Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
• Not completely known • Stress/nega5ve life events as triggers for manic episodes4 First physician to recognize repeated cycles of mania and depression in same person1 1854 Jules Baillarger • Bipolar I vs. Bipolar II Disorder • BPI: more severe depression/ mania • BPII: mixed depression and hypomania (less severe than mania)1 • As age increases, control of disorder decreases è severity increases with age2 • Described illness as dual form of insanity6 Jean-Pierre Falret • Circular form of insanity • Hypothesized a gene5c rela5on6 • Lithium: Control episodes1 • Psychotherapy: Iden5fy problems inhibi5ng daily life, beMer cope with symptoms1 • Individualized Programs5 • One-‐on-‐one therapy sessions • Family-‐Focused Programs5 • Family member present throughout en5re process • BeMer results: Fewer symptom relapses, reduced risk of rehospitaliza5on 1899: Emil Kraepelin Introduced clinical term “manic-‐depressive psychosis” Described as “a series of aMacks of ela5on and depression, with periods of normality in between and a favorable prognosis”1 Jim Carrey Britney Spears Manic: increased self-‐esteem, decreased sleep, talka5ve, sporadic ideas, increased goal-‐ directed ac5vity3 Depressive: loss of interest, loss of energy, change in weight, low self-‐esteem, worthlessness3 Russell Brand References: 1.Bass, B. M. (1984). Manic-‐depressive disorder. In R. J. Corsini & B. D. Ozaki (Eds.), Encyclopedia of psychology (Vol. 2, pp. 332-‐334). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. 2.Cicero, D. C., Epler, A. J., & Sher, K. J. (2009). Are there developmentally limited forms of bipolar disorder?. Journal Of Abnormal Psychology, 118(3), 431-‐447. doi:10.1037/a0015919 3.Coleman, J., Butcher, J., & Carson, R. (1980). Abnormal psychology and modern life. (6th ed., pp. 375-‐393). Glenview, Illinois: ScoM, Foresman and Company. 4.Johnson, S. L., Cueller, A. K., Ruggero, C., WineM-‐Perlman, C., Goodnick, P., White, R., & Miller, I. (2008). Life events as predictors of mania and depression in bipolar I disorder. Journal Of Abnormal Psychology, 117(2), 268-‐277. doi: 10.1037/0021-‐843X.117.2.268 5.Rea, M. M., Tompson, M. C., Miklowitz, D. J., Goldstein, M. J., Hwang, S., & Mintz, J. (2003). Family-‐focused treatment versus individual treatment for bipolar disorder: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Journal Of Consul5ng And Clinical Psychology, 71(3), 482-‐492. doi:10.1037/0022-‐006X.71.3.482 6. Burton, N. (2012, June 21). A short history of bipolar disorder. Retrieved from hMp://‐and-‐seek/201206/short-‐history-‐bipolar-‐disorder
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