NBEF Names 2014 Shining Stars


NBEF Names 2014 Shining Stars
Totoket Times
For Our Town From Our Town
Branford, CT 06405
Permit # 131
Postal Customer
Volume 20 No 26, January 24, 2014
NBEF Names 2014 Shining Stars
The North Branford Education Foundation has
named, Bruno Castaldi, Richard Castiglione and
Annamay Doody as their 2014 Shining Stars. The
Shining Star Award is given to individuals who have
volunteered their time to the development of the youth
in our community.
The recipients will be recognized at a dinner on
Thursday, March 13th at Woodwinds in Branford.
Tickets are $45.00 per person and can be purchased
by calling Frank Mentone at 203-410-4254
Bruno Castaldi moved to North Branford in 1996.
In 1997 he coached T-Ball which started his Little
league commitment. He coached three years of coach
pitch, started the coach pitch travel all-stars, coached
the 9 & 10 district all-stars three times, the 11 & 12
year old all stars three times, served as vice president,
uniform coordinator and concession stand coordinator
for many years.
Bruno has also been the coach of the NBIS baseball
team for nine years. He started the high school hockey
club where he was the president for four years, was
the president of the North Branford High School
baseball Diamond club and he was a board member
of the Greater New Haven Youth Hockey Association.
As the owner of Venice Bakery, Bruno seldom
shows up without his famous stuffed breads for all
the kids on the team.
Bruno lives in North Branford with his wife Doreen
and three children, Jesse, Nik and Gianna.
Richard Castiglione moved to North Branford
in 1965 where he immediately began volunteering
to photograph children with Santa at St. Augustine
Church for over 20 years.
In conjunction with the Parks and Recreation Department he began chaperoning the high school ski
group to Powder Ridge. He chaperoned the bus load
of children for three years.
He has photographed the North Branford Little
League Baseball teams for many years. He photographed high school football for ten years where each
year the booster club gave the seniors an 11x14 photo
of themselves on the field. During that time he also
photographed the girls field hockey team and he did
that for more than 25 years.
Richard has photographed many events throughout
the town for the Rotary Club and the Chamber of
For more than 25 years he headed up a Table Tennis club on Monday nights at the NBIS in conjunction
with the Park Rec Department. He later taught classes
in table tennis and magic at the Summer School program. He included origami, and yo-yo tricks in his
magic class.
Richard has participated in the NBHS Project Graduation for about 8 years, playing ping pong with the
seniors into the wee hours of the morning.
Local Man - Realizing His Dream
February 14
Date of Issue
January 24
February 21
March 7
March 21
June 2
Annamay Doody remembers being raised to help
people and behave “or else”. She began babysitting at
the age of ten and her lifelong dedication to her church
began here when she volunteered to count the money
from the collection plate each week. Living in close
proximity to the church, she volunteered to serve the
priests their meals on Saturday evenings. Perhaps
this is where she began to hone her pie making skills.
Her parents kept the girls busy and they weren’t ever
allowed to “just sit”. Thus began her commitment to
a lifetime of service. As she grew she began to work
with the elderly at St. Raphaels and she has always
enjoyed working with older people. When she married, she instilled the same work ethic she had learned
as a child in her own family. Annamay was an active
member of the PTO when her children were younger
and has been singing in the choir at St. Monica’s
Church since 1956. She has taught quilting and knitting to her grandchildren who now carry on this proud
family tradition. In 1996, she began to volunteer at
Jerome Harrison School. She has worked there ever
since providing many services for the teaching staff.
She has now committed time to work at TVES as
well. When asked about her volunteer work Annamay
will tell you, “It brightens my day and keeps me busy
without sitting in a chair doing nothing.” – advice we
can all use.
Lou Matteo was born and raised in North Branford, where he graduated from High School
in 2005. “After attending college for a few years, I realized it wasn’t for me,” Lou explained.
“ I went to work for my cousins restaurant and I became very interested in the business”.
Wanting to further his knowledge of the pizza and restaurant business, Lou decided to
be closer to home and began working at Slice Pizza. “I started out as a dishwasher and
owner Chris Healy immediately took me under his wing. He taught me the entire business
from the ground floor up. I learned to make dough, cook, make sauce and make pizza. He
even had the faith in me to let me start doing the ordering and inventory.
When Chris was injured in a freak skiing accident, Lou was forced to run the business
on his own for several months. “It was then that I realized that this was something I could
do and I could be good at it as well, Lou commented.
Recently, Chris decided to move on and Lou decided it was something he could do. “With
the help of Chris, and my family, especially my dad, we moved forward and purchased
Slice Pizza changing the name to Louie’s Slice. I want to maintain the same quality pizza
and a service the customer’s expect. I have already remodeled the inside with a fresh coat
of paint and new booths and three televisions in our party room. The goal is to make it a
family and sports atmosphere establishment that can be a comfortable place to come and
enjoy good food at a reasonable rate. Not too many people get to do something they love
in a town they love.” (Mayor Anthony Candelora welcomes Lou and his family)
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We Come to You Call “That Guy” Today!
:On Chris Christy
Dear Editor;
After considerable thought, I’ve come to the
conclusion that this “scandal”, if that’s what it
is, is a good thing. To start, lets just accept a few
things; 1, Christy is not liked by the more Conservative party members. He is just to liberal on
too many things. And 2nd, He absolutely threw
a national election to Obama, not only to help
himself in 2016, but because he was pissed off
and wanted to show that he could throw his
weight around. Fast forward to the media’s love
affair with this bridge thing. The media is doing
EXACTLY what they have done in the past, they
are putting the labels on Christy. Mean, vindictive,
un-caring, corrupt...etc. By the time any election
is near, the masses will just see a big bad wolf,
and he will loose to Hillary just like Romney to
Obama. But... And this is a big butt... The media is
doing the nation a favor here. You see, they don’t
see the likes of somebody like Rand Paul, or Ted
Cruz as even being the smallest threat. But just
back in 2012, some small names made some big
showings in the national primaries, such as Rick
Santorum. If the 2016 election moves in without
a “viable”, and establishment-approved front runner, some interesting things will happen. If the
big money establishment backs a big looser like
Christy, the party will continue to implode, and
Hillary is as good as in. However, if the establishment decides to keep a lower profile and not
dump all its money over the bridge, you could see
something very rare, the party’s voters may actually get the nominee they (we) want. Wouldn’t that
be exciting. Either way, I liken what’s happening
to Christy as a scene from the movie (Goodfellas)
where Joe Pecie’s character finally realizes what
happens when you act like an ass for too long.
Payback my friends, payback.
Edward J. Boughton
Totoket Times January 24, 2014
Town Center Development
Dear Editor;
I would like to offer some observations regarding proposals for use of the Wall Field/
Old Town Hall property on Rt 80 in anticipation of the upcoming charrette workshop on
January 25. With the near completion of the
Rt 80 widening project, the Town has the opportunity to plan carefully for the use of the
centrally located property once occupied by
Wall Field. The location provides a focal point
and vital link along the Rt 80 corridor between
the retail intensive Central Shopping Plaza
and the nationally registered historic district
encompassing the North Branford Congregational Church, North Branford Hall, the historic
burying ground, the Atwater Memorial Library,
the Reynolds-Beers house and the Miller Barn
campus. Whatever is chosen for this site will
significantly impact everything (and everyone)
from Central Plaza to Atwater Library.
What we decide to do with this property will
have a defining quality for our town center. One
of the main concerns involves attracting people
to this area to shop or otherwise participate in
civic activities such as the Memorial Day Parade. One of the main questions becomes, how
do we encourage pedestrian use of this area?
This involves combining pedestrian access
with traffic calming features. Sidewalks are
essential in this regard. Right now, sidewalks
have been installed from Central Plaza to the
corner of Rt 22 (Notch hill Rd). I recently
walked from North Street/Atwater Library to
the Wall Field site to get a pedestrian perspective. Half of the distance required walking in
the street as cars and trucks zipped past well
in excess of the 35 MPH speed limit. It was
dangerous. If we are serious about developing
the Wall Field site either for passive recreation
or for retail or mixed retail/residential that attracts pedestrian use and serves as a focal point
of our town center, then we need to seriously
consider connecting the entire Rt 80 corridor
from Central Plaza to the Atwater Library
campus with continuous sidewalks to encourage safe pedestrian access. Many people live
within walking distance throughout this area
which also includes the Marshfield and Brook
Mead apartments as well as North Street.
In addition, it is imperative that the new
intersections of RT 80 and Notch Hill Rd and
Anthony John’s Pizzeria
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RT 80 and RT 139/
Great Hill Rd have
well marked crosswalks, handicap curb
cuts and crossing
lights. These safety
features are necessary and required by
law. Let’s finish up
the stressful and prolonged Rt 80 widening project with finishing touches that
provide for public
safety and promote
pedestrian access to
our town center commensurate with what
is provided the citizens of neighboring
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Thanks to all who Helped!
Totoket Times January 24, 2014
Dear Editor;
The beginning of November after going to my primary care physician
about 3 PM, I had to go to the emergency room. The Branford Ambulance Service was called. The young men that responded were very
professional,knowledgeable, polite and concerned. By the time we reached
the emergency room all the information that was needed for admission to
Yale New Haven Hospital had already been forwarded by the EMT’s. They
did not leave until I was assigned and in a room. These well-trained young
men know their job and we are fortunate to have such talent available.
My experience going forward was great. The surgeon on call, Dr. Kaye
Zuckerman, arrived on he scene around midnight, and I had to have
emergency surgery. The care I received from my doctor, the EMT’s, the
emergency room, the surgeon, and the care I received from the nurses
and their aides was exceptional, in the Bariatric Unit.They were caring,
efficient, thorough and polite.
Thanks to everyone who participated in my care, from the bottom of
my heart. We are so lucky to have these dedicated people who are so well
trained and knowledgeable and to have a hospital with the best technology available.
Too bad our current President did not wish to tweak what is arguably the best medical system in the world. But for him the dumping of it and
going for a single payer system as a path to socialism and control of the
economy and to control our lives is his plan.
But the real point is: THANKS!
Sincerely, Alice W. Lehr
To the Community
Smith Library Welcomes Shamrock
Dear Editor;
Wells Fargo Bank in Northford recently donated this almost life size
On behalf of the Stanley T Williams Community/Senior Center I want to
thank each and every one of you for your kindness and generosity during the horse named Shamrock, to the Children’s Room of the Smith Library.
holiday season to our 4th Santa to a Senior Program. With your help we were He is already well loved and shown here reading a book about horses.
able to provide almost 200 gifts to homebound seniors in our community.
To those that helped deliver the gifts, too many names to mention ~
THANK YOU! You all packed your sleighs and got those gifts out!
Without the help of the community this program would not succeed. Each
and every one of you has gone above and beyond to help make it a success.
We are presently looking for guests on the Let’s be “Frank” show. The
Wishing you all a healthy, happy New Year!
show is geared to be an informative talk show to let people in the community
Sincerely, Judy Barron, Program Supervisor
know what’s going on. Anyone who has something they feel will benefit
Stanley T Williams Community / Senior Center
their neighbors, is invited to come on and tape a show. The only stipulaHope to see you at the Meeting
tions are that you must be able to converse on the topic for 30 minutes and
Dear Editor;
it can’t be of a “for profit” nature.
This is another follow up of letters I continue to send in attempt to save
If you are interested or you know of someone who might be a suitable
the Wall Field property. The December meeting was postponed and will guest, email totokettimes@comcast.net.
reconvene on January 25th. from 1:00 to 3:30PM at the NBIS cafeteria.
View our show on Channel 18 on Comcast
I hope to see a good turnout to voice their feelings. Years ago the North
Mon. 12,2 & 8:30AM - 6 & 9PM
Branford Center was declared a Historical District. But in came the State
Tues. 12, 3 & 7:30AM - 4 & 10PM
with their Route 80 widening project that has destroyed our Historical Center. It’s too late to do anything about that now but the old Wall Field area is
Wed. 12 & 6AM - 6 & 9:30PM
still here. I would like to see the property preserved for a future park or at
Thurs. 12:30, 2 & 7AM - 1, 6, 11PM
least open space and not allow our town fathers and mothers to sell it for
Fri. 12, 2, 8:30AM - 6PM
commercial Development. Sincerely, Dudley Harrison
Sat. 12, 2, 10:30AM - 5:30PM
Sun. 12, 2, 8AM - 5 & 9PM
Be a Guest on
The Let’s Be “Frank” Show
This publication is published bi-weekly by
Doss enterprises LLC
PO Box 313
Northford, CT. 06472
Tel; 203-410-4254 Fax 203-484-4729
email: totokettimes@comcast.net
founders - Bert Bunnell Jr. & Antthony Esposito Jr.
The publisher assumes no responsibility for typographical errors. In the event
of an error, the publisher will issue a credit adjustment on only the incorrect
portion of the advertisement, as well as a retraction in the next issue.
Letters to the editor...
This paper encourages all readers to voice their opinions and comments.
The Totoket Times is not responsible for erroneous information in letters to the
editor. Letters should be as brief as possible.
All letters must be signed. A telephone number should
be included and no personal attacks.
This paper reserves the right to edit all letters.
All letters should be addressed to :
The Editor
P.O. Box 313, Northford, CT 06472
Totoket Times January 24, 2104
Candelora to Host Informational Forum
Hartford- State Representative
Vincent Candelora (R-86) is inviting area residents to join him at a
Town Hall Meeting on Monday,
January 27th from 7-8pm in the North
Branford Town Hall located at 909
Foxon Rd. to discuss the upcoming
legislative session.
Candelora is holding the meeting
in advance of the 2014 legislative session, which begins on February 5th,
to give residents information on some of the topics and issues that will be
dealt with during session and to hear from residents who have questions
and concerns related to state government.
The event is free and open to the public. If you have questions please
contact Representative Candelora’s office by calling (860) 240-8700 or
sending an email to Vincent.candelora@housegop.ct.gov
North Branford Rte. 80
Corridor & Town Center Project
The workshop on the the future of the Old Town Hall-Community Center
site and the Rte 80 corridor has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 25th
from 1:00 - 3:30 PM. The workshop will be hosted by the North Branford
Economic Development Commission and facilitated by the Yale Urban
Design Workshop as a hands-on participatory brain storming session to
kick off the planning study commissioned by the EDC.
Bring your friends and neighbors, your ideas and enthusiasm.
For additional information contact Mike Paulhus, Town Manager at 203484-6000.
Winter Market at the Dudley Farm
The Dudley Farm Farmers’ Market will hold its first Winter Market of
2014, on Saturday, February 1st from 9AM to 12 noon in the Munger Barn.
Featured this month are baked goods, eggs, handmade arts & crafts, honey
and maple syrup, jams and jellies, naturally raised meats and pickles. Craft
vendors rotate during winter months.
The Winter Market will be held on the first Saturday of each month,
February through May but it is subject to cancelation due to inclement
weather. The Farm is located at 2351 Durham Road, North Guilford. Contact 860-349-3917 or visit www.dudleyfarm.com for more information and
last minute updates.
Support the Totoket Times
With a local economy that continues to struggle, the Totoket Times is
no exception. When businesses fall on tough times they are often forced
to cut expenses and advertising is usually the first one to go. The Totoket
Times and the people of our town are fortunate to have loyal merchants
who support our community. Not only does their support help them get
their message to the residents, but it also allows them to help get the
town news and happenings out to the public.
It might sound old but in more than twelve years, this paper has not
increased its ad rates. Hopefully this allows our friends to get out their
message at a reasonable expense and continue to operate a successful
With that in mind it is once again time to ask our readers to help our
advertisers to help our newspaper continue to bring the message of the
people in our community to our neighbors. You can do this by making
a voluntary contribution of at least $10.00 to help us continue with our
mission. The voluntary payment helps with increasing expenses, and
shows your support for your hometown newspapers.
Please send your voluntary payment to:
Totoket Times
PO Box 313,
Northford, CT 06472
There is nothing that warms my heart more than lending support
and recommending our local businesses. Especially when they advertise in the Totoket Times and can do so from our personal experience.
For whatever reason and despite having the most respected anti-virus
protection, I found myself “dead in the water” and in need of quick
computer help. Greg from Greg Tech (his credentials widely acclaimed, and with
not a smidgen of exaggeration in the Totoket Times classified came to my rescue.
I called Greg an he was here almost instantly. Deciding he could best repair the
problem in his home workshop he departed with the modem. It was back
promptly, and thoroughly repaired and with his instructions so necessary
for this fossilized old foggy I was back in business.
Making his visit special was learning that I knew his mother, not personally,
but by the care and concern she had taken in raising her children. With children
playing all over the street and most mothers assuming it, not being an especially busy street, trusted the alertness of the mailman and paper man, (me) to
oversee their loved one, but not Greg’s mother. She was out there in person to
gather her brood. I say this not in criticism of all the other mothers who’s confidence in me was appreciated, but that
she never failed to be watching for me and rushed out to see they were off
the street until I left.
After a hip operation and one leg left considerably shorter than the
other I suffered for several years, limping embarrassingly. Despite the
surgeon insisting his operation had nothing to do with it, it’s difficult
to understand how one day you’re walking perfectly, but once healed
the leg on the operated side is considerably shorter. Finally, deciding I‘
needed to do something I went to Mike, The Cobbler at MT Cobbler. Expecting to just have a 3/4” piece glued to the bottom of
one shoe, I was amazed at the craftsmanship that resulted in it
being so perfect one could not tell it not been made that way
originally. It is several years and as perfect as ever. It was while sitting there, and while Mike attended sooner customers, I was made
well aware of Mike’s success. In one after the other they told me of
trusting no one else, but Mike. Some mentioned they followed him
here from East Haven and some had their teenagers fitted to assure
perfection. Compliments earned over the years assured this old man he was in
good hands. I told Mike I expected no improvement in my limp since such afflictions become built in and virtually unremovable and so right it is to the point,
that someone seeing me walk for the first time will not appreciate the confidence it has instilled in me.
As one of the pioneers in Organic Gardening, both as a gardener, lecturer
and writer, no one has been more disappointed in how the movement has
been bastardized to the extent I must warn you to not trust, even your major
supermarket supplier as trustworthy. When Organics became a concern of the Federal Government, a Board was established to set the
credentials organic produce had to get to qualify as fully organically
produced without the use of any synthetic ingredients. This heart warming court decision didn’t take the commercial producers of vegetables
conventional farmers), with the help of the Department ofAgriculture as well as every producer of everything from toiletries to nail polish to challenge this decision.
Our so-called representatives in Washington quickly declared the court
decision null and void opening the gates to every inconceivable inorganic product as permissible use making the Organic title misleading the
public into believing everything labeled Organic is natural. Do not believe the food or product sold, wherever, labeled Organic, as trust worthy
unless you have personal confidence it is so. Since the court declared
nothing synthetic could be used in any product called Organic there are
over 350 products legally so used today. What this has resulted in, as
regards all other products than food, is they being the same as you always
bought, but now priced much higher since Organics, supposedly are purer,
and healthier.
To assure your food is truly organic, raised without chemical insecticides, in soil unadulterated with chemical fertilizers and nourished
with only chemically free manure, compost, soil amendments such as
sea and rock minerals. With the demand for organic food the possibility of finding it locally has become much easier. While the local farm
markets are a safe place to seek your food we are especially blessed with
having two of the finest sources right here in Northford.
Northfordy Farms, run by Pete and Judy Rothenberg on Lanes Pond Rd.
has been with us for many years and operated strictly true to nature. To be free
of the concern of having what and the amount of produce most favored by
your family all summer can take advantage now of their SA (Consumers Support Agriculture) by arranging with them now to assure your
vegetable, eggs, etc. will be available at their finest delicious and nutritious point. By joining now they know in advance how much of what
food is most wanted by their members and can arrange their planting
accordingly. Alton Eliason
Totoket Times January 24, 2014
The Early Childhood
Education Network Presents
Preschool Fair
February 5th (snow date 2/6) 5:30-7:00pm
Jerome Harrison School Cafeteria
Come and visit booths presented by preschool programs
serving the North Branford and Northford area.
Meet staff from each Preschool, Learn about the different
curriculums each offers, as well as other important information
that will help you in your decision process. Debbie Verrillo
from Smith Library will also be there with information about
programs available for preschoolers.
This Boy is All Smiles!
Nicholas Grant has everything a young boy could want. A dog, fish,
hermit crabs and an older bother to play with, whom he affectionately
calls “little brother”. The second grader at Jerome Harrison Elementary
School plays baseball, football and swims. He is also a cub scout with
dreams of some day becoming an Eagle Scout.
Throughout all this happiness, Nicholas cannot smile. He was born
without a “number 7” facial nerve which prohibits him from blinking and
smiling out of one side of his face. “We wandered around for months once
we realized there was a problem, until our pediatrician led us to the Facial
Nerve Center in Massachusetts,” stated Nicholas’s mom Jadeanne. “She
gave us two options and we decided on the surgery which could not take
place until Nicholas was this age.” The procedure a “cross facial nerve
graft”removes a nerve from his leg, attaches it to a working nerve on the
good side of his face. The good nerve will grow through the transplanted
nerve and eventually attach itself to the muscle which will be transplanted
in the summer in the final surgery. If the two surgeries are successful it
should take about 18 months for him to be able to smile and blink.
Last week Nicholas had the first surgery. Before the surgery he was a
bit concerned with the upcoming pain but he was looking forward to a
week of unlimited ice cream and milk shakes. “I’m also hoping this helps
my speech,” Nicholas said with his half smile. “When I ask people to sit,
they sometimes think I’m saying a bad word,”
Half smile or whole smile, Nicholas is a charismatic, active young boy
who was quite entertaining during the interview and we all wish him well.
We are a 4 hour preschool program
to help best prepare your child for
Now Opening at 8 am with optional
extended day until 3pm.
Small classes with a favorable 1:6 teacher to child ratio!
If you are enrolling your child in preschool this year,
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For more information call 203-484-4243 or e-mail
Senior Notes
by Alicia Abelson
It is hard to believe that midterms are already here. Thankfully our
midterms have been pushed back to start after Martin Luther King Jr Day
instead of before due to the snow days that we have aquired. An immense
amount of pressure has been placed on students across the country with the
upbringing of Midterms, and this equates to moodiness, sleep depravation,
and stress eating amongst teens. Yet, it seems that senior slide has begun to
take place, especially in the student body of NBHS. With all of the colleges
being applied to and early action/decision letters coming in, students who
have already been accepted to colleges and universities are laying back on
the studying for midterms. Unfortunately, I have yet to hear back from any
colleges and will not be receiving any letters until regular decision admissions has been completed in March. This means that seniors like myself
have to cram half a year’s worth of information in six different classes into
their brains in a span of four days. In the end all of the studying will have
paid off and the next on my mind will be the AP tests in May!
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Totoket Times January 24, 2014
Kayleighs Korner by Kaleigh Melillo NBHS Students Selected to Perform in Regionals
Five students from North Branford High School were recently selected
to perform in the Southern Music Regionals. The studetns performed with
more than 200 students from the region. Picturre above in this submitted
photo are Courtney McNeils, Marisa Tomaso, Kaylea Grandpe, Jaimy
Rippe and Killian Mitchell.
They Make Us Proud!
Keegan Burke, Jeanette Ferraro and Madeline Simonsen were
named to the Dean’s List at Bryant University in Smithfield, RI.
Julia Allain was named to the Dean’s List at Providence College, RI
Kyle Metzer was named to the Dean’s List at Liberty University, Training Champions for Christ.
Kate Brown was named to the Dean’s List at Rutgers University.
Taylor Ciambra and Michael Matthews were named to the Dean’s
List at Keene State College in New Hampshire.
Jordan D’Auria was named to teh Dean’s List at Nichols College in
Dudley, MA.
Alexander Hassen, Christopher Stanio, Christopher Stankiewicz,
Andrew Albin, Paul Proto and Eric Austin received high honors at
Notre Dame High School in West Haven.
Blake Rice, Michael Annunziata, Frederic Montz, Joshua Witkowsky, Anthony Czarkowski, Michael Langone, Thomas Pietrogallo,
Salvatore Carlo and Jacob Hawley received Second Honors at Notre
Dame High school in West Haven.
Katelyn Pantera and Kristi Wharton were named to the Dean’s List
at Choate Rosemary Hall.
Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
Saturday, Feb. 1st
9 am – 3 pm
Stop in the Children’s Room at the Atwater or Smith Library
for a fun day of crafts, a “Book Bag of Books raffle,
special programs and more!!
Programs at the Smith Library:
Time to get a
library card!
Visit with “Boomer the Bobcat” and
Quinnipiac University Field Hockey Players
9:30 – 11:00 AM
“Why I Love the Library” interviews
With Mrs. Seiden and students
from TVES: 10 am – Noon
Meet Quake the Groundhog
From Meigs Point Nature Center
Fur-bearing Mammals of CT
and live groundhog presentation - 11:00 am
**Register in the Children’s Room.
Space Limited.
Sugar Cupcake Truck
& hot chocolate in the Community Room
Noon – 3:00 pm
Will he see his shadow?
Smith Library
3 Old Post Rd.,
Northford, CT 06472
Well school has come back in full swing, that’s for sure. January has been
full of events and new activities. Earlier in the month, the semi-finals and
finals of the NBIS National Geography Bee took place. It was a very close
race, but the winner was found, and that winner was found in the sixth
grade. It was very impressive, considering that sixth graders don’t even
take geography! Another event that’s taking place this month is the NBIS Interact Club’s
fundraiser for a cat shelter called Branford Compassion Club. Members of
the Interact Club are spending now until Valentine’s Day collecting money
at lunch and supplies like cat food, toys, kitty litter, cleaning supplies and
a wide variety of other objects. One of the less exciting events of January is the Mid-Year Benchmarks.
Students took tests in math, reading, and writing, on the bright side though,
it means there is only one more Benchmark, and no CMTs this year! That’s
right; instead of CMTS NBIS students will be taking a new type of test, in
accordance with the new Common-Core Standards. Apparently, they’re
supposed to be even more difficult than the CMTs, so…yay.
Last week, a former NBIS/NBHS student gave a presentation on engineering, and started off her presentation by showing everyone a video of a Rubix
Cube Solving Robot! Finally, a way to solve a Rubix Cube without changing
the stickers or throwing it against a wall in anger, because everyone knows
it’s impossible to solve one of those things without doing that…unless you
actually try. But who has time for that? The Common Core Tests are coming!
Kindergarten Registration
Scott Schoonmaker, Superintendent of North Branford Public Schools,
announces that Kindergarten registration for North Branford residents with
children eligible to enter school in September 2014 will be held as follows:
Jerome Harrison Elementary School
335 Foxon Road, North Branford
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
9:00AM - Noon & 1:00 - 3:00PM
Evening Registration from 5:30 - 7:30PM
Please call the school office (203) 484-1235 for a registration packet.
This will need to be completed and brought to kindergarten registration at
Jerome Harrison School.
Your child does not need to be present at the time of registration.
In order for a child to be registered in Kindergarten, the following requireMents must be met:
1. Child must be five (5) years of age on or before January 1, 2015.
2. The birth record or legal proof of birth has been examined by the principal or designee.
3. Your child must have a 2014 physical exam. The physician and the
parent must complete the blue Health Assessment Record provided by
the school.This form must be filed with the school prior to the first day of
4. Proof of residency has been examined and approved by principal or
designee (utility bill and/or voter registration form).
In addition, if you have specific concerns about your preschool child’s
development, please call (203) 484-1235, for further information.
In the event of a school cancellation due to inclement weather, day and
evening registration will be held on Thursday, February 6, 2014 at the same
times noted above.
North Branford Public Schools
Preschool Role Model Screening
Project PRIDE is a special education preschool located at Jerome Harrison
School, North Branford, CT. The program incorporates children without
disabilities to model appropriate social, language and play skills within
preschool activities. This program meets four days a week (Monday through
Thursday). The program is seeking 3 & 4-year old children with typicallydeveloping skills to serve as role models in our classes for the 2014-2015
school year. Participants will attend either the morning or afternoon session.
To be enrolled as a role model peer, children must pass a preschool
screening on January 31st & February 7th which assesses cognitive, speechlanguage, motor and social skills. Role model peers must be toilet trained.
If parents are interested, please contact Mrs. Kohler at 203-484-1235, to
schedule a screening appointment which will take approximately 30 minutes.
The names of children who pass the screening will be placed in a lottery that will take place in the spring. Parents will be notified by phone if
their child is selected. Children who are selected will participate at no cost.
However, transportation must be provided by the parent.
Totoket Times January 24, 2014
Senior Kevin Tressell calls a play for the Thunderbird basketball team.
Harlem Superstars Pack the Gym
Freshman goalie Will McEwen (top photo and Junior Alec Martone
have helped a young North Brnaford Hockey team to an even 4-4 record.
More than 450 showed up at NBHS to watch the Harlem Superstars work
their basketball magic. The event was sponsored by the North Branford
Education Foundation.
Signups For Little League - 2014
January 25 9am-1pm Jerome Harrison School
January 30 6pm-9pm TVES
February 8 9am-1pm Jerome Harrison School
For questions, please contact
Joe Mascari at joe@cedrobananas.com.
Rotary Club Sponsors Hockey Fund Raiser
The North Branford Rotary Club is hosting a very special Hockey Game.
The exciting game pitting the BRIDGEPORT SOUND TIGERS against
the UTICA COMETS, will raise funds to go towards Polio Eradication.
The AHL ICE HOCKEY GAME will be held Sunday , March 2nd ,
3:00 PM, at the Webster Bank Arena, Bridgeport . Tickets are offered
at a discounted price of only $20 for a center ice ticket (normally $35!!).
For every ticket purchased $7 goes to eradicating polio for a Polio-Free
World. To Purchase Tickets Contact Event chairperson, Dawn Pearson at
Help Support the
High School Hockey Team
Totoket Times January 24, 2014
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
East Hampton
Old Saybrook
@ Coginchaug
@ Old Saybrook
@ Coginchaug
@ TriTown
North Haven
Daniel Hand
North Branford Indoor Track
Shoreline Coaches Track and Field Invitational meet
on Saturday January 4th.
In order to participate the athletes needed to achieve Class S standard in their respective
event. There were 30 schools represented at the meet. All the athletes did quite well in
the very competitive field. Overall, the Boys Team came in 15th place and the Girls Team
took 18th place.
Top individual places were achieved in the pole vault by Nick Schneidt taking 6th place
at 11’6” and Alicia Abelson placing 7th at 7’00”. In the Shot Put, Jake Sidle placed 8th with
a throw of 40’3”. In the High Jump, Michael Cermola placed 8th at 5’4”and Katie Moran
placed 11th at 4’6”. In the 55m Hurdles, Rachel Sokoloff placed 8th at 10.12 and Catie
Moran placed 11th at 10.17. In the 600m Run, Maggie Dulak placed 8th at 1:55.68 and
Holly Dulak placed 14th at 2:00.2. In the 1000m run, Bryce Mase placed 13th at 3:03.71.
The boys 4x200 Meter Relay Team made up of Shelby Franklin, Andrew Sarmento,
Christian Iuteri and Exavier Santiago placed 4th at 1:41.84. Also taking 4th place was the
boys 4x800 Meter Relay Team of Chris Kruglik, Sean O’Connor, Bryce Mase and Keane Regan at 9:14.2. The boys SMR Relay Team of Chris Kruglik, Bryce Mase, Shelby
Franklin and Christian Iuteri came in 10th place at 4:16.95.
The girls 4x800 Meter Relay Team of Winnie Chan, Holly Dulak, Maggie, Dulak and
Leah Martone place 6th at 11:27.05. Also taking 6th place was the girls SMR Relay Team
of Katie Steven, Sara Olsen, Marissa Bale and Rachel Sauro at 4:51.33. The girls 4x200
Shoreline League Meet #1 Tuesday, January 14th.
Pizza & Restaurant
285 Foxon Road, North Branford
203-484-1163 www.abatenorthbranford.com
Before the Game
10% OFF
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Chicken Wings (Buff., BBQ, Plain) .70 each
Chicken Tenders Buff, BBQ, Honey Mustard
Half Tray(10-12 People $40), Full Tray (20-22 People $75)
Antipasto Salad
Half Tray - $35.00, Full Tray$70.00
Chef Salad
Half Tray - $35.00, Full Tray $70.00
Stuffed Mushrooms Half Tray - $40.00, Full Tray $70.00
Clams Casino
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For The Game
Buy 3 Large Pizzas Get 4th PIZZA FREE
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Choices: Chicken Parm, Eggplant Parm. Meatball Parm,
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Try our new Must Have - SHEPHERD’S PIE
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Orders must be placed by day before Superbowl.
Abate, where everyone knows WE’RE THE BEST!
Boys results for the relays are as follows: 4x800 Relay 4th at 9:39 (Zack Augur, Chris
Kruglik, Sean O’Connor and Bobby Querfeld) , 4x200 Relay Team 5th at 1:41.88 (Christian
Iuteri, Shelby Franklin, Andrew Sarmento and Exavier Santiago), 4x400 Relay Team 8th
at 4:11.94 (Jason Alaska, Will Coleman, Exavier Santiago and Zack Augur) and Sprint
Medley Relay Team 7th at 4:26.11 (Chris Kruglik, Christian Iuteri, Andrew Sarmento and
Bobby Querfeld).
Top individual places for the boys were: Shot Put – Michael Kaiser 2nd at 41’01.5”,
Pole Vault – Nick Schneidt 2nd at 10’6”, 55M Dash – Shelby Franklin 3rd at 6.85,
Christian Iuteri 5th at 6.93, Andrew Sarmento 6th at 6.95, 1000m Run – Chris Kruglik 8th
at 3:10.88, 1600m Run – Zach Augur 5th at 5:02.56, Sean O’Connor 7th at 5:15.08 and
Richard Hernandez 9th at 5:20:19, 300 Meters – Shelby Franklin 2nd at 39.33, and High
Jump – Michael Cermola 4th at 5’04”.
Girls results for the relays are as follows: 4x800 Relay 7th at 12:09.57 (Jillian Damiani,
Deanna Sgambato, Leah Martone and Jen Levine), 4x400 Relay 6th at 4:54 (Winnie Chan,
Holly Dulak, Kirsten Madoule and Marissa Bale), 4x200 Relay 8th at 2:16.93(Julia Haeckel,
Emily Muzyka, Lauren Stelmaszzyk and Taylor Delaney) and Sprint Medley Relay Team
2nd at 4:45.24 ( Maggie Dulak, Sara Olsen, Jess Zumbo, and Katie Stevens).
Top individual places for the girls were: 55M Hurdles – Rachel Sokoloff 5th at 9.83 and
Catie Moran 7th at 10:15, 55 M Dash – Rachel Sokoloff 8th at 8:00, 1000 Meters – Maggie Dulak 3rd at 3:30.18, Holly Dulak 8th at 3:36.79 and Leah Martone 12th at 3:49.16.
1600m Run - Marissa Bale 9th at 6:17.53, High Jump – Katie Stevens 4th at 4’6” , Pole
Haddam Killingworth Track and Field Invitational
meet on Friday, January 17th .
There were 40 schools represented at the meet. All the athletes did quite well in the
very competitive field. Overall, the Boys Team came in 18th place with 10 points and the
Girls Team took 32nd place with 3 points.
For the Boys, points were scored by the 4x800 Meter Relay Team of Zack Augur, Sean
O’Connor, Bryce Mase and Kean Regan taking 5th place at 9:09.23. Additional points
were scored by Michael Kaiser in the Shot Put by taking 6th place with a throw of 42’05”.
Scoring points for the Girls was Catie Moran in the 55m Hurdles by placing 6th at 9.88.
In the 300 Meters, Shelby Franklin placed 7th at 39.25, Nick Schneidt placed 8th in the
Pole Vault at 11’0”, Michael Cermola placed 9th in the High Jump at 5’8” and Zack Augur
placed 13th in the 1000 Meters at 2:58.7. North Branford came in 12th in the 4x200 Meter
Relay Team made up of Andrew Sarmento, Shelby Franklin, Exavier Santiago and Adam
Campagna at 1:44.40.
The 4x800 Meter Relay Team of Holly Dulak, Maggie Dulak, Winnie Chan and Meghan
Golia placed 10th at 11:11.82. The SMR Relay Team of Sara Olsen, Katie Stevens, Rachel
Sauro and Maggie Dulak placed 10th at 4:49.97. The 4x400 Meter Relay Team of Winnie
Chan, Lindsay Golia, Holly Dulak and Leah Martone came in 16th place at 4:59.19. The
4x200 Relay Team of Erika Chironno, Kirsten Madoule, Rachel Sauro, and Jess Zumbo
placed 19th at 2:02.9. In the High Jump, Katie Stevens placed 11th at 4’6”, Rachel Sokoloff
placed 12th at 10.28 in the 55m Hurdles and Marissa Bale placed 17th in the 1000m at 3:34.71.
Winter is here. Is your car still running?
10% O
Iced windshields. Cold starts. Slick roads. Your vehicle needs to be prepared and
our $49.95 Winter Readiness special will help: oil change, tire rotation, fluid
checks, wiper blade check and brake inspection. Call today for an appointment.
“Your Local Garage”
2049 Foxon Road (Rte 80) PHONE: (203) 208-3140 Open Mon – Fri 8AM - 5PM, Sat 8:30AM - 1PM
Totoket Times January 24, 2014
North Branford Parks,
Recreation & Senior Events
1332 Middletown Ave. Northford
203-484-6017 or www.nbparkrec.com
Teens - Adults
January 27 - March 10
Monday & Thursdays, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
A hybrid form of kickboxing, martial arts and cardio circuits all in one!
KINTTED, BEAD BRACLET $23 plus purchase of materials
Teens - Adults
February 4 & 11
Tuesdays, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Learn to knit with beads and create a beautiful bracelet with seed beads
and yarn.
11years old - Adults
February 8
Saturday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Ambulance Co. #4 - Northford
Get the knowledge and skills leading to save a life. A lot of your
questions will be answered
Adults 55 and over
January 27 - March 3
Mondays, 1:30 - 2:30 at Soundview YMCA
January 29 – March 5
Wednesdays, 1:30 - 2:30 at Soundview YMCA
Water exercise in a warm pool!
February 25 - April 15
Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:80
High quality traditional instruction.
Ages 4 -6 ~ girls and boys welcome!
Feb. 4, 11, 25 March 4 (no class Feb. 18)
Tuesdays, 4:00-5:00
Explore with interactive experiments to stir up your curiosity.
KIDS CRAFTING CLASS ~ Free must call to register
Ages 5 -10 ~ girls and boys welcome!
January 30
Thursdays, 4:30 - 5:30
Come and let your talent blossom.
Father & Daughter Dance
Friday, February 7th 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
STW Community Center
$20 ( father or grandfather and daughter )
Dance the night away with that special one in your life. Enjoy dancing
and music by our own DJ Anthony Esposito. Enjoy punch and finger
food while making that special memory. Photos included.
Stew Leonard’s
Monday Feb. 10th Cost: $5.00
Rotary wraps up another successful event
North Branford Rotarians recently held their annual fundraiser at the Woodwinds in Branford CT. Over 200 silent auction items were sold. Rotary President
Jerry Tilton stated that this year’s auction was a very successful fund raiser. Many
attendees enjoyed the presentation by Chef Silvio and Italian Historan, Anthony
Riccio. North Branford Rotarians wish to thank all of those who attended and
bid at this year’s auction. They would also like to extend tremendous thanks
to the following businesses and individuals who donated items or funds to the
auction: Sponsors: Guilford Savings Bank, Keenan Funeral Home, Tilcon Connecticut, Paul Buonopane, Oak Street Bookkeeping, Pat Munger Construction,
Thomas King Mason Contractor, Marcus Law, Aquatic Pool, Gargiulo Brothers,
Trailor Depot, Poochie Play, Diane Popolizio – William Raveis Realtor, Parks
and Pearson, LLC. Natureworks, Sanitrol Services, Country House Restaurant,
Dr. William James. East Haven Stoners, Inc, Interforest, LLC. Auction Items:
London Ltd, Poochie Play, Roses for Autism, Christensen Landscape Services,
Anthony John’s Pizzeria, Natureworks, Arnolds Jewelers, Heather Hackley,
Carol Monnerat Artisan Truffles, Dalton’s Restaurant, Town Line Wine and
Spirits, Peggy Bergantino, Maritime Grille, MaryLou Gargiulo, John and
Maria’s Pizzeria, Rosalie Merola, CT Sportsplex, Susan Visken-Diaz, Style N
Go, Fusion Floral Design, Café Allegre, Casa Dinallo, Fran Merola, Laima and
Mukund Nori, Jerry Tilton, Sam Appleton, Stephanie Fichera Enterprises, CJ
Cuticello, Poochie Play, North Branford Parks and Recreation, Lyman Orchards
Golf Club,Tidewater Inn, Patricia and Dale Douglas, North Branford Dental
Group, Doody’s Totoket Inn, Country Paint and Hardware, Personal Touch
Car Wash, Country Deli, Margie & Ed Pikaart, Jay & Lucy’s Family Deli, Van
Wilgen Garden Center, Fairways Driving Range, InSight Optical, Northford
Veterinary Clinic,JCakes, Forget Me Not Flower Shop, Agway, Leoni’s Italian Foods, Louie’s Slice Inc,Nataz Restaurant, CT Sportsplex, North Guilford
Cattle Company, Beyond Waves, MT Cobbler, Yale Golf Course, Good to
Go,Parthenon Diner Restaurant,Nick’s Service Center, Zulu Nyala Group
Funds from the North Branford Rotary Auction have helped to build the
High School Concession Stand, the Northford Park pavilion, the Route 139
Playground and Pavilion as well as provide support for many local and international projects. Information about these projects and the North Branford Rotary
is available at www.northbranfordrotary.org. The Rotary Club of North Branford
meets weekly at Nataz Restaurant, RT 80, North Branford on Wednesdays at
6pm.(Above submitted photo, Rotary District Governor Rick Bassett and other
guests enjoy the wine tasting).
Comedy Night Fund Raiser
The Northford Women’s Club is presenting a dinner and comedy night
fundraiser on Friday, March 28th. The event will be held at Fantasia, 404
Washington Avenue, North Haven. Doors open at 7:00pm. Raffle and silent
auction items will be available. A family style dinner and dessert will be
provided followed by 90 minutes of great stand-up comedy presented by
Northeast Comedy Review. A cash bar will also be available. So gather your
friends and family and come out for a fun night of entertainment. Tickets
are $35 a person. For tickets or more information, please contact Valerie
at 203-654-5228.
All proceeds benefit the Northford Women’s Club charity budget. The
Northford Women’s Club is a volunteer organization and a member of the
General Federation of Women’s Club.
North Branford Art Society Art Exhibit
The North Branford Art Society is currently exhibiting original artwork
Stew Leonard’s traces back to 1969! Spend the day sampling and at the Edward Smith Library. Artwork includes original oil, acrylic,
shopping. Have lunch on your own in their café and choose from a watercolor, and pastel paintings and drawings. The Society will meet on
variety of meals. Sign-up required.
Thursday, February 13th, at 7:00 PM at the Smith Library Meeting Room.
Come by and meet the artists and learn more about their art. The library
is located on 3 Old Post Road, Northford, CT. The exhibit will be on
SUNDAY, February 23rd, 2014. Cost: $60 resident/ $65 non-resident display from January 2nd to February 28th. For more information, contact
It’s sleigh ride season at Adams Farm in Wilmington, VT. Enjoy a
Patty Meglio: pmser51@hotmail.com.
horse-drawn sleigh ride at the farm to their log cabin to enjoy some hot
chocolate and sing alongs. Afterwards we will head to Yankee Candle
where you can indulge in scents & sweets. Enjoy lunch on your own, if
you choose ,at Chandler’s Restaurant.
Vermont Sleigh Ride & Yankee Candle
Totoket Times January 24, 2014
Branford Hill Chapel. 212 Branford Rd., corner of Twin Lakes Rd. 203-488-3586. Breaking
of Bread, 9:15am. Sunday, Ministry and Sunday School, 11:00am. Nursery for infants and toddlers
at both meetings. Mid-week Bible studies. For spiritual help, call 203-239-9845.
North Branford Congregational Church, UCC. 1680 Foxon Rd., North Branford, CT, 203488-8456 or nobfdcong@sbcglobal.net or www..northbranforducc.org. Acting Pastor Rev. Price
Van der Swaagh. Daniel Jared Shapiro, Music Director. Office Hours: Wednesday through Friday,
9:30 - 1:30pm. We worship every Sunday at 10:00am. Nursery care available. Get to know us
by joining us for Coffee Hour following Services. The second Sunday of every month is Family
Sunday when the children remain with their parents during the Service. This is followed by our
second Sunday Brunch. Holy Communion is on the first Sunday of every month. Church School
through grade 8 meets during worship. All are wecome no matter who you are, no matter where
you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
Northford Congregational Church. United Church of Christ. Church is located on Old
Post Rd., ( corner of Rte 17 and Rte 22), PO Box 191 Northford. Phone 203-484-0795, Fax 203484-9916.. email; ncchurch@snet.net. Reverend Kathryn King. Pastor. Jane K. Leschuk Minister
of Music. Sunday worship service and Sunday School, 10AM. Join us for coffee hour following
worship. Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. Office hours, Monday an Wednesday
9am - 1pm. Like us on Facebook.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Middletown Ave. (Rte 22 & 17) Northford. 203-484-0895.
or http://standrewsnorthford.orgWe are a member of the Middlesex Area Cluster Ministry. The
Reverend Jim Bradley, Interim Missioner in charge of MACM, 203-525-6846. The Cluster office
is 860-345-0058. Sunday morning Eucharist is 10am. We have a rotating clergy & choir during
the academic year. Join us for coffee and fellowship following service. All are welcome.
St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church. The church is located at 30 Caputo Rd., North
Branford. The Parochial Administrator is Reverend Robert Turner and Deacons are John Hart
& Robert Macaluso. Daily Mass and Homily are celebrated Mondays & Wednesdays at 9am. On
weekends, Mass is celebrated on Saturday at 4pm & 11am on Sunday mornings. The Sacrament
of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday afternoon from 3:00 - 3:30PM In addition, you can
make an appointment for reconciliation by calling the parish office at 203-484-0403. If you are
new to the area and are looking for a parish family to join, please visit us. You can contact the
church office at 203-484-0403 or fax 203-484-0132 weekdays, 9am to 1pm or visit us online at
St. Monica Roman Catholic Church. The Church is located at 1331 Middletown Ave. Northford. The Parochial Administrator is Reverend Robert Turner and the Deacons are William B.
Bergers, Louis P. Fusco and Joseph Marenna. Weekend Masses are celebrated on Saturdays at
5:30pm and Sunday at 9am. Weekday Masses are Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 9am. The
Sacarment of Reconciliation is celebrated Saturday morning from 8:30 - 9:00AM. In addition,
you can make an appointment for Reconciliation by calling our parish office. You can contact the
parish office by calling 203-484-9226 or fax 203-484-1189 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Fridays 10am - 2pm. You can contact the Education Center at 203-484-2434 Mondays, Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, 9am to 2pm.
Zion Episcopal Church. 326 Notch Hill rd., North Branford. 203-488-7395. The Reverend
Lucy LaRocca, Vicar; Sunday Holy Eucharist 8 & 10:00am. Coffee hour follows both services.
Child care available. Email; www.zionepiscopalchurch.org.
Focus Pointe Ministries is a young and growing vibrant organization located at
Guilford Gatehouse, 2614 Boston Post Road, Guilford. Our Mission—Renewing
Minds & Transforming Lives. The Ministry is dedicated to assist individuals in
finding meaning and fulfilling their life’s purpose. Building strong physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual health through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is at
the core of weekly teachings. The Ministry offers a unique weekly worship services
convene on Sunday’s at 10:00 a.m. Visit us online at www.focuspointeministries.org
or call 203 533-5569
Sunday Services & Sunday School at NCC
The Northford Congregational Church and Rev. Kathryn King welcome
everyone to their weekly worship services. Services are held at 10 a.m. every
Sunday in addition to Sunday School. They are followed by coffee hour in
the social hall. Families with children are encouraged to come to church and
meet Kathy Grant, the new Christian Education Coordinator. Each week
there is a short lesson and a fun activity during Sunday School. For more
information about Sunday School, contact Kathy Grant at 203-823-1023.
Holy Communion is held on the first Sunday of each month. Family/
Mission Sunday, which features contemporary music and which focuses
on a mission, is held on the third Sunday of each month.
For information on the Church see the directory above.
North Branford Barber Shop
1179 Foxon Rd. Rte # 80
North Branford, Ct. 06471
Men's Haircuts: $10 & $12
Women's Haircuts: $16.
Hours: Tuesday - Friday
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Robert Viglione, Owner
Northford Women’s Club Donates Pumpkins
At a recent meeting of the Northford Women’s Club, members decorated
pumpkins and delivered them to Twin Maples Healthcare in Durham for
the residents to enjoy. Holiday cards were also written and delivered for
each resident.
The Northford Women’s club is a member of the General Federation of
Women’s Clubs. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at
the Stanley T. Williams Community Center. For additional membership
information, please contact Mary Smith at 203-484-9157
(Pictured in photo provided, from left to right: Sharon Ardito, Kim
Wollman, Michele Sumecki and Liz Boissard.)
Do you love jigsaw puzzles?
The Friends of the North Branford Libraries will be sponsoring a “Puzzle-
Off” contest Saturday, March 15th, 2014 (snow date will be Sat., Mar. 22)
at the Edward Smith Library, 3 Old Post Road, Northford. Contestants
may sign up individually (and we will assign teams) or as a team of up to
9 people. Team names and themes are welcome!
Teams will all be working on the exact same puzzle at different tables.
The team with the most puzzle pieces (continuously) connected will be the
Our competition begins at 9:45 am and will end at 2:30pm. There will
be a mandatory lunch break from 11-12 (no one will be allowed to work
on their puzzle during this time). Light refreshments will be provided by
the Friends and beverages may be brought in or purchased at our Keurig
machine (coffee, tea, or hot chocolate) for $1.00/cup. NOTE: You are more
than welcome to bring food and drink for breakfast and/or lunch as parking
is an issue on this day. Carpooling highly recommended.
Please sign up ahead of time as space is limited. You may sign up in
person or over the phone (203) 484.0469 until February 28th, 2014.
Home Delivery Program - Two Years in Service
The Home Delivery program for North Branford and Northford residents
has reached its two year anniversary. This program is designed to provide
two hot meals once a week to residents who are recovering from surgery
or an illness or receiving weekly treatments causing them to be unable to
prepare meals. The meals are freshly made each Tuesday. The program is
operated out of the North Branford Congregational Church each Tuesday
from 8:30 A.M to 11:00 A.M. and it is run by all volunteers. After the meals
are cooked and packaged they are delivered to each recipient.
Most of the food is donated or purchased with gift cards provided by
donors. If you know of someone who is in need of this program, please
contact Judy Baron at the Senior Center and she will provide all the information that is needed.
Totoket Times January 24, 2014
TJC Electrical Services. No job too small or big. Service Upgrade &
Generator Specials! Call Tom Cassella at 203-619-2823.Licensed and
T.R. Electrical Residential Specialist. Free estimates. Large & small
jobs welcome. Call Tony at 203-868-1283. Licensed & insured.
Dr. D’s Property Care -Lawn Care LLC. Licensed & Insured. Snow
Plowing, Fall cleanup, Shrub & Tree pruning, odd jobs, dump runs, leaf
clean up and all around property maintenance. Free estimates call Dennis at
John DiMaggio Plumbing - Residential/Commercial repairs/remodeling.
Big or small. Water Heater Specials! Licensed & Insured. Call 203-4844822 or 203-627-6826 for emergencies. References available.
Northford Power Equipment - “The Mower Whisperer”. We service
all brands of yard & snow equipment. Reasonable rates, pickup and
delivery available.Call Mark at 203-484-2173.
Handyman Services - Plumbing repairs and installations. Drywall
repairs, electrical work,blinds installed, dryer vents cleaned and
replaced. Yard work, general repairs and small jobs. Bulk items hauled
away. dump runs. Local references, great rates. Call Pete at 203-8046373.
Greg Tech Computer Services. Certified Technician. On-site support
for PC's & Macs. Repairs, virus removals, wireless & network set-ups,
software installation, computer training, upgrades, hardware and printer
repair and more.Call Greg at 203-980-0782.
Simple Sewing Services. Hems, repairs & buttons. Clean garments
please. Call Sew Simple at 203-988-1108.
Stylist Wanted. Looking for a new stylist with experience. Clientele is
not a must. Apply in person at Hair Designs, 1717 Foxon Road, North
Valentine Day Drivers Needed. Apply Within. Petals 2 GO Florists,
Central Plaza, North Branford. 203-484-7800
Twin Lake Children’s Center of North Branford is looking for a
toddler teacher. Part time position is available. Experience preferred.
Please call 203-484-2800 and ask for Melissa.
Comedy Show to Benefit Animal Haven
The Animal Haven and Gaetano’s Tavern on Main in conjunction with
RC Productions presents comedy night to benefit the Animal Haven on
Thursday, Jan 30th. Comedians include national touring acts Rick Carino,
Mike McKenna, Pat Oates and Darik Santos.
Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased by calling Jen at 203-2154702, Wendy at 203-249-7355 or by e-mailing animalhavenfundraising@
gmail.com. Gaetano’s is located at 41 N. Main St in Wallingford and the
show starts a 7pm.
The Animal Haven is a private no-kill shelter for the Greater New Haven area to humanely relinquish orphaned animals for a small donation.
The Animal Haven is self-supporting and receives no funds from town of
government sources. Funds to operate our shelter come from membership
dues, private contributions, entry & adoption donations and many fund
raising events.
Many homeless pets need your help for a second chance at life at The
Animal Haven. Visit our website at www.theanimalhaven.com
“Cookbook Club”
Organizational Meeting at the Atwater Library
Sat., Feb. 1, 2014 @ 1:00 p.m.
Atwater Memorial Library Community Room
For cookbook lovers and food enthusiasts!
Do you like browsing cookbooks and cooking magazines?
Trying new recipes and techniques?
Do you like sampling new dishes and you’re not a gourmet cook?
No problem!!
Our new Cookbook Club is looking for members. Each month we’ll
meet to talk about food and recipes and cookbooks. At our organizational
meeting we will pick some appropriate cookbook titles and each month
we will highlight a certain title. Everyone will pick and cook a recipe from
that book to bring to the next meeting where we will sample the dishes
and discuss ingredients, cooking techniques, etc. It’s your chance to get
new ideas and share your cooking tips while tasting fun, new recipes
and making new friends!
Call the library at 203 315-6020 to register or come in to sign up!
Solid Wood Dining Table, Four chairs, china cabinet and buffet.
Great condition. $900 or best offer. Call Keith and leave a message at
NARFE Monthly Meeting
The National and Retired Federal Employees Association monthly meeting will
be held on Monday, February 3, 2014. 1:00PM at the North Haven Congregational
Church, 28 Church Street. All active and retired federal workers are invited to
attend. The guest speaker will be Roseanne Mondrone, Director of Community
Relations, the Mary Wade Home.
New Customers Only!
Personal, For Sale, Help Wanted, Tag Sale, and all non-business classified
1 issue $9.00 2 issues $12.00 3 issues $15.00
20 words or less, not including phone #. $.05 per word, per run, after 20 words
Lost and Found ................................... FREE
Business Classified Ads & Real Estate
3 issues $35.00, 6 issues $60.00, 12 issues $100.00
$.10 per word, per run, after 20 words
Payment MUST accompany all ads. The advertiser must notify this
newspaper of any errors.
Send ad along with your check to:
Totoket Times P.O. Box 313 Northford, CT 06472
For more information call 203-410-4254
Dear Walt-­‐ I’m a hockey mom; have been one since my husband slapped skates on our first born in the delivery room. I love it -­‐ everything but driving in the snow. Any advice? Lizabeth Dear Lizabeth, We love Hockey Moms here at Hometown Auto! In fact, February is Hockey Mom month. All bona fide Hockey Mom’s get 10% off our Winter Maintenance package. Give us a call at (203) 208-­‐3140 to set an appointment. Regarding driving in the snow – suck it up. You’re a hockey mom. Thanks, Walt. Got a quesQon for Walt? Email it to Walt@hometownautoNB.com Totoket Times January 24, 2014
One Free Month - Inside Storage Only!
Give the boot to
winter weather
The insulated, waterproof
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Wing® Logger boots
keeps your feet warm and
dry; the famous MT
Cobbler fit keeps them
comfy. Stand up to Old
Man Winter no matter the
weather. Stop in and try
on a pair today.
Federal & State Electronic Filing for FAST REFUNDS
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Day, Eening & Weekend Appointments
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54 DeForest Drive, North Branford, CT 06471-1258
Fax 203-488-1970
Your child’s adventure to learning begins!
Our North Branford Center will be celebrating 19 years
serving the community of North Branford and its surrounding towns!
We offer quality care by caring and experienced teachers who have been with us for many years.
We have many references from families whose children have attended our
North Branford Center. Talk to them about the care and academic preparation
TLCC has provided for their children.
Affordable part time and full time care. We offer a balanced curriculum of academics and
socialization. Limited preschool openings.
Twinlakechildrenscenter.com or Call us at 203-484-2800

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