INTERNET APPLICATION AND INTEROPERABILITY (AIOP) Clement Jonquet – 2013 jonquet@lirmm.fr 1 IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet Introduction TO BE ON THE WEB OR NOT TO BE It’s impossible to imagine a serious business without at least a basic Web presence Even individuals are now on the Web 2.0 As future engineers, we’re going to look into how building new application for companies and people to be on the Web IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 2 Introduction FROM WEB PAGES TO WEB APPS (1/2) Big difference btw a bunch of web pages and a web site Content-related concerns (thematic consistency) Aesthetic concerns (common look & feel) Architectural concerns (handle complexity) The dynamic web Information resources are not static documents anymore A Web app presents dynamically tailored content based on request parameters, user behaviors and security IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 3 Introduction FROM WEB PAGES TO WEB APPS (2/2) IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 4 Introduction All Web app could be abstracted to those 3 layers The architecture determines the different types of layers and their interactions Designing the architecture is the role of the software architect IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 5 Introduction INTEROPERABILITY (1/2) The ability of two or more software components to cooperate despite differences in language, interface, and execution platform [P. Wegner 96]. Interface standardization: map client and server interfaces to a common representation more scalable: m client and n servers require only m+n maps to a standard interface common properties of interfaces: reducing the mapping task, and it separates communication models of clients from those of servers preclude supporting new language features not considered at the time of standardization Interface bridging: two-way map between client and server m*n maps more flexible: tailored to the requirements of particular clients and servers IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 6 Introduction INTEROPERABILITY (2/2) Property of a product or system, whose interfaces are completely understood, to work with other products or systems Syntactic capable of communicating and exchanging data… data formats, communication protocols e.g., XML or SQL Semantic ability to automatically interpret the information exchanged meaningfully and accurately common information exchange reference model Interoperation ≠ Integration IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 7 Introduction CLASS OBJECTIVES Understand general principles to properly design and develop web applications core protocols & languages Get a clue about the technologies involved client & server sides Understand they are why things are as to understand and reproduce architectural choices IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 8 Introduction CLASS OVERVIEW (# OF HOURS) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Internet & the Web (4h) Web Application Architecture Models (4h) Web Application Technologies (3h) Service-Oriented Architecture Principles (2h) Web Service Technologies (2h) Microsoft .NET Framework (3h) Java Enterprise Edition Framework (3h) Mobile Web Application (3h) Future Web Application (3h) IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 9 Introduction CLASS ORGANIZATION 9 lectures (27h) 3 interventions 3 technical sessions (3h) .NET: F. Gil & S. Aiguillon (3h) JEE: C. Roume & C. Jonquet (6h) 4 working group sessions (4h) .NET technologies: Franck Gil (Odyssey Services) JEE technologies: Cyril Roume (DSI La Poste) Mobile Web Applications: Christophe Fiorio (Polytech) With C. Jonquet 2 sessions with Geraldine Zegre (testing) 1 final development project in 6-7-person group 1 project defense (1h/group) IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 10 Introduction SCHEDULE Monday & Wednesday afternoons .NET technologies JEE technologies 30/09 & 04/10 (lectures) 7/10 & 09/10 (technical sessions) 02/10 (lecture) 7/10 & 9/10 (technical sessions) The rest with me Google Calendar & ADE IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 11 Introduction DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (1/2) Idea: re-use the subject & outputs of your “transversal” software development project in IG4 do not spend design time twice re-use most of the business logic Concentrate on the Web aspects & technologies to build a Web application architecture, users roles, Web access and UIs, multiple clients, etc. more spec to come… Topic: management of resources (planning, activities, students, teachers) for the university IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 12 Introduction DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (2/2) Work within 6-7-person group Change IG4 group or not (up to you) Kick-off: Wednesday October 16th 6 weeks long (including the holyday week!) Deliverables: 4 brainstorming session 1 session (21/10 or 4/11) with G. Zegre (Test des SI) Monday afternoons (2pm-6pm) Group by group Short meeting minutes Report (in English) Defense: Friday November 23rd (in English) C. Fiorio, C. Seguin & C. Jonquet IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 13 Introduction ONLINE RESOURCES http://mon.univmontp2.fr/claroline/course/index.php?cid=P1S911 You will find there: Description, agenda, announcements... Web forum... for questions and threads for everyone Class documents (PDF) Project description and submission site Deliverables to submit Project evaluation results IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 14 Introduction VIDEOS LECTURES iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/fr/itunesu/internet-applicationinteroperability/id563514560 WebTV de l’UM2 http://www.webtv.univmontp2.fr/?s=aiop IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 15 Introduction RESOURCES (1/3) Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols and Practices Leon Shklar, Rich Rosen Wiley, 2009 http://www.webappbuilders.com Technologies et architectures Internet: Corba, COM, XML, J2EE, .NET, Web services Pierre-Yves Cloux, David Doussot, Aurélien Géron Dunod, 2002 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia www.wikipedia.org/ World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) www.w3.org IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 16 Introduction RESOURCES (2/3) Service-oriented computing: semantics, processes, agents Munindar Paul Singh, Michael N. Huhns John Wiley and Sons, 2005 http://www.csc.ncsu.edu/faculty/mpsingh/bo oks/SOC/ Service-oriented architecture: concepts, technology, and design Thomas Erl Prentice Hall PTR, 2005 Understanding Web services: XML, WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI Eric Newcomer Addison-Wesley, 2002 IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 17 Introduction RESOURCES (3/3) Services Web avec J2EE et .NET : Conception et implémentations Libero Maesano, Christian Bernard, Xavier Le Galles Eyrolles, 2003 RESTful Web Services Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby O'Reilly Media, 2007 Personal presentations Dr. Fabien Gandon, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis http://www.slideshare.net/fabien_gandon IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 18 Introduction CLASSES RESOURCES “AIOP” – Polytech Montpellier before 2010 (Christophe Fiorio) “Systèmes et applications répartis” – Polytech Grenoble (Sacha Krakowiak) “Applications Réparties” – Polytech Nice (Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli) http://proton.inrialpes.fr/~krakowia/Enseignement/M2PGI/index.html http://anubis.polytech.unice.fr/cours/2009_2010:si4:apprep:start “Service-Oriented Architecture” – Polytech Nice (Audrey Occello) http://anubis.polytech.unice.fr/cours/2009_2010:si5:soa:start IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 19 Introduction WHO’S GONNA HELP ME? Web app to demonstrate Previous internships or development project Specific web technology used Session: Wednesday September 25th IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 20 Introduction WHAT DOES THE SOFTWARE/WEB ARCHITECT DO? Limiting the choices available during development by: Recognizing potential reuse in the organization or in the application by: Choosing a standard way of pursuing application development Creating, defining, or choosing an application framework Observing and understanding the broader system environment Creating the component design Having knowledge of other applications in the organization Software architects can also: Subdivide a complex application, during the design phase, into smaller, more manageable pieces Grasp the functions of each component within the application Understand the interactions and dependencies among components Communicate these concepts to developers IG5 2012 – AIOP – Clement Jonquet 21
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