Sheepscot Log Spring 2015 - Sheepscot Valley Conservation


Sheepscot Log Spring 2015 - Sheepscot Valley Conservation
Sheepscot Log
Newsletter of the Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association
Spring 2015
Maguire donation protects 78 acres in Whitefield
Photo courtesy of Betsy Matheson
The Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association is
welcoming the donation of 78 wooded acres in Whitefield
by Ann Marie Maguire, who formerly lived on the property
and now resides Down East on Swan’s Island.
The property, roughly a long rectangle that stretches
from Heath Road to the northern tip of beautiful 42-acre
Weary Pond, does not currently contain hiking trails, but
nevertheless is open to the public for non-motorized passage.
The no-longer-maintained Weary Pond Road crosses the
property’s eastern end, near the pond.
Maguire says she hopes resources can be found to
develop hiking trails and a parking area along Heath Road,
to give people easier access. A March snowshoe trek by
members of the SVCA lands and trails committees revealed
the rich potential for such trails. The property is part of an
undeveloped block of land more than 1,600 acres in size that
includes forest and wetlands providing valuable habitat and
The new Maguire Preserve is named in memory of Denis Maguire,
pictured here in 2005 with wife and land donor Ann Marie.
corridors for wildlife in the region. The wildlife residents of
the property reported by Ann Marie include deer, rabbit, fox,
moose, otter, beaver, bobcat, fisher a maybe a mountain lion.
Ann Marie recounted that “one afternoon my husband,
Denis and I were sitting on the back porch having a glass of
wine and heard a car stop and some commotion at the foot
Founded 1969
Accredited 2012
Looking across Weary Pond on SVCA’s newest preserve.
of the hill, and then a clattering of hooves running up the hill.
I ran inside for my camera, and Denis ran around the side of
the house for a better look. From inside, I saw my husband
and the moose on a collision course towards the back corner
of the house! I yelled out the window, my husband stopped,
and the moose ran on into the woods.”
Ann Marie and Denis bought their 1790s cape on the
Heath Road in 1973 and renovated it over the years. They
added land to their original acquisition as funds became
available, and moved onto the property full-time in 1990. The
house sits on a parcel adjoining but not included in the donated
land. Denis, a Boston lawyer died in 2005. The property, now
called the Maguire Preserve, is named in his memory. Ann
Marie, a photographer, writer and former teacher, sold the
house in 2012.
Ann Marie said she and Denis always had the objective
of maintaining the property in its “really interesting”
undeveloped state, engaging only in some light logging,
mostly for firewood, and a large kitchen garden. Eventually,
she said, they began looking at the possibility of adding their
land to the property of the nearby Hidden Valley Nature
Center, or to the protected holdings of SVCA. She commends
both Bambi Jones of HVNC and Lynne Flaccus of SVCA for
helping her plan the transition in ownership and get through
the details.
Our mission is to conserve the natural and historic heritage of the Sheepscot Watershed through
land protection, habitat restoration, advocacy, education and support for compatible land uses.
From the President
Dear SVCA Members and Friends,
Board of Directors
John Atwood
Vice President
Joanne Steneck
Fred Quivey
Ann Springhorn
Gary Best
Otis Carroll
Peter DuBois
Tom Eichler
Gerry Flanagan
Sharon Miller
Honor Fox Sage
John Wentzel
Emeritus Board
Nicholas Barth
Nigel Calder
William Thompson
Executive Director
Stephen R. Patton
Programs Manager
Lynne Flaccus
Kristin Pennock
GIS Support
Technical Advisory
Nigel Calder
Bambi Jones
William Logan, Esq.
Alex Pugh
The Sheepscot Valley
Association is a
non-profit 501(c)(3)
Sheepscot Log
If you attended our 2014 annual meeting or saw the articles in
our local papers this January, you know that SVCA has joined with
other local land trusts and Hidden Valley Nature Center to explore the
benefits of unifying into a single organization.
This effort originated through conversations among the executive directors of
six conservation organizations in our area. They are SVCA, DLWA (Damariscotta
Lake Watershed Association), PWA (Pemaquid Watershed Association), SWLA
Sheepscot Wellspring Land Alliance) and, originally, BRLT (Boothbay Region Land
Trust ) and DRA (Damariscotta River Association). This informal group continued
to meet, inviting their board presidents to join in the discussion. Although DRA and
BRLT opted to drop out of these meetings, Hidden Valley Nature Center (HVNC)
decided to join the group and the process began to take on more structure with the
hiring of Carole Martin, an organizational change consultant. Fortunately, Maine
Coast Heritage Trust and the Maine Community Foundation saw promise in this
effort and granted us funding to support the exploration process.
In taking on a more formalized structure for these discussions, the group
expanded its participants to include one rotating board member from each land
trust and began calling themselves the “Explorers” with a set schedule of meeting
dates and agendas. Thus, for the past fourteen months, three representatives from
these five organizations have met every two or three weeks to explore the possibility
of constructing a unified conservation organization which would cover much of
Lincoln County and stretch up the Sheepscot to its headwaters.
Because the culture and mission of these organizations are compatible, the
discussions are moving apace. Indeed, we have found an alignment of interests
which offer promise to the vision of a unified land and water conservation
organization covering this geography. For example, staff effectiveness and job
satisfaction, increased funding from organizations and major donors, a larger
membership base, enhanced sustainability, elimination of duplicate efforts, and,
importantly, a more robust conservation effort for this extended community, are all
identified as among the potential benefits of a unified organization.
That is not to say that this effort does not face challenges. Foremost among
them is establishing a strategy to maintain local support and input as to the new
organization’s conservation efforts. This matter is high on the Explorer’s agenda,
as we need to be certain that the individual strengths of these conservation
organizations, including, of course, SVCA, are maintained.
This has been an interesting challenge for SVCA, and I appreciate our board’s
support in this study of our future and Steve Patton’s efforts to help lead the effort.
As important, I would very much appreciate hearing from you about this topic so
that we don’t overlook the suggestions and concerns of our members!
Spring 2015
Site Concept Committee for Coopers Mills Dam holds First Meeting
Photo by Callie Wronker
On March 26, seven Whitefield residents launched an effort to explore possibilities for the town-owned Coopers Mills
property. Joining the group as non-voting members were Andrew Goode, Vice-President of the Atlantic Salmon Federation and
Steve Patton from SVCA. Among the considerations that the group has been charged to explore are:
Alewives are one migratory fish species in the Sheepscot.
• Evaluating the potential for hydropower at the dam,
• Ensuring a reliable year-round and long-term source of water for
the fire department which depends on the water behind the dam for
fire suppression throughout Whitefield and especially Coopers Mills,
• Ensuring that funding is secured to be able to maintain that source
of water for generations to come,
• Considering opportunities to memorialize the role of the dam in the
history of the Coopers Mills village,
• Exploring opportunities for improved access to the river for
• Improving the aesthetics of the site, and
• Improving passage for all species of resident and migratory fish that
live in the river.
The committee has been charged to arrive at a recommendation to
take to the Board of Selectmen and ultimately the citizens of Whitefield in time for the annual meeting in March 2016.
A similar planning effort is expected to occur in Alna for the Town-owned Head Tide Dam property. The committee is being
formed by the Selectmen.
We expect that the work of these committees will be regularly reported by newspapers and we will try to keep updates of
significant findings on our website as they occur. All meetings of the committee will be open to the public.
Champagne on the Sheepscot
Saturday, September 12
4:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Featuring delectable hors d’oeuvres, drinks,
live music and an art show and sale at a beautiful
Sheepscot River home on Westport Island.
SVCA president John Atwood presents Christine
Hopf-Lovette with the “Golden Ladle” at SVCA’s
Volunteer dinner soup challenge. Chris won with
her Sweet Potato Jalapeno Soup with Tomatillo
Cream. Thank you to all of the soup makers, cake
donors, bread makers and everyone that donates
their time and talents all year long to help SVCA
care for the Sheepscot River Valley.
Sheepscot Log
Spring 2015
Direct Giving Program
Percy M. Cunningham, Jr.
Peter & Kathleen Keyes
Membership Support &
Special Contributions
Spotted Salamander by SVCA
Andy Abello & Amanda Russell
Brad & Emily Adler
Carolyn Al-Chokhachy
Davies Allan & Nancy Shaul
John & Barbara Allan
Tom & Rachel Armstrong
Victor & Margaret Atkins
Tom & Mary Atticks
Charlie Ault
Peter & Ragnhild Baade
David & Sylvia Bailey
Eloise Baker
Elliott & Jean Barker
Anthony Barnes
Joe Barth & Doreen Conboy
Vanessa Barth
Karen Bartholomew
Willard Morgan & Jennifer Barton
Douglas Baston
Tony & Linda Belmont
Rosie & Gary Bensen
Perry Benson, Jr.
Andrew B. Berry
Sheepscot Log
Gary & Tina Best
Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Billig
Susan & Nate Bowditch
Bernice Bowdoin
John Bradstreet
Kelly Brook
Anna Fiedler & Jacob McCarthy
Eliot & Taffy Field
Allan & Ellen Fisher
Lynne Flaccus & Greg Shute
Bob & Bonnie Flis & Alicia
Judy Fossel
Merry & Les Fossel
David & Colleen Foster
Marty Fox & Thyle Shartar
David Gage & Judy Epstein
Stacy & Sean Gambrel
Carol Gardner & Xavier Comas
Dan Gatz
Eileen Gebrian & Timothy Barberich
George & Mary Giggey
Thomas & Delph Gillette
Joanne Gilmartin & Alex Skene, Jr.
Maroulla S. Gleaton
Martha Gottlieb
Richard & Laura Gray
Meaghen & Tim Greene
Susan & David Greer
Robert W. & Kim F. Haeberle
Barbara & Kent Hallawell
Stan & Sukey Haney
Anne & Dewey Harris
Herb Hartman & Lucy Martin
John & Sharon Hartmann
Christopher Hayden
Tania Hayes
Gary & Connie Hayward
Dede & Ken Heath
Bob Hills
Julie Hofheimer & Eben Blaney
Kass Hogan & Jeff Cherry
Nancy Holmes
Christine Hopf-Lovette
Leonard J. & Susan Howell
Don Hudson
Jim & Pat Hudson
Judy Hughes
Melissa Hunnibell
Sherrill Hunnibell
Shane & Barbara Hunt
Daniel D. Hupp
Caroline Davis Janover
Patricia Jennings & James Hatch
Consuelo Joerns
Dick & Jenni Johnson
Ron & Chris Johnson
Christopher & Valarie Johnson
Bambi Jones & Tracy Moskovitz
Mr. William M. Jones
Mark Jordan & Ellen Belknap
Gretchen Juliano
Peter & Jacalyn Kamenstein
Helen G. Keating
Michael & Nancy Keblin
Thomas Keller & Sue Allen
Kathy Kellison
George & Elaine Keyes
Jan & Barbara Kiviniemi
Mark & Merry Knowlton
Joseph Lamacchia
Peter & Judi Lawrence
Elisha & Happy Lee
Susan E. Leeman
Jay LeGore
Robert Lightfoot & Sue Walker
Fred & Kitty Lipp
Peter & Kay Liss
Catherine Johnson & Jon Luoma
Martha & John Lynch
Donald & Judith MacClellan
Alison Macmillan
Yellow-rumped warbler by Callie Wronker
Anonymous (2)
John & Maggie Atwood
Roland Barth & Barbara Bauman
Nicholas & Sandra Barth
Susan & Donald Blagden
Bailey Bolen & Carol Ervin
Elizabeth & Gordon Davis
Ralph & Judy Doering
Brett & Priscilla Donham
Peter & Olga DuBois
Wendy & Tom Eichler
Gerry & Suki Flanagan
Louana & Ted Frois
Rudi & Dorothy Graf
Eleanor Goldberg & Malcolm Burson
Betsey Hall
Nancy Hartley
Michael Herz & Kate Josephs
Paul & Maureen Hoffman
Wade & Nancy Judge
David Lieser
Ted & Mary Gene Myer
Stephen Patton & Lise Hanners
Beth & Fred Quivey
Susan & Cliff Russell
Sandy & Honor Sage
Clifford & Carolyn Slayman
Bob & Ann Springhorn
Joanne & Bob Steneck
David & Paula Swetland
Anna Marie & John E. Thron
Steven Urkowitz & Callie Wronker
William A. Weary
Mary Eliza & Ted Wengren
Philip & Claire Brooks
Jeffrey & Melinda Browne
Barbara J. Bruno
Kathy Bugbee
Donna Burkhardt
Barbara & John Cadamuro
Donald & Nancy Cameron
Mal Carey
Suzanne Carlson
Otis Carroll
Ruth O. Carroll
Edith F. Chaney
Mary & Dick Chase
Constance Chase-Wells
Peter & Kris Christine
William & Susan Christman
Gary & Mary Ann Cibula
Ted Clapp
Caren Clark
Vickery Cleaves & Paul Lazarus
Rhoda Cohen
Midge Coleman
David & Gretchen Collins
Patricia J. Collins
Maggie & Bob Conger
Lawrence A. Conti
Stephen & Loraine Cook
Christine Correa
Susie & Brad Craig
Deborah Crawford
Sally & Jim Crissman
John A. Curtis
Cathey Cyrus & William Clark
Bill & Esther Danielson
Mr. & Mrs. Endicott P. Davison, Jr.
Karl & Mary Lou Daxland
Zibette Dean
John DelVecchio & Barbara Welch
Hank & Maryellen DeRuiter
Carla Dickstein
Sally Dillon
Dana L. Dow
Curtis & Susan Downer
Stanley Lane & Norma Dreyfus
Dennis & Carole Dunbar
Sherri Dunbar
Allison Eckel
Homer & Beverly Eckhardt
Blythe & Robert Edwards
Judi & Erik Ekholm
David & Lucy Emerson
Lorna & Tom Fake
Judith Falk
Roy & Joanne Farmer
Robert Fealy
Ann Marie Maguire
Peter Majeski
William & Nancy Marshall
Charles & Deanna Martin
Katharine G. Martin-Savage
Kristin & Jeff Mason
Lois E. Mason
Patricia Matrai & William Balch
Natasha Mayers
Susanne Meidel & Phil Yund
Patti & Mort Mendes
Dennis & Nancy Merrill
Carol N. Metcalf-Gardipe
David & Sharon Miller
Paul & Enid Mitnik
Albert Monaco & Christine Anderson
Arnold & Donna Moody
Bill & Karen Mook
Gardner H. Morris & Angela Trotman
Fred Morrison & Beth Culler
Seth Morton
Peter Moulton & Susan Cottle
Paul & Sharon Mrozinski
William Muirhead
Lee Murch
Leo J. Murphy
Nan & Chris Murphy
Dr. Suzanne J. Nelis
Rob & Stephanie Nelson
Howard P. Nickerson
Chris Nielsen
Alex Obregon & Liz McGregor
Dick & Joanne O’Connor
Buck O’Herin
Patricia J. O’Reilly & David B. Soule, Jr.
John & Holly O’Shea
Lincoln & Judy Paine
Jane Panek
Whitefield students at HVNC
Sheepscot Trust
John & Pat Parks
Ken Patterson
Gary & Nancy Patzlaff
W. Pearce
Judith Pepper & John Mourovic
David Elliott & Kit Pfeiffer
Jeff & Karen Philbrick
Marsha Polley
Deborah Poor
David & Linda Pope
R. Sargent & Elizabeth E. Potter
Cheryl L. Pratt
Lewis & Belva Ann Prycl
Alex & Lili Pugh
Nancy Pullen
Lewis & Karen Purinton
Gaetano & Phebe Quattrucci
Pid & Sean Rafter
Janet Ray
Susanne Raynor
Robert & Rimar Reed
David Reingardt & Kohl Kanwit
Ronald G. Remy
Susan & Tom Richards
Nancy & Lynn Rider
Bill & Sonnie Robb
Spring 2015
Welcome New Members
Margaret & Malcolm Beyer
The Burke Family
James & Janice Feather
Sheepscot Log
Branch Pond by Janet McMahon
Land or Easement Donors
Ann Marie Maguire
Gifts in Kind:
Alna Store
Asian Accents
Big Barn Coffee Co.
Morrison Bonpasse
Otis Carroll
Chewonki Foundation
Dyer River Weavers
Hannaford Damariscotta
Hannaford Gardiner
Highland Foods, LLC
Bill Leibenguth
Jon Luoma
Oxbow Brewery
Sheepscot Flower Farm
Sheepscot Valley Brewing Company
Snow Squall Inn & Wicked Good Yoga
Claudia Sortwell
Ann Springhorn
David Swetland
Sue Walker
Lari Washburn
Mariellen Whelan
Yellowfront Grocery
Donna Flynn
Polly Gibson
MaryMargaret Halsey
Marie Joyner
Jean Kigel & Dan Bolita
James & Carrie Kipfer
Robert Kohl
William Lascelle & Blanche Johnson
Philip Lee
Janet Lockhart
Dwight E. Lynn
Del Merritt
Terry & Charles Mixter
Susan A. Ratigan
Robert & Diann Ring
John & Kim Roberts
Laura Rochette
Judy Sandick & David Nutt
Dennis Sayce & Sarah Mahoney
Nate Smith
Paula Spector
Tim Storer
Rebecca Tilden & David Laemmle
Gale & Charlie Willauer
Government Agencies & Foundations
Land Trust Alliance Excellence Program
Maine Coast Heritage Trust
Maine Community Foundation Fund for
Maine Land Conservation
Maine Community Foundation - Donor
Advised Funds
Preserve Adopters ($500+)
Ames True Value Hardware & Supply
Big Barn Coffee Company
First Advisors
The First, N. A.
Business Supporters ($250-$499)
Soule, Soule & Logan
Business Members ($100-$249)
Carl M. P. Larrabee Agency, Inc.
Cheney Insurance Agency
Colby & Gale, Inc.
Damariscotta Bank & Trust Co.
Davison Construction, Inc.
Lilac Cottage Antiques
Newcastle Square Realty
Red’s Eats, Inc.
Tim Dunham Realty
Business Friends (up to $100)
Barred Owl Creamery & Catering
Highland Foods, LLC
Windsor Veterinary Clinic
Wizard of Odds and Ends
Deb Arter
Tom & Mary Atticks
John & Maggie Atwood
Ralph Bagley
Ingrid Bathe
Gary & Tina Best
Susan Blagden
Eben Blaney
Lee & Dan Bodmer
Kelly Brook
Dot Brooks
Malcolm Bursom
Curry Caputo
Otis Carroll
Fran Charles
Jim Crowley
Elizabeth & Gordon Davis
John DelVecchio
Peter & Olga DuBois
Carole Dunbar
Tom & Wendy Eichler
Angus Fake
Lorna & Tom Fake
Tess Fields
Suki & Gerry Flanagan
Judy Fossel
Merry Fossel
David Foster
Louana Frois
Dorothy Graf
David & Susan Greer
Betsey Hall
Lise Hanners
Lucy Harrington
Paul Harris
Nancy Hartley
Woodcock by Greg Shute
Thank you 2014 Volunteers!
Dede Heath
Maureen & Paul Hoffman
Christine Hopf-Lovette
Jim & Pat Hudson
Melissa Hunnibell
Bambi Jones
Chris Kenoyer
Jean Kigel
Jay LeGore
Bill Leibenguth
Eileen Lewandowski
Owen Lewis
Jennifer Litchfield
Janet Lockhart
Jon Luoma
Katharine Martin-Savage
Paty Matrai
Susanne Meidel
Patti Mendes
Sharon & David Miller
Roy Miller
Chris & Nan Murphy
Mabel O’Brien
Ken Patterson
Chris Pennock
Colin Pennock
Elaine Pew
Kit Pfeiffer
Jeff Philbrick
Amy & Mike Preston
Belva Ann Prycel
Alex & Lili Pugh
Fred & Beth Quivey
Susan Ratigan
Jill Rauch
Reid Rauch
Kevin Rousseau
Cliff & Susan Russell
Cindy Sabina
Sandy & Honor Sage
Joan Sartoris
Libbey Seigars
Greg Shute
Samuel & Abbie Roberts
Chris & Carol Robins
Rich & Mimi Roughgarden
Juanita Roushdy
Benjamin Ruth
Sandy & Jack Sarmanian
Joan & Bill Sartoris
Walter & Penny Saxe
Susan Schadler & Leslie Lipschitz
Mr. Kenneth E. Schaller
Russ & Ann Schneider
Libbey Seigars & Steve Spencer
Louis & Catherine Sell
Dan Sexton
Joanne M. Sharpe
George & Anna Shaw
Jan & Greg Shaw
Ellin & Stephen Sheehy
Peter M. Sherman
Ted & Susan Sherman
Rich Simon
Andrew Slayman
JB Smith
Nate & Geri Smith
Stephen C. & Mary Lou Smith
E. Bryan Snell
Morrison Bonpasse & Leah Sprague
Joe & Carole Stavenhagen
Susan Goodwille Stedman
Charles & Roseann Stepnowski
Janet Stetser
Gary & Bonnie Stone
Ron & Leslie Stoodley
Joan Sturmthal & Jon Lund
Heather & Will Sugg
Pam Swift & Don Salvatore
Val Thompson & Bobsy DudleyThompson
William Thompson
Herb Thomson & Julie Erb
Tyler & Marcia Tingley
Michael Titus
Jim & Theta Torbert
Clinton B. Townsend
Jotham & Adelaide Trafton
Lorraine Tregde
Richard Tucker
Dorothy & Bruce Ullrich
Peter & Donna Van Kleeck
Richard Verney
Walter & Ruth Vietze
Conrad & Susan Wall
J. D. Walton
Harold Warren & Dolores Carver
Mr. & Mrs. William Weatherbie
Mr. & Mrs. D. Reid Weedon, Jr.
Ann Weiss
John Wentzel
Kitty & Mark Wheeler
Mariellen Whelan
Roger & Beth Whitney
Andrea Williams & Charles Dewey
Fred & Barbara Williamson
Anne & John Winchester
Kevin & Gail Woods
Ann Yarmey
R.M. Yates & Annette Horak-Yates
Dr. Robert C. Young
Holly C Zeeb
Peter & Bethany Zeeb
Jessica Sirois
Alex Skene, Jr.
Claudia Sortwell
Paula Spector
Ann & Bob Springhorn
Joanne Steneck
Karin Swanson
David Swetland
Dan & Karyn Townsend
Steve Urkowitz
Barb Welch
John Wentzel
Jean Wood
Callie Wronker
Our sincere apologies to anyone we may have
omitted by mistake. Please call 586-5616 so
we can correct any errors. Thank you.
Stewardship Fund
David & Sharon Miller
Sandy & Honor Sage
Bob & Joanne Steneck
Spring 2015
Pearl Maker in the Marsh River
by Naturalist Lynne Flaccus
If you have walked the trails of Marsh River Preserve,
you have likely taken the trail out to the furthest point and
looked out over the expanse of the salt marsh. The 12 acres of
Marsh River population.
In October 2005 the causeway under Rte. 1 at the north
end of Sherman Lake washed out in a storm, draining the
freshwater lake into Marsh River and allowing the area to
begin conversion to its historical salt marsh. By 2008, once
the natural ebb and flow of the tides had returned to Sherman
Marsh, a small group of Marsh River oysters was found south
of the Rte. 1 bridge. Since then, these native oysters have
been found on available substrate further into the marsh. It
is estimated that available habitat has increased for this relict
population by 75% and the opening of this marsh has created
another 1.5 miles of available habitat. Good news for this
ancient oyster!
This genetically distinct population of oysters is an
important sentinel in a world faced with changing climate
and sea level. They may hold clues to how oysters will
adapt in the future and provide scientists and the aquaculture
industry with genetic information useful to maintain oyster
populations and their associated habitats going forward.
Protected salt marshes and uplands along the Sheepscot
and Marsh River help to maintain water quality, reduce risk
of pollution and erosion, and are beneficial to the oysters as
well as a host of other interconnected species. SVCA will be
leading a salt marsh exploration at Marsh River Preserve on
June 10th from 10 a.m - noon. Join us and learn more about
the importance of salt marshes. We may even see a Saltmarsh
Sparrow, a Special Concern Species in Maine that uses the
Marsh River salt marshes during the nesting season.
Marsh River is home to the native Eastern Oyster.
marsh are protected by the upland forest of the Preserve, and
SVCA and Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife easements
further upstream on Deer Meadow Brook provide further
The Marsh River is home to a relict or remnant population
of native Eastern Oysters, Crassostra virginica. This is the
most northern population of native oysters in North America.
Nearly eight thousand years ago when coastal Maine had a
warmer climate and sea levels were lower, the eastern oyster
had a range from the mid-atlantic coast to the Gulf of St.
Lawrence with native populations found extensively along
the Maine coast. In fact some of the largest shell middens are
found in Damariscotta. As sea levels rose and temperatures
dropped, the populations became restricted to isolated
estuaries where tides and temperatures were not as extreme.
The Marsh River provides habitat for this genetically distinct
remnant population.
Commercial oyster harvest occurred in the Marsh River
until 1968 when the Department of Marine Resources
declared it a Conservation Area and the river was closed to
harvest. An increase in populations of eastern oysters in the
Damariscotta River has continued since the late 1970’s when
research and development of cultured oysters began. Wild
populations continue to spread through natural spawning
from these cultured oysters, but these are distinct from the
Sheepscot Log
Photo courtesy of Wolfgang Wander
(Reference: Northeastern Naturalist, Issue 20/4 2013
Peter Larson, Karen A. Wilson & Dana Morse)
Protected saltmarshes are also important habitat for the
Saltmarsh sharp tailed sparrow .
Spring 2015
Celebrating Art & Nature
I’m the oak
I’m strong.
I will not fall.
I’m stronger
than a waterfall.
I’m strong,
I will not fall
I’m the oak.
I’m good
for all.
By Nate Best, Grade 4
Whitefield Elementary School
Printmaking Workshop for Kids
Thurs., June 25 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Gently dangling nest
Suspended on a curved branch
Industrious home
Keith Rendall Gallery
65 Main Street, Wiscasset
Haiku written by the Nature Journal
Workshop participants this winter.
For ages 9-14 $10 material fee & preregistration required by contacting SVCA.
Sheepscot Log
Spring 2015
Sheepscot Valley
Conservation Association
Inside This Issue
Land Donation
From the President
Coopers Mills Dam
2014 Thanks
624 Sheepscot Road
Newcastle, Maine 04553-3643
Phone: 207-586-5616 Fax: 207-586-6442
Pearl Maker in Marsh River
Celebrating Art & Nature
U.S. Postage
Newcastle, ME
Permit #2
Printed on recycled paper.
k Yo
Thank you for renewing your SVCA membership for 2015 during our Spring
Renewal Campaign! If you still need to renew, you can use the enclosed envelope.
With your help, SVCA has protected more than 3,671 acres of land through purchases
and conservation easements, including over 15 miles of Sheepscot River frontage.
Join us for these great Upcoming Events
History of Nature & Landscape Photography in Maine
Whitefield Salmon Preserve Trail Workday
James “Jym” St. Pierre will present examples of nature photography in
Maine from its beginnings in the 19th century to today.
Removing invasive plants on the preserve.
Tuesday, May 12 7:00 pm at River Arts Gallery Damariscotta
Wildflower Wander
Sunday, May 17 1:00 - 3:00 pm
at SWLA’s Whitten Fields Trail in Montville
Co-sponsored by SVCA. Hunt for wildflowers with naturalist and
storyteller Nancy Tyndall. For directions see
Stetser Preserve Trail Workday in Jefferson
Wednesday, May 20 9:00 am - noon
Clearing and rerouting trails and also checking on vernal pools.
Palermo Preserve Trail Workday
Friday, June 19 9:00 am - noon
Kid’s Printmaking Workshop with Keith Rendall
Thursday, June 25, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. (See page 7 for details)
Sheepscot Plein Air Event with Maine Art Gallery
Opening Reception Fri, July 31 Maine Art Gallery Wiscasset.
Artists register by July 13. Plein air week kicks off July 20 w/breakfast
at SVCA, paintings due July 25 at gallery. Show runs for two weeks
with 30% commission to benefit SVCA and the Maine Art Gallery.
SVCA Annual Member Barbeque & Cake Hike
Thursday, July 23 6:00 - 8:00 pm
at SVCA Office in Newcastle
Friday, June 5 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Trail clearing and building a new set of steps on the river trail.
An annual member event where SVCA supplies the grillables and
beverages and you bring a tasty side dish or dessert. This year’s event
will strive to be sustainable with locally sourced foods.
Threatened and Endangered: An Artist’s Books
SVCA’s Champagne on the Sheepscot fundraiser
Rebecca Goodale has been creating a remarkable and diverse series of
artist’s books depicting threatened and endangered species in Maine.
An annual fundraiser featuring delicious hors d’oeuvres, live music,
champagne & more. Tickets $45 per person or $125 per patron.
Tuesday, June 9 7:00 pm at River Arts Gallery Damariscotta
Saturday, September 12 4:30 - 7:00 pm on Westport Island
Salt Marsh Exploration at the Marsh River Preserve
Sheepscot Juried Art Show at River Arts Gallery
Co-sponsored by SVCA. Naturalist Lynne Flaccus will lead a guided
walk to explore the wonders of a salt marsh.
Artwork celebrating the Sheepscot watershed from Boothbay Harbor
to Freedom. For more details see
Friday, June 12, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Opening Reception Friday, October 9 5:00 - 7:00 pm