April 2012


April 2012
April 2012
In This Month’s Issue:
Pastor’s Points
Page 1 & 2
President’s Corner
I came across this story a few years ago and thought I would share it with you:
Page 3
Birthdays & Baptismal
Page 4
Ministries, Announcements
&Upcoming events
Page 5, 6, 7
Prayer Needs
Coffee or Cup
A group of graduates, highly established in their careers, got together to visit
their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about
stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the
kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
Page 4
School News
Page 8-10
Page 11
Called by God, centered in the Word
and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we
rejoice in the Lord, proclaim His gift
of Grace through liturgical worship
and service and share Christ’s love
and forgiveness in all we do.
The Reverend Keith Getz, Pastor
Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 AM
Sunday-School: 9:00 AM
Wednesday: 10:30 am: Bible Study
(Library) & Noon: Holy Communion
Service (Sanctuary)
When all the students had a cup of coffee, the professor said: "If you noticed, all
the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the simple and
cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is
the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no
quality to the coffee.
In most cases, it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink.
What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for
the best cups. Then you began eyeing each other's cups.
Now consider this:
Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups.
They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not
define, nor change the quality of Life we live.
Sometimes, by concentrating on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has
provided us. Enjoy your coffee!”
St. James Lutheran Church
1137 Alice Drive
Sumter, SC 29150
Office: 773-2260
Fax: 775-6021
E-mail: stjamesoffice@sc.rr.com
Church Office Hours:
Monday through Friday: 8:30 – 1:30
The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.
Live simply
· Love generously
· Care deeply
· Speak kindly
· Leave the rest to God.
You are the miracle, my friend; your life either shines a light or casts a shadow!
Shine a light and enjoy the coffee!
The coffee is our life. In our cup, we have the bitterness of our pain and struggles, but we also have the
sweetness of joy. Life is about a mixture of pain and pleasure, sorrow and joy, death and life. As Christians, we
see that our lives reflect both the crucified Lord and the Resurrected Lord. The two can’t be separated. Jesus
suffered greatly and died on a cross for us before he rose from the dead on the third day. He drank his cup of his
crucifixion and death to the dregs. We, too, are called to drink our cups of life to the dregs, both our sorrows and
our joys, to the very bottom. And we are able to hold up our cups, examine them, and drink them to the bottom
because Jesus Christ gives us the strength to overcome our struggles. He strengthens us and nourishes us at his
Holy Supper where we receive his body and blood. We drink His cup of everlasting life, of redemption and
salvation. Though Christ, we are given sanctified vision to see that out of sorrow comes joy, out of death comes
resurrection. May we be a witness to others about the crucified and risen Jesus Christ by living a cruciform life of
self-giving, always reflecting the life-changing, life-transforming new life of the resurrection. May the light of
Jesus Christ always shine brightly in and through our lives so that our lives will be a witness to others that Christ
is risen, indeed!
Christ’s Peace,
Pastor Keith
This summer, three of our members, David Armstrong, Kim Dees, and Mildred Tietjen will be traveling with other
individuals from the SC Synod and the South West Synod to Tanzania as part of a world wide effort by the ELCA
to help eradicate hunger, disease, and to bring the Gospel to the people of this impoverished nation. Each of them
has had medical training and will be working in the medical and dental clinics as well as other projects. Kim will also
be charged with running the BBS program while she is there. Everyone pitches in on local building projects as well
as other needs.
You, through your gifts, help defray part of the cost to send them to Tanzania to do this important work. If you
would like to give additional help to them, please put your gifts in your envelope and mark it “Tanzania”. It will be
greatly appreciated.
The council also earmarked a $300.00 gift to the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary as part of a program to
raise funds through Commemorative Gifts, on your behalf. Again, if you wish to make a donation to increase our
joint gift, put it in your envelope and mark it “Gift: SC Seminary.
Susan Wild, your council representative to the Stewardship Committee, told us of their plans to encourage greater
participation in the work done by the various committees. Since we call ourselves a “Liturgical Church”, I looked up
the meaning of “Liturgical One definition taken from the Greek means “people’s work”. So, as we participate in our
worship services, we are really doing the people’s work. A wider understanding of the workd leads us to understand
that our work in the ministries of our church, both here, the nation, and the world, gives testimony to our
understanding of “a liturgical church”. Susan emphasized that each of us—new members, long-term members, men
and women are needed and welcomed. You will soon have the opportunity to indicate your areas of interest. Your
Pastor, committee chairs, and council want to take this opportunity to encourage you to join in the “liturgical” life
of our congregation.
Betty Harvin, your council representative to the Christian Education Committee reported that plans are underway
for Vacation Bible School this summer. If you are looking for a way to put your “liturgical” skills to work, this is a
great opportunity. Call or speak to Betty, Ford Kamin, or any council member and your name will be added to the
list of volunteers.
On behalf of your council,
Curt Caulkins
Curt Caulkins
Krystal Ford
Cheryl Schmeling, Elizabeth Kerth
Betty Caulkins
T.J. Moore, Bob Bessel
Judy Pollock
Susan Davenport, Phil Brandt, Sarah Dowd
Deborah Carter
Eric Hutchison
Lynne Russo
Larkin Simpson
Dee Osborne,
Samantha Mendicino
Carolyn Brandt
Anna Parsons, Michael Monroe, Sr., Tom Taylor
Makayla Denton
If we missed your birthday, please let us know either by noting it on the back of your attendance slip,
or by calling the church office.
Baptismal Anniversaries
These young members of our congregation are celebrating their baptismal anniversaries this month.
Brandi Hallman 4/16/95; Thomas Hart 4/28/96; Jason Ragan 4/4/99; Madison Ragan 4/4/99; and Katherine
Staab 4/21/02
Messenger Due Dates
Anything that you wish to be included for
publication in the Messenger should be
turned in at the church office or e-mailed
The deadline is 7 days before the last
day of the month. The Church Council
meets on the 3rd Monday of each month.
Ministry Teams
Church Council
Mike Stewart
Kimberly Dees
Carl Simpson
Tim Tidwell
Curt Caulkins
Susan Wild
Janet Turner
Betty Harvin
David Armstrong
This Messenger and monthly calendar
can be found on the St. James website:
Click on news and calendar to view them.
Outreach/Care: Janet Turner
Youth: Kimberly Dees
Finance: Curt Caulkins
Worship: Tim Tidwell
Property: Carl Simpson
Education: Betty Harvin
Stewardship: Susan Wild
Evangelism: Janet Turner
Mutual Ministry: Curt Caulkins
Spiritual Growth: David Armstrong
Church Officers
President: Curt Caulkins
Vice President: Mike Stewart
Secretary: Kimberly Dees
Treasurer: Glenn Hesselbart
If you have a prayer need and would like it in the next Newsletter,
Prayer Needs
please E-mail me at stjamesoffice@sc.rr.com
Pray for our Homebound Members, Ed Hart and Don & Jean Hoyt (161 Lakeview Ave. Lakewood, NY
14750) (716-985-4581)
Pray for our Members in Nursing Homes: Olga Summy, and Mary Sigmon
Loving Father, we pray for all those in need of comfort in sickness of body, mind or spirit: : Denise Copeland, Teeny Taylor (Mary Bradshaw’s mother), Prudence Roos (Lois Heal’s sister), Dot Barrineau, Serena Loney, Rena Morin (Shirley Veins’ sister), Nola Geddings, (Hazelee Hallman’s sister), Daniel Edwards, (son of Lynn and David Armstrong), deployed in Afghanistan, Deb Forke, Betty McClimans (mother of Marsha Geddings), Olga Summy (Marilyn Jenkins’s mother), Mark Denton (deployed to the Middle East), Karl Harbath, Jerri Stewart ( Mike Stewart’s mother), J.K. Barrineau (Dot Barrineau”s Son) and Nit Cohen (Kim Strange’s sister). Ministries, Announcements & Upcoming Events
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest
Matthew 11:28
THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS WERE RECEIVED into the family of St. James on Sunday, March 4th:
Dick and Kay Rasmussen, who have been active in the St. James choir. Their address is; 110 Lazy Lane, Sumter
(29150); Michael, Celena and Hailey Thorpe who come to us by letter of transfer from Prince of Peace Lutheran
Church, Springfield, VA. Their address is 3582 Matthews Dr. (29154) and phone # 494-8319, Jeniffer, Alex,
and Autonio Filipiak and their address is 1090 Twin Lakes Dr.,(29154) and phone # 883-8277. Kelly Lee who is
the daughter-in-law of Marlene and Jim Lee. Her address is 1637 N. Main St. (29153) and phone # 607-9507. And,
James Lee, husband of Marlene Lee, who resides at 245 Curtiswood Dr. (29150) and phone # is 773-9481.
Welcome to all of you from all of us at St. James.
faculty who have needs that are not met through the regular Seminary budget. Any contribution, regardless of the
amount, makes a big difference in the lives of the Seminary community. Contributions may be sent directly to the
Seminary, or given to your Synod contact person: Judith Terry. Please make checks payable to: LTSS Auxiliary or
you may mark your St. James offering envelope with the amount to be given to the Auxiliary. Thank you for your
support. The address is: Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Attn: The Auxiliary, 4201 Main St.,
Columbia, SC 29203-5863
THIS IS WHY WE SHOULD NEVER SAY “WHY LORD, WHY ME”: Me: (in a tizzy): God, can I ask you
something? GOD: Sure. Me: Promise you won’t get mad? GOD: I promise Me (frustrated): Why did you let so
much stuff happen to me today? GOD: What do you mean? Me: Well, I woke up late GOD: Yes Me: My car
took forever to start GOD: Okay….. Me (growling): At lunch, they made my sandwich wrong and I had to wait
GOD: Hmmmmm… Me: On the way home, my phone went dead, just as I picked up a call GOD: All right.
Me(loudly): And to top it all off, when I got home, I just wanted to soak my feet in my foot massager but it
wouldn’t work. Nothing went right today! Why did you do that? GOD: Well, let me see. The death angel was at
your bed this morning and I had to send one of the other angels to battle him for your life. I let you sleep trough
that. Me(humbled): Oh GOD: I didn’t let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that
might have hit you if you had been on the road. Me(ashamed)……..
GOD: The first person who made your
sandwich today was sick and I didn’t want you to catch what he dad, because I knew you couldn’t afford to miss
work Me(embarrassed): Oh…..
GOD: Your phone went dead because the person who was calling was going to
give false witness about what you would have said on that call and I didn’t even let you talk to her so that you would
be covered. Me(softly): I see, God. GOD: Oh, and that foot massager had a short that was going to throw out
all the power in your house tonight. I didn’t think that you wanted to be in the dark. Me: I’m sorry, God. And,
thank you for everything today. GOD: Don’t be sorry, just learn to trust me in all things, the good and the bad.
And, don’t doubt that my plan for your day is always better than your plan. It was just another day of being your
God and I love looking after my children.
POINT TO PONDER: Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.
Mother Theresa
THE AMERICAN RED CROSS HONORED Lieutenant Wayne Holmes and Battalion Chief David White, firefighters
with the Sumter Fire Department , at the Volunteer Recognition and Heroes Celebration held on March 8, 2012 at
St. James Lutheran Church. On December 24, 2011, Mr. Holmes and Mr. White, both trained in American Red
Cross First Aid/CPR/AED, were instrumental in saving the life of Mr. Danny Stokes when he sustained a gunshot to
the left leg in a hunting accident. First on the scent, Mr. Holmes and Mr. White were in the area and responded
immediately. Mr. Stokes was successfully treated and released from a trauma center. For this act, Mr. Wayne
Holmes and Mr. David White have been awarded both the American Red Cross Certificate of Merit and the Gene
Franklin Award. Rhett Bickley, Sergeant with SCDNR Law Enforcement said, ”I have seen many accidents across
the state, but that Christmas Eve was as fine an example of teamwork and clear thinking as I have ever witnessed
on-scene”. The actions of Mr. Wayne Holmes and Mr. David White exemplify the highest degree of concern of one
human being for another who is in distress.
BETWEEN FEBRUARY 22 AND MARCH 3, 2012, a deadly series of storms raced across the Midwest and the
South, spawning at least 64 violent tornadoes that killed more than 50 people and injured many more in 14 states.
Hundreds of homes, farms and businesses were damaged or destroyed during the outbreak. It is also likely that
the spring severe storms season will spawn more outbreaks. Currently, ELCA Disaster Response and ELCA
congregations are providing spiritual care, coordination volunteer response through local partner agencies and
laying the groundwork for further response as communities repair and rebuild. No ELCA congregations thus far
have reported severe damage. Please help now with your contribution to the ELCA Disaster Response designated
for “U.S. Severe Spring Storms”. Your gifts will be used entirely (100%) to help families whose lives and
livelihoods have been impacted by these disasters. Your prayers and your partnership are greatly needed and
deeply appreciated. Ways to Give: ELCA Disaster Response
39330 Treasury Center Chicago, IL 60694.
Write “U.S. Severe Spring Storms” on your check memo line or make a designation on your offering check, or you
may give by phone at 1-800-638-3522 or by email: disaster@elca.org.
KIDS IN CHURCH: After the Baptism of his baby brother at Peace Lutheran Church, Jason sobbed all the way
home in the back seat of the car. His father asked him three times what was wrong, with no response. Finally, the
boy replied, “That Pastor said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home, and I wanted to stay with you guys.”
ON SUNDAY, APRIL 22 AT 5;00pm guest organist, Tim Belk, will present an organ concert. Mr. Belk is the
organist and director of music at First Presbyterian Church in Gastonia, NC. He has had a distinguished career
with major organists and teachers in Europe and the United States. He served as organist at The American
Church in Zurich, Switzerland and while abroad, gave a recital at Westminster Abbey. There will be a reception for
Mr. Belk in the fellowship hall following the recital which will include light refreshments. There is no charge for
the program.
SUNDAY, APRIL 29TH has been designated as “Bring a Friend to Worship” Sunday. Please bring your neighbor,
relative, co-worker to spend time in worship with us at St. James. Since it is the 5th Sunday, we will have a potluck luncheon in the fellowship hall following the service.
MASON STEVEN DEW, son of Alison and Steven Dew was received into the family of St. James by the
sacrament of Holy Baptism on Sunday, March 14. Mason is the grandson of James and Marlene Lee. We welcome
the newest member of St. James!
LOL: Losing my father was bad enough. So, imagine my surprise when I spotted my name in the obituaries
instead of his. I had to phone a friend to tell her about it. “Did you see the report of my death in the paper?” I
asked. “Yes,” she said, “Where are you calling from?”
TO ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH: Thank you for your continuing support and recent food donation. Your
thoughtfulness is a gift of food for others. Thank you for supporting our mission to “feed the hungry”.
In His Service, Carey Player, Volunteer
THERE WILL BE AN EASTER EGG HUNT on Easter Sunday, April 8th, starting at 9:00am for children ages 1
through 10 years old. Anyone wishing to donate candy to fill the plastic Easter eggs may do so by bringing the
candy to church. Collection boxes will be in the Narthex and church office.
WORLD MALARIA DAY ON SUNDAY, APRIL 29 Malaria kills 800,000 people each year, most of whom are
children under 5. One child dies every 45 seconds from this preventable—and treatable—disease. We have a
unique opportunity to reverse these statistics—for good. Our church has committed to raise $15 million for the
ELCA Malaria Campaign and join hands with 11 African companion churches in the global evvort to prevent, treat
and contain malaria by 2015. Your help is need now to help us ramp up our efforts in the fight against malaria. Join
us by observing World Malaria Day on Sunday, April 29. Please consider a special offering this Sunday either by
contributing a portion of your offering marked “Malaria Sunday” or you may give directly to : ELCA Malaria
Campaign, 8765 W. Higgins Rd., Chicago, IL 60631. Did you know that in 2011, ELCA Lutherans generously
gave more than $30million dollars to ELCA World Hunger, ELCA Disaster Response and the ELCA Malaria Campaign.
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Church Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:30 – 1:30
Office: 773-2260
Fax: 775-6021
E-mail: stjamesoffice@sc.rr.com
The Reverend Keith Getz, Pastor
Wednesday: 10:30 am, Bible Study Noon, Holy Communion Service Sunday School: 9:00 am Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 am Office hours: 8:30am‐1:30pm M‐F ST. JAMES LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT: called by God, centered in
the Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we rejoice in the Lord, proclaim His gift of
Grace through liturgical worship and service and share Christ’s love