Pastor Scott Binkley - The Children`s Activity Center
Pastor Scott Binkley - The Children`s Activity Center
Christian Education Friends remember the days when kids were asked to stand in the beginning of the day at school and recite the pledge of allegiance to the American Flag and pray to the God of heaven and earth. Remember when teachers were in full control of their class room and had the respect of the students and anyone who tried to rebel faced the “board of education” a rear end burning reminder of the consequences of disobedience. Well, that was a long time ago, matter of fact that was before 1963 before prayer was disallowed in public schools. Before the whole argument of the separation of church and state and the insanity of taking Christ out of Christmas and everywhere else for that matter. Well, welcome to today 2011 in America. This is a nation that has its moral base completely apart from the living principles in God’s word. Things aren’t getting better they are getting worse. For the first time in this country’s history this generation of kids is worse off than their parent’s generation and this generation believes there is no future, that everything is about what they can get right now, with little or no concern about what happens next. In the innercity almost one-hundred percent of the kids come from broken one parent homes. Fifty percent of those kids will never graduate highschool and a large percentage of these young people will wind up on government assistance or in prison before they turn twenty-one. And this is not just an inner-city problem this is nation wide. When well to do suburban kids blow up schools and shoot teachers, fellow students and bystanders dead. When a new born baby is thrown in to a trash can in a bathroom stall and the mother returns to the high school prom dance like nothing happened. Or like last week when Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Gifford was shot in the head by twenty-two year old Jared Louchner in an incident that also claimed the lives of six other innocent bystanders which included a child. This is what Jesus meant when he said in Matthew 7:17-18 “You will know these people by what they do. Good things don’t come from people who are bad, just as grapes don’t come from thorn bushes and figs don’t come from thorny weeds. In the same way a good tree produces good fruit and bad trees produce bad fruit. A good tree can not produce bad fruit and a bad tree can not produce good fruit.” So nations like individuals are known by what they do. What they do consistently reveals their innermost intentions and spiritual condition. What is on the inside of a man eventually is exposed publicly by his works (fruit). When the fruit or works of a people are suicide, murder, rape, gambling, theft, embezzlement, business failure, bankruptcy, gluttony, homosexuality, prostitution, child pornography and hundreds of other sinful fruits then the death and judgment of a nation are at hand. Let me make this clear. There are people who believe that man can solve his own problems. Some of these same people believe that gun control can solve the nation’s problems or if we could clean up the environment or teach a three year old to read or make another trip to the moon or to search for life on Mars. Folks these are functional atheists whose head and heart are disconnected from their maker. Those in the darkness of disbelief and shame who are in places of authority they shouldn’t be trying to take control of a nation of people that rightfully belongs to Jesus Christ. The real problem of man is his heart. The Bible declares that the heart is desperately wicked who could know it but God (Jeremiah 17:9) and that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 3:23). Jesus declares that a man must be born again to see the Kingdom of God. (John 3:3) and if you openly say, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart God raised him from death you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). We need the forgiveness of God and a new heart to be saved from hell something that God warns will happen to individuals and nations that turn away from him as he says in (Psalms 9:17), “The wicked will go to the place of death, as will all nations that forget God.” Folks this is 2011 and unbelievably so. It is time for the Church of the Living God to arise. To date we are ministering to 2000 kids once a week in 18 locations in some of Houston’s roughest inner-city areas. The kids are out there and we need to reach them. They are hungry for the Gospel. One eight-year old boy told me Christmas Eve in one of the projects we were ministering in, “Hey mister it was cool what you said about Jesus, I really love Jesus! When are you coming back? You are the first one that talks of Jesus outside here.” On and on he went praising the Name of Jesus surrounded by amazed onlookers. This is a new generation of people that need to learn about Jesus. We are going to take a stand as Christian educators in our community in 2011 to bring back thousands of kids and parents to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who will change their hearts and lives forever. When you pray for us and give financially into this ministry you are saying yes to Jesus and no to the darkness that is trying to destroy our nation. I think it is time to get a little angry with a bit of righteous indignation and speak the truth boldly! It’s time to say no to this garbage and begin to act to win back the lost. Remember eighty percent of people who do not receive Jesus Christ by their eighteenth birthday never will. Help us reach them now before it is too late….. Pastor Scott Binkley Administrative Director: Gilda Duncan The Children’s Activity Center – Children’s Activity Truck, part of Walking Faith Ministry, is a non-profit, faith-based organization dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus Christ to children and their families in Houston’s crime and poverty ridden inner-city. We use a number of colorful fourteen-foot storage trucks converted into portable stages to bring weekly presentations of the gospel in skits, dramas, puppetry, and video, right to the very doorstep of the children who most desperately need it. Weekly visitations to the homes of attending children helps us share the life changing message of Jesus with the entire family. Donations matter and are tax deductible. Donations can be made through our website via Pay Pal. 5801 Edgemoor Drive Houston, TX 77081 tel: (713) 667-0442 fax: (713) 664-3624 Walking Faith Ministry “We believe that every child has the right to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to see that Gospel demonstrated in the life of at least one, sincere, born-again believer.” FROM THE We would like to thank Woodlands United Methodist Church, West University United Methodist Church, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, and Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church and the countless volunteers and prayer partners who helped make Christmas 2010 outreach an over the top success. Thanks so much for your dedication and support for a ministry that is and continues to be by the grace of God a life line for thousands of inner-city children and their parents. PO Box 2851 Bellaire, TX 77402 Truly our cup runs over with blessings. Not only did every kid get a gift but we have a surplus of about 500 items to be used for give away on our CAT Trucks in 2011. These items are truly a God-send and have come right at the right time. Senior Pastor: Scott Binkley The photographs in this issue are from the Christmas events we certainly hope that you enjoy them. Don’t forget to visit us on the web at Thanks and God bless always. #131 January 2011 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID BELLAIRE, TX PERMIT NO. 01055 God did it again for the fifteenth year in a row! Praise his Name! Over two-thousand inner-city kids received the Gospel and a Christmas gift in December 2010. Every year the need in our ministry has grown for gifts for kids going from 1,250 in 2009 to about 2,150 in 2010. Every year we look at each other and say, “Wow it happened again.” Intern Positions Available If you would like to be trained in one of America’s most challenging inner-city ministries then this is the opportunity for you. This is a dynamic way to get street level experience in using the gifts God has given you to reach the lost, the hurting, the homeless and fatherless of America’s fourth largest City. We have 5 and 12 month terms available. Housing is provided. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact Pastor Scott in our office. Over the Top Again
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