Culver High School T..
Culver High School T..
a<s>gs> CULVER HIGH SCHOOL CULVER, INDIANA IT® lESMSMlBIlia M O M E N T S TO R E M E M B E R . . . part of them concern the edu cation we gained at Culver High, but mostly they are the little things that were a part of each day. None of us will remember the same things, because each incident differs in its individual importance to us. Now we look for moments of glamour or excitement, but— as time mellows our outlook— we will re member the more solid, routine experiences. W e will be sur prised someday, as we reminisce with old friends, that we re call the most trivial unexciting things that happened when we were in high school. Little everyday occurrences will pop up in our minds . . . slumber parties, classroom boners, adm iration for Elvis, Bermuda shorts, getting a high grade in a tough sub ject, puppy love tragedies, sock dances, senior concessions, class play, junior dances, senior trip, club activities . . . these are just some of the things we will wish we had appreciated more when we were near, for when we pause to think of yester day, of youth— when we form these images in our mind— these are the Mom ents to Remember of our days in Culver High School. Ve will have these MO-HENTS TO RE-MEM-BER the the is at chimney, and is the view building This music left, of the high building the that right in the is in the school Culver school plant greets the the foreground. center, right, travel by at the who gymnasium students the plant day. The power bus each tall elem entary has the TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ............................ 3 IN T R O D U C T IO N T H E FA C U LT Y A N D STA FF . . . 7 T H E C L A S S R O O M S ............................ 13 T H E CLA SSES ..................................25 T H E M U S IC D E P A R T M E N T . . . 45 A T H L E T I C S ....................................... 53 C L U B S A N D O R G A N IZ A T IO N S T H E E L E M E N T A R Y SCHO O L THE C ALEN D AR C O N C L U S IO N Editor-in-chief w ith the Linda Reed rubber cem ent seems as she to enjoy pastes up . . . . . 69 85 ............................ 101 ..................................108 playing picture panels for the classes section. Ve will Uv* these MOMENTS TO RE-MEMBER Business M anager Karen Hesgard and Subscription M anager Ju d y M orris are happy to find that their a c counts actually balance. THE TOMAHAWK STAFF Editor-in-Chief . . Faculty, Classrooms . Classes . . L IN D A REED BETTY M cKEE ...................... R U T H M E N S E R A t h l e t i c s ...................... V IR G IN IA REED M u s i c ............................ JO A N K O E B K E C l u b s ............................ B E V E R L Y P R IC E Calendar . . . . V IR G IN IA P IE R S O L Elem entary School A rt . . BA R BA R A RU ST ............................ D A LE B E N N E T T Subscriptions . . Business M an ager Faculty Advisor . . . JU D IT H M O R R IS K A R EN H ESGARD M R . M. R. R O B IN S O N 5 Tow nship Trustee Glen S. Tibbetts inspects the w o rk being done in the school’s newest departm ent, the kindergart en, w h ich has been accorded w holehearted approval by the com m unity. Tow nship A dvisory Board members Earl Foreman, Ralph A . Osborn Jr., and Earl D. Overm yer. »■ P 4 1^ — 1 ■ ... t * - f. .- m * —M - L ^ o Ve will have these MO-HENIS TO RE-MEM-BER THE FACULTY M IS S R U T H S H A N K S Com m erce. Sponsor; Junior Class, Cheerleaders. M R . P H I L I P S H IE L D S M usic. Band Director. Choral Director. M IS S D O R IS S T E P H E N S O N Rem edial Reading, English. Sponsor: Ushers Club. M R S . E L IZ A B E T H STEPH EN SO N English. Sponsor: Senior Class. M R. FRED S T E T T B A C H E R Librarian, English. Student Librarians, Sponsor: H i- Y . M R S . E D IT H S T R A IT Hom e Economics. Sponsor: Sophomore Class, Girls 4-H Club. BUS D R IV E R S . Oscar Booker, H en ry H inkle, David W a lle n , D ew ey Overm yer, Eugene Benedict, W illia m brath, Donovan Overm yer, Norm an Ringer, Robert Kepler. C A F E T E R IA S T A F F . M rs. A n n e W a ite , m anager; M rs. M a rie Cow en, M rs. Zora C raft, Mrs. M abel Crom ley. M ill- C U S T O D IA N S . Don Bruce, Mrs. Cleo W a rre n , M rs. M arjorie M artin , and Edward K ow atch check on the popular m ilk dispenser in the elem entary building.. O F F I CE SEC R ETA RY. C hecking in money from the various organizations is only one of the many jobs that keeps M rs. Ruth W a r n e r busy. T u rn in g in the money is Carol Kline. 12 A R T . T h is eighth grade art class pauses to admire the artistic skill of Sharon Spahr. Shari Yocom enjoys an a p preciative close-up, w h ile Jean W a r n e r holds the colorful giraffe she has just finished w ith distinctive spots and stripes. H IG H S C H O O L M A T H E M A T IC S . Roger Peters is interrupted as he does a bit of subtraction. David Booker is doing the criticizing, w h ile Sandra W h it e remains strictly neutral. H ow ever, the second-guessing doesn’t seem to upset Roger too much. P L A N E G E O M E T R Y . Evid ently it takes tw o to convince Je a n e tte Berger as the class listens to a discussion of a problem that has been placed on the board. T h e earnest convincers are Danny L ittle and Tom Sutch, w ho fin ally won their point. L A T IN . T h is class of second year Latin students is doing some translating of sentences M iss Fletchall has w ritte n on the board in her usual neat script. Stanley Curtis is doing the pointing, w h ile Joan Barshes w aits to see if the questioner agrees. G E N E R A L S C IE N C E , A n n e Behm er explains the meaning of some diagrams on a chart dealing w ith chem icals, and seems quite confident about the w hole thing. B u t the rest of the class mixes bew ilderm ent w ith am azem ent and open-mouthed awe at A n n e ’s glib remarks. IN D U S T R IA L A R T S . Learning to w o rk w ith their hands helps to turn out well-rounded students. These indus trious students are Ronald W is e at the sander, A lv in T rip le t at the jig saw, and David M cC oige w atches Charles M cC oige at the metal lathe. A D VA N C ED M A T H E M A T IC S . Robert Taylo r pauses in the midst of an explanation of a com plicated trig prob lem to listen to a question from one of the other students. Yo u may be sure th at Bob came up w ith a ready and convincing answer. S P A N IS H . M r. Hand has just popped a question to his second year linguists, and Sally M edbourn, Linda Reed and Greta Hughes indicate they know the answer. Th e faces o f the others reflect varying reactions to the teach er’s query. E N G L IS H . This class of freshmen is busy w restling w ith the parts of speech and Donald W y n n comes up w ith the declaration that the word is a noun. B y a strange q u irk this class is composed of only boys, w h ile another has only girls in it. G IR L S G Y M . First row : Jan et Low ry, Jeanne Best, V e rn a M cDonald, Johnye Sipes, B etty Prosser, Eileen Overm yer, Jan ice Measels, Ellen Sm ith. Second row : V irg in ia A u lt, Jo Ellen Hand, Betsy Pettis. Th ird ro w : M arjory Powers, Pat Singletary. To p : Beverly M cG affey. W O R L D G E O G R A P H Y . G iving special reports that are the result of hours of research w o rk in the library feature the w o rk of this class. Doris G unter is giving her report on G erm any, and it must have been quite interesting, judging the a tten tive expressions. B O Y S G Y M . Caught m id-air in a tum bling stunt is Donald W y n n w ith Frank H err and Buddy W a ts o n the ap prehensive kneelers. W a tc h in g are Leslie W o o lfre , Donald Hand, Robert M ikesell, Charles H ardin and W a tso n W h ite , wondering if Don w ill com plete the leap successfully. S O C IA L S T U D IE S . The precincts of Union Tow nship are discussed by a class in civics as Carl W a g o n e r points out w here a classmate lives in Precinct Tw o, but B e tty M c K e e declares the home is over the line in Precinct Three. Linda Reed is keeping score. C O M M E R C IA L . These future secretaries are busy m aking a bunch of funny looking marks and hieroglyphics as they w rite out a lesson in shorthand. In the foreground are V erna M cD onald and Johnye Sipes. L e t’s see if you can name the others. E N S E M B L E . Various ensembles practice d aily as segments of the senior high band. Pictured is a brass sextet (obviously one member is missing) composed of Robert K ennedy, V irg in ia Piersol, W illia m O tt, Jan et Lo w ry and Tom C ultice. Bob Taylo r w as absent. R E M E D IA L R E A D IN G . Last year this course was inaugurated in the C u lver schools and this year it is in full swing under the leadership of M iss Stephenson. It has been highly successful, as has the course in remedial speech u n der the same teacher. 23 L IB R A R Y . M a n y tim es a day M r. Stettb acher assists students w ith their research w o rk in the library, w ith sub jects ranging from the love life of a bettle to the fall of the Roman Em pire. Pictured is Librarian Stettbacher conferring w ith Edna M enser. H O M E E C O N O M IC S . Shhhh! This Hom e Ec ill quartet is taking a test and the picture brains at w ork. Pictured are Pat Dowd, Eileen Overm'yer, handy in case anyone collapses. M arjory is an unusual shot of Powers and Sue Geiselm an. The pillows are Ve wil l have these MOMENTS TO RE - MEM BER 25 7957 CLASS OF C Y N T H IA Sunshine D. A L L E N . Society (C in d y .) 2,3 ,4. M on ito r 4. Hoosier G irls’ State A ltern ate 3. Choir 1,2,3. Class P lay 3. Band 1,2,3. Dance Band 1,2,3,4. Student Council 2. Student Court B a iliff 4. Schoolbell 4. N a tional Honor Society 3 ,4 ; V ic e President 4. Future Teachers of A m erica 1,2. 4-H Club 1. Operetta 3. V a rie ty Show 4. The N a tiv ity 3. M A RG A RET R. BEA N . (M a g g ie .) Sunshine Society 2,3,4. Choir 3. 4-H Club 1. O peretta 3. W ith d re w from school Feb. 13. M IC H A E L B E N N E T T . (M ik e .) Class President 2. M onitor 1 ; Lieu ten ant 2,3,4. M on ito r C o m m ittee 3. Choir 1,2,3,4. Stud ent Council 2. Basketball, B-Team 1,2; V a rsity 3,4. Baseball 3,4. JE A N N E A N N B EST . (Bessers.) M o n ito r 3,4. Sunshine Society 2 ,3 ,4 ; Corresponding Secre tary 2, Treasurer 3. Choir 2,3,4. Class P lay 3. Band 1,2,3. Schoolbell 4. 4-H Club 1,2. O p er etta 3. M essiah 4. The N a tiv ity 3. V a rie ty Show 4. M A R IL Y N RUTH C LA U SO N . (M a rjo rie .) Sunshine Society 2. C hoir 3,4. Band 1,2,3,4. 4-H Club 2 ; Secretary 2. Operetta 3. N a tivity 3. M essiah 4. National Honor Society 4. C A R O L RO SE C R O M L E Y . Sunshine Society 2. Hoosier G irls’ State A ltern a te Band 1,2,3,4. Schoolbell 2. 3. Choir 3,4. N ation al Honor Society 3,4. Operetta 3. M essiah 4. Th e N a t i v ity 3. T O M M Y G. C U L T IC E . (T im o th y .) Class V ice President 1. M o n ito r 1,2. Hoosier Boys’ State A ltern a te 3. H i- Y 3,4. C hoir 1,2,3,4. Class Play 3. Band 1,2,3,4. Pep Band 2,3,4. Dance Band 1,2,3,4. Student Court, Judge 2 ,3 ; C h ie f Justice 4. Drum M a jo r 3,4. Choraleers 3,4. Future Teachers of A m erica 2 ,3 ,4 ; President 3,4. Band Council 3,4. O peretta 3. Messiah 4. V a rie ty Show 4. National H onor Society 4. W ARREN D. C U R T IS . Class President 3. M on ito r 1,2,4. M o n ito r C om m ittee Chairm an 4. Band 1. Student C ourt Sh eriff 4. B a sk et ball, B-Team 1, V a rsity 2,3,4. Baseball 1,2,3,4. T ra ck 3,4. Future Farmers of Am erica 1,2,3; Secretary 2,3. V a rie ty Show 4. LA RRY D e W IT T . (W ild M a n .) H i- Y 2,3,4. Track 1,2,3,4. P A T R IC I A K. D O W D . Sunshine Society Play 3. Band (P e te .) M o n ito r 1,3,4. 2 ,3 ,4. C hoir 2,3,4. Class 1,2,3,4. V a rsity Cheerleader 4. 4-H Club 1,2. Operetta 3. Messiah 4. V a rie ty Show 4. CLASS OF 1957 CARY C. D UFF. M o n jto r 1. Basketball, B- Team 2 ; V a rsity 3,4. T ra ck 3,4. Future Farm ers of A m erica AUDA 1,2,3; Sentinel 2,3. SU E F IS H E R . Future Teachers of Am erica 4. Librarian and Historian 4. W in a mac, Ind., High School 1,2,3. J E R E M Y C. F IS H E R . 3,4. (Je r .) M onitor 4. H i- Y Band 1,2,3. Pep Band 2.3. Dance Band 2,3. SU E ANN C E IS E L M A N . (So u p y.) M onitor 1,2; Lieu ten ant 3,4. Sunshine Society 2 ,3 ,4 ; Corresponding Secretary 4. C hoir 2. Class Play 3. V a rie ty Show 4. TO M M YE LO U G LA ZE. (T o m ee .) Sunshine Society 3,4. C hoir 3,4. Dance Band 3,4. N a tional Honor Society 3,4. Choraleers 4. O p er etta 3. M essiah 4. V a rie ty Show 4. Guym on, O kla., High School D O R IS M A R IE 1,2. GUNTER. (P u g .) M onitor 4. Sunshine Society 2,3,4. V a rie ty Show 4. Rock Island, III., High School 1. K A Y C L A IR E H E N D E R S O N . M o n ito r 4. S u n shine Society 2,3 ,4. C hoir 2,3. Class Play 3. Band 3 ,4 ; 1,2,3. To m ah aw k Editor 4. Treasurer 4. National 4-H C lub Staff 3. Schoolbell H onor Society 1,2 ,3; 3 ,4 ; President 3; Secretary 2. O peretta 3. V a rie ty Show 4. G irls’ Barbershop Quartet 2,3. D O N A LD E. H ERR. M o n ito r 4. Baseball 4. Knox High School 1,2,3. KA REN ANN Society 3,4. H ESG A RD . Hoosier (H ess.) G irls’ State Sunshine 3. Choir 1,2,3,4. Band 1,2,3,4. To m ah aw k Staff 2,3,4. Schoolbell 2. Choraleers 3,4. 4-H C lub 1. V a rie ty Show 4. M essiah 4. Operetta 3. N a tivity 3. G irls’ Barbershop Q uartet 2,3. TH ELM A Society H O D G ES. 2 ,3 ,4 ; (Th elm a L il.) Treasurer 4. Sunshine Hoosier G irls’ State A ltern a te 3. C hoir 1,2,3,4. Band 1,2,3,4 ; President 4 ; Ju n io r Girl O fficer 3 ; Senior Girl O fficer 4. Band Council 3,4. V a rie ty Show 4. M essiah 4. N a tiv ity 3. 7957 CLASS OF JIL L H U N T E R . M o n ito r 1,2,3; Lieu ten an t 4. Sunshine Society 2,3,4. Choir 3. Band 3. Schoolbell 2,3,4. Projectors Club 4. Librarian 2. R IC H A R D S C O T T H U N T E R . 1,3,4; Lieu ten ant 2. (H o o t.) M on ito r Choir 4. T ra ck 2,3,4. V a rie ty Show 4. C A R O L S U E K L IN E . Sunshine Society (A b le .) M o n ito r 1,2,3,4. 2 ,3 ,4 ; V ic e President 3; President 4. Choir 4. Class Play 3. Band 1,2,3. Dance Band 1,2,3,4. Schoolbell 4. 4-H Club 1,2. M essiah 4. V a rie ty Show Queen 4. JO A N C H R IS T IN E K O E B K E . Sunshine Society 2 ,3,4. Hoosier G irls’ State 3. Choir 1,2,3,4. Class P lay 3. Band 1,2,3,4. Student C ourt 2 ; Assistant A tto rn ey 3 ; A tto rn e y 4. To m ah aw k S ta ff 4. Schoolbell 2,3. ciety 3,4. N ational Honor So Future Teachers of A m erica 1,2. Operetta 3. Messiah 4. V a rie ty Show 4. N a ti vity 3. C H A R L E S E. M c C O IG E . (P e e W e e .) M on ito r 2. H i- Y 3,4. T ra ck 3,4. B E T T Y L O U IS E M c K E E . (M a g o o .) Class V ice President 2. Class Treasurer 3,4. M o n ito r 3,4. Sunshine Society 2,3,4. To m ah aw k S ta ff 4. Schoolbell 2,3. V a rie ty Show 4. R O B E R T F. M E A S E L S . (B o b .) H i- Y 3,4. T ra ck 3,4. M onterey, Ind., H igh School SALLY ANNE M ED BO U RN . 1,2,. (Sa m .) Class Secretary 4. M o n ito r 3 ; Lieu ten ant 4. S u n shine Society 2,3 ,4. ternate 3. Band Hoosier G irls’ State A l 1,2. Schoolbell 4. N ational Honor Society 3,4. Future Teachers of A m erica 1. Projectors Club 2,3. G irls’ Barbershop Quartet 2,3. V a rie ty Show 4. RUTH A N N M E N S E R . M onitor 2 ,3 ; L ie u te n ant 4. Sunshine Society 2,3,4. Student Court C lerk 4. T o m ah aw k Sta ff 4. Schoolbell 2,3,4. National Honor Society 3,4. V a rie ty Show 4. D A V ID M ID D L E T O N . (P in k y .) "C la s s Presi dent 4. M o n ito r 2,3. Hoosier Boys’ State 3. H i- Y 2 ,3 ,4 ; V ic e President 3,4. Choir 3,4. Student Council 4 ; President 4. Student Court A ssistant Prosecuting A tto rn ey 3 ; Prosecuting A tto rn ey 3,4. 4. Baseball Basketball, 2,3 ,4. B-Team T ra ck 2,3. 2, V a rsity Projectors Club 2,3. V a rie ty Show 4. Messiah 4. Fenger High School, Chicago, 1. LLA JJ u r I 7J/ M A B L E M A R IE M O O R E . M o n ito r 1. Sunshine Society 2,3,4. Choir 3. 4-H Club 1,2. O p er etta 3. D O N A LD 1,2,3,4. C. M O R R IS O N . (D o n .) M onitor H i- Y 4. C hoir 1,2,3,4. Class Play 3. Schoolbell 2,3,4. 4-H C lub 1. Librarian 1,2,3. Operetta 3. M essiah 4. N a tiv ity 3. D W IG H T N EW M AN . (N e w m ie .) M o n ito r 3,4. Band 1,2. Pep Band 2. T ra ck 2,3,4. P ro jectors Club LA RRY 1,2,3,4. V a rie ty Show 4. GEN E 2,3. T rack O SBO RN . 1. 4-H (O z z ie .) M onitor 1,2. R. W I L L I A M O T T , ]R . (B ill.) Class President 1. M o n ito r 1,2,3; Lieu ten ant 2. Hoosier Boys’ State 3. H i- Y 2 ,3 ,4 ; Secretary 3, President 4. Choir 1,2,3,4. Class Play 3. Band 1,2,3,4. Pep Band 3,4. Dance Band 2,3,4. N ational Honor Society 3 ,4 ; President 4. Choraleers 3,4. P ro jectors Club 4. O peretta 3. M essiah 4. V a rie ty Show 4. BEVERLY JO P R IC E . (B e v .) Secretary 3. M onitor 1,2 ,3,4; Lieu ten ant 2. Sunshine So ciety 2,3,4. Cheerleader 2,4. Schoolbell 2,3,4. V ariety Show 4. BETTY JU N E PRO SSER. (Pross.) Sunshine Society 2,3,4. C hoir 3. Ushers Club 1, 2,3,4. 4-H Ciub 1,2,3,4. O peretta 3. L IN D A E L IZ A B E T H 1,2,3,4; Lieutenant R E ED . 3,4. (L in .) M onitor Sunshine Society 2.3.4. Hoosier G irls’ State 3. Choir 2,3,4. Band To m ah aw k Staff 3; Editor-in-C hief 4. Schoolbell 2,3. National H onor Society 3,4. 4-H Club 1; Recreational Leader 1. N a tivity 3. Operetta 3. M essiah 4. V a rie ty Show 4. D A N IE L P. SA V A G E. (L ess.) M o n ito r 3. M onitor C om m ittee 2. Hoosier Boys’ State A l ternate 3. Student Council 3. Basketball, B- Team 2, V a rsity 3,4. Baseball 3,4. T ra ck 3,4. Future Farmers of A m erica 1,2,3; Reporter 2 ; V ice President 3. JA Y SN YD ER. M o n ito r 2,3 ,4. H i- Y 2 ,3 ,4 ; Sergeant-at-Arm s 3, Treasurer 4. Choir 2,3,4. Basketball, B-Team 3, V a rsity 4. T ra ck 2,3,4. V a rie ty Show 4. Plym outh, Ind., H igh School 1. CLASS OF R O Y E L L E JE A N SUTCH . 7957 (T u sh .) Class Sec- retary 1. Class Treasurer 2. M on ito r 1,2 ,3,4: Lieu ten ant 2. Sunshine Society 2 ,3 ,4. Hoosier G irls’ State 3. Class P lay 3. Stud ent Council 1,3,4; Secretary 3, V ic e President 4. Student Court Sh eriff 2. To m ah aw k S ta ff 3. Schoolbell 2 ,3 ; Editor 4. N ational Honor Society 3 ,4 ; Secretary 3,4. 4-H Club 1,2. V a rie ty Show 4. C A R L W A G O N E R . (B la c k y .) Class V ic e Presi dent 3,4. M o n ito r 2 ,4 ; Lieu ten ant 3. M o n ito r Com m ittee 1. H i- Y 4. Class P lay 3. Student Council 1. Basketball, B-Team 2, V a rsity 3,4. Baseball 1,3,4. T ra ck 3. Projectors Club 2,3,4. JO H N N. W H A R T O N . H i- Y 4. T ra ck 4. J e f ferson High School, Lafayette, Ind. 1,2,3. RO N A LD K. W I S E . (W a lt.) M on ito r 2 ,3 ; Lieu ten an t 3. Choir 4. Class Play 3. Messiah 4. JA N E T S U E Z E C H IE L . (Z e k e .) Class Secre tary 2. M o n ito r 4. Sunshine 2.3,4. Choir 1,2,3.4. Band 1,2,3,4. Schoolbell 4. Choraleers 3.4. 4-H Club 1. O peretta 3. G irls’ Barbershop Quartet 2,3. M essiah 4. N a tivity 3. V a rie ty Show 4. National Honor Society 4. MOMENTS TO REMEMBER FOR THE CLASS OF 7957 Do you remember the fall of 1953? There were 55 freshmen beginning their high school days, the future Senior Class of 1957. Our officers were: Bill Ott, president; Tom Cultice, vice president; Royelle Sutch, secre tary; Ann Jurgensen, treasurer; Carl W a g o ner, monitor committee; and Royelle Sutch and Carl W agoner, student council. Betty M cK e e and Royelle Sutch were selected as our candidates for the carnival queen. W e held two fudge sales during the year. W e wanted to save money for our Senior trip, so we didn't have a class party at Christmas. On December 22 we learned of the death of our beloved classmate, Doris Sellers. Dur ing the year Paul Howard, Joh n O'Conner, Richard Pontius, and H awley Shepard with drew from school and Robert Howard en tered. Slowly but surely we climbed the ladder toward our somewhat future graduation. Our sophomore class had 47 members; lead ing us on were our officers: M ike Bennett, president; Betty M cKee, vice president; Ja n e t Zechiel, secretary; Royelle Sutch, treasurer; Dan Savage, monitor committee; and Cynthia Allen and M ike Bennett, stu dent council. During the year we held five fudge sales ,and at Christm as we spent a lit tle of our hard-earned money on a class party. Our candidate for queen of the Am erican Legion show was Betty M cKee. Shirley Bassinger, Je rry M iller, Homer Personet, and Carl Seals left during the year. Three of our present class members joined the class that year— -Dave Middleton, Ja y Snyder, and Doris Gunter. Suddenly we were juniors, and we cer tainly were busy ones. There were 46 stu dents in our class that year. Our officers were: W a rre n Curtis, president; Carl W a g o ner, vice president; Beverly Price, secretary; Betty M cKee, treasurer; M ike Bennett, mon itor committee; and Royelle Sutch and Dan Savage, student council. Do you remember how hard we worked to learn parts, collect props, and sell tickets for our class play? " O ff the T ra c k " was a smashing success. C ertainly no one will forget the day in early December when our class rings arrived. Soon it was M arch and again we worked to give our ham supper, and we found that the re sults were certainly worth the effort. A t last we were excused from classes to transform the gym into a dreamland. Our theme was "M o o n lig h t Seranad e" that M a y 4, and we had a wonderful evening- Je rri Brown moved to Chicago during the year, but we gained two new classmates— Tommye Glaze and Robert Measels. A t last we were seniors. Now only a few months stretched ahead of us and then— graduation. There were 45 in our class. Our capable officers were: Dave Middleton, president; Carl W agoner, vice president; Sally Medbourn, secretary; Betty M cKee, treasurer; W a rre n Curtis, monitor com m it tee; and Royelle Sutch and Dave Middleton, student council. Ann Jurgensen and Lucin da Piersol left our class, and Auda Fisher, Don Herr, and John W h arto n entered. On September 7 we launched our magazine drive, and we went all out to go over our goal of $4,500 .The highest sellers in our class were Sally Medbourn and Tom Cultice. On October 15 we went to Chicago, courtesy of The State Exchange Bank, where we vis ited The Federal Reserve Bank, The Con tinental National Bank, and The Board of Trade. Do you remember the delicious chicken dinner we had? W e had our third car wash on October 20, the others were held during the previous summer. W e chose blue and silver as our class colors, the yellow rose as our class flower, and "T h e y conquer who believe they c a n " as our class motto. During the basketball season we sold con cessions, and money for our Senior trip quickly reached an impressive total. Fin ally we left on April 30 to see W ashington D. C., W illiam sburg, and New York with our hardearned money. W e returned to Culver on M a y 6, tired but happy. Four days later we had a wonderful evening at the prom given in our honor by the junior class. The end of our high school days came all too soon. Our baccalaureate service was on Sunday, M a y 19, then, with a few tears, but with high hopes for the future, we received our diplo mas on Friday, M a y 24. The seniors extend their sincere thanks to everyone, especially the faculty, for help ing us in our years here at Culver High School. W e shall always have these mo ments to remember. W e wish the best of everything to the future graduates of C.H.S. 31 THE JUNIOR CLASS JO S E P H A N D E R L O H R V IR G IN IA AU LT Orchids for his wom en. ___ Plym outh-bound. B U D D Y B A R N E T T E ________ F eu d in ’, Fussin’, and aFig h tin ’. M IL D R E D B E N N E T T ___________ M oved to W a rrin g to n , Fla. JA M E S D O W N S ____________________ Down (s) w ith w o m en! JA M E S E A R I____________________________________________ Joy ride. E V E R E T T F E E C E ____________________ One of the quiet type. M A X G I B B O N S ______________ “ I don’t ‘gibb’ in to nobody.” G A R Y G R E T T E R ______________________________Don’t bi-gripe! D A V ID H A L I________________ Early to bed, early to rise . . . ? JO E L L E N H A N D ____________________ H and-y to have around. N E D H E R R _____________________________________ H e rr’s a H im ! THE JUNIOR CLASS D A L E H O U G H T O N _______________________ M u m ’s the word. E L A IN E J A C K S O N ___________ Here I am, you lucky people. R IC H A R D L A R G E _____________________________ Large charge. M A RSH A L I N D V A L L _________________ Dim, dim the lights. JA N E T L O W R Y ______________ W o m a n driver— w atch o u t! D A V ID M c C O I G E ____________________ M y fair lady (C a r o l? ). V E R N A M c D O N A L D _____________ W o rd s can ’t describe her. BEVERLY M c G A F F E Y ______________________ M ig h ty Mouse. JA N IC E M E A S E L S ______________ T he non-quarantine kind. JU D IT H M O R R IS ____________________ Sw e et as sugar candy. L O IS M O R R I S O N ____________________ She couldn’t be cuter. R O Y M O R R IS O N ___ M ean w h ile, back in the jungle . . < THE JUNIOR CLASS j U D IT H O N E S T I ______________________________A to m ic energy. T H O M A S O T T ____________________________ W h a t — me w o rry? E IL E E N O V E R M Y E R __________________________ W h is tle Bait. F R A N C E S P A C I L I O _________________________ Popularity plus. M A R Y B E T H P E T T IS A h , M en ! ! ! V IR G IN IA __ P IE R S O L Baby Doll. M A R JO R Y P O W E R S M y Little M argie. A N N E T T E PRO SSER ______ Ship A h o y ' V I R G I N I A R E E D _______________________ W a lk in g pep session. E D W A R D R O S E B A U M ________________ It a in ’t necessarily so. B A R B A R A R U S T _________________ Sw eet, smooth, and sassy. JO H N S C H M I D T _________________________ I live dangerously. THE JUNIOR CLASS D A R L E N E S H E P P A R D --------------- W a n d e rin g shepherd P A T R IC I A S IN G L E T A R Y ___________ Singletary, not solitary. JO H N Y E S I P E S --------------------------Oh, Johnny, oh! E L L E N S M I T H ------------ Take me out to the ball game. R O B E R T T A Y L O R ________ T h e hand is quicker than the eye. R U S S E L L U L E R Y ____Just give him w ine, wom en, and song. W A T S O N W H I T E ___________ Elem entary, my dear W a tso n . EVA Z O V A N Y I En seretem it eben as skolaba, es m indenkit bene. THE SOPHOMORE CLASS Lamoin Banks Leroy Bean Dale Bennett Je an e tte Berger Theresa C ihak N ed Crum Jean C urry Larry Dickson M ich ael Fitterlin g Sandra Furnas Greta Hughes Robert Kennedy Ja c k Kin n ey Dan L ittle Sally Lo w ry Carol Lucas Donald Lu tz W e n d e ll M c A fe e Robert M cC oige Donovan Osborn G u y Ott Donald Reed Barbara Russell Harold Schm idt Buddy Seese Sh irley Sherwood Thom as Sutch Norm an Thomas. A lv in Trip let. Sandra W a lle n , Paul W a rn e r. Thom as W esso n . Larry Z e c h ie L SO PHO M O RE C LA SS O F F I C ER S. Seated : Robert Kennedy, president; Jean Curry, treas urer. Standing: Thom as Sutch, vice Sandra president; Furnas, secretary. FRESH M A N F IC E R S . treasurer; dict, W ynn, )oan C LA SS B etty Eugene president; vice Barshes, O F Kose, Bene Donald president; secretary. Th e picture on the w all is one of the clever pos ters proclaim ing a fresh man class fudge sale. 37 FRESHMAN CLASS Em ily A llen Joan Barshes Eugene David Benedict Booker T e rry Cavender Stanley Cutrtis A rth u r Eskridge Denny Geiger M a ry Guess Donald Hand Charles H ardin Christina Hughes John Vird en B etty Kose M argaret K ruli V irg in ia Lee Susan M edbourn Edna M enser Joyce Morrison Robert N eid lin ger Larry Norm an Roger Peters FRESHMAN CLASS Ha I lie Pierce Beatrice Price Sam uel Prosser Sandra Sm ith K erry Spahr John T aylo r Patricia V anSch o iack David W a sh b u rn W illia m W a ts o n Sandra W h it e Leslie W o o lfre Donald W y n n Richard Calhoun Ju d y Lo w ry Frank Ju d ith H err G olln ick Robert M ikesell M a ry M evis Paul Thompson N ita Fahlgren Donald K ibort Larry Holston THE EIGHTH GRADE N an cy Burns Sharon Baker Lila Bean M arsha Crozier Sharon Feece Christine Croy Ph illip C retter John Crom ley Ronald Osborn Rochelle Coed Donna Keyser * Sheila Strow M a ry Todd Shari Yocom B etty Z echiel jean W a rn e r M errie K ay Stoneburner C atherine Overm yer Sam M edbourn, Jam es Piersol Ph illip W illia m Rosebaum, Jam es Parker Robison, Darrel Cook Randel M ilto n Sheppard, Banks, M ich ael Je rry Robert Kerrigan M ille r Kirhm el, John Hook THE EIGHTH GRADE Karen Kem ple Lynda Sipes M arizetta Robinson Roberta Easterday Barbara K auffm an A n n e Osborn Sharon Spahr Sharon Lindvall Barbara M oore A nn e Behm er Linda Gibbons Jean M cC oige W illia m Sheppard Diane Goldm an Larry Sellers Je rry Grover Barbara M evis P a trick M c Fe e ly G ary Dillon Susan M uehlhausen Ronald Kuhn Richard Kuhn Linda Banks Larry Davis Tony C ihak, Lance Overm'yer Robert Sherwood, Jam es H all SEVENTH GRADE Sandra Fisher, Charles Hodges A nn a N an cy Lu tz, Jam es C arter Prosser, Christine Hand M a rile e Z ech iel, Jane Thom as Rebecca Russell, Charles Reed M elissa Fisher, John Sharon Yeaze!, Linda Ben ed ict Kose Susan Ruhnow , Ruthann Kovacs Peter Ott, Jane Benson Robert Osborn, Glenda Dawson Sandra Osborn, Jam es Gross M a ry Jane Guise, Patricia Lu tz W illa r d Herr, Rodney Edgington George Baker M alco lm M acQ u illan Dodd Stacy Jam es Spencer Charles W a rra n M ich ael Cavender John Crum B illy V a n D y k e THE SEVENTH GRADE Ja n e t Logan Jam es C anterbury Ju lia Furnas Ronald Le ffe rt Ja n et M a rtin Robert Dickson Patricia W e sso n Jon M ikesell Sandra Summers Danny Baker Sandra Boetsma M ichael Lana O verm yer Berger W a lt e r G o lln ick Carol H eiser Thom as C urtis Linda Guess John Jurgensen Diane Behm er Gabriel Z o van yi M argo O verm yer Thom as Boswell Donna Sm ith Brian Lin h a rt Bern ice M evis A nn a C hatm an M artha Lowr'y N ot p ictured : Beverly Thom as 1956 S E N IO R T R IP . Top, le ft: A visit to C hinatow n. M id d le : In front of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. R igh t: W h o told the joke? Second row, left: O ur private car. M id d le : W a s h in g to n ’s M onum ent. about this p ictu re .) guide through U n ited Nations. R ig h t: The Capitol of the U n ited dle: Lincoln 44 (A s k the girls R ig h t: Tom b of the U n kno w n Soldier. Third row, left: M o u nt Vernon. M id d le row : Indian M em orial. R ig h t: U nited N ations Buildin g. States. Lower, left: Jefferson M em orial. M id P - p E * P B A N > " 1 v D < ................................... . _ n - ------------------------------------------------------; ------------------------------------- 1 t ........ L ....« r — o c J V/e will have these MO-dENTS TO RE-NEH-BER In fro n t: Tom m y C u ltice. First row left, fro n t to back: Stan ley Curtis, Sam Prosser, Barbara Rust, V irg in ia Piersol, Lam oine Banks, W illia m O tt, V irg in ia Reed, Charles H ardin. Second ro w : N ita Fahlgren, Ja n e t Z ech iel, Jean Curry, Linda Reed, Ja c k SENIOR HIGH K inney, Carol Lucas, Elaine Jackson, B etty Kose, Guy O tt. T h ird SCHOOL BAND O verm yer, Carol Crom ley, Christina Hughes, Thom as Sutch, Donald Hand, Joan Barshes, Jan et Low ry. Sixth ro w : Thom as O tt„ row : Sandra Furnas, Karen Hesgard, Ju d y Gollnick, M arsha Lindvall, Greta Hughes, Robert Neidlinger, Tom W e sso n , Larry Z ec h iel. Fourth row : Joyce M orrison, Patricia Dowd, M arjory Powers, Sally Low ry, M a rilyn Clauson, Donald Reed, Ju d y Low ry, Buddy Seese, Robert Taylor. Fifth ro w : Beatrice Price, Eileen Betsy Pettis, Joan Koebke, Thelm a Hodges, Ju d ith M orris, Larry Norm an, Robert M ikesell, Robert Kennedy. •ujoqsQ a u u y ‘ |awui!>| A jja f ‘P P ° 1 A je l/VJ ‘J3 A U JJ9 A 0 ogje|/\j ‘uosm b q epu9|Q :g u ip u e ;s S 3 |JB L 0 |9bl|D!1/\| P ie u o y ‘ub§ijj9>| : p 9 jn p | d \o ^ \ 'lo sjajcj s a w e f ‘jau je / y\ u e a f ‘spjaiujg -j|^| >jdiu||oq J9}|e/Y\ ‘Sj 4J n 3 sbujoljj_ ‘p u e n 9UJ4SULJ3 ‘440 J9 49d ‘sa^ p o H ‘J9 4 JB 3 sa u je f fA a |W 0 J3 u H °f 'J a s s o i j Aduefsj ‘euusiaog e jp u e $ ‘||aMSog sbluolj_l ‘||e n sauuef ‘ja A o u a A Q ; ja q o y :m o j pj|L|_L *J9UJL|9g 9uu\/ ‘z;n "| euuy ‘uoss9/y\ e p u je ^ ‘u jo q s Q e jp u e $ - B9 X u o je q s ‘4JBU|U|-| u e u g ‘Ajmo-j e q ^ lA I ‘s e u j o ij i 9uef ‘s e u jo ij i A\ J9A9g ‘uos>p!Q -M9qoy ‘z j n i e p u je d B jp u e s ‘s>|ueg A p u e y 'su o q q jQ e p u n ‘jq e d $ u o jB q s <\ d \ i \ D 3 2 A jja g ‘asm Q ‘j9 S j9 H |O je;} ‘|9z ‘M o u L jn y uesn$ ‘J9qsi-i ‘ijeApuj-j uojeLjS :m o j puoD9$ *u9sneq|q9n|/\| uesn$ ‘jg g jg g eue~| rseujn-j e \ \ n { Tuego-| ja u e f a u e f Aje|/\| ‘9so>j e p u i“ | ‘u jo d o x ub l|S ‘u Hn >l P IBuoy ‘u o s u iq o y O N V 8 1 O O H D S H D I H V O I N f) T e;49zue|/\j :m o j ^ s jij Front ro w : Carol Lucas, Sandra Furnas, mye Lou Glaze, Ja n et Z ech iel. C urtis, Charles Hardin, Tom Sutch, C H O IR . Thelm a Karen Hesgard, V irg in ia Reed, Elaine Jackson, Eileen Overm yer, Tom- Back row : Larry Norm an, Ja c k Hodges, V irg in ia Kinney, Donald Reed Barbara Rust, Tom m y Cultice, Tom Ott, W illia m Piersol, Ju d ith Onesti, Barbara Rust, B e tty Kose, Jr., M r. Shields, Stanley Ott, Robert Kennedy. Linda Reed, Joan Koebke, Jeanne Best, Ja n et Z echiel, Jan et Low ry. Second ro w : V irg in ia Reed, Karen Hesgard, Carol Lucas, Sandra Furnas, Kerry Spahr, Joyce M orrison, Beatrice Price, V erna M cD o nald , B everly M cG affey, Eva Z o va n yi, Johnye Sipes. Third ro w : M r. Shields, Em ily A llen , Christina Hughes, Joan Barshes, Carol Kline, M arsha Lindvall, Elaine Jackson, Betsy Pettis, A n n ette Prosser, Patricia Dowd, Carol Crom ley. Fourth row: Jean Curry, M a rilyn Clauson, Sally Low ry, Greta Hughes, Jo Ellen Hand, Eileen O verm yer, Tom m ye Lou Glaze, Ju d ith M orris, Mairjory Powers, Darlene Sh ep pard. F ifth row : N ita Fahlgren, Ju d ith Low ry, Je a n e tte Berger, Donald Lutz, Tom m y Cultice, Buddy Seese, R o bert N eidlinger, Charles W esso n , Ja ck Kinney, G u y Ott. Sixth row : Donald Reed, W illia m Ott, David M iddleton, Ja y Snyder, Donald Hand, Norm an Thomas, Donald M orrison, Thom as O tt, Robert Kennedy. Back row : M ich ael Ben n ett, Larry Norm an, Stanley Curtis, A lv in T rip let, Scott H unter, Joseph A nderlohr, M ich ael Fitterling, Ronald W is e , Robert M ikesell. D A N C E B A N D . Front row : N ita Fahlgren, B etty Kose, V irg in ia Reed, Carol Thomas Ott, Cynthia A llen . Second row : Larry Norm an, Low ry, Ja n e t Thom as Sutch, Tom m y C ultice. Back row : Elaine Jackson, W ilia m Kline, Stanley Curtis, Joan Barshes, Robert Taylor, G u y Ott, Donald Reed, O tt, Charles H ardin, Tom m ye Lou Glaze. P E P B A N D . W illia m O tt, Tom m y C ultice, G uy Ott, Robert Taylor, Thom as Ott, Stan ley Curtis, Donald Reed, T h o m as Sutch. T ry iden tifyin g the surrounding decorations yourself. S E N IO R B A N D S W E A T E R W I N N E R S . Ja n et Z ech iel, Joan Koebke, Thelm a Hodges, Carol Crom ley, Patricia Dowd, Tom m y C ultice, Linda Reed, Karen Hesgard, W illia m O tt, M arilyn Clauson. JU N IO R B A N D T W i R L E R S . M a ry Todd demonstrates how to make a baton hang suspended in midair. Flanking her are M argo O verm yer and Glenda Dawson. 50 ELEM EN TA RY M a ry Ellen BAND. Tornquist, Front row : Jan ice Bonnie Parker, N eidlinger, Linda La rry M iller, Barbara H atten, Ju d y Bishop, Ruth Sprunger, Behm er, M arge M c C a ffe y , M artha M cA llister, Sharon M cC affey , Sharon Norris. Second ro w : Scott M arston, Paul Crom ley, W a d e Logan, Larry Linhart, Brian Piersol, John W ilk in s , Tom M iracle, Robert Carter, Linda Shock, V ic k i Lu tz, Pamela Phelps, Ja n e t Beck, Paul W h it e , W illia m Karen M cD onald, Sharon M cD onald, Beverly Barshes, Russell, M argaret Coble, Ronald Porter, C h arlene Lucas. Third row : M r. Shields, Scott Ceiselm an, Tom W a lk e r, M a ry A n n Kem ple, Sharon W a g o n er, Sam Low ry, Je rry Nelson, Tom Easterday, Thad Overm yer. B A N D C O U N C IL . Seated : V irg in ia Piersol, secretary; V irg in ia Reed, vice president; Theim a Hodges, senior girl and president; Barbara Rust, treasurer. Stand ing: Robert Taylor, junior boy; Jud ith M orris, junior girl; Tom m y C ultice, senior boy. 51 S E N IO R B A N D T W I R L E R S . Fro nt: Sandra Furnas, Joyce Drum M ajo r Tom m y C ultice. 52 Morrison, Rear: Beatrice Price, N ita Fahlgren. C en ter: a im is 'f if t e * £ f t 1 - N ~ . j el Ve will have these MO-HENTS TO RE-NEM-BER 53 CULVER'S BASKETBALL "G ood work, team, good work; good work, team, good work; team, we say good w o rk!" This is one of the joyous strains which were heard m any times throughout the year as the Culver fans saluted their mighty In dians. This truly was one of those traditional Culver basketball seasons with the Culver tribe standing high with thirteen wins and nine losses during the 1956-57 season. The opening game of the season showed that the Indians were to be rough to handle this year. It was a close con test all the way, but the Indians ended up on top as the final score was Culver 64, LaPaz 59. W a rre n Curtis led the Culver attack with 20 points, followed by Ben nett's 17 and Triplet's TRADITION five and the final score was Culver 52, Rens selaer 38. Our Indians bumped off Knox for their fourth victory. Free throws were the decid ing factor in this game since both teams had 19 field goals. Culver hit 30 of 44 free throws, while Knox only made 26 out of 39. The final score was Culver 68, Knox 64. Curtis and Triplet again took the honors with 19 points each. Culver lost a close con test to Rochester with a score of 58-52. Duff and Curtis each scored 14 points for our Indians. 12. W alk erto n 's Indians proved to be too power ful for Culver, scalping our tribe on our own hunting grounds with a score of 67 to 59. Curtis and Triplet led the scor ing with 19 and 13 points respectively. COACH RA LPH For the third battle, Culver took to the road for the first time to meet the Akron Flyers. "Score, score, we want m ore!" was the cry of the fans as they observed the Old Culver Spirit which the boys again dis played. Culver won by a margin of ten points, the final score being Culver 58, A k ron 48. Curtis and Triplet again were top point men with 13 and 18 points respective ly. North Judson overpowered Culver 59-46 in the second setback of four games. Ben nett and Curtis each scored 14 points for top honors. Culver overtook the Rensselaer Bombers for their third win of the season. The scor ing was evenly divided between the starting 54 REVIVED PED ERSEN The Four-W av Tour ney was next in line for the Indians and Culver drew Argos for the open ing game. The Dragons won over Culver with a score of 62 to 46, and went on to take Ply mouth in the finals. C u l ver dropped the consola tion game, a close battle which ended 68-64 in favor of Valparaiso. Al Triplet was high scorer both nights scoring 17 and 27 points respec tively. Next the Culver tribe knocked down the high flying Bourbon Comets, winning by an eleven point margin. Curtis again was tops in scoring with 25 points. The Indians were victorious over the Bremen Lions in a close thriller, the final score being Culver 46, Bremen 42. The top scorers for the evening were W ago ner and Duff, each scoring 14 points. Only a week after their first encounter, Culver again faced the Bremen Lions for their first game of the county tourney. Coach Pedersen and his squad experienced little difficulty in elim inating the Lions. Curtis led the M axinkuckee Indians7 attack swishing in 29 pointers. Coach Pedersen's tribe than advanced to the semi-finals, once T H E V A R S IT Y . Front row : David W a sh b u rn , A lv in T rip le t, W a rre n C urtis (c a p ta in ), C ary Duff, Dan Savage. Se c ond row : Richard Large (stu d en t m a n ag er), David M iddleton, M ik e Bennett, Buddy Barnette, Ralph Pedersen (c o a c h ). Back row : Jam es Downs, David H all, Ja y Snyder, Carl W a g o n e r. 55 again meeting Bourbon. The Comets gave Culver a rough time, but the Indians came out on top with their second tourney vic tory, 52-49. In this game, Curtis again led the scoring with 33 points. Oh that final game! The determined C u l ver crew met the Argos Dragons with their hopes set high. W a rre n Curtis proved him self to be the outstanding player of the tourney by again racking up 24 points for the Culver team. In the three games which Culver played, W a rre n scored 86 of the 162 Indian points! Using a new zone defense, Culver controlled both boards; and with the scalp to display. Curtis and Triplet lead the "C h a m p s / 7 scoring 27 and 18 points re spectively. Our tribe had a rough time against Tyner, but they managed to scalp them by a m ar gin of only four points. Triplet and Duff accounted for 13 points each. The Argos Dragons were really out to get revenge for the "u p s e t" that Culver gave them at the county tourney. The fans who packed the Culver gym saw a close battle every minute throughout the entire game. W h e n the final buzzer rang Argos was on the long end of the count which was 56- Captain C urtis and Coach Pedersen happily display the loot that came from w in n in g the county championship. For more on the county tourney see page 84. help of D uff who cleared more than his share of the rebounds, Culver proved to be victorious over the Dragons. Culver broke Argos7 record of 15 straight victories. Yes, we7re from Culver, couldn't be prouder! A ll hail to the new County Champs! The Indians captured their seventh straight game, 63 to 60 as North M a n chester became their next victim. M anchest er was really some tough competition and the game was hard fought throughout, but the Indians returned home with another 55 50. Curtis and W ag o ner led the way with 16 and 12 points respectively. The Plymouth Pilgrims proved to be no match for our Champs as they scalped them 68-48. The game was really a team victory with all five starters hitting double figures. Bennett had 16, Triplet 15, Curtis 13, and Duff and W ag o ner 12 each. Next Culver met with the Nappanee B u ll dogs, one of the most highly rated teams in this area who had only lost two games. The Indians bowed to Nappanee by a score of 57 to 42. D uff and Triplet were high scor ers with 17 and 10 points respectively. Culver journeyed to W in a m c c to meet the Indians on their hunting grounds. The opponent's field goal accuracy was terrific, connecting 30 of 55 for a 54 per cent aver age, while Culver had only a 31 per cent average. W in a m a c led all the way winning over Culver 78-66. Curtis scored 22, Triplet 18, and D uff 16. The Lakeville game was really a grand finale for the Indians7 season. Culver won 73-58, putting the final season record at 13-8. Triplet was high point man with 27 points, followed by Curtis and W ago ner with 22 and 17 points respectively. Culver lost out in the sectional tourney W A CO N ER BEN N ETT D UFF C U R T IS in an over-time battle against Bourbon. C ur tis scored 17, and Triplet 16 of Culver's 58 points against Bourbon's 66. During the season Culver netted a total number of 1,258 points, while their oppo nents scored 1,233. Of the total points, Curtis scored 381, Triplet 278, Duff 181, Bennett 171, and W ago ner 167. There were 325 personal fouls called against Culver, while there were 388 personal fouls called against our opponents. The Indians will be hard hit by graduation this year, losing Bennett, Curtis, Duff, M id dleton, Savage, Snyder, and W agoner. How ever, all in all things look good for another victorious season in 1957-58 as there are some good prospects on the B-team who will SA VAG E M ID D L E T O N SN YD ER be ready to play varsity ball next year. Prospects for next season took on a brighter hue when next year's varsity nosed out the seniors by one point in the annua! W ill Be-Has Been game with Thomas, T rip let, McCoige, W ashburn and Barnette fu r nishing the fans with five good reasons for being a bit optimistic. There will be a few changes in next year's schedule. The Indians will drop Akron to play W arsaw , and there will be no holiday tourney in which to compete. Thus, there will be two games less than this year's sche dule, but still it will be a full season with Culver participating in 16 games plus the county tourney. T R IP L E T DOWNS BARN ETTE 1, T rip le t lets go w ith a push shot as C u rtis aw aits a possible rebound. 2, mouthed Argos player. D uff shoots over an open- 3, D u ff takes a rebound as Bennett and Curtis look on. 4, T rip le t takes a closein shot as Duff, C urtis and Bennett fo llo w the ball. 5, T rip le t fires in another basket w ith D u ff and Curtis poised for action. 6, W a g o n e r is obviously fouled as he shoots, w ith T rip le t and C urtis tw isting their necks. 7, Curtis scores two more points. The backs belong to D u ff and Bennett. 8, T rip le t and D u ff b at tle the lanky Nappanee center for a rebound. 9, W a g oner sinks one from m id-court as the buzzer sounds. W ASH BURN LA RG E PAPOOSES SHOW PROMISE The Papooses really had a rough season this year. Ju s t before the season started, Dan Little, one of the returning " B " team players broke his foot during practice, thus leaving the team minus one player for about two months. Shortly after the season got underway, Dave W ashburn was moved up to play on the Varsity squad. Bob Mikesell was his replacement on the line-up, but before the season ended, Bob got sick and had to give up basketball. The Papooses had a desire to win and kept right in there all the way. For almost every game there was a different high point man. This shows that they have the ability Standing: Don W y n n , N ed Herr, David Booker, Dan FOR FUTURE to shoot, but that they need to get consist ent. The height of the team as a whole shows a great deal of promise for next year. Here are the results of some of the out standing games of the season: LaPaz W alkerton Akron Rochester Bremen Tyner Argos Nappannee Opp. 38 29 43 40 34 29 26 21 Culver 37 33 41 37 31 40 30 26 Little, Robert M ikesell, Larry Z e c h ie l, Dale Bennett, Eugene Benedict, M ik e Fitterling, Robert M cC oige, Norm an Thom as. K n eeling: Stud ent M anager Harold Schm idt, Coach Pedersen. 60 THE FRESHMAN TEAM ENGAGES FOES A Freshman team was organized for the first time at Culver this year. Culver did have a " C " team which was made up of both freshmen and sophomores, but this new team is only for freshmen. The main purpose of this group is to give as many boys as possible a chance to devel op in basketball. It gives them another year of experience like that of the Ju n io r High teams, and prepares them for the B-team. Their practice sessions are integrated with the B-team two nights a week. The Freshman team had a six game sche dule this year playing Argos two times, Bourbon, Aubbeenaubbee, W in a m a c, and Plymouth. They also played in a four-way tourney with Argos, Talm a, and Aubbee naubbee the other schools participating. Next year's plans call for a full 16 game schedule, plus the four-way tourney. The letter winners on this year's Freshman team are Richard Calhoun, Terry Cavender, Art Eskridge, Do,n Hand, Larry Holston, Charles Hardin, and Denny Geiger. K n eeling : T e rry Cavender, Richard Calhoun, A rth u r Eskridge, M r. Pedersen (c o a c h ). Stand ing: Harold Schm idt (student m an ag er), Donald Hand, Dennis Geiger, Charles H ardin, Larry Holston. JUNIOR % HIGH SEVEN TH CRADE Front ro w : Cabe Z ovanyi, Jam es Carter, Jam es Canterbury, Rodney * Edgington, George Herr. Second row : Earl M ishler (student m an ag er), M ik e Overm yer, Dodd Stacy, Robert Dickson, Danny Baker, M r. Parson (c o a c h ). Back row : M ik e Cavender, Brian Linhart, John Benedict, Tom Boswell. Front row : Larry Sellers, Jam es Piersol. Second row : Earl M ish le r Parker, Pat M cFe ely, Davis, Ph illip Gretter, Jam es H all, M r. Parson TEAMS E IG H T H CRADE 62 Hook, Jam es (c o a c h ). Third ro w : Darrell Cook, Ronald Kuhn, Randy Banks, Lance O verm yer. BASKETBALL John (student m a n ag er), John Crom ley, Larry % INDIANS SPARKLE ON THE DIAMOND On September 10, 1956, the fall base ball season opened with our Culver Indians facing the Bourbon Comets on our diamond. " P in k y " Middleton pitched for Culver while Schuh hurled for Bourbon. The opposing team took advantage of our non-hitting In dians and returned home with a 3-0 victory. Tippecanoe played their home game here on September 13. Hurrah! Our tribe won. The score was Culver 18, Tippy 2. Dave W ashburn brought in a Culver on September 17 when against W e st High School. W e qame for our second victory with 19 to 5. homer for we played took that a score of On September 20 our Indians traveled to Tyner to gain another victory. Middleton and W ashburn took turns on the mound for Culver, while Ross and Cochran pitched for Tyner. Our tribe again took to the road on Sep tember 24 when they met the LaPaz Vikings on the LaPaz diamond in a high-scoring game. Jim Downs collected a homer for the Indians and W eiss hit a home run for the Vikings. The Indians returned home with another victory, the final score being Culver 23, LaPaz 14. ' Our Indians went hunting for Green D ra gon scalps in the final clash of the season, but ended up as the victims themselves. The Dragons brought in 18 runs and with this chalked up a 6-0 record. A ll in all, the Indians enjoyed an out standing season, winning four, and losing only two. The season's schedule was as follows: C.H.S. Bourbon .............................. 0 Tippy ................................... 18 W e s t ................................... 19 Tyner ............. .....................18 LaPaz .................................23 Argos ................................... 0 Opp. 3 2 5 1 14 18 Front row : Tom Sutch, Harold Schm idt, Sam Prosser, T e rry Cavender, Ned Herr, John Schm idt, Jam es Downs. Second row : Coach Pedersen, Dan Savage, Carl W ag o n er, David W ash b u rn , M ik e Bennett, Ed Rosebaum, Don Herr, Dan Little, Richard Large. Third row : David M iddleton, Dale Houghton, Robert M cCoige, Norm an Thomas, W a rre n Curtis, David H all, Eugene Benedict, A lv in Triplet. TRACK TEAM BRINGS PROMISE OF SPRING In the first meet Knox edged out Culver for first place, leaving Francesville third. In the second meet Culver lost to Bourbon by a mere seven points. Then Culver was vic torious over Aubbenaubee, but W alk erto n won nine points more than Culver in the fourth meet. Culver came in third in the next meet, behind Hammond Noll and John Adams. In the final meet Culver was edged out by Culver M ilita ry Academ y. The standings in the county meet were: Bremen, first, 58 points; Argos, second, 50; Culver, third, 49^; Bourbon, fourth 33; LaPaz, fifth, 18; W est, sixth, 14; and Tyner, last, no points. Larry Berger and Bill W a s h burn tied for highest individual points. W ashburn set a new county record, 23:05, for the 220-yard dash, and he tied his own record in the 100-yard dash— 10:05. Berger set a new record in the high hurdles— 16:5. Out of 23 schools represented in Class B at the Goshen Relays, Culver finished fifth with W ashburn winning in the 100-yard dash and Berger in the high hurdles. The Delphi Relays were held during the senior class trip, so only underclassmen participat ed. Out of 12 teams in Class B, Culver came in tenth. In the Logansport Relays Culver finished fourth in the two-mile relay, third in the shuttle-hurdle relay, and first in the sprint-medley relay. Seven boys represented Culver at the sec tional meet at Huntington. Berger qualified for the regional in both the high and low hurdles, W ashburn in both the 100 and 220 yard dash, and the half-mile relay team of Berger, W ashburn, and David and Richard McCoige. In the regional at Fort W a y n e W ashburn qualified for the state in the 100 and 220-yard dash, setting a new regional record in the latter at 22:4. He finished fifth in both events in the morning trials at the state finals at Indianapolis. Front row : Ed Rosebaum, T erry Cavender, David M cC oige, David W a sh b u rn , Charles H ardin, Sam Prosser. Second ro w : Larry Norm an, Norm an Thomas, Dale Bennett, E v e re tt Feece, A lv in Th ird row : Coach Pedersen, John W h a rto n , Larry D e W itt , Dan Savage, Trip let, Ja y Snyder, Charles M cC oige. Carl W a g o n e r, Scott H unter, Student M anager Richard Large. Back row : Eugene Benedict, David M iddleton, W a rre n Curtis, C a ry D uff, Robert M c Coige, D w ight N ew m an, Buddy Barnette. JU N IO R H IG H T R A C K T E A M . First row : Darrell Cook, Ronald Stacy, W illia m V a n D yk e, Robert Dickson. Second ro w : Rosebaum, W illia m Parson (c o a c h ), Sheppard, Lance O verm yer, John John Jergensen, George Herr, Sam Kuhn, Larry M edbourn, B en ed ict, M ik e Sellers, Robert Robert Osborn, Cavender, Jam es Sherwood, Jam es Piersol, H all. Th ird Dodd Ph illip row : M r. P h illip Gretter, Peter Ott, Charles Hodges, Gabe Z o van yi, Rodney Edgington, Jam es C anterbury. Fourth row : Paul Crom ley, John Hook, Pat M cFe ely, Tom Boswell, Charles Reed, George Baker, Jam es Carter, Randy Banks. SEV EN TH dra Fisher. GRADE CH EERLEA D ERS. Jane Benson, San- E IG H T H GRADE bara M oore. C H E E R L E A D E R S . Sheri Yocom , Bar- V A R S IT Y C H EERLEA D ERS Beverly Price, Barbara Rust, V irg in ia Reed and Pat Dowd are in the midst of leading the vociferous fans in “ Say C u lv e r!” CHEERLEADERS INSPIRE FAITHFUL ROOTERS P A P O O S E C H E E R L E A D E R S Sandra Furnas, Jean ette Berger and Carol Lucas in the clim ax of the varied routines that accom pany the w id e range of yells. Top left: C u lver scores a flock of runs. Curtis speeds past M iddleton, who signals Rosebaum to cross the plate standing up. A no th er runner can be seen at the extrem e right. Coach Pedersen w atches the course of the ball. Top right: W a g o n e r slashes a hit to left field. Second is back of H e rr’s right foot. R ig h t: Rosebaum row, left: Ned H err is safe at first on a bad throw . Ball leads o ff first and C urtis edges toward third as they w a tch b a t ter. Third row, left: W a g o n e r reaches for a w ind-blow n pop-up as M iddleton, Savage, and Downs w atch intently. R igh t: H err rounds first on his hit to left field and T rip le t pounds for home. Ball is circled. Bottom , le ft: M id dleton second. is out at first. R ig h t: M iddleton pitches to b a tte r as Savage and W a g o n e r w atch runner start to steal Top, left: Trip let, followed by M iddleton, rounds the cu rve in the 220-yard dash. R ig h t: C urtis takes off in the broad jump. Second row, left: N ew m an heaves the shot. R ig h t: N um ber 83 is Rosebaum. T h ird row, left: C u r tis is landing, Buster M cC arth y straddles the hurdle. R ig h t: Rosebaum pole vaults as B arnett looks on. Bottom , left: Dowd in the broad jum p. R igh t: Curtis skims over the low hurdle. 68 MO-nENTS TO RE-MEM-BER Ruth M enser, Joan Koebke and B e tty M c K e e hold a discussion during the planning of a layout of tw o of the pages of The Tom ahaw k. THE T O M A H A W K S T A F F PRODUCED THI S BOOK Seated: Joan Koebke, m usic; Karen Hesgard, business m anager; Linda calendar. Stan d ing: Dale Bennett, a rt; B e tty M c K e e , faculty-classroom s; Reed, Ruth ed itor-in -chief; M enser, V irg in ia classes; V irg in ia ath letics; Ju d ith M orris, su bcriptions; Barbara Rust, elem en tary school. N o t pictured: Beve rly Price, clubs. 70 Piersol, Reed, Kay Henderson and Royelle Sutch, co-editors of T h e School bell, confer as they prepare copy for the w e e k ly issue. JOURNALISTS FORM PRESS CLUB Front row : K ay Henderson, Royelle Sutch, Linda Reed, Jill H unter, Jeanne Best, Ja n et Z ech iel, Second ro w : Veirna M cD onald, Lois M orrison, Sandra Furnas, V irg in ia Koebke. Third ro w : Ja c k Kinney, Robert Kennedy, M arsha Lin dvall, Piersol, Carol Jan et Lucas, Low ry, B everly Ju d ith Price, B e tty M c K e e. M orris, Ju d ith Joan Onesti. Fourth row : Ruth M enser, Sally M edbourn, Carol K lin e, Jean Curry, Greta Hughes, Barbara Rust, Back row : Dale Bennett, V irg in ia Reed, Karen Hesgard, Donald M orrison, C yn th ia A llen , Joe Anderlohr. 71 Ruth M enser, Joan Koebke and B e tty M c K e e hold a discussion during the planning of a layout of tw o of the pages of The Tom ahaw k. THE T O M A H A W K S T A F F PRODUCED THI S BOOK Seated : Joan Koebke, m usic; Karen Hesgard, business m anager; Linda Reed, calendar. Stand ing: Dale Bennett, a rt; B etty M c K e e , faculty-classroom s; Ruth ed itor-in -chief; M enser, V irg in ia classes; V irg in ia a th letics; Ju d ith M orris, su bcriptions; Barbara Rust, elem en tary school. N o t pictured: B eve rly Price, clubs. Piersol, Reed, K ay Henderson and Royelle Sutch, co-editors of The School bell, confer as they prepare copy for the w e ek ly issue. JOURNALISTS FORM PRESS CLUB Front row : K ay Henderson, Royelle Sutch, Linda Reed, jill H unter, Jeanne Best, Ja n et Z ech iel, Second ro w : Veirna M cD onald, Lois M orrison, Sandra Furnas, V irg in ia Koebke. Th ird ro w : Ja c k Kinney, Robert Kennedy, Marsha Lin dvall, Piersol, Carol Jan et Lucas, Low ry, B everly Ju d ith Price, B e tty M c K e e. M orris, Ju d ith Joan Onesti. Fourth row : Ruth M enser, Sally M edbourn, Carol K lin e, Jean Curry, Greta Hughes, Barbara Rust, Back row : Dale Bennett, V irg in ia Reed, Karen Hesgard, Donald M orrison, C yn th ia A llen , Joe Anderlohr. W illia m Ott, president; David M id dleton, vice president; Ja y Snyder, treasurer; Buddy Barnette, ser geant-at-arm s; Jam es Downs, sec retary. H I-Y C L U B SETS H I G H ST AND A R DS Seated: M r. Stettbacher, Carl W a g o n e r, Thom as Sutch, Donald Second ro w : Harold Schm idt, Jam es Downs, John W 'h arto n , Reed, G uy Ott, La rry D e W itt, David M cCoige, Charles M cC oige, M r. A lexander. Jerem y Fisher, Donald M orrison. Third row : Donald Lutz, Leroy Bean, Norm an Thomas, Thomas O tt, Tom m y C u ltice, W illia m O tt, Joseph A nderlohr, David M iddleton. Back row : Robert Measels, M ax Gibbons, Robert Kennedy, Robert M c Coige, Dale Houghton, Russell U lery, Buddy Barnette, Ja y Snyder. 72 Seated: Carol Kline, presi dent. Standing: Eileen O ve r myer, vice Ceiselm an, Jean Curry, president; corr. Sue secretary; reporter; T h e l ma Hodges, treasurer. S E R V I C E TO O T H E R S F E A T U R E S SUNSHINE SOCIETY Front row : Ruth M enser, Royelle Sutch, K ay Henderson, C ynthia A llen , Jeanne Best, Jill H unter, Ellen Sm ith, Mrs. A llen . Second ro w : Carol Kline, Sally M edbourn, B everly Price, Patricia Dowd, Doris Gunter, B etty M c K e e , Sue Geiselm an, Barbara Rust. T h ird row : B etty Prosser, M a rjo ry Powers, Lindvall, Ju d ith M orris, Elaine Jackson, Beverly Linda Reed, V irg in ia Piersol, M arsha M c G affey . Fourth row : V erna M cD onald, Sandra Furnas, Jean Curry, Theresa Cihak, Greta Hughes, S ally Low ry, Betsy Pettis, Jan et Low ry, Johnye Sipes. Fifth row : V irg in ia Reed, A n n ette Prosser, Lois M orrison, Carol Lucas, Ja n et Z e c h ie l, Frances Pacilio, Ju d ith Onesti, Eileen Overm yer. Back row : Thelm a Hodges, Karen Hesgard, To m m ye Lou Glaze, Joan Koebke, M argaret Bean, M ab le M oore, Sandra W a lle n . 73 Three student dem onstrate librarians how they check out a book. T h ey are Lana Berger, Jane Benson, and M elissa Fish er. STUDENT L IB R A R I A N S KEEP BUSY EVERY DAY Seated: Jane Benson, M elissa Fisher, Bernice M evis, Jane Thomas, judith ■ Lana Berger. Second row : Patricia Singletary, M orris. B ack ro w : Larry N orm an, Barbara Russell, M r. Stettbacher. M ich ael Fitterling, president; Eugene vice Ben e dict, chairm an ; M r. K a i ser, sponsor; Robert T a y lor, president. PROJECTORS CLUB REELS M Y R I A D OF M O V I E S Seated: M r. Kaiser, Robert Taylor, OFF M ich ael Fitterlin g, Eugene Benedict. Second row : Jill H un ter, Ju d ith Onesti, Jeanette Berger, Carol Lucas, Larry Dickson. Third ro w : D w igh t N ew m an, Daniel L ittle , Robert M cCoige, W i l liam O tt, Ned Crum . B ack row : David W a sh b u rn , Carl W a g o n e r, Roy M orrison, Russell Ulery. 75 Joseph Anderlohr, vice pres id en t; B etty Prosser, presi d en t; Leroy Bean, treasurer; Eva Z o va n yi, secretary. USHERS CLUB PERFORMS S E R V I C E TO A L L VITAL Seated: M iss Stephenson, Eva Z ovanyi, W a lle n , Barbara Russell, Leslie W o o lfre , Robert V ird en . Back row : Charles W e sso n , Lam oin Banks, Robert Kennedy, Larry Norm an. B etty Prosser, Joseph A nderlohr, Leroy Bean. Second row : Sandra Seated: Ju d ith Onesti, secretary-treasurer; Jo Ellen Hand, vice president. Standing: Tom m y C u ltice, president; A uda librarian-historian. Fisher, F U T U R E T E A C H E R S OF A M E R I C A T H I N K OF F U T U R E Seated: M iss Fletchall, Jo Ellen Hand, A ud a Fisher. Stan d ing : Tom m y C u ltice, Larry Norm an, Ju d ith Onesti, Sandra W a lle n , Thom as Ott. S T U D E N T C O U N C IL . Seated: Carol Lucas, sophom ore; Eileen O verm yer, secretary, ju n io r; Em ily A llen , freshm an; Royelle Sutch, vice president, senior; Barbara M oore, eighth grade. Stan d ing: Thom as Sutch, sophomore; David M iddleton, president, senior; Eugene Benedict, freshm an; Richard Large, ju n io r; Lance O verm yer, eighth grade. STU D EN T C O U R T . Tom Ott, judge; Tom m y Cultice, chief justice; M ic h ael Fitterling, judge. Sec ond ro w : c le rk ; Ruth Barbara sistant atto rn ey; Koebke, atto rn ey; thia A llen , row : M enser, Rust, as David bailiff. Joan C yn Back M iddleton, atto rn ey; W a rre n Curtis, s h eriff; Jam es Downs, as sistant attorney. M O N IT O R S . Front row : Christina Hughes, Royelle Sutch, K ay Henderson, Linda Reed, Cyn th ia A llen , Jeann e Best, Jill H unter, Ellen Sm ith, Sandra W a lle n . Second ro w : Carol K line, Sally M edbourn, B everly Price, Patricia Dowd, Doris Gunter, B e tty M c K e e , Sue Geiselm an, Barbara Rust, M arsha Third row : B eatrice Price, Karen Kem ple, Ruth M enser, Morrison, Rochelle Good, Barbara Lindvall, M argaret K ruII, Beverly V irgin ia M c G affey , Lee, V irg in ia Ju d ith Piersol. G ollnick, Joyce Moore, Ju d ith M orris, Elain e Jackson. Fourth ro w : Donald Reed, Thom as O tt, Jam es Downs, T e rry Cavendar, Donald Hand, Samuel Prosser, Harold Schm idt, Donald Herr, John Hook, M ichael Fitterling. Fifth ro w : D w igh t N ew m an, Jerem y Fisher, W a r r e n Curtis, Carl W a g o n er, Daniel Savage, M ich ael B e n nett, A lv in Trip let, Robert M cC oige, Daniel Little, Joseph Anderlohr. Sixth row : Donald M orrison, Donald W y n n , Robert M ikesell, Ja y Snyder, Scott H unter, Edward Rosebaum, Everett Feece, Dale Houghton, Russell Ulery, Jam es Earl. Back row : W e n d e ll M c A fe e , Richard Calhoun, La rry Holston, W illia m Ott, Leroy Bean, Ned Crum , Larry Dickson. STUDENT TRAFFIC CONTROLLED BY M O N I T O R S M O N IT O R C O M M IT T E E . Seated: W a rre n Curtis, chairm an ; Jam es Downs. Standing: W ash burn, David M ichael Fitterlin g, John Hook. 79 Stanley Curtis, reporter; Richard Large, president; Charles W esso n , treasurer; Russell U lery, vice president; Norm an Thomas, secretary. SENIOR 4-H C L U B HAS V A R I E D P R O G R A M Seated: M r. Frazee, Charles W esso n , Stanley Curtis. Second row : Lam oin Banks, M ax Gibbons, Richard Large, Dale Houghton. B ack row : Eugene Benedict, N orm an Thomas, Russell Ulery. Anne Behm er, d en t; Jane and safety; president; vice presi Benson, health Theresa Cihak, Sandra Fisher, song leader; Linda Gibbons, secreta ry-treasurer. GIRLS 4-H C L U B BOASTS LARGE MEMBERSHIP Front ro w : Jan ice N eidlinger, Barbara Rosebaum, B e tty Z echiel, B etty Prosser, Eileen Overm yer, Sandra W a lle n , Theresa Cihak, Mrs. Strait. Second row : Glenda Dawson, Melissa Fisher, Carol Heiser, Lana Berger, Linda Kose, Sandra Fisher, N an cy Prosser, Jan et M artin , Beverly Thom as. Th ird row : M arjorie M cG affey, Jan e Baker, Linda Behm er, Linda Gibbons, A n n e Behm er, A nn a Chapm an, P atty Lutz, P a tty W esso n , A nn a Lutz. Fourth row : Jane Benson, Ju lia Furnas, P a tty Kline, John Taylor, Leslie W o o lfre , Jan e Thomas, Bernice M evis, Sandra Boetsma, Sh er rill Edgington, Fifth ro w : A nn W a g o n e r, Jan W a g o n e r, Jan et Heiser, C arolee Easterday, Ruth Sprunger, M artha M c A lliste r, Pam ela Phelps, Jan Scruggs, Sharon Norris. B a ck row : Johanna Hughes, V ic k y Lutz, M argaret Gobel, Linda Shock, Eileen Q uinn, M arsha W e n tz , Ja n et Beck. John Benedict, vice presi den t; Linda Behm er, health and safety; Linda Gibbons, song leader; Ju l ia Furnas, Sharon game leader; Lindvall, secre tary ; A n n e Behm er, pres ident; Bonnie Good, porter. JUNIOR BOYS 4-H C L U B IS P O P U L A R re GROUP Ju lia Furnas, Rochelle Good, A nn e Behmer, Sharon Lindvall, Linda Gibbons. Second ro w : M r. Frazee, Charles Sn y der, Frank Ikirt, Linda Behm er, Bonnie Good. Th ird row : Tom m y Yocom , Jam es Piersol, Samuel Low ry, Jon M ike- sell, W h it e . 82 Paul Back ro w : Randy Banks, John Benedict, John Crom ley, M ik e Overm yer, Ned Davis. I W illia m Ott, Henderson, president; treasurer; A llen , vice president; Sutch, secretary. K ay C yn th ia Royelle N A T I ON A L HONOR SOCI ETY RECOGNIZES SCHOLARSHIP Seated: V irg in ia Reed, Ju d ith Onesti, V irg in ia Piersol, R u th M enser, C ynthia A llen . Second ro w : Sandra Furnas, Carol Lucas, Barbara Rust, Joan Koebke, Sally M edbourn, V ern a Sutch, Daniel Little, W illia m M cD onald, Royelle Sutch. Third row : Thom as Ott, Thom as O tt, G re ta Hughes, Carol Crom ley, K ay Henderson. Back row : Tom- mye Lou Glaze, Jeanette Berger, Barbara Russell, Jean Curry, Linda Reed. N o t pictured are: Ja n e t Z ech iel, M a ri lyn Clauson, Tom m y C u ltice, Jo Ellen Hand, Eileen O verm yer, Robert Kennedy, Sally Low ry, Richard Large. 8? B A S K E T B A L L M O M E N T S T O R E M E M B E R . The cheerleaders lead the enthusiastic and happy C u lver fans in an outburst of approval as the Indians lead at h alf-tim e. C heerleader V irg in ia Reed snips the nets after w in n in g the county tournam ent. Captain W a rre n Curtis receives the cou n ty championship trophy and congratulations from C ounty Superintendent of Schools Frank M cLa n e . For another picture of the trophy and net see Page 56. Lo w er tw o pictures through the courtesy of The Plym outh P ilo t- N ew s. 84 ^ IB B S lL !S S t iS $ 9 ? & ! R ' ? S © a ® ® I L Veuill have these MO-IIENTS TO RE-MEM-BER 85 M R. SH ELT O N K A IS E R Elem entary Supervisor. M RS. BERTH A Director of MAY RUST M u sic A ud io -V isual Aids. Science. Sponsor: Projectors Club. Top row : Greg Thomas, Sandra Harness, Tom Houghton, K aren H atten . Second row : Peggy Shei, Bonnie A lb e rt. Th ird row : Tom Perry Sm ith, O verm yer, D iane M ikesell, Steven K elly, Beatrice P eter M ars, Carol Schilling, Je rry Schrimsher, Janet Z ech iel, David Cottrell, M a ry Beth Ives, Perry Sm ith, Sharon Thomas, K erry Haenes. Fourth row : Sally Schultz, Richard Pam ela W e ls h , Banks, Tom Dobrodt, Deborah Trip let, M ich ael Napier, Jim m y Snyder, Leslie Crom ley. F ifth row : Bill W ie rin g a , M iracle, Linda M iller, Jim Brom ley. Sixth row: M a ry Ju r gensen, Tom Osborn, Steven Parker, David Curtis, M a rk M cFarland , Stephen Ringer, N an cy Porter. Seventh ro w ; Carol Jean Kline, Steven Snyder, Sara Hoesel, David Jackson, Bonita A lb ert, M a ry Easterday, M arilyn W o lv e rto n . Eighth row : Je f f Adam s, K ath y Tasch, V aughn Kepler, Ph yllis K elly, Doug H artz, M a ry jean D e W itt. N in th row : Glenn Pow ell, Karen T rip let, Geraldine Chatm an, M itz i Brook, Carl Strang. N o t pictured: Rose M a rie T rip let, Jan et Helber, Roger W a g o n er. Top row : Jim m y Crothaus, Linda Fisher, Philip Edgington, V irg in a Shidler, Rex Schrimsher, Susan Donnelly. Second row : M arth a W e a v e r, T o n y M attox, Teri Crom ley, Brian Lindvall, Karen Ruhnow, John Cook. Third row : Edward Ricciardi, V a le rie Carter, Gregg Anderson, V ic k i Helber, Scotty Tibbetts, M a ry W a rre n . Fourth row : Dodie W o rboys, Corky O verm yer, Susan Thew s, Ph ilip W h it e , La u rel Prosser, Charles Gollnick. Fifth ro w : John M erton, E l sie Bickel, Jam es Taber, V ic k i M ikesell, Ronald Chatm an, Lynn M ackey. Sixth row : Donald Gardner, T e rry Beck, A n d y Hodgkins, Stu art Low ry, Greg Easterday, R ic k y Burns. N o t pictured: Karen Sue Ross. THE FIRST MRS. ALICE McLANE 88 GRADE Top ro w : Law ren ce Harness, Carla M organ, Ronald W a rn e r, Linda Reinholt, Jack ie Lucas, V irg in ia Guess. Second row : V ic k i M cK in n e y , David Readel, K atherine D e W itt , M ich ael Baker, Jean Gross, D ick Earl. Th ird row : Stephen Booker, Laura Y eaz el, Charles D e W itt, Joan Kosterman, M ich el Bleck, A n n W ilk in s . Fourth row : Ruth A n n B e n ner, Bobby A ndrew s, Ralph Houghton, M orton Goble, Bobby Schilling, Linda Broeker. Fifth row : M ich ael W y n n , Raym ond Sheppard, Lee Eskridge, Stevie Crum p, Kenneth Tasch, Dale Crabb. Sixth ro w : O liver Mason, Patty C a r ter, Bobby Fahlgren, Leon Sims, C hristine Stevens, Gregory DeTroy. THE FIRST GRADE MRS. MARTHA MARSHALL 89 Top ro w : Rita Lutz, Stevie A u lt, Carolyn Saft, T o n y M ars, V ic k i Sm ith, Fletcher M attox. Second ro w : Stephen Thomas, Laura M iracle, Joyce Odle, Patsy H u ffer, Linda Baker, M arsha Estey. Th ird ro w : K ath y W e ls h , Claudia DePoy, Elaine Epley, David Crabb, M arilee H errm ann, A lb e rt Pare. Fourth row : Ph illip Scruggs, Tom m y Keyser, B etty Bickel, C ary Herr, A rt Stacy. N ot pictured: Laura Hitchcox. THE SECOND GRADE M IS S FLO REN C E PACE Top ro w : Brenda M c A lliste r, M arshall Brow n, Suzanne O verm yer, Paul H atten, Elaine Kaiser, Peter C a n tw ell. Second row : George Dugan, Loretta Klocek, T im m y Schultz, P a tty Overm yer, Doug Brown, Roberta Y eaz el. Third row : Lela Donnelly, Stevie Bair, Penny W a k e fie ld , David K elly, Diane Nelson, Eddie Geiselm an. Fourth row : T erry C lifton, Linda Dinsmore, A la n Banks, Sue Ellen Sedlacek, H ow ard A lbert, Linda M c A lliste r. THE SECOND GRADE Top row : Diana Davis, Richard Gimbel, Becky Easterday, Richard Lutz, Pam ela Carter, Russell Prosser. Second row : Frank Sheppard, Sheryl Fisher, Robert M cFarland , Lin d a Stevens, M a rk Kosterm an, M arsha Guise. Third row : Barbara Bean, A n d y Low ry, B everly Pollock, M ich ael Oellig, Cheryl Morgan, A la n M ahler. Fourth rpw : Randy W a k e fie ld , V ivia n Harness, Larry Boetsma, Pa tty M iller, Donna H uff, A ndrea Siple. Fifth ro w : Jean M orrison, T e r ry Porter, Evelyn M erton, Jim m y Easterday, M a ry Norris, Larry W a sh b u rn , Sh effie W o rb o ys. N o t pictured: A leda Turner, Law ren ce Maxson. THE THIRD MRS. HELEN KELLER 92 GRADE Top ro w : Lucinda Ricciardi, Danny Haenes, Susan H elber, Frank C a n tw e ll, Ju d y Thew s, Bruce Lindvall. Second row : Greg Osborn, Frances W a rn e r, Peter Z ovanyi, Brenda Selina Cox, W a y n e N eidlinger, M a rtin , Jan ice V a n D erM e a d e , M a rk John Deckard, Kerrigan, A nn Pierce, Loretta Richard Berger. Bean. Th ird row : Fourth row : Stephen Cruise, Pam ela Thomas, K en t W a llste a d , Jo an Heiser, Sharyl W e ls h , Stephen Cavender. Fifth ro w : B e v erly Schilling, N ick y H artz, Linda M cFe ely, Larry Banks, C ind y Ruhnow , Karen D e W itt, M a rk Low ry, Carol M evis. THE THIRD GRADE MRS. MARGARET CARTER Top row : C ind y Kem ple, John Behm er, Jane A n n Ives, Jam es Lew is, Jeanne Adam s, Jam es Readel. Second Eugene Harness, Ju lia Funk, John Kibort, Susannah Spencer, Douglas Kosterm an, B etty M cFarland . Third Jan et Rosebaum ,Gale V an D erM ead e, Lorrie Sands, Jam es Boswell, K ath y Easterday, A rl A ltm an . Fourth ro w : nis Pollock, M eg M arshall, Charles Benner, Debbie Henderson, C ary W a lle n , Layne Z ech iel. Fifth row : Crump, B illy Osborn, Steven Ulery, Sharon W a rre n , H u g h H artz, Peggy Herr. Sixth row : Robert A lb ert, Joan is, Richard Jackson. THE M IS S 94 M ARY FOURTH FRA N C ES MAHAN GRADE row: row : D en Ja c k M ev- Top row : Greg Dawson, V era Sm ith, Larry Dawson, Ja n e t Branam an, Tom Grothaus, Pa tty Ogden. Second row : Pam ela Crozier, Paul Saft, Sharon Earl, Larry Fisher, Lin da Nelson, Larry Butler. Th ird row : Dick M ackey, C aro lyn Snyder, Hershal Odle, Donna W a tk in s , David U ebel, V a le rie Gunder. Fourth row : C ath y Carrothers, B illy Epley, W a n d a W a rre n , Jim m y W e iric k , Ju d y Price, Robert M edland. Fifth row : Jim m y Reinhold, Kay Thomas, Douglas Lindvall, Jim m y D e W itt , Dana Marston, P e te r DeTroy. Sixth row : Earl Mason, Joan Dillon, T e rry Lewis, Eva Norris, A lla n Keyser, Leona Masterson. THE FOURTH GRADE MRS. ALICE KELLER 95 Top row : Richard W a rn e r, M a ry Stro w ; Tom M iracle, Ja n e t Heiser, David D e W itt, Susie Gardner. Second row : M argaret Goble, Sam m y Low ry, M artha M cA llister, Charles Snyder, M arsha W e n tz , Bobby Carter. Th ird row : Gregory Yapp, Sharon M cG affey, Brian Piersol, Ja n et B e c k , Stephen Downs, Lavonda C lifton . Fourth row : Pam ela Phelps, Sherry Croy, A n n W a g o n er, Ned Davis, R ich a rd Knoerzer, B illy Russell. Fifth row : Linda Shock, Nora Sheppard, Danny W e a v e r, Carol Herr, Jan W a g o n er. i THE F I F T H MRS. JEANNE EPLEY 96 GRADE Top row : Sharon M cD onald, Je rry Cross, Larry Linhart, B everly Barshes, Je rry H uffer, K ay O verm yer. Second row : Rex Crum p, Bonnie Guess, Tom m y Yocom , A n ita Y eazel, Shaun Donnelly, M a ry Ricciardi. Third row : Lu cy Osborn, Lee Curry, Janeen Scruggs, Frank Ikirt, Eileen Quinn, Paul W h it e . Fourth ro w : John W ilk in s , Diana Boots, B o n nie Saft, M a ry A n n Shock, Leonard Chatm an, Cloria Osborn. F ifth Masterson, Karen M cD onald, Sharon Norris. row : Gloria Baker, Cheryl M cFe ely, Robert Top row : Ju d ith Bochantine, M ik e Geiger, Ju d y Bishop, Robbie Ogden, Ruth Sprunger, Scott Geiselm an. Second row : T im o th y W h a rto n , Barbara Rosebaum, Paul Crom ley, Gloria Bean, W a d e Logan, Patricia Feece. Third row : Jan ice N eidlinger, M ich ael M cC ullough, M a ry Ellen To rnquist, A lla n Estey, Brenda Baker, N ic k y Knoezer. Fourth ro w : Larry M iller, Bennie Parker, C h erly Dillon, V ic k y Lu tz, Pen n y Downs, A nn a M arie Bennett, F ifth row : Tom Easterday, M a ry Keyser, M ich ael C ihak, Carolyn Stephenson. THE M R. 98 KEN N ETH SIXTH LU C A S GRADE Top row : Barbara H atten, Dennis Shock, Patricia Kline, W illia m Cook, Linda Behmer, M ich ael W a lle n . Second row : Thad O verm yer, M arjorie M c C affe y , Je rry Nelson, Jan e Baker, Bonnie Good, Ju d ith Kim m el, H elen Burns, Carm en Gretter, Ju d ith M a rtin Ruhnow, Johanna Hughes. Th ird ro w : Eskridge, Charlene Lucas. Fourth row : Sherrill Edgington, Thom as W a lk e r , Ronald Porter, M a ry A n n Kem ple, M ich ael O ’Donnell, Carolee Easterday, Scott Marston. N ot pictured: Laura Maxson. THE SIXTH GRADE 99 1— Fifth Grade, jan et Beck leads a geography class. 2— Second Grade, To n y M ars demonstrates candle snuffing. 3— Third Grade, T o y Day. 4— Sixth Grade, Bonnie Parker selects words in a vocabulary study. 5— Kindergarten, learning to w eave. 6— First Grade, studying health books. 7— Fourth Grade, Paul Saft answers a question in geography. THESE MOMENTS WE'LL REMEMBER SEPTEM BER 4 Back to the old grind, as they say. 7 The Senior M agazine Drive was launch ed today with the goal set at $4,500. Am bitious aren't they! 14 The Juniors excitedly picked out their class rings and sent in their orders. Now they can hardly wait to receive them. 20 "O h , I'm nervous alread y." Tryouts for the Ju n io r play were held after school. 24 Today marked the end of the Senior M agazine Drive. The results showed that the Seniors went $164 over their goal! 28 School was dismissed at 1 1:30 A .M . so that the teachers could attend County Workshop. Sometimes we really appre ciate our teachers! O CTO BER 5 Committees from each grade of the high school chose the yell-leaders for this year's basketball season. Beverly Price, Pat Dowd, Virginia Reed, and Barbara Rust will work together to cheer the Indians to victory. Carol Lu cas, Jean ette Berger, and Sandra Fur nas will be rooting for the Papooses to win. 8-12 The Seniors have been all dolled up the past few days in order to look their best for the Senior pictures. 9 Freshmen tests got under way. The Freshmen aren't complaining about the tests since they get out of regular class es. 15 The Seniors took an outing to Chicago to visit the Continental N ational Bank among other things, as guests of The State Exchange Bank. W h e n they got back home, they were still dazed by all the money they had viewed in one day. 17 The final dress rehearsal for the Jun ior play was held, and pictures were taken. There is a saying that if the dress re hearsal is bad, the play will be good. !f this is true, the play should be m agnifi cent! 19 The Ju n io r play was a smash and a roaring success! A ll in all, it brought the class $519.42. By the way, the play was called "M is s President, Please." 20 The Seniors had a car wash in back of the grade building. 24 "W e re n 't they g ru e lin g ?" This was the opinion of most of the Seniors after they took the scholarship tests at C .M .A . 25-26 Thanks to the State Teachers' Con vention, there was no school. 30-31 "G rin and bear it." The underclass pictures were taken by Tom Ross Studios. N O VEM BER 1 " W h a t a glorious m ess!" Th at was one way of describing the school yard as it look this morning. The Halloweeners certainly worked hard last night! 2 Our Indians scalped the LaPaz Vikings in our very first game of the season. The final score was 64-59. 9 The Juniors were proud and jubilant to day because they just received their class rings. The Sunshine Society spon sored a sock dance at noon. The pep session in the afternoon failed to rouse enough pep to beat W alkerton . The Juniors were cheered up after the de feat when they made $49.50 on their dance. 12 A special assembly program was held to hear Genera! D. T. Spivey speak in observance of Veterans Day. 16 "T h re e cheers for our Ind ian s!" They beat the Akron team by 10 points, 58 to 48. 22 Happy day! W e get out of school for Thanksgiving vacation. Turkey, here I come. 30 The Sunshine Girls put on a variety show and crowned their Queen, Caro! Kline. Carol's attendants were Sally Lowry, Je a n Curry, K ay Henderson, Ju d y Morris, and Ginger Piersol. One of the novelties of the show was an im personation of Elvis Presley by Sally Medbourn. She was very convincing! The Choraleers made their first public appearance in Culver at the program. D EC EM BER 4 "T o o bad, too b ad ." Culver was defeat ed by North Judson, 46-59, but they say it won't happen next time. 8 It didn't! W e really showed Renssalaer by beating them, 38 to 52. 14 W e did it again by winning over Knox with a score of 68-64. 16 The choir presented "T h e M e ssiah " as its Christmas Program with the accom paniment of the Com munity Symphony 101 “ M IS S P R E S ID E N T , PLEASE” October T H E C A S T . Eva Zovanyi, V erna M cD onald, Lois M orrison, Hand, Eileen Richard Large, Johnye Sipes, Barbara Rust, V irg in ia Overm yer, Buddy Barnett, 19, 1956 Jo Ellen Piersol, Dale Houghton, Joe Anderlohr, Russell Ulery, Tom O tt, David H all. It was a tense mom ent w hen V erna fainted. A b o ve: The meal that was never finished. B elo w : M rs. A llen , m akeup; M iss Stephenson, d irecto r; and V irg in ia Reed; prom pter; join Eva in adm iring Jo e ’s live w h ite mouse. B elo w : Everybody seems to enjoy the spanking except Buddy. Low er left: Th e hard w orking stage crew that labored fa ith fu lly and long to help make the play a big success. DO YOU REMEMBER THESE MOMENTS? Orchestra, and won high praise for the performance. 21 "T h a t is the way school ought to be a !I the tim e/7 Th at remark was referring to this morning. Although there were no real classes, everyone was kept busy with an assembly program, parties, and a sock dance sponsored by the Seniors. The floor show was put on by the f a c ulty, and though we could say a LO T about it, we will leave it with this one comment: If you didn't see it, you really missed something. In the evening Ro chester beat us, 58-52. 22 This is the time everyone has been eagerly awaiting— Christmas vacation. It is also the day of the B-Team tourney. Sad to say, our Papooses came in fourth. 28. The Lion's Den was transformed into a sparkling winter snow scene for the Sunshine Dance. Everyone had a good time, especially Mr. Shields and his band. JA N U A R Y 1 W e hate to say this, but Culver was taken by Argos in the Invitational Tour ney. The score at the end of the fateful game was 62 to 46. 2 Another sad day— the vacation ended. Also, the Indians were unable to beat Valparaiso. By the way, Argos won the tourney. 3 Tom my Cultice showed up at school to day wearing a snappy pair of Senior 77cords.77 He seems to be taking after Dwight Newm an, who has had a gaily decorated pair for some time. 4 The Indians made a welcome come back by beating Bourbon and beating them good! 74 to 63 was the score. 8-9 " W h a t a sad looking bunch of kids. Come on now, sm ile!" Mr. Ross a p parently wanted everyone to look hap py for the Tom ahawk group pictures. 10 7'0h, how we love snow!'7 And we do, especially when it snows so much that we can't have school! In short, here is what happened today: Heap big snow— no school. 1 1 Our tribe won over the Bremen tribe, 46 to 42. 12 The Seniors had to use their brains to day for taking the College Board Exams. 16-17 Everyone had to use what brains they had in order to get through the semester exams. (Groan.) 18 Our Indians have made a much better start in the County Tourney than they did in the four-way tourney by winning the game against Bremen by a score of 50-40. Today was the end of the first semester. 19 7'l hope, I hope, I hope.'7 Everyone was fervently hoping we could beat Argos, after we went on to win the afternoon game against Bourbon. They were hop ing extra hard, because Argos had won 15 games straight and was the favored team. Their hoping was not in vain be cause our wonderful Indians beat the Dragons by 1 1 points! A fte r receiving the well-earned trophy, the Culver tribe came back to their home territory to celebrate, and celebrate they did! 21 A pep rally was held in the gymnasium until 10:15 a.m., and then we got a surprise. As a reward for winning the County Tourney, Doc (bless his heart) dismissed school for the rest of the day. 25 Culver continued its winning streak by beating North M anchester, 63-60. 26 The Indians are still going strong! They whipped Tyner 56 to 60. Piano and Vocal Solo and Ensemble Contest was held at Plymouth today with Culver capturing a flock of honors. 28-29 The Juniors joined the Freshmen in taking more tests. FEBRU A RY 1 The gym was literally packed as Culver played Argos in their regularly schedul ed game. It was an exciting game all the way, but Culver lost out to Argos this time with a score of 50 to 56. 2 The District Instrumental Solo and En semble Contest was held here with blue notes flying all over the place. Culver musicians won a record number of medals. N ice going! 4 The ceiling in the study hall is being torh down to make way for a better, safer ceiling. The study hall has been tem porarily moved to the gym. 5 I guess we really showed our old rivals from Plymouth. Our Indians scalped their Pilgrims by 20 points!!! 103 U pper left: Sally M edbourn does her im itation of Elvis w h ile K ay Henderson looks on. R ig h t: Part of the seniors w hen they w ere first graders. First ro w : Larry Osborn, Carl W a g o n er, Lavern Caba, Linda Reed, Donna Butler, Sue Geiselm an, Thelm a Hodges, M ax Gibbons: Second row: Je rry Fisher, Doris Harper, N ila Kreighbaum , Elaine W a r ner, B etty Burns, Gala W o o d w a rd , Ruth M enser, Doris Sellers, M abel Moore. Third row : Larry Sausaman, A nn Jergensen, Jam es W a sh b u rn , Charles Taylor, Opal Voreis, Ja c k Lolomaugh, A llen W e ls h . Back row : Mrs. M arshall, L a r ry A k in , W a lt e r W o lf, Stanley V ale n tin e , Leo Hartm an, Bill O tt, M iddleton points w ith ed. R ig h t: senior slumber party. Low er row : Senior car wash. 106 Larry Strait, Larry Condon. M idd le left: Dave pride to the seniors’ record-breaking subscription record and K ay Henderson looks pleas Top left. Th e cheerleaders are up in the air over this y e ll; right: M ik e Fitterlin g and Dale Ben n ett display their art class project to Principal Ives, slyly inferring a comparison. Second row left: Pep session stunt that has K ay Henderson as the crystal ball gazer, Scott H u n ter the customer, and the cheerleaders interested bystanders; right: .W h e n the girls gym class pyram id collapsed. For the successful act see Page 20. Third row left: W h y school was dismissed; right: Easter egg hunt staged by the sixth grade. Low er left: Joe A nd erloh r takes a fall in the junior class play; right: W a rre n C u rtis admires the sum m ary of the senior’s m agazine drive. 107 S M D S Q S ira S IP ® S iS M S M IB g lli W e hope that when you pick up this book in the years to come that these pages will help you remember the highlights of the school year 1956-57. If they do, then our mission will have been accomplished and the many hours of hard work, sometimes struggling against seemingly hopeless odds, will not have been in vain. The Tom ahawk Staff wishes to thank all those who have assisted in any way in the publishing of this annual. W e have caused a number of interruptions in the school's normal routine and have probably taxed several persons7 patience, but we hope that the finished book will make all these an noyances, if such they were, seem trivial by now. W ith due modesty we record for posterity that this issue of The Tom ahawk is the largest in the school's history in number of pages, in number of copies printed, and in number of pictures used. Another distinctive feature is the use of student art work for * d • l _ t t _____ | -m ■ • the division pages, for which we are indebt ed to Dale Bennett, who worked under the supervision of Mrs. M a ry Allen. The printing was done in the plant of The Culver Press, while the binding was handled by the Free Methodist Publishing House, W in on a, Indiana. M r. Ja c k Bundy of the S. K. Smith Com pany was most helpful in de ciding on the cover, which was produced by that firm. Both the portraits and group pic tures are the work orf the Tom Ross Studio of Argos, Indiana, and we are grateful to M r. Ross for his key role in making this book a success. W h e n the Union Township Organized Charities holds its annual drive next fall, give generously as it is the financial support provided by this organization that makes this record of the school year possible. The student body joins in thanking the officers of the charities group and all those who contributed to the fund for their coopera tion. ------------- o We will these MO-DENTS TO RE-MEM-BER