The evolution of dewatering systems for CBM/CSG applications
The evolution of dewatering systems for CBM/CSG applications
The evolution of dewatering systems for CBM/CSG applications – past, present and future: motivation for a new ESPCP design Lyon van der Merwe and Attie Jonker Don Brown Franklin Electric SA (pty) ltd South Africa 13 Engwena Road, Sebenza, South Africa, 1610 Franklin Electric Inc. USA 400 East Spring Street, Bluffton, IN, 46714 Abstract – The history of tight gas artificial lift systems are discussed from a period and technology point of view. Practical aspects of the particular dewatering process (artificial lift process) are considered. The impact of new pumping technologies and modern control gear and system management principles are elaborated on. The advantages of comprehensively designed system solutions with respect to the particular application are discussed. wells in (often) close proximity. Therefore, when considering artificial lift requirements in such applications a multiple well viewpoint should rather be considered, as opposed to single well operation. Several advantages could be obtained when operating from a more holistic point of view. Index Terms – Artificial lift, coal bed methane, coal seam gas, dewatering, systems. I. INTRODUCTION While coal bed methane or coal seam gas (CMB/CSG) operations are associated with the oil and gas industry, several aspects of such operations justify viewing the dewatering process or hydrostatic pressure reduction or artificial lift operation from a more conventional ground dewatering perspective. The significant amount of descriptive terms for the process is already a clue to the overlap of the same functional requirement, albeit approached from a different industry. At no time however, should the requirements in the CBM/CSG production industry with respect to safety, reliable operation be ignored. In fact, additional effort should be considered to increase safety, reliability, time between work overs and serviceability. A. Artificial lift Artificial lift or the reduction of hydrostatic pressure is required in cases where the natural gas pressure formed in the coal seams cannot overcome the hydrostatic pressure. It is also advantageous to reduce the hydrostatic pressure in order to increase gas production. 1) Artificial lift process: The process of artificial lift provides external energy to create additional drawdown on the formation. This can be achieved with a rod pump, a progressing cavity pump (surface driven – PCP or submersible driven - ESPCP), an electrical submersible pump (ESP) or gas compression. 2) Typical dewatering requirement: CBM/CSG applications require (potentially) a widely varying range of artificial lift or dewatering requirements – from several hundreds of barrels of water per day to only a few barrels of water per day. Irrespective of the rate of pumping, it should always be under controlled conditions. 3) Multiple well environments: Another characteristic of specifically CBM/CSG operations are the use of multiple II. HISTORY OF CBM/CSG DEWATERING The CBM/CSG industry found its origin in the oil and gas industry. This is especially relevant since, notwithstanding the nature of the oil and gas industry with respect to safety and reliability, CBM/CSG application are associated with deep settings, high pressures, and high powers and is based on trusted and reliable product and long term experience. A. Early days During the early days of CBM/CSG the artificial lift or dewatering equipment used, mostly stemmed from the oil and gas industry to which the CBM/CSG industry belongs. Fig. 1 Beam pump Figure 1 is a picture of a beam pump. The use of oil and gas industry equipment was due, mainly to the need for deep settings, high operating pressures and large power levels. In CBM/CSG applications the need to dewater relatively deep coal seams (usually far below the useful groundwater level) meant that the more conventional well or borehole equipment could not easily meet the CBM/CSG dewatering needs. Often the balance between operating power levels and the need for high starting torque also influenced and biased the use of oil and gas artificial lift equipment in the CBM/CSG industry. during initial the dewatering stage, the production phase requires reduced power levels to pump lower volumes of water. C. Today If history is a measure to go by, the CBM/CSG artificial lift market, served by a mixture of traditional oil and gas pumping equipment and more conventional water well equipment, will see a continued gradual progressing towards using more conventional water well pumping equipment. One reason for the effective use of progressing cavity pumps stem from the need for a very wide range of duty points with respect to operating pressure, considering that the CBM/CSG dewatering application requires pumping down water levels, sometimes ranging from ground level to levels of 500 to 1500m below surface. Fig. 2 Surface driven progressing cavity pump (typically 2-3 meters off the ground). On the other hand the CBM market in the USA has been using centrifugal submersible pumping systems for a significant number of years. To support this market the continuous improvement in the electric motors and centrifugal pumps to address this need has led to the development of dedicated submersible motors and pumps for the CBM/CSG market. However, these products were trusted and had long term records of reliability and were technologies that was well understood, meaning that expertise were available to operate and service the equipment. In fact that is still true for today. The confluence of the latter with effectively 40-50 years’ experience in the progressing cavity pumping industry has resulted in an exciting new development that will make a substantial contribution to the CBM/CSG market. B. Later development Eventually the products used in conventional water well pumping applications found its way into the CBM/CSG industry – including the necessary modifications with respect to materials, robustness and adaption of pressure and flow characteristics. III. PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF THE ARTIFICIAL LIFT PROCESS Fig. 3 Electrical submersible pump (ESP), typically used in the conventional water well industry, applied to a CBM/CSG application (typically 0.5 meters off the ground). During the 1990’s the USA CBM/CSG market started to us conventional water well pumping equipment extensively. Figure 3 is a picture of such an ESP installation. It became apparent that while higher power levels may be required In CBM/CSG dewatering applications several aspects, contrary to conventional water well pumping need to be dealt with. Solids handling is an important issue. The CBM/CSG application does not deal with clean water pumping. Hence a suitable pump needs to be able to manage especially fracture sand, coal fines and even larger coal particles. Additionally, one needs to deal with gas entrained water when dewatering coal seams. The level of gas-cut is often unpredictable and variable. Thirdly, unknown water conditions (varying pressure conditions and flow rates) make it difficult to size pumps and control it. Water quality and chemical composition also complicate the application. It is also important to consider the surface impact of the pumping equipment. Since multiple wells (vertical or horizontal) are often required a reduction in surface impact will always be welcome. Another significant consideration with artificial lift systems for CBM/CSG would be operating cost per well, as cost can add up rapidly when considering a multitude of wells. A. Solids handling Possibly one of the most important design features in the Franklin Electric pump is the exclusive heavy duty ball check valve. See figure 4. This feature prevents any possible backspin and if any sand is present in the rising main, it will settle on top of the check valve. The PC pump is designed to produce enough pressure with the next start-up that it will discharge the sand to the surface. A further consideration for any installation is to use the smallest diameter pipe possible with the correct specifications to ensure that the highest water velocity possible is achieved, to move any frac sand and/or coal fines through the discharge. Features such as these contribute substantially to the success of the ESPCP design, as has been proven in case studies. See later on. Pumps pulled for routine inspection contained up to 10m of pipe above the pump filled with frac sand and coal fines. Fig. 5 ON/OFF control – the saw tooth bold line shows the water level. Figure 5 also illustrates the possibility of controlling the maximum pump speed (high flow rate pulses in the first half of the graph) to ensure sufficient fluid velocity thereby transferring suspended solids to surface. The ON/OFF mode of operation is made possible by the heavy duty ball check valve design. One parameter that influences the pump selection is the minimum flow characteristics. Conversely, the selected pump minimum flow may be chosen based on critical tubing velocity. As discussed in [3], if the tubing flow velocity is less than the critical transport velocity of the sand/coal particles, it will settle out in the tubing above the pump. In the case of the new ESPCP design the settling will take place on top of the check valve, preventing particles from settling in the rotor stator. Particle accumulation can also create a partial or complete blockage 9as experienced in case studies undertaken) in addition to increasing the overall fluid density. Any of these situations will cause higher pump discharge pressures. Fig. 4 Electrical submersible progressing cavity pump (ESPCP) construction The case studies also revealed that ON/OFF operation of the pumps could be implemented (maintaining a reasonable cycle time to avoid motor damage) without any noticeable start-up difficulty. This mode of operation, together with the normal continuous mode of operation over the complete speed range makes a large turndown ratio in volume pumped possible. See Figure 5. [1] In the example below the graph represents the critical tubing rate for various U.S. standard sheave sizes. See figure 6. If tubing flow rates fall below this line, there is a strong possibility that the velocity will not be sufficient to transport that particular particle size to surface. Therefore, as the required dewatering needs drop to below this minimum continuous rate of pumping, an ON/OFF mode of operation may prove useful and in fact desirable, given that the ON time makes provision for at least one tube volume being displaced per cycle. Fig. 6 Critical Sand Settling Rate for specific riser area (approximately 4 square inches) [3] B. Entrained gas Laboratory tests [2] conducted during the development of the ESPCP show that a gas cut of up to 60% results in only a 25% loss in flow rate and even less at maximum operating pressure. See figure 7. loop control to achieve control of the desired parameter (water level or bottom-hole pressure or any other parameter that is used to control the operation of the well) by maintaining an average set value. This mode of run time modulation can be used until the flow rate during the ON time drops below the critical tubing velocity. It must also be noted that the pump design needs to take starting characteristics of the pump into consideration as well, to make frequent starting possible without creating potential high starting torque situations but at the same time maintain high levels of efficiency. See figure 9. Figure 9 Large turndown ratio operation Fig. 7 Electrical submersible progressing cavity pump (ESPCP) construction C. Unknown water conditions Widely varying water flow rate requirements and a large variation in required pressure management make it difficult to select one pump through-out the life of a CBM/CSG well. However, during the initial stages of the well’s life it will be helpful to reduce pump change-outs to a minimum. The new ESPCP design, in combination with the necessary control system can increase the dynamic range of the first pump installed to reduce work-over requirements. Figure 8 shows the range over which the required water production may vary. D. Surface impact Since several wells may be required on a CBM/CSG field, the surface impact will play an important part. Figure 10 is an illustration of a rather innovative way of camouflaging large surface components, while figure 11 illustrates an installation of the latest ESPCP technology. Figure 10 Rod pump in children’s play park Fig. 8 Exponential decline of water in a typical well [4] Since the pump design provides for ON/OFF operation (ball check valve) this mode of operation can be used in closed reliable start/stop operation and energy optimized solution, based on the correct motor control applied over an extended operating range, including full and partial load conditions. B. Measuring equipment and telemetry In CBM/CSG applications it is normally required to report the amount of water pumped, the gas flow rate. Additionally the water level needs to controlled, making it necessary to obtain information on the down hole pressure and casing pressure. Solutions are offered today that integrate all the necessary measuring equipment, integrated in such a way that all the information is readily available. Figure 12 illustrates such a system offering. Reliable measurements, accessibility, compatibility and serviceability is possible without unnecessary capital outlay. Figure 11 Reduced surface impact, incorporating significantly more operating information This installation incorporates telemetry, well control, data concentration and communication, integrated into a single system. The correct control system will also reduce the need for regular site visits and surface disturbance. Remote control and data collection ensures that site visits are undertaken on a need to basis only. E. Well operating cost While initial CBM/CSG artificial lift installations made use of large (10’s kW) installations, the selection of the correct pumping equipment can reduce both capital and operating costs substantially. Results obtained from recent installations show that typical power levels can be as low a 600W- 3kW to maintain the correct water levels at depths of 280m - 480m. Control panels with drives and motors rated at 7.5kW are used in these applications. Substantially oversized equipment will result in poor efficiencies, higher input power levels and increased operating cost. Nevertheless provision should be made for the necessary starting torque and control to ensure reliable operation. High starting torque capability and high operating efficiencies can be obtained with the correct pump design. IV. IMPACT OF MODERN CONTROL GEAR AND SYSTEM Figure 12 Complete CBM/CSG control system, incorporating control panel, measuring equipment, telemetry and communication integrated on a single skid. Another aspect of the proposed measuring equipment that may result in significant future advantages is based on the fact that the proposed systems solution offers a per well affordable measurement capability of gas and water flow rates, making the detection of line leakages (in both water and gas) at early stages possible. Additionally, water (total dissolved solids – TDS) and gas (methane content or Wobble index) quality can also be monitored. MANAGEMENT Modern control gear and system management capabilities, in collaboration with the new ESPCP design make it possible to operate CBM/CSG dewatering/artificial lift systems using compact integrated solutions, ensuring component compatibility, reliable operation and user friendly operation. A. Harmonious motor, pump and control system selection The new pump design, together with the appropriate control system ensure an optimized system, capable of the necessary starting torque, high operating efficiencies, V. FIELD EXPERIENCE Several systems have been installed over the past 2 years, with the bulk number of installations taking place during the period March to November 2011. The results to date are summarized in Appendix 1. A. Background The core development (based on several years’ pump and motor experience) was focused on the close-coupling of the pump and motor. Laboratory tests confirmed designs. Production models were fabricated and installed in several wells with a broad spectrum profile, including production phase wells and pilot wells. Complete systems were installed, including control panels, measuring and telemetry equipment as well as communication equipment. Data was collected on a continuous basis to facilitate the evaluation of well, pump and system performance, thereby eliminating the need to extract pump for evaluation purposes. This made it possible to obtain early life cycle performance data from various pumps. B. Pump and motor performance Motor performance did not show any significant unexpected results. The CBM motor is an improved (materials and minor construction details) version of a design that has been used extensively in CBM wells in North America. Pump performance results indicate and confirm progressing cavity pump behavior where non-ideal sandy and solids conditions prevail. High levels of solids impact observably on pump performance. To estimate pump life after two years’ of field installations, continuous speed versus flow (at constant pressure) performance (where available) was recorded as a measure of wear. The table below shows the results. Since pressure loss is the main contributor to performance failure and since the pump speed can be varied (continuously) over a 2:1 range a representative life time can be estimated, based on the assumption that a decrease of performance of 40% will be equivalent to pump end-of-life. Table 1 Estimated pump life Assuming a linear wear pattern for the present sample it can be said that pump life varies between 1.28 years and 9.4 years. These numbers need to be tested over time. In actual terms, given real time operation, the average run time to date per pump is approximately 10 -11 thousand hours. This is the time during which the data was collected and the projections are based. The performance results of the new ESPCP development in the field is positive and indicates a sufficient degree of success to warrant implementation of the current pump design. C. System, data and communication The value of real time continuous data collection is clear when considering the results obtained from the field installations where data was available. Challenges associated with communication, measurement of multiphase media and other system characteristics were identified and solutions implemented. Reliable systems operation and management was illustrated through the successful operation of two 5spot sites, included in the field data presented. Several installations in North America (USA) produced positive results in production wells, including shale wells. Stripper well applications are also envisaged. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Solids content and size will always play a dominant role in this estimation. Additional, observations have indicated that some wear characteristics include non-linear wear patterns, meaning that wear may set in initial but be arrested at a particular point in time. This may be attributable to wear caused by particles /solids of a specific size reaching a final or limiting wear characteristic, once tolerances between rotor and stator reach levels sufficient to pump particles of a particular size. This observation does make the present linearized model conservative and it is conceivable that longer pump life times may be experienced once sufficient real time data becomes available. Another important observation, pertaining to pump performance, is the increased accumulation of solids in the rising main/tubing where critical fluid velocities (velocities capable of ejecting solids at the surface) are not met. Solids accumulating and increasing in the riser/tubing will impede pump performance by creating an increasing restriction on the pump, resulting in reduce performance, not because of pump wear but because of an external restriction placed on the pump in the form of an increased outlet pressure condition. [4] A. Jonker, Exploring ESPCP (Electric Submersible Progressing Cavity Pumps) as a dewatering method in Coal Bed Methane gas fields, Internal report, franklin Electric SA, May 2012. Laboratory tests – ESPCP development, Franklin Electric Inc. Bluffton Indiana, 2010 Gas Well Deliquification, 2nd Edition, James F. Lea, Henry V. Nickens, Mike R. Wells, ISBN: 9780750682800, 2008 Halliburton, Coalbed methane principles and practices, 2008, Halliburton Company. APPENDIX 1 - FIELD DATA Well 1 Well Type CBM/CSG Pump type ESPCP Motor type Submersible CBM Cable Permatrail 10 round Rising main/tubing J 55 2" Pressure transducer 4-20mA Well head Modified Gas flow meter DP Pitot Water flow meter Mag flow Control panel CBM skid mounted VSD 7.5kW Controller RTU IP Communication local 2.4GHz Communication remote GSM Water line pressure -operating (bar) <3 Casing pressure max. (bar) <5 Total vertical depth (m) 286 Total insertion length (m) 286 Angle of pump from vertical (Deg) 0 Target flow (bbl/d) 150 Actual flow (bbl/d) 160 Water quality TDS ppm <4000 Solids % Low Solids type Sand Solids size Fine Was a shroud used No Well construction Close cased Flow rate/Freq 57 Flow rate/Freq (150 days' operation) 55 Initial install date Mar-11 Total recorded run time (h) 10658 Number of Days in Operation 534 2nd Unit Install date Total recorded run time (h) Number of Days in Operation Power supply Mains Comments Running Well 2 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Flexible 10 round Flexible CBM Lay Flat 4-20mA Modified DP Pitot Mag flow CBM skid mounted 7.5kW RTU IP 2.4GHz GSM <3 <5 280 280 0 150 120 <6000 High Sand & Fines Coarse No Close cased 57 56 Oct-10 181 Mar-11 9725 405 Mains Severe scaling present. Pump replaced Feb 2012. Pump removed May 2012. Well 3 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Flexible 10 round J 55 2" 4-20mA Modified DP Pitot Mag flow CBM skid mounted 7.5kW RTU IP 2.4GHz GSM <3 <5 274 274 0 150 100 <4000 Low Sand Fine No Close cased 39 34 Mar-11 11894 535 Mains Running. Well 4 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Flexible 10 round J 55 2" 4-20mA Modified DP Pitot Mag flow CBM skid mounted 7.5kW RTU IP 2.4GHz GSM <3 <5 286 286 0 150 75 <4000 Low Sand Fine No Close cased Mar-11 7810 356 Feb-12 -7810 179 Mains Running. Pump replaced with lower flow rate. Well 5 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Flexible 10 round Bore Quip (synthetic) 4-20mA Modified DP Pitot Mag flow CBM skid mounted 7.5kW RTU IP 2.4GHz GSM <3 <5 280 280 0 150 70 <4000 Low Sand Fine No Close cased 19 18.5 Mar-11 11795 535 Well 6 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Flexible CBM 10 Flat J55 2" 4-20mA 1500psi DP/Ultrasonic Mag flow CBM skid mounted 7.5kW RTU IP 2.4GHz Satellite/GSM <3 <5 490 490 0 300 110 <3000 Low Sand & Fines Fine No Close cased Nov-11 3670 157 Well 7 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Flexible CBM 10 Flat J55 2" 4-20mA 1500psi DP/Ultrasonic Mag flow CBM skid mounted 7.5kW RTU IP 2.4GHz Satellite/GSM <3 <5 484 484 0 300 80 <3000 Low Sand Fine No Close cased Nov-11 3710 155 Well 8 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Flexible CBM 10 Flat J55 2" 4-20mA 1500psi DP/Ultrasonic Mag flow CBM skid mounted 7.5kW RTU IP 2.4GHz Satellite/GSM <3 <5 480 480 0 300 40 <3000 Low Sand Fine No Close cased Nov-11 676 88 Mains Generator Generator Generator Running. Well 9 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Flexible CBM 10 Flat J55 2" 4-20mA 1500psi DP/Ultrasonic Mag flow CBM skid mounted 7.5kW RTU IP 2.4GHz Satellite/GSM <3 <5 490 490 0 300 70 <3000 Very high Sand Coarse No Close cased Nov-11 3102 158 Aug-12 36 Generator Well 10 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Flexible CBM 10 Flat J55 2" 4-20mA 1500psi DP/Ultrasonic Mag flow CBM skid mounted 7.5kW RTU IP 2.4GHz Satellite/GSM <3 <5 475 475 0 300 270 <6000 Low Sand Fine No Close cased May-11 204 Nov-11 3770 158 Generator Well 11 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Armoured Flat 4-20mA Ultrasonic Mag flow CBM skid mounted 11kW RTU IP GSM 690 800 78 74 Yes Mar-12 0 Generator Running. Casing 101mm ID - restricted Running. Casing space. Extreme sand Running. Pump 101mm ID - restricted content. Pump Running. Casing 101 replaced. Casing Abandoned. Casing space. Pump and replaced once. Pump replaced due to mm ID - restricted 101mm ID - restricted 101mm ID - restricted Maximum frequency motor replaced once silting. Flow sleeve space. Well shut down space. Well shut space. Well reached after 154 days due to scaling. Well design changed. for rehabilitation Mar down for abandoned - not and coloumn (3 meter shut down for 2012 - Aug 2012. rehabilitation Mar viable. length) filled with rehabilitation Mar 2012 - Aug 2012 sand. Well shut down 2012 - Aug 2012 for rehabilitation Mar 2012 - Aug 2012 Figure 13a Field data. During the operational period in cases where changes were made to pumps or motors data averaging was used to obtain meaningful results. Pump wear information provided was obtained on a continuous basis by comparing flow rate versus frequency for constant pressure duty points. Pumps were only removed and tested once operational requirements could not be met. In these cases pump tests confirmed loss of performance to below useful duty. Well Type Pump type Motor type Cable Rising main/tubing Pressure transducer Well head Gas flow meter Water flow meter Control panel VSD Controller Communication local Communication remote Water line pressure -operating (bar) Casing pressure max. (bar) Total vertical depth (m) Total insertion length (m) Angle of pump from vertical (Deg) Target flow (bbl/d) Actual flow (bbl/d) Water quality TDS ppm Solids % Solids type Solids size Was a shroud used Well construction Flow rate/Freq Flow rate/Freq (150 days' operation) Initial install date Total recorded run time (h) Number of Days in Operation 2nd Unit Install date Total recorded run time (h) Number of Days in Operation Power supply Comments Well 12 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Armoured Round 2 3/8" EUE 4-20mA 0 150 Well 13 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Armoured Round 2 3/8" EUE 4-20mA Well 14 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Armoured Round 2 3/8" EUE 4-20mA Well 15 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Armoured Round 2 3/8" EUE 4-20mA Well 16 Shale ESPCP Submersible CBM Well 17 Shale ESPCP Submersible CBM 2 3/8" EUE 4-20mA 2 3/8" EUE 4-20mA 0 150 146 146 0 75 483 483 0 300 302 302 0 30-35 335 335 0 30-35 Well 18 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Armoured Round 2 3/8" EUE 4-20mA 0 150 Well 19 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Armoured Round 2 3/8" EUE 4-20mA 0 75 Well 20 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM Well 21 CBM/CSG ESPCP Submersible CBM 2 3/8" EUE 4-20mA 2 3/8" EUE 4-20mA 0 150 389 389 0 75 Very High Sand Very High Sand Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 28-Jun-11 28-Jun-11 29-Jun-11 08-Sep-11 17-Nov-11 09-Jan-12 Jun-11 Jun-11 Jun-11 11-Sep-11 453 453 452 381 311 258 7 7 98 Nov-11 30 16 Running Running Running Running Running Running Initial Install - Sand wore hole in motor shell Pump not sized right High sand content 2nd Install - Tubing well. Initial ESP for well. Removed to broke severing cable. Pump failed - Run Dry Shroud filled with installed into this well be placed in another sand around motor lasted 7 days. well and up to intake of pump. Still running OK at time of removal. Figure 13b Field data. During the operational period in cases where changes were made to pumps or motors data averaging was used to obtain meaningful results. Pump wear information provided was obtained on a continuous basis by comparing flow rate versus frequency for constant pressure duty points. Pumps were only removed and tested once operational requirements could not be met. In these cases pump tests confirmed loss of performance to below useful duty.