19th February, 2008 - Burdekin Shire Council
19th February, 2008 - Burdekin Shire Council
19th February, 2008 Ordinary Council Meeting Meeting Commences 8:30am Minutes • Ordinary Council Meeting held on 29th January, 2008 • Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group Meeting held on 18th January, 2008 • Burdekin Road Safety Advisory Committee Meeting held on 23rd January, 2008 • Burdekin Be Active Advisory Committee Meeting held on 6th February, 2008 Correspondence for Information Corporate & Community Services 1. Notice of the North Queensland Local Government Association’s Upcoming Biannual Conference – 8th May, 2008 and 9th May, 2008 2. Report – Burdekin Cruisers Car Club’s “Burdekin Auto Fest” – Request for Sponsorship Environment & Operations 1. Report – Proposed Permanent Road Closure – Jarvisfield 2. Report – Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot – Ayr Dalbeg Road, Airville – R. Ahern 3. Report – Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots – 143 Parker Road, Ayr – Res Developments Pty Ltd 4. Report – Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots – 402 Rita Island Road, Ayr – D. & A. Mottin 9:30 am 10:15 am Professor Sandra Harding, Vice-Chancellor, James Cook University to address Council. Mrs. Ellen Lund, 2008 Citizen of the Year to attend Council Meeting. In Committee Discussions BURDEKIN SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES - ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 29TH JANUARY, 2008 Held in the John Drysdale Chamber Commencing 8.30 a.m. CLAUSE 1 ATTENDANCE Crs. L.A. McLaughlin (Mayor), M.J. Haynes (Deputy Mayor), J.R. Gist, R.H. Lewis, R.J. Marriott, P.M. Dalle Cort, L.D. McCathie, L. Loizou, M.A. Castelanelli and R.J. Gambino Mr. K. Holt - Chief Executive Officer Mr. D.P. Mulcahy - Director Corporate & Community Services Mr. J.S. Power - Manager Operations Mr. S. Great - Manager Planning & Development Minutes Clerk - Mrs. V.A. Walker Apology for Absence: Cr. T.P. List . CLAUSE 2 MEETING PRAYER The Meeting Prayer was delivered by Cr. Ross Gambino. . CLAUSE 3 MINUTES RECEIVED Moved Cr. Loizou, seconded Cr. Marriott that the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 22nd January, 2008 be received as a true and correct record. CARRIED . CLAUSE 4 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 1. 819711 * 03-08-28 North Queensland Sports Foundation North Queensland Sports Foundation update of 2008 activities. 2. 819378 * 05-04-01 Queenslanders Against Water Fluoridation Inc. Open letter number 4 - Forced Fluoridation Media Release. Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 29th January 2008 Moved Cr. Lewis, seconded Cr. Gambino that the correspondence tabled for Council's information be received. CARRIED . CLAUSE 5 COUNCIL SUPPORTS APPLICATIONS FOR FUNDING UNDER RADF PROGRAM FOR FUNDING ROUND ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2007 - APPOINTMENTS MADE TO RADF COMMITTEE (I-ASO) 819841 - 3/8/5 - Cr. T.P. List, Chairman, Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Committee - Report - RADF Applications for half year ended 31 December, 2007. Moved Cr. Gambino, seconded Cr. Dalle Cort that Council support the following applications for funding under the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Program in respect of the funding round ended 31st December, 2007: Applicant Project Letter No Burdekin Singers & Theatre Co Inc Conduct two workshops to tutor cast and backstage crew members to explore the theory and practice of theatre make-up Employ conductor and create and train a full orchestra for the production of “Oliver” Employ professional wood artist, Ian Kennedy to conduct 3 day workshop in timber selection, dovetail joining and problem solving Employ ceramic artist, Bronwyn Goodridge to conduct 2 day workshop in abstract sculptural works Employ tutor Jan Phillips to conduct 2 workshops in block design, piecing techniques and skills. Employ professional artist, Louise Boylan to conduct two day workshop in precious metal clay development programme Burdekin Singers & Theatre Co Inc Burdekin Woodcraft Assoc. Inc Burdekin Potters Inc Burdekin Patchwork & Quilters Build Burdekin Gem and Mineral Society Inc Total 819552 Requested Funding $1,000 Recommended Funding $800 819553 $4,700 $4,700 818542 $260 $260 818543 $888 $888 815352 $726 $726 815998 $710 $710 $8,284 $8,084 CARRIED Cr. Gist declared a potential conflict of interest in respect of nominations received for positions on the RADF Committee. 2 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 29th January 2008 Moved Cr. Lewis, seconded Cr. McCathie that Jewel Gist, Sandra Milani and Janet Ypinazar be appointed to the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Committee. CARRIED Cr. Gist voted in favour of the motion. . CLAUSE 6 COUNCIL OFFICERS TO UNDERTAKE PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS AND PLANNING FOR POSSIBLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL RESIDENTIAL SUB-DIVISION AT MILLAROO (A-DEO) / (I-DEV) , (I-TECH) 819885 - 3/8/11M - Mr. A. Vaccaro - Manager Economic & Community Development - Report - Millaroo Land Development Proposal. Moved Cr. Lewis, seconded Cr. Loizou that approval be granted for Council officers to undertake preliminary investigations and planning for the possible development of a rural residential sub-division within a proposed Village Zone at the township of Millaroo. CARRIED . CLAUSE 7 COUNCIL APPROVES DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE FOR THE SCREENING OF STORED SAND - 17-23 BIRD STREET, AYR AUSTRAL MASONRY (A-DEO) / (I-PLANDEV) 819808 - Cons 07/36 - Mr. S. Great, Manager Planning & Development Report - Development Application for Material Change of Use for the screening of stored sand - 17-23 Bird Street, Ayr - Austral Masonry. Moved Cr. Lewis, seconded Cr. Marriott that Council approve the Development Application for a Material Change of Use for the Screening of Stored Sand at 17-23 Bird Street, Ayr (Lot 40 on SP117900, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions: 1. The conditions of the development permit must be effected prior to the commencement of the use, except where specified otherwise in these conditions of approval; 2. The developer must at its own cost undertake all necessary alterations to public utility mains and services as are rendered necessary by the carrying out of any required external works or other works associated with the approved development; 3. The development and conduct of the approved use of the premises, the carrying out and maintenance of any works on the premises and construction and maintenance of any building on the premises must be generally in accordance with the approved plans and supporting material submitted; 3 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 29th January 2008 4. The approved use shall be undertaken so that no undue disturbance is caused to neighbouring properties by virtue of noise, bright lights, dust, traffic movements or interference with radio and television reception; 5. Stormwater discharge from paved/sealed and roofed areas must be discharged to kerb and channelling within the adjoining road reserve in accordance with AS3500.2.2003 or as otherwise required or agreed to in writing by the Chief Executive Officer; 6. The construction of an industrial crossover is required. The crossover is to be a minimum of 6m wide, 150mm thick, reinforced with F72 mesh and 32 mpa concrete for the full width of the footpath; 7. This approval is valid for a period of four (4) years and will lapse unless it is commenced and substantially developed in that time. CARRIED . CLAUSE 8 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE FOR ERECTION OF DUPLEX - 181 MACMILLAN STREET, AYR - A. & L. BARKER (A-DEO) / (I-PLANDEV) 819860 - Cons 08/01 - Mr. S. Great, Manager Planning & Development Report - Development Application for Material Change of Use for Erection of a Duplex - 181 Macmillan Street, Ayr - A. & L. Barker. Due to her position as a director of McCathie's Real Estate, Cr. McCathie declared a material personal interest in respect of this application and left the meeting. Moved Cr. Marriott, seconded Cr. Dalle Cort that Council approve the Development Application for a Material Change of Use for Erection of a Duplex at 181 Macmillan Street, Ayr (Lot 34 on A26516, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone) subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer must at its own cost undertake all necessary alterations to public utility mains and services as are rendered necessary by the carrying out of any required external works or other works associated with the approved development; 2. The conditions of the development permit must be effected prior to the commencement of the use, except where specified otherwise in these conditions of approval; 3. The development and conduct of the approved use of the premises, the carrying out and maintenance of any works on the premises and construction and maintenance of any building on the premises must be generally in accordance with the approved plans submitted (Plan No. UDS-07077 Sheet1-3 Issue A); 4. A development permit for Building Works is to be obtained before any building works are carried out on the premise; 4 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 29th January 2008 5. Construction of an industrial crossover at the location as shown on Plan No. UDS-07077 Sheet 01 Issue A with a minimum width of 6.0m, 150mm thick 32 mPa concrete, F72 reinforcing mesh. Existing Kerb to be re-instated where it does not form part of the crossover; 6. Provide to Council, prior to construction, proposed cross sectional levels at the proposed entry/exit, as outlined in condition No. 5, at a scale of 1:50 natural for approval by Council; 7. This approval is valid for a period of four (4) years and will lapse unless it is commenced and substantially developed in that time. CARRIED Cr. McCathie returned to the meeting. . CLAUSE 9 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR RECONFIGURING LOTS AT BRUCE HIGHWAY, AYR FOR D.J. HARTWELL TO LAY ON TABLE PENDING FURTHER CLARIFICATION ON DRAINAGE (A-DEO) / (I-PLANDEV) 819837 - Sub 07/78 - Mr. S. Great, Manager Planning & Development Report - Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots - 29344 & 29394 Bruce Highway, Ayr - D.J. Hartwell. Moved Cr. Gambino, seconded Cr. Dalle Cort that Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots at 29344 & 29394 Bruce Highway, Ayr (Lot 2 on RP714592 and Lot 3 on SP117348, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer must at its own cost undertake all necessary alterations to public utility mains and services as are rendered necessary by the carrying out of any required external works or other works associated with the approved development; 2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full; 3. Pay the sum of $47.80 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Water for each new valuation; 4. The construction of any crossovers to give access to the land is to be the owner’s responsibility and to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer; 5. The proposed boundary changes are to be generally in accordance with proposal plan (No. 28377-1) as submitted; 6. Approval of this proposal Plan shall lapse and become of no effect unless an accurate plan of survey is submitted to the Council within 5 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 29th January 2008 two (2) years from the date of notification of this decision. It was agreed that this matter lay on the table pending further clarification on a drainage issue. . CLAUSE 10 COUNCIL APPROVES DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR RECONFIGURING LOTS AT 430 SHIRBOURNE ROAD, GIRU - D. & N. MULLER (A-DEO) / (I-PLANDEV) 819840 - Sub 07/80 - Mr. S. Great, Manager Planning & Development Report - Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots - 430 Shirbourne Road, Giru - D. & N. Muller. Moved Cr. Marriott, seconded Cr. Loizou that Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots at 530 Shirbourne Road, Giru (Lot 1 on RP731712, Parish of Scott, County of Elphinstone, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer must at its own cost undertake all necessary alterations to public utility mains and services as are rendered necessary by the carrying out of any required external works or other works associated with the approved development; 2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full; 3. Pay the sum of $47.80 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Water for each new valuation; 4. The construction of any crossovers to give access to the land is to be the owner’s responsibility and to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer; 5. The applicant is required to provide a certified statement from a licensed plumber that no existing interconnecting water supply plumbing crosses the boundary between the two lots; 6. The proposed boundary changes are to be generally in accordance with proposal plan (No. 28379-1) as submitted; 7. Approval of this proposal Plan shall lapse and become of no effect unless an accurate plan of survey is submitted to the Council within two (2) years from the date of notification of this decision. CARRIED 6 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 29th January 2008 . CLAUSE 11 COUNCIL APPROVES DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR RECONFIGURING LOT AT 177 CHIPPENDALE STREET, AYR - J. MORELLO (A-DEO) / (I-PLANDEV) 819836 - Sub 07/82 - Mr. S. Great, Manager Planning & Development Report - Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot - 177 Chippendale Street, Ayr - J. Morello. Moved Cr. Dalle Cort, seconded Cr. McCathie that Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot at 177 Chippendale Street, Ayr (Lot 26 on SP195131, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer must at its own cost undertake all necessary alterations to public utility mains and services as are rendered necessary by the carrying out of any required external works or other works associated with the approved development; 2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full; 3. Pay the sum of $47.80 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Water for each new valuation; 4. The construction of any crossovers to give access to the lots is to be the owner’s responsibility and to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer; 5. A contribution in terms of Council’s Planning Scheme for “Developer contribution for provision of water supply and sewerage services” is payable for the additional lot created by this development. The amount will be calculated at the time of payment based on the charge applicable at that time. As an indication only, the total amount payable for the development is currently $2840-30 for Water and Sewerage; 6. The applicant will be required to provide separate water connections to proposed Lots 26. The full cost of such connections shall be the responsibility of the applicant; 7. The applicant is required to provide a certified statement from a licensed plumber that no existing interconnecting water supply plumbing crosses the boundaries between the proposed lots; 8. The proposed boundary changes are to be generally in accordance with proposal plan (No. 55447/1A) as submitted; 9. Approval of this proposal plan shall lapse and become of no effect unless an accurate plan of survey is submitted to the Council within 7 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 29th January 2008 two (2) years from the date of notification of this decision. CARRIED . CLAUSE 12 COUNCIL AGREES TO CHANGE OVER ALL LIGHT UTILITY TYPE VEHICLES AND SEDANS AT 60,000 KILOMETRES OR 3 YEARS WHICHEVER COMES FIRST INVESTIGATION TO BE UNDERTAKEN INTO CHANGING OVER ALL LIGHT UTILITY TYPE VEHICLES AND SEDANS AT 80,000 KILOMETRES OR 4 YEARS WHICHEVER COMES FIRST (A-DEO) / (I-TECH) 817510 - 8/1/9 - Mr. G. Pappalardo, Manager Technical Services - Report Purchase and sale of light vehicles within Council. Moved Cr. Lewis, seconded Cr. Loizou that, at this time: 1. the change over of all light utility type vehicles be at 60,000 kilometres or 3 years whichever comes first. 2. Council continue to adhere to the Motor Vehicle Policy Principle Number 4 - quote “Council will purchase or lease vehicles that will provide the optimum financial outcome for Council over the life of the vehicle.” unquote Cr. Gist foreshadowed the following motion: "that Council investigate changing over all light utility type vehicles at 80,000 kilometres or 4 years whichever comes first." Cr. Haynes attended the meeting during discussion on this issue. Amendment to the Motion Moved Cr. McCathie, seconded Cr. Gambino that, at this time: 1. the change over of all light utility type vehicles and sedans be at 60,000 kilometres or 3 years whichever comes first. 2. Council continue to adhere to the Motor Vehicle Policy Principle Number 4 - quote “Council will purchase or lease vehicles that will provide the optimum financial outcome for Council over the life of the vehicle.” unquote CARRIED Voting on Amendment as the Motion FOR: Crs. McLaughlin, Gist, Marriott, Lewis, Loizou, Castelanelli, Haynes and Gambino AGAINST: Crs. Dalle Cort and McCathie CARRIED 8 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 29th January 2008 Moved Cr. Gist, seconded Cr. McCathie that Council undertake further investigations and trials on changing over all light utility type vehicles and sedans at 80,000 kilometres or 4 years whichever comes first. CARRIED . CLAUSE 13 2006/2007 BURDEKIN SHIRE COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT RECEIVED (I-DCCS) Director Corporate and Community Services, Mr. Mulcahy tabled the 2006/2007 Burdekin Shire Council Annual Report. Moved Cr. Gambino, seconded Cr. Gist that the 2006/2007 Burdekin Shire Council Annual Report be received. CARRIED . CLAUSE 14 LIGHTING OF PIONEER AVENUE LISTED FOR 2008/2009 BUDGET CONSIDERATION (A-DEO) , (A-BUDGET) / (I-OPS) , (I-TECH) Moved Cr. Gist, seconded Cr. Gambino that the cost of lighting Pioneer Avenue (Home Hill) be investigated and the project listed for 2008/2009 budget consideration. CARRIED . CLAUSE 15 MOTION FOR RATING OF RENTAL PROPERTIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMMERCIAL CATEGORY TO BE LISTED FOR BUDGET CONSIDERATION LAPSED - NO SECONDER Moved Cr. Castelanelli that the rating of rental properties in accordance with Category B - Commercial and Industrial rather than Category A Residential, be listed for 2008/2009 budget consideration. MOTION LAPSED/NO SECONDER . CLAUSE 16 CR. GAMBINO AUTHORISED TO ATTEND 2008 VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE VOLUNTEERS CONFERENCE IN TOWNSVILLE ON 30TH AND 31ST JANUARY, 2008 (I-HRES) Moved Cr. Haynes, seconded Cr. Marriott that Cr. Gambino be authorised to attend the 2008 Visitor Information Centre Volunteers Conference to be held in Townsville on 30th and 31st January, 2008 under the usual terms and conditions in accordance with Council policy. CARRIED 9 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 29th January 2008 . CLAUSE 17 CR. GAMBINO AUTHORISED TO ATTEND QUEENSLAND INFORMATION CENTRE ASSOCIATION (QICA) CONFERENCE IN ROCKHAMPTON FROM 26TH TO 29TH FEBRUARY, 2008 (I-HRES) Moved Cr. Lewis, seconded Cr. Gist that Cr. Gambino be authorised to attend the Queensland Information Centre Association (QICA) Conference to be held in Rockhampton from 26th to 29th February, 2008 under the usual terms and conditions in accordance with Council policy. CARRIED Mayor, Cr. McLaughlin and Cr. Lewis left the meeting at this stage. Deputy Mayor, Cr. Haynes assumed the Chair in the absence of the Mayor. . CLAUSE 18 COUNCILLORS BRIEFED ON TELSTRA COUNTRY WIDE At this stage of the Meeting, Mr. David Llewellyn and Mr. Adam Hanson of Telstra Country Wide attended the meeting. Mr. Llewellyn, Area General Manager of Telstra Country Wide addressed the Council on infrastructure issues affecting people in the Shire, including: 1. the closure of the CDMA Network scheduled for 28th April, 2008; 2. action being taken by Telstra to address issues with the Next G Network; and 3. Broadband facilities. . CLAUSE 19 COUNCIL MEETS IN COMMITTEE Moved Cr. Marriott, seconded Cr. Gist that the Council meet in committee under the following section of the Local Government Act 1993: Section 463.(1)(f) - starting or defending legal proceedings involving Council. CARRIED . CLAUSE 20 ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL RESUMED Moved Cr. McCathie, seconded Cr. Dalle Cort that the Ordinary Meeting of Council be resumed. CARRIED 10 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 29th January 2008 There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.45 a.m. These minutes were confirmed by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 12th February, 2008. MAYOR . 11 BURDEKIN SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES - BURDEKIN SHIRE COUNCIL LOCAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT GROUP MEETING HELD ON 18TH JANUARY, 2008 CLAUSE 1 ATTENDANCE Cr. L.A. McLaughlin (Mayor) (Chairman) - Burdekin Shire Council Cr. L. Loizou Acting Snr. Sgt. C. Hosie - Qld Police Services Cr. R. Lewis - Burdekin Shire Council Mr. G. Pappalardo - Manager Technical Services (BSC) Mr. B. Bermingham - Burdekin Community Association Mr. W. Preedy - Area Director (EMQ) - via telephone Observers Mr. J. Ross - State Emergency Services Mr. D. Jackson - Lower Burdekin Newspaper Co. Sgt. D. Greenough - Queensland Police Service Mr. C. Smart - Department of Justice Mr. G. Vincet - Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Mr. R. Revolon - Ergon Energy . CLAUSE 2 Apologies for absence - Ms. L. Achille (BCA), Ms. S. Collier (BCA), Mr. S. Brennan (QFRS), Mr. M. Biffanti (Ergon Energy), Mr. L. Worth (Institute of Rural Health), Mr. L. Steger (QAS), Mr. R. Simpson (QFRS), Mr. R. Creek (SES), Mr. J. Power (BSC), Mr. T. Williams (BSC), Ms. A. Prior (BCA) Mr. K. Royal (SES) MINUTES RECEIVED Moved Mr. Hosie, seconded Mr. Bermingham that the Minutes of the Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group Meeting held on 21st December, 2007 be received as a true and correct record. CARRIED Minutes - Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Meeting - 18 January, 2008 . CLAUSE 3 INWARD CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED INWARD CORRESPONDENCE 1. 816844 * 01-10-03 & MF-16 & MF-23 - The Hon Neil Roberts MP - Minister for Emergency Services - Advising that Council has received payment of $3 740 (including GST) representing the 2007-2008 State Emergency Service (SES) Annual Local Government Subsidy. The payment assists the Council towards providing support to the SES units throughout the year. Moved Cr. Lewis, seconded Mr. Bermingham that the inward correspondence be received. . CLAUSE 4 CARRIED CORRESPOND WITH THE DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT GROUP (A-DEO) Moved Mr. Preedy, seconded Mr. Pappalardo that the Local Disaster Management Group correspond with the District Disaster Management Group to investigate the process for updating road reports. . CLAUSE 5 CARRIED CORRESPOND WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF MAIN ROADS TO FIND OUT PROCESS FOR DISPLAYING MESSAGES ON THE VARIABLE MESSAGE BOARD SITUATED NEAR THE BURDEKIN RIVER BRIDGE (A-DEO) Moved Mr. Hosie, seconded Mr. Ross that the Local Disaster Management Group correspond with the Department of Main Roads to enquire about the process and person of contact for displaying messages on the variable message board situated near the Burdekin River Bridge. CARRIED 2 Minutes - Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Meeting - 18 January, 2008 . CLAUSE 6 LOCAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT GROUP TO REQUEST COUNCIL TO APPLY FOR FUNDING TO INSTALL EXTRA MEASURING STATIONS ALONG THE HAUGHTON RIVER (A-DEO) Moved Mr. Hosie, seconded Mr. Preedy that the Local Disaster Management Group request Council to apply for funding for the installation of extra measuring stations along the Haughton River to help provide more accurate river height predictions. . CLAUSE 7 CARRIED GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Mayor, Cr. McLaughlin and Mr. Pappalardo reported on the recent activation of the Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group due to local flooding. Mr. Pappalardo provided details of the four meetings held by the group between 15 January at 13.00 and 16 January at 16.00. 2. Mr. Hosie (QPS) thanked the Local Disaster Management Group for their prompt response during the recent local flooding. 3. Mayor, Cr. McLaughlin acknowledged the volunteers that helped at Sandy Corner to supply food and drinks to those stranded by floods and thanked Emergency Management Queensland and the Local Disaster Management Group for their support throughout the flood. 4. Cr. Loizou advised that the rail bridge discussed in previous meetings was dismantled a week before flooding occurred at Haughton River. Next Meeting - Friday 15th February, 2008. There being no further business the meeting closed at 1.05pm. . Cr. L.A. McLaughlin CHAIRMAN 3 BURDEKIN SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES - BURDEKIN ROAD SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 23RD JANUARY 2008 Held in John Drysdale Chamber Commencing at 10.30 a.m. CLAUSE 1 ATTENDANCE Cr. Ross Lewis (Chairman) - Burdekin Shire Council Trevor Williams - Director Environment & Operations Cr. Robert Marriott - Burdekin Shire Council Denise Elrick - Main Roads David Robinson - Main Roads Eleanor Betteridge - Seniors Support Service Rod Schultz - Pioneer Cane Growers Organisation Michael McCloskey - Queensland Fire & Rescue Service Alison Barlow - Queensland Transport Deslea Harris - Queensland Transport Apologies for Absence: P. Henderson (School Bus Service), Sgt. J. Killick (Ayr Police), G. Pappalardo (Manager Technical Services) . CLAUSE 2 MINUTES RECEIVED Moved Ms. Elrick, seconded Mrs. Betteridge that the Minutes of the Burdekin Road Safety Advisory Group Meeting held on 28th November, 2007 be received as a true and correct record. CARRIED . CLAUSE 3 BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES 1. Clause 3.1 - Plan for painted median incorporating "no right turn" sign at intersection/access adjacent United Petroleum Ms. Elrick advised that this plan had been finalised and sent to RoadTek for linemarking. 2. Clause 3.2 - Pedestrian Access - Eighth Avenue, Home Hill It was noted that Council would be undertaking works in Eighth Avenue, Home Hill to improve pedestrian access under its Routine Maintenance Performance Contract (RMPC) with Main Roads. Works include the installation of a rest rail in the median at the pedestrian refuge between the Sixth Street and Seventh Street intersections. (Ms. Elrick undertook to e-mail the design to Seniors Support Officer, Mr. Minutes - Burdekin Road Safety Advisory Committee - 23rd January, 2008 Robert Lesca at the Burdekin Community Association). 3. Clause 5.2 - Iyah Creek (Bruce Highway) - Overtaking Lanes In response to an enquiry from Mrs. Betteridge, Mr. Robinson of the Main Roads Department advised there was an election promise by the new Federal Government for the installation of more overtaking lanes in the northern region. When advice is received approving these works, it will be a matter of prioritising the passing lanes. This work will be part of Auslink 2. 4. Clause 4 - Burdekin River Bridge Mr. Robinson reported on investigations being undertaken to improve Burdekin River Bridge operations. Proposed investigations include: Dimension Controls Determine current controls Measure clearances on bridge Update controls (reduce southbound width trigger to 2.8m), QT guidelines will need updating Review and enhance signage for the bridge Pull over Areas Review existing facilities Identify needs Develop Project Proposal to seek funding and inclusion on program Escort Operation Develop parameters for escort providers MR will want providers who are qualified escort providers who can be relied on to comply with any applicable conditions of operation on the bridge MR will seek feedback from QPS and Council regarding the suitability of applicants MR is looking at providing signage at pull over areas which gives the contact details of approved escort providers MR will not be involved in any setting of fees for the escort services Area Signage Review area signage - advising trucks of restriction at the bridge Develop signage plan in consultation with QPS & Council Supply & install signage Review Speed Limit Review operation of system when all the above is in place Consult with QPS & Council Review speed limit . 2 Minutes - Burdekin Road Safety Advisory Committee - 23rd January, 2008 CLAUSE 4 GENERAL BUSINESS (A-DEO) 1. Director Environment & Operations, Mr. Williams referred to recent road/highway closures within the Shire due to flooding and expressed concern that the variable message board at the Burdekin River Bridge was displaying incorrect information in relation to the time and location of highway closures. He said a line of communication was required between the Local Disaster Group and the centre responsible for the variable message board to ensure the displayed information was accurate. Mr. Williams also raised concerns regarding the accuracy of the RACQ web-site, especially in relation to information on the Bruce Highway. He said Council was going to try and work with RACQ to improve the system. 2. Mrs. Betteridge raised the following issues: Request for intersections to be mowed on the highway following rain. Enquiry on whether the recently widened roads in Home Hill were to be linemarked - Mr. Williams advised that linemarking would only be installed on the roads that were linemarked prior to widening. Suggestion that Fourteenth Street, Home Hill needs a bike lane - Mr. Williams undertook to investigate the installation of a bikeway in this area. It was noted that Council planned to look at all bikeways in Home Hill following the completion of bitumen widening works. 3. Mr. McCloskey from the QFRS enquired on progress in relation to the re-design of the Airdmillan/Soper/Canberra Street intersection. He re-iterated that this was a particularly bad intersection as the centre parking impeded traffic vision. Mr. Williams advised that this intersection was still being designed. 4. For the information of the Committee, Alison Barlow from Queensland Transport advised that the Queensland Police Service had commenced drug testing from December, 2007 - predominately in South East Queensland. She also advised that if Council was looking at putting in cycle tracks near schools, there was funding available through Queensland Transport. 5. Cr. Lewis advised that, as part of the process of improving disaster management in the Shire, Council had decided to investigate the options of a joint venture with Queensland Transport for the upgrade of the facilities at the Driver Reviver site at Sandy Corner, as this location is a designated road block when the highway floods. It was acknowledged that as there was no other rest area between Townsville and Ayr this area needed to be looked at. Cr. Lewis said Council would be corresponding with Queensland Transport on this issue in the near future. 3 Minutes - Burdekin Road Safety Advisory Committee - 23rd January, 2008 6. Mr. Williams advised more reports had been received of motorists using the exit at the East End Centre car park as an access. He advised he had held discussions with the owner of the property with regard to improving signage. 7. A note from Sgt. Jeff Killick was tabled advising he has been transferred to Townsville. He thanked the Committee for their work and assistance in helping make the Burdekin a safer place to live and wished members all the best in their future endeavours. There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.25 a.m. Next Meeting - 26th March, 2008. R.H. Lewis CHAIRMAN . 4 BURDEKIN SHIRE COUNCIL MINUTES - BURDEKIN BE ACTIVE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 6TH FEBRUARY, 2008 Held in the John Hy Peake Heritage Rooms Commencing at 5.30pm CLAUSE 1 ATTENDANCE Tony Vaccaro - Economic and Community Development Manager Tammy Quagliata - Economic and Community Development Support Officer Lyn McLaughlin - Mayor, Burdekin Shire Council Tarja Martin - Qld Health Robin Bennett - Aged Care Shannon Pirrone - Burdekin Volleyball Assoc. Frank Pirrone - Burdekin Volleyball Assoc. Beryl Thompson - Home Hill Trimmers Graeme Schultz - Ayr Bowling Club Jeanie Zonta - Burdekin Centre for Rural Health Sandra Wight - Burdekin Amatuer Basketball Tony Felesina - Burdekin Road Runners and Walkers Ian Gorey - Burdekin Touch Assoc. Bianca Walker - Healthier Bowen Shire Partnership Inc. Apologies for absence - Pauline Hedgecock (School Nurse), Merle Betteridge (Home Hill Trimmers), Kerrie Dudley (Burdekin Centre for Rural Health) and Doreen Walsh (Aged Care). . CLAUSE 2 MINUTES RECEIVED AS TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD Moved Beryl Thompson, seconded Tammy Quagliata that the Minutes of the Burdekin Be Active Advisory Committee Meeting held on 7th November, 2007 be received as a true and correct record. CARRIED . CLAUSE 3 BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 1. Mr. Vaccaro reported on the progress of the Clare Walking Groups which were established in 2007. It was noted that over the Christmas period the groups were not in full operation due to the busy time of year. It was noted that group leader Angie Fabbro was moving from the area and another leader would need to be appointed. It was agreed that the group contact Amanda Hall (remaining group leader) in relation to keeping the walking groups running now that school has started again. Minutes - Burdekin Be Active Advisory Committee - 6th February, 2008 It was further suggested the perhaps the groups could start some sort of challenge to keep them motivated. 2. Beryl Thompson advised that the Home Hill Trimmers Group Members were in favour of starting a buddy system for walkers and the group would discuss it further at their next meeting. 3. Mr. Vaccaro advised that an advertisement and expressions of interest were called for people who were willing to coordinate a walking group in the Giru area. It was noted that there was no response in relation to this matter. It was agreed that the timing of the advertisement may not have been very good and it was agreed to re-advertise in the local papers. It was further noted that walking maps were being created for Home Hill, similar to those already being used in Ayr and Clare. Tony Felesina undertook to complete the walking tracks with Darren Meinicke within the next week. Mr. Vaccaro advised that a launch could then be arranged for Home Hill. 4. Further discussions were held in relation to placing another "Health and Fitness" Liftout in the local newspaper. Mr. Vaccaro undertook to contact the Lower Burdekin Newspaper Co. in relation to this matter. Discussions were held in relation to the cost of advertising and promoting in the local newspapers and it was suggested that funding could be sources for this project. Mr. Vaccaro undertook to investigate possible funding options. 5. Community Nutritionist, Bianca Walker gave a brief update on her progress with the healthy supermarket tours that she was conducting. Ms. Walker noted that the tours were going very well with a significant number of participants. She advised that posters and flyers have been circulated in relation to the tours, as well as advertisements in the local newspaper. It was suggested that this information could be published in the "Health and Fitness' Liftout for 2008. Ms. Walker further advised that she was working on promoting healthy school lunch boxes at present. 6. Group Members undertook to source an indigenous representative for the group. . CLAUSE 4 DISCUSSIONS OF PROPOSED BURDEKIN EXTREME SPORTS CHALLENGE AND 'COME AND TRY' DAY Shannon Pirrone from the Burdekin Volleyball Assoc. addressed the group at this stage in relation to holding a Burdekin Extreme Sports Challenge. The sports challenge would involve mens and ladies teams from Burdekin sporting groups - basketball, soccer, touch football and volleyball playing each other in a round robin competition over one weekend. The challenge would involve each team playing every other team in each sport. 2 Minutes - Burdekin Be Active Advisory Committee - 6th February, 2008 Mr. Vaccaro reported on insurance issues in relation to holding the event and undertook to further investigate insurance options. Group members were supportive of the concept and agreed that other sporting clubs may like to be involved if this challenge proved to be a success. It was further suggested that this event could be held in conjunction with the 'Come and Try' Day to be held in Anzac Park. Members agreed that this would work well. The suggested dates for the event was 10th/11th May. Bianca Walker further advised that this was Heart Week, which would work well for promoting health and fitness. It was agreed that healthy lunches/snacks could be sold at the event. Further discussions were held in relation to funding to hold the 'Come and Try' Day and Tony Vaccaro undertook to investigate possible funding options. Tarja Martin advised that Qld Health would be happy to support the event by providing health and nutrition information and providing health checks as part of the Come and Try Day. Shannon Pirrone undertook to speak to members from the Soccer Assoc. in relation to the dates for the event and come back to the next meeting with a detailed programme of events for the challenge including times and draw details. . CLAUSE 5 OTHER GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Mr. Vaccaro advised that the theme for this year's Local Government Week was "Active Bodies, Healthy Communities". It was noted that Local Government Week was being held from 4th - 11th June, 2008. The campaign would focus on promoting healthier lifestyles and increase in fitness and recreational activity, especially in children. Members were asked to suggest ideas for an event/activities that the Committee could run as part of Local Government Week. 2. Further discussions were held in relation to running another 10,000 Steps Challenge in 2008. It was agreed that the challenge would focus on families and Tarja Martin provided information in relation to a Family Pledge Competition, which was recently held in Bowen. It was agreed that there needed to be more incentives/prizes for people to participate in the challenge. It was suggested that some statistics be collected in relation to the pedometer usage at the Burdekin Library. Tony Vaccaro undertook to obtain this information. 3. Mr. Vaccaro provided information in relation to the possibility of having Luke Wilson from Sport and Recreation Queensland visit the shire to hold a forum for all local sporting groups. It was noted that the forum would provide details on funding available, training available and sponsorship for local sporting organisations. Members agreed that this would be a beneficial forum to hold in the Burdekin. Mr. Vaccaro 3 Minutes - Burdekin Be Active Advisory Committee - 6th February, 2008 undertook to contact Luke Wilson from Sport and Recreation Queensland in relation to this matter. 4. Tarja Martin advised that there was a need for more people to complete training to become tai chi instructors. Ms. Martin advised that training was available however volunteers to complete the course were needed. Members were encouraged to source possible community members who may be interested in completing this course. It was further suggested that this could be promoted through the proposed "Health and Fitness" liftout. Next Meeting - Wednesday, 5th March, 2008 at 5.30pm. There being no further business, the meeting closed at approximately 6.30pm. Tony Vaccaro CHAIRMAN . 4 CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 1. 821784 * 01-07-08 & 02-02-04 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc Local Government Circular 2008-026 - Report by LGAQ Consultant Alan Morton - Update of Council Cost Index - Rise to 5.2% from 4.5% in the last year. 2. 819733 * 01-07-08B Local Government Association of Queensland Inc Local Government Circular 2008-011 - Date for Local Government Week (LGWeek) 2008 announced - 4 to 11 June 2008. Theme is 'Active Bodies, Healthy Communities'. 3. 822201 * 01-08-13 & MF-19 Hon Anna Bligh - Premier of Queensland Advising Council of the Continuation of the Reconciliation Awards for Business in 2008. 4. 821050 * 01-10-04 Burdekin Water Festival Advising Council of 2008 Water Festival dates and information 5. 821051 * 01-10-17 Lower Burdekin Home for The Aged Society Forwarding letter of appreciation to Burdekin Shire Council for their assistance during the construction of the new accommodation blocks at the Home Hill Hostel. 6. 821198 * 03-06-07 Department of Employment and Industrial Relations Notification of the appointment of show and non-show holidays published in the Queensland Government Gazette on 1 February, 2008. 7. 822200 * 03-08-11E(B) & MF-03 Senator the Hon. Ian MacDonald - Liberal Senator for Queensland Forwarding letter of congratulations to Burdekin Shire Council for being awarded Community Event of the Year - 2008 Australia Day Awards. 8. 819994 * 03-08-11M & MF-26 Country Week Bookings now open for Country Week 2008 to be held at Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre - 19th-21st September, 2008. 9. 819943 * 05-04-01 Queenslanders Against Water Fluoridation Inc. Open letter number 5 - Forced Fluoridation Media Release. 10. 820277 * 05-04-01 Queenslanders Against Water Fluoridation Inc. Open letter number 6 - Forced Fluoridation Media Release. 11. 820377 * MF-01 The Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland Leukaemia Foundation's World's Greatest Shave - 13-15 March, 2008. 12. 822199 * MF-01 Australian Red Cross Forwarding copy of Year in Review which highlights the significant achievements in 2006/07. 13. 819992 * MF-09 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc Local Government Economic Development Newsletter - November 2007 Edition. 14. 822202 * MF-19 Australian Government - Department of Transport Forwarding information on the 2007/2008 National Awards for Local Government. Circular: Council Cost Index 2008 5.2 Percent ATTENTION CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER / COMMUNITY CLERK For Information CIRCULAR Circular #: 2008-026 Council Cost Index 2008 5.2 Percent The Association has released an independent analysis of price movements for Queensland Councils that show costs increased to 5.2 percent in the last year. A report by LGAQ Consultant Alan Morton has shown that the Council Cost Index has risen to 5.2% from 4.5% in the last year. This circular provides an update of the Council Cost Index using the same methodology as used for the 2007 Council Cost Index (and for previous years). The figures reveal that, in 2007, non residential building construction costs in Queensland increased at a rate 25% less than the national average whereas in 2006 costs rose 20% faster than the national average. However, road and bridge construction cost increases in Queensland in 2007 were 31% higher than nationally, similar to 2006. The overall result was a Queensland general construction industry index increase of 6.5% (up from 5.6% in 2006), with costs for most inputs increasing faster than the national average. This report updates work undertaken by the LGAQ since 2004 in relation to the potential impact of price movements on rates. The data on price movements has been obtained from the ABS statistics from the general construction index for Queensland coupled with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). While the Brisbane CPI increased by 13.3% over the 2007/2008 period, the council cost index has increased by 23.2% therefore councils relying on CPI have only recognised 57% of the real increase in costs. Indexes of potential relevance include:- Index Increase Dec. 03 to Dec. 04 Increase Dec. 04 to Dec. 05 Increase Dec. 05 to Dec. 06 Increase Dec. 06 to Dec. 07 http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printth...er=0&circular=1&publishDate=08%20February%202008 (1 of 3) [8/02/2008 12:58:53 PM] Circular: Council Cost Index 2008 5.2 Percent CPI – Australia 2.6% 2.8% 3.3% 3.0% CPI – Brisbane 2.6% 2.8% 3.4% 3.9% Freight – Australia 4.6% 3.4% 2.7% 1.4% Wages – Australia (Sept. 06 to Sept. 07) 3.6% 4.2% 4.0% 4.2% General construction industry – Australia 8.3% 5.0% 4.1% 5.2% General construction industry – Queensland 9.5% 8.6% 5.6% 6.5% Road and Bridge Construction – Australia 4.1% 5.5% 5.4% 4.8% Road and Bridge Construction – Queensland 5.9% 7.1% 7.1% 6.3% Non Residential Building Construction – Australia 11.7% 5.2% 5.9% 5.7% Non Residential Building Construction – Queensland 13.3% 13.3% 7.0% 4.3% Housing construction – Australia 5.6% 4.5% 2.3% 4.9% Housing construction – Queensland 6.0% 1.5% 2.2% 10.1% http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printth...er=0&circular=1&publishDate=08%20February%202008 (2 of 3) [8/02/2008 12:58:53 PM] Circular: Council Cost Index 2008 5.2 Percent Local Government Cost Index 6.1% 5.7% 4.5% 5.2% Source: ABS Catalogues 6401.0, 6345.0 and 6427.0 As for previous publications on this council cost index, it has been assumed that engineering work activities (representing 50% of outlays state-wide) are driven by the general construction index while the balance of activities are driven by the CPI. Using the Queensland specific general construction cost index increase of 6.5% and the Brisbane CPI increase of 3.9% as shown above results in a cost increase for local government as a whole in Queensland in the past twelve months of around 5.2%. This compares with the 2007 council cost index published by LGAQ of 4.5%. For further information, contact Greg Hallam, Executive Director on telephone 3000 2222 (greg_hallam@lgaq.asn.au) Circular Authorised by: Greg Hallam PSM Executive Director Date: 08 February 2008 Issued from Local Government House 25 Evelyn Street Newstead QLD 4006 PO Box 2230, Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006. Tel (07) 3000 2222 Fax (07) 3252 4473 Email: enquiries@lgaq.asn.au http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printth...er=0&circular=1&publishDate=08%20February%202008 (3 of 3) [8/02/2008 12:58:53 PM] Circular: Local Government Week (LGWeek) 2008 ATTENTION CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER / COMMUNITY CLERK For Information CIRCULAR Circular #: 2008-011 Local Government Week (LGWeek) 2008 Date and theme for LGWeek 2008 has been announced. The LGAQ is excited to announce that this year’s LGWeek theme is health and fitness, featuring the tagline “Active Bodies, Healthy Communities.” The event will be held from June 4-11. The launch will take place on Wednesday June 4 at Brisbane 's City Hall and tie in with the launch of the 2008 Civic Leaders Forum. The campaign “Active Bodies, Healthy Communities” gives Queensland councils the opportunity to promote the use of council maintained parks and facilities to encourage better fitness and increased recreational activity, especially among children. A survey carried out by theUniversity of Queensland has found more than one in five Queensland children are overweight or obese. The Healthy Kids Queensland Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey was conducted for Queensland Health and measured the nutrition, physical activity and weight among school-aged children in 2007. The survey shows that Queensland - like the rest of Australia - is experiencing an epidemic of unhealthy weight and obesity among children. Overall, 21% of Queensland children aged 5 - 17 years are overweight or obese. Overweight and obesity contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, arthritis and some mental health problems. It is hoped that Local Government, with its grass roots level of influence, can begin to shift this trend by promoting the benefit of sport and outdoor activity among the community. For further information please contact the LGAQ Marketing Officer Connie Mavrommati on 3000 2102 or email connie_mavrommati@lgaq.asn.au. Circular Authorised by: Greg Hallam PSM Executive Director Date: 22 January 2008 http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printt...er=0&circular=1&publishDate=22%20January%202008 (1 of 2) [22/01/2008 12:15:18 PM] Circular: Local Government Week (LGWeek) 2008 Issued from Local Government House 25 Evelyn Street Newstead QLD 4006 PO Box 2230, Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006. Tel (07) 3000 2222 Fax (07) 3252 4473 Email: enquiries@lgaq.asn.au http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printt...er=0&circular=1&publishDate=22%20January%202008 (2 of 2) [22/01/2008 12:15:18 PM] Page 1 of 3 From: QAWF MEDIA RELEASE [MediaRelease@qawf.org] Sent: Wednesday, 23 January 2008 10:56:51 PM To: MEDIA RELEASE QAWF Subject: OPEN LETTER (#5) FORCED FLUORIDATION FOR ATTENTION OF THE COUNCILLORS AND CEO OPEN LETTER ( # 5) TO THE PREMIER AND MEMBERS OF THE QUEENSLAND PARLIAMENT, COUNCILS, PUBLIC AND MEDIA Dear Premier From the Qld Health document shown below, it appears that Hexafluorosilicic acid ( aka Hydrofluorosilicic acid and Fluorosilicic acid ) will be the main fluoridating chemical added to our public water supplies. Sodium silicofluoride and Sodium fluoride could be used in smaller communities. Qld Health appears to want to refer to the chemical Hexafluorosilicic acid as just " fluoride" as this sounds benign, however a Material Safety Data Sheet from the fertiliser manufacturer Incitec Pivot ( a company believed to have already expressed interest in being a major supplier ) shows this chemical's ranking in the Poisons Schedule : " S7 poison - Dangerous Poison" Risk Phrases : "Causes Burns. Risk of serious damage to eyes" Both Hexafluorosilicic acid and Sodium silicofluoride, the other fluoridating chemical also directly sourced raw from the pollution scrubbers of fertiliser manufacturing plants, do not even occur in nature, yet Qld Health would have us believe that they are " natural " As Hexafluorosilicic acid is extremely acidic, the tankers that transport it around Queensland will have to be lined with rubber. When the tiny Aboriginal community of Bamaga was fluoridated in 2004, it was found that 4 to 5 times as much soda ash had to be added to the water to counter the acidity. Use of Silicofluoride chemicals in municipal water supplies has been implicated in increased blood lead levels in studies with over 400,000 US children. Black children were particularly shown to have more risk of having high blood lead levels when they live in areas with water supplies fluoridated with a silicofluoride ( Profs Masters and Coplan ) Higher blood lead levels are associated with learning difficulties, behavioural problems and higher crime rates. Research at the University of Hamburg has shown under physiological conditions, Silicofluoride chemicals do not dissociate completely but exist as a variety of ionic species and contains Hydrogen Fluoride. It has been confirmed that the EPA ( US) has NO data on the " health and behavioural effects of Fluorosilicic acid", despite this compound being added to water supplies for 50 years. The levels of "natural" fluoride ion occurring in the water supplies of SE Qld is very low ( usually less than 0.1 parts per million ) and it is only occasionally file://S:\Agenda - Export Images\Correspondence for Information\819943_(819943)_O... 7/02/2008 Page 2 of 3 measured by water authorities. When chemicals that contain fluoride are added to water to give a fluoride ion concentration of 0.9 parts per million, it means adding more than 900 % more fluoride ( plus contaminants ), but this is described by Qld Heath as just " topping up " Premier, we invite you to address the " Rally Against Forced Fluoridation " at 9am Tuesday 12 th Feb, Parliament House, George St Dear Premier, could a Qld Health advisor please attend to explain why they call Hexafluorosilicic acid " natural " and adding 900 % more as " topping up" Authorised by M Haines on behalf of Queenslanders Against Water Fluoridation Inc contact info@qawf.org mob 0418 777112 www.qawf.org file://S:\Agenda - Export Images\Correspondence for Information\819943_(819943)_O... 7/02/2008 Page 1 of 3 From: QAWF MEDIA RELEASE [MediaRelease@qawf.org] Sent: Sunday, 27 January 2008 4:26:29 PM To: MEDIA RELEASE QAWF Subject: Open Letter (#6) Forced Fluoridation For the attention of the CEO and the Councillors OPEN LETTER ( # 6 ) TO THE LABOR MEMBERS OF THE QUEENSLAND PARLIAMENT cc The National, Liberal, Independent and One Nation Qld MPs, Qld Councillors, Qld Councils, Qld Public, Qld Media and the Qld Premier. Dear Labor Members of the Queensland Parliament, it has been 200 years since the first Australian mutiny and the time is overdue for another one. We call upon you to do whatever it takes to stop Queenslanders being forcibly mass medicated with fluoride chemicals. Please, talk some sense into your Premier, call her back to reality and stop her attempts to force fluoridation upon all of Queensland's residents. Two hundred years ago on the 26th Jan 1808, Premier Anna Bligh’s forebear, Governor William Bligh, suffered his 2nd embarrassing mutiny when he was deposed at gunpoint in Australia’s only military coup. This “Rum Rebellion” had little to do with the trade in spirits but more to do with a Governor who was an abusive, arrogant man with a “ tin ear ” who would not listen to people and who had lost the trust of the community. The officers of the NSW Corps by rebelling, risked punishment and death but surprisingly were let off very leniently and the first armed overthrow of an Australian government did help Australia move on to be a free country. . Two hundred years on, Bligh’s direct descendant Premier Anna Bligh is arrogant, has a “ tin ear ” and will not listen to people. Anna Bligh after just a couple of months as Premier is so extremely arrogant that file://S:\Agenda - Export Images\Correspondence for Information\820277_(820277)_O... 7/02/2008 Page 2 of 3 she has decided to mass medicate the entire population of Queensland by putting the poison Hexafluorosilicic acid, a raw waste product of the phosphate fertiliser industry into public water supplies in the guise of giving us better dental health. Examination of recent state and national dental surveys proves that great majority of Queensland children without fluoride have very little tooth decay and are comparable to other states and there are hundreds of scientific publications linking fluoridation to harm. Despite this, the Premier still tries to claim that Qld Children have the worst teeth in Australia and that fluoridation is perfectly safe and has no adverse health effects. Premier Anna Bligh really has inherited a “ tin ear ” from her ancestor. Labor members, all the Labor MPs voted against mandated fluoridation in 2005. Please do not let the Premier bully you into now voting for forced fluoridation. Labor members, please cross the floor and vote against the law that will medicate us all. If you stand strongly together the Premier cannot take away the initiatives you have achieved for your communities and cannot dis-endorse every member for the coming election. Labor members, please stand up for your constituents that you were elected to represent. You were not elected to Parliament to blindly do the Premier's biddings. Labor members, please try and talk some sense into the Premier. Premier, you are invited to address the “Rally Against Forced Fluoridation” starting 9am Tuesday 12th February, Parliament House, George St. Authorised by M Haines on behalf of Queenslanders Against Water Fluoridation Inc contact info@qawf.org mob 0418 777112 www.qawf.org Fluoridation, it's not science, it's just marketing. file://S:\Agenda - Export Images\Correspondence for Information\820277_(820277)_O... 7/02/2008 CORPORATE & COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. 821958 * 01-07-09 North Queensland Local Government Association Notice of the North Queensland Local Government Association's upcoming Biannual Conference - 8 May, 2008 and 9 May, 2008. 2. 821326 * 03-08-11E Burdekin Cruisers Car Club Inc Report - Burdekin Cruisers Car Club's "Burdekin Auto Fest" - Request for sponsorship for Burdekin Auto Fest. Burdekin Shire Council Programme Category: Corporate and Community Services Referring Letter Number: 818 914 File Number: 3/8/11E SUBJECT HEADING: Burdekin Cruisers Car Club’s “Burdekin Auto Fest” Name of Applicant: Burdekin Cruisers Car Club Location: Pioneer Park Speedway Author and Officer's Title: Tony Vaccaro Economic and Community Development Manager Executive Summary: The Burdekin Cruisers Car Club has once again requested funding to assist in financing initiatives in an effort to increase patronage at its annual Burdekin Auto Fest Event. The Burdekin Car Cruisers Club has been largely self-serving in the financing, organisation, and management of this successful event since its inaugural competition in 2006. The club will hold this year’s event at Pioneer Park Speedway on Saturday, 26th April 2008. The club would like to continue to grow the event through advertising in the Ayr Advocate, The Townsville Bulletin, Bowen Independent, The Daily Mercury Mackay, The Cairns Post, and the Charters Towers Northern Miner. Officer's Recommendation: Council approve funding of $2126.36 (incl. GST) to advertise the Burdekin Auto Fest event. Background In 2007, Council contributed $1500.00 (inc. GST) for advertising for the 2007 Burdekin Auto Fest in Ayr, Townsville, and Bowen newspapers. Coloured advertisements, including editorial features, ran in the aforementioned newspapers in the weeks leading up to the event. Participation numbers for last 2 years are as follows: 2006 2007 Spectators – 600 Spectators – 1750 Entrants – 100 Entrants - 135 Due to the high number of spectators in 2007, the club was unable to obtain information regarding the analysis of postcodes. Anecdotal evidence suggests that spectators travelled from areas between Cairns, Mackay, and Charters Towers. A large percentage of spectators were from Townsville, Ayr, and Bowen. A postcode analysis of the entrants in 2007 is as follows: Postcode 4740-4741 Mackay 4744 Moranbah 4751 Walkerston 4802 Cannonvale 4805 Bowen 4806 Home Hill 4807 Ayr 4808 Brandon 4809 Giru 4810-4817 Townsville 4850 Ingham 4870 Cairns Number of entrants 6 1 1 1 2 10 43 2 2 61 5 1 TOTAL 135 The Burdekin Car Cruisers Club fund advertising in the Street Machine Magazine, the Queensland Street Car Magazine, and the Extreme Street Car Magazine. It also promotes the event through auto clubs in Mackay, Bowen, Rockhampton, Charters Towers, and Ingham. The club is seeking Council’s assistance with promoting the event outside the Shire. Regional advertising this year will concentrate around the Burdekin, Townsville, Cairns, Bowen, and Mackay areas. This year the organisers have also taken Council’s advice and decided to place advertisements in the Townsville Sun Cars Guide feature, with distribution to 52,884 residents throughout Townsville. Additional features have been included in this year’s program in an effort to increase out-of-town patronage and nominations from as far as Rockhampton and Cairns. This year’s event will be held on the Anzac Day long weekend and a “Meet and Greet” function will be held in Ayr on Friday night to encourage visitors to stay for the weekend. The Burdekin Car Cruisers Club has provided a copy of its financial statement for the 2007 Burdekin Auto Fest. The event made a profit of $6,038.10, and the club donated $1,000 each to the local Meals on Wheels and Power House Station Museum and $250 to the Ayr Ambulance Committee. Following liaison with Council’s Economic and Community Development Team, the club agreed to conduct surveys of participants and spectators to determine local economic benefit, which enables assessment of the return on Council’s investment in advertising. In-kind support by Council Officers has included the following: • Advice on advertising on the Community Events Noticeboard in Plantation Park and installation of the sign • Advice on media coverage • Details of media contacts • Compilation of a survey form to assist with gathering data on participation numbers and economic benefit to the district In summary, the Burdekin Car Cruisers Club has displayed initiative in the following areas: • Ensured that participation/spectator numbers are increasing • Identified numbers of participants and agreed to identify numbers in terms of local and regional participation • Identified the potential of the event and promoted it within the region • Demonstrated the potential for future growth The club agreed to display Council’s logo on all promotional and advertising material, including posters, flyers, newsletters, programs, and advertisements, and to display Council’s banner at the event. Overall, the club demonstrated that the event is sustainable and that economic benefits will increase as the event grows. Link to Corporate/Operational Plan 7.5 Foster and develop effective partnerships and networks that will enhance tourism and economic development. This proposal is also in keeping with the aims listed in Development Officer’s Operational Plan to support the development of existing events. Consultation (internal/external) Discussions with representatives of Burdekin Cruisers Car Club Legal Authority or Implications (statutory basis – e.g. Act, Local Law, legal risks) Nil Policy Implications Nil Financial and Resource Implications The Economic Development budget has sufficient funds to cover the contribution of $2126.36 (incl. GST). Report prepared by: Tony Vaccaro (Economic and Community Development Manager) Report authorised by: Mr. Ken Holt (Chief Executive Officer) BURDEKIN CRUISERS CAR CLUB INC Advertising proposal for Burdekin Auto Fest Saturday, 26th April 2008 Ayr Advocate (Prices include free spot colour) Advocate feature- Friday 14th March- Wheels feature 5cm X 2column Ad = $75.00 Burdekin Grower-Observer 27th March and Advocate 28th March 10cm X 2column Ad = $150.00 Advocate feature- Friday 18th April- Auto Fest Feature 10cm X 2column Ad = $150.00 Burdekin Grower- Observer 24th April and Advocate 25th April 9cm X 7column Ad = $250.00 $625.00 The Townsville Bulletin Cars Guide 3 pack special (colour) – Wed 16/4 & Sat 19/4 Cars Guide & Tsv Sun Cars Guide Wed 23/4 & Sat 26/4 Cars Guide & Tsv Sun Cars Guide $306.08 $306.08 Bowen Independent Mini Feature – ½ page. Editorial & advert. $282.00 The Daily Mercury – Mackay Event listing x 4 lines. Each Saturday $39 each x 4 weeks (29/3 to 19/4) $156.00 The Cairns Post Saturday Cars guide 12/4 - Spot colour 7cm x 2col $319.20 Charters Towers – Northern Miner 5cm x 2col Colour $66 each x 2 $132.00 TOTAL $2126.36 Name: ________________________ Address: _____________________________ Phone: _______________________ Email Address: _____________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 5. Are there any improvements you would like to suggest?_________ 4. On a scale of 1 to 4 how satisfied were you with the event? (please circle) 1. Very Satisfied 2. Satisfied 3. Neutral 4. Dissatisfied 3. How did you find out about the event? □ Newspaper Advertising □ Radio Advertising □ Magazine Advertising □ Brochures □ Internet □ Previous visitation/competitor □ Billboards/ Signs □ Word of mouth from friend or relative. 2. What was your estimated expenditure in the Burdekin during this event, for example, accommodation, meals, drinks, competition entry fees? $________________ 1. How many nights did you stay in paid accommodation in the Burdekin during the Burdekin Auto Fest? __________ Competitors Survey ENVIRONMENT & OPERATIONS 1. 821264 * RC 07-04 Mr. M. Ingle - Technical Officer Report - Proposed Permanent Road Closure – Jarvisfield. 2. 821327 * Sub 07-36 Mr. S. Great - Manager - Planning & Development Report - Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot - Ayr Dalbeg Road, Airville - R. Ahern. 3. 822214 * Sub 07-69 Mr. S. Great - Manager - Planning & Development Report - Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots - 143 Parker Road, Ayr - Res Developments Pty Ltd. 4. 821325 * Sub 08-03 Mr. S. Great - Manager - Planning & Development Report - Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots - 402 Rita Island Road, Ayr - D & A Mottin. Burdekin Shire Council Programme Category: Environment & Operations Date: 6th February, 2008 Referring Letter Number: N/A File Number: RC 07/04 SUBJECT HEADING: PROPOSED PERMANENT ROAD CLOSURE - JARVISFIELD Name of Applicant: C.J. & C.A. Christofides Location: N/A Author and Officer’s Title: Matthew Ingle – Senior Technical Officer Executive Summary: Request for support to close part of Minuzzo Road Officer’s Recommendation: Council resolve to support the application to close part of Minuzzo Road Background: A letter has been received from C.J. and C.A. Christofides advising that they intend to make application to the Department of Natural Resources and Water for a permanent closure of part of Minuzzo Road, Jarvisfield, and requesting that Council provide a letter of support. The Christofides own lots 1, 2 and 3 RP702264 which front Minuzzo Road. It is proposed to include the closed road into lot 1. Currently, the three lots are used for cane cropping. After the road closure, the minimum frontage of the lots will be approximately 20m. Only one other, Lot 5 RP898772, has frontage to Minuzzo Road and the proposed closure will not affect that frontage. A letter has been sent to the owner of Lot 5 requesting their view on the closure. Minuzzo Road is listed as a formed road in the asset register. An inspection revealed that the road is more a headland and the section to be closed serves only to provide access to the Christofides properties. Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: N/A Consultation: N/A Legal Authority or Implications: (statutory basis – eg Act, Local Law, legal risks) N/A Page 1 of 2 Policy Implications: N/A Financial and Resource Implications: N/A Report prepared by: Matthew Ingle – Senior Technical Supervisor ............................................................................... Report authorised by: Trevor Williams – Director of Environment & Operations ............................................................................... Page 2 of 2 Burdekin Shire Council Programme Category: Environment and Operations Classification: N/A Date: 4th February, 2008 Referring Letter No: 820203 File No: Sub 07-36 Subject Heading: Lodging a Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot Name of Applicant: R Ahern Location: Ayr Dalbeg Road, Airville (Lots 23 on GL 12459, Parish of Jarvisfield, County of Gladstone) Author and Officer’s Title: S. Great Manager - Planning & Development Executive Summary: An application has been received from Brazier Motti, on behalf of R Ahern, seeking approval to change an existing Development Permit for the reconfiguring of land on the Ayr Dalbeg Road, Airville (Lots 23 on GL 12459, Parish of Jarvisfield, County of Gladstone). Officer's Recommendation: That Council approve the change an existing Development Permit for Reconfiguring of land on Ayr Dalbeg Road, Airville (Lots 23 on GL 12459, Parish of Jarvisfield, County of Gladstone) subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer must at its own cost undertake all necessary alterations to public utility mains and services as are rendered necessary by the carrying out of any required external works or other works associated with the approved development; 2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full; 3. Pay the sum of $47.80 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines for each new valuation; 4. The construction of any crossovers to give access to the land is to be the owner’s responsibility and to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer. Any proposed purchaser of the land is to be advised accordingly; 5. Prior to release of the formal plan of subdivision, provide evidence to the Chief Executive Officer that Lot 2 on GS914 and Lot 6 on RP749133 have been amalgamated; 6. Proposed boundary changes are to be in accordance with proposal plan (No. 55347/4C). Advice only; Please note that in terms of SECTION 3.5.22 (1) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the currency period can only be extended if the request is received before the approval lapses. Background: The following comments are from the Manager of Planning & Development, Mr Shane Great: The applicant has applied for a modification to an existing approved layout to increase the area of proposed lot 22 to include land that traverses the Burdekin River. Proposed lot 23 will be reduced in area but still contain all of the existing farmed land. The request also creates easement A (to give lot 23 access to the road adjacent to lot 22) and easement B (which gives lot 22 access to a headland in lot 23). Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: N/A Consultation (internal/external): N/A Legal Authority or Implications: N/A Policy Implications: N/A Financial and Resource Implications: N/A (Signature) Report prepared by: S. Great - Manager Planning & Development Shire of Burdekin PO Box 974, Ayr, Qld 4807 Telephone (07) 4783 9800 Facsimile (07) 4783 9999 E-mail: burdekinsc@burdekin.qld.gov.au Council Chambers, 145 Young Street, Ayr, Qld, 4807 Not to Scale Created on Monday, 4 February 2008 No warranty given in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability) and no liability accepted (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws. External contributors to data listed at www.nrme.qld.gov.au/products. OR www.burdekin.qld.gov.au. • Existing approval ( 7th August, 2007) • Proposed Change to existing approval Burdekin Shire Council Programme Category: Environment & Operations Classification: N/A Date: 11th February, 2008 Referring Letter No: 810994 File No: Sub 07-69 Subject Heading: Lodging a Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots Name of Applicant: Res Developments Pty Ltd Location: 143 Parker Road, Ayr (Lot 3 on RP739034 Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone) Author and Officer’s Title: S Great Manager - Planning & Development Executive Summary: An application has been received from Brazier Motti on behalf of their client Res Developments Pty. Ltd. seeking approval for reconfiguring lots at 143 Parker Road, Ayr (Lot 3 on RP739034 Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone). A Development Application (Code Assessable) has been triggered in accordance with the Burdekin Shire IPA Planning Scheme. Officer's Recommendation: That Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots at 143 Parker Road, Ayr (Lot 3 on RP739034 Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions: GENERAL 1. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full; 2. Pay the sum of $430.20 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Water for each new valuation; 3. A sediment and erosion control management plan for the entire site is to be submitted for approval by the Chief Executive Officer before any earthworks are commenced; 4. The developer shall ensure that provision of services including television cables, telephone wires and electricity cables are provided underground at all times; 5. Provide a stormwater management plan incorporating water sensitive urban design initiatives including an illustration of the stormwater flow path through the development. All drainage shall be suitably sized for ARI 5 flows with overflow paths for ARI 50 events and shall be via easements (if required) and shall be sized for the complete respective catchments. All surface drainage (if required) shall be suitably lined with concrete to maintain level and for ease of future maintenance. All drainage shall have suitable gross pollutant devices; 6. All drainage works are to be such that there is no detriment to the upstream and adjoining catchments. The downstream drainage paths and structures are to be suitably sized for the increased flows from the development when fully developed. Documentary evidence certified by an R.P.E.Q. of these shall be submitted for concurrence with Council’s Chief Executive Officer; ROADWORKS 7.1 The construction of any crossovers to give access to the land is to be the owner’s responsibility and to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer; 7.2 Construct stand up kerbing and channelling for the full length of the proposed development at Parker Road and Cornford Crescent. The proposed kerbing and channelling is to be on a 4m alignment. Provide underground drainage from proposed kerbing and channelling in Cornford Crescent to existing culvert under Cornford Crescent; 7.3 Provide bitumen widening (2 coat seal, 14mm and 10mm) on 150mm consolidated gravel base from the edge of the existing bitumen to the proposed kerbing and channelling in Parker Road and Cornford Crescent; PROPOSAL PLAN 8. The reconfiguration of the land must be carried out generally in accordance with:(a) (i) the proposed Brazier Motti plan numbered 55389/3D; (ii) the plans, specifications, facts and circumstances as set out in the application submitted to Council; and (b) any approval issued under this approval; and (c) any development permit for operational works relating to the reconfiguring of a lot; TIME FOR COMPLIANCE 9. Unless otherwise specified by these conditions, the conditions must be complied with prior to approval of the Plan of Survey; PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES 10. If any existing public utility service including telephone, electricity, water, sewerage or gas needs to be altered or relocated to complete the reconfiguration the developer must bear the cost of alteration or relocation. OPERATIONAL WORKS 11.1 Where operational works are required to be carried out for the reconfiguration, the developer must, within a period of two years from the date of this permit and prior to the commencement of any work, lodge with Council an application for a development permit for operational works. As part of such application, the developer must submit:(a) detailed and complete engineering drawings and specifications of the proposed works prepared by a civil engineer, who is both registered under the Professional Engineer’s Act 2002 and is current Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland; and (b) certificate from the engineer who prepared the drawings stating that the design and specifications have been prepared in accordance with these conditions, relevant Council Codes and Planning Scheme Policies and the relevant Australian Standard Codes of Practice; (c) a letter from the Electricity Service Provider stating that electricity can be readily supplied to the development; 11.2 No work must be commenced prior to issue of a development permit for operational Works; ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AND STREET LIGHTING 12.1 The developer must prior to approval of the Formal Plan of Survey submit a letter from Ergon Energy (or other suitable entity) stating that satisfactory arrangements have been made with it for the provision of an underground electricity supply to the subdivision and must provide at the developer’s cost:(a) a reticulated underground electricity supply to each part of the subdivision in accordance with the requirements of the Electricity Service Provider; 12.2 The developer must install ducting to the satisfaction of the Electricity and Telecommunications Service Providers prior to the approval of the Plan of Survey, and 12.2 Provide street lighting in accordance with A.S. 1158.3.11 – Road Lighting (Lighting Category P3). The consent of Council’s Chief Executive Officer will need to be gained before the final designs are adopted; WATER SUPPLY WORKS INTERNAL 13.1 The developer must provide a reticulated water supply, including service connection points, to each lot, from an approved point of connection to each lot in the subdivision. The water supply must be constructed in accordance with the standard design plans of Council; 13.2 The approved point of connection for the supply of water from Council’s water supply system will be from the existing reticulation water main in Beach Road; 13.3 A network analysis of the proposed subdivision must be submitted to and approved by Council to ensure that the reticulation network satisfies both the maximum design hour flow conditions and the emergency fire flow conditions. It must be submitted with the application for operational works; WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE HEADWORKS 14.1 The developer must contribute in accordance with Council’s Planning Scheme Policy for Infrastructure Provision - Developer Contribution for Provision of Water Supply and Sewerage Services; 14.2 The contribution must be paid at the rate current at the time of payment. The current amount of estimated total headworks contribution is $24, 142.55 for water based on 17 additional lots; AMENITY – SCREEN FENCING 15. Erect a screen fence along the rear and side boundaries of all proposed lots sharing a common boundary with Lot 26 on SP195144. (i.e. lot 27 - side, lots 30-39 – rear, & lot 40 – side) Unless an alternative design is agreed to with the owner of the adjoining land and subsequently approved by the Chief Executive Officer, the screen fence is to be 1.8 metres in height, of solid construction and be constructed from either timber or colour bound steel (Gap free); OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION LAND 16. “A contribution must be paid for contributing towards open space and parkland. The current amount payable is $4500.00. (i.e. 18 lots @ $250.00/lot). ADVICE (Note: These are not conditions) • An application for Operational Works must be submitted to Council in accordance with these conditions. • This approval will lapse if the Plan of Survey has not been lodged in accordance with the requirements of Council within a period of two (2) years from the day this permit takes effect. Background: The following comments are from the Manager of Planning & Development, Mr Shane Great: The land is zoned ‘Village’ with the proposal triggering a ‘code assessable’ development application for reconfiguring of land. The application has been assessed against the Village Zone Code under the provisions of the Burdekin Shire Council’s IPA Planning Scheme. The Application: The proposal seeks to reconfigure a single lot with an area of 6.867ha to create eighteen (18) new lots ranging in area from 2,376m2 to 6,270m2 .. Site Description: The subject site is vacant fallow land which is relatively flat boarded by Parker Road to the Eastern boundary. The land also abuts the existing block works (Austral Bricks) for part of the Western boundary. There is a North Burdekin Water Board Easement over a channel that adjoins the site to the South West. Effluent Disposal: A site assessment report from Nicoll Beattie Pty. Ltd. confirms that each proposed lot would be suitable for the use of primary treated effluent through pressurised, dose loaded systems, the report also states that it is highly unlikely there would be any downstream risk to environment or public health providing statutory setbacks are observed. Surrounding Land Uses: The dominating identified surrounding land uses are varied. The existing block works (Austral Bricks) will have a common boundary with eleven (11) of the proposed lots. The block works are an existing lawful use and Council has imposed strict environmental controls upon this premise to minimise undesirable emissions and potential environmental degradation practices. Screen fencing has been suggested as part of the recommendation to contribute towards alleviating the issue of incompatible land uses. In addition, the large lots proposed will allow for physical separation distances to be achieved. An existing buffer exists along the majority of the proposed lot frontages in the form of a wide road reserve to allow separation distances to be achieved between prime agricultural land and the proposed ‘Village’ amenity that will be created once housing is developed on the site. Recommendation; Council’s Development Assessment Team members have assessed the application and have included reasonable and relevant conditions as part of the recommended approval. These conditions have been included to ensure that all proposed lots will maintain and enhance the local character of the area. Given that the proposal complies with the provisions contained in Council’s IPA Planning Scheme and in particular the acceptable solutions of both the ‘Village’ zone code and the ‘Reconfiguration of a Lot’ zone code, it is recommended that Council approve the application subject to the abovementioned conditions. Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: N/A Consultation (internal/external): N/A Legal Authority or Implications: N/A Policy Implications: N/A Financial and Resource Implications: N/A (Signature) Report prepared by: S. Great - Manager Planning & Development Service Location Plan Shire of Burdekin 143 Parker Road AYR QLD 4807 PO Box 974, Ayr, Qld 4807 Telephone (07) 4783 9800 Facsimile (07) 4783 9999 E-mail: burdekinsc@burdekin.qld.gov.au Lot Plan: 3RP739034 Not to Scale Cadastral Information from Department of Natural Resources, Queensland Digital Cadastral Database DCDB Crown Copyright Reserved Council Chambers, 145 Young Street, Ayr, Qld, 4807 No warranty given in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability) and no liability accepted (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws. External contributors to data listed at www.nrme.qld.gov.au/products. OR www.burdekin.qld.gov.au. Created on Wednesday, 9 January 2008 Burdekin Shire Council Programme Category: Environment & Operations Classification: N/A Date: 4th February, 2008 Referring Letter No: 819977 File No: Sub 08-03 Subject Heading: Lodging a Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots Name of Applicant: D & A Mottin Location: 402 Rita Island Road, Ayr (Lots 131 & 132 on SP185661 Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone) Author and Officer’s Title: S Great Manager - Planning & Development Executive Summary: An application has been received from Brazier Motti on behalf of their client D & A Mottin seeking approval for reconfiguring lots at 402 Rita Island Road, Ayr (Lots 131 & 132 on SP185661 Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone). A Development Application (Code Assessable) has been triggered in accordance with the Burdekin Shire IPA Planning Scheme. Officer's Recommendation: That Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguring Lots at 402 Rita Island Road, Ayr (Lots 131 & 132 on SP185661 Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer must at its own cost undertake all necessary alterations to public utility mains and services as are rendered necessary by the carrying out of any required external works or other works associated with the approved development; 2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full; 3. Pay the sum of $47.80 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Water for each new valuation; 4. The construction of any crossovers to give access to the land is to be the owner’s responsibility and to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer; 5. The proposed boundary changes are to be generally in accordance with proposal plan (55111/5A) as submitted; Advice only; Please note that in terms of SECTION 3.5.22 (1) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the currency period can only be extended if the request is received before the approval lapses. Background: The following comments are from the Manager of Planning & Development, Mr Shane Great: The land is zoned ‘Rural’ with the proposal triggering a ‘code assessable’ development application. The application has been assessed against the Rural Zone Code under the provisions of the Burdekin Shire Council’s IPA Planning Scheme. It is the applicant’s intent to realign the boundaries between the two (2) allotments providing an increased area to lot 131 to give the existing house block some extra area and slightly reducing the balance area of farm land, being lot 132. The nature of the proposed new lots remains within the character of the locality; a report from Nicoll Beattie Pty. Ltd. confirms that there is adequate area for on site sewage effluent without causing any risk to environment or public providing statutory setbacks are observed. Council’s Development Assessment Team members have assessed the application and have included reasonable and relevant conditions as part of the recommended approval. These conditions have been included to ensure any possible negative impacts on amenity are minimised. Given that the proposal complies with the provisions contained in Council’s IPA Planning Scheme in that no additional lots are being created, and the fact that Council has supported similar type applications, it is recommended that Council approve the application subject to the abovementioned conditions. Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: N/A Consultation (internal/external): N/A Legal Authority or Implications: N/A Policy Implications: N/A Financial and Resource Implications: N/A (Signature) Report prepared by: S. Great - Manager Planning & Development Shire of Burdekin PO Box 974, Ayr, Qld 4807 Telephone (07) 4783 9800 Facsimile (07) 4783 9999 E-mail: burdekinsc@burdekin.qld.gov.au Council Chambers, 145 Young Street, Ayr, Qld, 4807 Not to Scale Created on Monday, 4 February 2008 No warranty given in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability) and no liability accepted (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws. External contributors to data listed at www.nrme.qld.gov.au/products. OR www.burdekin.qld.gov.au.
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