Untitled - EET Europarts GmbH
Untitled - EET Europarts GmbH
1 CONTENT [ LIST ] COMPANY [ HISTORY ] 2 HISTORY 4 STRUCTURE 5 FINANCIALS 6 CAPACITY 7 SOLUTIONS 8 DIFFERENCE 9 VENDORS The new strategy saw the company make the difficult transition from regional to pan-European distributor. By maintaining a strong focus on: VISUALIZED 10 11 EET Europarts is an IT distribution company, headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. Established in 1996, the company started its trading activities as a distributor for Kingston Technology in the Nordics. EET Europarts helped Kingston become the leading memory brand in the region, and at the same time EET Europarts built a reputation as a solid and reliable partner to Nordic resellers. A TURNING POINT 1997 was an important year in the history of EET Europarts. London based equity fund CVC Capital Partners acquired the company, and together with the management team, the new owners devised a brand new strategy that would prime EET Europarts for the 21st century. A part of that strategy was for the company to become a Pan-European distributor with activities in all significant European countries. NEW STRATEGY VALUES 1986 The company EET Sweden is established EET Sweden obtains the Nordic distribution rights of Kingston Technology 1987 1988 The company EET Denmark is established The company EET Norway is established 19 90 2 Expansion into the rest of Europe A broadened EMEA customer and supplier portfolio Efficiency and optimisation of all processes Establishing a market leading and convenient trading platform 1991 The company EET Finland is established EET Nordic Group is acquired by the private equity fund CVC Capital Partners 1997 1998 EET Group establishes sales offices in France and Italy The prod spare p included acquisiti IT Distri 19 duct area parts is with the tion of ibution 98 Part of the new corporate strategy was also to establish a more longterm sustainable business, becoming the largest, broadest and most convenient IT supermarket available and becoming the 1st choice of distributor among resellers throughout the EMEA countries. ACQUISITIONAL GROWTH The growth into the European market was kicked off by the acquisition of the parts distribution company IT Distribution in Spain in 1998, and over the next 14 years an additional 15 acquisitions were carried out. This took the company from a minor, regional operator to a large scale distributor with a presence throughout EMEA. strategy, the company established three formal business areas: Computer & printer parts Consumer electronics Surveillance & Security products The most recent and most comprehensive acquisition was done during the summer of 2012, when EET Group acquired the spare parts distributor Europarts. An acquisition that created EET Europarts, and added an additional turnover of 50 million EURO, 150 employees and a presence in 4 new countries to the group. By the end of 2012 most of the stratetic goals initially set out have been accomblished and EET Europarts is today present in 20 countries with 26 sales offices. The company today distributes products from more than 600 premier global suppliers to more than 40.000 business-to-business customers in the EMEA region. INCREASED PRESENCE Through the acquisitions the market position was strengthened with a broadened portfolio of brands, suppliers, customers and obtaining important know-how from the acquired companies and employees. In connection with the implementation of the new 2001 EET Group establishes sales office in Holland EET Group establishes the first sales office in Germany 2003 2005 The product area cables is included with the acquisition of the distributor Dafix EET Europarts continues to pursue strategic growth and has despite the numerous acquisitions a healthy organic growth and furthermore 10 years of consistently improved financial results. EET Group acquires Sandberg and enters the market segment of retail oriented products 2006 3 2007 EET Group acquires the distribution activities of Romtronics and establishes sales office in London EET Group acquires the surveillance and security distributor Ernitec 2011 2012 EET Group strengthens position with acquisition of Europarts. Strategic name change to EET Europarts COMPANY [ STRUCTURE ] EET GROUP EET SECURITY EET Group is the backbone of the organisation and operates in the EMEA market through the company EET Europarts. EET Group, operates out of Copenhagen Denmark, and hosts all backoffice, such as corporate management, finance, marketing, IT operations, WEB & ERP development, logistics center, product management and purchasing functions, supporting all divisions and all 20 countries. The division of EET Europarts, EET Security distributes high-end high quality surveillance and security products from companies like Axis, Sony, Pelco, Ernitec, Mirasys, Milestone, IQeye, Mobotix and Canon, as well as providing consultancy services in relation to strategy and choice of solutions. EET EUROPARTS In 2011 EET Europarts introduced the EET Europarts Academy, that is responsible for the education of sales trainees and courses in corporate management. The Academy has recently graduated the first ”batch” of salestrainees that today successfully works within EET Europarts. EET ACADEMY EET Europarts, which is the common company name for all entities, distributes computer & printer parts, consumer electronics products from numerous A-brand suppliers to more than 40.000 business-to-business customers in the EMEA region. = Local warehouse 4 COMPANY [ FINANCIALS ] FISCAL YEAR 2011 IN SHORT GROWTH 2011 was a year of continued strong growth for the EET Europarts, and with the latest and largest aquisition of the distributor EUROPARTS the company EET Europarts grew considerably all over the EMEA markets. EET Europarts revenue increased by 25% in 2011 to mio € 163 against mio € 130 the year before, and EBITA amounted to mio € 14 in 2011. Recent years’ growth on the European market continued at the same pace in 2012 and most European markets achieved two-digit sales increases. Euro ’000 Revenue 2008 EET Europarts aims for continued growth in sales and earnings. The foundation for this growth is a constant focus and optimisation of the company’s core solutions, services, products and markets. 2009 2010 2011 2012 E 98.609 106.908 130.772 163.575 181.452 3.802 5.019 9.719 14.211 15.074 Employees 178 194 218 260 380 Countries 14 15 16 16 20 EBITA 2008 Equity 2009 2010 2011 2012 E 7.545 7.920 12.691 41.782 43.000 Total Balance 38.571 42.632 44.404 120.287 117.608 Equity ratio 19,8 % 18,6 % 28,6 % 34,7 % 36,6 % EET Group has over the years constantly delivered outstanding results and strong underlaying cash flow. EET Group has actually improved the operating profit (EBITA) year on year for 10 consecutive yerars and the result of mio € 14 in 2011 was actually the best result ever. By the end of 2011 the EET Group’s shareholders equity exceeded mio € 43. A significant growthrate is expected from the new countries opened due to the aquisition of EUROPARTS is expected for fiscal year 2013 and 2014. These contries will be major contributors to the overall expected 10-15 % growth already in 2012. 5 CAPACITY [ LOGISTICS ] EET Europarts has invested much in this new facility. We service customers with drop shipment or blind shipments in the current 20 countries throughout Europe and Africa. New assembly, reconfiguration and production area has also been established. EET GROUP LOGISTICS CENTER EET Group Logistics Centre resides in Copenhagen Denmark. The logistics centre was moved to new and larger premises September 2012. The new 12.500 m2 large building with 15 km of shelves was designed from the ground up, according to management strategies regarding processes and warehouse optimisation - all based on experiences from the former warehouse. Some vendors are using the EET Europart’s warehouse in Denmark as their European hub, due to our highly efficient Logistics and infrastructure, which ensure day-to-day shipments all over Europe. LOGISTIC PARTNERS FACILITY We are, thanks to great partnerships with international logistical companies, able to ship 99% of orders received before 16.00 CET the same day. The throughput of the new facility is at the moment 5-6.000 order lines, and capacity is to handle twice as much. Furthermore new systems like time stamped video surveillance, semi-automated picking, packaging and sorting systems has been implemented keeping mistakes and failures to an absolute minimum. DAY TO DAY DELIVERIES THROUGHOUT EUROPE SHIPMENT IN & OUT MONITORED BY CCTV CAPABILITIES LOCALISED SALES OFFICES IN THE EMEA REGION STATE-OF-ART PACKAGE HANDLING SYSTEM EET EUROPARTS LOGISTIC CENTRE CENTRALISED LOGISTICS CENTRE Besides servicing EET Europarts, EET Group offers a variety of professional managed logistical services and solutions to vendors and customers. Most popular services / solutions are : 25.000 ITEMS PERMANENTLY IN STOCK 6 IN-WARRANTY services HOSTED WAREHOUSE services ASSEMBLING & PACKAGING services WAREHOUSE services RMA services SOLUTIONS SERVICES ] INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS CENTER A new state-of-the-art logistics center was introduced in September 2012. The logistics center, located in Copenhagen Denmark, has more than 25.000 different part numbers in stock and more than 400.000 different products available through our website. The logistics center annually handles more than 850.000 deliveries to more than 40.000 EMEA customers. AWARD WINNING PRODUCT GUIDE The award winning Product Guide is developed by EET Europarts and it contains more than 1 million product relations and more than 66.000 different models and systems from the most popular manufacturers . The Product Guide is installed on more than 2.000 websites. WEBSITES EET Europarts has invested many resources in inhouse development of the localised websites available directly or through the global website www.eeteuroparts.com. The websites offers many state-of-the-art features like: Search-As-You-Type, Category Overview Section, Product Guide and Product Category Filtering. CENTRALIZED INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS CENTER AWARD WINNING PRODUCT GUIDE GLOBAL & LOCAL LANGUAGE WEBSITES EDI & XML INTERFACING INVOICE, ORDER & STATUS SPECIALISED PRODUCT AREA TEAMS DAILY CUSTOMER TAILORED PRICEFEEDS SPECIALISED PRODUCT AREA TEAMS Ensuring customers best experience partnering up with EET Europarts, strategic product area divisions has been established. They consist of sales-, product management- and purchase teams, that enable us to provide outstanding product know-how, high product availablillity, competitive prices, as well as fast and reliable deliveries. TAILORED PRICE FEEDS We offer our customers daily Price Feeds - these files are automatically transmitted on the required basis ensuring that customers always have the latest pricing, stock levels and product information. The Price Files are either uploaded to customer ftp servers or sent as regular mail. MARKETING ACTIVITIES The marketing team develops, in coorporation with suppliers, a large variety of marketing activities like Web activities, Newsletters, Channelized Magazines, Reseller Guides, Product Leaflets, Product Catalogs, Seminars and Fairs. LOCALISED SALESOFFICES OPTIMAL INTERFACING To make our business relationships as smooth and easy as possible, we offer various electronic interfaces such as EDI, XML, OIO XML and OIO UBL. Most customer orders, price- and availability enquiries, despatch information & invoices are handled automatically. SUPPORTING MAGAZINES, LEAFLETS & CATALOGS LOCALISED OFFICES IN THE EMEA REGION 7 With the latest acquisition of Europarts, we have become present throughout the EMEA region via 26 sales offices in 20 countries and we are, as a very positive consequence, today the largest spare parts supplier in the EMEA region with the overall mission of maturing our retail product business in some of the new countries. MAKING A [ DIFFERENCE ] THE PRODUCT GUIDE ADVANTAGES IN LESS THAN 2 MINUTTES As a strategic and specialised business supporting tool, EET Europarts developed the award winning multi platform and webbased Product Guide. The Product Guide, recently released in version 2012, has become the most commonly used configurator or product localizer tool among European resellers. We encourage all of our customers to decide having our award winning Product Guide installed on their corporate website. It is implemented in less than two minuttes - simply by making a few selections in an easy wizard configurator, which delivers a HTML string to insert on a website. The Product Guide can be used when searching for all types of systems, accessories or parts such as computer accessories, computers, monitors, printers and projectors. AWARDS At the annual distributor event Distree in Monaco EET Group won the prize in the category "EMEA Distributor Initiative of the year". EET Group was elected by a VIP jury, who found EET Group's Product Guide and its features outstanding. The huge market / reseller penetration rate of the Product Guide has been accomblished mainly due to the fact that it is not only extremely effective and installed in under 2 minuttes. It is also absolutely free to install and use, ensuring the reseller and their customers benefits from more than In June 2012 Initiative Mittelstand awarded EET Europarts with “Innovation Price IT 2012”. The jury of experts (Federal Government for Information Technology and IBM Germany) in this category awarded EET Europarts and the Product Guide “Ultimate Product Guide” with the predicate “BEST OF 2012”. [ 1.000.000 ] product relations [ 66.000 ] model or system relations [ 600 ] different brand relations and most importantly more business. The Product Guide is today frequently used on more than 2000 reseller web sites. 8 PRODUCTS [ VENDORS ] COMPUTER & PRINTER PARTS Genuine spare parts and options for most populare computer and printer models CONSUMER ELECTRONICS The largest assortment of accessories for computers, home theater and mobile applications SURVEILLANCE & SECURITY Surveillance and security systems from the best known vendors for the professional market COMPUTER & PRINTER PARTS CONSUMER ELECTRONICS In the area computer and printer parts, EET Europarts has, after the acquisition of Europarts, become the absolute leader in the EMEA region. Thanks to great partnerships with the industries largest vendors, we are in a position, where we can provide supporting parts for all major printer, computer and notebook brands in the market. The area consumer electronics consists of numerous renowned brands like Cherry, Freecom, Garmin, Hauppauge, iHome, Jawbone, Kensington, Libratone, Logitech, Seagate, Olympus, Synology, Verbatim, just to name a few. The consumer electronics area is especially supported by our marketing department through Retail Magazines released quarterly. SURVEILLANCE & SECURITY The product area surveillance and security is handled by the EET Security division. We distribute high-end high quality surveillance and security products from companies like Axis, Sony, Pelco, Ernitec, Mirasys, Milestone, IQeye, Mobotix and Canon, as well as providing consultancy services in relation to strategy and choice of solutions. WORLD FAMOUS BRANDS have signed up with EET EUROPARTS 9 VISUALIZED [ IN THE CHANNEL ] PUSH & PULL PUSH & PULL Through in-house development of various creative and innovative marketing materials, we are able to support our vendors with professional solutions and campaigns tailor-made for specific channels and product categories. We offer a wide variety of marketing activities to our suppliers, such as Web activities, Newsletters, Magazines, Product Leaflets, Seminars & Fairs Creating awareness in the IT channel and supporting our resellers the best possible way, we have in-house development of retail and business area magazines and specialised product catalogs. Furthermore, we perform multiple weekly newsletters designed or drafted in coorporation with our vendors. All complimented with banners on our most important asset - www.EETEUROPARTS.com. THANK YOU FOR THE AWARDS CHANNELWORLD EET Europarts is ranked among the Top-4 European distributors for ten consecutive years. DISTREE EET Europarts has developed the award winning Product Guide adoptable by resellers. IT BRANSJEN INITIATIVE MITTELSTAND AXIS COMMUNICATIONS EET Europarts was nominated best distributor in 2009 and 2010 by IT-Bransjen in Norway. Initiative Mittelstand awarded EET Europarts with “Innovation Price - IT 2012”. EET Europarts was awarded european “Distributor of the year” in 2010. CHANNELWORLD 10 VALUES [ SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ] OUR EMPLOYEES ARE EVERYTHING CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) EET Europarts believes that our business success is dependent upon the people we employ. We seek to attract and retain the best people through a range of benefits and opportunities that we can offer as a strong European company. We have our own HR group focused on training and development ensuring that we continuously enhances the skills and knowledge in our organisation. EET Europarts strategy is having a sustainable approach to business - one that takes into account the environmental and societal impact of our activities. By factoring this accountability into our strategy, we implement new ways to source and distribute goods in a more sustainable manner, often while simultaneously lowering costs. We will do our utmost to support you and your business! We have more than 400.000 items available You will find us in 26 salesoffices in 20 countries We offer both XML and EDI interface platforms Product Guide with 1.000.000 product relations ACADEMY TRAINEE PROGRAM HONESTY & SINCERITY The human resource team and management introduced the EET Academy in the autumn of 2011. The academy is responsible for the education and graduation of sales trainees that will be employed within the EET Europarts organisation in local sales offices within the EMEA region. We successfully graduated the first 10 sales trainees during the summer of 2012. Within our organisation we strongly believe in honesty and sincerety in all aspects of our business relationships with vendors, customers, employees and other partners. We believe that this philosophy brings us the furthest in pursuing our business goals and visions. 11 EET EUROPARTS POINTS OF CONTACT Austria www.eeteuroparts.at Phone: +43 (0) 2236 374014 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.at Belgium www.eeteuroparts.be Phone: +32-(0)2-8888901 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.be Czech Republic www.eeteuroparts.cz Phone: +420 226 259 750 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.cz Denmark www.eeteuroparts.dk Phone: +45 45 82 19 19 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.dk Egypt www.eeteuroparts.com.eg Phone: +202 37628973 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.eg Finland www.eeteuroparts.fi Phone: +358 09 47 850 900 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.fi France www.eeteuroparts.fr Phone: +33 0820 821 443 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.fr Germany www.eeteuroparts.de Phone: +49 2 11 75 84 67 0 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.de Holland www.eeteuroparts.nl Phone: +31-(0)30-2192040 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.nl Italy www.eeteuroparts.it Phone: +39 02 49 82 756 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.it Norway www.eeteuroparts.no Phone: +47 22 91 95 00 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.no Poland www.eeteuroparts.pl Phone: +48 52 329 04 70 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.pl Portugal www.eeteuroparts.pt Phone: +351 308 802 467 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.pt Russia www.eeteuroparts.ru Phone: +7 495 925 05 31 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.ru Spain www.eeteuroparts.es Phone: +34 902 902 377 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.es South Africa www.eeteuroparts.co.za Phone: +27 11 974 1492 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.co.za Sweden www.eeteuroparts.se Phone: +46 08-507 510 00 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.se Switzerland www.eeteuroparts.ch Phone: +41 41 785 13 13 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.ch Ukraine www.eeteuroparts.com.ua Phone: +38 044 581 56 97 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.com.ua United Kingdom www.eeteuroparts.co.uk Phone: +44 (0) 208 421 0101 Mail: info@eeteuroparts.co.uk www.EETEUROPARTS.com 12