Beaconia Beach Hangs in the Balance
Beaconia Beach Hangs in the Balance
The ewsletter Go barefoot all over! May 2010 Beaconia Beach Hangs in the Balance 1 Judy Williams, NAC board member Beaconia Beach 1998 The political and bureaucratic public officials in the Beaconia, Manitoba area have been notoriously tight-lipped about local government actions or inactions which have allowed destruction of Beaconia marshlands and precious riparian habitat. They also have not commented about the land swap which has traded away tiny clothing-optional Beaconia Beach to private interests. Such an act is contradictory to federal Canadian law, which demands that all citizens have access to all public beaches. The secluded Beaconia Beach is on an island in Lake Winnipeg, and is connected to the mainland by an earthen causeway which has been in sad disrepair for some time now. Even as rumors swirled about the trade, folks were writing as early as August 2009 to local government requesting that the causeway be repaired. No one received a response. Enter the Eastern Beaches Conservation Coalition (EBCC) holding the local government’s collective feet to the flame, as it were! According to EBCC’s vicechair, Chris Davis, the EBCC “strives to preserve the public beaches, wildlife, and wetlands on the lower eastern side of Lake Winnipeg through advocacy, lobbying, and education. The EBCC was formed as a grassroots response to the lack of transparency, due process, and public accountability to various constituents. The EBCC is registered with the Province of Manitoba.” EBCC chair David Crab said of the land swap involving Beaconia, “No water studies were done. No public consultation. No environmental impact studies.” In 1998, with support from The Naturist Society, Naturist Action Committee, and the Federation of Canadian Naturists (FCN), local Winnipeg resident Ivan Pokus and I established the Manitoba Naturists Association. With the help of others, we won our rights to be nude at Beaconia Beach after taking on both the provincial government and the Rural Municipality of St. Clements. Until the recently uncovered land swap shocker, naturists have been able to enjoy Beaconia and Patricia Beaches in peace except for the deteriorating causeway leading to Beaconia. Locals were galvanized into action when bulldozers began desecrating the pristine marsh behind Beaconia Beach by ripping a 1500-foot-long (the original application asked for 700 feet) channel toward Lake Winnipeg. In early March, some citizens expressed their concerns to Crabb and Davis asking them to conduct research as to what was going on. The two contacted the FCN, who in turn contacted me. I began advising and guid- • • The Naturist Society, LLC/Naturist Action Committee/Naturist Education Foundation Judy Williams Go barefoot all over! BEACONIA BEACH HANGS IN THE BALANCE, cont. Mayl 2010 2 The Naturist Society, LLC/Naturist Action Committee/Naturist Education Foundation ing EBCC as they investigated possible local government improprieties. What was going on was that the beach had been given away illegally and without due notice to the public, and the marsh work had ignored wildlife and fisheries regulations for developer Robert Rettie’s desire to build a huge marina and to over-develop channels from land to the lake. Many provincial and federal ministries have been contacted by the EBCC challenging these actions. The saga of clothing-optional Beaconia Beach, the causeway leading to it, the marsh surrounding it, the danger to the regional aquifers, and continued public access to the one local artesian well serving as the main source of potable water for folks in the area is still unfolding at the time of printing. To date, EBCC has held two public meetings, chosen a mandate, and registered a name with the Province. They have also formed an interim guiding executive and created a logo for correspondence and visibility, crafted a website visited daily by all levels of government, and opened a bank account to enable them to keep their fundraising and expenditures transparent and Topfree Walks in Maine Two dozen women walked topfree along downtown streets of Portland, Maine on a sunny Saturday this April 3 to the cheers and jeers of up to 500 onlookers, most of whom were male. The five women leading the peaceful march along city sidewalks wanted to draw attention to society’s double standard regarding male and female torsos. Approximately half the number of women took to the sidewalks a second time on Friday, April 30 in Farmington, Maine. Their purpose was the same, and again a large crowd trailed them along the walk. City police here too reported no problems. Ty Blanketfort MacDowell, topaccountable, while continuing to build free participant and organizer of the their credibility. walks, told Portland Press Herald re Davis, in his April 19 open letter to porter Edward Murphy during the April area stakeholders, wrote that the caveat 3 walk that women appearing in public to cement the land swap be rescinded topfree “is not socially acceptable yet, before we lose Beaconia forever: “Public and obviously there’s going to be a reacrecords prove that the entrance areas of tion to something that breaks the norm.” the beach (parking lots and immediately MacDowell was happy at the turnout, adjacent fields extending to the eastern but frustrated at some of the boisterous shoreline) were traded by St. Clements males in the crowd. Dave Holman of The to the Sopko family of Grand Marais on Free Press reported her as saying, “I’m October 14, 2008. Of greater concern sick of the sleazes, but it’s what we exis that almost a year after Council con- pected. There are lots of creeps here.” ducted the beach land swap, St. Clem- Police were satisfied that the walkents—not the Sopko family—requested ers remained on the sidewalks, as the the discharge of a caveat that essentially prohibited all non-park development on the beach property.” The story of the battle to save Beaconia Beach and the surrounding marsh, along with revealing pictures, may be found at If you would like to fight for your international naturist rights on Beaconia Beach as well as for the protection of dwindling wetlands across Canada (migratory birds do not recognize man-made boundaries), become a member by sending $20 or more to EBCC PO Box 95, Beaconia MB R0E 0B0 CANADA. Portland, Maine Topfree Walk on April 3rd 2010 Go barefoot all over! TOPFREE WALKS IN MAINE, cont. The “Proper” Setting for TNS Events The Naturist Society, LLC./Naturist Action Committee/Naturist Education Foundation Portland, Maine Topfree Walk on April 3rd 2010 approach nudist clubs about use of their site, and (5) many nudist parks actively seek TNS events. Together, these considerations point in two general directions: TNS can most easily host events at established private nudist clubs, and it’s generally a good thing to support your own people. There are good reasons, though, for seeking alternative opportunities in normally clothing-mandatory settings. These reasons counterbalance the downside to looking to textile settings for clothes-free events. There is far more work involved in finding a campground or resort with the amenities demanded by many TNS event attendees. These include comfortable and affordable lodging, camping spaces, food service, and a breadth of activities. Also challenging is finding a site secluded enough for naked participants to be out of sight of passing car and foot traffic. Finally, there is the logistical problem of convincing textile camp owners that they should rent their facilities to a bunch of nudies they’ve never met, and who are committed to being truly and fully child-friendly. Fortunately, TNS has enjoyed good rapport with textile Eastover Resort in Lenox, Massachusetts—home of the Eastern Naturist Gathering for the past 12 years—and that solid relationship provides TNS staff an enviable introduction to many potential camp and resort owners. But why go to the trouble of finding a textile resort, when so many nudist clubs would love to host a TNS Gathering? There are three good reasons for seeking a new, normally-textile venue. (1) More than a few TNS members enjoy visiting new places, and a fresh site will be attractive to some seeking new experiences. (2) Many textile settings have amenities and attractions rarely found at 3 While TNS holds most of its Gatherings and Festivals at nudist clubs or resorts, they’ve also taken over a few textile camps or resorts normally unavailable for nude use. Some TNS members have urged supporting established nudist sites, while others have wanted to expand our naturist presence into areas usually reserved for the hopelessly clothed. Strong cases exist for both choices, but it’s often more practical considerations that determine where TNS can host an event. TNS has—fortunately—been able to take advantage of a variety of options to the benefit of its members and the advancement of naturism. The most obvious arguments in favor of holding major TNS events at established private nudist clubs and resorts are (1) such settings welcome social nudity and readily accommodate large numbers of family-friendly naked people, (2) many naturists want to visit nudist parks they’ve heard about from friends and naturist publications, (3) it provides financial support for fellow naturists who own or manage such parks, (4) it’s fairly easy for TNS organizers to May 2010 women and their supporters had no permit for a march on city streets. As for not covering their breasts, the women were breaking no city or state law. Naturist Action Committee board member Virginia Schnee explained, “The organizers of the topfree walks in Maine intended to protest the inequality of American social standards concerning topfreedom, rather than any particular law. Because the Maine Criminal Code pertaining to ‘indecent conduct’ refers to genitals, and not to a woman’s breasts, it is not illegal for women to be topfree wherever it is permissible for men. Also, judicial rulings of 2002 and 2008 determined that women’s genitals are primarily internal and/or not visible, so simple female nudity was deemed not indecent conduct either.” Few onlookers expressed criticism of the freedom the women enjoyed. Still, Topfree Equal Rights Association coordinator Paul Rapoport expressed his concern to N: “The two events were effective in publicizing the issue of topfree equality. Irrational criticism of them shows that the women’s topfree walks, despite being legal in Maine, should continue. To forbid them on the basis of myths in order to make one feel better is both unjust and unacceptable.” For many, topfreedom is about women’s rights; for naturists it can also be an incremental march towards full body freedom. Both goals merit our support and applause. Go barefoot all over! May 2010 4 The Naturist Society, LLC/Naturist Action Committee/Naturist Education Foundation nudist camps. This is sometimes due to a textile park having a larger customer base, and thus more income to invest back into added attractions. Perhaps of most importance is the third argument. (3) Having naturist events at normally clothed sites introduces naturism to a public who would likely never meet us face to shame-free face. Resort owners and their staff will tell everyone they know of the crazy group they worked with, and as long as event attendees are living up to the best of naturist values, these business owners and service staff will be spreading word about who naturists are and how well we can fit into mainstream life. It’s hard to imagine a more effective tool for advancing understanding of naturism, and indirectly promoting a wider array of naturist liberties. Hosting a nude event at a normally clothed setting is naturist grassroots activism at its best! TNS is delighted to host a trio of Gatherings in 2010, in addition to assisting with additional naturist festivals across North America. Naturists can enjoy established nudist settings at Sunsport Gardens in Florida, Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park in Ontario, Empire Haven in New York, Avalon Resort in West Virginia, and DeAnza Springs Resort in California. With equal delight, TNS has announced that for the first time they will hold this year’s Eastern Naturist Gathering at the normally non-naturist Camp Westmont in Pennsylvania. Open for full nude use June 14-20, 2010, Camp Westmont boasts more activities than most naturists will ever hope to enjoy while nude. A large pool and lake for swimming are just the beginning. TNS members and friends should check out Camp Westmont’s activities for all ages at TNS’ Events page at Attending the Eastern Naturist Gathering this year will make for an exciting week of nude fun, while nudging clothed society a bit closer to accepting naturists both as customers and fellow citizens. There’s room for naturists everywhere. We should be the first to celebrate that fact. 1-800-886-7230 Michael Horgan 2009 Eastern Naturist Gathering at Eastover Resort. Contact the NAC Board Robert Morton - Texas Chair/Executive Director Bill Schroer - Michigan Treasurer Mark Storey - Washington Secretary Allen Baylis - California Morley Schloss - Florida Virginia Schnee Massachusetts Judy Williams - British Columbia Don Zirbel - Oregon The Newsletter Editor: Mark Storey The Newsletter (ISBN N9. 1075-735X) is published by The Naturist Society LLC, Naturist Action Committee, and Naturist Education Foundation, P.O. Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903. Entire contents copyright ©2010. Published items may be reprinted with prior permission. Request an annual subscription with a donation of at least $25 to NAC. Your financial assistance is vital! VISA/ Mastercard donations accepted at (800)886-7230, or you may donate online through the NAC Web page:
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Robert Morton - Texas
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