Get Ready for the Vienna Photo Show


Get Ready for the Vienna Photo Show
Volume 3-7
February 2015
Get Ready for the Vienna Photo Show
Get Ready
February’s Speaker
Officers List
February’s Judge
Quote of the Month
February Field Trip
Themes for February
February Forum Info
Portfolio Project Update
January Fieldtrip Report
Member in the News
SIO Outing Updates
Road Trip Report
Things of Interest
Resource Center
Membership Form
Support Network Form
VPS is a member of
VPS meets on the 1st, 3rd,
and 4th Wednesdays Sept
thru June at the Oakton
Elementary School.
Check website calendar for
any date changes.
Mike Cassidy, VPS President
Vienna Photography Show will be held March 21st and 22nd. VPS will again
volunteer to support this amazing display of the talent of the residents
living in the Vienna vicinity – VPS members and VPS prospective members.
Now is the time to start planning your entries and arranging for framing.
More details will follow from the club and the Town of Vienna.
With the loss of our mid-January
competition, we will be soliciting
volunteers to cover the event at
the Vienna Community Center
during our February meetings.
Any images displayed in this
competition will still be eligible
for subsequent club competitions
and for consideration for the
2016 Town of Vienna Calendar –
assuming they relate to town
For those of you who have not
participated before, the town
solicits all types of images,
including animal, nature, portraiture, scenic and photojournalism. I hope
you have not been like me, letting your camera collect dust during the
holidays. But there are also the stored photos from the days past to enter
in the competitions.
Also please allow me to make an annoying but necessary point again. The
Nomination Committee will be working to fill a list of officers and
volunteers for next year’s board of directors. VPS is a volunteer club. There
is no paid staff. Programs and activities are only possible as a result of the
efforts of VPS members. No position will overwhelm your life. The
positions come in many forms, ranging from meetings to a few minutes on
a computer. Please remember that VPS will only continue next year
through the efforts of its volunteers. Please offer to share the fun with
others and make light work of keeping our club going by everyone pitching
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
February 2015
February’s Speaker – Karen L. Messick
VPS Board Members
Karen L. Messick has been capturing images for 19 years.
Her sense for design, color, composition and placement
of subject elements is striking. The patterns in her nature
close ups are refreshing and energizing. In addition to
traditional photography she
has embraced imaging with
High Dynamic Range
software, and artistic
adaptations of her images
using textures and plug-in
Mike Cassidy
First VP
Lou Coglianese
Urscia Mahring
Burgess Levin
Lee Falcon
David Heagy
Joan Axilbund
Digital Proj.
Lou Coglianese
VP Exhibits
Erica Everhart
Karen has led photo
workshops in Baltimore,
Delaware, Washington, New
Mexico, Virginia,
Washington, DC and Ireland.
She has lectured on
composition and design during Photo Week in
Washington, DC, The Summit Photo Expo in Delaware,
and for Nature Vision’s Photo Expo in Virginia. She has
also written instructional articles and had portfolio pieces
published in iPhoneLife Magazine and Nature
Photographer Magazine. Currently she is a field
contributor for Nature Photographer Magazine.
Kathy Swoboda
Focal Points
Mary Jane Fish
Dir Publicity
Andrew Wone
Mike Cochran
Dir Website
Gloria Spellman
VP Forums
Mort Friedman
VP Mem Com Michael Cassidy Temp
VP Field Trips Dennis Tarnay
VP Operations George Silvas
Social Events Martin Fish
Gift Cards
Julie Cochran
50/50 Raffle
Julie Cochran
Tom Shevock
February’s Judge – Sandi Croan
We are fortunate to have Sandi Croan for our February
competition with the themes doors and macro. The
themes are defined at the website under Competitions.
Karen currently teaches Intro to Digital Photography and
iPhone Photography at Johns Hopkins University, in the
Odyssey Program. She currently has images on Display at
Baas Fine Art Gallery in Seattle, Washington, and More
Than Fine Framing in Ruxton, Md.
Sandi is an independent photographer from Centreville
who has been living in Northern Virginia since 1978. She
specializes in landscape, nature, and travel photography
Karen L. Messick Photography
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
February 2015
with an eye for capturing the unique and creating fine art
for homes and offices.
February Field Trip - Basilica of the National
Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Sandi has won numerous competitions and awards for
her fine art photographs including: Photographer of the
Year and Print of the Year numerous times as well as
Versatile Photographer of the Year by Northern Virginia
Photographic Society (NVPS); Best Landscape and
People's Choice awards at Nature Visions Photography
Expo; and Best in Show and 2nd Place at the juried
Meadowlark Photo Expo in Vienna, VA. Her images have
been selected to be put on permanent display at the Fair
Oaks Hospital Cancer Center, Meadowlark Botanical
Gardens and the Joseph Miller Center for the
Photographic Arts. She has been juried into numerous art
shows including; the prestigious VisArts of Rockville
Exhibitions, Fairfax County Council of the Arts Show
(Unlocked), and The Fraser Gallery International
Photography Exhibition as well as many others. Sandi was
a featured artist in Elan Magazine, and her photograph
“Blue Lagoon” was on the cover. She has also had
photographs published in other local and national
by Dennis Tarnay, Jr.
Vienna Photographic Society’s February 21, 2015, field
trip is to Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception. If you plan to attend, we will meet at Vienna
Metro at 8 am, and at The Basilica inside the main
entrance at 9 am: the address is 400 Michigan Avenue
Northeast, Washington, DC 20017.
There are great photo opportunities of the main church
and chapels. If you plan to attend, please provide the
following information, your CELL PHONE NUMBER to
Dennis Tarnay, Jr. at the following e-mail address: .
Sandi has sold many of her photographs to private,
corporate and government clients, and does shows for
businesses and other local events. In addition, Sandi
frequently displays her art at Broadway Gallery in
Alexandria, VA, The Blue Iguana restaurant in Fairfax,
Meadowlark Gardens, Cub Run Recreation Center,
Trummers on Main Street Restaurant, and the Fairfax
County Government Center.
Please feel free to explore the following web sites:
Sandi has been an active member of the Northern Virginia
Photographic Society (NVPS) since 2004 and has served in
a variety of board positions. She served as President of
NVPS for two terms from 2009-2011. She also is a
speaker and serves as a judge for area photographic
clubs, competitions and exhibitions.
Themes for February Competition
You can see a sample of Sandi’s work on
The February competition‘s two themes are Macro and
Macro – Macro is defined as extreme close-up
David Heagy
photography of very small subjects, in which the size of
the subject in the photograph is greater than life size. To
completely adhere to the strict definition of macro
photography would require the use of a macro lens or
close-up lenses. In order to be more inclusive, the
definition for this theme is just extreme close up of a
small object with the emphasis on extreme. Thus, an
image of an alligator’s head, while only a small part of the
alligator, is not acceptable but an image of one tooth will
The Life Cycle
“Age is mind over matter. If you don’t
mind, it doesn’t matter.”
Satchel Paige
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
Doors – Doors can be interior or
February 2015
Portfolio Project Update
exterior, open or closed. A
doorway, i.e., an entry between
rooms which does not have a
permanent way to close, is also
acceptable. The entire door does
not need to be in the image; it can
be limited to the handle or a
knocker. The door does not need
to be the only element in the
picture frame but it should be a key element. A door in a
garden wall is acceptable but a gate is NOT considered a
The Portfolio Project is a great learning experience which
will conclude with a critique of the presentations in May
or June. During the February 25th Forum participants will
present their draft portfolios to the club members for
comments and suggestions. I am asking members to
come to the forum to give their comments for improving
the portfolios and artist statements.
Participants should bring their images (12-15) and artist
statement on a flash drive in the form of a PowerPoint
Presentation or Lightroom show. Please arrive at the
school by 7:00 PM so we can prepare each portfolio on
the computer. (See Outline below)
The judge for the evening is the final arbiter of whether
the image meets the theme.
Portfolio Theme
Pick the subject of your portfolio.
Joan Axilbund
Artist’s Statement
February Forum Collections
This is a simple explanation of your choice subject matter.
Remember that brevity is the soul of wit. Several sources
recommend the artist statement be around 100 words or
At the February 25 VPS Forum, we
will discuss the various ways in
which we show collections of our
images to the world: exhibitions, portfolios, printed
books and calendars, and web-based galleries. Consistent
with the members-help-members theme of the Forums,
members who have used any of these techniques are
invited to share their experiences with the other
members of the Society. Two leading members of VPS
have already agreed to participate in the exhibition and
portfolio areas, so you will not be alone. Please let me
know if you have experiences or guidance to share with
the rest of us, so I can put a program together. Speakers
on books and web galleries would be particularly
Collecting You Image
This is an excellent chance to grow as artist and
photographers. This is the most challenging part of the
project, not just creating your images, but deciding what
to include and what to eliminate.
Some Guidelines to Consider
What to look for in my photographs: technical
proficiency, vision, composition, lighting, background
What to look for in a portfolio: Theme, Variety within
the theme’s concept.
Let me know sometime in the next ten days, say by
February 6, whether you would like to say a few words
about your experiences in any of these areas. Then I’ll
get going on the program.
Portfolio Problems: Repetition; Variations in quality (a
Portfolio is no stronger than its weakest image); Failure to
fully demonstrate the maker’s artistic skills and
craftsmanship; a theme that is not strong enough to
provide a platform for the individual images.
Nonmembers with experiences to share are also
welcome. Ask them to contact me at
Artistic Statements: Should not be pretentious, should
explain why you, as an artist” or craftsman”, chose the
theme; Should explain how you developed the theme;
should not try to do more than provide a rationale for this
specific portfolio; should provide a basis or benchmark to
evaluate your images.
Thanks in advance.
Mort Friedman, VP, Forums
If you plan to participate but have not contacted me yet,
please do so ASAP.
Any questions please contact Mary Jane Fish at
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
February 2015
The group met around the cloakroom to get our coats, I
asked the attendant if she could direct me to the dagger
room, she did get the pun, Oh well. For lunch we all had a
great meal and conversation at The Dubliner Irish Pub
located near Union Station.
Field Trip Report - The Library of Congress,
Thomas Jefferson Building
by Dennis Tarnay, Jr., et all
Despite the frigid morning weather, the January 17, 2015
field trip to The Library of Congress, Thomas Jefferson
Building was a success and attended by the following
Vienna Photographic Society members: Julie C, Ricardo
D, Martin F and Dennis T who met at the Vienna Metro
north parking lot.
Library of Congress Field Trip
George Silvas
Lou C, Tom S, David H, Morton F, Lisette B, Darrel E, and
George S met the car pool at the Jefferson Building.
Zero dark thirty comes awful early when you decided to
snap DC sunrise photos before our field trip to the Library
of Congress. Unfortunately, a wrong turn and a slate gray
sky proved that the Golden Hours aren’t always golden
and the attempt was futile!
I did learn several
things during the
trip. Come early and
take advantage of
the free weekend
parking along
Avenue that puts
you right next to the
LOC entrance. Early arrival also enabled me to follow
several members of the Capital Police Force early shift to
a hole-in-the-wall establishment featuring excellent
bacon, eggs, home fries and rye toast making the wait for
the LOC to open tolerable.
It was a comfort to finally get inside to photograph the
wonderful classical architecture and frescoes on the walls
and ceilings of The Great Hall, hallways, and adjoining
I managed to get some possible worthwhile abstracts for
Joe Miller’s show.
But I digress, and the trip, eventually, offered plenty of
opportunities to practice a variety of indoor photography
techniques. Solid, marble columns and staircases were
mixed with colorful walls and ceilings. Large rotundas
gave some the idea to make indoor panoramas.
Numerous windows throughout the building mixed with
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
low light interior nooks and crannies provide the perfect
setting to practice HDR photography. While there, be
sure to check out the Magna Carta (if you go soon),
George Gershwin’s piano and Bob Hope’s driver (the golf
club, not the chauffeur).
February 2015
February Self Improvement Outing“PROPORTION”
By Mary Jane Fish with help from Dan Feighery
On Saturday, February 14th, we will again meet at Green
Spring Park to work on an SIO on Proportion. We usually
think of PROPORTION with respect to size where a
comparison is made between the:
•Height, width & depth of one element to another,
•The size of one element to the size of another,
•The amount of space between picture elements,
•The size of one area to the size of another area.
In this Hot Air Balloon picture Dan took in New Mexico,
we have the proportion of the size of the vehicles in the
foreground (the truck and the balloon with its wicker
basket). We also have the relative portion of the balloons
in the distance. Additionally, the proportion of land to sky
and proportion of light and dark tones in the sky.
It was good to see a larger than usual turnout for the LOC
trip and several of us enjoyed lunch with a sampling of
Irish beer where past and future trips held everyone’s
attention. See you next time!
Here is another example of Proportion. This cactus scene
was near Las Vegas. One problem here is the height of
the camera. By placing the camera higher, you can avoid
having the cactus cover part of the mountain in the
Members in the News
David Heagy was asked to speak at the Northern Virginia
Photographic Society’s forum on February 24th, 2015.
The topic is “Tips for Your Travel Photography
As in the first photo, we also see differing proportions of
tone, spacing, and size. So we see that the concept in our
photographs can refer to the harmonious relationship
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
between two or more elements in the composition with
respect to size, color, quantity, degree, setting, etc.
For example, here is a painting where we see a striking
use of proportion with respect to tones as well as size.
February 2015
Jackson, NC, with its 1858 Northampton Courthouse until
the winds drove us back into the car.
I’m sure that most folks reading this know about the
“Rule of Thirds” in which the picture space is divided into
thirds vertically and horizontally with the subject one of
the intersections.
We ended day one in Scotland Neck, home of the Sylvan
Heights Waterfowl Park where we spent the majority of
day two. It was snowing when we left to go to the park to
shoot ducks, geese, swans, flamingoes, and other
waterfowl. Some of the ducks would try to catch a
snowflake in their beaks.
We can break the rules and need to also assess size,
visual balance, color, dominance, and other factors.
Road Trip with Joan, Gloria and Mary Jane
As the snow begin to fall on the morning of January 26th,
the three VPS friends pack up the car and headed south.
Yes it was snowing but the forecast was for better
weather as we traveled south. By the time we reached
Fredericksburg it was drizzling. But when we reached the
North Carolina Welcome Center, the sun was shining and
it was 45 degrees outside. What a beautiful site. We did
see cars from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut that
had come south to escape the blizzard.
Our favorite place in the park is the Landing Zone where
parakeets, flamingoes and several other types of birds
will fly around you or land on you or your feet.
This part of North Carolina had heavy rains the previous
weekend and there were puddles everywhere. We
stopped at one for the reflections of the trees in the
We stopped in the town of Roanoke Rapids for a Carolina
Bar-B-Q lunch. We traveled on the back roads to see
small towns and dilapidated buildings. We walked around
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
February 2015
Towards the end of the day we travelled east to the
“Prettiest Little Town in America” – Edenton, NC. That is
their motto and it is a pretty
town with a park along the river,
a lighthouse, a 1767 Chowan
County Courthouse and the
Cupola house, as well as many
other historic houses.
Leaving Edenton we visited
Somerset Place, an active
plantation (1785-1865). We were
able to visit many of the cabins
found in the enslaved community
and the dependencies located in the owner’s compound.
We ended the day in Duck where there is an amazing
We continued our trip by visiting several wildlife refuges
looking for birds. In Pettigrew State Park we found no
birds to speakof, but we did see
some deer. We then moved on
to Mattamuskett NWR where
migrating birds are supposed to
be plentiful. We did see swans
but they were always on the
other side of the largest lake in NC. It was a pretty drive
but the birds were not cooperating. We did see more
deer and several nutria.
Of course, most of the trip involved food. We stopped at
the best places we could find open to enjoy the fruits of
the sea. All in all it was a fun trip and we got some
unexpected shots but not many birds.
(Photos by Joan Axilbund, Gloria Spellman, and Mary Jane Fish)
Things of Interest to Photographers
Fifth Annual Joseph Miller Juried Abstract
Photography Exhibit is coming.
We kept on moving till we reached the Outer Banks (OBX)
where we stayed for two nights. We traveled the length
of the OBX, stopping to find no birds at the Pea Island
NWR. We continued to the Hatteras Lighthouse where we
spent some time at the lighthouse and the marshes and
beaches surrounding it.
Entries will be accepted starting December 27, 2014 and
the deadline for submission of entries is February 25,
2015. If the four previous Joseph Miller Annual Juried
Abstract Photography Exhibits are any gauge, this fifth
exhibit will show examples of outstanding abstract
photographs and should not be missed by serious
photographers and anyone interested in art.
We also visited the Bodie Island
Lighthouse where there were many
birds, but again they were too far out
to get a good shot.
Further information, including a definition of abstract
photography and a calendar of important dates can be
found on the website. Click on Abstract
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
February 2015
-Up - $250
Hylton Performing Arts Center
Second Annual Juried Exhibition
- $125
The Hylton Performing Arts Center in Manassas is
pleased to announce its Second Annual Juried Exhibition
to celebrate the region's vibrant visual arts community.
1, 2015 ($35 per application)
notified on April 27, 2015
Artists from across the Commonwealth of Virginia are
invited to submit up to two original works of art to the
Hylton Center between Feb. 1, 2015 and April 1, 2015. A
distinguished panel of judges will jury submissions and
choose the top entries to be exhibited in the Hylton
Center's Buchanan Partners Art Gallery from May 17,
2015 to June 28, 2015.
I want to thank everyone who contributed articles to this
issue of Focal Points. It makes for more interesting
reading when members submit articles. Keep them
Along with the honor of being chosen to exhibit, the
awards will be announced at a reception on Thursday,
June 11, 2015 from 6-8 p.m. Award recipients will receive
a certificate and a cash prize, and the winner of "Best in
Show" will have the opportunity to exhibit his or her work
in a solo exhibition at the Buchanan Partners Art Gallery
during the 2015-2016 season.
Anyone who went on a photographic trip this summer or
fall is requested to write up an article about their travels
and send in photos to go with the article. We particularly
need info on photo workshops or classes that you might
For submission guidelines or to apply for the Second
Annual Juried Exhibition, please visit
Please contact Briton Camphouse, gallery coordinator, at for more information or with
I cannot fill up an informative newsletter without the help
of our members. Please send any articles to by the 25th of the month to
The Buchanan Partners Art Gallery is generously
supported by Buchanan Partners and Wegmans.
be included in the following month’s newsletter.
Please send your best photo of the month and if I have
room I will display it in the newsletter.
Cash Prizes:
- $500
Resource Center
This is a space to look for workshops, classes and other tips for the photographer in you. Please send in any
resources that you have tried and would like recommend to your fellow VPS members.
Instruction and workshops:
With Steve Gottlieb:
With Nikhil Bahl:
With Capital Photography Center:
With Corey Hilz:
With Tony Sweet:
With Josh Taylor:
With Bill and Linda Lane:
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
For Photoworks Classes:
For Infrared workshops with The New Life Photos Workshop:
Freeman Patterson/Andre Gallant:
“Speakers We Have Heard 2013-2014.”
Chris Spielmann, September speaker – Architecture/Interiors
Eliot Cohen, October speaker – Landscape and Lightroom
Don Rosenberger, November Speaker – Landscape and Night and
Irene Sacilotto, December speaker – Wildlife Photography
Corey Hilz, January speaker – Travel Photography
Website and blog:
Matthew Schmidt, February Speaker – Close Up Photography
Frank Van Riper, March Speaker – Travel Photography
Will Schermerhorn, April Speaker, Director of Web Products
Denise Silva, May Speaker – Composition
Road Runner Photography Tours (
Also see
Brandon Kopp, June Speaker – Places to Shoot in DC and
Please send all articles for the Focal Points
to by the 25th
of the month prior to the month of the
Mary Jane Fish, Editor
February 2015
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
February 2015
Mail this Application and your check (Payable to: “VPS”) or cash to:
VPS, P.O. Box 1212, Vienna, VA 22183-1212
or hand the payment and application form during any VPS meeting to:
Michael Cochran, Membership Director or Burgess Levin, Treasurer
I am
□ a New Member
□ Renewing I have been a VPS member since the year (_______)
First Name ____________________ Middle Initial ____ Last Name ___________________________________
Street Address ___________________________________________ City-State-Zip __________________
Home Phone _____ - __________
Work Phone _____ - __________
Cell _____ - __________
Email _______________________________
NOTE: To receive the VPS Newsletter FOCAL POINTS and other membership messages, you must provide a unique and valid
email address. FOCAL POINTS is distributed by email or on the club website as a PDF file. You will need an installed copy of
Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer to open it.
Membership records are maintained by the Membership Director. Periodically, the records are distributed to members as a
spreadsheet or are available on the website to club members only. Note that VPS will not provide member information to persons or
organizations outside the club. Members may opt to restrict distribution to other members of their personal information as follows.
Please check one of the two options below which will govern distribution or display of your records to other members:
INCLUDE ___ my name, phone number, home and email addresses on member lists.
DO NOT INCLUDE ___ my phone number, home and email addresses on member lists.
I have enclosed ( ) my check
( ) $40 for a Single Membership
or ( ) cash
( ) $20 for non-renewing members joining after January 31, 2015
( ) $60 for a Family Membership *Please Make Separate Application and Use Unique Email for Each Member*
( ) $30 non-renewing Family Members joining after January 31 ( ) $15 for a Student Membership (age 18 or under)
VPS Liability & Publicity Release
In consideration of being given the opportunity to participate in a Vienna Photographic Society (VPS) field trip or other event, I acknowledge, agree and represent that I understand the
of field trips and other VPS activities, and that I am qualified, in good health and in proper physical condition to participate in such field trips and activities. I fully understand that field
and other VPS activities are conducted in different environments, and that, accordingly, my photography equipment and I may be exposed to dangers and hazards both natural and man
I fully accept and assume all risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I incur as a result of my participation in VPS field trips or other activities. I hereby release, disch
and covenant not to sue VPS, its officers, directors, agents, independent contractors, volunteers, members and sponsors.
ADDITIONALLY, I authorize the use of any images submitted to VPS for use by VPS solely for publicity activities such as websites or brochures.
Acceptance of terms of VPS Liability Release (If under 18, parent or guardian must sign):
PRINTED NAME________________________ Signature _________________________ Date _____________
PARENT NAME_________________________ Signature _________________________ Date _____________
Volume 3-7
Focal Points
February 2015
VPS has established a Support Network of members who wish to contribute a few hours each month to assist in VPS
program activities, including providing assistance to VPS officers. The Support Network is mentored by the First Vice
President of the Vienna Photographic Society.
Are you interested in being listed as a member of the VPS Support Network?
( ) Yes
( ) No
If Yes, please indicate in what areas you might volunteer to help us (a VPS officer will follow up by email):
( ) PUBLICITY: Providing publicity and information to the community about VPS
( ) INSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT: Development of ideas for hands-on instructional programs like Forums
( ) FIELD TRIPS: Planning and arranging field trips
( ) Helping set up projection equipment at meetings.
( ) Learn to operate the projection program for competitions.
( ) SPEAKER PROGRAM: Help with planning guest speaker visits
( ) GREETING: Greeting new members and guests
( ) HISTORIAN: Assist in preparing historical documents about VPS activities
( ) TABLE SETUP: Help with setup for monthly photographic competitions
( ) COMPETITION JUDGING: Help with selection and planning of judges activity in monthly competitions
( ) PRINT HANDLING: Assist in passing prints during monthly competitions
( ) NATURE VISIONS EXPO: Help VPS Rep with the annual regional Nature Visions Photo Expo, Nov 11th-13th
( ) EDITORIAL HELP: Help by assisting Editor with editing/production of monthly newsletter
( ) ARTICLE DEVELOPMENT: Writing, soliciting or editing articles for monthly newsletter working with the Editor
( ) PHOTO DISPLAY: Help with planning and arranging member photo displays and external Exhibitions
( ) WEBMASTER ASSISTANCE: Help with assistance to VPS Webmaster
( ) PARTY ASSISTANCE: Help setting up parties and social events
(Please print)
NAME: _______________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________
Telephone Number: ____________________________
Questions: Contact Lou Coglianese, or 703-449-9541