to view the First December Edition of the Farm Market News
to view the First December Edition of the Farm Market News
Farm Market News And Auctions December 1, 2008 PRST STD U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 22 Slayton, MN Page 1 Printers Postal Customers Efficient Equipment Essential gear for the modern farmer. What’s Inside: Efficiency is top priority in 2009 Case IH offerings ............... Pg. 2 Implement business driven by changes ..................... Pg. 10 Auctioneer Directory and Auction Calendar ............Pg. 10 & 11 Livestock Market Update .......... Pg. 18 Classified Ads .........starting on Pg. 20 •Cars •Trucks •Motorcycles •Campers •ATV’s •Tractors •Planters •Combines •Wagons •Farm Equipment agrilist • autolist • auctionlist • classifedlist • realestatelist •Auctions •Classifieds •Jobs •Real Estate 2 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 Lake Park Jaycox head says efficiency is top priority of 2009 Case IH offerings By Justin R. Lessman Efficiency is the name of the game for Case IH this year, as the company introduces a new line of axialflow combines, beefs up its Puma Series tractors with a hugely popular transmission option and continues to work toward an industry standard with regard to guidance and electronic control systems. That’s the word from Dennis Puhrman, vice president of Jaycox Implement in Lake Park, Iowa. Puhrman said the desire for increased efficiencies and productivity, paired with user-friendliness considerations, were the main drives behind new Case IH equipment and technology options for 2009. Many of the upgrades and new offerings are direct results of user input, he said. “The Case IH company puts a lot of effort into gathering information from the customer,” he said. “They actually bring customers to Racine and put them in focus groups and ask them, ‘What do you need in a tractor? In a combine? What would you like to see new?’ If there’s value there, the changes are implemented. Changes and upgrades that stem from the folks who actually use this equipment is a real advantage to the most users.” Puhrman used the example of the step-around hood feature, a suggestion made by a farmer in the Case headquarters city of Racine, Wis., who told company officials it would be nice to have a place to step when cleaning the tractor’s windshield. “It’s just a little thing that probably only adds $50 or $75, but it’s the little things that make the difference,” Puhrman said. “Of course, that was about 10 years ago already.” New for 2009 is an all-new line of axial flow combines, highlighted by the new 88 Series, featuring three models, and also three models in the 20 Series. Jaycox Continued on page 4 Specials for the Do It Yourself Handyman! •Carpet •Tile •Hardwood Floors starting on page 20 We're Overstocked! 307 6th Street, Brookings, SD • City Plaza Shopping Center 605.697.6333 See CLASSIFIED ADS SECTION 47689 Dennis Puhrman, vice president of Jaycox Implement in Lake Park, Iowa, says the desire for increased efficiencies and productivity, paired with user-friendliness considerations, were the main drives behind new Case IH equipment and technology options for 2009. OPEN HOUSE December 5th & 6th 9AM-8PM Friday • 9AM-1PM Saturday 2009 Ranger 2009 IQ 800 1723 W. 16th Ave. • 1 mile west of Brookings on Hwy. 14 • 605-693-4352 The Polaris RANGER general-purpose off-road utility vehicle is not intended for and may not be registered for on-road use. ©2006 Polaris Sales Inc. Polaris recommends that all snowmobile riders take a training course. Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your capability. Always wear a helmet and other safety apparel. Never drink and ride. ©2006 Polaris Sales Inc. Adult and Youth WARNING! ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety, always wear a helmet, eye protection, and protective clothing and never carry passengers unless the adult ATV has been designed by the manufacturer specifically for that purpose. Polaris adult models are for riders aged 16 and older. Polaris youth models of 90cc are for riders aged 12 and older. Polaris youth models of 50cc are for riders aged 6 and older. Be sure to take a safety training course. For safety and training information, call the SVIA at (800) 887-2887. You may also contact your Polaris dealer or call Polaris at (800) 342-3764. ©2006 Polaris Sales Inc. (W) CIH AFX 8010, 235 54" ’06, loader . .hrs., . .S . . hrs., .ROPS .waiver . . . . . . .. .. .. ... .Just $19,500 (L) CIH 1020, 30', ’88,’97 1.5" ... .. $7,500 (W) JD 930, 30', .. . .’98, . ... .. ..1.5" . .. .. .. .. .. .. $13,500 . $7,500 (L) CIH C90,8-month ’98, 2,300 In interest (L) (2) CIH 1020s, 30', (W) NH 973, 25', ’98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 (W) AC 6080, ’85, 2,116 hrs. . . . . . . . . $9,950 20.8 x 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $219,500 (L) CIH 1020, 25', ’97, 1.5" . . . . . . . . . $10,900 (W) DX45 MFD,’06, ’06,235 LX116 loader, (W) CIH 1020, 30', ’98. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $12,500 (W) JD 925, 25', ’90 . $5,000 (W) CIH CIH AFX 8010, S hrs., .. ... .. .. .x.. .42, . .. .. .$25,950 . . $19,950 (W) CIH 1020, 25', ’95, 1.5" . . 1.5" . . . . . ... .. $9,900 310 hrs.(W) . .IH. 5488 .208 . . . .S .. ..hrs., .. .. ... .. 20.8 (L) CIH 2388, ’06, (W) CIH 1020, 30', ’93, . . . . . . . . $9,500 DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 3 – Corn Heads (W) NH 973, ’98 .. .. 1.5" .. .. .. – .. .. .. .. .. $7,500 (W) .IH. 5088, . . . . $21,500 x 42 . .’05, . .’81, . .90 .7,325 .hrs., . . .hrs. .60" . .. ...deck, .. . $219,500 (W) CIH 1020, 25',25', ’90, 1.5" .. ... .. .. .... ... $7,000 (L) 20.8 CIH DX26MFD, (W) CIH 1020, 30', ’91, $8,250 YM, FTloader . .(L). ..IH.. 1086, . . .. ..’78, .. .. ..7,800 . . . . .. .. ....... .....$189,500 (W) CIH 2208, 8RN, $31,400 .. .$19,500 . . . $7,950 (W) CIH 1020, 25', ’89 . .’88, . . ’05 . . 1.5" . . . .. .. .... ... $6,500 . . . .hrs. (L) CIH 1020, 30', .. ..– .. .. .. ......$7,500 (L) 54" CIH 2388, ’06,. .208 S hrs., 20.8 x 42, – Corn Heads (W) CIH ’06, 198 S WF, hrs., (W) IH 756 gas, fast18.4 . . .. ..FT, . $9,950 . . $5,500 (W) AC2388, 6080, ’85, 2,116 hrs. .hitch . . . .x.. .42, (L) 1020, 25', ’89, 3"’97, SI ’01 cut1.5" . . . .. .... .. $6,900 (L) 1020, 25', .. .. .. .. .. ....$10,900 (L)CIHCIH CIH 2208, 8RN, . $29,500 YM, FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $189,500 (W) CIH 2208, 8RN, ’05 . . . . . . . . . . . . $31,400 (W) IH 656 gas, NF, loader, fast hitch . . . . $5,950 (W) IH 5488 . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .....$184,000 . $19,950 (W) 1020, 25', ’88, 1.5" . . 1.5" . . . .. .. .... ... $6,500 (W) 1020, 25', ’95, .. .. .. .. .. ......$9,900 2-spd., mudhog (L)CIHCIH CIH 2206, 6RN, ’04 $25,500 (W) IH CIH5088, 2388, ’06, 198 Shrs. hrs., FT, (W) ’81, 7,325 . .18.4 . . .loader, .x. 42, . .fast $21,500 (W) IH 706 diesel, NF, Koyker (W) CIH 1020, 25', ’90, 1.5" . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $29,500 . $7,000 (W) CIH 1020, 25', ’87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,500 (L) CIH 2208, 8RN, ’01 . . . . . (W) CIH 2388, ’05, 333 S .hrs., 18.4. .x.CIH 38.. .duals, (L) Hardi Nav &. rinse, hyd CH, 3123 hrs. axle ext.................. $25,500 (W) CIH 2206, 6RN, ’02, ...$6,500 $21,900 (L) IH 1086,mudhog ’78, ..‘86, $7,950 TRACTORS 4WD (W) CIH 1020, 25', ’89 .TA, . . . flush .. .. .In .. ...60’ hitch7,800 . . .. ... .hrs. . .. ... .. ... .... ... (L) . ... ..1640, . .RT, $5,950 (L) CIH 1020, 20', ’97, 1.5" . . 1000, .. . ... foamer, .Coming 2-spd., . . . $184,000 fold boom..................................................................... $7,750 (W) CIH 1620, ‘86, 2700 hrs., chopper, YM. ...............COMING IN (L) CIH 2206, 6RN, ’04 . . . . . . . . . . $25,500 (W) (W) CIHYM, STX485, ‘08, Lux. gas, cab, IH FT 756 ...... .....$165,000 .(W) .accuguide .IH.WF, . .ready, .fast . . .hitch .WF, . . loader . .. .. ..(W) (L) CIH 1020, 25', ’89, 3" SI cut ..60’.. x-fold .. .. ..boom, ....$6,900 560 diesel, .. ..‘81 . $5,500 . ............................................................... . $4,850 (W) CIH 2206, 6RN, ’01 . . . . $19,100 (L) CIH 1020, 20', ’89, 1.5" . . . . . . . . . $4,950 (W) Demco 500 gal. .saddle tanks, IH 1460, $7,500 800/70R38 ............................................................... $215,000 (W) 2388, ’05, 333 S hrs., 18.4 xIH. 38 (W) CIH IH 656 gas, loader, fastYM, hitch .18.4 . .3duals, $5,950 (W)CIHCIH CIH 2206, 6RN, (W) 1020, 25', ’88, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $21,900 . $6,500 foamer, $6,000 (W) 1440, ‘81 ............................................................... $6,500 JDNF, 5410, ’00, 1,603 hrs., cab/air, valves, (L) 1020, 20', ’88, 3" . ’02, . ’98, .hydr . 1.5" . pump .man. .FT . ....................................................... . ... ... $4,250 (W) ’04, 564 S hrs., FT, x 38 (W) CIHCIH STX450,2388, ‘05, 1525 (W) hrs., Lux cab, 800/70R38 . $164,500 (W) CIH 1083, 8RN, . . . . . . . . $15,000 (W) IH 706 diesel, NF, Koyker loader, fast (L) IH 1440, ‘78, axle ext. ................................................. JUST IN (W) CIH 1020, 25', ’87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,500 YM, . .joystick . ............................ . . . ... .. .. .$44,500 . . . . . . .. ... .. .. $165,000 (W) CIH 9240, ‘91, 3 FT pt., pto,.5700 hrs . . . . $23,900 (W)CIHCIH 2206, 6RN, . . . . . . . $19,100 GRAIN CARTS (L) 1020, 20', ’87, 1.5"’01 . . . ... ..&.. WAGONS ... .. $5,200 duals, 2-spd. .. .. .. ..............COMING .. .. .. ...... ...IN....... ...(W) ...NH...TR88, $149,000 very clean .....................................COMING IN 20', hitch . . . . . . . ‘98, $5,950 (L) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’98, FT . . tread . $16,950 (L) CIH 1020, ’97, 1.5" .cart, ... $5,000 ..30.5x32 .. .. ..diamond .. .Coming In (W) CIH 9280, ‘91, pto,.12.spd man., 24.5x32 (W) Ficklin 750 bu. Grain ... $12,500 (L) JD 3020 gas, ’70, ROPS, refurbished, (W) CIH 1020, 20', ’86, 3" . . . . . . . . . . . (W) CIH 2388, ’04,WF, 564loader S hrs., .YM, FT, 18.4 x 38 (W) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’98, FT . . . . . . . . . $15,000 (W) IH 560 diesel, . . . . . . . . $4,850 (L) (2) Parker, 5250, green, 425x22.5 ............................... $8,850 (L) CIH 1020, 20', ’89, 1.5" . . . . . . . . . . $4,950 (W) CIH 2388, ’04, x 32, In CORN TRACTORS MFD (W) CIH 1083, ’95 .. .. $3,000 . . . . . . . . $15,000 nice691 .. .hrs., .. .YM, .. ...FT, .. ..30.5 . .. .. HEADS . . .Coming (W) CIH 1020, 20', ’868RN, . . . 750 . . Grain . . . .. .. .................................................. (W). J&M $15,500 duals, .rdy. ................. .. ..hrs., ..$149,500 .., .. (W) $149,000 JD‘08, 5410, ’00, 1,603 valves, (2)3CIH 2206, 6 row 30”, ‘08, 300 acres .................. $32,900 20', (L) CIH 1020, ’88, 3"FT.Cart . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $16,950 . $4,250 (L) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’98, (W) (W) CIH MX275, Lux2-spd. cab, accuguide 2-spd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $145,500 (L) JD 930, 30', ’97, 3" . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000 (W) J&M 700 Grain Cart ................................................... $8,950 (W) 12 row 30”, ‘07 ....................................... $57,5001083s, (W)CIH (2) CIH 8RN, ’90, . $9,500 joystick . accuguide . ’04, . . . .rdy ................ . .– . .Combines . . YM, . . . .FT, . . CIH .–.2412, . $23,900 (W) (W) CIH MX215, ‘08,2388, Lux cab, $122,500 (L) 1020, 20', ’87, 1.5" . .........................................COMING . FT . . .. .. .. ......$5,200 CIH 691 hrs., 30.5 x 32, (L) J&M 350, 11x22.5 tires IN (W) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’95 . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 (W) CIH 2412, 12RN, 30”, ‘07, FT, AHC, low acres .......... JUST IN (W) JDCIH 930,1020, 30', ’9720', . . . .’86, . . . . 3" . . . .. .. ... .. $7,500 (L) CIH MX285, 535 hrs ......................................... $134,500 interest (W) CIH 2388, ’03, S hrs., 18.4(W)waiver xCIH382408,duals, (L) JD‘06, 3020 gas, 827 ’70,8-month ROPS, refurbished, (W) .. .. .. .. .. ......$5,000 (W) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’88 . . . . . $8,500 (L) J&M 250,12.5Lx15 tires ........................................COMING IN 8RN, hydr, ‘07 ......................................... $39,500 (W) CIH MX180, ‘01, 2498 hrs, cab, hid,14.9x50 2-spd. .. ..lux..CIH .. .. AFX .. .. ..8010, .. .. .. ..’06, .. .. 235 .. .. ..S(W) .. hrs., .. CIH .. ..Coming $145,500 (W) JD(2) 925,CIH 25', 1083s, ’9020', .(L) . .Kory .’86 . .225 . .bu., .. .’90, . .. ........................................................... .. ..FT . .. $5,000 (W) 8RN, . . . . . . . $9,500 nice .mudhog . (W) In‘02, hydr .............................. (W) CIH 1020, . . . . . . . . . $3,000 box $450 2212, 12 row 30”, $39,500 FT, YM, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $149,500 (new).......................................................................... $79,500 (L)NHJD (2) CIH 1063s, . .. ......................................... . . . . . . $12,500 (W) 973, 25', 30', ’98 .(L) . .Walsh, . . 6RN, .3" .275 . .bu., ... ’95 $995 10T, 20.8 x827 42 .S. .hrs., . . . .IN. 18.4 . .– . (W) . . x.CIH .38 .2212, . . duals, . 12 $219,500 row 20”, ‘01, hydr .............................. $34,500 (L) 930, ’97, ... ... .12.5Lx15 ... ... $7,500 .. .. .. .. .. .. $9,000 CIH 2388, ’03, (W) (W) CIH 7240, ‘94, 4200 hrs., 20.8x42 .......................COMING (W) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’88 . . . $8,500 – Combines (W) CIH 2388, ’03, 967 S hrs., 20.8 x 42 duals, CIH 2208, 8RN, ‘06 .................................................. $36,500 (L) JD CIH930, 1063, $10,900 (W) 30',6RN, ’97 .’93 .&.GRAIN .–.. .. ..HANDLING .. .. .. .. .. .. ......$7,500 (W) Kubota L3240HST, ‘07, (L) loader, mfd, 2388, 65 hrs.interest ............ AUGERS CIH x 42, 8-month – Corn Heads FT, YM, mudhog . ............ .’06, . . $18,950 .208 . . S.waiver .hrs., . (W) . .20.8 . .2208, $149,500 (W) CIH 8RN, ‘02 .................................................. $31,500 (L) (2) CIH 1063s, 6RN, ’95 . . . . . . . . . $12,500 (L) CIH DX26 MFD, ‘05, 90 hrs., 60”, 54” loader $18,500 (W) Feterl.10”X71’, hopper $3,500 (W) JD 925, 25', ’90 .. .. .................................................. .$31,400 .. .. ......$5,000 mudhog, FTFT’06, . .. ...235 .. .. ... .S .. .. ..(W) YM, . .. .hrs., . .. ..CIH ...$149,500 . . . $189,500 (W) CIH AFXYM, 8010, (W) CIH 2208, 8RN, ’05 . . . ’92, . ..TD450, .. ...FT (W) CIH 1063, 6RN, . .. .. ..hopper . $8,850 2208, 8RN, ‘01 .................................................. $29,500 (L) Sudenga 12x61 10”X71’, ................... JUST (W) CIH 2388, ’03, 967 S hrs., 20.8 x 42 duals, (W) 973, 25', ’98 ... ... .... ..$29,500 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $10,900 . $7,500IN (L)CIHNH CIH 1063, 6RN, TRACTORS 2WDx 42 (W) 2388, S. .hrs., x duals, 42, 20.8 .CIH . .750 . . .S .’06, .hrs., . .198 . . 18.4 . (W) . x.18.4 .38 .2208, $219,500 CIH 8RN,FT, ‘01 .................................................. $29,500 (L) 2208, 8RN, ’01 . . ’93 . .’91, . ..TD450, .. ....FT (W) CIH 2388, ’03, (L) Sudenga 8x26, bristle flighting, 7.5 hp.electric (L) CIH 1063, 6RN, . . . . . . . . . $8,950 (W) (L) JD 4240,mudhog, ‘82, 8000 hrs. ........................................... $21,500 chopping, ‘07, demo ...................... $59,500 YM, FT . . . . . . . . $149,500 CIH 2388, ’06, 208 S hrs., 2-spd., mudhog . .. ..20.8 ... .. (W) .. ..x.CIH .42, .2608, . . . 8RN, $184,000 ..................................................................................... $1,950 – Corn Heads – (L) CIH 2206, 6RN, ’04 . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,500 (W) CIH 1063, 6RN, ’92, FT . . . . . . . . . . $8,850 (W) IH 5088, ‘81,FT 7385 hrs., nice ........................ $19,500 YM, . .(W) .. ..tractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $141,500 (L) CIH 1083, ‘98, 8RN, FT..........................................COMING IN (W) CIH 1063, 6RN, ’89 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,350 (L) Sudenga 480, 8x57, hyd. raise .................................... $1,650 YM, FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $189,500 CIH 2388, 333 S18.4 hrs.,(W)18.4 x 38 duals, (W) CIH 2208, ’05 . ... .. .. ... .$21,900 . . . . . . . $31,400 (W) CIH 2206, 6RN, 8RN, ’02, man. 2388, ’03, 750’05, S hrs., x(2)38 duals, (W) (W) IH 5488CIH .................................................................... $17,500 CIH 1083, ‘95, 8RN ............................................ $12,000 (L) CIH 1063, 6RN, ’91, FT . . . . . . . . . . $8,950 (L) Sheyenne 13x85, power swing ................................. $12,500 (W) CIH 2388, ’06, 198 (W) CIH 2388, ’02, 1,049 hrs., 42 duals, FT . . .S.S.hrs., .$14,900 . . . . 18.4 . 20.8 . . (W) . . x.CIH .x42, .1083, . . .FT, $165,000 (L) CIH 2208, .chopping . . . . . . .head, $29,500 (L) 1086, ‘81, 6385 hrs. ‘92, 8RN .................................................. $10,500 (W) Harvestec 4308C, (W) CIH 2206, 6RN, 8RN, ’01 . . ’01 . . . 8RN, . 10”x61’, ... .. .. .hyd. . .$19,100 (L) Hutchinson hopper ................................ $2,950 YM, FT.................................................. .(W).18.4x42 .YM, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $141,500 2-spd., mudhog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $184,000 (W) Case 2590, ‘80, 7210 hrs., ......................... $12,500 (W) CIH 1063, 6RN, ’89 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,350 (W) CIH 1083, ‘90, 8RN .................................................... $9,500 (L) CIH 2206, 6RN, ’04 . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,500 CIH 2388, ’04, 564 S hrs., YM, FT, 18.4 x 38 mudhog, YM,’05, FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $131,900 (L) Koyker S105, 10”x61’ ..................................................... $750 (W) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’98, FT . . . . . . . . . $15,000 ’05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,500 (W) IH 1066, ‘75, red cab, 6933 hrs., 18.4x38, 2 valves ... $7,500 (W)xHarvestec 4306C, ‘05, 6RN, chopping cornhead ......2206, $29,500 6RN, ’02, man. . . . . . . . $21,900 333 SS hrs., 18.4 38 duals, (W) CIH 2388, ’02, 1,049 hrs., 20.8 x 42 duals, (W) CIH (L) REM 2500HD, vac ..................................................... $14,900 duals, 2-spd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $149,000 (W) Harvestec 4308C, 8RN, chopping head, (L) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’98, FT . . . . . . . . . $16,950 (W) IH 826, WF, 2388, fenders, new ’02, .................................. $8,950 duals, (W) ‘97 FT, ........................................................... $15,500 (W) CIH YM, YM, FT (W) . paint . .CIH . .1,040 . . . .’04, .S. .hrs., . . hrs., . . . YM, . . CIH .FT, .1063, $165,000 (L)CIHCIH IH1083, 883, 8RN . ... ..8”x51’, . . ...side . .PTO . .............................................. . .. .. .. .. ....$19,100 . . $5,250 (W) .Mercury $395 (W) 2206, 6RN, 2388, 691 30.5 (W) IH 656 gas, NF, loader, fast hitch................................ $4,500 (L) CIH 1063, 6RN, x‘9532, ...............................................COMING IN. . .’95 mudhog, YM, FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $131,900 (W) 8RN, . ..’01 .. ....grain ... ...vac, . ..$15,000 ’05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,500 (W) Walinga 6614, like new ............................ $16,900 (W) CIH 2388, ’04, 564 S hrs., YM, FT, 18.4 x 38 2-spd. . .nice. ....................................... .2-spd. . . . . .. ... .. .. ..$3,250 .. ..1063, (W) 1083, 8RN, . . .. .. .. .. .. ....$15,000 (W) Farmall 300, repainted, ‘93 ................................................... $10,9008RN (L)(2)CIH IH .’90, .’98, . FT .5510 . .FT ..gran .. ..vac, . . $3,950 . .. .. ... .. ..(L) . .. CIH .$125,000 . . .6RN, $145,500 (W) CIH883, 1083s, 8RN, ... ..‘98$9,500 (W) Walinga ........................................ $6,900 2388, ’02, YM, duals, 2-spd. .1,040 . . . . .S. hrs., .$950 . . . duals, . (L) . .CIH . .1063, $149,000 (W) (W) Farmall CIH H, w/loader ....................................................... 6RN,FT, ‘92 ...............................................COMING IN (L) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’98, FT . . . . . . . . . $16,950 (L) IH 883, 8RN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,250 (W) CIH 2388, ’03, 827 S hrs., 38 duals, (L) CIH 2388, ’00, 1,532 S hrs. . FT, .(L). 18.4 .30.5 .1063, .x$98,500 (L) Sudenga used brush auger ............................................. $750 (W) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’88 . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500 (L) IH 843, RN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550 (L) Oliver 1850 w/Westendorf WL40 loader ...................... $7,950 CIH 6RN, ‘86 ...............................................COMING IN (W) CIH 2388, ’04, 691 hrs., YM, x 32, (W) CIH 1083, 8RN, ’95 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $15,000 2-spd. . . .FT,. .YM, . . mudhog . . . . .$3,250 .. .. .. ... .. (W) . ...NH.. ..996, $125,000 . . . . $149,500 (L) IH 883, 8RN . . . . . . . . $3,950 (W) Ford 8N, restored ....................................................... 6RN, ‘99 ..................................................... $16,500 6RN, (L) CIH844, 1063s, ’95 .’90, . .. ..FT . $12,500 MISCELLANEOUS (L) CIH 2388,.’99, 2-spd. . . . .1,668 . . . . .S. .hrs., . . . .duals, . . . . .YM, $145,500 (W) CIH 1083s, 8RN, ....$9,500 (L)(2)(2) IH 4R36 . .. .. ..660, .. .60” .discharge, . .. .., .like. new $500 (W) NH 974, 6RN,duals, ‘88 ....................................................... $5,500 (W) CIH 2388, ’03, 967 S hrs., 20.8 x 42 (W) Landpride rear (L) CIH 2388, ’00, 1,532 S hrs. . . . . . . $98,500 (L) CIH 1063, 6RN, ’93 . . . . . . . . . $10,900 (L) IH 843, RN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550 (W) CIH 2388, ’03, 827 S hrs., 18.4 x 38 duals, SKIDLOADERS & ATTACHMENTS (W) CIH 1083, 10-row, 8RN, ’8820", . . .’97 . . . .. .. .. .. ......$8,500 FT . ‘03, . .1615 . .hrs., . .cab, . .tracks . ................... . YM, . . . $29,200 . .. .. ... .. ..CONSERTILS, . . . $102,500 ..................................................................................... $1,150 (W) JD 1090, $19,500 mudhog, .YM, . . $149,500 CHISELS & SUBSOILERS (W) (L) Bobcat T300, (W) CIH 1063, 6RN, ’92, FT . . . . . . . . . ...bucket, $8,850 FT, YM, mudhog . . . .FT . hrs., . . . . duals, . .. ... .. .. $149,500 CIH 2388, ’99, 1,668 S (L) (2) CIH 1063s, 6RN, ’95 . . . . . . . . $12,500 (L) Westendorf XTA700, ‘96 ‘07, JD mounts, green (L) IH 844, 4R36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 730B Ecolo Tiger, 7-30”, cushion, ‘05 ................ JUST IN (W) Bobcat S300,2388, Cab/AC. 2 spd.. bobtach ....... $19,950 (W) CIH ’98, 1,684 Shrs., hrs., YM(W)18.4 .42 .x$89,500 (W) CIHpwr 2388, ’03, 750 S20.8 hrs., 38 duals, (W) CIH‘05,2388, ’03, 967 S x.CIH duals, (L) NH 996, . $16,900 (L) CIH 1063, 6RN,6RN, ’91,..................................................................................... FT’99 . . .. .... ... ... .... ... $8,950 $9,900 CIH 1063, ’93 .. .. .. .. .. ....$10,900 (W) CIH 730B Ecolo Tiger, 7-30”, leads,(L) ‘00 ................... $21,500 6RN, (W) Bobcat S150, ‘05....................................................... $14,950 FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $102,500 (W) JD 1090, 10-row, 20", ’97 . . . . . . . $19,500 YM, FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $141,500 (W) Westendorf TA-26, like new, ‘06, IH mounts .............. $3,950 mudhog, YM, 1,319 FT . .S .hrs., . . .30.5 . (W). DMI .x 730B $149,500 CIH 1063, 6RN, 6RN, ’89 . . ’92, . . . . .FT . . . ... .. $7,350 (W) CIH 2366, ’01, 32, YM, (W) CIH 1063, . . . . . . . . $8,850 Ecolo Tiger, 7-30”, ‘00,(W) nice .................... $19,500 (W) Bobcat 643, ‘90 .......................................................... $8,500 (W) Woods 5465 loader, 86 & 56 mounts ........................ $3,000 (W) CIH 2388, ’98, 1,684 hrs.,18.4 .20.8 . . $89,500 –(W) Fall (W)’03, CIH 2388, ’02, 1,049 S YM hrs., x 42......................................................COMING duals, CIH 2388, 750 SS hrs., 38 duals, (W)xJD 510, 7-30” IN6RN, (W) (W) Bobcat 642 ................................................................. $7,950 (W) 4308C, 8RN, chopping (L)Harvestec NH 996, ’99 . .Tillage . .72”.head, .. .. discharge .. .. ..–.. fin.. ..mower .. $16,900 (L) CIH 1063, 6RN, ’91, FT . $8,950 FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,500 Woods RM600, rear .............. $725 2327, 7 shank ............................................... $12,500 (W) Case 75XT ‘99, nice $21,500 YM, FT................................................. . . ’01, .mudhog, . . .1,319 . . YM, . . .FT . hrs., .. . .. ...30.5 .. (L) . ..Landoll . .. x. $141,500 .32, . . $131,900 (W) . . ..................................... .nice . . . ..$7,350 ’05CIH . . .1063, . . . . . . 6RN, . ’04, .(L) . .New . . ’89 . . .506 . ..loader, . .. .. ..trip . .$42,500 (W) CIH 2366, S YM, (W) CIH 730B, cushion gang, $24,900 Idea bucket $595 (L) Case 75XT ‘01, 2290 hrs. .......................................... (W) CIH 2188, ’97, 1,640 S hrs., x (W) CIH 2388, ’02, 1,049 S$19,900 hrs.,S18.4 20.8 x 38 42YM, duals, – Fall Tillage – DISKS (W) CIH 2388, ’02, 1,040 hrs., duals, FT, (L) BushHog SQ84T, mower ..................................... $1,995 (W) Harvestec 4308C, 8RN, chopping head, (L) IH 883, 8RN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,250 (W) Case 410, ‘06, 130 FT . .hrs.. ............................................ . . .2-spd. . . . . .. .... ... .. .$18,950 . . . .. $131,900 . .$94,500 (W) CIH .$31,950 730B, ’00 . .Loader, . . . . .. bucket . . ............................................. . .. .. .. ....$42,500 . $16,000 32’, 3-bar mulcher, wheatland .................... $950 mudhog, ........ ... ......... ....(W) . .....JD...637, . $76,000 . $125,000 . . .. .. .’04, . ..(L) .. cushion .. .. .. ..7’. .hyd. . nice . . . .YM, . . . FT . . . . . . $13,950 . (W) Caseduals 1835C, ‘93 ....................................................... (L) IH’05 883, 730B, 8RN . ..Du-al .. .Kutt . .gang, ... .. $3,950 (W) CIH . $24,900 (W) JD 235, 22’ disk ......................................................... $3,950 (L) King 3 pt. 60” mower .............................................. $250 (W) CIH 2388, ’02, 1,040 S hrs., duals, YM, FT, (W) CIH 2188, ’97, 1,640 S hrs., 18.4 x 38 (W) CIH 730B, ’99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 (W) JD 328, ‘07, cab ....................................................... $26,500 (L)basket, IH 883, 8RN ..Farm .. .. .King .. .. 84” . ...Mower .. .. ................................................... .. .. .$550 . . . . . . $5,250 (L) CIH 2388, ’00, 1,532 S hrs. . . . . . . $98,500 (L) IH 843, RN . . . . . . . . (W) Great Plains 2200, 22’ turbo till, rolling ‘06 $22,500 (L) $1,050 (L) CIH 2188, ’97, x. 32, (W) CIH883, 730B, ’00 .. .. .. 2084, . . . ..Snowblower, . . . . . 540 .. ..PTO, .. .. hyd. .. $16,000 (W) Ditchwitch J20 trencher .............................................. $4,250 2-spd. .. ..CIH .. ..1,925 .. .. .. ..’99, ..S.. ..hrs., .. .. .. S ..30.5 ..hrs., .. .. IH..duals, $125,000 (L) 8RN (L) 2388, 1,668 YM, (W) 496 22’ ............................................................COMING IN (L) ... $1,250 duals . . . . $76,000 (W) DMI 730B, . . . . ..spout .$3,950 $15,000 (L) IHIH 844, 4R36 . . .’98, . ..Dettson . . .lead . .. .. ..7’.shanks . .. ... .. .. .$500 (W) (L) Loegering ATS track system ...................................... $8,950 CIH 2388, ’00, 1,532 S hrs. . . . . . . $98,500 YM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Just In (W) IH. 490 24’10” ............................................................. $3,500 (L) IH 843, RN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550 (W) CIH 730B, ’99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $102,500 (W) JDCIH 1090,530B, 10-row,’99, 20", ’97 . . . .. .. ... $19,500 Rentals Hole Auger, Hyd Breaker, Pallet Fork USED SNOWMOBILES (L) CIH 2188, ’97, 1,925 S hrs., x YM, 32, (W) nice . .. .miles ................. ..$16,500 (L)Available: CIH Post 2388, ’99, 1,668 S1,684 hrs.,S 30.5 duals, (L) IH 844, 4R36 . . . . .shanks . . .154” . ..X,, ... ... ..1461 $500 (W) SD Summit 800R, $8,750 (W) CIH 2388, ’98, hrs., YM . . . $89,500 STALK SHREDDERS (L) CIH 2166, ’97, 1,553 S hrs., 30.5 x 32, (W) DMI 730B, ’98, lead . . . $15,000 (L) NH 996, 6RN, ’99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,900 COMBINES FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $102,500 (W) SD Summit 800R, 154” X, black, 2422 miles ............. $8,250 (W) JD 1090, 10-row, 20", ’97 . . . . . . . $19,500 YM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Just In (L) CIH 14, 5SA, Campbell leveler . . . . . $4,950 (W) Alloway 20’, ‘05, mtds, 527233 ................................ $13,500 (W) CIH 2366, ’01, 1,319 S. hrs., 30.5 xJust 32, YM, (W) (W) CIHYM 8010, ‘08, 20.8x42 duals, accuguide rdy., (W) SD Renegade 800R, ‘08, yellow, 825 miles ................ $8,250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In CIH 2388, ’98, 1,684 S hrs., YM . . . $89,500 (W) CIH 996, 530B, ’99, nice. . –..800.. ..X,..‘08,.. yel/black, $16,500 (W) Alloway 20’, ‘05, pull type, 527435 (L) .......................... $13,900 – Fall Tillage NH 6RN, ’99 .. .. .. .. 3758 .. .. ..miles $16,900 YM, FT...................................................................... $263,500 (W) SD Renegade ......... $7,950 FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94,500 (L) CIH 2166, ’97, 1,553 S hrs., 30.5 x 32, (W) CIH #14 5SA, colters . . . . . . . . . . . $3,950 Alloway 20’, ‘99, pull type, 24196 (W) ............................ $10,000 (W) CIH 2366, ’01, 1,319ES hrs.,.30.5 x 32, YM, CIH 730B, ’04, cushion gang, nice . $24,900 (W) 1666, ’94, 2,950 hrs. .(W) . . .Coming In (W) AC Crossfire 1000, ‘08, sno-pro, 3710 mi................... $8,950 (W) CIHCIH 8010, ‘08, 20.8x42(W) dual, YM, FT ..................... $259,500 (L) CIH 14, 5SA, Campbell leveler . . . . $4,950 – Fall Tillage – CIH 2188, ’97, 1,640 S hrs., 18.4 x 38 20’, ‘96, mtd,In 21706 ..................................... $7,500 YM . Just FT .. ..E hrs, .. .. 460 .. ..Sep. .. ..hrs., .. ..20.8x42 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (W) .. .. Alloway .. .. .. $94,500 (W) Glencoe 11-shank disc chisel . . . . . . $3,950 (W) SD Summit 800R, XRS, 151, ‘07, e. start, 1370 miles $7,500 (W) CIH 8010, ‘07, 610 CIH 730B, ’00 . .’04, . . . . cushion . . . . . . . . .gang, . . $16,000 type, ‘04, CV large(W) shaft, 1000 pto ..730B, $11,950 (W) CIH nice . $24,900 (W) 1666, ’94, 3,464 32, duals . . . . .hrs., .S. .hrs., . .IN24.5 . . .18.4 . (W) .x . .Wilrich . x. .38 .20’RT, . .pull $76,000 (W) SDcolters Summit 800R,.XRS, 151, ‘07, 781 miles .............. $7,500 (W) CIH #14 5SA, . . . . . . . . . . $3,950 YM,CIH FT, CIH CH ...........................................................COMING (W) 2188, ’97, 1,640 (W) CIH 730B, ’99 . .’00 .(W) . . SD . ..disc ..X,..151, . .$15,000 (L) 2000 20’ .......................................................... JUST IN 7-shank (W) CIH 1666, ’94, 2,950 E1,925 hrs. .hrs., . .Balzer . .Coming In (W) JD 512, . .. ..1365 . $17,500 miles ...... $7,500 (W) CIH 730B, .. ..Summit .. .. .800R, .. ..ripper .‘07, . .black, ....$16,000 (W) CIHchopper 7010, ‘08, 20.8x42 duals, YM, x240B 32,20’ pull duals . .(L) . .. ..CIH . ..FT2188, ..................... . .. ..’97, .. ..$239,500 .. .. .. .. S .. ..(W) .. ..Arts .30.5 .Way . $76,000 . . . .Coming In type ....................................... $9,950 (W) Glencoe 11-shank disc chisel . . . . . . $3,950 (W) SD Summit 800R, ‘07, blue, 151”, 1003 miles .......... $7,250 (W) DMI 730B, ’98, lead shanks . . . . . . $15,000 (W) (W) CIH 7010, ‘08, 20.8x42 duals,’94, mudhog, $252,500 (W) CIH 730B, ’99 . . . .ripper . 800R, . . .‘07, . black, .. .. ..151”, .. .. 1075 .. ...miles $15,000 CIH 1666, 3,464 hrs., (L) Krause 4887 . . $16,900 YM . 1,925 . .YM, . .FT. ......S . .hrs., . . .24.5 . .30.5 . . . x. .32, . .32, . .RT, . . Just In (L) CIH 2188, ’97, x (W)disc SD Summit ......... $7,250 (W) CIHCIH 7010, ‘08, 20.8x42 duals, YM, 4,311 FT.................... $234,500 (W) 1680, ’91, hrs., RT, chopper, PLANTERS & DRILLS (W) ’99, nice . .lead .disc . . . shanks .800R, .ripper . .‘07, . . silver, $16,500 (W)CIHDMI JD530B, 512, 7-shank $17,500 (W) 730B, ’98, ..151”, .. .. 775 .. .. miles .. $15,000 (W) SD Summit 32, VF,In YM . . . (L) . . .CIH . .900 .x 12RN, Just chopper . . 2166, . .YM,. .FT’97, ......$229,500 .1,553 . . . S. .hrs., . .(2).30.5 .Coming Inperf ctr mon(L) (W) CIH 2588, ‘08, 18.4x42 duals, mudhog, (L) Landoll 2327, 7-shank . . . . . . . . . . $12,500 (L) CIH ............................ $7,500 e. nice start ......................................................................... $7,500 CIH 14, 530B, 5SA,4887 Campbell leveler (W) CIH ’99, . .. .. .... ... $4,950 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $16,500 spec rotor . .’97, . . ..1,553 .. .. ... ..30.5 .. ..Yield $25,900 (L) Krause disc ripper $16,900 YM . .. .. ... .. ..S...hrs., ..(L) . .. GP .Pro . . 1625, . Just (L) CIH 2588, ‘08 ......................................................................... (L) CIH 2166, x. ..32, 32rnIn twin, 40” ............................. JUST IN (W) SD Summit 800R, ‘07, white, 144”, 879 miles ........... $7,250 (W) CIH 1680, ’91, 4,311 hrs., RT, chopper, (L) CIH 14, 5SA, Campbell leveler . . . . . $4,950 (L) M & W 1465, 5-shank . . . . . . . . . . . $4,950 (W) CIH #14 5SA, colters . . . . . . . . . . . $3,950 (L) CIH 2588,YM ......................................................................... (L) ......................................................COMING IN (W) SD Summit 600 SDI, ‘07, blue, 144”, 3300 miles ...... $5,450 . . . (W) . ’89, . .CIH . .4,180 . . . .’94, .hrs., . .2,950 . .YM, . E. .hrs. .CH, .CIH .. .950, Just InIn 1666, .. ..16RN .Coming (L) CIH‘07‘07,1680, (L) Landoll 2327, 7-shank (W) CIH #14 5SA, colters .. .. .. ..e.1,050 ..start, .. .. $12,500 . $3,950 (W) CIH 2577, 18.4X42 duals, 450 s. hrs. ............. $184,500 (W) Glencoe 11-shank disc chisel .800, . ...‘07, .... ..yel/black, . $3,950 (W) Kinze 2600 16/31, TW, insect ................................... $39,500 (W) SD Renegade plow, spec rotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,900 (W) Summers 32' chisel ’06, lbs.$7,250 (W) CIH 1666, ’94, 2,950 E hrs. . . . . .Coming In (W) CIH 1666, ’94, 3,464 hrs., 24.5 x 32, RT, (W) CIHRT 2388, ‘06, 597 S.hrs., 18.4x42 duals, YM, FT ..$184,500 2658 miles ................................................................... (W) Kinze 2600 16 row, TW, liq., ‘99...........................COMING IN (W) Glencoe 11-shank disc chisel . . . . . . $3,950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,500 (W) JD 512, 7-shank disc ripper . . . . . . $17,500 (L) M & W 1465, 5-shank . . . . . . . . . . . $4,950 CIH 1666, 3,464 x RT, chopper . ......hrs., . . . . .24.5 . . . (L) . .CH, . .32, . 2210, . . .Coming In ‘98 ................................... 500SS, 1850 $4,550 (W) (W) CIH 2388, ‘06, 20.8x42 duals,’94, mudhog, YM,.FT $179,500 Kinze 12RN planter, $23,500 . . .(W) (L) CIH 1680, ’89, 4,180 hrs., YM, shanks . .SD .MXZ .disc ..‘07, .yel/black, .miles . .. .miles ...$17,500 ............. $27,500 (W) JD 512, ripper .. .. ............................... .1999 (L) Krause 4887 7-shank disc (W) ripper . .. ..plow, ...800, ..‘06, ...’06, $16,900 SD Renegade $6,950 (W) CIH 1680, ’87, 4,342 hrs., RT, chopper, bin chopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coming (W) CIH 8010, ‘04, 860 S hrs., YM, FT, 20.8x42 duals .. $184,900 chisel 1,050 lbs. (L)RT, CIH insecticide boxes,In 800, 900, (W) Summers 32' (W) CIH 1680, ’91, 4,311 hrs., chopper, (L) Krause 4887 disc ripper . . . . . . . . . $16,900 1570 miles, lexan chopper .$6,000 (W) SD Summit 800, ‘05, 151”, RT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,500 (L) Landoll 2327, 7-shank . . . . . . . . . . $12,500 (W) (W) CIH 2388, ‘03, 1021 S hrs., 20.8x42 duals, mudhog, $200/row CIH 4,311 –2327, spec ... . .. ..RT, . . ..(W) .chopper, . .. $22,500 . 16rn . .............................................................. $25,900 ext. . .1680, . . . . .’91, . . .rotor . . .. .. ..hrs., ..950 .JD..planters SD $5,750 shanks . 5-shank .Stalk . .(W). 7-shank . .Summit ..Shredders .. .. .800, .. .. ‘05, .. ...144” ... $4,950 ........................................... .. .. .. .. ..–.. $27,500 (L)M Landoll $12,500 YM, FT...................................................................... $149,500 7200 ........................................................... $26,500 (L) & W 1465, . . . spec rotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,900 (W) CIH 1680, ’87, 4,342 hrs., RT, chopper, bin (W) SD Summit 800, ‘05, 144” ......................................... $5,750 (L) CIH.YM, 1680, ’89, 4,180 hrs., YM, CH, (W) CIHCIH 2388, ‘03, 1050 S hrs., duals, FT.............. $139,500 (L) JD 1770 16rn, vari rate pneumatic DP ....................... JUST 1465, IN 20', ’04, (L) M &W 5-shank .. ‘05, .. ..lbs. .. .. black, .. .. .es, ...miles (W) Alloway mtd. . ..695 .$4,950 $13,500 (W) 1660, ’91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coming In (W)plow, SD Summit 1000X, 162”, .... $6,250 (W) Summers 32' chisel ’06, 1,050 (L) CIH 1680, ’89, 4,180 hrs., YM, CH, (W) CIH 2388, ‘01, 1625 12rn, ‘00 liq. fert. ....................................... $42,500 –20', Stalk Shredders –. . miles .. ... .. . .$98,500 .. ...JD.. 1770 . . $29,500 ext. . . S.hrs, . ..duals, .RT. YM, . ....FT.. ................ . ... . ... .... ... (W) . .. .$29,500 $22,500 (W) Summers 32'(W)chisel plow, ’06, 1,050 lbs. SD Summit 1000, 151”, ‘05, black, 1435 ......... $5,500 RT . . S.hrs, . ’90, . . YM, .2,930 . . .hrs., . $98,500 . . .18.4 . x.JD.42 . .drill, (W) Balzer pull type . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,500 shanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,500 (W) CIHCIH 2388. ‘01, 1595 duals, FT ................ (W) 1660, (L) 520 20’, 10” spacing, pull cart ....................... $4,500 (W) SD Renegade 800 X, ‘04, 2375 miles, black ............... $5,500 (W) CIH 1680, ’87, 4,342 hrs., RT, chopper, bin shanks . . . .’04, . . . mtd. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $27,500 (W) Alloway $13,500 (W) CIH 1660, ’91 .4,342 . . . . .hrs., . . . .RT, . . (L) .chopper, .Campbell . .Coming In or drill ............................... (L) CIH 2388,CIH ‘00, 1532 S hrs. ...................................... $105,000 pull cart, $1,95020', (W) (W) 1680, ’87, binplanter SD Renegade 600, ‘04, 2667 miles, 1.75” track ......... $4,650 (W) CIH–#60 shredder, 6800hyd. . . . .–.3600 . .miles . ....... $4,450 duals . .. ..30.5x32 .. ..ext. .. ............................ .. .... ... ... .... ... ... .$27,500 . . . ..... ... ....... ..... ...$34,500 Stalk Shredders .$22,500 . . $22,500 (L) CIH 1680, ‘89, 4259 (W) SD Summit X,–‘02, yel/black, rer, $3,350 – Stalk Shredders ext. . .hrs., . ... .. ..18.4 (W) Balzer 20', pull type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,500 CIH 1660, ’90, 2,930 hrs., x 42 SPRAyERS (W) (W) CIH 1660, ‘87, RT, chopper, 4063 hrs. ..................... $19,500 144”, black, variflow,3058 miles ..$3,350 (W) AC. Mountain Cat 800, ‘02, (W) Alloway 20', ’04, mtd. . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 (W) CIH 1660, ’91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coming In (W) Alloway ’04, mtd. .3682 . .miles, . . green . . . ............................ . . . $13,500 (W) CIH 1660, ’91 . . ................ . . . . $24,500 . . . . . . (L) . .Hardi . .Coming InBoom .................................. CM 750 60’ Eagle $13,50020', (W) AC ZR700, ‘99, $2,250 (L) CIH 1660,duals ‘86, 3900 hrs., rear wheel drive See us on the Internet at (W) CIH #60 shredder, 6 hyd. . . . . . $4,450 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,500 (W) Balzer 20', pull type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,500 (W) CIH 1660, ’90, 2,930 hrs., 18.4 x 42 (L) Hardi TR800, 60’ manual fold ...................................... $4,150 (W) Balzer 20', pull type . . . . . . . . . . .. ....................... .. .. $9,500 CIH 1660, ’90, 2,930 hrs., (W) Polaris SKS 700, ‘00, 2869 miles, blue $2,450 (W) (W) CIH 1640, ‘88, 2950 hrs. .......................................... $19,500 18.4 x 42 JAYCOX IMPLEMENT . . $34,500 duals . . . .duals . . . .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .$34,500 (W) CIH #60#60 shredder, 6 hyd. .6. .hyd. . . . . . .. $4,450 (W) CIH shredder, . . . . . . . . $4,450 JAYCOX IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENT JAYCOX IMPLEMENT — Worthington — — LakeJAYCOX ParkJAYCOX — Since ––– Worthington ––– ––– Lake Park ––– See usSee on us theonInternet at the Internet at See us on the Internet at — Lake—Park — — Since Lake Park Since 1956 712-832-3151 — Lake Park — Since 1956 507-376-3147 712-832-3151 1956 712-832-3151 1956 712-832-3151 2007 CASECORPORATION CORPORATION ©©2007 CASE © 2007 CASE CORPORATION Visit Our Web Site at Visit Our at Web Site at Visit OurIHWeb Site Case a registered trademark of Case Corporation © 2007isCASE CORPORATION IH is a registered trademark of CaseCor Corpo porara tion Case IH is a Case registered trademark of Case tion Visit Our Web Site at Case IH is a registered trademark of Case Corporation — Worthington — — Worthington — 507-376-3147 — Worthington — 507-376-3147 712-832-3151 507-376-3147 507-376-3147 4 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 REVIER Jaycox PRESSURE WASHERS Continued from page 2 SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS • CHEMICALS • Steam, hot & cold pressure washers • Oil, LP Gas & Natural Gas Models • Portable - Skidmount - Stationary • 300 to 4000 PSI • 2 to 12 Gallons Per Minute 47807 605-332-7872 Aaladin Cleaning 1-800-524-6348 Systems FAX 332-1572 Since 1978 After Hours: 428-5944 1800 E. Rice St. - Sioux Falls Sheep, Cattle and Goat Sale SAT., DEC. 13, 2008 11:00 a.m. Cattle; EARLY CONSIGNMENTS LOG ON TO Jackson, Minnesota • Barn: 507-847-5679 • Trent Kolander: 507-840-1212 • Fax: 507-847-2373 • Kathy Kolander: 507-840-1131 E-mail: To place your ad call: 1-800-325-6440 • 507-825-3333 Notable changes for the new 88 Series combines include a longer wheel-base and an enlarged front axle tube for use with larger headers, increased grain tank capacities and unloading rates and in-cab sieve adjustments. The new 20 Series combines gain feeder enhancements for increased capacity and reliability and feature in-cab speed control for the standard twin-disk spreader system, maximizing residue management performance. Puhrman said equipment now standard on 2009 20 Series models sets the series apart from others in the industry. “That’s something to crow about,” he said. Puhrman touted the new axial-flow 7120 combine, which is built on the new 20 Series chassis with its self-leveling cleaning system; more extensive electronic harvesting controls; feeder, header and rotor-reversing capabilities; and popular continuously variable transmission drive systems. CVT drive systems deliver a wide range of stepless speed selections, Puhrman said, allowing the operator to select specific ground speeds at varying engine speeds to maximize fuel efficiency and to gain or reduce ground speed. “It allows you to get in between gear speeds,” he said of the technology, relatively new to the United States, but widely popular in Europe for more than a decade. “It’s becoming a desired option, both for its efficiencies and ease of use,” he said. For that reason, Case IH is also introducing the drive system technology in select Magnums and its new Puma Series tractors, highlighted by a new highhorsepower addition to the line, the Puma 225, available exclusively with the CVT drive system. And in the explosive world of guidance systems and equipment controllers, Puhrman said, all the buzz at Case IH these days is about efficiency and choice. To that end, the company has set course to attain the ISO industry standard in terms of interconnectedness and compliance with other brands and incarnations of system components. “We are actively taking part in and encouraging all in the industry to design components in the vein of open architecture,” he said. “That is, we want one portion of a system from any company to be able to work with others. That affords operators the best of all worlds.” When guidance systems hit the mainstream market a few years ago, Puhrman said, each company had its own equipment specifications, meaning the operator was forced to buy all components of the system from one company. As operators starting finding which companies specialized in which areas, they began purchasing various systems from each for a specific task or set of tasks. Soon, however, producers were finding their cabs filled with four, five, six or more monitors, and the cords and cables and Orthopaedic Consultants Offering services at: PIPESTONE COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER wiring harnesses to go with them, cluttering up space. The “open-architecture” push, Puhrman said, is an industry effort to alleviate that problem. “We did it years ago with the hydraulic couplers from implements to tractors,” he said, “and now the move is to standardize the electronics.” The goal is to allow producers to be able to choose various components of a guidance and controller system from various manufacturers and operate all components as a single system with a lone in-cab monitor. “An example is to buy a tractor from one manufacturer with the factory in-cab controller, buy a planter or implement from another manufacturer, plug the wiring harness from the implement into the ISO tractor harness and — bingo — you’re operating the implement, as long as both companies are producing ISOcompliant products,” he said. “We gain the customer more choices that way, and that’s a good thing.” The benefits of a customized guidance and control system are many, Puhrman said. “You want to talk about increasing efficiencies, this is the way to do it,” he said. “Today’s guidance systems make possible precision farming at its best, saving spray, seed, fuel and time with constant monitoring and on-the-fly efficiency control, especially to those with irregularshaped fields.” Also new for 2009 are four new Case IH SB Series small square balers, an upgraded Patriot series sprayer capable of handling a new optional 120-foot spray boom and a host of new options in soil management technology. “Over the last 10 years, technology has really changed a lot,” Puhrman said. “It’s always a treat seeing what Case will come up with next and how it will save farmers time and money.” Farm Market News December 1, 2008 A Publication Of: Pipestone Publishing Co. Jeffrey Kalo M.D. The Promise Greg Alvine M.D. Erik Peterson M.D. of Experience . . . A Spirit of Compassion •Advertising: Paul Lorang •News: Steve Swenson •News: Duane Winn General Orthopedics Email: Joint Replacement Sports Medicine For an Appointment call: 1.507.825.6253 115 2nd St. NE, PO Box 277 Pipestone, MN 56164 Phone: 507-825-3333 Toll Free: 1-800-325-6440 2908 East 26th Street • Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57103 Complete Farm Market News available to download at Click the link on the left side. DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 5 2009 GMC 2500 HD Crew Cab Diesel 4x4 SLE 2009 GMC 3500 HD Crew Cab Diesel 4x4 SLE, Longbox Duramax/Allison, Z-71 off road, cloth, loaded, power seat, camper mirrors, brake control, 17” aluminum wheels, dual zone climate, many colors available, H.D.trailering equipment, traction control, locking tailgate. Duramax/Allison, cloth, loaded, powerseat, dual zone climate control, camper mirrors, clearance lamps, HD trailering equip., many colors, chrome wheels, off road tires, steering wheel controls. $41,985* $41,100* $49,110 MSRP $48,125 MSRP Additional $350 Coupon ‘til Dec. 7th Additional $350 Anywhere Coupon ‘til Dec. 7th Compare Anywhere Price Compare Price 2009 GMC 2500 HD Crew Cab Diesel 4x4 SLT 2009 GMC Acadia SLT AWD 2009 GMC 3500 HD Crew Cab Diesel 4x4 SLT 2009 GMC Sierra Crew Cab 4x4 Duramax/Allison, Z-71 off road, leather, loaded, power seat, camper mirrors, brake control, 17” aluminum wheels, remote start, dual zone climate, many colors available, H.D.trailering equipment, traction control, locking tailgate. 3.6L V6, leather, loaded, remote start, heads up display, dual sunroof, PVD, heated & cooled seats, tow package, finest luxury crossover on the planet. Duramax/Allison, leather, loaded, 10 way power heated buckets, remote start, Bose sound, 6 disc, dual zone climate, 17” alum. wheels, off road tire. 5.3L V8 flex fuel, cloth, loaded, power seat, dual zone climate, steering wheel controls, AM, FM, XM, CD, Z-71, locking diff., off road tires. $52,610 MSRP Additional $350Anywhere Coupon ‘til Dec. 7th Compare Price $45,790 MSRP Additional $350Anywhere Coupon ‘til Dec. 7th Compare Price $45,200* $39,535* $32,410* $44,775* $37,655 MSRP $52,025 MSRP Additional $350 Coupon ‘til Dec. 7th Additional $350 Anywhere Coupon ‘til Dec. 7th Compare Anywhere Price Compare Price � COMPARE ANYWHERE! NO ONE SELLS *After all available incentives-customer must apply FOR LESS.� Announcing 6.5% on all new trailers. Easy loan application in person or by phone. No hidden fees. OR 5.95% FOR 3 YEARS! 2008 Delta HD Flatbed Trailer 6' x 14' 6'8" x 20' 6'8" x 24' Bumper Hitch 2 compartment 3 compartment $1,045 down payment $4,180 finance amount $99/Mo.* $1,460 down payment $6,280 finance amount $139/Mo.* $1,595 down payment $6,780 finance amount $130/Mo.* $5,225 $7,875 $8,375 2008 Delta HD Stock Trailer 23,400 lb. GVW, tandem duals, 12” I-beam, 19 lbs. per foot, Dexter® oil bath axles, all wheel brakes, 10 ply 16” radials, US Steel, extra tall neck, adjustable hitch, screened in neck, Bulldog spring loaded jack, front step w/grab handle, front tiedown bars, pressure treated kindle driven wood deck, outside stake pockets w/rubrail, 5’ self cleaning dove tail, 2 flipover ramps w/kickers. DuPont paint, made in America since 1971. 102" x 25' $5,768 14,000 lb. GVW, 2 Dexter® 7K Torsion axles, E-Z Lub hubs - $1150 Down - $4,618 financed -- $110/Mo.* 102" x 30' $7,753 7K Dexter® torsion axles w/5 yr. warranty. E-Z lube hubs, all wheel brakes, 10 ply 16” radials, 14 gauge, US steel, fuel saving aerodyne nose, adjustable hitch, spring loaded bulldog jack, diamond plate gravel guards, camlock escape door, high smooth sides, nose gate, combination swing, slide, slam lock gates throughout, interior lights, pressure treated kindle driven wood floor, quad tail lamps. DuPont paint, made in America since 1971. Silver, gray, metallic brown, red, blue, white in stock - ready for immediate delivery. 7'WILSON x 20' Combo Gates $1,550 down payment $6,203 finance amount $147/Mo.* Combo Gates $16,780 $7,347 $1,470 down payment $5,877 finance amount $140/Mo.* 102" x 32' $7,985 $1,600 down payment $6,385 finance amount $151/Mo.* 102" x 28' $7,551 $1,510 down payment $6,041 finance amount $143/Mo.* 102" x 36' $8,510 $1,650 down payment $6,560 finance amount $156Mo.* Attention: Commercial Haulers: Optional package now available includes double jacks w/2 speed, anti-flex torque tube frame, center pop up dove tail, out riggers on dove tail, diamond plate steel decking for bottom of ramps and top of pop up to give you a full platform on dove tail. Call for pricing of option. Log on website for detailed pictures of fully optioned trailer. Commercial optioned trailer in stock and ready for immediate delivery. 2009’S IN STOCK $14,470 7' x 24' 3 compartment 102" x 26' 4 horse slant, drop down windows, dressing room, saddle rack, bi-fold rear tack STOCK: 8 x 28 • 7 x 24 • 7 x 20 COMBOS: 7 x 20 • 7 x 24 SPECIAL PRICING! Call for pricing! “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:2 SCHUCHARD’S WESTSIDE GMC INC. West Hwy. 212 • Watertown, SD • 605-886-5694 Email: • *Payment based on 48 Months, pricing after all retail incentives. 12-5 Call Randy, Shane, or Roy • 1-800-526-0078 After Hours: Randy: 605-886-8008 After Hours: Shane: 605-949-2518 After Hours: Roy: 605-886-5599 6 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 149.02 Acres Choice Pipestone County NEW FAST SPRAYERS ARRIVING SOON LAND AUCTION LOCATION: 2 1/2 miles east of Pipestone, MN on Hwy. 30 to 110th Ave. & 1 mile north on 110th Ave. 1250 Gallon with 80’ Or 90’ Boom 1800 Gallon with 80’ Or 90’ Boom 1800 Gallon - 120’ Boom & Norac Leveling 2400 Gallon - 120’ Boom & Norac Leveling MONDAY, DECEMBER 15 at 10:00 AM LEGAL: The SE1/4 of Sec. 4, Gray Township (106-45), Pipestone County, MN, less a building site (selling 149.02 acres, more or less) of bare land. TERMS: 10% down day of the sale w/balance due on Jan. 23, 2009 known as the closing date. Sellers shall pay 100% of the real estate taxes due and payable in 2008. Buyer shall pay 100% of the real estate taxes due and payable in 2009 and thereafter. Current renter shall receive 100% of the FSA payment related to the 2008 crop year. FSA & SOIL INFO: According to the Pipestone County FSA office, this farm has 138.3 tillable acres with a corn base of 67.9 acres with 90 bu. direct yield & 118 bu. CC yield; soybean base of 69 acres with a 34 bu. direct & 41 bu. CC yield. The basic soils on this farm are (Bra) Brookings silty clay loam 0 to 3% slope, (KrB) Kranzburg silty clay loam 2 to 4% slope, (KrB2) Kranzburg silty clay loam 3 to 6% slope, (Hd) Hidewood silty clay loam. According to the Pipestone County Assessor, this farm has a CER rating of 73.33. This is a very good farm. This one won't take a backseat to anyone. Very good farm. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This farm has been in the Oberg family for many years and is some of the best land in Pipestone County. This farm has some tile and has County tile into it for future tiling if you wish to. A real plus for any operation. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed advertisement. To view auction on line go to & click on auctions or and click on the auctionlist PRICED RIGHT! - USED SPRAYERS DEMCO CONQUEST (green paint) TOP AIR TA1600 (green paint) 1100 Gal., 60’ Boom, 4 Seasons Old, Excellent Shape, Micro-Trac, Mt3400 Monitor, Foam Marker, Electric Fence Line Nozzles, 18.6x38, Radials, Looks Good 5 Springs Old, 1600 Gal., 80’ or 90’ Boom, Single Nozzle, 380-90-46 Duals, 5 Boom Sections, Rinse Tank, 450 Raven, Very Clean, 1-Owner Sprayer $16,800.00 $28,500.00 DEMCO CONQUEST (red paint) 1100 Gal., 60’ Boom, Single Nozzles, 18.6x38 Radials, Micro Trac 3400 Monitor, Foam Mark Inductor, Very Clean, Looks Like New $17,450.00 NEW SEED TENDERS AVAILABLE NOW! Titan 4 Box Conveyors 240 RT BWT Scale Models w/Conveyor 240 RT w/Conveyor Supply Will Be Short DE KAM SEED & FERTILIZER Gail Oberg Wipper, Trustee of the Oberg Trust CLOSING AGENT: Damian Sandy of O'Neill, O'Neill & Barduson AUCTIONEERS: Paul J. Nelson, 59-37, Auctioneer & RE Broker, 507-825-3093 Chuck Sutton, Auctioneer & Land Broker, 605-336-6315 Edgerton • 507-442-6991 • 507-920-6894 To place your ad call: 1-800-325-6440 • 507-825-3333 USED HAY TOOLS Vermeer 605K, 1000 rpm.................................. $7,200 Vermeer 605 XL .............................................. $13,250 Vermeer 605K w/twine and net wrap ................. $8,500 Vermeer BP8000 right hand discharge bale processor Case/IH 14’ Mower Conditioner, DCX131 ........ $15,500 Hesston 1160 Mower Conditioner, swing very clean........ ....................................................................... $6,500 Hesston 565A Baler, twine Gehl 12 wheel v-rake (new wheels) ..................... $5,900 Haybuster 2564 Bale processor with blower Vermeer BP7000............................................. $10,200 Vermeer R2800 V-Rake (basket) ........................ $18,250 Vermeer 6020 Disc Mower ................................ $4,200 Tonutti 12 wheel V-rake ...................................... $4,900 John Deere 466 Round Baler, twine..................... $8,500 FORAGE Ag Bagger Model G6000 bagger ...................... $9,500 LIQUID MANURE TANKS Houle 9500 (95) 6 disc. incorp. ......................... $32,500 Houle (04) 7300 with 5 disc incorp. ............... Coming In Betterbuilt (04) 4950 VAC tank with incorp. ....... $37,500 NEW LIQUID MANURE TANKS ON HAND Houle 7300 with 6 disk incorp. MANURE SPREADERS Knight Hydro-push with horizontal beaters Myron Is Dreaming Big! MANURE PUMPS Patz 6” Pit Pump, PTO w/hydraulic controls ......... $8,500 Houle 8” (07) 9’ twin nozzle trailer pump .......... $14,000 Balzer Transfer Pump ......................................... $4,250 USED MIXERS Lucknow 4075 4 auger ..................................... $8,900 NDE 400 cu. ft. vertical mixer wagon ............... $17,000 Knight 5144 vertical mixer, twin screw, 2 yrs. old ............ ..................................................................... $24,500 Patz 950 twin screw, flat reversible discharge, 1 yr. old....................................................... Coming In FEEDERS WAGONS Schwartz Feeder wagon .................................... $2,100 Roorda Feeder wagon ....................................... $2,500 NEW MIXERS Patz 420 cu. ft. mixer Patz 350 cu. ft. mixer Patz 270 cu. ft. mixer Patz 950 cu. ft. mixer Patz 500 cu. ft. mixer MISCELLANEOUS Artex Sand Wagon stall filler 11 cu. yd. Farm Star 8”x35’ load stands Alloway 15’ stalk chopper, new flails .................. $8,250 This isn’t just a dream! Call Myron and ask about the new Vermeer 605 Super M Cornstalk Special! rnoon Late Afte ing p UPS Ship ! Available of M O t G D a & i r y y Equi a l C s ’ pm r e t en or innesota, Inc. STAFF PARTS HOED UR 7-5 M-F S: “Serving Dairymen & Livestock Producers For Over 40 Years (507) 825-3271 P.O. Box 786, E. Hwy. 30, Pipestone, MN 56164 &AXs%MAILGORTERS IwNET -),+).'%15)0-%.4s-!.52%%15)0-%.4s&%%$).'%15)0-%.4 (/53).'s2/54%3500,)%3 G D cal DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 7 2007 Featherlite Model 8127 7x24 Stock 2006 Featherlite Model 8546 4 Horse 2007 Featherlite Model 8413 Stock/Combo 2-7k Torsion Axles, 2 center gates w/sliders, 4ft Front tack area, camper door, center gate, rear 6 1/2 short wall dressing area, stall dividers, collapsible rear tack,rear load ramp, rubber floor rear slider gate, full length running boards slider gate, 2-7K torsion axles, rubber floor mats mats, large drop down feed doors, side escape door $13,795.00 $12,995.00 $18,900.00 We have a great selection of pre-owned trailers to suit all needs. 2004 Featherlite Model 8127 7x24 Stock 2-7k Torsion Axles, 2 center gates w/sliders, rear slider gate, full length running boards 1994 Featherlite Model 8120 7x24 Stock 2-7K Torsion Axles, center gate w/slider, rear slider, plexiglass, inside tie rail $10,995.00 $12,795.00 1990 Featherlite Model 8120 7x22 1-Center Gate, rear gate w/roll-up, full length r/boards, v-nose, side escape door 2006 Featherlite Model 8107 6’7”x 16’ Stock 7ft Height, aluminum construction, center gate, treated wood floor, torsion axles $6,995.00 1998 Featherlite Car Hauler 8’6”x24, Plywood Lining, rear ramp, side escape door, front gravel guard $7,295.00 $4,495.00 1997 Chapparell 6x16 Stock Combo carpeted front dressing room w/saddle rack, 7 K axles 1990 Triggs 7x18 1-center gate, rear gate w/slider, side escape door, hog vents, front access door $2,295.00 $4,795.00 1991 Kiefer 7x18 2-6k Torsion Axles, Center gate w/slider, Hog Vents $2,995.00 600 S Burr Mitchell, SD 57301 605-996-5683 1-888-441-8381 1985 Flying J 16’ Horse Trailer front tack area, center gate $1,495.00 Open 7 Days a Week WE BUY NEW CORN 8 – FARM MARKET NEWS • Top Pricing • Flexible Terms Visit our website for real-time corn pricing at Before you sell call Bob at 507-825-5462 or 800-906-7447 Locally owned -adding value to your corn 401 4th St. SE, Pipestone, MN 56164 507-825-5462 • 1-800-906-7447 • Mill: 507-825-2266 FMN Coffee Shop 12-08a Extra copies of the Farm Market News now available at your local Coffee Shop... 6 9 LOCATIONS! Adrian Mini-Mart.............................................. Adrian Benson’s by the Lake .....................................Balaton Balaton Rauks Hilltop Stop ................................Beaver Creek PJ’s II .................................................... Bingham Lake Bagel Works .........................................Brookings, SD The Lodge ............................................Brookings, SD Cottonwood Coffee .............................Brookings, SD Cenex ......................................................... Butterfield Bukes ................................................................. Ceylon Jervel’s Café.................................................. Chandler Prairie Junction ...............................................Colman Comfrey Mini Mart........................................ Comfrey Ruppert Oil Co. ................................................. Currie Jabberwok .........................................Dell Rapids, SD T&C Self Service ...............................Dell Rapids, SD B&S Diner.........................................................Dunnell Pizza Ranch .................................................. Edgerton Tally Ho ......................................................... Edgerton Skyview Junction ..............................................Elkton Ellsworth Cafe ............................................. Ellsworth Casey’s General Store............................... Estherville Casey’s General Store.............Central Ave.Estherville The Ranch Family Restaurant .................... Fairmont Super America .............................................. Fairmont Cenex Convenience Store ..........................Flandreau Dakota Stop .................................................Flandreau Bean and Vine .............................................Flandreau Gramma’s Kitchen ..............................................Fulda Palisades Oil Company ..............................Garretson This Ol’ Place ................................................... Garvin Green Lantern Café ......................................Hardwick PJ’s Mini Mart........................................... Heron Lake Hidden Hills Cafe ................................................. Hills Woebee’s Bar & Grill ......................................Holland Ivanhoe BP ...................................................... Ivanhoe Bridget’s Bucksnort’s Brew HaHa & Grill ........................................ Jackson Santee Crossing/Embers ............................... Jackson Jasper Mini Mall ................................................Jasper Viere’s Mini-Mart.................................... Lake Benton Cenex Easy Street ...................................Lake Wilson Hage Oil ......................................................... Lakefield Hilltop Café ................................................... Lakefield Stan’s Corner/Sinclair.................................Lake Park Leota Café ........................................................... Leota Lismore Bar & Grill ........................................Lismore Chit Chat’s Restaurant ..................................Luverne Pump ’N Pak ...................................................Luverne The Gas Stop ..................................................Luverne 1-800-325-6440 Classic Corner ....................................... Madison, SD 1 Stop ..................................................... Madison, SD Manley Tire ..............................................Manley, MN Cenex Ampride, West ...................................Marshall Cenex Ampride, Main ...................................Marshall Casey’s General Store........................ Mountain Lake Cenex Convenience Store ................. Mountain Lake Okabena Liquor Store ..................................Okabena Bailey’s Restaurant & Bar ............................. Ormsby Cenex NuMart .............................................Pipestone Lange’s Café .................................................Pipestone Brummel’s Bread Basket............................Pipestone Kelly’s Koffee ...............................................Pipestone McDonalds ...................................................Pipestone Pipestone Livestock Auction Market Cafe ..............................................Pipestone Deb’s Cafe ..........................................................Porter Casey’s General Store.........................Redwood Falls Cenex Convenience Store ..................Redwood Falls Annie’s .......................................................Rowena, SD CD Café ........................................................ Rushmore Buffalo Ridge Express ...................................Ruthton Sunset Bar & Grill ..........................................Ruthton Cenex NuMart ..............................................Sherburn Cup N Saucer ................................................Sherburn Country Host .................................................. Slayton Pizza Ranch ............................................... Spirit Lake Vick’s Corner ............................................. Spirit Lake Food ‘N Fuel Shell ............................. Springfield, MN BP ...................................................................St. James Casey’s General Store..................................St. James Hometown Family Restaurant....................St. James Shady Drive-In ................................................ Storden Softail Saloon & Grille .................................. Superior The Chocolate Moose ...................................Trimont Cenex Station ................................................. Truman The Pizza Ranch ................................................. Tyler Hoyt’s Oil & Convenience ................... Walnut Grove Stone’s Travel Center ........................ Watertown, SD Stockman’s Cafe ................................. Watertown, SD Cenex NuMart .............................................. Welcome Expressway ................................................ Westbrook DEC. 1ST ISSUE Now available NEXT ISSUE Dec. 15th Wilmont Café & Rec Center ......................... Wilmont Happy Chef .....................................................Windom Windom Bakery..............................................Windom Staci’s Bar & Grill ......................................Woodstock Bob & Steve’s Shell ................................ Worthington Casey’s General Store. Oxford & McMillan Worthington Casey’s General Store... Oxford & Omaha Worthington FARM MARKET NEWS • 115 2nd St. NE • PO Box 277 • Pipestone, MN 507-825-3333 We’re here DECEMBER 1, 2008 in case of an Emergency... Emergencies happen. And when they do, we are here for you. Our skilled physicians and nurses, along with a complete support staff, stand ready to act with immediate, expert care. PCMC’s Emergency Department is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, because we all know emergencies don’t keep regular office hours. 916 4th Ave. SW • Pipestone, MN 507-825-5811 To place your ad call: 1-800-325-6440 • 507-825-3333 The First Bin Designed for the 21st Century Sukup has been looking at bins from the inside out for the past 40 years. During that time we have noticed what works and what could use improvement. We have now taken those years of experience and knowledge and built them into a bin that was designed with today's farmers in mind. Quality Sukup Storage, Drying or Handling Equipment • 2008Preseasonprogramsineffect • 37yearsinthebusinesshelpsusgiveyouQuality ProductsandServiceatanaffordableprice • LetusDesign&Buildyournextbinordryersystem • Wewillbepricecompetitive! Advanced production equipment makes Sukup the best fitting bin on the market. Sukup Bin roofs are the strongest with a load rating of 5000 lbs. on 48' and smaller bins. Sukup Bins have the largest manhole opening in the industry. The 20"x35.5" oval opening is a comfortable fit for farmers, and our exclusive hinge design prevents fines and water from accumulating in the lid when it's open. Farmer's Center, Inc. 1308 7th St. SE, East Hwy 30 • Pipestone, MN 56164 Phone: 507-825-3717 Fax: 507-825-2997 Don Ruiter Doug Ruiter 825-4128 825-5640 DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 9 620 7th St. SW, Pipestone, MN 56164 Phone (507) 825-2859 • (507) 825-6601 Part Number WN-PRK182-STD-STD Description 6-404D Early In Frame Kit WN-PRK213-STD-STD 6-404D Early Major Kit WN-PRK221-STD-STD 6-466T/A Early Major Kit WN-PRK222-STD-STD 6-466T/A Late Major Kit WN-PRK624-STD-STD 6076T/A Late Major Kit Application 4020 s/n -200999, JD600 s/n 200999,105 s/n 3001-19000 4020 s/n -200999, JD600 s/n 200999, 105 s/n 3001-19000 4440,4640,4840,8430,8440,8450 Early,6620 Early,7720,8820,9940 Early,5720 Early4250,4450, 4650,6620 Late,7720 7700,7800,8100,8200,8300 Late, 8570, 9500 Late,9600,CTS,9960 Late, 9965,9970 Early,6610 Early Retail $990.00 $1,098.00 $1,357.00 $1,108.00 $1,472.00 1-888-845-8456 I’m dreaming of a white Christmas! To place your ad call: 1-800-325-6440 • 507-825-3333 HARDEST WORKING ON THE FARM. With 1000 lbs. Bed Capacity, Polaris True All Wheel Drive, and available 1-Ton Towing, Polaris RANGER is the Hardest Working, Smoothest Riding utility vehicle you can buy. Stop in for a test drive today. PSI PowerwaSherS Powers Washers - New & Used Cabinet Parts Washer Chemicals-Presoaks, Degreasers Large Parts Inventory - Shipped Same Day On Site Service Industrial • Commercial • Farm The Guys That Work Great Under Pressure! PSI Powerwashers P.O. Box 191, Wilmont, MN 56185 1-800-555-1677 PSI Powerwashers FMN Sales, Repair & Rental! #1 Reason to plant Corn YIELD 301 S. Hwy. 23 Marshall, MN 56258 507-532-9649 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30 • Saturday 9-3 • Open Thursdays ‘til 8 p.m. 8% Cash Discount Until Jan. 15, 2009! Ask about our “New Corn Customer” Discount See your local Stine Salesman or call Mike LeBrun • DSM • 507-360-8345 The Polaris RANGER general-purpose off-road utility vehicle is not intended for and may not be registered for on-road use. ©2008 Polaris Industries Inc. HAS YIELD RODMAN 10 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 5th Wheel 3-Point hitch RODMAN FEED SCRAPERS • Category 2 & 3 • Heavy Construction •All Purpose Hitch • Mounts on any bucket • No need to latch down • Sweeps clean • No wear on bucket • Easy mounting RODMAN FEED BUNKS RODMAN SCRAPERS • Holds more than a loader bucket • Scrapes cleaner • Less wear • Mountings to fit your loader • 5’ to 12’ available • 4x2x10 wide • Steel support at center • Steel at corners • Treated legs By Steven Swenson (Mounting brackets and tires sold separately) RODMAN WELDING & MFG. P. O. Box 339 Jasper, MN Ph. (507) 348-4133 To place your ad call: 1-800-325-6440 • 507-825-3333 Beckman and Sons of Brookings and Garretson, S.D. because after over 30 years of involvement in the farm equipment industry, he has announced his retirement and has sold his John Deere dealerships. Throughout his years in the industry, Jacobson has seen many changes including some good times as well as bad times. Jacobson first became involved in the farm equipment business in 1977 when he bought into a second-generation International Harvester dealership in Vermillion, S.D. Prior to this he taught school for 10 years. Going from teaching school to owning a farm equipment business may seem like kind of a drastic change in career but that is what Jacobson did. Change is inevitable and this can be said of not only life, but also business. In recent years this change can be seen in the farm equipment industry as the number of dealership locations has remained pretty much the same but the number of owners of these dealerships has changed to fewer owners for these remaining dealerships. Change is also coming for Terry Jacobson, president of Eugene AUCTIONEERS DIRECTORY See One Of These Reputable Auctioneers For All Your Auction Needs! Changes Continued on page 11 CLASSIFIEDS Broker Associate SW Minnesota and SE South Dakota Pavlis Auction and Realty MARSHALL MILLER 2603 Broadway Avenue, Slayton MN, 56172 Phone: 507-836-6793 Toll Free: 1-888-836-6794 Website: email: Broker Brokers: Merle Miller Real Estate & Auction Co. 6009 W. 41st St., Suite 5 Sioux Falls, S.D. 57106 605-361-1699 Nelson Auction Service, LLC Broker Licensed in MN & SD Paul Nelson 649 111th St. • Pipestone, Minnesota 56164 Home: 507-825-3093 • Office: 507-825-3389 “The one who works for you.” Wieman Land & Auction Co., Inc. Specializing in: Real Estate, Personal Property and Farm Equipment Contact: Rich, Gary, Kevin, Mike, Ryan or Marlo Wieman Since 1949 1-800-251-3111 410 Springfield Parkway Jackson, MN 56143 507-847-3468 or 888-847-3486 (toll free) Dan Pike FMN Classifieds 12-08a Broker Chuck Sutton Auctioneer & Land Broker 1116 N West Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 605-336-6315 BUY-SELL-TRADE Flandreau, SD • 605-997-3777 Contact: Chuck Sutton 5 WAYS TO SUBMIT YOUR AD* EMAIL: MAIL: Farm Market News, P.O. Box 277, Pipestone, MN 56164 PHONE: 1-800-325-6440 or (507) 825-3333 IN PERSON: 115 2nd St. NE, Pipestone, MN FAX: (507) 825-2168 Serving you since 1978, over 25 years. Lic. #10867 | FA R M MA S| | SW PEAC STAR H REE | F P P LI E R TA | O FFIC E SU REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS, CONSTRUCTION AND ANTIQUE AUCTIONS S O. TIN IN PR IAL ERC RKE T NEWS | COMM G 1 MILE NORTH ON HIGHWAY 17 - LENNOX, SD 877-825-4826 EC *We accept your MasterCard, Visa, Cash or Check. PIPES TO N : Implement business driven by changes Farm Market News Auctions • Advertising • Stories About People In Farming DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 11 Changes Continued from page 10 Jacobson attributes a couple of things as having an influence in his getting the equipment business. “I grew up on a farm near Beresford so I had the farm background,” Jacobson said. “The John Deere and International dealers in my hometown were also kind of an influence on my thoughts. I also feel that 4-H and FFA had a big influence in my eventually getting back into ag.” He continued to operate his dealership in Vermillion until January 1986. “Because of the Case buyout of International Harvester in 1984 or 1985 we operated under the Case contract for about a year or year and a half,” Jacobson said. But change was about to occur. Jacobson recalled how company officials came around with a map and had the towns they wanted to continue as ongoing locations circled and Vermillion wasn’t one of them. “Basically what they were telling me was that as long as I stayed there, they weren’t kicking me out of business,” he said. “So we could stay there if we wanted but we couldn’t sell the business to anyone in the future, couldn’t pass it to my children or whatever. So at that point I told my partner that we could just as well call the auction truck and send back the parts and we did that and closed the business in January 1986.” Changes Continued on page 12 AUCTION CALENDAR MONDAY, December 1, 10 a.m., Woodstock, MN. Art Fritz Estate. Land. Paul Nelson Auction Service. MONDAY, December 1, 1 p.m., Edgerton, MN. William Brons Estate. Farm land. Keith Elbers Auction Service. WEDNESDAY, December 3, 10 a.m., Sioux Falls/Dell Rapids, S.D. Wade & Janice Peterson, owners. Land. Sutton Auction Service. THURSDAY, December 4, Dickinson Co. Johnson Family Land Auction, 150 acres. Chuck Sikora. John Hjelm Auctioneer. FRIDAY, December 5, 1:30 p.m., Jasper/Hardwick, MN. Darrell & Anna Huiskes & Daughters, owners. Farm land. Duane Mulder Auction Service. SATURDAY, December 6, 2 p.m., Sioux Falls, S.D. Murray Construction, owners. Townhouse. Merle Miller Auction Service. SUNDAY, December 7, noon, Hadley, MN. Consignments. Trailer, antiques & collectibles. Pavlis Auction Service. WEDNESDAY, December 10, 9 a.m., Marion, S.D. Consignments. Machinery, forage, hay-feeding equipment, vehicles. Wieman Auction Service. SATURDAY, December 13, 10 a.m., Sioux Falls, S.D. City of Sioux Falls, owners. 3 houses to be moved. Merle Miller Auction Service. SATURDAY, December 13, 11 a.m., Sioux Center, IA. Jan & Dona Buyert, owners. Late model farm equipment. Del Beyer Auction Service. SATURDAY, December 13, 2 p.m., Sioux Falls, S.D. Pauline Schneiderhan Estate, owners. Home. Merle Miller Real Estate & Auction Co. MONDAY, December 15, 10 a.m., Pipestone, MN. Gail Oberg Wipper, Trustee of Oberg Trust, owners. Land. Paul Nelson Auction Service. THURSDAY, December 18, 10 a.m., Flandreau, S.D. Silcher Family Heirs, owners. Land. Farmers National Company. THURSDAY, December 18, 10 a.m., Sioux Falls, S.D. City of Sioux Falls, owners. Land. Merle Miller & Realty. FRIDAY, December 19, 10 a.m., Ihlen, MN. Heirs of Ethel Olsen, owners. Land. Winter Auctioneering Service. The following aucTions are held weekly: TUESDAYS, 8:00 A.M.: Slaughter hogs, 11:00 A.M. hay/straw; 12:30 P.M. slaughter cattle; 2:00 P.M. dairy or stock cows, baby & started calves, feeder cattle. Special dairy sales, 1st & 3rd Thurs. of each month at Pipestone Livestock Auction Market, Inc., Pipestone, Minn. 507-825-3306. wednesdays, 12:30 p.m.: Hay and straw sales at Jackson Livestock Exchange, Jackson, Minn., 507-847-5679. Thursdays, 10 a.m.: Weekly sale of cattle at Sheldon Livestock Sales, Inc., Sheldon, Iowa. TO LIST YOUR AUCTION CALL PIPESTONE PUBLISHING at 1-800-325-6440 WE NEED YOUR CORN! Nutripro Feeds CALL MIKE OR DANA FOR PRICING! Nutripro Feeds 501 Oxford St. – – P.O. Box 8 Worthington, MN 56187 Worthington, MN • 800-658-2398 507-376-4773 Phone 507-376-4773 “The Toll Feeding Program Specialized For You” Free 1-800-658-2398 507-825-3311 • Toll Free 1-877-854-8957 Hatfield, MN Give Us A Call for all your Mustang, NK, Dekalb, & Asgrow Seed Needs. Ray Gonnerman, Crop Advisor Cell 507-215-1125 Josh Baker, Crop Advisor Cell 507-215-1127 Chad Magnuson Cell 507-215-1126 Simplot FMN ROCK COUNTY FARMLAND FOR SALE Springwater Township Sealed offers will be received at the office of Jensen Management Service, Inc., PO Box 836, 111 N. Cedar, Luverne, MN 56156 until 12:00 o’clock noon on Tuesday December 9, 2008, for the purchase of the following land owned by the Ferdinand W. & Caroline M. Bofenkamp Trust in Springwater Township, Rock County, Minnesota, described as follows: Southeast Quarter of Section 22-103-46, Northwest Quarter of Section 27-103-46 and Northeast Quarter of Section 27-103-46 West of the Fifth P.M. Each quarter will be bid on and sold separately. The described real estate will be sold subject to all easements, rights-of-way and reservations, if any, of record. All offers must be received by 12:00 o’clock noon on December 9, 2008, and any mailed bids should be addressed to Jensen Management Service, Inc., Attention: Bofenkamp Real Estate Sale at address listed before. Each offer must be accompanied with a check for 10% of the offer payable to Jensen Management Service, Inc. Trust account. All bidders who have timely submitted bids shall be eligible to raise their bids at 9:30 A.M in the basement of the Rock County Community Library on December 11, 2008. Upon the acceptance of an offer and the signing of an earnest money contract, the highest bidder shall pay ten percent (10%) of the accepted bid. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid in cash on no later than December 31, 2008. Real estate taxes due and payable in 2009 shall be paid by buyer. Further information regarding this sale may be obtained from Jensen Management Service, Inc. at the address shown above or by telephone at (507) 283-2391. The real estate is being sold on a “AS IS” basis. Any announcements made on the day of the sale shall supercede this and all other announcements, printed or implied. Seller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any irregularities in the bidding. JENSEN MANAGEMENT SERVICE, INC. 111 N. Cedar St., Luverne, MN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507-283-2391 William V. (Bill) Weber, broker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507-220-4803 Alan L. Cox, salesperson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507-360-7500 William J. (Bill) Korth, salesperson . . . . . . . . . . . 507-227-4958 Tammy Makram, salesperson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507-227-7010 12 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 MEYERS Changes TRACTOR SALVAGE Continued from page 11 ABERDEEN, SD 1000+ Salvaged Tractors & Combines 400+ Reground Crankshafts 500+ Tractor Tires 300+ Rebuilt Radiators When the dealership closed it was the last farm equipment dealership in Vermillion. “After World War II there were 7 or 8 dealerships in Vermillion, a county seat town, a college town, and when we closed that business Large Line of Swather, Baler & Cutter Parts. in 1986 we were the last ag dealership remaining,” Jacobson said. He noted that over the years there has been a steady transition from that type of a situation that was created because of mergers of GOOD BUYS AND SERVICE manufacturers. He indicated that some of that has slowed down a bit with 4 or 5 major manufacturers Changes Continued on page 14 PRE-SEASON SALE ON ALL 2009 RANGER BOATS! WANT TO BUY TRACTORS, COMBINES & SWATHERS FOR SALVAGE • 09’S IN STOCK, GREAT SELECTION! • LOW INTEREST FINANCING • SMALL DOWN PAYMENT GETS YOUR 2009 RANGER RESERVED! See dealer for details WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO RIG YOUR BOAT! Phone (605) 225-0185 5 Miles North & 1 Mile West of CASE-IH CHECK OUT OUR SHOWROOM FOR GREAT GIFT IDEAS! 47688 •Ranger Clothing •Marine Band Radios •Hand Held GPS •Gift Certificates •Oil •Boat Ladders •Ice Shacks •Ice Rods •Skis •Ski Ropes •Blowup Towable Tubes “Wet-n-wild”, “Bigbertha”, “Air Head” & More •Lowrance & Vexilar Depth Finders •Knee Boards •Rod Holders •Life Jackets •Bilge Pumps •Boat Seats •Minn-Kota Trolling Motors •Drift Socks •Anchors •Batteries LAND AUCTION Moody County, South Dakota West Hwy. 212 • Watertown, SD 605-882-4590 • 1-866-505-4590 • Dan O. Poppen Owner WORK. PLA PLAY. 160+ Acres ONLY RANGER. Thursday, December 18 at 10 AM At the farm, southeast of Flandreau, South Dakota For Property Details, Contact: Mike Cooper, Agent Pipestone, Minnesota RANGER RZR A-76689 • Farm is located from Highway 13 and 34 intersection three miles east to 484 Avenue then south one mile to 234 Street. • Selling the NW4 Section 18-106N-47W in Lone Sellers: Rock Township, Moody County, South Dakota. Silcher • Top quality farm offering 156+ acres of cropland. Family Heirs • Excellent soils with a P.I. of 90. • Four-year yields: corn 169 bushels and soybeans 42 bushels. • 10% down day of auction-closing on January 23, 2009. Whether you work first and play second, or play first and work second, only RANGER and RANGER RZR offer you the hardest working and hardest playing Side X Side vehicles you can buy. With industry-leading features like highest Top Speed, Polaris True All Wheel Drive, and available 1-Ton Towing*, we’ve got a RANGER for you. Stop in and experience one today. Phone: (507) 825-2324 Farm Management • Real Estate Sales • Appraisal • Insurance Consultation • Oil & Gas Management • Conservation & Recreation Download Now! RANGER CREW RANGER XP CURRENT EDITION of the Dec. 1st Edition Available Now! FARM MARKET NEWS Download Now 12-08a *1-Ton Towing available on select models 301 S. Hwy. 23 Marshall, MN 56258 507-532-9649 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30 • Saturday 9-3 • Open Thursdays ‘til 8 p.m. The Polaris RANGER general-purpose off-road utility vehicle is not intended for and may not be registered for on-road use. The Polaris RANGER RZR is not intended for on-road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license to operate. Passenger must be at least 12 years old and tall enough to grasp hand holds and plant feet firmly on the floor. For your safety, always wear seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Always use cab nets. Never ride on public roads, always avoid paved surfaces. Never carry more than one passenger. Riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix. Avoid excessive speeds and sharp turns. Be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Follow all warnings and instructions in the owner’s manual and the on product warning labels. All RANGER RZRs in action photography ridden by professional riders in designated off-road areas. ©2008 Polaris Industries Inc. *o('M DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 13 Naughty or Nice... Everyone Deserves A Pepsi Naughty Naughty Nice Pepsi Cola Bottling Company 1809 Forman Drive Pipestone, MN 14 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 Let Us Tile For You & YOU REAP THE BENEFITS! We have the equipment and experience to do the job right! GPS TILE MAPPING •New Tile Plow •Wheel Machine •Dozer•Backhoe •Long Reach Excavator Tiling • Basements • Hog Pits • Footings • Water & Sewer Installation • Ponds Leveling of Building Sites • Clearing of Groves • Rock Burying Certified Underground Tank Removal Certified Septic Tank Pumping • Certified Septic Tank Installation Free Estimates - All Work Guaranteed GASS TRENCHING, INC. Serving Southwest Minnesota for 67 Years 203 230th Ave., Fulda, MN 56131 507.425.2500 Changes Following the closure of his Vermillion dealership Jacobson was looking for a job. “I kind of jokingly tell Continued from page 12 everybody that asked about what I did for the next six months—I drew unemployment,” Jacobson said. today. But after six months he did find “Now the movement is towards a job. fewer owners but not necessarily “The John Deere dealership in fewer locations,” said Jacobson. Brookings, owned at the time by “Locations that have survived have Lloyd Beckman, was looking for kind of marked their territory out sales help,” he said. “The salesman so to speak. There will probably be who had been there for 30 some some closures and so forth in the years, because of illness, was future, but right now the movement not going to be able to continue is to keep constant pretty much working.” the locations but owned by bigger Jacobson said he went up to ownership groups.” Brookings to interview for the job He commented that these ownership groups are supposedly going to be more financially stable Changes and financially better able to weather changing conditions. Continued on page 15 Redwood County Farmers Mutual Insurance Company “For all your farm & home needs.” “It’s been nice to be able to get back into the activities I enjoy following my Birmingham hip replacement procedures. Thanks Dr. Welchlin.” –Tim Toso Northwestern Farm Management Co., Broker 507-532-5120 DAMAGED CORN Wanted to Buy... Wet or Dry - Almost Any Condition Schwieger Grain 1-800-658-2314 or Cell: 507-236-5181 We Specialize in Hog Building RepaiR •New or Remodel •Gates-New or Repair •Portable Welding •Siding & Steel Roofing •Concrete •Barn Restoration NEWS TIP LINE ✆ •Pole Sheds •Complete Feed Systems •Trenching Services & Waterline Work Contact us if you have a news tip or an interesting feature story idea. Fast Turnaround Time! News Tip Line.indd 717 S. State St. • Fairmont, MN 435 S. Grove, Suite 3 • Blue Earth, MN Let us do the work for you! CaLL us first! 1-800-325-6440 or (507) 825-3333 507-370-4825 MA S| | SW PEAC STAR H REE | F P P LI E AR ST |O FFIC E SU O. TIN IN PR IAL ERC RKE T NEWS | COMM G conTRacTing C uSTom | FA R M T & Jc PIPES TO NE 47790 FARMS FOR SALE: New Listing: 160.45 acres prime farmland, 4 miles SE of Okabena or 4 miles NW of Lakefield; SW ¼, Section 23, T103N, R37W (West Heron Lake Twp.), Jackson County. Approx. 148 acres tillable; tiled and good ditch outlet, excellent soils, Lakefield, Cottonwood, Waldorf and Spicer– Lura. New Listing: 330 acres choice hunting land can be split to smaller parcels. The best developed pheasant habitat, choice tall native grasses and good waterfowl and deer habitat, 1 mile west of Okabena or 20 miles NW of Jackson. Restored wetlands and over 18,000 trees planted in wildlife shelterbelts. Food plots, good income from 81.3 acres CRP and 65.4 acres very good cropland. 183.3 of Reinvest in MN (RIM) S½, Sec. 12, Alba Twp., Jackson County. See listings at Av upo ailable in th n requ e Em est e Roo rgency m. Call for an appointment today: 238-4949 (local) 888-974-6636 (toll free) After hours number: 507-779-9634 Lamberton, MN • 507-752-7396 Farm Market News Auctions • Advertising • Stories About People In Farming DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 15 SEE US FOR ALL OF YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS! Changes Continued from page 14 Then as business came back and some strength came back into the agricultural market they expanded their parts capabilities by putting an addition onto the parts warehouse in Brookings. At the same time the lawn and garden business picked up so a part of that addition was a dedicated shop just for lawn and garden equipment service and maintenance. Then in 2001 they started building a service and warehouse facility. “We moved into the new facility in June 2002 and it allowed us to set up equipment more efficiently and work the year around on combines, balers, as well as the tractor business we do in the wintertime,” Jacobson said. He explained that one of the reasons for this type of expansion is that with the fewer number of dealers, the work still needs to get done and the equipment still needs to get serviced. “We do a lot of inspection and repair work on seasonal equipment all winter long,” he said. “There is no way we could get it done if they waited until spring or summer to bring their combines, mower on a Tuesday and then got a call on Saturday wanting to know if he could start on Monday. He pointed out that at the time he and his family were still living in Vermillion. “I went up and rented an apartment, scrounged up some used furniture, moved into the apartment and got the electricity hooked up and was working the next day.” Jacobson said. For the next year Jacobson lived in Brookings while his wife and three children remained in Vermillion. “Keep in mind that in the mid-80’s the implement business was kind of a graveyard. You couldn’t give anything away,” Jacobson said. “We were paying interest of 20 percent on inventory you couldn’t find someone to take off your hands at cost.” He went on saying that thank heavens it rebounded or started to rebound later in 1986 and we started to do a little business. His family moved to Brookings in August 1987. Jacobson said he worked there as a manager along with Lloyd Beckman and in Dec. 1991 he bought the business from the Beckman’s. Changes ✸Gravel ✸Rock & Dirt ✸Township work ✸Excavating ✸Septic Installation & Design ✸All Types of Rock Double D. Gravel, Inc. Doug & Annette Dubbelde Pipestone, MN Ph. 825-5552 Continued on page 17 Special Christmas TSaUcNkDAYa,nDdECH.o7rs• e10SAa.Mle. a M PS g in pp Complete Farm Tile G Services with eup of . . . There will be a large lin ck • Boots • Horse Ta • Western Clothing ! MUCH MORE •Home Decor AND experienced BY afterwards FOLLOWED Used tack will be sold . LE SA E HLY HORS OUR REGULAR MONT installation early consignments: Watch our Web site for and customer JACKSON JacLIksVEonST, MiOCnnKesotaEXCHANGE Co Barn: 507-847-5679 Fax: 507-847-2373 service. bers. lander to reserve num ntact Trent or Kathy Ko 40-1212 Trent Kolander: 507-8 40-1131 Kathy Kolander: 507-8 tklivestock4u@yaho evans farm drainage and Construction Danny Evans • 507-348-4818 or Cell 507-215-0255 • Jasper, MN Cold weather is sure to come and heating fuel is expensive!! Check with us for all your insulating materials. We have a good supply on hand. Jay Ramacle - Inside Sales • Application • Seed • LP & Services • Dry Fertilizer • Liquid Fertilizer • Anhydrous • Chemicals … and more. Kenny DeVries - Outside Sales ORDER SEED now for early discounts! Jct. Hwys. 23 & 75 Pipestone, MN 56164 507-825-2008 16 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 Hwy 60 • Windom, MN 56101 Bus: 507-831-2600 1-800-826-2233 HUGE DISCOUNTS! Winter pricing just in! Call for a quote! Purchase by Dec. 15th for the years best price. DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 17 All Steel Buildings Shops • Machinery • Grain Hay Storage • Commercial • Industrial 42’x80’x17’ Holds 26,000 bu. Call today for pricing! Other sizes available • Quality buildings at a reasonable price! 1-800-927-8835 or 701-239-5904 47590 WINTER BUILD SALE! Terry Jacobson, president of Eugene Beckman and Sons, recently announced his retirement and has sold his John Deere dealerships in Brookings and Garretson, S.D. The new owners, Schuneman Equipment Co. of Milbank take over ownership on Dec. 1. Jacobson’s retirement and sale of the dealerships ends his over 30 years of involvement in the farm equipment industry. Changes Continued from page 15 conditioners or balers and stuff to get it checked over and worked on.” Another change came in Dec. 1998 when Jacobson purchased the Garretson John Deere dealership. “It is kind of ironic that all of these things happen in December,” Jacobson said. “I bought the dealership on December 1st and selling it on December 1st. The Brookings purchase was also in December around the 19th.” He pointed out that the Garretson location was definitely a good fit with the Brookings store because the areas raise pretty much the same kind of crops, have the same types of livestock operations and the consistency of the crops around Garretson is more predictable because the area gets more rain. Another change Jacobson has seen is the influence brought about by computers. “The computer has brought the communication level closer between dealerships and the company and between departments of the dealership and the company,” Jacobson said. According to Jacobson, computers have also enabled the company to be able to see quicker what types of equipment are moving. Salesmen have to list their deals on the computer with the company and the company uses this information to do a better job of predicting manufacturing levels and stock levels. Also computers have allowed for Internet selling and Internet auctions. One of the major changes Jacobson said he has seen is how they sell the equipment. Currently customers come in and order the equipment they want instead of choosing from the dealership’s inventory. He said this is because of world demand. “The major manufacturers of quality farm equipment are still in the United States,” he said. “That is one of the major changes from when I started in business,” Jacobson said. “Because we could stock tractors up to our financial capabilities. We had terms on those tractors and combines so we didn’t have to pay for them right away.” Jacobson noted that the last two or three years that has changed dramatically as world demand picked up with more American product getting shipped overseas, thus creating a lack of inventory on the ground in America. Also the inventory that is on the ground in America probably gets paid for within 3060 days of receiving it. “So there is virtually no terms on the major equipment we sell today,” he said. “It is kind of like the car business in that sometimes you pay for it before you get it.” He added that inventory turnover is critical, critical to any business. “If we put a piece of equipment on the lot and it’s paid for, then we have got to find a home for it or the interest bill will eat up any profit you are going to have,” he said. Technology is another area where Jacobson says he has seen change in the industry. “Technology is driving the whole industry as well as many other industries,” he said. “But the rapid pace that technology is coming into our farming business has really increased the amount of training that is required and also the type of people that are techies, so to speak.” This technology includes the computer and satellite communications with tractors and combines, field sprayers and planting corn. “These are driven very heavily by satellite communication. It steers the tractor and its even capable, very shortly, that the tractor can be programmed to start in the field, go to the other end, lift the implement before it starts its turn, start the turn, disengage the seeding system, complete the turn, set the planter back down and start planting and take it back to the other end again,” Jacobson said. “You will still need an operator in the seat if something goes wrong.” Jacobson says that this is the level of technology that as time goes forward, the implement technician really needs to be on top of his game to keep these machines going 1) to get them started; 2) customer trained and 3) to keep them working, because if one part of that system goes to heck the whole thing shuts down. One final change Jacobson will be seeing is his tenure on the Board of Directors of the MinnesotaSouth Dakota Equipment Dealers Association is also up this December. He started his ten-year term on Dec. 1, 1998, the same day he purchased the Garretson dealership. He served as president of the organization in 2006. “I am thankful that I was asked to serve and got elected,” Jacobson said. “It has been a highlight of my equipment business tenure.” With all the changes that have occurred there seems to be one constant over the years—customer service and good employees. “You have to develop a good customer base and the fact without good employees you can’t go anywhere in any business,” he said adding “I have been very fortunate in both locations to have quality people working and servicing the customer base.” He further added “Selling is a matter of developing a relationship with the buyer and the buyer has to be comfortable with that relationship or he probably isn’t going to do business with you,” he said. “The relationship building process is on going.” “When you are in business, regardless of what it is,” Jacobson noted. “If you don’t have good customers and good employees and service them to the best of your abilities you don’t have much of a business.” Jacobson commented that he isn’t sure exactly what he will be doing when he retires except for spending time with his children and grandchild. He did note that being a people person he would miss the day-to-day interaction with customers and employees. Lee Rupprecht, Garretson, SD Steve Schwebke, Fairmont, MN FM To place your ad call: 1-800-325-6440 • 507-825-3333 LAND AUCTION LOCATION: From Pipestone: Approx 6 miles South on Hwy 23, to Co Rd 2 (41st St.), then 1 mile East of Ihlen to 60th Ave. Located on site of Tract 2. Signs will be posted. Friday December 19th 2008 at 10:00am 316.87 Acres of High Producing, Eden Township, Pipestone County, MN Land Auctioneers Note: Whether adding to your current operation, or making your first investment in land, the following two quarters offer, quality, high production, high yielding farm land. Located in southern Pipestone County, these two tracts are located only one mile in proximity to each other. TRACT 1: Legal Description: The SE ¼ of Sec 2-105-46 (Eden Township) Pipestone County, MN Selling Approx. 157 Ac. More or less; Less building site. According to the Pipestone County FSA Office, this farm has 125.1 tillable acres of land, with the remainder being grass and waterway, of land with a corn base of 59.9 ac. and a direct yield of 84 bu. along with a 123 CC yield; A soybean base of 64.7 ac. And a direct yield of 30 bu. along with 36 CC yield; Predominate soils are Brookings silty clay loam and Kranzburg silty clay loam and some Lamoure silty clay loam. The land has a CER rating of 74.02 TRACT 2: Legal Description: The SW ¼ of Sec 11-105-46, (Eden Township) Pipestone County, MN. Selling Approx 160 Ac. More or less. According to the Pipestone County FSA Office, this farm has 155.9 tillable acres of land with a corn base of 74.7 ac. and a direct yield of 84 bu. along with a 123 CC yield; A soybean base of 80.7 ac. and a direct yield of 30 bu. along with a 36 CC yield. Predominate soils are Brookings silty clay loam, Kranzburg silty clay loam. The land CER rating of 68.70 Terms: Tracts will be sold separately, both sales subject to 10% down with signed purchase agreement on day of sale. Balance due on or before February 27, 2009. Sellers will pay all taxes due and payable in 2008, Buyer shall assume all taxes due and payable in 2009 and thereafter. Buyer will be eligible for all FSA payments for crop year 2009 and thereafter. Potential buyers are encouraged to inspect property and verify all fact and figures provided herein. Both tracts are sold subject to easements, restrictions, reservations or highways of record, if any. Announcements on day of sale take precedence over printed advertisement. To view more information online or for other upcoming auctions and real estate listings visit Gavin at or contact him at 507-350-1404. Heirs of Ethel Olsen, Owners Closing Agent: O’Neill, O’Neill, & Barduson Law Offices, Pipestone MN, James O’Neill, Attorney at Law. Auctioneers: Gavin T. Winter, 59-62, Auctioneer & RE Broker, Pipestone 507-825-5831; Paul J. Nelson, Auctioneer & RE Broker, Pipestone 507-825-3093 Chuck Sutton, Auctioneer & Land Broker, Sioux Falls/Flandreau 605-336-6315 MARKETS 18 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 ANALYSIS Fat Cattle By: Brian Schneider Heiferettes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fed cattle - beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fed cattle - beef, heavyweight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fat dairy steers & heifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November #'s: 3920 head of cattle 3096 head of hogs 132 loads of hay & straw Dec. 4 - Open Heifer Sale at 12:00 Noon Dec. 11 - Stock Cow/Feeder Cattle Decv. 18 - Springer Sale - 8:00 a.m. Thank you for your business. We wouldn't be here without all our faithful customers. If you have any marketing questions, please call our office at 507825-3306. 423 474 515 658 Top Top Top Top lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. at at at at $21750 $17000 $17900 $13500 710 757 780 842 lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. at at at at $15000 $14800 $15500 $13500 Bred Dairy Heifers springing Hol. heifer sold for . . .$2250.00 100 springers ave. price . . . . . .$2068.00 200 springers ave. price . . . . . .$1994.45 300 springers ave. price . . . . . .$1927.97 Hogs - $69.00 $87.00 $85.00 $75.00 Feeder Cattle Regular Tuesday sale schedule: 8:00 a.m. - Slaughter hogs 11:00 a.m. - Hay & Straw 12:30 p.m. - Cattle of all classes Heifers $52.00 $83.00 $81.00 $68.00 300 - 400# Holstein steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 - $78.00 400 - 500# Holstein steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $64.00 - $75.00 500 - 600# Holstein steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $62.00 - $73.00 500 - 600# Holstein steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $62.00 - $73.00 700 - 800# X-bred steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 - $68.00 800 - 900# Holstein steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $63.00 - $68.00 300 - 400# X-bred steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $101.00 - $118.00 400 - 500# X-bred steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $96.00 - $105.00 500 - 600# X-bred steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $93.00 - $109.00 600 - 700# X-bred steers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $87.00 - $98.00 300 - 400# X-bred heifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $94.00 - $112.00 400 - 500# X-bred heifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90.00 - $105.00 500 - 600# X-bred heifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80.00 - $91.00 600 - 700# X-bred heifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $84.00 - $95.00 17 Holstein bull calves - 181# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$160.00/head 13 Holstein bull calves - 132# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$140.00/head 2 Holstein bull calves - 133# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$85.00/head 5 Holstein bull calves - 107# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$55.00/head 6 Holstein bull calves - 84# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$40.00/head 9 Holstein bull calves - 84# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$30.00/head 2 Holstein heifer calves - 223# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100.00/head 1 Holstein heifer calf - 120# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$70.00/head Bred Stock Cows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $560.00-$800.00 Hay/Straw Alfalfa Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 - $142.50 Grass Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $162.50 Grass Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $62.50 - $115.00 Mixed Hay Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $105.00 Straw Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 - $2.80 Straw Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 - $31.00 Corn Stalks Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 Sale Calendar Tuesday Each Week 8:00 a.m. - Slaughter Hogs 11:00 a.m. - Hay/Straw 12:30 p.m. - Slaughter Cattle 2:00 p.m. - Dairy or Stock Cows, Baby & Started Calves, Feeder Cattle 1st Thursday Each Month Butchers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38.00 - $39.00 Sows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.00 - $53.00 Boars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.00 - $29.00 12 noon - Open Dairy Heifer 3rd Thursday Each Month 8 a.m. - Bred Dairy Heifers Pipestone Livestock Auction Market, Inc. PIPESTONE, MN • Brian Schneider 507-825-3722 For more information phone: Office 507-825-3306 DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 19 Meulebroeck, Taubert & Co., PLLP Certified Public Accountants Experienced accountants and tax preparers available to help you make informed year end tax planning decisions. New clients welcome! Call for an appointment today! Pipestone 825-4288 Luverne 283-4055 Russell 823-4391 Tyler 247-3939 From newborn calves to aging cows, our microbials meet the needs for each phase of your animal’s life. 507-825-3311 • Toll Free 1-877-854-8957 Hatfield, MN • Enhanced feed efficiency • Increased weaning weights • Improved herd health -Aphids -Chemicals -Seeds Ray Gonnerman, Crop Advisor Cell 507-215-1125 Josh Baker, Crop Advisor Cell 507-215-1127 Chad Magnuson Cell 507-215-2116 Beef General S&S Truck Repair East Hwy. 30 • Pipestone, MN • 1-800-839-3477 / 507-825-3477 Lake Wilson 879-3538 For the Production Edge... Champions Look to Fastrack® For all your Fall We Wish you happy holidays and thank you for your patronage in 2008. Independent Business Owner Type your name and contact information � here. For the Production Edge... Champions Look to Fastrack® Discover what top beef producers around the world know about Fastrack® direct-fed microbials. From newborn calves to aging production cows, our microbials meet the needs for each phase of your animal’s life. • Enhanced feed efficiency • Increased weaning weights • Improved herd health Independent Business Owner Type Marten your name and contact � Kruger information here. 507-920-9386 email: 2 column x 4” 1 column x 4” For the Production Edge... Champions Look to Fastrack® From newbornSimplot calves FMN to aging cows, our microbials meet the needs for each phase of your animal’s life. • Enhanced feed efficiency • Increased weaning weights • Improved herd health 700 RMK ® Independent Business Owner Type your name and contact information here. Cattle Fastrack®... Enhance feed efficiency, increase weaning weights and improve herd health with Fastrack® direct-fed microbials. Call John Doe, Conklin Independent Owner, 999-555-1111. Fastrack® Discover what top beef producers around the world know about Fastrack® direct-fed microbials. Enhanced feed efficiency, improved herd health, and increased weaning weights can be achieved by supplementing Fastrack. Call John Doe, Conklin Independent Owner, 999-555-1111 or visit Business Opportunity Build a business with Fastrack direct-fed microbials. For more information on part-time, full-time business opportunities contact John Doe, Conklin Independent Business Owner 999-555-1111 or visit 2 column x 2” Place Classified Ads like these in your local newspaper. Advertising Slicks EVERY YEAR, GRANDMA GIVES As a Conklin Independent Business Owner, you may use these ad slicks to promote your business. Use them in your local newspapers, local sporting event programs, flyers, personal newsletters or anywhere you want to advertise Conklin products or the business opportunity Conklin provides. We have provided several different formats to fit your needs, including three classified versions. And remember, the ads can be enlarged or reduced by your printer – you are not limited to the size shown here. NOW YOU HAVE YOU WOOL SOCKS. REASON TO All slicks are ready to use or print. These ads have been pre-approved by the Conklin Communications and MarketingAdepartments. Simply KEEP THEM.when take them to your printer or local copy center. Be sure to add your name and contact information in the space provided. Remember, you use the Conklin name or Conklin product names in any advertising or other business transaction, you should clearly identify yourself as a Conklin Independent Business Owner. Jackson Sports, LLC 2-000008E 0505 Recycled Crushed We deliver! Concrete We deliver! Carstensen Contracting Inc. East Hwy. 30, Pipestone, MN • 507-825-2026 507-847-3977 • 888-299-8151 Industrial Park, Jackson, MN BLOW YOUR FRIENDS OFF THE SNOW THIS SEASON WITH THE HOLIDAY GIFT YOU REALLY WANT. DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE FOR GREAT REBATES ON THE BREAKTHROUGH NEW LINE OF ’09 POLARIS® SLEDS, ALONG WITH EVEN BETTER DEALS ON THE REMAINING ’08S AND OTHER NONCURRENT MODELS. HURRY! OFFERS END DECEMBER 31, 2008. Rider pictured is a professional on a closed course. Polaris recommends that all snowmobile riders take a training course. Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your capability. Always wear a helmet and other safety apparel. Never drink and ride. ©2008 Polaris Industries Inc. 20 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 Classified Ads Farm Market News WANTED: Used oil, 200 gallon min. Free pick up service within 200 miles of Sioux Falls. Toll free 1866-304-6070. FmnD1p FOR SALE: Bulk grass seed. Also will do seeding for any size lawn project for 2009. Call Balaton Seed Company at 507-734-5161 to book your project. FmnD1f FOR SALE: Snowmobile suit, adult medium, $20; men’s medium leather coat, $50; combo baby stroller, hooded top, $10; all good condition. Embroidered quilts, dish towels, tablecloths, pillowcases. Ph. 507-247-5228. FmnD1f 1-800-325-6440 (507) 825-3333 Fax: (507) 825-2168 Email: 115 2nd St. NE, P.O. Box 277 Pipestone, MN 56164 FOR SALE: 8’ steel pickup flat JOBS WANTED: Alkota Pressure bed, three 60 bushel and two 80 bushel Pax hog feeders. Call Dave evenings at 507-793-2204.FmnD1f FOR SALE: 25’ Class A furnace pipe, $65/ft.; Tonneau cover for 8’ box, $200; Gehl 1060 silage cutter w/heads, $4,500; Gehl 7335 auger wagon w/scale, $3,500. Ph. 507360-6312. FmnD1f Washer Sales & Service. PSI Power Washers Inc. has added on-site service. Our service trucks are ready to serve you. Call today, 507926-5309 or 1-800-555-1677. PS30tf FOR SALE: Quality office FOR SALE: 2 new round bale furniture. Call for inventory or let feeders. Hesston stack mover, 3 us find what you are looking for. FOR SALE: 2004 Honda 50cc ton, 20 ft., Gleaner bean head for Ph. 507-825-5827. PJa20tf FOR SALE: 4 – 95 year old oak youth motorcycle, 3 spd., auto. M2, L2. Ph. 507-274-6260.FmnD1f chairs, stripped, re-glued, ready WALINGA GRAIN VACUUMS. clutch, 4 stroke engine, like new. Buy now for Christmas. Ph. 507- FOR SALE: 2002 Suburban, only to finish, bold front legs. Panel in Distributor for North and South 360-6405. FmnD1f 67,000 miles and loaded with back in dark wood refinish. Ph. Dakota and Minnesota. Call for options including sunroof, quads, 605-594-6245. FmnD1f nearest dealer. Walinga USA, Inc., To place your ad call: heated leather, two sets wheels E-mail: jpk@ To place your ad call: 1-800-584-7002. and tires, grill guard, silver & nice, PMr20tf 1-800-325-6440 $13,900 offer. Ph. 507-227-1093. 1-800-325-6440 FmnD1f 507-825-3333 1999 POLARIS XLT Touring 2up. Rebuilt. Electric start, reverse. Hand thumb warmers. Gold, excellent condition. Current tabs. $1,900. Fairmont, 507-235-8692. 1996 AMERICAN GREGOR, 16-ft. with trailer, 40 h.p. Johnson, trolling motor, fish finder, plenty of storage, 6.5 gallon fuel tank. No leaks. Runs great. $3,000 o.b.o. Call 507-847-3208. 22-FT. CRESTLINER BOAT. Many extras. 4.3L engine, used 25 hours. Like-new condition. Stored inside. Serious buyers only. 507830-1536. 507-825-3333 WHAT WHEN YOU MIX RAW NEW HAPPENS HOLLAND T7000 TRACTOR POWER WITH SUPERIOR CONTROL? Tractor of the Year 2008 Agritechnica 2007 47853 OF THE YEAR WAIVER OR LOW RATE INTEREST AVAILABLE CIH 2388....................................................$142,500 JD 9500 .......................................................$45,000 JD 9510 .......................................................$68,000 JD 9550 .......................................................$92,500 JD 9760 STS...........................................Coming In JD 9560 STS...........................................Coming In JD 9570 STS...........................................Coming In JD 9660 STS...........................................Coming In JD 9600 STS...........................................Coming In JD 925F .......................................................$15,000 (4) JD 635F ........................................................Call (2) JD 630F ........................................................Call JD 625F .......................................................$23,000 JD 693 .........................................................$17,000 JD 893.....................................................Coming In Harvest-tec 8 row chopping .........................$49,000 U SED T RACTORS Golden tractor for the design 2008 Agritechnica 2007 In less than one year, the new 47853 T7000 Series tractors have taken tractor performance to new heights. New Holland CR9000 Series combines handle grain more efficiently from the tip of the header until your grain is in A T7000 tractor will surely make your productivity soar. the bin. New Holland Twin Rotors® generate 36% to 40% higher centrifugal force than any other rotary design on the GROUND-BREAKING ENGINE POWER – UP TO 35 HP POWER BOOST market for the absolute FASTEST threshing and separating. Plus, you get these high-efficiency features: BEST-IN-CLASS HYDRAULICS – HIGHER PRODUCTIVITY ASP™ ADVANCED STONE PROTECTION SYSTEM LARGEST CLEANING AREA HORIZONTM CAB – UNMATCHED COMFORT IN THE INDUSTRY FAST, NATURAL CLEANING FROM SLS SELF-LEVELING NEW HOLLAND TOP SERVICESM – 24/7 SUPPORT AND INFORMATION SYSTEM FAST 3.2-BU/SEC UNLOADING © 2008 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. ©2008 CNH America LLC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. Farmers Are Are Our Our Bread Bread And And Butter Butter Farmers Brookings, Brookings, So. So. Dak. Dak. 57006 57006 P.O. Box 29 s East Highway 14 Bypass (605) 692-6153 800-658-5447 (605) 692-6153 or or 800-658-5447 Tom Davis (605) 690-3981 s Dave Gullickson (605) 692-6883 s Ron Oye (605) 690-6062 Tom Davis (605) 690-3981 s Dave Gullickson (605) 692-6883 s Ron Oye (605) 690-6062 Ron Ron Dritz Dritz (507) (507) 694-1619 694-1619 ss Parts Parts Cell Cell Phone Phone (605) (605) 690-9013 690-9013 NO REASONABLE REASONABLE OFFER OFFER WILL WILL BE BE REFUSED NO REFUSED ON ON USED USED EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TRACTORS TRACTORS NH TL100A TM125, 6000 hrs.,FWD, loader/grapple... NH w/loader, ...............................................$48,900 1260 hrs................................... $42,500 NH TM125, TL100A 6000 w/loader 1260 hrs. .. NH hrs.,FWD, loader/grapple... ...............................................$42,500 ...............................................$48,900 Case W20FWD Payloader ...............$23,500 JD 3255 w/loader............$35,900 NH TC35 72 blade.......$19,750 Case W20w/front Payloader ...............$23,500 TW 30 Ford ..............................$19,500 NH TC35 w/front 72 blade.......$19,750 Ford 2110 w/loader, 1250 hrs ..$14,900 TW 30 Ford ..............................$19,500 Ford w/loader.................$14,500 Ford TW10 2110 w/loader, 1250 hrs ..$14,900 07 $14,500 07NH NHTT50, TT50,rear rearhyd., hyd.,nice.... nice....$14,500 NH ................................. $12,500 FordTC35 TW10 w/loader.................$14,500 Ford 1210..................................$12,500 w/loader, 235 hrs ......$9,500 NH TC35 JD 750 w/mower ........................$8,900 Ford 1210 w/loader, 235 hrs ......$9,500 Deutz JD 750DX80................................$8,500 w/mower ........................$8,900 IH 856.........................................$7,500 Deutz DX80................................$8,500 IH IH 966.........................................$7,500 966.........................................$7,500 Massey 135................................$3,500 IH 856.........................................$7,500 IH C IH C ............................................$2,900 ............................................$2,900 Ford FWD, loader.......Coming In JD B 7740 ...........................................$2,350 COMBINES & HEADS Massey 135................................$3,500 NH TR88, 97, 1760 hrs ...........$25,900 ...........$49,000 Ford 7740 FWD, loader NH TR88, COMBINES 97, 1760 &hrsHEADS ...........$45,000 CIHTR88, 1680, 97, 91, 1760 2800 hrs hrs.,...........$49,000 duals, power NH NHrear TR97, 2694 hrs..................$45,000 wheels..........................$43,900 IHC 1620, 2300 hrs..................$22,900 CORN HEADS NH 974, 6N ................................$6,500 BEAN HEADS CIH 1020,2225................................$7,000 .............................$9,800 NH 973, NH 22 ................................$7,000 973973, 20 .............From $4,500 to $6,500 IH 1020, 22 ................................$6,500 973 20 .............From $4,500 to $6,500 IH 1020,In22Stock ................................$6,500 Priced To Sell In Stock Priced To Sell C OMBINES & H EADS HAY EQUIPMENT HAY EQUIPMENT BALERS - CASH & CARRY BALERS - CASH & CARRY NH BR780, net, 05..................$21,900 NH BR780, net, 05..................$21,900 NH BR780, wide PU ................$19,500 NH BR780, wide PU ................$19,500 CIH RBX562, net .....................$19,500 CIH RBX562, net .....................$19,500 CIH RXB562 ............................$17,500 CIH RXB562 ............................$17,500 NH BR750................................$14,900 NH BR750................................$14,900 NH 688.....................................$13,900 NH 688.....................................$13,900 NH 678 .....................................$11,900 NH 678 .....................................$11,900 NH 664.......................................$9,900 NH 664.......................................$9,900 NH 658.......................................$9,900 NH 658.......................................$9,900 NH 660.......................................$8,900 NH 660.......................................$8,900 NH 855.......................................$5,500 NH 855.......................................$5,500 IH 8460 ......................................$4,500 IH 8460 ......................................$4,500 MF 1560.....................................$2,800 MF 1560.....................................$2,800 NH 851.......................................$1,900 NH 851.......................................$1,900 NH 850.......................................$1,500 NH 850.......................................$1,500 IH 8480 ......................................$4,800 IH 8480 ......................................$4,800 MOWER CONDITIONERS MOWER CONDITIONERS IH SCX100 16 .........................$17,900 IH SCX100 16 .........................$17,900 NH 1475, 16 ..............$13,500-$15,500 NH 1475, 16 ..............$13,500-$15,500 NH 2200 Series 16 w/push frame ........ NH 2200 Series 16 w/push frame ........ .................................................$7,500 .................................................$7,500 NH 116, 14 ................................$5,900 NH 116, 14 ................................$5,900 JD 1525, 16 ...............................$4,900 JD 1525, 16 ...............................$4,900 SKID STEERS SKID STEERS NH 185 Track, NH 185 Track, 465 465 hrs., hrs., cab, cab, AC AC .......... .......... ...............................................$45,900 ...............................................$45,900 04 NH 185, cab/heat, new buckets.......... NH L185 ...................................$25,500 ...............................................$28,900 NH LS190, L185 ...................................$25,500 NH cab, heat, 1288 hrs. $24,500 NH LS 190 Cab, 1288 hrs........ $24,500 04 NH L170, 340 hrs. ..............$20,900 NH LS190.................................$19,000 NH LS170.................................$17,500 NH LS190.................................$19,000 NH 775 .....................................$11,900 NH LS170.................................$17,500 775 .......................................$7,900 Gehl 2700...................................$3,900 NH LX885, 1670 hrs. ...............$16,500 PLANTERS NH LX665.................................$11,900 JD 7000, 16RN ........................$15,900 JD 7300 12RN .........................$14,900 NH 775 .......................................$7,900 IH 900 8RN, liquid......................$8,500 Gehl 2700...................................$3,900 15 interplants for 2600 ..............$7,500 PLANTERS SPRAYERS JD 7000, 16RN ........................$15,900 Blumhardt 500 gal 60 , nice .......$7,500 Ag 500 gal. 60 ................$5,500 JD Chem 7300 12RN .........................$14,900 3 pt Broyhill boom 45 like new & (2) IH 900 8RN, liquid......................$8,500 200 gal. saddle tank w/pump...$3,200 15 interplants for 2600 ..............$7,500 Saddle tank ................................$1,200 FORAGE HARVESTER SPRAYERS NH 900 3RN.............................$15,900 Blumhardt 500 gal 60 , nice .......$7,500 NH 890 w/ 30” or 36” head ........$4,500 Ag Chem 500 gal. 60 ................$5,500 AUGERS 3Feterl pt Broyhill 45 like new & (2) 10x66boom swing.....................$3,500 Feterl 8x60saddle .................................$1,800 200 gal. tank w/pump...$3,200 Mayrath 8x60 PTO.....................$1,800 Saddle tank ................................$1,200 Mayrath 8x60 .............................$1,200 FORAGE HARVESTER LAWN MOWERS NH 900 3RN.............................$15,900 JD 277........................................$2,275 NH 890 w/ 30” or 36” head ........$4,500 AUGERS JD 510........................................$1,250 Feterl 10x66 swing.....................$3,500 FIELD CULTIVATORS Feterl 8x60 .................................$1,800 CIH TMII,8x60 50.5.............................$1,200 , 02 ..................$35,900 Mayrath LAWN MOWERS IH 4700, 37 ................................$5,900 JD 277........................................$2,275 2500 WilRich 26 w/harrow ........$3,500 JD 510........................................$1,250 WilRich 30FIELD field CULTIVATORS cult...................$2,500 CIH TMII, , 02 ..................$35,900 JD 24 Mtd50.5 ..................................$1,800 IH 4700, 37 ................................$5,900 FALL TILLAGE 2500 WilRich 26 w/harrow ........$3,500 DMI 730....................................$14,500 WilRich 30 field cult...................$2,500 FALL TILLAGE DMI 527....................................$13,500 DMI 730....................................$14,500 DMI 4 lead shanks .....................$2,500 DMI 527....................................$13,500 Ford chisel 13 shank..................$1,800 Morris 26 Chisel plow................$6,900 DMI 4 lead shanks .....................$2,500 MISCELLANEOUS Ford chisel 13 shank..................$1,800 WilRich 20 Shredder ...............$12,500 MISCELLANEOUS 1026A REM Grain Vac...............$12,500 ...............$8,900 WilRich 20 Shredder 1026A REM Grain VacROW ...............$8,900 BARGAIN BARGAIN ROW Any Reasonable Offer Accepted Any Reasonable Offer Accepted Spreader.............Make Gehl 315 Spreader .............Make Offer Vermeer Vermeer 4400 4400 Swather.......Make Swather.......Make Offer Offer Hesston Stack Mover .........Make Offer Hesston Stack Mover .........Make Offer CIH 7120 2WD .................................................$38,500 IH 756 Diesel......................................................$7,850 JD 4555 2WD, PS ............................................$45,000 JD 7810 MFWD, loader, IVT ............................$85,000 JD 7820 MFWD, IVT ......................................$108,000 JD 8770 4WD, 24 spd......................................$69,750 JD 8120 MFWD..............................................$103,500 (2) JD 8330 MFWD ........................................$146,750 P LANTERS & D RILLS JD 1760 12RN .............................................$38,500 JD 1760 12RN .............................................$34,250 (4) JD 1770NT, CCS, 16 row .............................Call JD 7200, 12RN ............................................$17,900 JD 1770, 16 row box ...................................$43,750 JD/Friesen 24 row ..............................................Call T ILLAGE (2) JD 512 9 shank.............................................Call JD 510 7 shank............................................$13,500 IH 4900 FC, 44.5ʼ ..........................................$8,000 JD 960 FC, 32.5ʼ............................................$8,000 JD 980 FC, 44.5ʼ..........................................$17,000 WilRich 2500 FC, 28ʼ .....................................$5,500 JD 2210 FC, 35.5ʼ........................................$31,000 Tebben 7 shank .............................................$2,500 H AY & M ISCELLANEOUS CIH 3650 Rd. Baler .......................................$4,000 CIH 8460 Rd. Baler .......................................$6,950 JD 567 Rd. Baler .........................................$20,500 JD 567 Rd. Baler .........................................$21,000 JD 148 loader ................................................$4,000 Dakon 250 Wagon .........................................$1,250 SHELDON IMPLEMENT, INC. Hwy 60 • Sheldon, IA Ph. (712) 324-4811 Toll Free 1-800-352-0073 After Hours: Pete Riley - Ph. (712) 260-3818 • John Schelling - Ph. (712) 348-3194 Paul Croatt - Ph. (712) 348-3122 • John VanGorp - Ph. (712) 348-4400 DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 21 Classified Ads Farm Market News 1-800-325-6440 now through Dec. 15, 2008... (507) From 825-3333 Every time you place a Fax: (507) 825-2168 CLASSIFIED WORD Email: Pipestone, MN 56164 AUTOMATICALLY ENTERED FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR RENT: 100 acres tillable FOR SALE: American Eskimo 1992 BUICK ROADMASTER farm ground in Storden for lease. puppies. One born July 2008 and LIMITED, no rust, power seats, Ph. 612-508-6432. PO9-N27 IF YOU’RE READY FOR A NEW HOME – now is the time to build! Green Acres Homes Huge 38th Anniversary Celebration. Save up to $5,300 on ranch, split-entry, trilevel, cottages, lofts, 1 ½ & 2 story basement ready modular homes. Save $3,800 on single, double and triple-wide manufactured homes. Save up to $5,000 on remaining display models – beautiful homes loaded with extras from 1,400 square feet to 1,848 square feet. All homes feature quality construction, low maintenance and energy efficiency. Take delivery this fall, winter or next spring. Make your move today! Call 1-800-397-5545 or www.greenacresnewhomes. com Green Acres Homes, Hwy. 9 East, Estherville, IA. Manufactured ID#20005940 Modular ID#20004639. PO30-N27 FOR SALE: 67 bred ewes & 2 rams, 3 month Australian Shepherd. Ph 507-820-2403 or 507-368-4325. PN13-27p (Courtesy of Farm Market News) one is one-year-old, $50 each. Can windows and antenna. AM/ FM deliver to Pipestone. Ph. 507-532- cassette. Excellent mechanic and 2038. PN20-D4p body. $3,100. Call 507-382-1549. FOR SALE: 50 bred Red Angus 1987 CADILLAC heifers to calf March 1, for 60 days. Deville, leather, Shots & poured, 1,000-1,100 lbs. Bred to Red Angus bulls. Ph. 507227-9548 or 507-562-1975. PN20-D4p FOR SALE: 1992 8760 JD, 4WD, 24 spd., 3 pt., 300 h.p., 8 – 42” radials, excellent, 8700 hrs., $9,000 in repairs this fall. Runs great, very good condition, $52,150 OBO. Ph. 507-376-3290, Worthington. PN27-D11p from your favorite local coffee shop. If you do not wish to place an ad order right now, but still wish to register to win, just fill in your name, address & phone number in the “Classified Ad Order Form” below and send it in. SEDAN power windows/seats, 149,000 miles. Very well maintained. Excellent tires and brakes. David Kosen, 507236-4457. EVERY ENTRY HAS AN EQUAL CHANCE TO WIN . FOR SALE: 1998 Porsche Boxster, 6 WINNERS 2-door convertible, 5-speed manual transmission, silver, 2.5L, H6 engine. Extremely low miles, mint condition. 507-831-3565. ’99 SUBARU LIMITED WAGON, A/T, all power, moonfoof, leather HELP WANTED: Looking for self- seats. 104,000 miles. Excellent motivated individuals to work from home with 23 yr. old company. No selling, stocking or delivering. Leave contact information at www. or 507-823-4324. N27 condition. $7,700. Call Jim L, 507764-4311 or 507-764-2376. 1999 NEW BEETLE, 4-cylinder, 5-speed, keyless entry. Purchased new. 91,000 miles, drives and runs great. $5,100. 507-382-1549. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1984 1993 MERCURY will be drawn Dec. 31, 2008 Farm Market News Classified Ad Order Form 25 WORDS ..................$12.00 per issue OVER 25 WORDS ............ 25¢ per additional word COUGAR, 153,000 miles, everything works. 507-841-2232. Publication Dates: First & Third Monday of Every Month Deadline: 12:00 Noon Wednesday Prior To Publication Date Payment must accompany your order. Pontiac Fiero, 4-speed, 4-cylinder, AM/FM, CD player, red, with sunroof. Fun car. Good mileage. 507-822-0608. 5 WAYS TO SUBMIT YOUR AD* Wishing You a Blessed Christmas Season! We will be closed Dec 25, 26 & 27 Farm Pro 2430 Compact Tractor - Approx. 134 Engine Hours, Diesel, MFD, 3 Point Hitch, PTO ........................ $4,950.00 Kubota L185DT Compact Tractor - Approx. 2461 Engine Hours, Diesel, MFD, 3 Point Hitch, PTO, w/Kelley 2000 Loader with 4.5’ Bucket ....................... $4,250.00 New Holland TZ25 DA Compact Tractor - Approx. 58 Engine Hours, Hydrostat, Diesel, MFD, 3 Point Hitch, PTO, ROPS, 54” Mower Deck ................. $8,950.00 International 504 Utility Tractor - Wide Front, 3 Point.................... $ 2,950.00 JD 4400 Compact Tractor - Approx. 2080 Engine Hours, HST-Hydrostat, Diesel, MFD, 3 Point Hitch, PTO, ROPS, Hyd. Outlets, Rear Hyd Outlet, Joystick, Turf Tires w/Koyker loader .........$ 12,250.00 Ford 900 Tractor - Wide Front, 3 Point, Powersteering .................... $2,950.00 2005 JD 4720 Compact Tractor - Approx. 20 Engine Hours, E-Hydro, Diesel, MFD, 3 Point Hitch, PTO, Mid-hydraulics w/ Joystick, Rear Hydraulics .....$21,250.00 (Optional New Loader available for an additional $ 2,850.00) Nissan 3000 Forklift - 2,600 lb Rating, 187” Lift, Triple Stage Mast, Side-Shift, LP, 35” Forks .................... $ 2,950.00 AD in the Farm Market News 115 2ndyour St. NE,name P.O. Boxwill 277 be EMAIL: MAIL: PHONE: IN PERSON: Farm Market News, P.O. Box 277, Pipestone, MN 56164 1-800-325-6440 or (507) 825-3333 115 2nd St. NE, Pipestone, MN FAX: 507-825-2168 *We accept your MasterCard, Visa, Cash or Check. AD COPY - PLEASE PRINT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Number of times to run _______________________ Cost per time _______________________ TOTAL (cash, check, or credit card) New Diamond H Resources 10’ Pulltype Boxscraper -3/8” Thick Moldboard, Bolt On Cutting Edge .................. $1,525.00 New Lorenz Snowblowers for Skidloaders & Tractors Contact us for Competitive Pricing Tillting option available for $ 2,525.00) New Ranch Hand Legend Front End Replacement for 2003-07 GMC 2500-3500 - Powdercoated. Standard features include custom punch plate grille insert, wrap around 4” schedule 40 pipe and 2” receiver hitch .... $ 1,040.00 New MD Products Stud King Head Trailers - 32’- $ 4,250.00; 42’ ........... $6,250.00 4TH Anniversary Celebration $ ______________________ PAY M E N T I N F O R M AT I O N Name _______________________________________________ Address______________________________________________ City _______________________ State ______ Zip __________ Phone _______________________________________________ New US Cargo Patriot 8.5’ x 20’ Enclosed Trailer - 3500 lb Torsion EZ-Lube Axles, Rounded Roof-top, Heavy Ramp Door, 48” Side Door, Interior I-Beam Frame, Beavertail, D-Rings.............. $5,875.00 New PJ 83” x 14’ Dump Trailer - Scissor Hoist, (2) 7,000 lb Axles, 3 Way Gate, LED Lights, Slide In Ramps, 16” Crossmembers, 2’ Sides, Adjustable Hitch, Tarp Bracket (Tarp is additional $250.00) ........................... $6,525.00 New PJ 96” x 20’ Low-Profile Deckover Trailer - LED Lights, (2) 7,000 Brake Axles, 2 Slide-Out Ramps, 10K Jack, 8” I-Beam Frame, 16” Crossmembers, 16” Tires 10 PR........................ $4,285.00 (tilt option available for $5,550.00) New PJ 102” x 30’ Triple Axle Gooseneck - (3) 7,000 Brake Axles, 5’ Tail w/3 Flip Up Ramps, LED Lights, (2) 10K Jacks, 16” Crossmembers, 19# I-Beam, Bridged Frame, 16” Tires 10 PR, Toolbox ........................................$7,100.0 ❑ Check Enclosed ❑ Please charge my credit card: ❑ VISA ❑ MASTERCARD Card No. _____________________________________________ Expiration Date _______________ Amount _________________ Name on card _________________________________________ Humboldt, SD U (605) 363-4000 e-mail: Signature ____________________________________________ FMN Classified Ad Order Form 2x.indd 22 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 Late Model Repairables ‘07 Lincoln MKZ AWD, 31,247 mi., lot drives, Luxury, good gas mileage, 6 cyl., auto, htd. lthr, p.roof, CD chngr, chrome whls - $7,950 27276 Kenworth Place • Harrisburg, SD 57032 Just 6 miles South of Sioux Falls (605) 368-2181 Exit 71 & I-29 • 2 Blocks East - 2 Blocks North 1-800-368-2181 • ‘02 Buick Park Avenue, 59,137 mi., lot drives, bags ok, used parts avail. for $700, 6 cyl., auto, dual p. htd. seats, lthr, Cass/CD, alloys - $3,950 ‘98 Buick Park Avenue, 28,327 mi., lot drives, bags ok, used parts avail. for $500, 6 cyl., auto, lthr, Cass/CD, alloys - $3,250 ‘07 Ford Taurus SEL, 39,365 mi., lot drives, bags ok, 6 cyl., auto,, two-tone lthr, p.roof, CD, alloys - $4,500 ‘08 Chevy Silverado LT Crew Cab Z71 4x4, 3923 mi., lot drives, pass bag ok, OnStar, remote start, V8, auto, CD, XM Radio, alloys - $11,650 ‘06 Mercury Milan Premier, V6, auto, 33,613 mi., drive home, bags ok, htd. lthr seats, p.roof, CD chngr, alloys - $9/,975 ‘07 Chevy Impala LS, 34,318 mi., lot drives, pass. bag ok, 6 cyl., auto, CD $5,250 ‘05 Buick Lacrosse CX, 41,975 mi., drive home, OnStar, Very EZ fix, 6 cyl., auto, CD $6,975 ‘04 Saturn Ion Quad Coupe Level 3, 39,179 mi., bags ok, have left door for $200, great gas mileage, Great kids car, 4 cyl., auto, CD, alloys - $3,650 ‘08 Ford Mustang GT, 7460 mi., lot drives, needs drivers whl bag, GT Premium pkg., mile discrep, 350 hp, 5 spd., lthr, V8, CD chngr, Shaker 500, alloys - $9,500 Farm Market News 2002 Classified Ads CHRYSLER 2006 DODGE RAM 1500, quad 300M, cab, 4x4, 19,664 miles. $18,000. Call fully loaded, power everything. Moonroof, heated leather seats, keyless entry, auto start, rear heat, red with black interior. $9,500. 507847-4062. ‘06 GMC Yukon Denali 4x4, 38,497 mi., Gorgeous clean southern truck, loaded, nav & entertain. sys, mile discrep, no visible damage, drive home, V8, auto, lthr, p.roof - $17,950 ‘06 Cadillac XLR-V Convt., 27,594 mi., bags ok, Nav/DVD player, mile discrep, pwr tilt telescopic whl, HUD, hard to find V series, 19” whls, 4.4 Supercharged Northstar V8 w/443 hp - $18,950 ‘08 Buick Lacrosse CXL, 1654 mi., lot drives, needs drivers bag, remote start, OnStar, 6 cyl., auto, lthr, chrome whls, lthr - $5,975 REPAIRABLES Largest Inventory in the Midwest ‘08 MKZ AWD ‘08 Focus ‘08 HHR LT ‘08 Aura XE ‘08 Focus SE 4DR ‘07 Monte Carlo ‘07 Scion TC 2DR ‘07 Aura XR V6 ‘07 Lucerne CXL ‘06 Hyundai Azera SE 4DR ‘06 Sierra Slt Crewcab Diesel 4X4 ‘06 Grand Prix 4DR ‘06 F250 Quadcab Diesel 4X4 NEW ARRIVALS ‘06 Cobalt SS Supercharged ‘05 Pontiac Grand Prix ‘05 Five Hundred Limited AWD ‘05 Silverado LT Crew Dually Diesel ‘05 G6 GT 4DR ‘05 Sierra SLE Crewcab 4x4 ‘05 Lacrosse CX ‘04 Grand Prix GT2 4DR ‘04 Grand Prix GT2 4DR ‘04 Grand Prix ‘04 Sierra 2500HD Crewcab 4x4 ‘03 Lincoln LS ‘02 Grand Prix SE 4DR ‘02 Grand Prix GT 4DR ‘02 Lesabre ‘00 Grand Prix GT 4DR 1995 Chevy pickup, DOORS cab diesel 6.0L. Dark green in color, 24,000 miles. Box liner. $28,950 o.b.o. Call 507-723-6342. miles. 10-speed, air ride, aluminum cab, 4x4, 5.4 engine, two-tone rims. Good shape, well maintained. paint, trailer package, sunroof, 507-736-2521. box liner and cover. Excellent condition. 712-330-2240. 1996 FREIGHTLINER DAY CAB, FLD 120, N-14, 370-h.p. 1999 CHEVY CONVERSION - 10-speed, 173 inch wheel base, van, explorer package, 5.7 RECYCLED PARTS DEPARTMENT aluminum steel. 75% rubber. liter engine, all power, excellent 530,000 miles. $18,750 o.b.o. Call condition, high mileage. Asking 507-276-1932. $8100. Call 605-595-5310. Specializing in A Full Line of Late Model Parts 1-800-296-1416 1-605-368-9100 WHEELS 2003 F-250, 4x4 LARIAT, crew- 2000 FREIGHTLINER SEMI TRUCK, Detroit engine. 700,000 2005 FORD 150 XLT, extended 1996 CK1500, 4x4 extended cab, 2002 CHEVY VENTURE van, 305, 5-speed. $3,000 o.b.o. Call 507-847-4052 or 847-3374. SALES 2000 FORD F250 SUPER duty extended cab, powerstroke, 7.3 liter, runs great, just broke in, with 120,000 miles. $8,900. 507-8472000 ESCORT, 2-door coupe, 4- 4062. cylinder, 5-speed, PB, PS, cruise, AM/FM. 90,000 miles. Excellent 1988 FORD F-150 PICKcondition, new tires. Call 507-822- UP, 5.0 liter engine, automatic 0608. transmission and aluminum wheels. 507-847-2235. 1995 Pontiac Firebird, ttop, automatic, bright red, new 1998 IHC 9400, N14, engine transmission, 4 new tires. $5,500 brake, cruise, AC, 10-speed, PTO, o.b.o. 507-639-3663. air ride. 22.5’s. $15,000. Call 507840-1401. K1500, extended cab, re-built transmission. 203,000 miles. $3,200 o.b.o. Call 507-695-2175. ‘08 Ford Expedition King Ranch 4x4, 21,204 mi., drive home, bags ok, htd/cooled lthr seats, loaded, Special interor pkg., V8, auto, p.roof, chrome whls - $19,250 Brent Downs, 712-722-0832. ENGINES 6-cylinder, automatic, AC, power windows, Am/FM, CD, 113,000 miles. Clean van. $4,100. Call 507382-1549. 1997 FORD F150, supercab, V8, 4x4, automatic, black with grey cloth. 74,000 miles, AM/FM FORD E350 CARGO van for cassette, Tonneau cover, running sale: 7.3 diesel, runs good, good boards. $8,000. Call 507-235-8209. rubber and battery, new alternator, just aligned. Set up for electric brakes. Some dents and rust. Plush buckets, carpet, panels. Ready to go to work! Call 507-236-1926. 1996 DODGE GRAND Caravan, 4-door, CD player, Michelin tires, 3.8 engine, 238,000 miles. Asking $5,200 o.b.o. Call 507-831-0086. ’95 CHEVY ASTRO VAN, allwheel drive, excellent mechanical condition, 4 new tires, no rust, one owner, low miles. $3,000 o.b.o. Call 507-238-1904 or 507-639-3663. 2000 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE, 3.3 engine. 105,000 miles. Good tires and very good condition inside and out. Asking $4,600 o.b.o. Call 507-360-0520 or 507-945-8374. 1999 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE van, A/T, power windows, front seats, AC, AM/FM/CD, 107,000 miles. Very good condition. $3,250. Call after 6 p.m. 507-6626111. 1996 GMC SUBURBAN, 6.5 Turbo Diesel, high miles. Excellent shape, perfect for pulling stock car or camper. $5,000 o.b.o. Call 507227-3756. FOR SALE: 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited. V-8, 4x4, fully loaded. $3,850. Call 507-840-0248. 1994 FORD EXPLORER, 4x4, air conditioning, power windows and locks.135,000 miles. Good condition, below book. 712-3384101. 1-800-325 (507) 825 Fax: (507) 825 Email: pipepu 115 2nd St. NE Pipestone, MN DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 23 BALERS 2002 JD 567, MEG-WIDE PICKUP, 10,000 BALES, PUSHBAR, **NO WRAP** ...................................$18500.00 2001 JD 567, MEGA-TOOTH PICKUP, 11,000 BALES, ***NO WRAP***, PUSHBAR, 540RPM ............$16200.00 1994 JD 535, NO WRAP, PUSHBAR, HYD PICKUP, 540 RPM, DOUBLE TWINE WRAP..........................$8950.00 1996 CIH 8480, ROUND BALER ........................................................................................................$8250.00 NEW HOLLAND 660, ROUND BALER .................................................................................................$7995.00 CIH 8460, ROUND BALER, NICE BALER.............................................................................................$6995.00 1991 CIH 8460, ROUND BALER ........................................................................................................$6695.00 BEAN HEADS 2008 JD 630F, 30 HOURS, HYDRA-FLEX, CAME OFF 9670STS CM, AUGER COMPOSITE FINGERS, HIGH STONE DAM, LIKE NEW..$31000.00 2005 JD 630F, HYDRA-FLEX, AUGER COMPOSITE FINGERS, HH SENSING AND CONTOUR SENSR..$28900.00 2008 JD 630F, 120 HOURS, REG STONE DAM, COMPOSITE FINGERS .............................................$28900.00 2006 JD 630F, FINGERS, **60 SERIES SINGLE POINT HOOKUP*** CONTOUR SENSORS 60 SERIES$28900.00 2005 JD 630F, 60 SERIES CM SENSORS, AUGER EXTENSIONS, AUGER COMPOSITE FINGERS ......$26500.00 DISKS SUNFLOWER 1544, 38’ DISK, NO HARROW, 4-SECTION, 9” SPACING, FRONTS-23 1/2”.................$28000.00 JD 635, 32’1” ROCK-FLEX DISK W/HARROW, HYD.F&A ..................................................................$18900.00 KRAUSE 4950, 32’ ROCK-FLEX DISK, W/3 BAR ADJ.HARROW, FRONTS-21 1/2”, REARS-21 ..........$17500.00 KRAUSE 2950, 32’ ROCK-FLEX DISK, NO HARROW, BLADES MEASURE 21 3/4 ................................$8950.00 JD 331, 32’1” DISK, NO HARROW, 22” CONE BLADES, GOOD LOOKING DISK ...................................$6950.00 JD 235, 21’4” W/SUMMERS HARROW, NEW 24” BLADES, GREAT SHAPE ........................................$5600.00 JD 235, 25’ DISK, CUSHION GANG, NO HARROW ..............................................................................$3950.00 FIELD CULTIVATOR COMBINES 2007 JD 9760STS, 410 HOURS, CM, W/HARVEST-SMART FEED RATE CONTROL, 20.8X42 DUALS, PREMIER CAB ....$225000.00 2007 JD 9660STS, 525 HOURS, CM, 20.8X38 DUALS, PREMIER CAB, HY-TORQUE VARI, 6.9M HY-CAP AUGER ...$205000.00 2006 JD 9660STS, 487 HOURS, CM, 20.8X42 DUALS, HI-TORQUE REVERSER, HY-CAP LIFT CYL., POWER TAILBOARD ....$205000.00 2007 JD 9660STS, 700 HOURS, CM, 20.8X42 DUALS, HY-TORQUE, VARI DRIVE AND REVERSER, PREMIER CAB .$198000.00 2006 JD 9660STS, 340 HOURS, CM, 18.4X42 DUALS, HY-CAP AUGER, W/EXTENDED WEAR PKG $198000.00 2006 JD 9660STS, CM, 20.8X42 DUALS, 600/65R28 REARS, HI-TORQUE VARI DRIVE, HY-CAP LIFT ......$185000.00 2006 JD 9660STS, 700 HOURS, CM, 20.8X38DUALS, HD REVERSER, HY-CAP LIFT, 6.9M HY-CAP AUGER, FINE-CUT WIDE CHOPPER.......$178500.00 2007 JD 9560STS, 280 HOURS, CM, 800/65R32, PREMIER CAB, HD REVERSER, PREMIUM HEADER CONTROL, GREENSTAR YIELD .$173500.00 2005 JD 9660STS, 890 HOURS, CM, 18.4X42 DUALS, HD REVERSER AND VARI, GREENSTAR YIELD,TOUCHSET CONTROLS.....$165000.00 2004 JD 9760STS, 1686 HOURS, CONTOUR, 800/65R/32 FRONTS, HD REVERSER, DLX HDR, HARVEST DOC, TOUCHSET CONCAVE ADJ ..$155000.00 2005 JD 9560STS, 825 HOURS, CM, 18.4X38 DUALS, HD REVERSER, HD LIGHTING, FINE-CUT WIDESPREAD CHOPPER ..$149500.00 2004 JD 9560STS, 800 HOURS, CM, 18.4X38 DUALS, HD REVERSER, DLX HEADER CONTROLS, 6.6M AUGER ...$149500.00 2002 JD 9650STS, 1700 HOURS, CM, 18.4X42 DUALS, HD VARI SPEED, HY-CAP LIFT CYL, DLX HEADER CONTROLS, GREENSTAR YIELD...$119500.00 2001 JD 9450, 1390 HOURS, LL, 24.5X32, DLX CAB***NO GREENSTAR YIELD***, DLX HEADER CONTROLS .........$87500.00 1988 NEW HOLLAND TR96, 2887 HOURS, NH TR96 CONTOUR, 2887 HRS, FORD ENG, SHARP .....$32,000.00 1989 JD 9400, 3810 HOURS, 24.5X32, 17’ AUGER .........................................................................$32500.00 1985 JD 7720, 2698 HOURS, TIT-II, 24.5X32, SINGLE VITTETOE SPREADER, RASP BARS GOOD, CHOPPER(NEEDS HAMMERS) ....$24900.00 JD 8820, TIT-II, 3700 HRS, DUALS, NEW CONCAVE AND RASPS .....................................................$21500.00 CORN HEADS 2008 JD 612C, KNIFE ROLLS, HYD DECK........................................................................................$64500.00 2006 JD 1293, FRAME W/40 SERIES UNITS, NEW KNIFE ROLLS, NEW POLY SNOOTS, NEW HYD DECK PLATES.....$45500.00 2004 JD 693, KNIFE ROLLS, HYD DECK PLATES, CONTOUR WIRING ...............................................$32500.00 2004 JD 893, STRAIGHT FLUTED ROLLS, REG DECK PLATES, CONTOUR WIRING, VERY FEW ACRES....................$31000.00 2005 JD 693, KNIFE ROLLS, HYD DECK PLATES, KNIFE ROW UNITS, HYD ADJ DECK PLATES ........$30300.00 1988 JD 1243, JD POLY SNOOTS ...................................................................................................$21500.00 1998 JD 693, REG ROLLS, NO HYD DECK PLATES, EXC SHAPE ......................................................$19500.00 1997 JD 693, KNIFE ROLLS, REG DECKS, ALL NEW KNIFE ROLLS, CHAINS, SPROCKETS, SEALS, AND DECK PLATES ....$19200.00 1998 JD 693, KNIFE ROLLS, REG DECK PLATES, VERY NICE CONDITION ........................................$18500.00 JD 1243 .........................................................................................................................................$17500.00 1997 NEW HOLLAND 996, 6RN, POLY SNOOTS, HYD DECK, SHARP ................................................$16500.00 Since 1939 JD 643, LOW-TIN OIL DRIVE, END RISER, 4 YRS ON NEW STALK ROLLS ........................................$12000.00 JD 843, DECKS AND CHAINS GOOD, GOOD SHAPE ...........................................................................$9500.00 1988 JD 643, LOW-TIN, OIL DRIVE ...................................................................................................$8200.00 1982 JD 643, STALK ROLLS, DECK PLATES, AND CHAINS ALL GOOD ...............................................$8000.00 JD 643, LATE 643 LOW-TIN OIL DRIVE, REBUILT IN 2005 OR 2006, GOOD SHAPE ............................$6550.00 GLEANER 4ROW, 4-ROW 36” CORN HEAD, CAME OFF R SERIES GLEANER, STRAIGHT HEAD...........$1500.00 2002 JD 980, 44’6” W/HARROW(ADJUSTABLE), 5-SECTION, 150# STANDARDS, NEW SWEEPS, VERY GOOD SHAPE ....$28900.00 JD 985, 50’ F.CULT, W/HAROOW, 6” SPACING .................................................................................$26900.00 1995 JD 980, 44’6” W/HARROW, 5-SECTION FOLD, VERY NICE SHAPE ..........................................$22200.00 1996 JD 980, 44’6”, 5-SECTION, HARROW, GOOD CONDITION .......................................................$19900.00 2002 JD 980, 36’ CULT W/HARROW(ADJ), 150# STANDARDS ........................................................$18500.00 WILRICH 3400, 41’6” FIELD CULT. W/5-BAR HD SPIKE TOOTH HARROW, 7” SPACING ............................$10500.00 CIH 4900, 38’ F.CULT. W/CIH ADJ.HARROW(3-BAR), HAS EXTRA WINGS ...........................................$8950.00 CIH 4900, 44’6” F. CULT, W/HARROW, 5-SECTION FOLD ...................................................................$6995.00 JD 726, 27’9” FINNESHER, HYD GANG, HEAVY SHANKS, KNOCKOFF SWEEPS, PERFECT SHAPE ...$34300.00 2003 JD 726, 33’9” W/5-BAR HARROW(ADJUSTABLE), 9” SHANK SPACING, HYD GANG ...............$33500.00 1998 JD 726, 33’9” FINNISHER, HYD GANG, COIL-TINE HARROW ..................................................$31000.00 1989 KEWANEE 273, 25’ FINNISHER ..............................................................................................$12500.00 KENT FINNISHER, 24’ MULCH-FINNISHER, SPIKE-TOOTH HAROOW .................................................$7500.00 LOADER 2007 JD 741, LOADER, W/5-TINE GRAPPLE, 8’ HD BUCKET W/BOLT-ON CUTTING EDGE ..................$9995.00 GREAT BEND 770, SELF-LEVELLING LOADER, 8’ BUCKET, JD 7000 MOUNTS, LOADER IS NEARLY NEW ................$5995.00 PLANTERS 2005 JD 1790, 16/31 ROW, CCS, HYD VARI-DRIVE, AIR DP, COULTERS, 2-PT HITCH, ACCU-COUNT SENSORS, VAC .......$94900.00 2007 JD 1770NT, 16RN W/FERT FRAME, 3.0BU VAC, DAWN CLEANERS, HD ADJ DP, 2 VAC BLOWERS ................$75000.00 2004 JD 1770NT, 16RN, VAC W/BOTH 3.0 AND 1.6BU HOPPERS, INSEC, HD ADJ DP, JD ROW CLEANERS ............$59500.00 2007 JD 1770NT, 12RN, 3.0BU & 1.6BU W/INSEC, HYD VARIABLE DRIVE, 2 MOTORS, 1 DPS ........$55900.00 2004 JD 1770NT, 16RN, FINGER & RADIAL, 2 SETS OF 3.0BU HOPPERS, HD ADJ DP, COULTERS ...$55000.00 2006 JD 1760, 450 ACRES, 12RN, FINGER & RADIAL BEAN, 1.6BU W/INSEC, HYD FOLD, ROW CLEANERS ...........$42500.00 2005 JD 1760, 12RN, 3.0BU VAC, HYD FOLD, 2DPS, SUNCO ROW CLEANERS, ACCU-COUNT SENSORS ...............$36500.00 2005 JD 1760, 12RN, 1.6BU W/INSEC, HYD WING, ROW CLEANERS, PRECISION DISKS, ACCU-COUNT SENSORS ..$34500.00 1997 JD 1760, 12RN, 1.6BU VAC, INSEC, 250 MON(LESS RADAR), NO 1/2 WIDTH DISC., 147” TONGUE, 1DPS ......$33500.00 2000 JD 1760, 12RN, FINGER & RADIAL BEAN, 1.6BU W/INSEC, HYD FOLD, ROW CLEANERS .......$33500.00 2002 JD 1760, 12RN, 3.0BU VAC, HYD FOLD, ROW CLEANERS, 1DPS, 147” HITCH, 250MON ...........................$33000.00 2005 JD 1760, 12RN, 3.0BU FINGER & RADIAL BEAN, HD ADJ DP, HYD WING FOLD ............................ $32900.00 Vander Haag’s Inc. SPRAYERS JD ULTIMATE, SUMMERS ULTIMATE SPRAYER, 1500GAL, 90’ BOOM, 380X46 TIRES .....................$23500.00 2000 SUMMERS ULTIMATE, 1500GAL,90’BOOM,18.4X38TIRES,5-SECTIONBOOMCONTROL,450RAVENCONTROL,PINWHEELHOLDERSW/1NOZZLE .....$21000.00 BLUMHARDT SPRAYER, 90’ BOOM, 1000 GAL, TANDEM WHEELS, FOAM MARKER, 450 RAVEN CONTROLLER, GOOD SHAPE ....$7550.00 PULLTYPE, SPRAYER-SPEC, 1000GAL, PULL-TYPE, 60/80’ BOOM, HYD FOLD BOOM, SINGLE 18.4X26 TIRES .....$6500.00 BESTWAY 60’, 1000 GAL PULL-TYPE SPRAYER, RAVEN CONTROLLER, FOAMER, TANDEM WHEELS, NEW PUMP .....$6495.00 2004 DEMCO 500GAL, 2-250GAL SADDLE TANKS(RAVEN), 8000 SERIES MOUNTS W/LARGE PTO PUMP .............$2000.00 TILLAGE JD 512, 7-SHANK(FOLDING), NOT MANY ACRES ............................................................................$24900.00 2000 JD 512, 7-SHANK DISK RIPPER, W/HD SUMMERS HARROW, RE-BLADED 2 YRS AGO ...........$22800.00 JD 510, 7-SHANK DISK-RIPPER, NO HARROW, RE-BLADED LAST YEAR .........................................$15200.00 JD 510, 7-SHANK DISK-RIPPER, W/HD SUMMERS HARROW .........................................................$13300.00 DMI 527, DMI TIGER TWO, 5-SHANK COULTER-RIPPER, 12’6”, SPRING RESET, NO LEVELERS .........$6500.00 JD 712, 9-SHANK DISK-CHISEL .......................................................................................................$6500.00 LANDOLL , 15’ COULTER-CHISEL PLOW, ALL NEW BEARINGS ..........................................................$2900.00 TRACTORS 2005 CIH STX325, 1000 HOURS, 4WD, 20.8X42 W/DUALS, POWERSHIFT TRANS. NO PTO OR 3-PT, EXTRA WEIGHTS,VERY CLEAN ..$126300.00 2005 JD 7920, 2039 HOURS, IVT, 18.4X46, DELUXE CAB W/COMFORT, 3SCV(DELUXE), 3-PTO CAPABLE, FENDERS, RADAR......$104000.00 2004 JD 7920, 3200 HOURS, MFWD, IVT, 18.4X46, SGB HTAR DLX CAB COMMAND ARM, GREENSTAR RDY ........$96500.00 1997 JD 7810, 3000 HOURS, 2WD, PWRQUAD, 16-SPD RH REVERSR, 18.4X42, DUALS, DLX CAB, 14LX16 FRONTS.....$67500.00 2005 JD 6420, 1684 HOURS, MFWD W/MILLER PL3 LDR, PWRQUAD W/LH RVERSER, 3SCV .........$54400.00 1990 JD 9560, 6900 HOURS, 4WD, 18.4X42(40%--WEATHER CHECKED), 3SCV, BAREBACK .........$42000.00 1996 AGCO 8610, 5000 HOURS, GACO-ALIS, 8610MFWD W/884 AGCO LOADER ............................$37500.00 1982 JD 8450, 4WD SHOWS 2500 HOURS, 20.8X34(75%), W/DUALS, PTO, 16-SPEED QR, 4SCV...$27500.00 1978 JD 4440 ................................................................................................................................$24500.00 JD 4640, 8505 HOURS, QUAD RANGE, DUALS, 2SCV, RUBBER GOOD, NEW CAB INT., USES NO OIL ..................$19000.00 1975 JD 4630, 7000 HOURS, PWRSHIFT, 18.4X38(W/DUALS) AXLE, OH 2000 HRS AGO, 3SCV, QUICK HITCH, 11.00X16 FRONTS, VERY NICE TRACTOR........................................................................................$18500.00 1980 MF 2705, 3900 HOURS, 2WD, CAB, 18.4X38(80%) W/NEW DUALS, 125HP, 3SCV, VERY GOOD CONDITON ....$13900.00 1997 STEIGER PT225, 5200 HOURS, BEARCAT, 4WD, 20.8X34 W/DUALS(TIRES MATCH AT 65%), BAREBACK .....$12500.00 JD 7520, 4WD ..................................................................................................................................$9500.00 1969 JD 4020D, SYNCHRO, 18.4X34, CASE WIDE FRONT, 2SCV, LOOKS AND RUNS GOOD ...............$9500.00 JD 4620, 18.4X38(60%), NO DUALS, 2SCV, SYNCHRO ......................................................................$9500.00 IH 856, 18.4X38(70%), NO DUALS, 2SCV, WIDE FRONT ....................................................................$8995.00 AC D17, ALIS CHALMERS D17 GAS TRACTOR, WIDE FRONT POWERSTEERING ...............................$5250.00 AC D14, ALIS CHALMERS, GAS, W/STANHOIST LOADER ...................................................................$4950.00 888-386-5030 877-860-5030 Sioux Falls, SD • Spencer, IA • Des Moines, IA • Council Bluffs, IA AUTOSH AUTOSH IFT IFT 1980 16’ CRYSTEEL GRAIN PUP; Extended Tongue; Roll 2001 Kenworth T600 Daycab Tarp; Air-Ride; Twinscrew; C12 Cat; Excellent Condition! 10-speed autoshift trans; CALL! air-ride susp; aluminum tanks; new paint! CALL! 1989 IH 9300 TWINSCREW; 365 Freightliner Cummins; 9-Spd Trans; 2003 Columbia; 20’Steel Grain/Silage 12.7 430 HP, 10 spd. Box; Alum Fronts Ultrashift, air-ride susp., CALL!nice!; 58” flat-top, CALL! AUTOMATIC New Maurer Grain Trailers 24’-42’ 2009 Models In Stock! CALL NOW! 47859 2001 JD 1760, 12RN, 1.6BU VAC W/INSEC, HYD FOLD, 1/2 WIDTH DISCONNECT, ROW CLEANERS, 2 DPS............$31750.00 1998 JD 1760, 12RN, 1.6BU VAC W/INSEC, 1/2WIDTH DISC. HYD. FOLD, ROW CLEANERS.............$31000.00 2001 JD 1760, 1.6BU FINGER & RADIAL BEAN, INSEC, HYD FOLD, ROW CLEANERS ......................$29975.00 1997 JD 1760, 12RN, 1.6BU VAC H & INSEC., HYD FOLD, 2DPS, MARTIN ROW CLEANERS, ***SHORT HITCH*** ....$26900.00 1989 JD 7300, 12RN MTD, 1.6BU VAC W/INSEC, DUAL LIFT ASSIST, HD ADJ DP, ROW CLEANERS, 200 MON(LESS RADAR...$12000.00 JD 7200, 8 ROW, 36”, W/7100(7ROW SPLITTER)=15 ROW 18”,2 MONITORS, DAWNS, JD RADIAL, EXC SHAPE ...$11000.00 JD 7000, 16RN, FLEX-FOLD, 1.3BU W/TOPPERS, INSEC, ROW CLEANERS, VERY GOOD SHAPE ........$9500.00 CIH 900, 8ROW 30” PLANTER, INSEC, 2 SEED DRUMS, NICE SHAPE ................................................$7500.00 JD 7000, 12RN, W/WETHERELL TRANSPORT, INSEC, POP. MONITOR, W/DISTANCE WHEEL***JD RADIAL BEAN METERS***...$5900.00 JD 7000, 8RW W/9 SPLITTER UNITS ON A 7100 FRAME, 200 MONITOR(COUNTS ALL ROWS)..........$5500.00 1993 IH 9300 TWINSCREW; 1998 FORD L9513 TWIN325 Cat; 1020019-Spd MackTrans; CH60019’Alum SCREW; 1999 IHN14 9100Cummins; Twinscrew Body; Steerable Pusher; Spd Trans; 20’Steel Box; Twinscrew Daycab; Daycab; ISM Cummins; Elec Tarp; Pintle; Very Nice! Combination Low susp; Miles! 380HP E7; 10-spd trans; 9-spd trans;Gate; air-ride CALL! air-ride susp; low miles; clean! Special! $28,900! lowerCALL! miles; clean! $22,900! 1979 FORD LN8000 TWINSCREW; Overhauled 2000 IH 8100 Single 290 Axle Cummins; 9-Spd Trans; Tractor; C10 Cat; 9-spd. 20’Steel Newsusp.; King-Pins trans.;Box; air-ride low& Bushings; Roll Tarp; Nice Truck! miles; new white paint; very CALL! clean truck! $18,900! AUTOMA TIC (Qty. Frtliner Fl70, Single axle 19893)IH2001 S1900 Twin Screw Chassis; tractor, 250 Cat, Allison auto trans., DT466; 653 Allison Auto; 16K Front Axle; well maintained, lower miles, very clean! Double Frame; Power Steering; 385 Fronts; Clean$24,900! Truck! CALL! Aluminum Steel 2008 Northern Self Unloading Trailers; 42’x102”x60” sides, Air Ride susp., Manure Spreader Option, High Lift Hyd. Gate, Reverse Dir. Chain. USED TRUCK & TRAILER SALES ~ 100’S OF USED TRUCKS ~ 1/2 TON THRU BIG DIESELS NEW ~ REBUILT ~ USED TRUCK PARTS & EQUIPMENT 24 – FARM MARKET NEWS Classified Ads BAD CREDIT CAR LOANS is the answer to your problems! All applications accepted and processed. EVERYONE IS APPROVABLE! CHECK MY PRICE before buying CUB CADET, used, LT2042. 42’ deck, 20-h.p. Kohler engine, shaft drive, no belt. 50-hours. List $3,499, sale $1,795. Reinder’s Farm Equipment 712-209-3301. JIM’S Repair 507-220-6218 507-368-4279 AS LITTLE AS ZERO DOWN! K A BAR TRAILER SALES Parts & Service 1003 E. Rice St. SIOUX FALLS, SD 57103 605-335-8934 FOR SALE: Parts for Tractors, Combines, Machinery, Hay Equipment and More. New, Used, Rebuilt and After Market Parts Hendricks Tractor Parts Hendricks, MN 877-530-6620 Salem Tractor Parts Salem, SD 877-530-4010 47681 Call for Yea D i s c o u n r- E n d te Prices! d QUALITY • DEPENDABILITY • AFFORDABILITY 47806 Loaders Komatsu WA500, AC, 6.5 yd. ........$80,000 Komatsu WA250-5, 3 yd, AC, QC..$120,000 Case 821B, 4 yd., AC, hyd. ...........$57,900 excavators Komatsu PC400LC-6, AC..............$85,000 Link Belt 240 Long Front ............$145,000 Komatsu PC150, thumb ...............$70,000 Cat 325CL hyd. QC.....................$125,000 NEW TRAILERS USED TRAILERS '07 5x8 Amer. Hauler (Cargo) ‘08 7x16 DCT (Cargo) ‘08 6x16 Verns (Bumper) rubber floor ‘08 6x16 Verns (Bumper) wood floor ‘09 3H Kiefer (Bumper) slant load ‘08 7x24 Kiefer (Stock Combo) loaded ‘08 7x26 Kiefer (Stock Combo) ‘09 3H Kiefer (Horse) insulated ‘09 4H Kiefer (Horse) insulated ‘09 4H Kiefer (Horse) Contender pkg. ‘07 4H Kiefer (Horse) extras ‘07 4H Kiefer (Horse) extras ‘09 4H Kiefer (Horse) full LQ ‘08 4H Kiefer (Horse) full LQ ‘09 7x24 Kiefer (Livestock) 1 gate, kwik clean floor ‘09 7x24 Kiefer (Livestock) 2 gates ‘09 7x24 Wilson (Livestock) 2 gates, slider, alum. rims ‘09 7x24 Wilson (Livestock) 1 gate, rollup, alum. rims ‘09 7x24 Wilson (Livestock) 2 gates, slider ‘09 7x24 Wilson (Livestock) 2 gates, slider ‘09 7x24 Wilson (Livestock) 1 gate, slider ‘08 5x8 Sport Trailer (Flatbeds) ‘09 7x16 M&S (Flatbeds) 2-3,500# axles ‘08 7x18+2 Kiefer (Flatbeds) 2-7,000# axles ‘09 8.5x20+5 Kiefer (Flatbeds) 2-7,000# axles ‘08 8.5x27+5 Sure Pull (Flatbeds) 2-10,000# axles ‘00 2H Sundowner (GN Horse) ‘02 3H Exiss (GN Horse) ‘00 3H Kiefer (GN Horse) ‘06 4H Kiefer (GN Horse) Midtack, Nice!! ‘87 3H Coda (GN Horse) ‘92 4H Kiefer (GN Horse) ‘08 7x24 Kiefer (GN Horse) Stock combo, loaded ‘07 4H Kiefer (GN Horse) ‘90 6x12 Boss (Livestock) ‘06 7x26 Wilson (Livestock) 3-7,000# axles ‘03 7x28 Kiefer (Livestock) 2-8,000# axles ‘07 7x30 Wilson (Livestock) 3-7,000# axles ‘01 7x34 Wilson (Livestock) double decked ‘04 7x34 Wilson (Livestock) 3-8,000# axles ‘07 7x34 Wilson (Livestock) 2-10,000# axles ‘08 8x22 Elite (Livestock) 2-8,000# axles ‘00 8x34 Wilson (Livestock) 2-10,000# axles ‘00 8.5x34 Kiefer (Flatbeds) 2-10,000# axles ‘08 8.5x35 HMDE (Flatbeds) 2-10,000# axle ‘06 7x18 Aluma (Cargo) 2-3,500# axles Open Every Saturday in December from 8 am - 12 noon eASt Hwy. 12 AberDeeN, SD 888-762-6312 Kiefetr TRAILERS Buil Komatsu PC300LC-6 .................$130,000 i-90 & N. DeADwooD rApiD City, SD 800-658-3047 compaction equipment Dynapac 42” DB Drum.................$25,000 Hypac 78” DB Drum.....................$26,000 Dynapac 66” padfoot ...................$18,000 Stone 36” Smooth .......................$13,000 misc. Cat 287B Track Skid Loader .........$30,000 Cat D3C Dozer .............................$29,000 Gehl SL 4840 Skid Loader ...........$22,500 Case 580SK Backhoe...................$28,000 Cat 416C Backhoe AWD ...............$41,500 ForkLiFts JCB-22’, 5,50’0 lb., cab ...............$17,500 Gehl 7000# - 30’, AC ...................$39,500 IR VR623-6000# - 23’, cab ..........$37,000 Water Trucks, Conveyors, Sweepers, Trailers 47785 PICKUPS & 4X4’s 06 Dodge Ram, 2500 HD Quadcab 4x4, red, 5.7 Hemi, AT, CD, p seat, wind, locks, bedliner, chrome wheels, 22K ...$20,995 04 Jeep Grand Cherokee Lar 4x4 Select-trac, 4.0 cyl., CD, p. seat, alum. wheels, lugg. rack, 67K ........................$10,495 97 Chevy Silverado 1500 ext. cab 4x4, autostart, CD/Cass., p. seat, wind., locks, local trade, 189K .........................$3,995 96 Chevy Blazer LT 4x4, CD, p. leather seat, wind., locks, lugg. rack, local trade, 136K .............................................$3,995 VANS 06 Chrysler Town & Country Touring, 3.8 V6, quad stow & go, heated leather, sunroof, CD/cass, p sliding sidedoors & tailgate, lugg rack, al wheels, 29K ........................................................................................................................................$16,995 05 Chrysler Town & Country Touring, 3.8 V6, quad stow & go, heated leather, CD/cass, DVD rear ent, p sliding sidedoors & tailghate, lugg rack, al wheels, 35K .........................................................................................................................$15,495 05 Chrysler Pacifica Touring, 3.5 V6, CD, keyless, p. seats, chrome wheels, 3rd row seat, 39K ..............................$13,995 01 Chevy Venture LT, 3400 V6, rear AC & heat, CD/cass., p. seat, wind., locks, alum. wheels, 161K ..........................$4,495 98 Dodge Grand Caravan, 3.8 V6, needs tranny............................................................................................................$495 97 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport, 3.3 V6, rear AC & heat, CD quad seats, alum. wheels, lugg. rack, 168K ..................$2,995 96 Plymouth Grand Voyager, 3.3 V-6, cass., keyless, clean, 178K .............................................................................$1,995 96 Ford Windstar GL, 3.8 V-6, AT, AC, p. wind. & locks, alum. wheels, 177K .................................................................$995 2 DOOR CARS 04 Chrysler Sebring Lim, 3.0 V6, CD/cass, p leather seat, sunroof, chrome wheels, 58K.......................................$10,995 04 Dodge Stratus RT, V6, 5 spd, CD, p leather seat, sunroof, chrome wheels, 42K................................................$11,495 03 Chev Monte Carlo SS, 3.8 V6, dual AC, CD, leather heated seats, spoiler, al wheels, 40K....................................$11,995 03 Pontiac Grand Am GT, 3400 V6, CD/cas., keyless, leather, alum. wheels, 58K.....................................................$9,995 4 DOOR CARS 05 Buick Park Ave. Prestige Pkg., 3800 V6, autostart, dual climate control, info center, mem heated seats, chrome wheels, 27K ................................................................................................................................................$18,995 05 Buick LaCrosse CXL, 3800 V6, autostart, dual climate control, dual power heated seats, OnStar, chrome wheels, back up sensors, 30K.....................................................................................................................$15,495 05 Buick LeSabre Lim., 3800 V6, d. climate control, info center, mem. leather htd. seats, chrome wheels, 50K ......$14,995 05 Pontiac Grand Prix, 3800 V6, CD, p seat, spoiler, chrome wheels, 29K ...............................................................$12,995 04 Buick Park Ave Prestige Pkg., 3800 V6, d. climate control, info center, sunroof, mem. heated seats, chrome wheels, 42K ................................................................................................................................................................................$16,495 04 Buick Park Ave. Prestige Pkg., 3800 V6, d. climate control, info center, mem. heated seats, chrome wheels, 32K ...$16,995 04 Buick LeSabre Lim, 3800 V6, dual climate control, p. mem. leather heated seats, alum. wheels, 59K ................$13,995 04 Pontiac Grand Am GT, 3400 V6, CD, leather seats, sunroof, spoiler, fog lights, chrome wheels, 33K ...................$11,995 04 Chrysler Sebring LXi, 2.7 V6, CD, p. leather seat, sunroof, alum. wheels, 49K ....................................................$10,995 01 Chevy Prizm, 1.8 4 cyl., CD, only 91K....................................................................................................................$5,995 00 Buick LeSabre Lim., 3800 V6, AT, d. climate control, p. heated leather seats, alum. wheels, 19K........................$11,995 00 Buick Park Ave, 3800 V6, dual AC, mem leather heated, heads-up, chrome wheels, 118K .................................$5,995 00 Buick Century Lim, 3100 V6, dual AC, CD/Cass., p. leather seat, alum. wheels, 28K .............................................$8,995 00 Buick LeSabre Lim, 3800 V6, dual AC, CD/cass, leather heated mem seats, sunroof, al wheels, 93K....................$6,995 96 Buick Park Ave, 3800 V6, dual AC, keyless, dual p. seats, alum. wheels, 193K .....................................................$1,995 To place your ad call: 1-800-325-6440 • 507-825-3333 –––– –––– –––– –––– –––– –––– –––– WWW.BROOKINGSCREDIT.COM 115 2nd St. NE, P.O. Box 277 Pipestone, MN 56164 Kobelco SK 200LC, thumb............$43,000 RECENT TURN DOWNS OK! REPOSSESSIONS OK! Fax: (507) 825-2168 Email: 4301 N. Cliff Ave. Sioux fAllS, SD 800-456-4005 Repair Old or New Equipment Painting • Restoring • Some Used Parts 128 N. Central • Lake Benton 1-800-325-6440 (507) 825-3333 Diesel Machinery, inc. a new Westendorf loader. WL-42 in stock. 712-209-3301. –––– –––– –––– –––– –––– –––– –––– Farm Market News DECEMBER 1, 2008 DECEMBER 1, 2008 1997 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT model. 113,000 miles, loaded ,with tow package, 4X4, seats 8. Very good condition. $4,995 o.b.o. Call 507-842-5922. 2006 JEEP COMMANDER, 4.7 Farm News V8 4w, 39,000 miles,Market black exterior/ grey leather heated seats and 3rd row. 6 disc and XM radio, sunroof and rear moonroofs. 507-8472159. 2003 BLACK CHEVROLET TRAILBLAzER LS, 4x4, PW, PL, AC, gray interior, excellent condition, one owner, like-new tires, 111m. $7,500. 507-793-2609. 2000 GMC ENVOY, fully loaded, leather, black, very good condition. 130,000 miles. $6,500 ob.o.. 507841-0484. FARM MARKET NEWS – 25 Classified Ads We are now OPEN! PIPESTONE COUNTY IMPLEMENT 507-825-4203 1976 TITAN MOTOR HOME, 27’ long. Approximately 60,000 miles. Completely reupholstered. New carpet. Asking $5000, 507847-5314. 29-FT. AVCO MOTOR HOME. One owner, non-smoking, no pets, 21,000 miles. Rear bath, twin beds. Serious buyers only. 507-830-1536. 35-FT. CARRIAGE 5THWHEEL. No slide outs. Built for Monday-Friday 7:30-5:00 pm Rock County Implement Saturday 7:30-12:00 pm Edgerton Implement Pipestone County Implement Luverne, MN Edgerton, MN Pipestone, MN 507-283-4439 507-442-4951 507-825-4203 quality. Like-new interior/exterior. Serious buyers only. 507-830-1536. 28-FT. CARRILITE TRAILER. 47687 1-800-325-6440 (507) 825-3333 Fax: (507) 825-2168 Email: 115 2nd St. NE, P.O. Box 277 Pipestone, MN 56164 DAKOTA STEEL INC. Canton, SD STEEL FACTORY Factory Direct ✦✦ ✦✦ •29 Gauge Steel •High Quality 82000 p.s.i. •Cut to Length 1” - 60 ft. •.0155 mill thickness before paint •.017 mill nominal thickness after paint •30 year paint warranty CALL FOR PRICES! “We Roll Our Own Steel So We’ll Roll You A Deal” You can choose from 18 different colors. All the trim, screws & accessories are available. 26 gauge steel, call for prices. Bottom Dollar • Factory Direct • Wholesale Prices • Post Frame Building Packages or Steel Sheeting 605-987-9080 • 605-987-4306 fax 47824 •Duralite Aluminum Stock Trailers •ABU's Flatbeds •Used Aluminum Featherlite stock trailers. As long as Inventory lasts. HILLTOP TRAILER SALES 605-695-2500 Sleeps 6. Rear bedroom, double bed, side dinette booth, front sofa. Like-new interior/exterior. Serious buyers. 507-830-1536. JET SKI FOR SALE: 2004 SeaDoo GTX, 4-tec. Low hours. 2004 Shorelander trailer. Call 507-8400256. 36966 47658 Hwy. 30, White, SD To place your ad call: 2001 HARLEY DAVIDSON DYNA LOW RIDER. 10,500 miles, 1-800-325-6440 • 507-825-3333 many extras, like new. $11,000. Call, 507-381-9778 or 507-445-3132. Saddle bags, windshield, floor boards. Like new, low miles. $5,900 o.b.o. Call 507-847-4920, leave a message. 1986 HARLEY DAVIDSON FXR, 1340 CC, 19,500 miles, black, excellent condition. $6,500. Call after 5 p.m., 507-847-2043. Featured Truck & Trailer International 8100 M-11, 9 spd., good rubber, new paint, great farm truck Trailer 1997 & 2001 Intl 4700 LP, DTPLG 444,38’6 Grain speed, fresh paint, ag hoppers, side shoots, ladders, catwalks, boom stick, hyd air compressor Shur-Lock tarp $ Both for 38,995 Visit us on silver and maroon, Jardine exhaust, cover tailbag and helmet. $4,800. 612-751-9539. Highway 59 North Elbow Lake, MN More trailers More trucks trucks && trailers available. Call Curt. available. Call Bill Bill or or Kurt! SALES INC. w w 1998 YAMAHA SRX, 800 big bore, only 1,700 miles, many extras. $3,400 o.b.o. Call 507-841-2285. 1997 SKI-DOO MXz 440, low miles, excellent condition, $1650 OBO. Call 507-728-8882 or 507236-3931. 1950 FORD TRACTOR 8N, flat head, V-8, 60 hp. Excellent condition. $19,995 BO. 507-3754621 after 6 p.m. 2001 WEED BADGER (2550 NST). Excellent condition, with onthe-go tilt control, 20” rotor, PosiDepth and (10) 562 Magnum coil teeth. Includes self-contained PTO driven hydraulic system. Manual and semi-automatic hydraulic system. 3-point mount, with sweeper/tiller and rotor shroud assembly, and nursery package. $3,500 o.b.o. 507-847-5498. To place your ad call: 1-800-325-6440 507-825-3333 Ready to Go 1-800-394-7957 2006 NINJA 650R, 4,700 miles, autolist 06 dodge dakota quad cab 4x4, 2.7L, 5 speed, 16K.......................................$11,900 05 dodge durango limited, maroon, 38K 05 chevy impala ls, gold, 31K .............................................................................$8,450 05 saturn vue, blue, 4 cyl., 5 speed, 42K .............................................................$7,450 04 gmc sierra reg. cab 4x4, charcoal, 57K .......................................................$9,800 04 chevy impala ls, loaded, black, 65K ...............................................................$7,450 03 chrysler sebring convertible, dark burgundy, 44K .................................$4,995 99 intrigue, 3.5L, V6, 49K ....................................................................................$4,795 88 chevy ext. cab 2wd, longbox, customized, lowrider, yellow ...........................$3,995 CominG Soon agrilist auctionlist realestatelist classifiedlist Where 35 thousand USERS do business thepeachlist .com FIND BUYERS YOU NEVER KNEW EXISTED 06 equinox lt, red, frt. dmg., AWD, leather, 06 colorado 2wd, white, ctr. frt. dmg., lot drives, 33K .........................................$3,200 05 pontiac montana, silver, frt. dmg., 69K 04 monte carlo ss dale earnhardt ed., black, frt. & bags, 48K 01 alero 4 dr., maroon, left rear, drives, low miles, 38K .......................................$2,650 01 alero 4 dr., gold, right rear, 41K 02 mercury cougar sport, gray, V6, 64K .........................................................$1,995 05 pontiac g6 gt 99 chevy monte carlo ls, gray, EZ frt. dmg., 81K .............................................$1,995 02 chevy impala ls, blue, moonroof, leather, D ug’s Aut 26085 US Hwy. 14, Lamberton, MN 56152 • 507-752-7778 Check Out... For Weekly Pics Over 50 Cars to Choose From! Doug’s Auto FMN 12-08a 2005 KAWASAKI 800 CLASSIC. 26 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 Farm Market News ‘08 Chrysler 300 Touring AWD, 14,726 mi., bags good, leather, sunroof, polished alloys . .$15,950 RJ5881 ‘03 Exiss Mach 10, 32’ toy hauler, very light hail, like new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13,900 ‘06 Kia Sedona LX, 42,000 mi., rear AC/heat, 7 pass., rear entertainment . . . . . . . . .$5,950 Classified Ads RK6117 ‘05 Chrysler Town & Country, 33,000 mi., RG5474 ‘06 Honda Civic Hybrid, 35,000 mi., 3.8L, stow-n-go seats, CD, pwr. sliding doors$5,950 4 cyl., auto, CD, 40+ mpg . . . . . . . . .$7,950 We Have Parts For Your Rebuilders Even If Bought Elsewhere! 3UEO RE4832 ‘04 JEEP LIBERTY, gold, 39,131 mi., front, V6, auto, sunroof, alloys, Very Nice fix . . . .$4,350 PARTS LINE # 1-800-272-0083 • EXT. 3 ‘07 Jayco 32’ Jayflight, self contained, 1 slide, layed on left side in wind, very clean . . . . . . . . .$9,350 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. NOW OPEN Sat. 8a.m.-12:30p.m. RD4683 ‘05 Chevy Silverado 4x4, dually, Quad cab, Bose stereo, 8.1L V8, auto, damage left side .$9,950 PTLA 22,000 mi., silver, damaged sides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,950 ‘02 Mercury Sable LS ‘08 Dodge Avenger, 11,148 mi., sunroof, CD, silver . . . . .$6,950 179 00 o. per m os. & 60 m credit d e v o r w/app $ 179 00 o. per m s. 72 mo dit & d cre e v o r w/app 239 os. & 72 m credit d e v ro w/app 199 00 o. per m s. 72 mo dit & d cre e v o r w/app $ $ 199 00 o. per m 159 00 o. per m mos. & 48 credit oved r p p w/a $ 219 00 o. per m $ 299 s. 60 mo dit & d cre e v o r w/app o. per m s. 72 mo edit & ed cr v o r p w/ap $ s. 60 mo dit & d cre e v o r w/app o. per m 279 00 van SXT and Cara wn r G 8 0 0 2 o sh D $ 0 Ca 219 00 os. & 72 m credit oved r p p w/a $ 0p0er mo. ptions ded w/O a o L y o v 2004 En sh Down $ 0 Ca o. per m rer rd Explo 2006 Fo Down sh $ 0 Ca uring cifica To 2005 Pa r, DVD Leathe own sh D a $ C 0 $ 229 00 i Van dona Min 2005 Se own sh D $ 0 Ca s. 60 mo dit & d cre e v o r w/app s. 72 mo edit & ed cr v o r p w/ap $ $ $ 289 o. per m n rd Fusio n 2007 Fo ow sh D $ 0 Ca er dge Calib 2007 Do Down sh $ 0 Ca 0p0er mo. 00 Walnut Grove, MN 507-859-2220 TIRES • BATTERIES • COMPUTERIZED ALIGNMENT FRAME STRAIGHTENING lier evy Cava n 2007 Ch w o sh D $ 0 Ca Cab 0 Super 5 -1 F d r 2006 Fo K Lariat 20 wn o D sh $ 0 Ca an SXT nd Carav a r G 7 0 20 own sh D a $ C 0 $4,500 lant bishi Ga n u s it M 8 200 ow sh D $ 0 Ca os. & 72 m credit oved r p p w/a $ Clean Title, trade-in, 91K $6,900 Koblegard Auto 1-800-272-0083 $ Premium, 39K ‘03 Buick LeSabre, Leather, 48K ..................................................... $7,500 ‘03 Ford Taurus LX, 12K ............................................................... $6,450 ‘03 Buick Century, 51K ................................................................ $5,300 ‘00 Pontiac Grand Prix GT, 4 Dr., 84K ............................................... $4,500 GARRETSON, SD • • PH. (605) 594-3910 Live Inventory Searches at ancer ES ubishi L s it M 7 0 20 own sh D a $ C 0 115 2nd St. NE, P.O. Box 277 Pipestone, MN 56164 RD4819 ‘06 Toyota Tundra 4x4, NORDSTROM’S AUTO RECYCLER’S Cruiser 2004 PT own sh D a $ C 0 Fax: (507) 825-2168 Email: ‘99 Ford F-450, 7.3 Powerstroke Diesel, manual trans, 13’ flatbed, gooseneck hitch, no damage, replaced engine . . . .$14,650 We Have Parts For Your Rebuilders, Even If Bought Elsewhere! CALL NOW! “in the country” 1-800-325-6440 (507) 825-3333 299 00 o. per m s. 72 mo dit & d cre e v o r w/app kon XL 2005 Yu ed!!! Load Clean & own sh D a $ C 0 $ 329 0p0er mo. s. 60 mo edit & ed cr v o r p w/ap IAL!! SPEC ountain Lite maha M 2007 Ya $ 5,588 00 47813 DECEMBER 1, 2008 FARM MARKET NEWS – 27 Financing As Low As 5.3% Hot Holiday Deals! CARS 2009 Chevy Malibu LTZ, white & brown w/taupe leather, loaded, heated seats, excellent ......... $23,975 2008 Chevy Impala LT, cobalt red, all options, sunroof, like new........................................................ $14,875 2008 Chrysler Sebring Touring Convertible, 3,000 miles, loaded up & like new .......................... $14,875 2008 Buick Lucerne CXS, gunmetal w/gray leather, loaded, heated seats, sunroof, Northstar V8, excellent ....................................................... $20,475 2008 Ford Fusion SEL, all options, heated leather, sunroof, like new ......................................... $16,875 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix GXP, loaded up, sunroof, heated leather, like new ................................ $14,875 2007 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS, low miles, loaded, sunroof, alloys, like new ..................................... $13,875 2007 Chrysler 300 Limited, all options, heated leather, chrome wheels & more ............................ $16,350 2007 Cadillac DTS, white w/natural leather, all options, like new........................................... $17,950 2006 Chevy HHR LT, loaded, heated leather, sunroof, mint.............................................................. $11,475 2006 Chevy Impala SS, triple black, loaded & sharp ............................................................ $13,850 2006 Dodge Charger Daytona R/T, Hemi, low miles, mango orange, every option, heated leather, sunroof, navigation, TV/DVD ....................................... $21,975 2006 Toyota Corolla S, fully loaded, sharp ... $12,975 2005 Chevy Monte Carlo LT, 35,000 miles, fully loaded, leather, sunroof, OnStar & more............... $11,500 2005 Toyota Corolla XRS, 30,000 miles, red, loaded, sunroof, ground effects, super sharp ............. $12,650 2005 Hyundai Sonata GLS, 2.7 V6, cherry w/ taupe heated leather, loaded, sunroof, sharp............. $7,950 2005 Pontiac Vibe AWD, 35,000 miles, loaded, sunroof, mint ...................................................... $13,475 2004 Acura TL, low miles, all options, heated leather, sunroof & more ............................................ $16,475 2004 Infinity G35 Coupe, low miles, every option, heated leather, sunroof, Bose, mint ............... $17,950 2003 Mercury Grand Marquis LS Ultimate, only 21,000 miles, every option............................ $11,475 2003 Ford Taurus SES, gold w/tan cloth, loaded, nice ................................................................ $4,875 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS, 47,000 miles, black, loaded, sunroof ..................................... $8,975 2001 Mercedes-Benz E430 Sport, low miles, all options, leather, sunroof & more ................... $10,875 2001 Mercury Grand Marquis LS, 62,000 miles, loaded, leather ................................................ $6,950 VANS 2008 Chrysler Town & Country Limited, 5,800 miles, all options, heated leather, quads w/ stow n go, chrome wheels, like new ........................................... $27,950 2007 Honda Odyssey Touring, 16,000 miles, white w/ taupe heated leather, quads, sunroof, navigation, TV/DVD, like new .......................................... $28,975 2006 Chrysler Town & Country Touring, low miles, heated leather, quads, TV/DVD, stow n go, navigation, sharp ............................................................ $16,975 2006 Honda Odyssey Touring, loaded, heated leather, sunroof, TV/DVD, mint ................................... $22,875 2005 Chrysler Town & Country Touring, all options, heated leather, stow n go & more ................... $9,975 2004 Nissan Quest SE, fully loaded with leather quads, sunroof, TV/DVD & more .................... $12,875 2003 Kia Sedona EX, low miles, V6, loaded.... $6,650 2002 Chevy 2500 Express Cargo, 65,000 miles, V8 white, loaded ................................................. $8,975 1999 Ford E150 Waldoch, loaded, leather ..... $4,475 PICKUPS, SUV’s, 4X4’s 2007 Ford Explorer Sport Trac Limited 4X4, 4 dr., 25,000 miles, V8, loaded, heated leather & more............................................................. $20,875 2006 Dodge Dakota SLT Quad Cab 4x4, low miles, bright red, fully loaded, like new ................... $13,650 2006 Toyota Tundra SR5 Crew Cab 4X4, low miles, 4.7 V8, black w/ taupe heated leather, loaded, excellent ....................................................... $16,475 2005 Chevy Colorado LS Crew Cab 4X4, low miles, red, fully loaded, excellent ............................ $13,975 2004 Dodge Ram SLT Quad Cab 4X4, 21,000 miles, all options, 20" chrome wheels, like new ...... $14,975 2003 Dodge Dakota SLE Quad Cab 4X4, low miles, 1 owner, loaded .............................................. $10,975 2001 Ford F150 King Ranch Super Crew 4X4, low miles, loaded, heated leather ........................ $10,975 2008 Ford Taurus X AWD, gunmetal gray w/ parchment & charcoal leather, heated seats, 3rd row, quads, loaded, nice .................................................. $19,875 2007 Chevy Trailblazer LS 4x4, all options, sunroof, like new........................................................ $12,975 2007 Honda CR-V EX-L AWD, 19,000 miles, all options, leather, sunroof, mint ........................... $23,975 2006 Ford Explorer XLT 4X4, loaded, leather, sunroof, 3rd seat, mint .............................................. $14,475 2005 Lexus RX330 AWD, 22,000 miles, all options, heated leather, sunroof, like new .................. $26,975 2005 GMC Envoy Xl SLE 4X4, loaded, 3rd seat .......................................................... $8,650 2004 Ford Explorer XLT 4X4, loaded, 3rd seat, TV/ DVD ................................................................ $8,975 2003 Buick Rendezvous CXL, loaded, heated leather, sunroof, 3rd seat ........................................... $7,350 2000 Dodge Durango SLT 4X4, loaded, 3rd seat ................................................................ $4,975 FRANKMAN MOTOR COMPANY SaleS and ServiCe Check out our complete inventory at Open 7 Days a Week Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 - 8 Fri. & Sat. 8:30-6; Sun. 1-5 47771 (605) 371-1603 Just SE of Sioux Falls, SD 1/4 mile south of 57th street on Highway 11 28 – FARM MARKET NEWS DECEMBER 1, 2008 2009 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab Retail: $38,281 WINTER SAVINGS EVENT! Red Tag S ale Price $36,350* 2008 CHEVROLET HHR LS $15,900 2005 BUICK LESABRE Retail: $13,900 $12,900 2004 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON Retail: $10,900 $8,750 2008 Chevy Impala Retail: $28,955 2007 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE Retail: $34,950 2004 CHEVROLET COLORADO Retail: $16,500 2004 CHEVROLET IMPALA Retail: $8,900 Red Tag S ale Price $25,545* $33,450 2009 Chevy Malibu Retail: $25,855 2007 CHEVROLET K1500 Retail: $28,995 Red Tag S ale Price $23,875* 2009 Chevy Traverse Retail: $38,710 Red Tag S ale Price $35,812* 2006 GMC ENVOY SL Retail: $19,500 $27,500 $18,500 $15,900 $7,900 930 S. Main, EdgErton, Mn 56128 PhonE 507-442-4341 or 800-658-2395 ‘09 Chevy Malibu LT 33 mg rating, 6 spd auto trans., 2.4 double overhead cam engine, leather seating, red jewel exterior Retail: $25,820 ‘09 Buick Enclave CXL 24 mpg rating, front wheel drive, 3.6L V6, 6 spd. auto trans., luxury pkg., trailering pkg. Red Tag S ale Price $23,844* ‘08 Chevy Impala LT 3.5L V6, 29,000 miles, factory warranty Red Tag S ale Price $36,728* ‘01 Chevy Ext. Cab 4WD $15,950 ‘05 Pontiac Grand Prix 4 dr., 3.8 V6, antilock brakes, AM-FM-CD-radio, 23,000 miles, factory warranty Retail: $39,660 5.3L V8, Z71 pkg., bucket seats, local trade, very clean $12,950 Retail: $20,475 $10,900 Retail $12,500 2002 Chevrolet 2500HD $15,900 ‘06 Pontiac G6 $10,950 3.5L V6, antilock brakes, renote starter, 6 speaker sound/AM-FM-CD radio Retail: $14,900 $13,950 *plus applicable tax,title and license. Red Tag S ale Price $14,396* More Great Used Car Specials!! 2002 Chevy K2500 Silverado Crew Cab ..........Sale Price: $15,900 2007 Chevy K1500 Crew Cab 4WD, 16,900 miles, LS pkg., very sharp ................................Call for Pricing 1998 Dodge Caravan Sport, 7 pass. seating, very clean, V6 engine, Retail: $4,450 ........................................................ Sale Price: $4,350 $36,350* 2002 Chevrolet K1500 ‘08 Chevrolet Silverado 1/2T Pickup EPA 20 mpg, 2-wheel drive 2009 Chevy Silverado 1500 Crew Cab Red Tag Sale Pric e Retail: $38,281 1995 Dodge Intrepid, V6 engine, auto trans., excellent running cond. ... Sale Price: $2,450 1996 Ford Taurus, economical V6, auto trans. ................................... Sale Price: $3,450 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4WD, ............................................................................... Sale Price: $1,850 TYLER 210 tyler street North • tyler, MN PhonE 507-247-5595 or 800-864-3841