Science Fair - Armuchee Elementary School


Science Fair - Armuchee Elementary School
Armuchee Elementary
Science Fair
Dear Parents or Guardians,
Our Science Fair is practice for the real world of science! We do real science, just
like grown-up scientists do, by constructing a real science experiment, carefully recording
procedures, results, and conclusions, and presenting the experiment in an entertaining display
for teachers, classmates and parents.
Ours may not be exactly like the science fairs that you have experienced in the past.
While models and modeling are important to science, our science projects will not be models
of such things as the solar system or volcanos or the varieties of fingerprints. We do not
want our students to do a project: we want them to do science! Our students imagine real
questions and set up experiments to answer those questions.
Here are some ways you might support your child’s progress as he or she designs and
conducts the experiment and presents the results.
• Talk to your son or daughter about what he or she might be
interested in finding out. Work together to formulate a question
that can be answered by setting up an experiment.
• Take your son or daughter to the library or help her or him search
online for information about the topic.
• Help your son or daughter think about an experiment that will help
to answer the project question.
• Help gather the materials necessary to conduct the experiment.
Observe and ask questions as your son or daughter carries out the
experiment, but be careful not to conduct the experiment or draw
conclusions yourself.
• Help with gathering materials for the display. Allow your son or
daughter to make the display with only some help from you.
Of course we want the science fair project to be the student’s work, not the
parent’s, but it can be a wonderful time for parent and child to work together. If you
have any questions don’t hesitate to contact one of the fourth grade teachers.
Your Fourth Grade Teachers
Peggy Bartlett, Jason Coffman, Misty Gann, Chad Gentry, Allien McNair,
Dennise Minshew, Stacy Payne, Andrea Moore, & Terrell Shaw.
Tips on how to...
Choose An Exciting Topic
• Choose a topic you like -that will interest and challenge you!
• Don’t be afraid to try something new -you will learn about it along the way.
• Complicated-looking projects don’t guarantee a win!
Learn Cool Theories
• Scientists are looking for truth so remember the characteristics of science! Scientists never
change data to fit their guesses. And they always measure carefully and keep good records!
• After picking a topic, spend a lot of time gathering background research.
• Look for important concepts that will explain how and why your experimental results turn out
the way they do.
Be a True Scientist
• EVERYTHING should be in your log book. It should be a complete record of your project.
Keep your detailed and up-to-date log book with you regularly. It will help you organize your
thoughts and should include ALL of your research, notes, observations, data, resources, and
conclusions. Judges will use your log book to evaluate your project.
Trudge Onward!
• Know what the judges are looking for, review the evaluation forms often to remind yourself.
• Don’t get discouraged if you run into problems.
• Don’t stop if your experiment does not turn out the way you think it should.
• Did your hypothesis prove to be wrong? Great! You are looking for truth.
• Judges like to see persistence - so keep at it! Ask for advice if you need help.
• Besides, judges love to read about the problems and how you solved or tried to solve them.
Use Your Brain (It’s not as hard as it seems!)
• Look at your results and ask yourself why they do/do not make sense.
• Think about your background research to help you figure out what happened during the
• Practice and time your oral presentation in front of your family. Just tell about
1) what you were trying to find out,
2) how you experimented to answer your question and,
3) what you learned from your experiment.
Keep it simple! Pretend your parents are the teachers or judges and answer their questions.
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Steps Toward a Winning Project
1. Select a Topic
A. Select three to five possible questions to investigate
B. Evaluate the difficulty of the projects
C. Evaluate your interest in the topics
D. Rank your top three choices
E. Submit them for approval from your teacher
2. Research Background Information
A. School library
B. Public library
C. Bookstore
D. Online research
E. Online books
F. Interview experts
3. Use the Scientific Method
A. State the purpose of experiment
B. State a variable to test
C. State your hypothesis - (expected results)
D. Explain how you will test the hypothesis
E. Explain how you will control variables
F. Describe how you will measure the results
4. Create Project and Run Experiment
A. Perform the experiment as planned (with repetitions)
B. Carefully record your data as the project progresses
C. Keep complete notes
B. Use graphs and charts to show your results
6. Construct Exhibit or Display
A. Sketch a rough draft on regular paper
B. Construct your final colorful, creative display
B. Keep it simple - just explain your experiment and the results.
C. Time your report
D. Edit your report to the time allowed
E. Practice your presentation for your family
F. Repeat practice till it is easy and fun
7. Prepare a Short Oral Report
A. Prepare outline of report
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Science Project Ideas
This list has lots of good ideas for questions to investigate in your science project. It is
OK to use one of these questions. It would be even better to come up with an original investigation by using your imagination to find related questions to these or other ideas you
get from other sources. Try filling in the blanks in these questions with your own ideas:
What is the effect of ____________ on _______________?
germination of seeds
the volume of air
How/to what extent does the __________________ affect ________________?
growth of fungi
color of a material
its absorption of heat
Which/what __________________ (verb) __________________?
gerbils prefer
the most bubbles
Watch Out!
Lots of projects that you will find in books and on web sites are great models or demonstrations, but are not experiments. As you can see from the evaluation sheet in your
packet, ours is an experimental science fair. You must conduct an experiment. It would be
difficult to make even a passing grade on a model or demonstration
project without a real scientific experiment.
Botany (Plant Science)
1. Will vitamins affect the growth of plants?
2. How fast do roots grow?
3. How does rotating a growing seedling affect its growth?
4. When do weeds interfere with plant growth?
5. Under what color light do plants grow best?
6. Do living plants give off moisture?
7. How does the (amount of water, amount of light, type of soil) affect plant growth?
8. Does cow manure work better than chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth?
Zoology (Animal Science)
1. Can mice distinguish color?
2. How do meal worms respond to light?
3. Can a mouse learn a maze?
4. What colors attract insects at night?
5. Does temperature affect the flash rate of fireflies?
6. What is the effect of temperature on the activity of (pick an insect or other animal)?
7. How do predator calls affect the behavior of birds?
8. Which color of bird feeder attracts more birds?
9. How do electromagnetic fields affect populations of brine shrimp?
10. What effect does (salinity, light, or temperature) have on the hatch rate of brine
shrimp eggs?
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Human/Behavioral Science
1. Do family members tend to have similar fingerprint patterns?
2. Do all fourth-graders have the same normal body temperatures?
3. Do children tend to have the same eye color as one of their parents?
4. Are fourth graders more likely to be right-eyed or left-eyed?
5. What percentage of fourth graders can curl their tongues?
6. Is the ability to curl one’s tongue hereditary?
7. How accurately can fourth graders estimate temperature by touch?
8. Does cell phone use affect driving ability in a video game simulation?
9. How reliable are eyewitness reports?
10. Do students prefer ___________ or ____________ for lunch?
11. Is there a relationship between eating breakfast and school performance?
12. Is there a difference in short-term memory between boys and girls?
Earth Science
1. How accurate are 7-day weather forecasts?
2. From which direction does the wind blow most frequently?
3. Is salt water more or less dense than fresh water?
4. Is rainwater absorbed equally by different types of soil?
5. Does the moon “rise” every night at the same time and from the same direction?
6. Can air power be used to generate electricity?
7. Is the activation of yeast affected by water temperature?
Physical Science
1. Does increasing the number of blades on a windmill generate more electricity?
3. Aluminum or wood: which bat propels a baseball farthest?
4. What materials provide the best heat insulation?
5. On what kind of surface will a ball roll fastest?
6. Which makes the strongest joint, screws or nails?
7. How does the weight of a pendulum affect its swing?
8. How does the length of its string affect a pendulum’s swing?
9. Which paper airplane design produces the longest flights?
10. Which fabrics are most resistant to burning?
Consumer Science
1. Which disposable diaper holds the most water?
2. Which detergent breaks up oil best?
3. How does the absorption rate of paper towels differ?
4. Which brand of popcorn pops most completely?
5. Which chewing gum holds its flavor longest?
6. Which detergent makes the most bubbles?
7. How clean are the tops of soda cans?
8. Which vitamin tablet will dissolve most quickly?
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Environmental Science
1. How much junk mail comes to the average home?
2. Which better conserves water, tub baths or showers?
3. How does acid rain affect algae (or bacteria)?
4. Does fertilizer in water lower dissolved oxygen levels?
5. What effect do different salts have on lawn grass growth?
6. What is the lead content of drinking water at home and at school?
7 How effective is washing and heating for removing pesticides on fruits and vegetables?
8. How does the concentration of salt in water affect seed germination?
9. How do common household chemicals affect the effectiveness of sewage treatment?
10. How do various fabrics compare as barriers against ultraviolet radiation?
11. Does pollution affect oxygen production in aquatic plants?
12. What effects does rainfall have on water quality indicators?
13. What kinds of life can be found in one square meter of my backyard compared to one
square meter of woodland?
14. How does slope affect the erosion rate of different kinds of soil?
Note: Because of health concerns we cannot approve projects involving bacteria cultures.
These web sites have lots more Science Project ideas:
Ideas for energy-related projects. Even if you choose a different project this site give suggestions for
completing your experiments and presenting the results.
See some of Bill Nye’s ideas for experiments
As always, be sure you choose a project that is a real experiment.
Lots of good ideas. Look for the “Experiments” section.
Some of these are actual experiments done by students. Be sure you do your own research.
This site includes an interactive program to help you choose a project you will enjoy.
A hodgepodge of ideas, tips, and strange resources.
More good ideas.
There are many more online science fair ideas. Use any search engine to find others.
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Tell the story of your project!
Log Book
(Can be listed in the log book.)
(Can be listed in the log book.)
The Display
Tell the story of your project! Attract and hold the interest of the viewers. Your experiment
deserves an outstanding display, so make it shine! Include a backboard, the project log, and
something that represents your project, such as a model, items studied, or photograph.
Use sturdy cardboard or other heavy material that is easy to work with and not easily
damaged during transportation. Wooden panels can be cut and hinged together. Many stores sell
inexpensive pre-made backboards. The school has some for sale in the school store at about $4
each. You can use a different color by covering the backboard, if you like. For items placed on
the backboard, select colors that stand out but don't distract the viewer. If everything is in
fluorescent colors, the bright colors, instead of your work, may be what people notice.
Make headings neat and large enough to be read at a distance of about 3 feet. A short title is
usually more eye-catching. You can buy, at many stores, self-sticking letters of various sizes and
colors for the title and headings and stick them to the backboard. You can cut your own letters
out of construction paper or stencil the headings directly onto the backboard IF you plan ahead
and are very careful. You can also use a word processor to print the title and other headings. It
is usually a mistake to draw freehand headings directly onto the backboard.
Make your display thorough, but not crowded. Before you glue things down, lay the board on
a flat surface. Arrange and rearrange to your heart’s content.
Then get out the glue stick!
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Suggested Display Do's...
Do limit the number of colors used.
Do display models when applicable. If possible, make the models match
the color scheme of the backboard.
Do attach charts neatly. If there are many, place them on top of each
other so that the top chart can be lifted to reveal the ones below.
Do balance the arrangement of materials on the backboard. This means
evenly distributing the materials on the board so that they cover
about the same amount of space on each panel.
Do use rubber cement, glue sticks, or double-sided tape to attach
papers. White school glue causes the paper to wrinkle.
Do use computer-generated graphs.
Do list thanks for those who have helped with your project.
Do display photos representing the procedure and the results.
Do use contrasting colors.
Do proofread and have a parent or other adult proofread
...and Display Don'ts
Don’t leave large empty spaces but also don’t crowd the backboard.
Don’t leave the table in front of the backboard empty. Display your
models (if any), reports, and your log book here.
Don’t make the title or headings hard to read by using uneven lettering,
words with letters of different colors, or disorganized placement of
Don’t hand-print the letters on the backboard.
Don’t attach folders that fall open on the backboard.
Don’t make grammar or spelling mistakes.
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Log Book Checklist
The log book is the most important record of your project. It
should include a complete account. Even though many items from the
log will be displayed on your backboard, they still should be a part
of your log. Because it is the record of your project the log counts
as 20 points on its own, but in a way counts as much more. The log
is where you record your research notes (5 pts.), experiment and
procedure (20 pts.), materials (5 pts.), and all the steps of the
scientific method (that are also displayed on the backboard).
Your log can be bound in a three-prong folder, a one-half inch or
one-inch plain or view binder, or other 8.5” x 11” presentation folder.
Tabs are optional but helpful.
Use this checklist to help set up your logbook.
Project Title
List of Materials
Research notes
List of references and resources with brief
summary of information obtained from each.
Description of experiment (procedure)
Observation notes/data
Record of results (include graphs, charts, and/or
tables as necessary)
Conclusion -- include whether or not hypothesis was proved.
Thanks to those who helped you.
Include at the back of your log: this Science Fair Booket, letters
or e-mails to and from resource persons, preliminary sketches, or
other miscellaneous records of your project.
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Armuchee Elementary Science Fair
Project Proposals (Due January 15, 2013)
Student________________________________ Date Submitted_________________________
First Choice Project Question or Purpose ____________________________________________________________________________
Physical Science
Environmental Science
Earth Science
Human/Behavioral Science
Consumer Science
Second Choice Project Question or Purpose __________________________________________________________________________
Physical Science
Environmental Science
Earth Science
Human/Behavioral Science
Consumer Science
Third Choice Project Question or Purpose ____________________________________________________________________________
Physical Science
Environmental Science
Earth Science
Human/Behavioral Science
Consumer Science
I have looked over these proposals with my child and approve them as reasonable experiments for the time and
other resources available.
Parent Signature________________________________________________
10 Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Armuchee Elementary Science Fair
Project Plan
(Due January 31, 2013)
The purpose of my project is to____________________________________________________________________________________
The Title of my project is _______________________________________________________________________________________
My hypothesis is ____________________________________________________________________________________
Resources and references that I may use ____________________________________________________________________________
How I plan to conduct my experiment_______________________________________________________________________________
Materials I will need: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
How I will record my results: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Imagine what your project display will look like when you have finished your experiment. Sketch it on a separate sheet of paper and label the
parts. Include your sketch in your log.
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Armuchee Elementary Science Fair
Progress Report #1 (Due January 31, 2013)
Student________________________________ Date Submitted_________________________
My Project Question or Purpose ___________________________________________________________________________________
My Hypothesis________________________________________________________________________________________________
Physical Science
Environmental Science
Earth Science
Human/Behavioral Science
Consumer Science
Brief description of my experiment_________________________________________________________________________________
What have I done so far_________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Signature ____________________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature ____________________________________________________________________________
Teacher Signature ___________________________________________________________________________
12 Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Armuchee Elementary Science Fair
References and Research Summary
(At least six due January 31, 2013 but may be expanded later.)
Student________________________________ Date Submitted_________________________
My Project Title _________________________________________________________________________
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me*:_______________________________________
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me:________________________________________
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me:________________________________________
* more extensive notes from resources may be included in the Addenda if desired.
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me:________________________________________
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me:________________________________________
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me:________________________________________
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me:________________________________________
* more extensive notes from resources may be included in the Addenda if desired.
14 Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me:________________________________________
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me:________________________________________
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me:________________________________________
Internet Site
Title (book, website, or magazine; or name of expert)_________________________________________________
Author (or position of person interviewed)_____________________________________________________
Summary of how this resource helped me:________________________________________
* more extensive notes from resources may be included in the Addenda if desired.
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Armuchee Elementary Science Fair
Progress Report #2 (Due February 15, 2013)
Student________________________________ Date Submitted_________________________
My Project Question or Purpose ___________________________________________________________________________________
What have I done since the last report______________________________________________________________________________
What I need to do to finish my experiment and my display and get it to school on time. (Project Due Date is Feb. 22, 2013)________________
Student Signature ____________________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature ____________________________________________________________________________
Teacher Signature ___________________________________________________________________________
16 Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Armuchee Elementary Science Fair
Student Self Evaluation
(Use pencil only. Due February 27, 2013)
Student________________________________ Project Title___________________________________________________________
Physical Science
Environmental Science
Earth Science
Human/Behavioral Science
Is the purpose clearly stated on the display and in the log book?
Would others be interested in knowing? Title
Does my title relate to the purpose?
Will people stop to see my project?
Is it easy to read?
Is my hypothesis clearly stated on the display and in the log book?
Does it give a hint about my experiment? Zoology
Consumer Science
Score _____________
Max. 5 Points
Score _____________
Max. 5 Points
Score _____________
Max. 5 Points
References/Research (in log book)
Did I use at least six resources?
Did I check in encyclopedias, in other books, on the internet, and/or with experts?
Did I list all my resources in my log and summarize how they helped me?
Score _____________
Max. 5 Points
Did the experiment answer my question?
Do I show evidence of my experiment and explain it completely? Did I show careful attention to variables?
Did I keep complete and accurate records in my log? Score _____________
Max. 20 Points
Are all the materials I used listed in my log?
Score _____________
Max. 5 Points
Log Book/Record Keeping (Separate language arts and math grades will be taken from this.)
Are all observations, data, and results recorded?
Did I think about what happened and draw conclusions based on the results?
Did I include charts, graphs, or tables to show my results?
Score _____________
Max. 20 Points
Have I explained what I learned from my experiments?
Have I stated whether or not my hypothesis has been proved?
Score _____________
Max. 5 Points
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Oral Presentation (A separate language arts grade will be taken from this.)
Did I explain clearly what I wanted to learn?
Did I explain clearly how I conducted my experiment?
Did I explain clearly what I concluded from my experiment?
Did I face my audience and use a clear, strong, voice?
Could I answer relevant questions?
Score _____________
Max. 15 Points
Did I turn in my proposal form on time?
(2 pts.)
Did I turn in my Project Plan form on time?
Did I turn in my progress reports on time?
Did I turn in my display on time?
(2 pts.)
2. (2 pts. each)
(2 pts.)
Are my log book and display neat, attractive, and easy to read?
Score _____________
Max. 10 Points
Score _____________
Max. 5 Points
Extra Credit
Did I attend one or both of the after-scool workshops and was I well prepared
with materials, questions, attention, manners, etc.?
2. (2 pts. each)
Score _____________
Max. 4 Points
Total Score _____________
Max. 104 Points
Final Grade _____________
Evaluator’s Signature____________________________________
18 Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Armuchee Elementary 2013 Science Fair
Suggested Score Sheet for Judges
(based on project log book and display)
Student Name
Project Title
Scientific Thought (50 points)
Are the purpose and hypothesis clearly stated?
Are the procedures clearly discussed?
Does the exhibit disclose attention to the variables:
(1) manipulated (independent)
(2) controlled
(3) responding (dependent)
Are there easily read data tables/logs?
Are appropriate statistics used?
Are the stated conclusions reasonable based on the results of the experiment?
Clarity (15 points)
Will the average person be likely to understand that which is being displayed?
Does the exhibit tell a complete and concise story about the project?
Is the appropriate emphasis given to important items?
Is there a logical progression evident in the organization of the exhibit?
Are graphs appropriately constructed/used when needed?
Creative Ability (15 points)
Does the exhibit demonstrate originality in plan and execution?
Does it demonstrate new or improved ways of expressing
or communicating scientific ideas?
Are materials used in an ingenious fashion?
Technical Skill (10 points)
Is the exhibit sound and durably constructed? (Will it withstand the wear and tear
of transportation and demonstration?)
Dramatic Value (10 points)
Does the exhibit catch and focus attention?
Total Score
Judges’ Signatures
Armuchee Science Fair 2013
Science Project Time Line
January 15, 2013
Proposal Form Due (2 points)
January 24, 2013(tentative date)
3:15 - 4:30 p.m., Science Fair Workshop #1
Get help from teachers, parents, and college students as you research your topic, design your
experiment, plan safety procedures, arrange to control the variables, etc.
Get off to a good start! (2 points extra credit)
January 31, 2013
Project Plan, First Progress Report, and
Reference & Research Report Due (2 points each)
February 14, 2013(tentative date)
3:15 - 4:30 p.m., Science Fair Workshop #2
Get last minute help from teachers, parents, and college students in designing your display,
creating charts and graphs of your data, ways to reinforce the validity of your experiment, etc.
Finish with a flair! (2 points extra credit)
February 15, 2013
February 27, 2013
Final Progress Report Due (2 points)
Self-Evaluation & Project Display Due (2 points)
IMPORTANT: 2 points will be subtracted from projects submitted on February 28;
2 additional points will be subtracted from projects submitted on March 1.
Absolutely NO project material will be accepted after 8:10 a.m. on March 1, 2013. Don’t ask.
February 25 - March 1, 2013
Oral Presentations (15 points)
Remember to practice and time your presentation in front of your family.
March 4, 20132013 Armuchee Elementary Science Fair
6 p.m., AES Cafeteria & Gymnasium
Please be prepared to take your display home with you on the night of the Science Fair.
Questions? Visit the...
2013 Science Fair HQ
Look for the link on the school website: