,'t_ ),,,-_(_a 26 ='d-aa_X Indud_ a l_d c_m_= 27 f_ )m_dng a bed _ of theuppa2_lh_.hed._mulaMdewal1381km ix_odlc_y toro_te the.n_r sob: so ,),,,) d- mm,=_pe_roaer _ te_. _ae.izlm:axedta me='ca •drflze 6m 1_J ,ulZ_ .. " . :Thed_peofthexear.mle28_mbe_p_yjmml, e_=ndsdownwa_ f_theum_aadden=s sized to n_w 1A, l_.rcar*ok need .nOt be mzah_ a full lgO . wom_onofmer=r,aehnX=edb_,_dthe_eaofme S0,ta,tmg=ce_-_nal fmddo_ Imowa m tho_ _l]kd me n_ role. The heel _ an_e_40 _ em_d=d."und-doZtar."_ may aim _' whe.P_=_,me_u_leh include a mlmam_y i_t2e_ lop wall 38' fo_ _ the heel ixxdm of me up_ Od_=w_ the mp of the n:u _mle or an Inu_t, m will be ¢llscu_u:dla mere detMIlat_ wm mplz_ the heal pe_oa 0f 0z upper.T'nea_punems "muJ-do_ _ ome_. ehap_.*od_O=_edge. 0f the l_gmmfa_e 30 has a m_b_antlally Idew tirol Wuflk at ead_ n_:d .pgddo_ To allow f_ a plma_ of mtutable positions, the ehape of Ihe _ _mrfece 30 i_.fe_y _ould be symmeu_ . h abom m le=t wan 3S, m p_.ferablx:m_, imegnd mmugh tMcatoa n_n-phu_, l_enbly, me W_nga_ mmb_e, I_rmolmugmom__*ed_=m_dan_pn:_'s_X -.m:ulm_o_¢mm_ composed ofplast_sud_*,adurable 1_as_: manufama_: mlx_lo_bcve, l_ ,xlges 4_,--*hovmInFIO.XA,m _ u_ me m P_AX.30..hed.su_ dining me. .,.-- , . .. - . • ".- ., .;v_amundthepedl_a_/oftheMckwal138maybe •nmedal_ambbcr_mq_ndf_afU_.l_g_ : .:.'." .. .. " mrfa_30;nndamt_:z. daston_Y_ maxuiMsm:hsspoly- _,howuInFIG.IA.Tf__Itsmay _=m_ a _ ore_e _mylm:mt_fEVA)furme nddu_ 32. •v_d coup]c_Jy _mugh tl_ddc wan 3_ _ _q, may of the heal. Oplienally, a notd_ u:cde_ 46 of i_ midsole _ _n be made of a hind p_. _ Howcv_. lhe n_x _ role c_JM be compxised of a _g]© h/m_m:Bc_ mat_Ll, _ " two _ (e.g. EVA.enyeJoped by hard _), _" any number of layer* e_ cembtnalt_s of maxcri_ indud_ a matexial eoml_ ' the e_" ,,,_e,_,_,,_,, tubes, foz" 4o mcxely b9 a weaki:ned area.of d_e Mde.wa_ m that II_e8_le wan thickn_ tn the mea ef Ibe slit h ie_ Ihan the Idde vndl Ih_x_ _ The _ slll_ allow the 81de wan to expaud ermegh m that the..i_ sole c_ be IlnulsIIl_ _m_ ib__m_s, u shown in-l_IO_ 4._uddIbe_psr_s _a_nstthcpedph_a__.tmfaceofthe_s01etoretalnltln " e_amplc, di_osedinU_.l_.N¢_A0530_ d_x_c_._Olnlommy, a_ud_band44:dzcdmm==md ' "" The _ talc28 Isd_tdzab_ faumtl_b_l suplxm26, Thisallowatheum_theahll_mchax_en_mlesenti_ely wheneither the role is we_m a signifa_ deg_ u_ deles ,flze idd_w_ll_n bc usedtofu_2z_mmm_ there_xm_ I_the . re_ss, ssthowninFIGS.IAmul3;The_ringbeadmay o_ the It. d-re:parolecempon_ a d]ffez_nt _¢ fm detixed perfozma_ char- a_ ._te_ u:_:dst_ fo_q_:df_ ath_ em_m • - 6 nmlt_ Zx)we,_,_ e_dtmem dept,:=d i_.VlO. ZA ..., pmd_thesme ._fen_edmn_tenwillbeu,edmmugl_ oezthedrawi_z tozeferto the_ _ like ine'_ . oqdaying mrfa_e*.-" ...up_ m ehown in FIG..1A, _" made with tl_.s_dc wall 38 of"tl_" h_ band44' drown in FIG. IB, _ _support. as h reducingthe T_ n_m'm_l_ 28 canalsobcm_ambly mount_ (m tl_In_l suppeat 26. The re_ sole .can be mtaxed to a plmallty of.. number of loosepar_ ammdated wllhthe, slioe. When mmXlon of lhe rear s01e. 2Jl i, _ po_tom(a_ough_fo_p0_a'mpo_raein._ _1=_.m_ band44(If _..'rota_,"me tl_ use: : _= _.-" .. . •.FIO.L_=izl_Um_), wi._a m=os_ toalZow.tl_.s0 ._d re_-ur_d_ ba_ -11_z_._-._l¢.b _rlzed.m.M1ow . us_m u:cme the rear.Udeatked_desked pod_m.Aa_a " .xm_ _on abom two axes of the dine. In addidon to being 30 will exlu'tdt a were"palxe_ a_Ihe polnt in which the heel. . of the shoe, the year role h lnvertlble, meanlng Ihat the role fir_ cu_ the Iprou_ wlz:n the me: is rmmtnf, foe tanbe formed nbom a m:a_d exls ll_t b aligned wlth the example. Exce_ve wear m:_nm 81 rids point, and at the _ ni_'ax_oflhesboe_lnmder tol_lin, e_le, thet_,zrmle nddsole, degnu:Hngthe perfe_e of Ihe n:m"role. W_ must have a fu-sl _ eurfa_e 30 located oppoIhe uua determines thaithe were"is t_licant e_ough, Ihe - ittea secend grmmd-_ag_g surfe_e 130. WI_ the user use: detach_ tbc zear sole 28 h,gmtbcbeelsupport26,_ d destn_ to change the g:ound.4_al_ un'face e,n_. t,eCales the _m" role m Iliattlie worn proven wgl no longe_ "Imte4td o( mer_y rotadng the va_rn lpo_ aboul an Inds beinthelocationofll_eser'sfn_.hede_-t_.Rotattonc_m 60 nonmltothe shoe'smajeraxh, the Usefdetac_ thex_a occ_ tn ms axis Mljned WSh the nnjor txis of the _e, m .t0te and inverts it, and Ihe flrtt gnamd_gagtng ma'fa_e 30 thai the bed h in Mm .qgpped_ ca invem_ Rolmien can a,_'ame_lhe reladvc posidon of tl_ second Oound-_ •,o o_u" about _mm_h nornutlto tlz m_ axls of Ihe shoe. in.face 130, and vtce-veru. Of ceur._ the tmef could rotale _ any combtna_ of the above. 'l'he re,e: then re.enS_s the _r role abom both axe_ at the ume lime. tf de_d, _/md u:cm'u the rear sole to its new podtimt m that the rear 6s Whenthen_ru2chdiscn_edmid_e_:ngaged. role will n_beanne didodgeddming u_e.Thenund_of The side well 38 lweferably co.taint a fast notched positions inzo which the re_ .zolecan be ruteted is net A 0721 section 42 thu extends gene_y horlzoni_ along the . .-. . • .. . . .'._ . . . . . 5. o, n6 " " .7 8: ' if e_d, fit, aro_ theridewan38 of_ bed_3part end .re_ upt_t or ccme__ pr_.,f_a _ ._e_eu r_ wouklb__tnbk to_,_ R,,tinny _tMn thef_runoU:hedeectt_. Bothi_reund-eng_nt' - ".ide _ thetypefJ_at fac_s d tlzr_rsole _ _'eilz_lofit wifl__ m_ wlth- _dll_ui_l_rwooc_._ Uac_I_: sob.l_mxu_ may the_c_s4Oeftheheel_ort2_wheaau_mbled.'/'ne -s..ahodq_doethe.wd_iefthe.us_m_._..Cu_! .o_ng mld-sccdonofthe-_so_28hasaS=:o_d' 'fl_ '-. . ' . •. . .. ' ,. n_=d _ 4_ ,)o_.It, p_p_=y, andh _z_.m m . :. ]_ _ ==i_Jo__o_v t_ _ withlh's_dm__hthefimm_h_Isi_flm4ZAfl_rt_ ..W_s-of-_ag the_:_ mM to flu_.l_J, supp_ _e t, poisoned Upwithtn the n:a_ _e bed .__htheinv*_O_The_m_'_.fe=e_efthe ", . . .._ - , . .' , . . ": -": , emmen_esa _om=waeno_ . ... • In a re:toad embodiment shown Jn FIGS 6 _d 7, ,, _o" dur_me. The cempres_n diis 39 Mlow the alde wan 38 ofthel_e]suplmrt26 to¥ eo_ whc_ them_n_ _ t_ow_ in F_GS_;_ _t_ 4, lockedo_ ,!,,. tnt=Jerts ._g _ t,_phe_ or • maengmm_- 88:el mere_ io_e serf== of th= _ no_! _ 42 h = _ of -_.T_ _ 86 m_.edt6n_te _fl_,ephn-autyof .tiv_med'et.-*hat_ slo_ 90 locatedIn a _e_** 41 of a heel _ loc_xl-,corr_po_d_pos_io_--_ _ior._f_ _ch ,_ ,_ r_ so]cb m_l. U _. l_d.lupi_b_ _m:Imcd_:l_loo46ofth_z_0rsoh_28..'rh=.,mgnmmt 41 whe_thetwou_cdo_.m_,eml_ed, tot_.lptttgne_ two s4_o0s, to ]_pprox/dc.m=:_a] _d _ly to p_ve_ tl_]_e]oftheshoe. ... _ ,tab_ a _d • l_o • _ the .=Stormo_ me lnvcn,_':L";e_d ' ' .To fu_h_ _,ck the r_u" sok _o _ . slou. pl=_ a_r arm m th_ .such_s.thosesbownln_O. 6ma_be_mp!oyed. Mme bevded edges 48 m_ _y aEIp_ ns _z_m _n HG. Z HO. 3 dq_u a s_ vlcw'of _.impmved _hl_Icsh_ 20. o_" • n_=la_ _ *ok and l:_'om,_o_:ul:)_ • nonnalto'_'ma_eudsoftbe/_oetok_ck.tlLeproUustom _nmy, t_ n_r _l_In tl_ n_ m0_.m_ l_,.such maps _ref_z_d °n tl_heel_PP o_ _ h_FI0"6 s_le_ga_ _Pemm_s_lath_wM1s_l tc_ . ., . . an: do0kt_L'Althooeh..... ,..w_,_ :. ; . _ u_ aoo_ ms4m=_ .= . . n u_=_tm .wwams_ . amm.m_. • ... .._.[" . . • _. ,'-,-, indu_ ooe. o_ .more bcve_ edg,'- as d=dn:d, a_! O)ey _ I_ Mlgn_] (at _', Infir_tcnUmb_ for dn:alazr=azsol_). _._m th=l_.,]:sup1_,as_.d FIG. $ shows -, expa_l_ ..c_u_. tl_th_same_s 0fflds-_ cm be .red, eyed ff Only a pmOcn of du: _- so_ h rotatable m" byth__. n_mm'ab_In ,_ _ view of the sccu_n_ I_d 44. _ _1 cl_ sys_m=_1 _d m_ dd boouasddomar_lul_mm-Thel_chpivo_Bomafu_posi6o_w]_e_d_s0. _agh_ "_ _ _ro_abie _ .. nu1"_" me_s that m h_st c_ p_IB_ceof the re,_r .me_ a_o_o_o_m__r,o_ e._, _ cee_,=ca, -i_mtlmmulosm_wld]e_epedpbe_ef_heg_md-e_ag- • h eog_,m a.s_n d .m_d.'lod_. _ wld_ f_sc_t4m _ smYac=m(a_ 8nd/m'h d_chable. " . uw. twe ends. Ol the adu:mbly t,_l_z. _ d_a_mg A thud embodlment of lhe shoe of the ]:_umt invenlion assemblles m'e wall-known in the indumy, e.g., ndlatm" ' h sh0w_ _nHGS, 8A.e_d 8B. A_¢_r s_e 98 h_.a _ )mscc_ c_r.cou)d_u_ _,_ =m _ve meb==_. • of tl_.lavendo_. .. . . . ed_ .I00 rout:a pexlphexMedge: 10Z A tongde )I0 mul . .greove 112 _ ux:ure, the _ edgelO0.of T_m_m forlocking _-r,¢cuflng the_e tothe he_ 4_. l]_"_'m_ _8 I_ allow the I_n_sok toq_steagage the]_e] raPPort h hoe ]/m_d- A _cu_. and fll_ El b _]_I, l_t sFplmn 106. The toque 110 In dze .embodying. shown in alto dze mea= must be e,_lly _compnshed so d_em_ win ' H O..SA ,_tends.the ea_ not be r_lnixed to.remm ti_ dine to d_ nmmYmzmsrC_ a . . The ab_l_f to .xemove t_.. rc_ sole _ pou_ The urn' can rotate_ reveal p_- Invertlhe rein",ole m _cme a worn smioa to a }e= _dca] area o_the role, aud eve.ntmdlyn:phu:ethe r_u soleMtog_her when the mk is exce_vdy wor_ Ad_tt0mdleugevay in we_ may also be achieved by imew.hmq_g-re_oxable _e_ role, m between me dglu a_d Ica dme_ :whtchtyptcsny exMb_ olq_te dimm_ 0f d_eu,amve_ edge.. 100. To ns_mble4 the met _lides the te_ _0 .t_,ue II0 may be de._gned to _ sole _i t_ .... [_o the gxeove.ll2 .b_. in_X_t_the_ solefromihe_ of _e dmc had dl_ecdy _o theg_ovc_i) The um'.d_ea,wlngs the xem" •_u_ 98 up to t_e "heel supp_ 10_,.adn__a meansfor • m:udng the _.a: role m the bed rapport m that the t_,a_role. .hi_e]y aaached. To disa.saembk_tl_'l_SS h n_n_sed. The means for u_'lng the t_ar soleis nm.ltxntted; him, n_.ves can include any of the u:cuddg meam described wear pmY.en_.However; mm_eu.serswm l_.fe_ to duange the _r roles not beca_ ofi_ w_r paue_ bm bece_ of a de_L,afor_Effc_nt.pcrform_ch_ac_'Is_cs. For Altart_iv_s can,ofcoun_ Include.ln_-_ loddng example, it h comemplaxed that a permn ua_g Ihh invenalto allamend theeet_"pcdphe_ Qf lh¢Iz¢l, _d_ tsa tion ina sheen_dr.eted a_a "cro_ may de,die _e p_ of n_dli_l pmm_om 108 c_ the teatrole which el"rearsolefo_.oa¢tl_rt, such asba,kaball, and • engase a _ng numbe: of n:_dvtng ape_u_ 116 mlhe_ typeof _ar role for_othe_, such es nmn_g. A on aa ovedumgin_ portion !14 of tl_ _ ,txppert 106. The play_ might requl_ ,*.hm'd_routfirmerr_ m]e .O._teoce of an overhanglog _ L!4 nmy mqul_ the forstability Wherequick..Mt=_ movcs_ h c$_18], u .longue If0 t0 be made of a xeslllem madam so tlm lhe x_mwh=e= a mnn_"_" Joker. might tend to favo_Imeased . eo]e 98 _ bead downward, and ckarthe.oved_ d_ock abmq_on features m:ldevable from a softer, m_re I_1_on.114 dmlngesr, em_y or disnssembly. A 0722 x &nnlt.K. :..'. . • • . . . . 9 . 10 dmdred_ When then_ sok is a_ached to the I_ ..supp¢_ .the Ol_Ioml anchors .sink into lhc low_ mldsol¢ ponJcm of the rear role due to the weight of the u_ to " ':".. : .: - im:ventmUUtonofe_e.n:ar_ledminge, e. . .. oftl_sboetod_ttlk_e_ 5 .:-. It .. will allow for a gn:atcr amount ¢_"surfin_ contact .bm.wemtl_to_U0m_ .Sr_,_n_tban_cl_-v_bklf the tnmsvme ulge 1O0andto_e n0 =e odem_.wl.._. =tb0wat_Fl_.SAe_dtB, wm a_o Vam_ ,_- ho_oe of _ w_ Sueb_ _pet v,b_._ ' m°rsuSht_Y_"_.'_men_:_'k_¢dbytbcdm " and*l°wer mid_ ponl°_ _ s_ w'm_ a._l_, n=_;'_ n_r _k ¢lcm_m. A uamWra¢ edit w_:adiffeeent eagle woMd _ ssm_.l_.for runners who te_d.w _ _ to further ¢liminat_ e_ vetdcal gapping problems.from occ_ .bawe_ _ wan ._. _ hee_ mvp_ _ _ c,,nyocm. o_me omc+p,mtp_yof me _....__ m_ nmm p_-',i_ ,_= or_,_r _.: "to=_a tn _ _t_ _ • ...+ tim two whxlows 174, 176.0qO. 10) w'c fom_dtnlhe WM! Is. ofthebeelsupp_xt, afir_twhidowl74.abovethec_i-away ,dthou_hI_o. SA eep_ themng0en0 e_u:udtagou_._em the n:arsc_ a_mi_anaxh whlchis parandto,x- major._ o_ mc _boc+iim mmpm c_d l=mad mmmml.Vv,m_..:_ pormmof_ rlman_ a .s_.whutow I_S posttS_ _S0" ummd _ wan of thehe_ Supportfromthe _m_window._ add_t_ a u_ l_oe.l_ l_ .f_med _ the i_. _, tin/ace of _he np_ _t_n_gk m fl_maj_ _ds uftheihoe, s_lS_II ftu with_,_,-_y_n_h=_.t_:_ the run h=i_nm] ,,'am_. of me ponloe 0f. me._i_oe . _..Tomnove_n=rso_'_iC_mr, ,tem_y,tlm "Imel mm3m"pm.e_ of the n:m"u_ coOk_ be . ,.. _ed tn thb fa_hm. Anmhercmbodtm_thelm:Seatinveutt_h_tn FIGS. 9-12. "I_ al_ indudet ,m upper 22, ahed._ 140. a n_r _mle l.q0,'and a forward sole I_0. A_ shown In PIO. 10. ,he heel. [mpport140 indmk_ a heel counlea"142, a _y _ar..ading wall 144 that defiees a n:_m 146 stzedto_ei_there_mle.,andafim148fe_medam_d .thelower p_on of _h,-wall aod extend_ lawardly lainthe tec_m. Andm_ 1_2 may be formed on the bottom tmface of the dm 148 and extend downwmdly towan:l the nuu"s_e. 1_. " .''+ The n_ sole IS0 includes a _ _ mffa= 15,1 co_dmnS, t_ tM_embodtme_ tla_e:..l;e/ve_., _-gu_u _¢ edg_ 1._. As du_vn h_FIO. 12, _ mu__e 150 aim tududes.a mtc_.le 158 laminated to th_ _ . • heUetamppon, thcr,_r _ +,,nm neommryto Imai._e ,, q,I/-_ _oo_ . .. -- In the mffi Iote for amlc_ing aod w,moving the n_m"sole from Ihe bed . _ mppo_As_ownin.FIG. 13, a_arsole2_isstmllaxto • '.ll_ shown in F1G. 12,butindudl_nQsi_u"allgoOSmandno small_o_ B_suse tl_. ul_. p_ 2_4_d luw_ • -.. ponlo_262ofd_enddsole.2._madeofa_[tm_erial. h can be pren-fiued into the Te¢_ of the heel _ onfll 4o therlm148eagagesthegmove266.1nthisimtance, tlM:dm of the heel support need not indi_ tlie c_t-away pe_on or the windows, as shown In i_IG. 10, and.c_n be a couflmmm rim, as shown tn FIGS. 14-19+ In"thh instma:e, the bee..1 ... .. imppon may be ms_ of a pl_c m'.othet maledal that is 45 Ih:xIble_°ugh t°allow aslisht_Pansi°a°fthet_ms. *° that the n:_ sole cau be pr_f_u:d into i_io_ ,_mnallvely, tl_ewall or rlm may Indode comptcm_m dia elmlhe" . mthoses_,wn.inFIO..1A..Slil!an0theralus'umJvcisf_the. _'m_sUg_V_.(sho,m),.to__e. l_fi _ " 180" ml¢h n_tcd tn the bed _ppmx umil d_ m_ll indmd_ _inthesecoudwind6w176.Atthisl)_l_lla:_ of the sph,al ..groove is allgaed wilh the ce_er of the cut_aWayp0nioa. Thetu_',:ag_gsinga_t'wddvcr_ ltm_m-b_'momrimml_tl_ou_h 0g window l?4t0Moth¢ tptnl_oov¢l_&cantl_...t_pl, yi'et_e.tlien_mletotlmt the r',mof II_ bed _apport _nlpqp_.d_ spiralipoovc.'rb¢ ncm.mlclsthendmplyt_ta_d:.m_i.ewthcrcartoleoulof callowerpm, d0a162_l_ycYUnd_:epi_-_ u ,man. _, _ . 164, as thown in PIG. _mf_L_4.0m_,mbmma_-c_ _s4 _ . . b0umn of the nppex mIdmle i_rt_ commo_ r_etn_d to u -tl_ "b_ po_io_, _, the • benefilsof!h_lnvmdonemeacbieved.ff.u_owninPIGS. _ I_ and 8B, tl_ "_u'.sot¢'tnc.hsd_ only a _ of s_h "heelpo_Irm".i_ally, thcr_'mte_ofFIGS. SA._dSB . could be nlalab_ _ _m axis aligned wilh the Ifio¢;l mdt Jusim in the o_0=r embodkuem _ _:_.. TI_ fcslpre allows the uscxto _e.l_..rcar. sule4_nver_¢_.flipt_n_s_ealt_fl_esb_-n_ 3o . midmlepertlem 164"e_ a po_ 2o .f,om_po_at_t_troovel__ n_r r_¢ 98 need n0t extend, f_om I1_ reex of _me-focwa_ ' .. rn_ _ I_ _l_t, the _ . .. " It h in_portm lO note tl_ the _ _le of II_tn_ved athletic shae role _f FIGS. SA.n_d Im ¢_ be odealedin _.vm.M dlff=_t maven and em be e_ e_lim_t of tl_ tnvemie_.Tbeu,ansveneedgel00andtoageeli0maybe emCedi_thelLla=dtl_oeu_., . . :. 5,.560,126 •" . _ _ t- .. ; .. ... " - .. .. • , A, _o,,_ _ mQs. _0 -,_ n.,_-w._ _ porttm. A ipmove 166 h formed betwcen.lhe_ _ ahd" lower pertle_ emd Icc_vel the Ik_ 14_ of t_. hcd.mq_'t. to teu_ the n:ar ml= tn _he heel suppo_ n_c=ss. Toeepp_nddsolcponlon l_4iadud_asplndg_ ss 16_ as shown in FIC_. 10...12, that aJlows the _x _le to be _-ewcd into the he_ mJppoU./ut drown in FIG..-IO, a im_tionof the tim of the heel supp_ is cm away at 170, The. rear sok h so'ewed into the bed rappen by _ the top oftheq_/ra]_ffoovewithknedgel72oftherimsdjacenHhe _0 cut-away po_0n. A _xmp insl_umenl (soch as a Idend_r -',rewddv¢0, _msened thrm_ the window 174 aad _ the ofthesptr_gmovel68mayakllntl_narl-up_., ' "-,=-_t_r sok h tl_n _Imply rotal_l, and the rlm _nlpqlcs thc tptral groove of the reax aole to taew the upp_ mtdmleof _. then:at s_leimo_herece_ Once fullylnsmed, thetmr t_e may be n_med fn_Jy within the _'c_ by hand, allxdt.With , i4z . . extend_ upwanfly from the:I_el tupport and is. _ to Ihc bed _ of tim upp_ by p,lul_ m"ollm"convlmdoual methods. The hed eounter Is InCfcrabtymade of dxe uuac maUuialasdmlmelsuppo_m_d-llim_emb_molded*°be inlegnd wlth _e heel suppl.. Tue heeJ ¢om_ s_v_ to stabilLv.clam_al movcmc_ of Ihc hod dudng u_c. As shown tn F'IOS.9-11_ I1_ shoe of the prcse_ lnvc_on aho ineferably indudes an a_h bddse 180 anached to, and • tntegralwtth, lheheelsupl_14ttoprovide_e_nflnner supl_ fm the arch ofthe foot and for alleviating pote_al gapping problems where .the _ of the heel mrppm'tis a_:e=ttheforwm'dsole.Tl_lmm_bfldgel_0genera_y _tends from Ihe rear of the recks 146 (when: tt anaches to theheelcounter142andddeWall144)mtheballofthefoo_ ' and is altached to the upper 22 mud fe_xd sole 160by gluing _r otl_r _mve_onal mmh0ds. The m-ohIxidge !$0 A 0723 . . ' 5,560,I0.6 - ... •11 " .12 . Mm Ispreferably compmedofd_e_ num_hlas_el_eJ axeupp_ mld,oIe ixmtlon 364inc_ aplund_ ofmuqm_m_ 8=d b m_lc tn_.i_l _lh d_ 1_.1 mi_o_ 140 _ ion! knd_ 36S _u_xlins f=um fts pcdphe_ml surfa_._TI_ nmld_ng. Such one_ _ of the m'chtxidgc lmo_s nmyf_,.'yllnddcal _hown_any_t_ d_=l_ toge_=WlthL_eheel _ppm mlvetenmher n_orproblem+ that w01l_eveat m_tlonOfehe_areok,Includh_ ih_e ud d_xIslh(u_lej_'y ofan8tldedc _x: d c_nvmllonal .s knobsdrowninFIO.35.In_dith_,l_.h_..J mlSpmt:d40 "full body" _ c-omu'm_fonmmd _m_Jun_a_e.of_ . tndud_a.dac_n444ma_f_aSaplmdl_:dopcdnl_ _ hardlzel_wlththete_lemfenm'dmle. . ._mreadvethelmobs365.. ..- . " .... .-.... suplmat 240Indudes aheel eounm 24ff" aves'dc_y e=iem_, thermrsale may also tm_vet'tI_e_ I__s Instaio,,.tl_ sr,_ IngMdewsI1244.thatc]e_mcsaxe_mm24_mMe ._. y I0 solcweoIdlmvetwo_mufac_ee_of _ cunmum_ rlm248_ Immmy Imome andengage.th_knmm_ae ix_oa _ ofme re_,ole Ix=_ _e e_mineb_ve.__'_.m_.t_ IU=_mqq_ o_." fortheb=w.led. _S0 showninFIO.13 m pu;_vem nmulosofm,.reinm]e 'm,._, mu_ I_ m_kd.m, m dmlngu__ . .: . .. surfsc_ofmcom=d.._$q_mfm_thnotlnme_ lutk_nbod_nem;m,.ix_mq_en240maylndud_a. .Ls,A.hcrnmlv_y. u shownin-FIG_..21,.8 .w_. 210 may be - . . • •. w_u _ _ s0m,_-t.me_ _ Wan _ b _.fm_b, _ _ _ _-'n=_ • a idas_m_d_ m_e _ u_ _a _ _tof_'_d _ _ __ of mc um_. A_ mown _nFxO._-_.tbc waf.__._ Jmem 212. tl_ n_mber of whl_ _ m tl_- munfmrof Integral Wilh the In_l _ A-gxP 249 Is l_J'e_MiY _- bevelededges1._6',joinedby bm's214. F.w.hhum_has a fiat f_rn_db_weea'tI_topwa1124_sndaponlonofth_ddc wall244m _tabletlm uStr nottofeehlm fromsldC wall 244- " top_ 216trod a bone__ _8 __.w benealh Ids o_'herfoot.An o_ hok (not sl_wn) may lhc ahapeo/"the bev_cd _ to._'_d_y p=mddea_ca_ solefl_ hasa fla_mpsurf.a_.As a/csu_ d_e_ar s_ is ' .. " gn_xl dmtn_ _ and the _:mte _a be m_ly posldoned Inm infu_ numb_ 0fpo_ion._ wl_chc_not oco= ifme m_ hm_r_m wan o(tl_n_es,_,. *i=#y molded Io maze wl_ me m,_.of sup_o_ m II_ fo/_ ,ok 260.rod 8ddiflonal ttl_nm_'lo the " thin_ notIn use,as'_ d_ _ by HO. xem" 1A md IB. • . •sumpon._d_,,,h,-umcmsemi_,_=_gme_=d_nc.yorm= . shoc mcud m d_ .jum:mxe df d_ehard hod suplm/twiththe soft furwm'd sole, Anom_ _ of m=bee]mq_n is shownh: ss meh=dnq0pon._d=want444m_dp0_b=m'c_me rc_rsole andre,- hccl po_lon of _ _cr (notdu_wn)cf _ F shoe,muong oth_ things.,to reduce hi_1-osme_nddso_ comp_ss_. As shown tn Flfl, _., _,- ch'cu_ _phi_ FIGS. imert 400 has a dinnmtt_ thatis sligI_ylargerthaa the |7-19.]n--ilds en_ a I_ mppo_.340 • . dlame_ of the re_e_ 446defined by the dewnwmny &t_lin_wall444offl_e Ix:e.l. mq_ixm440.A llp448h formed between the inner gnface of the heel eoumer442 andmc m_ 4.46 m mq_ me pe_p_ ofme Jnu_ _ as e_own in FIOS. 17 md l& lxmhu_ s curv_Wall "thegr_te insea can_ bet_ma_/tly _x.hed t_ 341 mat has.a podk_ f..orm_ .m _ fomard*Me f_ _ u_ of the heel mplxm _ ".mmovab_thn_gh a pock_ formedin the canva_'ypc _ ty_.dly Iomed _ _ rece/vin_ a nu_T_gye._ ed_ of_e framed u_e3_0 adJac_ the heel tupport. The curved wall MI Inevkles. a of the had _ (notd_own)_._*canbedmp]ymn0ved . . '.. en_ _,oddy _ t_s_tim f_umhan_-_ig_'_s afar mno .vlng-thesock lln_ wI_e no sud_cmvas mau=lal letamtterids ofthefarmedand_mrso_ _d Is eaq,loycd.T_ _emovabillty_.thc l_dai_e Insertanows mlnlmi_ _ _ a_m_ __ .'c_m_ _.. me ,use _.._.m_ .d_e_m .ty_e:_ ofgra_u__em of .. :...b_m_ fo_me_nofme=_mle_m.mcu_e_ "... .v_x_ m_'ne_ o_ _d_o_.imd. mexefore, • _*._" . " -.. • : . " ...... .:-.'_*o:mc:_Zh*-of._n_;.mc_'Ub,.of- :..... : _dmo0gh=W._ ofmc _.mo_ w ,_ h_ i_q_ m_ mm_, m_ ty_ of_ invoh, cd,u_m_ m_m, of " havlng a Cunti_ou_ Wdl_ defaa_a n_e_,, a _atlnuou, sln/ag dedn:d in _ heel of d_ shoe. Includesa b_ m,mx=S4Z,waUS44,rim_m, _ w_n._S, gap_49,md ._du0_ ._2 dad_r *omose. _own I_,:FIGS. 2_]_. "r_. mn_u__r7 i_ mim_ asdralghu'y * 4o tdngue247 idmwnIn FIGS.14-16.Howcv_.,the.bc_ . wMI is not requtyed..M shown in FIGS. 20A and 20B, aheel As sho_n In FIGS. 2_ and _; the rear sole.3_O p_.fe_ab]y. support_0 _ i_ude two._ mo_ Sl_-a1_ wa_ has a concavetop _ace 30; _o_ wlu:nthe._ u_ie 2e2mateUe_ down_m_ toa__eas_ _ S_ is_ tothehed_ thet_ mrfa_ofthc _em-soIe define arece_The_wall_ *adtIm_udearlm:204 .does not mine into comact wi& the gmpldte 1men.As a dm extemls intotherecessIna manma-,amilmt_the remd_,the uddd_ of the graphitelnse=tcan.flex underII_ previousembo_rn=ts. Therc_ solc shod.nla lqO: _can wdght oftherum_ nndthusect_ l_e a muntx_e to be didandla'm-fiucd Imometoo=s,andmedinsformed provide extra iqnlng h the utedsg_ In sddlflon to on thedownwm'_yexte.ndm_ wan,of theheel .rapport _0 vendng mldsole c_o_. engage the groove 266 to rein the rearsole in then_.s, mot for attm gth= t ,hlte wfthanchon 206 I_venti_g _ueloo of the_ sole 4OOis insertedthroughthcbouomof meheel supports.40 o_-unwherew:.mqxm m'e_ypi_yfo_medo_ llie x_ar soramthepc_he_ ofd= ip'al_ laurapn_u_agah_ d)e _ u_l_v_ e_uaCush_a_me _ _. " _s lower sudace of an upi_r _m _19 of the hee__ A Anmh_ mam_ ofanm:M_ therein ,oIcw theheal plattic ring 410 is 81m_ in the _ betwe_ the graphiteinsert and the dm_lS. Such.ring410 h llexFole supporlIsshown In-FIOS.22 mM23. In dds en_ A 0724 AAnn11. ...: . . 5 e,i26 3: 14 .- mp eaooghtoanowIImbe tnse_ed tmome heel mppo_ Tiz rlng supporm.thepcdl_c_ of thelow_ redact.ofthe. l_apldm inse_ T_ n=r sole 4S0is n sccew..In _pe identical • to the rear sole 150 shows In FIO. 12 exa_ that it ires a dm. ". : mp • tbcbaud,whe_ themar s_e Ismint.bed toa l_. mppo_ .-. suchas hce.l mpp_ 440shown inFIO._2,b imfdmmd - against _ knve_ cdg_o_S_ wan4_L_nm_w_m .fl= t_. : • . ..... .shovmin RGS. 30 s oft_stoem_s_gm_uddm_use.,X-_m=mmed xnd_)toMlowlhegr_h/'ingu_ ... 'by_w_...o_ Uee_..mpp_ i,dln_ amid m._ - .. rcafltmt l_mfl.rmlzr than tbc c_ddony midmle,- I!_ :.. .,. . . As"a_ in I_6..Z4, a=rUU S4S of a= U_ support twoau.av/ay, po_m_ zaST0m_ windowsS74; cm_aw mpre.face 0_ fl= top ,urf_ Ipm-Rlled, of gel-filled m_d _ adding.tim. 575 to.alkyw thegnq_iteimen and thes_g tobe _ - " "" :. Into tlmmo_s ofd_ehce.l mPlm_ inaddi_n m Mlowingthe lo Im_ceffect;. m_ sole to be _:_-wcd omo the bccl m_pon/n the mine modi_d ushoWn In FIGS. _I-_q8. lu _Is _mb_@um=_. a - • nmuu_ as _ by FIGS. 100 .X1_d,17,. Thedng 416 also I_m windows 412,_414 tl_ are_aHl_¢d with the w/ndows S74, _6 when _c dnS is im_ into the mocks.. sha_ tom Inn_ tu_ fora _m. In addidon, several v_ds thegol_iteinscn$00 and _M c_m b_ _gcm_, m mducc tbcWcight-of thenm_ ml_ and beuO., expl,_the - and600m beImenedtrim fl=bee_ su_,jx_ Agaln. me dng SlO is f_dblc enough to M_owft to be _tntO .. "... tl= bed sbo_mO_ _ grounddudng use. Thevoldsm_... poddoned_ect_ be3ow t_, knob_ 6_5 to cumbloutb_ R_cb . _0 mmsm/ued _om thebed.rappen m theImo_Tn6_tr. " u_xxt_ a.:_ so_:SSO;. _ _0_:n_ so_ _0 mowniolqO, i_cxcc_S_,_l_h_oc_,cmpmrn_ccas _n FIGS. _0 m_d_. A heel sdppon_0_ a down- _:_. " _o_h_ m_odlnm_ is _own _ FIGS. _ _d " inc.tudm_he_..mmmn940;_ grapt_ imm ram,- ring_O.- _agllyexumdlngw_ S44th,_lumami'i'a_Itm,mmedge _ 8468nd a _lcd inn=z luffacc 848.._ l_cl supl)o_ _40 also./nc_c_s m_upp_ dm S49;. " ... . ' A _m_led rlng 610/ncludes a thn_ded oup_ sm'facc _12 andamm_.sol_S@.AsshownlnFIO._,dmm_"sol_-750.indudcz a sobslmiflany plm_ gmumLcogag_ mucfac_'XS2,_,.: a low_ mldsol_ pbr_m 7f_4, and m upp_..mldm_ pmtl._m.7_. A _ of knobs 7_ having bulboum md I_.... xtmmm,-, wire _he._ded hm=r m_a/= S4S of_xe he_ 3o am formed anmnd',_-pe_ibm'y of _ up_ _ .rapport S40. I",,,- ring" also includes -_m:-omwan_ .m_d po_lo_TS_ In add_Jon, dm_ voidsTSgam form_lu _rmy ex_amng _ e7 tua_:,-_ _ me _ t_mm _dSc,8_.. wh_ U= _:_ _,W_d Imo._ -l=eJ SUplX_ "1_ bottom surface of the fbmgc _17 includes mct_ 6_s, andmaya_sobe senaxcdtblunge=gdp _ _ca_ talc toprcvcm rmados. The tin8 alsoIres .tw0 .¢_ls 614 and _ _i6, wkhmd614havingamalcmeanbcrandcod616 " 1"_ _ un_oct_ sol_ SSOis amz_cd (o d_: l_ me ends of ,_-_ mpl_ w_. m_t_,po_'_ _6 m_, mid_c Fo_U-?S4.. • .. As _wn tn _C_ _, _ _J _ p_k= ... fl_c ... o_._-low__ .::-. ram,on 940 _ - ; ... a tx_omng wan 9a.4t_ comaim a p_ui-a_ of. ope_hngs Y46 f&._c_ving tl_ imobs 7SlLTI= I_1 .S_l_, 940alsotnc_l_kfi.m94_havinganmswmdbcmpt_ld_- 949. o_,= o_ co_-m_ oz _s 7]o. _- tn_ 946 of the I_A supp_ ml the _Mm tm_ 800 _ by 4o shapedaccon_i_y to _t withinthen_cessd ibe"hecl. .. -_ a_d p0staoa_ t_ _g . " _ _S___l_ around d_ UplX_mldsolc i_ordon.S64 of d_ n:m sole md_ _ gra_ tn._t s_ and_ r_g 7_0 m_ U=_zd fi_o i that d= fla_ 17.c_ groove 566 d_tbc _ sole. The . th_ nn:e_s of the I_.J. soRx_ and tl_ zea_ wit 7_0 i_..: zing 610/s then f_mly locked omo _c rear sole by madn_ prcs_-tlued imo tim xccc_s m that the knobs 7_ _.flW,.n_r/ _nd 614 wkh end 616.Thc graphl/c/n_ 400 h inserted 45 sole engage thc.ope_ngs 946 formed _ tlm wall 944 o(xbc hno tbc hc_dm_ppon m tha__ lm:a_ _qpdmt the _ rhn 1149.Tl_ ring 610, with _ Rat sole_O_a_:h_l, is th_ ponioo ofd_ n=r sot_ adjnCcmtl_ berndm will Msobc b_. sC_.wedem _c hec_suppoa, by e_g/ug.t_cthreaded .upwa_dlyto_'ccdvclyc_,cal_w.lcdcdg¢o_tlicgio_d_ ./.... _ • " ' m .su_ace_L_o__ _nS.W_ _ _z_dme_.S_S of_ .e_,a_t_ _ace.T_ _.7_ me __c wan 844.T_e r_g ts the_sc_'wedh_m_c heeJrapport unto so allow ihc R_ sotc easily to b_ best to Coufo_mto the _=1_ s_ sCn_m:d cdsc S46 or _ waUS44_sS_c_ the _c 5_? • - i .. ofthetz_trim_Wedsc, 760 may beimcn_l lame_.voi4a " of tl_n_'- Sole u"_ are uot sdj_x_m *o *he b_x rlm•..: to . provld_ lateral *uppOxt h will be appamm t0throeddlled/n tl_m thax vm'l_ of the _ng.610. The scrramd edge _6scrvcs to l_rcvcnt rmm_ o_ tl= _ng du_mg use. .. The grapt_ fnsen bnm ltm_ to a d_ grat/atm /risen andc_mbeadaptedtoconformtoUi¢Mmpe ofthemar s_ modmc_m andvmiaaomc_ _emade_n'_"_ of i sole.In addition, the.grapbim_ concaw m me p_esem tnve_onWimou_ depmlnS _ ,1-,.,cope. o_ •c_ve= indrapeand may Indudec_._n pdnlon_su_ as spirit of tl_ hivmdon. Thus, t_ is tmcmkd tim ,I,," flmse in the grapld," imm 700 shown in FIG. 2_, to pmvldc invcmtcm cov_r, dm modi_oos and va_tlom of this addi_mml Sln_. The grapl_ ime=t atsb:_ed uot be used invcmton provldcd they come wttl_ thc scol_ of_ clalm, !. only in cc_uncdo_ wllh a dmaclmble ram.sol_, b_ can bc 6o and d_r equlvM.cnls. ' : u_d w/th _nnana_y enachcdrc_ wc_. Wh_ h r,.hdmed.i_:. -A_ _oach _o pro_ _k_,_._ _ md/_ I.A shoecomi_dng: • m_udng b_ cmhtontng b shown In FIGS..29 taxi 30. in -.axis emtodimem, a highlymlltm band 900, smsclzd m fit ov_ the upp_ Fo_Jou of the rear m_ rcm on the top surface of the lower mtds_ _ 362. A Im'd plasdc or ip_pldle O-r_g 902 may beprovided bmw_m the band 900 m up_ havinga heel _cgto_ . a _c_r sole secu_d be.low the be_ _cgkm c_dm upp_ m_l a flexible phuc haviug upper and lowc_ surfaces.and. ml_¢_ b_wccn at least a pordon of thc Ra_ sole xud-. A 0725 , :-. '.- .:.. " . 4O A 0726 AAO01159 D _ ,... .% . ' . . . - , " .._ . - . .," . :.' . ':.-',.. _'. • , . _ ." -, -i .. '.,..'......... , '.. m_ . m = : .. ]-', . . ,.-- ; m ....: .'_." ._ ." . , " . . •., , . . - AA00116O A 0727 -• "'".'.:.i.: -. ' IN THE FOR AKEVA L.L.C, Liability Company, THE a North UNITED MIDDLE Carolina STATES DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA Limited Plaintiff, CIVIL VS. ADIDAS AMERICA INC. ACTION NO. 1:03CV01207 a Delaware Corporation, Defendant. MOTION FOR COURT'S AND PlaintiffAkeva reconsideration requests Patent of the Court's No. 6,604,300 ordinary meaning. With Respect "secured" its ordinary "selectively_or "detachably secure&" meaning, In an office action Akeva hereby claim consh'uction respectfully moves for partial Order (the "Order"). of the term "secured" of the only claim to U.S. Patent to U.S_ Patent THEREOF as it appears Plaintiff in both U.S. No. 6,662,471. reconsideration means means 1. May 17, 2005 OF TIEE ORDER IN SUPPORT by and through its counsel; With respect "secured" CONSTRUCTION of the construction seeks ruled that "secured" Ix_sition." CLAIM and U.S. Patent • This motion RECONSIDERATION MEMORANDUM L.L.C., reconsideration PARTIAL No. 6,604,300 permanently No. 6,662,471 respectfully the Court (the "'300 fastened, submits, correct did not give its Patent"), theCxmfl but not permanently (the ""471 Patent"), The Court should that occurred term which the Court these errors fixed in ruled that and give for any of five reasons: on May 26, 2005 in a patent application that is a .: continuation of the '300 Patent, th_ Examiner (who also examined A 0756 the '300 and prior patents in the family) meaning, expressly and unambiguously and even made exam/nat/on The Court's importantportions that expressly cons_uction recited reasoned with respect specifications. Adidas's "detachable" tlmt " the flexible the disclosure 3) of a rear sole that could arched" analysis of the patent to reconcile The Court clear that the same the term "secured" to have its ordinary had beenapplied during the of the '300 Patent. 2. attempted construed but rotatable With respect argument with the languag o in the specification plate may be used with a"permanently without Figure overlooked to the '300 Patent, the Order in the '300 Patent of an alternative be rotated rear sole. to the '300 and '471 Patents attached" embodiment dctar.lRng was an example rear sole. (e.g., Figure of a "permanently 3 - and every other figure in the patent - depicts, however, a rear sole that/s detachable. = There is no embodiment pictured anywhere in the patent iofa"permanently attached" yet rotatable appears not to have considered the "471 Patent Patent. same in comparison Nor does it appear inventor 3. claimed separately Because a "detaehably "detaehably secured." rear sole. Withrespect to the '471 Patent, the use of the words "detaehably with the broader that the Court claimed The Court considered claims the "detachable" some of the claims secured" term "secured" utilized in the specification in the claims in the predecessor ofthe of '471 patent wherein feature. of U.S. Patent rear sole, the Court did not discuss, secured" the Court No. 5,560,126 concluded hoWever, that "secured" claim cannot mean 19 of the '126 Patent, I Similarly, every figure depicting a rear sole in U.S. Patent No. 5,560,126 .detachable. The' 126 Patent is incorporated by reference in the '300 Patent. A 0757 (the "' 126 Patent") also depicts which the rear sole a s the 11, •expressly (and apart from the word "secured") detached. these Neither patents, the Patent - invention separate •the disclosure 2001). Office detennined essentially rear sole that need not be to point out the continued Circuit panels. rejected their ordinary in light of the central In a ease decided claim The fact that this case markedlyfrom 242 F.3d construction 1337 (Fed. Cir. briet_ thus preventing the ease in any briefing. role ,__./Med played disfavor to apply Sc/Med meaning facts substantially in the Court's with which in late April, an opportunity under distinguishes of sole was an requirement. @),stems,/nc., in its opening to discuss and rotatablerear a restriction inventions Cardiovascular was not cited by Adidas it necessary the fact that in the prior file history that the detachable two distinct Inc. 1,. Advanced Finally, considered plate, and imposed from having the opportunity Federal panel nor the Court from the flexible Life @stems, • 5. feels Adidas contains Sc/Med Akeva a rotatable 2 4. i,gviMed claims that case a majority to limit the scope analysis, is treated by other of Federal Circuit judges of Patent claims more compelling Akeva than those in a to less than present here. ARGUMENT -L THIS COURT HAS POWER CONSTRUCTION RULING. This Court particularly has broad discretion in cases where CommercialBuilders,/etc., interlocutory entry there of final judgment).; to revisit 1462.(4th Cir. 1991) by the trial court----on Lavespere v. Niagara ITS CLAIM any of its interlocutory is new matter or evidence. 936 F.2d and may reviewed TO RECONSIDER Machine E.g., Fayetteville (motionsto motion Tool orders for any reason, Investors reconsider or sua sponte---any Works, are time before Inc,, 910 F.2d z _ claim does not claim a "permanently attaebed" and rotatable heeL Rather, as explained merely claims a detachable and rotatable heel that does not have to be detached to rotate. A 0758 v. 167, 185 below, it t Q (5th Cir. 1990) (with reverse.its decision intervening change this motion, there briefing respect for any reason are bases Warranting FOR ANY OF FIVE •ITS CONSTRUCTION A. application, continuation is aware, like the ones counsel application acquiesced of new evidence or an on other grounds). 3 In that were in the record at the time of the that were not available and could not have been Order. Akova continues SHOULD RECONSIDER GIVE THE TERM ITS Court's to prosecute claim construction in the '300 and '471 Patents, received was being in the construction Confirmed given Should a continuationof Order. The claims the '300 Patent, pending used the word "secured" notification from the Examiner In order to avoid any claim the Court's Order, Akeva Be based on the specifications in that in referencing At or about the time the Order was entered, preliminary allowecL "Secured" patents One such application, of the rear sole to the upper. patent prosecution Akeva reconsideration and MEANING. at the time 0fthe the attachment law") (abrogated REASONS, THE COURT OF "SECURED" AND in the "300 and "471 Patents. was pending even in the absence ThePatent Office Has Recently Given Its Ordinary Meaning. As the Court contained sufficient, as well as new matters ORDINARY "the trial court is free to reconsider of the substantive at any time prior to the Court's IL orde_ it deems in or clarification and argument, available to interlocutory Akeva's that such by a later inf_ger filed a Request that for .3 In a very recent case in a U.S. District Court in the Fourth Circuit Com-t of Appea_, the trial _ retied on _ well-settled rule that trial courts have broad discretion to reconsider interlocutory orders such as denying a motion for_judgn_t: It is well accepted that no more justification need be offered to support a trial judge's reversal of his or another distriot judge's negative riding on a smnmary judgment motion than the n_re asse_on that the judge changed his or her mind, or disagreed with the conclusion ofhis or her predecessor. .rraheta v. United of Omdha Life Ins. Co., 2005 WL 701070 at *l (D. Md March 28, 2005) (quoting D/g/ta/Equ/p. Corp., 968 F.2d 1213, WL 167946 at *7 (4 _ Cir. J'uL21, 1992) (per curiam). A 0759 Washington v. Continued Examination for the recently . Order, and advised the Examiner Applicant allowed claims, provided the Examiner a copyofthe as.follows: is submitting, with this Information Disclosure Statement, certain additional prior art and a copy of a Memorandum Opinion and Order of the U,S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina, dated May 17, 2005 (the "Order") Claims of related pending in Litigation patents, application Among term likewise 3 [this pending including claims the terms construed in the Order found in the claims to have The court meaning, written its ordinary allowed this "secured," which is a is the term in the pending (i.e., fastened application. to have the Court discussed of the specification It has been for the term or attached). the term "secured" In its reasoning, description from which and in prior applications, meaning did not construe however. The Order construes priority. Applicant's intent, in this application "secured" matter]. U.S. Patent No. 6,604,300, its ordinary materials of the '300 patent. found in the Because this application adds no new matter to the specification of the '300 patent, Applicant has submitted the Order with this Information Disclosure Statement to confirm whether the Examiner allowing (Attachment these the term "secured" in A hereto.) the Examiner issued a Notice has no new matter in the specification allowing its ordinary meaning claims. On June 2, 2005, whioh has given the claims 1. The following considered The Examiner Carolina is an examiner's this pending statement to clarify by the Examiner has considered Court, the Examiner filed in the IDS on 5/23/05 to be necessary and understood and in allowing application(as/n for childpatent claims; added that was not present that use the word "secured," view of the Opinion of Allowance the meaning when allowing the Memorandum these the prior claims made of reasons the in the '300 statement of the term "secured" including Opinion applications) In is as used this language. and Order has construed of the North the term "secured" to have In following remarks: for allowance: the following claims Patent. in its ordinary meaning. (Attachment relevant B hereto) (emphasis to the construction F.3d 1340, 1350 (Fed. added). of prior issued As Akeva hasnoted, patents. Microsoft Cir. 2004). A 0760 file history Corp. in later applications v. Multi-Tech is Sys., Inc., 357 •s The Examiner necessarily of the '300 Patent - who is one of at least ordinary must consU'ue the claims term "secured" understanding to have its ordinary of a United and should be considered White Consolidated ,6 States to examine meaning Indus., Patent Examiner, Inc., 199 F.3d 1295, disavowal" The Court's Patents' • 1. Acknowledging the claims where meaning The is highly relevant possible. 1299 (Fed. Cir. 1999). See Toro Co. v. Particularly in light of of a term during the prosecution itself--warrants reconsideration Order that it was not giving fastened, includes and upper Does Not Recognize Critical The '300 Patent Does Not Depict Rear Sole that is Rotatable. but not permanently Adidas's arguments, in the '300 Patent specification. support not determinative, the oftbe mechafiical "secured" is construed fixed means to mean in position'" of the meaning Attached" in the '300 Patent, 'a rear sole selectively (Order that, "[i]n locking all embodiments, the rear sole relative Patent, Col. 7, 11. 17-20). plate, notes the option or at 25). the Court was conYmonted by two different for selectively the flexible a "Permanently its ordinary The first is the statement of the shoe" ('300 part of the pateni discussing Aspects Specifications. states that "'a rear sole secured' In addressing invention states that she construed of the term "secured." B. permanently although of the ordinary of a patent 4, this new file history material--by • theCourt - expressly in the "300 Patent, and in prior applications. by the Court in construing the rule requiring a "clear construction them skill in the art and The second of using statements the to the rear sole statement, found in a a"permanently attached" rear sole with the plate: 4 SuperGuk_ Corp. v.DirectTFEnter.,Inc.,358 F.3d870,874 (Fed.Cir.2004); Texas Digital,S_,,s., Inc_v. Telegen_ Inc.,308 F.3d 1193, 1204 (Fed.Ck. 2004). A 0761 $ • The flexible region also need not be used 0nly in conjunction rear sole, but can be used (Id., Col. permanent noting attachment" argument that this statement (Order The Court relied did not apply on a description the rear sole is rotatable first heel str_e' rear sole support.' rear soles as well '300 Patent, written description position (e.g., rotatable) The reconciliation language plainly permanently attached, to conventional means portion did not "disavow with Adidas's for attaching which shows will no longer (Order at 20). The Court out, the rear sole era shoe could also being detachablefi'om of the "permanently to conclude but rotatable, attached" language that the specification rear solo. In this the Court an "embodiment of the separating it from the concluded that "The be selectively the shoe." a rear sole to be in the location that 'the rear sole may be rotated without points led the Court this language of one embodiment, Col. 6, 11. 58-63" without meant that Mr. Meschan to reconcile so that the 'worn and states patent's clearly at 20), attempted that the term "secured" •an upper. user's attached 10, 11. 14-16.) The Court, wherein with permanently with a detachable locked into Id_ with the "all embodiments!' depicted an embodiment erred, Akcva with a respectfully suggests. The portion without Patent, separating of the specification it from the rear sole support," not Figure 2. 5 Figure sole (by pulling permanently first cited by the Court ("the roar solo may be rotated 3 shows down on the rear sole), attached Col. 6, 11. 58-63) a rear sole that can be rotated but importantly refers to Figure 3 of the '300 without this embodiment detaching the rear does not have a rear sole: s In fact, Figure 2 shows just the opposite: a rear sole that may not be rotated without being detached from the shoe. CoL 6, IL 59-61. A 0762 I) • This embodiment, as with every embodiment drawn in the patent, depicts a detachable rear sole. The text cited by the Court merely points out that the rear sole in one embodiment (Figure 3) need not be detached in order to rotate. Neither this figure, nor any other drawing in the patent, depicts a permanently attached but rotatable rear sole. Furthermore, other text in the patent makes cleat that more than just rotatable or detachable rear soles are contemplated by the invention: While the above discussion is directed towards a rear sole that rotates or separates in its entirety, it is specifically contemplated that the same benefits of this invention can be achieved if only a portion of the rear sole is rotatable or removable. For example, a portion of the rear sole, e.g., the center area, may A 0763 ! plate without •''Summary without discussing detachable only the flex_le or rotatable as interpreted compelled support referred between The '300 Patent's focus clear by discussing or rotatable plate invention, attached rear sole. rear soles. only the flexible clearly ('300 plate As noted earlier, the specification and is a patentably the two inventions in its proper context. by the following includes rear sole. Patent, distinct states in a that the Col. 10, 11. 14-16). invention from, the rear sole. by the Court, • the invention or rotatable locked plate can be used without, The dichotomy language mechanical to in that portion of the '300 Patent The Order indicated from the '300 Patent's means and upper of the shoe" ('300 for selectively Patent, of the specifieatio the Sc/Med the rear Col. 7:17-20; Order decision, that its concision specification: locking n, however, places was "In all embodiments, sole relative at 20). is not the claimed The to the rear "invention" flexible plate; rather, it to the rear sole. 12. The Federal Systems, Circuit's holding in SciMed inc., 242 F.3d 1-337 (Fed. Cir. 2001) Federal Circuit claimed and thus concluded confronted not dictate that, where inventions and emphasizes insert to a selectively plate can be used with permanently the flex_le refers secured makes the patent's any such reference flex_le sole to a detaehably of the Invention" paragraph Thus, a limitation unnecessary accordingly "all embodiments" language that the language a specification limited separately their independence, limitations appears addresses is not applicable. In SciMed, of that invention. two or more patentably concerning a holding would represent features of the rear sole--its the being Sc/Med does distinct the first should recess into which it fits, its profile, its symmetry about a central axis, its outsole bevels, exchange of rear soles between right and leR shoes. There is no mention of the plate. A 0770 Ca_ovascular to the very invention the bounds describes Such Inc. 1,. Advanced directed language into the second. t2 The entire paragraph _n which this sentence Life Systems, be used to a dramatic shape, theshape its rotatabil/ty, of the and even 6 expansion of Sc/Med of Sc/Med in subsequent E. during a period in which Sc/Med Conttnaes to Receive the Federal Circuit. April In Gillette 29, 2005, Co. v. Energizer the court construed disclosed b-peoificafion refused warned showed stronger Holding, for deviating claiming infringer razor would only three blades, to merely and Unfavorable Inc.., 405 F.3d 1367 The accused of the problems to limit the claim The arguments narrowing to get little support in subsequent and that a four-bladed in the patent Limited a razor blade patent third blad6s" as one of the elements. only three blades, Circuit has been the reach cases. .It bears note that SciMedcontinues • decisions. the Federal (Fed. argued not infiinge. that the claim over a dissent in Cirouit Cir. 2005), decided and was limited because instructive, • provides a comparison Honethelegs, that relied_aeavily of the patent in the Gillette the cocrt on Sc/Med. case were much of the panel held fast to the plain meaning it is attached of the patent to this Motion yet another reason for grantitig in the Gillette as Attachment the motion G.) rule. case to the patent in this case is This recent case development for reconsideration. CONCLUSION For the foregoing Court's May 17, 2005 reasons, claim Plaintiffrespectfully construction Order. A 0771 rt_tuests to the text of the I (Indeed, on All of the embodiments and, as noted in the dissent, from the plain meaning than they are here, but a majority Federal "a group of first, second of using more than two blades. three blades, Treatment partial reconsideration of the Respectfully submitted this 6th day of June, 2005. /s/Scott A. Schaaf North Carolina Bar Number 28792 TOGGLE, Dt_,_,GINS & MESCBAN, P.A. 228 West Market Street Cn-eensboro, North Carolina (336) 378-1431 (336) 274-6590 27401 - Telephone - Facsimile Lance A. Lawson North Carolina Bar Number ALSTON & BIRD LLP Bank of America 23835 Plaza 101 South Tryon Street, Suite 4000 Charlotte, North Carolina 28280 (704) (704) 444-1000 444-1111 Patrick - Telephone - Facsimile J. Flinn Georgia Bar Number 264540 Demetrius T. Lockett Georgia Bar Number 455547 ALSTON & BIRD LLP One Atlantic Center 1201 West Peachtree Atlanta, Georgia Street 30309-3424 (404) 881-7000 - Telephone (404) 881-7777 - Facsimile ATTORNEYS A 0772 FOR PLAINTIFF I|imiHIB|,HHUlIHIH t.I_G00Y_06210A United States Patent [ 9j Meschau [54] AI1R.,EIIC SHOE WITH IMPROVED STRUCI_RE Fsl _ Da_agM,_m,O,te_x_,n._ [zJ.] ,,,m,L_ Patent [45] Date of Patent: em_ [51] [_] [ss] Int. CL6 " u._cL Field o1'Sem'_5 r_ua_ ... _ _ 7/1937 eigX_4 7tLv40 94"/O54 7/1956 2154_1 5/1973 z74_L_a _¢LV_ 10/lg67 25728 11/1909 S_t2 _tgxt _as4 _J_4 A43B 21/36 3_/3_ R; _/42; _ B 3¢_/'J6R, 42, _ B caea • O.,5. PATENT DOCUMENTS _sa_lss Balm. Ha_,nad _ al.. 1,,_daetl _ aL. Sm.k.h. Bua,nr6,dd. F-m.ak. Ik:dt _ aL. _. Ku_. May. O'He_. Vk:lm". Paddea. _. Am_ et al.. l_ml. l_Im_ . l_lmm. Ffsd_. Vaa Mele. C__. gamda. gmi,_a. Calma_. 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A_Srl_,c'r A sho_ indud_s a _._ _ok_ _pipo_ for r_c_iving a _ abk r_r =_I_ t_ pmvid_ lo_.r weac "11_ sh_ may ds_ i_lude a _x_ plae _ by th_rear_ole_0por_ b_ween _,b_l aad d_ _ role to n:duc_ mkhole member _¢an_s theruar_oleto_ rearso[_suppo_ and a locking mead_r _ts roUaion offl_ _ar sole _elativ¢ to _e _tr sales_/d_ag _. The replace, ab_ re_ sole • ,,,d d:_ _!_ pL_t_ allo_ the Shoe to _ adapted U_ diff.e._m _ pe.rS:g'mancecturac_ristic_ de_.ndmg upoa t_ inte.nd_da_tivity and _._ain _ ph_p_g Smf-a_. 36 Oalms, A 0786 29 D_wlag Sheets Ib 6 s o63zo JPz_ 2 • u.s. JPATENT[X)C'UMENTS 9/'1961 ]sn_d. 4/1963]_kus. ._ P-alM_S. 4/Z9_ /V',dZ_aI_. 9/zgG5[_dJem. 9/19_6]Sk.,_dil_. 5/196"7 h,n_. it/19__. 6/17_0Patl_oue. _97Z Z_r_. 2/19"/2 _IIld=. 5/1972Fn41tdZos_. 12,,I_r3 IZo_evg_. 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U.S. Patent ", _s ¢D O4 Sheet1 of29 ¢D ¢M O A 0788 " 5,80 _,210 " U.S. Patent Sep. 15,1998 5,806,210 Sht_ct 2 of 29 9O • 26 i__ 80 I _n i,,'_74 (76 FIG,, 2 ...,;'- A 0789 J U.S. Patent sep. 15,1998 Sheet-3of29 A 0790 5,806,210 U.S. Patent Sop. 15,1998 Sheet 4 of 29 X , A 0791 5,806,210 " U,S. Patent Sep. 15, 1998 sh_t s of 29 5,806,210 O0 %\ A 0792 U.S. Patent Sep. 1,5:1998 Sheet 11 II II II I II I !1 I II I /! / // ! / / f ..,, ... A 0793 6 of 29 5,806,210 U.S. Patedt • Sheet 7 of 29 i A 0794 " U.S.'Patent Sep. She'S orZ9 15, 1998 ¢D ,q- ] ] 0 tO _.... -- ] ] ] ] ] A 0795 5,806,210 U.S. Patent sep.15;1998 Sheet 9 of 29 ,'-.. FIG. 9 A 0796 5,806,210 U.S. Patenf Sep. 15, 1998 Sheet 10 of 29 52 FiG. 10,4. A 0797 "U.S. Patent Sep. 15, 1998 Sheet 5,806,210 11"of 29 52 FIG. lOB A 0798 6 U.S. Patent sep. Is, _gs Sh_t _ or29 5,806,210 f_ FIG. 10C ..,..._" A 0799 U.S. Patent Sheet 13 of 29 A 0800 5,806,210 "U.S. Patent Sep. 15, 1998 . O 5,806,210 SheeC 14"of 29 fq "0 T-" " ...": A 0801 " R. lb U.S. Patent Sep. 15, 1998 Sheet 15 of 29 A 0802 5,806,210 U.S. Patent " Sep. lS, 1998 Sheet 16 of 29 A 0803 5 ,_o6_fo 'U.S. Patent Sep. 15, 1998 Sheet 17 of 29 5,8o6,21o _mlllllll. '1'== © A 0804 U.S. Patent Sep. is, _ sh_ ts or z9 5,806,210 FIG. 16,4 280 282 J FIG. 16B ..._.. A 0805 U.S. Patent Sheet Sep. 15, 1998 19 of 29 80 I I I 168 - I I 28_. FIG. 17 A 0806 192 IJ.S. Patent Sep. 15, 1998 \ A 0807 it Sheet 20 of 29 5,806,210 t it U.S. Patent Sep. t5, 1998 • Sheet 21 of 29 9O 194 .FIG. 19A -. 190 FIG. 19B A 0808 5,8o6,21o U.S. Patent " S_p. 15, 1998 Sheet22of29 I ! I .t 1 206 . ' FIG. 20 A 0809 5,806,210 • " t lJ.S. Paten sep is, 1_ " s_t _ ot z9 ::. 3 3t0 t "-,. --. 308_ ": 3"t4 A 08'!0 U.S. Patent Sep. 15, 1998 Sheet 24 of 29 5,806,210 8 II _l O A 0821 U,S. Patent Sep. 15, t998 Sheet 25 of 29 316 FIG. 23A •,FIG. 23B FIG. 23C A 0812 5,80_,210 U.S. Patent 5,806,210 Sheet 26 of 29 9O j26 i | I 41 3-/6J _ " " " 312 I j, 400 3_ /.,-/'/" FIG.24 ,[.. - A 0813 312A _ 311. U.S. Patent ._p. 15, t998 Sheet 27 of 29 A 0814 5,806,210 U.S. Patent 5,806,210 Sheet 28 of 29 Sep. 15, 1998 26 36 FIG. 26 A 0815 U.S: Patent Sep. 15, t998 5,806,210 Sheet 29 of 29 _ __ _ __ ..._. __.=.. ,/ ---_608 FIG. 27A j 604_602 _r_)8 FIG. 27B A 0816 600 600 l ATHLEFIC SHOE WITH IMPROVED STRUCTURE HEEL 'BACKGROUND OF THE _rVEIq'HON 1. Fkid of d_ lavea6on 'The _ _L/c d_cs __ .,rod mo¢¢ _ d_ however, hay• never caughl on _n d_ mm_lacc bec_ it i_ s_p_y too easy md _ta_w_ U_q_ to have d_: entire bect on such footv_tr v,-i_lJcedat a _0mS _,_,_ n_h_s _ly to mul6-p_or,_ a_l, mo_ im-6_ly, to •1hi, tic _ocs wlih _r _k_ tl_t provi_ _ Iff© md beher p_focmanc_ in ,,-rms of It is diff_ul_ to ad_ such "dress shoe" &sigm to tddetlc shoes tot vadous _ Oue reason is tim the soft, _:u'li_ materials ut_ized in aiM©tic shoe soles mMm it _y diffumlt to devise a medumism for detachably 1o sectoringheel ek:me_s to eadh oth_ wilhout advemely _ec_g m_mshi0etag ud omu ck_-eax_t_aks of me Z Di_m_ou of _ Rell_ _t _me. On the o_r lured, ufllizaxkm of bud maU:rials ia athlel_ shout teudsto inmeasewelght and ckcaca_ecemf:x_ audp=fomanc_ of exe_i_ typlmny i=_ude • hmlmted role sttacb_ to s xs For exampk, U.S.'PtL No. 1,439,758 to Red_ disma ,ud pliable uppec The sok emudly tin:tracksan abrusion_oses a d_tchable tzar role rind is _ to a h_l of the, ndDt_r ouUote *mu:tx_ *o • ¢ud_oetn8 midsole dine wi_h • c_am s_zw that i_ex_J_, es e_e boeom of the ,_u •ok and whk:b b m:rew_! into the bom_m of the he_ of o_ a rater compound. the shoe. Suc5, dudga ca•nat be used In athk6e shoes because the cen_ _ woeld deh-imenl_y "afl'e_t the •_hoes iswr_r tob_h th_ou_m_ and n_/_. A _ nndy _a_fioeieg txot_ks o_ tl_ res_mt mldmte and my poss_ be fot.cecl into Ibe heel o f the met wheu the midsok tuber _ surfaces ttbe a _ toUon Ibe omsole. ts_ de_g _e. Peahenno_sc_ r_'w does This problem is exwerbated by the fact that, with the li_c for pcripbcrd •_ermce of the sok to the shoe heel in Of I_e_']icut c_c,q,6oe _ the teeuis shoe, the most proooeuc_d outsole 2_ the _ w©_ [c_ mc_ u_e_ c_ nmmug dm_ in l_ul_ ocoa_ Anomer tmhm in me •six•eric same _bxsUy is Ihat, whik _dly i_ _ _ d_ cut_ p_l_z_y of m_ Iz_l _d cud_ has n:¢e/v_ a lot of aflcn/k_ spr_ h_ n_ved v=y llul_, d=pi_ _ f_ _ maU=_ l_ ware pmbk_ be©rise o_ the f_xoe pltcul o_ th_ heel . du_ _ho gait cyde. In fact, the heel typ/ctlly w_.ar_ out 30 roach _ dum me t_t of t_ a_eti_ _oe, t_s _ mc_ v,_iSJxC One ndt_n may be the peroeived ten"replac_a_al o[ d_ eut_ s_oe _ _gh e_ b_r of _e dency of graphS© o_ grq,h_ comp_*e t_ cr_c mx_ .shoe is su31 in sattsf.u:_ condition. sty:s•. Yet mother _aum may be the increased co.:associated _ such nate_ds. Ye_ anoth_ re*_a maybe _hat me m:maxdous va-ia_n in body welgl_ and sprlug l_e fracuo_ of usens makes h cxmm_ct'ciaIly uufeas_le to mass-market ••hi©tic shoes with graphlt© spring _ _ is silo _c v_z in _c becl _rc_ eah_emeut, giv_ the ceuutk_ options eat w_ekl Imve )o wi_ each shoe slzc. Since heel spri_ is tu_l_ pmlcehdy meout_perlph=yof meheeld_ctly abovethe 4o be o_ ou_ok we,r spot *nd.the •ca di_c_y _r O_ user's _ il go_ with•u• saT_ that si_ing optics are als9 cakaaeus or _1 bo_. uon-existcu_ Also al_em fzem _he _ arc truly _ has y_ addressed bed wear pmbk:ms/n m ©ffec_e way. To alhletic shoes. N_ s few "ren-wa_" "*¢mbic_ the unmh_kabte _ date, thin is nothing in the m to address the combined _ ran," md a_-court mod_ _ble_s of midsok _ _d _ _ in m_l appca_ m b_ incensed spec_/zadon, w/_ no app_uh_k m_e_ ._d th=e pub,ternsrein*ineq,e,_any _e ©m _dmw/awareu_s of the fac/th_ d_ me aud _ in the I_el area of _ch shoes. of m _d_ic sho_ can be ch._gcd drama_icaUy flit b _q_ly given imudumgeal2e rear _ok_ Simihdy, no adde_ 13esigesarcImownthat specify the _placemem of tin finnentire o_tso]e of a shoe. Exam_ hick•de th43_ disclosed in 50 numeft_tmer h_ yet to ofl_ varying heel m_oai_g _ in ca_ shoe si_ de_ _ fa_ th_ comemet body U_. PaL No•. 4,745,693, 4,.-377,042 and 4,267,650. These w¢ighx f_r _u:_ shoeslze spare s huSe spc_'mun.While a c_acepts are hntn'ac_cal for mo_t applintion_, bo_-ver, o_ width Ol_Om in sb_ siz©s,w_ua_ 'esl_any athleticsho_ ,for sev_l re_oe_ _ tight f_w meufi_uz_ a_be._e between the _ok and the sho_ i_ diflSc_t to _ of cushieul_ in a s_le mo&l m"sb_ s_:_ is arhiew, pufi_ularly around th_ _ of the _ole. m_m_t in the muk_. Sco_ud, _pt sceer.._ o{ e_c eati_ _o_ is enncccsr_u_ SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION upon typical w_tr patterns ia add_6c shoes.Third, r_placing an _mtlre sole is o_ would be mo_e expemive than replacing TI_ present inwntiOa is dkected to • shoe thai sub•tansimply Ibe w_m_ a fac_ which isco_ if • ,_pla_ab_ hall-length sole _r every men's and women's eo limit•iota mddisadvamagcs of the relatcd arc - shoe s/_z i$ w be produced. F'mdly, it wo_dd appear Ihat the Addainmd f_mres md adwmtages of the inventioa will h_l _ in pax6c_hr, Im entirely di_ermt ne_ and bc _t forth in the description which [oflows, and in part will fequh_men._s from the I_ of the shoe sole whlcb derive in Ix: apparent from tl_ _I/on, or m•y be kamcd by subslantial part from ils r_ of de-sex,salon. pro:tic© of me inventlon. The objecdv_ m_d e_r_r *dvanom_ _ whi_ ue _pally m,_cted_o rmoes_ taSe_ of _ invcntlo_ will be rcaUzcd and stlalned by the hav/ag • rehdwly hard heel and ou_sok (e.g., dress shoes). sy_em particul,uly pol-tcd outis the _ de•rip•ton and discl_se rear u:dk:s that u'_ delachabk and which c_m be c!aims, _- welt as thc appcmk:d druwings. Midsole we_ oa th_ other hind. rese_ts not from abr*slve fo_es, bet f_m _atcd _ of the res_mt materbl fom6ng the midsole due to the IL,_ force e_rted on it A 0817 To_ 5,806,210 3 ll_se audo0aelrslvauXlg_and_naocordm_ 4 FIGS. I_A and 1913 are pc_pccliv_ v_ws of a _ for the heal rm'actu_ dxowo ia lqG. 17. wlth d_: impo_ of d_ inveudoo, as _'am:l l:_roadly dcsa'zq_d bcrcin, lfic M:mem_udes, an uppea hay'rag a h.ecl FIG. 20 is an cxpIodu:l _ vicw of anolh_ reg:ioo a.ndrca.rsol._ suppoN _ _o II_ Ix:el _'gion of lh.c embod'm_at of _l_ _ smmm_ of_ lacse_ _. uppec Tbc t'c._r soleSUlqPOrt includcsabasc, a.f_l wall :_ FIG. 21 ,is an exploded _ vlew of too&ca ©xtmdi_ _ f_m t_ base .rod_. _s_. _im_t of the heel mruclm'e of eh,e l_e:scm _nveu6ou. gn:mvc, and a secom:l dowowaxdly oxXcnd_ w'all _c lq0. 22 is a _. view of scvexal of fl_e l:_cl the tim wall mf having a secood O0ove faclngthe flint oompone_ d, owu i_ FIG. 21. groovc.A rearsMc sole FIGS. 23A--C are top, r,Jd¢, mad bottom views, mspportwlth a mouadag manbe_ _ tothe+carsotc 10 u_¢_iv¢ly, of oolsok s_m_at fi_rth_ I_¢I slna:lu_ shown and includlngattern onc rim foreaoging me fu:sX and i. FIG. 21. secoad grooves.A locklngmember engagesthen_tr. sele _O. 24 is an _ embod_ of Ih¢ h_! supportmd one of thetctrsoleand mountingmcmba to pa_enl rao_ of the sole relafivu Io _ _ear sak It is _ be _ m,_ bo_ me f0_,g_i_ g_m_ral.• dm=_a_ md m__now_ d_ned aes,:xlt_ _ _mplaty amt cxplmam_r iaveafi0a, ,s_ FIG. 25 is +a exploded pe_,ecslve_ of motb_ of a heclstmctuscof thoinc_ InventloaFIGS.27A aad27B are_de wd fmut views,re_ly, 2o of a wafca- fo,- use iu.the heal mrucem: stmavn in FIG. 2ft. oQly and axu nat rc_rk:41_ of _ DI_ON view Of of Ih¢ p_scm im_mSoo- F_G. 2_ is a _ v_cw of aoo_h_ embod/mm_ o_ a _.a_r sole fix ,s¢ with the shoe of the iatscm _ _ and mnst/mtca partofth_ spccificadm, ahsstrate embodimcnts o_ thc iavcntioa md too.sher wi_ _e dcsalpdou, scrvc to cxptzin the lninc_lut o( tbc iaveu_ioa. BRII_ _ mrucu_ OF THE DRAV*qNGS DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMI_r_ 2s FIG. I is a Re_pectiv_ vlcw of one _ of Ih¢ laCS¢_ iavcutio_ of a sho_ 1;10-2 is an Exploded p_uqm_ve s_rucemrefo*"_ Mboe own _ lqG. 1. view c_ the bccl m illmuatedia me *uxantnayingdr_ing_ Wherever possa2_, the same _eS:_rence duwactus will be ased through_o -FIG.3 isa p_pcctlve vicwof a zearsolesuppo_ f_rthc ..hcel stmctun:shown inFIG.2. R¢_rence wi_ now be mack. in _ to Ih¢ pa:scat p_ fvn_d cmbod_ts of tt_ _cmiou, cxampks of which lqO. 1 /llus_ral_s an _ • .u _,_c c_ Ib_ shoe of the s_._ _,rln_4_ d_,+,_d _ m.u_g, w...nd.g. • HO. 4 i_a peeve view_x_ the_ ofIbe btda:tball, _.anls, and odbe_forms of _ •rear_ok seW_ _hdvmin FIO. 3." As showu/n FIG. I, rdme 20/ndud_ an upp_ 22, wh/ch FIG. 5 is apcmp¢_¢ view o_ anoll_ mnbodimcnt of Ih¢ • s is tha_ lxaaioa of ihe s_ tha_ cov¢¢s lh¢ Upl_ po_ioo of th¢ shoe o f tl_ I_Smt imamtiou. users fixer. The upper may be made of le.alhcr, a _ FIG. 6 is a l_-4e;p_ vicw of a rca_ so_ suplp_rt _o¢ the mat¢ahl, o_rany combination of maledals well known _n the dx>e shown in _IO. 5. all t_as"mk m_port rdmwn in FIO. 6. FIG. 8 is a s_Ic v/cw of a rear sol_ fo_ II_ sh-uctmc slmwn/n F[O. 2. FIG.9 isa I_ rear mk draw FIGL 8. ground-cuOging vkw _owlng lheundmide oflhe sur_ 4O A forward sole 24 is attached to Ihe Ra'efoc_ regloo of the upper. The fro'ward sole h • lightweight axuctare Ihat pn_idcs cud_ m lhe, fi_'foot regioo, aod may kz:_udc an _t m_.r oetsole lamiaated Io a softcr, c_ midsok laycr- The forv_ mk is attached to _s th_ upper h •amvcatlomdma.ser., _dcally by i_o_oa tbc rcar role dm, wu in FIG. 8. In some ooaw.afioa*l_ the fo+ward_ok (simply re_-md to in the indust_ m a "sole') weeld exn:ud from the fopcfom _ou to the _m" edge of *he h_L In other models, poaioas oft_ outsolc md/o¢ midsole FIG. 12 is a p._ve vlcw of a lock_ membea fia- lhe so _ are _ or eliminated in oertain _ areas, sech _ le:el .s_ru,_u_ s._ow'u ia FT0. 2. the ud_ _ to _uluce v._ighc_, in • radical RO. 13 is a pcrspecdvc vkw slx:_wlng tbc oppo_ slde dcpamu-c flora couveaffomd shoes, O_ dxo_ of tl_ prcseut of lhc lock_ng mmxl:_r slx_wn m FIG. 12. inveatlon incoqx_tcs • _ m'ucSm.c, _lud_g • dc_c_FIGS. 14A--C arc lop, p_poctive_ aad s_de ss sole,thatsignific_ntty allcviatcs bc_l_, of a _c_ ph_ _ the l_el s_mc:tu.m Ic,ms associated with couventiond soks and RG. 2. HG. 11isasidev'_ of, mruc_r¢.shown ia FIG. 2. _ mcmbca"for Ihe h¢¢1 caSmcedcushlouing_ FIGS. -ISA..-C m top, pe_p, ccdv_ aud _ views, rcspcctivcty, of ux>thcruntxxlZm_t of • acxiblc plascfor use m the h¢_! slracture r,howa ia FIG. 2. q_,g. Au embod/mcm of _ h_l smw_un: is showu in HOS. 1 and 2 and includes a xcar sok sapport 26 attadaed to the h_l 60 f_gioo of the upper 22, a rear sole 28 dcta_aably secau_ to FIGS. 16A aud 16B arc top and side views, ru;pectiv¢ly, d_ rr_ sol_ suppo_ 26, a me.ruing member 60 for dcU,c_of another _nl of the flexible pla*,- foe _ in the ably sumdng the _r sole 28 to the _ar sole sapport 26, and he_l structure shown in FIG. 2. locking members 90 _r lneVeating mtatk_ of the rear sole MG. 17 is an _loded _ view of anoth_ 7..8rdative Io the rear sok suppo_ 25 d-m]ag me. In addilion, cmbodimeat of the heel _r'ucl_rc of Ihe preset _vea_on." the heel _x'ac_ure may include • flca_le plate 8(I foe FIG. 18 is a perspective view of a moonting member fm ridingspringm theheel of the tt_ rod _cducmg w'eu me heel sh'uctur¢ shown in FIG. 17. caesedby midsolec_npre_,si<m. A 0818 5,8o6,21o 5 6 /k.s ab0_m in FIGS. 3 and 4, Ihe lear so_ sappoft 26 includm • sub_o/hlly oval or ellipdcally-r,haped base 30, , "wlth mmewtm flatteoed, medial and tatenl sider,, having • top _ lID/is •thcbedto the _ppef by s6tch_ gla_ m o/bet c_mvc:Qlioml me•re. Tbe shape of such base is not s Nnmlted, and co,uld be _ polyg_d, or any vmlation o f • the fot_ A froet Wan 32 cxteods do_nwmdly from a fiem edge of the base 30, and i r_r wall 38 extends dowuwanfly f_m a _tr edge o[ tbe base 30. T_ tbe lO ft_mt and _ walls define a rece_ that, as lat_ _ recclves me_s f_ de/_ably r,amring the _ear sole to tbe "Ibefm_ w'an32 iachldesa lip34 tamed towald Ibe _=r_ _ _s0_ ._ • ma_ ._.k_,.. and thalisd_eteadeocyofan afhlel_c slme ofcomre_mal "full body" uch _ to cud o_ twi_ at the jun_ of Ihe hard re_ sok _plx_ aed Ihe resent fc_anl sole. h alsorcdu,:cs d_: w_bt _ tbe sbe_ _ rcdu_ •1_ _ar _ _l_a, no_ b_ marc of • sol_ _ o_ _el coun_r. _md _cb bdd_ _ mstc_r_L Hoics o_ sp_:s may be a¢l_helime of _, _7,t_J_ghout Ib¢ sll_iclare As an _ to tbe an_h bvldg_ 4_,. g_, n_ sol_ suppoa 26 ;- all of tbe embodiments may ladle upper md iow_ bo(i2m_ walls 144 and 145, m shown in FIGS. 5-7, v:_ss, with l_34md tbe_e_ _leofwall 32deflni_ an awahape_flora groove. Toerear wall 38inele_•llp40 emendi_ _ tamed towmd _e _ess, wah lip40 md _ber_e_ sldeof wldl 38 dc_tng m _ _ar groove otherwhe mb" emutially kkufical to ,ed _ tbe fmut groove. Toe front and zea_ gxoovcs have the ssme radius of cmvam_ and tog_:_cf may oom6tme a_s of, ¢Ommoe ct_k. At kast _0 oee, and ln_erably beth, of the f_om aod _ grooves disclosed in FIG. 4 (and all drawings th_ disclose fzcot and rear grooves), d_nc a c/rcul_ arc lhat is less t_n 180". As showa in an of slx_ dr_n_, bo_h of _h _ an_ also may s_ Irt_me Ibe rear _ole suppoet 2_ from its 25 laUmd m as medbl sid_ The fn_m aml rear groovm may also be abapcd to define arcs of a commco circle havlag a "dlameCergreater thanIbewidzhof therearink:support26 c_ mou_ memb_ 60 c¢t_r sole28 _ eveu thebnel _gioo ofthe_Iper2Z Tbe _mm aod re_ w-a_ may be llnsh3o "_ilhtheouteredse of bese 30 and irespacedflgm each .. od_ on tbe medial and lah:ral _des of the base by a dislance ; .N, u shown in PIG. 4, whi_ may be sligh/ly grea_/ban /be widtk of Ihe t_.arsole _q_port 26 o¢ mounl/ng member 60 or w.u sok 28. 3_ _ andpr_erablyimeo_! _,_i_h, _ archregiouand is_ betwe_ upper and Iow_ walh 144 and 145 md •gah_t f_t wdl 3_. It may tbeu be f_h_r sece_ by gt_tn_ As • fiutber _ermtdvc, tbe v_ar poaion ef _ fo(wud sole may sheply extend to tbe tear. sole mtppo_ withom el_pe_ •ud Iow_ 'mdls 144 and t4_, and be glm:d to the fmet wall 32. Alternative, the t_.4trsole 26 c_uld have one _ l_ c_er 144 or 145 may extead from tnd b_ integnted with fmut wall 32 of aloog Ibe surface of _be midsok or.o_tsole matctlal in tbe fo_ard u,k md e_a secmd _y _ Otbermeresm_y be cmptoy_d as m alfmmtlve to tbe arch !xidge 46. Aa • dvanu_ to (omb_ _bc _,,w sok mFp_w_i w'_ls 144 • aod/or 145, or el/rain•l/n8 be4h o f*mcb wans en_eiy, md all oth_ _tenmt_s to the t_nt of only _e _ear sole sut_x_ _d_ _ t_ eat _ch saitable for eltber the kl_ _ 'I'ae _ar sole suppc_ atso has a nemral opcoln836 d_ below tbebed _ of theupper.This cum-al opcaing,Whlch may be ,_mhr. or,d. or vkm_y any polyl_)atl shape, allows tbe beel of the user to be cushloned by the _ar sole attad_d to tbe rear talc _uppo_ o_ by the 40 fle, x_k plate 80, instead of lhc finn m•tcr/a/_ the Tbe bell sfnu:_me shown in I:IG. 2 ako indedes • u)le 28 deacbatdy snem_ to the re_ sok _ _-s shown in FIGS. 8 aud 9, re_ sok 28 may include • gnmnd.4m_ag oe_,oi¢ 48 hm/nucd to • mld_k SO, which may be mo_e resalem thau tbe omsol¢, wi_ bo_ tbe omsote mi midsote beh_ mo_ n_'Ik_ th_ _e ret_ sole seq[q_rL The o_tsole, wi_h may be <xmq_3sed of a _ " "_be rear _olc support may be cemposcd of hard plasli_ compound, pv0v/des abrasion' resistance and some such as a dwat_ ph_c maeufactm_ under the name 45 ct_]oe_ whil_ the midsok, whlch may be composed of E[HIAX_, _ a 8nl_te compos_, or other mate6al amc_re _:sfllem, ehUomerlc materlal sed_aspo_ haviog _m_:/eat c_d/ty md _t_ng_h to sece_ely ceSage the e_hy_ vioy_ _ea_e'0_VA). tt3'TRm._ (m_e by El. re,rsore_ medaa_ mokliag or c/bet couv¢_t/ceal (di._'m_ bdow), tn_ion tochniqne.s m•y be used to DuPont de _ & Co.), o_ o_er materials well kacrwu ia t_ _ tm_y _,_uio_ to tbebed du_ f°nn tbe reu s°le _Pl_°rtbnel stn3_ Op_mdly, the sol¢ meki be compt'iscd of "Ihe rear sole _pport 26 may al_ inctm_ a heel o_ttW_ • zingk homogceo_s roarer'hi, c_ my mm_ber of t_ o_ 44, as shown i_ FIG. 3, for providin8 lateral s_imlion to comblma/oos of matu/ats, inc/u_g • material /bc uses beel. "!_ bcd coon_ _ _ from _ air e_ tubes disclosed, for example, in U.S. P_ edge of ehe base 30 in a o_ntom'ed fa_oo and is preferably No. 5,00_.300. madc of the sac_ u_tcrial as. and/mcgral wi_ thc _ar sotc ss The m_le 48 may be phn_ c_ non-plsoac Prderably, _ /_cct_ mo_d_og or o_cr ccovcutk_d the oeeok, pmkul_y on _ shoe mod_ tnded_ one or me_e Upe_:d or t_veted segmen_ _Z, _ d_wn in As sbown./n FIGS. 1-4. ao arch bt'id_ 46 may gmu'ally FIG. 8, which when k_cated •t the _u of _e shoe w_IIsoften exteod fn3m tbe base _0 of Ihe t_u- sok _m_r/ to the and/or align heel _ chu/n8 _e gait cyc_. ']'he beveled fct'w'a'd sc_e fo_ _ the an:h reglon of tbe foot. Tbe 6o sesm_nts _2 may be k>catcd at the froot and rear pnetions of at_ h'idge 46 is _u op6oual feature composed of a firm, tbe _a31e,as shown in FIG. 10A, dighfly offs¢/from the llgbtw¢ig_tmaterial.The archbddg¢46 is ,t,_ul to the f_oetandreu pcC_m, asshowoin FIGS.10B and10C,or upper 22 and fo_,Kd _ot- 24 by gluing or o_¢r couv_nat aoy otber Ioca6c_, de_dlo_ oo the in_reoce of tbe tlomd method_ Tbe ucb brid_ 46 _lso may be c0mposed user or auy heeJ sm.'kcor wcar patwm. Tbe bevckd segments of tbe same matcr/al as tbe rear rmle _tppor_ of • mct-e 6_ 52 may also be aUgned m a "sp¢chl o/de4_ basis Io deal tkm3:_k matuial md may be made iolegnd wi_h tbe _v.,r tok w_b par_:ut_ L_Ona_on _ SUl_na_on cb_ac_,dstks o_ _ support- _ one-piece coo_mtc_a of the •w.b b_ge A 0819 5,806_210 8 7 plaU_is to pml_dy deflectundcrtl_ we/gb.tof the umcr's_ and imi_ spring _o tl_ U._'r'sgait cy_. In any e',n_- _,e mountingplagemartial is g_erally s_ff_r thao fl_ ma_._ls usM I_ _,c _.a_ mlo midsok and omsok. _m:hed ,_ 0ze rczrsore suppoa and tzady f_ _e) being 8_ "e4tt_ thanits latertl widlh" puta rc_tl_ lhere'at s°lehasa S Base.lay_ _2 may b_emir_ly ©liminatedfrom _ mountgxe.a_'lp_u_l-_gag/_ sud'ac__mn if it wc_ circulLro¢ ing member _ drown in FIG.Z ia which case t_ pcdphcrY _ r_u _ FIG. 9, rc_r sole 28 _ cH_ti_l Orc_ surface_vi_s gre.,u__ p_ m if mulv_ _ Im_ b¢_l se_me.msare used. _ th_ sh_ or'tho _ar _ 28 may also be ch_ular, polygoml, of o_:rwis¢. .l_smdi_ of _ _qz of thc _z_ r,ok :_, ,zn_ok 4S h_s m allglugate areahavinga subs_nfially planar mnfaceand :mel_le ,beV.led _f_¢s non-pha_r with me phum- _rface. Aa ag_:gate area of _e bevckd _tces is less than th_ n:maluins _g_U_ acea of omsok 4S, as shown in .I_GS. 2, 5, 8, 9,10A-C, 17, 20, md 26, _ pmv_ a zt_lo gmend-mgaging sedate fo_ _he wear_ of the shoe. gear so_ 28 may or may no4featn_ a bo_/n i_sceate_ras _z_vu in FIO. 9, m_dIxdera_ly- should uc_¢.ai_if flex_k pla_ 80 0aU= discussed) is nm Used. Recursok 28 is de_tx_mblyse_u_ _o fl_ rearsole support .25 w_th a mou_og mem_r 60. A_ shown in FIGS. 2 sad. 11, moenfing member6e lu_ a b*_ hyer _2 mat is al_zed to dzetop sudzce of @ze_.,tr _le 28 wiflz tdhe_ve o_ o_cr ceuvemi0ml mea_ thu wal am degnde the ce.51_eing/ _pr_g pmpeales of the retru_e. There is m ©agaglnghyer _4 8bov_b_s_ hp:_r_2 andnc_h laye_74A. _ sld_ _6 u,:h ,:catam _ _ with b,_o_ eo,:h. 1_o_ and n:_r rods _0 of the _ layer 64 _ tn:.d_d _ 7_ _ _dly m_ same mtks o_ ..q-,..," 34 md 40 of ehe rearrole suppoa w'ma engasu/To ip_-v_ tl_ _._ur s)k f_m n_mg _lat/v_ _od)c_ur 1o sok _ mcc _ga_d w/the._ mb_, lockingm_b_ _0 Io_ d_ mounti_ mm/_" _ th_rearsol©suppoxt at _h_ tl_z_pda_ _ As sk_wn _ I_C,S. L_ and 13, _ member-9_ indud_ a 92 with a salz_taz_ally plan_ianer serrate _4 andanoeter surfzcc _ _ x_ uxz_li_ to the z/d_ of e_e,z,r sok sul_oa when _ m_:to. A pak of _ arm _ cx_d from the tn_ _2 _ fn_mi_ top,e.g., from theextenal _uface of the the t_r sok saj_t to pivettlly att_ _heIocklng memb_ 2o 9e to the _r sole e_ppoa. Olxe/ngs 4_ may al_obe finned in _ hoel regloo of Ihe apper. When altscbed to fl_e_ar sok suppoa, the Ioct_ munbc_ oc_qTy _be spa_es _mrvlng ak_ X _mshown h_FIG.4) _twe_:_ _ _oat aud _a_ walls of _ sok support, as showu in FIG. L _s pt_rm/ausfi8of mouuti_ uu_b_r 60. l'm q_Um_ ha'_ asmall op_u/og ad_accm suxface 94,th_ cXpaodindiamc_ wi0_ theb_e to a laqr.r open/rig war surfi_9_ to aommmodate the b,dbo_ en& of the p_tru_oos 6& As a _o msea, _ pmnsi_s "map"iato _e tpertan_ le0 to lock 1_ eX_ _wm_ _a oppos_ a_ds of b_c Y2 and ¢_ no_l_s 74 in the moun_g member bel_weu th_ f_c/and _r ends andthe latc_ _de_s(]FIGS.2/od 11) to To a/tach the rear role to the _ sok septx_, the reaz pt_v, at rotationof lhe It.atsok when the Io<:ki_ _ sole, w/th the moua_/ng member 60 a_tached(and. at'e in the p0is/fioe_owa ;n lqG. L op_mdly, _ _ fle_bl_ .piat_8O, d/sc_sod_ supx_d cua_ m_m_ m_ub_r,0),isx_xlo_ _uti_ _o '" As shown in FIG.2, moen_g mea_r 60 inchuks slots 76 fur _epot'6ng • flex_k l_Late80 bctween the r_tr sol© th_ x_armk sui_po_so thattl_ fi'omtud r_r rlms of tl_ and the.heel ix_6_a of the u1_er so thata portion of plate mmmfingm_b_ _ nm_i in a _n:al_. manner no mcc_ lhaa about 90", abom axk Y fiom thek po_/t/ons d_owa in 4o s0 is _x_d e_uSU c,.aU'_o_ng 3ft.T_ e_bk p_ae., FIG.2. TI_.mouudng.u_mb_r is onu_r_ bctwceu 0_ £xont. whkh may be made of a graphitecc_posilc _ oth_ sd_. bet _,x_k, malcdal, nudes he,el-ccm_ midsole comp_and n_urgroovcx, thin pn_ssedagak_t thcbottom o f th_bas_ r,km andim_d_ sl_ing t_ the u._. The eex_k plate is, of 30 and rotated less than 180°, and genertlly no mot_ thaa ,Ix_t 90" (dockw_ o_ _), so em rlms 7_ ' co_e, _/iffer tl_ Ihe matemls used for the o_sol¢ o_ Ik:_le m as to not f_lly euS.tSc the front and ,_ar groove_ of _hc rutr sole _ m_,ok., but must be _dfi_y _ affec/cushi0e/ng o f the reef's hceLA graphite -suppot_defined by lips 34 and 40 _een in FIO. 4. When fire _ding ,_ooe _ c_e . rearpotion of the rearsok becomea worn, the rearsok can - or _comp_ be l_ttcd in a _/tcztlar mann_c 180" so that II_ _n. .a_dgr_b_ flt_ wvwa .in_macv/lic _ rcsmbar_, such _ d_se_ byB_ Co_cs Co. of podlm eow fac_ towud the fn_atof the _oe md oc_tples tu at_ammewhat fo_razd o_the _ where liUk o_ no 5o Caman-do,Calif., may be e.sed. As shown /nFIb'S. 14A--C, flexible.plate 80 inchtdes weight of _he e._ is applkd. When _e m_d _ poaloe frontand n:*redg_ 8_ and 84 Ihat are _pot_d by r,loet 76 of Ihe rear sole also becomes w_m, Ihe _ar role may bc de/ached tnd exchanged whh the _ s_4eo_ theothershoe. (see HCL2)/n Ihe moentmgmembec "I_ flext_bleplatemay havu • _ ceevex upper surface that curv_ since w_ar paeans of Ich _d right heels arc OplX_/te-The rear sole may aho bc discarded and _placcd _pwanfly b_w_ d_ _ m/_r cd_ to/n apex $_, is im:ferablyIoca/ed below the cakancus of Ihee.wr when the rea_sole is attachedto th©zear sole s_t't- An apcaurc 88 may bc l_ovided at d_ apex 85 to -TI_ moenl/ng member60 may be made of any numberof •_ I/_twei_t mtteriah that _ sul_ckm and _id/ty to firmly eng_Se _ rear sole support, and 6o The plate may also be fiat or _on_tve, and may be seb_mt/tily hour_pcd, as mown in FIGS. 14A--C, supp0ft the _ex_le plate 80 if used. Extmple_ of _mch matcdah_cb_lc: bardplastic;_; HYTRI_ TM in m H<Aq_.d, _ is theplate 180 shownia FIGS. 15A--C its hard fm"m_ graphh¢; and graphite, graphite_b_aEla. _ Other shap_ ue also o_etcmphtr.A _ long as such sluqx_ aud £_'g/aSs comp_te_. Hmt_ of th_ mouu_g me.mp_ovidc slp_ug ,rid reduce midsole compre._o of *I_ _._r l:zor,mr,.am_, lqC_. 16A aod B show ano_e_rh,o_ becau.__ peripl_l edgesof sach plate u_d to glass.._q_d fl_x_k: plate 280 with _ uppe_ and low,ors_tiom 282 and 284. press against a firm faend_ion ff the central portionof such A 0820 5,806,210 9 10 When thencx_le phte isused, me _ar sok n_ybe devoid of_ inits o:nte_asd_wn inFIG.2,toseduce theweightofthet_arsole. Ifthecentcrisdevoidofmatcdal, a thin_ membrme (notshow_),withoc withouta hanged cdgc,c_ ofpltsllc o¢othersailabkmatcrizl$ may be hssetqed ialothcvoidand attached tothewallsofthe _kl,.by m mef od_Wise, tq seal me vold and px_mt .molsmxe = debris from _ _ cenec_Z thel_ To lock the _ membem in place, an cb.qic band U| is stt_:hed and fitted within gig gmovu_ I28 oo the tea: sok suppoa and groov_ 192 ea eW Ioe_ng membe_ The claslk: band 110 may be a separate compooent _ gcmovable fl-em the mk suppo_ as slmwu in FIG. 17, or pennaoe_y seca_d to the rear sote suEpmt by, fi_ exwl,_ _ ooe o( the gm0ves 128 taer the d_ic band has been imened _ Also, the band may be pushed or m_kd upward above 8xoove_ 128 on.lhe n_r sok Ioddugmemb_ 1_0. md mee Apex 85 is kxated, i,, FIGS. 14C and 15C, sllghtly to the :o m_poa p_ m de_d_ _p_ mUea_ _ _mm _ m t_ po_e rear o_ _e ccme¢ o_ e_e majo¢ uls of plate 80, soas Io be fellowiag _atsdunem. As, furthcr option,tl_e chsticb=xl _ m_'e dln:c_ bcaca_ _ =nter of the _ may be a mmovablc _ pcananemtlyanach_ stropfitted "Dins, it wm be ncce=a_ to _move *m/mote ph,e se by 180" on an axls perpeudiceh: to e_e major ,.x_ of/he ,hoe to_ l]kca held_ 'sklboot latch. wheu _e n:ar sek is m/ated, in eMer Io lwep the apex xs _ pomm_ dlm:eybe=am meoak,aces,floweret,ph*eSe As a fnabe:_ (aotslmwn),a U-_ coanecmay be foxwed wilbthetpexinmy poedtloa tosuita user's _ havlag ot_t, osltc cuds pennaneney attsched tooneeadof _ IImay eveQ be phced k_the ¢_mct center of phte bo*hIo_ membe_ 90 m_y bc rcmovablyorpcnmncudy SO so as to obviae the need fo_ pltatc mtatioa when the n_r _ eotheoute_surfaceof c/ther.thc fmut or re_ wzll sol© is mitred. • 20 of there_ solc suppo_ as a'sub_tute fix tbe _ invelving hinges 98 on _ membe_ _0. 3"he el*sti_ R_o_Ic pla_ 80 Im_clk_s_3dng .ioII_ILs_r's _ cI_ ium_ _ tbc uses m*_L _u_g _ mmm inmc g_ c_r._. bcel pmvidcs a dowuward fn_c aga/m_ tbc phtc. slaoc mc tulpend e_cs of _ ph_ uo em]y sum_acd by the mmue_munb_ the fnZdorposem of thc ph_c Ifs flex_Ic plateisu_ dcsised, tbce, mbodimast sfmwn in FIG. 20 may be used to supply _ cecal midsok dce_ccts dowaws_y n_elvc _o _c _ edges. As _c cm_fi_g. I_ thls cmbod_eet, the m_ie8 mm_ 260 forceislesscaed (wah the_nes"sw_ightbeh_g_ m is identl_ to the _ member 60 shown in FIG. 2 tl_otherfoot)ebede_eaed p0akm of theplstc, _t_etoits" that the bas_ layc¢ and dots 76 age elimimled. It ehsec_ war _tum toitsafigiu_ skq,c, shoekl again be noted that the base hyer ct is m optianal feature h_ all of the _ member embodlmmts. In Such _0t_g eff.ect will aho c_c_ _ s Rnce is phge of Ihe rear sole 28 shown in I_G.'7_ a t'_arsoic 200 h*¢ otbexwise'q, ldied to md mm removed _ the flexible an __ otttsole 2_ lan6nated to a midsok phte (e.g.,]mldugoffme f.ot, c_]umpiugfrom bornfcct layer 204. On top o( thls mldsok- hye_ 204 are two adk_ tiomR midsole iaye4_ 206 and 208, ead] layer being smalk_ " "1_ _emonbilhy o( _: tlexlbk phle allows _: use of _ Ihan the hyer upoa whlch it rc_t, wlth mldsole larger 208 sized to fit wi_ the cetaral _ 36 in ehe rear selc severd d/_reut _es of nex_te pL_ _.va3_g s_5=ss or _mpo_ee. Thu_mn_b_ph_ d=Igm _ _. support 26. Midsole layers 206 ud 208 m_ mmpthe tw_ istics can be adalpted acc_ totheweightofthouscr,thc separate pk_cs lan_nstcd _o_cthec or a _c p/c_c rooked _lltY °fthcu'_cC thetYPe°f cu_rclse c_useinvelve_eethe 4o o: mbcrw/.sc shsl_t to hsvc two re_oas ss d_own. _unmmt ofsp6ng dcsin_din tbchcelof.theshoc.RanovIn thi_ anbod/mc_ tlz mount/n_ mcmbev _0 is adhc_l ,*bitltydso peau_ easy replacemcm of tbcphac _xou_d by _I_ a o_h_ a_ms _o ,hc top of the mids_ tsar _4 " "dctez'knation. occur,a _oem in thecaseof v_ any such _as i_sm_unds and _ a_._b_t tbc a/dcs of mid_olc tndy_:y.nhmc_ pU_ u=a_ layer 20_. I_ m_y be furtl_ sanucd to the s_cs o_ midsok The heeJ structure _ shown i- FIG. 2 h but c_e _.yc_ 20_ b_ _u/n_ or o_cr mcsns. "rac m_=c_ or sUs_ of mmy cmbodlmemscontc_lmd by the pm=nt _vee- 45 tbe teat'sole md mounting mcmb_ to tbc rc= sok ml_a tla_. W'h_ farther _ ate dk_sssed below, addi. is ideutlcal to that _ with respcct to the embodiment showa i- FIG..Z la add_m, the top midsolc layer 7._ uay, tiara1 embod_gnts at'e posu_k and wlthin tim ux_pe of the inveatio,- Unk_ otl_wtse noted, tlz stmcttae, taat=hl but need not be, made c/rcular, to facilitate rmation of the 50 rear sok when _e midsok layer 208 is pressed inlo the in FIGS, Imd 2 applytoaU ofthcembodimcuek centrtl o_ 3_. A]_-nafively, th_ layer may be seveged fr_n lap=r _06 a_l placed in _ 36 with the shae in m Oue _ac_ embodhnem is shovm/n HG_ 17-I9B. In tMs iuvectcd lmsifion. This may makc ins_adlmiou _i=r il ia_,f e.mbediment, tear role suppot_ 126 fl substanlially identical .2m/s ov_ i_ sh,pe, h_e oxxa_ _. u ,_o pamit_ la gear sok support 26 shown in FIG. 2 czoel_ that il has pmp=ti_ hofizomal grieves 128 oe the exted_ seffac_ of ead_ of _$ _pt=m_m of L,y_ _OS,st_,_d _ _ dctczionle tta lamertatcthinthcse_ o_ tbcrcarsolc.Of the _owuwa_y enending wafts and no _ 4'_. The c_uz_, this _p w,u_ bc a_ b_om _ moenting member 1_0 shown tn FIG. I7 is also identical to of mourning member 260 w'dh sok support 26, which moueting mcmbe_ 60 shown in FIG. 2 except that protra. siom 168 cto not have bua>ous e,nds. similarly could be accomplished whik the shoc isin an Loctdng m_mbe_ 190 dflYcr flora lho_ rd_wn _ b3[G. 2 _o inverted position in etde: Ihtt layex 208 doe_ not fall oet _" dislodge du_mg imlallal_. in that the hinges ue cllmlntted. InUead, the exterk_ It should be noted that layers 204, 206, a_l 208 may be surfaces of each of the _ _ 19_ have • hodmade of 6_tar.nt cusl_oisg ma_dals, _ zontal gr_vc 192 that aligns with the extr_or grooves 128 limimion,_-fillcd dmmb_s, g_ll-all_l chamlx_ EVAo_ formed oe the rear sok _ la additio_ wettun_ 194 .(FIG.19A) are _ i. shape and ueed not bavc 65 polyerethane, _ toy combinatloes _rooC expanded interi_ poftiom _e the pmCm_om 168 have no The tear sok support is deugned to accommedatc • bulbous ends. vark:ty of tr.arsok .configuxatlon_ which vary. according to " A 0821 • Q 5,806,210 11 12 FIG. 21 excep_ tim it has an optional Ol_n_8 in Ihe top wall stx_g de_i.:d _ _hcuse_ Ammegh_tditioe_ to _htce the wdl_ of the rear sok and allow ad_hml _,arm/_ m_rz6ms ue di;cessed bdn,w.nany odor rc_r since w/tl_ wh/c_ _.xibk plate 80 may flex. Al_m_vdy, sole co,figumk_ may bc ,._1 in co,j_c_km wlth tl_ r_tr the bouom wan may be solld to increa._ sprig o_. may bc sole sappon 26. s ,cu_..d.,i_d,.s shownin FIG.2S to f,ud]cri_xcasc sp_mg. w/lhorwithouta stiffen_member 412,. Mounting meu/_ Ooe sm_.¢xamplc is shown in FIGS. 21 md 2Z. In th/s 3_ i_ sln_ar to _hat shown in FIG. 2 except _ml the ba_e en_dim_ a_,_sek30e15aU-_apedmemberlw_g is deldcd. Again, _kx_le plate _I0 resh; in'slols 376 mbstan6ally paranel walk 3_ and 304 • bend _n-med ;-thc _ men_e_" and is CZlX_r_dto Ihe hod 30& The memb_ is cmaposed of a st/_, but flexa_, via _e ounnl ol_ew8 36 In Ihe n:_ sole materialthatwillprovidespc_g to thc heel of the U._r _o t_bn _the _xr widget u_ comfm. M_:rials sach u eese dissetq, oa 26. dcetcdwflhrc_pe_toII_kxible plalc_ m,y bc tu;cdfor _ Another rutr _ q_oe is alwwn _n FI(Z 2& In Ibis e_e rearsek 3co. _ t_ar sok 50e is ldu_cal to n_tr sole 4e0 lWo ttye_sof u_/Ikntm/dsok material2_ md 2_, which may bc mote resa_ieel than the U-4haped meml_r, are secgmd to I_ top of wall 3_2 by glalag o_ otl_ meam to shov_ in FIO._ _ t_ a has a "te_-I_" wa_ f_ ]_ extrudingf_m _e t_eom wall _e4 mwud top wall _0.. wan 506 may have a top smfa_e 5_, or may be devold of _ at Ibis ioca_ Wsll $06 has d)e e_e_ ofha,_u/ng _ a,d, thadon:, provides m_ siring tlum that of e_e memb_ 2_e is gt.ed,x othev_ anad_ to _e top _tce re_ ude 4e0 u dm_a.'A _ memb_ 412.m_ alsu of top waO 3e2 to mm_nd a,d abet aoi_ the atdew_ of inctea_ sl_ag. S_nkg memb_ 41_ is midsole hye_ 206. h may also bc attached to Ihe slde wall 2o be used to f_er identical to membe_ 312 shown _ PIGS. 24 cx, x_ that it has of layer 206 by gh_g or o_r me_m_ The m_nl_ membe_ may also bc molded to the rc_ sole 3_ as a a_ wan413_o,_,lemcet mdp,e_ agak_ _hefx_n sloped surface of wail _. Top wall _ may have a ccnlrai . one-plece s_,:e. The midsok hyeas 206 tad 208, _he openk_ a_ shTm_ _n PIG. 2.f_ of may be solid, snch as wall e_mflng memb_ 260_ md the ,_:4_sak s,i, po_ 7.6 (_ wdl 302 show_ b, FIG. 2L Wall 506 may be u_ed in tny of the as optional fe.mm_) are kkatkal to those s_x_vn _n FIG. 20, U-shaped sok cmbodhnents. and the mam_ and Ol_OUS for atla_xh]g the reaz sole and _ mcmb_ to the rear sak SUpl_rt h _ same , t_.dly, anoptionalwafra600,esable/n comb/attirew/th ia(:ln_mg whlmat timitafi_ fl_e op6on of seve_ and awj,of the above _Is incoq_ a flex_le phte., seou_ i_aning try=2ee. is disdosed in FIGS. 26-27B. A.s showa _nFIG. 7.6, wafea ia cenje_:tion w/_." the .I_.I stmce_ drown To pn_ct the bettom gmund-enSaSk_ surhce of the _e 6ee is _ in FIQ. 2. Wder 60e is pltced un the tu_ se_._x __ezlbk. plate 380 so _ut it ts exposuito the bed n:glon of the uppe_ may iududc an *bmloo-n_stm_ outso_ whkh may be mo_e _llem thin the U-ehal_ member. As shown i, FIG. (rot _) via ,x_nl openi_ 36 of _tr role se;_a 26. 21"1_ Ix_°mwall304afeh"mars°k300inchuksb°les 35 306 tla'_gh _ removable outsok sesmeeet 308 arc hn_t_d. The o_ok _esmenls _8, whk_ may be made of a mbbe_ campa,ad or o_:_ matedal typically used for o,t_k-mate_al, provide an _ layer fec proW_/ng I1_ boUmn sm_ of wdl 304. As d_own in 4o FIGS. 23A-C, theoutu_ segma_ ha_ a sah_tam_y conk_ly-sbaped top l_afen 31(b • _dmJdctl mldd_ po¢- tlo. 3_8_anda rended Oe.ed-eeSaS_ portioe_. couically-ehap_ portio_ 316 sm_ The As shown/n FIGS. 27A and 2713, wafra" 600 ind.d_ kmt_ 6e2 and 604 that m_p engage with _ ot_:e_s.3_ md 3S4(_.c F/o. 7.6)in _cx_btc_ 3S0. Aldx,,gh tw_ knobs _ sJxnvn _n thk embodlme_ aay uember of kao_ may be used; in fact, II_ Ima_ may bc h_o opeah_SS 306, and .th_bottemof theceelcany-ehq,ed poaioe _._ to _dn _e .o_sote_gmeuts intheol_ omsok hy_ maybe ae_d Wafer 6_hmadeofanysuttablc _mu;hastho_ materlahdisdmed f_lhe mid_k laye_ cr outsok laye_ of n_ar _u_e 28, that pray/de _ Io the bed cg the us_ and wh_ ue more t_a'Jlent than the flex_k ph_ Al_vely. • one-piece m thebottomsm£we ofwall 304.u_/mg o_:._gs 306ml sel0neets 3eS, orel/m_. mg bothand.t_img_e/ng_ some_ me4msio_d. As shown in l_IO. 26_ wafer _eO is ov,I/n shape, a_ ,uy slapc 5s con_mpi,x_d so Io.g *s it provid_ ,he d_/r_! cushioning *o Ihc heel of the asst. If dca_r_f, _,c b0_om surface6e8 of w'af_ 6e_ may be a_c_ve in o_d_ _ con_ut-m with _ ,_,,ed ep.mrfa_of_ t_hte 3Se. Such oatsok layer may then be puanment or zemo_bk. 5o The top serhce 606 of waf_ (_00 may also be coucavc in onl_ to oon[onn _h the c_n_ of _s: I_d _glo_ of the The rear sole 300 IXOVi,kaspdn8 to the bed of the e._er in the following manne& When the heel of the u.._r s_kes upper _ theuser'sheel. the gn_ad, w_1304 wiIi deSect toward wall 30Z Since thc 'l'hc wtfcr need aot be aUached to the flex_k plate 380. ma_dal ls damk. ¢a_ stored inbeod 3OS and wall 304 Instead, .the wafea may, for example, be .permanently dudng dcflec_ioe will sp_g bend 305 tnd wdl 3e4 back to ss -aaached Io the bottom of _ac _r, sccmed wilh/n o_ made the/r oris/md _/6oa _s weigld is shifted, thereby f_vid/_g integndw/ma si_ocsock It_r (not show@,se,:m_ _ethe a sprig e_ect to Ibe reef's heel. S4_ening membe_ 31_ of sole _ or aUached at my other lo,u_o,that 312A are opthnal _ts that may be e.wd to inc_a_ the woeld bc ca_ of _ming the u_er's heeL spring generated by the _e4n_talc 300.The s_m]ng mereIt willbc appa.reat Io tho_ skilkd/n the trt that vari)_ • be_incl,depr_u_314 _haleegage apert, x_31ein the ee medifications amJ vtdatio_ can be madc in the _e of thc bead of_be rearrole300.ARcmatlvdy, bottom w'dl304 present iaventi_ _ depming fr(_ the scope c_ splrit (s_wn w/thhrge ha_eiamiddk) may be solidtoira-ease of _he invenlion tad that certain f_ttwes of one embodime_ spt'h_g ormay be tcn/-ehapcd asshown/n FIG. 25 t0further may be u_d inte_umgeably in other cmbodhneuls. By way Increase si_ w/lh or wilh_ a_ member 412. of _ample oafS, ,_- rear sole s,ppea/locking memb_ Flext_le plalc 80 may also be u_d in c_]junc_0u with a c_mbinatlons shown in HGS. 2 and 17 can be used hi rear sok vet_ sim_x to thai shown ;n FIG. 21. A._showu in with any of the abov_ rear sole FIG. 24, retr sok 400 is ideal;cal torear sok 3e0 showa in couflgnratio_ and can bc u_ with o¢ without the flex_ie A 0822 se,x_ grooves; and .alocldngmemb_ c_Jng Ch__ rolesup0o_ *_Ioae of Ibo m*r r, ob and mou_ member *o p,_-vem mem_a of lh=re_ solemla_u _)_berestso_ s_por* din/rig use. 2. The sboc o( chlm 1. wbccein _he fi_ and second walls aresp*ced fromeac_aChera_ag a pm_ptxcry of*berearsoI_ suppo_ _ d_6ne a spac_._ lhelo_ member s_ed *o occup_ tbcspa_e ajar Ib= _e_ salc l_s beeu am_cxl m _ mar mk sulqxxC • & TI_ _ of _Jm 2, wl_ o_r mufao_ of tl_ tim anclsecoml wags mud lheloc_ memlx_ eac_ inclnd_a wle_'llb_ In engak_ _ me t_W m_u_ 21. Tnc d_oc o_ da_n 20.w'ae*'c_ _be omsole indudes a plurdi_r of _1_ segum_ cng_,ing _ tu tl_ bomm w_IL 22. "l_ sbo_ of daim 1_, whc_ _ho rear sok fm_h_ c_mp_,cs a_leasl oueuddsolelaye:am_bed *oa *opsm&c_ of ll_U._ member topwz_ lhenm_Iso_e t*3q_r composed _ a _ aun _ _ merebc_ z_. Themae o__ Z_,wb_u m_ maumi_ mm_b_ is _)o _ top _ o( the U-e_p_l mcmb_.tap w_t and mmmmds lhe "nn_isok lays. . _ i=oov_s _o rctak tl_ lock_ng member • di_po_d bctweeu _be t_p aed boaem mar sole walh tnd wilh _h_ rear sok supp_ a_l ou_ of the re_tr a_aeem the bern poaion. 2& "I'_ shoe of chim L wherein the iock_g member is 4_ "The sho_ ,_ ,_m 1, wl_eln me moum_ memb_ plvx_ally attached to one of_ e_r _ole s_Fea and the iu_les a nok:h and I_ locking memb_ h_cludes a prolrus_a f_r ¢_gtgi_ the nard] m l_-V_nt m_ & The shoe ofchim 1., fro,tier compd_g a fl_ plat_ s_ported between th_ hecl rcg/ou of the upp_- and the r¢.xr a mtr :roterapport attad_l to the heel regltm of the u_er, sole, the flex/bit phtc b_ving _ cdgcs suplm._ by Ihe mar mk suppot't including a firm downwaxdly the mo_m_ memb_ so that w _ potion of_b_ ' e_e_l_ wall hav_ a firm [_oov_, aod a seo:_cl • exxq_e, plate de_ rehtive to d_ periphe_ ulges. . _y exx_lmg wzn ha_ a se._md g:mov_ 6. The stme of chlm 5, f:m-th_ _mpHs/n8 a cuddoah _ 4_ a it,at m_ d_achably seemed Io lhc r¢_ sob s_xt;. wafer sup_ abow a loprun,aceo[ II__x_k ph_ Io a m0ulh_ m_ub_r atl_l_l to the n:m"sok m_d h_cJndo_oa the heel_n of the upl__m_,_ k=s/om dm _oc ¢oOghg d_ fl_ and.mxxmd 7.Tl_ shoe ofchlm 6,wbc_lu a bonm_ smfac_ o_the gxugvcs to seoue _e _x role to the re_"so_e suppo_ waJ_ in_edes**Ic_ ou_ knob farcmga_ au ol_dng ou 50 Ibe moen6ag member mduding an external pm_'uslo_ • top surfaceof.theflex_k pla_ md -8.The shoe of chlm 6, _In the wafe_ _n_ud_ a locking _ cQg_in_ Ih_ _r sok: mxp_m_ and o_ •centre uppe_ and _ surfaces. of t_ rear sok and moum_ m_=ber to p_'v_ 9. The sh_ o_ claim 5, wth_t_u tl_ fl_uq_ phtt¢ k shaped motion of I1_ rear sole _ehfi_ to the re_ sok support •o define a niscd intcd_ pordou betwem the peripher, l ss 10. The shoe of claim 5, wherein ..;" . Oa_g use,_ lock_ _a_.t _r Ihc me_ntlng member plate. 11. 'rnc shoe of daim 5, the fles_bk plate has • coavex upper surface. eo _,. 2h¢ sbc_ of dahn 5, _ fl_ _eu sole suppo_ m_ades • cculralopeningsiz_l toCXl)O_ • m_bsxamJal po_ of the flcx_k plate to th_ b_l region of the upper. .13. The Mboe of daim 5, wbctc_n the flcxibk plait is removable f_m the shoe. _s .14. 1"he, shoe of claim 5, wherein Ihe flcx_le plate inctudes an tpe_tu_. _ _ external _ wotr_on aa_ to c_k,_c the , rear sok _ _xad_l to _e hecl region d _.. e_)er. thc reu sole sut_ including a _um_ _ exteading wall having • f_ g_ove, and a.u_nd dovmwanlly extead_ w_ having a second groove; a t'earsok _ly seated Io I1_ rca_ sok mqppor_ Ih_ rc_ soleh_vinganmaso_ mxla mJdsol¢m_c muT_.el theomsok, file middle compdsg_ *__ two midsol¢ hyctr,, the sole mqq_ort _ a oeniral A 0823 5,806,210 15 16 olamiag and an _x:nuos_ midsolc layer sized _ fit on= arc-shaped sarraceo_ the moamieg memim"/nclad_sat wiLhiath=cena_ opeaiag _ cud/oa the IzeA_gioa of lcas_ oae rim f_r ¢agagiag _ Ooovcs. th_ upl_, 31.'I_ shoe of chim 29, -,_meia the a_.-shaped sa_gac_ of the _ aad second _dls _ a_s of a commm • a moumh_ member _ to the rearsok andiachab lag at least oae rim for mg-aghg the flna and se.amd $ ¢ircl¢. 32. TI_ sho_of cbth_3L wbr_:M t_ oommon_rd_ h_ ga_vcs Io =cam t/_ n:ar r,o_ Io the mu role sut_ a_ gna_r _hsaa vrklth of_h__¢.ar sole sa_p¢_ 33. TI_ shoe.o f clalm 29, whe_in tb: *m.._oed sutfsce _ _ eo a _p s_a_e of ou_ of _ n_l_ole _ aod cO'atlea._ o_ _ aadsecoadwalls eoml,/sea m _¢ sm-tumdh_ tnatl_r ouc of Ihe mid_oJcla_l; md _o of a ci_ havlng a d/ame._ gr¢_r _an a "wid_aof _a¢_at a.locklag memb_ cagaglag lhc_a_sole sa1_m andom of the_.arsoleand mourningmember W lam_at 34. "lb¢shoe of daim 2_,._ia the am of a_ least oa_ roO_a o¢'_h= re._ sole rc_ totl__arso__ of the wall'sarrac_ is _,,,, aboat 1L_. 2S.Ashoe co=la_h_ _s m Itpp_hav_ a h_e.J rqgi_; a_.=r sol_ sapport aaad_d_ th_hedrcgiaa _ theuppe_ ,. the rearsolesupportiadndlag• .dowmcudlyea_udi_ _us__alla_ a do_mcmlly_ s_oad wan,atIcas_ oneo_ the_r_ and secoudwalls 2o aS. Aa_ aa _r, a n:alrolesupp_ atucb_dtoth_al_a;md a rearso_ scm_ed_o_h__.a_ _olesa1_xah _hotea_ _olc havlnga bo_z)msmfac_allea_ap6a_itm ofwlilch is _ _ eoa_a s=f._ hav/agw *a_ga_ area, _ area havlag = _ phaar su.,.faceaad at 1era t_ b_led sazfac_ ranplaint _h _ l_mar _ _a _ srea _ th_ at ie._ two beveled saxfac_ beiag Icss ehaa _e. mma=_g agg_ga_ =ca of the bottomserlhog _ of d_ at least _ beve.l_d sagac_ inctialag ia aa a mnc/a_ rear sere; an_ a_ _ attach_l _ tl_r_rsaleaadhaviag "at lea_o_ axc-ehaped smfacemm_lemeatayofth_ axc-e_ail_d smface_n a_lea_one of _ fi=st and _s secood walls. (f_ mo_a_ag in_mbc.r _tachably _" _e bew.l=d smface, tow_ aa o_t_r ed_ o_ the sec=_d to _ r_r _lc suR_ort_ e_a_ing _ aroshtped s='fzcc of t_ mau_ting m_nt_ with the beveled _aaface, alle.asl a p_n oftheou_redgoof azc-eha_d s;urf=cc_ tb¢ at _s_ oo_ _ _bc _st a_d _e l_-w.led smfac_ l_ingmlncidcmvA_ theome_ second wa_ sn_b th_ sa._ a_ k.ast o_e _ aa _lge of _ I:_tam su.tfa_, ,ad tl_ sole b_g Ihc moualing membe¢ is beseech the fl_ posifioa_le ia• plaral_. _ 1_ r_lative _o and secmld wdls. ' x_= sol_s_rL 36. Ta_ s_e o_ daim _S,whe/_in_ _ar _ is 2_. "l'aeslme o_ daim 28, _e_ia .ead_ o_ _h¢ _ and seooad _d_ haw a_.c_ped smfaces. de.t_k_ly seoan:d _oth_rearsnI= sappoo. 30. "I'm shoe of c_im 29, v,'hctela tl_ _ w_ _u_:s t_ce each _*t _ iadm_ groov_ aadt_ ,t i_aa "2 ,._... A 0824 IHHH|iiBllBIHaBwnBB US005615497A United States Patent l_) Patent Number:. Mesdum [45) Date of Patent: [54] A_qt_ILETIC SHOE WITH IMPROVED . * 5,615,497 Apr. 1, 1997 SOLE 0._ ¢_tha_edon n_xtl_e.) 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TtL_40 _ $/197'4 (k:mm_ R " ,_A Pembow, _ns_cr An tmpm_ _hte_ thee ,ele withn_xbie _d u_a:e_6ql _6/36A 36/36R 36/15. _e _e_ mle_ mt _ dear, to Fmvidethe u_ with langer we_ The hrveadea 8ho ip_dde* the u_ with the ,briny m quk_ and ea_nx td_t the rote t_ _ 6e_d _ _ depu_ upen e_e tnt_tded a_ity nd tmaia _r _ay_ mrfa_ ts ch_ A 0849 s vnn,_ st_e_ us. P_ 1,4._jb'7 12/1922 R.edm_., 1,_,7_ 17Ag"n R.ed_m. 6,'lg'_ _. .',,_,7'rJ _q97.4 C_. L._6,................_ un.cz4 r,.,m_. 1,543J74 !,611,024 • _qsa,/_l .2,_,O_ _ _ _ Otlmai4f. ." 6eLq.QL,:u__ _6v36 R 5n.q_ mptmou. _195o 'v-_. 36VI05 _707._I _ _:mmo _ 2.7_;97 Ib'LqS_ 7_S,_! _.qfit_ , . 36_J6I_ _442 ... 36V35 I_ _W78.447tltLq_Ome=J _ _L_I4,S_6_;_701_u_Uonc.. .&-_ _l _=_7 _ •_ 7_19"V20m_=, _'" 3,7"/._74 4,rig/3 Bou_m,x_ 3,'nn,olo _q_4 e=umnme. 3_ .5/197_Bem_ 4,_2,_ _TA.q77_ 4_,0tt #ng'_ Bmmmm 4j_14,,3_ 7/1980 O0unk:a. _flgSl _ka_tt 17.q42 ._00 3_ 4_0_0 _IOl _1 4._3,177 17J19_ 4..Tn,0.42 _ 4.371.643 4,q9_ I_ 3_b'7 Rm_ Barns. Bsu_ ... .;dtmsom stmmg 2_'i01 "_rl_ _/f4 4,42_,474 2/Lq84 Meue •4.4._766 _dg_t le_bem. 4,_41,1&5 lOP_q_ 3f,'.42 _ _,7_ 4.610./00 4_-._6 _nma_ 9,q986. Rbodm. _'m_..._ m.q_" Y_ _1.14 ,,, _5 _not 6nt9go ported 4,,9"/9_1.9 6t1990 _ 4,.995,173 :tn.qgt _ , 5,005.3_ 11/1991 _ -. o A 0850 l_m_c(,_ _ 36q.5 36fl17 . ,, 36/114 _ _oJ t U.S. w ][_atent • Apr. 1.1_ sheet Iot s 5,615,497 _\_ ° ° 0 Y • A 0851 J It U.S. Patent Apr.1, 199"7 [;,615,497 Sheet2 orS O4 tN l:t1 I, .', , .J .., ?" A 0852 t " U.S. Patent Apr. I,_ sbm 3"o_ s l 5,615,497 0"_ X.. m k. oo Y A 0853 j it u.S. Patent Ap_. 1, ;997 5,615,4_-/ Sheet 4 of 5 f_l • • '_t m ]Qa --_- _. • • _ _ . _ .,_. Jmm m ,.. f m_ _t_ O0 • .. f tO if) / / / "V" . " .._. A 0854 . U.S. Patent" Apr. 1, 1997 Sh_ S of s 5_615,497 to ¢',4 A 0855 5,615.497 2 fo_ mosx_ilcalions, e_y 1 ATHLE'I_C SIiOE WITH IMPROVI_ SOLE Old'ritE INVENTION _ m_ _ bctwem fl_ sole _nd r_*.=tm¢ is _t m m::hicv_ Im'- _muu._y_mma m_ p=tt_=y or m_ m_. S=ood. f_,sa_- " Th_lxCScm_,,vc_onrc_Cmgcocnd]ytommhM_icsho¢ 5 mere of fl_ cmim ,o_ is unn¢ccs_ry lined upc_ _c_! we_ paucms tn mhl_ic dmes. Tht_ nqd_ing ,,, cmins _e wkh Im exZendab_ ead mm_e versaflk: life dae to the _!¢ ts m would be mo_ m_emtv¢ than _plad_ dmply Vae worn ¢_mm_s, a fro:Cotwld_ is compmmded ff a xcqp_ceMnT_y of mc m_ mn:id,sc¢oradju_poalom _ m_ ou_r role of fl_ dine. al_.. fMl_ ml_ for ew.y me_'s m_d ,mm_a's dxo¢ slze Io is m be pmdmm£ l%any,_ would 8ppcm- flul d_e bed m_otiom _, _ has cmirdy @_6"¢,u_xu=ds md B,AC:XC_tn_ o_'rm_ n_v'n_rnos n:qulmmmUs flum tl_ n_ of fl_ dine sc_ aud it d¢=xioAtld¢_ shoes m'¢ Ixccm_l um_ ¢xlm_ve esch year. Top..of-me-ll_ modds of m¢ leadi_ _ ¢_ U.S. Pst. l_x 4,.262.434 (Mkhelo_ dbclou_ a sole f_" sow real _r ma_ _m o_ ImmlnM ddlm a pain Ti_s nmulng shoes lh_ employs _ m_l e.lemm_ How•tfl_l]l_m_ is tI_t _ _I]1 m_mc m be_onz _ mm_ eve_ e= _ ef e= _t_e_e _teau of),_zlcei h with m imlxu_l¢p=dcu_y, m m mlde_ h_.a=_l ,,, _a=y re_ecu, l_orexam_ the dcm of _d=tout qm_u, m _ male maengdemure, with the _ t_t =d thorn o_ _ dem pot_ epw_ _nkd tl_ co_ lm_. W_ q_ou oa _e d_oe upp_ have b¢¢o retufom_ with I,.,,.e_ S_tch_ h betu:r aod sddom wle_a a "_ thkk body 14" efthe,ek_ w_k_ _, cau= md mck_ _ _ t=p_ved. • mcmdng m_ fl_ m_s m'¢ leu ipmo¢ m scparm: dining _c. be_ thee_ asdnddseleiaon_ tohcesethere_ Psddi_ =mind tl_ aul_ col1_ aud ,m fl= mng,_ Im impmvcd comfoa. NaUwa] .rod uum-nm_ fi,bdc, m'e mm'¢ 2_ ,pacefoe_hcl_mbofthedcat_ c_thcin_ ofthedear kaob m_ It_ Xikelythatthe_ w_l fed thedea_ dm'M:2¢nod _ t._*' ¢ts_omm" compommCs ha_ kno_ ontheboeem ofIEsfeet, in_ a_e_rIsevltable mldsoledetederatlen thatm:c_ exteudeduse-Abo, .foraddedmn_a. _ me_uds J_ven_! the _ d=tsn h _n_ty _ fo_ the bed of so m_y mM¢_ dine, w'oe_ demcbab!e ¢le_s m_ mo_ pmue m •i_ ¢omm_ _ n:du=dme dsk_ Jx_ury. " One =_¢,,however., Inw'alc_=¢hno_a_ l=s mxIo_xpa_ msux_'n_ h=t _n_t.n:qui_ asdon_ ariamo_ du_bl_ _r_ugagmm_ sym:m.. li ue_l we_ 1_ emu_l_ me uead 0f a good p_r of rmm_ *boo* _ ta 1993 do¢_ n0t eppcm" to be ,_y _ derab_ thanthetn_d_ a good I_ m_ '_ In 1983,o_f_fthatma_ 1973.A me_ n_elybm a cholce e_n_ ,=f=e_and,_ •lake a _ sad_he_,halve*_ac= IM]_n th_ ou_ml_ ornm_dug shoe_ The i_me/em_, =_ed by_- _ m= m_mmxOmuoumxd4o umd w¢_ on nmn_g dine*_ immml_ oc_ _y In two plac¢_ th_ o_u_ of _he he¢_ m_l the ba_ of fl_ foo_ Bed were* Is by fin"a,,* m_¢ atom problem. Tlds Is _ inmmu_ m tb¢ Imlmct fcs.ce on fl_e bed of a jogg=. _=' emunp_ has b¢¢u esflmazed = abo= dine e to four thnes _e wo_ht of the jogS_ Tlms, a jogger w_ 150potm_ wo_Id cn_e a fo_:eof 600 pouads of ahock oe tee heel _th each bed lmpactteg the grams! al_y 800 ttmm p_ mik, itIs not d_zeeitto _ why theheelofa nmnin8 shoeiathefu_tpaxtof the _oe to wear cm. T'ue fa_ that thh t. where _R_ is su mo_t needed ouly u_es to compouad the problem. Sadly. _ adnmmm_ ie Uee._ and-_,- md eomuec_on keel we_. • h=g_ c_Uo_ caa be negated by two mooths of Tread were" m cdm- typea of ath.le_ thorn ts al_o a his xhoes m'e cdm" exampMs of athletic _e_ w'a_ exh_ .n_ uead w=r tn heiaU:d arem _ in dis_alve paaen_ ov"n T'ee pt.=eot tnvemice h directed to _m tm_mt tthletic _oe _ en upt_, a forwat'd to]e auad_ to the uppe_ a hed mppm't aho sttached to the uppe_ and a t_m" _c attached m thcheelmp_ The restsolehm a gn_ e_ _ e_e e_n_a_ ,idewalM.and a top,urfac_ The_e_ sok. Is mounted on. the heel _8_t m m to bc detadm_ _m-ed th¢_wm. The rear role can aho bc m_abte m_ _ph_ -.._.... ¢_ins _ of a dine. Examp_ h_clud_ _xose disdoscd In U_. Pat. No_ 4.745,693 4577,042 and 4,267.650- These t_th a_ag the Inv_t_ ¢_ "fllpped," md aloug _m m_ mmml m tl_ majo*'. _d.s of l:l::e_ A m_m foe secm'iug II_ xem"role In cm:_ _ md m me _ed _ Is p.ovlm:d._d m0m_ e_ the f_ eoleef the s_etic shee ha_ a mldso_ a bau: lay_ atlad_ed11=n:_.and an mae_ok auadu_ tothebarnlaye_The outmole comalnsa phualltY of_ whlchope_ areallgn_ ove_ a plmllty of re=3tem p=a h_egnmyfunned ontotheb=e hye_The n:_UUmt, poreexten_ downwan_ t_u_h _e outm_e ope_ A plundity oft_dlle_dea_ isdetachab_secured to the poal. each of the dears cc_dntng a cavity w'otch h slzed m x¢celve the .com:spos6_g po_ md 8n _ mean, m that the d_t is dcmchably _ to the poet formed oo flu:ba_ lay¢_ Addldoual a_cts of the taventton m_: mc_ feny deum'bed bclow. There appea_ no imxt_ m the hodzon thax will _ _o Acco_gly. c_ clabiy ¢ohance the usab_ life of an athktlc shoe's outersc_e pmvlde m ml_l_ when mbjected to the umal _ farces. Nm" do the_ boUom u2¢ ,ecdom o¢ the dine. appear m be my m_sl_c shoes cuxr¢_ly In the madmXplac_ wim_ su_ _r _ u_d demmu_ ' D_igm u¢ knov_ mm spe¢_ m_ _ of _ of t_. major- exis of e,_ ehoe m that the rim" sole. is. tn elect obj¢_ of the px¢._t inwntlon h to shoc wt_ _'l_te o_ adjus_le m impmv_ and pml¢_ the useful life _ o_ec_ o_"m,- lnCSe_ _ is to l_ovid_ m_ 6s mhlcdc dine whereby ucadlife c_m be emended by sek_ I:I_ cmi_ sole of a shoe. A 0856 t i 5,615,497 3 4 _ms _.tech_pes that.nllow d_ we_ cff ,_,- sboa to _xe ,_- _ s_e _ w_oet bavi_ to Lake,_ two nx_s (e..g.,BVA _ve_ped by l_d nabl_r),or any shae to a n_al sto_ _ nq3_Ixa_0 for _vi_ _ffmal_als, hr-J_g a A/_xd_r abJec/of the inven_e is '_ ixovide e_- me_ 5 nismberof Inye_ or ce_bln_ with _e eJ_Iit_to change re_ su_ nndtorde,us b_xl on we_ or _ de_in_ l_cc d_ac_edse_ or ink/The n_ _/e 28 is _ from _e bed mppa_ 26. Thh s_ws t_ _cr t_- sl/l_ m chnngen_ soles en_ndy d_gn_ or _t_ inqx_ed a_e_c _oe th_ will anow n_u_ace_ _ no when e_h_ the sa_eis w_31 _o a si_ _ deshes a dif_ent role fo_ de$1ruilxxfo_nee d_racu_ist_ forspect_ a_d_/c en_av_ _r play/_ sm_ce_ Thc_ and a/be_ nspecU of the l_escet J_yc_Ic_ w_l The n_ _e 28 csn abobe n_ml_ moun_d _ _e heel. l_zome _ _ tho_esl_lled _n_I_em aftera readingo_ uq_pa_ 2_ The n_ _e c_ be round _ a phn_l_ of I nt_m_O, wlth a n_m_ providedto a_w tl_ _ to _n_ tl_ n_r sole st m:h d_'_ Atter a pna_d FIG. I is sn exl_ded hom_dc vk-w _ffm,/n_mved a_alesl_emlew_a_heannd _ Tephceab_ l_ 2/s a t_n view _ 8n imp_vcd a_c_ sh_ u_]_/G. 3 b a sh_ devatlon view _ 8n lnqx_n_ a_e6c .shoe u_. l_I(}. 4 is a re_ e_.vul/_ v_--wc_ sn hnl_oved Male_c shoe sole. lq_ 5 is _ cxp_Jed view of a securl_ b_d _d _ m¢_ _r one ¢mbodimm¢ of m _ _I¢¢icdno¢ ml_ orb/bit a we_- l_ttma -, th_ l_t_t tn whtda tl_ h_ _wst _ts _e _u_d, wf_ethee_r f_nn_h_ farc_e_ _ _ ,I,.. n_r sote..Wbeml_ln= userd¢_¢rmlnaes _lmttin= h m/l_nillcmmt enough. ,,_'.-u_='det.¢he$Ih=nmr",w _ axls o_thed_e,eran_ee_nl/m_ e__e _ave."lhe _er ._'!' The numh_ ef_ h_o _Id_ _e _e_ role_ I_ ,:," FIG.7 b a l_m _icwof_h_embodhne_shm_ _nFIG. FIG.I pernd_ m b_h n_e_ s _ of ec]y _ s_h po_/on_ 3s _e to the e_Ip6cal s_l_e _f d_en_r _le. FI_ IIA ,,-_ m_.dx_,w_ ¢:X:lploded. view ,,..,4_ Ro_/ng the rear role _ut m nxh _ _o _heshae'8 essembled vie'w, tespecl/v_y, a_"aoe embodime_ a_"a _r axts m a pae_an af. f_a"e:xan_e, _" l _0 deg_e_ 6... FIO._. 9 d_h meh_ of _ U depict seve_ _Idi_,,_ _adlcle_ fo¢ an lu_n_ed afl_tc d_o¢ • i_rtlo_ is en _a ot'l_s _'_m_ _" U_l_ _Y. • Dt_CRIPYK)N OF THB _ • nora,_vev_, _at _ne_,adlm=_ oth_. n..,, tb_t _ka_ed; . inI_CLI, lhore_l _ b_ s_l a f_l 1_0 d_g_e_ 4_ to ndaleve th_ bene_ of ex_e_ded use..As lon_ as the w_ poaioaofth=_ Io_ b roCatcxl beyoudth=m_m ofd_ Tl_ us_ _a _ne _y _-,tyroned_en_r sole so "I_ drawia__r=for _ pmpo_ ofdram'Wang a pcc_mcd thst an _ l_dan M _hen_ sa_/s locked/n _ _ea embodlm¢_ ofthe_ mxl_e _otImeodedtollm_ II_la'¢sem _v=m_oo. FIO.I Is,m_ l_a_dc v_-wof_ athle_c _0=oe Iacoqx_ng • nm_a_ ._d n_c_abl_ r_ _ol_ _d a Wi_ Pnff_0_y, _aen_r _ is shaped sa that_e n_r ed_ of ,.Iv_.gmo_d_ _ 30 _ a mb_m_dly -_y as 2_ hss a sh_ upi_ 22, a forward so_ 24,, heel ,_ _Jeofical pro.file m' eac_ xola_l p_]floe. To allow for a s_q_[_t 2_ _d a rear rote"2_ The ._want soto _nd bee_ suppe_ _re _hed to a_ daoe _l_r In a convea_[oml • q_ _r_ _y,Uo_d_ _,bo_ 'the heel suppe_ 2_ has a slde wall 38 th_ _ dow_ plank m"non-plansr.Px_efexably. Ihe xem"ami fot'wa_ edges ward beyond the upper22 n_d de._es a recess 40. _o of thegxeunde_,agtag nuface oo xunntng*hoe mm_ w_l be tapexedor beveled, ,,* _u_n in PIG. 1. to mflen heel mike dining use. fro_ tht_ d_ere_ ma_Is: a rub_" coml_d fi_ra firU _n_nd ¢_t_ _m_ce 30:. a mfte_ _mm_c mm_al A ldm,M_ of comtnes_ slits 39 wld_ ran geaexally mtically areond _he _ of the side wall 38 may be n_dmle ;_ of the I_cel;and a l_rd_ plnsdc ma_l for a _ andm'ethown _ FIG. L The dils maym'ea_ea v_d no_hed s_fi_ 46 _at _ lhe hodz_l nfidcompte_y th_u_h me ,lae waU_ _ mey may m,_Jy be sec/_e of _e rears_e _,,FIG. L (r_FI_ I, the n_r role _ a wea.lbe:uedax_a of the M.dewa_ so that the _ide w'a.U A 0857 'lk 5,615,497 S 6 tlddme_ tn the =ca of the set h leu than the 8tdeWan ing the two sections wh=dr/the n_r sak is bah detachable tldckne_ elsewhere, androtatat_ l'hc band44, = slxnvnin FIG. 1, is net shown A IIm_ded stud 132 may I_ kv..._d hathe t_ter of the in FIGL4. altlmughit codd beincludedas m_olxiontcceu 4e ef thebed _o_., as _aewn tn I_I(Z L Thc stud HG. $ d_m _ :q:_l_l Viceor'tl_ sec_l_gI:m144. 132passestlneugbmqac=mmLMofthere_rsMe28, snd s The_a_tyht_Uarmthecomenamallatda is u_ed w'aha _readed tmllar l._ "I_ apealm'e134 h and dasp tyaem u_d en mint ekt bee_ end _mn_" eq_pnx_sed _ ¢_mnmenk m that e'_ _ D6 whm tewud mint. The bt:h _ive_ ft_a a fra _eifi_ vCa=ethe dasp doe* notezU_l beymd the _st gnmndengag_ mffaee _. h enga_ m a _ad and Iockleg l_tfle_ which fe_ u_' dtun_ the edla_ 136, _au_ e= band44, Wdm .m the t_ e_e eft ef the _caded aud 13_ "_ste£' m" ram" role, _aes the t_, sde badt m the encaded _ and te_ctm_ _e ba_daudm_a_ "[het'_a"_31eof PIG.I h _ed to alkn_ mtatk3aM_outtwo axes of the s_oe. In addilkm m beta8 llitala_abeut m_llt axl& wht_'t's nr_nnl IOthe U majar_ ef the _oe., the t'_"mte e¢ I_3. I is tnvem'ble, meaa_ a_t t_e _e cm be me_! eb_ a wmad axh that h 8_ned with the =_ _h of the ehee. In mlek to _ _ the r=r sere nnnt line a _a_t gna_ad enSaglng reface 130. Whenthe t_g_ d=tres to cbaage rig gtooal 2o _ =e weS-knowu tn the tndm_ e4., ra_t_ heee ¢_al_ et=.a_uld be reed andm_ ad_'e the bene_ e_ rid, lnvemien. la" atmthe_ embed_cat d_vn In FIG. _ the Jeaulng mcmsh 8chie_db_areatmle29havtngal_ntl_d _'ePea l_mm_m _ i°cated akmg (hePeriPherYaf a top mat_ m_nce 8_ ef the t'_r role29.'the _ 8a m sized m rote w_th.a phn'e_ of farmed '_"-e,hap_ slots 90 loezted In a t_ccts 41 of a heel mplma 27. The slots m_d_xdtom:=_e ,_. Fa_w_w inch_ tb_rc_ _lo _ pmuiniomup wlthtatl_ bed mpl_ s_en, aadrm_na8 mrf=e u_b.. t=t_a or tm_ t_ _ thex, cm-t_e about8nrodsretinal _ thcn=jorrod*oflhe were q_t atmutan axisn,:gnudto t_ stme's _ a_Is,thc u_'d=aclgs the ha= role end invem ft, end tbo tint ground sh0e to lock the _ tnto a hodmmal segmeat of _ eagagln8 mffaee _0 as_am_ the t_/_ im_on _ the _tted "L"-duq_! det_ Te fuahnrlock the t'e_"_n into ux_ed gtmnd eegagt_ _fi,ce 130, .and vlce-va,_ Of 2_ l_e _d tlso tu thea Ineve_t ende_t_ rotatlen _ the n:zr" ommte,,the user cmld x*otate.the _e=*role M:mutbothaxes at _lc :_ witl_ tin: z_:c_ 41 _a_ t_ mtcri_ _ th_ bc¢l, the s_me ame, if de.In:d, when the nu_ role Is d_nengased set s_a_ws P4 inch -_ thown in FIG.I_axdd be employed. c_g_g • _e w.,U3a g_ ...-.. h_ mpp_ mdwU_ mc s,.,, um:h_ :.-.! sec_-- B°thgr°unde_agtng_tfae_e_thex_rsele2_ " _e _cd m _t with_ a_ _ate with thete_.4_ ofthe heel n" , mlPpOa2_ wlznau_eml/ed.Thelumlzental n_14e_tmaf _ _he _m" u_e 28 has a _ead netched.um_a 46 ale_ _ patph_, and b _zed to ftt within and ,,,,_ with the _a_t . netchedu_l_ 4Z Alterthe _a'sele is plneed ep wtt_ the •_ of lhe heel _ the secu_ band 44 fits within ._ : .--.t_t_t_h'_==nn_ay.l_t_yalo_t_k_i_i_. _o .-_o_natn-_lO._lc_l_t_tlncn,_q_mn=_t_ •_ of the nldc _nu 3_. A su:uan8 band44 fiw.mu_d the then_ role 2_. " ' " .. ,....: -. t_aUy,Fta. _ mo det_ka-,,opeo_ _S " " p_ U0, ioeatedwtth_thet'ece_4Lt_b_zedmnm=_dtha n_at centedng _me !12 lacaled _. a t_p mtfa_ of the t_ tole 29. The tOpl_oa of the ceal_ pmt has a dtnn_:tnrtuipa'tt_ n_ dnm_r o_t_ _:n_t_ nt_tn_ m tlmtthe gar eok_will be de=duddy u:cuxedwlza _ up and ma_l with the heel mppm't. the eat no_d_42 _d, upeu t_ ux=e_ _ the 4e T'nsmea_ furlocU_ or secudng tlg n=rsa_e te the heel_ 8_t b _t lln_ed. A _e_ end t_t fit h t_q_a_ bet rearsole 2_ in i_ace dung u._e..The _ s_ts 39 aim the me_s mint be ca_ly _ m the u_ wW allow,the slde wall 38 of the bed _e_t 26 te be com. aet be _eqek_l m _m the shee m the nuumfacna_ e_ a _ __b_d44h _emu__oe xepak ,_-e tn =de_ te t_a= _" t_,e eaen_ _le. _ag and re,re _. The alnaity to t_m_ve the re_u_e t='ves _-vm'el imr• _ ee a_ h_tar sm_e e_ the tint notd_ m_ pme_ The u_" can zetate and/_ _t _e t_r u_le to _12 b a phwal_ _ al_am_t d_ple, 43. A p/ah-a_ ef ndoca_ a w_a_ secd_ to a le_ _cal m'eaof lhe mle_and allgnme_t nipples41 am loc_led 8t _ pmtflem _ _:e the _r _ Mt_get_ wb= the u_e h m the ea_er_ ef the _1 notd_ uxden4_ e_ the reinexc_ve_ were. _ _ mm wm pref_ te role 2S.'Ilae ,,x---,,'_ ,_,_'les 43 ue d_! to fit wifl_ end the x_" u_ mt becanse of adve_ w_a"paUem& ma_ with, the u:itvlcs 41 wbcn the two sectI_ =e _o d_e bet became of a de_ f_ di_eax:nt_ charect__ant,_ to _p atign_ twe _ao=. _o_z_ ta-ev_ _ For exampte, It b c_mmp_ted _at a pc=urnmdng _eannl m_3_ g=er_, and_y _ l_m_t a _ In_on In a almc _ az .a "cmz_m,e_ may _ of the te_" role in a _ pLm_ wRIdu I_ n:eun 40 wh_ the met plvoU on the bed of the slme. de,din erie typeof_ar u_lef_rone _pott. seda as Imlee/bd_ Aim slm,wn tn FIG_1 b a _t_e_d e_xlhnent" 55 and Imothur type of tc_ role for m_ such as mmzlng.A t_a . bask_ball pla_ mtgl_ mtu_ a lind=" a=l finer _ sore l_raltty of. tndli=t dem 36, _ secun:il to tt_ fo_ stabtEty wlz_ q_k, I,_-al movemeat Is euetat_. fofwa_ role 24. The cleats m-edi_u.qed in greater detail wlu:t.e_ a t,mm_ e_ Joggcr n_ht tead to laver tnea_a_. below. _odc al_q_am feannes ad_evab_ fwm a u_ae_ m_ FIG.2 isa plmaviewofan_ ofnnimlnov_l eedfioued heel S_a3ndy, aJogg_ phn_g a tea eet_de _ athleac slme20anddeplastheground_gagh_ su_ce 30 rough awhalt c_ aemem might pt_r a m_e n:dllent g=" oftlgxe_ sole25a_dtl__llem dems 36. ude m,*- thetype thatwouldbe suitableto maee an al.,u,dy i_ 3 dep_ a t_tc view of an improved a_aletlcelme t.lm'lt_ tndoor k,mdea m_ 2e, _ the bcna_ edg_ 4_ ef _e gr_d =gag_ While the able dt_m_ h £a_eted t_a_h a _ar role _ as per a nmnlngshoe model, agMnam de_ that t'etat_ _ uaa,w=_ _ _ emtxcty, It b Wec:tfi_ FIG. 4 Is a xe_ elevadeu of lhe.hed imppot.t 26 and the c_ that thc_ beue.fi_ oftlds _ c_mbe _e_ =31e_8. and deplc_ a pt_f=_cd embodlmc_ for axtachachieved if'o_ly a lmalm of a= t_x role Is mta_ble A 0858 A 0859 % . _ ,_'__.__,_ md rhea n_aSage the n_at a_le to _e A 0860 .'... A 0861 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA GREENSBORO DIVISION Akeva L.L_C., Plaintiff, V. C.A. No.: 1:03-CV-01207 adidas America, Inc., Defendant. ADIDASAME.I_!CA_INC_.'SBRIEF REGARDINGPHILI.lPS V. AWH (]ORPORATION A 1002 INTRODUCTION The Federal Circuit's en banc decision in Phillins v. AWH Com.. Nos. 03-1269, 03-1286, 2005 WL 1620331 (Fed. Cir. July 12, 2005) (attached as Ex. A), adopts the specification-based claim construction methodology that adidas advocated from the outset of tiffs case and further validates this Court's constructions of"secured." _ criticizes the Texas Di_iti_l approach, which Akeva advocated here, for placing "too much reliance on extrinsic sources such as dictionaries, treatises, and encyclopedias and too little on intrinsic sources, in particular the specification and prosecution history." Id_ at "13. "Assigning such a limited role to the specification, and in particular requiring that any definition of claim language in the specification be express, is inconsistent with [prior Federal Circuit] rulings that the specification specification is 'the single best guide to the meaning of a disputed term' and that the 'acts as a dictionary when it expressly defines terms used in the claims or when it defines terms by implication." Id_.:. (quoting Yitronics Coro. y, Conceptroni_, 1996)). Moreover, the _ 1576 (Fed. Cir. decision cites SciMed Life Sys,, Inc, v. Advanced Cardiovascular S,/s.. Inc.. 242 F.3d 1337 (Fed. Cir. 2001) with approval, _ Akeva's suggestion that Sc_ed _c,, 90F.3d is disfavored. 2005 WL 1620331, at *8, and thus dispels In short, _ not only supports, but mandates, the Court's claim constructions of"secured" in the Akeva patents. also is instructive regarding the proper role of a patent's file history in claim construction analysis. The Federal Circuit's guidance is pertinent given tlmt Akeva has recently based much of its argument on the tangled web of file histories that it began to spin twelve years ago and that it continues to expand now in an attempt to undercut this Court's claim construction ruling. Specifically, • cautions that the prosecution history represents an ongoing negotiation between the PTO and the applicant that "often lacks the clarity of the specification and thus is less useful [than the specification] construction purposes." Id___. _ for claim makes clear that the prosecution history oftbe patent in suit may be relevant to the extent it reflects "whether the inventor limited the invention in the course of prosecution, making the claim scope narrower than it otherwise would be." ld. (emphasis added). Akeva's attempt to A 1003 the scope of the patents in suit by relying on the prosecution history of other, unasserted patents and pending applications conflicts sharply with this straightforward principle. ARGUMENT I. Phillips Rejects the Dictionary-Based Approach to Claim Construction that Texas Digital Has Come To Stand for and that Akeva HaS Advocated In this Case. In its claim construction briefing, adidas urged the Court to conslz_ the terms at issue in light of the patents' specifications in order to determine what one of ordinary skill would understand the disputed terms to mean. Relying on the Texas Digital approach, Akeva argued that the specification is relevant only to the extent that it overcomes a presumption in favor of affording claim terms their dictionary meanings by using explicit words of manifest exclusion or restriction. (Motion and Memorandum in Support of Claim Construction of Akeva L.L.C. at 8 [hereinafter, Motion for Reconsideration].) In Phillins. the Federal Circuit stated that "It]he principal question that this case presents to us is the extent to which we should resort to and rely on a patent's specification in seeking to ascertain the proper scope of its claims." _ 2005 WL 162033 I, at * 14. The Federal Circuit then answered this question unambiguously by reaffirming that "the specification 'is always highly relevant to the claim construction term.'" analysis. Usually, it is dispositive; it is the single best guide to the meaning of a disputed ld. at *7 (quoting _ 90 F.3d at 1582). _ reaffirmed that the language of the claims and specification, and to a lesser degree the prosecution history, should be the primary basis for consmdng the claims. The Federal Circuit in _ also pointedly rejected the Texas Digital approach upon which Akeva has relied throughout this case: "That approach, in our view, improperly restricts the role ofthe specification in claim construction." Id, at * 13. PhHfins makes clear that (I) it is not required to start with a dictionary meaning and (2) that an express definition or disavowal of scope in the specification is not required to overcome the dictionary meaning. In particular, the _ definition of claim language in the specification be express, is inconsistent A 1004 states that "requiring that any with our rulings that the specification is 'the single best guide to the meaning of a disputed term,' and that the specification 'acts as a dictionary when it expressly defines terms used in the claims or when it defines terms by implication." ,. ld.__. (quoting _ 90 F.3d at 1582). According to the Federal Circuit: The problem is that if the district court starts with the broad dictionary definition in every case and fails to fully appreciate how the specification implicitly limits that definition, the error will systematically cause the constntction of the claim to be unduly expansive. Id. at *14. emphasizes that the specification is paramount and should be read holistically to determine what one 0f ordinary skill would objectively understand the disputed claim term to mean. Under the claim construction specifications analysis elucidated by _ of Akeva's patents that the Court cited in its claim construction question that the Court's constructions of"secured" II. the numerous statements in the order establish beyond are proper? Philllp..s Validates the Court's Reliance on SciMed, and Debunks Akeva's Assertion that SciMed Is Disfavored, In an obvious effort to conjure an intervening change in law to justify its reconsideration motion, Akeva asserted in its motion for reconsideration that recent Federal Circuit decisions demonstrated that SciM_ was disfavored. Akeva that SciM_ (Motion for Reconsiderat/on at 16.) _ is not good law. _ cites SciM_ now puts to rest any claim by approvingly, including for the key point that "the specification may reveal an intentional disclaimer, or disavowal, ofclaim scope by the inventor. In that instance as well, the inventor had dictated the correct claim scope, and the inventor's intention, as expressed in the specification, is regarded as dispositive." _ 2005 WL 1620331, at *8. Under Philfivs. seve_ other claim constructions that the Court adopted based on dictionary definitions are overly broad in view of the statements in the written descriptions of the Akeva patents, adidas stands ready to address these issues in further briefing if the Court so desires. A 1005 HL _ Exposes Additional Flaws in Akeva's Attempt To Rely on the Examiner's Recent Statement, the Prosecution Histories of Patents not in Su_ and the Claims ofUnasserted patents. Well after the close of fact discovery and on the eve of the claim consUuction hearing, Akeva began to inundate adidas with pending patent applications and file histories that Akeva had never previously identified. 2 As a threshold matter, Akeva's attempt to construe the claims of the '300 patent and '471 patent by reference to the claims, specifications and prosecution histories of numerous o_er Akeva patents, file histories, and pending patent applications, both published and unpublished, is c,ont_'ary to the public notice function of patents became no person of ordinary skill in the relevant field could be expected to obtain, review, end assin3ilate Akeva's tangled and constantly shifting patent portfolio. See The Examiner's Recent Statement Is Improper Because It Constitutes Extrinsic Evidence that Seeks To Broaden the Scope of the Claims and Falls To Take Account of Phillips , notes that "because the prosecution history represents an ongoing negotiation between the PTO and the applicant, rather than the final product of that negotiation, it often lacks the clarity of the specification and thus is less useful for claim construction purposes." ld. at *9. While the prosecution history of a patent in suit can demonstrate how the inventor understood the invention, _ also makes clear that "[t]he purpose of consulting the prosecution history in construing a claim is to exclude any interpretation that was disclaimed during prosecution." [d. (citing Chimie v. PPG Indus.. Inc.. 402 F.3d 1371, 1384 (Fed. Cir. 2005)) (internal quotations omitted). Thus, _ confirms that Akeva's recent attempt to use the Examiner's statements from a pending application as a vehicle to b_aden the claims of the issued '300 patent is improper. Indeed, the only two cases cited by Akeva for the proposition that statements in a subsequent patent's prosecution history can be used in construing the claims of an earlier patent, Microso_ Corp. v. Multi-Tech Sys., In_,, 2Most recently, on July 29, Akeva sent adidas several compact disks containing numerous previously unproduced patent documents, including, among other things, pending Australian patent applications. A 1006 357 F.3d 1340 (Fed. Cir. 2004) and Howmedic_ 0_,0_c$ Col'p. v, T_'anquil Prospects Ltd., 401 F.3d 1367 (Fed. Cir. 2005), are cases in which the inventor made n_owin_ statements, s See _ 357 F.3d at 1349-50; Howmedica, 401 F.3d at 1373. Akeva argues that the Examiner's recent statements in a pending Akeva patent application are probative because they demonstrate that, "from the perspective 'secured' was not redefined in the specification." of one of ordinary skill in the art, (Plaintiff's Reply in Support oflts Motion for Partial Reconsideration of the Court's Claim Construction Order at 8.) A bald statement in a pending application is not intrinsic evidence with respect to the '300 patent, even if made by one of ordinary skill, and it does not fall into any of the categories of extrinsic evidence that _ consider. identifies as relevant for a court to See PhiiliDs, 2005 WL 1620331, at *10 ("conclusory, unsupported assertions by experts as to the definition of a claim term are not useful to a court"). statements without the benefit of_ Last, the Examiner made her conclusory which further establishes that her statements are irrelevant. b. Akeva's Muddled and Erroneous Assertion that the File History of the '126 Patent Shows that the '300 Patent Includes Several Distinct Inventions Is the Type of Flie-His_ory Argument that PhiUips Disfavors. _' statement that the prosecution history "often lacks the clarity of the specification and thus is leas useful for claim construction purposes," id. at *9, is particularly apt with respect to Akeva's assertion that in the prosecution history of the ' 126 patent, the Examiner found that the applicant had claimed several distinct inventions. It is exactly this type of convoluted and incomplete argument that cautions against. As adidas explained in its opposition to Akeva's motion for reconsideration, Examiner in fact identified several species of the same invention, and therefore Akeva's argument is misleading. (adidas America, Inc.'s Opposition to Akeva's Motion for partial Reconsideration of the Court's Claim Construction Order at 17-18.) 3 Howmedica. in fact, involved a re-examination of the patent in dispute, not statements fi'om the file history ofa difl'e_t patent. Howmedica. 401 F.3d at 1373. A 1007 the c. Claim Differentiation Applies to the Claims of the Patent in Suit_ Not to Vnrelated Claims from Unas_erted Patents, as Akeva Suggests. notes that "[o]ther claims of the patent in auestion, both asserted and unasserted, can be valuable sources of enlightenment as to the meaning of a claim term .... normally used consistently throughout the patent .... " _ [b]ecause claim terms are 2005 WL 162033 !, at *7. However, Akeva's pseudo-claim differentiation arguments rely only upon the claims of other, unasserted Akeva patents with separate prosecution histories, such as the '126 and '210 patents. (Motion for Reconsideration at 10-12.) Akeva is unable to point to any claims of the patents in suit that give rise to a legitimate claim differentiation argument, and Akeva has identified no support for the assertion that its attenuated theories trump the clear and unequivocal statements in the specifications of the patents in suit. Specifically, the '126 patent's specification differs materially from the '300 patent's specification, and therefore Akeva's comparison of the claims of these patents is meaningless. See '126 patent (attached as Ex. B); '300 patent (attached as Ex. C). Likewise, claim I of the '210 patent claims a "rear sole detachably secured to the mar sole support," but goes on to describe a "mounting attached to the rear sole.., to secure the rear sole to the rear sole support .... I of the '210 patent, Akeva uses the term "secure" to describe a "detachably member " Thus, even within claim secured" rear sole. See '210 patent, claim 1 and col. 7, li. 21-57 (attached as Ex. D). More importantly, the '210 patent claims a different invention and uses a host of differeut claim terms, thus rendering Akeva's attempted comparison with the '471 patent pointless. IV. The Federal Circuit's Analysis of the Claim Term "Baffles" in Phillivs Supports the Court's Claim Construction of "Secured" Here. The patent at issue in _ is directed to vandalism-resistant building modules. ultimately gave the term "baffles" in that patent its ordinary meaning because, although the patent's specification describes that one of the advantages of the invention is its projectile-deflecting function, the specification does not describe, expressly or otherwise, that in order to qualify as "baffles" within the meaning of the claims, the internal support structures must serve the projectile-deflecting A 1008 function in all embodiments. _ 2005 WL 1620331, at * ! 7. _ further observed that the specification discusses other purposes served by the claimed baffles and that several figures of the patent do not show baffles in a projectile-deflecting arrangement. ]d. at * 18. In short, the Federal Circuit concluded that "baffles" should not be limited to specific or preferred embodiments in the specification gave "baffles" and therefore its ordinary meaning. This Court's claim construction of"secured" is not dependent on specific or preferred embodiments described in the specifications of the Akeva patents or on the claimed inventions' objectives. 4 The patent in _ differs fundamentally fi'om the Akeva patents in that the Akeva patents' specifications contain nmnemus statements thatunmnbiguouslymake cleartoone ofordinary skill thattheinvention claimedinthe'300patentincludes a rearsolethatisnotpermanentlyfixedin position andtheinvention ofthe'471patent includes a detachably securedrearsole.Putdifferently, the Akeva patents' specifications estabfish thattheclaimsand theembodimentsdescribed inthespecification • of each patent are coextensive. See ld. at * 16. CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, _ confirms that the Court's constructions of"secured" are proper. Respectfully submitted this 9thday of August 2005. Is J. Jason Liz_k Jmnes H. Kelly, Jr. (NC State Bar No. 2499) Steven Gardner (NC State Bar No. 20984) J. Jason Link (NC State Bar No. 25689) KILPATRICK STOCKTON LLP 1001 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, NC 2710 I Telephone: (336) 607-7300 jlink( In contrast to the _ patent, none of the '300 patent's figures depicts an embodiment that is inconsistent with the Court's definition of"secured." Moreover, Akeva's argument that permanent attachment is not depicted in the '300 patent contradicts Akeva's own assertion that "secured" should be consU'ued to encompass permanent attachment. A 1009 OF COUNSEL: Douglas J. Kline Richard B. Myrus Ketth A. Zullow William A. Meuaier GOODWIN PROCTER LLP Exchange Place 53 State Street • Boston, MA 02109 Telephone: (617) 570-1000 Fax: (617) 248-7100 Attorneys for Defendant adidas America, Inc. A 1010 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE /, J. Jason Link, hereby certify that on this dam I caused the foregoing ADIDAS AMERICA, INC.'S BRIEFREGARDING PHILLIPS V. AWH CORPORATION to be served upon the following counsel of record by first class mail, postage prepaid: Scott A. Schaaf, Esq. Tuggle, Duggins & Meschan, P_. P.O. Box 2888 Greensboro. NC 27402-2888 Patrick J. Fiinn, Esq. Demetrius Tennell LockeR, Esq. Aiston & Bird, LLP •1201 West Peachtree Sl_eet Atlanta, GA 30309-3424 This the 9t_ day of August, 2005. /sd J. l_son Link J. Jason Link KILPATRICK STOCKTON LLP I001 West Fotmh Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101 Telephone: 336.607.7300 A 1011 ° ¢ #| at • " P" " " - • - • • " . " ' • . . . " a North Carolina . . " , , : p_, " . . _, j_, 0_, -_,_e_ot_ " ClVlL_ AG,.a Corporation;and INC., a Delaware .k x_?7_.._-'x_'v/e/. . _ I I_J "V'_ ' German ADIDAS AMERICA Corpoi'aflon, Defendants. FOR PlaintiffAkeva L.L.C. ("Akcva" AND JURY DE'MAND TRIAL or "Plaintiff") brings this action agah_ adidas-Salomon . AG ("Adidas'') infringement Patent") and Adidas America, of U.S. Patent Nos. (collectively the "Akeva Inc. ("Adidas Amei'ica'') 6,604,300 (the "'300" Patents''), for monetary.damages (collectively Patent)and "'Defendants'') 6,662,471 for (the "'471. and injunctive relief associatedwith thatinfringement. Plaintiff allegesthe fol|owing factsupon actualknowledge with respect to information concerning itself and its own acts and upon information and belief as to all other matters, JURISDICTION ° Plaintiffis the state of North Street, Greensboro, Carolina, a limited liability with its principal NorthCarolina corporation place of business 27401. A 1012 ATL01/11530617v2 organized _ L"._ _ | ,_'_J : /_':'] " -I _O.'-: _ r_-W"_ ,_ _ 0_, _ v 1 _, L_'4' J-,tJ COMPLAINT . . and existing located under at 228 West the laws of Market " ..:.'/ VS. ADIDAS-SALOMON • *# ,(_._..._ " ' • : I_"i _'_I"II _'.", COURT .? _' 6'_:_ ._L3 CAROL_ _,_,,_ ,,,: 0 __?. \'_-k _#_i _ " _. - • ". DISTRICT OF NORTH DIVISION , AKEVA L.L.C., Corporation, _.¢t'k. , . IN THE UNITED STATES FORTHE MIDDLE DISTRICT . " GREENSBORO • i ! i .| 0 •i . " 2. Defendant business Adidas _it 5055 N. Greeley 3. Defendant g America is a Delaware Ave, P0rtland_ Oregon a German corporation having itsprincipal place of 97217. corporation having its principal place of business . t at Adi-Dassler-Strasse 4. p an action for patent infringement 28 U.S.C. oth_ Herzogenaurach, Germany. This action arises under the Patent This Court . •' 1-2, 91074 §§ 1331 6. elsewhere. thi_ judicial has jurisdiction Patents over States Code, and is under § 271 (a) and Co). the subject matter of this action p_t to • and 1338 (a). This action activities of the Akeva Act, Title 35 of the United 0fAdidas Defendants district arises out of the transaction America have and Adidas conducted within.the business and elsewhere,the ofbusiness_ unlawful within Middle commission District this judicial acts complained of injury of North district, of herein and. Carolina committed and within and are therefore J subject to personal jurisdiction 7. Venue in theState of N0rth Carolina is proper in this Court pursuant and the jurisdiction to 28 U.S.C. §§ 139i of this Court. Co) and (c) and 1400 Co): CLAIM . °. The allcgatiom . I ... contained in Paragraphs 1 through 7 above arc inco]poratcd herein by reference. 9. " On August 12, 2003, United State, Patent No. 6,604,300 correct copy of the '300 Patent the _300 Patent, including infringement entitled is attached the right States "Athletic hereto Patent Office duly and lawfully Shoe With Improved as Exhibit "A." Plaintiff to sue for and recover thereof. , ATL01111530617v2 the United A 1013 for past, present Sole." issued A true and is the lawful and future owner of = # . o I • ,| a I0. patented Defendants make,,use,offerto sell,sell,or import.athletic shoes embodying the invention. 11. Defendants have directly gt infringement infi-inged, or induced the . of one.or.mow i2. in,in" ged, contributorily el .rams of the '300 Patent. Defendants' i_'inging activities are wiilful and deliberate and will continue.until a and unless restrained 13. by this Court. Plaintiff this Court enjoins has been'and Defendants' will continue infi'inging to be damaged The allegations contained 15. United copy Owner 0fthe '471 infringement thereof. 16. patented i6, 2003, the United Patent No. 6,662,471entitled role and correct -' ' | through _" 7 above are incorporated .. On D_ember States d H in Paragraphs herein by reference. hajured unless activities. CLAIM 14. and irreparably of the"471 Patent, Defendants "Athletic Patent including make, States is attached Patent Office Shoe With Improved h_reto _ Exhibit the fight to sue for an'd recover use, offer to sell, duly and iawfuUy Heel Structure." "B". Plainfiffis for past, present sell, or import athletic con_'ibutorily infringed, shoes issued A the lawful and future embodying the invention. 17. Defendants infringement of one or more 18. and unless Defendants' restrained have directly claimsof infringing infringed, the the '471 Patent. activities are willful by this Court. A 1014 ATL01/11530617v2 or induced and deliberate and will continue until J °' t 0 .I 19. this Court Plaintiff'has enjoins been DefendantS' and will continue inflinging tO be damaged and irreparably injured unless activities.. RELIEF SOUGHT t ,) Plaintiffresp_ffully A. seeks Enter judgmen} infi-ing_nent that the Court grant the following relief: for Plaintiff and against Defendants, jointly and severally, and against Defendants for infi-ingeme_t for of the '300 Patent; B. Enter judgment f01"Plaintiff C. Enter.judgment that Defendants' D. Permanently of the '471 Patent; inflingemefit was and is willful; = representatives, servants, acting in concert made, selling causing or causing or induces or using an amount that will adequately patented with them, or causing the hxfzingement Enter judgment and amount their successors, to be sold, offering E. circumstances Defendants, employees, or participation to be imported, infringes; enjoin flora affiliates, directl.y or indirectly to be used, in favor of Plaintiff of the"300 against royalty principals, subsidiaries or causing for sale, that infringes, Patent or '471 Defendants, jointly infzingemenL for Defendants' agents, sales and all those making to be offered any product it for Defendants' less than a reasonable directors, assigns, to sell or causing of any claim compensate of_cers, to be importing or contributorily Patent; and severally, but under for no use of the Plaintiff's inventions; i F. for pre-judgment Enter judgment interest in favor on all damages of Plaintiff and against awarded; A 1015 ATL01/11530617v2 Defendants, jointly and severally, ,° .4 IN THE UNITED FOR THE MIDDLE STATES DISTRICT • GREENSBORO AKEV. A, L.L.C., a North DISTRICT.COURT. OF NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION Carolina Corporation, Plaintiff, ) ) V_° CIVIL ACTION ) ADIDAS,SALOMON-AG, Corporation; INC., AMERICA, Corporation, Defendants. adidas America's Answer to Complaint ANSWER Defendant PlaintiffAkeva adidas n America, L.L.C. ("Akeva") 1:03CV01207 ) ) ) ) ) a German and ADIDAS a Delaware NO. and Affirmative Defenses TO COMPLAINT Inc., answers the numbered paragraphs of the Complaint of as follows: JURISDICTIQN 1. Plaintiffis the state of North Street, Greensboro, .ANSWER: form a belief Carolina, North a limited liability with its principal Carolina corporation place organized of business and existing located under the laws of at 228 West Market 27401. adidas America, Inc., is without as to the truth of the allegations knowledge in this paragraph. 0 In its proper form, the corporate name "adidas" is not capitalized. A 1019 or information sufficient to 2. business Defendant at 5055 N. Greeley ANSWER: 3. place adidas 5. America is a German , Inc., admits its principal b,0rporation adidas that, upon America, Inc., place of having its principal Germany. information denies and belief_ the remaining adidas- allegations of response this Court Patents under States Code, and is §271 (a) and Co). has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action pursuant to 28 and 1338(a). is required. The information lacks standing aliegations To the extent has jurisdiction upon of the Akeva 35 of the United Adm/tted. This Court §§1331 arises under the Patent Act, Title infringement ANSWER: therefore, AG] 1-2, 9 1074 Herzogenaurach, corporation, This action ANSWER: because, having 3 of the Complaint. action for patent U.S.C. corporation Oregon97217. adidas[-Salomon AG is a German 4. an Portland, at Adi-Dassler-SWasse ANSWER: • paragraph Ave, is a Delaware Admitted. Defendant ofbnsiness Salomon adidas America over in this that a response the claims and belief, to assert paragraph Akeva asserted are is required, under A 1020 conclusions adidas America, the 6,604,300 is not the assignee the claims. legal of record and to which Inc., denies 6,662,471 of these no that patents patents and, 6. This action other activities Carolina ofadidas and committed America elsewhere. within are therefore a rises o Ut o f t he transaction and adidas[-Salomon Defendants this judicial district subject to personal o fb nsiness, have AG] within conducted and elsewhere jurisdiction the Middle business within the.unlawful in the State of North c 0mmission o f injury Dis_ct of North judicial district, this acts complained Carolina and of herein and and the jurisdiction of this Court. ANSWER: district adidas and elsewheTe. which no response . America, Inc., The remaining admits it transacts allegations business in this paragraph within are legal this judicial conclusions to is required. Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b) and (c) and to which no 1400(b). ANSWER: response The allegations in this paragraph are legal conclusions is required. CLAIM 8. The allegations contained I in Paragraphs 1 through 7 above are incorporated herein by reference. ANSWER: answers to paragraphs adidas America, Inc., realleges I-7, above. A 1021 and incorporates herein by reference its 9. On August States Patent No. 6,604,300 entitled the '300 Patent is attached hereto as Exln'bit "A." including ("the" 300 patent") implication duly "Athletic the right to sue for and recover ANSWER: and lawfully information adidas indicates issued, Piaint_is Inc., admits that is valid, adidas to form Sole." adidas America, Inc., denies as Exhibit "A." a belief Inc., of the '300 Patent, thereof. Patent 12, 2003, denies that truth of the Inc.,is No. 6,604,300 but denies any the '300 patent was that a tree and correct adidas America, as to the States on August America, issued United A true and correct copy of the lawful owner theUnited o n its face t hat it w as issued to the complaint sufficient Shoe With Improved duly and lawfully for past, present an d futm'e infringement America, that the '300 patent patent was attached J 12, 2003, the United States Patent Office copy without remaining of the '300 knowledg ailegations e or in this paragraph. 10. patented Defendants make, use, offer to sell, sell, or import athletic denies all of the allegafons shoes embodying the invention. ANSWER: 10 of the Complaint 11. infiingement adidas America, have directly of one or more claims 11 of the Complaint contained in paragraph that apply to it. Defendants ANSWER: Inc., infiinged, contn'butorily infringed, or induced the of the '300 Patent• adidas America, that apply to it. Inc., denies all of the allegations A 1022 contained in paragraph 12. Defe_adants' unless restrained activities are willful and dehl_rato adidas 12 of the Complaint Plaintiff America, Inc., denies has boon and will continue Defendants' ANSWER: adidas 13 of the Complaint infnnging The contained in paragraph America, to be damaged and in'eparably injured unle_s Inc., denies all of the allegations contained in paragraph that apply to it. allegations contained H in Paragraphs ! through 7 above are incorporated by reference. "ANSWER: answers all of the allegations activities. CLAIM herein until and that apply to it. • this Court enjoins 14. and will conlinue by this Court. ANSWER: 13. inf_ging to paragraphs adidas America, Inc., realleges 1-7, above. A 1023 and incorporates herein by reference its 15. United States On Decanber 16, 2003, Patent No. 6,662,471 the United entitled States '!Athletic Patent Office duly Shoe With Improved and correct copy of the '471 Patent is attached hereto as Exl£oit the '471 Patent, including the right to sue for and recover "B". and lawfully Heel Structure." Piaintiffis issued A true the lawfid Owner of for past, present and future infringement thereof. ANSWER: adidas '471 patent") implication that the duly and lawfully to form a belief 16. patented indicates America, admits adidas is valid, America, adidas make, use, offer America, sell, PatentNo. 16, 2003, Inc., denies allegations to sell, United States on December Inc., is without as to the truth of the remaining Defendants that the on its face that it was issued '471 patent issued, Inc., knowledge 6,662,471 but denies any that the '471 patent was or information sufficient in this paragraph. or import athletic shoes embodyingthe invention. ANSWER: 16 of the COmplaint 17. infringement adidas America, Inc., denies all of the allegations contained in paragraph that apply to it. Defendants have directly infringed, contn'butorily infringed, or induced the of one or more Claims of the '471 Patent. ANSWER: 17 of the Complaint adidas America, that apply to it. Inc., denies all of the allegations A 1024 contained in paragraph 18. Defendants' unless restrained adidas Complaint !9. me willful Plaintiff America, has been Defendants' ANSWER: adidas Inc., denies all of the allegations Complaint and will continue infringing America, to be damaged contained in paragraph and irreparably injured unless activities. Inc., denies all of the allegations contained in paragraph that apply to it. AFFIRMAT_ relief and deh'berate and will continue until and that apply to it. this Com-t enjoins 19 0fthe activities by this Court. ANSWER: 18 ofthe infringing adidas _-ncrica, Inc., asserts 1. Complaint Akeva's the following DEFENS_ affirmative fails to state a claim against defenses to Akeva's adidas America, claims: lnc.: upon which may be granted. 2. United America, Inc., States Patent Nos. 6,604,300 3. infringe, adidas adidas America, any vali d claims has not infringed, and 6,662,471 and does not infringe, .any valid claims (the "patents-in-suit"). Inc., has not contn'butorily of the patents-in-suit. ,..:=_. A 1025 infringed, and does not contributorily of •4. adidas infi'ingement 5. statutory America, of, any valid claims Each of requirements 6. Inc., has not infringement of, and does not induce of the patents-in-suit. the patents-in-suit for patentability Prosecution induced history is invalid for failure set forth in 35 U.S.C. ¢stopp¢l applies to meet one or more of the §§ 101 et seq. to preclude reliance on the doctrine of vquival_nts. 7. Relief is barred •8. Akeva lacks standing 9. adidas for in its Complaint 1. Dismiss 2. Deny 3. Award waiver, Inc., denies and/or estoppel. for infringement matter jurisdiction America, of the patents-in-suit. over Akeva's that Akeva claims. is entitled to any of the relief and prays that this Court: Akeva's Complaint with prejudice; all relief requested by Akeva; adidas America, Inc., this action; 4. of laches, to bring an action The Court lacks subject WHEREFORE, prayed because its attorneys' fees and costs incurred and Grant such other further relief as the Court may deem A 1026 appropriate. in defending °._ Respectfully subn_'tted thi.,j ___l_y ofJanuary 2004. _ ,_,_ _ Jarh6s H._Kelly, Jr. NC State Bar No. 2499 Steven Gardner NC State Bar No. 20984 J. Jason Link NC State Bar No. 25689 KILPATRICK STOCKTON 1001 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, Telephone: Fax: OF COUNSEL . Douglas J. Kline Stephen D. Whetstone Brian M. Gaff TESTA, HURW1TZ & THIBEAULT, LLP High Street Tower 125 High Street Boston, MA 02110 Telephone: Fax: (617) Attorneys (617) 248-7000 248-7100 for Defendant adidas America, Inc. A 1027 (336) (336) NC 27101 60727300 607-7500 LIP . • ", , . CERTIFICATE I, J. Jason Link, hereby Answer thereof to Complaint in the United certify that on this date I served and Affirmative Stat_ OF SERVICE Defenses mail,postage upon counsel prepaid and addressed the foregoing adidas America's of record b y depositing a copy as follows: A.Sch , Tuggle, Duggins P.O. Box 2888 & Meschan, Greensboro, 27402-2888 NC P.A. Patrick J. Flinn, Esq. Alston & Bird, LLP 1201 West Peachtree Street Atlanta, GA 30309-3424 This the 26 tb day 0f January 2004. _j ta_on L-_ Attorney KILPATRICK STOCKTON 1001 West Fourth LLP Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina Telephone: 336.607.7300 2710! A 1028 _ for Defendant adidas America, Inc. Case 1:03-cv-01207-WLO Filed 11/15/2005 Doct.u'nent147 Page 1 of 3 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA GREENSBORO DIVISION AKEVA L.L.C., a North Carolina Limited Liability Company, CIVIL ACTION NO. I:03CV01207 Plaintiff, VS. ADIDAS AMERICA Corporation, INC., a Delaware Defendant. NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE COURT OF APJ'EALS _R Notice the above Federal is hereby named THE FEDERAL cmctaT given that PlaintiffAkeva case hereby appeals STATES L.L.C. ("Akeva") to the United as a party in States Court of Appeals for the Circuit from the: 1) Final Order and Judgment of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,604,300 patent") based upon the court's 28, 2005 related and entered prior Orders 2) "secured" docket UNITED Court of non-_ement of the Asserted ("the '300 patent") and 6,662,471 construction ("the '471 of the term "secured" on the docket the same day (Exhibit Claims dated October A hereto), and fTom all including, Memorandum in the '300 Opinion and '471 patents on the same day (Exhibit and Order dated May B hereto), and the A 1033 construing the claim term 17, 2005 and entered on the Case l:03-cv-01207-WLO 3) and Plaintiff's August Memorandum Motion 26, 2005 Document 147 Opinion and Order regarding for Reconsideration and entered Filed 11/15/2005 on August Respectfully Dated: November 15, 2005 the claim term "secured" of the Court's on the docket Page 2 of 3 claim consu_ction 29, 2005 (Exhibit dated C hereto). submitted, Scott A. Sc at" SCOTT A. SCHAAF North Carolina Bar No. 28792 TUGGLE, 228 West Greensboro, DUGGINS & MESCHAN, Market Street North Carolina P.A. 27401 Telephone: (336) 378-1431 Fax: (336) 274-6590 Dirk D. Thomas, Pro Hac Vice D.C. Bar No. 414910 Robert A. Auchter, Pro Hac Vice D.C. Bar No. 441669 ROBINS, L.L.P. KAPLAN, 1801 K Street N.W., MILLER & CIRESI Suite 1200 Washington, D.C. 20006 Telephone: (202) 775-0275 Fax: (202) 223-8604 Attorneys A 1034 2 for Plaintiff Akeva L.L. C • 't .l 6 ' ! , , L,. IN THlg UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE MIDDLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CARO GREENSBORO DMSION Akeva UL.C., Plaintiff, V. C.A. No.: 1:03-ev--01207 adidas America, Inc., / Defendant. ADIDAS' FOR SUMMARY BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF ITS MOTION JUDGMENT REGARDING THE '300 PATENT James H. Kelly, Jr. Steven Gardner J. Jason Link Kilpatrick Stockton LIP 1001 WestFourth Street Winston-Salem, (336) 607-7300 North Carolina 27101 Douglas J. Kline Richard Myrus Testa, Hurwitz & Ttu'beault LLP 125 High Street Boston, Massachusetts 02110 (617) 248-7000 Attorneys A 2000 for adidas America, Inc. FIG. 12 560 Although the '300 patent relative lateral prosecution movement of the flex_le of the '300 patent elairns of the '300 patent. claims were patentably relative member's this feature 192, and 204 (plus various from certain Examiner prior art shoes such movement Claims is asserting the '300 patent's disclosure, identified therefrom) all of the asserted it as the reason Notice a rear sole "secured" • "a flexible plate"; and below the heel region A 2010 for allowing the Of Allowability, as required in the allowed claims. are directed the allowed [d. claims 93, 117, 118, 121, 122, adidas shoe models. to a shoe having, characteristics: • the the prior art shoes independent the during only because against various claims for preventing gained importance to the Examiner's '300 Patent claims dependent required periphery, According and did not "restrain" In this lawsuit, Akeva things, the following to describing a structure (Exh. B, at 2). The Asserted with the '300 patent's only a few seniences When the Patent different lateral movement B. devotes of the claimed shoe's upper, Consistent among other • the peripheral portion of the flex_le an interior potion of the plate? plate being "restrained (Exh. A, '300 paten1, at claims 93, 117, 118, 121,122, For the reasons discussed in adidas' claim limitations should be construed ..... from movement to" 192, and 204). Mm-kman brief filed concurrently with this motion, these as follows: a rear sole "seCured" below the heel region of the uppe_, rear sole selectively position below the heel region of the upper;, "a flexible repeatedly relative to downward), relative locked into .. plate": a separate and removable piece of material that is capable of being bent from a normal tmflexed state Cm which its central portion is elevated its periphery) into a flexed state (in which the central portion is bent without deforming permanently;, and the peripheral portion of the flex_le plate being "restrained from movement relative to" an interior potion of the plate: the peripheral portion of the flexa'ble plate is prevented from changing its plaee or position with respect to an interior portion of the plate. claims C. The Accused Akeva apparently of the '300 infringement explanation, limited different intends patent. positions structures to accuse In its for just are representative to the so-called (1) adidas Shoe Models nine and features, The purported interrogatory of these of other adidas "representative" numerous adidas Midas responses, accused shoe shoe models of infringing howeve L A.keva models, which shoe models. 2 Accordingly, shoe models. 3 Although has Akeva the asserted provided cursory asserts, without the scope of this motion theseaccused shoe models is have they all ha_,,e at least four things in common: rear sole of each accused shoe model is permanently attached below the upper, and not secured so that it can be selectively locked into position as required in the claims of the '300 patent. (Declaration of Keith R. Williams Ph.D. dated December 12, 2004, at ¶ 5, attached as Exh. C). , In claim 192, the restraint must be in the vertical direction. In the remaining must be in the horizontal (or medial to lateral) direction. 2 On December 3, 2004, Akeva provided annotated photographs claims, the restraint of certain of these shoes and finally identified them by article number, as adidas had repeatedly requested. 3 Although Akeva has ignored adidas' request to confirm the identity of the representative appears their article numbers are 677172, 147908, 036368, 038694, 016133, 036540, 037995, and 549246. A 2011 shoes, it 549122, "':. ° (2) The interior portion of the purported flexible plate in each accused • integral with the accused- shoe, and is not • separate and removable required in the claims of the '300 patent. 0_ at ¶ 6). The interior portion of the purported (3) flexl"ol¢ plate in each accused below the periphery of the plate, and not elevated '300 patent. __L. at ¶ 7). (4) model is positioned above it as required in the claims of the .The periphet-y of the purported flexfole plate in each accused model can move in relation •to the interior of the plate, and is not restrained from such movement as required in the .claims of the '300 patent. (Rule 26 Expert Report of Keith R_ Willisms, .Ph.D. Concerning hL model is made component as Akeva's Infringement Allegations at 7, attached as Exh. D). Argument A. Under the Correct To Summary Claim Judgment Construction, adidas Is Entitled Of Noninfringement Of The '300 Patent A patent owner's fight to exclude others from making, using, offering invention is deemed and limited by the language Electric U.S.A., process: of the patent claims. Inc., 868 F.2d 1251, 1257 (Fed. Cir. 1989). (1) interpreting Court, cover the accused product. Southwall Coming Detemxining ttm claims and (2) dete.rmining whether to sell, or selling the patented Glass Works v. Sumitorno patent infringement is a two-step .the claims, as properly interpreted by the Teehs., Inc. v. C4u'dinal IG Co., 54 F.3d 1570, 1575 (Fed. Cir. 1995). Here, the proper interpretation therefore, is amenable of the '300 patent's to surnrnary judgrnent. 1989); see also Markman v. Westview Johnston Instrumeots, claims is a question of law for the Court and, v, IVAC Cot-p. 885 F.2d 1574, 1579-80 (Fed. Cir. Inc., 52 F.3d 967, 979 (Fed. Cir. 1995) C__b__.__, a_ck 517 U.S. 370, 116S. Ct. 1384(1996). Second, interpreted the determination claims is also amenable literal infiingement of whether to summary or (2) infringement the accused "representative" judgment. structures construction - as a matter of law - and is amenable Labs _,__._c. 157 F.3& A patent claim may be infringed hi two ways: under the doctrine of equivalents. the relevant of the accused representative shoe models, "literal to sunumry 1325, 1332-33 (Fed. Cir. 1998). shoe models infringe the properly judgrnent." Likewise, A 2012 Because (1) there is no dispute about infringement collapses into claim Desper Products, Inc. v. Osound the Court may grant summary judgment dismissing estoppel W'm_, a claim of infringement the doctrine of equivalents applies or the theory of equivalence Corp, infringement would entirely vitiate a particular v. Catrett, for summary 477 U.S. by a preponderance 317, judgment as here, prosecution claim element. history Bai v. L & L under Fed. IL Civ. P. 56 are well established. 322 (1986). of the evidence, Because infringement of the '300 patent to prevail 952 F.2d 1384, 1389 (Fed. Cir. 1992). the absence on the present To defeat motion. this motion, showing that there is a genuine issue of material shoes infringe the '300 patent. !. Akeva bears Carroll Touch, Inc. v. Electro 1673, 1578 (Fed. Cir. 1993), adidas must only establish evidence where, Inc., 160 F.3d 1350, 1353-54 (Fed. Cir. 1998). 4 The general standards Celotex under Akeva supporting a finding of Inc. V- PhQnometrics, must come forward fact as to whether of proving Mech. Sys., Inc., 15 F.3d of evidence Intellicall, the burden Se..._e the accused Inc., with specific "representative" Id. This Akeva cannot do. The Accused "Representative" Shoes Lack The Claimed Secured Rear Sole For literal infringement, the accused process or apparatus. every limitation recited in the claims of the patent-in-suit Cole v. Kimberly-Clark to meet a single limitation is sufficient must be found in Corp., 102 F.3d 524, 532 (Fed. Cir. 1996). Failure to negate literal infringement of a claim. Laitram Corp. v. Rexnord, 939 F.2d 1533, 1535 (Fed. Cir. 1991). Each asserted beneath the upper. claim of the '300 patent requires, Properly that can be selectively construed, among other things, that the rear sole be "secured" this claim limitation requires locked into position. However, it is undisputed that the claimed shoe have a rear sole that none of the accused representative 4 The Federal Circuit has frequently upheld the grant of summary judgment of non-infringement. S_, e,_., Desper Products, Inc. v. Qsound Labs, Inc., 157 F.3d 1325 (Fed. Cir. 1998); Bai v. L & L Wings, Inc., 160 F.3d 1350 (Fed. Cir. 1998); Laitram Corp. v. Morehouse Industries, Inc., 143 F.3d 1456 (Fed. Cir. 1998); Spectrum International Inc. v. Sterilite .Corp., 49 USPQ2d 1065 fled. Cir. 1998); Wolverine World Wide, Inc. v. Nike, Inc., 38 F.3d 1192 (Fed. Cir. 1994); Gentex Corp. v. Donnelly 69 F.3d 527 (Fed. Cir. 1995); Hoganas AB v. Dresser Indus., Inc., 9 F.3d 948 (Fed. Cir. 1993). A 2013 • . shoes has such a detachable shoe. shoes, the purported Permanently because . (Exh. C, at ¶ 5). Rather, as illustrated in the each of the accused representative Accordingly, . sample accused shoe below, rear sole is permanently attached to the upper. attached there is no genuine issue of material models lack a claimed element, the representative inthe fact that the accused representative shoes do not literally infi-inge any asserted shoe claims of the '300 patent as a matter of law. Nor can the shoes infringe position under the doctrine seeking Akeva's secured rear sole, Akeva did not identify doctrine of equivalents as to whether of equivalents. any of the accused any such equivalents. is not available where its application Bai. 160 F.3d at 1353-54. To find that a permanently-attached A 2014 shoes In response feature to adidas' an equivalent interrogatory to the missing (Exh. E, at 5). Akeva cannot because would entirely vitiate a particular the claim element. rear sole is equivalent to a detachable rear sole . .. would effectively eliminate this limitation held that such a finding of equivalence Davis _ against from each of the '300 patent's claims. is improper 2. of equivalence 1054 (1997) to eliminate shoes embody or replaced. be a special vigilance any such elements."). component; and The purported flexable plates in the accused neither of these features. that each purported plate is an integral part of the_acensed shoe that cannot be (See Exh. C, at ¶ 6). Second, in each Of the purported the periphery, Co., Ine, v. I'lilton the claimed flexa'ble plate mu_ (1) be a separate and removable First, it is undisputed removed should has Plate (2) having an interior portion that is elevated_above its periphery. representative ("There completely The Accused "Representative" Shoes Lack The Claimed Flexible Properly construed, The Supm-,ae as a matter of law. Wamer-Jenkinson Co,, 520 U.S. 17, 40, 117 S.Ct. 1040, allowing the concept . not elevated plates, it is undisputed above it as required U'aatthe interior portion by each of the claims. _ is positioned be/ow F_,xh. C, at ¶ 7). Therefore, the accused shoes lack the claimed flexible plate and do not literally infringe the asserted '300 patent claims as a matter of law. is also no infringement the secured equivalents rear sole, Akeva Properly no__!tbe allowed Wimess Report alleged co_ to move as to these limitations. equivalents during to do so would be to eliminate discovery. the claims limitations First, as with Moreover, altogether, 520 U.S. at 39, 117 S.Ct at 1054. The Accused "Representative" Shoes Lack The Claimed Restraint in the claims of the '300 patent, the periphery in relation to the center of the plate. that the peripheries plate. any as a matter of law. Warner-lenkinson, 3. purported to identify cannot be applied here because which is improper undisputed failed under the doc.ta-ine of equivalents Indeed, Akeva of the purported has submitted of Karl B. Fields dated flexible plates _ of the cla_med flexa'ble plate must adidas' do move Marlonan in relation Brief, to the center an expert report that reaches this very conclusion. Sept. 7, 2004, A 2015 at ¶ 10, attached as Exh. at 17). _ It is of the Expert F; see also Exh. D). Accordingly, this missing '_raint" do not literally infringement limitation is yet another reason that the accused infringe the asserted under the doc_ine of equivalents. so because a finding of equivalents Moreover, the docla'ine trader the doctrine of equivalents. who responds surrendered of prosecution estoppel claims that, unlike the cancelled of prosecution by narrowing Meschan claims, included thus surrendered plate is not restrained, of equivalents B. "representative" adidas' Akeva does not dispute shoe models discussed these shoe models. shoes, then theasserted they are anticipated from pursuing his claim cannot and cannot do infringement a patent "applicant later assert that the B__ 160 F.3d at 356. Here, the pending the "restraint" any claim to shoes in which in claims in favor of claim limitation. _.. the periphery Exh. G; of the here. Invalidity the characteristics of the relevant above, Akeva argues that the asserted If, however, independent by the Turntec I. novelty equivalents history estoppel, barred there is also no Under Akeva's Likely Claim Construction, The AssertedIndependent Claims Of The '300 Patent Are Invalid Although to cover Akeva limitation." is therefore shoes element from the claims. and Akeva cancelled ExI'L I-I; Erda. 13. Akeva and Meschan and the doctrine precludes of the amended limitations, no purported vitiate the "restraint" prior art rejection is an equivalent As with the previous has identified Under the doctrine light of prior art raised by the Patent Office, narrower Akeva would improperly to an examiner's subject matter '300 patent claims. '_-epresentative" the claims of the '300 patent of the purported invention F.3d 1376, 1383 (Fed. Cir. 2001). claim must be present of the accused claims should be construed are broadly claims are invalid under 35 U.S.C. construed §§102(a) to cover and (b) because A.R.T. prior art reference. The Issue Of Invalidity For Anticipation Is Amenable To Summary on the ground structures of anticipation under as it is claimed in the patent. 35 U.S.C. For a claim to be anticipated in a single prior art reference. Id____. A 2016 Judgment §§ Karsten 102(a) and (b) requires Mfg. v. Cleveland lack of Golf Co., 242 by the prior art, all of the elements of that C =" • IN Ti_ ONITED _FATES FOR THE IVIHDDI_.DI_I_. DISTRIC'F COUR.T _1' OF NORTHCAROLINA G__,_rSBORO DIVISION •.. Plaintiff, = .. . :. = . = = V. C.A. No.: !:03_:v_!207 adidas America, ln_., • .- .- D_z_o. .. • ,- " ." .," " i. 2. 'I hold th e position . _i_y . .. : . - I have. . _es analyzed.. • . ofAssociate . . accused . 677172, ., . . , = . - . - . . . • - certain .. tl_ physical . . aa infringement .. '.=. . analysis "' Of . • . 038694,016133,036540, • . _ • • _ - . . t_ foUowi_g mic_ n,_; ". . 6. In-each ^_''_ed _,,,,,. aexible ,. ". 549122- and 549246. . the rear sole of th# shoe .is.pennane_ly " the heel regionofthe shoe's of the above-identified ':late is an in"v:_ p 039995, . shoes, . : . : 5. In .eac_ of the abovekidentified • ." .. • . and conducted th__U_ m_mode__ 147908,.036368, attachedbelow : tested . .. 4.. i hav_'_ Programat .. •-.. -.. would . adidas: shoes, . ". Biology argum(mts, . _: :- . in the"Ex(m:_ .inf_ingenamt adidas shoes. .... • Professor • . of _)eeific actual :.. . and-ifcadl.ed as a.vAtn_s . Akeva's . ...__ _.. fa_s " ... ?- P_D. otC_o._a, Da,_ 3. • of the following ., there_--O, ... . = _ ." I have personal knowledge ' .. oP:_rm _ W_, . ' . • • _f_,L upper. shoes, the shoe elc_at that Akeva alleges ' part u_'f the shoe flint cannot be removed or ,_ L--I_ .. . A 2023 ... is the .:: • °, '_* •, • • • °- • .o,. • . °. . . • .. • ''o .. ".:. :_:i_,__! _:_:;:!•:::.:i :i :_ •:_!_ _:_::: :_:__f__ ::: !::i!__°_i!:-:•ii _:: ; : :, ° -:-:: - • : : : : :__o •:::: .: ! , , _ . , ., ° • ,. • • ,..- .:: -.... ., • A 2024 , ., _ ," , .,. _ . , • • i ,% IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA AKEVA L.L.C., a North Carolina Limited Liability Company, Civil No. 1:03CV01207 P]aiu_ff, V, ADIDAS AMERICA, INC., a Delaware Corporation, D_fcnd_nt ADIDAS'S AKEVA L.LC.'S RESPONSE TO MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT A 2025 tion. Accordingly, if the Court grants the Motion to Strike, the Turner advertisement and Turner Affidavit, and Adidas's reliance thereon, will be moot. Anticipation requires that a single reference put a person of ordinary skill in the art in possession of each and every clement of the claimed invention. See Verve, L.LC. v. Crane Cams, Inc., 311 F.3d I 116, 1120 (Fed. Cir. 2002). An invalidity argument based on anticipation re- quires that the accused infringer must prove invalidity of each asserted claim. Apple Computer, In_ v Articulate Systems, Inc., 234 F.3d 14, 24 ('Fed. Cir. 2000). Thus, even if Adidas's argument were correct regarding the five claims, it would have no effect on the validity of the seventy-four other claims in the '300 Patent infringed by Adidas. Further, invalidity must be proven by clear and convincing evidence, which is a heavy burden that the Turner ad cannot meet because it has such sparse detail. See Motorola, Inc. v. Interdigital Technology (Fed. Cir. 1997) ("The district court's holding misapprehends prior art reference Corp., 121 F.3d 1461, 1473 the rigors of anticipation. For a to anticipate a claim, the reference must disclose each and every element of the claim with sufficient clarity to prove its existence in the prior art."). An inspection dependent of the advertisement patent claims. reveals that it omits critical elements of Plaintiff's in- Nothing in the Turner advertisement teaches a flexible plate with a sur- face that is concave in its unflexed state. Similarly, nothing in the Turner advertisement teaches relative restraint as the cause of the deflection assertion that the plate deflects. With respect to Claim 192, nothing in the Turner advertisement teaches a supporting structure with a downward 2. Anticipation Inc. v. Laboratory of the plate, even if one accepts Adidas's wall securing the heel. In any Case, Questions of Fact Regarding the Turner Advertisement Prevent Summary Judgment for Adtdas. is a question of fact, not a question of law. SeeMetabolite Corp. of America Holdings, cert. filed, 73 USLW 3298 (U.S. Nov. 3, 2004). Laboratories, 370 F.3d 1354, 1359 (Fed. Cir. 2004),petition In this case, Adidas's A 2042 anticipation for argument is o not amenable to summary judgment because, among other things, serious questions of fact exist In particular, the parties disagree on the content of the 1990 Turner AdvertisemeaL See Rapoport v. Dement, 254 F.3d 1053, 1060 (Fed. Cir. 2001) ("What a referenee teaches is a question of fact. '_) It is telling that, as noted in Akeva's Motion to Str_, Adidas's only technical expect did not (1) mention the Turner advertisement in his only expert report submitted in this matter conceming validity, nor (2) submit an analysis with Adidas's motion. Thus, the Turner advertisemeat should beseen for what it truly is: a failed last minute, last gasp attempt to make an antici- pation argumeaL On its face, there are a number questions of fact concerning For example, the Turner advertisement. the advertisement does not teach the flexible plate of Claims 93, i 17, 118, or 121, all of which require some form of curved surface, and several claims requiring a concave surface L., I (Claims 93 and 121). Further, the ad does not necessarily such that the plate is visible from outside the shoe. matter in the void in the advertisement. teach a void beneath the wearer's heel It is not clear whether there is any material or See Skaja Tr. at 238 at Exh. 6; Skaja Dccl., ¶ 13, at Exh. 1. R is also not clear what causes any relative deflection in the shoe. At best, the Turner adver- tisement is cumulative of other prior art considered by the Examiner that displayed a void beneath the wearer's heel that could be vis_le from outside the shoe, see, e.g., U.S. Patent No. 4,878,300 (Bogaty), at Exh. 7. These genuine disputes concerning material facts such as the topography the trampoline and the content of the midsole chamber prevent resolution on _ The affidavit of Mr. Turner submitted questions of fact. Adidas apparendy of judgment. by Adidas as an exhibit cannot resolve any of these hopes to invalidate the five cla/ms of the '300 patent by us-. ing the advertisement as a printed publication under 35 U.S.C. § 102(a) and Co). The test therefore is what the reference itself teaches, not the concept on which the reference is based. Even if Mr. Tumer's 2004 statements, such as those concerning the concavity of the trampoline, are ao- A 2043 cepted as true, they cannot be used to supplement the insufficient disclosure of the 1990 ad. By separate moron filed c,oncun'¢ntly with this Opposition, and for a number of reasons, Adidas is moving to strike Mr. Turner's affidavit and to preclude Adidas from relying on the Tin-net ad. H. ADIDAS INFRINGES REVERSE. THE CLAIMS Adidas's argument of noninfringement clahn coition. AS A MA'ITER OF LAW, NOT THE of the '300 patent is based solely on an improper Adidas cannot and does not argue that its products do not infiing¢ the plain meaning of the claims; instead, Adidas simply imports limitations from the specification contradiction of well-established in direct Federal Circuit preoedenL When the claims are given their or- dinary meaning, it becomes evident that the motion for summary judgment of non infringement is without merit. There is a heavy presumption that claim terms take on the full range of their ordinary meaning. See Texas Digital As/s, Inc. v. Telegenix, lnc, 308 F.3d ! 193, 1202 (Fed. Cir. 2002); Honeywelllnt'l, lncv. 1nt'l Trade Comm'n, 341 F.3d 1332, 1338 (Fed. Cir. 2003). This presumption is overcome only if"the patentee, acting as his or her own lexicographer, has clearly set forth an explicit definition of the term different from its ordinary meaning," or "if the inventor has disavowed or disclaimcd scope of coverage, by using words or expressions of manifest exclusion or restriction, representing a clear disavowal of claim scope." Texas Digital 5_ys.,308 F.3d at 1204. The Federal Circuit has consistently limitations from the specification. held that it is improper to simply imply claim See Llebel-Flarsheim Co. v. Medrad, Inc., 358 F.3d 898, 904 (Fed. Cir. 2004), cert. denied 125 S.CL 316 (2004); Constant v. Advanced Micro-Devices, Inc. 848 F.2d 1560, 1571 (Fed. Cir. 1988). As discussed in substantially greater detail in Plaintiffs concurrently filed Response to Adidas's Claim Construction Brief, each and every one of Adidas's arguments violates this cardinal rule of claim construction in order to evade the plain meaning of Plaintiff's claim terms. A 2044 Where Plaintiff cla/ms a rear sole "secured" beneath an upper, Adidas argues that the term "se- cured," should be construed to mean "selectively looked into position" tached" (Adidas Mere. IL at 10). Yet the specification term "secured," and not "permanently at- never redefines or disavows the scope of and even discusses an embodiment of the invention in wh/ch the rear sole is per- manently attached to the uppo" (Exh. 2, at Col. 10:14-16). Similarly, Adidas argues that the claimed flexa'ble plate must be (1) be separate and removable and (2) have an interior potion elevatod above its periphery, even though the specification embodiments in no way limited the invention to these (Adidas Mere. R, at 12). Finally, where Plaintiffclaims the plate being restrained from movement the peripheral portions of relative to an interior portion, Adidas argues that this language should be construed to nman that the periphery and interior remain fixed and stiff, a reading contrary to the plain meaning which would render the invention inopea'able (Adidas Mere. II, at 12). These arguments are a tacit admission judgment of infringement that if the claims mean what they say, summary should be granted in Plaintiff's favor as a matter of law. CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, Plaintiff rcspocffully requests that the Court deny Adidas's motions for summary judgrnent that claims of the '300 patent are invalid for failure to satisfy the written description, are anticipated, or are not infringed. Dated: January3, 2005 Scott A. Sclmaf North Carolina Bar Number 28792 TUGGLE, DUGGINS & MBSCHAN, P.A. 228 West Market SWeet Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 (336) 378-1431 - Telephone (336) 274-6590 - Facsimile North Carolina Bar Number 23835 _N & BIRD, LIP Bank of America Plaza 101 South Tryon Street, Suite 4000 Charlotte, North Carolina 28280 (704) 444-1000 - Telephone (704) 444-1111 -Facsimile A 2045 I I I I I I l I I I I i I I I I I I o.o / ORAW_IO _l_ttt, _ _i._' I P I I I I I Notice of Allowability - The MA//.JNG DATE o/_r_ AJ]CI_T¢_ being _wWde. PRO_N | loeooT,e_ I MESCHAN, _VlO r. I Ma_.P_._oa I _r2e ©onb_aJcaCkm _ on tJN, cover a_Mmfwf¢h _ __ ON THE ME_ITS IS (OR REMAINS) CLOSED b_INs epl_ NOTIC_ OF ALLOWAIBClTY IS NOT A GRANT OF PATENT _ Tids ep_n of the Office or upoll pef_ bythe IlpS_car/L Sin37 C.FR 1.313 andMPEP 130e. z.p(_veto am.n_r_ 3.1_ 4. r'] Th_ dm,,]Fdon 04 December _01 we accepted by the Exan_e¢ Acknov,4edgme_ bmade o/o d_rnfor f_e_ pdod_ undo35 U.S.C_ § l_9(m)-{d)or (f). 8)D A_ b)_Jscn_" c)r'lNone o_the: c_d,s 2. ['-I C_.t_ copim_ of the _ o__ _sd2rt_L i_dsy docun_ds Mve b_.m te_L doctu'nenb he_wbeen received In/q>pllcal_n No.. 3, _} Col:_l of tM celWSed coldes of the pdc_y dooJmerCs hav_ been received in this _ Intem_onal "Ceded 5. (_ _l_es App_ ha_ TH_ not rec.k_ a_ is made of a cla_ fo_ domestic lXlOdlyund_ 35 U.S.C _ '_20 snd/ot 121. ll_ CORRECTED (a) r-I FROM TH_ "MAI1JNG DATE" of I_ _¢al_ 1o IP_ a rejdy c_Myl_ "n_STHR_E..MONTH _ _ _hang_ requl_ kldlxl'_ _ each 9. [] =t_ Indk_ _ _ m _E _ _._ Th_ wwwb_ bythe proposed drl_ng req_ed u t_ by _e NotL_ of C_a_er_n'= Padre 0rr,_n0 Review (PTO-_Ie) eetache4 to Paper No. _ cl_reqdred (c) I--I InClL,_b_ cha_ Ids_l_b_ r_r_ PERIOD t_No'r EXTENDABLF- DRAWINGS must be submitted. Induo_ 1) {_ her(do or 2) I-I (b)[-I _ m_ 7. _"l A 8UBSTrR.r_ OATH OR DECLARATtON must be _ubmlu_L Note the aStacbedEX.NMIH(_S AM_ INFORMAL PATENT APPUCATION (PTO-152) which 9k.e_ r,mson{$) why the os_ or decksra_on Is de_ldm¢ 8. [] _ _ bek)w. FaJlUTetol_mdyc_mp_yw_rmp./lLnA_ofthls_ I I I _ Bureau (PCT Ru_m17.2(a))- Ac_gn_m( b m_Je of e dak'n fa¢ domestic pdodly ueCk_ 35 U.8.C. § 11_e) _ a _ {a) r") The b'am_on ofO_e f_e_n lamg_.mgei, ov4siomd'applca_n Ms be=n retched. 6.1--1 Ackno,,d_oment I I I 1 Thb_v_k_nls 1. I-I C_i_ _ If n_ Included Is subJed to v,_hd_ihvalfrom tsmJeM I_e b_lagve 1. [] I I | by the attac_d ll_pgcaUm_ _heuld be _ed mm_t_r Isee e_ m _e1_m Ex_s c_'ad_l_ed .._ 31 C FR 1JI4(l_} pa_ W_h _ whichhasb_e_optovedbyth4Exambl_. I Contmemtor _ the O1_ Mlould a tr_ be Mtl_l_ _ on the a_Med dxav4ags _ _ _ _ the O_ _ _ t_ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ DEPO_I'I" OF and/or INFOR_T)ON abou_ the deposit o_ BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL must be submWed. Note tJ_ F_xan_-_ds commeM regar_ng REQUIREMENT FOR THE 0__.POSff OF BIOLOG;_ MATERIAL A_ac._,me_s) _ _ of _e_,_e_c_n CUed (/_'o-a_) 3r"J Notic_ M'Dral_emon's P'atenl Dra,,vtt_ Revtew (PTO-04_} Ird_'maUon Dtsdoswe SLsternan_ (PTO-1440), Papm NO. 19/'2. "_ Ex_I: CommeN Regarding Requl,emen_ _ Depor,_ of B_o_ Ua_eda_ 2[] No_e of I_forn_ P'a_m__on (PTO-162) 4_ IrierAew _ (PTO-413), Pep_ I_._. s_ _s s_smem_ Re,,ons_ M f_. Pa.tte_ Primary Ex,,mJnm I tJJL Pill md T _ (Rw. o4.m) C_= Pc1 d Ptpe No. 21_. A 4268 App"licaSoNControl Numbe_. 10/007,535 Art Unit 3728 1. Page 2 The following is an examiner's statement of reasons for allowance: The claims all include the language "peripheral porgons of the plate being restrained from movement relative to an interior portion of the plate in e direction substantially perpendicular to a major axis of the shoe so that the interior portion of the plate is b.apabla of being deflected relative to the peripheral portions In a direction substantially.perpendicular to the major axis of the shoe" or similar language. This language has been interlpretad as the restrained direction being the direction perpendicular to the major axis, I.e. the major axis is that axis whi_ runs from the toe of k, the shoe to the heel of the shoe and the direction perpendicl.dar to such is the direction medial to lateral direction and allows the Interior portion of the plate to deflect relative to the peripheral portions In the perpendicular/vertical directions, I.e. a direction perpendicular to the major axis. Such language overcomes the prior art to Tong (5185943) because the plate in Tong does not have "peripheral edges restrair_d from mevement in the direction perpendlcul_" to the IntedorpodJon of the plata in a direction . substantially perpendicular to a major axis of the shoe so that the interior portion of the pkite is capable of being deflected relative to the peripheral portions in e direction substantially perpendicular to the majo_ axis of the shoe" as claimed because the ednges are clearly shown in figure 8 as moving ina direction perpendicular to the intedor portion of the plate at arrows 104 and described on page 8 lines 30-35. The movement of the edges of Tong prevents the function of Intedor plate deflecting relative to the peripheral edges as claimed. This language overcomes the Japanese refarenca 5-18965 because there is no disclosure or guidance in the Japanese reference as to A 4269 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P I I I I I l I Application/Control Number:. 10/007,535 Art Urdt: 3728 Page 3 how the peripheral portlons of the plate are supported in reference to the.inter_ podJon of the plate. Also, thore Is no gc,ddance as to how the interior of the plate reacts In reference to the pedphery of the plate` It appears that the sole material is "sponge or any othe" cushioining substance" (page 1 of translation, line 29) and the pCateis stated as being made of a "forming substance, so that the compressive deforrr_on of that heel site can be dea'eased to control the compressive dr_j" (page 1 of translation lines 41--42) and the sheet "cordrols the twisting arxJflexing of the shoe bottom to suppress the exacessive d_ormation" (page 2 of translation lines 16-17). The examiner concludes that the sheet must be of a more rigid material tl_t the sole materiel to. provide the conlToldesired in the Japanese reference, therefore it appears that the entire plate would move as a single element, I.e. the Interior would not move d/fferently I i I I i l than the peripheral edges, i.e. the plate is a supporting element, not a flexlL_edeflective member. FurtJ-mm_re, the Japanese reference does not show a plate with a "concave" or.'convex" upper surface. The Japanese reference does show a wave shape for the plate, which.would appea_"to transmit and allow the plate to expand hodzo,ntany/ina _on along the major ax_sof the shoe, instead of vertically, Le`'t0 a direction substantially perpandlcular to a major axis of the shoe" as claimed. Any comments considered necessary by applicant must be submitted no later than the payment of the issue fee and, to avoid processing delays, should preferably accompany the issue fee. Such submissions should be cJeady labeled "Comments on Statement of Reasons for _lov_ance." l k ..... A 4270 I _'! - Tr'- "T ......... -'r-" Page 4 AppScatlon/Control Number:. 10/007,535 Art Unit: 3728 2. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I An examiner's amendment to the record appears below. Should the.changes earl/or edd_or_s be urtaooaptat_e to appUCant, an mnendment may be filed as provided by 37 CFR 1.312. To ensure consideration of such an amendmer_, it MUST be submittal no later than the payment of the issue fee. Authorization for this examiners amendment was given in a telephone interview with Thomas Martin on 3/5/03" /_- The application has been amended as follows: Claims 460-495 have been canceled. (. "4.'.' 3. Any inquiry concerning Ibis communication or earlier communications from the examiner should be directed to Marie Patterson whose telephone number is 703-3080069. The examiner can normally be reached on M-Th 6:30-4:00. ff attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are _uccessf_, the examiner's supervisor, Mlcksy Yu czn be reached on 703-308-. The fax phone numbers for the organization where this application or proceed_ is assigned are 703305-3580 for regular communications and 703-305-3580 for After F'malcommunicati_s. Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application or proceeding shoutd be directed to the receptionist whose telephone number _s703-308- 11,_. ._,_ Made Patterson Primary Examiner Art Unit 3728 MDP March 6, 2003 A 4271 I-"l --'ll--'! ......... I'" ..... 1" ........... .... --I" -1--" - " --T-"'- I I I I _o..i 1 l . I ¢.1- L ...! ""t" ..I ( ...._ ii-} t" ;._'. ( il :,-?- t .... I ;,.,j, I (LABEL AREA1 A 4339 (FACE) .,:_" •f i • CL_. What is claimed is: comprising:A _. shoe a_ having a the ! _ar sole rear_61e a heelupper region; support, support having a _rst having a se_on_ove; attached to fncluding qroove, and a a .the first second, heel region downwardly downwardly of the upper, extending wall extending.wall areef _t-Ta_l_ .°°redtothor°--so_e sup_ a--;o_ --.r a_tached totherear.o_eand inoluding et / least one the rear the rear e sole r_ sole _ngaging _o_he locking sole relative "'_>_ rear =_r and a_ e_pport; engaging the to 1, sole grooves support prevent solesupport of_m second to secure and rear member the\rear shoe first sole _u_ting to The the during wh_ the and rotation of one of the rear use. first and secon_ walis 0 are spaced__ ea_/othe I alo_periphery of •0,.r__o,,!0_,._--.--.. tooccup_ ,e '''_I'" "i • 3. The Wh 7 g_.o_,ao_j horizontal groove_ _f i • sole _°,_,, --r .,.d _in outer _ri__ec_ r te ain the - surfaces of the first w_t,nthe locking i -L72.=°_ rear re--.ole-- --° attaoh°d tothe _laim_2, to the 29 - A 4414 member _gement with i ;!" ! I • . . . . The | includ_ an an shoe claim for receiving mounting with 5. The a'notc engaging the of L 6. The the --t." :_ -4 i . flexible mounting locking member member profrusion _hcludes to'_age the member. 1, wherein the mounting member the shoe I, between supported the external ng • the and locking Cla3_m and wherein " the the _hoe includes I, 'protrusion, external openi! i of member includes _rther _ t_ comprising the plate ajotrusion a upper edges and for flexible plate the sole, supported rear b_ the " o mounting memb_£ deflects relative & if' 7. shaped so _tion the flexible plate e_ges. The to of the flexible ised del plate between the is perlpheral edges. 0. : The 8. (. . ! m O includes _, upper includes of the _f wbe the mounting the _ember edges claim 6, wherein claim 6, wherein _ihe of _e flexible plate. p_ate has a surface. The a 6, ;upportlng The i0. 2 ! cla/m slots 9. convex sh, shoe central flexible of opening plate to sized the to heel the r_ expose region a of sole support s_tantial the portion u_r. L. 11. removable ......... " ]2_u_:he The from shoe the shoe of claim 6, wherein the flexible shoe. of claim _e _ 6, wherein the is _ flexible _. plate _ in_es 30- ::ii A4415 L 6 " " ----": T" l :I t / • The plate _ng the a rear- R claim axis 6, of the support. T_ S shoe and of a_dsole wherein the shoe is length of greater the flexible than the wldth" sole has an of . claim I, more wherein the resillent rear than the ours01e. _ M of major _le 14. outsole shoe 15. least The two the ring-shaped •. • wherein and to surround 16. ! "._.ncludes a re anothe The ne shoe/of "a centra._ top mount_n_ s Lrface of th, :Isd.m 15, o the midsole comprises mender/is of one _rein the uppermOSt substantially the rear at mids_le sole mldsole layers support layer is sized C3 to fit the within cushion the heel region of upper. 17. as to th_ The claim measured axis _.L width, as (_ of rear the _" the measu 18. an the rear shoe, that licular axis sole is to has a length, qreater the than major a axis, sole The sh of claim 1, wherein rear sole comprises a k substantially at end one walls U-shaped by being a bent member having portion, deflectable free relative top ends to each _ of bottom walls t_top k and joined bottom .other._ A rear 19. The sole bottom U-shaped 20. "_' _.z"'"r_m_ plurality F.._ _,,_ _ .,._. =_'_' "_" shoe of wall claim 18, includes wherein an the outsole bottom_urface \ more of resill_nt k the than the member. The shoe of outsole of claim segments 19, wherein engaging ...... the outsole apertures include k in the . - 31 - A 4416 a bott_mk \ ! iI ii i '+I '.q+ "T" • _I compriS_s the The shoe 'at least ed member material shoe attached one 18, Wherein. _dsOle top of ia_e_" wall, 'the than t_e cl the mldsole _ole to a further top s_cface com_ed layer _-shaped the rear attached 21,whereln to surrounds .i _..! l claim " res111ent 22. I of of of a member. the mounting U-shaped member member top is wall and the 23. The shoe dlsposed between the portion. bent 24. The [aim 18, and st£ffeningmamber bo rear shoe sole wal_s and comprising a adjacent cu_hionlng t wafer _' "t supported cushion the of wafer claim includes surface ['. -... of flexible plate to of, t! hee_ 25. ' I the _as_ the ible 24 one a knob bottom engaging an surface of the opening on a top plate_ . 26. L J" upper The nnd 27. -- A claim 24, the wafer includes concave surfaces. shoe attached 28. an lower The pivotally ._j' of of claim toone l, of wherein the rear ocklngmember and sole is the upper. shoec_pri_ing: upper; a rear sole support a nonc_reular rea_ attached to the upper; and r'_ sole rotatably engageable with rear ;! sole Ul .... ' ]••i A 4417 -r-- ._. The •shoe securin_the axis rear of _e length, as greater than ! I L of mhasured \ axis of proper claim a_width, 28, a as major the orientation the along rear the an wherein 80" a major that a is perpendicular to i_ by aboul axis pivoting perpendicular the to rear a major the rear shoe. the 90 Th_ a to has the real more both sole .hoe, axis rear support" •33. in of The no for relative the axis detaohably sole means sole. than 32. comprisihg wherein measured secured less further The detachably sole 28, a along axis, 31. "I'" . sole.ln sho_ major clalm" shoe. 30.._e the of and is pivoting = , claim cl_ by sole the 2 counte _se rear sole direction to is rotatable detachably (_ se_Ee the to re_ 34. the re@r support. A [ an a a upper rear the rear and a and second sole sole walls including extending having noncircular-rear amounting region; attached support downwardly a heel member to a second an attached _egion of -extending wall, arc-shaped sole; _el at one of the upper, first wall the surface; and to the rear sole at and )ed :i i first A 4418 _ntLng member en_ging \ aJrc-_haped detachably the•ar=-shaped surface surface _n the 35 e second shoe wall_ l and 37. The circle one of member• the by support sole •mounting first least each s, wherein of the with• and. the the second first a claim the 36, the rear The one arc-sha_ed ells greater 38." 4= rear and h_ve first -, at the I, wherein :lalm diameter C_ of least of 36. L_ at th e to _ walls the secared sole walls has common has a support. arc-shaped surface comprises a width of cLTcle. common-circle the of surfaces of an the arc rear of of a sole support. the 39. The wall surf of ls claim less the 34, than arc of at least one of- 180". .. ".-._ Q 40. "surfaces face :h arc-shaped rim of The _ce for engaging 41. an A claim other of the 35, and the the arc-shaped and the ncludes at include mounting member wall at-least least one grooves. shoe comprising: sole support_attached upper; a rea_ a noncircular ...... .to the upper; and J rear one sole ... positioaahle rear. sole ......... .secured relative to A 4419 to the the rear sole rear sole support su the a f., t . C, _. shoe _e engageable_ith 43. • of _a_41, _he The_o .re_ sol ra_.. wherein the rear support. 1, sole is ' whereln the rear sole rotatably . iS :'_ .. : an , rear upper; a rear sole sl _rt a rear sole d, tehably sole .comprislng a att_ ched t_y-_he _ured upper; to_e .substantially u-shaped and support, the member_Dpper 'I .! O ¢ f L O / 7 F._L_ lot C_ U ItTr "i'." - 35 - A 4420 . . IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER . FOR PATENTS Washington,D.C. 20231 N _c = _1Untl: I .... . Altomey's .DocketNumber:.O5659.0002-02000 I Pa=,_ " J • == II , - . o =- NI • 3728 ._ Examiner: J. _ugh SIR: T_s is a requestfor filing a _ a Dzv_nalApp,c_tio_ _ 37c,FR-§1._o) or_-_ -- p_or applica_on Serial No. 09/149,142 filed Seplember 8, "1¢J98of Dav_. F. MESCHAN for ATHLETIC SHOE HAVING A DETACHABLE REAR SOLE. ! Enclosed is a complete coW of the priorapplication k'mk_ng the oath or Oeclamti_ and drawls, if arfy, as orig_ iliad. !hereby _ U'_at-the attad'v_ papers are a true copy of prior appfcaflon Serial No. as originally filed on September B, 1998. Endosed is a substitu_'_:tficaJ_s_ler Cancel Ctd'.'ns 37 C.F.R.. 2-44 A Preliminary Amendmerd is enclosed. The fi]mg fee is calculated on the basis of the claims existing in the prior appl!cation as amended at 3 and 4 above. o ; For Total ; Number Filed : cla_ps : - 2o-20= Independent : C_aims ; :Numb_ : : o .! 1-3= ; Extra : : Rate : x_ 180o= : - O : : Basic Fee _;760.00 _P : - ,_._78,o0=-; Multiple Dependent Clain_s) ('if az:_licable'l ., +_;260_00=: , Total = : ' Reduction by.Y; for ..: .'. filinqby small eqtiht TOTAL FILING FEE -=: -- . • -. 380_00 380.00 -. - _ A 4496 ,_ I L. I _:! | I = . i. I :;f Page 2 of 4 A c_eck in the amo_t (,'_ of$38_._to coverthe'f__gfee is erml0sed. • The CommiSsioner isherebyauthorized tochargeany feeswhichmay be i'equired inck_mg fees due under 37 C.F.I_ due under 37 C.F,R. !t § 1.16 and any other fees § 1..17, or credit any ove_peymerd pendency/cPlhis applicatio n Io Deposl/_.A_ Amend :"-'_s '.t the_peofficat_on " ". No..0C>'0916. 8, 1991_'_'_o_ • (08F342,251, filed Octol_r by reference--,, . • New f_mal •" drawings No..O9/149,142, Pab_'d No. 5,806,210 12, 1995) a_l o_ which _ :" , the before the first line, the sentence: Is a m continuation_?,_Lon _,.._l_j_.q_erial fil.ed September .i _ by _ dudng . . ,_. incoq0orated herein -! are P_.ndose_ :'.. The pr_application is assignedofreoord to: AkevaLING. {Reel7705: • Frame O_3) ... .. Pdodty of application C o is enclosed '" Serial .No. , filed on__ in (cou_t_y)is claimedu'_der35 U.S.C. § 119. A cedif'_l copy or o is oh file hi the prior application. .i; A verified statement cl_m_ o Is enclosed ! The power of attorney following: FINNEGAN, DUNNER, i LL.P., I entitystatus • a is on file in the prior application. in the prior appflcatloR is to at least, one of the HENDERSON, FARABOW, GARRET[ & Douglas B. Henderson, Reg. No. 20,:291; Ford F. Farabow, Jr., Reg. No. 20,630; Arthur S. Gan:ett, Reg. NO. 20,338;, Donald R_ Du_ner, Reg. No. 19,073, Brian. G. Brunsvold, Reg. No. 22,593; "lipton D. Jennings, iV, Reg. No. 20,645; Je_y D. Voight, Reg. No. 23,020;, . "t" or _ Laurence R_ Heifer, Reg. No. 20,827; Kenneth F Payne, Reg. No. 23,098; Herbert H, Mintz, Reg. No. 26,691; C. Larry O'Ro_._.e, Reg. No. 26,014; Albert J. Sentorelli, Reg. No. 22,610; L., ) M_chael C: Elm_, Reg; No. 25,857; Richan;l. H, Smith, Reg. No. 20,609;, Step_n L Peterson, Reg. No. 26,325; John M. Romary, Reg. No.26,33!; BruceC. Zott_, Reg. No..27,6B0;Dennis P. O'Reilley, R_J. .,J" A 4497 Pege I 3 of 4 No. 27.932; No. 25,387; Allen I_.Sokal, Reg. No. 26,695; Robed. D. Ba]efsky, Reg. RIchaKI L Sb'o_; Reg. No. 28,478; David W. Hill, Reg. No. 28,220;, No. 28;165; Thomas _ L Inting, Reg- No. 28,619; Charles E Llpsey, Reg_ W. W'mland, Reg. No. 27,605; Basil J. Lewd, Reg. No. 28,818; Martin L Fuchs, Reg_ No. 28,,5_;, E. Robed Yochas, Reg. No. 30:120;, Barry W. Graham, Reg. No. 29,924; Susan Habennan Grfffe.n, Reg. No. 30,907; Richard B. Racine, Reg. No. 30,445; Thomas .Jenkins, Reg. No. 30,857; Robed F Converse, Jh, Reg. No. 27,432; FL Clair X, Mqllen, Jr., Reg. No. 20,348; Christopher P. Foley, Reg. No. 31,354; John C.. Paul, Reg. No. 30,413; David M. Kelly, Reg. No.:30,953; KermethJ;Meyers, Reg. No. 25,146; C_rol P. W_mmz_ Rag. •( No. 32,220;, Walte¢ Y. Boyd, Jr., Reg. No. 31,738;, Steven M. Anzalone, Reg. No. 32;095; Jean B. Fordis, Reg. No. 32,984; Reger D. Taylor, Reg. 28,992; Barbara C. _, Reg. No. 32,120;, james K. Hammond, Reg. No. 31,964; Richard V. Burgu_an, Reg. No. 31,744; J. Michael Jakes, Reg. No. 32,824; Dirk 0. Thomas, Reo_ No. 32,600; Thomas W. B'anks, Reg. No. 32,719;, Cl'u_'topher P. Isaac, Reg. NO- 32,616; B_an C. Diner, Reg. No. 32,409;, M. Paul Barker, Reg.No32,013; Andrew _g "" _1" ,S_rtu, Reg. No. 33,457; David S. Fom'_, Reg. No. 33,694; Vincent P. Kovarlck, Reg. No. 32,667; J_mms W. Edmpndson, Reg, No. 33,871; _=,,& .. Michael FL McGurk, Reg. No. 32;045; 3oa_nn M. Neth, 36,363; Gerson S. Panitch, Reg. No. 33,751; Ched No. 33,216; Chades E: Van Horn, Reg. No. 40,266; O I-= O3 Reg. No. M. Taylor, Reg. I-mda A. WadleG Reg. No. 33,218; Jeffrey A. Berkowitz, Reg. No. 36,743; Michael Kelly, Reg. No. 33, 921; a_l Jarnes B. Monroe, Reg. No. 33,971. R. _g 14. n The power appears 15, Q Since tim power does not appear in the original decla_rafion of the prior application.- power in bhe prior application 16.._ t7:-e "" '2 .. Recognize D.C. 20005-3315. as asso_a t_-attomey-" 8 I]ZI_I_E_ _ L L P. llret¢% --Kurt-A; _,ut_ef, Req. No. 43,764 ".,4 (name, la_Q.| a copy of Please address all correspondence to FINNEGAN, HENDERSON, FARABOW, GARRETT and DUNNER, LIP., 1300 1Sb'eet, N.W., Washington, • in the original decimation, is enclosed. _8. m address Information _ w. & Reg. No.) Disclosure S!ateme. nt;, PTO Form 1449 4¢Ie.,_ooo ._. ' A 4498 , "...I + ;y Page 4 o#'4 . .. + PETITION FOR EX_TENSfO N. ifany exlerzsionoftime is necessaryfor the fgtngof this appltcation_ includingany extensionin the parentapplication,serialno. 09/149,142, filed September 8, 1998, for Ihe pte1_e of maintaining copefldency between the pam'tt application and this application, and such extension has i_t ottmm4m been 'requested, such an ext_ is hereby requested, and Itm Commissioner is auth_ t6 ctm_je necessary fees for such anizxtension to otx Deposit Account No. 06_916. .:) -'} ],I dupfi_te copy ol_this paper is enclosed for use in ctu_ng the deposit acco_.L FINNEGAN, HENDERSON, FARABOW, GARRETT & DUNNER. LLP. C3 4: Date: .October 18, 1999 Reg. No. 43,764 J 01 4: ;+ • .- c_ P. ...'fj 00 _O ..! i .£' F_, " S Dm,_ i_.i_ _oi. . _1/ t]0,3_t, L,z;, e. l i_+4c_° ,... ,ii. +0 ii -4ooo A 4499 . ...'. . . .. A • pATENT AUomw Ooc_H No. 104_0004-¢ZOm Customer No. 228_ Express Maa I.abd No. ET7473683_VS IN THE "_ Application UNITED,STATES PATEN_,. AND TRADEMARK OFFICE of:. David F. Meschan ._, ":... SerialNo.: 09/419,641 Filed: October Group Art Unit: 18. 1999 Examiner:. 3728 J. Kavanaugh - For:. ATHLETIC SHOE WITH. IMPROVED HEEL STRUCTURE RECEIVED '.Assistant, Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 MAY 0 "/7OO3 _ L CEHI'ER_0 Sir:. Prior to the further examination of the above application, i_ease amend this. app_ce.onas follows: I,j IN THE CLAIMS: " Please car¢_ add the followiz_ --45. datm I w_',out.prejudice or dlsda_ne_" of Its subjec_ matter and new claims: A shoe comprising:. an upper, and a rear sole secured a member _,'._ edge., proximate edge proximate wall ha,_inga of the upper, the rear sole comprising: having a top wag with a lower surface, least one peripheral r_ peripheral (3.. below aportion a. med, l_ _r_,_ a lateral side of the shoe, mid4ongitudinal axis therebetweeri, ._.J',_'.'.5;._,2 ,".J_,_:_: ... _ .:. • !'. _. li/_-'._..-'-.,_ ".._c.:.:-,_.. A 4706 T " r -'rY-'-1 ................. the top wall having the peripheral thetop at least one edges of the wan having an . t • ,"-! i .'._ | opening beneath the weareds heel. the mid-longitudinal ads of the peripheral . . . _.. edgesof the topwall bctudinga pointthat is vedicaflyalignedwiththe '. _" • • ap_ .: . _ -r ..: . . - . cente_-ofthe apeni.ngin the topwagand the approximatecenterof • .. the weareds heel, the member •. having a bottom wag with an upper surface, .. _ . .. . . the bottom wall each having a forward • ,, -.¢ , . , by a gap therebetween, t •. ,:..:.: topand . • and _ed . ', _ :. .,._ , region and a rearward-region, the fon.va_ walls being integral, - ... the rearward . ,.. .,' ,., ,, ="least distance from each - other such that during the wearers , regions of the , • waits being spaced a predetermined , .. at a closed end by a (:ulved beingo, ntedtoward abackof . of the top and bottom • . .. the top wa_ and ,, waft. the top. bo'dom, !. the other, . of the top and bottom walls being connected I. i ,,_. , planar with each . par'aBel with the ground, and separated _t," . bottom wag having at least two portions approximately "_. "L.J -L . . gait cycle when the shoe Is in contact with. , the ground the predatennined distance between the at least _ porlJon of the top and bottom wags is reduced;. . 4- . .. at least one element '.. positioned between at least a portion . of the top vrag , :, and at leasta por_nof the bottomw'_a. II, the at leastone elementhavingat least one interiorsldewag; • - I • a void locatedbeneath , the opening L . in the top wall defined . at least in part . bythe at least one inlmior sidewallof the at leastone element,at least a port,on • f. . . ,. ' of the void being vertically aligned the topwall; . . . with the approximate . . center ._.. of the opening in - at least one opening on at least one of the medial and lateral shoe,the openingbeing in communication withthe void;and A 4707 skies of the ! i I r .i .. .... . . ..,.: a bottom surface that is at least in part ground..engag]ng.. The shoe of claim 45. wherein 46." a cross-sec_onal pr_e " ' i:, . oi_the top and.Ix_m = wags that are connected at the dosed end by the curved wailis in a ger_ 't recumbent .::.. U-sl'u_l_. - 47. . The sl_oe of claim 45. wherein at least a portion "" .. . .. the reducedpredetermined ol the top and bottom walls distance re_uPus from the at least " oneoflhe between the a I:_r_n of : top and bottom walls deflecting i 6 toward the other in a substantially vertical dkectJon. 48. The shoe of c_im 45, wherein the reduced predetewnined distance between at least a pozlJon of the top and bottom wails results from the atleast .the top wail deflecting 49. toward the ground in a substantially _l'he shoe of claim 45, wherein the top _ proximate .50. the marof ved.lcei d'a_,ction. edge the shoe. The shoe of claim 49, wherein proximate the a portion of has at least one peripheral the at least one peripheral edge of the top wag one of the medial side of the shoe, the la{eral side of the shoe, and the rear of the shoe is Visible from outside the shbe. 51. The Shoe of claim 45, wherein proximate 52. the bottom wag has at least one peripheral least one peripheral • ] edge one Of the medial side of the shoe and the lateral side of the shoe. The shoe of dajm 51, wherein theat is at least In pad visible from ou_ide . edge of the bottom wag : . . . the shoe. The shoe of claim 45. wherein one of the at least two portions of the bottom _ • has at least one penpheral .._rm_er of the at least edge two i_ms proximate of _e wall the medial side of the shoe a_l bottom " t,'.: + ." A 4708 _r.._g tins at least one _ftr_hera I J + I .,i 01 i I] l edge proximate the lateral side of the shoe, the peripheral edges being ,....._ ... • , • . • . • • _ ._- , : . "; •aplxo_drnatelyparagel with each other. 54. T_ _, ora_ _. _-_. • .:.. • . .._ . . _ - the bottom wall pr0xlmatethe . the_,_p_'_ _0_;_ofth__,t_ : . . _'_., twopo,-_ of . ...: , medbl side and late_ side of the shoe are at least in part vis_'biefrom outside the shoe. ,. 55. , . , . • The shoe of delta53, wherekl each of the at least two portions of the bottom ,_ ": . . . wall has an _nterior edge, the intedor _lge_ of the at least two portions of the " bottom wall being substanUailyplanar with each other and substan.t_d_y paraOel I .. . . '.. .. 56. • ... .... The shoe of daim 45. wherein the curved Wa_ has at least one pedl_erai beige - ._ ...._.. .l _; pm.ximate one of the medial side of the shoe and the lateral side of the shoe. 57. _-_ shoeof_el,n_, _er_ the_ _ast0.e _ , , :.J .. ,." - ,.. , : : . .." edgeof_ cu,ve_',wan -. is at least in part visible from outside the shoe. 58. The shoe of claim • 45. .. .. an opening a_ . 5g.. . ._ • . . wherein the , curved . . w_g . I_as a mi_longltudinal . . , ., . axLs, w_ • the midJongJtudinal axis of the curved wall. . ._ , . . lJ_e shoe of rialto45, _'_e.reln the cuwed wag is appro_mately perpend_culm"to 't -.'..the major longitudinal axis of the shoe. i ._.l i 60. | wearers heel and al_ .. • at least a portion of thetop wag of Ihe member, the cushion and th_ top wall.each being made of a material, the material of b_" / . I D The shoe of daim 45. further comprising a cushion positioned beneath the i' _: • cushion being more resilient than the material of the top wall. 61. "t:; _._'.. The shoe of claim'60, wherei" the cushion has an upper surface con'ferndng in '¢ . , . shape to the bottom suriace ofihe wearer's heeL A 4709 ,.:= L . 62. ",'.. • . ....'. The shoe of _ • _ . . :..." 61, wherein the cushion appro>drnate center of the v_arer's .-., • 63. ,. - . • ... The shoe of claim 62, wherein • _. , ., is Iocat_l • • .'_ .- .... . ' ... at least in part beneath ..._._. .-. the heel. , . , , . - , . ", the cushion is located ,:,' _ beneath ,-. and adjacent . at , , least a podJon of the upper. /" 64. The shoe of claim 45. wherein through the opening in the top wa_ is vts_e at least in part the at least one opening _on at least one of the medial and lateral sides _. -. ,.. , , of the shoe. 651 The shoe of claim 45. wherein the lower surface of the top wall Is at least in part ..... visible from outside the shoe through medial and lateral sides of_e • , 66. the at least one opening on one of the shoe. _ -, The shoe of claim 45, wherein , , -. , the Upper sudace • part visibJe from ouLside the shoe through ,- , ,, , , . of the bottom wall is at least In . . . , ,' the at least one opening . on at least one of the medial and lateral sides of the shoe. 67. The shoe of ciairn 45. wherein the inierior sidewall of the at least one element -.. 68. at least in part vt,u'ble from oufside the shoe throclgh one of the medi_ of the shoe. The _hoe and latera/sides of claim 45, wherein one e_'nent the shoe. . The shoe of claim 45, wherein . one. element .." • .. an entire portion of the top wall over the at least . ./ the at least one opening in the at least one interior sidewall of the at least is at least in part visible from outside • 69. . . . . is solid. i • 70_., Theshoe of claim 45, wherein'the • _-*_ /._; ground-eno._ging - ,_-_. is _ , bottom surface portion that is vertically of the rear sole has a non- aligned with at least a portion of the - '_,.o)0ening in the top wall. ° A 4710 ! J: ..: i, I, "i" I 71. The shoe of claim 70, wherein surface the non-ground-engaging of the rear sole is k_atad at least in part between _e . porllons of the bottom wall. 72. The shoe.of datm bottom surface adjacent . 73. ' " of the rear sole comprlses at least two :: 7o. v_h'erein _e. z_6n-groundLer_agtng poddon non-planar portion of the bottom a _l_tantfally portioh of the planar portion and with the planar podJon. The shoe of claim 70, Wherein the non-ground-engaging portion of the " bottom surface of the rea_ soie comprises a tent-_haped portion extending "'i toward the top _'-_I. 74. The shoe of _aim !I podJon extending loward the top wall has at least one sidewall at an angle to the at least In part ground-engagirlg portion of the bottom the at least one Interior sidewatJ of the at least one element bottom adjacent "75. 73, wherein the tent*shaped surface, being at an angle to the at'ieast surface, the at least one Sidewall of the _ent-shaped. the at least one Interior The" shoe of claim 74, wherein shaped in part grourKt*engaglng porlJon that is adjacent portlen of the p6rtion being sidewall of {he at least one elemenL the angle of the at least o.n.e sidewali 0f the tentthe at least one intedo_ Sidewall of Ihe at least $ one element is approximately the same as the angle of t_e at least one interior sidewall of the at least one element .._-; _. ; j" i. the teat-shaped :/ _- ;_6..: . portion. Tl?e sh0.e _ofdaiF_ 4_;, wherein .... that is adjacent the at least one sidewall of the at least In part ground-engaging ., /,. r:., bottom surface is formed of outsole material.- ! _r A 4711 portion of the ,, " , ', , _, ,-: , .. . , . . • . , . , ,., REMARK_ By this Amendment, datm 1 has b_en cancelled and new da_l_ 45-76 _have /" been addecl I_ .fullhe[ define Applicants invention. l Entry and consideration of this Amendmentprlor to the further examlnatlonof the above-ldenUfled app_ati_n is respectfully requested. If there _'e any fees due in connection with the filing of this Amendment, please • charge the fee to our Deposit Accouni 50-1068. submitted, \ MAR . • . riN & FERRARO. LLP. ,. Dated: Aplg 29, 2003 _ H. M'ah_- Registration 14500 Avton Pmkway, SuVte300 Chant_, Virginia 20151-1101 Telephone:. (703) 679-9300 Facsimile." (703) 670-9303 J / i &. A 4712 No. 34,383 " 14:_1 Frm-.Ill,rrlII4FL_.UI2.LP _' _3lTllg]|] _ T-OO5 . p.O2Ull_l " F.-Fv_II PATENT ," "_J Al_orney Doc,V._N,', 104.0(X)4-0_0_ • ..... • ..... _v C,,lUStomar No. _ / . :...... .... "--"-'-'-"".'.--...:- -'-" " --- I ..... .) Da_l F. M_=chan ) , ) Serial No- 09/419,641 ) Group Art _n]1:3728 Flied: October 18, 1999 )) E_arn_er: ; J. Kavanaugh ) t ; Port ATHLETIC 8HOE WITHIMPROVF_D HEEL STRUCTURE ) ) ! Asststam Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 Sin. .! AMENDMENT Pdor to the fq,rth_" examination of the above applk:alion, please amend thFs ap_cation J J as fol]ows_ -! IN THE CLAIMS: /-_" 4_ - . . . , Please cancel claim 1 wflhout prejudice or disclaimer of its subject rrmt_r and add the _ new dalms: • L A shoe comprising: an upper, and a rear sole secured, below a _ ! of the upper, th_ rear sole comprising: [ i " a_ having a top wM] With a lewer surfaca, the top w-all havtng at _. least one pa1"lphemledge prmdmartea medial side of the shoe and at least one e_ proxy, a lateral side of the shoe, the peripheral edges of the B "_t_.j_e. flphera!': _•w=u) .. I_ == mld-4or_31tudtrml =xlq tlh_,ol_v,=,=.h, --.. A 4736 t_o top w,=al havCng an • • ! ! a • ." : ," " i .. D_-'Z)-20_t ]4:34 T93Gi'Sg30,1 .1.-00S L.i ,._/ ...J Of edge.__ the ¢opwanIndu_ o.a... .l_ • - .... . . . - mat _ vmd_ad_oU_.,_ .., . _, ., .. • _e . • ,... apprmdmato _ord_' of the Qpe_O in th_ top wall and the approx_ ,-:i': .., _!. the _om_s ".... ) heel, the rnen_ • botJomwan _ g _ _ a boU_m _mll _ af . two _ an up_[x_" surface t appro)dmah_lyplanar with oach o_, er, p_r-_,oo_ wi_ _ho0,,_r, d, 8rid .s._mamt.o,d _a g_.pu_reb_,-,, regh_ns of the top and wall, _e _op. _ I_m w'ad_ beb_ and cu_ :. iI .top and ,_-,,,_ :..I conned_d • ,wmlls be_ . . . :. . ,r_. ce_d a pred_terml_d _ .dl_ ._ _ from _ _ ,_,_,,",,,_ walls is reduced. • • . . ._ . . . : ,." at least one _...p_:_dtiono_.Be_ I by a _Jrved distance between.. the at least a portion of . . . •"_" "1 and bo_ end a back of the sJme. al:least a parUon =.__,.,r_0_ ,,,_,,_ e.,,_ _ the ground the predete_ 8t a do.seal . being orierded k_a_ bottom u-,otop w,_ _,_ wars being Integral. the rearward regions of the . top a_l bo_om _ of the - _ ' ,,. m_d m least a portion of ttm _ one Interim"side,weD; at I_s_ a.pordenof the top.w'a_ Wall,me at leastone elemem having at leemt . • l -- ":,-] a void _tod • . . beqzeath . the operdr_ . . _ t_e top wag defirmd at legist bl pint • . by the at least one interior sldewal] of the nt least one elen'_nt., at least a pOd_ of the voidbeing verlJcally_ / me top_wall; rl r. • .shoo, . :._ ......... - - the open_g berg in _tJon.wit,h the rob:t;, and % i . : approximatecemerof the ppemingin edleast one openln9• ...oq at ,least one •of'the medial end lateral sides of the . . . . . ",c. .1. ...... va_ _ - , -2- ¢ I ,._ i . : ....; . - A 4737 • "% t _ ., r_ ,,.. of_ 4,_.,_,_,, _ _ _ ,_._ "..... .mcumbentu-srmpo. 4_'. _ " ' shoe. 0Ectalm 4_[wl"_m the redO_l vertical d_c_orL "' " prec_termlned d_nce •at-k,=,_d ;..rots'on of._. top aria bOitorn_ ..;. _ _ betw_n Ihe from t_, _i=_,t .; IX),tJon.of " "• I • The s]_ of claim _,vA_rein the reduced predetem'z_ at l_astaporch ofth,;top-rid tx)tWn_ ,,.--_ =_,,__._ ! -) , 4_. • ., _ . d]sfi_ca t_tw_en msuU_froma_eati_asta po_ - .• . of v.t_ _.:' o_._r._,...u_=_ _ -. . • .. _ ._"' Tim.. pt_d_ the rear of the shoe. '1 . L. . ' o_._._..¢.m,n Ui¢.t,.. .one_t_ on._=i_,¢_i._ medblsldeef theshon,t_hel_al " side"ofthe sl_e, and 6Vf.. ,.( therearofth,_shoeis vls_af_m_ . out=lde'U_e Shoe. The ,r_e ;...! °_ The shoe 0f cleb_ 46, wherein the top Wall has at least one poilpheral edge= _te r'l . " . , t ,_, - of claim aJi, wherein the bottom wag has at least one peripheral edge proximate on_ of thez_3] side of the shoe and the I_eml eide of _e shoe. •_-._-" The shoe of clalm'M, w'riere]n the at least one pedph_al edge of ;the bottom wall r' • Is at least ln part vlslhZefr0m outslde the shoe. '." L . _. has at least one pedphara] edge pro:xlmalethe medial s_de ofthe shoe and _'-; ,_ _.-_.nofher of the "atleast two portions of the bottom wag has at ieast one peripheral • -> -3- A 4738 .:\ 1 , I f • :j 05-ZI"*_005 14:34 Frarl_T|_Lp Tg3iTIHl,ll$ T-O0_ P.071/133 r-_4 . [..,_ .J edge p_:lhe ICJ_al side g the._rtoe, the pedph_ral.edg_i.being. appraximate_/parglclwith "_ . each a_r... the boff_m wall pn_Ima_ the medial side and lateral side of the shoe am least In part visible from out_le the shoe. !1 dI The shoe.of claim 5_._?ner_n wall haman II_rior i. ... each of the ... at tea_'t-twp pod}on_ of U'_ eclge, the interior edges ofthe at Ioast two porff_ bottom . olive I._ _m_h_g_." I • :_pro_ one of the m_l s.!deof th_ sho_ ._,and t_., la_es'a]side of _ l is at least i_ p_rt _e T_. _ .... " kom outside the,shoe. of_m 4_._=_ _ " .. ..... . wall . th, =_,= ,,_=! _ = .m_14=_. _= =_. _t, an .o_ntno along the|n_d4o .r_tudlnal md_of _e cunpd _.. to /(d -- the major ionoitud'ma[ax_ of the shoe. .... / ....... The shoe ofdalm 4_, furth,er compr_ . a cusl_ poeRlonedbeneath the weareds heeland above atleast a portionoflh_top wag ofthemember, the • . .. . I . ) .? cushion and the top wel! each being made of a material, the rnatedeJ of the i '" 6[ _ushSon_mom r;s_,nt%/than U_ methyl _ the topwan. . The shoe of delta C:_,_PJ'eln the cushion has an upper surface confom_lng in rdmp_ _ _ bottom surface of the wP_.Bmr's heel. o _". :'.'. --4- . t %%."•. A 4739 I tO_/K'11tl "" t-_i .P.IRI/I_ F-P.4 I ,._) ;+,r aplxox_atBcentar " of the weareC8 heeL Ttms_eofdah_6_/_em.lnl_scdr, _. -- . I_.apor_nofU'_upl_'. - . ' • . htonlslo_tedbeneathandadJa_nt_ " ' " ..... "n. st,o+o_d.tm_.tw_,minU=re.mine_ thB_op+a,_s V_sml. at tm,=_ _a thn_lgh j( tile at _ I 4_;wh_In ofme'store. _ of _ vLg_e from or_i opening on a+ least one of b"le medist andlatsra] o_tside the _e " lower 8urfaca _ th_ topwag is _te_st in part m. tt_ough B p._visible 'from o._d" _h_ _e at least one opening U'_uOh one of the n'mdlal and lateral sides 0f_e on One ol"the at least in _ visible fro_ out_le theshoe ii lea_t one-openZ_gon at feast shoe. ....... , . Ttm.stmeof c_m ,y_. whem_ me im_o_ sid.mva,of U'matleast o_ '" _'ldee+ _ement Is z_ • through the at least one opening In I The ,s_oeof clam 4_, whmelnthe at leaslone h_edorsidewallof the at +east one elerne_ s_. bat _ The _hoe of clainl• _, In p_rt Vlslble from outside 1.... wt_h_n +t the shoe. an entire portion of tile top wad over the at least L D.+I. : one elmnenti_ sdid., y _ • 7:6. _ Th,, ;moo of.claim ,_. whereto tin, boom _rfa_ ruth. m.r .,o_+ tam a non- ,c, r. ground-e_ag'mg porch that is vert_lly-allgnecl w_ at le'ast a po_on of the +..% ,. += --'3-- A 4740 - :: i i4 • "05-Z|-Z_3 I(:N T_J_g30t F r os-hlAJZTt_LP J The of claim -70. wherein shoe mjrface -_J the non-gmu_ c_ the mar sote is located at lem_t In I_rt between • :_ po_s 7J- potion , . ,, . of the bottom 9m at least t_ • cethe._omw_... -. ThBshoeordakn70. wheretn thenon-ground-enga_g porUon of the _. :. • i botch _ • • s-urfac_ of the rear sole comprises .. . . :.. - . - • .. a tent-shaped _ • e0dend'mg • ..., toward .. .. . the top walL The shoe of claim.73, where4n the _ent_. potion exten_, g toward _ top well has at least one sidewan at an angle to the at least in pint ground-engag_ podJon o/the _rnent bottom surface, b_i'ng "t an the at k_.ast I_ part gro_nd-engag_g bottom surface, the at least one sidewag of the t_l-shapec_ C:!:!- ad_ace_d the at least one _ The shoe of c_aim 74. wherein ,- the at least one interior sldewan of the at least.ooe portion of h*_s pOrtion be[_j s_devrail of the at least one eleri_ the angle of the at least one sidewall of the t_11t- .'t : s_aped F', portion that is adjacent one element is approxJrnately the at feast one Intedo¢ sidewall of the at leemt the same as the angle of the at least one ]rltedol- w£" sidewall of theat I ; least one e4ement that is adjacent the at least one sidewall of 3_- _t_-a_,_.. .z 7_.. " The _me t'" 'i ,_ r I_ttom of ¢dalm 45, whereJn the at least In part gn:_Jnd-.engagillg surface Is formed portion of the of outsole material.- .° • .. 3 ": -.- • • "'i ., "\! r-, Fro_Ii4JU_]Ui/I_CLP TO35Tlg391 T.-O05 "P.03_ F-T'34 n By thLsAmendment, claim 1 h_ been cancelled arid new clall_ 45-78 have -'... been added to furthe¢ define App_ards |nvenfiorL • . .... . . Entw a_l constderaffon of this Amendment pdor to the furth.ata_inaEon above4denUf_dapp,cation isre_ped/ultyrequested, of the " Respectfullysubrnr_ted, MARTIN &_o, LIP t No. 34,383 145o0 A,_bn I=_dcm_, Suite 3O0 ChantHiy,Vi_lnla 20151-1101 ' . ! Telepl-cm_ ("/'o3)679-93oo Faa;img¢ CrOS]670-_OS. a i -.., • A 4742 -t C' ii Notice of Aflowabillty -- The MAClN(; DATE of #_ _CHAN, DAV1D F. r.ommunfca(ton appean on _ Art Unit covw r.he_ w_ O_e _ ." _ ._Jdat_ betmethane, PROSeCUtes_ _ te_rrs k_(ORR_b-3 CLOSeO_ e_ eppkam_ Wno_ ,t_.e_ hm_ l_ri_ev,_ mal_o'), e NoOce ,v._ev,_ce tPTOC.aS) _xoew.eppeq_.&mex_¢T_ v_ be_ b_ _ '.! of Ihe (_e or upon peel_ by _e ap_icanL See 37 (_-R.13t 1._ "n_ cmwnm_cae_ Is_ to_ 3. _ "l_ f999 4.[_ /_v_<_nt _ M_d on fS Octobcr Is made of ed_lrn 3 ;rod IdPEP ,_'_ 1308. meek_av2_.20o3. am acc_pt_J for fore_n by the Exam_. prlodty under 35 U.S.C. § 119{e),-(O) or tT). a)I-IA, b)_.So_" c)l-INom ot_ 1.I-) _ed co_,so/me_ documents herebe,mrec,,_e¢ Z I"1Ce,B_ cop,_,o*U,sW',o_documemhe_ t_e, _ _nApp_a,_ No.. " & O Cop, k_ _ e_eced_,ed _le_ ofg_epdo_y_ havebeen_ '__ na_o_lstag_app_ca_ fromthe .,.} . Bureau _. o_419_41 F_xamln_ {PCT • Certmed cx_esnotrece_¢ i r" FI/_mo.,dedgmesd k made (a)I-I _o. 6.1-1 o_"e dalm o__,e _ Admo_n_t b made o_ = d_m Rule 17.,?.{a)). . f_r _ _ i_iorily u_d_ _,_o_ kx domes_ i_dty 35 U.S.C. m_=_, w,d_ § 119(e) h_ _ 35 U.S.C. (to a _ _ rea_. •• ,_ _20 andror _ 21. ,, , ,," . • .. Am_camhm 3"HR.EE MON1HSFROM "rH_"MACtNG DA'T,_of_ _ t__e a _ _ v,_ IbemC_e'eme_t_ below. Falum_em_yoo_dy.dam_._ ,Al_lDOto,fl_rro_t'_apfacaeo_ THtS'ngt_daON'rHPERIOOkSNOTEXrEt'CtAB_ 7.1-'1 "_'J " I A _ _RMAL OATH OR DE_.ARATK_I n_.J_ be _Jed. ON (pT_,(52) whlch _g_es m_m_s) pATENT/_puc.A31 Hc_e _e at_ch_d why ihe o_ _S _. _ AMENDMENT _s d_[de_¢ o_ NOTIC_ OF .. 8. E] CO_J_ECTEO 0WWV_*3S .._ besubn_e_ _)_ h_rmor _)E) toP_p_ No._ (b}l'-I bdud_ d_n_r_,_,_bymepmpo=_d,-a,_ co_r_e_ (c)I-} Imdud_ilcha_ nmu1_lI_I_ mlaohedExa,_n_s _ • _ wh_has beenapWovedbyg_e Exan_,_. I Comme_orIn_ 01_+ acO0__ _ _ __. | Ill_l Ih_lL 9- [--J DEPO.-_T atladl_d Exarnk_ds - " 0F " • a_KJ/o( I]_-ORMATIONa_t comntenl r_ REQUIREMENT _'_ depo._ " of BIO{.OGICAI. FOR THE DEPOSIT MA_ OF BIOLOGICAL " _ _ _. N_ _ MA'I'E_IAL I -,y. 40 .l_m_v ,S+.mmm_ IPTO-4_3), PtP_ I_..,__.. _) Exa_s PTO¢..-.17 (Rev. t _temer_ o_Ressomfor_nce Pe._ _ _ A 4749 No._ "! Appllcatten/Conkol Nurnbe_.09/419,641 Page 2 Art Unit" 3728 • EXAM_N_ S .. ! . .. -. 1. . • ....,.... F DME r _:. " ... .., . . An examiner's amendment to the record.appears below. Should the changes and/or add_ons be unacceptable to apprmant, an amendment n_y be filed as provided _-.. (. by 37 CFR 1.312. To ensure consideration of such an amendment, it MUST be submitted no later than the payment of the issue fee. Authon_.atJonfor this examiner's amendment was given in a telephone int_view with Mr. Marlin on August 26. 2003. i i ,% • , In claim 45, line 16, the "wall," has been changed to "wall;'_ , 2. . , " ThefoBowingisanexaminer'sstatementofreasoesforallbv_nce:The.allowed" claims reed on the embodiments shown in figures 24 and 25 of applicant's Invention. Sand Do '277 is the closest prior art. The footwear of Sand Do doesn't teach, among other things, "at least one opening on at least one of the medial lateratsldes of the shoe, the opening being In communication with the void'..Sand Do teaches several embodiments but an of them are I'_Ntng openings on the side of the shoe but are dosed withthe void_and therefore are not in COmmunlcatk>nwith the void. Any comments _onsldered necessarj by applicant.must be submitted no later i than the payment of the issue fee and, to avoid processing delays, should preferab4y accompany the issue fee. StJchsubmissions should be dearly iabek_d "C_-nments on t StatL_ent ot Reasons for Allowance." "¢. Conclusion - _:. .,J '., t _.. A 4750 "1 - r - 1T- I ........... y-.- L_ I '-" J °: ..t I "1 .l ! ;I Appr_Jon/Contml 1 Art Unit - Page 3 Number:. 091419.641 • .... . • - ... 3728 -"'} 3. ,.T_ephone Inquiries regarding the status of app4icattonsor other_genera! questions, (- by pemons entitled to the kfformatJon, "should be directed to the group . clerical personnel and not to the examiners. In as much as the.official recon:ls and apprK:aUons are located in the dedc_ personnel M.P.E.P. sec_on of the exandnmg groups, can read_y provide status infon-natJon without contacting 203.08. The Group de_rical receptionist number is (703) the clerical the examiners', 308-1148. In onJerto avoid potential delays, Technology Center 3700 is encouraging FA_ng of responses to Ol_ce Actions directJy into the Center et _'03,1 872-9302 After Finals to f703_ 872-9303(FORMAL FAXES are not working use any of the following (703) 305-3590. Applicants numbers ONLY). (703) 305-3579 who authorize charges and If the previous Fax numbers or (703) 305-3580 or to a PTO deposit account may also use it for filing papers that require a fee. Please identify'Ex_miner T_:I Kavanau.qh of Art Unit 3728 at the top of yOur cover sheeL If in receiving this Office Ac_.'onit L_apparent to applicant that certain documents ni are missing, e.g., copies of references cited, form PTO-1449 form PT0,-892, etc., requests for copies should be directed of such papers or other general questions Tech Center 3700 Customer Service at (703) 306-5648, emaii Custonle rServica3700_usDt o.qov. ! ;!: Any inquiry concerning > the MERITS should bet directed to Ted Kavanaugh examiner .! ./ • _ _, can normally be reached of this examination whose telephone If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone 1 _.'. are un_l, sqper_.sor_M_key Yu can be reached at (703) 308-2672. r. •_ t:;. !. ! : number -_;:. - ."4e=e_r'l= &puarca=en , Asdgnment B_h F_ _=_=, _==0_ from the examiner is (703) 308-1244. The on 6AM - 4PM. i L to _ 3a_g22 _ a_,_z_ A 4751 the examiner's V f t _LJ ¢.. _n/Control Number:. 09/419,641 ':_ " " Pag'e4 ,Art UnYC 3728 H •t::_d_ryF_xar_er Art Unit 3728 TK ] _J August29. 20O3 •-.- . .. ...° .i ! I" :i ..;-.. _L A 4752 FINNEGAN, HENDERSON, FARABOW, 1300 WASHINGTON, NT RECORDED, OFFICE GARRETT& DUNNER I ST, N.W. D.C. 20005 ,REEL • FRAME. ACTIONS AMENDMENTS,_d 4,'M.f . ¢3 !0. C'O =8 .......... _l_h_, o O. • • .. h,,:,.b_ •..: ._ _. A 5358 ? ...,.. 17-21, 32, 33, 76, and 77 have been No allowed. other claims are pending. STATUS O_ AMENDMENTS: Appellant's 1994, the was entered Advisory SUMMARY or claimed support, side OC to the that for athletic The surface, laminated rear is the the user. rear sole worn rear than to the sole heel entirely to dated November as 16, indicated in sole. shoe upper a a sole to shoes having and The in rear from at support. significant is sole as well as least upper one 5, secured or aO005 i.aO,.408-4OOO A 5463 heel a the can support typically defines page has a 5, lines ground-engaging is for lines the more cushioning the 16-19). and/or rotatably user can ground-engaging rotate a support and that to result, of w. heel manner, surface a sole, and The midsole portion degree sole the page As forward (Specification, elastomeric detachably a gluing. sole. includes a detachably invention rear conventional or (Specification, when claimed upper, grounding-engaging is a comfort, forward a downward an The shoe stitching, the having user. rear receiving shoe sole. cushioning the extends 10-15). of a rear includes molding, wall mounted SHI_OTON, to injection The N. mounted shoe and attached heel I STm_r, a to resilient 300 to directed service recess plc f__ relates life a Or invention longer by uAw 1994. provide are appeal, an 5, that heel of December configurations The filing Final, dated rotatably particularly NECAN, HEN DERSO_ A ft_BOw. CARR£TT DU_NER the After INVENTION: claimed secured Amendment upon Action OF The Second the rear change the surface sole to _.._ move the worn heel strike line 15). .:_i._ portion of position. the ground-engaging (Specification, surface page 5, away line 27 to from the page 6, I Regardless rotatably must mounted somehow of As heel includes at support by shown in sole For may be with side the recess. the outer claimed LAW O.rl¢ : I_.'_;ECAN, 8 ' the rear in of a the line 29 allows a part rear the or all of the and to retain band 44 and to portion a 8, rotate, the rear be to C._R DL'_NE wall sole wall and [ $TRl[£'r. "-406 becomes worn. In addition, the manner N.W. to the As of rear support. side wall notched for -dlO00 A 5464 heel further the heel 38 section mating rear sole placed in around further 7). heel support invert, or ground-engaging of the receiving of the replace surface R ETT R the recess. line the the may wall the 46 so of the for section page be the support 39 side sole the of of heel within to user a recess 42 must indention. least notched doing secured the support sole the indention slits securing rear 7, of a heel one the section the page when 1-5, includes other the compression addition, invention sole Figs. notched retain in of the with for either detachably at fitted sole structure being or properties surface least embodiments, this cushioning and sole and embodiments, protrusion of wall the secured mechanism midsole, peripheral at detachably the the of is HE_ZDEi_ON F._.%BOW, a300 K_ the rear (Specification, The the surface and soft protrusion shown In very the rear plurality the support, includes the as a the compress one of sole heel each compression example, and or engaging each includes 42, in surface protrusion, a rear compromising shown least the the to support peripheral the to without sole. the whether attach accomplished rear of attachment does not adversely affect resilient midsole. distinct the design cushioning Thus, goals properties the that claimed have provided invention not been by the achieves achieved by two conventional shoes. ISSUES: 1. 35 Whether U.S.C. 2. S 3. 35 as claims U.S.C. Whether being 59, 102(b) Whether • under as claims 103 claim 64 OF For and addition, 70, being was properly by and 72 were in properly over rejected Redman rejected of rejected Redman under view under Redman. unpatentable properly over of claims claims patentable 61, as were 35 Frank in view U.S.C. or S of 103 Niedwcrok. CLAIMS: purposes together 63 anticipated 55-58, S and being unpatentable •GROUPING 62, this 59 and 56-58, over the appeal, 63 61, cited clalms stand 62, 55 or 64, fall and and 70 stand together. 72 are each 59, 62, AND or fall In separately references. ARGUMENT: I. REDMAN To the every 599, L. AW O_'_lC F.,_ R.._,BOw, £1 C,,_,R I 8TROt'T, tASMINOTON, i - ,1_O_1-40e OC TO constitute cited a reference feature 602-03, not satisfy the rejection of 170 the ANTICIPATE proper must the rejection under disclose, claimed USPQ CLaiMS 213, requirements either invention. 216-17 In section re N. of claims 59, 62, and w, ZOOO5 -4000 A 5465 63 is 63. U.S.C. expressly (C.C.P.A. under 35 S or 102(b), inherently, Sau_de_s, 1971). 102(b), R ETT G DU_ER 1300 FAILS improper. 444 Redm__n and, F.2d does therefore, -w ... II. CLAIMS REJECTED ..-. 55-58, UNDER UNPATENTABLE A. constitute on a to combine that fails shoe sole, that support. The Or_C_ 1300 I,Ik_MaNo'rON, OC the the a a reasonable work. In in combination claims ground-engaging layer secured or tread wear, sole and rotatably structure prolongs F.2d Israel would 70 more includes to a alleviates the effectively a resilient mounted feature thus and of work. and a 947 an art not and based suggestion Vaec_, Red, 55 a 103 expectation re the would _ been of skilled independent U.S.C. have combination person detachably 35 must with would such under there The a in rear to modify the a rear inferred in has pointed Israel as sole. to of skilled of art would a there the Redman is not as life heel outer of cushions the the heel incorrect, attach ZO00_ * "20Z',406,4000 A 5468 express found the or a rear the it sole Examiner of because such in modifying obvious teachings however, detachable suggestion combining have on a attached, invention, based _m. W. no for claimed would teaching permanently is reasons artisan sole Redman teaching any obtain suggestion the to Although references references that skilled ISRAEL. detachability/rotatability rear argued This ! BI"R_IL"I"o is and laminated LAW OF rejection 1991). that Examiner sole these IMPROPERLY BEING user. The of V_EW coupled because or while rear 72 WERE 103 AS references, recited abrasion the IN proper Cir. having midsole, shoe, REDMA_ combination expect The +_;N EC._._;, HENDERSON F.._R._,BOW. C,._RR ETT 8 D_;_E R such test reasonably sole S references (Fed. this rear of the 493 any a combination success of OVE R 70, AND U.S.C- A person skilled in the art would not combine the teachings of Redma_ and _srael to achieve the invention recited in cla_s _5 and 70. To 488, 61, 35 has to Israel. one as taught by .r Israel to a taught by Redman. The that still attaching While the may rubber cushioning type disclosed in it center screw through the user. (see Hockerson a art disclosed by combination cushioning, but Given the section B. In for this 103 only tread also support never may the to and rejection is the the no___tt to and is patentability of into a the In force the heel a of person the Redman structure the heel 6). may incorporating injure declaration non-obviousness. use Therefore, a improper of I 6). providing motivation of sole and by and any shoe taught provide 24 made rear during I shoe wall declaration, the in passes sole laminated of sole the affect midsole actually obvious of a rear that rear a wear disclosed body contemplate into wear The Hockerson evidence of a for tread degrade _gdman the provide the sole Hockerson heel fails of in declaration, would problem detrimentally by the not rear secure resilient Israel not compensating would (See the the engages to Israel. the sole and does would shown provided of the 18 mechanisms Instead, Redman by sufficient properties in the cushioning. material, by solves screw attaching _ heel disk compression skilled rear since such for necessary heel of combine should the the be user. references, reversed. persuasive the claimed invention, ORW1¢¢$ FARley, C,._P.P_ETT 8 and center be disclosed fact, LAW the and and provided annular shoe structure _ addresses properties through tough of mechanism Israel. the the providing cushioning of with combination structure while heel appellant submitted a Declaration Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.132 by dated October D U.'%.'_ E R _v m300 | s'rnl_E-r, _._)tlNGTON, 0C N.W. 1000_ Stanley G. Hockerson with the Amendment "408-4000 A 5469 After Final .._. 5, ..- 1994. Mr. consultant to a experience in the development Hockerson, major and declaration, shoe 1 in industry. His person skilled Redman and of in declarant, and has is over 18 experience inventions of his years in own. a of product (Sockerson 2). his several would manner the patents experience _edman art a of extensive of the _ unbiased including and analysis in an manufacturer reviewed light is industry, and Hockerson Examiner shoe marketing 41 Mr. who in supports never which the the by the result the footwear conclusion combine would cited that teachings in the a of claimed invention. The not Examiner find it October persuasive, 26, "personal considered 1994 expert, Mr. marketing experience and oFrlc[I :1._ _ECA_. the Hockerson, of in the teaching, Israel footwear the be on Evid. in should other Redman has than 602 result industry. be G._.R to Examiner's references. R ET T m DUNNE_ ': 13OO I ST_I_IL"T', Wat*._MI_4GT_N. OC N. Mr. W. ZOO05 io_OZ.aoe-ao00 A 5470 R. Civ. own in than 18 years of "opinions" in this express opinion, at development Hockerson's any 56(e). arrived the a or P. with relevant identify with statements were more particularly failed the of did dated knowledge Fed. familiar H E_DE.RSO_I • F.._R._I_W, personal intimately a deal that declaration as Action to fact and but Examiner's the footwear Examiner and R. Advisory The the made declaration, appears ignores "opinions" "observations" because or the an opinions." must Se___ee Fed. Furthermore, and and generally in declaration however, observations. an the observations declaration Hockerson's asserting that characterization, Mr. for case suggestion combining by In weight event, and when re any the 745 from the 56 at secured least reasons claims noted define sole to a the cushioning heel x:':,; ECA a shoe, that person must soft, elastomeric the invention recited N, HEN It just art." I_nn would has not claim rear cited in the a a to do and for these securing are 70. patentable Furthermore, the rear the further then 57, would for of the 61 how rear to midsole firmly determine and attempt resilient mechanism and 56, is 55 affecting art having properties claims is with patentable claims detachably and sole that thus and 59. sole, rear references. sole find are to 59 claim a midsole adversely skilled rear having and for Redman gripping to do sole. achieves to so a a without The these objectives, so. DE R.SO_ As C._RRETT DL,'>;NE • _.'rR[Er. _H I. OC i-_ to the shoe of respect from without cushioning fails 1984}. resilient manner midsole degrading a with respect the secure the Examiner fair "not reviewing the support, noted one given or_lc[i F._ L"_OW. 130o that Redman heel of detachably whereas the support from be evidence, Cir. that more depends properties Assuming a with after (Fed. recite particular distinguishable ,-Aw 61 the and 61 are further the combination and reasons claim doubt 1475 each to the addition, the 57 of must evidence. 57, over layer detachably in all however, this and declaration of 1468, record, ground-engaging In F.2d Claims 56, patentable and Israel. Claims part remains considered C. for as [Examiner] properly Bockerson considered Piasecki, appear the .:_.,, recited in claim 56, the rear sole is compression fitted P. N. w. into a recess defined by a wall extending ZOOOS .06-4000 A 5471 downwardly from the a ... upper. Claim that are lacking 57 recited in with Thus, the apply to claim Each of the rear sole. as If the pointed and the heel the 6). without contrast, both 55 to both in claims the Redman is 56 and sole portions walls, retain heel patentable 61. In but of 57 for from the more Hockerson cushioning no the structure Examiner rear sole portions a resilient rear midsole, Declaration, Israel 56, center shoe, particularly (See fails to suggest 57, and 61. and 61, respectively, patentable claims same addition, of a claims of a the The with 72 are also references depend is beveled and to user. top sole, Redma_ in the sole of the recess. these support. of there rear layer heel the the at the recited 72 in use affects injure rear properties the the eliminated, rear side on adversely combination and and may the cushioning relies sole and beveled the the the rear sole the secures Redma_ the rear in of 58 and fit are protrusion/indention. respect discussed, invention are the degrading Claims 58 and over the cited thus discussed, compression effectively ground-engaging recess claimed limitations previously a with features retain a Thus, as of noted themselves, Claims claims 55 reasons 58 noted and 72 with recite respect to a o J_'l C r.s :IM_IEC_,A.'nl,H F-.'_ D ER30:',t • F.-',R_-_ BO_', C.',RR ETT 8 D t'_,'_ ER i engagement support having D. 1300 recites screw to by sole i 61 the to has cannot, WAS_ Claim In of sufficient claims and, previously properties L._w 59 penetrating which, and claim these support the in the protrusion/indentlon 61. heel ¶ the distinctions the in includes Redman. combination screw ...., 5TR£LrT. N. I _-. ,_1._..'a 08" 0C N. ground-engaging surface having a plurality W. 20005 _ 000 A 5472 of bevels. Thus, these claims are further to with respect III. THE EXAMINER IMPROPERLY UNDER 35 U.S.C. S 103 OVER R_DMAN Claim 64 protrusion of the rear heel sole As the by disk against would reattached, and references to the shoe in Redman were the structure the the of the the annular disk ground-engaging components, recess of by the the shoe, of of rear support In to would have fact, the of recess the screw purpose because rotated, and by the then Redma_. Both of soles rear sole. Frank not the the rotation would would of intended Redman. according rotation head taught the that to This prevent to teaching use. relative use and the prevent components Red man the rotation flanged the remainder in to the from heel in suggested lacks rotate nothing Redman nowhere during to modified sole Niedworok. intended add the prevent recess. disk that these that Thus, or are if N_edworok, change. a bottom layer clearly not suggest section 103 rejection with the r.Js _ _ EC._.":. H E._DER.'-OX F._RABOW. C,.,,RR ETT invention . 0300 clalm OC from ground-engaging screws the upon rear to shaped pressure the the Redman to k by two | STRt&"r, Niedwor_ teach or intended to recites support detached attached Rather, "4HJNGTON, be and is are disk contrary Fra__ OV_r_C to ,oted _IEDWOROK. shaped heel shaping have 59 Frank the is the OR Examiner, rotational mitigates previously CLAIM 64 UNPATENTABLE feature indention Red man reasons retaining Such to removing _%ANK further the and the REJECTED BEING claim with by relative applying without are _edman admitted disk OF for use. of AS from support sole annular VIEW indention during for 62. depends protrusion rear claim IN and combination L.AW patentable N, W, 64 recited should in be claim 64. Thus, reversed. _OOO5 I'Z0]-408-4000 A 5473 the of i. ° °°°° °° _,_.. _ " " _ _ I "2/ !0001 k_ ¥ / "..°_. A 5523 -B • °_ u.s. Patent . .. . . ., .- Ap_. _,1.7 G Y • .:..'. A 5524 . i • w • - _..,., .. '. l J Y A 5525 . , • . U.S. Patent _ " . . -i.:._ _ ,_.. . :,:::_ _- Apr.1, 1.99"1 s_t 4 of s 5,615,4_7 f_ A 5526 . . . U.S. Patent Apr. 1, 1997 '. ..- • . 5,615,497 Sheet 5 of 5 p ¢M A 5527 :... ".- ....... .......... _ ": : _':_ ATHLETIC SHOE wrm ..... :; i "@ ..... : ' : ..,"i ..:.".:.." " " " _t_r'l_ t_'[_F"_ _ t=7_tc_ IMPROVED SOLE 2 f= most-q_=, e_chny =hlettc shoes, for severd m Plm, tlsh_ edhems_ betweea.the eole end the _oe Is diffu:ultto eddeve, parFWLD OF THB INVI_qTION flculady around the pedphe_ e( the sole. Seared, sei_ce•rhc pa=a_ invcntton nda_ ge_crally m m etldcttcshoe 5 mc_t of the e_tre sole is mmecessa_ based upou tyl_al with an iaxpmvedsok ml. morn p=ttculady, zo an mhi_c we_ paUe=s ta athlcdc ebocs. _1, n:plac_ sn enthc shoe wi_ sn extendalde and more w=smilc llfc due to the sole l_c__u;d bemorne_e _ mpl_ _cl_ the worn dana_ a factor wt_ h _ tf a mpleceabmtyor'the u_r to replaceor ad_ i_om of the outer roleof tic dJo¢ M_e,fntl-leosth role f_ eve_ ram's and women's shoe dze I0 h to be produced. Emny, tt weuid apt_ that the bed s=eo_ _n pe_ca_ h= _ mfue= noah _ BACKGROUND OF THE INVIgCFION n:qukemm= from the rcst of the shoe role, and it dctedonttcs at a much fasterxate. Athl_ shoes m bemnd_ mole _ve each year. Tw-of-e_ moaeh of the letdlns m_m =n U.S. Pat. No. 4,262,434 0_chek_tfi) di_Imes a tote f_ now tea for mo:e tha_ o_e iamdn_ del)_n a pa/r. The t5 re,In8 m_ t_ em_ _ed=t_e eead _ Howlikelihood is tl_ shoes wlU continue to become ewn mine eve_ the dedga of the n_daceal_ dem of MIchel_i h cq_st_ in tbo ycm eheed u teclmolomrand paf=xnanco Imt_u/_ In mm_ n:_pe_ Fer exan_e, the c_em of a=Stn_ to Imping. M_zloul epeme as _he matemat_ demen_ wlth _he lVmmmudy,tmlXOV=n=u ia some fe.mnn Imvcaccom_ _ p_ _d t_ob_ et _ dem _ e_an_ Inntedtimcost inc_sses. We_rspots on tI_zslme upperlmve 2o towa_ the Ix_um of the u_"x fooC Tlds create* an' been rdnfm'cedwith le=_r. StitchlaS is beua"=sd seldom •Intolebte_ _az_ the re=aterectum a_ ferazd u='avcls. _ and moldt_ techniques me imtxoved. wkldn a "zelaflvdy thick body 14" of the role, whlcl_ adds mcmdngtb= Ihc talcs m'elcss pmue to scpm-mcdud_ inc. PmJdlngaround tbc snklc conar and on thc toaguc Im both theoaten_ m_dnddsdc hs on_ to house the n:a:pm_ _pmved com.roxt.Nmxmd msdman-nmdefal_cs m-cmmc "_ spscc fo_ thcknob of the deatg e¢ the In'mm_c_ of the cleat knob makcs tt mine lt_ Ibat tke uscr will fed thc ckat knoln oa the boston ef his fcet pankulm_ after_ mie._e de_t_=_a _ _ the _._ de_a t. _y amx_ us_ _bo. tnadequ_ _ _ ha_ oC my =blcttc ,Ix_ wbem detm:hal_ cleass a_ mine prone to dldalg_ Tlschad e_m.t'equ_s • meuger md mexc durable _._ ts uead wem_ Pot example_ the Uead o_ a 8e_d pair of munk_ dines mmuflcmml in !_3 do_ not appear to be any morcdund_ thanthe tn_d ea a good pak mmsfacmred in 1983, o_ for that mal_ 1973. A mc_ tmcly has a choicc or ra=_ serfaccs, a_d _lt and otha _tnstvc surfaccs take a_'emmdous roll on the oufenmleef su_ing shoes. The problemts _ by the fac_th_ the mos_pronounced uead we_ oa mmdag stmes InpsmmlaC occm pdndt_ly 4o Intwo pl_ces:the outerpe_phe:y of the hed, m_dtheba.l]of the root. Hed we_ h by farthe m_e _ute p_b_n. Tnh b undeneu_de h_s_ch a_ _ impactfo_ o_ the heel of a jogs, for exmp_ ha_Ix_ e_m=cd at abo_ tlxce to four din= the we_gh_ of the jogSe_ TI_ aJog_ _ v_z _0 peu_ weutd acate a f_c of _0 peend_of sSoct en one heel W'dhea_ Ised tmpact_ the groand appmxtmate_ 800 times per nn'le.,it is not di_cult to undcnU_ why the heel of a mnn_ d_oe Is the ekst put of the_oe towe_ ouL,i-he fa_that this iswheresupFort is 50 tcchnologlcal _tvencements in bed end addmlc cushlenlng and cousmsc_n le_gcly can be uc_ed by two moeths of heel wea_ Trcad wear on otba" t_0es of atld_ S_4_RY OF Ti_ INVENTION The pm=m invcm_ ts dtn:cted to en impmved a_e_c shoe comprhtng en upl_ a forwani role msachai to thc upt_ a lzel SUplm_also a_ached to the uppe_ and a rear sole at_rJ_l to the bed _ The n_ role has a Smund enSa_InS,_e. eriee_ m_e ,_dewa_. e_l * top,=f_. The rear _ h mmnted en the 5eel seppo_ m _ to be dm_u&iy s_m_l th_:_=. 'l_ m= talc _m also bc m_r axis of the shee so that the sc_ u_ axls_ thethoe. A n_ embodinzat, the'f_w_l is, In efcct forse_urlng therearrolefneach rob of tl_ e_ledc shoe lm a to the rose tay_.'t_e eet_mle o_tams a pnmm_ r_[ltmt po_ _y fommi _to th_ bz_ L_. I_ o_ A plurality0f n:_lle_t _le_t Isdetachably se_wed to the po_, each of tl_ dem mntdai_ a cavity ,wh/ch b shoes is eho a Ss his shoes _e odxc_r cxamples of athk_ ihocs which cxlMbk mea_ so thin the ckat b detachably_red m t_ pint fot'nzdoathetree laye¢ Addidonalaspec_of the invenfloe r_d Ucsdw_r Inlsolatcd=c_ _ tn _vc a¢ m_-efol_ deu=db_t_ow. pattc._ Tlnc appcm ne product oa the bodzen _ will epl_e- 6O ctably eahance the usable life of anathleticshoe's emcr_e whea _m_ to the usual abraslve force_ Nor _o there appetr to be eny athlctic slmct _y tn thc ums:kctplacc w_ replaceable sdcsor replaccablc treadelemcn_ ' Dcdgus =re Imown that speciP/the nq_cemem or t_e endrc oeta'mic of s shoe. Exemples tncl_ tho_c _o_d in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4.745,6934,377,042 and 4,267,650. Tbeu: Accordlng_l m_ object of tl_p_sem iaveadon isto ps_dc en ethlettc shoe w_ mplecc_e or aCj=table bottom sole eectlomtoiml_oveandl_lonstheuseful llfc ofthc shoe. I An0thef object of the ps_senttnventlee is to provide an ath/ed¢ shoe _h_.,by tread]irec=mbe extended by seJec_vcly mldacin8 ucad clemcats wltbout the na:d to .'cplscc the e_c soleof a dine. A 5528 - ..:. i. • _-: o i .. . ... " . • . ,. " ." _:'..:.'_ -:i .-.. 5,615,497 .. . ! o 4 •arm u= a s==0 smm_ mgag_s e=_a_ L_ v_kh n/mu _ tech_ thatMlow th_we.ar__ d_ _ to scptace tlzwom sore elemca_wiO_oux havlng m take tSe shoetoa ,lUdlsmm ornqnlrshapforservk_ A further object of the inveudon Is to provi_ the us_ s with the ed_/lltyto change xe_ u_es and/or cluds based on weal _ on deshed pcrfmnm_ _ or m2tlci- Ine/'en_y Is aho • rubber compound.) Howc_c_, _ rear sere cauldbe ce_d=d ore slngle tmmogemm maedat, or two maledals (e.g, EVA eavelaped by hard_), of any num_ o_ la_m or c_mblnmlom of _ inck_ a exanxl_dlsch_ed inU-_.Pat. No. _05_0. 'l'ue n=r u_e 28 is detschab]e from _e heel m_ 2& Tlds M]mu t_ met th_ ahllny m d_s_s =_u-m_ em_ S_I another obJ_ of the invemion Is to provide an Lmpmvedadiletic shoethat win allow nmanfacou'=sto so ._ e_ex" tl_ aol_ h wa_ to a dg_Ln_mt d_Sms, _ m_ urn" deem a diffemg mI_ fro"desh'ed pe_fannm_ _u'utu_ =_dng uu_m_og_md cu_o_g u_d_qu=. pmedtemdn_ olayengsud_c_ • _ - . These e_l other aspec_ of the ixese_ I_veadcmwill T_ rem-s_s _ e_'nalsobs mm_y mountedon fl_ heel beom_ app=em to timbreskilled in tl,,- m-tafu= a n_ltag of mppm_26. "r'ms_em. _ can _ mu_d to a ptnn_y of th8following d=_p,lou of ms t_.fm_d embod_e_s tS j_)e_ (MtbonSbo_]y4 jx)_[flommrcix)ma_e_ ehe]FrG" wl_n _mld=cd whh mc dhra_ I emlx6nnea_wl_ a me,msprovided toa]ow m,"_ to u=m-e the re_ _e at each dmtn:dpmttion. Afa= a pu/od DESOIIF_ON OF _ DRAWINGS of me_the paiphe_ of the gmend eagas_ _ace 30 win I h.aa explodedImme_c viewofan Iml_uved exhiba a wear FaU=n at the palnt In whlch the bed llm mtdmie dine sole with • n_tableheplaceable heel and 2o c_tam the ground, whea the m_ t* riming, f_ exa=_e. .ve_eab_ c_u_ I_entve wear eccem ,_ e_, inl_. de_ad_ the l_n_HG. 2 Is a plan v/ew of an Improved athledc shoe role. mince of the rear rote. Whea the m_ detemdn_ tha_the we= h stgntac_ emu_ the =set _-,4,*. the rear role 28 1_0. 3 Lsa sid_ _ vicmof,zmimprovedmbl_c shoesolc. f_omtheheel suplx_ 2fi, and romu_ the n_*rsole so thatthe 2_ were pmtloa will no looger be in the Iocatloa of the me_'s FIO. 4 Is n x'e_uelevadoaview of mi improvedalblelic fret heel m_ Rotm/oa can o_mr in emaxis alisncd w'ah shoesole. the ma_ axia of the xhee, so th_ the bed h tn ee_ct F[O. $ is an _ vicw of a sccuflng bandand _ped," c_ camc_r abo_ em e_L_normal to t_ major clsmplngme,msforcme_ ofan improvedaxh- axis or tbc sbo_ c_ anyo0_l/nad_ of the above. The use_ letlc shoesole. 3o the_ _.ensases andsec_es the n_ role to tmnew imstt/oa FIG.6 isamm ekvaflon vlcwofanod_r_ of so that the n_r role will nm become dis]udged dudng use. a m_m.s fortkn_hably securing the re_ role to anImproved The nnmber of _ into wh/ch the n_r sole am be atldedc shoe. rou_ h nm limixed;however, the embom,,,,_ wTa,'_-,4in FIG. 7 Is a plan view of the embodim_ shown tn FIG, FIG. I pennit_ en beth axes a totalof only 4 such pmitlom due to e,,_ e_cal dmpo of _ ma_ u_ FtOS. 8Aand 81] show an exploded view aad tu Ro_tin8 the t'e_ sole aboet an axis normal Io the shoe's assembledview, nespe_lvely, of one embodimentof a umjoraxls m a _ o_ f=r e_e., of ]SO de_'ees rephu:eable de_. . FIO_ 9 0_'uugb11 dep_ scve_l edditionalcmhodi_m" _1_ a_m-nero'd= hx_p l_m of th_ alm_ "r_ ins=p po_on is an _ of _ hnpomm_ _ u'acac=tug._ me_s of _xlaceah_ dems for au improvedathleticshoe cusU_n_ md s_uck absoe,_ p=poses., Ushnp=mm _o _o_...ho_cve_ thatira.em_ltnm_ m_ thauthat depict! F'IGS. 12A and1,_] depJctan addidonal_ of InHG. I, the re_ role need not be mined a full 180 degrees a xeplaced_ _ sole. to ach_v_ethe beef= ef extended use, As long as the wern I_'tion of the rein-role is mtat_ beyond the area of lhe DI_CRIPTION OF THE _-_ bed sm'ke, _ use of tke re_ sole Is pou_EMBODIMENTS The me_ _n mminne lX_lodica_ to ret_ I_e rein"s_e so TI_drawin_m forth_puxposo _ _ al_f_n_l that _ tmwet-nperdoa of therear role is located iu the m_t cmlxxlhnc_ofm,__on andm_ not/ntended toEmh _o of d_e _,g heel _ The shape of the _m" sole 28 can he drcular, polygoml, FIG.1 Ism_ exploded immet_cviewofm,athletlc gaoe eUiptl_ "sandd_a_" elongated "sand-dollar"c_ ee_er_ a rotatable m_clreplaceabZere_ sole and a wise. _, the n_r role Is shaped m thatthe n_r edse phuMity of replaceable cleats. The shoe, des/grimedgex_of d_e ground engaging suzface 30 has a .sabsta_ially ally ss20.hasa ahocuppc_22.a forwa_talc24,a bed idemical profile at each minted position. To anow for a support 26 aad a rc_u"so_©2& The forward role and I_:c] plundlty of t,otal_ble pmttiem, the shape of the gn_ad support aze aUad_ to the shoe upp_ in a convem/ma] • cnsas_ mufac_30 prc.fue_ shoutd _ symazakal about manner,typically by k0ectton mokHnf, sdlchtng or gluing. = least one axh. "rhc gmuad cnpg/n8 sm:fitcc30 _n bc The heel suppog 26 has a dde wall 33 dmt extends down. planaror nou-plmmr._, the re_ and forwardedges wahl beyond the upper 22 and de,Snes a recess 40. m ofthegn_und_ s_-face c_nmnlng_oe modelswin I_ taperedm-herded, u shown tn FIO. 1. to soften hee.l Thc rc_ s_c 28 tn Its lncfcacd cmbodimc_ wia bc made sususdudnguse.. fn_nthn_dl_c_nt_ aridder compoundforaEr_ gxuundeugag/ng sm_ac__; _ _. _ _ A 9und_y of_mp_.sslonslits 39 which run gcnerally amchaspolyun_d_snc re'ethylene vlnyl acem_ (EVA)fu_the v_,.Ically m.,ound,'_ pexlphe_ of the Mdew'n.U 38 may _ rn/dso_ 32 or'the heel; anda harder pla_tcmaxedalfo_a (6 /nctuded m_dare shown in FIG.L The sLi_may _eate a void notchedsecE, on 4_ thatcncompa=u_lhehodzootal nddcompletely thr_xShthe aidewall 38, or they may me_y be sec_on of the tom-sole In FIG. I. 0n FIG.I. therear sole 2_ a _ anut of the Mde wan, ao that the side wall A 5529 • . • • _____ 5,615,497 _ . " :.. : • " . "'" ..-.'" : " . " _ ...... . "_,'_'....'" "'." "-:.!_.._." 5 _xkknc_mIn t_ m'eaofthe sllx h Jcu lhsn the 81de wall ml¢_ e.hew_ A tim:ruralm_l L32ms7 bc JootM in th_ c_r of the n:_ 40 of t_ heel supp_ u shown tn FlU. L The md _1_l_mu dmmghemep_m_ 134or Ibe zearm_ 28. aml LI _ _ 8_ co_ 1i_ The np_-mze_T4 b re_ or c_ so1batd_ collaz_ whenscm_red deesnot e_m_dI_-_0_!(be_ ip_ _ m_r_ 30. Wbm eom_hm o_tbo_ m_ 28 of_ I isde_L-ed,_ m tbe_ soleo_ of _m d_ md 132.'_mle_" the _ _ _k_ d_c_mr _m_ I_ck on d_odm_ eaxl. md mmm_ _ bandmd ¢olk_ The rc_ _ of FIG.1 is sized to _3ow _aflm about two _ of,_ _z_e. In ad_io_ to b_ rou_ _ a fh_ e:ds, _Ich h _m_l to th_ nudoraxls_ tim,bo_then_ m2eo/FIO.I Is_, mc_S d_ ._.. _o_ _ be _a_d _o_ a _cond axis _ iz a_i_d _zh d_ m_jor rods of d_ d_ h o_d_ m be inm_fl_, tb_ z_r sol_ must have a _t Snmd _ mf_z 30 kza_d op_ _ m_d _ m_stn_ m c_n_l_ s_z m_r_, l_ o_ murky ro_zZ me worn q_t ab_t an axis m_ml to ,_ d_'s mz_ axi_ d_ u_ dmc_ d_ r_r sole sml in_m _. mt d_ctim _ _z_t_ m_e 30 mmm_ t_- _ive pod_ of the m:_ _'¢_i ms.ins sm_a_z ]_0. md vl_-v_ Of ccmze, d_ u_ cc_dd route d_ n_r sole ab_t bc_hax_ at d_ m_ time. If d_shed, whcu d_ _ _ ts _ • . ..".'" :. .. ..... . ..t',::'. '',-': "_ _-._'_._.:C;, ". _." " " ....... , . . Jngtl_ two seetions wba't_ Ibete_r z_te is bo_ _ nndtotamb_ Tho bsnd 44, ns 8tmwuin PIO.1, h noOhow_ In lqO. 4, _though k a_l be indudal ns m olMou. _O. S s_owk_mcxpm:_ ,view ar t_c eccm:_ I_ma 44. The damplng _y h Mmi_ m the commMmml I_ and _p _em reed oa mo_ dd boo_ m_d_-'m_ cqulpmm_ T'oe_ idvo_ fn_n a m._ pm/dou, wlm_ d_ dasp ts cuSaged, w a secood 8gl locklug _ wMch forces me two ¢_ndsof tl_ nmmnbly _ b-'In_* e-...hunpuS mmmd21u _ well-.kno_m In *he IndmmT,_,., radlmm" bose _ e_...could be reed md mmm:hi_,_ d_ _ of m_, In_ndcu. in motlm- embomme_mown lu FIO.6, *s,. _ meres Is _.Mcved by a me_ m_e 2_ havi_ a plml_ _ mpretainsmuface_ of then_ rot©2_.'1_ pnmudm_8_ m_ s/zed io mine whh a plm'M_ of Im'exted'q.;'-shwed slms 90 bcsxed In a xe_em41 of a bee/suppe_ 27. The slo1_ m.edzed m xece/ve lheimmmlom inch _hat the n_m"role h msU:d m m_ bee/mppo_ by Imm/_ me n_r *Me md pmm_om up wm_ _ _ mppm.tn_eu. m_anm,m_ th_ ram*,o_ ubout _ nxis nomml m lho major a._dscd'fl_e sboc io lock tbc pmtnndoasf_atoa Imdzoamlscgmaxt _ thc Invatcd "L"-_ slots. To ftn'd_rlock I_ n_r solc imo place m_dM._ to 'tlz:nInmCm_ s_tst_mu_' thc rc_ s_ 29 wimln fl_ rectus 41 wlzn the um'IdW0ts_mfl_cIzcl. set s_e_s 94 _ _s_s_ _a FI_ 6 _ bc emp_oy_L _e pm-fleulm_, inch _ s_ews would penem_e the wsn The_de wall38 _co_e_u_ a _ i_ _ion 42 of d_e heel support_ between I/_ invexted"L"shaped Mms ram.,,-,,*-,_ _nm-Mly hodz_nmlly along _ u_m¢ _ so as ,hown in FIG. 6 m_!evsnse ihe _uren_ed 8pemm_ _ in e_y of 0_ _du wan 3_. A *ecm'h_ l_md 44 m., m-oumlme slde wMl _8 _ l_ heel rapportand wl_Mndu_6nu_uoCdxed sectlou. Bolh gnmud ¢ugaglng _ o_ t_ rear ,ole _ loc_m_dwitldn the ze_eu 41, _ fs s/zed Io mine wilh a mo Mzcdw m wtflxlntaxi mine with tl_ 40 of timbed n_lie_t cen_ ni_tm-e 1.12 locnt_ a_ a lop lux_nceof suppo_ 26 wlz:u _sscmblaf. Ttsc _ ndd-scction of fl_en_r so]_ 29. The d_pl_dOn o_ lhe centring po_ hss a t_ rc_ solc 28 Im a sccond nmclzd sccdou 46 nlong fts per_my, mxl b m_ed m _x wlth_ md mare w/_ m,, flr_ m_ menm-_ wm b_c_adu,b_yK_x_d w_mpu_d u_ no_hed see/ion 42. Afhurtl_ n_ sole b ph_ed up wlx.Mnthe md mau_ w1_hthe h_' .mplm_ rec_ of the heel mppo,'t, the secud_ band 44 _ wifl_n .*0 'I'h_nm_m for locklx_ _ secudng lhe n_m" role m lhe heel t_ _ ne_b 42 m_d._ _bt_t_s. _mn_y bo_ me tc_ sMc 28 tn lgaCc dut_g usc. TI_ comps.csston,fits 3g also ,_,- mean mm_be cadly a¢complld_edm m,_usm"will allow tbc sidc wMl 38 of tl_ had mppo_ 26 m bc c_ax.n_ be n_luln:d td z_m_ tl_ slme to lhv manufac/m_r _ a _ whcum_ sccud_ tnnd44 Is ttgtm:n_ anud_ a slme n:p_ sz_e In m_r *oreplm_ _ n_movethe rest sule, snug mxl sccum fit. The _ to _m_,_ d_e n_ _e_t_se_,_s _n:nd puxLocxtcd ,0attmlmm_or smfm_ ot fl_ fir_ a_tclzd sccStan pose_ TI_ tu_ c_n r0U_ and/o_ Im_rt *harmr ,ole _o 42 h a plma_ o(MilPmxu_dlmples43.A phirsllty of _ a w_Isectl_'to a Iresadflcal mea of fl_ si2e, m_l m m" _ oftbcm_c_d uotcbed s_lon 46ofthexe_s role ZS.TheMigume_ dlmplm43 8xedzedtom wlm_ 8ml _ _ so_es i_t t_mse of adve_ we_ pam_m. mm_ with the nipples 41 when d_e two _ m'e so _ s_ed, m _p _Igume two,e_, m _p l_ovlde m'ucmxMsmbl]_y ge_mUy, _ sped_ically m p_vem ,, r,,i._l c_' the n_m-role In a hodzomM phu_ wlehla d_e r_.¢_ 40 wl_m U'_eu._r plvo_ on the lu_ _ the sho_ l I_,. inve.nflemlu a sl_. mmketed m a _-_slne_ ma_ md mot_ tYPe, _ n_3.m_ xurmm_, _m u nmm_ A buke0a_ pl_ycr _'n:_Ixe fro'wind sole 24. The dens m'__ below. • _G. 2 _ * I/m _tew of m _ ' In gn_tlm"de.tall " l ' _o_,mblm_ wi_e qu_k. _ a l_rd_r m_d_mm_xes_ sole dm_me_ Is e_nmd. of m Improved_0 cuahlonedhecL S/m:_dy, ajo.ggm'pl_nnmmmddeon mldedc _ 20 muideldcu the;smu_l ensnS/ng nuface M of tlm _cur sole :28nod the n_lliem 36. lq_. 3 depicts a gdc vlow of an Improvedadde_Icshoe ,oletlummety_ ma__uld be mmab_mnmo_ m ah'_dy x'e_mcmIndoor_modcdmw.k. 20, whereme bevc_d edges 4_ o_ me gmun_a_.ag_ Wh/]e d_eM_ovedi_usdon is dkected tows_Is a rearrole surface, as per a nmnlng slme dmdcl, agMn are deplcxed. _s th_ _ or sepm_e, _ Ixs e_y, '* Is ,peci_mdly FIG. 4 ts a rein"_ of lhe bed suppert26 and _e mmemplmed that the same be_e_s of dds Invem/oncan be actdev_ if only a po_loo M d_ x_ solo Is n_xable _ •. , A 5530 "-...:.. " "._.:_, . :._. ..... " .... . ." : ....'...: . ._... .._.:.','."':'.?_," . " . ..... : ... . . ' ""_" ,, ! : i ! - -, -: , . , .. , • --.-" :'.:'_7 • '.. "."".'7_7::_.'_" :_::'.'.:: • • "" ........... . . +...._ . .... ...... . 5,615,497 7 ° . . ._..:.-:....-.._._.:__._,_R... :_..:..-..-- . ... I_ti_l_-__ ........ ' .... " _ . ..... : ..._ ,_. __,_,._,_ _'< _-_._.:-- - . • . -.. -.-..-:7:)?!_._._%..--_>;:7._,_-.,;=:]:. :-_';"' ......:_, , .. , 8 .L..":-..;. _.:,... " . .. ,-, _ -.., FIG. 9 d_l m ca_odLmcmWherebym,._ an-[a_ 170 .... eninltnl si_ nleilns_li ill le_ _ lulfie _ II _e_, of a d_ll T/II madlcd Io a dag78 whldl h dllld.ovcr " sote, Im _l_s d_e l_ c_inl use, roils or l, a bore57 wllbln IbeclelThe exled_dzeordlameler of md_ ring h the ume u the dze or _ orthe dee m nlal wllmi_ a pmdml of ill rear Iole, e.g., lhe ci_er _. which it is ellad_ed, lnef_y with m adhesiv_ 'I_ ring pt'egez'a_yil me_ of the eznz, re.lent matedal a.zthe ptm Inll _ mmcs _#or i_ _ (_ (ml ba_ la_ _) io _ i_i il_ poa "s_ llo a I:IGL7 Is a i_n view of lhe lil_ilc dine of Pi_ _ i_c_ I_ wli= llllii_L Ti _*,,_-- i_il= bulbms ald of idlho_ ill loll role 29, but dlow_ dl llcell 4L ill po_ (_ h in=_ llln dl Im_ d_n_i i_ the dos 78. il_Im_ to FI(L & m ail_ di_ itRx= ii_ a f_wa-d so lkl_ ui_ the _d_v= I_..ofll mni_ Ibe _ 14, a fonmd llilsde S0, a blll hl_ 51L md an inner _,,n'_' of the rh_ 78 czn cxpmxl to allow _hc o_ez_Ic Ed _ dlplci_L TI_ _,lld mld_i _ h mad_l m _he_=i_ In mw_nlio_ llldoL e,l., h0_lon lheIx_e5"#c_les a ipreai_ Imllde v_ IbanIbevolmi_ _'weadn_hole_0,md II omc_olc51 h _ ioibc dilated by ti=belao_el poaloo_, for101 dlsem_baselai_r_, blsbldhr_veeiloud llhlmlImowu to llonpmposcl ii _o_ (F_uued.Tl_imlon alm d_me siilkdInIbem. _ Ibecleliobc dclaci_lysecured_ Ibeposl The baseh,#er II shouldbe fallanedfinna ili_but d=io8 me. Fi_.I0showsemembodli_ _aelelhepol framedml hlld llllllll Ili i _ll"d_!_ e_" I1 _ "Ill Ilil lliyll 1 l_m la_ 53,Im m oHang -,,a80.Tldse_bodlmmt liei beleelldl flllldnildlo_ S0md dieoulllokIiof _adng i_ with ea t_/_ e_dng _ b ebk_g lhe longed mkho_ R b mvh_oed that the baselay_ md _:d m n_'_ _hc el_ng cnd 80. 'I'nedear 81 has a da_tdar be_ 8_ of a dtamete_ec least the dze ef _hegt'u_e_ e_muted thlckae_ of theo',ma'ae_54, fm'wa_ of tben_w/d_h of the cblon8 end 20. The mrface of the dn 8 178 role, Msowlll bcV_"io½",exdusl_ofde_ or_ _ohdn_ I_ dc=_ 81 fn Ibis _ haz_or r_sed moe=d_ The base layerneed not be soltd _oeSheet; rathe_ ft u_l lu_e bole, _ _ or ev_ a w_ave _ _uzt so ioeg _. thue h base lay_ whenn_erthen_is a matiag embodtme_ the dear t, "=_r" ove_"the pint. md thin post64(asthowa In FIG. 8A) trodaboveead_rod]lentdear tmaedtme-qum'ter tugn.T]_ two raha:dni:pl_=84 m e_ch 36. _ ot emoteoegugt aid ta "_ckin_ the poetiatoph_ by H0_. $ tbl'oegh11 deptct d_'erel embodlnga_ ot 30 •"mi_i_#,- h mls cmbodi==_ a= Ipmid comace_i =ethedt of amchh_ the re_tlh_ clea_ 59 elo llle cleal o_I barea dlsilnclivu madmr o_ Tlae cleats 36 l_.[embly _e ma& of m eppml=.tate sulface se_ so_cwi_e Inlls oei__ ioeJlow thewem_ .t_oc_ mate=htof g_tt_ lu_lam thin the fc_m c_l_.m by vl_ud/ntpm_ _at the de_ h indeed wahl n_lu2e _. The mamdM h likely to be rel_e_ bet w Ino_ I a glance tlul coukl be other mo_lab_ refUte=t, p_nnedc ma_daL The x_ •"locked." TI_ will allow II _ an deais.m "l_ if ane_kt_ _ learnsire a_ deaa a_e n:mova_ and n_placea_ m that the esm- can in Ihe rune di_ on ltle mie_ rq_:e _e w_a dears w/_hnew deau witheet n_Cm_the I_, ll del_ nmtbe: e_ of Ihe lestl_ shoe to th_ _ or sb_ sq_dr stm_.Also. _ u_ e_,_ A fl_aded m T'__me'_ to the top _zface 172 of may cla= to us_ c_ts wlth dlffi:zc_ in-opatlcs _ _d ligued upou mc dc_cd _ _ _-,;'t_ to tbc _ •ti_ede_t T&"rl= q_m_e ol ihe _ tstl_ o,,= _e ope_ln8 to a here 74. The po_ 76, n_ded ohm _he vcamm_ Sm_vldcdwlm t_ sqm_ccab_ n_u"so_camcc_ b_ lay_ i'#, Is lhli_led In lhh elllbodinli_, _ for "r_cs_0c _ me n:dX,k_=ckax 3d ml eac wind cemaing the ch=/to be u_-wed en fro-a eec_= _t. An embod_mc_ mrf_e _i is notItmt*,ed,emdmaybec_'cular,poi.rgom_or of the outcm31eine_ve nm_xh "/9h shown cm_dtn8 othem'ise.As sho_mtn the embod_mc_t of ia,.G.8A, the de,t _ a cav/ty S6. a Smend cem_l_ _e 58. a o Ihc_ e_,at 60 and ea enla_d ha_ _a 62. A matin8 poa 64 In _ll of _e ebo_e embo_me_ the op_ana w/dlh ,_" comatm a btdboe3 md poaien 66 md a neck 68. The cavity dlamete_of the _ sppeen m be in e]e _t" m _" renge. $6 h _ed to mate with the be]bornend lm_/oa (_6.'I_ pest In tcrmsof dear hclghtO_Indlog oot_ u)k farO, ¼ to½" 64 h h_tesr_, fm_! on d= ba_ lair S3 end la_tm_ 5o througha mm:q_ding l_'etn_oe of the o_enm_e $4. The 72 rlmgcsfroml#i="to Viii. bulbo,,_ e_d p_ion f_ hm a lm_ diametcrthanthe tl_t 60 dlam_cc m_l tlz _ 60 expands m Mlowtl_ passagc ala_ of lhe moullds and llle 8round coni_ mlifilce of oflhe10ulbous endixnilon oflhepollendthell conlractl _ the deal 'rho_ _dlled lathc e_tcm dlscemthesevarloes Ibebi_s endpo_ml _ienlezl lheca_ 5_ Alsoshowu cmbodlmca_f:om a dose _u_iny of the_efigure. ai'c Ibepmle_vc matm_ _i of Ill= _ whlchlu:In PIGS. ]2.A and I_, a_o_cr e=bedime_t of an nmd and Ix_e_ _ dc_, ixovldi_ i_i _=d v_Ic_ Improved athledc d_oe sole h _vn. Thh flgnre dep_ a rearsole 91 d=i lls a Iri_vcri_ edle I_ md a pcdpbe_ The volume of the enlarged imide erea b_ it larSe=,than edge I{i_ A ImiSuc li0 and ll-oow 112 m_'_*,,i_ _ the volun_ _ by the belbo_ end pot,/on 6_ of the 60 dlc _ cd_ I00 oflhe n_ _le 98 Io _now lhe n=r po_ 64. Th_ eHows for Ihe load preued esalnU the _at sole te _mleagagcihchod i_xm 106. Ti Ixq_ 110iu wh_md_c sho_ coamc_ wlth the gn_undto be Sl.U_ mm-_ the emb_x_c_ thnwn In PIG. L?.A ex:ends the eatlre cvcnly OVa"thc top surfa_ 70 of th_ ch_t opposed to dLsumceof the mmsvente edge 100. To asu_nbte, the uun" hmdag ll_ maio_ oftl_ load coa_ma_ _ ll_ lop ofll_ llldes lheteas Icle 911 InI_ m IbenlIjor nxll ofibe po_ 61, 6S shoe.(Alummtvely. the tcngee 110 may be de_8_cd to FIO. 81t _¢lim _ cleat mbo_a_ og I_G. llA la d_ "mep"imoliOoo_ 112bytn_r_ _hcn_sol_ f_n thc aucalb_ I_ltoa. • le_ ollheshoelind di:ec_bla Ib_ilroove Ill.) TI_ ui_ A 5531 A 5532 5,615,497 U : .i " " " /2 , | a _carlnlt ba_d _zed to _, _xmmd_lu_wall _ c_es_ • e vv_la_ _e _nr sole_aret_n_e _ea_soleIn t_ere_eu. a fe_n_rd sole a_d _o d_ upp_ a heel sappact a_t_hed _o _he upp_ and hay/rig_ lea_ c_e wa_l ex_e_ _w_'dly from _he wall tl_ _t le_ p_la_ deles a n_e_ A 5533 ::, _ -:- " " "' : ' CERTIFICATE I certify Joint Appendix OF SERVICE that on June 1, 2006, the original and 11 copies were filed with the Court by hand delivery of the foregoing to: Clerk U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal 717 Madison Place, NW Washington, DC Circuit 20439 In addition, I certify that on June 1, 2006, I served the foregoing delivering 2 copies to Federal Express for next day delivery to: James H. Kelly, Jr., Esq. Steven Gardner, Esq. J. Jason Link, Esq. KILPATRICK STOCKTON 1001 West Fourth Street Winston-Salem, Tel: NC by LLP 27101 (336) 607-7300 Douglas J. Kline, Esq. Richard B. Myrus, Esq. Keith A. Zullow, Esq. William A. Meunier, Esq. GOODWIN PROCTER LLP Exchange Place 53 State Street Boston, MA 02109 Tel: (617) 570-1000 June 1, 2006 Attorney L.L.C. for Plaintiff-Appellant Akeva