Prizm Handout Lifestage
Prizm Handout Lifestage
Predominantly under age 45 and childless singles & couples Segments in Younger Years (Y) consist of mostly singles and couples who are typically under 45 years old and have no children in the household. Residents may be too young to have children and/or are approaching middle age and choose not to have them. Predominantly over age 55, empty-nest couples and mature singles Families with children in the household, including single parents Family Life (F) is composed of segments that have high indices for households with children under age 18. They may be married couples or single parent households. At the household level, presence of children is the primary driver for this At the household level, age 45 and class. This class also includes a few younger is the cutoff for most segments segments that while not explicit at the and among this younger set of segments, household level for presence of children, only those that are explicit in their lack do show high indices at the geographic of children or have very low indices for level for that characteristic. Age is presence of children at the geographic not the key driver for this class; level are included in Younger Years. households with children are most typically under 55 years of age. NE Lifestage Groups At the household level, the primary driver is that they are over age 45 and not the absence of children. However, segments that are uniquely child-centered are grouped under Family Years and those under age 45 are grouped in Younger Years—leaving the last group of segments for the Mature Years class. All of the 66 segments are grouped into 11 broader Lifestage Groups, as shown by the color-coded chart above. Lifestage Groups capture a combination of three variables—affluence, householder age and whether there are children living at home—to help paint a more vivid picture of each segment’s likely lifestyle. As an example, what the three Lifestage Groups that comprise “Younger Years” share is that all of those households are, for the most part, young and childless. What differentiates Lifestage Group “Midlife Success” from Lifestage Group “Young Achievers” is the level of affluence each has achieved at this young age. Similarly, the four groups of segments that make up “Family Life” have children in common, while segments categorized as “Mature Years” are mostly empty nesters. The most affluent family segments fall into Lifestage Group F1 ”Accumulated Wealth,” which includes Blue Blood Estates, Country Squires, and Winner’s Circle. Demographic Captions Neighborhood Measures The demographic caption covers the four essential dimensions of income, age, household composition, and urbanization. They are often used as a demographic shorthand or substitute for the segment nickname. Neighborhood measures correspond to Census 2000 and subsequent Claritas Updates and use neighborhood (BG) demographics and PRIZM NE assignments at the ZIP+4 level. Income uses seven ranges, from Wealthy with incomes of $100k+ to Poor where incomes are generally well below $25k. Tenure / Housing Type uses a collection of categories to describe the overall type of housing and whether it is owned or rented. Age uses four ranges, from Younger who are mostly under age 35, to Mature who are largely over 65 years of age. Predominant Age(s) uses eight non-exclusive classes, from Age<35 to Age 65+ and several combinations in between. Household Composition uses five classes that cover singles, couples, families (married couples with children) and two mixed categories of singles and singles with children. Employment uses a collection of categories to collapse the broad range of Census occupational classes—spanning executives to farmers. Urbanization is a Claritas model that accounts for the population density of the assigned geography and its proximity to the downtown core of the metro area. PRIZM Mature Years (M) is for segments whose residents are primarily over 55 years old and childless. These households may be empty-nests or those with children in their late teens, away at college, or now young adults living at home. YOUNGER YEARS HIGH Y1 MIDLIFE SUCCESS 03 Movers & Shakers 08 Executive Suites 11 God’s Country 12 Brite Lites, Li’l City 19 Home Sweet Home 25 Country Casuals 30 Suburban Sprawl 37 Mayberry-ville Y2 YOUNG ACHIEVERS $ 04 Young Digerati 16 Bohemian Mix 22 Young Influentials 23 Greenbelt Sports 24 Up-and-Comers 31 Urban Achievers 35 Boomtown Singles Y3 STRIVING SINGLES 42 Red, White & Blues 44 New Beginnings 45 Blue Highways 47 City Startups 48 Young & Rustic 53 Mobility Blues 56 Crossroads Villagers Education uses a collection of categories to collapse the broad range of Census educational classes—spanning elementary schools to universities. Race & Ethnicity uses a collection of categories to collapse the broad range of Census race and Hispanic ancestry classes into a single indicator of ethnic diversity. LOW PRIZM FAMILY LIFE ACCUMULATED WEALTH MATURE YEARS NE PRIZM F1 ® ® NE M1 AFFLUENT EMPTY NESTS 02 Blue Blood Estates 05 Country Squires 06 Winner’s Circle 01 Upper Crust 07 Money & Brains 09 Big Fish, Small Pond 10 Second City Elite F2 M2 YOUNG ACCUMULATORS CONSERVATIVE CLASSICS 13 Upward Bound 17 Beltway Boomers 18 Kids & Cul-de-Sacs 20 Fast-Track Families 29 American Dreams F3 MAINSTREAM FAMILIES 32 New Homesteaders 33 Big Sky Families 34 White Picket Fences 36 Blue-Chip Blues 50 Kid Country, USA 51 Shotguns & Pickups 52 Suburban Pioneers 54 Multi-Culti Mosaic F4 SUSTAINING FAMILIES 63 Family Thrifts 64 Bedrock America 65 Big City Blues 66 Low-Rise Living 14 New Empty Nests 15 Pools & Patios 21 Gray Power 26 The Cosmopolitans 27 Middleburg Managers 28 Traditional Times M3 CAUTIOUS COUPLES 38 Simple Pleasures 39 Domestic Duos 40 Close-In Couples 41 Sunset City Blues 43 Heartlanders 46 Old Glories 49 American Classics M4 SUSTAINING SENIORS 55 Golden Ponds 57 Old Milltowns 58 Back Country Folks 59 Urban Elders 60 Park Bench Seniors 61 City Roots 62 Hometown Retired Lifestage Groups PRIZM NE 01 Upper Crust M1 Affluent Empty Nests 02 03 Blue Blood Estates 04 Movers & Shakers F1 Accumulated Wealth Young Digerati Y1 Midlife Success Y2 Young Achievers 05 06 Country Squires F1 Accumulated Wealth Winner’s Circle F1 Accumulated Wealth 07 Money & Brains 08 Executive Suites M1 Affluent Empty Nests 09 Big Fish, Small Pond Y1 Midlife Succeess M1 Affluent Empty Nests 10 11 Second City Elite God’s Country M1 Affluent Empty Nests Adding Intelligence to Information 5375 MIRA SORRENTO PLACE • SUITE 400 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 1-800-234-5973 • ©2003, Claritas Inc. PRIZM and Claritas are registered trademarks of Claritas Inc. The 66 PRIZM segment nicknames (Blue Blood Estates, Big Sky Families, Country Squires, etc.) are trademarks of Claritas Inc. Trademarks of other registered marks are property of respective companies. Illustrations by 12 13 Brite Lites, Li’l City Y1 Midlife Success Upward Bound Y1 Midlife Success F2 Young Accumulators 14 15 New Empty Nests M2 Conservative Classics 16 Pools & Patios Bohemian Mix M2 Conservative Classics Y2 Young Achievers Demographic Caption Wealthy, Older Suburban Couples Wealthy, Middle-Aged Suburban Families Wealthy, Suburban Boomer Couples Young, Urban and Wealthy Wealthy, Mid-Aged Exurban Families Executive-Level Suburban Families Older, Upscale Urban Sophisticates Upscale, Suburban Singles & Couples Upscale, Older Exurban Couples Executive Couples in Small Cities Upscale, Mid-Aged Couples in Exurbia Middle-Aged, Small City Sophisticates Upscale, Boomer Families, Small Cities Mature Couples in Upscale Suburbia Older, Upscale Suburban Couples Young, Midscale Urban Singles Tenure / Housing Type Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Renter / Hi-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Mix / SFDU, Hi-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Mix / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Renter / Hi-Rise Multi Predominant Age(s) Age 45+ Age 35-64 Age 35-64 Age <45 Age 35-64 Age 25-54 Age 45+ Age 25-44 Age 45+ Age 45+ Age 35-64 Age 25-54 Age 25-54 Age 65+ Age 45+ Age <35 Employment Executive, Professional, WC Executive, Professional, WC Executive, Professional, WC Executive, Professional, WC Executive, Professional, WC Executive, Professional, WC Executive, Professional, WC Executive, Professional, WC Executive, Professional, WC Professional, WC Executive, Professional, WC Professional, WC Professional, WC Professional, WC Professional, WC Professional, WC Education College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College Graduate+ College College College College Race & Ethnicity White, Asian White, Asian White, Asian White, Asian, Hispanic White White, Asian White, Asian White, Asian White White White White, Asian White, Asian White White White, Black, Asian, Hispanic Lifestyle Preferences Spend $3,000+ foreign travel Took a golf vacation Go scuba diving/snorkeling Buy wireless phones Have broadband Internet access Go downhill skiing Shop at Nordstrom Exercise at health clubs Go cross-country skiing Own home exercise equipment Travel to the Caribbean Own networking software Go to the beach Take 3+ cruises, past 3 yrs Own a timeshare Shop at Banana Republic Contribute to PBS Eat at fast food picked by kids Plan travel on the Internet Own a DVD player Go skiing Own a home theatre system Support the arts Research Internet real estate Own a vacation/wknd home Travel domestically by plane Use Internet to trade stocks Eat at Bennigan’s Own a Game Boy Play volleyball Eat at Boston Market Go jogging Architectural Digest Fortune Magazine PC Magazine Wall Street Journal USA Today Parents Magazine Business Week Magazine GQ Magazine Southern Living Magazine Travel & Leisure Magazine Airline magazines Boating magazines Forbes Magazine Smithsonian Magazine Consumer Digest Magazine Vanity Fair Magazine Wall Street Week TV Major League Soccer TV Adult contemporary radio National Public Radio The Disney Channel TV The Cartoon Network TV All-news radio Will & Grace TV Classical radio Wall Street Week TV Wall Street Journal radio Pay-per-view sports TV Nickelodeon TV Meet the Press TV Jazz radio Friends in syndication TV Lexus ES300 BMW X5 SUV Acura MDX SUV Audi A4/S4 GMC Denali Honda Odyssey BMW 5 Series BMW 3 Series Cadillac de Ville Chrysler 300M Mercedes Benz E class BMW 5 Series Chevy Suburban Nissan Pathfinder Lexus ES300 Audi A4/S4 17 Beltway Boomers 18 Kids & Cul-de-Sacs 19 20 Home Sweet Home 21 Fast-Track Families Gray Power 22 Young Influentials 23 Greenbelt Sports 24 Up-and-Comers 25 Country Casuals 26 The Cosmopolitans 27 Middleburg Managers 28 Traditional Times 29 30 American Dreams Suburban Sprawl 31 Urban Achievers 32 New Homesteaders 33 Big Sky Families enu F2 Young Accumulators F2 Young Accumulators Y1 Midlife Success F2 Young Accumulators M2 Conservative Classics Y2 Young Achievers Y2 Young Achievers Y2 Young Achievers Y1 Midlife Success M2 Conservative Classics M2 Conservative Classics M2 Conservative Classics F2 Young Accumulators Y1 Midlife Success Y2 Young Achievers F3 Mainstream Families F3 Mainstream Families Baby-Boom Families, Upscale Suburbs Upper-Middle-Class Suburban Families Middle-Aged, Upscale Suburbanites Upscale, Exurban Boomer Families Midscale Suburban Seniors Younger, Midscale Suburban Singles Mid-Aged Couples, Midscale Exurbia Younger, Middle-Class in Small Cities Upscale, Middle-Aged Town Couples Established, Midscale Urban Couples Older, Middle-Class in Small Cities Midscale, Small-Town Seniors Urban, Multi-Ethnic & Middle-Class Middle-Aged, Midscale Couples Young, Multi-Ethnic, Midscale Singles Middle-Aged, Midscale Town Families Middle-Aged, Midscale Rural Families Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU, Hi-Rise Multi Renter / Hi-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU Renter / SFDU, Hi-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU, Hi-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU Owner / SFDU Mix / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Mix / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Renter / Hi-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU, Mobile Owner / SFDU, Mobile Age 35-64 Age 25-54 Age 35-54 Age 25-54 Age 65+ Age <35 Age 25-54 Age <35 Age 35-64 Age 55+ Age 55+ Age 55+ Age 25-44 Age 25-44 Age <35 Age 25-44 Age 25-54 Professional, WC Professional, WC Professional, WC WC Professional, WC Professional, WC Professional, WC Professional, WC WC, BC WC Professional, WC WC, BC, Farming WC, Service WC Professional, WC, Service WC, BC WC, BC, Farming College College College College College College College College Some College Some College College Some College Some College College College Some College Some College White, Asian White, Asian, Hispanic White White White White, Black, Asian White White, Asian White White, Black, Asian, Hispanic White White White, Black, Asian, Hispanic White White, Black, Asian, Hispanic White White Go to H.S. sporting events Buy children’s video games Go to movies 4+ times/month Own a power boat Go to museums Buy high-end computers Go mountain biking Use Internet for job search Buy collectibles by mail/phone Go to the theatre Play musical instruments Domestic travel by motor home Go mountain biking Order home-delivery meals Go to the movies Buy toys by mail and phone Own a camper Eat health foods Go to Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant Eat fast food burgers Belong to book clubs Own a vacation/wknd home Eat at Whataburger Buy self-help books Shop at Ann Taylor Belong to a civic club Play the lottery Go bird watching Eat at Bob Evans Buy Spanish/Latin music Research Internet car purchase Shop at Banana Republic Play volleyball Visit Disneyland Business Week Magazine Parenting Magazine Entertainment Weekly Magazine Country Living Magazine Wheel of Fortune TV GQ Magazine Self Magazine Shape Magazine Hunting/fishing magazines Vanity Fair Magazine Mature market magazines Country Home Magazine Ebony Magazine Modern Bride Magazine Fitness Magazine Woman’s World Magazine Hot Rod Magazine Soft contemporary radio Nickelodeon TV Drew Carey in syndication TV The Disney Channel Live with Regis & Kelly TV That 70s Show TV ABC Pro Boxing TV MTV Network Country Music TV People’s Court TV U.S. Senior Open TV (golf) Hallmark Hall of Fame TV Spanish radio TVLand Network Black/Spanish radio Wonderful World of Disney TV Classic rock radio Hyundai Santa Fe Honda Odyssey Chevy TrailBlazer GMC Yukon Mercury Sable Mazda Protégé Subaru Forester Mitsubishi Eclipse Toyota Tundra Lincoln Town Car Toyota Solara Buick Rendezvous Toyota Sienna Nissan Xterra VW Jetta Ford Windstar Chevy Silverado 34 White Picket Fences 35 Boomtown Singles F3 Mainstream Families Y2 Young Achievers 36 37 Blue-Chip Blues Mayberry-ville F3 Mainstream Families 38 Simple Pleasures Y1 Midlife Success M3 Cautious Couples 39 Domestic Duos M3 Cautious Couples 40 Close-In Couples 41 Sunset City Blues M3 Cautious Couples 42 43 Red, White & Blues M3 Cautious Couples Heartlanders Y3 Striving Singles M3 Cautious Couples 44 45 New Beginnings 46 Blue Highways Y3 Striving Singles Y3 Striving Singles Old Glories M3 Cautious Couples 47 48 City Startups Young & Rustic Y3 Striving Singles Y3 Striving Singles 49 American Classics M3 Cautious Couples Demographic Caption Younger Families, Mid-Level Cities Younger, Middle-Class, Small Cities Blue-Collar, Suburban Families Small-Town Couples & Families Small-Town, Middle-Class Seniors Older, Midscale Suburban Couples Older, Multi-Ethnic Urban Couples Blue-Collar Empty Nests, Small Cities Blue-Collar Town Singles & Couples Rural, Lower-Middle-Class Couples Mobile, Young Singles in Suburbia Mid-Aged, Blue-Collar / Farm Couples Downscale Seniors, Close-in Suburbs Poor, Younger Singles in Small Cities Younger, Downscale Town Singles Lower-Middle-Class Seniors in Suburbia Tenure / Housing Type Mix / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Renter / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Mix / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU, Mobile Owner / SFDU, Mobile Owner / SFDU Mix / SFDU, Hi-Rise Multi Mix / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU, Mobile Owner / SFDU, Mobile Renter / Hi-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU, Mobile Renter / SFDU, Hi-Rise Multi Renter / Hi-Rise Multi Renter / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU, Mobile Predominant Age(s) Age <45 Age <35 Age <45 Age 35-64 Age 65+ Age 55+ Age 55+ Age 65+ Age 25-44 Age 45+ Age <35 Age 35-54 Age 65+ Age <35 Age <35 Age 65+ Employment WC, Service, BC WC, Service WC, Service, BC WC, BC, Farming WC, Service, BC, Farming WC, Service, BC WC, Service WC, Service, BC WC, Service, BC WC, BC, Farming WC, Service WC, BC, Farming WC, Service, BC WC, Service WC, Service, BC WC, Service, BC Education Some College Some College Some College H.S. Graduate H.S. Graduate Some College H.S. Graduate Some College H.S. Graduate H.S. Graduate Some College H.S. Graduate H.S. Graduate Some College H.S. Graduate H.S. Graduate Race & Ethnicity White, Black, Hispanic White White, Black, Hispanic White White White, Black White, Black, Hispanic White White White White, Black, Hispanic White White, Black White, Black White White, Black, Hispanic Lifestyle Preferences Eat at fast food picked by kids Buy alternative music Visited a theme park in the last year Eat at Cracker Barrel Belong to a veterans club Go bowling Go dancing monthly Collect coins Buy camp stove Do own car maintenance Rent/buy at Hollywood Video Do crafts and needlework Do indoor gardening Go to nightclubs Play basketball Do woodworking Do home remodeling projects Play soccer Own a video game system Own a satellite dish Stay at Day’s Inn Visit Atlantic City, NJ Take a cruise Eat at Olive Garden Do drawing and painting Own an outboard motorboat Play games on the Internet Go freshwater fishing Belong to a veterans club Order pizza from Papa John’s Eat convenience store meals Belong to a fraternal order Baby magazines Muscle & Fitness Magazine Parenthood magazines Field & Stream Magazine Good Morning America TV NBC Sunday Today Show TV Prevention Magazine Mature market magazines Popular Photography Magazine Country Living Magazine Star Magazine Flower & Garden Magazine Modern Maturity Magazine Rolling Stone Magazine Motorcycle magazines Adults standards radio ESPN Classic TV MTV Network Track & Field championship TV NASCAR Winston Cup TV CBS Face the Nation TV Adult standards radio Court TV Wheel of Fortune TV TVLand Network NASCAR Winston Cup TV Jerry Springer in syndication TV Country music radio Malcom in the Middle TV Mad TV Days of Our Lives TV Game Show Network Ford Excursion Subaru Legacy Ford Focus Ford F250 Pickup Isuzu Rodeo Mercury Grand Marquis Toyota Camry Nissan Sentra Chevy Tracker Dodge Dakota Saturn SC Chevy Silverado Ford Taurus Kia Spectra Ford Escort Toyota Camry 50 Kid Country, USA F3 Mainstream Families 51 Shotguns & Pickups F3 Mainstream Families 52 Suburban Pioneers F3 Mainstream Families 53 Mobility Blues Y3 Striving Singles 54 55 Multi-Culti Mosaic F3 Mainstream Families Golden Ponds 56 Crossroads Villagers M4 Sustaining Seniors Y3 Striving Singles 57 Old Milltowns M4 Sustaining Seniors 58 Back Country Folks M4 Sustaining Seniors 59 Urban Elders M4 Sustaining Seniors 60 61 Park Bench Seniors M4 Sustaining Seniors City Roots M4 Sustaining Seniors 62 Hometown Retired M4 Sustaining Seniors 63 Family Thrifts F4 Sustaining Families 64 Bedrock America F4 Sustaining Families 65 Big City Blues F4 Sustaining Families 66 Low-Rise Living F4 Sustaining Families Younger, Lower-Middle Town Families Rural, Lower-Middle-Class Families Mobile Young Families in Suburbia Young, Downscale Small City Renters Lower-Mid, Multi-Ethnic Urban Families Downscale Seniors in Small Towns Rural, Downscale Singles & Couples Downscale, Aging Factory Towns Older, Downscale Rural Couples Poor, Multi-Ethnic Urban Seniors Poor, Small-City Retirees Downscale, Black and Hispanic Seniors Downscale, Small-City Seniors Young, Downscale City Families Younger, Downscale Town Families Inner-City Multi-Ethnic Families Poor, Young Solo-Parent Families Mix / SFDU, Mobile Owner / SFDU, Mobile Mix / SFDU, Mobile Renter / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Mix / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Owner / SFDU, Mobile Owner / SFDU, Mobile Mix / SFDU, Mobile Owner / SFDU, Mobile Renter / Hi-Rise Multi Renter / Hi-Rise Multi Mix / SFDU, Hi-Rise Multi Mix / SFDU, Mobile Renter / SFDU, Lo-Rise Multi Mix / SFDU, Mobile Renter / Hi-Rise Multi Renter / Hi-Rise Multi Age <45 Age 25-44 Age <45 Age <35 Age 25-54 Age 65+ Age <45 Age 65+ Age 55+ Age 55+ Age 55+ Age 65+ Age 65+ Age <45 Age <35 Age <45 Age <35 WC, Service, BC, Farming WC, BC, Farming WC, Service, BC WC, Service, BC WC, Service, BC WC, Service, BC, Farming WC, Service, BC, Farming WC, Service, BC Service, BC, Farming WC, Service WC, Service, BC WC, Service, BC WC, Service, BC WC, Service, BC, Farming Service, BC, Farming WC, Service, BC Service, BC Some College H.S. Graduate Elem. School, H.S. H.S. Graduate Elem. School, H.S. H.S. Graduate Elem. School, H.S. Elem. School, H.S. Elem. School, H.S. Elem. School, H.S. Elem. School, H.S. Elem. School, H.S. Elem. School, H.S. Elem. School, H.S. Elem. School, H.S. Elem. School, H.S. Elem. School, H.S. White, Hispanic White White, Black, Hispanic White, Black Black, Hispanic White White White, Black White, Black Black, Asian, Hispanic White, Black Black, Hispanic White, Black, Hispanic Black, Hispanic White, Black, Hispanic Black, Asian, Hispanic Black, Hispanic Buy kids’ books Go hunting with a gun Play softball Go to billiards clubs Eat at family restaurants Belong to a veterans club Buy videos by mail and phone Own a camper Sew from patterns Shop at ACE Hardware Play bingo Use flea/tick products Buy cookbooks Buy children’s toys Go fresh-water fishing Rent videos Buy gospel music Buy baby and fashion dolls Buy hard rock music Buy collectibles by mail Buy hard rock music Shop at Lane Bryant Buy greeting cards Own a handgun Eat at casual/buffet restaurant Go bird watching Go to Horse Racing Belong to a veterans club Eat at IHOP Belong to a fraternal order Buy contemporary Christian music Buy kids’ bicycles Eat at Sizzler Steakhouse Shop at Footlocker Bride’s Magazine Women’s World Magazine Star Magazine Cops in syndication TV Jet Magazine Use Yellow Pages Hot Rod Magazine Inside Edition TV Flower & Garden Magazine ABC World News TV Soap Opera Digest Jet Magazine Use Yellow Pages Parenting Magazine Baby magazines Essence Magazine Ebony Magazine Wonderful World of Disney TV Daytona 500 TV The Cartoon Network WWF Wrestling TV BET Network The Price is Right TV Country Music TV The Price is Right TV TNN Network Daytime TV The Young & The Restless TV NBC Sunday Night Movie TV CBS Evening News Sunday TV Soap opera TV Days of Our Lives TV All My Children TV Soul Train TV Pontiac Montana GMC Sierra 2500 Hyundai Accent Chevy Cavalier Toyota Echo Kia Spectra Dodge Ram Chrysler Concorde Chevy Impala Dodge Neon Kia Rio Hyundai Accent Chevrolet S10 Pickup Toyota Echo Hyundai Sonata Nissan Sentra Mitsubishi Gallant