
Monthly Newsletter of All Saints Catholic School • October 2015
Dear Parents:
I am pleased to announce that the auction this past weekend was a huge success. I
would like to personally thank Ida Eureste and Jacquelyn Bassett for all of their time and
effort in making this year’s auction such a wonderful time. I would also like to thank
Fred Borovich for setting up the online auction and Heidi Adams for her hard work on
the silent auction. Thanks to all of you who participated by making donations, attending
the event, or purchasing items from the auction. We hope to have final numbers soon.
The construction project at St. Anne’s church is underway. I will ask for your patience
and prayers as we face a number of challenges during this project. In particular, our
parking lot and drop-off/pick-up procedures will have to be modified. Please take
the time to read over the handout included with this newsletter so that you will be
prepared for the changes. More information will be sent home as the date of the changes
As you can see by the October calendar, the activities around our school have really
picked up. One activity will take place today after school—the annual pet blessing.
Fr. Kastl will bless all types of pets, but please make sure they are on a leash or secured
in a kennel. It is always so much fun to see all the different animals in one place!
There are many field trips scheduled, as well as our usual after-school activities. I want
to say a special thank-you to the teachers and volunteers who help us provide all of
these extra learning opportunities for our students.
The first quarter of school ends on October 14, and report cards will go home on
October 26. Hopefully you are already monitoring your child’s academic progress using
Teacherease, especially the older students.
October is also a month when we traditionally focus on safety issues. We fully
understand the importance of being prepared here at All Saints, and we have already
completed our first round of safety drills, including lock-down, fire, and tornado. Mrs.
Williams has done a terrific job of coordinating these drills. The fire department has also
been on campus to observe one of our fire drills and they were very pleased with our
I know everyone is looking forward to a much-needed break around the middle of the
month. Our teachers will attend an in-service at Bishop Kelley on October 15, then enjoy
their own day off on October 16.
October also brings Red Ribbon Week and all the fun activities planned during this
annual substance abuse prevention week. Please watch the weekly push page for special
Parent-Teacher conferences are coming up at the end of the month. We will dismiss
school on Thursday, October 22 at 12:30 p.m., and there will be no school on Friday,
October 23. To schedule a conference with the middle school teachers or the
departmentals, please come by the office and sign-up for a time to see the teacher(s)
of your choice. If you have a child in the lower grades, you will be contacted about a
convenient time to meet with your teacher.
Mark your calendar for the PTO bingo on October 24. This is always a terrific family
night of fun in our gym. Watch for more information to come home soon and please try
to join us if you can!
Finally, Bishop Slattery will be here on Friday, October 30 to celebrate Mass. As many of
you know, he is retiring and this may be his last time to celebrate the Feast of All Saints
with our school as Bishop of the Diocese of Tulsa.
We look forward to a wonderful fall season. Please know that my door is always open if
you need anything at all.
In Christ,
Anne Scalet
Thunder Free Dress and
Rumble Assembly
Rumble, the Thunder mascot,
will visit All Saints on Monday,
October 12 at 10:00 a.m. in the
gym. On this day, there will
also be a Thunder Free Dress
Day. Students must wear OKC
Thunder attire or Thunder colors
(blue & orange) if they wish to
participate. During this all-school
assembly, Rumble will talk
about the importance of reading,
exercise, and healthy habits.
Red Ribbon Week Activities
Our school will celebrate Red
Ribbon Week October 26-30. The
PTO and student council will be a
sponsoring activities to encourage
students to “Respect Yourself. Be
Drug Free.”
Fall Bingo Help Needed
The PTO Fall Bingo will be
Saturday, October 24 in the gym.
Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and
the games begin at 7:00 p.m. There
are a variety of ways you can help
PTO with Bingo. Volunteers are
needed for set-up beginning at
3:30 p.m. on Friday, October 23.
Workers will be needed at the
event for check-in, Bingo card
sales, concessions, etc. You will
not have to work the entire night,
just a shift. Finally, help will also
be needed to clean up afterward.
If you can help, please contact
Kim Livesay at 918-706-9955.
PTO Spirit Night at
Lenny’s Sub Shop
October’s Spirit Night will be at
Lenny’s Sub Shop on Hillside
Drive in Broken Arrow. Come
out and support All Saints on
October 20 from 5:00-9:00 p.m.
“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Luke 6:36
Bishop Kelley
High School Preview
Bishop Kelley High School
invites parents and students to a
high school preview on Sunday,
October 11. The opening session
begins at 2:00 p.m. in the gym.
Take a tour, meet faculty, staff,
and coaches, visit the spirit
store, get information about
financial aid, curriculum, and the
Br. Bernardine Scholars program
The Bishop Kelley placement test
for 8th graders (incoming 9th
grade students--Class of 2020)
is on Saturday, November 7
from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Preregistration is required and can be
done online at
If you have any questions, contact
Mrs. Oberste in the admissions
office (
or 918-609-7133.
Coins for Catholic Education
Thank you for supporting
the annual Coins for Catholic
Education campaign. Our school
collected $669.25 for this diocesan
Faculty Free Dress Charity
Each month the All Saints faculty
can bring in money in exchange
for free dress on Wednesdays.
A charity is selected and all
money collected is donated to
that charity. The faculty and staff
raised $434 for the Parkinson
Foundation of Oklahoma during
August and September.
PTO Popcorn Fridays
Thanks for supporting PTO
popcorn Fridays. Our next date
will be October 9.
Boxtops Contest Begins
There will be a Boxtops contest
beginning October 1 through
October 31. The homeroom class
that collects the most Boxtops
during this time period will
win a Pizza Party. Remember to
check your boxtops for expiration
dates and do not submit expired
boxtops. They won’t count toward
the classroom totals and cannot be
Library News
It has been an exciting time in the
library. We have had wonderful
guest readers share books with
classes, and we are learning about
authors and the type of books
they write. Hopefully everyone
is discussing a favorite author/
book; thank you for promoting
these discussions at home.
The first nine weeks is winding
down, so that means the AR
deadline is fast approaching. If
you are unsure of how your child
is doing with the AR program,
just email me and I will answer
your questions. October 12 is the
last day to take an AR test for this
nine weeks. The S’Mores Parties
for those who meet their goal will
be later that week.
Here is the class library schedule:
PK-O, K-I, 1-O, 1-P, 4-S, 6-P1;
PK-C, PK-O, K-A, 2-H, 3-T, 4-B;
PK-C, 2-J, 3-M, 5-J, 5-L, 6-P2.
I have several overdue books and
would appreciate your help in
getting these returned. Thanks
and Happy Reading! Mrs. Lunt
Prayer Requests
It is important that our school
community join together in
prayer. If you have prayer
requests for the Good News,
please email Jeanne at jkrawczyk@ Please let Jeanne
know when the appropriate time
comes to remove someone from
the prayer list.
Christmas Fun Camp Coming
Christmas Fun Camp (PK-2nd)
with Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs. Ibison
will be December 21-23 from
9:00 a.m. to Noon. Watch for more
information coming soon. We
have lots of fun things planned!
“Mary, Queen of All Saints,
Pray for Us.”
Pray for Sara Goodeyon, mother of
John Paul (5-L).
Pray for the grandfather
of Justus (2-J).
Pray for the success of the upcoming
teachers’ mission trip to Haiti.
Pray that human trafficking, the
modern form of slavery, may be
Pray that with a missionary spirit the
Christian communities of Asia may
announce the Gospel to those who
are still awaiting it.
2015-16 PTO Officers
Care and Share Opportunities
Lunch Room Volunteers—Volunteers are always needed for the
lunch room. Visit the school website and sign up using VolunteerSpot
( or email Veronica at
Towel Washers—Volunteers are needed for washing the lunch room
towels. This is an easy way to earn Care and Share hours from home.
Visit the school website and sign up using VolunteerSpot (http://vols.
pt/c9z2JQ) or email Veronica at
Plant Volunteers—Volunteers are needed to help sort the fall plants
on Wednesday, October 14 from 9:15 a.m. until the job is done.
Debbie Lewis
Kelly VanBuskirk
Veronica Oswald 918-810-2949
Stefani Pierce
Megan Beisler
Jenny Herman
Fall Plant Sale
Fall plant orders will be available
for pick-up in the Circle Drive on
Wednesday, October 14. Thank
you for your support!
Sock Drive Thank You
Thank you for your participation
in the sock drive. The school
collected 1,040 pairs of socks for
the Day Center for the Homeless
in Tulsa.
Pot-Luck Parenting
At the last meeting parents
discussed different discipline
techniques that should result in
more independent, responsible
behaviors from children. For those
who checked out materials, please
remember to bring them back to
our next meeting on October 27 in
the Parish Hall from
6:30-7:30 p.m. Remember, Keep
Calm and Parent ON! Mrs. Lunt
New Debate Team
The newly-formed All Saints
Debate Team has been meeting
every Thursday afternoon
since the beginning of school
in preparation for upcoming
tournaments. Students will be
participating in Lincoln-Douglas
and Policy Debating. The coach is
Phil Wilson, assisted by Dewayne
Bagley. Members of the team
(4th-7th grade) include: Mia T.,
Morgan R., Marissa W., Aurora B.,
Alex R., Brayden T., Grant C.,
Bailey H., Maddy K., Connor M.,
Gracie S., and Ella E. Their first
tournament is on November 6-7 at
Booker T. Washington. Good luck!
Our Mission:
All Saints Catholic School
provides a total educational
experience emphasizing
academic excellence
and personal responsibility
within a Catholic
faith community.
Cross Country Results
The Cross country season has
finished and the team had a great
season. The team attended five
meets and the girls team placed
first at the Broken Arrow meet.
All Saints hosted its first-ever
meet and had 120 runners from
across the diocese participate—
it was a great event. Runners
from this year’s team include:
8th graders—Sara C., Claire C.,
Amy G., and Hannah O.; 7th
graders—Kent B., 6th graders—
Ella E., Skyla D., Keira L., Alex B.,
Cole D., Jacob C., Zac S., and
Anthony T., 5th grader—Garret S.
Photographers Wanted
This year our yearbook pictures
are going digital! All Saints
students and parents are
encouraged to upload their
photos of school events using
the Replayit website or app.
Instructions are attached to this
Please remember that photos
for the yearbook cannot include
students who do not attend
All Saints. Also, the goal is
so please select your best
photographs to share. For
questions, please contact
Academic Excellence Showcase
The Academic Excellence Showcase is a monthly item in
The Good News. Students are recognized in honor of exemplary
work in academics.
 The middle school Art I classes have gone above and beyond
on their masks. They are all very impressive designs and have
evolved into some wonderful masks. Way to go!
 Congratulations to the following students for achieving
excellence in PE by making it to the fitness wall on their first
try. To qualify, students in grades 2-8 have to complete 5 tasks
(mile run, flexibility, arm strength, shuttle run, and sit-ups) and
meet the standards for their age.
8th—Sabina B., Nick C., Vicki L., Kendra L., Jacob S.; 7th—
Paige H., Maddie M., Ashley V.; 6th—Jacob C., Cami P.,
Gage W.; 5th—Ariana C., Jordyn A., Hailey S., Caitlin K.; 4th—
Olivia K., Jillian F., Drew P., Finley W., Morgan R., Kimberly K.;
3rd—Karelis O., Kai L., Olivia T., Jonah R., Malana E.; 2nd—
Jase H., Brock W., Elia R.
 Mrs. Wantiez offers kudos to the Third Grade classes for
learning a song with movement, playing the instruments,
singing, and speaking.
They will present a short
program at PTO on the
October 13. They have
worked very hard and
accomplished much.
A round of applause to
the Fourth Grade classes;
Mr. Shildt’s class learned
to sing three-part harmony
and Ms. Becker’s class
learned a piece of music
by Haydn on all of their
Outdoor Recess Guidelines
Our students will continue to have outdoor recess
unless the wind chill is below 32 degrees. Please
make sure your children bring a coat to school if you
think they will need it.
Lunch Accounts
Check your child’s lunch balance through
TeacherEase and set up automatic email notifications
when their account hits a certain threshold. Log
into TeacherEase and under ‘Parent Main,’ go to
‘Miscellaneous.’ Click on Update Password/Profile
and go to the third tab, ‘Preferences.’ This will bring
up options to change notifications about grades,
low lunch balance including the threshold, and
the frequency of the emails, etc. Then click ‘Save.’
Payments are made by check in the school office.
Lunch Room Requirements
Have you met your requirement yet? As part of the Care
& Share program we are now requiring all families
to volunteer at least 2 hours in the lunch room. These
2 hours will count toward the required 30 and can
be worked any time throughout the school year.
You can break these up and work an hour one day
and another hour on another day so it would be
possible for parents to come over their lunch hour
and not have to miss work. The school, the diocese,
and the state Department of Health have safety
standards that must be met in order to volunteer.
We recommend that you begin completing these
steps which include VIRTUS, background screening,
and food safety training. Please visit our website for
complete details and instructions including a link to
the VolunteerSpot calendar to pick your date(s) for
volunteering in the lunch room.
Box Tops, Campbell’s Soup Labels, and
Coke Rewards
Our school collects Box Tops for Education,
Campbell’s soup labels, and Coke Rewards points
in order to earn rewards for items for our school.
Look for these items on products you purchase,
and save them for the school. Each homeroom has
their own collection box, and there are contests with
prizes for the classes that collect the most. Encourage
grandparents to save them as well and help support
our school!
Cartridges for Kids
Our school collects empty printer cartridges, cell
phones and cameras for our recycling program,
which rewards the school with money for
software. The program coordinators are Don and
Susan Schmidt. If you have any questions, please
contact the Schmidts or Ms. Copsey. Thank you for
your support.
Queen of All Saints Prayer Group
Calling all women interested in a prayer group for
our school community! The Queen of All Saints
prayer group meets at 8:30 a.m. in the teacher’s
lounge on Fridays during the school year. Contact
Susie Butler at 918-630-1337 or for
more information. Younger siblings are welcome.
Mass Seating on Fridays
All parents are welcome to join us for Mass each
Friday at 9:30 a.m. in St. Anne’s church. However,
due to our large student body, parents and visitors
are asked to sit in the chapel area. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Placards for Pick-Up
There are still a number of families who are not
using their placards for pick-up. Placards need to be
placed on the passenger side of the vehicle to where
it can be clearly seen by the teacher on duty. Here are
some creative ideas: hang your placard from a pants
hanger and hang it from the rear view mirror, or clip
it to the passenger side sun visor and flip it down
while in the pick up line. If you have misplaced your
placard, please contact Melinda in the office for a
new one.
PTO Meetings
Childcare is provided at no cost for All Saints
students only during monthly PTO meeting. If
you have other children that do not attend All
Saints, please plan ahead and make other childcare
arrangements. Do not drop your children off on the
playground to play unattended; you must sign them
in and out with the childcare provider in the Early
Childhood Learning Center—no exceptions.
Pet Blessing
Thursday, October 1 at 3:45p
Near Parish Hall by the statue of St. Francis
There are so many fun things to do when the Kindergarten
students visit Livesay Orchard.
Recess can be a time to be creative!
Even our youngest students can participate in the school’s
many collections for those less fortunate. This PK student
holds up socks for the NHJS students to collect.
Sixth grader Marissa prepared a traditional Roman dessert
for the class’s Roman ‘cena’ (dinner party).
Living Our Mission...
Parking Lot Safety and Procedures during Construc on Fall 2015
On September 30 construc on on the campus of St. Anne Church will begin. Over the coming months the
school campus will also be affected by the construc on, specifically anyone who uses the Main parking lot
will be affected. Below is the current meline. The school will con nue to update you on any changes to
the meline. We appreciate your pa ence and coopera on during this me.
Construc on Timeline:
September 30 - Thanksgiving Break November 25: New Parking Lot constructed for the church between
Circle Drive and church buildings. Circle Drive widened to 3 lanes to accommodate future heavy usage when
main lot is closed. Circle Drive will s ll be accessible during all construc on.
October 2: Construc on fence goes up in front of church. Entry to the church building through southeast and
west sides of the building. Teachers and Staff must start parking in the Gym lot.
November 25 - December 31: Main Lot reduced to north side usage and entrance only. No entry from 4way stop. ONLY Pre-K and Kindergarten families/carpools allowed to use Main Lot. New Parking Lot open
and available for teachers and staff. Widened Circle Drive opera onal. School Masses held in Parish Hall.
January 4: Back to school a er Christmas Break! Addi onal church construc on con nues, but all school
parking lots open and returned to previous opera on.
New Parking Lot
construc on
Sept 30 thru
Closed temporarily for
Thanksgiving and
Christmas breaks
Upload your best.
Check out our school’s free photo sharing app.
It’s the feed for this year’s best moments as they
happen and your chance to make the yearbook.
Download today and see what’s going on in
school and what’s going in the yearbook.
The Jostens ReplayIt® app is the best way to share photos with your school community while making them available for your
school’s yearbook. After going through moderation, your photos are viewable by community members for tagging, liking and
sharing. ReplayIt is the best way to collaborate and celebrate moments that matter. Download ReplayIt from the App Store or
Google Play for free today!
From the App Store or Google Play,
download ReplayIt and launch.
Stream lists all photos already on ReplayIt. To add, click the
tab to add from
your phone library or to take a new photo.
To get started, find your school name.
Click on it.
Select Category, tag the photo and add
names of the people on the photograph.
Click upload.
Connect with Facebook or create an
After getting approved, the image can be
shared on social media and liked.