Brother Charlie W. Lloyds`s 2006 History
Brother Charlie W. Lloyds`s 2006 History
A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 (1905 – 2005) Boerne, Texas . FOREWORD In preparing this history of Kendall Lodge for our centennial year 2005, I am very grateful for the 1980 edition prepared by the (then) Lodge Historian and Past Master David E. Loewen. His history gave me a starting point. The first edition of this history did not contain coverage of meeting minutes from 1955 through 1969 which were presumed lost, misplaced or destroyed. Fortunately, they were found during the air conditioning project of April-July 2005 and have been incorporated into this history. I have worked with the library staff of the Library and Museum of the Grand Lodge of Texas, The Boerne Public Library, The Boerne Historical Committee, and the existing, historical records of the Lodge. What I could adjudge as interesting, pertinent, historical facts are here recorded. I have added other parts of the original as attachments as well as items of interest which are not lodge history per se. I realize this is a brief chronicle of a one hundred year period, and therefore, many of our charitable contributions, community efforts, and Masonic relief functions go unrecorded. The history is a short summation of the deeds of a vital institution which has served Masonry and the community of Boerne, Texas, for one hundred years. Charles W. Lloyd, Jr. Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas February 2, 2006 M. C. Holman (1928 – 2004) The proper celebration of Kendall Lodge's Centennial Year was the dream and goal of Brother Milburn C. "M. C." Holman. Every Brother familiar with M. C. knew of his love for and dedication to Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897. However, none of us will ever know all of his contributions to Kendall Lodge, Boerne Chapter No. 200, Order of the Eastern Star, The Rainbow Assembly for girls, and other Masonic Bodies. M. C. never talked of the things he did, he just did them. He did talk of the Centennial Year and what he wanted to take place. Those of us on the Centennial Committee, picking up where M. C. left off, hope that we have fulfilled all of his wishes and desires. We hope all we do properly celebrates his spirit and the Hundredth Anniversary of Kendall Lodge No. 897. 2005 – 2006 Masonic Year Officers Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 A.F. & A.M. Worshipful Master Abner L. Kestler, Jr. Senior Warden L. D. Martin Junior Warden James E. Davies Treasurer William J. Scales Secretary Lon Jett, III Chaplain J. Knox Duncan Senior Deacon H. H. "Dutch" Hutsell Junior Deacon Gary L. Bausell Senior Steward Eric V. Viereck Junior Steward Koyle D. Knape Master of Ceremonies Ronnie D. Pfeil Marshal Jonathan B. Cluck Tiler E. H. Thormahlen i Past Masters Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 A.F. & A.M. Andrew J. Woods Lenard W. King George B. Smith James A. Massey William T.Reeves Gerald W. Calrow Elmer Watts Harry L. Davis Frank W. Corley Harry Corley Walter R. Edmunds Stanley E. Perrin Ed W. Sill Otto W. Vogt Mina Adams Julius P. Bowman Lewis 1. Gregory Sophus C. Adam Alton J. Uecker Elmer C. Perrin Hugo Y. Adam Jack R. Davis Ray A. Dixon Paul S. Blair Maurice J. Lehmann Alvin Reinhard Joe A. Cockrel Joe A. Coughran Fred F. Dietzel Edward J. Kaiser W.L. Humphreys Alfred S. Norris Berlyn H. Wade Rudolph Aue, Jr. Fred G. Hillman Jack R. Diamond Gilman W. Hall Harold W. Orcutt John L. Bowman Archibald H. Gerfers Albert R. Edmondson Louie B. Young Lonnie K Gault Benno A. Klabunde 1904,05 1906 1907 1908,09 1910,15,16 1911,12 1913,14 1917 1918,19,20 1921,22 1923,26,27,28 1924 1925 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935,36 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 Frederic A. Beer William A. Merchant Charles H. Drennon Richard Leeder Jr Owen C. Deeg M.C. Holman John H. Hopkins Jr George R Albright Charles L. Dungey Glynn S. Teague Pete C. Sutton James A. Morriss David E. Loewen Forrest L. Ledlow Robert W. Rucker Terrell E. Norris C.Chat Wilkinson Walter E Eckermann Roland L. Peckne Cecil L Noah Herman H. Haas Lewis F Gimbel Jr Michael R. Arthur Earl E. Gilbert Lee F. Fitzpatrick Ross Raymond L. W. Whitworth Roy G. Staton M.C. Holman Jeffrey A. Sill Dan C. Glenn M. W. Galloway Rawlins M. Morris Goodloe Elkins Everett B. Bulmer Lon Jett III Joseph Carrola H. C. "Hank" Kohl Calvin Sachers Everett B. Bulmer Floyd B. Andrews William J. Scales Robert E . Messerli Charles W. Lloyd Jr. ii 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966,89 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1966,89 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995,2000 1996 1997 1998 1999 1995,2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 District Deputy Grand Masters Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 A.F. & A.M. 1910 Lennie W. King 1916 Lennie W. King 1930 Harry L. Davis, Sr 1934 Mina Adams 1937 Lewis Gregory 1941 Ray A. Dixon 1947 Joe A. Coughran, Sr. 1953 Fred G. Hillman 1964 Rudolph Aue, Jr. 1971 Benno Klabunde 1978 M. C. Holman 1985 David Loewen 1989 Ross Raymond 1992 Earl E. Gilbert 1996 Dan C. Glenn 2003 H. C. "Hank" Kohl 2006 Robert E. “Bob” Messerli iii Grand Lodge Officers Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 A.F. & A.M. 1913 James A Massey Grand Chaplain 1957 Mina Adams Grand Tiler 1995 Kermit Z. Schnelle Grand Senior Steward iv A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 Masonry in Texas can be traced back to the early 1800's. But it was in 1835 when Brother Anson Jones and others met under an oak tree, now referred to as "The Masonic Oak", in Brazoria, Texas, and petitioned the Grand Lodge of Louisiana for a charter. This petition resulted in the formation of Holland Lodge No. 36 with Anson Jones as Worshipful Master. Holland Lodge ceased to function during the Texas Revolution, and its membership scattered. However, the lodge was reopened in Houston in 1837. Two more lodges were also chartered by the Grand Lodge of Louisiana: Milam No. 40 at Nacogdoches, and McFarland No. 41 at San Augustine. Representatives from these three lodges met jointly in Houston in December 1837 and formed the Grand Lodge of the Republic of Texas. Brother Sam Houston presided over this meeting at which Brother Anson Jones was elected the first Grand Master. The charters of the three original lodges were surrendered to the Grand Lodge of Louisiana. Between 1838 and 1845 the Grand Lodge chartered twenty-one more Texas lodges. Masonry in Texas and the other states survived the Civil War and the westward migration and continued to grow in numbers of lodges and members. 1 Freemasonry became a part of our local area – now Masonic District 51 – with the chartering of lodges in Center Point, Rising Star Lodge No. 429, June 5, 1875; Kerrville, Kerrville Lodge No. 697, December 11, 1890; Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg Lodge No. 794, December 3, 1896; and Kendall Lodge in Boerne, December 7, 1905. Additionally, lodges were chartered in Bandera, Bandera Lodge No. 1123, chartered December 11, 1917 (originally chartered as Lodge No. 324); and Medina, Medina Lodge No 1319, chartered December 8, 1949. Although the idea of a Masonic Lodge in Boerne had been discussed by local Masons in the late 1800's, Masonry in Boerne had its beginnings in 1904 (Attachment 1a) when a group of brothers applied to Bandera Lodge for the purpose of starting a new lodge in Boerne. An application was made to the Grand Lodge of Texas by Bandera Lodge No. 324 dated, November 19, 1904, in behalf of the Boerne petitioners (Attachment 1b). Kendall Lodge was set to work by District Deputy Grand Master D. C. Darroch (Fredericksburg Lodge No. 794) under dispensation granted December 20, 1904, and signed by Grand Master of Masons in Texas, Most Worshipful A. W. Campbell (Attachment 1c). The principle officers were Brother A. J. Woods, Worshipful Master; L. W. King, Sr. Senior Warden; and U.A. Shirar, Jr. Warden. Brother Shirar's name also appears on Lodge records as "Shiror" and "Shirer". 2 The Grand Lodge of Texas granted a Charter to Kendall Lodge No.897 on December 7, 1905. (An erroneous date of December 5, 1905 was used in Grand Lodge correspondence from 1938 to July 30, 2004 (Attachment 2). The principle officers of the new lodge were those mentioned in the above paragraph, who served "under dispensation". There were twenty-one members on the rolls. (The Charter of Kendall Lodge No. 897 currently hangs in the Masonic Lodge Room at 897 East Blanco Road, Boerne, and because of its age and many years in the same frame, it was decided not to attempt reproduction of it for this history.) The -1- A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 lodge met at 101 South Main Street until fire destroyed the building and all of its contents, including the charter, minutes, jewels, and paraphernalia on August 18,1908. A replacement Charter, dated May 27, 1914 is the one now hanging in the lodge room. A special dispensation was granted by the Grand Master for the brethren to hold their meetings in the Kendall County Courthouse located at 201 East San Antonio Avenue, Boerne, until suitable quarters could be located. The first meeting in the courthouse was held September 6, 1908. The Worshipful Master established a building committee to begin the plans and take necessary actions to find a new location for the lodge including the building, furnishings, and paraphernalia. Brother Ad Zoeller donated a Bible, and Anchor Masonic Lodge in San Antonio donated a Tiler's sword. Other members contributed as they were able. On November 7, 1908, Brother Fritz Kraut was the only Mason to be initiated into the Fraternity while the lodge met in the county courthouse. Also on this date, the building committee reported that the second floor of the new Post Office (the Calrow Building), located on South Main Street and still under construction, would be available for rent upon its completion. Subsequent to the above meeting, the committee established a contract with Brother Calrow for $10.00 a month for one year. On March 13, 1909 the first meeting was held at the Figure 1 Calrow Building new lodge on Main Street on the second floor of the Calrow Building. This was to be the home of Kendall Lodge for approximately 60 years. The Worshipful Master, Brother William T. Reeves, requested that the first Worshipful Master, Brother A. J. Woods, preside at the opening of the new meeting place. The first anniversary of the 1908 fire was remembered by the lodge's Library Committee who presented the lodge with a three volume set of books entitled, The History of Freemasonry by Albert Gallatin Mackey, M.D. and 33rd Degree Mason. The -2- A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 Library Committee was composed of Brothers A. J. Woods, PM; J. M. Saner, Treasurer; and J. M. Massey, Worshipful Master. The first volume of this set is inscribed: Boerne 1 Anniversary of the Fire 18 August 1909 st On July 7, 1911, the lodge was privileged to receive a gavel from Brother J. H. Reeve which was made from a piece of the old Congress Oak. The gavel and the letter which accompanied it can be seen in a display case in the lodge's Banquet Room (Attachment 3). The members of Kendall Lodge continued to move forward in their Masonic work, various activities, and interaction with the community. Also interest was growing in organizing an Eastern Star Chapter in Boerne which would share the Lodge's meeting place. Working with Kendall Lodge Officers and potential members of the new Chapter, Mrs. Marie Nelson of San Antonio assisted in the formation of Boerne Chapter No. 200, Order of the Eastern Star, chartered on October 13, 1911. The Chapter has been in continuous service to The Grand Chapter of Texas, Order of the Eastern Star, their members, and the Boerne community since that date. The Chapter awards scholarships, participates in community service, and assists the lodge in their community activities. The Chapter is also very active in Grand Chapter work and has had members serve as District Deputy Grand Matrons and Deputy Grand Matrons. Numerous Grand Chapter functions have been held in Boerne over the years with great success. Boerne Chapter No. 200, Order of the Eastern Star will celebrate their centennial in 2011. Masonic funeral services were held for Brother L.W. Lavelle, a life and charter member of the Lodge, on June 27, 1913. This is the first record of a Masonic funeral for any of the members of Kendall Lodge. A Resolution of Respect is shown as Attachment 4. Also in the year 1913 Kendall Lodge was honored to have Past Master James A. Massey appointed as Grand Chaplain of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas. During the First World War, the Eastern Star Chapter presented an American Flag to Kendall Lodge. The Worshipful Master requested the Brothers to donate to the OES Chapter as they saw fit to help fund this gift. Also, the lodge passed a resolution that “…all members who shall join and have joined the (military) services be exempt from paying dues to the lodge during his time of service, providing such member has his dues paid up to the date of his enlistment". Kendall Lodge assisted in the building of The George Washington National Masonic Memorial in Washington D.C. in 1921. Lodges from every state were asked to contribute one dollar per member to assist in the erection of this great edifice. Kendall Lodge contributed $54.00 to the cause. The George Washington -3- A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 National Masonic Memorial is located on Shooter's hill in Alexandria, Virginia, and is opened to the public. 3 On August 28, 1929, the Worshipful Master appointed a committee to investigate various lots in town that would be suitable for location of a new lodge building. After lengthy discussion a motion was defeated to purchase a new lot due to the uncertainty of the nation's financial condition. Interest in another lodge building renewed the following year, and at the Lodge meeting of January 14, 1930, the building committee reported that there was $1,166.44 in the building fund. However, no further action was taken. Later in the year, it was decided to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the lodge at the next stated meeting, December 5, our charter date. This date in the Loewen History is incorrect (Attachment 2). Worshipful Master Mina Adams presided over this meeting and anniversary program. OES Chapter No. 200 shared in the celebration, and the ladies prepared a turkey dinner. Kendall Lodge survived the many challenges of WW I, the Stock Market crash of 1929, and the Great Depression of the 1930's. Finances and membership fluctuated with the economic ups and downs of the nation. The lodge remained in the Calrow Building on Main Street and continued their fraternal work as did the Eastern Star Chapter. Several of the Lodge brothers attended the dedication of the new airfield in Sherman, Texas in February 1942 that was named Perrin Field in honor of Brother Elmer D. Perrin. Brother Perrin was a Past Master and life member of Kendall Lodge 4 (Attachment 5). Another Brother of Kendall Lodge who distinguished himself in the Military during World War II was Past Master Paul S. Blair, Colonel, USAF 5 (Attachment 6). Many members of the lodge served their country during the war years on land, sea, and air in far off corners of the world. The lodge includes among its membership veterans who served their country over the years in both war and peacetime. During the World War II years, as in the previous world war, it was suggested that the Lodge follow the Grand Master's suggestion not to suspend Masons for non-payment of dues in the armed services. Brother L. L. Cardy, District Deputy Grand Master, made his official visit to Kendall Lodge and read the names of the brethren who were in the service of their country. Also during the WW II years, our Eastern Star Chapter presented the lodge with another American flag designated as the Service Flag and dedicated to our brethren who paid the supreme sacrifice for our country. In July 1946, the Worshipful Master called for a special meeting for the purpose of discussing ways and means to build a new lodge hall. Brother Harry L. Davis offered to donate a lot on Bandera Road if the lodge would build the new hall in five years. Brother L. J. Gregory stated the present building (The Calrow Building) could be purchased for $12,500.00, and he hoped the building -4- A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 committee would take the offer into consideration. Many brothers attending this meeting pledged sizeable donations to the building fund. It was decided that instead of building a new hall, the Lodge would exercise its option to purchase the present building, since the Post Office had expressed an interest to move to a new location, if an opportunity presented itself. With the approval of the Grand Lodge of Texas, the Secretary and Treasurer were instructed to cash the accumulated bonds and proceed with the purchase. On February 21,1947, a celebration was held by the brethren on the occasion of Kendall Lodge owning its own building. The lodge enjoyed their building and continued their fraternal activities. At the February 27, 1953, meeting the members rejected a proposal to enlarge the existing building due to its age and lack of funds. In March of 1953 the Lodge established a committee to examine all the possibilities of selling the Lodge and building a new one. The committee (Bros. Hillmann, Gerfers, and Adams) were authorized to visit the new lodge at Johnson City to obtain funding and construction figures. The brethren made the visit to Johnson City, but after reporting to the lodge, no action was taken. At the February 12, 1954, Stated Meeting, the committee proposed a raise in dues to fund a new building effort. It was agreed by the brethren to issue a summons to all members to attend the March 12 Stated Meeting to vote on the dues increase. At that meeting, the proposal to raise dues to provide funds for a new building was rejected by a vote of 26 to 22. At the March 26 Stated meeting, the lodge voted to establish a committee to formulate a plan(s) to finance a new building. However, the plan was defeated by a vote of 16 to 1 at the May 16 Stated meeting. Brother Cole, Secretary, reported that taxes on the Lodge had been "dropped" by the County and school district, provided that the Lodge does not rent the building for any purpose. It was further reported that a "Peeping Tom" had been spying on the Rainbow girls from the top of the Bank building. The minutes reflect that "corrective action has been taken". The June 24, 1954 called meeting was held in San Antonio, where the Most Worshipful Grand Master Jack Ball installed the Officers of several San Antonio Lodges and a few from the surrounding area, including Kendall Lodge No. 897. At the Stated Meeting of August 13, 1954, Brother AI Gray, representing the Building Committee, reported on the repairs that were needed to maintain the building, and Brother G.L. Duncan reported on how to finance these repairs. Brother Cole proposed the Lodge borrow $2,500.00 to remodel the Lodge. It was moved and seconded, and approved by a vote of 16 to 1, 1 member abstaining. Brother Mina Adams moved that the Lodge payoff the existing note of $700.00 so the Lodge would be "clear on the books" for the new loan. This was approved by vote of the Lodge. Improvements were made to the Lodge, and for a while, the Brethren felt no need to look for another meeting place. -5- A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 In 1955, the lodge observed its 50th Anniversary with a dinner provided by the Eastern Star and a program overseen by Worshipful Master, John Bowman. It is to be noted that the year 1956 saw another one of Kendall Lodge's members appointed to a Grand Lodge position. Brother Mina Adams was appointed Grand Tiler for the 1957 Grand Lodge Year. The Brethren decided to air condition the lodge in 1959. The existing evaporative "coolers" were showing signs of wear. After considering various equipment, the lodge accepted the proposal from Allied Sheet Metal Company of San Antonio in the amount of $2,465.00 for two units providing 6 tons of cooling capacity and 68,000 btu's of heating. At the Stated Meeting of December 25, (Christmas evening) the Lodge voted to formally accept the proposal from Allied Sheet Metal Co. A new loan was made with the Boerne State Bank in the amount of $3,000.00. A new Building Committee was established at the February 10, 1960, Stated Meeting. The Worshipful Master decided that the old Building Committee had not acted in some time and "had lost its identity". The new Building Committee was comprised of Bros. William Merchant, J.E. Whitman, John Bowman and Alfred Norris. These Brethren were charged to take care of repairs, equipment, maintenance, and the general upkeep of the building. The lodge continued to serve the community and its members and operate out of the former Post Office building. In 1961, Worshipful Master Benno Klabunde proposed that pictures of all Past Masters be placed in the Lodge. This was approved by vote of the Lodge, and Brother Klabunde offered to furnish the frames. Also in 1961 (4/28/61), the lodge voted to pay for a portrait of Brother Mina Adams and display it in the Lodge as a tribute to this highly esteemed Mason. The Past Masters' pictures and Brother Adams's portrait are still cherished parts of our Banquet Room furnishings. By 1964, the building was slowly deteriorating to the point of no repair, and again the brothers began discussing the possibility of erecting a new lodge hall. At the October 23, 1964, Stated Meeting the Lodge granted permission to the Worshipful Master to appoint a committee to consider building a new building. The New Lodge Planning Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the committee" or the "NLPC") was comprised of Benno Klabunde, Chairman, Mina Adams, and Rudy Aue. At the October Stated Meeting (10/12/64), it was decided to inform all the members of the committee's efforts, and that the membership should be "given an opportunity for discussion, approval or disapproval". The Worshipful Master Richard Leeder selected the stated meeting of January 22, 1965 for this purpose (Attachment 7). This meeting was well attended, and the committee conducted a question and answer session on the proposed plans for a new building. By vote of the Lodge, the committee was directed to proceed with plans for the new Lodge building and report at a later date. The committee was further empowered at the Stated Meeting of February 12, to dispose of the present building without reporting back to the Lodge provided the price was not less than -6- A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 $10,000.00. The committee contacted the membership for financial aid and received pledges for $9,425.00 for the future building. Following a meeting with an architect from Kerrville, Brother Klabunde and his committee were given permission to begin the process for acquisition of a plot of land and handle all the formalities and legalities as they arose. As plans and procedures developed for the new Lodge project, Brother Bill Merchant reported at the Stated Meeting of March 11, 1966, that there was a possibility that the Lodge might acquire a piece of property from the city for the new lodge. This property is located at the southwest corner of East Blanco Road and South Plant Avenue. The Worshipful Master referred this matter to the New Lodge Planning Committee who met with the City Council. At the March 25th meeting Brother Klabunde announced that the committee had met with the city council "on or about 16 March" and discussed purchasing the property on East Blanco Road. The result was an "earnest money contract" between the lodge and the city for the purchase of the property. The price was set at $720.00. Warranty Deed # 3830 was issued July 8,1966 and notes the amount paid as $10.00, which Kendall County officials inform me is a standard figure "used for office purposes" (Attachment 8). Brother Klabunde announced at the meeting of May 13 that Boerne State bank had agreed to purchase the existing building for $10,000.00 At this meeting the Brothers accepted the proposed design of the new building and voted to allow the Committee to arrange preparation of specifications and drawings. The plans and specifications were complete in July 1966, and by September 23 the Brothers were ready to take action. The following motions were approved at the September 23, 1966, Stated Meeting after a presentation by Brother Aue outlining lodge's sound financial condition: 1) That the Lodge approve expenditure of $45,000 for the new Lodge (not to exceed 7% interest); 2) That the committee be authorized to borrow $29,000; 3) That a letter be written requesting the money from those who pledged (Attachment 9). This financial backing and the $10,000.00 received for the building sale more than covered the proposed cost for the new lodge. In 1967 after much planning and coordination with the Grand Lodge, Worshipful Master Hopkins presented a review of actions by the NLPC since January 1965 and related some of the "trials, tribulations, and heartaches" that the committee faced over the years. He then thanked Bros. Klabunde, Aue, and Adams for their hard work and dedication. Brother Klabunde stated that he and the committee were convinced that in order to have a building of the size and quality desired by the brethren, "we must build it ourselves". Brother Leeder was put in charge of the committee to oversee building of the Lodge. The Committee Chairman reported that all paperwork for the selling of the present building and for "creating indebtedness" were forwarded to the Grand Lodge for approval through the -7- A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 DDGM, R. W. Cedric R. Tolar of Kerrville. The consensus of the Brethren at this meeting was "Let's go!” The Grand Master gave the approval to proceed with the new building plans (Attachments 10 and 10a) on September 27, 1967. Groundbreaking ceremonies were held on February 18, 1968 at the current location at 897 East Blanco Road. (Attachment 11). Figure 2 Selling the Calrow Building The Boerne Star of February 29, 1968, records the sale of the old lodge (Calrow) building to the Boerne State Bank for $10,000 with permission for the lodge to occupy the building for another year. Two weeks later the Boerne Star reported, "The cornerstone of the new building was leveled by The Grand Master of Masons in Texas, M. W. J.W. Chandler, March 2, 1968, He was met at the airport by Brother Rudy Aue, Jr. assisted by R.W. Grand Senior Warden Hal H. Burnett and Mrs. Burnett of Alpine, Texas, Worshipful Master John H. Hopkin, Jr. and Mrs. Hopkin, Brother Mina Adams, Brother Kermit Schnelle, and Sheriff and Brother Douglas Kuebel, who escorted the caravan. Following welcoming ceremonies at the Methodist Church in Boerne, a representation of the Grand Lodge of Texas was opened in the hall of Kendall Lodge #897. The group then retired to the new building site at Blanco and Plant Streets where several -8- A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 hundred friends observed the leveling of the cornerstone in due and ancient form by the Grand Lodge Officers assisted by Kendall Lodge members." The group returned to the lodge hall, and the day concluded with a refreshments prepared by Boerne Chapter No. 200, O.E.S. 6 (Attachment 12). the New Lodge Building’s Figure 34 Leveling Past Masters at the first meeting in Cornerstone the new building on East Blanco Much of the construction work was done by the Lodge members with the remainder of the work financed through a "no interest" loan from Brothers Rudolph Aue, Jr. and Benno Klabunde. By April 11, 1969, the lodge was nearing completion; the electrical circuitry, lighting, and brickwork were almost finished and much of the furnishings were completed. That evening, at the April stated meeting, Brother Alfred Norris moved that the brethren move into the new quarters before the first stated meeting in May. Grand Master J. Guy Smith approved the move on April 25.The lodge held an "Open House" at the new facility on Saturday, May 4, 1969 7 (see Attachment 13). The first meeting in the new Lodge building was held on Tuesday, May 6 1969 by the members of Boerne Chapter No. 200, Order of the Eastern Star, Worthy Matron Ethel Schnelle presiding. The first Masonic Meeting was held on Friday, May 9, 1969, Brother George R. "Bob" Albright, Worshipful Master, presiding. There were 103 -9- A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 members in attendance. 8 (Attachment 14). The lodge was off to a fine start in their new building. The minutes of the Stated Meeting of Monday, May 17, 1971, show that Past Master Benno A. Klabunde moved that Kendall Lodge in conjunction with the Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M., level the cornerstone at Boerne's new High School. Brother Rudy Aue, Jr. reported that an appropriate cornerstone could be acquired for approximately $185.00. The lodge voted to buy the stone. It having been determined that the Grand Master would be unavailable on that date, it was agreed to write the Grand Master requesting he appoint Brother Klabunde to preside at the cornerstone ceremony. At the meeting of June 21, the Grand Master by letter appointed Brother Klabunde to act in his place at the High School Ceremony. Members of Kendall Lodge and Grand Lodge Officers assembled at Boerne High School on June 26 and with Brother Klabunde officiating leveled the cornerstone in due and ancient form. On Monday, June 18, 1979, at a Stated Meeting of the lodge, Brother David Loewen was appointed Historian of Kendall Lodge No. 897. On January 3, 1981, under direction of Worshipful Master Cecil Noah the lodge observed its 75th Anniversary. The Eastern Star led by Worthy Matron Mary Uecker prepared the turkey dinner and Brother Ernest Ingenhuett provided the musical program. This historic event was attended by The Most Worshipful Grand Master Thomas Land and his line of Grand Officers, and Brothers Mina Adams, Master for the 25th Anniversary and John Bowman, Master for the 50th Anniversary. The Lodge has been community oriented since its inception. Among the organizations we provide aid to are Kendall County EMS, Boerne Fire Department, Boerne Family Services, and Boerne High School (Scholarships). The Lodge members have also participated in the Texas highway cleanup program and the Boerne Beautification Campaign. In support of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, Kendall Lodge has provided assistance to the Masonic Home and School in Fort Worth and The Texas Masonic Retirement Center in Arlington. Individual members support the Shriners' Hospitals for Children, the Scottish Rite Hospitals, the York Rite Charities, and the Masonic Youth Groups. The lodge presents the Community Builder Award to outstanding non-Masons in the Community. This is a Grand Lodge sponsored award for those outstanding citizens who work for the betterment of their fellow man (Attachment 15). The lodge also recognizes its members who extend additional time, effort, and services to the lodge beyond that required of Officers and members. The Golden Trowel Award is the highest honor a lodge can award to a member (Attachment 16). Over the years, the building has withstood the elements and use by the brethren, Eastern Star, and the public. The roof has been replaced several times due to high wind related incidents, the original Banquet Room floor has been replaced, - 10 - A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 and the parking lot has been coated with sealant numerous times. A recent major project was the replacement of the entire Air Conditioning system begun in April 2005 and completed early July. This was completed by the brethren in seven weeks and one day at a cost well under the original estimate. It was a combined effort by many of the brethren, all of whom lent their talents, labor, and money to the undertaking. Figure 5 Past Masters celebrating Kendall Masonic Lodge’s 100th Birthday On December 7, 2005, the Lodge celebrated its 100 years of service to Masonry, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, and the Boerne Community. An evening of fun, food, and fellowship was enjoyed by lodge members, their families, and members of the Eastern Star. The program was led by Worshipful Master Abb Kestler who spoke about the 100th anniversary and, with the assistance of Brother Ross Raymond, introduced and paid tribute to the Past Masters of Kendall Lodge. Brother Charles Lloyd spoke about this history and read a few "items of interest". The 100th Anniversary Community Celebration is scheduled for May 13, 2006, at the lodge hall and will feature dedication of an historical plaque by the Grand Master of Masons in Texas, M. W. Brother Brian Dodson. This will be followed by a program and refreshments. - 11 - A History of Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 Kendall Lodge looks forward to another century of service to Masonry and the community of Boerne. Charles W. Lloyd, P.M. February 2, 2006 1 Handbook of Texas Online: Freemasonry, 2 This history is based upon the July 1980, "A History of Kendall Lodge No. 897" written by David E. Loewen, Past Master and Historian of Kendall Lodge No. 897 AF & AM, Boerne, Texas. This history adds to, but does not cancel or supersede any part of Brother Loewen's work which will remain part of archives. 3 Elmer Watts, Secretary, "A Report to the Worshipful Master. Wardens & Brethren", Boerne, Texas, July 9, 1927 4 Perrin Air Force Base Research Foundation, P.O. Box 1998, Pottsboro, Texas, 75076; http://www.perrinairforcebase.neUcol-perrin.htm 5 Paul S. Blair, "Profile" Aurora, Colorado, undated 6 Boerne Star, March 14, 1968, "Local Masons Form Representation of Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas" 7 "Open House Is Scheduled For Boerne Masonic Hall", San Antonio Express, date unknown 8 "Hats Off”, Boerne Star, date unknown. Other Sources: William Ransom Hogan, The Texas Republic; A Social and Economic History, (University of Oklahoma press, Norman, 1946), 217 Kendall County Historical Commission, A History of Kendall County. Texas (Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas 1984) Boerne Library: ref 976.4886 (History) Garland A. Perry, Historical Images of Boerne and Kendall County, Texas (Perry Publications, Boerne, Texas) 141. "Masonic Lodge No. 897, "Vertical File, Boerne Public Library, Genealogy Room - 12 - Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 Current Lodge Building - 13 - Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 Location of Current Lodge Building Figure 2 Map Courtesy - 14 - Kendall Masonic Lodge No. 897 List of Attachments 1a – c Chartering Documents. 2 Letter, Grand Lodge Library and Museum of Texas. 3 Description, "Congress Oak Gavel". 4 Letter of Respect, Brother L. W. Lavelle. 5 Biography, Lieutenant Colonel Elmer Daniel Perrin. 6 Biography, Colonel Paul S. Blair. 7 Kendall Lodge #897 Letter, January 13, 1965. 8 Warranty Deed, Kendall Masonic Lodge. 9 Kendall Lodge #897 Letter, August 6, 1965. 10 Letter, Grand Lodge of Texas, September 27, 1967. 10a DDGM Letter to Grand Master, 1 October 1967. 11 Letter, City of Boerne, November 18, 1987. Minutes, Meeting of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, at Boerne, March 2, 1968. 12 News Article, “Open House…” 13 News Article, “Hats Off…” 14 Community Builder Awardees. 15 Golden Trowel Awardees. - 15 -