PDF - Aboriginal Housing Management Association


PDF - Aboriginal Housing Management Association
Message from our President
Message from our CEO
AHMA Highlights of the Year
About Us
Global Leader
 Achieving a milestone
 AHMA a leader in provincial
 Vancouver Island RNH
 Meet AHMA’s Board of
in Indigenous
 New Aboriginal housing
 Devolving Rural Native
 WIHC Benefits beyond 2012
 AHMA recertified by ISO
 Looking ahead
 New Indigenous Housing
 AHMA to promote
AHMA’s Story
 Meet AHMA’s Staff Team
 AHMA to create International
Aboriginal homeownership
Position on Indigenous
 2012 WIHC a huge success
 The road ahead
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
 World Indigenous Housing
Conference Highlights
Aboriginal Housing Management Association
Our Vision
To be the first off-reserve Aboriginal housing
administrator for British Columbia, and the first in Canada
Our Mission
To support the best possible
housing solutions by Aboriginals for Aboriginals
AHMA – A Global Leader In Indigenous Housing
Assembly of First Nations
(L-R) International WIHC Committee member
The Aboriginal Housing Management
National Chief Shawn
Anne Martin, from the Australian National
Association had the great honour
A-in-chut Atleo opened
University, joined conference presenters
of welcoming delegates to the first
the WIHC
the Honourable Jenny Macklin, Minister
for Families, Housing, Community Services
ever World Indigenous Housing
and Indigenous Affairs, Australian House of
Conference—Sharing Our Stories;
Representatives, and the Honourable Lynda
Sharing Our Successes—in
Burney, Member of the New South Wales
Vancouver in June 2012. International
Legislative Assembly, who is the first Aboriginal
Indigenous housing, government and
person to serve in Australia’s oldest parliament
corporate leaders convened to learn
from best practices, build a global
Global singing sensation Gurrumul, called “Australia’s Most Important Voice” on
network, and showcase Indigenous
the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, performed at the 2012 WIHC
cultures. AHMA hosted this premiere
event, which has positioned us as a
leader in Indigenous housing on the
global stage. Here are some visual
highlights from the conference.
WIHC keynote speaker Mike Holmes,
host of Holmes on Homes, the #1 show on
HGTV Canada, with Andrew Leach, AHMA
BC Housing Minister Rich
Chief Executive Officer and WIHC Director
Coleman welcomed delegates
to the 2012 WIHC, and outlined
BC Housing’s plan to transfer
the Aboriginal off-reserve
housing portfolio to AHMA
Chief Clarence Louie,
Osoyoos Indian Band, gave
New Zealand
a keynote presentation on
entertained WIHC
the foundations for First
delegates at an
Nations economic success
evening reception
and wealth generation
Photos by
Fabrice Grover Photography
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
The Haka Maori
dance group from
AHMA has developed a leading model for devolving Aboriginal
services in BC, Canada and beyond, through years of hard work and
capacity building. This fall, we will solidify our leadership position with
the transfer of more Aboriginal housing to AHMA’s oversight. We are
also partnering with BC Housing to develop some new Aboriginal
housing projects. In addition, we have acquired a reputation as a
from our President
global leader in Indigenous housing, by hosting the first ever 2012
World Indigenous Housing Conference.
Achieving a milestone
WIHC Benefits beyond 2012
Housing Minister Rich Coleman and BC Housing
New Aboriginal housing
Chief Executive Officer Shayne Ramsey announced
AHMA has also been working with BC Housing
in June 2012 was an inspiring and humbling
the transfer of substantially more Aboriginal
on a $5 million proposal call to develop affordable
experience. Inspiring to share solutions, learn from
housing stock to AHMA’s leadership, during their
Aboriginal rental housing projects in BC, through
our successes, and identify best practices across
presentations at the 2012 WIHC. We are working
the Aboriginal Housing Initiative. AHMA helped to
nations. Humbling to meet so many distinguished
with our partner, BC Housing, to bring this transfer
secure this funding from Canada Mortgage and
Indigenous housing leaders from Australia, New
to fruition in the near future. AHMA’s responsibilities
Housing Corporation (CMHC), BC Housing and the
Zealand, the United States, and Canada.
will grow substantially as a result, with oversight for
provincial government.
Aboriginal housing societies’ portfolios across BC, a
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
paradigm shift in approach.
Opening the World Indigenous Housing Conference
I had the honour to serve as Chair of the
We are thrilled to be able to fund new Aboriginal
International WIHC Committee. Our mutual goal
housing; at the same time, we recognize that $5
was to share knowledge on how to create healthy,
We are excited about the opportunity to fulfill our
million is not enough to support every proposal
sustainable communities and housing programs, so
vision for AHMA as the self-government agency for
across the province. Nevertheless, BC Housing
Indigenous people around the world can achieve
off-reserve Aboriginal housing in the province.
will review proposals in fall 2012, with the funding
greater control of housing assets. As a result of
distributed by the end of this fiscal year. AHMA will
the conference, AHMA has established links to
oversee management of the new projects.
international Indigenous housing organizations
we can continue to draw on beyond the event.
“AHMA has acquired a reputation as a global leader in
AHMA can be proud of this accomplishment; we led an
event that has built enduring international relationships
and affirmed our role as a model for leadership in
Indigenous housing. I want to recognize our CEO
Andrew Leach, who envisioned and spearheaded the
event. In addition, I would like to acknowledge BC
Housing, our Founding Partner; the conference would
AHMA supports UN Declaration
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
AHMA will draw on delegates’ input at the 2012 WIHC to develop an International Indigenous Housing
Position Paper on Article 23 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples:
not have been possible without their support.
AHMA obtained recertification from the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) this year, which
sets internationally accredited standards for quality
management and decision making. On the ground, our
membership helps to drive systems improvement, a
guiding ISO principle, by participating on AHMA’s ISO
Looking ahead
It has been such a pleasure in the past year to witness
AHMA host the world at the June 2012 WIHC, to
launch a new Aboriginal Housing Initiative, and to see
AHMA’s devolution opportunities expand. AHMA has
a full year ahead! I look forward to sharing the work
and rewards with AHMA’s directors and staff, Aboriginal
housing societies, and our partner, BC Housing.
All my relations,
AHMA is preparing an International Indigenous Housing Position Paper to:
Margaret Pfoh
AHMA President
• Share with major housing organizations that participated in the WIHC
• Present to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in 2013
(AHMA is a registered UNPFII participant)
Indigenous housing.”
Our goal is to achieve international endorsement for principles and actions each
country can use to build Indigenous capacity, control and self-determination.
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
AHMA recertified by ISO
AHMA is poised to achieve the pinnacle of success; the transfer of
additional Aboriginal off-reserve housing from BC Housing to AHMA’s
leadership. In addition, AHMA devolved Rural Native Housing on Vancouver
Island; launched a $5 million proposal call for new Aboriginal housing
development in BC (see President’s message); obtained funding for a
new Aboriginal Homeownership Program; and hosted the first 2012
from our CEO
World Indigenous Housing Conference. The coming year looks equally
AHMA a leader in provincial
the best to adapt an approach for AHMA, in
With the promised transfer of substantially more
we will be respectful and egalitarian with all of
consultation with our stakeholders.
Aboriginal housing stock to AHMA—about 3,300
our stakeholders.
Coleman and BC Housing CEO Shayne Ramsey
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
familiar with other models and will draw from
understand our operations are apolitical and
units—alluded to by Housing Minister Rich
Ensure all Aboriginal housing societies in BC
Review our governance and operational
evelop an effective system for resolving
society issues, separate from AHMA’s
structures to ensure AHMA employs the most
responsibility for enforcing operating
at the 2012 WIHC, AHMA is ready to take a major
effective model for a self-government agency.
agreements. We will explore creating an
leap forward. After years of effort to build a solid
The composition of our Board during the past
independent BC Aboriginal Housing Executive
foundation, we are optimistic AHMA will lead this
four years, with a mix of independent and
Directors’ Association as a community-based
next phase of devolution in the coming months.
member directors, has served us extremely
champion to advocate for the collective
This exciting development will have significant
well, and we are indebted to members for
interests of all Aboriginal housing groups in BC,
ramifications for AHMA’s governance and
their ongoing commitment to AHMA. Still,
which would streamline the advocacy process
operations: AHMA is evolving from a member-
ensuring inclusivity and transparency will be
for both AHMA and societies.
driven entity to a self-government agency. As a
crucial as we transition to a government entity.
result, we need to:
Fortunately, AHMA has developed links to a
variety of Indigenous housing organizations
around the world through the WIHC; we are
anage growth carefully, as AHMA’s size will
increase substantially. Staff from the Aboriginal
Housing Branch at BC Housing will move to
AHMA. We need to integrate our operations
“AHMA has evolved
into a single, cohesive model, and have a great deal
the funding. The program will offer equity support, so
of work ahead to ensure the transition is as seamless
Aboriginal households can get help with the down
as possible. In addition, we hope to build capacity by
payment needed to buy a home, and financial literacy
hiring and training talented people from within our
training to ensure Aboriginal homeowners have the
communities over the next few years. Job creation
knowledge and skills to make informed financial
will be a spinoff benefit of growth, supporting AHMA’s
decisions. The target launch for this program is the end
mission to “support housing solutions by Aboriginals
of 2012.
for Aboriginals.”
Needless to say, we will be operating in a dynamic
2012 WIHC a tremendous success
environment in the coming years, and are excited about
The first World Indigenous Housing Conference in June
the diverse challenges and opportunities on the horizon.
2012—hosted by AHMA—was an outstanding success!
We were thrilled to see so many Indigenous housing
Devolving Rural Native Housing
AHMA and BC Housing launched the first phase of Rural
Native Housing devolution in 2012. M’akola Group,
a model for RNH management, was the successful
proponent, taking on $16 million of RNH stock located
on Vancouver Island.
Now we are working with BC Housing to devolve the
rest of the provincial RNH portfolio. We anticipate the
second phase of RNH devolution will be more complex
than the Vancouver Island process, which was the
easiest of the regions to devolve. BC Housing will issue
a Request for Proposals in fall 2012 and AHMA will
administer the portfolio when proponents have been
selected, hopefully by the end of the fiscal year.
leaders from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the
United States share their stories at this historic event.
Feedback across the board has been extremely positive;
The road ahead
AHMA has achieved prominence as an international
leader in Indigenous housing, through the 2012 WIHC
and our participation in the United Nations Permanent
Forum on Indigenous Issues. We will continue to
capitalize on this reputation to partner on Indigenous
housing projects. With the conference behind us,
AHMA is shifting our focus to implement provincewide devolution, Aboriginal homeownership, and new
Aboriginal housing development in the coming years.
As AHMA’s CEO, I am extremely proud of our accomplishments in the past year, and look forward to working
with our directors, societies and new stakeholders on
projects and opportunities in the year ahead.
many people said the WIHC was the best Aboriginal
conference they had ever attended.
Most importantly, we achieved our goal to build a global
network: the WIHC has established AHMA as a world
leader in Indigenous housing, opening up opportunities
Andrew Leach
to collaborate on pilot projects and diversify funding
Chief Executive Officer
sources. We will use the new Indigenous Housing
Gateway launched at the conference to sustain and
grow the international network of Indigenous housing
leaders created at the WIHC.
In addition, AHMA is producing a WIHC documentary
that will premiere at Indigenous film festivals worldwide.
AHMA to promote Aboriginal
Several agencies have expressed interest in supporting
AHMA also secured a $5 million commitment from BC
support for research projects as a result.
Housing to develop a new Aboriginal homeownership
program in the coming year. Our goal is to support
up to 200 new Aboriginal homeowners in BC with
from a member-driven entity to a self-government body.”
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
the production, and we anticipate greater exposure and
(L-R front) BC Housing CEO Shayne Ramsey
moderated a National Housing Leaders Forum, with
Housing Minister Jenny Macklin, Australia; Minister
Tariana Turia, Co-Leader of the Maori Party, New
Vancouver Island
RNH Devolution
Zealand; and Rodger Boyd, Deputy Assistant Secretary,
Native American Programs, US Housing and Urban
Development; (L-R back) RCMP officers joined WIHC
This year M’akola Group won the proposal call to take
organizers and International Committee members:
on 72 RNH properties on Vancouver Island, as a model
Anne Martin, Australian National University; Dr. Shiloh
for the devolution of the rest of this diverse portfolio.
Groot, Research Associate, University of Waikato, New
Zealand; AHMA CEO Andrew Leach; Kaye-Maree Dunn,
Māori Performance Auditor, NZ; Jason Adams, Executive
AHMA Highlights of the Year
Director, Salish & Kootenai Housing Authority, US;
AHMA President Margaret Pfoh; and Dr. Tom Calma,
Aboriginal Consultant and Rights Advocate, Australia
AHMA to create International
Position on Indigenous Housing
Three World Café sessions at the 2012 WIHC provided a venue for
delegates to identify successful Indigenous housing initiatives and ways
to increase capacity. AHMA will share an Indigenous Housing Position
Paper based on these sessions with conference delegates worldwide;
then take the position paper to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous
Issues in 2013 to gain international acceptance.
Mike Holmes led
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
a workshop on
New Indigenous
Housing Gateway
AHMA launched a new Indigenous Housing
Gateway at the 2012 World Indigenous Housing
building capacity
for disaster
in Indigenous
Conference to support international networking
around the world. Funding for the website was
Dr. Evan Adams, Aboriginal Health
provided by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern
Physician Advisor, BC Ministry of
Development Canada. 2012 WIHC presentations
Health, talked about housing as a
are posted online at www.indigenoushousing.org.
social determinant of health
Jana Mashonee, winner of eight
Native American Music Awards,
sang for
World Indigenous Housing Conference
More highlights from the June 2012 WIHC, organized and hosted by AHMA
WIHC keynote speaker
Mike Holmes with a
WIHC delegate
Pamuya singers performed a
fusion of traditional Inuit music
and Yup’ik dance at the WIHC
AHMA President
artists took part
Margaret Pfoh
in the WIHC
and CEO Andrew
Craft Exhibit
Leach at the
Photos by Fabrice Grover Photography
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
Meet AHMA’s
Board of Directors
Vice President
Secretary Treasurer
Margaret Pfoh
Rudy Small
Sandy Wong
Justin George
Dale Harry
David Seymour
Executive Director,
Director of Supportive
General Manager,
Elected Chief, Tsleil-
Elected Squamish
Vice President, M’akola
Mamele’awt Qweesome
Housing, Coast Mental
Tale’awtxw Aboriginal
Waututh Nation
Nation Councillor
Group of Societies
Executive Director,
Housing Society/
Health Society
Capital Corporation
Prince George Native
“As a member of the
“This year, AHMA
accelerated the pace of
“As a new director,
“Hosting the 2012
“AHMA has had an
working with AHMA
WIHC created an ideal
“AHMA has advanced
Board, I am proud
eventful year. We’re on
on the 2012 World
opportunity to share
on several important
“AHMA’s leadership
of the unique and
the verge of assuming
Indigenous Housing
AHMA’s success with
fronts this year:
of the 2012 WIHC
devolution, negotiating
successful model of
full devolution of the
Conference has been
other Indigenous
initiating Rural Native
provided an
a new agreement
self-governance and
off-reserve Aboriginal
an enlightening
housing leaders from
Housing devolution;
opportunity to
with BC Housing that
management that
housing portfolio, a
experience in the last
around the world. It
hosting the first World
support our strategic
will see more off-
AHMA has developed
goal since AHMA’s
year. I believe this
was gratifying to hear
Indigenous Housing
directions, leading
reserve Aboriginal
for off-reserve
inception. AHMA also
world class event will
Housing Minister Rich
Conference; developing
to a broader scope
housing transferred
Aboriginal housing.
hosted the first World
lead to advantageous
Coleman announce
a new agreement with
of responsibility
to AHMA’s leadership.
In the coming year,
Indigenous Housing
partnerships for
a new Aboriginal
BC Housing to broaden
with devolution, and
We solidified our
we will steward new
Conference, which
AHMA to explore,
the scope of AHMA’s
launching a role for
partnership with
opportunities such
raised awareness of
such as working with
Program and province-
AHMA in Indigenous
BC Housing and
as homeownership
the commonality of
the Mike Holmes
wide devolution to
moving into project
housing research. In
Indigenous housing
for Aboriginals, and
housing issues and
Group and other
AHMA’s leadership at
development with
addition, AHMA has
leaders around
build relationships
shared best practices
Indigenous housing
the conference. These
$5 million in
built an international
the world. And we
that support
we can apply in our
new projects show
new funding; and
network to help
are excited about
stronger Aboriginal
the strength of the
developing respectful
improve Indigenous
the opportunities
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
To’o Housing Society
Our Board of Directors provides prudent, adept leadership to ensure AHMA delivers accountable stewardship of public funds and strong
support for Aboriginal housing providers. We thank our directors for sharing their time and expertise; this commitment has enabled AHMA to
evolve into a self-government agency responsible for off-reserve Aboriginal housing across BC. Audited financial statements are available upon request.
ahead to serve our
Friendship Centre
partnership between
principles for working
housing around the
BC Housing, AHMA
with off-reserve
world and beyond
and Aboriginal housing
Aboriginal housing
the conference.”
and related service
About Us
AHMA’s Story
Meet AHMA’s
Staff Team
The AHMA team works with Aboriginal
BC Housing to give Aboriginal people living
off reserve access to affordable, culturally
2003 to 2005
housing providers, our Board of Directors and
BC signs self-management agreement with AHMA – first in Canada!
AHMA authorized to subsidize Aboriginal housing societies
BC Housing transfers 189 units to AHMA
appropriate housing.
Andrew Leach
Chief Executive Officer
AHMA and BC Housing develop five-year devolution plan
Lloyd (Tag) Taghavi
Chief Financial Officer
2006 2012
AHMA develops new governance model to increase transparency
and accountability
AHMA builds capacity to manage devolution
BC Housing transfers 565 more units to AHMA
AHMA coordinates first ever World Indigenous Housing Conference
Sign new devolution agreement with BC Housing;
staff moving to AHMA
Carol Endrizzi
Senior Aboriginal
Housing Advisor
Aboriginal Housing Advisor
2012 and Beyond
Develop new Aboriginal homeownership program
Devolve Rural Native Housing across BC
Partner with BC Housing on $5 million Aboriginal
Housing Initiative
Continue to seek new national and international
Portraits by Fabrice Grover Photography
Background photos courtesy of Aboriginal Tourism BC
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
Sandra Eatmon
Devolve 3,300 units off-reserve Aboriginal housing
to AHMA’s leadership
Aboriginal Housing
Management Association
Suite 615 - 100 Park Royal
West Vancouver, B.C. V7T 1A2
Phone: 6 0 4- 9 2 1- 2462
AHMA Activities & Achievements 11/12
Toll-Free:1- 88 8- 9 2 1- 24 62
Fax: 6 0 4- 9 2 1- 2463
Email: reception@ahma-bc.org