spark plug covers
spark plug covers
SPARK PLUG COVERS STANDARD PLUG COVERS EPDM RUBBER PLUG COVERS LB05F LD05F XB05F XD05F LB05EMH SB05F SD05F VB05F VD05F SDO5FM YB05F The NGK range of resistor covers are designed to give perfect noise suppression across all frequencies whilst engine performance is not adversely affected whatsoever. Featuring a resistor element pressed in between the plug terminal and the high tension wire connection, the construction is extremely durable, the resistor element is long enough to prevent interior flashover, and steady resistance is maintained. Superlative ceramic materials are incorporated that resist deterioration and have small resistance variation under over-load, whilst the plug connector is made of sturdy phenolic resin, practically oblivious to tremendous heat and high tension, and very rugged rubber material. The heat press insertion makes the construction all the more tough and vibration-resistant. Special rubber liners on both ends prevent moisture from causing electrical leakage. All motorcycle manufacturers now comply with current legislation which demands a standard of noise suppression on every vehicle. This is achieved usually by fitting NGK resistor covers though in many cases a combination of NGK resistor covers and NGK resistor spark plugs (R type) is necessary to satisfy the ministry tests. It is emphasized that despite the use of both resistor covers and spark plugs in such engines, due to the unique and superior construction of NGK products there is no loss of performance or shortening of service life. LBO5EMH and SDO5FM being of tough EPDM rubber construction are intended for competition/trial applications. 103 COVER SYMBOLS EXPLANATION CHART L L S X V Y T B External Appearance 90˚ Elbow type Straight 102˚ Elbow std. 120˚ Elbow (long) 120˚ Elbow (short) ‘T’ type B C D Z 10 None 01 05 10 E Resistance Non-resistor 1 kΩ 5 kΩ 10 kΩ Suitable Ø Plug Thread 14mm minimum 10mm minimum 10 & 12mm 10, 12 & 14mm Suitable Terminal Type E Terminal nut or solid post F Terminal stud H F Special Feature Special design Compact type Special waterproof cover Silicon waterproof cover Rubber sheathed With rubber grommet Double connector springs For Ø 5mm HT cable Inductive resistor type With handle Special design A H P K M G W F L Y Z NGK RESISTOR PLUG COVERS Ceramic Resistor Phenolic Resin Body Phenolic Resin Body Self Threading Cable Connector Self Threading Cable Connector HT Cable Seal Plug Moisture Seal Ceramic Resistor HT Cable Seal EPDM Rubber Sheath Ceramic Resistor 104 Plug Moisture Seal Self Threading Cable Connector Phenolic Resin Core See pages 105 to 107 for full range of plug covers SPARK PLUG COVERS Part No. Stock No. LB05E 8031 LB05E-R 8898 LB05F 8051 LB05F-R 8854 LB10F-CS 8961 Colour Black Red Black Red Black Resistor 5 kΩ 5 kΩ 5 kΩ 5 kΩ 10 kΩ Description: 90° Elbow Type Part No. Stock No. LB05EH 8334 LB05EH-R 8688 LB10EHF 8055 LB10EHF-R 8058 Colour Black Red Black Red Stock No. 8060 8231 Colour Black Red Terminal Type Part No. LZFH Stock No. 8710 Colour Black Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type None 10 - 14mm Description: 90° Non-resistor type Resistor 5 kΩ 5 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 kΩ Ø Plug 14mm 14mm 14mm 14mm Terminal Type Part No. Stock No. LB05EMH 8338 LB05EMH-R 8160 Colour Black Red Resistor 5 kΩ 5 kΩ Description: 90° Rubber Sheathed Terminal Type Material: EPDM Rubber Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm Material: Phenolic Resin Part No. SB05E SB05EC SB05F SB05F-R SD05F SD05F-R Stock No. 8374 8511 8080 8567 8022 8238 Colour Black Red Black Red Black Red Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type 5 kΩ 14mm 5 kΩ 14mm 5 kΩ 14mm 5 kΩ 14mm 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm Description: Straight Type Colour Black Red Ø Plug 14mm 14mm Material: Phenolic Resin Description: 90° Elbow Type Part No. Stock No. SD05FM 8392 SD05FM-R 8673 Material: Phenolic Resin Material: Phenolic Resin Description: 90° Elbow Type Part No. LD05F LD05F-R Ø Plug 14mm 14mm 14mm 14mm 14mm Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm Description: Straight Rubber Sheathed Material: EPDM Rubber See page 104 for plug cover symbols explanation Part No. Stock No. TB05EMA 8636 Colour Black Description: 90° Rubber Sheathed Material: Phenolic Resin Resistor 5 kΩ Ø Plug 14mm Terminal Type Material: Silicon Rubber 105 SPARK PLUG COVERS Part No. XB05F XB05F-R XD05F XD05F-R Stock No. 8062 8592 8072 8768 Colour Black Red Black Red Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type 5 kΩ 14mm 5 kΩ 14mm 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm Description: 102° Elbow Type Material: Phenolic Resin Part No. VB05F VB05F-R VD05F VD05F-R VD05EG Stock No. 8032 8759 8052 8376 5817 Colour Black Red Black Red Black Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type 5 kΩ 14mm 5 kΩ 14mm 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm Description: 120˚ Elbow (Long) Type Part No. YB05F YB05F-R Stock No. 8082 8162 Colour Black Red Resistor 5 kΩ 5 kΩ Description: 120° Elbow (Short) Type Part No. Stock No. TRS1225-B 8787 Colour Blue Resistor 5 kΩ Description: 90° Compact Type *Suitable for use with R6120*Suitable for use with R7282- Part No. Stock No. TRS1409-R 8733 Colour Red Description: 90° Compact Type *Suitable for use with R5540F- 106 Ø Plug 14mm 14mm Terminal Type Material: Phenolic Resin Ø Plug 14mm Terminal Type Special* Material: Silicon Rubber racing spark plugs onlyy Resistor None Ø Plug 14mm Terminal Type Material: Silicon Rubber Part No. LBER-R LBER-B Stock No. 8307 8308 Colour Red Blue Resistor None None Description: 90° Rubber Sheathed Part No. Stock No. TRS1408F-B 8871 Colour Blue Description: 90° Compact Type *Suitable for use with R5300A- Part No. SD05EG Stock No. 5818 Colour Black Description: Straight Type Material: Phenolic Resin Ø Plug 14mm 14mm Terminal Type Material: Silicon Rubber Resistor 5 kΩ Ø Plug 14mm Terminal Type Special* Material: Silicon Rubber racing spark plugs only Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm Material: Phenolic Resin racing spark plugs only See page 104 for plug cover symbols explanation SPARK PLUG COVERS Part No. L05EA Stock No. 6667 Colour Black Resistor 5 kΩ Description: 90° Elbow Type Ø Plug 14mm Terminal Type Material: Phenolic Resin Part No. V05E Stock No. 8342 Colour Black Resistor 5 kΩ Description: 90° Elbow Type Part No. LB05EZ Stock No. 8744 Colour Black Description: 90° Elbow Type Ø Plug 14mm Terminal Type Material: Phenolic Resin Resistor 5 kΩ Ø Plug 14mm Terminal Type Material: Phenolic Resin Colour Black Resistor 5 kΩ Description: 120° Elbow (Long) Type Application: Piaggio (various 125, 150cc) Part No. LB05EPK Stock No. 6665 Ø Plug 14mm Terminal Type Material: Phenolic Resin Application: Piaggio (various 125, 150cc) Part No. VD05EM Stock No. 8422 Colour Black Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm Description: 120° Elbow (Long) Type Part No. Stock No. VD05EMH 7744 Colour Black VD05FMH Black 8425 Material: EPDM Rubber Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm Description: 120° Elbow (Compact) Type Material: EPDM Rubber Part No. SD05FP Stock No. 8325 Colour Black Description: Straight Type Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm Material: Phenolic Resin Part No. Stock No. SD05FGA 8683 Colour Black Resistor Ø Plug Terminal Type 5 kΩ 10 - 12mm Description: Straight with Grommet Material: Phenolic Resin Application: Honda VT600, XL600 See page 104 for plug cover symbols explanation 107 PLUG COVER SUPERSESSIONS Original Part No. LB05E (red) LB05EH (red) LB05EMH (red) LB05F (red) LB10EHF (red) LBER (blue) LBER (red) LD05F (red) SB05F (red) SD05F (red) SD05FM (red) TRS1225 TRS1408F TRS1409 VB05F (red) VD05F (red) XB05F (red) XD05F (red) YB05F (red) Stock Number 8898 8688 8160 8854 8058 8308 8307 8231 8567 8238 8673 8787 8871 8733 8759 8376 8592 8768 8162 replaced by Replacement Part No. LB05E-R LB05EH-R LB05EMH-R LB05F-R LB10EHF-R LBER-B LBER-R LD05F-R SB05F-R SD05F-R SD05FM-R TRS1225-B TRS1408F-B TRS1408F-B VB05F-R VD05F-R XB05F-R XD05F-R YB05F-R Stock Number 8898 8688 8160 8854 8058 8308 8307 8231 8567 8238 8673 8787 8871 8871 8759 8376 8592 8768 8162 To assist in identifying the red or blue coloured variant for popular plug covers a small change to the descriptive part number has been instigated. Implementation will be managed on a running change basis i.e. when current stocks are exhausted orders will be fulfilled by supplying the replacement item. There is no change to the Stock Number. Black covers which are considered standard are unaffected. 108
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