PROGRAMMM(E) 03/07/2012 : arrival/arrivée 04/07/2012 : Krknose Tour 05/07/2012 : Jeseniky Tour 06/07/2012 : West-Tatras tour 07/07/2012 : Polish Tatras tour 08/07/2012 : East-Tatras tour 09/07/2012 : Back home/ retour TOURS & BIGS Jour/day 3 : WEST-TATRAS TOUR Jour/day 1 : KRKNOSE TOUR 828.Przel'ecz Salmopolska 836.Vrbatova Bouda 846. Martinske Hole 827. Przel'ecz Okraj jour/day 4 : POLISH TATRAS TOUR 837. Spindlerova Bouda 829. Przel'ecz Krowiarki Jour/day 2 : JESENIKY TOUR 826.Przehyba 838. Sùchy Vrch 843. Tatliakovo Jazero 839. Cevernohorske Sedlo jour/day 5 : EAST-TATRAS TOUR 840. Pradíd 830. Glodowka 845. Slieszky Dom 844. Sedlo Certovica Participants (official – 10/06/2012) Michel Renwart Fredrik Granlund Jerry Nilson 0046704328061 François Candau 003372797271 Bernard Frogneux 0032495657732 Axel Jansen 0032472347143 Pavel Vanis 00420737165258 Kevin Speed 00447964944866 Marc Seguy 0033671643842 Mrs Seguy 0033673982507 Roland Schuyer 0031610193754 Steven Pranger J.P Notten 0031629097392 Peter Notten 0031633834631 Dirk Buschmann Anja Von Heydebreck 004917654576836 Ratislav Sasik Mrs Sasik Jürgen Reckhaus 004915773386526 Luc Willem 0032477900315 Xavier Rutten Daniel Gobert 0032495708172 Heiko Linnert 00491719303159 Vaclav Klicnik Luigi Spina 00393280676906 Cecilia Torelli 00393409380206 Achim John 00491749127827 Dieter Pohl 004915120735135 Pavel Slopovsky Marian Gruchel Michal Fulka Gianni Solenni Jean-Luc Matte Madame Matte Mardi / Tuesday 03/07 17.00 – 19.00 PM : Arrival / Arrivée Hotel a pension ALBIS Horská 121 CZ - 543 01 Vrchlabí - Horejší Vrchlabí Krkonoše Ceská republika GPS: Loc: 50°39'21.547"N, 15°36'8.409"E Telefon: +420 499 421 110 +420 499 422 554 Fax: +420 499 423 885 E-mail: Prices/Prix : 320 CZK/person + The dinner (soup + main dish + dessert) : 110 CZK. Total = 430 CZK = 17,20 € For 2 nights/ Pour 2 nuits = 34,40 € /person(ne) + 10% security = 38 € 20h: Welcome drink & President speech 20h30: Dinner & presentation stage 1 Dispatching of the rooms / Répartitions des chambres : Michel Renwart François Candau Luc Willem Bernard Frogneux Xavier Rutten Axel Jansen Daniel Gobert Achim John Kevin Speed G. Solenni Dieter Pohl Pavel Vanis Jürgen Reckhaus Marc Seguy J.P Notten Ratislav Sasik Mrs Seguy Peter Notten Mrs Sasik Jean-Luc Matte Madame Matte Fredrik Granlund Jerry Nilson Roland Schuyer Steven Pranger Dirk Buschmann Anja Von Heyd. NB: All the timings and tours here below are based on the average tours, that means the tours trying to climb all the bigs previewed in the programm but with the most possible efficiency. Inside boxes (we'll explain how to join it with the small tour and how to leave it for a long tour). CZ SK PL Mercredi / Wednesday 04/07 7AM : breakfast 8AM : start KRKNOSE TOUR - total 122 km 1st section Vrbatova bouda 45 km (by car to point 3) Car / Auto pt1 : Hotel (8h) pt2 : Vrchlabi (km 3) pt3 : start Vichova d Jizerou(km10-8h30) Bike/Vélo pt4 : Dolni Stepanice pt5 : Roudnice pt6 : Vrbatova Bouda (km 22,5- 10h30) back/retour (km 45 - 11h) Pourcentages 22 km (each 500m) : 1,9/ 2,3/ 3/ 2,4/ 0,6/ 1,1/ 0,4/ 1,1/ 1,6/ 1,7/ 2/ 2,1/ 1,8/ 3,5/ 3,7/ 1,8/ 1,6/ 2,4/ 2,4/ 2,4/ 2,5/ 1,8/ 3,5/ 3,1/ 4,9/ 4,5/ 3,8/ 4,5/ 5,9/ 7,6/ 7,2/ 7,9/ 7,1/ 8,9/ 8/ 7,1/ 7,6/ 6,8/ 8,5/ 6/ 7,3/ 8,3/ 7,9/ 7,7/ 6,7. 2nd section Pomezní boudy, Przelecz Okraj 36 km Car / Auto pt3 : start Vichova d Jizerou (11h10) pt2 : Vrchlabi (km 7) pt3 : Dolny Marsov (km 28 11h30) NB: Possibility for somebody who wants it, after 7km to cut to the hostel and to stop there for the day. (short tour). Other possibility for the strong men, to leave the car in Vrchlabi and to begin a full tour against Przelecz Okraj and Spindlerova Buda (150 km in the whole day – long tour) Midday Lunch (11h30-12h) Attention, the map presents the long tour, la carte présente le long tour. Bike/Vélo pt4 : Nad Krimnatsou (km612h) pt5 : Hairpins (km 14) pt6 : Przelecz Okraj (km 18 13h30) back/retour (km 36 - 14h) Pourcentages 18 km (each 500m) : 0,7/ 0,3/ 0,8/ 2/ 3,1/ 0,2/ 1,2/ 2/ 1,4/ 2,6/ 4,5/ 5,2/ 3,7/ 3,7/ 3,7/ 3,4/ 4/ 3,9/ 3,5/ 4,7/ 4,6/ 4,1/ 2,4/ 2/ 3,8/ 3,4/ 6,4/ 5,5/ 5/ 4,8/ 3,4/ 6,3/ 5,9/ 6,3/ 5,3/ 2,4 3rd section Spindlerova bouda 41 km Same map/ même carte Car / Auto pt3 : Dolny Marsov (14h10) pt2 : Vrchlabi (km 21) pt 16: Hotel (km 24 – 14h30) Bike/Vélo pt16 : Vrchlabi hotel (km6 - 15h) pt15 : Spindlerova Bouda (km 20,5 - 17h30) back/retour (km 41 - 18h) Pourcentages 20,5 km (each km) : 5,3/ 4,5/ 6,3/ 4,6/ 6,6/ 5,2/ 4,9/ 5,7/ 6,2/ 9,3/ 16,8/ 13,5/ 8,2/ 7,6/ 6,3/ 10,8/ 14,7/ 15/ 10 20h : Dinner 21h00 : Krknose, Jeseniky & presentation stage 2 Jeudi / Thursday 05/07 7AM : breakfast 8AM : start Car / Auto Vrchlabi (km 0) Trutnov (km 32) Nachod (km 68) Zamberk (km 123) Cervena Voda (km 152 - 10h20) JESENIKY TOUR - total 82 km 1st section Suchý Vrch 21 km Bike/Vélo pt1 : Cervena Voda (km0 - 10h30) pt2 : Cervenovodske Sedlo (km 7 – 11h) pt 3 : Suchý Vrch (km 10,5 - 11h30) back/retour (km 21 - 12h) Pourcentages 10,5 km (each km) : 4,0/ 4,1/ 4,3/ 4,1/ 3,7/ 3,9/ 2,7/ 2,8/ 3,6/ 5,7/ 3,5 Midday Lunch (12h-12h30) Car / Auto Cervena Voda (km 0 12h30) Kraliky (km 9 - 12h45) Hanusovice (km 24 13h) Jesenik (km 56 – 13h50) 2nd section Loop Cevernohorske Sedlo - Praded 61 km Attention, please, this remark is very important. The tour shown in the map is the best touristic tour and is the long tour, with more than 100km. The official tour with some efficiency and realism will be different. The best would be that somebody climbs to Praded hostel with a car and that the cyclists would go directly to the hostel from the Praded top, 1km away only. The car will go down afterwards with all the drivers who'll go up with their own car back. The cyclists will not have in this way to go down afterwards because there is a lot of down and up in the middle of the tour. Bike/Vélo Jesenik (km0 - 14h) pt5 : Bela pod Pradedem (km5 – 14h30) Filipovice (km 8 : 651m) Cervenehorske Sedlo : 1013m (km 15) back/retour Bela nod Pradedem (km 24) Videlske Sedlo (936m) Vidly (km 34) Vrbno pod Pradedem (km 42) Karlova Studanka (km 49) Sporthotel (km 57) Praded (km 59) Sporthotel (km 61) Pourcentages Cervenehorske sedlo 15 km (each km) : 1,6/1,8/1,3/1,3/1,6/2,8/4,5/4,9/ 5,1/5,0/5,2/4,8/5,1/5,1/5 Pourcentages Praded19 km (each km) : 2/ 2,8/ 3/ 3/ 2,8/ 3,5/ 3,1/ 4,2/ 5,6/ 6,2/ 7,3/ 8,2/ 7,7/ 7,3/ 7,5/ 2,6/ 7,1/ 6,0/ 4,3 Sporthotel Kurzovní pod Pradedem Rejhotice 149E Loucná nad Desnou 788 11 Oblast Karlova Studánka GPS: 50°4'33.31"N,17°13'30.2"E Tel.: +420 554 779 003 Fax: +420 554 779 004 Mobil: +420 603 444 190 Mobil(2): +420 604 552 551 email : website : Prices/Prix : 581 CZK/person + The dinner : 170 CZK. Total = 751 CZK = 29,20 € + 10% sécurité = 32 € Dispatching of the rooms / Répartitions des chambres : Michel Renwart Daniel Gobert Jean-Luc Matte Madame Matte Marc Seguy Mrs Seguy Jean-Luc Matte Madame Matte Gianni Solenni 20h : Dinner 21h00 : Tatras & presentation stage 3 Luc Willem Pavel Vanis Xavier Rutten Fredrik Granlund François Candau Jerry Nilson Bernard Frogneux Kevin Speed Axel Jansen Jürgen Reckhaus Mobilhome: Roland Schuyer Luigi Spina Steven Pranger Cecilia Torelli J.P Notten Peter Notten Ratislav Sasik Mobilhome: Luigi Spina Mrs Sasik Cecilia Torelli Achim John Dieter Pohl Vendredi / Friday 06/07 7AM : breakfast 8AM : start Car / Auto Praded (km 0 - 8h) Opava (km 60 - 9h) Ostrava(km 90 - 9h30) Cieszyn (km 120 - 10h) Ustrón (km 150 - 10h30) Wisla(km 160 - 11 h ) West TATRAS TOUR - total 60 km 1st section Salmopolska Przelecz 30 km Bike/Vélo Wisla (km 0)11h Salmopolska (km 15) 12h15 back retour (km 30 12h30) Pourcentages Salmopolska Przelecz 15 km (each km) : 0,7/ 0,6/ 1,1/ 1,2/ 1,3/ 1/ 1,6/ 2,1/ 2,9/ 5,4/ 5,8/ 6,5/ 6,1/ 5,9/ 5,8 Midday Lunch (12h30-13h) Car / Auto Wisla (km 0 – 13 h ) Jablunkov (km 20 - 13h30) Zilina (km 60 - 14h30) Martin (km 90 – 15h00) 2nd section Martinske Hole 30 km Bike/Vélo Vrutky (km0 – 15h00) Martinske Hole (km 15 – 16h30 Vrutky (km30 - 16h45) Pourcentages Martinske Hole 15 km (each km) : 1,8/ 2,8/ 3,7/ 6,2/ 6,7/ 10,8/ 7,6/ 9,1/ 6,7/ 5,8/ 5,8/ 8,7/ 11,2/ 10,4/ 11 Car / Auto Martin (km 0 – 17 h) Dolny Kubin (km 35) Habovka (km 80 - 19 h ) 20h : Dinner 21h00 : BIG debate & presentation stage 4 Hotel JULIANIN DVOR*** Habovka Habovka 390 - 027 32 Habovka - Slovenská republika GPS: 49°16'49" N - 19°35'58" E - Telefón: +421 43 5821 023 Fax: +421 43 5821 024 - mobil: +421 911 655 955 30 places booked for 06.07. – 09.07.2012 ( 3 nights) double-bedded room 48Eur/night & room for 3 people/64Eur/night - in the price is included: breakfast, swimming pool ,tennis court,wifi, parking + dinner: soup, main course, dessert = 8,30Eur - Total = 23 € (moyenne approx. double et triple) + 8,30 = 31,30 €/personne - Total des 3 nuits = 93,90 € = 10% security = 102 € Dispatching of the rooms / Répartitions des chambres : Michel Renwart Fredrik Granlund François Candau Pavel Vanis Jerry Nilson Bernard Frogneux Kevin Speed Axel Jansen Marian Gruchel ? Marc Seguy Roland Schuyer J.P Notten Michal Fulka Mrs Seguy Steven Pranger Peter Notten Dirk Buschmann Ratislav Sasik Pavel Vanis Jean-Luc Matte Anja Von Heyd. Mrs Sasik Fredrik Granlund Madame Matte Luc Willem Heiko Linnert Mobilhome: Achim John Spina Xavier Rutten Vaclav Klicnik Luigi Dieter Pohl Cecilia Torelli Daniel Gobert Jürgen Reckhaus Samedi / Saturday 07/07 7AM : breakfast 8AM : start Car / Auto Habovka(km 0 - 8h) Trstena (km 25 - 8h30) Jablonka(km 40 - 9h) Zubrzka Gorna (km 50 - 9h30) Polish TATRAS TOUR - total 74 km 1st section Krowiarki Przelecz 16 km Bike/Vélo Zubrzka Gorna km 0 9h30 Krowiarki km 8 – 10h15 Zubrzka Gorna km 16 10h30 Pourcentages Krowiarki Przelecz 8 km (each km) : 1,7/ 2,7/ 2,8/ 3,7/ 4,8/ 6/ 6,2/ 0,8 Car / Auto Zubrzka Gorna (km 0 – 10 h30) Jablonka (km 10 - 10h45 ) Nowy Targ (km 35 - 11h15 ) Jazowsko (km 100 – 12h30) Midday Lunch (12h30 -13h00) 2nd section Przehyba 26 km Bike/Vélo Golkowice 13h – km 0 Przehyba 14h15 – km13 Golkowice 15h - km26 Pourcentages Przehyba 13 km (each km) : 0,8/ 1,6/ 2,7/ 2,9/ 4,4/ 5,4/ 6,2/ 8,5/ 12,2/ 10,3/ 10,7/ 10,1/ 10,0 Car / Auto Jazowsko (km 0 – 15 h) Nowy Targ (km 65 - 16h) Habovka (km 115 - 17h) Attention Long Tour : there is a possibility, for those who only want to ride the bike and only climb 2 Bigs to ride a long tour from Habovka to Krowiarki and back with 2 different roads to Jablonka and finally, to climb the Tatliakovo Jazero. 3rd section Tatliakovo Jazero 32km Bike/Vélo Habovka(km 0 – 17h) Tatliakovo Jazero (km 16 – 18h30) Habovka (km 32 - 19h) Pourcentages Tatliakovo Jazero 16 km (each 500m) : 1,4/3/2,8/0,4/2,6/2,8/1,2/2,2/3 ,2/4,6/3,6/3,4/4,2/0,4/7,2/4,6/ 0,8/7,6/2,4/2,2/1,8/3,4/1,6/4,6 /3,8/7,6/5,8/8,4/9,2/10,4/11,4/ 7,2 20h : Dinner 21h00 : Good-bye drink & presentation stage 5 Dimanche / Sunday 08/07 7AM : breakfast 8AM : start Car / Auto Habovka(km 0 - 8h) Vitanova (km 20) Sucha Hora (km 25 - 8h30) Zakopane (km 40 - 8h50) Poronin (km 50 - 9h) East TATRAS TOUR - total 77 km 1st section Glodowka 22 km Bike/Vélo Poronin (km0 – 9h) Glodowka (km11 – 9h15) Poronin (km 22 - 9h45) Pourcentages Glodowka 13km (each km) : 1,4/2/0,8/3,6/2,1/3,2/5,9/ 3,9/4,8/6,5/6,6 Car / Auto Poronin (km 0 - 10h) Rzepiska (km 15 - 10h15 ) Vysoke Tatry (km 50 – 11h) Attention Long tour: Those who want only to ride the bike and not to reach the starting points with the cars can add the 70 km junctions between Vysoke Tatry and Kral'ova Lehota , but they have to manage the meeting with some car and some driver in Kral'ova Lehota. 2nd section Sliezsky Dom 20 km Bike/Vélo Vysoke Tatry (km0 – 11h) Sliezsky Dom(km 10 – 12h30) Vysoke Tatry (km20 13h) Pourcentages Sliezsky Dom 10 km (each km) : 4,1/ 6,7/ 8,1/ 6,3/ 8,8/ 9,7/ 12,1/ 12,1/ 8,1/ 11,2/ 4,8 Midday Lunch (13h -13h30) Car / Auto Vysoke Tatry (km 0 – 13h30) Kral'hova Lehota (km70 - 14h30 ) 3rd section Certovica Sedlo 35 km Bike/Vélo Kral'ova Lehota (km0 – 14h30) Certovica Sedlo (16h) Kral'ova Lehota (16h30) Pourcentages Certovica Sedlo 17,5 km (each km) : 1,3/ 1,6/ 3,7/ 0,9/ 0,8/ 0,6/ 0,8/ 2,8/ 2,2/ 1,7/ 4,8/ 3,2/ 5,5/ 3,6/ 4,9/ 8,2/ 8,2/ 4 Car / Auto Kral'ova Lehota(km 0 – 16h30) Habovka (km 70 - 17 h30 20h : Dinner 21h00 : Last night )
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