Bandit News - École Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School


Bandit News - École Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School
École Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School
Bandit News
“Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Relationships”
June 2015
“Des Esprits Sains, Des Corps Sains, Des Relations Saines”
Principal’s Message
Inside this issue:
Principal’s Message
Upcoming Events
Online School
2015/16 Registration 3
Locker Cleanout
Textbook Returns
Bandits Drama
Grad Banquet
Students Union
Summer School
Bandits SportsDesk
Student Services
Exam Schedule
BGRS Name the
School Contest
Summer Volleyball
Beaumont Triathlon 14
5417 43 Avenue,
Beaumont, AB T4X 1K1
Phone: 780.929.6282
Fax: 780.929.1323
Lots has happened since our
last newsletter;
importantly, funding for
education has been
restored, making it much
more realistic for us to do
our best to continue to
students with
quality programming next
year which is great news!
As the 2014-15 school year
draws to a conclusion, we
simultaneously plan for next
year and reflect on the year
that was...and what a year it
The Awards
Committee is again faced
with difficult decisions due
to the numerous students
who shine in so many areas.
The Athletics Department
recently celebrated a great
year for Bandits sports
teams at our first annual
Colour Night, Art Beat
celebrated our fantastic
visual arts programs, and
our June Assembly
honoured dozens of
students illustrating the
diversity of our student
body and the wide range of
opportunities we offer at our
Our school
continually strives to strike
the fine balance between
arts, athletics, academics and
opportunities through our
CTS programming, and we
are proud of the many
avenues we provide for
students to be engaged and
successful at school. We
firmly believe that positive
high school experiences for
students help them become
well-rounded, contributing
members of society who are
more likely to lead healthy
happy lives and I am proud
of the work our entire staff
has done this year to help
make this happen.
I know that our students
strive to do their best each
day, but this time of year is
particularly exciting (and a
little nerve-wracking) for our
Grade 12’s. With diplomas
just around the corner,
Grade 12’s head into these
exams well prepared by their
own hard work and by the
guidance of their teachers,
but still feel a great deal of
pressure on exam day. I
commend all of you for your
efforts this year, wish you
the best of luck in your
exams and hope that your
Graduation is a memorable
and meaningful event for you
and your families. I would
like to thank the Beaumont
Credit Union for their
ongoing support of our
graduating classes - the
annual June BBQ for Grads
is always appreciated!
We have an exceptional
school community
and I
appreciate the positive
leadership our Grade 12’s
have provided throughout
the year.
Just a few reminders to all
students: please ensure that
you do not bring your
backpacks or phones or
smart watches to your
examination rooms,
remember to return all
library books and textbooks
to the library and leave your
locker clean and empty on
the day of your last exam.
We wish you the best of
luck on your final exams and
we look forward to seeing
you next year!
Chris Peacocke
Bandit News
Page 2
The E.S.B.C.H.S. Breakfast Club would
like to thank Beaumont Sobeys for the
delivery of food and the $100 gift card
donation. It helped us provide free
healthy snacks to students.
Free Hot Dog BBQ!
ESBCHS Annual Academic
Awards Night
June 15th
at Lunch
Monday, October 5, 2015
7pm in the School Gym
Hosted by your
Student Union
Last Day of Classes (High School)
June 18, 2015
Last Day of Classes (Jr. High)
June 19, 2015
Graduation Ceremony
June 25, 2015
Graduation Banquet
June 26, 2015
Online School Payments
All schools fees can now be paid online! Parents can access Online Payments through the
PowerSchool Parent portal. For more information and to access the Acorn Online Payment Parent
Guide please visit the following link,
Bandit News
Page 3
Bandit News
2015-16 Registration Days and Information
School fees for 2015-2016 will be available to be paid online beginning on August 25, 2015. This
date is tentative. We will notify parents when the date is confirmed. Please log into your Parent
Portal PowerSchool account and go to the Student Fees and Forms link on the left hand side. Credit
cards and most debit cards are accepted.
2015-16 Registration Days are as follows:
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Grade 9
Grade 10
9:00 am - Last Name starting with A-L
10:15 am - Last Name starting with M-Z
9:00 am - Last Name starting with A-L
10:15 am - Last Name starting with M-Z
Grade 11
Grade 12
12:30 pm - Last Name starting with A-L
1:45 pm - Last Name starting with M-Z
12:30 pm - Last Name starting with A-L
1:45 pm - Last Name starting with M-Z
On the registration days, students will pick up their textbooks, receive their locker assignments
(please bring a combination lock to secure your locker) and have their school photo taken. Please
print off a receipt showing that the school fees have been paid and send it with your
child on the registration day as students are required to present a receipt in order to
pick up their textbooks. It is preferred that you pay online in advance of the registration days,
however school fee payments can also be made in person with credit card, debit, cash or cheque at
the appropriate day and time as shown above.
Locker Clean Out
All lockers should be cleared out by June 19th at the latest. You may keep a lock
on your locker until you are finished exams so you can hang up your coats, secure
your phone etc. but please remove the lock after your last exam. Anything
remaining in lockers after the end of the day on June 26th will be donated to charity.
Semester Two Textbooks
Important Reminder: Please be sure students have returned all
textbooks to the library once their exams are completed. All
textbooks that have not been returned by the end of the day on
June 26, 2015 will be invoiced to parents/guardians.
Page 4
Bandit News
Bandits Drama
The Drama 20 students have been working very hard on their own play this semester. Through
improvisation and teamwork it has taken 2 months to create the play “Parents Just Don’t
Understand”. This play will be presented not only at our school, but will also be presented at
Nextnext Fest. Nextnext Fest is the younger sibling of Next Fest, which is a 20 year old festival in
Edmonton that focuses on new work for local playwrights, dance groups and artists. This
opportunity gives our students the chance to showcase their work to a broader audience as well as
work in a new and different space. It is an honor for our students to be accepted in the festival and
we would love to have some local support. Please come to the Mercury Theater located at 11315
106 Ave on June 12th at 7:30 pm and/or June 13th at 6:00 pm. Information on tickets and the festival
can be found at
I would like to congratulate this semester’s Drama 30 class for taking on a project that was bigger
than any of us expected. I could not be prouder of the class that came together against all odds to
create the first Bandits serial television show, Bandits Breakfast Television. The morning news show
began with honest intentions to help spread the word of school events and celebrations. However,
the students could not end it there, they pushed it and created drama and intrigue. The story
unfolded with blackmail, murder and a tormenting leprechaun. It hasn't been easy so I really want to
thank them for working so hard and caring so passionately about the project. It has been a huge
learning curve for me as well as them, so thanks again for your patience and hard work.
As this year comes to a close I would like to say thank you to all my grade 12 students and wish you
good luck in all you pursue. You are the last class to have had Mr. Ewasiuk, my predecessor and
mentor, as your drama teacher. You were the first to trust me as your director and producer. I
have learned so much from you in the past 3 years, always impressed and in awe of how students can
work together and create such amazing work with people they would probably never speak to
outside of the lab. I will forever enjoy listening to their perspective and seeing what they see. A final
thanks for your patience with my learning and for 3 years of trust and letting me into your world
and, of course, all your hard work.
Submitted by Chantal Yardley
Page 5
Bandit News
Grad Banquet Committee
Graduation is fast approaching and ticket sales for our banquet will be closing very soon. Monday,
June 15th is the last day to purchase your tickets online. There is a fee to use this service and you
will be asked for your child’s school network login password. Tickets cost $88 ($58 for children 12
and under). Please visit the school website at for the
link as well as more information on the event. Remember, your grad needs a ticket too! All Grade
12 students and their guests are invited to join us for this celebration!
Parents and students who are interested in helping with the banquet on Friday, June 26th at the
Expo Centre, are asked to contact Charlene Watts at (for set up from 10:30
am to 1:30 pm) or Mona Lisa Beatty at (for take down from
10:30 pm to midnight). Thank you to all who have already signed up!
If you have any further questions please contact Tracy Carr at
or Tianna Brum at
Students’ Union Update
2014-15 Students’ Union has been absolutely amazing! On behalf of all the Students’ Union
members, we would like to thank all ESBCHS students and staff for participating in our events
throughout the year. Without your participation, the SU would not be able to put on the amazing
events, theme days, and pizza sales that have happened throughout the year. We would like to
recognize the hard work that Ms. Watson, Ms. Edwards and Ms. Gaudette have put into Students’
Union this year, for helping us stay organized and manage our budget. The 2015/16 Students’
Union council will be represented by co-presidents Katrina Wugalter and Nicole Koopman, Joseph
Abbass (treasurer) and Lyuba Miroshnichenko (PR). We look forward to many more fantastic
events next year and look forward to your participation!
Thank you for the excellent year,
Sybil Danyk-White (SU president) & Maxwell Kryzanowski (SU vice-president)
BGRS Summer School Information
Black Gold Regional School Division offers comprehensive summer school programming. Whether
you are a grade twelve student looking to upgrade a diploma course, a grade nine student eager to
get a jump on a senior high class, or an elementary student wanting to improve reading or math
skills – we have the program for you. Click on the link below for more information about each of
our summer school programs.
Bandit News
Page 6
Bandit SportsDesk
The athletics season has
come to an end. Track,
Soccer, and Rugby have
c o m e
a n d
gone. Congratulations to
our boys soccer team on an
exceptional league record,
with many Grade 12 players
leading the way. Thanks to
Mr. Nikolic, who is very
excited about his returning
group for next season.
sportsmanship, along with
your support of each
other during that match it
was very nice to see.
Matthew MacLellan
represented Beaumont in
Lethbridge at the High
School Track and Field
Provincials, finishing 4th in
the junior boys 3000M
race. Congrats to you
Matt! Well done sir!
Thanks to Ms. Baron and
Mr. Judin and his girls Mr. Hesterman for
soccer team lost a thrilling coaching track again this
match in the Div 3 Final at season.
Henry Singer Park on June
4. The Bandits battled it A very big thank you goes
out with JH Picard into out to Mr. Rob Washburn
extra time and ended up for coaching our Boys
losing on the sixth round of Rugby team once again.
penalty kicks. Well done The boys know how very
ladies! Your effort and fortunate they are to have
such a knowledgeable
person running the
The fellas lost
their first playoff game to
Jasper Place but should be
efforts. We are looking
season. Also thanks to
Mr. Collin Heap who
c o nt ri bu t ed a s a n
assistant coach.
provincial champs,
Winston Churchill from
Thanks to all who made
our 1st Annual Colour
Night a success,
Mel Hofstetter’s girls
rugby squad made it to
achievements of our
Tier 2 Provincials once
athletes this year.
again and captured the
Consolation trophy by
defeating Frank Maddock
High from Drayton Valley
in the fifth place game. A
day earlier, they scored
two tries on the eventual
Helping you put
the pieces
Student Services
News & Information
June 2015
Inside this issue:
Timetable Adjustments—2015/2016 School Year
Timetable Information
Student timetables will be accessible on PowerSchool by their registration day in August.
Summer School
Diploma Prep
Work Experience
There are only three reasons a student timetable may be adjusted:
 Students have successfully completed a course through Summer school or correspondence
over the summer. (Students may call 780-929-1340 during June exam week to book an
appointment for August 27th to change their timetable. Remember to present final marks for
completed courses at the time of their appointment.
Students who either received a better mark than expected or did not pass the prerequisite
course and require an adjustment to core subjects. Also changes may be necessary if prerequisite marks are not attained
To fill a spare
Summer Camps
Work Experience Thank you
Student Services Contact
to the
Students wishing to change their timetable for other reasons will be directed to Administration .
The following days have been allocated for NEW Registrations ONLY:
 August 28th—all day
 August 31st—PM only
 September 1st—AM only
Black Gold Summer School
Black Gold Regional School Division offers comprehensive summer school programming.
Whether you are a grade twelve student looking to upgrade a diploma course or a grade nine
student eager to get a jump on a senior high class... there is a program for you. Fees must be paid
at the time of registration. Registrations will only be accepted between 4:00 and 8:00 PM on the
following dates at Leduc Composite High School; June 17, 24, 30, and the last day to register is
July 2nd. For more information go to
Summer School Registration Form
Leduc Outreach or may be an option for the
completion of some courses as well.
Information for Diploma Prep courses is available in Student Services.
(APEX; DIPLOMAX; RTD Learning etc.)
Summer Work Experience
Class of 2015
Students interested in registering in Work Experience for the summer must sign up in the Student
Services office and pick up their Work Experience package. Deadline to return Summer Work
Experience paperwork is Wednesday, June 17, 2015. If you have any questions about Work
Experience please see Mr. Umpherville.
“A Single Sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.”
St. Francis of Assisi
Page 8
Bandit News
Please note the scholarships listed below are applicable to grade 12 students.
Scholarship Name
Deadline Website
RAP Scholarship (Registered Apprenticeship Program) designed to recognize the accomplishments
of students in the RAP program and CTS apprenticeship pathways.
$1000 annually
June 30, 2015
Essay required.
Anna & John Kolesar
Memorial Scholarship
July 1, 2015
Academic Excellence
Student entering the Faculty of Education
Leadership Excellence Awards of Distinction
July 3, 2015
4H member, leadership excellence
Grapevine Evaluation Scholarship
July 30, 2015
Canadian or US Citizen, merit based
Change your Life Scholarship
Up to $23,400
August 3, 2015
Interested in a creative career—essay required.
Black Gold Regional Schools Scholarships (please
see web site)
To apply, please visit
Career Camps
Health Sciences Career Camp August 10-14, 2015 -For students in Grade 10-12 as of September 2015
CAREERS: The Next Generation has partnered up with Alberta Health Services, MacEwan University, NAIT, NorQuest
College and the University of Alberta to offer an interactive, educational and unique summer camp opportunity for students
interested in a health career.
Click here for more information or come to Student Services for a brochure.
Register now - Early bird deadline is July 10, 2015! Registration Deadline is July 31, 2015!!
Your Career Journey
We're calling on these young people to be part of an exciting summer adventure by joining CAPS: Your U of A Career Centre at the University of Alberta for a week dedicated to getting them unstuck so they can jump-start their career journey. What: Summer Career Camp
When: Monday, July 6 to Friday, July 10, 2015; Where: University of Alberta, North Campus;
Cost: $300 + GST
Registration Deadline: Monday, June 22 at 4 p.m.
For more information: 780-492-0498 | 780-492-1225 (fax)or or
Quick Links to the 2015 Faculty of Physical Education and NEW! Hip Hop U
Illustrate a Graphic Novel
Recreation Summer Camps
NEW! Make an Action Comic Book (Age 8-14)
2015 Summer Camps Guide
Quick Links to the 2015 Faculty of Science Summer Camp
Hands on Physics
Alberta Summer Math Institute
Quick links to 2015 MacEwan Youth Camps and Classes
Exciting classes for youth in Edmonton at MacEwan University! Teen
courses and summer camps include: DJ, Beat Making, Rap, Emcee and
Street Art in the Hip Hop university); plus Drawing, Photography, Digital Design, Illustration, Animation and Cartooning - it's going to be a
great summer!
Digital Photography Camp
Photoshop Effects - Next Level
Digital Photo & Photoshop Package
NEW! Digital Illustration
NEW! From Paper to the 3rd Dimension (Age 8-12)
NEW! From Illustration to the 3rd Dimension
NEW! From Illustration to Digital Animation
Portraits in Pencil - from Swift to Styles
Steam Punk 3D
Summer Music
Quick Link to Concordia University of Edmonton
Adventures in Science Junior Leadership Program
July 27 to July 31, 2015 –Register Online
For youth ages 13- 16
The Adventures in Science Junior Leadership Program is available for
youth who have a passion for science and the drive to become
leaders. Participants will develop superior science skills, learn safety,
and establish excellent leadership and communication skills.
U of A Prospective StudentWorkshops
Student Loan Workshop: Student Loan 101—July 25, 26 and 29.
Online Registration 101: June 17—RSVP:
U of A Orientation: August 31, 2015:
Bandit News
Page 9
Empress & District Summer Musical Theatre School
Spend a week training with Canada's premier fine arts faculty, back dropped by the beautiful Red Deer Riverhills in the artisan village of
Empress, Alberta Canada. The weeklong (July 20-26, 2015) Summer Musical Theatre School will culminate in a magical small town Public
Gala Performance, showcasing all that has been learned on July 26, 2015 at 2 pm. Register at or for
questions or more information Email: coa@villiageof
Art Gallery of Alberta Summer Camps
Quick Link to the NAIT 2015 Summer Camp
Students aged 13-17
Jul 13-17 | Acrylic Painting Register now >
Push the boundaries of painting! Get out of your
comfort zone! Develop mad skills while working
closely with professional artists. Using this versatile medium, experiment with paint application,
colour theory, lighting and more to create a suite
of works in your own unique style.
Aug 18-22 | Portfolio Prep Register now >
Ever dreamed of being an artist? We can help!
Not only do we know a lot of artists but we
know what it takes to be one. Learn what art
schools and galleries are looking for in a portfolio
and work on projects guaranteed to stand out!
Recreation & Multi-Sport Camps
Science Camps
Computer / Digital Media Camps
Cooking / Baking Camps
Hockey Camps
Sport Camps
For more information about NAIT Summer Camps, please contact
Trever Turner at 780-491-3010.
ESBCHS Recognizes Off-Campus Partners
Belvedere Golf & Country Club
Booster Juice—Beaumont
Boston Pizza—Beaumont
Capital Chrysler
Coloniale Golf Course
Derrick Golf and Winter Club
Eagle Rock Golf Course
Kal Tire Edmonton
Kora-Lee Enterprises Ltd.
Leduc Congregation of the JW
Leduc Recreation Center
Legend Tanklines Ltd.
Marble Slab Edmonton
No Frills Beaumont
Noralta Little Tykes Lodge
Rexall Post Office
Salon L’ Hirondelle
Seeds & Sprouts
Short Stop Sports
Shoppers Drug Mart
Sobey’s Beaumont
Southside Mitsubishi
Tim Horton's Beaumont
Town of Beaumont
Virtu Boutique
Wok Box
If we have missed posting your
name please accept our apology
and our
sincere thank you.
You make a difference in our
students’ lives.
We would like to thank ALL
our Off Campus Partners.
Student Services Contact Information
Mrs. Kim Thomas
Student Services Department Head/
Counselor (H-Z)
Mr. Brad Umpherville
Learning Support &
Mr. Keith Kruse
Counselor (A-G)
Mrs. Lise Layton
Youth Worker
Extension 1432
General Inquiries or to
book an
Mrs. Theresa Busenius

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