Tool and Equipment
Tool and Equipment
Manual No. 165A Revision 17 61-00-65 December 2014 Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual Hartzell Propeller Inc. One Propeller Place Piqua, Ohio 45356-2634 U.S.A. Phone: 937.778.4200 Fax: 937.778.4391 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A © 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Hartzell Propeller Inc. All rights reserved COVER 61-00-65 Page 2 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A REVISION 17 HIGHLIGHTS •COVER • Revised to match the manual revision • REVISION HIGHLIGHTS • Revised to match the manual revision • LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES • Revised to match the manual revision • TABLE OF CONTENTS • Revised to match the manual revision • INTRODUCTION • Revised to match the manual revision • Added vendors • TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX • Revised to match the manual revision • TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST • Name change from Hartzell to Hartzell Propeller Inc., as applicable, is marked with a revision bar but not listed below. • Revised Mahr Federal Inc. (MF) to Mahr Federal Inc. (MH), as applicable, is marked with a revision bar but not listed below. • Revised Torque Wrench Adaptor discriptions • Added TE551, Torque Wrench Adaptor • Added Profilometer MarSurf PS1 6910214 • Revised AST-3475, Profilometer to add MarSurf PS1 6910214 Tool and Illustration • Added TE550, "F" Flange Spindle • Added Erosion Shield References to the Fit Check Tools • Revised the blade for TE340, Fit Check Tool • Revised the blade for TE480, Fit Check Tool • Revised the blade for TE549, Fit Check Tool • Added TE552 thru TE558, Fit Check Tools • Revised TE465 and TE466, Template description • Revised TE403, Reamer description • Revised TE438, Blade Pitch Fixture illustration • Added TE550, "F" Flange Bantam Adapter Ring • Added TE559, Right Angle Grease Coupler REVISION HIGHLIGHTS 61-00-65 Page 1 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A REVISION 17 HIGHLIGHTS 1. Introduction A.General (1) This is a list of current revisions that have been issued against this manual. Please compare to RECORD OF REVISIONS page to ensure that all revisions have been added to the manual. B.Components (1) Revision No. indicates the revisions incorporated in this manual. (2) Issue Date is the date of revision. (3) Comments indicates the level of the revision. (a) New Issue is a new manual distribution. The manual is distributed in its entirety. All the revision dates are the same and no change bars are used. (b) Reissue is a revision to an existing manual that includes major content and/or major format changes. The manual is distributed in its entirety. All the revision dates are the same and no change bars are used. (c) Major Revision is a revision to an existing manual that includes major content or minor format changes over a large portion of the manual. The manual is distributed in its entirety. All the revision dates are the same, but change bars are used to indicate the changes incorporated in the latest revision of the manual. REVISION HIGHLIGHTS 61-00-65 Page 2 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (d) Minor Revision is a revision to an existing manual that includes minor content changes to the manual. Only the revised pages of the manual are distributed. Each page retains the date and the change bars associated with the last revision to that page. Revision No. Original Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Revision 4 Revision 5 Revision 6 Revision 7 Revision 8 Revision 9 Revision 10 Revision 11 Revision 12 Revision 13 Revision 14 Revision 15 Revision 16 Revision 17 Issue Date Comments Nov/95 Aug/96 May/98 Jan/99 Oct/99 Apr/00 May/01 Aug/01 Mar/02 Jun/02 Sep/03 Aug/04 Aug/11 Jul/12 Jun/13 Dec/13 Apr/14 Dec/14 Total rewrite Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Major Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision Minor Revision REVISION HIGHLIGHTS 61-00-65 Page 3 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (This page is intentionally blank.) REVISION HIGHLIGHTS 61-00-65 Page 4 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A RECORD OF REVISIONS This is a permanent historical record of revisions inserted into this manual. Revision 12 includes all prior revisions, up to and including Revision 11. Revision Number Issue Date Date Inserted Inserted By 12 Aug/11 Aug/11 HPI 13 Jul/12 Jul/12 HPI 14 Jun/13 Jun/13 HPI 15 Dec/13 Dec/13 HPI 16 Apr/14 Apr/14 HPI 17 Dec/14 Dec/14 HPI Revision Number RECORD OF REVISIONS Issue Date Date Inserted 61-00-65 Inserted By Page 1 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A RECORD OF REVISIONS This is a permanent historical record of revisions inserted into this manual. Revision 12 includes all prior revisions, up to and including Revision 11. Revision Number Issue Date Date Inserted Inserted By Revision Number RECORD OF REVISIONS Issue Date Date Inserted 61-00-65 Inserted By Page 2 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A RECORD OF TEMPORARY REVISIONS Update this page to show all temporary revisions inserted into this manual. Revision 12 includes all prior temporary revisions, up to and including TR-008. Temporary Revision No. Section/ Page Issue Date Date Inserted Inserted By Date Removed Removed By TR-009 4-43 Oct/11 Oct/11 HPI Jul/12 HPI TR-011 4-65 May/12 May/12 HPI Jul/12 HPI TR-010 4-14 Nov/11 Nov/11 HPI TR-012 4-136 Oct/12 Oct/12 HPI TR-014 4-149 Mar/14 Mar/14 HPI TR-013 4-144 Sep/13 Sep/13 RECORD OF TEMPORARY REVISIONS HPI Jul/12 Jun/13 Dec/13 Apr/14 61-00-65 HPI HPI HPI HPI Page 1 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A RECORD OF TEMPORARY REVISIONS Update this page to show all temporary revisions inserted into this manual. Revision 12 includes all prior temporary revisions, up to and including TR-008. Temporary Revision No. Section/ Page Issue Date Date Inserted Inserted By RECORD OF TEMPORARY REVISIONS Date Removed 61-00-65 Removed By Page 2 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Chapter Page Revision Level Date Cover/Cover Back Cover/Inside Cover Rev. 17 Dec/14 Revision Highlights 1 thru 4 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Record of Revisions 1 and 2 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Record of Temporary Revisions 1 and 2 Rev. 12 Aug/11 List of Effective Pages 1 thru 4 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Table of Contents 1 and 2 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Introduction 1 and 2 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Introduction 3Rev. 13 Jul/12 Introduction 4 thru 10Rev. 17 Dec/14 Numerical Index 1-1 and 1-2 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment Index 2-1 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment Index 2-2 thru 2-4 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment Index 2-5 Rev. 14 Jun/13 Tool and Equipment Index 2-6 and 2-7 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment Index 2-8 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment Index 2-9 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment Index 2-10 Rev. 16 Apr/14 Tool and Equipment Index 2-11 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Tool and Equipment Index 2-12 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment Index 2-13 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Tool and Equipment Index 2-14 thru 2-16 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment Index 2-17 and 2-18 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Alphabetical Index 3-1 and 3-2 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-1 thru 4-5 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-6 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Tool and Equipment List 4-7 Rev. 14 Jun/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-8 and 4-9 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-10 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-11 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-12 and 4-13 Rev. 15 Dec/13 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES 61-00-65 Page 1 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Chapter Page Revision Level Date Tool and Equipment List 4-14Rev. 13 Tool and Equipment List 4-15 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Tool and Equipment List 4-16 thru 4-23 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-24 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-25 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-26 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Tool and Equipment List 4-27 thru 4-30 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-31 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-32 thru 4-36 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-37 Rev. 14 Jun/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-38Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-39 Tool and Equipment List 4-40 and 4-41 Tool and Equipment List 4-42 Rev. 17Dec/14 Tool and Equipment List 4-43 Rev. 13 Jul/12 Tool and Equipment List 4-44 thru 4-57 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-58 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-59 and 4-60 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-61 and 4-62 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-63 and 4-64 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-65 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-66 thru 4-69 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-70 and 4-71 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-72 thru 4-74 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-75 Tool and Equipment List 4-76 thru 4-78 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-79 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Tool and Equipment List 4-80 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-81 and 4-82 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-83 and 4-84 Rev. 12 Aug/11 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Jul/12 Rev. 17Dec/14 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Rev. 17Dec/14 61-00-65 Page 2 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Chapter Page Revision Level Date Tool and Equipment List 4-85 thru 4-87 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-88 thru 4-90 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-91 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-92 thru 4-94 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-95 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-96 thru 4-99 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-100 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-101 thru 4-102 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-103 Rev. 16 Apr/14 Tool and Equipment List 4-104 thru 4-113 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-114 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-115 and 4-116 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-117 thru 4-119 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-120 and 4-121 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-122 Rev. 16 Apr/14 Tool and Equipment List 4-123 and 4-124 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-125 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-126 and 4-127 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-128 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-129 thru 4-133 Rev. 12 Aug/11 Tool and Equipment List 4-134 and 4-135 Rev. 17 Dec/14 Tool and Equipment List4-136 Rev. 13 Jul/12 Tool and Equipment List 4-137 thru 4-143 Rev. 14 Jun/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-144 thru 4-147 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-148 Rev. 16 Apr/14 Tool and Equipment List 4-149 and 4-150 Rev. 15 Dec/13 Tool and Equipment List 4-151 and 4-152 Rev. 16 Apr/14 Tool and Equipment List 4-153 and 4-154 Rev. 17 Dec/14 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES 61-00-65 Page 3 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (This page is intentionally blank.) LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES 61-00-65 Page 4 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TABLE OF CONTENTS Page REVISION HIGHLIGHTS..................................................................................................1 RECORD OF REVISIONS................................................................................................1 RECORD OF TEMPORARY REVISIONS.........................................................................1 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES...........................................................................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1 1. Using the Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual..................................................3 A.General.............................................................................................................3 B. Vendor...............................................................................................................4 C. Page..................................................................................................................9 2. Using the “TE” Reference Number.........................................................................9 3. Ordering Parts........................................................................................................9 NUMERICAL INDEX......................................................................................................1-1 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX...................................................................................2-1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX.................................................................................................3-1 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST.......................................................................................4-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 61-00-65 Page 1 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (This page is intentionally blank.) TABLE OF CONTENTS 61-00-65 Page 2 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A INTRODUCTION - CONTENTS 1. Using the Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual..................................................3 A.General.............................................................................................................3 B. Vendor...............................................................................................................4 C. Page..................................................................................................................9 2. Using the “TE” Reference Number.........................................................................9 3. Ordering Parts........................................................................................................9 INTRODUCTION 61-00-65 Page 1 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (This page is intentionally blank.) INTRODUCTION 61-00-65 Page 2 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A INTRODUCTION 1. Using the Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual A.General (1) This manual contains the tooling and equipment required to perform standard procedures in accordance with Hartzell Propeller Inc. manuals. (2) In addition to an illustration of each item, the following information is provided: (a) The title or description (b) The part number 1 The part number listed should be used when ordering the item from Hartzell Propeller Inc. or a Hartzell Propeller Inc. approved distributor. (c) The TE number 1 The number given to the tool that is used to reference the tool in Hartzell Propeller Inc. publications. (d) A description of the item, including: 1 Its uses and other related items needed to perform the task 2 A breakdown of subcomponents, as necessary 3 Information required to fabricate the item, if applicable 4 Additional vendors where the item may be purchased, as necessary. (3) Some of the parts may be purchased through Hartzell Propeller Inc. Refer to the specific tool for information about the Hartzell Propeller Inc. part number. (4) Tool and Equipment Index (a) The Tool and Equipment Index of this Tool and Equipment Manual is a list of the tools by TE number that are included in this manual and the page number on which the tool illustration and information may be found. 1 For a tool that shows more than one page number in the index, generally the first page number is where the most comprehensive information about the tool may be found. The additional page numbers given are other places in the manual where the tool is referenced. (b) The Tool and Equipment Index of this Tool and Equipment Manual uses a number of abbreviations. Refer to the sections "Vendor" and "Application" in this chapter for a list of the abbreviations used. INTRODUCTION 61-00-65 Page 3 Rev. 13 Jul/12 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A B. Vendor The vendor is the point of purchase of the item for the end user: AE All Phase Electric Supply Co............. Direct from the Vendor. 750 W. Leffel Lane. Springfield, OH 45501 Tele: 937-323-7555 Fax: 937-325-0838 Email: www. AF American Forge & Foudnery, Inc....... Direct from the Vendor PO. Box 59 Guilderland Center, NY 12085 Tele: 518-861-0101 Toll Free: 800-255-0555 Fax: 518-861-0099 Email: AL ALATEC Products Corp..................... Direct from the Vendor. 12109 Bridgeton Square Drive Brigton, MO 63044 AP APEX Products.................................. From any Distributor. Division of Cooper Tools P.O. Box 952 Dayton, OH 45401 AR Associated Research......................... From any Distributor. 905 Carriage Park Avenue Lake Bluff, IL 60044 Tele: 800.858.8378 BD ........................................................... Contact any Bearing Distributor. BHBondhus............................................. From any Distributor. 1400 East Broadway Monocello, MN 55362 BK BK Precision...................................... Direct from the Vendor. 3033 South Kettering Blvd. Dayton, OH 45439-1948 Tele: 937.294.8980 Fax: 937.294.2517 BN Branson Ultrasonics Corporation....... Direct from the Vendor. 41 Eagle Road Danbury, CT 06813-1961 Tele: 800.732.9262 Fax: 203.796.2240 INTRODUCTION 61-00-65 Page 4 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A BR BriskHeat Corporation........................ Direct from the Vendor or Hartzell Propeller Inc. P.O. Box 163309 Columbus, OH 43216-3309 Tele: 800.848.7673 CG Clay-Groomer Machine Shop, Inc...... Direct from the Vendor or Hartzell Propeller Inc. 701 S. Carlton Ave. Farmington, NM 87401 Tele: 505.327.7751 CL Clemco Industries Corp..................... Direct from the Vendor. One Cable Car Drive Washington, MO 63090 Tele: 636.239.8172 CP Cole Palmer....................................... Direct from the Vendor or Distributor. 7425 N. Oak Park Avenue Chicago, IL 60648 CS Customer Supplied............................ Locally fabricated by the end user. Information required to purchase or fabricate the unit will be found in the description. DM Daniels Manufacturing Corp.............. Direct from the Vendor or Distributor. 526 Thorpe Road Orlando, FL 32824-8133 EP Everhard Products............................. Direct from the Vendor. 1016 Ninth Street, SW Canton, OH 44707 Tele: 216.453.7786 GO George Olcott Co............................... Direct from the Vendor. P.O. 783 Scottsboro, AL 35768 Tele:256.259.4937 Fax:256.259.4942 HE Heli-Coil Division................................ Direct from the Vendor. Emhart Fastening Systems Group Shelter Rock Lane Danbury, CT 06810 Tele: 203.743.7651 Fax: 203.798.2540 HM Hemco Corp....................................... Direct from the Vendor. 455 Douglas Avenue Holland, MI 49424 Tele: 616.396.4604 HP Hartzell Propeller Inc.......................... Any Hartzell Propeller Inc. approved Distributor. INTRODUCTION 61-00-65 Page 5 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A HK Hocking NDT Ltd................................ Direct from the Vendor. 50 Industrial Park Road Lewistown, PA 17044 Tele:717.242.0320 Fax:717.242.4170 JC Jay Instrument and Spec Co.............. Direct from the Vendor. 555 North Wayne Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45215 KE Keithley Instruments, Inc.................... Direct from the Vendor. 28775 Aurora Road Solon, OH 44139 Tele: 800.348.3735 Fax: 440.498.2980 LC Leschen Wire Rope........................... From any Distributor. St. Joseph, MO 64502 LE Lee Valve Company........................... Direct from the Vendor. 9701 W. Higgins Road Suite 380 Rosemont, IL 60018 LI Lincoln Industrial Corporation............ Direct from the Vendor 4130 Tumwater Truck Route Port Angeles, WA 98363 Tele: 360-457-6122 Fax: 360-452-4773 Email: MA Matco Tools........................................ Direct from the Vendor 4403 Allen Road Stow, OH 44224 Tele: 866-289-8665 Fax: 330-926-5323 MC McMaster-Carr Supply Co................. Direct from the Vendor. P.O. Box 4355 Chicago, IL 60680 MF Magnaflux Corp.................................. Direct from the Vendor. 7300 W. Lawrence Avenue Chicago, IL 60656 MH Mahr Federal Inc................................ Either through the Hartzell Propeller Inc. 1144 Eddy Street distributor network, or it may be purchased P.O. Box 9400 directly from the vendor. Providence, RI Tele:401.784.3100 Fax: 401.784.3246 INTRODUCTION 61-00-65 Page 6 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A MS Mausner Equipment Company, Inc.... Direct from the Vendor. 651 Pierce Place East Meadow, NY 11554 Tele: 516.481.1600 MT Mitutoyo America Corporation............ Direct from the Vendor. 965 Corporate Blvd. Aurora, IL 60504 Tele:630.820.9666 Fax: 630.820.2614 OL Olympus NDT Inc. ............................. Direct from the Vendor 9 Woerd Ave. Waltham MA, USA Tele: 1-800-225-8330 OT OTC Tools Inc.................................... Direct from the Vendor Bosch Automotive Service Solutions 28635 Mound Road Warren, MI 48092 Tele: 800-533-6127 Fax: 800-283-8665 Email: International Tele: 507-455-7223 Fax: 507-455-7063 Email: PM Panametrics, Inc................................ Direct from the Vendor. 221 Crescent Street Waltham, MA 02154 RC Related Components Inc................... From any Distributor. 3186 Plainfield Road Dayton, OH 45432 Tele: 937.253.6116 SA Steinel America.................................. Direct from the Vendor. 9051 Lyndale Ave., South Bloomington, MN 55420 Tele: 612.888.5950 INTRODUCTION 61-00-65 Page 7 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A SM Steelman Pro..................................... Direct from the Vendor JS Products, Inc. 6445 Montessouri Street Las Vegas, NV 89113 Tele: 702-362-7011 Toll Free: 800-255-7011 Fax: 775-898-8773 Email: SO Snap-On Tools Corp.......................... Either through the Hartzell Propeller Inc. P.O. Box 14003 Fairfield, OH 45014 distributor network, or it may be purchased directly from the vendor. SP SAE Products..................................... Direct from the Vendor 1709 Husted Road Suite #4 Conway, SC 29526 Toll Free: 800-588-8480 Fax: 843-349-0738 Email: ST Starrett Tool Co.................................. Direct from the Vendor or Distributor. Athol, MA 01331 TM Thexton Manufacturing Company...... Direct from the Vendor 6539 Cecilia Circle Edina, MN 55439 Tele: 952-831-4171 Toll Free: 800-328-6277 Fax: 952-831-5938 Email: VK Van Keuren........................................ Direct from the Vendor. 107 SCT Drive White House, TN 37188 Tele: 847.439.9220 VR VWR Scientific................................... Direct from the Vendor. P.O. Box 66929 Chicago, IL 60666 WI Wahl Instruments, Inc........................ Direct from the Vendor. 5750-A Hannum Ave. Culver City, CA 90231 Tele: 800.344.9245 WH White Hawk Machine & Tool.............. Direct from the Vendor. 6008 Highway 66 Greenville, TX 75402 Tele: 903.450.1060 INTRODUCTION 61-00-65 Page 8 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A C. Page (1) The item is located on the page number listed in the Page column. 2. Using the “TE” Reference Number A. In other Hartzell Propeller Inc. publications, tooling references appear with the prefix “TE” directly following the tool name to which they apply. (1) For example, a template which is reference number 133 will appear as: template TE133. 3. Ordering Parts A. When ordering vendor tooling from the vendor or a distributor, use the number as specified in the manual. B. For some vendor tooling there is an associated Hartzell Propeller Inc. part number. This part number may be used when ordering the tooling direct from Hartzell Propeller Inc. INTRODUCTION 61-00-65 Page 9 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (This page is intentionally blank.) INTRODUCTION 61-00-65 Page 10 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A The Numerical Index has been replaced by the Tool and Equipment Index. Refer to the Tool and Equipment Index in this manual. NUMBERICAL INDEX 61-00-65 Page 1-1 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (This page is intentionally blank.) NUMERICAL INDEX 61-00-65 Page 1-2 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE HP HP HP HP HP HP TE1 TE2 TE3 TE4 TE5 TE6 TE7 TE8 TE9 TE10 TE11 BST-2912-8 BST-2912-9 BST-3035 BST-2912-4 AST-2877 BST-2837 BST-10008 CST-2919 BST-2853 CST-3021 BST-2823 Adaptor Adaptor Adaptor Adaptor Ring Torque Wrench Adaptor Torque Wrench Adaptor PCU Tester - Obsolete Balance Arbor Assembly Tool Dual Acting Propeller Assembly Bench Spinner Mounting Plate Bender CS HP HP CS TE12 CT-1311 Shot Peen Cabinet CS TE13 TE14 TE15 TE16 TE17 TE18 TE19 TE20 TE21 TE22 TE23 BST-2942 BST-2943 BST-2944 BST-2945 AST-2803 CST-2923 CST-2924 CST-2925 CST-2926 CST-2989 DST-10014 Shank Protection Cap Shank Protection Cap Shank Protection Cap Shank Protection Cap Ring Centering Tool Optical Comparator Overlay Optical Comparator Overlay Optical Comparator Overlay Optical Comparator Overlay Optical Comparator Overlay Synchrophaser Check Box HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP OBS 4-26,4-99 4-47,4-92 4-26,4-99 4-6 4-19 OBS 4-87 4-2,4-8 4-91 4-17 4-64,4-65, 4-126 4-31 4-31 4-31 4-31 4-2 4-88 4-88 4-88 4-88 4-88 4-101 TE24 CST-2800 Blade Retention Components Clamp CS 4-83 TE25 TE26 TE27 TE28 TE29 TE30 TE31 TE32 TE33 TE34 TE35 TE36 TE37 TE38 TE39 TE40 TE41 CST-2929 BST-3038 AST-2870 CUST. P/N AT-725-1 BST-2826 BST-2826-1 CST-3016 SCO38 SC040 SC042 SC048 SC052 SC056 SC060 BST-3027 BST-3030 Blade Retention Components Clamp Control Rod Alignment Tool Hub Bearing Radius Comparator Optical Comparator Spring Compressor Spring Compressor Assembly Spring Compressor Assembly Portable Spring Compressor Crowfoot 1 3/16 inch Crowfoot 1 1/4 inch Crowfoot 1 5/16 inch Crowfoot 1 1/2 inch Crowfoot 1 5/8 inch Crowfoot 1 3/4 inch Crowfoot 1 7/8 inch Modified Crowfoot Modified Crowfoot CS HP HP CS HP HP HP HP SO SO SO SO SO SO SO HP HP 4-88 4-48,4-92 4-5 4-110 4-9 4-18 4-19 4-91,4-85 4-113 4-113 4-113 4-113 4-113 4-113 4-113 4-44,4-92 4-45,4-92 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-1 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE TE42 TE43 TE44 TE45 TE46 TE47 TE48 TE49 TE50 TE51 BST-3031 BST-3033 170-1/4 n/a BST-3060-1 YA484 CT-1075 BT-1312 BST-5845 BST-2920 Modified Crowfoot Modified Crowfoot Apex Torqset Bit n/a Screw Driver Tool Box Adjustable Riser Fixture Almen Strip Fixture Chamfering Tool Drill Fixture HP HP AP n/a HP SO HP HP HP HP 4-45,4-92 4-46,4-92 4-113 n/a 4-55 4-93 4-95 4-65,4-95 4-58 4-27 TE52 CST-2913 Pilot Tube Press Fixture HP 4-84,4-57 TE53 TE53-1 TE53-2 TE54 TE55 TE56 TE57 TE58 DT-336 DT-336+6 DT-336+7 BST-2892 BST-2892-1 BST-2892-2 BST-2908 BST-10006 Pilot Tube Removal Fixture Jaw Jaw Piston Fixture HC-B3( )30-2E Piston Fixture All #20 Spline Piston Fixture HC-B3( )30-2B Piston Fixture ( )HC-A3VF-4 and HC-B3WF-4 Rigging Cover HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP TE59 CST-2914 Spring Compressor Fixture HP 4-102,4-21 4-102 4-102 4-23 4-23 4-23 4-24 4-61,4-92 4-85,4-22, 4-23,4-24 TE60 BST-2812 Counterweight Clamp Gauge HP 4-16 TE61 TE62 TE63 TE64 TE64-1 TE65 TE66 TE66-1 TE66-2 TE67 TE68 TE68-1 TE68-3 TE68-4 TE68-5 TE68-6 TE68-7 TE68-8 TE68-9 BST-2964 BST-2958L BST-3036 BST-2985 BST-2985-1 AST-2849 7552-4/791975524 7552-5/791975525 7552-7/791975527 KHT9000-9 BST-3047 BST-3047-8 BST-3047-3 BST-3047-4 BST-3047-5 BST-3047-6 BST-3047-7 BST-3047-2 BST-3047-1 Thickness Gauge Hoist Ring Combo Piston Installation Cone Bearing Installation Tool Bearing Installation Tool Beta Rod Retainer Installation Tool Helicoil Insert Installation Tool Helicoil Insert Installation Tool Helicoil Insert Installation Tool Thread Insert Installation Tool Thread Insert Installation Tool Thread Insert Installation Tool Thread Insert Installation Tool Thread Insert Installation Tool Thread Insert Installation Tool Thread Insert Installation Tool Thread Insert Installation Tool Thread Insert Installation Tool Thread Insert Installation Tool HP HP HP HP HP HP HE HE HE AL HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP 4-37 4-35 4-47,4-92 4-41 4-41 4-4 4-115 4-115 4-115 4-112 4-51,4-112 4-51,4-112 4-51,4-112 4-51,4-112 4-51,4-112 4-51,4-112 4-51,4-112 4-51,4-112 4-51,4-112 61-00-65 Page 2-2 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE TE69 TE70 TE71 TE72 TE73 TE74 TE75 TE76 TE77 BST-10001 BST-3056 BST-3057 BST-3054 AST-2856 BST-3037 BST-2982 BST-2983 BST-2806 Transfer Tube O-ring Installation Tool PCU Bushing Installation Tool PCU Bushing Installation Tool PCU Manifold Installation Tool Pilot O-ring Installation Tool Aft Control Spring Compressor Drill Jig Drill Jig Air Pressure Gauge Kit - Obsolete HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP 4-59,4-94 4-54,4-92 4-54,4-92 4-53,4-92 4-4 4-48,4-92 4-40 4-40 OBS TE78 CST-3028 Dual Acting Propeller Assembly Tool Kit HP 4-92 TE79 CST-3028-1 Dual Acting Line Maintenance Tool Kit HP TE80 BST-2912-10 “C” Flange Spindle HP TE81 TE82 TE83 796514021 A-2334 AST-2833 Vacuum Pump 54976-029 Tool Kit Safety Nozzle VR HP HP TE84 BST-3041 Rigging Pin HP TE85 TE86 TE87 TE88 TE89 TE90 TE91 TE92 TE93 TE94 TE95 BST-2912-11 BST-2958 BST-2938 BST-2939 BST-2939N BST-2940 BST-2941 BST-2946 DST-2934 AST-2857 BT-1313(-)( ) 799200105/ PE 105 BST-2960-3 BST-3045 BST-3039 CST-2987 BST-2947 BST-2948 BST-2949 BST-2950 BST-2951 BST-2952 BST-2876 Stop Pin Pitch Angle Stop Plug Shot Peen Plug Shot Peen Plug Shot Peen Plug Shot Peen Plug Shot Peen Plug Shot Peen Plug Blade Bearing Press Probe and Probe Holder Eddy Current Probe Unit HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP OL PE HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP 4-94 4-26, 4-91,4-99 4-1 4-1 4-3 4-49,4-92, 4-94 4-26,4-99 4-35 4-29 4-76 4-30 4-30 4-31 4-32 4-100 4-5,4-111 4-66,4-111 TE96 TE97 TE98 TE99 TE100 TE101 TE102 TE103 TE104 TE105 TE106 TE107 Bench Top Blade Angle Protractor Digital Protractor Puller Bearing Puller Beta System Puller Bushing Puller Bearing Puller Bearing Puller Bearing Puller Bearing Puller Bearing Puller Pilot Tube Puller 4-112 4-36 4-50,4-92 4-49,4-92 4-89 4-32 4-33 4-33 4-34 4-76 4-34 4-21,4-102 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-3 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER TE108 TE108-1 TE108-2 TE109 PART NUMBER BT-223 BT-223+9 BT-223+10 GFS081 DESCRIPTION Retention Bearing Puller Adaptor Adaptor Socket, 6 Point, 1/8 inch, 3/8 Drive VENDOR PAGE HP CS/HP CS/HP SO 4-63 4-63 4-63 4-92 TE110 BST-3065 Blade Shot Peen Plug Removal Tool HP 4-58 TE111 TE112 TE112-1 TE112-3 TE112-4 TE113 TE114 TE115 TE116 TE117 TE118 TE119 TE120 1227-6 BST-3019 BST-3019-3 BST-3019-4 BST-3019-8 BST-2884 BST-2959 BST-2984 DT-1724-( ) BST-10002 BST-3060 AST-2961 BST-2922 Helicoil Insert Removal Tool Thread Insert Removal Tool Thread Insert Removal Tool Thread Insert Removal Tool Thread Insert Removal Tool Plug-Lifting Ring Alignment Check Rod Alignment Check Rod Rolling Machine Beta Valve Freeze Sleeve Shot Peen Masking Tool Shipping Sleeve Modified Deep Well Socket HE HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP TE121 AST-2979 Test Specimen for Calibration HP TE122 TE123 TE124 TE125 TE125-1 TE126 TE127 TE128 TE129 TE130 TE131 TE132 TE133 TE134 TE135 TE136 BST-2912-2 BST-2912-3 BST-2912-1 BST-2912 BST-2912+ BST-3024 BST-2912-12 BST-2847 CST-2901-( ) n/a BST-2825 79651417A ED-520 ED-530 79656547A BST-10003 #20 Spline Spindle #30 Spline Spindle Flanged Hub Spindle Building Buck Components Building Buck Components Blade Assembly Support Stand Mid Pitch Stop Probe Support Propeller Assembly Table Vu Thru II Tachometer - no longer available Template Vacuum Filter 55007-020 Eddy Current Test Instrument Eddy Current Test Instrument Timer, 12 Hour 6X547 Flight Idle Set Fixture HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP n/a HP VR MF MF PE HP TE137 BT-1271-1,2 Shot Peen Tube Assembly HP TE138 TE139 TE139-1 AST-2802 AST-2805 AST-2805-1 Plastic Wedge Torque Wrench Adaptor Torque Wrench Adaptor HP HP HP 4-115 4-43 4-43 4-43 4-43 4-22 4-36 4-41 4-102 4-59,4-92 4-55 4-8 4-28 4-13, 4-111 4-26,4-99 4-26,4-99 4-26,4-99 4-26,4-99 4-26,4-99 4-43 4-26,4-99 4-20,4-111 4-99,4-26 OBS 4-18 4-1 4-111 4-111 4-1 4-60,4-92 4-64,4-95, 4-126 4-1 4-2 4-2 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-4 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE HP HP HP HP HP SO SO n/a HP VR HP HP HP 4-2 OBS 4-50,4-92 4-17 4-46 4-25 4-25 n/a 4-15 4-1 4-62 4-3 4-21 TE139-2 TE140 TE141 TE142 TE143 TE144 TE144-1 TE145 TE146 TE147 TE148 TE149 TE150 AST-2805-2 BST-2963 BST-3044 BST-2813 BST-3032 SC058 SC058 n/a BST-2910 79651407K BT-461 AST-2814 BST-2860 Torque Wrench Adaptor Spinner Support Plate Wrench Clamp Wrench Clamp Nut Wrench Open End Wrench Piston Nut Wrench Piston Nut Wrench Superseded by TE144-1 Shaft Nut Wrench Vacuum Oil 54996-252 Spanner Wrench Torque Wrench Adaptor Torque Wrench TE151 AST-2915 Torque Wrench Adaptor TE152 AST-2917 Torque Wrench Adaptor HP 4-6 TE153 TE154 TE155 TE156 TE157 TE158 TE159 TE160 TE161 TE162 TE163 TE164 TE165 BST-2921 AST-2953 AST-2877-1 796540702 BST-10005 79651009A BST-10007 7965639221 BST-2974 BST-2974-1 BST-2974-2 BST-2974-3 BST-2974-4 Torque Wrench Adaptor Torque Wrench Adaptor Torque Wrench Adaptor Vacuum Hose YA-6407-02 Beta Switch Tester Vacuum Gauge 1009A Threaded Headless Pins Vacuum Fitting YA-6392-21 Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp HP HP HP CP HP JC HP CP HP HP HP HP HP 4-27 4-7 4-6,4-94 4-1 4-61,4-92 4-1 4-62,4-92 4-1 4-38 4-38 4-38 4-38 4-38 TE166 GTMU121 Universal Socket, 12 Point, 3/8 inch, 1/4 Drive SO 4-92 TE167 TE168 TE169 TE170 TE171 TE172 TE173 TE174 TE175 TE176 TE177 TE178 n/a BST-2974-7 n/a n/a BST-2975 BST-2975-1 BST-2975-2 BST-2975-3 BST-2975-4 APS351 BST-2975-6 BST-2975-7 n/a Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp n/a n/a Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Adjustable Spanner Wrench, 1/8 Pin Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool n/a HP n/a n/a HP HP HP HP HP SO HP HP n/a 4-38 n/a n/a 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-92 4-39 4-39 OBS TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-5 Rev. 14 Jun/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE TE179 TE180 TE181 TE182 n/a BST-2975-9 BST-2966 BST-2966-3 n/a Fit Check Tool Spinner Support Plate Ream Fixture Spinner Support Plate Ream Fixture n/a HP HP HP n/a 4-39 4-38 4-38 TE183 BST-2966-4 Spinner Support Plate Ream Fixture HP 4-38 TE184 BST-2966-5 Spinner Support Plate Ream Fixture HP 4-38 TE185 TE186 TE187 BST-3055 BST-3055-1 CST-3000 PCU Bearing Installation Tool PCU Bearing Installation Tool Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP HP HP 4-53,4-92 4-53,4-92 4-90 TE188 CST-3000-1 Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE189 CST-3000-2 Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE190 CST-3000-3 Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE191 CST-3000-4 Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE192 GFC48A Crowfoot Wrench, Open End with Side Lock Hole, 1 1/2 inch, 3/8 Drive SO 4-92 TE193 CST-3000-6 Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE194 CST-3000-7 Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE195 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE196 CST-3000-9 Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE197 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE198 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE199 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE200 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE201 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE202 GFS161 Deep Well Socket, 12 Point, 1/2 inch, 3/8 Drive SO 4-92 TE203 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE204 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE205 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE206 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE207 BT-1465-1 Floating Reamer HP 4-67 TE207-1 BT-1465-3 Floating Reamer HP 4-67 TE208 BT-1465-2 Floating Reamer HP 4-67 TE208-1 BT-1465-4 Floating Reamer HP 4-67 TE209 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE210 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE211 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE212 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE213 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE214 GFC012 Crowfoot Wrench, Open End, 3/8 in SO 4-94,4-92 TE215 n/a n/a n/a n/a TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-6 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER TE216 PART NUMBER n/a DESCRIPTION n/a VENDOR PAGE n/a n/a TE217 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE218 n/a n/a n/a n/a TE219 BST-3004 Template HP 4-42 TE220 BST-3004-1A Template HP 4-42 TE221 BST-3004-1B Template HP 4-42 TE222 BST-3004-2A Template HP 4-42 TE223 TE224 TE225 TE226 TE227 TE228 TE228-1 TE229 TE230 TE231 TE232 TE233 TE234 TE235 TE236 TE237 TE238 TE239 TE240 TE241 BST-3004-2B BST-3004-3A BST-3004-3B BST-3004-4A BST-3004-4B BST-3067 BST-3067+3 GFA4A BST-3004-6A BST-3004-6B BST-3004-7A BST-3004-7B n/a n/a BST-3004-9A BST-3004-9B BST-3026-1 BST-3026-2 BST-3026-3 BST-3064 Template Template Template Template Template Piston Installation Socket Piston Installation Socket Socket Driver, 5/32 Hex. Head, 3/8 Drive Template Template Template Template n/a n/a Template Template Bearing Press Bearing Press Bearing Press Pilot Tube Installation Tool Kit HP HP HP HP HP HP HP SO HP HP HP HP n/a n/a HP HP HP HP HP HP 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-29 4-29 4-92 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 n/a n/a 4-42 4-42 4-44 4-44 4-44 4-57 TE241-1 BST-3064A Pilot Tube Installation Tool Kit - Kit without the Pilot Tube Installation Tool HP 4-57 TE242 TE243 TE244 TE245 TE246 TE247 TE248 TE249 TE250 TE251 TE252 TE253 BST-3064-1 BST-3064-2 BST-3064-3 BST-3064-4 BST-3064-5 BST-3068 GF10M GVO1820 PFDH180 BST-10004 668 QJFR275E Pilot Tube Installation Tool Pilot Tube Positioner and Stop Pilot Tube Positioner and Stop Pilot Tube Positioner and Stop Pilot Tube Positioner and Stop Peening Tool Breaker Bar, 3/8 Drive Open End Wrench, Std Length, 9/16 - 5/8 in Socket, 12 Point, 9/16 inch, 3/8 Drive Modified Deep Well Socket Thickness Gauge Adjustable Torque Wrench, 5 to 75 ft-lb, 3/8 Drive HP HP HP HP HP HP SO SO SO HP ST SO 4-57,4-84 4-57,4-84 4-57,4-84 4-57,4-84 4-57,4-84 4-68 4-92 4-93 4-93 4-60,4-92 4-93 4-93 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-7 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER TE254 TE255 TE256 TE257 TE258 TE259 TE260 TE261 TE262 TE263 TE264 TE265 TE266 TE267 TE268 TE269 TE270 TE271 TE272 TE273 TE274 TE275 TE276 TE277 TE278 TE279 TE280 TE281 TE282 TE283 TE284 TE285 TE286 TE287 TE288 TE289 TE290 TE291 TE292 TE293 TE294 TE295 PART NUMBER QJR217C GFX1 GFC60A ASA204A 170-6 1500-P 90303A247 BLX13 EN1901 CUTA2810114C CUTA1870104C M22520/1-01 CUTA1560203A CUTA1560103B CUTA2180203B CUTA2180103B CUTA2810203B CUTA2810103B CUTA3120203B CUTA3120103B BST-2970 MR02030 CST-3028-2 CST-3012 BST-2810 BST-2808 AST-2807 AST-2809 AST-2827 BST-2828 AST-2827-1 791256000 n/a BST-2850 AST-2852 BST-3152 BST-3151 AST-2851 D1208A D2203 90303A542 BST-2832 DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE Adjustable Torque Wrench, 30 to 200 in-lb, 3/8 Drive Extension, 2 inches, 3/8 Drive Crowfoot Wrench, 1 7/8 inch, 3/8 Drive Miniature Pick Set Apex Torqset Bit, 1/4 inch, 1 1/4 Length Hand Driver, Replaceable-Bit Nylon Jack Screws Ball Head Hex. Wrench Set Propeller Sling, 1 inch x 3 feet Installation & Extraction Tool for Relief Valve Installation & Extraction Tool for Oil Nozzle Beta Light Switch Crimping Tool Lee Plug Installation Tool Lee Plug Extraction Tool Lee Plug Installation Tool Lee Plug Extraction Tool Lee Plug Installation Tool Lee Plug Extraction Tool Lee Plug Installation Tool Lee Plug Extraction Tool PCU Bearing Seat Sander Roller, Steel 1½" x 2" Dual Acting Line Maintenance Tool Kit Ultrasonic Inspection Calibration Standard Coupling Unit Relief Valve Unit Air Gauge Hose Unit Spring Compressor Bolt Spring Compressor Slide Spring Compressor Bolt Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Kit n/a Threaded Rod Drilled Washer Thrust Bearing 5/8 Hex Nut Guide Washer Electric Actuator Control Nylon Jack Screws Superseded by BT-1313 SO SO SO SO AP AP MC BH LC LE LE DM LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE HP EP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP PM n/a HP HP HP HP HP VC VC n/a n/a 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-92 4-94,4-92 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-93 4-69 4-117 4-94 4-97,4-116 OBS OBS OBS OBS 4-18 4-19,4-18 4-19 4-116 n/a 4-20 4-20 4-20 4-20 4-20 OBS OBS OBS OBS 61-00-65 Page 2-8 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE 4-70 4-70 4-28 4-71 4-71 4-71 4-117, 4-118 4-118 4-117, 4-118 4-93 4-118 4-118 4-56,4-63 4-56,4-63 4-71 4-68 OBS OBS OBS 4-69,4-11 4-119 n/a 4-101, 4-52 4-8,4-20 4-51,4-94 4-16 n/a 4-93 4-93 OBS OBS 4-26,4-99 4-117 4-117 4-117 4-117 4-119 4-10 4-10 TE296 TE297 TE298 TE299 TE300 TE301 BST-3070 BST-3071 BST-2932 BST-10037 BST-10038 BST-10039 Drill Jig, PCU PCU Stand Dummy Pitch Change Rod E13890 Master Blade, Group 1 E13890 Master Blade, Group 2 E13890 Master Blade, Group 3 HP HP HP CS CS CS TE302 HZP161001 E10950 Blade Repair Blanket BR TE303 HL1802E Heat Gun SA TE304 HZP161002 Blade Repair Blanket (4" x 12") BR TE305 TE306 TE307 TE308 TE309 TE310 TE311 TE312 TE313 TE314 TE315 TE316 TE317 PMF133 240-120F 240-190F BST-3061 BST-3062 BT-3035 BST-3066-2 n/a n/a n/a BST-3069 9943HART-001 n/a 0 - 6 inch Dial Calipers Temp-Plate® Recorder 120°F to 180°F Temp-Plate® Recorder 190°F to 220°F Press Tool Press Tool Centering Tool for C-5623-2 Drive Coupling Stop Adaptor Superseded by TE389-3 Superseded by TE389-4 Superseded by TE389-1 Eddy Current Fixture Unfeathering Tool n/a SO WI WI HP HP HP HP n/a n/a n/a HP CG n/a TE318 DST-3049-( ) Ground Hydraulic Power Unit (GHPU) HP TE319 TE320 TE321 TE322 TE323 TE324 TE325 TE326 TE327 TE328 TE329 TE330 TE331 TE332 TE333 TE334 AST-2981 BST-3048 BST-2811 n/a CUTA1250203A CUTA1250103B n/a n/a BST-2912-13 MR01020 MR10900 MR05000 MR05020 GS4H AT-3010 AT-3011 Assembly Guide Transfer Tube and Plug Removal/Installation Tool Flatness Gauge n/a Lee Plug Installation Tool Lee Plug Extraction Tool Superseded by TE122 Superseded by TE123 Blade Angle Stop Roller, Smooth 1 1/8" x 1/8" Roller, Gooseneck 1" x 1/16" Roller, Rubber 2" Roller, Silicon 1 5/16" x 1¾" Tie Strap Gun Balance Tube Positioner Balance Tube Positioner HP HP HP n/a LE LE n/a n/a HP EP EP EP EP AE HP HP TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-9 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE TE335 TE336 TE337 TE338 TE339 TE340 TE341 TE342 TE343 BST-3004-10A BST-3004-10B BST-3004-11A BST-3004-11B n/a BST-2975-10 CST-3000-10 CST-3000-A n/a Template Template Template Template n/a Fit Check Tool Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit Superseded by BT-1313 HP HP HP HP n/a HP HP HP n/a 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 n/a 4-39 4-90 4-90 OBS TE344 n/a Superseded by BT-1313 n/a OBS TE345 CST-3000-1A Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE346 CST-3000-2A Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE347 CST-3000-3A Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE348 CST-3000-4A Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE349 CST-3000-6A Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE350 CST-3000-7A Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE351 CST-3000-9A Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE352 CST-3000-10A Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE353 TE354 TE355 TE356 TE357 TE358 TE359 TE360 TE361 TE362 TE363 TE364 TE365 TE366 TE367 TE368 TE369 TE370 TE371 TE372 BST-2930-5 SR19W4-A CUST. P/N CUST. P/N CG40-4 CG40-7 240-090F 90F2312 BST-10015 DST-10024 DST-10024-1 BST-10026 DST-10016 DST-10025 CG250-8A and CG250-9 CG41-11 CG41-14 CG41-13 MS27495R20 000-951-005 BST-3080 BST-3080-1 Megohm Meter Milliohmmeter PCU Filter Removal Tool, Rod PCU Filter Removal Tool, Collet Temp-Plate® Recorder 90°F - 120°F Signal Generator Model 3001 Modified Crowfoot HP RC AR AR SO SO WI BK SO 4-121 4-122 4-110 4-110 4-120 4-120 4-72 Bolt Alignment Tool HP 4-103 Pitch Lock Roller Fixture Roller Assembly Tool Go-No-Go Gauge HP HP HP 4-72 4-103 4-104 Slide Hammer, 2 lb. SO 4-123 Slide Hammer, Rod Slide Hammer, Collet, 1/4 inch to 5/16 inch Slide Hammer, Collet, 3/8 inch to 7/16 inch Pin Extractor Bransonic Cleaner Model B3 Shot Peen Plug Shot Peen Plug SO SO SO CS BN HP HP 4-123 4-123 4-123 4-122 4-121 4-73 4-73 Slimsert® Installation Tool 4-13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-10 Rev. 16 Apr/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION TE373 CST-10050 Optical Comparator Overlay TE374 CUST. P/N Transducer Assembly TE375 Approved Units Ultrasonic Flaw Detector TE376 TE377 TE378 n/a BST-2975-12 BST-2975-13 n/a Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool TE379 02643 Shot Peen Gun TE380 TE381 TE382 TE382-1 TE383 TE384 TE385 TE386 TE387 TE388 CST-3110 BST-3109 DST-3146 DST-3146-1 BST-3103 BST-3104 BST-2837+1+3 BST-2837+2 B-3368 A-3204 Cylinder Cap T-Handle Wrench Thread Gauge Airflow Kit Thread Gauge Airflow Kit Feathering Tool Cylinder Installation Rod Modified Socket Anti-Rotation Pin 5/16-24 Hex Nut 5/16-24 Set Screw TE389-1 BST-2930-1 SR25W4A MR25W4A 225-072722 TE389-2 BST-2930-2 SR43W4A MR43W4A 225-072734 TE389-3 BST-2930-3 SR50W4A MR50W4A 225-072738 225-890051 TE389-4 BST-2930-4 SR56W4A MR56W4A 225-072742 225-890053 TE389-5 BST-2930-5 SR19W4A MR19W4A 225-072718 TE389-6 BST-2930-6 SR16W4A MR16W4A 225-072714 VENDOR PAGE HP 4-88 4-124, PM 4-116 4-124, Cust. P/N 4-116 n/a n/a HP 4-39 HP 4-39 4-126, CL 4-64,4-95 HP 4-96 HP 4-74 HP 4-106,4-81 HP 4-81,4-106 HP 4-74 HP 4-75 HP 4-19 HP 4-19 HP 4-20 HP 4-20 Slimsert® Installation Tool HP RC MK AC 4-114,4-12 Slimsert® Installation Tool HP RC MK AC 4-114 Slimsert® Installation Tool HP RC MK AC AC 4-114 Slimsert® Installation Tool HP RC MK AC AC 4-114 Slimsert® Installation Tool HP RC MK AC 4-114 Slimsert® Installation Tool HP RC MK AC 4-114 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-11 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER VENDOR PAGE Slimsert® Installation Tool HP RC MK AC AC 4-114 Slimsert® Installation Tool HP RC MK AC 4-114 Slimsert® Installation Tool HP RC MK AC 4-114 BST-2930-10 SR11W4A TE389-10 MR11W4A 225-072706 Slimsert® Installation Tool HP RC MK AC 4-114 TE390 DT-2997-2 Pressure Check Adapter CS TE391 DT-2997-4 Pitch Change Bore Plug CS TE392 DT-2997-5 Pitch Change Bore Plug CS TE393 DT-2997-7 Pressure Check Adapter CS TE394 DT-2997-8 Pressure Check Adapter CS TE395 TE396 TE397 TE398 TE399 TE400 TE401 TE402 TE403 TE403-1 0.0525 inch dia. 0.0620 inch dia. 0.0850 inch dia. 0.2634 inch dia. 0.2700 inch dia. 0.0962 inch dia. 0.1400 inch dia. 0.1480 inch dia. BST-3022 BST-3022A Gear Inspection Wire Gear Inspection Wire Gear Inspection Wire Gear Inspection Wire Gear Inspection Wire Gear Inspection Wire Gear Inspection Wire Gear Inspection Wire Reamer Reamer VK VK VK VK VK VK VK VK HP HP 4-105, 4-104 4-104, 4-105 4-104, 4-105 4-105, 4-104 4-105, 4-104 4-125 4-125 4-125 4-125 4-125 4-125 4-125 4-125 4-75 4-75 TE404 AST-2968 Stud Installation/Torque Check Tool HP 4-12 TE404-1 AST-2968-1 Stud Installation/Torque Check Tool HP 4-12 TE404-2 AST-2968-2 Stud Installation/Torque Check Tool HP 4-12 TE405 TE406 TE407 TE408 TE409 AST-3163-( ) AST-3157 AST-2971-1 AST-2971-2 A-2327 Shot Peen Plug Kit Shot Peen Plug Screw - 0.50 inch (12.7 mm) Screw - 0.62 inch (15.7 mm) Slimsert® Repair Kit HP HP HP HP HP 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-12 TE389-7 BST-2930-7 SR37W4A MR37W4A 225-072730 225-890031 TE389-8 BST-2930-8 SR31W4A MR31W4A 225-072726 TE389-9 BST-2930-9 SR14W4A MR14W4A 225-072710 DESCRIPTION TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-12 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE HP RC 4-12 TE410 B-6986-258 SR258 TE411 791762313 Tap 5/16-24 UNF-3B MOD HP RC 4-12 TE412 BST-2931-1 SR25D Step Drill HP RC 4-12 TE413 TE414 TE415 TE416 TE417 TE418 TE419 TE420 TE421 CST-2969 BST-3006 BST-3158 BST-3159 BST-3160 BST-3161 BST-3162 BST-2991 AST-3154 Blade Angle Locating Fixture Paint Mask Cap Paint Mask Cap Paint Mask Cap Paint Mask Cap Paint Mask Cap Paint Mask Cap Spacer Slimsert® Repair Kit HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP 4-96 4-77 4-77 4-77 4-77 4-77 4-77 4-78 4-13 TE422 B-6986-192 SR192 Slimsert® HP RC 4-13 TE423 99620070 1/4-28 UNF-3B Tap HP RC 4-13 TE424 BST-2931-5 SR19D Step Drill HP RC 4-13 TE425 TE426 TE427 TE428 n/a n/a CST-3169 BST-3081 n/a n/a Sleeve Installation Tool Mask Screw n/a n/a HP HP TE429 DT-2997-9 Pressure Check Adapter CS No Go Gauge HM 4-127 E13890 Master Blade, Group 0 Torque Wrench Adaptor A Flange Spindle Eddy Current Probe Calibration Standard Profilometer Probe Housing Component Blade Pitch Fixture Ball Hex Driver Blade Seal Alignment Tool Blade Seal Alignment Tool Pressure Check Tool Pressure Check Tool - Kit without the Pilot Tube Installation Tool CS CS HP HP HP MH HP CS HP HP HP CS 4-71 4-7 4-26 4-127 4-98 4-14,4-79 4-79,4-14 4-79 4-14 4-80 4-80 4-82 CS 4-82 TE431 TE432 TE433 TE434 TE435 TE436 TE437 TE438 TE439 TE440 TE440-1 TE441 .2760 Pin Gauge, Minus "Y" Tolerance BST-3200 AST-3175 BST-2912-17 101088 CST-3015 AST-3475 BST-3227 BST-3226 AST-3174 BST-3177 BST-3063 BST-7587 TE441-1 BST-7587-1 TE430 Slimsert® n/a n/a 4-97 4-78 4-105, 4-104 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-13 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE TE441-2 TE442 BST-7587-2 BST-4114 Pressure Check Tool Composite Balance Tube Puller CS CS 4-82 4-80 TE443 BT-3838 Grease Seal Pressure Test Tool (Adapter) HP 4-81,4-106 TE443-1 TE444 TE445 BT-3838-1 DST-3483 BST-7588 Grease Seal Pressure Test Tool Masking Fixture Insert Installation Tool HP CS CS TE446 DST-5855(F) Shot Peen Machine Assembly TE447 DST-5855-1(F) Shot Peen, "Y" Shank Knob Kit HP TE448 CST-3178 Bolt Alignment Fixture HP TE449 101679 "E" Shank Form Tool HP TE449-1 105473 "E" Shank Form Tool HP TE450 101736 "E" Shank Potting Mold HP TE451 GT-3669 Composite E-shank Comparison Chart HP TE452 TE453 TE454 TE455 TE456 TE457 TE458 TE459 TE460 TE461 TE462 TE463 TE464 TE465 TE466 TE467 TE468 TE469 TE470 TE471 TE472 TE473 101999 101923 101781 101932 103570 101939 101060 103572 102690 BST-3004-12A BST-3004-12B BST-3004-13A BST-3004-13B BST-3004-14A BST-3004-14B BST-3004-15A BST-3004-15B BST-3004-16A BST-3004-16B BST-3004-19A BST-3004-20A BST-3004-20B Tube Puller Assembly Balance Adapter Plug Puller Blade Spud Adapter Mandrel Torque Wrench Adapter Shot Peen Plug Ring E13890 Master Blade, Group 4 Template Template Template Template Template Template Template Template Template Template Template Template Template TE474 CST-3000-11 TE475 CST-3000-11A 4-81,4-106 4-107 4-82 4-108, CS/WH 4-109 CS CS HP CS CS CS/HP HP CS CS HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP 4-109, 4-108 4-98 4-128, 4-129 4-128, 4-129 4-128, 4-129 4-129, 4-128 4-129 4-130 4-130 4-131 4-131 4-132 4-132 4-133 4-71 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-14 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION VENDOR PAGE TE476 CST-3000-12 Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE477 CST-3000-12A Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE478 CST-3000-15 Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE479 CST-3000-15A Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit HP 4-90 TE480 TE481 TE482 TE483 TE484 TE485 TE486 TE487 TE488 TE488-1 TE488-2 TE489 TE489-1 TE489-2 TE489-3 TE490 TE490-1 TE490-2 TE490-3 TE490-4 TE491 BST-2975-14 BST-2975-16 BST-2975-17 BST-2975-18 BST-2975-19 BST-2975-20 791911212 CST-421 BST-2890 BST-2891 BST-2894 BST-2895 BST-2896 BST-2897 BST-2899 BST-2902 BST-2903 BST-2904 BST-2905 BST-2907 DST-3017 Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool 212-8 Driver Stud Fixture Plate Spring Compressor Base Spring Compressor Base Spring Compressor Base Spring Compressor Retainer Spring Compressor Retainer Spring Compressor Retainer Spring Compressor Retainer Spring Compressor Guide Rod Spring Compressor Guide Rod Spring Compressor Guide Rod Spring Compressor Guide Rod Spring Compressor Guide Rod Propeller Transport Cart HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP TE492 BST-3050 Chip Detector Fitting HP TE493 BST-3051 Chip Dectector Fitting Cover HP TE494 BT-1271-4 Shot Nozzle Unit HP TE494-1 BT-1271-5 Shot Nozzle Unit HP TE494-2 BT-1271-6 Shot Nozzle Unit HP TE494-3 BT-1271-7 Shot Nozzle Unit HP TE494-4 BT-1271-8 Shot Nozzle Unit HP TE495 TE496 TE497 TE498 104287 104371 104372 104374 Torque Wrench Stand Adapter Drive Housing Adapter Roughness Standard CS MF MF MF 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-133 4-83 4-22,4-85 4-22,4-85 4-22,4-85 4-23,4-85 4-23,4-86 4-23,4-85 4-23,4-85 4-24,4-85 4-24,4-86 4-24,4-85 4-24,4-85 4-24,4-85 OBS 4-52, 4-101 4-52, 4-101 4-64,4-95, 4-126 4-64,4-95, 4-126 4-64,4-95, 4-126 4-64,4-95, 4-126 4-64,4-95, 4-126 4-134 4-134 4-135 4-135 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-15 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER TE499 TE500 TE501 TE502 TE503 TE504 TE505 TE506 TE507 TE508 TE509 TE510 TE511 TE512 TE513 TE514 TE515 TE516 TE517 TE518 TE519 TE520 TE521 TE522 TE523 TE524 TE525 TE526 TE527 TE528 TE529 TE530 TE531 TE532 TE533 TE534 TE535 TE536 TE537 TE538 TE539 TE540 TE541 TE542 TE543 PART NUMBER M22520/37-01 BST-3076 BST-3077-1 104933 104811 105189 105190 104507 104504 104798 105167 104506 BST-2975-21 BST-2975-22 BST-2975-23 BST-2975-24 BST-2975-25 BST-3075 105266 105269 BST-2912-20 BST-2912-21 BST-3004-21A BST-3004-21B BST-3004-22A BST-3004-22B BST-3004-23A BST-3004-23B BST-3004-24A BST-3004-24B BST-3004-25A BST-3004-25B 105274 Contact Hartzell 102560 105478 104052 BST-2912-19 102515 102516 105501 103454 BST-2974-5 BST-2974-6 BST-2974-8 DESCRIPTION Crimp Tool Calibration Standard Eddy Current Probe Fitting Wrench Spacer Blank Bearing Assembly Tool Clamp Leak Check Manifold Adapter Check Cylinder Check Cylinder Plug Assembly Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Double Shoulder Blade Eddy Current Kit Torque Unit Adapter Torque Unit Adapter Hovercraft 5-Way Adapter Hovercraft 6-Way Adapter Template Template Template Template Template Template Template Template Template Template Balance Adapter Bantam Blade Spud Adapter Leak Detector Kit Blade Adapter Service Tool Drill Jig for N7605 Shank “H”, “T”, “Q”, and “G” Flange Spindle Shank Spacer Puller Shank Spacer Puller Blade Inspection Adapter Stud Preload Plate Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp VENDOR PAGE CS HP CS CS CS CS CS CS CS HP CS CS HP HP HP HP HP HP CS CS CS CS HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP CS CS CS CS HP HP HP 4-136 4-136 4-137 4-137 4-138 4-139 4-139 4-140 4-140 4-141 4-141 4-142 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-143 4-144 4-144 4-145 4-145 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-42 4-146 4-146 4-147 4-147 4-148 4-26 4-149 4-149 4-150 4-150 4-38 4-38 4-38 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-16 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A TE NUMBER TE544 TE545 TE546 TE547 TE548 TE549 TE550 TE551 TE552 TE553 TE554 TE555 TE556 TE557 TE558 TE559 PART NUMBER BST-2974-9 BST-2974-10 BST-2974-11 105615 105532 BST-2975-15 BST-2912-22 AST-2877-2 BST-2975-26 BST-2975-27 BST-2975-30 BST-2975-31 BST-2975-32 BST-2975-33 BST-2975-34 105702 DESCRIPTION Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp Valve Assembly Check Tool Bantam Spring Compressor Fit Check Tool "F" Flange Bantam Adapter Ring Torque Wrench Adaptor Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Fit Check Tool Right Angle Grease Coupler VENDOR PAGE HP HP HP CS HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP 4-38 4-38 4-38 4-149 4-150 4-39 4-26,4-153 4-6 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-39 4-153 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-17 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (This page is intentionally blank.) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT INDEX 61-00-65 Page 2-18 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A The Alphabetical Index has been replaced by the Tool and Equipment Index. Refer to the Tool and Equipment Index in this manual. ALPHABETICAL INDEX 61-00-65 Page 3-1 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (This page is intentionally blank.) ALPHABETICAL INDEX 61-00-65 Page 3-2 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Tool Kit Part Number: A-2334 (TE82) Description: Kit to prepare facilities for erosion shield replacement on composite blades. The kit contains the following: Vendor Vendor P/N Hartzell P/N Description Qty/Size VR 54976-029 796514021 (TE81) Vacuum Pump 1 VR 55007-020 79651417A (TE132) Filter 1 PE 6X547 79656547A (TE135) Timer, 12-hour 2 VR 54996-252 79651407K (TE147) Vacuum Oil 5 gallons CP YA-6407-02 796540702 (TE156) Vacuum Hose (6 ea.) 10 feet JC 1009A 79651009A (TE158) Vacuum Gauge 2 CP YA-6392-21 7965639221 (TE160) Vacuum Fitting 1 Plastic Wedge Part Number: AST-2802 (TE138) Description: Wedge to aid in separating the hub halves of an aluminum hub propeller without scarring the mating surfaces. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-1 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Ring Centering Tool Part Number: AST-2803 (TE17) Description: Tool to keep internal rings in alignment. Used during assembly of oil transfer unit for A-224-2 Seal in propeller model HC-A2X20-4( )2. Torque Wrench Adaptor Part Number: AST-2805 (TE139) AST-2805-1 (TE139-1) AST-2805-2 (TE139-2) Description: “K” flange steel hub propellers “W” flange propellers “D” flange propellers Wrench to tighten and torque mounting bolts on propellers. Used in conjunction with a standard 1/2 inch square drive torque wrench. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-2 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Torque Wrench Adaptor Part Number: AST-2814 (TE149) Description: Wrench to tighten and torque 9/16 inch, 12 point mounting bolt. Used in conjunction with a standard 1/2 inch square drive torque wrench. Supersedes: A-2814 Safety Nozzle Part Number: AST-2833 (TE83) Description: Fitting to ensure safe use of air nozzle. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-3 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Beta Rod Retainer Installation Tool Part Number: AST-2849 (TE65) Description: Tool to crimp the beta rod retainers onto the beta rod. Used in conjunction with a standard vise. APS-201 Pilot O-ring Installation Tool Part Number: AST-2856 (TE73) Description: Installation tool for A-217-1, -2 Plug. For use with A-224-3, -4 Oil Transfer Unit. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing to permit local fabrication. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-4 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Probe and Probe Holder Part Number: AST-2857 (TE94) Description: Part of Eddy Current Instrument used to inspect “Y” shank aluminum blade retention radius. APS-381 Block Area to be Inspected Probe Hub Bearing Radius Comparator Part Number: AST-2870 (TE27) Description: Comparator to ensure proper fit of blade retention bearing into “D” or “Y” shank hubs. APS-155 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-5 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Torque Wrench Adaptor Part Number: AST-2877 (TE5) 5/8 inch Used for lightweight turbine propellers that use 5/8 -18, 12 point propeller mounting bolt. AST-2877-1 (TE155) 11/16 inch Used for dual acting and light weight turbine propellers that use mounting nut C-6006. AST-2877-2 (TE551) 11/16 inch Used for Beechcraft HC-E5P-3( ) installation only. Description: Wrench adaptor to install and torque mounting bolts. Used in conjunction with a standard 1/2 inch square drive torque wrench. APS-543 Propeller Mounting Flange Aircraft Engine Mounting Flange Propeller Mounting O-ring Mounting Bolt Standard Torque Wrench Torque Wrench Adaptor AST-2877-( ) Torque Wrench Adaptor Part Number AST-2917 (TE152) Description Wrench to tighten and torque propeller mounting bolts on “K” flange propellers. Used in conjunction with a standard 1/2 inch square drive torque wrench. Supersedes: A-1327 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-6 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Torque Wrench Adaptor Part Number: AST-2953 (TE154) Description: Wrench to tighten and torque mounting bolts on “L” flange propellers. Used in conjunction with a standard 1/2 inch square drive torque wrench. Torque Wrench Adaptor Part Number: AST-3175 (TE432) Description: Wrench to tighten and torque mounting bolts on “W” flange propellers. Used in conjunction with a standard 1/2 inch square drive torque wrench. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing of the torque wrench adaptor to permit local fabrication. AST-3175 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-7 Rev. 14 Jun/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shipping Sleeve Part Number: AST-2961 (TE119) Description: Sleeve to prevent damage to air valves on feathering compact propellers during shipping and handling. Assembly Guide Part Number: AST-2981 (TE319) Description: Assembly tool for Spring Assemblies. Used with BST-2853 (TE9) Assembly Tool. NOTE: One order of Assemby Guide AST-2981 includes a quantity of two (2) guides. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-8 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Spring Compressor Part Number: AT-725-1 (TE29) Description: Spring compressor for beta springs during assembly. (This space is intentionally blank.) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-9 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Balance Tube Positioner Part Number: AT-3010 (TE333) Description: Balance tube positioner used for installing balance tubes in "M" shank composite blades. AT-3010 Balance Tube Positioner Part Number: AT-3011 (TE334) Description: Balance tube positioner used for installing balance tubes in composite blades used in an aluminum hub propeller. AT-3011 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-10 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Plug Kit Part Number: AST-3163-( ) (TE405) Description: Kit to mask the chamfered lubrication fittings in two-blade and three-blade aluminum hubs. Kit: AST-3163 Kit for two-blade aluminum hubs, includes: Components Quantity 1. . . . . AST-3157 (TE406) Shot Peen Plug 2. . . . . AST-2971-1 (TE407) Screw - 0.50 inch (12.7 mm) 3. . . . . AST-2971-2 (TE408) Screw - 0.62 inch (15.7 mm) AST-3163-1 Kit for three-blade aluminum hubs, includes: Components 1. . . . . AST-3157 (TE406) Shot Peen Plug 2. . . . . AST-2971-1 (TE407) Screw - 0.50 inch (12.7 mm) 4 2 2 Quantity 6 6 AST3157 AST2971 Shot Peen Plug Screw TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-11 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Stud Installation/Torque Check Tool Part Number: AST-2968 (TE404) (Install/check 1/2-20 [12.7 mm] studs.) AST-2968-1 (TE404-1) (Install/check 9/16-18 [14.2 mm] studs.) AST-2968-2 (TE404-2) (Install/check 7/16-20 [10.9 mm] studs.) Description: Used to install hub mounting studs and to check the required torque after stud adhesive cures. AST2968 Slimsert® Repair Kit Part Number: A-2327 (TE409) Description: Kit including tools and parts necessary to repair to the lubrication fitting holes in aluminum hubs. The kit contains the following: Vendor Vendor P/N Hartzell P/N Description Qty RC SR258 B-6986-258 (TE410) Slimsert®1 n/a 5/16-24 UNF-3B MOD 791762313 (TE411) (Minor diameter 0.280-0.285 MOD) Tap 1 RC SR25W4-A BST-2930-1 (TE389-1) Slimsert® Installation Tool (Supersedes TE314) 1 RC BST-2931-1 (TE412) 1 SR25D Step Drill TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-12 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Slimsert® Repair Kit Part Number: AST-3154 (TE421) Description: Kit including tools and parts necessary to repair to the link pin unit safety screw hole. Not shown. The kit contains the following: Vendor Vendor P/N Hartzell P/N Description Qty RC SR192 B-6986-192 (TE422) Slimsert®1 n/a 1/4-28 UNF-3B 99620070 (TE423) Tap 1 RC SR19W4-A BST-2930-5 (TE353) Slimsert® Installation Tool 1 RC SR19D BST-2931-5 (TE424) Step Drill 1 Test Specimen for Calibration Part Number: AST-2979 (TE121) Description: Test specimen to calibrate an eddy current instrument before its use. AST-2979 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-13 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Ball Hex Driver Part Number: AST-3174 (TE439) Description: Used with 3/8 inch ratchet on the B-3812-5-16P socket head cap screw to set preload on blade assembly. AST3174 Shaft Nut Wrench Part Number: BST-2910 (TE146) Description: Wrench to tighten the propeller mounting shaft nut on #20, #30 and #40 splined propellers. Supersedes: BT-2804, BT-840, BST-2804 and BST-840 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-14 Rev. 13 Jul/12 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Profilometer Part Number: AST-3475 (TE436) Description: Used to measure surface finish in the radius and transition areas of aluminum blade shanks. Probe Housing Component BST-3227 (TE437) is available for use with the Hartzell Propeller Inc. and Mahr Federal models. Stand Adapter 104371 (TE496) and Drive Housing Adapter 104372 (TE497) are available for use with the Mahr Federal Model as an alternate to BST-3227. Use of Stand Adapter 104371 (TE496) and Drive Housing Adapter 104372 (TE497) connect the drive unit to a standard height stand (customer procured) without the use of BST-3227 (TE437). Hartzell Propeller Inc. Approved Alternates: Vendor Part Number Vendor Perthometer 6910431 Mahr Federal Inc. (MH) Perthometer 6910134 Mahr Federal Inc. (MH) (no longer available) Perthometer 6910135 Mahr Federal Inc. (MH) (no longer available) Surftest SV-600 series Mitutoyo America Corporation (MT) (no longer available) MarSurf PS1 6910214 Mahr Federal Inc. (MH) TI-165005 TI-165AST3475 Perthometer 6910431 Mahr Federal Inc. (MH) MarSurf PS1 6910214 Mahr-Federal Inc. (MH) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-15 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Flatness Gauge Part Number: BST-2811 (TE321) Description: Flatness gauge for steel hub flanges. Counterweight Clamp Gauge Part Number: BST-2812 (TE60) Description: Gauge to locate D-1209 Counterweight Clamp on A10460E Composite Blade. Supersedes:BG-3445 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-16 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Clamp Nut Wrench Part Number: BST-2813 (TE142) Description: Wrench to hold A-1373 Clamp Nut while torquing A-1372 Bolt. Supersedes:B-2813 Standard 12 point Socket Special Wrench BST-2813 Outboard Clamp Bolt A-1372 Spinner Mounting Plate Bender Part Number: BST-2823 (TE11)(CS) Description: Spinner mounting plate bender to achieve acceptable deice slip ring runout. Supersedes:B-2823 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-17 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Template Part Number: BST-2825 (TE131) Description: Template to check minimum wall thickness of T10176( ) Blade bore. Supersedes:B-2825 APS-488 Spring Compressor Assembly Part Number: BST-2826 (TE30) Description: Spring compressor to compress or decompress the feathering spring for propeller assembly or disassembly on propeller model HC-E2Y( )-2( ). Components: 1 2 AST-2827 (TE282) Spring Compressor Bolt BST-2828 (TE283) Spring Compressor Slide 1 2 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-18 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Spring Compressor Assembly Part Number: BST-2826-1 (TE31) Description: Spring compressor to compress or decompress the feathering spring for propeller assembly or disassembly on propeller model number HC-E2Y( )-2( ). Components: 1 2 AST-2827-1 (TE284) Spring Compressor Bolt BST-2828 (TE283) Spring Compressor Slide BST2826A 1 2 Torque Wrench Adapter Part Number: BST-2837 (TE6) (Includes TE385 and TE386) Description: Installation of the pitch change rod in compact aluminum -2 propellers. Used with standard 1/2 inch square drive torque wrench. Components: 1. . . . BST-2837+1+3 (TE385) Modified Socket 2. . . . BST-2837+2 (TE386) Anti-Rotation Pin APS6259 Supersedes:BT-2837 TE385 TE386 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-19 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Probe Support Part Number: BST-2847 (TE128) Description: Probe support to ensure accurate contact of probe to blade surface during Eddy Current Inspection. Supersedes:BT-2847 Assembling Tool Part Number: BST-2853 (TE9) Description: Tool to assemble and disassemble the Feather Assist Spring Assembly on the compact aluminum -2 propeller. Used with AST-2981 (TE319) Assembly Guide. Components: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B-3368 (TE387) 5/16-24 Hex Nut BST-2850 (TE287) Threaded Rod AST-2852 (TE288) Drilled Washer BST-3152 (TE289) Thrust Bearing (supersedes GT-3) BST-3151 (TE290) 5/8 Hex Nut AST-2851 (TE291) Guide Washer A-3204 (TE388) 5/16-24 Set Screw 6 5 2 3 1 7 4 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-20 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Torque Wrench Part Number: BST-2860 (TE150) Description: Wrench to tighten and torque mounting bolts on “K”, "R", or “L” flange propellers. Used in conjunction with a standard 1/2 inch square drive torque wrench. Supersedes: BST-2835 and BT-2860 Pilot Tube Puller Part Number: BST-2876 (TE107) Description: This part number may be used to order the drawing of the pilot tube puller for local fabrication. Puller to remove pilot tubes from steel hub propellers. Used in conjunction with DT-336 (TE53) or customer supplied fixture. Supersedes:CST-2831 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-21 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Plug-Lifting Ring Part Number: BST-2884 (TE113) Description: Ring to thread into pitch change rod of turbine propellers for lifting and moving. Spring Compressor Base Part Number: BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2891 (TE488-1) BST-2894 (TE488-2) Description: Spring Compressor Base is to be used in conjunction with CST-2914 (TE59) Spring Compressor Fixture. Refer to CST-2914 (TE59) to determine which Spring Compressor Base (TE488-[ ]) to use with Spring Assembly type. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-22 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Piston Fixture Part Number: BST-2892 (TE54) BST-2892-1 (TE55) BST-2892-2 (TE56) Description: HC-B3( )30-2E ALL #20 Spline HC-B3( )30-2B Fixture to balance propellers. Used with some models of Marvel Manufacturing Company balancers. NOTE: For left hand propeller, add L to dash number of fixture. Supersedes:BSK-274 Spring Compressor Retainer Part Number: BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2897 (TE489-2) BST-2899 (TE489-3) Description: Spring Compressor Retainer is to be used in conjunction with CST-2914 (TE59) Spring Compressor Fixture. Refer to CST-2914 (TE59) to determine which Spring Compressor Retainer (TE489-[ ]) to use with Spring Assembly type. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-23 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Spring Compressor Guide Rod Part Number: BST-2902 (TE490) BST-2903 (TE490-1) BST-2904 (TE490-2) BST-2905 (TE490-3) BST-2907 (TE490-4) Description: Spring Compressor Guide Rod is to be used in conjunction with CST-2914 (TE59) Spring Compressor Fixture. Refer to CST-2914 (TE59) to determine which Spring Compressor Guide Rod (TE490-[ ]) to use with Spring Assembly type. Piston Fixture Part Number: BST-2908 (TE57) Description: Fixture to balance propeller models ( )HC-A3VF-4 and HC-B3WF-4. Used with some models of Marvel Manufacturing Company balancers. Supersedes:BSK-484 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-24 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Piston Nut Wrench Part Number TE Number Description SC058 (SO) TE144 Wrench to tighten A-880-1 Piston Nut on a steel hub turbine propeller. Customer procured. SC058 (SO) TE144-1 (Supersedes TE145) Wrench to remove A-880-2A Piston Nut on a steel hub turbine propeller. Customer procured. NOTE: TE144 and TE144-1 are the same. Supersedes: B-842, B-842-1, BST-2911, BST-3911-1 APS-205 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-25 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Building Buck Components Part Number: BST-2912 (TE125) Building Buck Components, includes items 1 through 9 listed below Item Number Part Number Description 1����������������� BST-2912+ (TE125-1) 2����������������� BST-2912-1 (TE124) 3����������������� BST-2912-2 (TE122) 4����������������� BST-2912-3 (TE123) 5����������������� BST-2912-4 (TE4) 6������������������ BST-2912-9 (TE2) 7����������������� BST-2912-11 (TE85) 8����������������� BST-2912-12 (TE127) 9����������������� BST-2912-13 (TE327) Spindle Base; Supersedes: B-843-2 (Includes TE85) Flanged Hub Spindle (Includes TE4) Supersedes: BST-2812 #20 Spline Spindle; not shown #30 Spline Spindle; not shown Adapter Ring; Permits mounting of “N” flange propellers Adapter; Permits mounting of “A” flange single acting propellers Stop Pin; not shown Mid Pitch Stop; Supersedes: BT-2162; not shown Blade Angle Stop for -5 Propellers; not shown Also available as necessary (not a part of BST-2912 (TE125): BST-2912-10 (TE80) “C” Flange Spindle; allow mounting of “C” flange HD-E6C-3 propeller; not shown BST-2912-17 (TE433) “A” Flange Spindle; allow mounting of “A” flange HC-E5A-2 propeller; not shown BST-2912-19 (TE536) “H”, “T”, “Q”, and “G” Flange Spindle; allow mounting of “H”, “T”, “Q”, and “G” flange propellers; shown on page 4-148 of this manual BST-2912-22 (TE550) “F” Flange Bantam Adapter Ring; shown on page 4-153 of this manual Description: Spindle mounts to propeller assembly table CST-2901(-) (TE129) to permit pressurizing of propeller to change pitch. Also permits rotating of the propeller. Obsolete: BST-2912-8 (TE1) Adapter; Allow mounting of “C” flange single acting propellers; not shown BST-2912-9 Adapter BST-2912-4 Adapter Ring APS-546 BST-2912-1 Flanged Hub Spindle BST-2912+ Spindle Base TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-26 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Drill Fixture Part Number: BST-2920 (TE51) Description: Fixture to modify C-3201 Piston for installation of external feather stop. Torque Wrench Adapter Part Number: BST-2921 (TE153) Description: Wrench to remove, install and torque cylinders on aluminum hub propellers. Supersedes:BST-2801 APS-175 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-27 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Modified Deep Well Socket Part Number: BST-2922 (TE120) Description: Modified socket to remove, install and torque piston mounting nuts on light-weight turbine propellers. Pitch Change Rod APS-152 Modified Deep Well Socket No. BST-2922 Piston Dummy Pitch Change Rod Part Number: BST-2932 (TE298) Description: Used during assembly of the HC-A6A-3 propeller. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-28 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Plug Part Number: BST-2938 (TE87) Description: Plug to mask the blade bore prior to shot peening on “Y” shank blades. Piston Installation Socket Part Number TE Number Description BST-3067 TE228 Modified socket to install and remove piston on D-6071 and D-494 pitch change rods. BST-3067+3 TE228-1 Modified socket to install and remove piston on a D-3657 pitch change rod. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-29 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Plug Part Number: BST-2939N (TE89) Description: Plug to mask the blade bore prior to shot peening on “M” and “T” shank blades, with “N” modifications. Shot Peen Plug Part Number: BST-2940 (TE90) Description: Plug to mask the blade bore prior to shot peening on “E” shank blades. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-30 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Plug Part Number: BST-2941 (TE91) Description: Plug to mask the blade bore prior to shot peening on “W” shank blades. Shank Protection Cap Part Number: BST-2942 (TE13) BST-2943 (TE14) BST-2944 (TE15) BST-2945 (TE16) Description: Cap to protect blade shank and bore during shipping and storage. BST-2942 is shown. “T,” “S” and “M” Shanks “V,” “MV”, “N” and “X” Shanks “W,” “R,” “Z” and “P” Shanks “D” and “Y” Shanks TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-31 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Plug Part Number: BST-2946 (TE92) Description: Plug to mask the blade bore prior to shot peening on “P” and “Z” shank blades. Bushing Puller Part Number: BST-2947 (TE101) Description: Puller to remove A-1347 and A-1309 Bushings. Used in conjunction with customer supplied hydraulic or pneumatic puller. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-32 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Bearing Puller Part Number: BST-2948 (TE102) Description: Puller to remove A-127, A-127-1, and A-1497 bearings. Used in conjuntion with customer supplied hydraulic or pneumatic puller. Bearing Puller Part Number: BST-2949 (TE103) Description: Puller to remove bearings from “M,” “S,” “T” and “W” shanks. Used in conjunction with a customer supplied hydraulic or pneumatic puller. APS-494 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-33 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Bearing Puller Part Number: BST-2950 (TE104) Description: Puller to remove bearings from “M” and “T” shanks. Used in conjunction with a customer supplied hydraulic or pneumatic puller. APS-900 Bearing Puller Part Number: BST-2952 (TE106) Description: Puller to remove bearings from “D,” “Y” and “V” shanks. Supersedes:CST-2838 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-34 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Pitch Angle Stop Plug Part Number: BST-2958 (TE86) Description: Plug to block the end of the pitch change rod to allow actuation of the propeller on the bench. Hoist Ring Combo Part Number: BST-2958L (TE62) Description: Combination tool to lift and move propellers. Also, to seal the end of pitch change rods and actuation of propellers on the bench. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-35 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Alignment Check Rod Part Number: BST-2959 (TE114) Description: Rod to check concentricity of the inner threads of the B-3018 or B-1948 Rod. Supersedes:B-1509 Digital Protractor Part Number: BST-2960-3 (TE97) Description: Protractor to measure blade angles. May be used to check angles with propeller installed on engine. Protractor includes protractor case. Supersedes: BST-2960-1, BST-2960-2, BST-2820, and CST-2880 NOTE: Locally procured and calibrated bubble protractor accurate to within 0.1 degree may be used and is considered equivalent. BST-2960 APS0336 Protractor Case TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-36 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (This space is intentionally blank.) Thickness Gauge Part Number: BST-2964 (TE61) Description: Gauge to inspect thickness of 13/4 I.D. on M10876 Blade. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-37 Rev. 14 Jun/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Ream Fixture Description: Fixture is to locate and drill spinner support plates. Part Number: BST-2966 (TE181) BST-2966-3 (TE182) BST-2966-4 (TE183) BST-2966-5 (TE184) Description C-3733 “A” Flange, 5 Way C-3003-1, 3 Way C-3404, 4 Way C-4011-5, 5 Way Supersedes BT-2723 BST-2836, CT-1472 CT-1482 BST-2848 Erosion Shield Bonding Clamp Part Number: Description: BST-2974 (TE161) LM10585(A)(N)(B,K)+4 BST-2974-1 (TE162) M10877 BST-2974-2 (TE163) M10083 BST-2974-3 (TE164) B7421 BST-2974-4 (TE165) A10460(E) BST-2974-5 (TE541) B7466 BST-2974-6 (TE542) E11990 BST-2974-7 (TE168) E10950P(C)( ) BST-2974-8 (TE543) E13482 BST-2974-9 (TE544) E12902 BST-2974-10 (TE545) E13890K BST-2974-11 (TE546) ( )7690( ) Clamp to prevent wrinkling of fiberglass during erosion shield bonding on composite blades. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-38 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Fit Check Tool Part Number: BST-2975 (TE171) BST-2975-1 (TE172) BST-2975-2 (TE173) BST-2975-3 (TE174) BST-2975-4 (TE175) BST-2975-6 (TE177) BST-2975-7 (TE178) BST-2975-9 (TE180) BST-2975-10 (TE340) BST-2975-12 (TE377) BST-2975-13 (TE378) BST-2975-14 (TE480) BST-2975-15 (TE549) BST-2975-16 (TE481) BST-2975-17 (TE482) BST-2975-18 (TE483) BST-2975-19 (TE484) BST-2975-20 (TE485) BST-2975-21 (TE511) BST-2975-22 (TE512) BST-2975-23 (TE513) BST-2975-24 (TE514) BST-2975-25 (TE515) BST-2975-26 (TE552) BST-2975-27 (TE553) BST-2975-30 (TE554) BST-2975-31 (TE555) BST-2975-32 (TE556) BST-2975-33 (TE557) BST-2975-34 (TE558) Description: Blade LM10585AN+4 M10877 M10083 B7421 A10460E E11990 E10950 E12902 E13890K 7890K 7690E N7605 & N7605C E9193( ) N7893 N7605-2 N7605+2 N7605-4 NC9208 NG8301 NC8834 (H)79A06 (L,J)76A01-2 (H)75A01-2 NG8301-5 NC8301-7 108MH92 138MH91 NG8301-1 NG8301-3 E8190 Erosion Shield Reference D-5019 D-5003 D-5013 D-5069 D-5059 D-5072 D-5133 D-2833 D-6221 D-6763 D-6015-2 101622 100515 101181 101622-2 101622+2 101622-4 102227 104595 104926 100503 104639 104772-2 104595-5 104595-7 D-6221-1 105448 104595-1 104595-3 D-4786 Tool to check fit of erosion shield before installation on composite blades. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-39 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Drill Jig Part Number: BST-2982 (TE75) Description: Drill jig for “N” flange slimsert installation. Drill Jig Part Number: BST-2983 (TE76) Description: Drill jig for “F” flange slimsert installation. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-40 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Alignment Check Rod Part Number: BST-2984 (TE115) Description: Rod to check concentricity of internal threads of D-494 Pitch Change Rod. Bearing Installation Tool Part Number TE Number Description BST-2985 TE64 Tool to install the blade alignment bearings in T and M shank blades with N modification. Used in conjunction with customer supplied hydraulic or pneumatic press. BST-2985-1 TE64-1 Tool to install the blade alignment bearings in R and W shank blades with N modification. Used in conjunction with customer supplied hydraulic or pneumatic press. BST-2985,-1 BST-2985 BST-2985-1 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-41 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Template Part Number: BST-3004 (TE219) BST-3004-1A (TE220) BST-3004-1B (TE221) BST-3004-2A (TE222) BST-3004-2B (TE223) BST-3004-3A (TE224) BST-3004-3B (TE225) BST-3004-4A (TE226) BST-3004-4B (TE227) BST-3004-6A (TE230) BST-3004-6B (TE231) BST-3004-7A (TE232) BST-3004-7B (TE233) BST-3004-9A (TE236) BST-3004-9B (TE237) BST-3004-10A (TE335) BST-3004-10B (TE336) BST-3004-11A (TE337) BST-3004-11B (TE338) BST-3004-12A (TE461) BST-3004-12B (TE462) BST-3004-13A (TE463) BST-3004-13B (TE464) BST-3004-14A (TE465) BST-3004-14B (TE466) BST-3004-15A (TE467) BST-3004-15B (TE468) BST-3004-16A (TE469) BST-3004-16B (TE470) BST-3004-19A (TE471) BST-3004-20A (TE472) BST-3004-20B (TE473) BST-3004-21A (TE521) BST-3004-21B (TE522) BST-3004-22A (TE523) BST-3004-22B (TE524) BST-3004-23A (TE525) BST-3004-23B (TE526) BST-3004-24A (TE527) BST-3004-24B (TE528) BST-3004-25A (TE529) BST-3004-25B (TE530) 48 inch station of LM10585 42 inch station of M10877 52 inch station of M10877 39.75 inch station of M10083 47.25 inch station of M10083 30 inch station of B7421 34 inch station of B7421 30 inch station of A10460 48 inch station of A10460 42 inch station of E11990 54 inch station of E11990 42 inch station of E10950 51 inch station of E10950 54 inch station of E12902 60 inch station of E12902 54 inch station of E13890 60 inch station of E13890 30 inch station of E7690 36 inch station of E7690 30 inch station of 7890 36 inch station of 7890 30 inch station of E8190 30 inch station of E8190 30 inch station of E9193 40 inch station of E9193 30 inch station of N7605 36 inch station of N7605 30 inch station of N( )7893 36 inch station of N( )7893 24 inch station of N7605-4 30 inch station of NC9208 42 inch station of NC9208 30 inch station of NG8301 36 inch station of NG8301 30 inch station of NC8834 36 inch station of NC8834 30 inch station of ( )79(A/B)06 36 inch station of ( )79(A/B)06 30 inch station of ( )76(A/B)01-2 36 inch station of ( )76(A/B)01-2 30 inch station of ( )75(A/B)01-2 36 inch station of ( )75(A/B)01-2 Description: Tool to check stations of composite blades. BST-3004 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-42 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Thread Insert Removal Tool Part Number: Description: BST-3019 (TE112) Tool to remove B-1243 threaded staked insert. BST-3019-3 (TE112-1) Tool to remove B-1243-1 threaded staked insert. BST-3019-4 (TE112-3) Tool to remove B-6143-4 threaded staked insert. BST-3019-8 (TE112-4) Tool to remove B-6143-8 threaded staked insert. Blade Assembly Support Stand Part Number: BST-3024 (TE126) Description: Stand to support blade in hub during HD-E6C-3 or HC-E4N-3A propeller assembly. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-43 Rev. 13 Jul/12 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Bearing Press Part Number: BST-3026-1 (TE238) BST-3026-2 (TE239) BST-3026-3 (TE240) Description: 1.000 inch O.D. 1.500 inch O.D. 1.625 inch O.D. Press used to install bearings into bearing carriers or housings during assembly of HD-E6C-3 propeller or PCU. Modified Crowfoot Part Number: BST-3027 (TE40) Description: Modified 15/16 inch, 3/8 inch drive crowfoot wrench. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-44 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Modified Crowfoot Part Number: BST-3030 (TE41) Description: Modified 113/16 inch, 3/8 inch drive crowfoot wrench. Modified Crowfoot Part Number: BST-3031 (TE42) Description: Modified 13/4 inch, 3/8 inch drive crowfoot wrench used during assembly and disassembly of HD-E6C-3 propeller. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-45 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Open End Wrench Part Number: BST-3032 (TE143) Description: Modified 13/4 inch open end wrench. Modified Crowfoot Part Number: BST-3033 (TE43) Description: Modified 17/16 inch crowfoot adapter to remove, install and torque pitch change rod or hydraulic assembly into pitch change fork of HD-E6C-3 propeller. If propeller has been subjected to pitch lock, use BST-3044. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-46 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Adapter Part Number: BST-3035 (TE3) Description: Adapter to remove or install the front bearing nut in the HD-E6C-3 propeller. Piston Installation Cone Part Number: BST-3036 (TE63) Description: Cone used to compress O-rings and seals installed on PCU servo piston to allow ease of installation into PCU servo column. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-47 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Aft Control Spring Compressor Part Number: BST-3037 (TE74) Description: Tool to be used in conjunction with customer supplied press to push against spacer in order to compress aft spring of HD-E6C-3 propeller. This allows installation of spacer retaining ring. Control Rod Alignment Tool Part Number: BST-3038 (TE26) Description: Used to re-align the control rod to control valve in the HD-E6C-3 propeller. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-48 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Bearing Puller Part Number: BST-3039 (TE99) Description: Puller to remove pitch lock bearing and carrier from pitch lock bearing housing of HD-E6C-3 propeller. Rigging Pin Part Number: BST-3041 (TE84) Description: Rigging pin, 3/16 inch diameter, to hold PCU and CSU power and condition levers in the correct position for rigging. (Two required.) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-49 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Clamp Wrench Part Number: BST-3044 (TE141) Description: Wrench to remove pitch change rod or hydraulic assembly from pitch change fork of HD-E6C-3 propeller after pitch lock. Puller Part Number: BST-3045 (TE98) Description: Puller to remove bearings from pitch change brackets, O-ring plugs from extended hub compact propellers, etc. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-50 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Threaded Insert Installation Tool Part Number: Description: Supersedes: BST-3047 (TE68) Tool to install B-1243 threaded staked insert. AT-2422, KHT9000-9 BST-3047-1 (TE68-9) Tool to install B-6143 threaded staked insert. BST-3047-2 (TE68-8) Tool to install B-6143-4 threaded staked insert. BST-3047-3 (TE68-3) Tool to install B-6143-4H threaded staked insert. BST-3047-4 (TE68-4) Tool to install B-6143-5 threaded staked insert. BST-3047-5 (TE68-5) Tool to install B-6143-7 threaded staked insert. BST-3047-6 (TE68-6) Tool to install B-6143-8 threaded staked insert. BST-3047-7 (TE68-7) BST-3047-8 (TE68-1) Tool to install B-6143-8H threaded staked insert. Tool to install B-1243-1 threaded staked insert. Transfer Tube and Plug Removal/Installation Tool Part Number: BST-3048 (TE320) Description: Installation of transfer tube and removal of transfer tube and plug in HD-E6C-3 propeller. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-51 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Chip Detector Fitting Part Number: BST-3050 (TE492) Description: Chip Detector Fitting used with DST-3049-( ) (TE318) Ground Hydraulic Power Unit. Chip Detector Fitting Cover Part Number: BST-3051 (TE493) Description: Cover for BST-3050 Chip Detector Fitting on DST-3049-( ) Ground Hydraulic Power Unit. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-52 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A PCU Manifold Installation Tool Part Number: BST-3054 (TE72) Description: Tool used to align and install PCU manifold insert into PCU manifold/servo column. PCU Bearing Installation Tool Part Number: BST-3055 (TE185) BST-3055-1 (TE186) Description: For B-6133-1 Bearing For B-6133-2 Bearing Tool used in conjunction with customer supplied press to install roller bearings into PCU manifold. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-53 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A PCU Bushing Installation Tool Part Number: BST-3056 (TE70) Description: Tool used in conjunction with customer supplied press to install oil lite bushings into PCU manifold. PCU Bushing Installation Tool Part Number: BST-3057 (TE71) Description: Tool used in conjunction with customer supplied press to install oil lite bushings into PCU manifold. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-54 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Masking Tool Part Number: BST-3060 (TE118) Description: Screw to mask 1/2-28 helicoil holes during shot peening. Screw Driver Part Number: BST-3060-1 (TE46) Description: Screw driver to drive BST-3060 Screw. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-55 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Press Tool Part Number: BST-3061 (TE308) Description: Used to press split bearings in steel hub propellers. Supersedes:BT-222-1 Press Tool Part Number: BST-3062 (TE309) Description: Used to press split bearings in steel hub propellers. Supersedes:BT-222 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-56 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Pilot Tube Installation Tool Kit Description: Tool set contains various spacer adapters. Refer to TE52 for the fixture to be used with customer procured hydraulic press. Kit Part Number: BST-3064 (TE241) BST3064-1 (TE242) can only be used with a hydraulic press that accepts a ram adapter that is 0.75 inch (19.0 mm) diameter by 1.25 inches (31.7 mm) long. For other hydraulic presses, the ram adapter is customer procured. Kit with the Pilot Tube Installation Tool includes: Components 1 BST-3064-1 (TE242) Pilot Tube Installation Tool (May be purchased separately.) 2....BST-3064-2 (TE243) Pilot Tube Positioner & Stop 3....BST-3064-3 (TE244) Pilot Tube Positioner & Stop 4....BST-3064-4 (TE245) Pilot Tube Positioner & Stop 5....BST-3064-5 (TE246) Pilot Tube Positioner & Stop Supersedes:B-844 BST-3064A (TE241-1) Kit without the Pilot Tube Installation Tool includes: Components 1....BST-3064-2 (TE243) Pilot Tube Positioner & Stop 2....BST-3064-3 (TE244) Pilot Tube Positioner & Stop 3....BST-3064-4 (TE245) Pilot Tube Positioner & Stop 4....BST-3064-5 (TE246) Pilot Tube Positioner & Stop BST-3064-1 BST-3064-2 HC-B( )( )( ) BST-3064-3 HC-9( )2( )-( ) BST-3064-4 HC-A( )( )( ) HC-D( )( )( ) BST-3064-5 HC-8( )X( )-( ) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-57 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Blade Shot Peen Plug Removal Tool Part Number: BST-3065 (TE110) Description: Tool to remove shot peen plugs. Chamfering Tool Part Number: BST-5845 (TE50) Description: A six fluted, 45 degree chamfering tool used to chamfer grease fitting holes in aluminum hubs (reference Hartzell Service bulletin No. 165E or subsequent revision). BST-5845 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-58 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Transfer Tube O-ring Installation Tool Part Number: BST-10001 (TE69) Description: Tool to protect O-ring when it is installed over the HD-E6C-3 propeller oil transfer tube. Beta Valve Freeze Sleeve Part Number: BST-10002 (TE117) Description: Installation of beta valve assembly in the PCU. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-59 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Flight Idle Set Fixture Part Number: BST-10003 (TE136) Description: Fixture to set PCU piston indicating rod at the pre-set flight idle position. Modified Deep Well Socket Part Number: BST-10004 (TE251) Description: Used in the assembly and disassembly of HD-E6C-3 propeller. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-60 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Beta Switch Tester Part Number: BST-10005 (TE157) Description: Test box to simulate the cockpit beta light when rigging the PCU beta light switch during PCU assembly. To be used in conjunction with BST-10006 Rigging Cover. BST-10005 STAND-BY BETA ON OFF HARTZELL BST-10005 Rigging Cover Part Number: BST-10006 (TE58) Description: Cover used to actuate the PCU beta light switch at pre-set position to assist in beta light switch rigging. To be used in conjunction with BST-10005 Beta Light Switch Test Box. BST-10006A BST-10006B TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-61 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Threaded Headless Pins Part Number: BST-10007 (TE159) Description: These pins are threaded into the hub's forward mounting ring to hold it in the correct position for: 1) Hydraulic unit mounting during HD-E6C-3 propeller assembly (four required). 2) Cylinder mounting during the HC-E5A-2 propeller assembly (2 required). Strap Wrench Part Number: 100923 (TE148-1) Description: Wrench to install/remove feathering spring. Supersedes: BT-461 (TE148) 100923 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-62 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Retention Bearing Puller Part Number: BT-223 (TE108) Description: Puller to remove and install bearings on steel hub spiders. Used in conjunction with BST-3061 and BST-3062. Adaptors used as listed. Adaptors: BT-223+9 (TE108-1) (CS) Adaptor ring used when removing the A-1852 bearing retaining ring. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing to permit local fabrication. BT-223+10 (TE108-2) (CS) Adaptor ring used when removing the A-972 bearing retaining ring. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing to permit local fabrication. APS-189-1 Adaptor BT-223+9 (TE108-1) or BT-223+10 (TE108-2) Bearing Retaining Ring BST-3061 (TE308) or BST-3062 (TE309) to pull bearing retaining ring into position TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-63 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Tube Assembly Part Number: BT-1271-1,2 (TE137) BT-1271-1 Fine Threads BT-1271-2 Coarse Threads Description: Adapter assembly to shot peen blade balance bores. Used with CT-1311 (TE12). Supersedes:BT-1271 BT-1271-1_2 Shot Peen Tube Assembly (TE137) Shot Nozzle Unit (TE494) (not included) Shot Peen Gun (TE379) (not included) Shot Nozzle Unit Part Number TE Number BT-1271-4 BT-1271-5 BT-1271-6 BT-1271-7 BT-1271-8 (TE494) (TE494-1) (TE494-2) (TE494-3) (TE494-4) 1.95 inches (49.5 mm) 3.34 inches (84.8 mm) 4.72 inches (119.8 mm) 6.10 inches (154.9 mm) 10.10 inches (256.5 mm) Description: Used with Shot Peen Cabinet CT1311 (TE12), Shot Peen Gun 02643 (TE379), Shot Peen Tube Assembly BT-1271(-1,or-2) (TE137) Length Length TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-64 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Almen Strip Fixture Part Number: 104381 (TE49) Description: Fixture to confirm shot intensity in the lead hole of a blade. Supersedes:BT-1312 TI-165006,7 Shot Peen Cabinet Part Number: CT-1311 (TE12) (CS) Description: This part number may be used to order the drawing of the shot peen cabinet for local fabrication. Cabinet to house and support the blade during lead hole shot peening. Used with BT-1271 (TE137), BT-1312 (TE49), BT-1271-( ) (TE494-[ ])and 02643 (TE379). APS-180A TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-65 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Eddy Current Probe Unit Description: Probe for Eddy Current inspection of blade balance hole. Part Number: BT-1313 (TE95) No longer available from Hartzell Propeller Inc. Order from vendor (See below) Superseded by Olympus NDT Inc. Part Number BT-1313(-)( ) (TE95) Part Number: Olympus NDT Inc. Part Number BT-1313(-)( ) (TE95) NOTE: There are three versions of the eddy currect probe unit available from Olympus NDT Inc. Refer to the chart. Supersedes: BT-1313 (Hartzell Part Number) Vendor: Olympus NDT Inc. (OL) Olympus NDT Inc. Part Number Connector Type BT-1313 1/4" Headphone BT-1313-1 Microdot BT-1313-2 Triax Fischer/Lemo Connector (see chart) Probe (included) Probe Collar (included) TI-165001,2,3 1/4" Headphone Microdot Triax Fischer/Lemo Connector Types TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-66 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Floating Reamer Part Number: BT-1465-1 (TE207) BT-1465-3 (TE207-1) 0.766 (19.45 mm) diameter ball nose 0.758 (19.25 mm) diameter ball nose BT-1465-2 (TE208) BT-1465-4 (TE208-1) 0.781 (19.83 mm) diameter ball nose 0.773 (19.63 mm) diameter ball nose Description: Reamer to repair a blade balance hole. Floating reamer holder not supplied by Hartzell Propeller Inc. (This space is intentionally blank.) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-67 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Stop Adapter Part Number: BST-3066-2 (TE311) Description: Adapter to push pilot tubes deeper into the hub in order to remove with less force. Peening Tool Part Number: BST-3068 (TE247) Description: Tool for peening A-2245-(1) bushings in aluminum hubs. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-68 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A PCU Bearing Seat Sander Part Number: BST-2970 (TE274) Description: Tool for sanding the O.D. bearing seat surface on Propeller Control Unit. 3009.TIF Eddy Current Fixture Part Number: BST-3069 (TE315) Description: Eddy current probe support fixture for inspecting "X" and "V" shank double shoulder aluminum propeller blades. (Does not include probe. Standard 1 /8 inch pencil probe is recommended.) APS-2079 Eddy Current Probe TE315 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-69 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Drill Jig (PCU) Part Number: BST-3070 (TE296) Description: Drill jig for removing the PCU manifold plug from Propeller Control Unit. PCU Stand Part Number: BST-3071 (TE297) Description: Stand for securing Propeller Control Unit during maintenance operations. BST3071.TIF TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-70 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Centering Tool for C-5623-2 Drive Coupling Part Number: BT-3035 (TE310) Description: Tool for aligning the drive coupling in the PCU manifold. BT3035.TIF E13890 Master Blade Part Number: BST-3200 (TE431) - Group 0 (-100 in. oz.) BST-10037 (TE299) - Group 1 (-5 in. oz.) BST-10038 (TE300) - Group 2 (+100 in. oz.) BST-10039 (TE301) - Group 3 (+180 in. oz.) 102690 (TE460) - Group 4 (+260 in. oz.) Description: Used to balance composite blades into balance groups. Not shown. The part numbers above may be used to order the drawing of the master blade for local fabrication. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-71 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Modified Crowfoot Part Number: BST-10015 (TE360) Description: Modified 1¼ inch, 3/8 inch drive crowfoot wrench used to adjust the pitch lock gap on the HD-E6C-3( ) propeller. Pitch Lock Roller Fixture Part Number: BST-10026 (TE362) Description: Used to compress A-5654-1 pitch lock unit to facilitate disassembly/ assembly. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-72 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Plug Part Number: BST-3080 (TE371) Description: Plug to mask the blade bore prior to shot peening on “X” shank, “X” shank modified to “V” shank, “V” shank, “V” shank blades with “N” modification and “MV” shank blades with “N” modification. Used with TE372 as required. Shot Peen Plug Part Number: BST-3080-1 (TE372) Description: Used with TE371 to mask the blade bore prior to shot peening on “V” shank blades with “N” modification and “MV” shank blades with “N” modification. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-73 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A T-Handle Wrench Part Number: BST-3109 (TE381) Description: Installation of the stop screw in compact aluminum -2 propellers. APS6262 Feathering Tool Part Number: BST-3103 (TE383) Description: Tool used to install the pitch adjustment washers and feathering stop in compact aluminum -2 propellers. APS6262 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-74 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Cylinder Installation Rod Part Number: BST-3104 (TE384) Description: Tool used to spread the start lock mechanism when installing the cylinder in compact aluminum feathering propellers. APS6261 Reamer Part Number: BST-3022 (TE403) - All Compact and "H" and "Q" Bantam propeller hubs with 1/2-20UNF studs BST-3022A (TE403-1) - Bantam propeller hubs with 7/16-20UNF studs Description: Used to remove adhesive from the bottom of hub mounting stud holes. BST3022 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-75 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Plug Part Number: BST-2939 (TE88) Description: Plug to mask the blade bore before shot peening “M” and “T” shank blades that do not have “N” modifications. BST2939 Bearing Puller Part Number: BST-2951 (TE105) Description: Puller to remove bearings from "E" shanks. Used in conjunction with customer supplied hydraulic or pneumatic puller. NOTE: Use only with bearings having a cage and a flat bottomed closed end. This puller will not work on bearings with a full complement of needles and a dimpled closed end. BST2951 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-76 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Paint Mask Cap Part Number: BST-3006 (TE414) diameter of "A" is 5.930 inches (15.06 cm) BST-3158 (TE415) diameter of "A" is 6.345 inches (16.12 cm) BST-3159 (TE416) diameter of "A" is 5.745 inches (14.59 cm) BST-3160 (TE417) diameter of "A" is 5.370 inches (13.64 cm) BST-3161 (TE418) diameter of "A" is 5.875 inches (14.92 cm) BST-3162 (TE419) diameter of "A" is 5.180 inches (13.16 cm) Description: Used to mask the cylinder attachment thread area of aluminum hubs. "A" TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-77 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Spacer Part Number: BST-2991 (TE420) Description: Used during assembly for set up of 2-way Hydro-Selective propellers. BST2991 Mask Screw Part Number: BST-3081 (TE428) Description: Screw to mask shot peen from the lubrication fitting hole in an aluminum hub. BST3081 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-78 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Blade Pitch Fixture Part Number: BST-3226 (TE438) Description: Tool that attaches to the blade for blade angle check. TI-BST-3226 Probe Housing Component Part Number: BST-3227 (TE437) Description: Used to support the probe of the profilometer when performing the surface finish inspection in the radius and transition areas of aluminum blade shanks. Used with AST-3475 (TE436), as necessary. BST-3227 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-79 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Blade Seal Alignment Tool Part Number: BST-3177 (TE440) For four-bladed lightweight turbine propellers BST-3063 (TE440-1) For five-bladed lightweight turbine propellers Description: Used during assembly to aid installation of the blade seal. BST3177 Composite Balance Tube Puller Part Number: BST-4114 (TE442) Description: Tool to remove composite blade balance tube. BST4114 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-80 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Grease Seal Pressure Test Tool (Adapter) Part Number: BT-3838 (TE443) Description: Used with TE382 (DST-3146) Thread Gauge Airflow Kit to perform grease seal pressure test. NOTE: Use with O-rings C-3317-010-2 and C-3317-08-2, not supplied. BT-3838 Grease Seal Pressure Test Tool Part Number: BT-3838-1 (TE443-1) Description: Used with TE382 or TE382-1 Thread Gauge Airflow Kit to perform grease seal pressure test. NOTE: BT-3838-1 (TE443-1) eliminates the need for using both the CST-3117 Probe Assembly and BT-3838 (TE443) to check grease seal pressure. BT-3838-1A TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-81 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Pressure Check Tool Part Number: BST-7587 (TE441)......... For K, R, L, and F flange BST-7587-1 (TE441-1)... For N flange BST-7587-2 (TE441-2)... For Q flange Description: Used to perform a leak inspection after repair of the pitch change rod bore of an aluminum hub. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing to allow for local fabrication. BST-7587 BST-7587-2 Insert Installation Tool Part Number: BST-7588 (TE445) Description: Used to provide a location of depth of the flange mounting inserts during the adhesive cure process. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing to allow for local fabrication. BST-7588 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-82 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Stud Fixture Plate Part Number: CST-421 (TE487) Description: A tool used when installing studs in D-flange, F-flange, N-flange, and W-flange hubs to make sure that the studs are set perpendicular to the hub flange. CST-421 Blade Retention Components Clamp Part Number: CST-2800 (TE24) Description: Clamp to hold the blade retention components onto the blade shank for installation into the hub. Designed to fit “D” and “Y” shank blades. APS-162 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-83 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Pilot Tube Press Fixture Part Number: CST-2913 (TE52) Description: Fixture to securely hold the propeller hub during pilot tube installation. The press is customer procured. Press must be capable of generating up to 25 tons of force, have an adjustable press opening height, and at least 3.5 inches (88.9 mm) of stroke. Supersedes: B-843-2 APS197-1 Hydraulic Press Ram Tool No. BST-3064-( ) (TE243 through TE246, sold separately) Customer-procured Support Plate Pilot Tube Assembly Tool (TE242) (*May be purchased separately.) Hub Pilot Tube Endplate of Pilot Tube Fixture CST-2913 * TE242 can only be used with a hydraulic press that accepts a ram adapter that is 0.75 inch (19.0 mm) diameter by 1.25 inches (31.7 mm) long. For other hydraulic presses, the ram adapter is customer procured. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-84 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Spring Compressor Fixture Part Number: CST-2914 (TE59) WARNING: USE EXTREME CAUTION DURING DISASSEMBLY. THE FEATHERING SPRING ASSEMBLY MAY BE PRELOADED TO OVER 2000 POUNDS FORCE. Description: Fixture to compress the feathering spring sufficiently to allow assembly or disassembly of the spring assembly. NOTE: This fixture is not to be used on 5 and 6 Way propellers with an “E” or “A” shank. The fixture to be used for “E” shanks is CST-3016 (TE32) and the fixture for “A” shanks is customer supplied. Supersedes: CSD-4900, C-845-2 APS-545 The following tooling is required in addition to the CST-2914 Spring Compressor Fixture depending upon the type of Spring Assembly: Spring Assembly Base Retainer Guide Rod 831-1A 831-2 831-3 831-4 831-5A, B, C 831-6 831-7 831-8 831-9 831-10 831-11 831-12 BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2899 (TE489-3) BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2899 (TE489-3) BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2899 (TE489-3) BST-2899 (TE489-3) BST-2899 (TE489-3) BST-2897 (TE489-2) BST-2907 (TE490-4) BST-2905 (TE490-3) BST-2907 (TE490-4) BST-2907 (TE490-4) BST-2907 (TE490-4) BST-2907 (TE490-4) BST-2905 (TE490-3) BST-2904 (TE490-2) BST-2905 (TE490-3) BST-2905 (TE490-3) BST-2905 (TE490-3) BST-2902 (TE490) BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2891 (TE488-1) BST-2890 (TE488) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-85 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Spring Compressor Fixture Part Number: CST-2914 (TE59)..... Con’t The following tooling is required in addition to the CST-2914 Spring Compressor Fixture depending upon the type of Spring Assembly: Spring Assembly Base Retainer Guide Rod 831-13 BST-2891 (TE488-1) BST-2899 (TE489-3) BST-2905 (TE490-3) 831-14 BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2907 (TE490-4) 831-15 BST-2891 (TE488-1) BST-2899 (TE489-3) BST-2905 (TE490-3) 831-16BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2899 (TE489-3)BST-2905 (TE490-3) 831-16ABST-2890 (TE488)BST-2899 (TE489-3)BST-2905 (TE490-3) 831-17BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2899 (TE489-3)BST-2905 (TE490-3) 831-18BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2899 (TE489-3)BST-2905 (TE490-3) 831-19BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2902 (TE490) 831-20BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-21BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-22BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2902 (TE490) 831-23BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2902 (TE490) 831-23ABST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2902 (TE490) 831-24BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-25BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-26BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-27BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-28BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-29BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-30BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-31BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-33BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-34BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-35BST-2891 (TE488-1)BST-2899 (TE489-3)BST-2905 (TE490-3) 831-36BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-38BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-39BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-40BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-41BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2902 (TE490) 831-42BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2902 (TE490) 831-43BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-44BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-45BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2904 (TE490-2) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-86 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Spring Compressor Fixture Part Number: CST-2914 (TE59)..... Con’t The following tooling is required in addition to the CST-2914 Spring Compressor Fixture depending upon the type of Spring Assembly: Spring Assembly Base Retainer Guide Rod 831-46BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-47BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2902 (TE490) 831-48BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489) BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-50BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-51BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-52BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2899 (TE489-3)BST-2905 (TE490-3) 831-53BST-2894 (TE488-2)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2907 (TE490-4) 831-54BST-2894 (TE488-2) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2904 (TE490-2) 831-55BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-56BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2897 (TE489-2)BST-2902 (TE490) 831-57BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-58BST-2890 (TE488) BST-2896 (TE489-1) BST-2903 (TE490-1) 831-59BST-2890 (TE488)BST-2895 (TE489)BST-2904 (TE490-2) Balance Arbor Part Number: CST-2919 (TE8) Description: Used to determine the location of the static balance weights on a completed propeller assembly. Used with customer supplied balance units. Works with 2 to 5 bladed propellers with “F,” “K,” “L,” “N” and “R” flanges. Supersedes: CT-2210 and CSK-155 CST-2919 Includes 2 Flanges TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-87 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Optical Comparator Overlay Part Number: CST-2923 (TE18) “D” and “Y” Shanks CST-2924 (TE19) “X,” “V” and “N” Shanks CST-2925 (TE20) “Z,” “W,” “T” and “S” Shanks CST-2926 (TE21) “M,” “R” and “P” Shanks CST-2989 (TE22) “E” Shank CST-10050 (TE373) "MV" Shanks Description: A 14 inch (355.6 mm) clear overlay to check the condition and repairability of an aluminum blade retention radius. Used with customer supplied optical comparator. For the current revision level of each overlay, refer to the Hartzell Aluminum Blade Overhaul Manual 133C (61-13-33). Blade Retention Components Clamp Part Number: CST-2929 (TE25) Description: Clamp to hold the blade retention components onto the blade shank for installation into the hub. Designed to fit “A” and “E” shank blades, and “N” shank composite blades in lightweight compact hubs. APS-162 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-88 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Beta System Puller Part Number: CST-2987 (TE100) Supersedes: CST-2834, CST-2834-( ) Description: Puller to compress the beta system on all -3 turbine propellers that uses various types of adapters to gain access to the propeller mounting bolts for propeller removal and installation. The following replacement components are available individually: Item Number Part Number 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . CST-2987+8 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . CST-2987+9 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . CST-2987+13 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . CST-2987+7 NOTE: Description Finger Adapter Finger Adapter Adapter Nut Threaded Shaft CST-2987 includes items 1 through 4 listed above. CST-2987 CST-2987+8 CST-2987+9 CST-2987 CST-2987+8 (4 pieces included) CST-2987+13 and CST-2987+7 (4 pieces included) CST-2987+9 (3 pieces included) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-89 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Initial Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit Part Number: CST-3000 (TE187) CST-3000-1 (TE188) CST-3000-2 (TE189) CST-3000-3 (TE190) CST-3000-4 (TE191) CST-3000-6 (TE193) CST-3000-7 (TE194) CST-3000-9 (TE196) CST-3000-10 (TE341) CST-3000-11 (TE474) CST-3000-12 (TE476) CST-3000-15 (TE478) Description: LM10585AN+4 M10877 M10083 B7421 A10460 E11990 E10950 E12902 E13890 7690 E8190 N7605 Kit contains the necessary materials for the initial qualification of a facility to perform erosion shield replacements. The kit includes 4 erosion shields and enough adhesive, fiberglass, vacuum bags, and sealant tape to perform four erosion shield replacements for evaluation. Supplemental Erosion Shield Sample Program Kit Part Number: CST-3000-A (TE342) CST-3000-1A (TE345) CST-3000-2A (TE346) CST-3000-3A (TE347) CST-3000-4A (TE348) CST-3000-6A (TE349) CST-3000-7A (TE350) CST-3000-9A (TE351) CST-3000-10A (TE352) CST-3000-11A (TE475) CST-3000-12A (TE477) CST-3000-15A (TE479) LM10585AN+4 M10877 M10083 B7421 A10460 E11990 E10950 E12902 E13890 7690 E8190 N7605 Description: Kit contains the necessary materials for the additional qualification of a facility to perform erosion shield replacement of a blade design different than the initial design for which the facility is qualified. The kit includes 1 erosion shield and enough adhesive, fiberglass, vacuum bags, and sealant tape to perform the erosion shield replacement. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-90 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Portable Spring Compressor Part Number: CST-3016 (TE32) Description: Spring compressor for feathering spring assembly during assembly or disassembly of lightweight turbine “E” shank 5 and 6 Way propellers. Dual Acting Propeller Assembly Table Add-on Package Part Number: CST-3021 (TE10) Description: An add-on package compatible with CST-2901(-) propeller assembly tables. Permits the ability to control HD-E6C type propellers. The add-on package includes a mounting bracket, electric actuator, push button control box, BST-2912-10 "C" flange spindle adapter, and the hardware to interface with the propeller. Requires 105-125V AC, 50/60 Hz or 208-245V AC, 50/60 Hz source. Hole drilling and some assembly required. CST-3021.AI TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-91 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Dual Acting Propeller Assembly Tool Kit Part Number: CST-3028 (TE78) Description: Tools required for disassembly and reassembly of HD-E6C-3 propeller and PCU. Qty. Vendor Hartzell P/N Vendor P/N Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 HP HP HP HP HP HP BST-3027 (TE40) BST-3030 (TE41) BST-3031 (TE42) BST-3033 (TE43) BST-3035 (TE3) BST-3036 (TE63) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Modified Crowfoot Modified Crowfoot Modified Crowfoot Modified Crowfoot Adapter Piston Installation Cone 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP SO BH LS BST-3037 (TE74) BST-3038 (TE26) BST-3039 (TE99) BST-3041 (TE84) BST-3044 (TE141) BST-3045 (TE98) BST-3054 (TE72) BST-3055 (TE185) BST-3055-1 (TE186) BST-3056 (TE70) BST-3057 (TE71) BST-10002 (TE117) BST-10003 (TE136) BST-10004 (TE251) BST-10005 (TE157) BST-10006 (TE58) BST-10007 (TE159) (TE176) 9943BLX13 (TE261) 9943EN1901 (TE262) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a APS351 BLX 13 EN1 901 Aft Control Spring Compressor Control Rod Alignment Tool Bearing Puller Rigging Pin Clamp Wrench Puller PCU Manifold Installation Tool PCU Bearing Installation Tool PCU Bearing Installation Tool PCU Bushing Installation Tool PCU Bushing Installation Tool Beta Valve Freeze Sleeve Flight Idle Set Fixture Deep Well Socket Beta Light Switch Test Box Rigging Cover Threaded Headless Pins Adjustable Spanner Wrench, 1/8 Pin Ball Head Hex. Wrench Set Propeller Sling, 1 inch x 3 feet 1 SO 9943FS081 (TE109) GFS081 Socket, 6 Point, ¹/8 inch, 3/8 Drive 1 SO 9943MU121 (TE166) GTMU121 1 SO (TE192) GFC48A 1 SO (TE202) GSF161 1 SO 9943FC012 (TE214) GFC012 2 SO 994313309 (TE229) GFA4A 1 SO (TE248) GF10M Universal Socket, 12 Point, 3/8 inch, 1/4 Drive Crowfoot Wrench, Open End with Side Lock Hole, 11/2 inch, 3/8 Drive Deep Well Socket, 12 Point, 1/2 inch, 3/8 Drive Crowfoot Wrench, Open End, 3/8 in Socket Driver, 5/32 Hex. Head, 3/8 Drive Breaker Bar, 3/8 Drive TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-92 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Dual Acting Propeller Assembly Tool Kit Part Number: CST-3028 (TE78).....Con’t Qty. Vendor Hartzell P/N Vendor P/N Description 1 SO (TE249) GV01820 Open End Wrench, Std Length, 9/16 - 5/8 in 1 SO 994313308 (TE255) GFX1 Extension, 2 inches, 3/8 Drive 1 SO (TE256) GFC60A Crowfoot Wrench, 17/8 inch, 3/8 Drive 1 DM (TE265) M22520/1-01 Beta Light Switch Crimping Tool 1 SO (TE250) PFDH180 Socket, 12 Point, 9/16 inch, 3/8 Drive 1 SO 994313307 (TE253) QJFR275E Adjustable Torque Wrench, 5 to 75 ft-lb, 3 /8 Drive 1 SO (TE254) QJR217C Adjustable Torque Wrench, 30 to 200 in-lb, 3 /8 Drive 1 SO (TE47) YA484 Tool Box 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SO AP AP AP MC LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE LE SO 994313306 (TE305) (TE258) (TE252) (TE259) 791800247 (TE260) (TE263) (TE264) (TE266) (TE267) (TE268) (TE269) (TE270) (TE271) (TE272) (TE273) (TE323) (TE324) (TE257) PMF133 170-6 668 1500-P 90303A247 CUTA2810114C CUTA1870104C CUTA1560203A CUTA1560103B CUTA2180203A CUTA2180103B CUTA2810203A CUTA2810103B CUTA3120203A CUTA3120103B CUTA1250203A CUTA1250103B ASA204A 0 - 6 inch Dial Calipers Apex Torqset Bit, 1/4 inch, 11/4 Length Thickness Gauge, Straight Leaves Hand Driver, Replaceable-Bit Nylon Jack Screws Installation & Extraction Tool for Relief Valve Installation & Extraction Tool for Oil Nozzle Lee Plug Installation Tool Lee Plug Extraction Tool Lee Plug Installation Tool Lee Plug Extraction Tool Lee Plug Installation Tool Lee Plug Extraction Tool Lee Plug Installation Tool Lee Plug Extraction Tool Lee Plug Installation Tool Lee Plug Extraction Tool Miniature Pick Set TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-93 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Dual Acting Line Maintenance Tool Kit Part Number: CST-3028-1 (TE79) Description: Tools required for line maintenance of HD-E6C-3 propeller and PCU. Qty. Vendor Hartzell P/N Vendor P/N Description 1 HP HP HP HP LS SO AST-2877-1 (TE155) BST-3048 (TE320) BST-3041 (TE84) BST-10001 (TE69) 9943EN1901 (TE262) 9943FC012 (TE214) n/a n/a n/a n/a EN1901 GFC012 Torque Wrench Adapter Transfer Tube and Plug Removal/Installation Tool Rigging Pin Transfer Tube O-ring Installation Tool Propeller Sling, 1 inch x 3 feet Crowfoot Wrench, Open End, 3/8 inch 1 2 1 2 1 Dual Acting Line Maintenance Tool Kit (Hartzell Supplied Tools Only) Part Number: CST-3028-2 (TE276) Description: Tools required for line maintenance of HD-E6C-3 propeller and PCU. Qty. Hartzell P/N Description Torque Wrench Adapter Transfer Tube and Plug Removal/Installation Tool Rigging Pin Transfer Tube O-ring Installation Tool 1 1 2 1 AST-2877-1 (TE155) BST-3048 (TE320) BST-3041 (TE84) BST-10001 (TE69) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-94 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Adjustable Riser Fixture Part Number: CT-1075 (TE48) Description: Fixture to allow blade angle measurements during assembly. Used in conjunction with a bench-top protractor. APS-159-1 Riser Fixture No. CT-1075 (This space is intentionally blank.) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-95 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Cylinder Cap Part Number: CST-3110 (TE380) Description: Cap used with the cylinder when installing the spring assembly in compact aluminum, feathering -2 propellers. APS-6263 Blade Angle Locating Fixture Part Number: CST-2969 (TE413) Description: Fixture to check blade-to-blade angular difference before final hub assembly. CST2969A TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-96 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Sleeve Intallation Tool Part Number: CST-3169 (TE427) Description: Tool for installation of the reverse adjustment sleeve in lightweight turbine propellers. CST3169 Ultrasonic Inspection Calibration Standard Part Number: CST-3012 (TE277) Supersedes BST-10009. Description: Controlled specimen to confirm calibration of ultrasonic test equipment. CST3012 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-97 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Calibration Standard Part Number: CST-3015 (TE435) Description: Calibration standard for 101088 eddy current probe. CST3015 Bolt Alignment Fixture Part Number: CST-3178 (TE448) Description: Used to align mounting bolts in an E-7369 hub with oversize mounting bolt holes. CST3178 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-98 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Propeller Assembly Table Part Number: CST-2901-( ) (TE129) Description: Table used to assemble/disassemble propellers. May order complete propeller assembly table or contact Hartzell for information to fabricate. The CST-2901 includes the propeller assembly table and the items listed in the chart below. Qty Item 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HPI Part No. Description CST-2901 (TE129) Propeller Assembly Table Full Size CST-2901-1 (TE129) Propeller Assembly Table Short CST-2901-2 (TE129) Propeller Assembly Table Full Size W/ Spindle Base, Anti-Rotation Pin CST-2901-3 (TE129) Propeller Assembly Table Short W/ Spindle Base, Anti-Rotation Pin CST-2901-4 (TE129) Propeller Assembly Table Full Size W/ Building Buck Components CST-2901-5 (TE129) Propeller Assembly Table Short W/ Building Buck Components 1 CST-2901+1 Base, Full Size 2 CST-2901-1+1 Base, Short Hpi Oval, Hartzell Balde Decal 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 79980-HPI-LO 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 CST-2901+3 1 1 5 BST-2912 (TE125) Building Buck Components (1) (1) 6 BST-2912-12 (TE127) Mid Pitch Adapter (1) (1) 7 BST-2912-1 (TE124) Flanged Hub Spindle (1) (1) 8 BST-2912-4 (TE4) Adapter Ring"N" Flange (1) (1) 9 BST-2912-9 (TE2) "A" Flange Adaptor"C" Flange Adaptor (1) (1) 10 BST-2912-10 (TE80) "C" Flange Adaptor (1) (1) 11 BST-2912+ (TE125-1) Spindle Base (1) (1) 12 BST-2912-13 (TE327) -5 Blade Angle Stop 1 1 Hanger (1) (1) 13 BST-2912-11 (TE85) Anti Rotation Pin (1) (1) 14 BST-2912-2 (TE122) #20 Spline Spindle (1) (1) 15 BST-2912-3 (TE123) #30 Spine Spindle 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 CST-2901-5 Pneumatics Anti-rotation Pin Spindle Base Propeller Assembly Table (Full Size Shown) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-99 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Blade Bearing Press Part Number: DST-2934 (TE93) Description: Press to install the inboard split bearing races and retaining rings onto single shoulder blades. The press also installs the needle roller bearings inside Y, D, and E shank blade bores. NOTE: Does not include the hydraulic power unit. Locator Plate Reference Ball Size DST-2934+1 3/8" DST-2934+2 1/2" Use with Bearing Part Number C-792-( ) D-7745-( ) A-2202-( ) C-7438-( ) C-7075-( ) C-2882-( ) (This space is intentionally blank.) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-100 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Ground Hydraulic Power Unit (GHPU) Part Number: DST-3049 (TE318) AC, 110 V DST-3049-1 (TE318) AC, 220 V DST-3049-2 (TE318) DC, 28 V Description: Used to change blade angle on the HD-E6C-3 propeller. • BST-3051 (TE493) Chip Detector Fitting Cover • BST-3050 (TE492) Chip Detector Fitting NOTE: A return line fitting composed of DST-3049+69, DST-3049 +70, and DST-3049 +7 is provided inside a toolbox that is bolted to the GHPU. Synchrophaser Check Box Part Number: DST-10014 (TE23) Description: Check box to perform functional check of synchrophaser computer and related air frame components. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-101 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Pilot Tube Removal Fixture Part Number: DT-336 (TE53) Description: This part number may be used to order the drawing of the pilot tube removal fixture for local fabrication. Fixture to hold the hub during pilot tube removal. Replacement jaws are available. Used with customer procured APS-197 hydraulic press. Hydraulic Press Ram Tool No. BST-2876 (TE107) Jaw DT-336+6 (TE53-1) and DT336+7 (TE53-2) that grabs the pilot tube. Refer to chart. Fixture No. DT-336 Hydraulic Press Bed Jaw Pilot Tube OD DT-336+6 (TE53-1) 1.5xx inch (38xx mm) DT-336+7 (TE53-2) 1.7xx inch (44xx mm) Rolling Machine Part Number: DT-1724-3(TE116) AC, 110 V, 60 Hz Complete Machine (includes blade fixtures) DT-1724-70 (TE116) AC, 110 V, 60 Hz Machine only (no blade fixtures) DT-1724-3(F) (TE116) AC, 220 V, 50 Hz Complete Machine (includes blade fixtures) DT-1724-70(F) (TE116)AC, 220 V, 50 Hz Machine only (no blade fixtures) Description: Machine to cold compression roll single shoulder aluminum blade shanks. For operating instructions and adapter listing refer to Hartzell Aluminum Blade Manual 133C (61-13-33). APS-925 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-102 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Roller Assembly Tool Part Number: DST-10016 (TE363) Description: Used to position and align A-5654-11 rollers during assembly of A-5654-1 pitch lock unit. Bolt Alignment Tool Part Number:DST-10024(1) (TE361) Description: Used to align A-5989-( ) mounting bolts in a D-6168 hub with oversize mounting bolt holes. DST10024 TPI-DST-10024-1 DST-10024 DST-10024-1 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-103 Rev. 16 Apr/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Go-No-Go Gauge Part Number: DST-10025 (TE364) Description: Used to inspect for deflection of drive tab on B-6428 propeller control unit drive coupling. APS6144 Pitch Change Bore Plug Part Number Description DT-2997-4 (TE391) Used to pressure check the pitch change rod bushing on the engine-side of "N" flange hubs. Used with DT-2997-2 (TE390) or DT-2997-8 (TE394). DT-2997-5 (TE392) Used to pressure check the pitch change rod bushing on the cylinder-side of "N" flange hubs. Used with DT-2997-7 (TE393) or DT-2997-9 (TE429). NOTE: These part numbers may be used to order the drawings to allow for local fabrication. APS6265 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-104 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Pressure Check Adapter Part Number Description DT-2997-2 (TE390) Adapter to check the pitch change rod bushing on the engine-side of "N" flange aluminum hubs.Used with DT-2997-4 (TE391). DT-2997-7 (TE393) Adapter to check the pitch change rod bushing on the cylinder-side of aluminum hubs with fine attachment threads. Used with DT-2997-5 (TE392). DT-2997-8 (TE394) Adapter to check the pitch change rod bushing on the engine-side of "A" flange aluminum hubs. Used with DT-2997-4 (TE391). DT-2997-9 (TE429) Adapter to check the pitch change rod bushing on the cylinder-side of aluminum hubs with coarse cylinder attachment threads. Used with DT-2997-5 (TE392). NOTE: These part numbers may be used to order the drawings to allow for local fabrication. APS6264 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-105 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Thread Gauge Airflow Kit Part Number: DST-3146-( ) (TE382) Description: Used to inspect the condition of D-5117-1 counterweight clamp threaded holes. Also used to inspect the seal of an assembled propeller. NOTE: When performing the grease seal pressure test, grease seal pressure test tool TE443 (BT-3838) must be used as adaptor with the CST-3117 Probe Assembly. BT-3838-1 in the DST-3146-1 Kit eliminates the need for an adaptor. Components: DST-3146 (TE382) 1..... CST-3117 Probe Assembly 2..... BST-3118Flowmeter 3..... BST-3119Regulator 4..... BST-3122Gauge 5..... CST-3135 Calibration Block DST-3146-1 (TE382-1) 1A....BT-3838-1 Probe 2......BST-3118Flowmeter 3......BST-3119Regulator 4......BST-3122Gauge APS6266 2 1A 4 1 3 5 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-106 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Masking Fixture Part Number: DST-3483 (TE444) Description: Used to mask the pilot tube during the plating process. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing to permit local fabrication. DST-3483 (This space is intentionally blank.) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-107 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Machine Assembly Part Number: DST-5855(F) (TE446)(WH) Description: A machine that reapplies the compressive layer to the "F" pitch change knob on "Y" shank blades. The machine consists of one (1) DST-5885-1(F) kit and the drawings needed to allow for local fabrication of the remainder of the machine. NOTE: DST-5855 is designed for applications using 120V-60 Hz electricity. DST-5855F is designed for use with 50 Hz electric supply along with a voltage transformer. DST-5855 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-108 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen, "Y" Shank Knob Kit Part Number: DST-5855-1(F) (TE447) Description: Kit consists of one (1) DST-5855+33 Rotation Plate and one (1) DST-5855+34 Top Plate plus the drawings needed to permit local fabrication of a DST-5855(F) Shot Peen Machine Assembly. NOTE: DST-5855-1 is designed for applications using 120V-60 Hz electricity. DST-5855-1F is designed for use with 50 Hz electric supply. Rotation Plate DST-5855+33 DST-5855+33 REV. A HARTZELL SER. NO: 064 Top Plate DST-5855+34 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-109 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Optical Comparator Part Number: Cust. P/N (TE28) Description: Optical comparator, customer supplied, to inspect the blade retention radius to determine its acceptability for rework or return to service. Refer to Hartzell Service Manual 133C (61-13-33), Blade Overhaul, for a listing of suppliers and approved part numbers. PCU Filter Removal Tool Part Number:CG40-4 (TE356) Rod CG40-7(TE357) Collet Vendor: Snap-On Tools Corp. (SO) Description: Used to remove PCU filter B-5840 from the D-1199-2 propeller control unit. APS6125 Rod CG40-4 Collet CG40-7 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-110 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Eddy Current Test Instrument Part Number: ED-520 (TE133), ED-530 (TE134) Vendor: Magnaflux Corporation (MF) Description: Instrument to locate cracks and flaws in non-magnetic material (single shoulder aluminum blade retention radii). Used in conjunction with the following: AST-2857 (TE94) Probe and Probe Holder for "Y" Shank Blade Inspection AST-2979 (TE121) Test Specimen for Calibration BST-2847 (TE128) Probe Support BT-1313(-)( ) (TE95) Eddy Current Probe Unit for Blade Balance Hole Inspection BST-3069 (TE315) Eddy Current Fixture TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-111 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Thread Insert Installation Tool Part Number: KHT9000-9 (TE67) Vendor: ALATEC Products Corporation (AL) Description: Tool to assist in installing the thread insert into the pre-threaded hole and then aid in driving in the locking tangs. Superseded by:BST-3047-( ) TE68-( ) APS-147 Bench Top Blade Angle Protractor Part Number: Vendors PE 105 (TE96) Mausner Equipment Company, Inc. (MS) 799200105 (TE96) Hartzell Propeller Inc. Description: Protractor to measure the blade angles of an assembled propeller while installed on the bench. Used in conjunction with the CT-1075 Riser Fixture. NOTE: Locally procured and calibrated bubble protractor accurate to within 0.1 degree may be used and is considered equivalent. APS-159-1 Bench Top Protractor Riser Fixture No. CT1075 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-112 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Crowfoot Part Number: SC038 (TE33) SC040 (TE34) SC042 (TE35) SC048 (TE36) SC052 (TE37) SC056 (TE38) SC060 (TE39) Crowfoot 13/16 inch Crowfoot 11/4 inch Crowfoot 15/16 inch Crowfoot 11/2 inch Crowfoot 15/8 inch Crowfoot 13/4 inch Crowfoot 17/8 inch Vendor: Snap-On Tools Corporation (SO) Description: Used in conjunction with a 1/2 inch square drive torque wrench or breaker bar for propeller assembly and disassembly. APS-173 Apex Torqset Bit Part Number:170-1/4 (TE44) Vendor: APEX Products (AP) Description: Bit to remove, install and torque self-locking mounting screws. APS-146 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-113 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Slimsert® Installation and Removal Tool Vendor: Fairchild Fasteners Part Number Hartzell Part Number Description SR25W4A (Rosan) MR25W4A (McKinnon) 225-072722 (Acme) BST-2930-1 (TE389-1) (Supersedes TE314) Used to install Slimsert®-type threaded inserts into 1/4-20 or 1/4-28 threaded holes SR43W4A (Rosan) MR43W4A (McKinnon) 225-072734 (Acme) BST-2930-2 (TE389-2) Used to install Slimsert®-type threaded inserts into 7/16-20 threaded holes SR50W4A (Rosan) MR50W4A (McKinnon) 225-072738 (Acme) or 225-890051 (Acme) BST-2930-3 (TE389-3) (Supersedes TE312) Used to install Slimsert®-type threaded inserts into 1/2-13 or 1/2-20 threaded holes SR56W4A (Rosan) MR56W4A (McKinnon) 225-072742 (Acme) or 225-890053 (Acme) BST-2930-4 (TE389-4) (Supersedes TE313) Used to install Slimsert®-type threaded inserts into 9/16-18 threaded holes SR19W4A (Rosan) MR19W4A (McKinnon) 225-072718 (Acme) BST-2930-5 (TE389-5) (Supersedes TE353) Used to install Slimsert®-type threaded inserts into 10-24 or 10-32 threaded holes SR16W4A (Rosan) MR16W4A (McKinnon) 225-072714 (Acme) BST-2930-6 (TE389-6) (Supersedes TE389) Used to install Slimsert®-type threaded inserts into 8-32 threaded holes SR37W4A (Rosan) MR37W4A (McKinnon) 225-072730 (Acme) or 225-890031 (Acme) BST-2930-7 (TE389-7) Used to install Slimsert®-type threaded inserts into 3/8-16 or 3/8-24 threaded holes SR31W4A (Rosan) MR31W4A (McKinnon) 225-072726 (Acme) BST-2930-8 (TE389-8) Used to install Slimsert®-type threaded inserts into 3/8-24 threaded holes SR14W4A (Rosan) MR14W4A (McKinnon) 225-072710 (Acme) BST-2930-9 (TE389-9) Used to install Slimsert®-type threaded inserts into 10-32 threaded holes SR11W4A (Rosan) MR11W4A (McKinnon) 225-072706 (Acme) BST-2930-10 (TE389-10) Used to install Slimsert®-type threaded inserts into 8-32 threaded holes BST-2930 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-114 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Helicoil Insert Removal Tool Vendor: Heli-Coil Division, Emhart Fastening Systems Group (HE) Description: Tool to remove a helicoil insert. TE Number Vendor P/N Hartzell P/N TE111 1227-6 791912276 APS-178 Helicoil Insert Installation Tool, 7552-4 Vendor: Heli-Coil Division, Emhart Fastening Systems Group (HE) Description: Tool to pre-wind the insert to a smaller diameter for installation into the prethreaded hole. TE Number Vendor P/N Hartzell P/N TE66 7552-4 791975524 TE66-17552-5 791975525 TE66-27552-7 791975527 APS-144, APS-147 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-115 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Kit Part Number: 791256000 (TE285) Description: Instrument to locate flaws in non-magnetic material (composite blade shank area). Qty. Vendor Vendor P/N 1 ** See Note below. (TE375) 1 PM 23SC 1 PM 21PR 1 PM 21PP 1 PM 23BAT-12 1 PM M207-RB (Included in TE374) 1 PM DLH-2 (Included in TE374) 1 PM BCB-58-6 1 HP CST-3012 (TE277) **NOTE: Description Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Hard-shell Shipping Case Seiko Printer Printer Paper 8 Hour Battery Pack 2.25 MHz Transducer Delay Tip (Line) Transducer Cable Ultrasonic Inspection Calibration Standard Supplied per approved units as listed in Hartzell Composite Blade Manual 135F (61-13-35), Table 201. Not shown. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-116 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Rollers Part Number: MR02030 (TE275) Roller, Steel 1½" x 2" MR01020 (TE328) Roller, Smooth 11/8" x 1/8" MR10900 (TE329) Roller, Gooseneck 1" x 1/16" MR05000 (TE330) Roller, Rubber 2" MR05020 (TE331) Roller, Silicon 15/16" x 1¾" Vendor: Everhard Products (EP) Description: Miscellaneous rollers used for installation of propeller de-ice boots. MR02030 Composite Blade Repair Blankets Part Number: HZP161001 (TE302) E10950 Blade Repair Blanket HZP161002 (TE304) Blade Repair Blanket (4" x 12") Vendor: BriskHeat Corporation (BR) Description: Heat blankets which provide accelerated cure time when making repairs to composite blades. TE304 Not shown. APS2086 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-117 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Heat Gun Part Number: HL1802E (TE303) Vendor: Steinel America (SA) Description: Heat Gun for heat shrinking tubing around the wire harness of the de-ice boot for the HD-E6C-3( ) propeller assembly and the tubing for wires used in an electrically actuated governor. HL1802E Temp-Plate® Recorder Part Number: 240-120F (TE306) Records temperatures from 120°F to 180°F 240-190F (TE307) Records temperatures from 190°F to 220°F Vendor: Wahl Instruments, Inc. (WI) Description: Temperature indicating strips to be used when performing composite blade repairs with a blade repair blanket (TE302 or TE304). TE307 Not shown. TEMPPLTE.TIF TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-118 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Tie Strap Gun Part Number: GS4H (TE332) Vendor: All Phase Electric Supply Co. (AE) Description: Device for securing tie straps used on de-ice boots for propeller assembly HD-E6C-3B. GS4H Unfeathering Tool Part Number: 9943HART-001 (TE316) Vendor: Clay-Groomer Machine Shop, Inc. (CG) or Hartzell Propeller, Inc. (HP) Description: Tool for unfeathering propeller assembly HC-E4A-3(A,I). APS2082 TE316 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-119 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Temp-Plate® Recorder Part Number: 240-090F (TE358) Vendor: Wahl Instruments, Inc. (WI) Description: Temperature indicating strips to be used when performing a de-ice system static check on the de-ice system used on the HD-E6C-3( ) ( ) propeller. APS6123 Signal Generator Model 3001 Part Number: 90F2312 (TE359) Vendor: BK Precision (BK) Description: Provides an output signal to the aircraft Np sensor, allowing the de-ice system to be checked statically. APS6124 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-120 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Bransonic Cleaner Part Number: 000-951-005 Model B3 (TE370) Vendor: Branson Ultrasonics Corporation (BN) Description: Used to clean B-5840 PCU filter prior to reinstallation in D-1199-2 propeller control unit. APS6146 BRANSO NIC 3 Megohm Meter Part Number: Customer P/N (TE354) - A megohm meter meeting the following requirements: 0-20 megohms at 500V DC or equivalent. Vendor: Customer Supplied (CS) Description: Used to measure the ring-to-ring insulation resistance on the A-5635-1 slip ring. Not shown. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-121 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Milliohmmeter Part Number: Customer P/N (TE355) - A milliohmmeter meeting the following specfications: RANGE RESOLUTION MAXIMUM TEST NON DRY CIRCUIT TEST CURRENTACCURACY 1 Year, 18°-28°C ±(%rdg+counts) PULSEDDC 200 mΩ 10 µΩ Vendor: Customer Supplied (CS) Description: Used to measure the bonding resistance of the HD-E6C-3( )( ) propeller. Not shown. 100 mA 0.04 + 2 0.04 + 3 Pin Extractor Part Number: MS27495R20 (TE369) Vendor: Customer Supplied (CS) Description: Used to disassemble B-5927 electrical connector on D-1199-2 propeller control unit and used for removal of pins on electrical connector for electrically actuated governors APS6142 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-122 Rev. 16 Apr/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Slide Hammer Part Number: CG250-9 and CG250-8A (TE365) CG41-11 (TE366) CG41-14 (TE367) CG41-13 (TE368) Slide Hammer, 2 lb. Rod Collet, 1/4 inch to 5/16 inch Collet, 3/8 inch to 7/16 inch (Not shown) Vendor: Snap-On Tools Corp. (SO) Description: TE365 used in conjunction with TE366, and TE367 or TE368 to remove bearings B-6133-1 or B-6133-2 from D-1199-2 propeller control unit. APS6126 TE365 APS6127 TE366 APS6128 TE367 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-123 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Transducer Assembly Part Number: Cust. P/N (TE374) Vendor: Panametrics, Inc.(PM) Description: Used in conjunction with Ultrasonic Flaw Detector (TE375) to locate flaws in non-magnetic material (composite blade shank area). Not shown. Qty. Vendor 1 1 PM PM Vendor P/N Description M207-RB DLH-2 2.25 MHz Transducer Delay Line Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Part Number: ** See Note below. (TE375) Description: Instrument to locate flaws in non-magnetic material (composite blade shank area). Not shown. ** NOTE: Supplied per approved units as listed in Hartzell Composite Blade Manual 135F (61-13-35), Table 201. Contact Hartzell Product Support department for written approval of similar equipment. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-124 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Gear Inspection Wire Vendor: Van Keuren (VK) Part Number Description 0.0525 inch dia. (TE395) Used to inspect the governor control shaft. 0.0620 inch dia. (TE396) Used to inspect the governor rack. 0.0850 inch dia. (TE397) Used to inspect the governor drive shaft gear internal pitch diameter. 0.2634 inch dia. (TE398) Used to inspect the governor idler gear. 0.2700 inch dia. (TE399) Used to inspect the governor drive shaft gear. 0.0962 inch dia. (TE400) Used to inspect the governor idler gear pitch diameter. 0.1400 inch dia. (TE401) Used to inspect the governor idler gear pitch diameter. 0.1480 inch dia. (TE402) Used to inspect the governor drive shaft gear pitch diameter. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-125 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shot Peen Gun Part Number: 02643 (TE379) Vendor: Clemco Industries Corp. (CL) Description: Tool used to shot peen blade balance holes. Used with BT-1271-1,2 (TE137), (not included), CT-1311 (TE12), and BT-1271(-4, -5, -6, -7,-8) (TE494-4, -5, -6, -7,-8) Supersedes: HZP-09S#4 (GO) BT-1271-1_2 Shot Peen Tube Assembly (TE137) (not included) Shot Nozzle Unit (TE494-( ) (not included) Shot Peen Gun (TE379) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-126 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A No Go Gauge Part Number: .2760 Pin Gauge, Minus "Y" Tolerance (TE430) Vendor: Hemco Corporation (HM) Description: Used to inspect the C-6066-1 preload plate. W10418 Eddy Current Probe Part Number: 101088 (TE434) (HP) Description: Eddy current probe for bearing cavity inspection. Supersedes: 379-006-430 (TE434) (HK) W10460 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-127 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A "E" Shank Form Tool Part Number Description 101679 (TE449)Used to cut the retention radius of the E10950 composite blade after potting 105473 (TE449-1) Description: Used to cut E13890 and E9193 composite blades after potting. Used with TE450 and TE451. 101679 "E" Shank Potting Mold Part Number: 101736 (TE450) Description: Used when filling the area of the blade retention radius of the E10950 composite blade to provide sufficient material for cutting a new radius. Used with TE449, TE451, and a customer supplied worm gear hose clamp. 101736 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-128 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Composite E-shank Comparison Chart Part Number: GT-3669 (TE451) Description: Chart to check condition and repairability of composite blade retention radius. Used in conjunction with a customer supplied optical comparator, TE449, and TE450. NOTE: This is a 14-inch diameter chart. GT-3669 Tube Puller Assembly Part Number: 101999 (TE452) (CS) Description: Tool used to pull the balance tube for the N-shank composite blade. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the tube puller assembly for local fabrication. Used with customer supplied press. 101999 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-129 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Balance Adapter Part Number: 101923 (TE453)(CS) Description: Adapter used with the balance arbor for the N-shank composite blade. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the balance adapter for local fabrication. Used with customer supplied blade balancing equipment. 101923 Plug Puller Part Number: 101781 (TE454) Description: Tool used to pull the blade plug for the N-shank composite blade. Used with a customer supplied press. 101781 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-130 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Blade Spud Adapter Part Number: 101932 (TE455)(CS) Description: Adapter used with the blade spud for the N-shank composite blade. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the balance adapter for local fabrication. Used with a customer supplied blade spud inspection bench. 101932 Mandrel Part Number: 103570 (TE456)(CS) Description: Adapter used with the N-shank composite blade. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the mandrel for local fabrication. 103570 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-131 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Torque Wrench Adapter Part Number: 101939 (TE457)(CS) Description: Installation of the hub clamping bolts and nuts in 3-bladed compact propellers with smooth forged hubs. Used with standard 3/8 inch square drive torque wrench. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the torque wrench adapter for local fabrication. 101939 Shot Peen Plug Part Number: 101060 (TE458) Description: Plug to mask the blade bore before shot peening on "P" shank, "R" shank, "W" shank, and "Z" shank blades with "N" modification. 101060 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-132 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Ring Part Number: 103572 (TE459) Description: Adapter used with DST-2934 blade bearing press blade to locate and install the retention ring and press the bearings during epoxy bonding for the 103425 composite blade shank. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the ring for local fabrication. 103572 212-8 Driver Part Number: 791911212 (TE486) Description: Bit to remove, install and torque self-locking screws. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-133 Rev. 12 Aug/11 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Torque Wrench Part Number: 104287 (TE495) Description: Used for blade preload of the hovercraft model 103000 assembly. Used with standard 3/8 inch square drive torque wrench This part number may be used to order the drawing of the torque wrench for local fabrication. 104287 Stand Adapter Part Number: 104371 (TE496) Vendor: Mahr Federal Inc. (MH), part number 2247086 Description: Used with customer procured height stand and drive housing adapter TE497. Customer procured. 104371 (TE496) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-134 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Drive Housing Adapter Part Number: 104372 (TE497) Vendor: Mahr Federal Inc. (MH), part number 2250564 Description: Used with customer procured height stand and stand adapter TE496. Customer procured. 104372 (TE497) Roughness Standard Part Number: 104374 (TE498) Vendor: Mahr Federal Inc. (MH), part number 2238983 Description: Used to measure surface finish. Customer procured. Part Number 104374 (TE498) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-135 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Crimp Tool Part Number: M22520/37-01 (TE499) Vendor: Customer Supplied (CS) Description: Used to crimp wire splices on the electronic governor. Locally procured. TI-165008 Calibration Standard Part Number: BST-3076 (TE500) Description: Test specimen to calibrate an eddy current instrument before its use when inspecting the retention radius of X and V shank blades. BST-3076 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-136 Rev. 13 Jul/12 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Eddy Current Probe Part Number:BST-3077-1 (TE501) Description: Standard 0.125 inch diameter pencil probe that has a 200 KHZ frequency. Locally procured. 3077-1 Fitting Wrench Part Number: 104933 (TE502) Description: Used for fittings of anti-ice assemblies. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the wrench for local fabrication. 104933 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-137 Rev. 14 Jun/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Spacer Blank Part Number: 104811 (TE503) Description: Used to make custom sized spacer in accordance with the procedure in Hartzell Propeller Inc. Blade Shank Rolling Machine Maintenance Manual 128 (61-00-28). (This space is intentionally blank.) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-138 Rev. 14 Jun/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Bearing Assembly Tool Part Number: 105189 (TE504) Description: Used to assemble the bearing on Bantam blades. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the bearing assembly tool for local fabrication. 105189 Clamp Part Number: 105190 (TE505) Description: Used to assemble the bearing on Bantam blades. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the clamp for local fabrication. 105190 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-139 Rev. 14 Jun/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Leak Check Manifold Part Number: 104507 (TE506) Description: Used to perform an assembly leak check before installing the red dye oil in the propeller hub. 104507 Valve Assembly, B-1938 Tee, 104508 Reducer, 104509 Air Pressure Gage, 102560-1 Adapter Part Number: 104504 (TE507) Description: Used to perform an assembly leak check before installing the red dye oil in the propeller hub. Used with 104507 (TE506). 104504 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-140 Rev. 14 Jun/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Check Cylinder Part Number: 104798 (TE508) Description: Used to perform an assembly leak check before installing the red dye oil in the propeller hub for Bantam 5-bladed series propellers. Used with 104507 (TE506) and 104504 (TE507). 104798A Check Cylinder Part Number: 105167 (TE509) Description: Used to perform an assembly leak check before installing the red dye oil in the propeller hub for 6-bladed Hovercraft propellers. Used with 104507 (TE506) and 104504 (TE507). 105167 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-141 Rev. 14 Jun/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Plug Assembly Part Number: 104506 (TE510) Description: Used to perform an assembly leak check before installing the red dye oil in the propeller hub for Bantam series propellers. 104506 Plug, 104490 O-Ring, C-3317-006 (This space is intentionally blank.) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-142 Rev. 14 Jun/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Double Shoulder Blade Eddy Current Kit Part Number: BST-3075 (TE516) Description: Instruments used to perform eddy current inspection of the double shoulder blade retention radius. Qty. 1 1 1 1 1 Vendor P/N Description BST-3069 (TE315) BST-3076 (TE500) BST-3077-1 (TE501) BST-3078 BST-3075+1 Probe Holder Calibration Standard Eddy Current Probe Teflon Tape Protective Case 3075 Calibration Standard BST-3076 (TE500) Probe Holder BST-3069 (TE315) Eddy Current Probe BST-3077-1 (TE501) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-143 Rev. 14 Jun/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Torque Unit Adapter Part Number: 105266 (TE517) Description: Wrench to tighten and torque mounting bolts on 3-bladed reversing Bantam propellers. Used in conjunction with a standard 1/2 inch drive torque wrench. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing of the torque wrench adapter to permit local fabrication. 105266 Torque Unit Adapter Part Number: 105269 (TE518) Description: Wrench to tighten and torque mounting bolts on 3-bladed reversing Bantam propellers. Used in conjunction with a standard 1/2 inch drive torque wrench. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing of the torque wrench adapter to permit local fabrication. 105269 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-144 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Hovercraft 5-Way Adapter Part Number: BST-2912-20 (TE519) Description: Adapter permits mounting of 5-bladed Hovercraft propellers to the CST-2901( ) Propeller Assembly Table. Must be used with the BST-2912-1 Flanged Spindle. BST-2912-20 Hovercraft 6-Way Adapter Part Number: BST-2912-21 (TE520) Description: Adapter permits mounting of 6-bladed Hovercraft propellers to the CST-2901( ) Propeller Assembly Table. Must be used with the BST-2912-1 Flanged Spindle. BST-2912-21 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-145 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Balance Adapter Part Number: 105274 (TE531) Description: Adapter used with the balance arbor for the Bantam composite blade. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the balance adapter for local fabrication. Used with the customer supplied blade balancing equipment. Bantam Blade Spud Adapter Part Number: ** See Note below. (TE532) Description: Adapter used with the blade spud for the Bantam composite blade. Not shown. ** NOTE: Contact Hartzell Propeller Inc. Product Support department for recommended tooling. TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-146 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Leak Detector Kit Part Number: 102560 (TE533) Description: Leak Detector Kit is an assembly of a digital pressure gauge, fill valve, fittings, tubing, and a hub connector. Kit is used to inspect the propeller seals with compressed air prior to filling the hub with red dyed oil in accordance with HC-SL-61-273. Air Pressure Gauge 102560-1 102560 Valve Assembly B-1938 Blade Seal Probe BT-3838-1 Tubing 102560-3 O-Ring C-3317-010-2 PSI 97.65 Barbed Fitting 102560-2 Tee Fitting 102560-4 Blade Inspection Adapter Part Number: 105478 (TE534) Description: Adapter used with the NC8834( ) composite blade. Altered Bushing Liner 105478-5 r 105478 Altered Bushing Liner 105478-2 Frame Unit 105478-1 Knob 105478-6 Set Screw Hold Down 105478-3 Screw Spacer 105478-4 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-147 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Drill Jig Part Number: 104052 (TE535) Description: Drill jig used to repair the dowel pin in the existing N7605(B,K)( ) and N7893( ) composite blades in accordance with HC-SB-61-319. 104052 104052-1 Base 104052-2 Knob Locator Hub Flange Spindle Part Number: BST-2912-19 (TE536) Description: Adapter permits mounting of the H, T, Q, and G Hub Flange propellers to the CST-2901( ) Propeller Assembly Table. Used with TE548 Bantam Spring Compressor. BST-2912-19A Anti-rotate Pin (included) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-148 Rev. 16 Apr/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Shank Spacer Puller Part Number: 102515 (TE537) Description: Tool for engaging the threaded bearing spacer in V, V/N, and MV blades to pull out the spacer and the outboard bearing. 102515 Shank Spacer Puller Part Number: 102516 (TE538) Description: Tool for engaging the threaded bearing spacer in P, R, P/N, M, T, Z/W, W, M/N, and T/N blades to pull out the spacer and the outboard bearing. 102516 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-149 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Blade Inspection Adapter Part Number: 105501 (TE539) Description: Adapter used with the N7605, N7893, and N9208 composite blade. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the adapter for local fabrication. 105501 Preload Stud Plate Part Number: 103454 (TE540) Description: Used for the 103437 hub at overhaul to re-install the mounting studs properly. Drawing available for local fabrication, not for sale. 103454 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-150 Rev. 15 Dec/13 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Valve Assembly Check Tool Part Number: 105615 (TE547) Description: Tool to pressure test the internal relief valve contained in the relief valve bolt unit in accordance with HC-SB-61-350. This part number may be used to order the drawing of the valve assembly check tool for local fabrication. TPI-MB-0022 Cap Hole Rubber Washer O-ring Relief Valve Bolt Unit Housing Inlet Port for Regulated, Filtered Air TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-151 Rev. 16 Apr/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A Bantam Spring Compressor Part Number: 105532 (TE548) Description: Adapter permits mounting of Bantam propellers to the CST-2901( ) Propeller Assembly Table. Used with TE536 BST-2912-19 Hub Flange Spindle. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing of the Bantam Spring Compressor to permit local fabrication. Components: 1 105663 (TE548-1) Extension 2 105664 (TE548-2) Pull Rod 3 105665 (TE548-3) Compression Spring TPI-165010 2 1 3 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-152 Rev. 16 Apr/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A "F" Flange Bantam Adapter Ring Part Number: BST-2912-22 (TE550) Description: Adapter permits mating to the BST-2912-19 spindle so that the Bantam spring compressor features will work. Used with TE536 BST-2912-19 Hub Flange Spindle. NOTE: This part number may be used to order the drawing of the "F" Flange Bantam Adapter Ring to permit local fabrication. TPI-BST-2912-22 Right Angle Grease Coupler Part Number: 105702 (TE559) Description: Fits used between the counterweight and the lubrication fitting of the TBM Socata 5-way Propeller, HC-E5N-3C. Provides 90 degree access. Vendor Vendor Part Number MC 1091K61 OT 2322 TM THX-418MD0213-4 AF 8034 SP QCC-HTR MA GGA21600 SM 06135 LI 5883 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-153 Rev. 17 Dec/14 TOOL AND EQUIPMENT MANUAL 165A (This page is intentionally blank.) TOOL AND EQUIPMENT LIST 61-00-65 Page 4-154 Rev. 17 Dec/14
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