May 4, 2016 - ICG Link, Inc.
May 4, 2016 - ICG Link, Inc.
May 4, 2016 Volume 41, Issue 17 (Disciples of Christ) ARCC NOTES Giving Tree for Abbey Road Kids Preschool There are only a few needs left on the Giving Tree for Abbey Road Kids Preschool Please see what is still on the tree and provide what you can. Place your donations in the blue box in the narthex. Thank you for your gifts. You are invited to "Walk as One at 1" on our labyrinth on Saturday, May 7, at 1:00 pm, joining with others around the world celebrating the 8th Annual World Labyrinth Day and walking for peace and healing for our planet. Please see page two of this newsletter. 573.335.3422 Dinner for Eight? Want to join friends from the congregation for dinner once a month in a host’s home? We enjoyed this fellowship activity a few years ago, & think it is time to revive it! Watch this newsletter & listen to Sunday’s announcements for more details! Thank you for the response for the Love Gifts for Randy Cook. We are very appreciative of his work with the River Campus youth. The church plans to continue this ministry. Randy has accepted a call to Community Christian Church in Lubbock, TX (his home town). He will be starting there as pastor before the end of this month. He was surprised and humbled with our Love Gifts. We wish the best for Randy and Liz as they move to Texas and begin this new chapter in their lives; we know God is with them. John & Deborah Browne, Del Brunton, Bernice Osborn, Connie Gibson, Kenny Werner, Gene Farrar, Pastoral Search Committee, Luther Hunt, Barbara Farrar, Bonnie Hennessy, Mary Ann Heinsman, Justin Vines, Jimmy Smith, Dorothy Lowes, Jim & Linda Stevenson Green, Nancy Stevenson Matherne, Maxie McKenzie & family, Bill Ludlow, George Amick, Jackson Batchelor, Philip Conti, Charles Blattner, Bill Pratt, Mark Faith, relatives & friends serving in the military, all who are hurting, lonely, and afraid Do you have someone to add to our prayer list? Please inform the church office or fill out a form found at the back of the sanctuary. Serving on Sunday May 8 9:30 a.m. At Table: Steve Piker (c) Martin Needels (o) Distribution: Peggy Bentlage, Glenda Zink + ushers Communion Prep: Peggy Bentlage Scripture Reader: Leon Book Greeters: Felicia Fox, Naida Wills Ushers: Lavetta Bratton, Karen Piker Worship Capt.: Melanie Sherinski Soundboard: Breedon/Dean Adult Sunday School May 8 The Middle Room class will begin on page 90, “Dust”, in Rachel Held Evans’ book, Searching for Sunday. The Green Room class will continue our study of God is not One: The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World, by Stephen Prothero. We are going to look at chapter 7, “Judaism: The Way of Exile and Return,” pp.243-278. We have just three chapters left; please be thinking about ideas for our next project. Golden Boys will meet at 8:00 on Tuesday at My Daddy’s Cheesecake. Please join us for breakfast and conversation. Congratulations to Roanne Dean who will graduate Saturday, May 7, with a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from William Woods University in Fulton, MO. We are proud of you! A donation to the Food Bank was made by the Wells family in honor of Carol Wells’ birthday. Sign up to Serve in June! Our sympathy is extended to the Sanders family in the death of Reece Sanders. Worship Notes May 1 Attendance: 86 Regular friends: 23 Offering: $ 6,910 Lectionary for May 8 Acts 16:16-34 Psalm 97 Rev. 22:12-14, 16,17,20-21 John 17:20-26 Thursday, May 5 6:00pm New Life Singers practice 6:45pm Chancel Choir practice Friday, May 6 10:00am ARCL: Genealogy Saturday, May 7 World Labyrinth Day 1:00pm “Walk as One at 1” Sunday, May 8 9:30am Worship Service 9:30am Abbey Rd. Adventures for children 10:30am Fellowship 10:45am Sunday School Tuesday, May 10 8:00am Golden Boys at My Daddy’s Café & Bakery Wednesday, May 11 9:30am Bible Study 6:00pm New Life Singers practice 6:45pm Chancel Choir practice C A L E N D A R Lars Howlett, Event Coordinator THOUSANDS WALK IN MOVING MEDITATION FOR PEACE ON WORLD LABYRINTH DAY GLOBAL EVENT – SATURDAY, MAY 7th 2016: What do you call the journey of a thousand footsteps that winds up exactly where it began? The answer lies in the labyrinth: an ancient archetype recently rediscovered as a path of prayer and walking meditation. This spring the Labyrinth Society (TLS) invites the world to cross mental borders in a shared symbolic walk for peace in celebration of the 8th Annual World Labyrinth Day (WLD). Held on the first Saturday in May, individuals or groups can participate by holding private walks or public events on the labyrinth. “As mindfulness and meditation have gone mainstream, people around the world have been turning to labyrinths as a spiritual exercise or for stress relief,” says Coordinator Lars Howlett. “Based on an informal event survey in 2014, over 5,000 people participated in WLD from more than 44 states and 23 countries.” TLS encourages participants to be counted by taking a WLD Participation survey. Existing for more than 4,000 years, labyrinths are mythological designs used for fertility rituals, symbolic pilgrimages, and spiritual practice. In a hyperactive world of constant connectivity, labyrinths are in resurgence as more people seek out sacred spaces that promote insight and inner wisdom. “While many use labyrinths for personal reflection, WLD is an opportunity to ‘Walk as One at 1’ in the afternoon (local time) in solidarity with others around the world to promote peace. It’s heartwarming to think of hundreds of people walking in Australia, Poland, Scotland, and Colombia, among other countries where participants organized local events last year,” notes Howlett. “The first person to sign up this year is from Zambia!” Participants can share their photos and stories on the Labyrinth Society’s Events Facebook page. Labyrinths are also found in diverse environments, from schools, parks and prisons to corporate campuses in Silicon Valley (Google offers two for employees in Mountain View and a golden snail greets visitors at the center of the walking path at Electronic Arts in Redwood City). Churches are also building labyrinths as an alternative way to engage their community and facilitate spiritual practice. Celebrations of World Labyrinth Day can be posted and found via the Events Calendar of the Labyrinth Society. The World Wide Labyrinth Locator is another resource for finding labyrinths in your local community or while traveling throughout the world. “We have an ambitious goal this year for participation in all 50 United States as well as 50 countries. As governments and armies seem to further polarize world peoples, the labyrinth has been a bridge between cultures throughout history,” notes Howlett. “World Labyrinth Day is for everyone and, like the labyrinth itself, is an opportunity to develop tolerance and compassion for others from different walks of live.” For more information and to view photos see:
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