Bill Dempsey Mike Waldoch Bank of Harvey St. Aloisius Medical
Bill Dempsey Mike Waldoch Bank of Harvey St. Aloisius Medical
Hertz Funeral Homes of Harvey and McClusky Services, Monuments & Markers 324-4374 St. Cecilia’s Holy Family Society Harvey, ND New York Life Ins. Co. Doug & Brad Olschlager 546 Brewster St. E Harvey 324-2737 324-4282 Bill Dempsey Mike Waldoch Chad & Amber Ziegler 701-324-2227 MicroEndo PLLC 210 E. 8th St. E 324-2281 Come Check Us Out! The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy Caring beyond prescriptions. 722 Lincoln Ave 324-2295 Knights of Columbus Council #5217 Neil Hager 701-324-5272 Buechler Oil Company, Inc. 2316 Hwy. 52, Harvey 324-2462 Vondal Electric 116 E. 8th St. Harvey 324-2412 Harvey Sand & Gravel, Inc. Hinrichs Supervalu 121 W. Brewster St. Harvey 324-4671 CDA Court Sacred Heart #1908 Warehouse Grocery 321 W. 10th St. Harvey 324-2509 NORTHERN FAMILY Harvey Tax, Accounting WELLNESS & CHIROPRACTIC & Financial Services Amy J Felchle, DC 209 E. 10th St. Harvey ND 58341 701-324-4722 324-4615 Natural Family Planning Frey Insurance Agency, Inc. 822 Lincoln Ave 324-2375 Dr. Steven Kourajian Optometrist 901 Lincoln Ave. Harvey 324-2154 Connie Loen 693-5005 Northern Appraisal TLC Consulting & Realty, Inc. Western Ag Crop Consulting Rhonda Knudtson 917 Alder Ave. by appt.: Elizabeth Leier LPN Tim Loen 701-399-0508 701-324-4799 Fax: 701-324-4798 324-2802 Billings Ovulation Method Instruction Doug’s Auto & Towing Doug Helm, owner 693-2804 or 324-5257 Dakota Heritage Bank of Harvey 920 Lincoln Ave. 324-4611 Tastee Freeze 609 E. Brewster St. 324-4423 Gary & Deb Keller KELLER PLUMBING & HEATING DEB’S HAIR BOTOUQUE H A R V E Y F A R M E R S Mack’s Farm & RV Center ELEVATOR 2346 Bus. Hwy 52 10 E. 71TH ST 324-4627 324-2248 OF ST. ANTHONY’S CHURCH Tom’s Home Furnishings Hager Transport 801 Lincoln Ave. Harvey Right to Life 324-4456 ST. CECILIA’S CHURCH Hurley’s Religious Goods 1417 S University Dr, Fargo 1-800-437-4338 & Anamoose 324-2285 St. Aloisius Medical Center 325 Brewster E 324-4651 Harvey ND HARVEY OF SELZ Rev. Franklin Miller: Pastor mobile: 701.388.9826 Rev. Mr. Jeff Faul: Deacon Sister Miriam Braun: Pastoral Ministry Rosalie Axtman: Secretary PARISH OFFICE: (701) 324-2144 Elizabeth Leier: Bookkeeper E-MAIL : Amber Ziegler: DRE WEBSITE: Meghan Graumann: Music 413 Brewster St. E. Joan Grossman: Housekeeping Harvey, ND. 58341-1606 Irene Keller: Maintenance Jacki Young: Maintenance Michael Waldoch: Maintenance LAY DIRECTORS ST. CECILIA PARISH Steve Eckart & Julie Muscha ST. ANTHONY PARISH Robert Hager & Doug Wolfe MASS SCHEDULE Mon, Wed., Fri. 7:30 am Tues. & Thurs. 12 pm Sat. 2 pm NH, 4:30 pm Harvey Sunday 8:30 am Selz 10:30 am Harvey SACRAMENT OF RECONCILITION Tues. & Thurs: 11:30-11:50 am Sat.10:30-11:30 am & 3:30-4:10 pm Harvey God of might, giver of every good gift, EUCHARISTIC ADORATION put into our hearts the love of your Mon. 8 am-Midnight name, so that, by deepening our sense Tues.12:30 pm-Midnight of reverence, you may nurture in us Wed. 8 am-8:00 pm what is good and, by your watchful Rosary: 8:00 pm care, keep safe what you have nurSolemn Benediction: 8:15 pm tured. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, PRAYER CHAIN your Son, who lives and reigns with Lola Faul 324-2905 you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, Kathy Kennedy 324-2328 Jessie Wentz 324-2400 one God, for ever and ever. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Anna Schneibel 324-2374 OFFICE HOURS Mon. Closed Tues. 1-4 pm Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9 am-12 pm & 1-4 pm August 30, 2015 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8-30-15 TV MASS SPONSOR St. Cecilia’s Monday, August 31 7:30 am St. C † Herm & Patty Chase By Allen Hoffner Tuesday, September 1 12:00 pm St. C † Harold & Betty Olschlager By Doug & Karen Olschlager Wednesday, September 2 7:30 am St. C Special Intention By Larry & Kathy Grossman 10:00 am NH † Leo Lacher By Fr. Miller Thursday, September 3 12:00 pm St. C † Lawrence & Edith Prom By Tony & June Prom Friday, September 4 7:30 am St. C † Pete Goldade & Bobbi Goldade By Agnes Goldade family Saturday, September 5 No Mass at NH 2:30 pm Eisenbeisz & Rubick wedding 4:30 pm St. C Mass of Thanksgiving By Leo Rutten family Sunday, September 6 8:30 am St A Living & deceased member of St. Anthony’s Christian Mothers 10:30 am St. C The people of St. Anthony’s and St. Cecilia’s Canon Law requires one Mass per weekend to be the intention of the people of the parish. Dallas & Marjean Marchus, Norma Hirshkorn, Suzelle Feist, Patty Roma, Laddie Zahradka, Deacon Jeff Faul, Pat Bennett, John Weinmann, Laurie Frueh, Ben Lemer When I am wrapped in selfpity, Dear Lord, take my hand and show me those who are truly suffering and fill me with a desire to ease their pain. Amen The Parish Prayer List will be updated every 6 weeks. If someone is still in need of prayers, please contact the office to re-submit. Thank you. Daily Readings 23nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Monday, August 31 1 Thes 4:13-18 Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13 Lk 4:16-30 Saturday Sept. 5 St. Cecilia’s 4:30 pm Tuesday, September 1 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11 Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 Lk 4:31-37 Leo & Joan Grossman Mark Demory Ally Haluska Steve & Linda Vetter Meg Hoffart Leonard Paulus Doug Keller Barbara Zuther Spencer & Quincey Marchand Sylvia Grad David Thomas Carol Vondal EMHC Leo Rutten Mark Demory Ally Haluska Judy Keller Darlene Axtman Sylvia Grad Mary Roerick-Fix EMHC HMBND Gary Kennedy Roger & Carol Vondal Stella Lewis Meg Hoffart Sr. Mary Agnes Leo Rutten Volunteers Brett Muscha Brooke Loen USHERS Wednesday, September 2 Col 1:1-8 Ps 52:10-11 Lk 4:38-44 Thursday, September 3 Saint Gregory the Great, Pope Col 1:9-14 Ps 98:2-6 Lk 22:24-30 READER Friday, September 4 Col 1:15-20 Ps 100:1b-5 Lk 5:33-39 Saturday, September 5 Col 1:21-23 Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8 Lk 6:1-5 ALTAR SERVERS Sunday, September 6 Is 35:4-7a Ps 146:7-10 Jas 2:1-5 Mk 7:31-37 OFFERING FOR 8-23-15 ENVELOPES PLATE TOTAL $1,904.00 $ 108.00 $2,012.00 CHILDREN’S ENVELOPES $ 0.00 Sunday Sunday Sept. 6 Sept. 6 St. Anthony’s St. Cecilia’s 8:30 am 10:30 am Bethany & Grant Anderson Isabella Armstrong SONG LEADER Angie Marchand Guitar Choir MUSIC VIDEO Marilyn Demory Guitar Group Doug Olschlager COUNTERS SACRISTANS Ralph & Dorothy Muscha Kris Nitz Gary & Kathy Kennedy Dear Brother Knights, I hope you have had a wonderful summer so far, it will soon be winding down and once again be asking ourselves where it went! I would like to thank all those who helped with the breakfasts and dinners we had this spring. We plan to have a breakfast on Sunday, September 27th. Starting in 2016, we will not have meetings in January and July because of holidays and vacations, as the attendance to meetings is down. Currently we are planning on having a 2nd and 3rd degree ceremony at Harvey. Steve Kourajian is checking on details with the degree team. Our next meeting is Monday, Sept 14 at 7:30. Rosary is at 7:10 Please try to attend our meetings and encourage others to become a Knight. God Bless you, Randy Axtman The next distribution day for the food pantry will be on Thursday, September 10th. Hosting will be by New Life on Main and Victory Baptist. Donations in August totaled 887#.....St. Cecilia's gave a total of 321 lbs. Thanks to every one who gave so generously!! 55 households were served for a total of 86 persons who shared a giveaway of 2930 lbs. We welcome any and all donations!! This month we are short on personal care items especially shampoo and conditioner, also all laundry supplies. God Bless you for all you do to keep this mission in place in our community!! Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory O gentle Heart of Jesus, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament, ever consumed with burning love for the poor captive souls in Purgatory, have mercy on them. Be not severe in Your judgements, but let some drops of Your precious Blood fall upon the devouring flames. And Merciful Savior, send Your angels to conduct them to a place of refreshment, light and peace. Amen Stewardship Moment August 30, 2015 – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Be doers of the word and not hearers only…” – James 1:22a What do Stewards do to live God’s word? Do you share your time in prayer with God? Do you use your talent to help those in need? Are you generous with your financial resources? If not, what are you waiting for? CDA Garden Produce and Bake Sale Sat. Aug 29th after the 4:30 Mass & Sun. Aug 30th after the 10:30 Mass. Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Sacred Heart # 1908 will be hosting an outdoor Living Rosary on Wednesday, September 16th. There will be a picnic supper at 6:00 P.M. followed by the Rosary at 7:00 pm. The picnic will be provided by the Holy Family Society. Everyone is welcome!! Watch the bulletin for further details!! “Could you not spend ONE HOUR with me? Eucharistic Adoration We are in need of filling the 9:00 a.m. hour on Wednesday’s. Please come spend an hour of quiet time in the peace and presence of our Lord. Contact the office at 324-2144. A grandparent is a parent who has a second chance. There will a meeting of the Holy Family Society on Wednesday September 2nd at 7:00 P.M. Items on the agenda will be a Fall Supper, Appreciation Pot Luck for our Sisters, and an outdoor Living Rosary with a picnic meal. All captains and co-captains are urged to attend. If you have an item you would like put on the agenda please let Father Miller know at 324-2144 or Larry and Kathy Grossman at 324-4473 or 6251215. Your input is appreciated, please try to attend! The Year of Consecrated Life St. Cecilia's will be honoring our Sisters with a Parish Pot Luck meal after the 10:30 Mass on Sunday, Sept. 13th. Let's join together and express our appreciation for all they do for our parish. Dessert will be Provided. EVERYONE WELCOME! Life in the Spirit Seminar September 18-20, 2015 Queen of Peace - Belcourt, ND Registration begins at 6:30 pm, Friday. Seminar will end approximately 3 pm Sunday. Free will offering for meals. For more information, contact Rose Morin at 701-477-6735 The Diocese of Bismarck is sponsoring the THIRST 2015 Women’s Conference on Saturday, September 19, 2015 at the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND. The conference is FREE to all women, and breakfast and lunch are included. Register online at Any questions regarding the conference can be directed to Holly Krumm by either email or phone (701) 204-7223 ext. 223. Father Darin Didier 10th Annual Memorial Mass Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 1420 7th Street N, Fargo, Monday, Sept. 7 (Labor Day) at 5:20 p.m. Bishop John Folda will be the main celebrant at this Mass. A meal (free will offering) will be served following Mass in the Social Hall. For more info, contact Cecelia O'Keefe at 701-232-5900. 40 Days for Life – North Dakota starts Sept. 23! Mark your calendars for the start of the National 40 Days for Life campaign that will take place Sept. 23 - Nov. 1! You are called to be part of this important prayer effort to bring an end to the evil of abortion. It's time for this brutal inhumanity to end. Ask God to open the eyes of people across America and around the world about the reality of what happens every day inside the abortion facility. Pray that those who work inside Planned Parenthood and all abortion facilities will have a change of heart and leave the abortion industry. The North Dakota 40 Days for Life effort of continuous prayer will be begin at 8 a.m. on Wed., Sept. 23, in front of the abortion facility, 512 1st Ave. No., Fargo. Persons can sign up for an hour of prayer at the state's only abortion facility in Fargo by contacting the Pregnancy Help Center at 701-284-6601, or in Fargo 701-3567979. Email: Visit: Walk with Christ for Life –Respect Life Sunday – Oct. 4 The day’s events will begin with Holy Mass at Noon, Cathedral of St. Mary, 604 Broadway, Fargo. This will be followed by a prayerful, peaceful procession to the state’s only abortion facility. A short prayer service will be held outside the abortion facility, and then those gathered will return to the Cathedral for Benediction. The Walk is sponsored by the Diocese of Fargo Respect Life Office. For more information, call Rachelle Sauvageau, (701) 356-7910. Rachel's Vineyard Retreat for Post-Abortion Healing Rachel's Vineyard offers a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential weekend retreat for anyone: women, men, grandparents, and siblings who struggle with the feelings of loss that can accompany an abortion experience. The weekend begins on a Friday night and concludes on Sunday afternoon. A Rachel's Vineyard Retreat is scheduled for Oct. 2-4. For more information, or to register, please call Ruth Ruch at (701) 219-3941 or email her at All calls are confidential. Youth called to March for Life! Youth in grades 9-12 from across the Diocese of Fargo are invited to pilgrimage to the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. on January 22, 2016. The pilgrimage will begin in Fargo on January 18 and return January 23. Fr. Greg Haman, Parochial Vicar for St. Michael’s Church, will be our spiritual director. In addition to participating in the March for Life and Vigil Mass for Life at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, youth will also travel to Emittsburg, MD to visit the Mother Seton Shrine, and see the sights of Washington, D.C. The cost for the 6-day pilgrimage is $830 and includes air and ground travel, lodging, meals and tour fees. Registration deadline is October 15. To obtain a registration form contact Rachelle at 701-356-7910, e-mail: or go to: respectlife/ The Diocese of Fargo is hosting “Living Reflections of God’s Love” a Marriage and Family conference for the whole family! Please mark your calendars for Saturday, October 24, and plan on attending this exciting event at the Civic Center in Fargo. Featured speakers include Bishop John Folda, Jeff and Emily Cavins, Msgr. James Shea, Doug Tooke, Cat Chat and more. The conference is free and open to everyone; pre-registration is required. Visit to register or for more information. Call Jennie Korsmo at 701-356-7901 if you have questions. Life in the Spirit retreat sponsored by the Diocese of Fargo held at Holy Spirit Parish in Fargo (1420 N. 7th St), on Friday night September 18th starting at 6 PM, and the retreat will finish Sunday afternoon, September 20th, at 3 PM. All of the meals will be provided at the church, and the cost of the weekend will be a free-will offering. Host homes can be provided at the time of registration for our out of town guests. This weekend retreat is aimed at helping you to come to know and surrender your relationship with the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit. The Bible refers to the Holy Spirit as "the Comforter," and on this weekend retreat you can better understand and start a friendship with the Holy Spirit. To register for the retreat, please call Katie at 701-356-7908, or register online at The registration deadline will be September 14th. Your Fall Live Drive on Real Presence Radio is coming Sept 16 - 18. Tune in and call in your support for your local Catholic Radio stations 1370AM (Grand Forks), 1280AM (Fargo/Moorhead), 99.7FM (Jamestown), 106.3FM (Bemidji) and 98.9FM (Belcourt). Thank you for your prayers and support. Call 1-877-795-0122 or send your gifts to PO Box 13703 Grand Forks, ND 58208.
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