1 2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor`s Handbook July 20


1 2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor`s Handbook July 20
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20- 24, 2016
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
The North Iowa Fair Association Board of Directors and the entire
staff invite you to attend the North Iowa Fair, July 20-24, 2016.
Board of Directors North Iowa Fair Association 2016 Officers
President* Craig Greer
Vice President* Terrance Prohaska
Secretary* Julie Lonning
Treasurer* Jan Drabek
Tom Fitzgerald
Mason City
Don Greiman
Dana Cornish
Mason City
Mason City
Lisa Canedo*
Paul Gagnon
Clear Lake
Jim Barkema
Mason City
Alissa Graven
Mason City
Harlan Helps
Mason City
Randi Thomas
Mason City
*Indicates Executive Board
If you are not a member of the North Iowa Fair Association, please
accept an opportunity to support the Fair by purchasing a
membership. The facilities, located at Highway 122 West and
Eisenhower, managed by North Iowa Fair Association is a
recreational complex for youth and adults of our community and an
attraction for tourists visiting North Iowa for special interest shows
and events. A showcase is provided for advancements in science,
industry, and agriculture at the annual Fair and at tradeshows
throughout the year.
A fee of $25.00 provides for lifetime membership in the Association
that is renewable annually. Current membership provides the
privilege to vote at the annual meeting and receive notice of events
happening on the grounds throughout the year.
The North Iowa Fair Association is a non- profit corporation
recognized under IRS Code Section 501-C3. Donations/dues may be
considered a charitable donation, tax deductible for the donor. Please
consult a tax advisor.
Contact the North Iowa Events Center Office for more information
641-423-3811 or stop in.
Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors
Phil Dougherty
Casey Callanan
Clear Lake
Jay Urdahl
Mason City
North Iowa Events Center Staff
Julie Lonning / General Manager
Lori Arends / Administrative Assistant
Chris Stamps / Maintenance Supervisor
Cerro Gordo County Extension Staff
John Sjolinder- Director
Gail Castillo - 4H Youth Development
Joann Bartusek- Office Manager
Admission and Parking FREE
Camping fee w/electricity/night $20.00
Camping fee w/no electricity/night $15.00
July 20- 24, 2016
Open 4-H, Commercial, Educational, Competitive Exhibits and
Exhibitors. The annual North Iowa Fair is the Cerro Gordo County 4H/FFA Fair. Open Class competition is offered in Family Living
Departments, Beef, Swine, and Poultry Shows.
The Events Center is located on the west side of Mason City, Iowa at
Eisenhower Avenue and Hwy 122 or 6 miles east of I-35, Exit 194.
Address: 3700 4th St. S.W.
Mason City, IA 50401-1590.
Telephone: 641-423-3811.
Application for entries or exhibits must be in accordance with rules
maintained in the Manager’s office and with instructions found in
various departments. Superintendents shall direct care, placing, and
custody of exhibits and entries. All questions, including time and
manner of release shall be decided by superintendent, subject to
approval of Fair Management and according to published regulations.
Under no circumstances will any person or firm be allowed to place
any advertising material upon buildings, trees, or any place on the
grounds nor will they be permitted to distribute advertising material
outside their assigned area.
Fair Liability
The North Iowa Fair Association will use all care and caution
possible to prevent accidents, damage, or loss of every kind, but Fair
assumes no liability for loss or damages to property or person of
anyone attending, exhibiting, or doing business at the Fair.
First Aid
A First Aid Station is maintained on the grounds and County EMS
and C.E.R.T. personnel will be available.
Sanitation is a matter of public welfare, and will be enforced at all
times. Facilities and services provided by Fair must be used.
Cooperation of all parties on premises is required.
No mopeds, motorcycles, or other motorized vehicles, bicycles, or
horses may be ridden in the immediate area of livestock barns,
exhibit buildings, or outdoor exhibit areas. Only those golf carts used
by Fair personnel or carnival operators are allowed. All others are
Any irregularity, or mistreatment on the part of any employee,
exhibitor, or concessionaire should be reported at once to the
manager’s office.
General Parking
Free parking in designated areas as directed by Fair employees.
Handicap areas will be marked.
Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Department is on call at all times and
will enforce rules for law and order and public safety, traffic control
included. All decorations, construction materials, and methods shall
be subject to Mason City Fire Department approval.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
IAFE (International Association of Fairs and Expositions)
National Code of Show Ring Ethics:
Exhibitors of animals at livestock shows shall at all times deposit
themselves with honesty and good sportsmanship. Their conduct in
this competitive environment shall always reflect the highest
standards of honor and dignity to promote and advance of agricultural
competition. This code applies to all livestock offered in any event a
livestock show. In addition to the IAFE National Code of Show Ring
Ethics, “fairs and livestock shows may have rules and regulations,
which they impose, on the local, county, state, provincial and national
levels. All youth leaders working with junior exhibitors are under an
affirmative responsibility to do more than avoid improper conduct or
questionable acts. Their moral values must be so certain and positive
that those younger and more pliable will be influenced by their fine
example. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers and absolutely
responsible persons who violate the code of ethics will forfeit
premiums, awards and auction proceeds and shall be prohibited from
future exhibition in accordance with the rules adopted by the
respective fairs and livestock shows. Exhibitors who violate this code
of ethics demean the integrity of all livestock shows in the United
States and Canada. The following is a list of guidelines for all
exhibitors and all livestock in competitive events:
1. All exhibitors must present, upon request of fair and
livestock show officials, proof of ownership, length of
ownership and age of all animals entered.
Misrepresentation of ownership, age, or any facts
relating thereto is prohibited.
2. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers or absolutely
responsible personas shall provide animal health
certificates from licensed veterinarians upon request by
fair or livestock show officials.
3. Junior exhibitors are expected to care for and groom
their animals while at fairs or livestock shows.
4. Animals shall be presented to show events where they
will enter the food chain free of violating drug residues.
The act of entering an animal in a livestock show is the
giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer
and/or absolutely responsible person for show
management to obtain any specimens of urine, saliva,
blood, or other substances from the animal to be used in
testing. Animals not entered in an event which
culminates with the animal entering the food chain shall
not be administered drugs other than in accordance
with applicable federal, state, and provincial statutes,
regulations and rules affect the animal’s performance or
appearance at the event. If the laboratory report on the
analysis of saliva, urine, blood, or other sample taken
from livestock indicates the presence of forbidden
drugs or medication, this shall be prima facie evidence
such substance has been administered to the animal
either internally or externally. It is presumed that the
sample of urine, saliva, blood, or other substance tested
by the laboratory to which it is sent is the one taken
from the animal in question, its integrity is preserved
and all procedures of said collection and preservation,
transfer to the laboratory and analysis of the sample are
correct and accurate and the report received from the
laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the animal
in question and correctly reflects the condition of the
animal at the time the sample was taken, with the
burden on the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer or
absolutely responsible person to prove otherwise. At
any time after an animal arrives on the fair or livestock
show premises, all treatments involving the use of
July 20- 24, 2016
drugs and/or medications for the sole purpose of
protecting the health of the animal shall be
administered by a licensed veterinarian.
5. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign
substance or drug or the external application of any
substance or drug or the external application of any
substance (irritant, counterirritant, or similar
substance) which could affect the animal’s performance
or alter its natural contour, confirmation, or
appearance, except external applications of substances
to the hoofs or horns of animals which affect
appearance only and except for surgical procedures
performed by a duly licensed veterinarian for the sole
purpose of protecting the health of the animal, is
6. The use of showing and/or handling practices or
devices such as striking animals to cause swelling, using
electrical contrivance, or other similar practices are not
acceptable and are prohibited.
7. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, fair or
livestock show management, other exhibitors, breed
representatives, or show officials before, during or after
the competitive event is prohibited. In the furtherance
of their official duty, all judges, fair and livestock show
management or other show officials shall be treated
with courtesy, cooperation and respect and no person
shall direct abusive or threatening conduct toward
8. No owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer or absolutely
responsible person shall conspire with another person
or persons to intentionally violate this code of ethics or
knowingly contribute or cooperation with another
person or persons either by affirmative action or
inaction to violate this code of ethics. Violation of this
rule shall subject such individual to disciplinary action.
9. The application of this code of ethics provides for
absolute responsibility for an animal’s condition by an
owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or participant whether
or not he or she was actually instrumental in or had
actual knowledge of the treatment of the animal in
contravention of this code of ethics.
10. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent by
the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely
responsible person to have disciplinary action taken by
the fair or livestock show for violation of this code of
Show Ring Ethics and any other rules of competition of
the fair or livestock show without recourse against the
fair or livestock show. The act of entering an animal is
giving of consent that any proceedings or disciplinary
action taken by the fair or livestock show may be
published with the name of the violator or violators in
any publication of the International Association of Fairs
and Expositions and any special notices to members.
11. The act of entering of an animal in a fair or livestock
show is the giving of verification by the owner,
exhibitor, fitter, trainer, or absolutely responsible
person that he or she has read the IAFE National Code
of Show Ring Ethics and understands the consequences
of and penalties provided for actions prohibited by the
code. It is further a consent that any action that
contravenes these rules and is also in violation of
federal, state, or provincial statutes, regulations, or
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
rules may be released to appropriate law enforcement
authorities with jurisdiction over such infractions.
Iowa Health Requirements Governing the Admission of
Animals: http://www.agriculture.state.a.us/anaadmiss.htm
 Conduct of exhibitors at all times and in all places,
including matters of judging and results, shall be in accord
with established and recognized procedure. In these
matters and in those concerning ownership and eligibility,
applicable rules of Iowa State Fair shall be in effect,
subject to interpretation and enforcement by the North
Iowa Fair Management. A copy of Iowa State Fair Book
will be on file in Manager’s office.
 To protest eligibility of an article or animal to compete in
any class, notice must be given to Department
Superintendent(s) during day of discovery with reason or
such protest, and a written statement of designating such
reasons must be filed with Manager on same day, together
with a cash deposit of $5.00, which will be forfeited if
protest is not subsequently proven.
 The right of an exhibitor to appeal decision of a judge will
be allowed only when it is charged that premium award
has been made in violation of rules governing class or
when it is charged that judge has been influenced or
interfered with by another person.
 All questions, disputes, or differences of opinion not
provided for under these rules shall be referred to Fair
Manager whose decision shall be final.
 The North Iowa Fair Association reserves the right to
accept or reject conditionally any entry offered.
 Every judge is requested to read General Rules and all
special rules of the department in which s/he is to serve,
and to note especially those rules bearing on classes to be
evaluated by her/him.
 No judge shall award a premium to any unworthy exhibit.
It is the intention of management that no distinction of
any kind be given any animal or article considered
undeserving. Whether there be competition or not, this
rule must strictly be adhered to.
 Each judge and any person acting as clerk to judge must
use special care, after award has been made, to see that
such award is properly recorded, as required, on forms
provided. It is upon this entry that all premiums will be
 A judge shall always place a reserve award in each class,
should any animal or article awarded premium be
disqualified, the animal or article awarded the next lower
premium shall graduate to next higher position, if in the
opinion of judge it is worthy.
 No person who is an exhibitor may act as judge in any
class in which he is showing.
 If regularity of any entry is to be questioned, or right of
any animal to compete in any class, judge or judges shall
report to same superintendent of department for proper
 The decision of every judge shall be final in all cases,
except where error, fraud, misrepresentation, or collusion,
July 20- 24, 2016
discovered at time of award is obvious. In such case,
Manager may render a decision.
Where fewer exhibits are shown in any class than number
of premiums offered in that class, judges will in every case
award only a premium of such grade as the exhibit may
deserve, at their own discretion.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of Department Superintendents,
in cooperation with Fair Management, to make and enforce rules and
interpretations as may be needed to insure proper functioning of
departments. This shall cover eligibility and handling of entries, and
all matters of procedures and conduct on part of exhibitors, in their
relationship with Fair, other exhibitors, and judging officials.
Decisions shall be made that will carry out policy of Fair, to serve all
interests in a dignified and beneficial manner with fairness to all.
The following colors will be used in designating awards unless
otherwise named:
Champion: Purple
First Place: Blue
Second Place: Red
Third Place: White
Merit: Yellow
First: Blue
Second: Red
Third: Yellow
NO CASH PRIZES for ribbons this year unless
otherwise noted. Special awards donated by
businesses and individuals may be awarded.
SEPTEMBER 30, 2016. Any checks not cashed by then
will be void.
Open Class Superintendent: Paul Butler
Open Class Livestock Clerk: TBA
NIF Board Live. Comm. Chair: Jim Barkema
Livestock Office Phone: 641-424-3547
Veterinarian: Bruce Schupanitz- Garner
Arrangements for veterinary service shall be between the exhibitor of
any animal and the Fair Vet and shall be paid for by owner at time of
Official Health Certificates are not required for Rabbits, Poultry,
Birds, Dogs, or Market Swine. A current rabies vaccination
certificate must accompany all dogs and cats. In addition: to General
Competitive Exhibitor Information and General Information, the
following rules apply to Livestock Exhibitors.
 All animals and birds must meet the health standards of
the North Iowa Fair. Evidence of warts, ringworm,
pinkeye, foot rot, or other contagious or infectious disease
will eliminate animals and birds from Fair competition.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
No animals or birds may be exhibited from a premise
under quarantine. Swine exhibitors must sign an affidavit
that their pigs did not originate from a herd under
quarantine and that to the best of their knowledge Swine
Dysentery or Pseudo-rabies has not been in evidence in
herd for past 12 months.
All animals from states other than Iowa must meet
interstate health certification.
The veterinary inspector in charge shall order any animals
or birds, when found to be infected with any contagious or
infectious disease, to be removed from fair or exhibition.
The decision of show veterinarian will be final.
Important: Only 2 livestock entries per exhibitor in any
class will be paid premium money. Where there are 2
exhibitors with 2 entries each, 3 premiums only will be
paid. Where 3 or more exhibitors, all premiums will be
No exhibitor shall be permitted to win more than two
prizes in any one class. Individual animals shown in all
groups and herd classes must have been entered in a class
for single animals. Each exhibitor is allowed only one
group entry.
If any exhibitor leaves early, they shall forfeit premium
money. If a non-winner, they will be subject to penalty
prior to any future entry.
Open Class Livestock premium checks will be available in
Livestock Office or Arena.
In “Get of Sire” and “Produce of Dam” classes, ownership
shall be required. Sires and Dams are to be named at time
of filing entry.
To compose a competitive group, animals need not be
named in application for entry, but must be selected by
exhibitor. Animals owned in partnership may be entered
in any class of North Iowa Fair in one owner’s name, but
must appear under only one ownership of animal, as it
appears on herd book records.
Exhibitors making entries and not exhibiting shall forfeit
all fees for any reason.
Charges will be made for extra space used, other than
livestock, if available, and assigned by Superintendent. All
animals shown in these departments except Swine, Steers,
and Wethers, must be registered with name and registry
number shown on entry blank when entry is filed. No
entry accepted or premium paid unless this is done. It is
necessary to obtain proper records from Breed
Associations, and their rules will be strictly enforced. In
case of error in a rule or classification, herein,
classifications and rules of Breed Association concerned
will govern.
Ownership of Animals: To be eligible for competition,
either single or in groups, all animals must be bonafide
property of exhibitor, except where otherwise specified,
and must be owned by exhibitor at entry closing date.
Registry certificate of ownership or transfer must be
produced, showing exhibitor to be owner.
In “ Get of Sire” and “ Produce of Dam” classes, ownership
shall be required. Sires and Dams are to be named at time
of filing entry.
To compose a competitive group, animals need not be
named in application for entry, but must be selected by
exhibitor. Animals owned in partnership may be entered
in any class of North Iowa Fair in one owner’s name, but
July 20- 24, 2016
must appear under only one ownership of the animal, as
appears on herd book records.
Premiums for Individual Classes
1st-$12.00 2nd-$10.00 3rd-$8.00
Location: Arena
Superintendent: Paul Butler
Judge: Tracy Coffland
Announcer: TBA
Arrival Time: Friday, July 22, 2016 10:00 a.m.
Judging Time: Saturday, July 23, 2016 10:30 a.m.
Release Time: Following the show
Closing Entry Date: Until barns are full
Entry fee: $7.00/head pre-registration
Class # and Order of Showing
#50 Aberdeen Angus
#51 Herefords & Polled Herefords
#52 Shorthorns/Polled Shorthorns
#53 Limousine
#54 Normande
#55 Charolais
#56 Chianina
#57 Simmentals
#58 All Other Breeds
Any breed not listed that wants a new Class Listing for a
Breed Show must have at least two exhibitors with 12 or more
animals. Any breed not having 6 entries in all Lots will show
in the “ All Other Breeds” Class. All entries are subject to
regulations by their respective registry association.
Registration papers, performance date, tattoo, etc. will be
subject to inspection if deemed necessary by Beef
Lot #
Junior heifer calves calved after Jan. 1, 2016
Senior heifer calves calved after Sept. 1, 2015 &
before Dec. 31, 2015.
3. Summer yearling heifers calved between May 1
and Aug. 31, 2015.
4. Junior yearling heifers calved between Jan. 1 and
April 30, 2015.
5. Senior yearling heifer calved Sept. 1, 2015 or
6. Grand Champion Female
7. Reserve Grand Champion Female
8. Junior bull calves calved after Jan. 1, 2016.
9. Senior bull calves calved after Sept. 1, 2015 and
before Dec. 31, 2015.
10. Summer yearling bulls calved between May 1 and
Aug. 31, 2015.
11. Junior yearling bulls calved between Jan. 1 and
April 30, 2015.
12. Senior yearling bulls calved between Jan. 1 and
Dec. 31, 2015.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Beef Cattle (continued)
13. Grand Champion bull.
14. Reserve Grand Champion Bull
15. Pair of Heifers
16. Pair of bulls
17. Cow/Calf
18. Get of Sire—three head, same sire
Premiums: Prorated by class entries
Champion Steer- $200.00
Res. Champion Steer- $100.00
Champion Heifer- $200.00
Res. Champion Heifer-$100.00
Location: Arena
Superintendent: Sterling Young
Judge: Tracy Coffland
Announcer: TBA
Arrival Time: 12:00 p.m. Saturday, July 23, 2016.
Check in time: 1:00 p.m.
Entry fee: $30.00/head until July 11, 2016 then $40.00
Judging time: Saturday, July 23, following Feeder Calf Show
Class # and Order of Showing
#59 Feeder Heifers- classes will be divided by weight
#60 Feeder Steers- classes will be divided by weight
Premier Open Steer Show/
Commercial Breeding Heifer Show
Premiums: Pro-rated by class entries
1st- $25.00
Champion Premier Steer/Heifer - $300.00
Reserve Champion Steer Heifer-$100.00
Sanctioned by Iowa Junior Beef Breeds Association. See
General Information, General Livestock Competitive
Exhibitor Information, and Entry Blank
Premier Open Steer Show/Commercial Breeding Heifer
Health Certificates Required: The Certificate of Veterinary
Inspection needs to have the North Iowa Fair being the
destination. Any exhibitor without a proper Certificate of
Veterinary Inspection will be charged $25 for a reissue of a
proper Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.
Location: Arena
Superintendent: Sterling Young
Judge: Tracy Coffland
Announcer: TBA
Arrival Time: 12:00 p.m. Saturday, July 23
Weigh-In: In or near Curran Barn
Entry Fee: $30.00/head until July 11. Late entry $40.00 after
July 11.
Judging Time: Saturday, July 23 following the Feeder Calf Show
Release Time: Following the show
July 20- 24, 2016
Both Steer & Heifer classes to be determined by weight only,
following entry deadline. Not more than 15 entries per class,
nor less than 10. Weight and age have no restrictions.
Approved by Iowa Beef Breed Associations and the Iowa
State Fair. For Breed Classes, a steer must conform to each
breed’s approved Iowa Show Rules.
ANGUS- Steer must be registered
must be sired by registered bull of that breed and
show sufficient breed characteristics to indicate it
being out of a purebred or straight-bred cow of that
 SHORTHORN- Registered steers of 15/16 a.r. or
 SIMMENTAL- Steers must be ¾ Simmental or above
with performance pedigree
 ALL OTHER BREEDS- Steers must be sired by a
registered bull of that breed. All steers not meeting
breed eligibility rules must be entered in Crossbred
Class at time of entry. Iowa Beef Breed Association
will have the right to appoint a screening committee,
which would be empowered with authority to reject
any entry not conforming to their rules for entry.
Location: Arena
Superintendent: Brent Weiner
Announcer: Dana Cornish
Judge: TBA
Closing entry time: June 30, 2016
Arrival Time: Wednesday, July 20 before noon
Judging Time: Saturday, July 23, 2016 3:00 p.m.
Release Time: After Show
Rules of Bucket/Bottle Calf
1. Open to any Cerro Gordo County youth too young
to join 4-H/FFA. If child is old enough to be a 4H/FFA member, child must show in a 4-H/FFA
2. Child must be four years old or older by the time
of the Fair. If there is a significant entry, the
children will be divided into age groups.
3. Any calf born between March 1 & June 15, 2015
may be shown. Calves must be on grounds by
Thursday of the fair, July 21.
4. Calf must be purchased within two weeks of birth.
5. Calf must be bottle or bucket fed, no nursing
calves may be entered.
6. All participants will receive ribbons and other
7. All calves must be shown on the halter. Show
sticks may not be used.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
8. All calves must be properly cared for during the
fair. Calves must be fed and watered and their
pens must be kept in presentable condition.
9. No more than two calves per exhibitor may be
brought to the Fair, and only one may be shown.
10. Entry forms due by June 11, 2016.
For more information, contact Brent Weiner, 4242
Pheasant Avenue, Rockwell, IA 50469.
Sunday, July 24 at 12:00 p.m.
Swine Show Rules contactDean Weber Email:
Phone 641-822-4588
Entry Fee:
$20/Head- Pre-entry: Non Exhibitors of the NIA
Fair Youth Show
$10/Head –Exhibitors
Class winners: 1st - $40
2nd - $30
3rd -$20
4th - $10
5th - $10
Champion market pig and Champion breeding gilt - $200
Reserve market pig and Reserve breeding gilt - $100
 Non Terminal Show. All animals released after the
 Pre-Registration is encouraged, but NOT required.
Swine may be entered the day of the show.
 Iowa Swine: In State Swine need a Certificate of
Veterinary Inspection with the West Fork Jackpot
Swine Show as the destination. Any Exhibitor
without a proper Certificate of Veterinary
Inspection will be charged $25 for a reissue of a
proper Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.
 Out of State Swine: Need to have a Pseudorabies
virus test done within 30 days of the date of the
show. The owner needs to present a test record
and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, with the
West Fork Jackpot Swine Show as the destination,
at the time of registration.
 Bring your own bedding. No straw in the barn.
July 20- 24, 2016
Purebred Classes will be offered. Purebred market
barrows and breeding gilts will have their own
classes. Must be 5 of a breed to be categorized as
its own breed class. If not 5 of a breed than they
will be shown in an AOB class. Purebreds must
present pedigree papers at weigh-in.
Crossbred barrows and gilts will be shown by
light cross and dark cross colors.
There is no minimum or maximum weight
limit for the show.
Showmanship will be broken down into the
following divisions:
o Junior: Ages 3-9
o Senior: Ages 16-and older
DISCLAIMER: All Judge’s decisions will be final. The West
Fork FFA, The North Iowa Fair, The North Iowa Fair board,
North Iowa Fair Swine Committee, and anyone involved in
the managing of the West Fork FFA Jackpot Swine Show will
assume no liability and NOT be responsible for any damages,
accidents, injuries, etc.
Every judge is requested to read General Rules and all
special rules of department in which s/he is to serve, and to
note especially those rules bearing on classes to be evaluated
by her/him.
No judge shall award a premium to any unworthy exhibit. It is the
intention of management that no distinction of any kind be given any
animal or article considered undeserving. Whether there be
competition or not, this rule must be strictly adhered to.
Each judge and any person acting as clerk to judge must use
special care, after award has been made, to see that such award is
properly recorded, as required, on forms provided. It is upon this
entry that all premiums will be paid.
A judge shall always place a reserve award in each class: should
any animal or article awarded premium be disqualified, the animal
or article awarded the next lower premium shall graduate to next
higher position, if in the opinion of judge it is worthy.
No person who is an exhibitor may act as judge in any class in
which he is showing.
If regularity of any entry is to be questioned, or right of any animal
or article to compete in any class, judge or judges shall report same
to superintendent of department for proper adjustment.
The decision of every judge shall be final in all cases, except
where error, fraud, misrepresentation, or collusion, discovered at
time of award is obvious. In such case, Manager may render a
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Where fewer exhibits are shown in any class than number of
premiums offered in that class, judges will in every case award
only a premium of such grade as the exhibit may deserve, at
their own discretion.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of Department Superintendents,
in cooperation with Fair Management, to make and enforce rules and
interpretations as may be needed to insure proper functioning of
departments. This shall cover eligibility and handling of entries, and
all matters of procedures and conduct on part of exhibitors, in their
relationship with Fair, other exhibitors, and judging officials.
Decisions shall be made that will carry out policy of Fair, to serve all
interests in a dignified and beneficial manner with fairness to all.
Olson Building
Building Public Hours: Wed. - Fri.: noon-9:00 p.m., Saturday,
10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Sunday, noon-4:00 p.m. Open to
exhibitors at entry times per department.
Open Class Department Clerks
Cheryl, Amy & Heidi Nesbit
Main Entry Time: Tuesday, July 19, 5:00-8:00 PM
Perishable food to be entered July 20, 8:00-12:00 PM
Thursday: Garden by 10, Flowers & Corn - Noon
PRE-ENTRY registration is encouraged. If entry form
is mailed, e-mailed or delivered to Fair Office
by July 20, tags will be ready at entry time.
Exhibit Release: 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7/24
Additional pickup time: 9- 4, Monday 7/25
The following Rules apply to these Departments:
Department #
 ARTS & CRAFTS ............................................................ 100
 LEGOS ............................................................................. 200
 FURNITURE - WOODWORKING ................................. 300
GARDEN ART ................................................................. 400
PHOTOGRAPHY ............................................................ 500
 FOOD ............................................................................... 600
 FIELD & GARDEN ......................................................... 700
 FLORICULTURE ............................................................ 800
 THREADS & FABRIC..................................................... 900
Open-Class Information & Rules
1. Entry times will be enforced. See Dept. listings.
2. Exhibits must be entered in name of exhibit creator.
3. Entry Clerks will assist in making tags for exhibits.
4. Exhibitors are responsible for attaching tags to their own
5. Juniors (12 & under) and Teens (13-17) may enter any
category, any lot and will be judged according to their
6. Senior Division (70 and up). Choice of class in a
department, 1 per department.
July 20- 24, 2016
7. Tags will be issued to exhibitor. Exhibits not properly
tagged before entering Department are subject to
8. No article may be entered which has been exhibited
previously at the North Iowa Fair.
9.Each exhibit must be entered in its Lot if one is
listed. If no Lot is listed, it may be entered in
“Other”. This category is not intended to
accommodate duplicates of Lots listed.
10. Ribbons awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Place
winners in each lot.
11. Articles having no competition will be awarded a ribbon
when worthy.
12. Sponsored prizes will be awarded at judge’s discretion.
13. No exhibitor is permitted to access display cases.
14. Observers are welcome during judging. No talking to
judges at that time.
15. Superintendents have the right to remove or exclude any
unsightly or deteriorated exhibit.
16. Exhibits held on display until 4:00 PM Sunday.
ARTS and CRAFTS – Dept. # 100
Best Exhibit by Child, $5
Best Exhibit by Teen, $5
Judge’s Choice, $5
Best Recycled Project #115, $5
Calling all Kids (under 12).
Come display your artwork.
You could win a GIANT prize!
Prize donated by
Superintendent - Edie Blanchard, MacNider Art
Judge : Mara Linskey-Deegan, MacNider Art Museum_
Entry Time – Tuesday, July 19, from 5:00-8:00 P.M.
Wednesday, July 20, from 8:00 – 10:00 A.M.
Judging Time – Wednesday, July 20, 10:30 A.M.
NOTICE: All exhibits to be in
Arts-Craft Dept. by Wednesday, July 20, 10:00 A.M.
1. See information for all Open-Class Exhibits.
2. Olson Building will be open for exhibit delivery on
July 19.
3. More than one entry per Class allowed.
4. In some classes, lots are not designated, because entries
are so diverse. Each exhibit will be judged on overall
impact, appeal, subject matter, composition, relativity and
techniques used.
5. Juniors and Teens will be judged according to age.
Write age on tag.
6. Signature must be covered.
7. State Class # & age of youth on entry form.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20- 24, 2016
If fabric used, it must have other materials included.
Entire fabric exhibits to be entered in “Threads Dept.”
All exhibits in this Class must have a seasonal theme
other than Christmas. Exhibits made primarily of fabric are to
be entered in Threads Department.
Class 101 – PAINTINGS – (ready to hang)
Lot # 1. Oil (on canvas only)
Chalk Pastel
Combination of Mediums
Other Than Named
Class 102 –DRAWINGS – (on stiff backing and covered with
plastic- ready to prop up or hang)
Class 103 – CERAMICS – Includes pottery, vessels, etc.
Glazed, unglazed, painted or not, etc.
Class 104 – MIXED MEDIA – Includes variety of elements
to create a work of art. (collage, painted paper mache, etc.
Class 105 – JEWELRY – (beads, stones, metals, leather, etc)
Class 106 – SCRAPBOOKING – One or more pages in clear
plastic covers.
Class 107 – STAMP ART– Entry must include a display of
three to five items mounted on a sturdy background with no
side larger than 24”. (cards, bookmarks, gift bags, tags, etc.
Lot # 1. Carving in the Round
2. Chip Carving
3. Relief Board Carving
4. Relief with Wood Burning
5. Characters
Lot # 1. Crafts for Tabletop or Shelf
2. Wall Crafts
3. Large Craft Items- Indoor
4. Large Craft Items- Outdoor
5. Other Than Named
ARRANGEMENTS Entry must be created by exhibitor,
self-supported, on sturdy base or mounted with hangers. Max.
24” in any dimension.
Class 111 – CANDLE(S) – Must be entirely created by
exhibitor and on sturdy base, holder or self-supported.
Christmas theme item using wood, metal or plastic.
Entries must be created by exhibitor.
No Legos are allowed in this class. Entries must be
created by exhibitor.
Class 116 - HERITAGE CRAFTS - Entries must be created
by exhibitor & have an American Indian or pioneer theme
such as beadwork, leatherwork, peace pipe, dream catcher, etc.
Class 117 - COLLECTIONS - Collections such as pens,
pencils, bugs, seashells, leaves, etc. Must be boxed or
mounted creatively, secured in their display and ready for
exhibit. No dimension more than 24”.
Class 118 - RECYCLED PROJECTS – Discarded or old
article(s) that exhibitor has changed into a useful object. Size
restricted: item no heavier than 30# and dimensions
appropriate to display area.
Class 119 – DECORATED FLIP FLOPS - Must be new
unused rubber flip flop sandals.
Class 120 – DUCT TAPE PROJECT – Must be made
completely of duct tape.
Class 121 – PUZZLES
Puzzles must be mounted or glued together. Frame optional.
No larger than 24 inches on any side.
Lot #1. 2-Dimensional
2. 3-Dimensional
Lot # 1. Leaded Glass Craft Shelf Item
2. Leaded Glass Window and Hanging
Class 123 – OTHER THAN NAMED – Any other crafts or
art projects not specified above.
LEGOS – Dept. #200
Ribbons and donated prizes awarded to winners.
Entry Time: Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 20, from 8:00 – 10:00 A.M.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Judging Time: Wed. & Thurs. by “People’s Choice Votes”.
People’s Choice determines Lego Winners
● Each exhibit will be identified by a number as it is entered.
● Ballots will be available to the public in Arts & Crafts area
or the Threads and Fabric area.
● Anyone may vote on the Lego exhibit thought to be
the best on Wednesday and Thursday during the Fair.
● Ribbons and/or prizes given to every entry.
 Age of youth must be on exhibit tag.
 Only one exhibit, per person, is allowed.
Class 201 - Any Lego project made by child 8 & under
Class 202 - Any Lego project made by child 9-12 years
Class 203 - Any Lego project made by teen 13-18 years
July 20- 24, 2016
This Department is designed for fine woodworking
projects. Novelty craft, models and rough lumber exhibits
are to be entered in Craft Dept. Class 107.
Projects entered in this department should be primarily of
wood. If combined with other materials such as metal,
plastic, glass/mirror, etc. the major emphasis shall be on
the wood.
No limit on entries as each is judged on its own merit.
Some of the criteria in judging the projects will be:
appearance, design, joinery, attention to detail, quality of
finish work, age of exhibitor.
Class number, description of exhibit, and age of youth
must be on Entry Tag.
Fine hand-made wooden items other than furniture.
Class 204 - Any Lego project made by adult over 18
WOODWORKING - Dept. # 300
GARDEN ART Dept. #400
Ribbons and donated prizes awarded to winners
Prize: $10 for Champion Garden Art
Prize: $5 for Reserve Champ Garden Art
Best Exhibit in Class 301- $5
Best Exhibit Class #302 - $5
Superintendent: Edie Blanchard
Judge: TBA
Entry Time: Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 20, from 8:00 – 10:00 A.M.
Judging Time: Wednesday, July 20, 5:00 p.m.
Rules for this Department (Woodworking)
See information for all Open-Class Exhibits.
ALL Furniture/ Large Wooden Items must be in place by
10:00 A.M. Wednesday, July 20.
Olson Building will be open for exhibit delivery at Entry
Entry Time: Tuesday 5- 8 p.m. or Wednesday 8 -10 a.m.
Judging Time: Wednesday 11:30 a.m.
Judge: TBA
This catergory includes sculptures, stepping stones, leaf
moldings, garden decorations, or other projects for display in
the yard or garden.
All Garden Art entries must be made by the exhibitor
Exhibit must be free standing or self-supported
50 pound weight limit
Each exhibit to be judged individually.
Entry Time: Tues, July 19, 5:00-8:00 & Wed before 10:00 AM
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20- 24, 2016
Contest Judge: TBA
Cash prizes from Jim & Ann Kuhlman:
Senior Division – Age 18 or older at Fair time - 1st Place $15, 2nd =$10, 3rd = $5
Junior Division - Under 18 years at Fair time –1st Place $15, 2nd = $10, 3rd = $5
Rules for Contest
1. Photo must have been taken after 2015 North Iowa Fair, which ended July 12.
2. No professional photographers may apply.
3. Photographs must contain an identifiable feature of Central Gardens in Clear Lake, IA, either in the
foreground or background.
4. Contest photos may not be entered in Photography Dept. #500. Contest photos will be displayed separately.
5. Only one entry allowed in the Central Gardens contest.
6. Photos must be 5” X 7” or larger.
7. No digitally enhanced photos eligible for this contest.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
FOOD – Dept. # 600
PHOTOGRAPHY – Dept. # 500
Grand Champion – Food Dept. $10
Top Winning Cookie $5 – Cake $5 – Bar $5 – Pie $5
Best Strawberry Jam $10, from Bill in memory of Rubee
Best Fake Cake $5
Best Canned Product $5
Best Biscuit in Town $5
More cash prizes to be awarded from proceeds of
BAKE SALE Wednesday, 4:00 PM
Samples of each exhibit will be reserved for display
Photography Grand Champion - $5
Judge’s Choice - $5
Superintendent: TBA
Judge: TBA
Entry Time: Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 20, 8:00- 12:00 p.m.
Judging Time: Wednesday, July 20, 1:15 p.m.
ALL Photography exhibits must be in place by
12:00 a.m. Wednesday, July 20
See information for all Open-Class Exhibits.
East door in Olson Building open for exhibit delivery
on July 19.
Open to amateurs who pursue photography as a
hobby. This does not exclude those who occasionally
sell a photograph.
Pictures must be taken by exhibitor and may be
processed commercially.
Prints must not be larger than 8” by 10”.
Prints must be matted and not framed. Clear
protective coverings may be used.
Title of subject may or may not be included on front.
Entries limited to two (2) entries per lot
Class #, Lot # and youth’s age must be on tag and
entry form.
Regular or digital camera, not enhanced
Lot #
1. Focus on People
2. Focus on Animals
3. Focus on Nature
4. Focus on Still Life (posed inanimate object(s)
5. Focus on a form of Transportation
6. Series – 3 or more mounted prints telling a
7. Other Photo not in above catagories
July 20-24, 2016
Food Supt: _Vicky Lobmeyer
Judge: Judges from Hy-Vee
Entry Time: Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 20, 8:00- 12:00 p.m.
Baked items/perishables entry time: 8-12 on Wed.
Judging Time: Wednesday, July 19, 1:00 P.M.
ALL Food exhibits must be in place by
12:00 PM, Wednesday, July 20
See information for all Open-Class Exhibits.
1. East door in Olson Building open for exhibit delivery
July 19, 5:00-8:00 & July 20, 8:00 to 12:00. Parking nearby.
2. Tags will be issued to Juniors (12 & under) & Teens (13-17).
They may enter any Class, any Lot and will be judged
according to their age group. State age on entry form.
3. Abide by “Rules” written for each Category or entry may be
4. No commercial mixes or frozen products allowed except
when noted within the Class.
5. Baked products will be sold to public at 4:00 PM,
Wednesday, July 20. Samples for display will be reserved.
Bake Sale – Wednesday – 4:00 P.M.
All baked exhibits will be sold
after display sample is reserved.
Proceeds to be distributed as special awards to
exhibitors according to judge’s discretion.
Exhibitors encouraged to invite
supporters to the Bake Sale – Olson Building
Regular or digital camera, not enhanced
Lot # - - - Use same lot #’s as Class 501
Computer manipulated photo mounted or framed.
Lot # - - - Use same lot #’s as Class 501
Cakes to be baked in standard-size cake pans.
May be 2 layered and frosted, unless otherwise specified.
Angel Food, Chiffon and Sponge cakes should be baked in
standard round tube pan. Do not frost.
Cakes must be removed from pan and put on sturdy
disposable base for ease of handling
Place cakes on wax paper lined disposable base
& wrap in clear plastic wrap.
Exhibits with recipes included are favorably considered by
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
 Cakes in this Class must be made from scratch.
Lot # 1 Chocolate Cake, frosted
Lot # 2 Chocolate Cake, not frosted
Lot # 3 Carrot Cake, frosted
Lot # 4 Angel Food, not frosted
Lot # 5 Chiffon, not frosted
Lot # 6 White Cake, frosted
Lot # 7 Yellow Cake, frosted
Lot # 8 Other Than Named
Class 604 - COOKIES & BARS
 Must be made from scratch – No mixes
 May include nuts, chips, etc.
 Six cookies or bars on disposable plate
 Cover with clear plastic wrap or bag
Lot # 1 Cookies - Unfrosted
Lot # 2 Cookies – Frosted
Lot # 3 Cookies – Creative Decorations
Lot # 4 Bars- Unfrosted
Lot # 5 Bars- Frosted
Commercial mixes are allowed in this Class
Lot # 1 Sheet Cake (9” x 13”)
Lot # 2 Tier Cake – Not Wedding Cake
Lot # 3 Wedding Cake
Lot # 4 Ugly Cake (must be ediable)
Lot # 5 Other cake not listed.
Lot # 6 Fake Cake (excempt from Rules)
Created on artificial base, enhanced creatively to
express a fun cake design. It may also be made as a
long-lasting example of cake decorating talent.
 Use of commercial baking mix with additions to create a
tastier, more interesting product.
 Include information regarding exhibit
 Lots to be determined as entries are received
Class 602 – CUPCAKES
 Cupcakes must be made from scratch.
 Six cupcakes on sturdy disposable plate.
 Cover with clear plastic wrap.
 Lots to be determined as exhibits are entered.
 NO commercial mixes or frozen dough products unless
specified within Class or Lot.
 Bread should be baked in a regular size bread pan.
 Rolls may be baked in round, square or oblong pan.
 All bread products are to be removed from pan, put on a
sturdy disposable base and placed in a plastic bag (no plastic
wrap). Wax paper on base is allowed.
 Recipes with exhibits are encouraged.
 Samples of all exhibits will be on display throughout Fair.
 Remainder of all baked products become property of North
Iowa Fair and will be sold beginning at 4:00 on Wednesday.
Class 603 - BREADS & ROLLS
 See Rules above
Lot # 1 Yeast Bread Loaf
Lot # 2 Yeast Rolls – 6 on plate
Lot # 3 Quick Bread – (banana, zuchinni, nut, etc.)
Lot # 4 Muffins – 6 on plate
Lot # 5 Best Biscuit in Town – 6 on plate
Lot # 6 Other Bread Product
Class 606 - PIES
 Pies to be in standard size disposable pie pans and
encased in clear plastic bags or container.
 No commercially prepared fillings or crusts except in Lot # 4.
 No cream pies.
Lot # 1 Baked Pie Shell – No filling
Lot # 2 One-Crust Fruit Pie - Made from scratch
Lot # 3 Two-Crust Fruit Pie - Made from scratch
Lot # 4 Creative Pie - Using commercial pie filling
plus additional ingredients. Label exhibit
with ingredient list & method.
Lot # 5 Fruit-filled Tarts – 6 on plate
Lot # 6 Other Pie Not Listed
Class 607- Gluten Free
Lot # 1 Cookies
Lot # 2 Bars
Lot # 3 Cake
Lot # 4 Bread
Lot # 5 Other Than Named
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
 Home Canning Food Preservation Awards are available. To qualify
you must use Ball or Kerr containers for each entry.
King Arthur Flour Contest
Prizes are provided by King Arthur Flour
**Prizes are subject to change without notice**
Best Banana Bread- Adults only
1st place - $75 gift certificate to the Baker’s
Catalogue/ kingarthurflour.com
2nd place - $50 gift certificate to the Baker’s
Catalogue/ kingarthurflour.com
3rd place – King Arthur Flour Whole Grain
Baking Cookbook
Best Chocolate Chip Cookie – Child/Teen only
1st place - $50 gift certificate to the Baker’s
Catalogue/ kingarthurflour.com
2nd place - $25 gift certificate to the Baker’s
Catalogue/ kingarthurflour.com
3rd place – King Arthur Flour Mini Loaf Pan
Class 608 - King Arthur Flour Contest
Contest Rules:
1. Entry must be made using King Arthur Flour.
2. Entry must include one of the following: cash register
tape, UPC label from flour bag, or label picturing the
King Arthur logo.
3. Written recipe is required with exhibit entry.
4. Exhibitor cannot win consecutive years.
Fresh Preserving™
Ball® Kerr®
Food Preservation Awards from Ball Home Canning Company for
best-canned products will be awarded. Award Tags will be attached to
winning exhibits.
Rules for all canned exhibits:
 All preserved foods must have been processed since 2015 Fair
 Mark lids with date processed.
 Attach tag to jar – not lid.
 No coloring of any kind permitted in canned product unless
 Canned products must be in standard clear glass brand-name
canning jars with 2-piece lids.
 For display purposes, jars must have complete lids.
 Fruit spreads in standard jelly jar.
 Sealed jars will not be opened, but jar rings must be easy to remove
by judge.
 Judging will be based on quality and general appearance.
 Lots to be determined as exhibits are entered.
Class 610 - CANNED FRUIT
 Lots to be determined as exhibits are entered.
Lot # 1 Apples/ Applesauce
Lot # 2 Peaches
Lot # 3 Pears
Lot # 4 Berries
Lot # 5 Collection of 3 or more individual fruits
Lot # 6 Other Than Named (name it)
 Lots to be determined as exhibits are entered.
Lot # 1 Beets
Lot # 2 Carrots
Lot # 3 Corn
Lot # 4 Mixed Vegetables
Lot # 5 String Beans, Green
Lot # 6 String Beans, Yellow
Lot # 7 Tomatoes
Lot # 8 Collection of 6 Individual Varieties
Lot # 9 Other Than Named (name it)
Class 612 - CANNED JUICE - (pints or quarts)
 Lots to be determined as exhibits are entered.
Lot # 1 Apple
Lot # 2 Grape
Lot # 3 Tomato
Lot # 4 Mixed Vegetables (4 or more)
Lot # 5 Other Than Named (name it)
Class 613 - PICKLES & RELISH
 Lots to be determined as exhibits are entered.
Lot # 1 Beet Pickles
Lot # 2 Bread and Butter Pickles
Lot # 3 Dill Pickles
Lot # 4 Relish
Lot # 5 Watermelon Pickles (may use coloring)
Lot # 6 Sweet Pickles
Lot # 7 Other Than Named (name it)
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
 Jam consists of mashed fruit, juice & sugar.
 Jelly is judged on clarity with no visible fruit pieces.
 Marmalade is clear jelly with fruit & rind suspended in it.
 All three above are made with pectin.
 Fruit Butter is a bread spread made with crushed, cooked
down fruit (usually apples) sugar & spices.
 Including recipe with exhibit will be favorably considered
by judge.
Other lots to be determined as exhibits are entered.
Lot # 1 Strawberry Jam – eligible for Friedow Award
Lot # 2 Apple
Lot # 3 Black or Red Raspberry
Lot # 4 Grape
Lot # 5 Peach
Lot # 6 Plum
Lot # 7 Mixed fruit (name fruits)
Lot # 8 Diabetic Fruit Spread
Lot # 9 Other Than Named (name it)
Class 615 – HONEY
Class 616 --CANDY - (6 pieces on plate)
 Lots to be determined as exhibits are entered.
Lot # 1 Divinity
Lot # 2 Fudge
Lot # 3 Other Than Named (name it)
 Must be in standard canning jars – ½ Pint – 1 Quart
 Must be named and labeled as Hot, Medium or Mild
 Including recipe with exhibit will be favorably considered
by judge.
Lot # 1 Bar-B-Que Sauce
Lot # 2 Spaghetti Sauce
Lot # 3 Pizza Sauce
Lot # 4 Salsa
Lot # 5 Marinade
Lot # 6 Other Than Named (name it)
Class 618 – DRIED FOODS
FIELD & GARDEN – Dept. 700
5 Judge’s Choices, each a $5 award
Best Potato Parade - $5
Superintendent: __TBA_____________________
Judge: ____Randy Black________________________
Entry Time: Tuesday, July 19, 5:00- 8:00 pm,
Wednesday 8-10 a.m.
Fresh Produce: Thursday, 8:00- 10
Judging Time: Thursday, July 21, 11:00 p.m.
Refer to General Rules.
July 20-24, 2016
Juniors (12 & under) and Teens (13-17) may enter any
Class, any Lot, and will be judged according to their age.
Colored tags will be issued to them.
Exhibits not properly tagged before entering
Department are subject to disqualification.
Be attentive to number/amount required in Lot.
All grains and seeds from 2015 or current year crop.
Exhibitor must tend garden where exhibit is grown.
Master Gardeners may enter any Class.
Class 701 - GRAINS - Name variety on tag
Lot #
1. Yellow Corn – 1 quart jar
2. Oats – 1 quart jar
3. Soybeans – 1 quart jar
4. Dried garden beans, Indian corn or popcorn –
1 pint jar
5. Indian Corn – 3 ears with husks
6. Field Corn – 3 ears without husks
7. Sunflower seeds – Half-pint jar
8. Sunflower plant – in pail
9. Soybean plant – in pail
10. Other grain than named
Class 702- POTATOES - 6 specimens - Potatoes may be
washed but not skinned, and should be free of scabs.
No lots – Each exhibit judged independently
Class 703 - VEGETABLES
Lot #
1. Beans - Green or Yellow Beans – 6 uniform pods
2. Beets – 3 specimens - 2” tops, leave tap root on
3. Cabbage – Retain outer leaves as possible
4. Cauliflower – 1 complete head
5. Carrots – 3 specimens
6. Cucumbers – 2-3”, 5 specimens
7. Cucumbers – 4-6”, 2 specimens
8. Cucumbers – 6-8”, 2 specimens.
9. Garlic – 3 bulbs
10. Kohlrabi – 2 specimens
11. Leaf Lettuce – 1 bunch
12. Onions (dried) 3 specimens
13. Peas – 6 pods
14. Peppers – 3 specimens
15. Summer Squash – 1 specimen
16. Sweet Corn – 2 ears (clear wrapped)
17. Tomatoes (small) – cherry or yellow – 6 specimens
18. Tomatoes (regular) – red or yellow – 3 specimens
19. Turnip – 3 specimens
20. Other Vegetable - Other than named
Name Vegetable on tag
No Lots. Each exhibit judged independently
Class 705 FRUIT
 Home-grown produce only
 Display 3 specimens – if larger than golf ball
 Display 12 specimens – if berry size
 Display 3 Rhubarb stalks (pulled, leaf cut to 1”)
Class 706 - NUTS - 6 specimens
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
Class 707 – HERBS – Name Herb on tag
3 stems – display in water – clear glass container
 Home-grown produce only
 Multiple vegetables &/or fruit arrangement
 In basket, container or base
 Judged on Imagination & creativity
 Create a potato parade of decorated spuds w/accessories.
 Potatoes may be purchased.
 Decorate and include accessories as desired.
 Mount on sturdy base to be carried to Judge.
 Judged on originality and humor.
 Use any produce item(s) to create a character or any
number of characters.
 Produce may be purchased.
 Exhibit must be self-supported or contained
 Decorations & accessories by exhibitor
 Imagination, creativity, humor – judging criteria
Class 711 - BEST WEEDS
Every gardener has a few weeds and every weed has a proper
name. This Class is meant to be educational as well as fun. On
a 3”x 5” card neatly print or type the following:
 The correct common name and scientific name if possible.
 Whether the weed is annual, biannual or perennial.
 Best method for control.
 If edible, tell which part & preparation.
 Entries must be clean and healthy, with minimum weather or
mechanical damage.
 Display in water with root attached in clear glass bottle or
No Poison Oak or Poison Ivy.
$100.00 in CASH PRIZES
A Purple Rosette will be awarded to the
overall winner of the Tall Corn Contest.
Judging: 2:00 p.m., Thursday, July 21
This contest is sponsored in memory of Lucille Sutcliffe,
long-time North Iowa Fair booster.
 Two Divisions:
Seniors = over 15 years of age
Juniors = 15 and under
 No pre-registration required. Bring corn stalk to Garden
Dept. by 1:30 p.m. Thursday, July 21
 Stalk may be in any type of container and may be staked to
stand upright.
 Measured from most extreme top of corn to top of
brace root.
Grand Champion Rose - $10, Rubee Friedow Memorial
Best Shrub Rose – $10
Best Large Leaf Hosta – $10
Best Perennial - $10
Judge’s Choice - $5
Superintendent: __TBA_______________
Judge: ___Randy Black___________________________
Entry Time: Thurs. July 21, 2016, 8:00-11:30 AM
Judging Time: Thurs., July 21, 12:30 p.m.
 NO FRESH FLOWERS until Thursday morning.
 Only rooted plants and dried exhibits may be brought in
Tuesday, July 19, from 5:00 – 8:00 or Wednesday, July
20, from 8:00 to Noon.
 All floriculture exhibits accepted Thursday morning:
8:00 – 11:30. Bring fresh-cut exhibits at that time.
 Entries must be in place by 12:00 PM for judging on
Thursday morning, July 21.
No pre-registration required.
Bring plant in on Thursday, by 10:00 AM. Judging at 11:00.
Plant is measured from soil line to tip of tallest stalk.
Plant must be in bucket of soil, propped up or selfsupporting
* * * * * Special Notes * * * * *
Refer to General Rules.
Master Gardeners and Garden Club members may enter
any class. No professional gardeners or florists allowed.
Juniors (12 & under) and Teens (13-17) may enter any
Class, any lot, and will be judged according to their age
group. Tags will be issued to them. Exhibits not properly
tagged before entering Department are subject to
Exhibitors are responsible for verifying their own tags after
registering with clerks.
Include variety name on entry tag.
All specimens, whether cut, container grown or collection
must be grown by exhibitor.
Be attentive to number/amount required in Lot.
Arrangements may include purchased flora.
No feathers, artificial flowers or fruit.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
No noxious weeds
Superintendents may remove any exhibit which is
unsightly or infested with insects or disease.
Exhibitors shall furnish clear containers for specimens.
All possible care will be taken, however the North Iowa
Fair is not responsible for loss or damage to entries,
including containers.
Class 801 – HOUSE PLANTS – No artificial flowers.
Label Specimen – Common name or botanical
Lot # 1. African Violet
2. Begonia
3. Cactus/Succulent/Hoya - Lg., over 6”
4. Cactus/Succulent/Hoya - Sm., under 6”
5. Fern - any variety (name it)
6. Geranium – flowering
7. Geranium - foliage only
8. Tropical Plant - flowering
9. Tropical Plant - foliage only
10. Dish Garden/Planter - 3 or more plants
11. Other than named
Class 802 - CONTAINER GARDEN - Maximum size – no
dimension bigger than 18”. A single container with one
plant or more that has been planted and maintained by
Lot #
1. All plants are same species
2. Plants are a variety of species
3. Novelty Container – planted with one or more species
4. Herbs
Class 803 - HANGING BASKETS - Exhibitor furnishes
hanger and hangs plant up. Superintendent determines
placement. Exhibitor to label specimen.
Lot # 1. Outdoor Flowering Planter
2. Outdoor Foliage only
3. Outdoor combination – flower/foliage plants
4. Indoor Flowering Planter
5. Indoor Foliage only
6. Indoor combination – flower/foliage plants
 Entry must be the work of exhibitor.
Lot# 1. 2016 Fair Theme
2. “America the Beautiful”
3. “Summer in Bloom”
4. Name your own
 Casual bouquet consists of any type vase of flowers or other
natural plant life intended to add color and beauty to an
 No artificial material allowed
 No limit on height
 No limit on number of entries per exhibitor
 Judged on color combination, condition of material and
 Each exhibit to be judged independently
July 20-24, 2016
CUT FLOWERS (begin with Class 806)
~~~Judging criteria for Cut Flowers~~~
 Uniformity of flowers, straight stems
 Unblemished foliage
 As much foliage as possible, none under water
 Clear container (furnished by exhibitor)
 Must be labeled with variety name according to
Federated Garden Club of Iowa Rules
Roses at judging time should be ½-¾ open.
Classes 806-813 - All ROSE Classes –Use Lot #’s below:
Lot #
1. White & near White
2. Light Yellow
3. Medium Yellow
4. Deep Yellow
5. Yellow Blend
6. Apricot & Apricot blend
7. Orange & Orange blend
8. Orange-pink & Orange-pink blend
9. Orange-red & Orange-red blend
10. Light Pink
11. Medium Pink
12. Deep Pink
13. Pink blend
14. Medium Red
15. Dark Red
16. Red blend
17. Mauve
18. Russet
Class 806- HYBRID TEA ROSE - 1 specimen bloom
Class 807 - FLORIBUNDA - spray.
Class 808 - GRANDIFLORA - 1 bloom or spray
Class 809 - CLIMBING ROSE - 1 bloom or spray
Class 810 - MINIATURE ROSE - 1 bloom or spray
Class 811 - SHRUB ROSE - 1 bloom or spray
Class 812 - FAIRY ROSE - 1 bloom
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Class 813 - GLADIOLUS - 1 Spike
Lot # 1. Dark Red
2. Light Red
3. Orange Red
4. Peach
5. Peach Blend
6. Dark Pink
7. Medium Pink
8. Light Pink
9. Dark Yellow
10. Medium Yellow
11. Purple
12. Lavender
13. Coral
14. White
15. Two-toned
16. Other/Named
17. Collection of any 3 spikes in 1 container
Classes 814-816- All Dahlia classes use Lot #’s below
Lot # 1. Bi-colored
2. Coral
3. Lavender
4. Mauve
5. Peach
6. Peach Blend
7. Pink, light
8. Pink, medium
9. Pink, dark
10. Purple
11. Red, light
12. Red, dark
13. Two-toned
14. White
15. Yellow, light
16. Yellow, dark
17. Collection of any 3 (different colors)
Class 814 - SMALL DAHLIA - (Under 3”)
Class 815 - MEDIUM DAHLIA - (Over 3”, Under 6”)
Class 816 - LARGE DAHLIA - (Over 6”)
Class 817 - CANNAS
Lot # 1. Red
2. Yellow
3. Orange
4. Other Than Named
Class 818 - ARBOREAL - Name variety on Entry Tag.
Branch = 12”-18” (in container).
Lot #
1. Deciduous Shrub - 1 branch
2. Evergreen Tree - 1 branch
3. Fruited Shrub - 1 branch
4. Hydrangea, white mop head – 1 branch
5. Hydrangea, colored mop head – 1 branch
6. Hydrangea, lace cap – 1 branch
7. Other than listed – 1 branch, you name it
July 20-24, 2016
Collection of 5 different varieties landscape shrubs
Terms pertaining to Classes 819-824
 BLOOM = An individual flower
 STEM = the major supporting plant structure to which
buds, leaves and flowers are attached.
 SPRAY = A group of florets on a branched stem.
 SPIKE = Lengthened flower cluster in which flowers
are nearly stem-less - i.e. gladiolus, snapdragons
Class 820 - ANNUALS
Lot #
1. Aster - 3 stems or 1 spray
2. Bachelor Buttons - 3 stems or 1 spray
3. Bells of Ireland - 1 stem (no bottom foliage)
4. Calendula - 2 blooms
5. Celosia, cockscomb - 1 spike
6. Celosia, plumed - 1 spike
7. Cosmos - 3 blooms or 1 spray
8. Impatiens, one variety - 2 blooms or 1 stem
9. New Guinea Impatiens, one variety – 1 stem.
10. Larkspur - 2 stems
11. Marigold, small, under 3” - 3 stems
12. Marigold, large, over 3” - 3 stems
13. Nasturtiums - 3 blooms
14. Pansy - 3 blooms
15. Petunia, single - 3 sprays
16. Petunia, double - 3 sprays
17. Salvia - 2 blooms
18. Snapdragons - 2 spikes
19. Statice, annual - 3 stems
20. Strawflower – 3 stems
21. Sweet Peas - 3 stems
22. Sunflower - 1 stem
23. Verbena - 2 stems
24. Viola - 3 blooms - same color
25. Zinnia, small - under 3” - 3 blooms
26. Zinnia, large - over 3” - 3 blooms
27. Other Than Named - 1 specimen
28. Collection of 3 different varieties - name color
29. Outdoor Geranium
Lot #
1. Achillea (Gold Yarrow) - 1 stem
2. Achillea Ptarmica (Pearl Yarrow) - 1 stem
3. Achillea (Other than Named Yarrow) - 1 stem
4. Astilbe - 1 stem
5. Baby Breath – 1 spray
6. Chrysanthemum , any variety - 1 stem/1 spray
7. Clematis - 1 spray
8. Coreopsis - 3 stems/1spray
9. Delphinium - 1 spike
10. Feverfew - 1 stem
11. Gaillardia - 1 bloom
12. Garden Phlox
13. Heuchera (Coral Bells) - 3 stems
14. Liatris (Gayfeather) - 1 spike
15. Monarda (Bee Balm) - 1 stem
16. Platycodon (Balloon Flower) - 1 stem
17. Sedum - 1 stem
18. Statice, name variety on tag - 1 stem
19. Sweet Pea - 1 spray
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Class 821- PERENNIALS (continued)
20. Veronica - 1 spike
21. Viola – 3 blooms, same color
22. Other Than Named - 1 stem
23. Collection of 5 different varieties
24. Nature’s Oddities – Malformed or abnormal flower
July 20-24, 2016
THREADS & FABRIC – Dept. #900
Best Cross Stitch Exhibit - $5 by First Insurance Agency
Best #925=Recycled Clothing - $5 by Rachel Wood
Superintendent: Connie Taylor/ Linda Clausen
Judge: Joyce Allendorf from Washtub Quilts in Klemme
Entry Time: Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 5:00p.m..-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 20 8:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Judging Time: Wednesday, July 20, 10:30 a.m.
ALL Threads & Fabric exhibits must be tagged and in
place by 10:00 a.m. Wednesday
(Plants continuing or lasting for two years; growing during the
first year; blooming & dying during the second)
Lots to be created as exhibits are entered.
Rules for all Quilt classes:
See information for all competitive entries.
Class 823 - DAISY FAMILY
Lot #
1. Gloriosa Daisy, single - 1 bloom
2. Gloriosa Daisy, double - 1 bloom
3. Shasta Daisy, single - 1 bloom
4. Shasta Daisy, double - 1 bloom
5. Echinacea (coneflower) White - 1 bloom
6. Echinacea (coneflower) solid color – 1 bloom
7. Echinacea (coneflower) bi-color – 1 bloom
8. Echinacea (coneflower) double – 1 bloom
9. Rudbeckia (black-eyed Susan) single – 1 bloom
10. Rudbeckia (black-eyed Susan) double – 1 bloom
11. Collection of 5 different varieties
Lot #
1. Hosta Leaves (2) miniature, under 3”
2. Hosta Leaves (2) small, 3-5” wide
3. Hosta Leaves (2) medium, over 5, under 8”
4. Hosta Leaves (2) large, over 8” wide
5. Hosta Leaves, variegated, 2 same variety
6. Hosta Leaves, edged, 2 same variety
7. Collection Hosta Leaves, 3 different
8. Hosta Flowers
Class 825 - LILY FAMILY - Any of the lily family or related
Lot #
1. Hemerocallis (Daylily) Red - 1 stem
2. Hemerocallis (Daylily) Yellow - 1 stem
3. Hemerocallis (Daylily) White - 1 stem
4. Hemerocallis (Daylily) Orange - 1 stem
5. Hemerocallis (Daylily) Pink - 1 stem
6. Hemerocallis (Daylily) Other - 1 stem
7. Lily, Hybrid, single color Oriental - Casa Blanca
8. Lily, Hybrid, two-toned Oriental
9. Lily, Hybrid, spotted Oriental/Asiatic
10. Tiger Lily
11. Calla Lily, white
12. Calla Lily, color
13. Other Lily, Named
Juniors (12 & under) and Teens (13-17) may enter any Class,
any Lot, and will be judged according to their age
Tags will be issued to them. Exhibits not properly tagged
before entering Dept. subject to disqualification.
One entry per Lot. Four ribbons awards per Lot, if applicable.
Handmade by exhibitor and not exhibited previously.
Judging criteria includes general appearance, cleanliness,
neatness, workmanship and finishing.
Soiled or stained articles will be disqualified.
Exhibitor is to furnish safety pins for tags.
Write name of quilt pattern on tag of all quilted exhibits.
Personal signatures must be covered.
Photograph of quilt (optional).
WALL QUILT - A quilt designed to hang on the wall.
Cannot be more than 60” on any side.
TWIN SIZE - Typically 72” x 96”.
FULL SIZE – Typically 81” x 96”
LAP QUILT – A lighter type small quilt for laps & naps
North Iowa Quilter’s Guild
Prizes to be announced.
Lake Area Quilter’s Guild
Three $15 prizes to be announced.
Based on well-established or customary design
Lot # 1. Wall quilt, pieced, hand quilted.
2. Wall quilt, pieced commercially machine
3. Wall quilt, pieced, machine quilted by exhibitor
4. Twin size or smaller, pieced, hand quilted
5. Twin size or smaller, pieced, commercially
machine quilted
6. Twin size or smaller, pieced, machine quilted
by exhibitor
7. Full size or larger, pieced, hand quilted
8. Full size or larger, pieced, commercially
machine quilted
9. Full size or larger, pieced, machine quilted by
10. Lap Quilt, pieced by exhibitor
11. Bed Runner
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Lot #1. Wall quilt, hand appliquéd, hand quilted
2. Wall quilt, hand appliquéd, commercially
machine quilted
3. Wall quilt, hand appliquéd, machine quilted by
4. Twin size or smaller, hand appliquéd, hand
5. Twin size or smaller, hand appliquéd,
commercially machine quilted.
6. Twin size or smaller, hand appliquéd, machine
quilted by exhibitor
7. Full size or larger, hand appliquéd, hand
8. Full size or larger, hand appliquéd,
commercially machine quilted
9. Full size or larger, hand appliquéd, machine
quilted by exhibitor
10. Lap Quilt – hand appliquéd
11. Bed Runner
Lot # 1. Wall quilt, machine appliquéd, hand quilted
2. Wall quilt, machine appliquéd, commercially
machine quilted
3. Wall quilt, machine appliquéd, machine quilted
by exhibitor
4. Twin size or smaller, machine appliquéd, hand
5. Twin size or smaller, machine appliquéd,
commercially machine quilted
6. Twin size or smaller, machine appliquéd,
machine quilted by exhibitor
7. Full size or larger, machine appliquéd, hand
8. Full size or larger, machine appliquéd,
commercially machine quilted
9. Full size or larger, machine appliquéd,
machine quilted by exhibitor
10. Lap Quilt- machine appliquéd, machine
quilted by exhibitor
11. Bed Runner
1. Wall quilt, machine embroidered, hand quilted
2. Wall quilt, machine embroidered,
commercially machine quilted
3. Wall quilt, machine embroidered, machine
quilted by exhibitor
4. Twin size or smaller, machine embroidered,
hand quilted
5. Twin size or smaller, machine embroidered,
commercially machine quilted
July 20-24, 2016
Class #904 – EMBROIDERED QUILTS (continued)
6. Twin size or smaller, machine embroidered,
machine quilted by exhibitor
7. Full size or larger, machine embroidered, hand
8. Full size or larger, machine embroidered, or
commercially machine quilted.
9. Full size or larger, machine embroidered,
quilted by exhibitor
10. Lap Quilt – hand embroidered by exhibitor
11. Lap Quilt – machine embroidered by exhibitor
12. Bed Runner
Class #905 - MIXED TECHNIQUE QUILTS - Combinations
of two or more techniques, where the additional techniques are
more than embellishment. Sampler quilts would be placed in
this Class.
Lot # 1. Wall quilt, mixed technique, hand quilted
2. Wall quilt, mixed technique, commercially
3. Wall quilt, mixed technique, machine quilted by
4. Twin size or smaller, mixed technique, hand quilted
5. Twin size or smaller, mixed technique, commercially
machine quilted
6. Twin size or smaller, mixed technique, machine
quilted by exhibitor
7. Full size or larger, mixed technique, hand quilted
8. Full size or larger, mixed technique, commercially
9. Full size or larger, mixed technique, machine quilted
by exhibitor
10. Lap Quilt mixed technique by exhibitor
11. Bed Runner
Class #906 - BABY QUILTS - This Class is not judged on size
but on design suitable for a child.
Lot # 1. Pieced, hand quilted
2. Pieced - commercially machine quilted
3. Pieced - machine quilted by exhibitor
4. Appliqué, hand quilted
5. Appliqué, commercially machine quilted
6. Appliqué, machine quilted by exhibitor
7. Hand embroidered by exhibitor
8. Machine embroidered baby quilt
9. Mixed technique, hand quilted
10. Mixed technique, commercially machine quilted
11. Mixed technique, machine quilted by exhibitor
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Class #907- INNOVATIVE QUILTS - Innovative quilts that
extend beyond traditional disciplines and exercise progressive
Independence and originality in theory, design, color or
Lot # 1. Pieced, any size, any quilting technique
2. Appliquéd, any size, any quilting technique
3. Embroidered, any size, any quilting technique
4. Mixed technique, any size, any quilting
5. Original Design
6. Bed Runner
Class #908 - MINIATURE QUILTS - One side of the quilt is
18” or less. A miniature typically is a very small version of a
bed size quilt pattern & meant to be hung for display.
Lot # 1. Pieced, hand quilted
2. Pieced, machine quilted commercially
3. Pieced, machine quilted by exhibitor
4. Appliqué, hand quilted
5. Appliqué, machine quilted commercially
6. Appliqué, machine quilted by exhibitor
7. Hand embroidered by exhibitor
8. Machine embroidered by exhibitor
9. Mixed technique, hand quilted
10. Mixed technique, commercially machine
11. Mixed technique, machine quilted by exhibitor
 Includes quilts made up of blocks or components created
by individual members of an organized group of quilters.
 Exhibits must be lap size or larger using any quilting
 To be judged on overall design and eye appeal, not
necessarily by the quilting stitches.
Lot # 1. Signature or Friendship Quilt
2. Block Exchange Quilt
3. Round Robin Quilt – (each member adds to the
preceding block).
4. Other Group-Made quilt not listed above
Class #910 - MISCELLANEOUS QUILTS – (Not Miniature)
For quilts made by exhibitor that do not fit any Class listed.
This Class will be judged on overall workmanship and
appearance, not for individual aspects or techniques.
Lots to be determined as entries are received.
Old found quilts that have not been finished and are now
finished after last years fair.
Class #912 - BEGINNING QUILTERS - This class is for
July 20-24, 2016
first-time quilters. (see rules)
1. Quilt - any technique or size
2. Wall Hanging - any technique or size
3. Table Runner or Cover - any technique or size
4. Bed Runner- any technique or size
5. Other quilted article not listed above
Includes smaller quilted fabric items, not bedding.
1. Place Mats – Set of 4
2. Table Runner
3. Table Centerpiece
4. Pillow Sham(s)
5. Small Appliance Cover
6. Quilted Bags/ Purses
7. Other than named
Includes vests, jackets, skirts, etc.
Each exhibit in this Class will be judged individually
on overall workmanship and appearance.
Lots to be determined as entries are received.
Judging criteria for HANDWORK:
APPEARANCE: Cleanliness, colors, designs,
blocking/pressing, choice of fibers, threads,
WORKMANSHIP: Neatness, tension, pattern
execution, gauge, absence of knots, piecing, no
FINISHING: Framing, binding, fringe, blocking,
pillow form, seam finishing.
Class # 915 - CROCHET
1. Afghan
2. Baby Items
3. Clothing
4. Household
5. Other Than Named
Hazel D. Hill Memorial Award
Best in Embroidery, Crocheting, or
Needlework (2 awards)
Class # 916 - KNIT
1. Afghan
2. Baby Items
3. Clothing
4. Household
5. Other Than Named
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
For exhibits not listed in any other Class.
Each exhibit in this Class will be judged individually
on overall workmanship and appearance.
Table Decoration or Runner
Placemats (4)
Napkins (4)
Tea Towels
Dish Towels
Pillow Cover
Other than named
For holiday exhibits not listed in any other Class.
Each exhibit in this Class will be judged individually
on overall workmanship and appearance.
Made with new material. Each exhibit in this Class will be
judged individually on overall workmanship and appearance.
1. Table Decoration or Runner
2. Placemats (4)
3. Napkins (4)
4. Tea Towels
5. Dish Towels
6. Pillow Cover
7. Clothing
8. Accessory
9. Other than named
Made with new material. Each exhibit in this Class will be
judged individually on overall workmanship and appearance.
Made with some used/recycled material -be creative. Each
exhibit in this Class will be judged individually on overall
workmanship and appearance.
1. Wall hanging or Picture - worked from chart
2. Pillow
3. Afghan
4. Holiday
Each exhibit in this Class will be judged individually
on overall workmanship and appearance.
Class 930- RUGS
Each exhibit in this Class will be judged individually
on overall workmanship and appearance.
Each exhibit in this Class will be judged individually
on overall workmanship and appearance.
Each exhibit in this Class will be judged individually
on overall workmanship and appearance.
Any fiber stitched on canvas. Each exhibit in this
Class will be judged individually on overall
workmanship and appearance.
Each exhibit in this Class will be judged individually
on overall workmanship and appearance.
Hot Air Balloon Rally
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Kute Kids Kontest
Charlie Brown Child Care
July 20 @ 6:30 p.m.
All Seasons Stage
Ages 0-10 years
Enter up to 15 Minutes Prior to
the Contest!
Kids will be judged on:
Most Hair
Longest Eyelashes
Most Freckles 
Curliest Hair
Cutest Smile
Biggest Dimples
Biggest Muscles 
Longest Hair
BRAKKE Pedal Power
Saturday July 23, 2016
1) AGE 4
3) AGE 6
5) AGE 8
7) AGE 10
Sponsored by:
2) AGE 5
4) AGE 7
6) AGE 9
8) AGE 11
July 20-24, 2016
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
When: Carvings performed daily during the fair
Auction: Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 12:00 p.m.
Auctioneer: Frank Fox
Auction Location: All Seasons Building, stage.
Auction takes place at noon! Bid on the extraordinary works created throughout fair week
by chainsaw artist Curtis Ingvoldstad. Curtis Ingvoldstad is an artist with a chainsaw. He
has a BA in Studio Arts from the University of MN. He picked up the chainsaw 13 years
ago after many years of oil painting and hand carving. He’s a natural talent for sculpting
and a rich ancestry of woodworking. He has competed with the best of the best
internationally and gained great respect for his realism, attention to detail and a very
complex painting style.
NEXT GENERATION SHOWS is an Iowa based, family owned and operated carnival company with
over 30 years of experience.
North Iowa Fair is pleased to announce that Next Generation Shows will be at the 2016 North Iowa Fair! 
fair schedule for times and be sure to join us as we welcome a carnival back to the fair!
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
Kiddie Barnyard Sponsored By: West Fork FFA & Cerro Gordo County Farm
Wed. July 20: 12-9 p.m.
Thurs. July 21 thru Saturday July 23: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where: Farm Bureau Kiddie Barn across from Loafing Shed
Inflatables are back!
Hoppy-Go Lucky Inflatables near the Farm Bureau Kiddie Barn!
Reigning Miss North Iowa Fair 2015 Allison O’Connor
The North Iowa Fair seeks and encourages entries for Miss North Iowa Fair 2016! Each contestant must be at least 16
years of age and not more than 21 on August 10, 2016 (the first day of the Iowa State Fair). Contestants must reside in
Cerro Gordo County, or an adjoining county if the majority of her activities are in Cerro Gordo County. Each contestant
must be an active member of at least one service organization in her community such as church group, Girl Scouts, 4-H,
etc. If you have questions or to enter please contact Tina Hoeft at 641-220-4146 or the North Iowa Fair Office at 641-4233811.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
Sunday, July 24th In the HERITAGE
ARENA Arrive by 1:00 p.m.
Running & Driving time: 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
(Experienced Drivers Only Please)
For Youngsters and Oldsters Alike!
Awards will be presented for the following:
SLOW POKE (normal operating)
Little Miss & Junior Miss
North Iowa Fair Contest
4:00 p.m., Thursday, July 21st on the All-Seasons Stage
Sponsored by Cost Cutters
This Contest is open for girls aged 2-15 years.
Little Miss Age groups: 2-4, 5-8, 9-12,
Junior Miss Age Group: 13-15 years of age
‫٭‬Competition judged on interview on stage, poise, and
appearance. ‫٭‬Children may dress as they choose. ‫٭‬No entry fee!
‫٭‬Pre-Fair entries preferred, or enter 30 minutes prior to contest.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Dragon Fire Dancing Horses will perform
again this year at the fair! Audiences of all
ages will enjoy El Gato, a white Arabian
horse and rider/handler Kelly and friends as
they perform high stepping, advanced
dressage movements and other tricks to
music. Several performances Friday through
Sunday, times TBA. See you at the fair!
July 20-24, 2016
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Get creative with thrillers, spillers, and fillers! The North
Iowa Events Center is inviting kids and adults of all ages to
take part in their first ever Flower Bucket Challenge. Stop
at the office to pick up a free bucket by June 15th.
Decorate the outside of the bucket however you choose
(must be weather proof, as buckets will sit outdoors). Fill
with choice of plants. Bring the completed bucket to the
North Iowa Fair by Wednesday, July 20th at 5 p.m.
Buckets will placed throughout the grounds during the fair!
Pick up your bucket and take it home on Sunday, July 24th
and enjoy it the rest of the summer.
July 20-24, 2016
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
West Fork FFA Open Swine Show
Sunday, July 24th
12 pm-2pm
Registration- 10:30am-12pm
-Non terminal show
-Health papers required
Fee- $20 per pig
-$10 for Local county fair pigs
Divisions- Maximum of 10 pigs per class
Breeding gilts- commercial and purebred gilts show together
Market pigs- purebreds and market pigs show together
PayoutClass winners: 1st - $40
2nd - $30
3rd -$20
4th - $10
5th - $10
Champion market pig and Champion breeding gilt - $200
Reserve market pig and Reserve breeding gilt - $100
Contact information:
Dean Weber - webfam1971@gmail.com
Phone - 641-822-4588
*You can pre-register or sign up on the day of the event*
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
North Iowa Fair
Open Beef Show
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Showtime 12:30 p.m.
North Iowa Event Center- Mason City, Iowa
Weigh In & Registration
Saturday, July 11- 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Judge: Tracy Coffland
$20 for pre-registration
*Champion Feeder Steer- $200
*Champion Feeder Heifer- $200
*Champion Market Animal- $300
*Champion Breeding Heifer- $300
IJBBA Sanctioned Show
-Open Feeder Calves
(heifers then steers)
-Open Breeding Heifers
-Open Market Heifers
-Open Market Steers
Follows IJBBA rules and regulations
-Original registration papers and
health paperwork are required.
$30 for the day of the show
*Reserve Feeder Steer- $100
*Reserve Feeder Heifer - $100
*Reserve Market Animal- $150
*Reserve Breeding Heifer - $150
Send Entries to:
Sterling Young
2800 4th Street SW,
Mason City, Iowa
***All entries must be
postmarked by July 1, 2015
to be considered as preentry.
For questions or additional
information contact:
Russ Euken- Ph. 641.512.5351
Sterling YoungPh. 641.425.0976
CITY:_____________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: ________________
PHONE:________________________________ COUNTY:____________________________
______ HEIFER ** BREED ___________________________________________________________
_______ HEIFER ** BREED ___________________________________________________________
_______ STEER ** BREED ___________________________________________________________
_______ STEER ** BREED ___________________________________________________________
_______ MARKET HEIFER ___________________________________________________________
NUMBER OF HEAD ________________ x $20 (pre-entry) = $ _______________________
NUMBER OF HEAD ________________ x $30 (day of show) = $_____________________
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
Read all rules before entering. General Rules found on pages 1-4 and class rules are listed at the class/department. All entries
may be made on this form. You may copy this form for additional entries if needed. Caution and care are taken at all times,
but Fair is not responsible for theft or damage to any exhibit . Entries received by July 20 will have tags ready on entry day. Be
prepared to stand in line if you have not pre-entered.
Department Name
Class Lot #
Exhibit Description
Exhibitor’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _______________________________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________ Teen’s Age _______ Jr.’s Age _______
Email address _______________________________________________________________________________
I have read and understand, and in consideration for being permitted to exhibit at this event, agree and consent to abide by the
rules of competition.
Signature ______________________________________________ Date __________
Guardian or Parent of above Signatory if under age _____________________________________________
Mail to: North Iowa Events Center, 3700 4th St. SW, Mason City, IA 50401
Form may be reproduced if needed.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
Bill Riley Talent Search
Contestant Rules
1. Show is open to legal residents of the state of Iowa only. Acts must appear in a locally sponsored/ISF sanctioned show somewhere
in the state of Iowa and be the show qualifier to be eligible to compete at the Iowa State Fair. Judges decisions are final.
2. Sprouts: 2 through 12 years Seniors: 13 through 21 years
A person’s age for the Iowa State Fair competition is determined at the time they win a local show. A 12 year old (or 21 year old)
could turn 13 (or 22) by State Fair and still be eligible in the Sprout (or Senior) division, as they met age requirements at the time of
3. Sprout acts will be permitted to have one performer who is 13 years old only. If a performer in a Sprout act turns 13 before the
State Fair, thus making the Sprout act have two or more 13 year olds, that act will automatically become a Senior act. Any performer
who is 14 years or older will not be allowed to perform in a Sprout act.
4. Acts are required to keep the performance at three minutes or less. Acts running longer than three minutes are subject to possible
disqualification or point deduction. This will be at the judge’s discretion. Keep the act at three minutes please. Set-up time is not
included. Please try to limit set-up time to one minute.
5. No more than five persons are allowed in an act. Piano accompanist is NOT included in an act and may be any age. No more than
three accompanists permitted per act. Drums, amps, etc. are discouraged due to the one-minute set-up time. No combos, rock bands
or similar musical groups permitted.
6. Acts are asked to not dance onto or off the stage. After introductions, you may take any position you wish to begin your
7. Vocalists are strongly encouraged to practice and perform with the assistance of a vocal coach and/or a live accompanist. We
understand that live accompanists are expensive, and sometimes very difficult to obtain for some performers. We do allow recorded
accompaniment. The judges’ preference is a single instrument. Multiple tracks, although permitted, are not suggested. This is not a
karaoke contest. Any prerecorded track with backing vocals is not allowed, and the act will be disqualified.
8. Contestants may only appear once in any given show. This applies to qualifying shows as well as the competition at the Iowa State
Fair. They may not perform “solo” and then return in the same show in a duet or trio. Contestants are allowed to perform in different
acts in different shows, but they may only qualify for the State Fair Show with one act.
9. Professionals are NOT permitted to compete. This includes Union musicians and anyone whose principal source of income is
from their talent. Compensation for performing at weddings, etc. does not constitute principle source of income.
Competition at the Iowa State Fair
Semi-Finalists: Semi-finalists from last year’s Iowa State Fair Talent Search are automatically qualified for the next State Fair
competition. You do not have to re-qualify for next year’s show by winning at the local level show, but you are encouraged to
compete at local shows. If you win at the local level show, you are entitled to the prize money, but you must inform the Master of
Ceremonies that you have already qualified for the State Fair. The second place winner will then be able to advance to the State Fair
competition. Remember you are entitled to the first place prize money.
Birthdays and Semi-Finalists: Semi-finalists returning the following year will perform in the division for their current age. Example,
if a 12 year old makes the semi-finals in the Sprout division, and they turn 13 by the next State Fair they will be placed in the Senior
Sprout Division Champions: There will be 6 Sprout Champions showcased in the Championship Show. All Sprout Champions in the
Sprout division must sit out one year of competition.* They also must re-qualify when returning after the one-year absence, and be
12 years old or less.
Senior Division Championship: There will be 9 finalists in competition. All finalists in the Senior division must sit out one year they cannot perform as an individual or in a group during the next year.They also must re-qualify when returning after the one-year
absence, and be 21 years old or less. The “Grand Champion” of the Senior division is no longer allowed to compete at the State Fair
Talent Show.
*The only exception to the one-year absence will be for Sprout Champions who were 12 years old when they won. They do not have
to sit out a year and are automatically qualified for the next State Fair as a Senior. It is highly recommended that they compete at the
local level as a Senior to get a feel for the older division.
All divisions must qualify within the age requirement. For example, if you are 21 and don’t qualify before you are 22 you are
ineligible, or if you are a Sprout and don’t qualify before you are 12 you will compete in the Senior division.
10. Acts will need name, complete address, birth date, age, phone number (include area code), email and type of talent. Multiple acts
need one member to act as a contact person with all information going through them. Additional members of the act need only birth
date, age, and town.
Bill Riley, Jr. Heather Torpy
President Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Bill Riley Talent Search Bill Riley Talent Search
(515)202-6232 (515)229-1821
rileystage@gmail.com heathertorpy@gmail.com
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
1. Each contestant must be at least 16 years of age and not more than 21 on August 10, the first day of the
2016 Iowa State Fair.
2. Contestants must never have been married or have had children.
3. Contestants must reside in Cerro Gordo County, or an adjoining county if the majority of her activities are
in Cerro Gordo County.
4. Each contestant must be an active member of at least one service organization in her community such as a
church group, Girl Scouts, 4-H, etc.
5. No professional model (one who has had on-going employment in which being a model was the primary
part of the job) is eligible to compete.
6. Contestants will be judged on: personality, attitude, overall appearance, awareness, leadership, citizenship,
charm, and poise.
7. Any contestant who has competed in an Iowa State Fair Queen Contest may not compete again in the Miss
North Iowa Fair Contest.
8. Each contestant must complete and submit a Miss North Iowa Fair Queen Contest Entry Form
and the $50.00 entry fee. Early entries are preferred.
9. All contestants will receive further information in regard to judging when applications are
processed, as well as further information in regard to the coronation.
10. Miss North Iowa Fair 2016 will be the official hostess of the 2016 North Iowa Fair. She will
be required to be on the fairgrounds each day, make appearances at special events, concerts,
beef, swine, horse, dairy, poultry, dog, and rabbit shows, and present trophies and ribbons.
11. Miss North Iowa Fair 2016 will be the 2016 Cerro Gordo County representative in the Iowa
State Fair Queen Contest August 9-13, 2016. This includes hotel accommodations/meals for 5 days and 4
nights, educational programs and more. A portion of Miss North Iowa Fair’s Award is her entry fee to the
Iowa State Fair Queen Contest paid for by the North Iowa Fair.
12. In the event the 2016 Miss North Iowa Fair is unable to participate in the 2016 Iowa State
Fair Queen Contest, alternates will be considered in order of selection.
13. Miss North Iowa Fair 2016 is responsible for her own clothing, including shoes, throughout
the North Iowa and Iowa State Fairs.
14. Miss North Iowa Fair 2016 will represent the North Iowa Fair in the 2017 Band Festival and
Clear Lake July 4th parades, and other parades and events as requested by the Fair.
15. Miss North Iowa Fair 2016 will assist and be present for the 2017 Miss North Iowa Fair
Contest and coronation.
16. Should the 2016 Miss North Iowa Fair marry or become ineligible before the 2017 queen is
crowned, she will forfeit her title, crown, and rights to all awards to the first runner-up.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
17. The reigning 2016 Miss North Iowa Fair is expected to conduct herself in a manner that
reflects positively on herself, her family and on the North Iowa Fair. Should the reigning
Miss North Iowa Fair become involved in any activity, including but not limited to a drug,
alcohol or tobacco related offence, which reflects negatively on herself, her family or the
North Iowa Fair, she may be required to forfeit her crown, title, and rights to all awards to
the first runner-up.
18. The North Iowa Fair Board reserves the right to change and interpret the foregoing rules and
regulations at any time as may deemed expedient.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
Miss North Iowa Fair Contest
Entry Form
NAME:_________________________________ BIRTHDATE: __________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP:______________________________________________________________
HOME PHONE:_____________________________ CELL PHONE: __________________________
CURRENT AGE: _____________
NAME: ________________________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP,:______________________________________________________________
SPONSOR ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP,:______________________________________________________________
PHONE: (home)________________________(other)____________________________________
MASON CITY, IA 50401-1590
SIGNATURE OF THE CONTESTANT_________________________________________
***Entry forms are due by 4:00 p.m. on July 15, 2016.
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
Spring/Summer 2016
We are excited to present to you a wonderful opportunity. The North Iowa Fair sponsors a Miss North Iowa
Fair Contest each year. Candidates are judged on:
Awareness of County, State and National issues
Overall appearance, charm, and poise.
We have enclosed an entry form for you to complete, as well as the contest rules, responsibilities and duties.
This contest allows you the opportunity to win some great prizes and to meet other young women from our
area and possibly from around the State of Iowa.
If you are interested in competing in this year’s Miss North Iowa Fair Contest, please return your completed
entry form, essay, and sponsorship fee to the North Iowa Fair Office by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 15, 2016.
Judging for this year’s contest and coronation will take place on Wednesday, July 20, 2016, beginning at 1:00
p.m., at the Country Inn and Suites in Mason City. More information will be sent to you once your
application, essay and $50.00 sponsorship fee have been received.
You may sponsor yourself, your parents may sponsor you, or you may ask an area business to pay your
sponsorship fee. Area businesses have all been very receptive to sponsoring a queen candidate. If you want to
be a candidate but are unable to find a sponsor, give us a call and we will try to assist you.
If you have any questions, please contact the North Iowa Fair Office at 641-423-3811.
We look forward to having you compete in this year’s contest.
Tina Hoeft
Miss North Iowa Fair Contest Coordinator
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
July 20-24, 2016
North Iowa Fair Schedule
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Exhibit and Vendor set-up and entry, refer to individual exhibit information for specific instructions
Wednesday, July 20, 2016 Ag Day
10:30 a.m. Arts and Crafts Judging
10:30 a.m. All Day Legos Judging by public
Friday, July 22, 2016 Launch Day
10:30 a.m. Threads and Fabric Judging
11:00 a.m. Dragonfire Dancing Horses
11:00 a.m. Food Judging
12 p.m. Balloons and pilots begin to arrive
11:30 a.m. Garden Art Judging
12:00 – 9:00 p.m Lake Area Quilters Show
12:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Open Class Exhibits
12 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Open Class Exhibits
Legos Judging by public all day Wednesday
12:00 p.m .- 7:-00 p.m. Mason City Civil War Council
12:00 p.m. Quilt Show Opens
and storytelling
12:00- 9 p.m. Kiddie Barnyard
1:00 p.m. Dragonfire Dancing Horses
1:00 – 7:00 p.m. Little Farmers open
2:00, 4:00, 6:00 & 8:00 Chainsaw Artist
1:00 p.m. Food Judging - Provided by Hy-Vee West
3:00 p.m. Next Generation Shows
1:15 p.m. Photography Judging
4:00 p.m. Dragonfire Dancing Horses
4:00 p.m. Bake Sale
4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Little Farmers Open
4:00 – 8:00 Inflatables Open
4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Balloon Artists/Face Painters
4:00 – 8:00 Little Farmers Open
4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Inflatables
4:00 – 8:00 Balloon Artists/Face Painters
4:00 – 11:00 Beer Garden – TBA
5:00 p.m. Woodworking Judging
6:00 p.m. Darling Dog Style Show
5:30 p.m. North Iowa Fair Queen Presentation
6:00 p.m. Balloon Launch (weather permitting)
6:00 p.m. Opening Ceremony
6:00 p.m. Monster Truck Racking League - Speedway
6:00 p.m. Figure 8 & Tuning Special - Speedway
7:00 Live Music, “ Borderline Band” near loafing shed
6:00 p.m. Next Generation Shows
8:30 p.m. Balloon Glow
6:00 p.m. Figure 8 & Tuning Special - Speedway
6:30 p.m. North Iowa Fair Association
Saturday, July 23, 2016 Family Day
Appreciation Dinner
9:00 a.m. – 11 a.m. Watercolor Class w/ MacNider Art
6:30 p.m. Kute Kids Kontest
7:00 p.m. Free Pony Rides- Arena – Horsemen of
10:00 a.m. River City Radio Control, Fun Fly
(Home Flying Field- North Iowa Fairgrounds)
10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Open Class Exhibits
Thursday, July 21, 2016
10:00 – 8:00 Inflatables Open
Seniors, Grandparents, and Grandchildren Day
10:30 a.m. Open Beef Cattle Show
11:00 a.m. Free Movie Screening “UP”
11:00 a.m. Field and Garden Judging
11:00- 4 p.m. Show Kites from Clear Lake (green
Legos Judging by public all day Thursday
space, near arenas)
10:00 a.m. – 9 p.m. Kiddie Barnyard
11:00 a.m. Dragonfire Dancing Horses
12:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Open Class Exhibits
11:30 a.m. Cribbage Tournament sign- up
12:00 p.m. Pork Producers 4H Lunch
11:30 a.m. Open Feeder Calf Show
12:00 p.m. Senior’s Day Lunch-serving until gone
12:00 p.m. “The Shootout Challenge” Red vs.
12:00 p.m. Quilt Show Opens
Green Truck and Tractor Pull - Grandstand
12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Mason City Civil War Council
12:30 – Cribbage Tournament
and storytelling
12:30 p.m. Premier Open Cattle Show
12:30 p.m. Floriculture Judging
1:00 p.m. Free Movie Screening “UP”
1:00 p.m. Stebens Children’s Theather- live
1:00 p.m. Pedal Power Pull
production- “Swing Time Canteen”
1:00- 3:00 p.m .Balloon Creations by It’s Your Day1:00 p.m. 500 Card Tournament
Lisa Lofing- in the Olson Bldg.
1:00-3:00 p.m. Balloon Creations by It’s
1:00 p.m. Dragonfire Horses
Your Day- Lisa Lofing – Olson Bldg.
1:00 – 7:00 p.m. Little Farmers open
2:00, 4:00, 6:00 & 8:00 Chainsaw Artist
2:00, 4:00, 6:00 & 8:00 Chainsaw Artist
2:00 p.m. Tall Corn Contest Judging
2:00 p.m. Owen #3 Country Schoolhouse Reception
3:00 p.m. Next Generation Shows
3:00 p.m. Free Movie Screening “ UP”
4:00 p.m. Inflatables Open
3:00 p.m. Open Bucket Bottle Calf Show
4:00 p.m. Little Miss & Jr. Miss Contest
4:00 p.m. Dragonfire Dancing Horses
4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Little Farmers open
4:00 – 11:00 Beer Garden – TBA
4:00 TBA Kids Club w/MacNider Art Museum
5:00 p.m. Free Movie Screening “ UP”
(pre-registration required!)
6:00 p.m. Free Pony Rides- Arena- Horsemen of Iowa
4:00 – 11:00 Beer Garden – TBA
6:00 p.m. – Balloon Launch
6:00 p.m. Farm Bureau Appreciation Dinner
6:00 p.m. Cattleman’s Dinner
TBA Monster Truck Racing League - Speedway
6:00 p.m. TBA Demolition Derby - Speedway
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
7:00 p.m. Live Music “The Grin Band” near Loafing
7:00 p.m. Free Movie Screening “UP”
8:30 p.m. Balloon Glow
Sunday, July 24, 2016 Talent Day
6:00 a.m. Balloon Launch
7:00 a.m. to Noon Vietnam Vets Breakfast Fundraiser
Serving the public. Pancakes, eggs, ham.
9:00 a.m. Community Church Services
9:00 a.m. Garner Saddle Club Horse Fun ShowIndoor Arena
10:00 –4:00 Inflatables Open
12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Open Class Exhibits
12:00 p.m - Chainsaw Carvings Auction – All Seasons
Bldg. Frank Fox, Auctioneer
12:30 p.m. Denny’s School of Dance
1:00 Antique Machinery: Heritage Arena
1:00 p.m. Dragonfire Dancing Horses
2:00 p.m. “Bill Riley” Talent Show
6:00 p.m. North Iowa Fair + Zieman Memorial
7:00 p.m. Budweiser USRA Modifieds, USRA Stock
Cars, USRA B- Mods, USRA Hobby Stocks
& Rookies Rockin’ Tuners - Speedway
Note: Events may be subject to change in time or
location on fairgrounds.
July 20-24, 2016
Thanks Corporate Sponsors:
Cartersville Elevator
Hertz Farm Management
Schwark Insurance
Golden Grain Energy
Star Auto Body
5 Star/Land O Lakes
Winnebago Foundation
Heartland Asphalt
Corporate Farmer
United Beverage
Kabrick Distributing
Cerro Gordo Farm Bureau
Farmers State Bank
First Citizens
North Iowa Coop
Brakke Implement
Northwood State Bank
Floyd and Leonard
Graham Tire
Kinseth Hospitatlity Group
Ziegler Cat
LA Snowbusters
MC Auto Sales
Holiday Inn Express- Mason City
Johnson Sanitary Products
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Thanks to our North Iowa Fair
Sponsors as of 5/30/16:
BLISS Formal Wear
Casey’s General Stores
Schwarck Insurance Agency
Clear Lake Bank & Trust
Community National Bank
Family of Lucille Sutcliffe
First Insurance Agency
Five Star Cooperative
Hazel D. Hill Memorial
Hoover’s Hatchery
Horsemen of Iowa
Alliant Energy
Mason City Rent All
Clear Lake Show Kites
Hy-Vee Food & Drug Stores
Jim & Ann Kuhlman / Central Gardens
Johnson Sign Company
Judy & Chuck Marquardt
Mechanical Air Systems
Natural Plus
North Iowa Century 21 Preferred
Rubee Friedow Memorial
Star Auto Body
Three Eagles Communication
Lake Area Quilt Guild
North Iowa Community Credit Union
Northwestern Steakhouse
Woodford Lumber and Home
Cornish Chiropractic
Ted Bielenfeld
Tomy Toys in Dyersville
Coats and Clark
Dixon Ticonderoga Company
Woodsmith Store in Clive
King Arthur Flour
Ball/ Kerr
Holiday Inn Express, Mason City
Country Inn and Suites, Mason City
Daley’s Plumbing and Heating
July 20-24, 2016
2016 North Iowa Fair Exhibitor’s Handbook
Rib Crib, Mason City
Mason City Walmart Supercenter
HyVee West
CL Tel- Sky Blue
Mid-States Horse Shows
Mason City Civil War Council
It’s Your Day
July 20-24, 2016