Teatro La Fenice di Venezia Un palcoscenico per la tua comunic


Teatro La Fenice di Venezia Un palcoscenico per la tua comunic
Carnival at La Fenice
17th February 2007
The party-happening of Venice Carnival
The Grand ‘Cavalchina” Ball
Saturday 17th February 2007 the Gran Teatro La Fenice will host what is to be
the most spectacular and exclusive event of the forthcoming Carnival season in
Venice: the Grand “Cavalchina” Ball, the most famous traditional masked ball for
Carnival in Venice.
The stalls in the theatre will all be removed, thus transforming the historical
opera house into the most elegant and refined ballroom for just one night;
international numbers will go on stage while the buffet and open bar will be open
all night long in the Foyer and the Apollinee Rooms.
Dressed in nineteenth-century costumes, the guests will be part of one of the
most imaginative and enjoyable party-happenings of Carnival, dancing ancient
and modern dances with the exceptional accompaniment of the Fenice’s very
own musicians, and watching the most enthralling performances. An event that
will not be forgotten – a happening that is absolutely unique and a show that
should certainly not be missed.
The Grande Cavalchina Ball: in numbers
600 guests
37 artists
56 musicians
8 shows on the stage
The party-show
At 20.00 imaginary characters of the Venetian opera house will introduce the masked
guests to the dances of a celebration at the beginning of the 1800s. The Fenice
Orchestra Ensemble will play and the Sala Grande of the opera house will be
transformed into a ballroom for the occasion. The guests will be led and guided by
ballroom teachers until 21.30 when the first number of the evening is to begin. Those
performing on the stage include: the classical ballerina acrobat Raquel Melief; the
unpredictable clown orchestra conductor David Larible who will include the audience in
the staging of an opera; the Sylph acrobat Claudia Ayala, the sensual Kazakh
contortionist, Assiya; the comic acrobat duo Los Manducas.
At 22.15 dancing on the ballroom floor will recommence while the buffets will continue to
be offered in the Sale Apollinee and in the Foyer. At 23.30 the following will go on stage:
the Canton Duo Troupe in an operatic-acrobatic pas de duex; the elegance and agility
of the high climber acrobat Oleg Izossimov; the Dutch comedian-mimer-animator Arno,
who will catch the guests in an enormous soap bubble; and once again, David Larible,
the greatest clown in the world, in the dance of the handkerchiefs.
While traditional Venetian specialities are being brought to the buffets, the open bars
will be opened and the guests will be able to dance to Latin-American rhythms until the
end of the evening (02.00).
Invitation Evening with donation
Entrance to stalls
minimum donation
Invitation includes admission, cloakroom use, buffet and open bar
Entrance for 2 people in a reserved box
minimum donation
€ 1.200,00
Invitation includes admission for two people, reserved box, buffet and open bar
Entrance for 4 people in a reserved box
minimum donation
€ 2.200,00
Invitation includes admission for four people, reserved box, buffet and open bar
Incentive Programmes for Businesses
Baignoire Incentive 1
minimum donation
€ 10.000,00
Invitation includes admission for 12 people,
Who will be accompanied to their reserved baignoire, buffet and open bar. Page in the
Evening’s Programme.
Baignoire Incentive 2
minimum donation
€ 7.000,00
Invitation includes admission for 8 people,
Who will be accompanied to their reserved baignoire, buffet and open bar. Page in the
Evening’s Programme.
Central Box Incentive
minimum donation
€ 5.000,00
Invitation includes admission for 4 people,
Who will be accompanied to their reserved central box, buffet and open bar. Page in the
Evening’s Programme.
The Evening’s Partners
Royal Box Partners
minimum donation
€ 40.000,00
Invitation includes admission for 16 people in the reserved Royal Box, buffet and open bar in a
reserved room with private personnel. Double page in the Evening’s Programme and logo on the
billboards and invitations. Possibility of distributing/exhibiting products or informative materials during
the evening. Possibility to have a stand in a corner.
Baignoire Partners
minimum donation
€ 20.000,00
Invitation includes admission for 12 people in their reserved baignoire, buffet and open bar. Double
page in the Evening’s Programme, Possibility of distributing/exhibiting products or informative
materials during the evening. Possibility to have a stand in a corner.
Central Box Partners
minimum donation
€ 10.000,00
Invitation includes admission for 4 people in their reserved baignoire, buffet and open bar. Double
page in the Evening’s Programme, Possibility of distributing/exhibiting products or informative
materials during the evening. Possibility to have a stand in a corner.
Business Donations and personalised incentives
By making a donation to the Fondazione Teatro La Fenice, companies can take
part in the Cavalchina Ball and take advantage of this unique opportunity to
promote and inform an exclusive target of their products or services.
On the basis of specific briefs, particular communication projects may be
proposed, including: presence in the event’s advertising material; product
sampling corner; product viewing; product sampling or informative material;
display windows inside the Opera House; personal cloakroom service.
Additional services may be organised on the basis of specific requests (e.g.
overnight stays in 4- or 5-star hotels; hospitality with taxi service, hostess;
costume hire; personalised gifts).
Tax concessions
Legal entities may take advantage of the following tax deductions:
(A) Deduction of the company’s taxable income for a maximum of 2% for the liberal cash
expenditure in favour of Bodies and/or Institutions involved in the Performing Arts art.
100 paragraph 2 letter g T.U.I.R.). If the contribution is made to a heritage fund then the
tax deduction is no longer 2% but 30% (art. 25 DL 29 June 1996, No. 367,as modified by
article 3 paragraph 5 of the Law 26 January 2001, No.6)
(B) Deduction of the business income for the entire sum of the payments made in
accordance with article 100, paragraph 2, letter m of the T.U.I.R. (as introduced by art.
38 of Law 342/2000) from the tax period enforced on 31.12.2001: " (...) liberal cash
expenditure in favour of (…) Foundations (…) that are legally recognised, regarding their
institutional tasks and the creation of cultural programmes in the sector of cultural
heritage and the performing arts are completely deductible”.
Individuals may take advantage of the deductibility of 19% of the liberal cash
expenditure made, for a sum that may not exceed 2% of the overall declared income,
carried out in favour of Bodies and/or Institutions working in the field of the Performing
arts (art. 15, paragraph 1, letter I,T.U.I.R.)
Information and reservations
Contact us to reserve your invitation or for further information:
0039 041 5283780
Businesses and private figures can become “promoters” of the
Grande Cavalchina Ball.
Concert programme: Cavalchina 2007
Contents: the event will be illustrated in an elegant booklet describing the evening, as well as including a
historical outline, iconography, artists’ biography, evening’s programme and menu.
Annual periodicity; diffusion 5.000 copies; metallic point binding; opaque glossy paper 130 gr./m²; high
definition 5/4 colours; approx.40 pages
PDF or Macintosh produced CD, high resolution supported by the programmes Xpress, Free Hand, Illustrator,
Delivery of materials: 15 January 2007
Materials may be sent to Fest, San Marco 2760, 30124 Venezia,
or via e-mail to cbellemo@festfenice.com
FORMATS and COSTS bled page 170x240
1 internal page
€ 3.000
2a of cover
3a of cover
€ 3.500
4a of cover
€ 4.000
1a Roman
Double page
€ 5.500
€ 6.000
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: On the occasion of the Cavalchina Ball, the Fenice will produce 2,000 playbills, 300 of
which will be distributed throughout the historical city centre of Venice during the period prior to the event,
in positions with the highest visibility.
It is possible to add a business logo (dimensions to be defined on the basis of investment).
Circulation 2,000 copies
Posting 800 copies
Posting in historical city centre of Venice 300 copies
High definition 5/4 colours
Dimensions 70 x 100
PDF or Macintosh produced CD, high resolution supported by the programmes Xpress, Free Hand, Illustrator,
Delivery of materials: 15 January 2007
Materials may be sent to Fest, San Marco 2760, 30124 Venezia,
or via e-mail to cbellemo@festfenice.com
FEST, Fenice Servizi Teatrali
San Marco 2760
30124 Venezia
Tel. 0039 041 5224377