a. Saskatchewan Home Economics Teachers Association


a. Saskatchewan Home Economics Teachers Association
The 48th Annual SHETA/ASHE Conference
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
September 29th & 30th, 2016
Presented by:
Home Economics
Teachers’ Association
Association of
Home Economists
Conference Venue September 29th & 30th: Cathedral of the Holy Family
123 Nelson Rd, Saskatoon, SK
ASHE Post – Conference Venue September 30th: St. Martin's United Church
2617 Clarence Ave S, Saskatoon, SK
SHETA Post – Conference Venue October 1st: Bethlehem Catholic High School
110 Bowlt Crescent, Saskatoon, Sk
Conference Hotel & Banquet Venue: Saskatoon Inn & Conference Center
2002 Airport Dr, Saskatoon, SK
(306) 242-1440
Toll Free: 1-800-667-8789
Rooms are held under “Saskatchewan Home Economics Association” at a rate of $149 for
2 Queen Beds. Rooms will be held at this rate until August 30th, 2016 so be sure to book early!
2016 SHETA/ASHE Conference Committee
Conference Co-Chair
Conference Co-Chair
Michelle Hardy
Haley Bartsch
Bethlehem Catholic High School
Delisle Composite School
Conference Registrar
Conference Treasurer
Megan Printz
Twyla Chupa
Aberdeen Composite School
Evan Hardy Collegiate
Megan Crittenden
Della Muench
Blaine Lake Composite School
Martensville High School
Shanna Gourley
Sandy Zurevinski
E.D. Feehan High School
Holy Cross High School
Katie Kulchar
Bev Dinnell
Aberdeen Composite School
Delisle Composite School
Courtney Rodych
Wanda Drew
Holy Cross High School
Paige Freistadt
Linda Ashley
St. Joseph High School
2016 SHETA/ASHE Conference Schedule
Thursday, September 29th
8:30 – 9:15
Breakfast and Registration – Cathedral of the Holy Family
9:15 – 9:30
Welcome and Opening remarks
9:30 – 10:30
Keynote Speaker: Jennifer Sparks
10:30 – 10:45
Nutrition Break and Transition Time
10:45 – 11:45
Session #1
The Magic of
Conference Hall
Local Bar
Pocock Room
11:45 – 1:15
4 -40 Quilt Shop
Bishop Pocock
2:45 – 4:00
Session #3
4 -40 Quilt Shop
Bishop Pocock
Basic Serger
St. Joseph Sewing
6:00 PM
Metric Design
Location: 285
Lesson Swap
Lunch, SHETA AGM, Region Meetings
1:30 – 2:30
Session #2
1:30 – 4:00
Double Session
Interior Design
in the
Bishop Mahoney
Interior Design in
the Classroom
Bishop Mahoney
Cheese Making and
Taste Testing
Conference Hall
Pasta Making
St. Joseph Foods
Cheese Making and
Taste Testing
Conference Hall
The Global
Gathering Place
Bishop Weisgerber
Unique Textiles
1022 Louise Ave
S.I.E.C Info on
SYA & Program
Bishop Weisgerber
Qigong Movement
Bishop Mahoney
Fondant Flowers
Holy Cross Foods
Cocktails, Banquet, Ring Ceremony and Entertainment
Saskatoon Inn Conference Center
***Please Bring Arm’s Length Raffle Items to the Banquet***
***To order your Home Economics Ring Contact Tara Jewelers
9803 102A Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J3A3
Phone: 1-780-428-1524
Email: info@tarajewellers.com
Friday, September 30th
8:30 – 9:00
9:00 – 9:45
Paper Chef Demonstration
9:45 – 10:00
Nutrition Break and Transition Time
10:00 – 11:00
Session #1
Metric Design
Location: 285
Artistry 101
Food and
Bishop Pocock
Agriculture In
The Classroom
Mahoney Room
Trade Show
Entrance Hall
11:00 – 12:00
Session #2
The Indefinite
Antique Store
Location: 249
2nd Ave South
Pulse Growers
Yoga For All
Bishop Pocock
Agriculture In
The Classroom
Mahoney Room
Trade Show
Entrance Hall
10:00 – 12:00
Morning Double
Good Spirit Bakery
619C 1st Avenue
12:00 – 1:00
Binding 101
St. Joseph Sewing
St. Joseph Foods
Conference Hall
Lunch, Conference Evaluations and Goodbyes
ASHE Post Conference:
ASHE would like to extend an invitation to all ASHE and SHETA members to attend the ASHE
Post Conference taking place at St. Martin's United Church at 2 pm on Friday September 29th.
Presentation will be by Andy Collins and Merry Beazley from the College of Pharmacy and
Nutrition---it will include an update for Alumni.
All ASHE and SHETA members are welcome.
SHETA Post Conference
See Details in Session Descriptions Below
Thursday Keynote Speaker
Jennifer Sparks (B.Ed., M.S., PGD, PTS)
Jennifer Sparks is the author of several bestselling books:
WTF to OMG: The Frazzled Female’s Guide to Creating a
Life You Love, Happy on Purpose, The Gratitude
Transformation Journal and The DREAMBOOK Productivity
Planner. She is an Ironman Triathlete, certified personal
trainer and life coach, speaker, teacher, and single mom of
two teens. She is the owner of SWIFTKICK Life and
teaches lifestyle design through her online courses,
workshops and retreats.
Jennifer began her personal journey towards health and
wellness over a decade ago when she realized she was living
a life that was not aligned with her values and dreams. At
that point, she stopped blaming others for her situation and
took full responsibility for creating sustainable life style
She is a self-proclaimed personal development junkie who has changed her life by changing her
mind. Jennifer now works with women (and some men) who feel overwhelmed, stuck and unhappy
with their lives. Jennifer’s greatest joy is watching women rediscover themselves at 30, 40, 50
or 60 years of age.
Jennifer believes that life has a way of handing us challenges that can make us better people.
She teaches her clients that it is not about creating the perfect life but instead, understanding
that happiness is possible despite life’s circumstances.
"Change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end."
— Robin Sharma
Follow Jennifer on Social Media
Website: www.swiftkicklife.com
Free 7 Day eCourse: bit.ly/20kgyEr
Thursday, September 29th Session Options
Breakout Session #1: 10:45 – 11:45
The Magic of Gratitude Transformation with Jennifer Sparks
Location: Cathedral Conference Hall
Our world can be a crazy place. We forget to think, evaluate, and dream. We begin to live by
other people’s rules and expectations. We forget to feed our souls, be kind to ourselves, and
express our human-ness to people in need. Sometimes we even forget to be grateful for all the
good that surrounds us and our focus shifts from abundance and bliss to struggle and sadness.
In this breakout session, Jennifer will share how shifting one’s focus can drastically improve
your mental and emotional wellbeing, often without changing your life circumstances. A Q & A
will follow and Jennifer’s books will be available for purchase on site should you be interested.
Local Bar
Location: Cathedral Bishop Pocock Room
The Local Bar is a product of Olauson Food Products Ltd which is grown, processed and sold
locally in Saskatchewan. It is a pulse bar made with lentils, flax, quinoa and honey and was
developed and formulated by Caitlin, one of the owners. The Local Bar is also allergy friendly as
it contains no nuts or gluten. Come out and hear the story of how The Local Bar has grown into
the company it is today.
Interior Design in the Classroom
Location: Cathedral Bishop Mahoney Room
Michelle Fidelack is a Home Economics teacher from Wadena. Michelle has flipped four
classrooms in her school since she started teaching there 8 years ago. She will take you
through the process used with students in order to, “flip” or give a classroom in your school a
make-over. See how Michelle engages her students with this hands-on learning activity!
Metric Design
Location: Metric Design Studio - 285 Venture Crescent
Take a tour around the new Metric Design studio. Metric focuses on interiors and renovations
and includes mid to high end interiors. A Metric designer will discuss their education and the
design process they go through with clients. This session may appeal to Interior Design
Teachers or those looking to do a little home renovation of their own!
Lesson Swap
Location: Cathedral Bishop Weisgerber Room
This session will allow teachers to share lessons, resources, recipes and assessments with other
teachers from across the province. Please be prepared to share 1 – 2 of your favorite lessons,
resources, or recipes you use in your classes with the group. These resources can be shared via
paper copies (please bring minimum 10 copies) or digitally (please bring your USB).
Breakout Session #2: 1:30 – 2:30
4 -40 Quilt Shop Appliqué
Location: Cathedral Bishop Pocock Room
Max 15 Participants
Jackie Tennent is a retired school teacher and owner of 4-40 Quilt Shop in Saskatoon. She will
lead you through a quick review of various applique methods and using the sewing machine to
create a practical, student-focused project.
Supplies Needed: Please bring your sewing machine and basic sewing tools.
Interior Design in the Classroom (Repeat)
Location: Cathedral Bishop Mahoney Room
Michelle Fidelack is a Home Economics teacher from Wadena. Michelle has flipped four
classrooms in her school since she started teaching there 8 years ago. She will take you
through the process used with students in order to, “flip” or give a classroom in your school a
make-over. See how Michelle engages her students with this hands-on learning activity!
Cheese Making and Taste Testing
Location: Cathedral Conference Hall
Max 16 Participants
Jennifer Sadoway is a Home Economics teacher at Warman High School. She will be
demonstrating how to make ricotta cheese. Participants will also be taste testing a sample of
the pasta she usually makes with her students with the homemade ricotta. Recipes will be
Saskatoon Industry Education Council Info on SYA & Program offerings
Location: Cathedral Bishop Weisgerber Room
Megan Unrau is with the Saskatoon Industry Education Council; a non-profit organization that
provides career exploration opportunities for youth. Megan has experience working with various
Community Based Organizations along with the Ministry of Social Services where her focus has
always been youth engagement. Megan has been with the council for 3 years and is responsible
for facilitating the Skills Bootcamp Programs, Safety @ Work Program and the Summer Youth
Internship Program. Each of these programs provide youth with the opportunity to get a head
start on their career path.
Megan will be providing information on the council and events they offer, the Saskatchewan
Youth Apprenticeship Program along with ways teachers can get involved in providing their
students with these career exploration opportunities.
Breakout Session #3: 2:45 – 4:00
4 -40 Quilt Shop Appliqué (Repeat)
Location: Cathedral Bishop Pocock Room
Max 15 Participants
Jackie Tennent is a retired school teacher and owner of 4-40 Quilt Shop in Saskatoon. She will
lead you through a quick review of various applique methods and using the sewing machine to
create a practical, student-focused project.
Supplies Needed: Please bring your sewing machine and basic sewing tools.
Cheese Making and Taste Testing (Repeat)
Location: Cathedral Conference Hall
Max 16 Participants
Jennifer Sadoway is a Home Economics teacher at Warman High School. She will be
demonstrating how to make ricotta cheese. Participants will also be taste testing a sample of
the pasta she usually makes with her students with the homemade ricotta. Recipes will be
The Global Gathering Place
Location: Cathedral Bishop Weisgerber Room
The topic for this session is Welcoming New Canadians into our Classrooms and Community. It
will discuss ideas to incorporate an inclusive and positive learning experience for all students.
Qigong Movement Meditation for Energizing and Balance
Location: Cathedral Bishop Mahoney Room
Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master and Spring Forest Qi Gong Practitioner Katherine Dempsey, has
been practicing Reiki for 20 years. This beautiful spiritual healing practice has helped her
through her journey of breast cancer; raise her family, and support family and friends. As a
Registered nurse of over 30 years, Katherine also recognizes the value of alternative healing
modalities. Join Katherine from Soul Works Sacred Healing Center in a guided meditative
experience in movement, seated stillness and sound. During this session you will learn a simple
practice with a powerful effect. Beginning with gentle meditative movement, you will notice that
the pressures and discomfort of the day begin to fall away. By using Qigong movement and use
of the breath your Vital or Qi Pronounced (Chee) energy is amplified. You begin to both feel
reenergized and relaxed. Ever so gently, you notice layers of worry and discomfort fall away.
You reconnect within. Energy channels within the body are flowing and you feel at peace. You
are now ready for seated meditation which will feel easy and natural. The luminous tones of the
Crystal Singing Bowls support you in this beautiful mindful practice.
Afternoon Double Session 1:30 – 4:00
Basic Serger Techniques Workshop
Location: St. Joseph Sewing Lab
Max 15 Participants
Kathy Kennedy is the owner of The Sewing Machine Store with outlets in Saskatoon and North
Battleford. She has been intensely involved in the sewing industry since 1985. Her retail experience
started with a fabric store. She expanded into machine sales and service when she purchased S + S
Sewing Centre in 1992. Since then she has seen the sewing world evolve and grow. Join Kathy for an
afternoon getting to know your serger, troubleshooting, and learning a few fun serger projects.
Supplies you need to bring: Your serger with 2 needles, threaded with 4 different colours of thread (it
is helpful to use the colours of the thread paths on your serger), Tweezers, Screwdriver for changing
needles, All accessories and instruction book, power cord and foot control, Pen and paper, Scissors or
snips, Fabric marker, Ruler or tape measure
Pasta Making
Location: St. Joseph Foods Lab
Max 18 Participants
Additional Fee: $10
Kaitlyn Bowman is a recent graduate of the U of S Technical Vocational Education program. She has been
a Journeyman/Red Seal Chef for four years and has worked in various kitchens across Alberta and
Saskatchewan. Most of her training was done in Italian cooking and pastry methods during this time. She
enjoys working with people in the area of foods because it is a subject that everyone can talk about and
have an opinion on. She is excited to make fresh pasta from scratch with you during her session. There
will be the option of making stuffed raviolis or fresh linguine with your choice of tomato, pesto or cream
sauce. There will also be chorizo sausage, shrimp or roasted vegetables as options for additions to the
dishes. During the class you will learn how to make pasta from scratch and how to make light flavorful
sauces to accommodate many different types of tastes.
Unique Textiles Cape/Coat Construction
Location: 1022 Louise Avenue
Max 8 Participants
Additional Fee: $50
Janell Ford, owner of Unique Textiles Studio has been in the retail fabric business in various capacities
for 35 years, and has sewn for herself for even longer. Her store stocks a well edited selection of
fashion fabrics including a variety of knits, silk, linen, wool, special occasion fabrics and cottons for
clothing and quilting. Unique Textiles Studio is Saskatoon’s exclusive dealer of Husqvarna Viking Sewing
Machines and Sergers. The store also offers a variety of classes for children and adults. It was
established in October of 1999 and moved from its previous downtown location to 1022 Louise Ave in
August 2015. Join Janell for this double session where you will be using a serger to construct and finish
a cape/coat. This is a project that can be completed in your clothing classes.
***All fabric, equipment, and supplies required will be provided by Unique Textiles!
Fondant Flowers
Location: Holy Cross Foods Lab - 2115 McEown Avenue – Foods lab – Room 311
Max 18 Participants
Additional Fee: $20
Sandy Zurevinski has been a Home Economics teacher for 30 years and is currently teaching at
Holy Cross High School in Saskatoon. She enjoys teaching all aspects of Home Economics, but
has a real passion for baking and cake decorating. In the newly developed Baking and Food
Preparation 20 and 30 level programs at her high school, Sandy teaches buttercream, fondant
and royal icing techniques to her students. Participants of this session will explore the exciting
and creative art of fondant cake decorating.
In this session, participants will learn how to prepare buttercream decorating icing and crumb
coat a 6 inch carrot cake, how to prepare homemade marshmallow fondant to cover a cake, how
to color fondant and create a variety of fondant flowers (daisy, mum and rose) and leaves, how
to assemble the cake in relation to the floral arrangement and how to apply a basic buttercream
shell border. Participants will each receive a 6” carrot cake on a 10” cake board and all
decorating supplies needed. Please bring a container for cake storage – such as a box or cake
safe to accommodate a 10 inch round cake board.
***This session will likely run until 5pm***
Friday Large Group Demonstration
9:00 am – 9:45 am
Although a staple in professional kitchens
the world over, parchment paper is an
indispensable utensil of the everyday
gourmet. Culinary Parchment’s array of
innovative and convenient products
elevates the food experience to a whole new
level by creating flavorful dishes in the
parchment tradition.
From preparation to presentation – and
everything in between – Culinary Parchment
will add an element of simple sophistication
to any meal. Whether it’s cooking something
as basic as bacon and eggs or preparing an
elaborate multi-course dinner, parchment
paper’s application extends far beyond
simply protecting your cookware.
Oven safe to 425°F, Culinary Parchment’s line of non-stick products, including Cooking Bags,
Baking Cups and Multipurpose Paper, not only seals in nutrients, but enhances the food’s natural
flavors while virtually eliminating the need for synthetic cooking sprays and high-fat oils.
Culinary Parchment products are not only 100% biodegradable, but they are also FSC and Kosher
Join us to discover the Art of Cooking with Parchment, an innovative and convenient way to
prepare food in the time-honored tradition practiced by great chefs the world over.
Friday, September 30th Session Options
Breakout Session #1: 10:00 – 11:00
Metric Design (Repeat)
Location: Metric Design Studio - 285 Venture Crescent
Take a tour around the new Metric Design studio. Metric focuses on interiors and renovations
and includes mid to high end interiors. A Metric designer will discuss their education and the
design process they go through with clients. This session may appeal to Interior Design
Teachers or those looking to do a little home renovation of their own!
Make-Up Artistry 101
Location: Cathedral Bishop Weisgerber Room
Join us as we watch a professional make-up artist at work. She will be providing a step-by-step
make-up application on one lucky session participant. She will be providing instruction
throughout the demo on how to achieve both daytime and night time looks including highlighting
and contouring effects, info about the tools and make-up she uses and how we can apply adapt
these practices in our Cosmetology classes.
Food and Farming: Connecting the Dots
Location: Cathedral Bishop Pocock Room
We all eat, yet many of us give little thought to where our food actually comes from, what is in
it and who produces it. In 1931, one in three Canadians lived on a farm---today it's one in 50. In
fact, only 2 percent of Canadians have a direct connection to farming today. In this
presentation Bonnie Morrison will introduce you to Farm & Food Care, a group that is working to
answer questions and build public trust in food and farming in Canada.
Agriculture In The Classroom
Location: Cathedral Bishop Mahoney Room
Join Agriculture in the Classroom to explore the science of food! This session will give you
activity ideas and materials to allow your students to explore the science behind food. We will
show you how to engage your students in fun activities such as making gummy bears, root beer
and salad dressing. We will also provide lesson plans and activity ideas that focus on food
security. Agriculture in the Classroom SK is a registered charity with a mission to connect kids
and agriculture.
Professional Trade Show
Location: Cathedral Entrance Hall
At this Conference we are focusing on a professional trade show. Representatives from various
groups will be available to discuss the role of their organizations in helping home economics
teachers as well as providing resources to be used in your classes.
Breakout Session #2: 11:00 – 12:00
The Indefinite Article Antique Store Tour – Marion & Orest Murawsky
Location: 249 2nd Ave South
Max 15 Participants
The Murawsky's owned antique stores in the 70's & 80's, but found their family and jobs took priority.
Marion taught Home Economics for 30 plus years; then taught at the College of Education for 10 years in
the Home Economics program. Orest was the director of the Indian Teacher Education at the U of S for
40 plus years. Two and 1/2 years ago Marion & Orest Murawsky wrapped up their careers as educators
and once again opened an antique store "The Indefinite Article". They imagined buying trips to eastern
Canada, the USA & Europe. So far, their passports are still in the drawer. From small to larger items,
their biggest surprise was finding so many rare & valuable treasures right here at home. The biggest
reward is being given the story behind each piece. Surprises walk through the door every day! Join them
to hear some of the stories and enjoy a shopping experience at their unique store.
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers
Location: Cathedral Bishop Weisgerber Room
The United Nations has declared 2016 as the International Year of Pulses. Join this session to learn
about the health benefits pulses (lentils, peas, chickpeas, and beans) have to offer, how to cook them,
and about the hardworking Saskatchewan Farmers who are feeding the world with their crops. The
session will also include ideas for teaching your Home Economics class about pulses.
Yoga for All Levels
Location: Cathedral Bishop Pocock Room
Candace Jones is a yoga instructor with Fitness Focus as well as with the Saskatoon Community
Association. This session will refresh your mind and body with basic yoga postures and breathing. Please
bring your yoga mat and appropriate clothing for practice.
Agriculture In The Classroom (Repeat)
Location: Cathedral Bishop Mahoney Room
Join Agriculture in the Classroom to explore the science of food! This session will give you activity ideas
and materials to allow your students to explore the science behind food. We will show you how to engage
your students in fun activities such as making gummy bears, root beer and salad dressing. We will also
provide lesson plans and activity ideas that focus on food security. Agriculture in the Classroom SK is a
registered charity with a mission to connect kids and agriculture.
Professional Trade Show
Location: Cathedral Entrance Hall
At this Conference we are focusing on a professional trade show. Representatives from various groups
will be available to discuss the role of their organizations in helping home economics teachers as well as
providing resources to be used in your classes.
Morning Double Session 10:00 – 12:00
Good Spirit Bakery
Location: 619C 1st Avenue North
Max 10 Participants
Tracy Street had never baked a loaf of bread or anything in her first 50 years of life. Then one day she
bought a bakery. Tracey lives with Crohn’s and has not eaten bread in 20+ yrs. One day she decided to
look into it deeper and figure out why it caused her so much grief. The answers were surprising. She
hired a baker to train her with the basics and hit the ground with both feet running.
In this session you will learn the value of milling your own grains for making bread, as well as the benefit
of using a sourdough poolish instead of yeast. This session will cover steps from start to finish on
artisan breads and a few interesting facts on how industrialization alters our lives in ways we don't
always connect right away.
Binding 101
Location: St. Joseph Sewing Lab
Max 15 Participants
Seven years ago Sheryl Hilash started teaching the occasional weekend class at Prairie Chicks which
very quickly developed into teaching nearly every weekend between September and April. Now not only
does she teach upwards of 35 weekends each year but since she retired from her “day” job in 2015, she
has started to add even more classes and is looking to expand her reach beyond Saskatoon and area.
Sheryl will be teaching two binding methods in this session:
1) Traditional binding using 2 1/2" strips sewed end to end. This binding is sewed on the front side
of the completed quilt, folded over to the back side and hand stitched.
2) Two color binding uses two fabrics -- a main color as well as a second color that will create a
flange all around the perimeter of the quilt. The main difference with this binding is that it is
sewed on the back side of the quilt, folded to the front and then we "stitch in the ditch" -- no
hand sewing required!!!
Fabric Requirements: Start by measuring the perimeter of the quilt you want to bind.
Example: If the quilt is 80” x 90”, the perimeter is: 80 + 90 + 80 + 90 or 340 inches
You then take the perimeter and divide it by 40 (which is the approximate number of inches in a single
strip of fabric (WOF)) or in the case of the example, 340/40 = 8.5. Round up, in this case to 9. This
means you need 9 strips of fabric to make the binding.
For one color binding, you will need 9 - 2 ½” strips of fabric or 9 x 2 ½” = 22.5 inches of fabric.
If you decide you would like to try a two color binding you will need to do the same calculations except in
the example above:
Color 1 (main color) will require 9 x 1 ½” strips of fabric or 9 x 1 ½” = 13.5 inches of fabric
Color 2 (second color) will require 9 x 1 ¾” strips of fabric or 9 x 1 ¾” = 15.75 inches of fabric
Supplies: Usual quilting supplies (thread, pins, etc.) including your cutter, cutting mat, grids/rulers
(including a 24” grid/ruler) and a walking foot for your sewing machine.
Rawlicious Superfoods
Location: St. Joseph Foods Lab
Max 18 Participants
Additional Fee: $10
Kalyn Smith is a teacher at St. Joseph High School who is currently on maternity leave. She is
passionate about the vegan and raw food lifestyle and raising her family with the healthiest
food possible. She recently completed a 150 hour Professional Plant Based Culinary Course
through a cooking school called Rouxbe. Her favorite part of the course was learning more
advanced techniques for raw gastronomy including dehydrating and fermenting.
The session “Rawlicious Superfoods” will explore a number of raw food recipes that can be used
in a classroom setting. The session includes everything from superfood smoothies to blonde
macaroons, and hazelnut fudge. Come prepared to eat lots of healthy superfoods that will
nourish your body and also taste amazing!
First Nations Beading
Location: Cathedral Conference Hall
Max 15 Participants
Sheri Hupe has worked at the University of Saskatchewan with classroom technologies for 19
years. She has 3 kids, 3 step-kids and 8 grandchildren. Quilting takes up most free time in the
colder months. She has mastered hand quilting and has recently started long-arm quilting. Many
of the quilts are embellished with beads. She has a passion for exploring many mediums such as
plastering maternity bellies, wood carving, doll making, material and felting. With a Metis
heritage, creating leather goods has been an interest. Making items for her grandchildren gives
her the most pleasure.
In this session Sheri plans to create a leather travel case for iPod/cell phones. They can be
made out of wool or leather and embellished with beads. The goal will be to become familiar
with bead techniques and the tools best suited for beading. She will also have examples and
other bead projects to look at. This is a great project to do with students in PAA classes to tie
in authentic First Nations and Metis content. Fabric for pouches will be provided at no
additional cost to you. If you wish to purchase leather you can do so at the session for $20.
Friday Evening Downtown Tour
For anyone sticking around Friday after the conference we will be doing a downtown walking
tour where we will be stopping into a few of the local hot spots before stopping in at our final
destination for dinner. We will begin our tour meeting downtown at 5 pm at O’shea’s Irish Pub
and will finish our tour at Bon Temps Café where we will have a dinner reservation at 7pm.
Please feel free to meet up with us at any point throughout the tour. More specific details will
be provided at the conference. Please let us know on your registration form if you would like to
be included in the dinner reservation as we will need to know numbers.
SHETA Post Conference – October 1st, 2016
9am – 4 pm
Full Day Quilting
Minimum 6 Participants to run this session!
Additional Fee $60
Location: Bethlehem Catholic High School
We are offering a full day quilting session with Sheryl Hilash from Prairie Chicks. Participants will
choose one of the following three quilts to work on at the session. The choices provided are all lap sized
quilts that can be easily taught in a day. Participants won’t finish the quilt but they will have sufficient
knowledge (and handouts) to finish the quilt on their own.
Machines, mats and cutters will be supplied at the school but you can bring your own machine if you wish.
Please bring your own sewing notions.
***Participants can either purchase their own fabric (fabric requirements specifies below) or they can
contact Sheryl at Prairie Chicks and she will make a complete quilt kit for you. Those ordering kits from
Sheryl will pay her for the kit directly. Kits would range in price from $100 - $125 depending on fabric
choice. The session fee only covers the cost of the instructor and use of facility!***
Sheryl Hilash
1. Magic Tiles – This quilt has the look of stained glass. It works with all sorts of fabric
combinations. No special templates are required. This is a beginner quilt and would make a great
project for a Home Economics class.
Approximate Size -- 55” x 70”
Fabric Requirements:
12 fat quarters
1.5 meters of “grouting” fabric
Thread to match
2. Two-Fabric Bargello – This quilt uses only two fabrics (plus border). The effect is achieved by
using an ombre fabric accompanied by an “insert” fabric. This is by far my most popular class.
This is also a beginner quilt and would make a great project for a Home Economics class.
Approximate Size – 52” x 55”
Fabric Requirements:
2 meters of “ombre” fabric
1 meter of a coordinating “insert” fabric (if you want to incorporate the insert fabric in a border, I
recommend purchasing approximately .5-.75 meters more of this fabric)
1 meter for final border (choose a relatively solid/minimally patterned fabric for the last border)
Thread to match
3. New Wave – This quilt is unique in that it is sewed in columns rather than rows. This is a beginner
quilt that uses no special templates.
Approximate Size – 60” x 65”
Fabric Requirements:
12 fat quarters
1.5 meters of solid sashing and first border fabric
1 meter of second border fabric
Thread to match
Participants involved in the full day session will be on their own for lunch.
There are many quick service food options available nearby.
Freezer Meals (10 am – 1pm)
Minimum 6 Participants to run this session!
Maximum 18 Participants
Additional Fee: $50
Location: Bethlehem Catholic High School
Join us for an informal morning of networking, sharing, and hopefully a few good laughs. This
social session is designed for all of you busy Home Ec teachers to spend some time stocking up
your own freezers for the busy months ahead. Each participant will leave the morning with 5
freezer meals to feed a family of 4. All food supplies needed to prepare the freezer meals will
be supplied as well as containers for storage. Please bring a cooler to transport food if you will
be travelling a long distance.
City/Town: __________________________________
Postal Code: _________________________________
Phone: Home: _____________ Work: ____________
School Division: ______________________________
Teacher Certificate#:_________________________
I am a member of SHETA _____ and/or ASHE _____
I want the VISTA in ⃝ print or ⃝ email format
Dietary/special food considerations : ______________
Please indicate in the right hand column.
SHETA Member (includes
ASHE member (memberships will
Superannuates (includes 1 year
SHETA Membership)
Students (free SHETA
SHETA 1 year membership)
be renewed at conference)
Extra Banquet Ticket
Friday Only
Additional Session Fees:
Pasta Making
Fondant Flowers
Cape/Coat Construction
Quilting Session
Freezer Meals
⃝ Friday Evening Reservation @ Bon Temps Café
It is SHETA policy that payment must accompany
registration to guarantee session selection!
Registration and payment options:
#1: Mail form and cheque to:
Megan Printz
Box 110 St. Denis Sk. S0K3W0
Cheques payable: SHETA Conference 2016
#2: E mail registration form and e mail money transfer to
10:45 – 11:45 am
The Magic Of Gratitude
Local Bar
Interior Design in the Classroom
Metric Design
Lesson Swap
1:30 – 2:30 pm
4-40 Applique
Interior Design in the Classroom
Cheese Making
S.I.E.C. Info Session
2:45 – 4:00
4-40 Applique
Cheese Making
The Global Gathering Place
Qigong Movement
Serger Basics
Pasta Making
Unique Textiles – Cape/Coat
Fondant Flowers
Metric Design
Make-Up Artistry 101
Food & Farming
Ag in the Classroom
Trade Show
11:00 – 12:00
Indefinite Article
Sask Pulse Growers
Ag in the Classroom
Trade Show
Good Spirit Bakery
Binding 101
Rawlicious Foods
***Sessions are subject to cancellation if there is fewer than
the minimum number registered in a session by Sept. 15th.
Owing to the Privacy Act governing the use of photographs,
your signature gives consent for this information to be kept
by SHETA for two years or after expiration of one’s
membership. Photographs may be used in the STF Bulletin, in
our displays, on our website, but will NOT be shared
Signature: _____________________________
***Registration forms and payment due by Sept.15/2016.
Late registrations will be charged a $20 late fee***
The 48th Annual SHETA/ASHE Conference
The 2016 SHETA/ASHE Conference is happy to announce that we will
be offering an early bird registration draw for conference.
Submit your registration and payment by June 30th and be entered in a
draw to win a pair of HILLBERG & BERK Sparkle Ball Earrings!!!!
Registration and payment options:
#1: Mail form and cheque to:
Megan Printz
Box 110 St. Denis Sk. S0K3W0
Cheques payable: SHETA Conference 2016
#2: E mail registration form and e mail money transfer to