mbit memorandum - Middle Bucks Institute of Technology
mbit memorandum - Middle Bucks Institute of Technology
2740 Old York Road, Jamison, Pennsylvania 18929 (215) 343-2480 - Fax (215) 343-8626 - www.mbit.org MBIT MEMORANDUM TO: Executive Council Members Professional Advisory Council Members FROM: Kathryn Strouse DATE: November 6, 2013 SUBJECT: EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING PACKET FOR NOVEMBER 11, 2013 Enclosed is the Executive Council packet for the November 11, 2013 public meeting. The public meeting will begin promptly at 5:30 p.m. in the George J. Russ Conference Room (Room 101) at MBIT. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please notify your alternate and my office. This month’s Administrative Report will include recognition of an outgoing Executive Council member and a review of the 2014/15 preliminary budget. Under Personnel Matters, Council will be asked to take action on a leave of absence and the 2014 Local Advisory Council membership. Under Policy, Council will be asked to adopt revised Administrative Regulations. Under Other Matters for Consideration, Council will be asked to take action on Executive Council public meeting dates, copiers, a maintenance contract, the student-built house project and budget transfers. In addition, Council will be asked to receive and file the Local Advisory Council minutes and the Audit Reports. If you have any questions regarding any items on this month’s agenda, please contact me. KS/rcj It is the policy of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology not to discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national origin, disability, or limited English proficiency in its educational programs, activities and employment policy as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 Regulations of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For information regarding services, activities, programs and facilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, or for inquiries regarding compliance with the above non-discriminatory policies, contact Denise Dohoney, Civil Rights Coordinator, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING November 11, 2013 5:30 P.M. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page AGENDA ................................................................................................................................... 1-3 ATTACHMENTS 1. October 14, 2013 Minutes ..................................................................................... 1-1 to 1-7 2. Activities/Events/Correspondence ...................................................................... 2-1 to 2-1A 3. Professional Advisory Council Minutes .......................................................................... 3-1 4. Building, Security and Technology Committee Minutes ................................................ 4-1 5. Program, Policy and Personnel Committee Minutes ....................................................... 5-1 6. Finance Committee Minutes .................................................................................. 6-1 to 6-2 7. Cash Payments Report – October ........................................................................ 7-1 to 7-18 8. Treasurer’s Report – September .......................................................................... 8-1 to 8-16 9. 2014 Local Advisory Council Membership........................................................... 9-1 to 9-4 10. Revised Administrative Regulations # 335.1-R, 435.1-R, 535.1-R FMLA .... 10-1 to 10-24 11. 2014 Executive Council Public Meeting Dates ................................................. 11-1 to 11-2 12. October 18, 2013 Local Advisory Council Minutes .......................................... 12-1 to 12-5 13. Canon Proposal .............................................................................................................. 13-1 14. Burns Mechanical Contract ............................................................................... 14-1 to 14-6 15. Student Built House Project ........................................................................................... 15-1 16. Budget Transfers ................................................................................................ 16-1 to 16-5 MIDDLE BUCKS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AGENDA November 11, 2013 I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Introductions and Public Comment V. Chairperson’s Report VI. Executive Council Comments VII. Approval of Minutes of the October 14, 2013 Meeting - Attachment 1 (pg. 1-1) VIII. Routine Business: A. Administrative Report 1. Recognition of Outgoing Executive Council Member – Mrs. Kathryn Strouse 2. Presentation of the 2014/15 Preliminary Budget – Mr. Robert Vining (Enclosure) B. A motion to receive and file MBIT's update including activities/events, correspondence and related matters as per Attachment 2 (pg. 2-1). C. Committees Reports 1. Professional Advisory Council – Dr. Raymond Boccuti, Chairperson. Attachment 3 (pg. 3-1) 2. Building, Security and Technology Committee – Mrs. Bernadette Heenan, Chairperson. Attachment 4 (pg. 4-1) 3. The Program, Policy and Personnel Committee meeting scheduled on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 5:15 PM was cancelled. – Mrs. Betty Huf, Chairperson. Attachment 5 (pg. 5-1) 4. Finance Committee – Ms. Katherine Driban, Chairperson. Attachment 6 (pg. 6-1) 1 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AGENDA November 11, 2013 IX. D. A motion to approve the Cash Payments Report – October. Attachment 7 (pg. 71) E. A motion to receive and file the Treasurer's Report – September. Attachment 8 (pg. 8-1) Current Agenda Items A. B. Personnel Items 1. A motion to approve the qualifying leave of absence consistent with Policy #435.1 – Family and Medical Leave for Angela Egge, Special Needs Coordinator, effective December 19, 2013. 2. A motion to approve the membership of the Middle Bucks Local Advisory Council for the 2014 calendar year. Attachment 9 (pg. 9-1) Policies 1. ADOPTION The administration request the Executive Council accept for adoption the following revised Administrative Regulations. Attachment 10 (pg. 10-1) a. Revised Administrative Regulation 335.1-R - Family and Medical Leaves – Eligibility/Types of Leaves in the Administrative Employees Section. b. Revised Administrative Regulation 435.1-R - Family and Medical Leaves – Eligibility/Types of Leaves in the Professional Employees Section. c. Revised Administrative Regulation 535.1-R - Family and Medical Leaves – Eligibility/Types of Leaves in the Classified Employees Section. C. Other Matters for Consideration 1. A motion to receive and file the calendar of the Executive Council public meeting dates for the 2014 year. Attachment 11 (pg. 11-1) 2. A motion to receive and file the October 18, 2013 Local Advisory Council Minutes. Attachment 12 (pg. 12-1) 3. A motion to receive and file the MBAVTS Authority Audit Report prepared by Dreslin and Co., Inc. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Enclosure 2 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AGENDA November 11, 2013 X. 4. A motion to receive and file the MBIT Independent Audit Report prepared by Dreslin and Co., Inc. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Enclosure 5. A motion authorizing the Business Manager to execute a 60 month FMV lease at cost of $614 per month for Canon 5235 copier/printer/scanner for main office and Canon 8400 wide format printer for Commercial Art program replacing and canceling current FMV leases for Canon 5030 and Canon 3480 with combined monthly cost of $385. In replacing current leases, maintenance cost for new printers is $0.0547 cost per copy compared to $0.0787 and $0.0972 per color copy. All leases and maintenance are via Canon Solutions. Attachment 13 (pg. 13-1) 6. A motion to approve a 1-year contract with Burns Mechanical Inc. to provide comprehensive HVAC maintenance services at a cost of $44,750.00. Attachment 14 (pg.14-1) 7. A motion to authorize the Administration to advertise and solicit sealed bids for the sale of the student-built house project, at a price not to be less than $82,500. Attachment 15 (pg. 15-1) 8. A motion to approve budget transfers. Attachment 16 (pg. 16-1) 9. A motion to cancel the December public meeting and authorize the Administration to pay bills to be ratified at the January meeting. Adjournment 3 ATTACHMENT 1 MIDDLE BUCKS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MINUTES October 14, 2013 I. The regular meeting of the MBIT Executive Council was convened on Monday, October 14, 2013, at 5:30 p.m. by Mr. John Gamble, Chairperson, in Room 101 at MBIT. The Executive Council rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The following members were in attendance: Council Members Ms. Katherine Driban, Centennial S.D. Dr. Bill Foster, Council Rock S.D. Mr. John Gamble, Central Bucks S.D. Mrs. Betty Huf, Centennial S.D. Mr. Joseph Jagelka, Central Bucks S.D. Mr. Charles Kleinschmidt, Centennial S.D. Absent Mrs. Bernadette Heenan, Council Rock S.D. Mrs. Kelly Unger, Central Bucks S.D. Mr. John Vaughn, New Hope Solebury S.D. Others in Attendance: Dr. Raymond Boccuti, MBIT Superintendent of Record, New Hope-Solebury S.D. Mrs. Denise Dohoney, Assistant Director Mr. Jeffrey Garton, Esq., School Solicitor Mr. Richard Hansen, Facility Supervisor Mrs. Roberta Jackiewicz, Assistant Board Secretary Mr. Vincent Loiacono, Director of Facility Operations Mrs. Stacy Pakula, Career and Technical Education Supervisor Mrs. Kathryn Strouse, Administrative Director Mr. Robert Vining, Business Manager II. Guest at the meeting was Mr. Bradley Rosenau, Commercial Art and Design Teacher/Middle Bucks Education Association President. III. Mr. Gamble reported that the students are back into the swing of things. Our multimedia students have been seen around campus studying photography, our landscaping students have mulched and cleaned up our campus gardens, and our automotive students hosted the second annual Auto Fest on September 28th. Aspirations, our student operated restaurant, opens to the public the week of October 21st and Salon Extreme opens to the public the following week. Mr. Gamble concluded his report by noting that our adult evening school classes have begun. The fall semester offers courses in automotive, carpentry, technology, electrical, machining, welding, drafting, dental assistant and more. Our adult classes provide instruction in current technologies, opportunities for a new career, update skills, or earn industry certifications. 1-1 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2013 IV. ATTACHMENT 1 Mrs. Huf said she attended the OAC dinner last week and it was marvelous. She sat with visitors from Temple that are enrolled in the program to become Career and Technical Education Directors. She complimented the staff and students and said the food was excellent and it was a great evening. Ms. Driban stated it was great to see that we had six students attend Free Enterprise Week and she would love to hear a little more about what they did at the event. She loves the Kiss a Pig event and hopes a video can be posted with a link sent to the Council. Ms. Driban also thanked the staff for the new format of the Social Media Feedback report. She said it was great and found it very helpful. V. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed 5 ayes, 0 nays, and 1 abstention (Mr. Gamble did not attend the meeting) to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2013 meeting. Attachment 1 (pg. 1-1) VI. Routine Business: A. Administrative Report 1. Mrs. Dohoney provided a report on the October 1, 2013 enrollment. This information included overall enrollment, enrollment by district, adult day program enrollment, a historical perspective, growth at the districts and MBIT, enrollment trends, special education enrollment and enrollment by race and gender. Highlights included that 835 students are enrolled at MBIT, which represents a 1.4% increase over last year. We have a 46.7% Special Education population and there are 12 adult day students. Attachment 2 (pg. 2-1) Discussion included that there is one student from the Neshaminy School District that attends here and is in the BCIU Voyages Program. This program is for intense learning support students. They spend a part of their time in the career and technical program with a modified plan and the balance of their time in a classroom learning academics that relate to their trade. 2. Mrs. Strouse explained that Comprehensive Planning is what has replaced the Strategic Plan. We are a part of Phase 2 and started this process last school year. The plan has been posted on our website for 30 days as is required by PDE. We did not receive any comments from the public regarding our plan. The Executive Council is being asked to approve a motion to accept the plan and then it will be filed with the Department of Education. If they accept the plan, it will be implemented in July of 2014. Mrs. Strouse added that she is currently working on an additional strategic plan to compliment the Comprehensive Plan. Mrs. Strouse reviewed the members that participated on the steering committee as well as the goals, strategies and actions plans to accomplish the goals. The goals are to enhance student achievement, provide support to students academically at-risk and to provide access to technology resources. 1-2 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2013 ATTACHMENT 1 The strategies developed to enhance student achievement include to completely align all technical curriculum with SAS academic standards, develop a professional development plan that supports implementation of SAS and impacts student achievement and investigate on-line learning opportunities for students using resources from the PDE SAS website. The strategies for supporting students academically at risk include enhance the system for identifying and monitoring students academically at-risk, develop interventions to remediate skill deficits and prepare students for high stake assessments. Finally, the strategies to provide access to technology resources include provide staff, students, and other stakeholders with more technology resources to enhance communication, implement changes to the infrastructure to support BYOD/BYOT initiatives and determine the need and specifications of implementing a cloud computing platform. Attachment 3 (pg. 3-1) Discussion included that the PDE SAS website is a resource for different types of teaching and learning resources. The Career and Technical schools have been using standard aligned curriculum for a long time. The high schools and elementary schools are starting to move towards standard aligned curriculum. It is a site they are trying to get teachers, students and administrators to use as a central hub for different types of curriculum and learning tools. Dr. Boccuti added that he believes the SAS website was originally put up when Pennsylvania was deciding to go to PA Common Core rather than National Common Core. It is a helpful website for educators in reference to redesigning and realigning curriculum. Anyone can get on it, including parents and students and educators use it all the time. There was a discussion on what effect the high special education population may have in the programs. Mrs. Strouse noted regardless of our special education population the students are being successful here. If a student has an IEP, the support they need is very varied. Our programs are competency based and the students work at their own pace. Dr. Boccuti added that the IEP teams at the home school have to decide the most appropriate way to accommodate the child. The team has to first say that MBIT is an appropriate placement for the student. It is a collaborative process between MBIT and the sending district. If there is a problem, we can reconvene the IEP team at any time and revisit it. There are many students that have an IEP but their needs may not even present in their program here at MBIT because it is so individualized. That is where the sending district and MBIT work together. There was a question if our infrastructure can handle BYOD or BYOT. Mr. Loiacono noted that our infrastructure in place can support BYOD or BYOT. It will increase traffic across the system. The Guest LAN has been adjusted so it doesn’t interfere with our business critical operation. It was also mentioned that you can lock down certain things on our Wi-Fi, but you can’t lock down 3G and 4G on individual devices. 1-3 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2013 ATTACHMENT 1 B. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to receive and file MBIT’s update including activities/events, correspondence and related matters as per Attachment 4 (pg. 4-1) C. Committee Reports 1. Dr. Boccuti, Superintendent and Chairperson of the Professional Advisory Council discussed Comprehensive Planning and said he agrees it is a whole different process than the former strategic plan and feels it is much more connected. He discussed the process and their plan and said there are aspects that he likes much better. Dr. Boccuti also spoke about the three areas they chose; curriculum, instruction and professional development, ground breaking technology and facilities grounds, a sort of campus revitalization. They are all connected and the action plans work together. Attachment 5 (pg. 5-1) Dr. Bocutti left the meeting at 6:05 PM to attend another meeting. VII. 2. Mrs. Bernadette Heenan, Chairperson was not present and Mr. Gamble asked that the packet be referred to for the report. Attachment 6 (pg.6-1) 3. The Program, Policy and Personnel Committee meeting scheduled on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 5:15 PM was cancelled. Mrs. Betty Huf, Chairperson. Attachment 7 (pg. 7-1) 4. Ms. Katherine Driban, Chairperson of the Finance Committee said to see the minutes for the report. Attachment 8 (pg. 8-1) D. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the Cash Payments Report for September. Attachment 9 (pg. 9-1) E. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the Treasurer’s Report for August. Attachment 10 (pg. 10-1) Current Agenda Items A. Personnel Items 1. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to ratify the part-time employment of Eric Walder, student in Networking and Operating Systems Security, to work in a co-op position as a Computer Support Technician for Information Technology, at a rate of $9.00/hour, effective September 4, 2013. 1-4 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2013 B. ATTACHMENT 1 2. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to ratify the part-time employment of Alysen Doyle, student in the Early Childhood Care and Education Program, to work in a co-op position as an Aide for Li’l Bucks Partners in Learning, at a rate of $9.00/hour, effective October 7, 2013. 3. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the employment of Ronald Hungarter, as short-term Substitute Teacher in the Construction Carpentry program, effective October 14, 2013, at a daily rate of $385.00, with statutory benefits. 4. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to provide Jeanise Dimitri, Adult Education and Organizational Advancement Administrative Assistant with a stipend in the amount of $2,259 to be paid for additional job responsibilities and duties during the Leave of Absence of the Adult Education Coordinator, effective October 17, 2013. 5. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to ratify employment of the additional fall 2013 Adult Evening School staff. Attachment 11 (pg. 11-1) Policies 1. FIRST READING Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously to accept for first reading the following revised Administrative Regulations. Attachment 12 (pg. 12-1) a. b. c. Revised Administrative Regulation 335.1-R– Family and Medical Leaves – Eligibility/Types of Leaves in the Administrative Employees Section. Revised Administrative Regulation 435.1-R – Family and Medical Leave – Eligibility/Types of Leaves in the Professional Employees Section. Revised Administrative Regulation 535.1-R – Family and Medical Leave – Eligibility/Types of Leaves in the Classified Employees Section. 2. ADOPTION Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously to accept for adoption the following revised Board Policies. Attachment 13 (pg. 13-1): a. b. c. Revised Policy No. 335.1 – Family and Medical Leave – Administrative Employees Section Revised Policy No. 435.1 – Family and Medical Leave – Professional Employees Section. Revised Policy No. 535.1 – Family and Medical Leave – Classified Employees Section. 1-5 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2013 ATTACHMENT 1 3. APPROVE POLICY LANGUAGE REVISION Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously to accept for adoption revised Board Policy No. 222, Smoking, in the Pupils Section. Attachment A (pg. A-1) It was asked if there was also a smoking policy for staff and Mrs. Strouse said that there was. C. Other Matters for Consideration 1. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the proposed additional and out of state field trips for the 2013-14 school year. Attachment 14 (pg. 14-1) 2. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to accept the Pennsylvania Department of Education Supplemental CTE Grant in the amount of $34,774.86 to be used to purchase the equipment listed below and to adjust the 2013-2014 budget to include said grant. Attachment 15 (pg. 15-1) Multimedia Public Safety Public Safety Welding Camera Dolly System Ferno Ambulance Cot Motorola Digital Communication Radios Hypertherm Powermax Plasma System 3. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to accept the donation from the Buxmont Chapter of the Pennsylvania Society of Tax and Accounting Professionals, in the amount of $3,254.70, to specifically be used for the purchase of 5 IPads with cases, for the Administrative Sciences and Business Technology program. Attachment 16 (pg. 16-1) 4. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the Affiliation Agreement between Abington Memorial Hospital and Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, to provide clinical experiences to our Health Science students. Attachment 17 (pg. 17-1) 5. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the Agreement between Comcast of Southeast Pennsylvania, LLC, and Middle Bucks Institute of Technology. Attachment 18 (pg. 18-1) 6. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the Agreement between Arrow Enterprise Computing Solutions, Inc. and Middle Bucks Institute of Technology for Adobe Certified Associate Classroom Licenses from Certiport. Attachment 19 (pg. 19-1) 1-6 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2013 VIII. ATTACHMENT 1 7. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to approve offering online training through Global Compliance Network for the 20132014 school year at the cost of $700.00 with additional charge of $1.50 per employee for required Act 126 child abuse training. Attachment 20 (pg. 201) 8. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the “Bucks County School Intermediate Unit #22 Microsoft Server Product Purchasing Group Agreement” between the BCIU and MBIT for a 3-year period beginning in November 2013 through November 2016. Attachment 21 (pg. 21-1) 9. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to authorize the Administrative Director or Business Manager to execute 60 month $1 buy-out lease at a monthly cost of $396 with NMFG Financial Services, Inc. for a new Yale GC/GP050LX forklift truck. Attachment 22 (pg. 22-1) 10. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to appoint Tyco Integrated Security to provide central station monitoring of burglary and fire alarm systems for a 60 month period with initial investment of $1,600 for installation of proprietary equipment and monthly cost of $545.84. Attachment 23 (pg. 23-1) 11. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to appoint Reuter Hanney as the Engineer of Record for the transformer replacement project. 12. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to appoint TD Bank to provide merchant services for purpose of processing credit and debit card transactions for Adult Education registrations and production live work and program fees. Attachment 24 (pg. 24-1) 13. Ms. Driban moved, Mrs. Huf seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the 2013 – 2016 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Comprehensive Plan. Attachment 3 (pg. 3-1) Ms. Driban moved, Mr. Jagelka seconded, passed unanimously, to adjourn the October 14, 2013 meeting of the MBIT Executive Council at 6:10 PM. An Executive Session was held directly after the public meeting to discuss a Personnel matter. Respectfully submitted, Roberta Jackiewicz Assistant Secretary 1-7 ATTACHMENT 2 MBIT UPDATE NOVEMBER 2013 - JANUARY 2014 Upcoming Meetings, Activities and Events: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. American Education Week Prof. Dev./Teacher Effec. Comm. Mtg. Public Relations Committee Meeting Safety and Facilities Committee Meeting Sunshine Committee Meeting ISO Committee Meeting SkillsUSA Committee Meeting Wellness Committee Meeting Staff-In Service MBIT Closed - Holiday PAC Meeting Executive Council Meeting Counselor’s In-service Prof. Dev./Teacher Effec. Comm. Mtg. Public Relations Committee Meeting Safety and Facilities Committee Meeting Sunshine Committee Meeting MBIT Closed – Holiday Holiday – Students and Faculty MBIT Closed – Holiday PAC Meeting Building, Security & Tech. Comm. Mtg. Program, Policy, Personnel Comm. Mtg. Finance Committee Meeting MBIT Open House Executive Council Meeting 11/17/13 - 11/23/13 11/19/13 Lg. Main Office Conf. Room 11/19/13 Career Center 11/19/13 Room 101 11/19/13 Small Main Office Conf. Room 11/26/13 Lg. Main Office Conf. Room 11/26/13 Room 105 11/26/13 Small Main Office Conf. Room 11/27/13 11/28/13 - 11/29/13 12/03/13 Lg. Main Office Conf. Room 12/09/13 Room 101 12/12/13 Aspirations/Room 101 12/17/13 Lg. Main Office Conf. Room 12/17/13 Career Center 12/17/13 Room 101 12/17/13 Small Main Office Conf. Room 12/23/13 - 12/26/13 12/27/13 & 12/30/13 12/31/13 – 01/01/14 01/07/14 Lg. Main Office Conf. Room 01/07/14 Lg. Main Office Conf. Room 01/07/14 Lg. Main Office Conf. Room 01/07/14 Lg. Main Office Conf. Room 01/07/14 All Labs/Classrooms 01/13/14 Room 101 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 2:30 pm Noon 5:30 pm 8:00 am 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 2:30 pm 2:30 pm Noon 4:30 pm 5:15 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 5:30 pm Use of Facilities: 1. BCIU #22 Program and Services Award Luncheon 2. Cub Scouts Pack 318 Den Meeting 2. Big Brothers/Big Sisters Holiday Party 11/22/13 12/05/13 & 01/09/13 12/07/13 Aspirations Cafeteria Cafeteria Donations: 1. Box of Hatfield Hot Dogs for Auto Fest 2. $50.00 to Public Safety Program Lisa Barash, Benjamin Foods Becker Fire Consultants Inc. Hatboro, PA Furlong, PA Correspondences: 1. Congratulations letter from Stephanie Carullo, Vice President of Education, Apple, announcing that the Multimedia Technology Program has been renewed as an Apple Distinguished Program for 2013-2015. Attachment 2-1A 2-1 ATTACHMENT 3 Professional Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting Minutes October 1, 2013- 12N Main Office Conference Room Present: Dr. Boccuti, Dr. Weitzel and Mrs. Strouse Review Executive Council Agenda: The Superintendents reviewed the November Executive Council agenda and made no changes. Proposed 2014-2015 Budget; The Business Manager distributed and discussed summary information relating to the proposed 2014/2015 MBIT budget. He reviewed with the Superintendents the itemized descriptive budgetary breakdown, the assumptions in preparing the budget, revenues, and lease-rental breakdown. Study Island: The Director reviewed the current process in place at Middle Bucks to develop customized skill building plans for students using Study Island and if this process is still meeting the Districts’ needs in light of the recent implementation of Keystone Exams. The Superintendents would like to wait until later in the school year to make the determination as to whether Study Island is necessary. Inclement weather: The Director explained that in the event of inclement weather, Middle Bucks is closed to students when Central Bucks School District is closed. Middle Bucks will remain open unless all four districts impose a delayed start or early dismissal. It is important that the Superintendents communication their decisions regarding inclement weather to the Director. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the PAC is December 3, 2013 at 12N. 3-1 ATTACHMENT 4 Building, Security, & Technology Committee Meeting Minutes November 6, 2013 Main Office Conference Room 4:30PM Present: Mr. Joseph Jagelka, Mr. Charles Kleinschmidt, Mr. Richard Hansen, Mr. Vincent Loiacono Mrs. Kathryn Strouse and Mr. Robert Vining 1. Transformer Replacement Project Update: The Facilities Manager reported that a meeting was held with representatives from Reuter Hanney to discuss the specifications for the bid document for design, delivery, installation, and testing of the nine transformers that need to be replaced. The option of using aluminum windings rather than copper will be explored and considered as part of the bid document. Reuter Hanney will conduct an electrical load test for 7 of the 9 transformers as a means of considering the possible downsizing of an individual unit based on actually load. The goal is to replace the first transformer in summer 2014. 2. HVAC Support Contractor for the Environmental Systems: The Facility Manager explained that our current environmental systems contractor, Diversified Refrigeration, elected not to submit a proposal so we need to identify a new contractor. We are requesting approval of one year comprehensive maintenance agreement between MBIT & Burns Mechanical for $44,750 payable in quarterly payments with a start date of November 1, 2013. The contract can be renewed annually. We have used Burns Mechanical during the past 4 months and we have been impressed with the quality of work and professionalism. We have secured 2 additional bids from Tustin Mechanical Corporation and Hutchinson Mechanical Services, they both were quality companies and the dollar costs were comparative, with Hutchinson providing only a Preventative maintenance package with discounted hourly labor costs for a comprehensive package. The committee supported moving this agreement forward to the Executive Council for approval at the November meeting. 3. Replacement copier/printer: The Director of Facility Operations discussed replacing the main office color copier with a new 60-month lease and acquiring a new wide-format printer to be used in the Commercial Art program. The addition of the wide-format printer in Commercial Art provides the students with exposure to printing on various media and textures. The Commercial Art OAC committee recommended adding a wideformat printer at the October 2013 meeting and this printer will satisfy that recommendation. Leasing both printers results in a monthly cost savings of approximately $180; compared to the current costs. The committee support moving the Canon lease forward to the Executive Council for approval at the November meeting. The meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM. 4-1 ATTACHMENT 5 PROGRAM, POLICY AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING The Program, Policy and Personnel Committee meeting scheduled on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 5:15 PM was cancelled. 5-1 ATTACHMENT 6 Finance Committee Minutes November 6, 2013 Main Office Large Conference Room 6:00pm Present: Dr. Bill Foster, Ms. Katherine Driban (via phone), Mr. Robert Vining, and Mrs. Kathryn Strouse An agenda was distributed in advance of the meeting. Audit Reports: The Business Manager presented the Middle Bucks AVTS Authority financial statements and audit report for the year ended June 30, 2013 as prepared by Dreslin and Company, the local auditors. Dreslin and Company’s audit opinion was unqualified. The Business Manager presented the draft MBIT financial statements and audit report for fiscal year ended June 30, 2013. A walk through of the financial statements was commenced with explanation and highlights of the M D & A, Entity wide, Governmental and Budget Comparison made. The Business Manager reviewed footnote 6 Due to Members Districts which reconciles the budgeted amounts to actual. Dreslin and Company has advised the Business Manager that there are no findings in their audit. The final report will be a mirror of the draft and their audit opinion is unqualified. 2014-15 General Fund Budget Discussion: The Business Manager presented the first look at the General Fund budget. The first look includes General Fund expenditures of $8,770,201 vs. $8,470,459 for 2013/2014, an increase of $299,742 or 3.54%. The employer contribution (21.75%) to PSERS accounts for $224,749 or 2.65% of the increase. Salaries and wages increase $61,566 or 0.73% of which $62,953 are contract increases. Healthcare insurance has been budgeted with a 10% increase on the actual 2013/2014 rates. Preliminary efforts to reduce cost include reducing program budget requests to 2012/2013 actual level, reducing noncontracted salary and wage increase from 4% to 3% and many other services are projected even or slightly lower than 2013/2014 budget. Revenues from state, federal and local sources were discussed. State subsidies for Vocational Education, Social Security and PSERS are increased to $1,035,000 vs. $898,000 for 2013/2014. Federal revenue is from the Perkins Grant and are projected to equal actual allocation for 2013/2014 of $277,085 compared to the budgeted amount of $286,440. Local revenue is predominantly the Receipts from Member Districts which is projected to be $7,369,816 compared to $7,190,719 for 2013/2014. The increase is $179,097 or 2.49% line-to-line. The member school districts will receive credit for the Due to Member Districts from 2012/2013 in 2014/2015 reducing amount actually paid to $6,966,648. The major unknowns – PSERS certified rate and healthcare insurance will be resolved by presentation in February. 6-1 ATTACHMENT 6 Updates: The Business Manager reviewed results of operation of Li’l Bucks and Adult Ed with those present. Cost allocations for cleaning and utilities are being made as well as the unexpected need to replace the dishwasher/toy sanitizer were discussed Adult Ed is cycle year for emissions recertification and is seeing higher revenue and costs correspondingly. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM. 6-2 ATTACHMENT 7 CASH PAYMENTS REPORT 7-1 ATTACHMENT 7 GENERAL FUND OCTOBER 2013 7-2 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - GENL FD 4281282007 Account: Check Number 80444 80445 80446 10/01/2013 DELL SERVICES (FINANCIAL) 10/01/2013 10/04/2013 80448 10/04/2013 80449 10/04/2013 80450 10/04/2013 80451 10/04/2013 80452 10/04/2013 80453 10/11/2013 80454 10/11/2013 80455 10/11/2013 80456 10/11/2013 80457 10/11/2013 80458 10/11/2013 80459 10/11/2013 80460 10/11/2013 80461 10/11/2013 80462 10/11/2013 80463 10/11/2013 80464 10/14/2013 80465 10/24/2013 80466 Printed: Payee 10/04/2013 80447 80467 Date 10/24/2013 11/01/2013 10/24/2013 8:58:13 AM DELL MARKETING L.P. AHOLD FINANCIAL SERVICES GREGOR. THOMAS From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: 4281282007 Amount $1,105.70 $3,720.05 $13.07 $174.13 LECK WASTE SERVICE, INC $1,093.50 SCHOOL CLAIMS SERVICE, LLC $1,527.00 VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES $647.27 ANJER TRAILER RENTAL $107.00 Robin Swift Thomas Krystkiewicz AHOLD FINANCIAL SERVICES $45.00 $45.00 $96.12 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. $1,195.00 DESIGN POINT SOLUTIONS $2,100.00 COURIER TIMES, INC GroupCast, LLC LETHAL EXTERMINATOR, INC. MOBILE MINI, INC. PENN HOSA, INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WARWICK TOWNSHIP NITTANY LION INN AHOLD FINANCIAL SERVICES AVTEC BEGLEY, CARLIN & MANDIO, LLP Report: rptGLCheckListing $179.05 $2,035.00 $150.00 $77.50 $90.00 $36.70 $160.00 $520.80 $66.10 $45.00 $1,521.00 To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type 10829 Printed Manual 10828 1091 1091 Printed Expense Expense Printed 1091 Expense Printed 1091 Expense Printed 1091 Expense Printed 1091 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1095 Expense Printed 1100 Expense Printed 1113 Expense Printed 1113 Expense Printed 3.1.75 Printed Cleared? Manual Printed 1091 1113 Printed Expense Page: Expense 10/31/2013 1 Clear Date Void Date Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - GENL FD 4281282007 Account: Check Number 80468 80469 80470 Date Payee 10/24/2013 JOHN POSEN, INC 10/24/2013 10/24/2013 80471 10/24/2013 80472 10/24/2013 80473 10/24/2013 EASTCENTRAL PA AHEC MOBILE MINI, INC. NATIONAL HOSA NEW LINE COMMUNICATIONS 80474 10/24/2013 Pitney Bowes Global Fin'l Services, LLC RSES 80476 10/24/2013 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC. 80475 10/24/2013 80477 10/24/2013 80478 10/24/2013 80479 10/24/2013 80480 10/24/2013 80481 10/24/2013 80482 10/24/2013 SCHOOL CLAIMS SERVICE, LLC STERICYCLE, INC SUPERMEDIA LLC TSA CONSULTING GROUP, INC. VERIZON WARWICK GREEN GRINDERS 80483 10/31/2013 WARWICK TOWNSHIP WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY ACCESS SECURITY 80485 10/31/2013 80484 10/31/2013 80486 10/31/2013 80487 10/31/2013 80488 10/31/2013 80489 10/31/2013 80490 Printed: 10/31/2013 11/01/2013 8:58:13 AM From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: 4281282007 Amount $140.00 $381.10 $189.91 $704.00 $503.40 $531.00 To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type 1113 Printed Expense 1113 1113 Printed Expense Printed 1113 Expense Printed 1113 Expense Printed Expense $115.00 1113 Printed Expense $852.00 1113 Printed Expense $5,862.00 $261.44 $33.00 $50.00 $35.93 $550.00 $1,751.13 1113 Printed 1113 Expense Printed 1113 Expense Printed 1113 Expense Printed 1113 Expense Printed 1113 Expense Printed 1113 Expense Printed Expense $435.00 1123 Printed Expense AIRGAS SAFETY PRODUCTS $172.08 1123 Printed Expense AMOROSOS BAKERY CO $165.50 AHOLD FINANCIAL SERVICES ALL ELECTRONICS CORP APA MUSIC & PICTURES APPLE COMPUTERS, INC. ARWAY LINEN COMPANY Report: rptGLCheckListing $37.07 $202.64 $387.00 $1,474.00 $448.41 1123 Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 3.1.75 Cleared? Expense Printed 1113 Expense Page: 10/31/2013 2 Clear Date Void Date Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - GENL FD 4281282007 Account: Check Number 80491 80492 80493 Date Payee 10/31/2013 BERGEY TIRE 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 80494 10/31/2013 80495 10/31/2013 80496 10/31/2013 80497 10/31/2013 80498 10/31/2013 80499 10/31/2013 80500 10/31/2013 BENJAMIN FOODS Bucks & Montgomery Schools HCC BUCKS COUNTY IU 22 BURNS MECHANICAL, INC. 10/31/2013 80504 10/31/2013 CIARLONE PAUL 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 80507 10/31/2013 80509 10/31/2013 80508 10/31/2013 CHEF DUDS COLONIAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY COUNCIL FOR PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION CRESS GAS CX TEC 80510 10/31/2013 DELCREST MEDICAL SERVICES, INC. DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES 80512 10/31/2013 EASTON MACHINERY INC 80511 Printed: 10/31/2013 11/01/2013 8:58:13 AM $502.50 $1,827.00 BORNMANN PRINTING 80502 80506 $2,048.22 BMC SOFTWARE 10/31/2013 80505 Amount $1,218.61 BLUE FLAME GAS SERVICE 80501 10/31/2013 4281282007 BILL FLANNERY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. BUSINESS EDUCATION PUBLISHING CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS-EAST, INC CENGAGE LEARNING ' 80503 From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: DULANY, JILL Report: rptGLCheckListing $98.02 $1,094.00 $76,960.40 $7,227.62 $8,710.93 $374.05 To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type 1123 Printed Expense 1123 1123 Printed Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed Expense $3,264.35 1123 Printed Expense $2,245.38 1123 Printed Expense $8.47 1123 Printed Expense $174.22 $332.72 $308.00 1123 Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed Expense $15.00 1123 Printed Expense $2,284.21 1123 Printed Expense $1,777.32 1123 Printed Expense $4,459.51 1123 Void Expense $979.35 1123 Printed Expense $274.96 1123 Printed 3.1.75 10/31/2013 Expense Printed 1123 10/31/2013 Expense Printed 1123 Void Date Expense Printed 1123 Clear Date Expense Printed 1123 Cleared? Expense Printed 1123 10/31/2013 Expense Page: 3 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - GENL FD 4281282007 Account: Check Number 80513 80514 80515 Date Payee 10/31/2013 EGGE, ANGELA 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 EFFECTIVE CONTROLS EAST 80516 10/31/2013 FIRST STUDENT - PLYMOUTH MEETING FITZPATRICK, SANDRA 80518 10/31/2013 GE MONEY BANK/AMAZON 80517 10/31/2013 80519 10/31/2013 80520 10/31/2013 FLOOD, STACY GINA BOCCELLA 80521 10/31/2013 80522 10/31/2013 GLOBAL COMPLIANCE NETWORK, INC. GLOBAL GOVERNMENT ED. SOLUTIONS GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT 80524 10/31/2013 GRAINGER, INC 80523 10/31/2013 80525 10/31/2013 80526 10/31/2013 80527 10/31/2013 80528 10/31/2013 80529 10/31/2013 80530 10/31/2013 80531 10/31/2013 80532 10/31/2013 80533 10/31/2013 80534 Printed: 10/31/2013 11/01/2013 8:58:13 AM From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: 4281282007 Amount $357.00 $63.85 HESS CORPORATION HILL CREST FARMS HILLYARD, INC. HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES I-CAR EDUCATION FOUNDATION Report: rptGLCheckListing 1123 Printed Expense 1123 $646.27 1123 Printed Expense $92.31 $630.00 Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed Expense $2,669.60 1123 Printed Expense $96.27 1123 Printed Expense $333.13 1123 Printed Expense $386.75 $149.47 $598.68 $1,693.63 $765.37 $694.13 $3,201.55 $364.35 $650.00 1123 Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 3.1.75 Expense Page: 10/31/2013 Cleared? Expense Expense $103.40 1123 Printed Printed $185.85 HERTZ FURNITURE SYSTEMS Type 1123 GRIMCO HELLER'S SEAFOOD MARKET Status $74.58 $320.20 HEARLIHY DIVISION Voucher $142.80 GOODHEART-WILLCOX CO, INC. HEALTH MATS COMPANY To Date: To Check: To Voucher: 4 Clear Date Void Date Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - GENL FD 4281282007 Account: Check Number 80535 Date 80536 10/31/2013 80537 10/31/2013 INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE CORORATION J. AMBROGI FOOD DISTRIBUTION, INC JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 80539 10/31/2013 KNOX COMPANY 80538 10/31/2013 Payee 10/31/2013 80540 10/31/2013 80541 10/31/2013 80543 10/31/2013 80542 10/31/2013 KAREN HARTMANN LANDS END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LOWE S MADISON NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO MBIT - GENERAL FUNDS 80544 10/31/2013 80546 10/31/2013 80548 10/31/2013 MOAB TRAINING INTERNATIONAL, INC NAPA OF DOYLESTOWN 80550 10/31/2013 NEW YORK CAMERA & VIDEO 80545 10/31/2013 80547 10/31/2013 80549 10/31/2013 80551 10/31/2013 80552 10/31/2013 80553 10/31/2013 80554 10/31/2013 80555 Printed: 10/31/2013 11/01/2013 8:58:13 AM MBIT- PRODUCTION ASPIRATIONS McMAHON WELDING NCS PEARSON, INC. NORBILL DISPOSAL SERVICE NORRISTOWN BRICK, INC NSPRA PAEOP PASBO TREASURER Report: rptGLCheckListing From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: 4281282007 Amount To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type $1,082.03 1123 Printed Expense $1,684.81 1123 Printed Expense $331.00 1123 Printed Expense $8,423.33 $20.00 $756.15 1123 1123 Printed 1123 Expense Printed Expense $1,112.46 1123 Printed Expense $1,809.68 1123 Printed Expense $357.93 1123 Printed Expense $50.00 1123 Printed Expense $1,691.00 1123 Printed Expense $338.10 1123 Printed Expense $548.07 1123 Printed Expense $5,197.00 $319.75 $79.65 $235.00 $2,718.30 $59.00 $65.00 $150.00 1123 Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 3.1.75 Cleared? Expense Printed Expense Page: 10/31/2013 5 Clear Date Void Date Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - GENL FD 4281282007 Account: Check Number 80556 80557 80558 Date Payee 10/31/2013 PECO ENERGY 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 PATTERSON DENTAL SUPPLY, INC. 80559 10/31/2013 PENN SCALE MANUFACTURING COMPANY PRACTICON DENTAL 80561 10/31/2013 QUILL CORPORATION 80560 10/31/2013 80562 10/31/2013 80563 10/31/2013 80564 10/31/2013 80565 10/31/2013 80566 10/31/2013 80567 10/31/2013 80568 10/31/2013 QUALITY CONTROL LABS R & R SERVICE GROUP R. L. SCHREIBER, INC ROSENAU, BRADLEY 10/31/2013 80574 10/31/2013 80575 10/31/2013 80576 10/31/2013 80577 Printed: 10/31/2013 11/01/2013 8:58:13 AM ROBERTS, ALLAN S/P2 SAFETY KLEEN SYSTEMS, INC SCHOOL CLAIMS SERVICE SCHOOL WIRES, INC SCULLY WELDING SUPPLY COMPANY SDIC Report: rptGLCheckListing To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type 1123 Printed Expense 1123 1123 Printed Printed Expense 1123 Printed Expense $225.66 1123 Printed Expense $130.00 $73.53 $634.67 $653.75 $4,850.00 1123 Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed Expense $47.01 1123 Printed Expense $35.99 1123 Printed Expense $55.03 $199.00 $1,637.34 $646.00 $825.00 $1,226.27 $1,172.50 1123 Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 3.1.75 Expense Page: 10/31/2013 Cleared? Expense $929.74 $611.97 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 $1,100.00 $6,225.00 REUTER & HANNEY, INC 80571 80573 $659.30 $14,344.43 RENNINGER CABINET WORKS 10/31/2013 80572 Amount $2,870.26 RAFFERTY ELECTRICAL, INC 80569 10/31/2013 4281282007 R.W. MALLON, INC. RICHTER DRAFTING & OFFICE SUPPLIES RINKER, ERIN-CAITLIN 80570 From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: 6 Clear Date Void Date Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - GENL FD 4281282007 Account: Check Number 80578 80579 Date Payee 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE 80580 10/31/2013 SERVICE REPRODUCTION COMPANY SHELLY ENTERPRISES 80582 10/31/2013 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC. 80581 10/31/2013 80583 10/31/2013 80584 10/31/2013 80585 10/31/2013 80586 10/31/2013 80587 10/31/2013 80588 10/31/2013 80589 10/31/2013 80590 10/31/2013 80591 10/31/2013 80592 10/31/2013 80593 10/31/2013 80594 10/31/2013 80595 10/31/2013 80596 10/31/2013 80597 10/31/2013 80598 10/31/2013 80599 Printed: 10/31/2013 11/01/2013 8:58:13 AM SHUSTACK, RICHARD SM PETERSON, INC From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: 4281282007 Amount $275.35 $125.39 U S FOODSERVICE, INC VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES VISION BENEFITS OF AMERICA W.D.B. LANDSCAPING WEHRUNG'S FAMILY HOME CENTER WEINSTEIN SUPPLY CORP WITMER ASSOCIATES (FIRESTORE.COM) Report: rptGLCheckListing Expense Printed Expense $72.00 $164.24 $395.57 $1,320.00 $300.56 $87.75 $2,382.15 $647.27 $486.40 $5,600.00 $2,366.62 $325.96 $81.44 1123 Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 1123 Expense Printed 3.1.75 Expense Page: 10/31/2013 Cleared? Expense 1123 $63.00 $630.00 TRI STATE ELEVATOR CO., INC Printed Printed $4,136.00 $81.93 STUDICA THEODORE L. GROSS, INC. 1123 1123 Expense $618.53 THE JAYDOOR COMPANY Type Printed SPRINT SWOYER, PAMELA A Status 1123 $107.90 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE Voucher $621.17 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL SPECIAL-T LOGO To Date: To Check: To Voucher: 7 Clear Date Void Date Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - GENL FD 4281282007 Account: Check Number 80600 80601 80602 Date Payee 10/31/2013 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 WOODCRAFT #537 DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES Total Amount: Printed: 11/01/2013 8:58:13 AM Report: rptGLCheckListing From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: 4281282007 Amount $1,026.75 $3,015.64 $1,443.87 $254,991.83 To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type 1124 Printed Expense 1123 1125 Printed Cleared? Expense Printed Expense End of Report 3.1.75 Page: 10/31/2013 8 Clear Date Void Date Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: CITIZENS - GENL FD 6210181949 Account: Check Number 36428 36429 Date Payee 10/24/2013 FIRST AMERICAN EQUIPMENT FINANCE 10/07/2013 11/01/2013 9:01:28 AM CITIZENS BANK Report: 6210181949 Amount Total Amount: Printed: From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: rptGLCheckListing $1,316.25 $888.87 To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type 1115 Printed Expense 1093 Printed Cleared? Expense $2,205.12 End of Report 3.1.75 Page: 10/31/2013 1 Clear Date Void Date ATTACHMENT 7 PRODUCTION 7-12 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - PRODUCTION 4281282065 Account: Check Number 7050 7051 7052 Payee 10/04/2013 AXZO PRESS 10/04/2013 10/04/2013 7053 10/04/2013 7054 10/07/2013 7055 10/07/2013 7056 10/11/2013 7057 10/11/2013 7058 10/17/2013 7059 10/22/2013 7060 10/22/2013 7061 10/24/2013 7062 10/24/2013 7063 10/24/2013 7064 10/24/2013 7065 10/31/2013 7066 10/31/2013 7067 10/31/2013 7068 10/31/2013 7069 10/31/2013 7070 10/31/2013 7071 10/31/2013 7072 Printed: Date 10/31/2013 11/01/2013 8:59:11 AM AHOLD FINANCIAL SERVICES LECK WASTE SERVICE, INC MS. JOANNE KYLE BUILDING SPECIALTIES PA DEPT OF REVENUE Mr. D s Tees NATIONAL RESTAURANT ASSOC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC. CASH VILLAGE BAGEL COMPANY AHOLD FINANCIAL SERVICES ASE CAREER SAFE R.W. MALLON, INC. AHOLD FINANCIAL SERVICES ALEXANDER J. TOMES ALYSSA McDILL APEX ADVERTISING BILL FLANNERY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. BLUE TARP FINANCIAL, INC. BRITTANY GIBSON CODY HAYNES Report: rptGLCheckListing From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: 4281282065 Amount $336.46 $144.00 $175.00 $45.00 $5,146.78 $167.03 $859.00 $1,159.04 $1,450.00 $200.00 $937.50 $110.58 $165.00 $675.00 $170.66 $215.85 $27.00 $31.50 $31.00 $119.06 $416.79 $45.00 $24.00 To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type 1092 Printed Expense 1092 1092 Printed Expense Printed 1094 Expense Printed 1094 Expense Printed 1096 Expense Printed 1096 Expense Printed 1112 10832 10833 1114 1114 Expense Printed Expense Printed Manual Printed Manual Printed Expense Printed 1114 Expense Printed 1114 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 3.1.75 Cleared? Expense Printed 1092 Expense Page: 10/31/2013 1 Clear Date Void Date Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - PRODUCTION 4281282065 Account: Check Number 7073 Date 10/31/2013 7074 10/31/2013 7076 10/31/2013 7075 10/31/2013 Payee COMMUNITY SERVICE FOR CHILDREN EDWARD DON AND COMPANY EDWARD WILMER 7077 10/31/2013 FIRST STUDENT - PLYMOUTH MEETING GAVSON, INC 7079 10/31/2013 JANELL HIGGINS 7078 10/31/2013 7080 10/31/2013 7081 10/31/2013 7082 10/31/2013 7083 10/31/2013 7084 10/31/2013 7085 10/31/2013 7086 10/31/2013 7087 10/31/2013 7088 10/31/2013 7089 10/31/2013 7090 10/31/2013 7091 10/31/2013 GIA FINELLO KRISTA HAGER Lippincott Williams & Wilkins MBIT - ADULT EDUCATION MBIT - STUDENT ACTIVITIY MOLLIE ARANA NAPA OF DOYLESTOWN NICOLE STYMIEST NORDON LLC PEARSON 11/01/2013 8:59:11 AM RICH, LISE SLOM s PROFESSIONAL UNIFORMS SPORTSWEAR PLUS Report: 4281282065 Amount rptGLCheckListing To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type $558.70 1122 Printed Expense $325.00 1122 Printed Expense $5.00 $49.00 1122 1122 Printed Printed Expense 1122 Printed Expense $22.50 1122 Printed Expense $22.50 $27.00 $36.80 $130.00 $4,639.50 $22.50 $677.82 $18.94 $3,146.00 $83.28 $377.42 $336.00 $24,173.71 1122 Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed 1122 Expense Printed Expense End of Report 3.1.75 Page: 10/31/2013 Cleared? Expense $813.50 $231.00 Total Amount: Printed: From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: 2 Clear Date Void Date ATTACHMENT 7 ADULT EDUCATION 7-15 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - ADULT EDUCATION 4281282073 Account: Check Number 3018 3019 3020 Date Payee 10/31/2013 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL, INC. 10/24/2013 10/31/2013 3021 10/31/2013 3022 10/31/2013 11/01/2013 8:56:51 AM CHRISTINE ZAPF GE MONEY BANK/AMAZON SDC PUBLICATIONS WEINSTEIN SUPPLY CORP Report: 4281282073 Amount Total Amount: Printed: From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: rptGLCheckListing $200.00 $758.70 $409.80 $48.00 $257.13 $1,673.63 To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type 1120 Printed Expense 10834 1120 Printed Expense Printed 1120 Cleared? Manual Printed 1120 Expense Printed Expense End of Report 3.1.75 Page: 10/31/2013 1 Clear Date Void Date ATTACHMENT 7 STUDENT ACTIVITIES 7-17 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Reprint Check Listing Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Criteria: Bank Account: TD - STUDENT ACTIVITIES 4281282081 Account: Check Number 1305 1306 1307 Date Payee 10/31/2013 HOME BUILDERS INSTITUTE 10/29/2013 10/31/2013 TANNER BROTHERS JOHN LUKENS Total Amount: Printed: 11/01/2013 9:00:19 AM Report: rptGLCheckListing From Date: 10/01/2013 From Check: From Voucher: 4281282081 Amount $208.00 $530.00 $250.00 $988.00 To Date: To Check: To Voucher: Voucher Status Type 1121 Printed Expense 10835 1121 Printed Cleared? Manual Printed Expense End of Report 3.1.75 Page: 10/31/2013 1 Clear Date Void Date ATTACHMENT 8 TREASURER’S REPORT 8-1 ATTACHMENT 8 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Fund Legend Governmental Funds • • • • 10 General Fund 30 Capital Reserve Fund 60 Production Fund – Live Work 70 Adult Ed Fund Agency / Fiduciary Funds • 80 Student Activities – Skills USA & HOSA • 85 Scholarship / Senior Awards Authority • 89 Middle Bucks AVTS Authority Accounts 8-2 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Cash Balances Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number 10.0102. 10.0105. 10.0110. 10.0115. 30.0110. 60.0101. 60.0102. 60.0107. 60.0110. 70.0102. 70.0110. 80.0102. 80.0110. 85.0108. 85.0109. 85.0114. 89.0106. 89.0107. Title Date Range: 10/01/2013 - 10/31/2013 CASH - CITIZENS BANK CASH - CITIZENS PAYROLL CASH TD BANK PAYROLL - TD BANK CASH - TD BANK CASH - PLGIT CASH - CITIZENS BANK CASH - COMMERCE BANK CASH - TD BANK CASH - CITIZENS BANK CASH - TD BANK CASH - CITIZENS BANK CASH - TD BANK CASH SEMANOFF CITIZENS CASH IRWIN CITIZENS CASH WIRTH CITIZENS CASH FNBN CASH - UNIVEST BOND SERVICE Beginning Balance 162,023.46 1,403.02 1,264,831.37 0.00 199,705.92 129.96 32,075.46 13,403.82 325,699.16 42,889.25 190,874.14 3,682.48 85,517.72 22,646.14 8,474.03 465.49 21,514.98 29,638.37 2,404,974.77 End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:13:00 PM Report: rptGLCashBalances 3.1.75 Increases Debits 5,252.51 185,627.28 492,475.90 576,200.46 0.00 0.00 2,157.10 0.00 55,858.05 7,505.00 43,245.77 0.00 11,778.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,496.25 0.00 1,381,596.32 Decreases Credits 132,457.63 185,627.28 1,017,599.07 373,953.53 0.00 0.00 30,355.16 1,365.00 24,173.71 43,080.00 3,021.96 0.00 988.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,812,621.34 Cash Balance 34,818.34 1,403.02 739,708.20 202,246.93 199,705.92 129.96 3,877.40 12,038.82 357,383.50 7,314.25 231,097.95 3,682.48 96,307.72 22,646.14 8,474.03 465.49 23,011.23 29,638.37 1,973,949.75 Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Cash Balances Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number 10.0102. 10.0105. 10.0110. 10.0115. 30.0110. 60.0101. 60.0102. 60.0107. 60.0110. 70.0102. 70.0110. 80.0102. 80.0110. 85.0108. 85.0109. 85.0114. 89.0106. 89.0107. Title Date Range: 09/01/2013 - 09/30/2013 CASH - CITIZENS BANK CASH - CITIZENS PAYROLL CASH TD BANK PAYROLL - TD BANK CASH - TD BANK CASH - PLGIT CASH - CITIZENS BANK CASH - COMMERCE BANK CASH - TD BANK CASH - CITIZENS BANK CASH - TD BANK CASH - CITIZENS BANK CASH - TD BANK CASH SEMANOFF CITIZENS CASH IRWIN CITIZENS CASH WIRTH CITIZENS CASH FNBN CASH - UNIVEST BOND SERVICE Beginning Balance 162,098.61 1,403.02 1,818,128.94 2,612.92 199,705.92 129.96 30,226.81 13,022.72 324,202.66 23,304.27 175,191.50 3,682.48 83,447.72 22,146.14 8,474.03 465.49 20,016.95 29,636.21 2,917,896.35 End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:13:46 PM Report: rptGLCashBalances 3.1.75 Increases Debits 0.00 0.00 1,431,939.40 354,233.75 0.00 0.00 3,488.89 465.00 38,871.13 21,420.00 25,173.53 0.00 2,607.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 1,498.03 2.16 1,880,198.89 Decreases Credits 75.15 0.00 1,985,236.97 356,846.67 0.00 0.00 1,640.24 83.90 37,374.63 1,835.02 9,490.89 0.00 537.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,393,120.47 Cash Balance 162,023.46 1,403.02 1,264,831.37 0.00 199,705.92 129.96 32,075.46 13,403.82 325,699.16 42,889.25 190,874.14 3,682.48 85,517.72 22,646.14 8,474.03 465.49 21,514.98 29,638.37 2,404,974.77 Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology MBIT GENERAL FUND As of 09/30/2013 Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS CASH & EQUIVALENTS (+) $1,428,557.85 INTERFUND BALANCES (+) $59,653.30 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (+) $2,175.00 Sub-total : CURRENT ASSETS $1,490,386.15 Total : ASSETS LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (+) $1,490,386.15 $8,104.31 PAYROLL TAXES LIABILITIES (+) $85,409.65 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES (+) $81,957.00 Sub-total : CURRENT LIABILITIES $175,470.96 DUE TO MEMBER SD BALANCE DUE MEMBERS (+) $791,792.22 Sub-total : DUE TO MEMBER SD $791,792.22 Total : LIABILITIES $967,263.18 EQUITY FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE (+) $95,000.00 Sub-total : FUND BALANCE $95,000.00 NET ADDITION/(DEFICIT) NET ADDITION/(DEFICIT) (+) $428,122.97 Sub-total : NET ADDITION/(DEFICIT) $428,122.97 Total : EQUITY $523,122.97 Total LIABILITIES + EQUITY $1,490,386.15 End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:26:32 PM Report: Balance Sheet rptGLBalanceSheet 3.1.75 Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology MBIT BUDGET BY OBJECT CODE For the Period 09/01/2013 through 09/30/2013 Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 INCOME REVENUE LOCAL (+) STATE SUBSIDIES (+) FEDERAL SUBSIDIES (+) Sub-total : REVENUE 09/01/2013 - 09/30/2013 Total : INCOME Total : EXPENSES BUDGET ONLY BUDGETARY RESERVE (-) Sub-total : BUDGET ONLY Total : OTHER NET ADDITION/(DEFICIT) Budget Balance $2,093,504.38 $104,576.24 $69,271.26 $2,267,351.88 $8,753,138.00 $898,000.00 $286,440.00 $9,937,578.00 $6,659,633.62 $793,423.76 $217,168.74 $7,670,226.12 23.9% 11.6% 24.2% 22.8% $319,876.55 $147,159.82 $5,935.12 $52,011.01 $3,190.22 $61,635.48 $7,196.44 $545.00 ($597,549.64) $519,944.19 $436,941.03 $22,443.76 $167,108.41 $89,979.50 $185,505.94 $31,560.70 $4,686.00 ($1,458,169.53) $4,425,655.00 $2,154,013.00 $141,040.00 $537,676.00 $289,185.00 $807,990.00 $53,500.00 $11,400.00 ($8,420,459.00) $3,905,710.81 $1,717,071.97 $118,596.24 $370,567.59 $199,205.50 $622,484.06 $21,939.30 $6,714.00 ($6,962,289.47) 11.7% 20.3% 15.9% 31.1% 31.1% 23.0% 59.0% 41.1% 17.3% $0.00 $0.00 $381,059.38 ($381,059.38) $1,467,119.00 ($1,467,119.00) $1,086,059.62 ($1,086,059.62) 26.0% 26.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 ($50,000.00) $50,000.00 ($50,000.00) 0.0% 0.0% ($597,549.64) OTHER OTHER FINANCING USES Authority Lease Rental (-) Sub-total : OTHER FINANCING USES Budget $9,328.62 $13,394.69 $69,271.26 $91,994.57 $91,994.57 EXPENSES EXPENDITURES SALARIES & WAGES (-) BENEFITS (-) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (-) PROPERTY SERVICES (-) PURCHASED SERVICES (-) SUPPLIES (-) EQUIPMENT (-) OTHER (-) Sub-total : EXPENDITURES Year To Date $2,267,351.88 ($1,458,169.53) $9,937,578.00 ($8,420,459.00) $7,670,226.12 ($6,962,289.47) 22.8% 17.3% $0.00 ($381,059.38) ($1,517,119.00) ($1,136,059.62) 25.1% ($505,555.07) $428,122.97 $0.00 ($428,122.97) 0.0% End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:26:26 PM Report: Operating Statement with Budget rptGLOperatingStatementwithBudget 3.1.75 Page: 1 GENERAL FUND REVENUE Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number 10.6510. 10.6790. 10.6910. 10.6930. 10.6943. 10.6944. 10.6946. 10.6991. 10.6999. 10.7220. 10.7810. 10.7820. 10.8521. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Subtotal by Collapse Mask Description INTEREST & INVESTMENT INCOME OTHER STUDENT FEES RENTAL OF BUILDING AUTHORITY LEASE RENTAL ADULT DAY STUDENT TUITION RECEIPTS FROM OTHER NON-MEMBER RECEIPTS FROM MEMBER DISTRICTS REFUND OF PRIOR YEAR EXPENDITU MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SUBSIDY STATE SHARE OF SOCIAL SECURITY STATE SHARE OF RETIREMENT CONT PERKINS LOCAL PLAN Grand Total: Include pre encumbrance GL Budget ($2,000.00) $0.00 ($12,000.00) ($1,467,119.00) ($42,000.00) ($15,300.00) ($7,190,719.00) ($12,000.00) ($12,000.00) ($360,000.00) ($164,000.00) ($374,000.00) ($286,440.00) ($9,937,578.00) From Date: 9/1/2013 Print accounts with zero balance Range To Date $0.00 ($1,493.00) ($360.00) $0.00 ($6,263.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($1,029.59) ($183.03) $0.00 ($13,343.00) ($51.69) ($69,271.26) ($91,994.57) YTD $0.00 ($1,553.00) ($360.00) ($381,059.38) ($7,683.00) $0.00 ($1,700,523.75) ($1,033.78) ($1,291.47) ($62,767.55) ($38,757.00) ($51.69) ($69,271.26) ($2,264,351.88) Balance ($2,000.00) $1,553.00 ($11,640.00) ($1,086,059.62) ($34,317.00) ($15,300.00) ($5,490,195.25) ($10,966.22) ($10,708.53) ($297,232.45) ($125,243.00) ($373,948.31) ($217,168.74) ($7,673,226.12) To Date: 9/30/2013 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budget Balance % Bud ($2,000.00) $1,553.00 ($11,640.00) ($1,086,059.62) ($34,317.00) ($15,300.00) ($5,490,195.25) ($10,966.22) ($10,708.53) ($297,232.45) ($125,243.00) ($373,948.31) ($217,168.74) ($7,673,226.12) 100.00% 0.00% 97.00% 74.03% 81.71% 100.00% 76.35% 91.39% 89.24% 82.56% 76.37% 99.99% 75.82% 77.21% End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:34:29 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 3.1.75 Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology GF BUDGET REPORT Subtotal by Collapse Mask Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number Description 10.1300. 10.1300. 10.1300.300.000.00.000 10.1300.400.000.00.000 10.1300.500.000.00.000 10.1300.600.000.00.000 10.1300.700.000.00.000 10.1300.800.000.00.000 SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROF. & TECH. SERVICES PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OTHER OBJECTS Func: VOCATIONAL EDUCATION - 1300 10.2100. 10.2100. 10.2100.300.000.00.000 10.2100.400.000.00.000 10.2100.500.000.00.000 10.2100.600.000.00.000 10.2100.800.000.00.000 10.1100. 10.1100. 10.1100.400.000.00.000 10.1100.500.000.00.000 10.1100.600.000.00.000 10.1100.800.000.00.000 GL Budget 9/1/2013 Range To Date YTD Balance 9/30/2013 Encumbrance Budget Balance % Bud ($2,583.00) $83,867.87 $12.00 $1,685.83 $400.00 $300.00 $83,682.70 -1.03% 68.07% 4.80% 95.79% 100.00% 100.00% 22.25% $2,439,771.00 $1,163,654.00 $3,810.00 $166,391.00 $81,750.00 $353,640.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 $4,212,516.00 $174,158.61 $77,904.14 $30.00 $14,563.74 $514.74 $30,277.67 $3,353.51 $230.00 $301,032.41 $174,533.61 $206,355.22 $30.00 $55,412.94 $904.14 $74,883.20 $3,353.51 $480.00 $515,952.62 $2,265,237.39 $957,298.78 $3,780.00 $110,978.06 $80,845.86 $278,756.80 ($3,353.51) $3,020.00 $3,696,563.38 $2,242,115.24 $134,134.85 $0.00 $88,745.21 $2,447.06 $43,836.88 $0.00 $0.00 $2,511,279.24 $23,122.15 $823,163.93 $3,780.00 $22,232.85 $78,398.80 $234,919.92 ($3,353.51) $3,020.00 $1,185,284.14 0.95% 70.74% 99.21% 13.36% 95.90% 66.43% 0.00% 86.29% 28.14% SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROF. & TECH. SERVICES PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES OTHER OBJECTS Func: SUPPORT SERVICES - STUDENT - 2100 $471,010.00 $227,584.00 $2,500.00 $5,925.00 $48,550.00 $19,850.00 $725.00 $776,144.00 $31,814.20 $16,885.20 $0.00 $307.43 $853.12 $2,709.25 $150.00 $52,719.20 $62,696.40 $52,659.20 $0.00 $906.80 $4,925.69 $7,183.49 $358.00 $128,729.58 $408,313.60 $174,924.80 $2,500.00 $5,018.20 $43,624.31 $12,666.51 $367.00 $647,414.42 $356,079.70 $24,613.00 $675.00 $3,920.87 $2,811.84 $0.00 $0.00 $388,100.41 $52,233.90 $150,311.80 $1,825.00 $1,097.33 $40,812.47 $12,666.51 $367.00 $259,314.01 11.09% 66.05% 73.00% 18.52% 84.06% 63.81% 50.62% 33.41% 10.2200. 10.2200. 10.2200.300.000.00.000 10.2200.500.000.00.000 SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROF. & TECH. SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES Func: SUPPORT SERVICES - INSTRUCTIONAL - 2200 $6,180.00 $850.00 $11,190.00 $5,000.00 $23,220.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $186.45 $186.45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,328.72 $1,328.72 $6,180.00 $850.00 $11,190.00 $3,671.28 $21,891.28 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 $6,180.00 $850.00 $11,190.00 $3,471.28 $21,691.28 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 69.43% 93.42% 10.2300. 10.2300. 10.2300.300.000.00.000 10.2300.400.000.00.000 10.2300.500.000.00.000 10.2300.600.000.00.000 10.2300.800.000.00.000 SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROF. & TECH. SERVICES PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES OTHER OBJECTS Func: SUPPORT SERVICES - ADMINISTRATION - 2300 $545,529.00 $267,808.00 $41,650.00 $8,595.00 $38,035.00 $14,250.00 $2,800.00 $918,667.00 $40,527.87 $16,783.34 $2,470.00 $353.27 $866.71 $1,748.52 $0.00 $62,749.71 $106,891.25 $58,147.71 $9,177.00 $1,187.58 $20,186.50 $3,285.75 $1,921.00 $200,796.79 $438,637.75 $209,660.29 $32,473.00 $7,407.42 $17,848.50 $10,964.25 $879.00 $717,870.21 $408,721.95 $28,135.26 $10,023.00 $6,100.92 $2,316.64 $2,859.90 $115.00 $458,272.67 $29,915.80 $181,525.03 $22,450.00 $1,306.50 $15,531.86 $8,104.35 $764.00 $259,597.54 5.48% 67.78% 53.90% 15.20% 40.84% 56.87% 27.29% 28.26% 10.2400. 10.2400. 10.2400.300.000.00.000 10.2400.500.000.00.000 10.2400.600.000.00.000 10.2400.800.000.00.000 SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROF. & TECH. SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES OTHER OBJECTS Func: SUPPORT SERVICES - PUPIL HEALTH - 2400 $72,196.00 $28,352.00 $1,650.00 $715.00 $3,700.00 $125.00 $106,738.00 $5,747.38 $2,152.47 $0.00 $221.66 $55.00 $0.00 $8,176.51 $5,747.38 $4,360.69 $0.00 $257.01 $1,170.76 $0.00 $11,535.84 $66,448.62 $23,991.31 $1,650.00 $457.99 $2,529.24 $125.00 $95,202.16 $68,968.62 $3,031.92 $1,650.00 $221.78 $0.00 $0.00 $73,872.32 ($2,520.00) $20,959.39 $0.00 $236.21 $2,529.24 $125.00 $21,329.84 -3.49% 73.93% 0.00% 33.04% 68.36% 100.00% 19.98% $216,595.00 $110,631.00 $16,074.83 $7,081.52 $51,818.20 $26,484.73 $164,776.80 $84,146.27 $162,472.32 $12,495.58 $2,304.48 $71,650.69 1.06% 64.77% Printed: 11/05/2013 12:30:00 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 3.1.75 $230,744.08 $97,445.38 $191.32 $1,685.83 $400.00 $300.00 $330,766.61 To Date: Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range $19,443.92 $25,770.62 $58.68 $74.17 $0.00 $0.00 $45,347.39 SALARIES BENEFITS $250,188.00 $123,216.00 $250.00 $1,760.00 $400.00 $300.00 $376,114.00 From Date: Print accounts with zero balance $19,443.92 $9,614.92 $19.56 $74.17 $0.00 $0.00 $29,152.57 10.2500. 10.2500. SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES OTHER OBJECTS Func: REGULAR PROGRAMS - 1100 Include pre encumbrance $233,327.08 $13,577.51 $179.32 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $247,083.91 Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology GF BUDGET REPORT Subtotal by Collapse Mask Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number Description 10.2500.300.000.00.000 10.2500.400.000.00.000 10.2500.500.000.00.000 10.2500.600.000.00.000 10.2500.800.000.00.000 PUR. PROF. & TECH. SERVICES PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES OTHER OBJECTS Func: SUPPORT SERVICES - BUSINESS - 2500 10.2600. 10.2600. 10.2600.300.000.00.000 10.2600.400.000.00.000 10.2600.500.000.00.000 10.2600.600.000.00.000 10.2600.700.000.00.000 10.2600.800.000.00.000 SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROF. & TECH. SERVICES PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OTHER OBJECTS Func: FACILITIES & GROUNDS - 2600 10.2800. 10.2800. 10.2800.300.000.00.000 10.2800.400.000.00.000 10.2800.500.000.00.000 10.2800.600.000.00.000 10.2800.700.000.00.000 10.2800.800.000.00.000 Include pre encumbrance GL Budget 9/1/2013 Range To Date YTD Balance $50.00 $117.07 $134.59 $1,035.77 $0.00 $24,493.78 $805.00 $705.84 $15,643.15 $1,064.45 $1,051.00 $97,572.37 $251,171.00 $144,200.00 $42,250.00 $348,450.00 $55,450.00 $346,450.00 $29,000.00 $1,325.00 $1,218,296.00 $17,997.09 $10,240.30 $3,385.12 $36,649.94 $275.43 $22,864.91 $3,842.93 $165.00 $95,420.72 $53,586.72 $38,479.76 $7,142.49 $108,836.57 $46,470.88 $70,074.82 $4,592.93 $616.00 $329,800.17 $197,584.28 $105,720.24 $35,107.51 $239,613.43 $8,979.12 $276,375.18 $24,407.07 $709.00 $888,495.83 SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROF. & TECH. SERVICES PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OTHER OBJECTS Func: TECHNOLOGY - 2800 $173,015.00 $87,718.00 $7,000.00 $4,000.00 $8,400.00 $58,000.00 $24,500.00 $425.00 $363,058.00 $14,112.65 $6,497.93 $0.00 $0.00 $63.35 $2,927.59 $0.00 $0.00 $23,601.52 $45,226.71 $24,683.10 $5,289.27 $0.00 $272.96 $27,826.70 $23,614.26 $260.00 $127,173.00 10.3200.500.000.00.000 10.3200.600.000.00.000 10.3200.800.000.00.000 OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES OTHER OBJECTS Func: STUDENT ACTIVITIES - 3200 $28,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,000.00 $32,000.00 $0.00 $16.77 $0.00 $16.77 10.5100.900.000.00.000 FUND TRANSFERS Func: Undesignated - 5100 $1,467,119.00 $1,467,119.00 10.5900.900.000.00.000 FUND TRANSFERS Func: BUDGETARY RESERVE - 5900 Grand Total: $30,990.00 $4,065.00 $21,525.00 $8,700.00 $1,200.00 $393,706.00 From Date: Print accounts with zero balance $30,185.00 $3,359.16 $5,881.85 $7,635.55 $149.00 $296,133.63 To Date: 9/30/2013 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance $500.00 $2,875.31 $464.80 $0.00 $0.00 $178,808.01 Budget Balance % Bud $29,685.00 $483.85 $5,417.05 $7,635.55 $149.00 $117,325.62 95.79% 11.90% 25.17% 87.76% 12.42% 29.80% $177,801.83 $15,547.26 $11,797.99 $134,255.34 $2,043.37 $245,369.96 $3,193.63 $0.00 $590,009.38 $19,782.45 $90,172.98 $23,309.52 $105,358.09 $6,935.75 $31,005.22 $21,213.44 $709.00 $298,486.45 7.88% 62.53% 55.17% 30.24% 12.51% 8.95% 73.15% 53.51% 24.50% $127,788.29 $63,034.90 $1,710.73 $4,000.00 $8,127.04 $30,173.30 $885.74 $165.00 $235,885.00 $126,108.53 $7,856.95 $2,214.00 $3,500.00 $443.55 $6,853.05 $3,173.32 $0.00 $150,149.40 $1,679.76 $55,177.95 ($503.27) $500.00 $7,683.49 $23,320.25 ($2,287.58) $165.00 $85,735.60 0.97% 62.90% -7.19% 12.50% 91.47% 40.21% -9.34% 38.82% 23.61% ($83.72) $16.77 $0.00 ($66.95) $28,083.72 $2,983.23 $1,000.00 $32,066.95 $3,520.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,520.00 $24,563.72 $2,983.23 $1,000.00 $28,546.95 87.73% 99.44% 100.00% 89.21% $0.00 $0.00 $381,059.38 $381,059.38 $1,086,059.62 $1,086,059.62 $0.00 $0.00 $1,086,059.62 $1,086,059.62 74.03% 74.03% $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 100.00% 100.00% $9,937,578.00 $597,549.64 $1,839,228.91 $8,098,349.09 $4,601,295.34 $3,497,053.75 35.19% End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:30:00 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 3.1.75 Page: 2 CAPITAL RESERVE FUND REVENUE Subtotal by Collapse Mask Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number 30.6510. 30.9330. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Description INTEREST INCOME TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND Grand Total: Include pre encumbrance GL Budget ($100.00) ($100,000.00) From Date: Range To Date ($100,100.00) 9/1/2013 Print accounts with zero balance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 YTD $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Balance ($100.00) ($100,000.00) ($100,100.00) To Date: 9/30/2013 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budget Balance % Bud ($100.00) ($100,000.00) ($100,100.00) 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:34:28 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 3.1.75 Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology CAPITAL RESERVE FUND - BUDGET VS. EXPENDITURES From Date: Subtotal by Collapse Mask Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number 30.1380.400.000.00.000 30.1380.700.000.00.000 30.2620.400.000.00.000 30.2620.700.000.00.000 Description PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES EQUIPMENT PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES EQUIPMENT Grand Total: Include pre encumbrance GL Budget $0.00 $50,000.00 $205,000.00 $0.00 $255,000.00 9/1/2013 Print accounts with zero balance Range To Date $0.00 $0.00 $1,687.00 $0.00 $1,687.00 YTD $0.00 $0.00 $11,887.00 $0.00 $11,887.00 Balance $0.00 $50,000.00 $193,113.00 $0.00 $243,113.00 To Date: 9/30/2013 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance $0.00 $0.00 $1,687.00 $0.00 $1,687.00 Budget Balance % Bud $0.00 $50,000.00 $191,426.00 $0.00 $241,426.00 0.00% 100.00% 93.38% 0.00% 94.68% End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:32:03 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 3.1.75 Page: 1 PRODUCTION FUND REVENUE Subtotal by Collapse Mask Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number 60.6510. 60.6790. 60.6942. 60.6996. 60.6999. 60.7810. 60.7820. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Description INTEREST & INVESTMENT INCOME UNDESIGNATED TUITION SUMMER SCHOOL SENIOR AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIPS MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE STATE SUBSIDY - SOCIAL SECURIT STATE SUBSIDY - RETIREMENT Grand Total: Include pre encumbrance From Date: GL Budget Range To Date ($326,619.00) ($16,133.01) ($250.00) ($75,042.00) ($79,980.00) ($8,500.00) ($159,110.00) ($1,190.00) ($2,547.00) 9/1/2013 Print accounts with zero balance $0.00 ($14,993.90) ($465.00) $0.00 ($674.11) $0.00 $0.00 YTD $0.00 ($46,891.67) ($74,059.00) $0.00 ($9,004.11) $0.00 $0.00 ($129,954.78) Balance ($250.00) ($28,150.33) ($5,921.00) ($8,500.00) ($150,105.89) ($1,190.00) ($2,547.00) ($196,664.22) To Date: 9/30/2013 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budget Balance % Bud ($250.00) ($28,150.33) ($5,921.00) ($8,500.00) ($150,105.89) ($1,190.00) ($2,547.00) ($196,664.22) 100.00% 37.51% 7.40% 100.00% 94.34% 100.00% 100.00% 60.21% End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:37:12 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 3.1.75 Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology PRODUCTION FUND - BUDGET VS. EXPENDITURES From Date: Subtotal by Collapse Mask Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number 60.1330.600.000.00.000 60.1342.500.000.00.000 60.1342.600.000.00.000 60.1370.600.000.00.000 60.1380. 60.1380. 60.1380.400.000.00.000 60.1380.500.000.00.000 60.1380.600.000.00.000 60.1380.700.000.00.000 60.1420. 60.1420. 60.1420.300.000.00.000 60.1420.400.000.00.000 60.1420.500.000.00.000 Description SUPPLIES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROF. & TECH. SERVICES PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES Grand Total: Include pre encumbrance GL Budget Range To Date $326,619.00 $29,232.20 $6,400.00 $750.00 $31,370.00 $17,350.00 $9,630.00 $1,171.00 $2,000.00 $18,500.00 $148,817.00 $7,500.00 $25,641.00 $6,712.00 $41,900.00 $6,321.00 $2,557.00 9/1/2013 Print accounts with zero balance $5,596.10 $0.00 $4,021.03 $2,276.39 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,628.49 $8,202.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,423.33 $83.90 YTD $8,591.16 $0.00 $4,748.06 $2,310.79 $3,500.00 $774.99 $0.00 $1,978.87 $34,533.07 $0.00 $19,736.75 $4,433.13 $41,367.00 $7,423.33 $1,590.75 $130,987.90 Balance ($2,191.16) $750.00 $26,621.94 $15,039.21 $6,130.00 $396.01 $2,000.00 $16,521.13 $114,283.93 $7,500.00 $5,904.25 $2,278.87 $533.00 ($1,102.33) $966.25 $195,631.10 To Date: 9/30/2013 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance $0.00 $0.00 $27,141.37 $2,495.38 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $325.00 $21,355.85 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,365.00 $0.00 $0.00 $52,682.60 Budget Balance % Bud ($2,191.16) $750.00 ($519.43) $12,543.83 $6,130.00 $396.01 $2,000.00 $16,196.13 $92,928.08 $7,500.00 $5,904.25 $2,278.87 ($832.00) ($1,102.33) $966.25 $142,948.50 -34.24% 100.00% -1.66% 72.30% 63.66% 33.82% 100.00% 87.55% 62.44% 100.00% 23.03% 33.95% -1.99% -17.44% 37.79% 43.77% End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:37:09 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 3.1.75 Page: 1 ADULT ED FUND REVENUE Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number 70.6510. 70.6943. 70.6999. 70.7220. 70.7810. 70.7820. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Subtotal by Collapse Mask Description INTEREST & INVESTMENT INCOME TUITION & REGISTRATION FEES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE VOCATIONAL ED SUBSIDY - ADULTS STATE SUBSIDY - SOCIAL SECURIT STATE SUBSIDY - RETIREMENT Grand Total: Include pre encumbrance From Date: GL Budget Range To Date ($155,194.00) ($42,500.20) ($100.00) ($143,319.00) $0.00 ($7,000.00) ($2,750.00) ($2,025.00) 9/1/2013 Print accounts with zero balance $0.00 ($42,550.20) $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 YTD $0.00 ($63,075.91) $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($63,025.91) Balance ($100.00) ($80,243.09) ($50.00) ($7,000.00) ($2,750.00) ($2,025.00) ($92,168.09) To Date: 9/30/2013 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budget Balance % Bud ($100.00) ($80,243.09) ($50.00) ($7,000.00) ($2,750.00) ($2,025.00) ($92,168.09) 100.00% 55.99% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 59.39% End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:36:09 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 3.1.75 Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology ADULT ED FUND - BUDGET VS. EXPENDITURES From Date: Subtotal by Collapse Mask Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number 70.1600. 70.1600. 70.1600.300.000.00.000 70.1600.400.000.00.000 70.1600.500.000.00.000 70.1600.600.000.00.000 70.1600.700.000.00.000 70.1600.800.000.00.000 Description SALARIES BENEFITS PUR. PROF. & TECH. SERVICES PUR. PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PUR. SERVICES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OTHER OBJECTS Grand Total: Include pre encumbrance GL Budget Range To Date $151,194.00 $11,037.27 $72,478.00 $16,348.00 $38.00 $0.00 $28,600.00 $28,355.00 $5,000.00 $375.00 9/1/2013 Print accounts with zero balance $1,972.99 $1,206.70 $0.00 $0.00 $4,612.62 $3,244.96 $0.00 $0.00 YTD $6,108.32 $3,619.51 $0.00 $630.00 $10,677.93 $12,387.22 $0.00 $0.00 $33,422.98 Balance $66,369.68 $12,728.49 $38.00 ($630.00) $17,922.07 $15,967.78 $5,000.00 $375.00 $117,771.02 To Date: 9/30/2013 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance $26,841.72 $1,982.61 $0.00 $0.00 $245.00 $6,210.58 $0.00 $0.00 $35,279.91 Budget Balance % Bud $39,527.96 $10,745.88 $38.00 ($630.00) $17,677.07 $9,757.20 $5,000.00 $375.00 $82,491.11 54.54% 65.73% 100.00% 0.00% 61.81% 34.41% 100.00% 100.00% 54.56% End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:36:06 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 3.1.75 Page: 1 STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND G/L Subtotal by Collapse Mask Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Account Number 80.0102. 80.0103. 80.0110. 80.0134. 80.0136. 80.0421. 80.0693. 80.0695. 80.0696. 80.0697. 80.0698. 80.3205.580.000.00.000 80.3205.599.000.00.000 80.3205.610.000.00.000 80.3205.810.000.00.000 80.3210.580.000.00.000 80.3210.599.000.00.000 80.3210.610.000.00.000 80.3210.810.000.00.000 80.6510. 80.6750. 80.6755. 80.6795. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Description CASH - CITIZENS BANK PETTY CASH CASH - TD BANK DUE FROM (TO) PRODUCTION FUND DUE FROM (TO) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PBA CTSO HOSA DECA OTHER TRAVEL - CTSO OTHER - CTSO SUPPLIES - CTSO DUES & FEES -CTSO TRAVEL - HOSA OTHER -HOSA SUPPLIES - HOSA DUES & FEES - HOSA INTEREST & INVESTMENT INCOME CTSO - FUNDRAISERS HOSA - FUNDRAISERS STUDENT ACTIVITY FEES Grand Total: Include pre encumbrance GL Budget $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 $275.00 $16,360.00 $3,100.00 $1,000.00 $50.00 $1,500.00 $1,520.00 ($130.00) ($12,850.00) ($2,500.00) ($20,325.00) $0.00 From Date: 9/1/2013 Print accounts with zero balance Range To Date $0.00 $0.00 $2,070.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $512.00 $0.00 ($762.00) ($500.00) ($1,320.00) $0.00 YTD $3,682.48 $250.00 $85,517.72 $1,780.50 ($5,565.08) $157.77 ($125.00) ($49,261.08) ($5,572.87) ($95.81) ($24,609.63) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $512.00 $0.00 ($2,501.00) ($500.00) ($3,670.00) $0.00 Balance ($3,682.48) ($250.00) ($85,517.72) ($1,780.50) $5,565.08 ($157.77) $125.00 $49,261.08 $5,572.87 $95.81 $24,609.63 $12,000.00 $275.00 $16,360.00 $3,100.00 $1,000.00 $50.00 $1,500.00 $1,008.00 ($130.00) ($10,349.00) ($2,000.00) ($16,655.00) $0.00 To Date: 9/30/2013 Filter Encumbrance Detail by Date Range Encumbrance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,050.00 $0.00 $146.64 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,196.64 Budget Balance % Bud ($3,682.48) ($250.00) ($85,517.72) ($1,780.50) $5,565.08 ($157.77) $125.00 $49,261.08 $5,572.87 $95.81 $24,609.63 $8,950.00 $275.00 $16,213.36 $3,100.00 $1,000.00 $50.00 $1,500.00 $1,008.00 ($130.00) ($10,349.00) ($2,000.00) ($16,655.00) ($3,196.64) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 74.58% 100.00% 99.10% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 66.32% 100.00% 80.54% 80.00% 81.94% 0.00% End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 12:37:16 PM Report: rptGLGenRpt 3.1.75 Page: 1 ATTACHMENT 9 MBIT LOCAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (LAC) MEMBERSHIP FOR YEAR 2014 LAC Member Contact Information Thomas Biehl BNB Services P.O. Box 36 Silverdale, PA 18962 215-257-7030 (Work) 215-669-7931 (Cell) Richard E. Brown Richard E. Brown Associates, Architects P.O. Box 1087 Doylestown, PA 18901 215-348-7970 (work) Charlie Cenderelli Just Children Learning Center 2356 South Daisey Drive Jamison, PA 18929 215-639-5333 (work) 215-491-0643 (home) Jim Craig Service Manager Keystone Volvo 235 South Main Street Doylestown, PA 18901 Carla J. Daniels Employment Specialist Doylestown Hospital 595 West State Street Doylestown, PA 18901 (610) 389-5477 (cell) Joseph DeFranco Temple University The Center for Career & Technical Ed. Ritter Hall – 1301 C.B. Moore Ave Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-204-1379 (work) 215-204-5154 (fax) 215-639-8613 (home) Home: 859 Ashton Road Bensalem, PA 19020 Joseph Fox Sr. Systems Administrator Information Technology ascensus 170 Forest Trail Drive Lansdale, PA 19446 Bnbservices.pa.@gmail.com rbrownarch@aol.com danjory@aol.com jcraig@keystonemotors.com 215-345-2173 215-345-2827 (fax) cdaniels@dh.org defranco@temple.edu 215-648-4848 (work) josephfox@gmail.com 9-1 ATTACHMENT 9 MBIT LOCAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (LAC) MEMBERSHIP FOR YEAR 2014 LAC Member Contact Information Sara Fox Square 2 Marketing 301 Goldenrod Court Warrington, PA 18976 215-460-5552 (cell) Joseph A. Giedgowd Chief Financial Officer Byers Choice Ltd. P.O. Box 158 Chalfont, PA 18914 215-822-6700 (work) Bernadette Heenan 138 Highspire Road Richboro, PA 18954 215-355-9339 Steven Herring Transportation Career Coordinator Career and Technical Education Division Philadelphia School District 33 Cameo Drive Richboro, PA 18954-1376 215-400-6479 (work) 215-400-4232 (fax) Michael Hinkson Paperless Solutions Incorporated 3494 Progress Drive Suite A Bensalem, PA 19020 215-604-1330 (work) 215-604-1338 (fax) 215-801-7505 (cell) Frances J. Londergan, Branch Manager Wells Fargo 786 Sumneytown Pike Lansdale, PA 19446 215-601-5989 (cell) 215-393-0942 (home) 215-699-3577 (work) 2107 Hidden Meadow Drive Colmar, PA 18915 Sara.fox13@gmail.com joe@byerschoice.com gto248@aol.com sherring2@philasd.org mhinkson@psiimage.com FL3713@aol.com Frances.londergan@wellsfargo.com 9-2 ATTACHMENT 9 MBIT LOCAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (LAC) MEMBERSHIP FOR YEAR 2014 LAC Member Harry C. McCann, Jr., Director County of Bucks Police Training Center 1760 S. Easton Road Doylestown, PA 18901 Contact Information 215-340-8410 and 215-340-8402 215-460-0398 (cell) 215-343-6794 (fax) HCMCCANN@CO.BUCKS.PA.US Catherine C. McElroy Dean, Academic and Curricular Services Bucks County Community College 275 Swamp Road Newtown, PA 18940 215-968-8213 215-504-8502 (fax) Susan Meisinger Silhouettes Family Hair Design Chalfont Village Shopping Center 229 W. Butler Avenue Chalfont, PA 18914 215-822-9831 215-720-4376 (cell) William Norcross, Sr., President Cortineo Creative 260 N. Broad Street Doylestown, PA 18901 215-348-1100 Jeff Parris, Director of Human Resources Penn Color, Inc. 2755 Bergey Road Hatfield, PA 19440 215-997-2221 Gustavo Perea Adams-Bickel Associates, LLC. 341 N. 10th Avenue, Suite 206 Royersford, PA 19468-3807 484-791-3210 484-791-3206 (fax) 610-633-4051 (cell) mcelroyc@bucks.edu susan.meisinger@verizon.net billsr@cortineocreative.com jparris@penncolor.com giperea@adamsbickel.com Jeffrey Smith, Owner J.A. Smith Heating and Air Conditioning 360 Patricia Drive Warminster, PA 18974 215-956-9400 ext. 113 215-672-5116 (fax) Jeff@jasmithheating.com 9-3 ATTACHMENT 9 MBIT LOCAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (LAC) MEMBERSHIP FOR YEAR 2014 LAC Member Joy Styles 96 Jasen Drive Chalfont, PA 18914 Contact Information 215-822-9636 (work) Joy.Styles@susquehanna.net Work: Susquehanna Bank 329 N. Main Street Chalfont, PA 18914 Lisa Sweeney Chef de Cuisine of Renaissance Gardens at Anne’s Choice 16000 Ann’s Choice Way Warminster, PA 18974 215-443-3951 (work) 267-994-5828 (home) lisa.sweeney@erickson.com lkempf420@yahoo.com 2595 Carrell Lane Willow Grove, PA 19090 9-4 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 No. 335.1-R ADMINSTRATIVE REGULATION MIDDLE BUCKS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 335.1-R FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVES - ELIGIBILITY/TYPES OF LEAVES The purpose of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is to enable employees to be absent from work for specific family and medical reasons without losing certain benefits for a designated number of workweeks. An employee on FMLA leave is prohibited from engaging in self-employment and in employment with another employer. Falsification of records and failure to correct records known to be false are violations of Executive Council policy and these administrative regulations and will result in discipline, which may include termination of employment. Eligibility An employee, who has been employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology for at least twelve (12) months is eligible for FMLA leave, provided the employee worked at least 1,250 hours in the twelve (12) months preceding the beginning of the leave. All the hours an employee works, including overtime, are considered hours worked. Paid leave time, such as vacations, sick leave, personal leave and holidays are not considered hours worked. Full-time instructional employees meet the minimum hours requirement. Reasons for Leave An eligible employee qualifies for FMLA leave for the following reasons: 1. Birth and first-year care of a child. 2. Adoption or foster placement of a child. 3. Serious illness of an employee's spouse, child or parent. 4. Serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of the employee’s job. 5. Qualifying exigency due to the fact that the employee's spouse, child or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty as a member of the National Guard or Reserves in support of a contingency operation. 6. Care of a spouse, child, parent or next of kin in the regular Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves who is a covered service member undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy; is otherwise in outpatient status; or is on the temporary disability retired list for a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty on active duty. 10-1 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 Amount of Leave An eligible employee may take up to twelve (12) workweeks of unpaid leave in a twelve-month period for the employee's own serious health condition; for the birth, adoption, foster placement or first-year care of a child; to care for a seriously ill spouse, child or parent; or to address certain qualifying exigencies. An eligible employee may take up to twenty-six (26) workweeks of unpaid leave in a single twelvemonth period to care for an ill or injured covered service member. Leave to care for an ill or injured covered service member, when combined with other qualifying leave under FMLA, will not exceed twenty-six (26) workweeks in a single twelve-month period. Spouses Employed by School Entity A husband and wife employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology who are both eligible for FMLA leave will be limited to a combined total of twelve (12) workweeks per year when the leave is taken for the birth, adoption, foster placement or first-year care of a child or to care for a parent with a serious health condition. A husband and wife employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology who are both eligible for FMLA leave will be limited to a combined total of twenty-six (26) workweeks per year if the leave is taken to care for a covered service member or is taken as a combination of leave to care for a covered service member and leave for the birth, adoption or foster placement of a child; to care for a child after birth, adoption or foster placement; or to care for a parent with a serious health condition. If the FMLA leave taken by a husband and wife employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology includes a combination of leave taken for the birth, adoption or foster placement of a child or to care for the child after birth, adoption or foster placement, and to care for a parent with a serious health condition, the leave will be limited to twelve (12) workweeks per year. Intermittent/Reduced Schedule Leave An employee is eligible for intermittent or reduced schedule leave for the employee's own serious health condition; to care for a seriously ill spouse, child or parent; to care for a seriously injured or ill covered service member; or for a qualifying exigency. Intermittent leave is taken in separate blocks of time due to a single illness or injury, rather than one (1) continuous period of time. Reduced schedule leave reduces an employee's usual number of working hours per workweek or hours per workday. When an employee requests intermittent or reduced schedule leave that is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may temporarily transfer that employee to an available alternative position with equivalent pay and benefits that better accommodates the employee’s requested leave. Substitution of Paid Leave An employee will be required to substitute accrued paid leave for the unpaid FMLA leave, in accordance with Executive Council policy or a collective bargaining agreement. 10-2 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 Birth/Adoption/Foster Placement of Child An employee's eligibility for leave for a birth, adoption, foster placement or first-year care of a child expires at the end of the twelve-month period beginning on the date of the birth, adoption or foster placement. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on an expected birth or placement, the employee will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of birth or placement requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. Intermittent leave or a reduced leave schedule may not be taken for the birth of a child or for placement of a child for adoption or foster care. Serious Health Condition of Employee An employee is eligible for leave for a serious health condition that is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential care facility or continuing treatment by a health care provider. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee will make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment to minimize disruption of the operations of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology of his/her intention to take leave at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of treatment requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require that a request for leave because of the employee's own serious health condition be supported by a certification issued by the employee's health care provider. The employee will provide the required certification in a timely manner. The certification must contain the following: 1. Date the serious health condition began. 2. Probable duration of the condition. 3. Appropriate medical facts regarding the condition. 4. Statement that the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of the employee's job. When medically necessary, an employee is eligible to take intermittent or reduced schedule leave for planned medical treatment or because of a serious health condition. The required certification must contain a statement of the medical necessity for this type of leave, the expected treatment dates, and the expected duration of such treatments. Serious Health Condition of Spouse/Child/Parent An employee is eligible for leave to care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition that is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential care facility or continuing treatment by a health care provider. 10-3 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee will make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment to minimize disruption of the operations of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology of his/her intention to take leave at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of treatment requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require that a request for leave to care for an employee's spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition be supported by a certification issued by a health care provider for the family member with a serious health condition. The employee will provide the certification in a timely manner. The certification must include the following: 1. Date the serious health condition began. 2. Probable duration of the condition. 3. Appropriate medical facts regarding the condition. 4. Statement that the employee is needed to care for the family member. 5. Estimate of the amount of time the employee is needed to care for the family member. When medically necessary, an employee is eligible to take intermittent or reduced schedule leave for planned medical treatment for a serious health condition of a spouse, child or parent. The required certification must contain a statement of the medical necessity for this type of leave, the expected treatment dates, and the duration of such treatments. Qualifying Exigency - Active Duty/Call to Active Duty An employee will be eligible for leave because of a qualifying exigency due to the fact that the employee's spouse, child or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty. An employee may take FMLA leave for the following qualifying exigencies: 1. Short-notice deployment. 2. Military events and related activities. 3. Childcare and school activities. 4. Financial and legal arrangements. 5. Counseling. 6. Rest and recuperation. 7. Post-deployment activities. 8. Additional activities, agreed to by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and the employee. 10-4 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 If the necessity for leave is foreseeable, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require that a request for leave because of a qualified exigency be supported by a certification. If Middle Bucks Institute of Technology requests a certification, the employee will provide it in a timely manner. The certification must contain the following: 1. Date the qualifying exigency began or will begin. 2. Probable duration and frequency of absence(s). 3. Statement of appropriate facts regarding the qualifying exigency. 4. If the exigency involves a meeting with a third party, the third party's contact information and a description of the meeting. The employee should attach a copy of the covered service member's active duty orders or other documentation from the military certifying that the covered service member is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty in support of a contingency operation to the certification. Military Caregiver - Care of Covered Service Member An employee is eligible for leave to care for a current member of the Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy; is otherwise in outpatient status; or is on the temporary disability retired list for a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty on active duty. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee will make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment to minimize disruption of the operations of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology of his/her intention to take leave at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of treatment requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require that a request for leave to care for a covered service member be supported by a certification signed by the service member's health care provider. The employee will provide the required certification in a timely manner. The certification must contain the following: 1. Date the serious health condition, injury or illness began. 2. Probable duration of the condition. 3. Appropriate medical facts regarding the condition. 4. Estimate of the amount of time the service member will need care. 10-5 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 When medically necessary, an employee is eligible to take intermittent or reduced schedule leave for planned medical treatment for a covered service member. The required certification must contain the expected treatment dates and the duration of such treatments. Instructional Employees Specific rules apply to instructional employees, in addition to Executive Council policy and the Administrative Regulations covering all employees. Instructional employees are those whose principal function is to teach and instruct students in a class, a small group or an individual setting. Such employees include teachers, athletic coaches, driving instructors, and special education assistants such as signers for the hearing impaired. When an instructional employee requests intermittent leave or reduced schedule leave because of the employee's own serious health condition, to care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition, or to care for a covered service member with a serious illness or injury; the leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment; and the employee would be on leave for greater than twenty percent (20%) of the total number of working days in the period of leave, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to elect either of the following: 1. To take leave for periods of a particular duration, not to exceed the duration of the planned medical treatment. 2. To transfer temporarily to an available alternative position offered by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology for which the employee is qualified and has equivalent pay and benefits and better accommodates recurring periods of leave than does the employee's regular position. When an instructional employee begins FMLA leave more than five (5) weeks before the end of an academic term, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to continue the leave until the end of the term if the leave is at least three (3) weeks in duration and the return to work would occur during the last three (3) weeks of the academic term. When an instructional employee begins FMLA leave for a purpose other than the employee's own serious health condition or qualifying exigency during the five-week period before the end of an academic term, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to continue the leave until the end of the academic term if the leave is longer than two (2) weeks in duration and the return to work would occur during the last two (2) weeks of the academic term. When an instructional employee begins FMLA leave for a purpose other than the employee's own serious health condition or qualifying exigency during the three-week period before the end of an academic term, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to continue the leave until the end of an academic term if the leave is longer than five (5) working days in duration. When an instructional employee is required to continue leave until the end of an academic term, only the period of leave until the employee is ready and able to return to work will be counted against the FMLA leave entitlement. However, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will continue the group health insurance coverage under the same conditions as if the employee were working. 10-6 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 335.1-R FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVES-PROCEDURES Employee Notice An employee must provide sufficient information regarding the requested FMLA leave, in order for Middle Bucks Institute of Technology to determine whether the leave qualifies for FMLA protections. The employee must specifically use the term FMLA leave if the requested leave is for an FMLAqualifying reason for which the employee previously took FMLA leave. Employer Notice Middle Bucks Institute of Technology must notify the employee within five (5) business days of the employee's request as to whether the leave will be protected under the FMLA or not. If the employee is eligible, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will notify the employee of the following: 1. The employee's rights and responsibilities. 2. The amount of leave that will be counted against the employee’s leave entitlement. 3. Whether or not the employee will have to submit a fitness-for-duty certification before returning to work. If the employee is not eligible for FMLA leave, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will provide a reason for the ineligibility. Certification An employee must submit required certification within fifteen (15) days after receiving Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's response to his/her request for leave, unless impracticable to do so. If an employee submits an incomplete or insufficient certification, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will notify the employee in writing of any additional information necessary to make the certification complete and sufficient; and the employee has seven (7) days to cure the deficiency. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may contact the health care provider for purposes of clarification and authentication, but Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may not request additional information beyond that required on the certification form. When Middle Bucks Institute of Technology questions the validity of a certification, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require, at the expense of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, a second opinion from a health care provider designated by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology who is not regularly employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology. When the second opinion differs from the original certification, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require, at the expense of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, a third opinion from a health care provider approved jointly by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and the employee. The opinion of the third health care provider will be binding on Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and the employee. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will not require second or third opinions on qualifying exigency certifications or military caregiver leave certifications. 10-7 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 Recertification Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will request a recertification in the following situations: 1. Every six (6) months in connection with an absence for an ongoing condition. 2. Each leave year for a condition that lasts longer than one (1) year. 3. If the employee requests an extension of leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will not require recertification for qualifying exigency leave or military caregiver leave. Benefits During Leave Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will maintain an employee’s health care coverage under the group health insurance plan during FMLA leave, on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work. Prior to beginning FMLA leave, an employee must make arrangements with Middle Bucks Institute of Technology for payment of the employee's share of health insurance costs. An employee on FMLA leave will not lose any other employment benefits accrued prior to the date the leave began but is not entitled to accrue seniority or employment benefits during the leave period. Return to Work An employee on FMLA leave must report his/her status and intention regarding returning to work at least every four (4) weeks. An employee returning to work must provide Middle Bucks Institute of Technology at least five (5) workdays' notice of his/her date of return. When the FMLA leave is related to an employee's own serious health condition, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require the employee to submit certification from the employee's health care provider that the employee is able to return to work. An employee will be returned to the same or equivalent position at the end of the leave, unless Middle Bucks Institute of Technology demonstrates that the employee would not otherwise have been employed at the time reinstatement is requested. Under specific circumstances, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may deny restoration to a key employee. A key employee is one who is among the highest paid ten percent (10%) of employees and whose restoration would cause Middle Bucks Institute of Technology to experience a substantial and grievous economic injury. If an employee fails to return to work after FMLA leave for any reason other than the continuation, recurrence or onset of a serious health condition that entitles the employee to leave, or other circumstances beyond the employee's control, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will recover from the employee the premiums it paid to maintain the employee’s health care coverage during the leave. 10-8 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 No. 435.1-R ADMINSTRATIVE REGULATION MIDDLE BUCKS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 435.1-R FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVES - ELIGIBILITY/TYPES OF LEAVES The purpose of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is to enable employees to be absent from work for specific family and medical reasons without losing certain benefits for a designated number of workweeks. An employee on FMLA leave is prohibited from engaging in self-employment and in employment with another employer. Falsification of records and failure to correct records known to be false are violations of Executive Council policy and these administrative regulations and will result in discipline, which may include termination of employment. Eligibility An employee, who has been employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology for at least twelve (12) months is eligible for FMLA leave, provided the employee worked at least 1,250 hours in the twelve (12) months preceding the beginning of the leave. All the hours an employee works, including overtime, are considered hours worked. Paid leave time, such as vacations, sick leave, personal leave and holidays are not considered hours worked. Full-time instructional employees meet the minimum hours requirement. Reasons for Leave An eligible employee qualifies for FMLA leave for the following reasons: 1. Birth and first-year care of a child. 2. Adoption or foster placement of a child. 3. Serious illness of an employee's spouse, child or parent. 4. Serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of the employee’s job. 5. Qualifying exigency due to the fact that the employee's spouse, child or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty as a member of the National Guard or Reserves in support of a contingency operation. 6. Care of a spouse, child, parent or next of kin in the regular Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves who is a covered service member undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy; is otherwise in outpatient status; or is on the temporary disability retired list for a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty on active duty. 10-9 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 Amount of Leave An eligible employee may take up to twelve (12) workweeks of unpaid leave in a twelve-month period for the employee's own serious health condition; for the birth, adoption, foster placement or first-year care of a child; to care for a seriously ill spouse, child or parent; or to address certain qualifying exigencies. An eligible employee may take up to twenty-six (26) workweeks of unpaid leave in a single twelvemonth period to care for an ill or injured covered service member. Leave to care for an ill or injured covered service member, when combined with other qualifying leave under FMLA, will not exceed twenty-six (26) workweeks in a single twelve-month period. Spouses Employed by School Entity A husband and wife employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology who are both eligible for FMLA leave will be limited to a combined total of twelve (12) workweeks per year when the leave is taken for the birth, adoption, foster placement or first-year care of a child or to care for a parent with a serious health condition. A husband and wife employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology who are both eligible for FMLA leave will be limited to a combined total of twenty-six (26) workweeks per year if the leave is taken to care for a covered service member or is taken as a combination of leave to care for a covered service member and leave for the birth, adoption or foster placement of a child; to care for a child after birth, adoption or foster placement; or to care for a parent with a serious health condition. If the FMLA leave taken by a husband and wife employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology includes a combination of leave taken for the birth, adoption or foster placement of a child or to care for the child after birth, adoption or foster placement, and to care for a parent with a serious health condition, the leave will be limited to twelve (12) workweeks per year. Intermittent/Reduced Schedule Leave An employee is eligible for intermittent or reduced schedule leave for the employee's own serious health condition; to care for a seriously ill spouse, child or parent; to care for a seriously injured or ill covered service member; or for a qualifying exigency. Intermittent leave is taken in separate blocks of time due to a single illness or injury, rather than one (1) continuous period of time. Reduced schedule leave reduces an employee's usual number of working hours per workweek or hours per workday. When an employee requests intermittent or reduced schedule leave that is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may temporarily transfer that employee to an available alternative position with equivalent pay and benefits that better accommodates the employee’s requested leave. Substitution of Paid Leave An employee will be required to substitute accrued paid leave for the unpaid FMLA leave, in accordance with Executive Council policy or a collective bargaining agreement. 10-10 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 Birth/Adoption/Foster Placement of Child An employee's eligibility for leave for a birth, adoption, foster placement or first-year care of a child expires at the end of the twelve-month period beginning on the date of the birth, adoption or foster placement. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on an expected birth or placement, the employee will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of birth or placement requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. Intermittent leave or a reduced leave schedule may not be taken for the birth of a child or for placement of a child for adoption or foster care. Serious Health Condition of Employee An employee is eligible for leave for a serious health condition that is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential care facility or continuing treatment by a health care provider. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee will make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment to minimize disruption of the operations of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology of his/her intention to take leave at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of treatment requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require that a request for leave because of the employee's own serious health condition be supported by a certification issued by the employee's health care provider. The employee will provide the required certification in a timely manner. The certification must contain the following: 1. Date the serious health condition began. 2. Probable duration of the condition. 3. Appropriate medical facts regarding the condition. 4. Statement that the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of the employee's job. When medically necessary, an employee is eligible to take intermittent or reduced schedule leave for planned medical treatment or because of a serious health condition. The required certification must contain a statement of the medical necessity for this type of leave, the expected treatment dates, and the expected duration of such treatments. Serious Health Condition of Spouse/Child/Parent An employee is eligible for leave to care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition that is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential care facility or continuing treatment by a health care provider. 10-11 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee will make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment to minimize disruption of the operations of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology of his/her intention to take leave at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of treatment requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require that a request for leave to care for an employee's spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition be supported by a certification issued by a health care provider for the family member with a serious health condition. The employee will provide the certification in a timely manner. The certification must include the following: 1. Date the serious health condition began. 2. Probable duration of the condition. 3. Appropriate medical facts regarding the condition. 4. Statement that the employee is needed to care for the family member. 5. Estimate of the amount of time the employee is needed to care for the family member. When medically necessary, an employee is eligible to take intermittent or reduced schedule leave for planned medical treatment for a serious health condition of a spouse, child or parent. The required certification must contain a statement of the medical necessity for this type of leave, the expected treatment dates, and the duration of such treatments. Qualifying Exigency - Active Duty/Call to Active Duty An employee will be eligible for leave because of a qualifying exigency due to the fact that the employee's spouse, child or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty. An employee may take FMLA leave for the following qualifying exigencies: 1. Short-notice deployment. 2. Military events and related activities. 3. Childcare and school activities. 4. Financial and legal arrangements. 5. Counseling. 6. Rest and recuperation. 7. Post-deployment activities. 8. Additional activities, agreed to by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and the employee. 10-12 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 If the necessity for leave is foreseeable, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require that a request for leave because of a qualified exigency be supported by a certification. If Middle Bucks Institute of Technology requests a certification, the employee will provide it in a timely manner. The certification must contain the following: 1. Date the qualifying exigency began or will begin. 2. Probable duration and frequency of absence(s). 3. Statement of appropriate facts regarding the qualifying exigency. 4. If the exigency involves a meeting with a third party, the third party's contact information and a description of the meeting. The employee should attach a copy of the covered service member's active duty orders or other documentation from the military certifying that the covered service member is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty in support of a contingency operation to the certification. Military Caregiver - Care of Covered Service Member An employee is eligible for leave to care for a current member of the Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy; is otherwise in outpatient status; or is on the temporary disability retired list for a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty on active duty. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee will make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment to minimize disruption of the operations of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology of his/her intention to take leave at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of treatment requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require that a request for leave to care for a covered service member be supported by a certification signed by the service member's health care provider. The employee will provide the required certification in a timely manner. The certification must contain the following: 1. Date the serious health condition, injury or illness began. 2. Probable duration of the condition. 3. Appropriate medical facts regarding the condition. 4. Estimate of the amount of time the service member will need care. 10-13 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 When medically necessary, an employee is eligible to take intermittent or reduced schedule leave for planned medical treatment for a covered service member. The required certification must contain the expected treatment dates and the duration of such treatments. Instructional Employees Specific rules apply to instructional employees, in addition to Executive Council policy and the Administrative Regulations covering all employees. Instructional employees are those whose principal function is to teach and instruct students in a class, a small group or an individual setting. Such employees include teachers, athletic coaches, driving instructors, and special education assistants such as signers for the hearing impaired. When an instructional employee requests intermittent leave or reduced schedule leave because of the employee's own serious health condition, to care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition, or to care for a covered service member with a serious illness or injury; the leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment; and the employee would be on leave for greater than twenty percent (20%) of the total number of working days in the period of leave, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to elect either of the following: 1. To take leave for periods of a particular duration, not to exceed the duration of the planned medical treatment. 2. To transfer temporarily to an available alternative position offered by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology for which the employee is qualified and has equivalent pay and benefits and better accommodates recurring periods of leave than does the employee's regular position. When an instructional employee begins FMLA leave more than five (5) weeks before the end of an academic term, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to continue the leave until the end of the term if the leave is at least three (3) weeks in duration and the return to work would occur during the last three (3) weeks of the academic term. When an instructional employee begins FMLA leave for a purpose other than the employee's own serious health condition or qualifying exigency during the five-week period before the end of an academic term, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to continue the leave until the end of the academic term if the leave is longer than two (2) weeks in duration and the return to work would occur during the last two (2) weeks of the academic term. When an instructional employee begins FMLA leave for a purpose other than the employee's own serious health condition or qualifying exigency during the three-week period before the end of an academic term, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to continue the leave until the end of an academic term if the leave is longer than five (5) working days in duration. When an instructional employee is required to continue leave until the end of an academic term, only the period of leave until the employee is ready and able to return to work will be counted against the FMLA leave entitlement. However, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will continue the group health insurance coverage under the same conditions as if the employee were working. 10-14 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 335.1-R FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVES-PROCEDURES Employee Notice An employee must provide sufficient information regarding the requested FMLA leave, in order for Middle Bucks Institute of Technology to determine whether the leave qualifies for FMLA protections. The employee must specifically use the term FMLA leave if the requested leave is for an FMLAqualifying reason for which the employee previously took FMLA leave. Employer Notice Middle Bucks Institute of Technology must notify the employee within five (5) business days of the employee's request as to whether the leave will be protected under the FMLA or not. If the employee is eligible, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will notify the employee of the following: 1. The employee's rights and responsibilities. 2. The amount of leave that will be counted against the employee’s leave entitlement. 3. Whether or not the employee will have to submit a fitness-for-duty certification before returning to work. If the employee is not eligible for FMLA leave, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will provide a reason for the ineligibility. Certification An employee must submit required certification within fifteen (15) days after receiving Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's response to his/her request for leave, unless impracticable to do so. If an employee submits an incomplete or insufficient certification, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will notify the employee in writing of any additional information necessary to make the certification complete and sufficient; and the employee has seven (7) days to cure the deficiency. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may contact the health care provider for purposes of clarification and authentication, but Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may not request additional information beyond that required on the certification form. When Middle Bucks Institute of Technology questions the validity of a certification, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require, at the expense of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, a second opinion from a health care provider designated by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology who is not regularly employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology. When the second opinion differs from the original certification, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require, at the expense of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, a third opinion from a health care provider approved jointly by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and the employee. The opinion of the third health care provider will be binding on Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and the employee. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will not require second or third opinions on qualifying exigency certifications or military caregiver leave certifications. 10-15 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 Recertification Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will request a recertification in the following situations: 1. Every six (6) months in connection with an absence for an ongoing condition. 2. Each leave year for a condition that lasts longer than one (1) year. 3. If the employee requests an extension of leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will not require recertification for qualifying exigency leave or military caregiver leave. Benefits During Leave Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will maintain an employee’s health care coverage under the group health insurance plan during FMLA leave, on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work. Prior to beginning FMLA leave, an employee must make arrangements with Middle Bucks Institute of Technology for payment of the employee's share of health insurance costs. An employee on FMLA leave will not lose any other employment benefits accrued prior to the date the leave began but is not entitled to accrue seniority or employment benefits during the leave period. Return to Work An employee on FMLA leave must report his/her status and intention regarding returning to work at least every four (4) weeks. An employee returning to work must provide Middle Bucks Institute of Technology at least five (5) workdays' notice of his/her date of return. When the FMLA leave is related to an employee's own serious health condition, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require the employee to submit certification from the employee's health care provider that the employee is able to return to work. An employee will be returned to the same or equivalent position at the end of the leave, unless Middle Bucks Institute of Technology demonstrates that the employee would not otherwise have been employed at the time reinstatement is requested. Under specific circumstances, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may deny restoration to a key employee. A key employee is one who is among the highest paid ten percent (10%) of employees and whose restoration would cause Middle Bucks Institute of Technology to experience a substantial and grievous economic injury. If an employee fails to return to work after FMLA leave for any reason other than the continuation, recurrence or onset of a serious health condition that entitles the employee to leave, or other circumstances beyond the employee's control, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will recover from the employee the premiums it paid to maintain the employee’s health care coverage during the leave. 10-16 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 No. 535.1-R ADMINSTRATIVE REGULATION MIDDLE BUCKS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 535.1-R FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVES - ELIGIBILITY/TYPES OF LEAVES The purpose of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is to enable employees to be absent from work for specific family and medical reasons without losing certain benefits for a designated number of workweeks. An employee on FMLA leave is prohibited from engaging in self-employment and in employment with another employer. Falsification of records and failure to correct records known to be false are violations of Executive Council policy and these administrative regulations and will result in discipline, which may include termination of employment. Eligibility An employee, who has been employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology for at least twelve (12) months is eligible for FMLA leave, provided the employee worked at least 1,250 hours in the twelve (12) months preceding the beginning of the leave. All the hours an employee works, including overtime, are considered hours worked. Paid leave time, such as vacations, sick leave, personal leave and holidays are not considered hours worked. Full-time instructional employees meet the minimum hours requirement. Reasons for Leave An eligible employee qualifies for FMLA leave for the following reasons: 1. Birth and first-year care of a child. 2. Adoption or foster placement of a child. 3. Serious illness of an employee's spouse, child or parent. 4. Serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of the employee’s job. 5. Qualifying exigency due to the fact that the employee's spouse, child or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty as a member of the National Guard or Reserves in support of a contingency operation. 6. Care of a spouse, child, parent or next of kin in the regular Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves who is a covered service member undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy; is otherwise in outpatient status; or is on the temporary disability retired list for a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty on active duty. 10-17 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 Amount of Leave An eligible employee may take up to twelve (12) workweeks of unpaid leave in a twelve-month period for the employee's own serious health condition; for the birth, adoption, foster placement or first-year care of a child; to care for a seriously ill spouse, child or parent; or to address certain qualifying exigencies. An eligible employee may take up to twenty-six (26) workweeks of unpaid leave in a single twelvemonth period to care for an ill or injured covered service member. Leave to care for an ill or injured covered service member, when combined with other qualifying leave under FMLA, will not exceed twenty-six (26) workweeks in a single twelve-month period. Spouses Employed by School Entity A husband and wife employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology who are both eligible for FMLA leave will be limited to a combined total of twelve (12) workweeks per year when the leave is taken for the birth, adoption, foster placement or first-year care of a child or to care for a parent with a serious health condition. A husband and wife employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology who are both eligible for FMLA leave will be limited to a combined total of twenty-six (26) workweeks per year if the leave is taken to care for a covered service member or is taken as a combination of leave to care for a covered service member and leave for the birth, adoption or foster placement of a child; to care for a child after birth, adoption or foster placement; or to care for a parent with a serious health condition. If the FMLA leave taken by a husband and wife employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology includes a combination of leave taken for the birth, adoption or foster placement of a child or to care for the child after birth, adoption or foster placement, and to care for a parent with a serious health condition, the leave will be limited to twelve (12) workweeks per year. Intermittent/Reduced Schedule Leave An employee is eligible for intermittent or reduced schedule leave for the employee's own serious health condition; to care for a seriously ill spouse, child or parent; to care for a seriously injured or ill covered service member; or for a qualifying exigency. Intermittent leave is taken in separate blocks of time due to a single illness or injury, rather than one (1) continuous period of time. Reduced schedule leave reduces an employee's usual number of working hours per workweek or hours per workday. When an employee requests intermittent or reduced schedule leave that is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may temporarily transfer that employee to an available alternative position with equivalent pay and benefits that better accommodates the employee’s requested leave. Substitution of Paid Leave An employee will be required to substitute accrued paid leave for the unpaid FMLA leave, in accordance with Executive Council policy or a collective bargaining agreement. 10-18 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 Birth/Adoption/Foster Placement of Child An employee's eligibility for leave for a birth, adoption, foster placement or first-year care of a child expires at the end of the twelve-month period beginning on the date of the birth, adoption or foster placement. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on an expected birth or placement, the employee will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of birth or placement requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. Intermittent leave or a reduced leave schedule may not be taken for the birth of a child or for placement of a child for adoption or foster care. Serious Health Condition of Employee An employee is eligible for leave for a serious health condition that is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential care facility or continuing treatment by a health care provider. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee will make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment to minimize disruption of the operations of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology of his/her intention to take leave at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of treatment requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require that a request for leave because of the employee's own serious health condition be supported by a certification issued by the employee's health care provider. The employee will provide the required certification in a timely manner. The certification must contain the following: 1. Date the serious health condition began. 2. Probable duration of the condition. 3. Appropriate medical facts regarding the condition. 4. Statement that the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of the employee's job. When medically necessary, an employee is eligible to take intermittent or reduced schedule leave for planned medical treatment or because of a serious health condition. The required certification must contain a statement of the medical necessity for this type of leave, the expected treatment dates, and the expected duration of such treatments. Serious Health Condition of Spouse/Child/Parent An employee is eligible for leave to care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition that is an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential care facility or continuing treatment by a health care provider. 10-19 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee will make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment to minimize disruption of the operations of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology of his/her intention to take leave at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of treatment requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology’s established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require that a request for leave to care for an employee's spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition be supported by a certification issued by a health care provider for the family member with a serious health condition. The employee will provide the certification in a timely manner. The certification must include the following: 1. Date the serious health condition began. 2. Probable duration of the condition. 3. Appropriate medical facts regarding the condition. 4. Statement that the employee is needed to care for the family member. 5. Estimate of the amount of time the employee is needed to care for the family member. When medically necessary, an employee is eligible to take intermittent or reduced schedule leave for planned medical treatment for a serious health condition of a spouse, child or parent. The required certification must contain a statement of the medical necessity for this type of leave, the expected treatment dates, and the duration of such treatments. Qualifying Exigency - Active Duty/Call to Active Duty An employee will be eligible for leave because of a qualifying exigency due to the fact that the employee's spouse, child or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty. An employee may take FMLA leave for the following qualifying exigencies: 1. Short-notice deployment. 2. Military events and related activities. 3. Childcare and school activities. 4. Financial and legal arrangements. 5. Counseling. 6. Rest and recuperation. 7. Post-deployment activities. 8. Additional activities, agreed to by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and the employee. 10-20 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 If the necessity for leave is foreseeable, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require that a request for leave because of a qualified exigency be supported by a certification. If Middle Bucks Institute of Technology requests a certification, the employee will provide it in a timely manner. The certification must contain the following: 1. Date the qualifying exigency began or will begin. 2. Probable duration and frequency of absence(s). 3. Statement of appropriate facts regarding the qualifying exigency. 4. If the exigency involves a meeting with a third party, the third party's contact information and a description of the meeting. The employee should attach a copy of the covered service member's active duty orders or other documentation from the military certifying that the covered service member is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty in support of a contingency operation to the certification. Military Caregiver - Care of Covered Service Member An employee is eligible for leave to care for a current member of the Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy; is otherwise in outpatient status; or is on the temporary disability retired list for a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty on active duty. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment, the employee will make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment to minimize disruption of the operations of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and will notify Middle Bucks Institute of Technology of his/her intention to take leave at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of the leave. If the date of treatment requires leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee will provide notice as soon as practicable. If the necessity for leave is not foreseeable, the employee must follow Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's established procedures for requesting leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require that a request for leave to care for a covered service member be supported by a certification signed by the service member's health care provider. The employee will provide the required certification in a timely manner. The certification must contain the following: 1. Date the serious health condition, injury or illness began. 2. Probable duration of the condition. 3. Appropriate medical facts regarding the condition. 4. Estimate of the amount of time the service member will need care. 10-21 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 When medically necessary, an employee is eligible to take intermittent or reduced schedule leave for planned medical treatment for a covered service member. The required certification must contain the expected treatment dates and the duration of such treatments. Instructional Employees Specific rules apply to instructional employees, in addition to Executive Council policy and the Administrative Regulations covering all employees. Instructional employees are those whose principal function is to teach and instruct students in a class, a small group or an individual setting. Such employees include teachers, athletic coaches, driving instructors, and special education assistants such as signers for the hearing impaired. When an instructional employee requests intermittent leave or reduced schedule leave because of the employee's own serious health condition, to care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition, or to care for a covered service member with a serious illness or injury; the leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment; and the employee would be on leave for greater than twenty percent (20%) of the total number of working days in the period of leave, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to elect either of the following: 1. To take leave for periods of a particular duration, not to exceed the duration of the planned medical treatment. 2. To transfer temporarily to an available alternative position offered by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology for which the employee is qualified and has equivalent pay and benefits and better accommodates recurring periods of leave than does the employee's regular position. When an instructional employee begins FMLA leave more than five (5) weeks before the end of an academic term, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to continue the leave until the end of the term if the leave is at least three (3) weeks in duration and the return to work would occur during the last three (3) weeks of the academic term. When an instructional employee begins FMLA leave for a purpose other than the employee's own serious health condition or qualifying exigency during the five-week period before the end of an academic term, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to continue the leave until the end of the academic term if the leave is longer than two (2) weeks in duration and the return to work would occur during the last two (2) weeks of the academic term. When an instructional employee begins FMLA leave for a purpose other than the employee's own serious health condition or qualifying exigency during the three-week period before the end of an academic term, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require the employee to continue the leave until the end of an academic term if the leave is longer than five (5) working days in duration. When an instructional employee is required to continue leave until the end of an academic term, only the period of leave until the employee is ready and able to return to work will be counted against the FMLA leave entitlement. However, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will continue the group health insurance coverage under the same conditions as if the employee were working. 10-22 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 335.1-R FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVES-PROCEDURES Employee Notice An employee must provide sufficient information regarding the requested FMLA leave, in order for Middle Bucks Institute of Technology to determine whether the leave qualifies for FMLA protections. The employee must specifically use the term FMLA leave if the requested leave is for an FMLAqualifying reason for which the employee previously took FMLA leave. Employer Notice Middle Bucks Institute of Technology must notify the employee within five (5) business days of the employee's request as to whether the leave will be protected under the FMLA or not. If the employee is eligible, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will notify the employee of the following: 1. The employee's rights and responsibilities. 2. The amount of leave that will be counted against the employee’s leave entitlement. 3. Whether or not the employee will have to submit a fitness-for-duty certification before returning to work. If the employee is not eligible for FMLA leave, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will provide a reason for the ineligibility. Certification An employee must submit required certification within fifteen (15) days after receiving Middle Bucks Institute of Technology's response to his/her request for leave, unless impracticable to do so. If an employee submits an incomplete or insufficient certification, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will notify the employee in writing of any additional information necessary to make the certification complete and sufficient; and the employee has seven (7) days to cure the deficiency. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may contact the health care provider for purposes of clarification and authentication, but Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may not request additional information beyond that required on the certification form. When Middle Bucks Institute of Technology questions the validity of a certification, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require, at the expense of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, a second opinion from a health care provider designated by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology who is not regularly employed by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology. When the second opinion differs from the original certification, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may require, at the expense of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, a third opinion from a health care provider approved jointly by Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and the employee. The opinion of the third health care provider will be binding on Middle Bucks Institute of Technology and the employee. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will not require second or third opinions on qualifying exigency certifications or military caregiver leave certifications. 10-23 DRAFT ATTACHMENT 10 Recertification Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will request a recertification in the following situations: 1. Every six (6) months in connection with an absence for an ongoing condition. 2. Each leave year for a condition that lasts longer than one (1) year. 3. If the employee requests an extension of leave. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will not require recertification for qualifying exigency leave or military caregiver leave. Benefits During Leave Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will maintain an employee’s health care coverage under the group health insurance plan during FMLA leave, on the same terms as if the employee had continued to work. Prior to beginning FMLA leave, an employee must make arrangements with Middle Bucks Institute of Technology for payment of the employee's share of health insurance costs. An employee on FMLA leave will not lose any other employment benefits accrued prior to the date the leave began but is not entitled to accrue seniority or employment benefits during the leave period. Return to Work An employee on FMLA leave must report his/her status and intention regarding returning to work at least every four (4) weeks. An employee returning to work must provide Middle Bucks Institute of Technology at least five (5) workdays' notice of his/her date of return. When the FMLA leave is related to an employee's own serious health condition, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will require the employee to submit certification from the employee's health care provider that the employee is able to return to work. An employee will be returned to the same or equivalent position at the end of the leave, unless Middle Bucks Institute of Technology demonstrates that the employee would not otherwise have been employed at the time reinstatement is requested. Under specific circumstances, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology may deny restoration to a key employee. A key employee is one who is among the highest paid ten percent (10%) of employees and whose restoration would cause Middle Bucks Institute of Technology to experience a substantial and grievous economic injury. If an employee fails to return to work after FMLA leave for any reason other than the continuation, recurrence or onset of a serious health condition that entitles the employee to leave, or other circumstances beyond the employee's control, Middle Bucks Institute of Technology will recover from the employee the premiums it paid to maintain the employee’s health care coverage during the leave. 10-24 ATTACHMENT 11 MIDDLE BUCKS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE 2014 All meetings will be held on the second Monday of the month at 5:30 PM in the George J. Russ Conference Room (Room 101) at the school, 2740 Old York Road, Jamison, PA 18929. MEETING DATES MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2014 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2014 MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2014 MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2014 MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014 MONDAY, JUNE 9 2014 MONDAY, JULY 14, 2014 MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 2014 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014 MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014 11-1 ATTACHMENT 11 MIDDLE BUCKS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE 2014 BUILDING, SECURITY AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE All meetings will be held at 4:30 PM in the Main Office Conference Room at the school, 2740 Old York Road, Jamison, PA 18929. PROGRAM, POLICY AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE All meetings will be held at 5:15 PM in the Main Office Conference Room at the school, 2740 Old York Road, Jamison, PA 18929. FINANCE COMMITTEE All meetings will be held at 6:00 PM in the Main Office Conference Room at the school, 2740 Old York Road, Jamison, PA 18929. MEETING DATES TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2014 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2014 TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2014 TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2014 *WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2014 *(Meeting held on Wednesday due to Election Day on Tuesday) 11-2 ATTACHMENT 12 MIDDLE BUCKS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LOCAL ADVISORY COUNCIL MINUTES October 18, 2013 I. The meeting of the Local Advisory Council (LAC) was convened on Friday, October 18, 2013, by Mr. William Norcross, Vice Chairperson, at 8:38 a.m. in George Russ Conference Room at MBIT. The LAC rose to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. The Council observed a moment of silence in honor of former Local Advisory Council members Mr. George Russ and Mr. Damon Kane, who passed away. The following members were in attendance: LAC Members Present Mr. Thomas Biehl Ms. Charlie Cenderelli Mr. Joseph DeFranco Mr. Steven Herring Mr. Michael Hinkson Mr. Harry McCann Ms. Susan Meisinger Mr. William Norcross Mr. Gustavo Perea Mr. Jeffrey Smith Ms. Joy Styles LAC Members Absent Mr. Richard Brown Mr. Jim Craig Ms. Carla Daniels Mr. Joseph Fox Ms. Sara Fox Mr. Joseph Giedgowd Mrs. Bernadette Heenan Ms. Frances Londergan Ms. Catherine McElroy Mr. Jeff Parris Ms. Lisa Sweeney MBIT Staff Present Mrs. Denise Dohoney, Assistant Director Mr. Richard Hansen, Facility Supervisor Mrs. Roberta Jackiewicz, Director’s Administrative Assistant Mrs. Stacy Pakula, Career and Technical Education Supervisor Mrs. Kathryn Strouse, Administrative Director II. Mr. McCann moved, Mr. Perea seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the minutes of May 17, 2013. Attachment 1 (pg.1-1) 12-1 LAC MINUTES October 18, 2013 III. IV. V. Membership Committee A. Mr. DeFranco announced there are two vacancies on the Local Advisory Council. One in the Hospitality and Tourism cluster and the other in Transportation, Distribution and Logistics. He asked the Council to please forward any suggestions for members. Attachment 2 (pg. 2-1) B. Mr. Perea moved, Mr. Smith seconded, passed unanimously, to approve the 2014 LAC Membership Listing. Attachment 3 (pg. 3-1) Nominations Committee A. After receiving nominations from the floor, Mr. Norcross, Chairperson recommended the following slate of Officers for 2014: Chairperson, Mr. Gus Perea, Vice Chairperson, Ms. Susan Meisinger and Secretary, Mr. Harry McCann. B. The Local Advisory Council unanimously approved Mr. Gus Perea as Chairperson, Ms. Susan Meisinger as Vice Chairperson and Mr. Harry McCann as Secretary of the Local Advisory Council for 2014. Administrative Report A. Mrs. Strouse introduced Mrs. Denise Dohoney, new Assistant Director, and announced that Mrs. Stacy Pakula was promoted from Organizational Advancement Coordinator to Career and Technical Education Supervisor. B. Mrs. Strouse explained that each year we examine the October 1 Report, End of Year Report, Average Daily Membership data, PSSA/Keystone Exams, NOCTI scores, Adult Education enrollment, Senior Placement Survey, Student Climate Survey and Staff Climate Survey and review the data to try to identify our organization’s strengths and weaknesses. She noted that we have 835 students enrolled as of October 1, 2013, which represents a 1.4% increase over the previous school year. Our special education population is at 46%. She reviewed the 2012/13 School Assessment Report. The report included that NOCTI scores reflected 89% Proficient or Advanced, secondary students earned 1207 industry certifications and 85 students participated in Cooperative Education experiences, which represented 58% of the students eligible to go out to work. We had 12 paid internships, worked with 47 different employers and filled 85 jobs from community job postings. The students reported that upon graduation, 72% planned to attend post-secondary education, 27% would pursue full-time employment and 5% planned to enter the military. Of those planning for post-secondary education, 65% will attend Bucks County Community College and 10% will attend Penn College of Technology. 12-2 LAC MINUTES October 18, 2013 The student perception of school climate included that 92% felt instruction is organized with a balance of theory and lab experiences, 94% felt lessons are challenging and keep students’ interest, 95% felt encouraged to do their best and received help when needed, 88% said homework is assigned on a regular basis and 94% said they learned a lot and enjoyed their program of study at MBIT. The student survey results showed that 74% felt MBIT students are friendly and respect one another, 94% feel safe at MBIT, 14% of MBIT students have used an illegal drug or prescription medication not prescribed for them, 22% of MBIT students have used alcohol and 5% of MBIT students have been under the influence while at MBIT. The student survey also indicated that students learned about MBIT as follows: 55% from friends, 45% from Open House, 31% from their sending school Guidance Counselor and 27% from a presentation by MBIT staff. Mrs. Strouse concluded the report by noting that in 2012-13 the Adult Education Evening Program had a total of 551 students and 10 Adult students enrolled in the day program. Discussion included a question as to why there was a spike in the 2012 NOCTI scores. Mrs. Strouse explained that in 2011 we let the students know how important the NOCTI test is. The students attend an orientation, they take a pretest in the fall and the teacher knows what areas they need to concentrate on. Every Friday they work on a skill tied to a NOCTI skill. The day of the NOCTI test, we provide breakfast, shut down the school and let the students leave early once they have completed the test. What brought the score down this year was that some of the students didn’t take the NOCTI test seriously. A Council member commented that another reason for the spike is that the teachers have grown into their program. The programs develop naturally, the teachers get more proficient in teaching the classes and get into a routine and follow a better plan. The scores this year are still very good. Mrs. Strouse noted that in 2014-15 the NOCTI scores will be a part of the teacher’s evaluation. C. Mrs. Strouse provided an overview of the goals and objectives for the 2013/14 school year. The goals include the completion of the PDE Comprehensive Plan, continue participation in the Technical Assistance Program (TAP), to provide mandatory Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training for all staff, implement the Olweus Bullying Program and implement the PDE Teacher Effectiveness System using formal observations and Differentiated Supervision. Other goals include to collaborate with the OAC committees to build enrollment in Administrative Sciences and Business Technology, Auto Collision Technology and Computerized Drafting and Engineering Graphics, select a new merchant service to replace Google Wallet, develop a team to support the completion of the student built house and complete building renovations in Health Occupations, the main lobby and staff lounge. 12-3 LAC MINUTES October 18, 2013 The marketing goal consists of upgrading the MBIT Mission Statement, conducting Prezi presentations at the Centennial, Council Rock and New Hope Solebury school board meetings, to successfully build new articulation agreements and schedule interviews with Comcast Newsmakers for Computerized Drafting and Engineering Graphics and Administrative Sciences and Business Technology. The final goal is to implement a Wellness Program for MBIT staff. D. Mrs. Strouse explained that the Comprehensive Plan is driven by PDE and is replacing the Strategic Plan. She is concerned that it doesn’t address some things including facilities, curriculum and program development. As a Career and Technical Education school we always need to be moving forward. She is working on an additional, more comprehensive strategic plan to tie into the Comprehensive Plan. At this point, we have completed what PDE is requiring, and it is being filed with the Department of Education. The Comprehensive Planning goals are to enhance student achievement, provide support to students academically at-risk and to provide access to technology resources. The strategies developed to enhance student achievement include to completely align all technical curriculum with PDE Standards Aligned System (SAS), develop a professional development plan that supports implementation of SAS and impacts student achievement and investigate on-line learning opportunities for students using resources from the PDE SAS website. The strategies for supporting students academically at risk include enhance the system for identifying and monitoring students academically at-risk, develop interventions to remediate skill deficits and prepare students for high stake assessments. Finally, the strategies to provide access to technology resources include provide staff, students, and other stakeholders with more technology resources to enhance communication, implement changes to the infrastructure to support BYOD/BYOT initiatives and determine the need and specifications of implementing a cloud computing platform. Discussion included that as of right now, Revit is the software program of choice in the construction industry, the Computerized Drafting and Engineering Graphics program is not just for students who want to be an Architect, the construction industry needs people that can understand CAD drawings and interact with Architects because everything is being done electronically, and we need to sell this program. VI. New Business A. Mr. Hansen explained some the renovation projects that were completed this summer. The Siemens Apogee environmental system was reprogrammed and aligned. The Health Occupations Lab was redesigned so it is more conducive to the program. A room was created in the Dental Occupations lab and they installed a Panarex machine. The Main Lobby area was redesigned and updated 12-4 LAC MINUTES October 18, 2013 and there has been good feedback from the students on the changes. The faculty staff lounge has also been updated. B. Mr. McCann acknowledged Mr. Hansen and his staff and said they did a great job this summer. The facility is beautiful and the work was well done. C. There was a question as to why the students are no longer served lunch at MBIT. Mrs. Strouse explained it was a financial decision made by the sending districts. D. Mr. Norcross noted the next Local Advisory Council meeting will be held on Friday, January 24, 2014 at 8:30 AM and Open House will take place on January 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM. There being no further business to come before the LAC, Mr. Perea moved, Mr. McCann seconded, passed unanimously, to adjourn the October 18, 2013 meeting of the MBIT Local Advisory Council at 9:18 AM. After the meeting adjourned, Mr. Hansen took interested Council Members for a tour of the facility. Respectfully submitted, Roberta Jackiewicz Director’s Administrative Assistant 12-5 CANON PROPOSAL MBIT ATTACHMENT 13 October 16, 2013 DATE CURRENT COST Service & Supply Volume Model 3480 5030 L Total B&W 2005 3188 Color 1221 10842 5193 12063 B&W Term Lease 60 $ 186.00 60 $ 199.00 $ 385.00 Base $ $ - $ INC. 0 0 - Color Overage $ 26.69 $ 38.58 CPC 0.0133 0.0121 $ 65.27 Base $ $ - $ Overage $ 118.64 $ 853.27 INC. 0 0 - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total 331.33 1,090.85 1,422.18 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total 1,241.36 1,241.36 CPC 0.0972 0.0787 971.91 PROPOSED COST Service & Supply Volume Model 5235 8400 Total L B&W 3188 Color 10842 3188 10842 Cost Comparison B&W Term Lease 60 $ 614.00 $ 614.00 $ 229.00 Base $ 34.30 $ INC. 3500 34.30 Color Overage $ - $ - $ (30.97) 13-1 CPC 0.0098 Base $ 547.00 $ 547.00 INC. 10,000 Overage $ 46.06 $ 46.06 $ (378.85) CPC 0.0547 $ (180.82) 13% ATTACHMENT 14 2013 MBIT Full Coverage Maintenance Contract Ashley Borrelli Burns Mechanical, Inc. 11/1/2013 14-1 ATTACHMENT 14 MBIT Full Coverage Maintenance Contract 1 Properties and Environmental Services included in this Agreement: Qty System Manufacturer Model Rating Location 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 8 1 3 1 3 Package Unit Package Units Package Units Package Unit Package Units Package Unit Package Units Package Units Package Unit Package Unit Package Unit Package Unit Package Units Package Units Package Unit Package Units Package Unit Package Units Package Unit Package Units York York York York York JCI York JCI JCI York York York York York York JCI York York JCI JCI D2NP024 D2EG036 D1CG300 D1EG120 DJ240S32 J05ZRT0_6 D2NP024 J04ZRT06 J05ZRT06 DH048S DH078S DH180S D8CG060 D8CG036 DH048S J05ZRT06 DH120S D1NP030 J08ZRS10 J03ZRT06 2 Tons 3 Tons 25 Tons 10 Tons 20 Tons 5 Tons 2 Tons 5 Tons 5 Tons 4 Tons 6.5 Tons 15 Tons 5 Tons 3 Tons 4Tons 5 Tons 10 Tons 2.5 Tons 10 Tons 5 Tons Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop 1 1 Condensing Unit Air Handler Trane Trane TTA120 10 Tons Rooftop Indoor 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 Package Unit Package Unit Package Units Package Units Package Unit Package Unit Package Unit York JCI York JCI York York York DH060S J05ZRS10 D2NP024 J06ZRS10 DH078S DJ180S D1NP036 5 Tons 10 Tons 2 Tons l(}Tons 6.5 Tons 15 Tons 3 Tons Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop Rooftop 1 1 Condensing Unit Air Handler York York JlOYCCOO 10 Tons Rooftop Indoor 2 Package Units York D2CG036 3 Tons Rooftop 14-2 ATTACHMENT 14 MBIT Full Coverage Maintenance Contract 2 Preventative Maintenance Schedule (provided to meet MBIT requirements) : Burns Mechanical will provide 4 inspections per year on the mechanical system (following the equipment list provide on page 1) all belts will be changed and coils will be cleaned using proper solvents and pressure washers per year in the Spring Preventative Maintenance. Air Filters (as specified by MBIT) will be changed at the following frequency: 30 air filters will be changed every 45 days and 169 air filters will be changed every 75 days, all other air filters will be changed every 180 days. MBIT will provide all necessary filters & belts for the facility. TEST AND INSPECT: To visually INSPECT and TEST equipment to determine its operating condition and efficiency. Typical activities include: TESTING for excessive vibration; motor winding resistance; refrigerant charge; fan RPM; refrigerant oil (acid); water condition; flue gas analysis; safety controls, combustion and draft; crankcase heaters, control system(s), etc. INSPECTING for worn, failed or doubtful parts; mountings, drive couplings; oil level; rotation; Soot; Flame composition and shape; pilot and igniter; steam, water, oil and/or refrigerant leaks, etc. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE: To clean, align, calibrate, tighten, adjust, lubricate and paint equipment. These activities are intended to extend equipment life and assure proper operating condition and efficiency. Typical activities include: CLEANING coil surfaces; fan impellers and blades; electrical contacts; burner orifices; passages and nozzles; pilot and igniter; cooling tower baffles, basin, sump and float; chiller, condenser and boiler tubes, etc. ALIGNING belt drives; drive couplings; coil fins, etc. CALIBRATING s afety controls; temperature and pressure controls, etc. TIGHTENING electrical connections; mounting bolts; pipe clamps; refrigerant piping fittings; Damper sections, etc. ADJUSTING belt tension; refrigerant charge; super heat; fan RPM; water chemical feed and feed rate; burner fuel/air ratios; gas pressure; set point of controls and limits; compressor cylinder unloads; damper close-off; sump floats, etc. LUBRICATING motors ; fan and damper bearings; valve stems; damper linkages 14-3 ATTACHMENT 14 MBIT Full Coverage Maintenance Contract Full Maintenance Coverage includes all Equipment listed on page 1: (Provided above and includes the preventative maintenance schedule on page 2) • REPAIR AND REPLACE: B u r n s M e c h a n i c a l s u p p l i e s on-Site labor, travel labor, parts procurement labor (locating, ordering, expediting and transporting) required to REPAIR or REMOVE AND REPLACE broken, worn and/or doubtful components and/or parts. • TROUBLE CALLS: B u r ns Me c h a nic a l wil l pr ovide on-site labor and travel labor, including overtime, required for unscheduled work resulting from an abnormal condition. • COMPONENTS, PARTS AND SUPPLIES: B ur ns M e c h a ni c al is r e s p on s i bl e f or COMPONENTS, PARTS AND SUPPLIES required to keep the equipment operating properly and efficiently unless otherwise specified. 14-4 3 ATTACHMENT 14 MBIT Full Coverage Maintenance Contract 4 Pricing and Acceptance MBIT Full Coverage Mechanical Maintenance Contract Contract to begin 11/15/2013 – 11/14/2014 Annual Pricing Quarterly $44,750.00 Customer Acceptance $11,187.50 Customer agrees to pay $44,750.00, annually, over the 1 year of this Agreement, payable in quarterly installments of $11,877.50. This Agreement is the property of Burns Mechanical and is provided for Customer's use only. Burns Mechanical guarantees the price stated in this Agreement for thirty (30) days from proposal date above. This Agreement is for an initial term of 1 Year and shall renew for successive one year terms unless either party gives written notice to the other of intention not to renew thirty (30) days prior to any anniversary date. Upon execution as provided below, this Agreement, including the following pages attached hereto (collectively, the “Agreement”), shall become a binding and enforceable agreement against both parties hereto. Customer, by execution of this Agreement, acknowledges that it has reviewed and understands the attached terms and conditions and has the authority to enter into this Agreement. Burns Mechanical: Middle Bucks Institute of Technology: Name Ashley Borrelli Name Title Service Account Executive Acceptance Date P.O. #: _ Title _ 14-5 _ ATTACHMENT 14 MBIT Full Coverage Maintenance Contract Full Coverage Terms and Conditions 1. Customer shall permit Service Provider free and timely access to areas and equipment, and allow Service Provider to start and stop the equipment as necessary to perform required services. All planned work under this Agreement will be performed during the Service Provider's normal working hours. 2. In case of any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement, Service Provider's liability is limited to repair or replacement at its option and such repair or replacement shall be Customer's sole remedy. This warranty is conditioned upon proper operation and maintenance by Customer and shall not apply if the failure is caused or contributed to by accident, alteration, abuse or misuse, and shall not extend beyond the term of this Agreement. 3. The annual Agreement price is conditioned upon the system(s) covered being in a maintainable condition. indicates repairs are required, a firm quotation will be submitted for Customer's approval. If the initial inspection or initial seasonal start-up Should Customer not authorize the repairs, Service Provider may either remove the unacceptable system(s) component(s) or part(s) from its scope of responsibility and adjust the annual Agreement price accordingly or cancel this Agreement. 4. The annual Agreement price is subject to adjustment on each commencement anniversary to reflect increases in labor, material and other costs. 5. Customer shall be responsible for all taxes applicable to the services and/or materials hereunder. 6. Customer will promptly pay invoices within ten (10) days of receipt. Should a payment become thirty (30) days or more delinquent, Service Provider may stop all work under this Agreement without notice and/or cancel this Agreement, and the entire Agreement amount shall become due and payable immediately upon demand. 7. This Agreement applies only to the maintainable portions of the system(s). Repair or replacement of non-maintainable parts such as duct work, boiler shell and tubes, cabinets, boiler refractory material, heat exchangers, main power service and electrical wiring, structural supports, piping, tube bundles, oil storage tanks and other similar items are excluded. 8. Any alteration to, or deviation from, this Agreement involving additional work, cost of materials or labor will become an additional charge (fixed price amount to be negotiated or on a time-and-material basis) over the sum stated in this Agreement. 9. Service Provider will not be required to move, replace or alter any part of the building structure in the performance of this Agreement. 10. This Agreement does not include responsibility for the design of the system, obsolescence, safety test, removal and reinstallation of valve bodies and dampers, repair or replacement necessitated by freezing weather, electrical power failure, low voltage, burned-out main or branch fuses, low water pressure, vandalism, misuse or abuse of the system(s), negligence of others (including Customer), failure of Customer to properly operate the system(s), requirements of governmental, regulatory or insurance agencies, or other causes beyond control of Service Provider. 11. If a trouble call is made at Customer's request and inspection indicates a condition which is not covered under this Agreement, Service Provider may charge Customer at the rate then in effect for such services. 12. Customer shall permit only Service Provider's personnel or agent to perform the work included in the scope of this Agreement. Should anyone other than Service Provider's personnel perform such work, Service Provider may, at its option, cancel this Agreement or eliminate the involved item of equipment from inclusion in this Agreement. 13. In the event Service Provider must commence legal action in order to recover any amount payable under this Agreement, Customer shall pay Service Provider all court costs and attorneys' fees incurred by Service Provider. 14. Any legal action against the Service Provider relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be commenced within one (1) year from the date of the work. 15. Service Provider shall not be liable for any delay, loss, damage or detention caused by unavailability of machinery, equipment or materials, delay of carriers, strikes, including those by Service Provider's employees, lockouts, civil or military authority, priority regulations, insurrection or riot, action of the elements, forces of nature, or by any cause beyond its control. 16. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless Service Provider, its agent and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys' fees) arising out of or resulting from the performance of work hereunder, provided that such claim, damage, loss or expense is caused in whole or in part by an active or passive act or omission of Customer, anyone directly or indirectly employed by Customer, or anyone for whose acts Customer may be liable, regardless of whether it is caused in part by the negligence of Service Provider. Further and notwithstanding the preceding sentence, Service Provider shall be held harmless and shall not be liable to Customer for any claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses related to mold or the creation of mold at Customer's location(s) and shall have no obligation to treat, identify or remove such mold. 17. Customer shall make available to Service Provider's personnel all pertinent Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) pursuant to OSHA'S Hazard Communication Standard Regulations. 18. Service Provider expressly disclaims any and all responsibility and liability for the indoor air quality of the customer's facility, including without limitation injury or illness to occupants of the facility or third parties, arising out of or in connection with the Service Provider's work under this agreement. 19. Service Provider's obligation under this proposal and any subsequent contract does not include the identification, abatement or removal of asbestos or any other toxic or hazardous substances, hazardous wastes or hazardous materials. In the event such substances, wastes and materials are encountered, Service Provider's sole obligation will be to notify the Owner of their existence. substances; wastes or materials and the resultant hazards are removed. Service Provider shall have the right thereafter to suspend its work until such The time for completion of the work shall be extended to the extent caused by the suspension and the contract price equitably adjusted. 20. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), EQUITY OR OTHERWISE, WILL SERVICE PROVIDER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF PROFIT, INCREASED OPERATING OR MAINTENANCE EXPENSES, CLAIMS OF CUSTOMER'S TENANTS OR CLIENTS, OR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. 14-6 5 ATTACHMENT 15 MIDDLE BUCKS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY STUDENT-BUILT MODULAR HOUSE PROJECT 2013-2014 Direct Costs - Materials $ 80,500 Indirect Costs - Advertising, etc. 1,000 Contingency 1,000 Total Costs Recommended Minimum Bid for 2013/2014 Minimum Bid History: 2009/2011 2008/2009 2007/2008 2006/2007 2005/2006 2004/2005 Min. Bid $77,500 $75,500 $73,500 $69,875 $69,875 $66,850 15-1 $ 82,500 $ 82,500 Selling Price $97,701 $79,000 $93,700 $90,000 $89,950 $87,000 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Budget Journal Entry Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Entry Date: User ID: Line # 10/31/2013 rvining Memo: Perkins - budget adjustment to 2013/2014 allocation 1 10.1190. Account Description REGULAR SALARIES 3 10.1190. RETIREMENT BOARD SHARE 2 10.1190. SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD SHARE 4 10.1330. INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS - PERKINS 8 10.1342. SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD SHARE 9 10.1342. RETIREMENT BOARD SHARE 10 10.1380. wages - perkins 21 10.1330.221.600.30.000 RETIREMENT BOARD SHARE 23 10.1342. INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS 24 10.1342.221.600.30.000 SOCIAL SECURITY - PERKINS 25 10.1342.231.600.30.000 26 10.1380.190.600.30.000 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS - PERKINS 27 10.1380.221.600.30.000 SOCIAL SECURITY - FEDERAL 28 10.1380.231.600.30.000 RETIREMENT - FEDERAL 29 10.2120.111.600.30.000 Salaries - perkins 30 10.2120.221.600.30.000 11/05/2013 5:15:10 PM FEDERAL PROGRAM - SOC SECURITY Report: rptGLJournalEntry 3.1.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($393.00) ($3,820.46) ($1,087.20) $0.00 RETIREMENT - PERKINS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($8,114.00) ($3,442.00) ($9,533.00) ($1,474.22) ($5,114.00) ($8,248.00) ($4,015.52) $0.00 ($14,957.00) $0.00 ($1,418.00) $0.00 0 $0.00 ($17,991.00) $0.00 Voucher: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD SHARE 22 10.1330.231.600.30.000 Printed: $0.00 RETIREMENT BOARD SHARE 20 10.1330.190.600.30.000 $1,474.22 $0.00 SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD SHARE 19 10.1190.231.600.30.190 $9,533.00 $9,355.00 Salaries - Perkins 18 10.1190.221.600.30.190 $3,442.00 $3,537.00 PERKINS LOCAL PLAN 17 10.1190.111.600.30.190 $0.00 $1,418.00 RETIREMENT BOARD SHARE 16 10.8521. $17,991.00 $2,415.00 SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD SHARE 15 10.2120. Credit $0.00 $14,957.00 REGULAR SALARIES 14 10.2120. Debit $393.00 $4,015.52 RETIREMENT BOARD SHARE 13 10.2120. MISC. BUDGET TRANSFERS $8,248.00 SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD SHARE 12 10.1380. 13-14 BUDGET w/TRANSACTIONS $5,114.00 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS 11 10.1380. Reference: $1,087.20 RETIREMENT BOARD SHARE 7 10.1342.190.600.30.000 Budget Type: $8,114.00 SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD SHARE 6 10.1330. Journal Type: Adjustment $3,820.46 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS 5 10.1330. Journal Entry Number 3 ($2,415.00) Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Budget Journal Entry Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Entry Date: User ID: Line # 10/31/2013 rvining Memo: Perkins - budget adjustment to 2013/2014 allocation 31 10.2120.231.600.30.000 Account Description RETIREMENT BOARD SHARE 33 10.2290.221.600.30.000 SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD SHARE 32 10.2290.111.600.30.000 Journal Type: Adjustment Budget Type: Reference: MENTOR - PERKINS Total Items Printed: Journal Entry Number 3 13-14 BUDGET w/TRANSACTIONS MISC. BUDGET TRANSFERS Debit $0.00 Credit ($5,862.00) $0.00 ($850.00) $0.00 $94,914.40 33 Voucher: 0 ($6,180.00) ($94,914.40) Master Account Entries Fund 10 Totals: Debits 94,914.40 Credits 94,914.40 (94,914.40) (94,914.40) End of Report Printed: 11/05/2013 5:15:10 PM Report: rptGLJournalEntry 3.1.75 Page: 2 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Budget Journal Entry Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Entry Date: User ID: Line # 10/31/2013 rvining Memo: Recording supplemental equipment grant awarded by state. Account Journal Type: Adjustment Budget Type: Reference: Description CAP EQUIP NEW STATE GRANT 1 10.1380.752.240.30.000 2 10.7509. 13-14 BUDGET w/TRANSACTIONS MISC. BUDGET TRANSFERS Debit $34,774.86 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT GRANT Total Items Printed: Journal Entry Number 4 $0.00 $34,774.86 2 Voucher: 0 Credit $0.00 ($34,774.86) ($34,774.86) Master Account Entries Fund 10 Totals: Debits 34,774.86 Credits 34,774.86 (34,774.86) (34,774.86) End of Report Printed: 11/06/2013 9:57:47 AM Report: rptGLJournalEntry 3.1.75 Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Budget Journal Entry Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Entry Date: User ID: Line # 10/31/2013 rvining Memo: Budget Type: Reference: 13-14 BUDGET w/TRANSACTIONS MISC. BUDGET TRANSFERS 1 10.1330. Description OPT OUT WAIVER Debit $2,000.00 Credit $0.00 3 10.1380. OPT OUT WAIVER $10,000.00 $0.00 INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS $26,700.00 2 10.1342. OPT OUT WAIVER 4 10.2380. 6 10.1190. REGULAR SALARIES - DIRECTORS OFFICE 8 10.2400. SALARIES 9 10.1380.635.000.30.000 FOOD - SCHOOL EVENTS 10 10.2120.648.000.30.000 NON-CAPITAL HARDWARE & RELATED SOFT 12 10.2818.348.000.30.000 SERVICES SUPPORTING TECHNOLOGY PLAN 13 10.1330. INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS 14 10.1330. REGULAR SALARIES 15 10.1380. INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS 17 10.2120. REGULAR SALARIES 19 10.2380. REGULAR SALARIES - PRINCIPALS' OFFI 20 10.1380.599.000.30.000 OTHER MISC PURCHASED SERVICES 21 10.2120.618.000.30.000 ADMIN SW, LICENSING FEES & SUPPLIES 22 10.2360. TEMPORARY SALARIES 23 10.2620.757.000.30.000 NON-CAPITAL HARDWARE & RELATED SOFT 24 10.2818.538.000.30.000 TRANSPORT/TELECOMMUNICATIONS Report: rptGLJournalEntry $2,520.00 $3,515.00 $5,157.00 $504.00 3.1.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($6,000.00) ($2,000.00) ($6,000.00) $0.00 ($12,700.00) $0.00 ($18,520.00) $0.00 ($3,515.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00 ($2,000.00) $0.00 Voucher: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 REGULAR SALARIES 18 10.1370. $1,275.00 $0.00 REGULAR SALARIES 16 10.1380. $2,583.00 $8,500.00 ED. SOFTWARE & LICENSING FEES 11 10.2818.757.000.30.000 10:06:37 AM $2,000.00 REGULAR SALARIES 7 10.2360. 11/06/2013 $4,000.00 OPT OUT WAIVER 5 10.1370. Printed: Journal Type: Adjustment Miscellaneous budget transfers Account Journal Entry Number 5 ($2,583.00) ($8,500.00) ($1,275.00) ($4,252.00) ($1,409.00) Page: 1 Middle Bucks Institute of Technology Budget Journal Entry Fiscal Year: 2013-2014 Entry Date: User ID: Line # 10/31/2013 rvining Memo: Journal Type: Adjustment Miscellaneous budget transfers Account Budget Type: Reference: Description Total Items Printed: Journal Entry Number 5 13-14 BUDGET w/TRANSACTIONS MISC. BUDGET TRANSFERS Debit $68,754.00 24 Voucher: 0 Credit ($68,754.00) Master Account Entries Fund 10 Totals: Debits 68,754.00 Credits 68,754.00 (68,754.00) (68,754.00) End of Report Printed: 11/06/2013 10:06:37 AM Report: rptGLJournalEntry 3.1.75 Page: 2 It is the policy of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology not to discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national origin, disability, or limited English proficiency in its educational programs, activities and employment policy as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 504 Regulations of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For information regarding services, activities, programs and facilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, or for inquiries regarding compliance with the above non-discriminatory policies, contact the Civil Rights Coordinator, Denise Dohoney, of Middle Bucks Institute of Technology.