AGENDA NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SHAVANO PARK, TEXAS This notice is posted pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Notice hereby given that the City Council of the CoSP, Texas will conduct Regular Meeting on Monday, May 16, 2016 scheduled at 6:30 p.m. at 900 Saddletree Court, Shavano Park City Council Chambers for the purpose of considering the following agenda: 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION 3. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD The City Council welcomes “Citizens to be Heard.” If you wish to speak, you must follow these guidelines. As a courtesy to your fellow citizens and out of respect to our fellow citizens, we request that if you wish to speak that you follow these guidelines. Pursuant to Resolution No. 04-11 citizens are given three minutes (3:00) to speak during “Citizens to be Heard.” Only citizens may speak. Each citizen may only speak once, and no citizen may pass his/her time allotment to another person. Direct your comments to the entire Council, not to an individual member. Show the Council members the same respect and courtesy that you expect to be shown to you. The Mayor will rule any disruptive behavior, including shouting or derogatory statements or comments, out of order. Continuation of this type of behavior could result in a request by the Mayor that the individual leave the meeting, and if refused, an order of removal. In compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, no member of City Council may deliberate on citizen comments. (Attorney General Opinion – JC 0169) 4. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS Pursuant to TEX. GOV’T CODE §551.0415(b), the Mayor and each City Council member may announce city events/community interests and request that items be placed on future City Council agendas. “Items of Community Interest” include: expressions of thanks, congratulations, or condolences; information regarding holiday schedules; an honorary or salutary recognition of a public official, public employee, or other citizen, except that a discussion regarding a change in status of a person’s public office or public employment is not honorary or salutary recognition for purposes of this subdivision; a reminder about an upcoming event organized or sponsored by the governing body; information regarding a social, ceremonial, or community event organized or sponsored by an entity other than the governing body that was attended or is scheduled to be attended by a member of the governing body or an official or employee of the municipality or county; and announcements involving an imminent threat to the public health and safety of people in the municipality or county that has arisen after posting of the agenda 5. PRESENTATIONS, COMMENDATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 5.1. Plaques of Appreciation - Arbor / Earth Day 2016 Republic Services CPS Energy Ms. Megan Lira 5.2. Proclamation - San Antonio Radio Club Field Day, June 25-26. 2016 5.3. Proclamation - 100th Birthday Recognition for Mr. Everett Crosby DeWolfe. 5.4. Recognition of Alderman Vicky Maisel - Service to the City of Shavano Park 6. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 6.1. Discussion / action - Resolution R-2016-010 canvassing the 2016 General Election - City Council 6.2. Oath of Office - Newly elected officials - Mayor Werner 6.3. Discussion / action - Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem - City Council 6.4. Public Hearing - Public hearing to receive testimony and comments from members of the public regarding a proposed amendment to Chapter 36, Table No. 1, for minimum lot sizes in Single-Family Dwelling Districts A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 PUD. 6.5. Discussion / action - O-2016-007 - Proposed amendment to Chapter 36, Table No. 1, for minimum lot sizes in Single-Family Dwelling Districts A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 PUD (first reading) - City Manager Hill / Chairman Janssen 6.6. Public Hearing - Public hearing to receive testimony and comments from the public regarding the proposed replat of Shavano Park, Unit 19-C, Phase III (PUD). Lots 2053 and 2054 of the replat of Shavano Park Unit -19C, Phase III are proposed to be replatted to create one lot (Huntington subdivision Shavano Park, Texas). 6.7. Discussion / action - Proposed replat of Shavano Park, Unit 19-C, Phase III (PUD). Lots 2053 and 2054 of the replat of Shavano Park Unit -19C, Phase III are proposed to be replatted to create one lot (Huntington subdivision Shavano Park, Texas) - City Manager Hill 6.8. Public Hearing - Public hearing to receive testimony and comments from members of the public regarding proposed amendments to Chapter 36, Article V - Board of Adjustment, to implement Section 36-124 that will authorize the Board of Adjustment to grant special exceptions. 6.9. Discussion / action - O-2016-008 amendments to Chapter 36, Article V – Board of Adjustment, to implement Section 36-124 that will authorize the Board of Adjustment to grant special exceptions (first reading) - City Manager Hill 6.10. Discussion / action - FY 2016-17 Budget Development Calendar - City Manager Hill 6.11. Discussion / action - Move the August regular City Council Meeting from August 22nd to August 29th in order to facilitate the Budget calendar - City Manager Hill 6.12. Discussion / action - Report on litigation, Texas ARD MOR Properties LP ET AL vs Lockhill Venture LLC, Case Number 2014-CI-10796. Possible Executive Session pursuant to TEX. GOVT’s Code §551.071, Consultation with Attorney) City Manager / City Attorney 7. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will only be considered at the request of one or more Aldermen. Coincident with each listed item, discussion will generally occur. 7.1. Building Permit Activity Report 7.2. Fire Department Activity Report 7.3. Municipal Court Activity Report 7.4. Police Department Activity Report 7.5. Public Works Activity Report 7.6. Finance Report (April) 8. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any Alderman on any item, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. 8.1. Approval - City Council Meeting Minutes, April 25, 2016 8.2. Approval – City Council Meeting Minutes, April 14, 2016 8.3. Accept - Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, April 6, 2016 8.4. Accept - Quarterly Investment Report 8.5. Discussion / action - Ordinance No. O-2016-005 amending the FY 2015-16 General Fund and Water Budgets to reflect several un-programmed increases in revenues and expenses (final reading) - City Manager. 9. ADJOURNMENT Executive Sessions Authorized: This agenda has been reviewed and approved by the City’s legal counsel and the presence of any subject in any Executive Session portion of the agenda constitutes a written interpretation of TEX. GOV’T CODE CHAPTER 551 by legal counsel for the governmental body and constitutes an opinion by the attorney that the items discussed therein may be legally discussed in the closed portion of the meeting considering available opinions of a court of record and opinions of the Texas Attorney General known to the attorney. This provision has been added to this agenda with the intent to meet all elements necessary to satisfy TEX. GOV’T CODE §551.144(c) and the meeting is conducted by all participants in reliance on this opinion. Attendance by Other Elected or Appointed Officials: It is anticipated that members of City Council or other city board, commissions and/or committees may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also noticed as a meeting of the other boards, commissions and/or committees of the City, whose members may be in attendance. The members of the boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussions on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act. The facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are also available in the front and sides of the building. The entry ramp is located in the front of the building. Sign interpretative services for meetings must be made 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Call the City Secretary at 210-493-3478 x240 or TDD 1-800-735-2989. CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted at Shavano City Hall, 900 Saddletree Court, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on the 11th day of May 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Zina Tedford City Secretary POTENTIAL FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No Items listed as a potential future agenda item will be considered unless listed as a regular agenda item. Alderman please contact City staff to add new or reconsider old agenda items. Pending agenda items for consideration at subsequent Council meetings may include one or more of the following: a. Approval - Resolution requesting suburban cities representation on the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) Board of Trustees b. Approval of Body Worn Cameras for inclusion in FY 2016-17 Budget c. Veterans’ Memorial d. Consideration for improvements to the City of Shavano Park’s Water Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system - May / June e. Review Compensation Study Results f. Review of Sign Ordinances g. Request for Proposals for City of Shavano Park Auditors – August 2016 for 20162017 Fiscal Year h. Policy on use of CoSP resources - Alderman Hisel / Mayor Pro Tem Ross i. Report on litigation, Texas ARD MOR Properties LP ET AL vs. Lockhill Ventures LLC, Case Number 2014-CI-10796. (Possible Executive Session pursuant to TEX. GOV’T CODE §551.071, Consultation with Attorney) - City Manager / City Attorney j. Consideration for creating additional citizen committees - Mayor Pro Tem Ross k. City Council Orientation - Ald. Hisel l. Accessory / Portable Buildings m. Appointment of Council Appointed Positions - Annual January n. City of Shavano Park Investment Policy - Annual February o. Scheduling the Date for the Annual City - Wide garage sale - Annual February p. City Manager Review - Annual April q. Shavano Park Commercial and Residential Development Semi-annual Presentation Bitterblue, Inc. / Denton Communities - August/February r. Selection of city committee and board members - Annual September s. City Council adoption of organizational chart - Annual September t. Designation of City of Shavano Park Official Paper - Annual October u. Disposal of City Equipment / Furniture - Annual October v. Official City Holidays - Annual November q. Records Retention Policy - Annual December r. Consideration for transfer portions of Fund Balance to Capital Replacement / Improvement Fund - Annual December or January CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5-16-16 Agenda item: 5.2 Prepared by: Zina Tedford Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Proclamation – San Antonio Radio Club Field Day x Attachments for Reference: 1) Request letter 2) Proclamation BACKGROUND / HISTORY: The City of Shavano Park has traditionally supported the San Antonio Radio Club during Amateur Radio Week. The Club uses the City Hall parking lot to set up the radios during the 2 day event. DISCUSSION: The San Antonio Radio Club will have representatives at the meeting to accept the proclamation and discuss this annual event. The Club has applied for the use of City Hall using the City application. COURSES OF ACTION: N/A FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Mayor reads the Proclamation San Antonio Radio Club Bexar County's Communications Resource Since 1919 Zina Tedford, City Secretary City of Shavano Park 900 Saddletree Court San Antonio, TX 78231 210-493-3478 April 11, 2016 Dear Ms. Tedford, Since 2003, on the fourth full weekend of June the San Antonio Radio Club set up a simulated emergency radio station for, "Field Day", on the land adjacent to the City of Shavano City Hall/Park Police Station. The club supplied radios, many antennas, two tents, food, water, three generators and over forty-five radio operators to build operate and finally remove a portable, world-wide capable communications center. The San Antonio Radio Club requests permission to setup, "Field Day 2016", at the above location on the weekend of June 25th at 0800, until 1300 the 26th, 2016. A portable shelter will be set up on site the evening of the 24th at 1730, the balance of equipment then set up the morning of the 25th. If the site is available our activities will include, on-air demonstrations, satellite communications and emergency preparedness activities. During Amateur Radio Week, members the San Antonio Radio Club will put on demonstrations, give talks to community groups and take part in other activities to raise awareness about Amateur Radio. The week culminates with the annual emergency preparedness exercise called "Field Day", June 25th and 26th, 2016. Since 1933, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national association for Amateur Radio, has sponsored the event. During Field Day, operators set up in local parks, at shopping malls, basement emergency operations centers, or even in their own backyards, and get on the air using generators or battery power across Western Hemisphere. Field Day was designed to test operators' abilities to set up and operate portable stations under emergency conditions. While people often think that cell phones or other communications technologies have replaced ham radio, many have found out that cell phone systems are overloaded nation-wide during a crisis or damaged by storms. In the immediate area of the crisis cell phone use quickly exceeds capacity. Field Day is a serious test of skill, but it is also a contest for fun and the largest "onair" operating event each year. During the weekend, radio operators try to contact as many other Field Day stations as possible. More than 37,000 Amateur Radio operators at over 2600 locations from the US and Canada participated in last year's event. Totally over 1.3 million contacts were logged over 24 hours. We hope to hold Field Day in the field next to the City of Shavano Park Police Station and we will be there from 8:00 AM Saturday June 25, 2016 to 1:00 PM on Sunday June 26, 2016. Having visits from the public, police, fire department and city officials are very welcome. As soon as the location is secured Public Service Announcements will be written up and sent to radio, television and cable media outlets. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration and assistance. Sincerely, Richard J. Elder, P.E. (WB5ACN) DIRECTOR, San Antonio Radio Club San Antonio Radio Club, 4317 WILLOW OAK SCHERTZ, TX 78154 (210) 241-4600 cell CITY OF SHAVANO PARK OFFICE OF MAYOR PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the City of Shavano Park works with the San Antonio Radio Club to prepare for emergencies and licensed Amateur Radio operators have demonstrated their value in public assistance by providing emergency radio communications; and WHEREAS, for 96 years, these Amateur Radio operators donate these services free of charge in the interest of the citizens of the City as well as the world; and WHEREAS, these Amateur Radio operators are on alert for any emergency, local or worldwide, and practice their communication skills during the American Radio Relay League's Field Day exercise; and WHEREAS, this year's Amateur Radio Field Day for the San Antonio Radio Club will take place outside the City of Shavano Park City Hall on June 25-26, 2016 for the twelfth time since 2003; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert Werner, Mayor of the City of Shavano Park, hereby declare the week of June 25-26, 2015 as AMATEUR RADIO WEEK in recognition of this important emergency preparedness exercise, and call upon all citizens to pay tribute to the Amateur Radio operators that assist our City. ______________________________ Robert Werner, Mayor PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Everett Crosby DeWolfe Jr. was born on May 20, 1916 in Brooklyn, New York City USA; and WHEREAS, Everett proudly served his country during WWII with the Army Pacific Searchlight Brigade; and WHEREAS, he married Ruth Johnson in 1946 and out of this union four children were born. He has eleven grandchildren and ten (soon to be twelve) great-grandchildren; and WHEREAS, the family moved to Shavano Park, Texas in 1955 and Everett became a lifelong resident; and WHEREAS, Everett over the years became involved in his church and belonged to the Wayside Chapel as a Charter member, Sunday School Teacher, Elder and as the Choir Director; and WHEREAS, Everett continued spreading the word of God by serving as a Volunteer Chaplain at the Bexar County jail where he visited and conducted Bible Study; and WHEREAS, Everett Crosby DeWolfe Jr. will be turning 100 years old on May 20th; WHEREAS, the City of Shavano Park is inspired by his long life and continued good health, happiness, and an overflowing abundance of love and joy, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert Werner, Mayor of the City of Shavano Park, on behalf of the Shavano Park City Council, do hereby join Everett’s family and friends in expressing appreciation to Everett Crosby DeWolfe Jr. for his dedication to God and family. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED, I, Robert Werner, Mayor, am honored to present this proclamation to Everett Crosby DeWolfe Jr. and hereby recognize May 20, 2016, as “Everett Crosby DeWolfe Day” _______________________________ ROBERT WERNER MAYOR CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5-16-16 Agenda item: 6.1 – 6.2 Prepared by: Zina Tedford Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.1 Discussion/possible action – Resolution No. R-2016-010 canvassing the 2016 General Election 6.2 Oath of Office to newly elected officials – Mayor Werner x Attachments for Reference 1) Resolution R-2016-010 BACKGROUND / HISTORY: DISCUSSION: - City Council will take action on the R-2016-010 canvassing the General Election called for the purpose of electing three (3) Aldermen. Once canvassing is complete, the Mayor will give the Oath of Office to newly elected officials. COURSES OF ACTION: Canvass the General Election called for the purpose of electing three (3) Aldermen. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve R-2016-010 canvassing the 2016 General Election. RESOLUTION No. R-2016-010 A RESOLUTION AND ORDER CANVASSING THE RETURNS AND DECLARING THE OFFICIAL RESULTS OF A GENERAL ELECTION TO ELECT THREE ALDERMEN. There came to be considered the returns of an election held on May 7, 2016 for the purpose of electing three Aldermen, and it appearing from said returns, duly and legally made, that each of the candidates in said election received the following votes: Race/Name Alderman, Full Term Early Voting Election Day EARLY VOTING Total ELECTION DAY TOTAL Mary Ann Hisel 301 132 433 Konrad Kuykendall M.J. Smoot 228 252 105 117 333 369 Vicky Maisel Mike Simpson Bob Heintzelman Gary Arnold 269 274 284 17 108 118 113 7 377 392 397 24 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SHAVANO PARK, TEXAS: That the election was duly called; that notice of said election was given in accordance with law and that said election was held in accordance with law; Mary Ann Hisel, Mike Simpson and Bob Heintzelman were duly elected to the City Council. Said above named parties are hereby declared duly elected to said respective offices, subject to the taking of their oaths of office as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and the City of Shavano Park, Texas. It is further found and determined that in accordance with the order of this governing body that the City Secretary posted written notice of the date, place and subject of this meeting on the bulletin board located at the City Hall, a place convenient to the public, and said notice having been so posted and remaining posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the date of this meeting. A copy of the return of said posting shall be attached to the minutes of this meeting and shall be made a part thereof for all intents and purposes. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Shavano Park this the 16th day of May, 2016. ___________________________ ROBERT WERNER MAYOR Attest:___________________________________ Zina Tedford, City Secretary Approved as to Form: __________________________ Charles Zech, City Attorney CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5-16-16 Agenda item: 6.3 Prepared by: Zina Tedford Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discussion / action – Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem - City Council Attachments for Reference: 1) N/A BACKGROUND / HISTORY: As per the City of Shavano Park Code of Ordinances: Sec. 2-27. - Mayor Pro Tempore. At the first meeting of each new City Council, or as soon thereafter as practicable, one of the Aldermen shall be elected Mayor Pro Tempore, who shall hold office for one year. In the case of the failure, inability or refusal of the Mayor to act, the Mayor Pro Tempore shall perform the duties of the Mayor. When serving as Mayor as the presiding officer at City Council meetings, the Mayor Pro Tempore shall have the same rights and privileges and shall be entitled to vote on all matters. In the case of absence from the City or the failure, inability, or refusal of both the Mayor and the Mayor Pro Tempore to perform the duties of Mayor, the City Council may, at a City Council meeting, by a vote of three affirmative votes, select an acting Mayor Pro Tempore, who shall serve as Mayor with all the powers and privileges of Mayor until either the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tempore shall resume his duties of office. When such Acting Mayor Pro Tempore is serving as the presiding officer at City Council meetings, he shall have all the powers set forth in this section and in chapter 12, pertaining to elections, and shall be entitled to vote on all matters. (Ord. No. 4, § 14, 2-20-1989) DISCUSSION: N/A COURSES OF ACTION: Appoint a Mayor Pro Tem for a one year term. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A MOTION REQUESTED: Select Alderman ________ to serve as Mayor Pro Tem for a one year term. CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 16, 2016 Agenda item: 6.4 / 6.5 Prepared by: Curtis Leeth Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.4. Public Hearing - Public hearing to receive testimony and comments from members of the public regarding a proposed amendment to Chapter 36, Table No. 1, for minimum lot sizes in Single-Family Dwelling Districts A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 PUD. 6.5. Discussion / action - O-2016-007 - Proposed amendment to Chapter 36, Table No. 1, for minimum lot sizes in Single-Family Dwelling Districts A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 PUD (first reading) - City Manager Hill / Chairman Janssen X Attachments for Reference: 1) 6.5a Ordinance O-2016-007 BACKGROUND / HISTORY: In February 2016, the City was contacted with an inquiry about a lot size being smaller than .7 acres as required by the zoning district. The City investigated potential under sized lots and found 30 of the 90 lots investigated to be undersized. On April 20, 2016 the City placed a notification for a public hearing in the paper for the proposed change. At the May 4, 2016 P&Z meeting P&Z voted to recommend the ordinance amendment in attachment 6.5a. DISCUSSION: With undersized lots potentially being a wide-scale issue a broad-based solution is needed. The attached provides draft changes to Table No. 1 under Chapter 36, Article VI – Tables (6a). COURSES OF ACTION: Approve Ordinance O-2016-007 (first reading); disapprove; or take no action and provide further guidance to staff. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A MOTION REQUESTED: Approve proposed amendment to Chapter 36, Table No. 1, for minimum lot sizes in Single-Family Dwelling Districts A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 PUD. ORDINANCE NO. O-2016-007 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 36, ARTICLE VI, TABLE NO. 1 OF THE CITY OF SHAVANO PARK CODE OF ORDINANCES PROVIDING MINIMUM LOT AREA REQUIREMENTS FOR SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING ZONING DISTRICTS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE & CONFLICTS CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Chapter 211 authorizes the City of Shavano Park to provide zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Shavano Park was recently made aware of already existing platted properties that violated the City’s minimum lot size zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Shavano Park does not desire to impair or otherwise harm residential property owners of already existing platted properties; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Shavano Park believes this zoning ordinance promotes the public health, safety, morals, and/or general welfare of the City of Shavano Park; NOW, THERFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SHAVANO PARK, TEXAS: I CODE AMENDMENT Chapter 36, Article VI, Table No. 1 of the City of Shavano Park Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Table No. 1 A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 PUD Single-Family Dwelling Districts (c) Area Regulations (1) Lot Area. All building lots in A-1 and A-4 Single-Family Dwelling Districts shall contain not less than 1.00 acre of land. All building lots in A-2, A-3 and A-5 PUD Single-Family Dwelling Districts shall contain not less than 0.70 acres of land. All building lots platted or replatted after the effective date of this section shall meet the following minimum lot area requirements: (a) All building lots in A-1 and A-4 Single-Family Dwelling Districts shall contain not less than 1.00 acre of land. (b) All building lots in A-2, A-3 and A-5 PUD Single-Family Dwelling Districts shall contain not less than 0.70 acres of land. II CUMULATIVE CLAUSE That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of the City of Shavano Park, Texas, except where the provisions of this Ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such Ordinance, in which event the conflicting provisions of such Ordinance are hereby repealed. III SEVERABILITY That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Shavano Park that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance should be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of the Ordinances, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrases, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. IV PROPER NOTICE AND MEETING It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Ordinance was adopted was open to the public and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government V EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be effective upon passage and publication as required by State and Local law. PASSED AND APPROVED on the first reading by the City Council of the City of Shavano Park this the _____ day of ________, 2016. PASSED AND APPROVED on the second reading by the City Council of the City of Shavano Park this the _____ day of ________, 2016. Attest: _______________________________ ZINA TEDFORD, City Secretary Approved as to Form: _______________________________ CHARLES E. ZECH, City Attorney ___________________________ ROBERT WERNER, MAYOR CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 16, 2016 Agenda item: 6.6 / 6.7 Prepared by: Curtis Leeth Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.6. Public Hearing - Public hearing to receive testimony and comments from the public regarding the proposed replat of Shavano Park, Unit 19-C, Phase III (PUD). Lots 2053 and 2054 of the replat of Shavano Park Unit -19C, Phase III are proposed to be replatted to create one lot (Huntington subdivision Shavano Park, Texas). 6.7. Discussion / action - Proposed replat of Shavano Park, Unit 19-C, Phase III (PUD). Lots 2053 and 2054 of the replat of Shavano Park Unit -19C, Phase III are proposed to be replatted to create one lot (Huntington subdivision Shavano Park, Texas) - City Manager Hill X Attachments for Reference: 1) 6.7a Unit 19-C, Phase III Replat 2) 6.7b Preliminary Replat Checklist 3) 6.7c Engineer Letter 4) 6.7d ACES Response Letter BACKGROUND / HISTORY: On March 21, 2016 the preliminary plat conference was held between City staff and Alamo Consulting Engineering & Surveying (ACES). On April 13, 2016 the preliminary replat (8a) and checklist (8b) was submitted to the City Engineer for review. In compliance with Sec. 28-46, on April 18, 2016 written letter notification was sent to all property owners within 500 feet for a public hearing and on April 20, 2016 paper notification was made. On April 22, 2016 the City engineer completed their review (8c) and ACES made corrections to the plat as described in their response letter (8d). Planning and Zoning Commission at the May 4, 2016 meeting recommended approval of the replat after a public hearing and discussion. The Commission requested the mistaken acreage on the plat be updated. The plat (8a) has this updated acreage. DISCUSSION: This is a public hearing and discussion/action on a proposed replat in Unit-19C, Phase III (Huntington) to combine lots 2054 and 2053 of the replat of Shavano Park Unite-19C Phase III are proposed to be replatted to create one lot. COURSES OF ACTION: Approval of preliminary replat; or disapprove and provide further guidance to staff. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A MOTION REQUESTED: Approve the proposed replat of Lots 2053 and 2054, Shavano Park, Unit 19-C, Phase III (PUD) (preliminary). 10' WATER EASEMENT (VOLUME XXXX, PAGE XX DPR) 15' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT (VOLUME 9660, PAGE 44 DPR) 20' GAS, ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE AND CABLE TV EASEMENT (VOLUME 9695, PAGE 203-207 DPR) YOUNG PROFESSIONAL RESOURCES – 8209 ROUGHRIDER DR. STE. 101 WINDCREST, TX. 78239 FIRM F-8635 TELE: 210-590-9215 CELL: 210-373-3204 FAX: 210-590-9346 April 22, 2016 Ms. Zina Tedford City Secretary City of Shavano Park 900 Saddletree Court Shavano Park, TX 78231 RE: Preliminary Plat: Shavano Park Unit-19C, Phase III (3.86 acres) Response Letter Dear Ms. Tedford: Young Professional Resources (YPR) has completed its review of the reference final subdivision plat as submitted by Alamo Consulting Engineers & Surveyors, Inc. Our comments are as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) The plat does not identify all adjacent properties including recording information. Please include the date of preparation. Please show the dimension for street right-of-way and cul-de-sac radius. Please include dimension of keynote all setback lines on lot. Please revise the legal description to include acreage and accurate description of property. Please include volume and page on the Surveyor’s Note #3. Please correct spelling on keynote #11 (20’ Gas, Electric, Telephone…). ACES submitted a PDF and response letter of the changes. We find that the preliminary subdivision plat is complete and conforms to City of Shavano Park’s Ordinances. These revisions shall be reflected on any new submissions and on the final plat submittal. We are recommending that the preliminary plat be approved and forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and consideration. If you have any comments or questions, please contact Jaime Noriega or me at (210) 590-9215. Sincerely, Young Professional Resources Jaime Noriega, PE Senior Project Manager Cc: Paul A. Schroeder, PE, Alamo Consulting Engineers & Surveying, Inc. ALAMO CONSULTING ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC. Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-4490 4365 EAST EVANS ROAD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78261 PHONE : (210)828-0691 FAX NO.: (210)481-0832 April 20, 2016 Jaime Noriega Senior Project Manager 8209 Roughrider Dr., Suite 101 Windcrest, TX 78239 Re: Shavano Park, Unit 19C, Phase III Replat Lots 2053 & 2054 Dear Jaime: The following is the response to the replat review comments dated April 20, 2016: 1. The adjacent propery have been identified with recording information as requested. 2. The preparation date is shown below the ACES Logo. 3. The street right of way and cul de sac dimensions have been added as requested. 4. The building setback dimension have been added to the plat on the lots as requested. 5. The legal description has been revised to include the acreage and property description. 6. The volume and page has been added to the Surveyor’s Note #3 as requested. 7. The spelling note item #11 has been corrected as requested and the volume and page has been added. If additional information is required, please contact this office. Sincerely, ALAMO CONSULTING ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC. ___________________________________ Paul A. Schroeder, P.E., R.P.L.S. cc: Mr. L. Young Job # 131200 DOC: F/PROJECT/1300/131200/DOC/Shavano Park Review Response 4-20-16 CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5-16-16 Agenda item: 6.8/9 Prepared by: Curtis Leeth Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.8. Public Hearing - Public hearing to receive testimony and comments from members of the public regarding proposed amendments to Chapter 36, Article V - Board of Adjustment, to implement Section 36-124 that will authorize the Board of Adjustment to grant special exceptions. 6.9. Discussion / action - O-2016-008 amendments to Chapter 36, Article V – Board of Adjustment, to implement Section 36-124 that will authorize the Board of Adjustment to grant special exceptions (first reading) - City Manager Hill x Attachments for Reference: 1) 6.9a Ordinance O-2016-008 2) 6.9b Mayor Proposed Revisions BACKGROUND / HISTORY: During review of the Accessory Building regulations under Chapter 36, staff noted is that almost no two portable, accessory buildings or properties are the same. While a general rule of application should certainly be sustained, the City’s Code of Ordinances don’t allow for a resident to request a reasonable “special exception” to the City’s zoning regulations. The Board of Adjustment can only grant a variance when all conditions (very strict constraints) of Sec. 36-132 are met, and often condition (6) cannot be met by even a reasonable request. The Commission considered and recommended allowing a homeowner to gain a “special exception” approved by the Board of Adjustments through a process identical to variance (application, fee, letter notice to nearby property owners, public hearing and a vote). In March, staff reviewed special exception ordinances of Abilene, TX and Kennedale, TX (population 6,800 in Tarrant County) and drafted proposed ordinance language authorizing special exceptions in one instance: reducing rear and side setback requirements by up to 75% for residential properties that meet the a defined set of circumstances On March 17, 2016 Attorney Santee reviewed the proposed language; his recommended changes were incorporated. On April 20, 2016 the City placed a notice in the paper for the public hearing. On May 5, 2015 the Planning & Zoning commission recommended granting the Board of Adjustments the authority to grant Special Exceptions for reducing rear and side setbacks that meet a specific set of circumstances. DISCUSSION: Section 211.008 of Texas Local Government Code allow municipalities to grant an appointed Board of Adjustment the power to authorize special exceptions: Sec. 211.008. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. (a)The governing body of a municipality may provide for the appointment of a board of adjustment. In the regulations adopted under this subchapter, the governing body may authorize the board of adjustment, in appropriate cases and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, to make special exceptions to the terms of the zoning ordinance that are consistent with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance and in accordance with any applicable rules contained in the ordinance. A special exception is narrow in scope because it can only be granted in instances as authorized by ordinance. In addition the Board of Adjustment has the authority, when granting a special exception, to promulgate additional conditions to ensure the special exception is consistent with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinances. The proposed changes are underlined in the attachment, which is an extract from the Code of Ordinances Section 36, Article V – Board of Adjustment. First change is within Sec. 36-124 (3), which authorizes the BOA to make special exceptions. The second changes adds Sec 36-132 – Special Exceptions, which regulates the special exception process. In summary, this proposed change only authorized one special exception concerning setbacks: (1) To reduce up to 75% side or rear setbacks requirements in A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A5 PUD single family residential zoning districts, provided that the side or rear setback in question abuts the following: (a) The streets of Huebner, N.W. Military, Lockhill-Selma and DeZavala; (b) M-U, O-1, B-1 or B-2 zoning districts; or (c) Greenbelts as designated on a plat. COURSES OF ACTION: Approve Ordinance O-2016-008 (first reading); disapprove and take no action and provide further guidance to staff. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A MOTION REQUESTED: Approve O-2016-008 amendments to Chapter 36, Article V – Board of Adjustment, to implement Section 36-124 that will authorize the Board of Adjustment to grant special exceptions. ORDINANCE NO. O-2016-008 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 36, ARTICLE V OF THE CITY OF SHAVANO PARK CODE OF ORDINANCES PROVIDING THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT THE POWER AND DUTY OF AUTHORIZING SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 36-132; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE & CONFLICTS CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Chapter 211.008 authorizes the City of Shavano Park City Council to authorize the board of adjustment, in appropriate cases and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, to make special exceptions to the terms of the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, Texas Local Government Code Sec. 211.009 authorizes the Board of Adjustment to hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of a zoning ordinance when an ordinance requires the board to do so; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Shavano Park believes this zoning ordinance promotes the public health, safety, morals, and/or general welfare of the City of Shavano Park; NOW, THERFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SHAVANO PARK, TEXAS: I CODE AMENDMENT Chapter 36, Article V, of the City of Shavano Park Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 36-122. - Organization. There is hereby created a Board of Adjustment consisting of five members who are citizens of the City and who are not members of the City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission, shall be appointed as described in Chapter 2, Article IV, Section 287. Positions shall exist for a term of two years, beginning on October 1 of each odd numbered year and ending on May 31 of the next succeeding odd-numbered year and continuing thereafter. Board members may be removable for cause by the City Council upon a written charge and after public hearing. The City Council shall confirm four alternate members of the Board of Adjustment who shall serve in the absence of one or more of the regular members when requested to do so by the Mayor, all cases to be heard by the Board of Adjustment will always be heard by a minimum number of four members. These alternate members, when appointed, shall serve for the same period as the regular members, and any vacancy shall be filled in the same manner and shall be subject to removal as the regular members. Sec. 36-123. - Rules and meetings. The Board of Adjustment shall adopt rules of procedure in accordance with the provisions of this section. Meetings of the Board of Adjustment shall be held at the call of the Chairperson, who shall be selected by the Board at its June meeting each year, and at such other times as the Board of Adjustment may determine. Such Chairperson, or in their absence the Acting Chairperson, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the Board of Adjustment shall be open to the public. The Board of Adjustment shall keep minutes to proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon each question, or if absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact, and shall keep records of its examinations, findings, and other official actions, all of which shall be immediately filed in the office of the City and shall be a public record. Sec. 36-124. - Powers and duties. The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers: (1) To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official of the City in the enforcement of this chapter. (2) To authorize upon appeal in specific cases a variance from the terms of this chapter as will not be contrary to the public interest, where, due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this chapter will result in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of this chapter shall be observed and substantial justice done. (3) To authorize special exceptions, in accordance with Sec. 36-132, to a zoning standard applicable to particular types of development within any zoning district, which is consistent with the overall intent of the zoning regulations and for which express standards are prescribed, but that requires additional review to determine whether the development with the modification is compatible with adjoining land uses and the character of the neighborhood in which the development is proposed. (4) To hear and decide other matters authorized by the City Council. Sec. 36-125. - Appeals to the Board of Adjustment. Appeals to the Board of Adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved by the decision of an administrative official of the City or by any officer, department or board of the City affected by the decision. Such appeal shall be taken within a reasonable time, as provided by the rules of procedure of the Board of Adjustment, by filing with the administrative official from whom the appeal is taken and with the Board of Adjustment a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The administrative official from whom the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board of Adjustment all papers constituting the record of the action that is appealed. Sec. 36-126. - When appeal stays all proceedings. An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless the administrative official from whom the appeal is taken certifies in writing to the Board of Adjustment after notice of appeal shall have been filed with him that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in his opinion, cause immediate peril to life or property. In such case proceedings shall not be stayed other than by a restraining order which may be granted by the Board of Adjustment or by a court of record on application after notice to the administrative official from whom the appeal is taken and if due cause is shown. Sec. 36-127. - Time for notice and hearing of appeal. The Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for hearing of the appeal, give public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the parties in interest and decide the same within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney. Sec. 36-128. - Action on appeal. In exercising the powers set forth in section 36-124, the Board of Adjustment may, in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the administrative official's order, requirement, decision, or determination appealed from and may make the correct order, requirement, decision, or determination and to that end shall have all the powers of the administrative official from whom the appeal is taken. Sec. 36-129. - Vote necessary for decision of Board of Adjustment. The concurring vote of four members of the Board of Adjustment shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision, or determination of an administrative official, to decide in favor of the applicant on any matter on which it is required to pass under this chapter, or to authorize a variance from the terms of in this chapter. Sec. 36-130. - Notice of public hearings before the Board of Adjustment. The notice of public hearing, provided for in this section, shall be given by publication one time in the City's official newspaper, stating the time and place of such hearing, which time shall not be earlier than 15 days from date of such publication, and in addition thereto, the Board of Adjustment shall mail notices of such hearing to the petitioner and to all owners of property lying within 200 feet of any point of the lot or portion thereof, on which a variance or special exception is desired, and to all other persons deemed by the Board of Adjustment to be affected thereby; such owners and persons shall be determined according to the last approved tax roll of the City. Such notice may be served by depositing the same, property addressed and postage paid, in any post office. Sec. 36-131. - Variances (a) Requests for Variance. All requests for variations from the terms of this chapter shall be in writing and shall specify the facts involved, the relief desired, and grounds therefore. Each such application shall be filed with the City Secretary who, after investigation, shall transmit such application together with his report to the Board of Adjustment within thirty (30) days after receipt. (b) Hearings on applications for variances. The Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of all applications for variances, give public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the parties in interest, and decide the same within a reasonable time. Any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney at this hearing. (c) Granting variances. The Board of Adjustment is hereby authorized upon appeal from the decision of the City to grant in specific cases a variance from the terms of this chapter as will not be contrary to the public interest, where, due to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this chapter shall be observed and substantial justice is done. (d) Criteria for granting variances. No variance can be granted unless: (1) Such variance will not be contrary to public interest. (2) Such variance will not authorize the operation of a use other than those uses specifically authorized for the district in which the property for which the variance sought is located. (3) Such variance will not substantially or permanently injure the appropriate use of adjacent conforming property in the same district. (4) Such variance will not alter the essential character of the district in which it is located or the property for which the variance is sought. (5) Such variance will be in harmony with the spirit and purposes of this chapter. (6) The plight of the owner of the property for which the variance is sought is due to unique circumstances existing on the property, and the unique circumstances were not created by the owner of the property and are not merely financial, and are not due to or the result of general conditions in the district in which the property is located. (7) The variance will not substantially weaken the general purposes of this chapter or the regulations herein established for the specified district. (8) The variance will not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare of the public. (e) Limitation on variances. Any variance authorized by the Board of Adjustment shall constitute authority to authorize the issuance of a building permit or a certificate of occupancy, as the case may be, if applied for within 120 days from the date of favorable action on the part of the Board of Adjustment, unless such Board of Adjustment authorizes a longer period. If the permit or certificate of occupancy shall not be applied for within said 120-day period, or such extended period as the Board of Adjustment may have authorized, then the grant of the variance shall terminate. Such termination shall be without prejudice to a subsequent application to said Board of Adjustment in accordance with the rules and regulations regarding applications. No application to the Board of Adjustment shall be allowed on the same piece of property prior to the expiration of six months from a ruling of the Board of Adjustment on any application to such body unless other property in the same block within 200 feet thereof, within such six-month period, has been altered or changed by a ruling of the Board of Adjustment, in which case such change of circumstances shall permit the allowance of such application but in no way force in law to compel the Board of Adjustment, after a hearing, to grant such subsequent application, but, such application shall be considered on its merits as in all other cases. Sec. 36-132. – Special Exceptions (a) Applications for Special Exception. All applications for special exceptions from the terms of the chapter shall be in writing and shall specify the facts involved, the special exception desired, and grounds therefore. Each such application shall be filed with the City Secretary who, after investigation, shall transmit such application together with his report to the Board of Adjustment within thirty (30) days after receipt. The fee for an application shall be the same as the fee for an application for variance as described in Appendix A – City of Shavano Park Fee Schedule. (b) Hearings on applications for special exceptions. The Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of all applications for special exceptions, give public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the parties in interest, and decide the same within a reasonable time. Any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney at this hearing. (c) Granting special exceptions. The Board of Adjustment may grant special exceptions to the provisions of this chapter, limited to and in accordance with the following: (1) To reduce up to 75% side or rear setbacks requirements in A-1, A-2, A-3, A4 and A-5 PUD single family residential zoning districts, provided that the side or rear setback in question abuts the following: (a) The streets of Huebner, N.W. Military, Lockhill-Selma and DeZavala; (b) M-U, O-1, B-1 or B-2 zoning districts; or (c) Greenbelts as designated on a plat. (d) Conditions for granting special exceptions. No application for a special exception shall be granted by the board of adjustment unless the board finds all of the following conditions are present: (1) That the special exception will not be materially detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or general welfare; (2) That the uses, values and enjoyment of other property in the neighborhood for purposes already permitted shall be in no foreseeable manner substantially impaired or diminished by the special exception; (3) That the special exception will not significantly impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district; and (4) That the special exception shall conform to all applicable area, yard, height, lot coverage, building size and exterior requirements and parking space regulations of the district in which it is located. (e) Additional Conditions and guarantees. Prior to the granting of any special exception, the board of adjustment may stipulate such conditions and restrictions upon the establishment, location, construction, maintenance and operation of the special exception as deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the community and to secure compliance with the standards and requirements specified in subsection (d) above. In all cases in which special exceptions are granted, the board of adjustment shall require such evidence and written guarantees as it may deem necessary as proof that the conditions stipulated in connection therewith are being and will be complied with. (f) Effect of denial of application. No application for a special exception which has been denied wholly or in part by the board of adjustment shall be resubmitted for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of said denial. Sec. 36-134. - Vote necessary for decision of Board of Adjustment. The concurring vote of four members of the Board of Adjustment shall be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision, or determination of an administrative official, to decide in favor of the applicant on any matter on which it is required to pass under this chapter, or to authorize a variance from the terms of in this chapter. Sec. 36-135. - Notice of public hearings before the Board of Adjustment. The notice of public hearing, provided for in this section, shall be given by publication one time in the City's official newspaper, stating the time and place of such hearing, which time shall not be earlier than 15 days from date of such publication, and in addition thereto, the Board of Adjustment shall mail notices of such hearing to the petitioner and to all owners of property lying within 200 feet of any point of the lot or portion thereof, on which a variance or special exception is desired, and to all other persons deemed by the Board of Adjustment to be affected thereby; such owners and persons shall be determined according to the last approved tax roll of the City. Such notice may be served by depositing the same, property addressed and postage paid, in any post office. Sec. 36-133. - Appeals from the Board of Adjustment. Any person, jointly or severally, aggrieved by any decision of the Board of Adjustment, or any taxpayer, or any officer, department, board of the City, may present to a court of record a verified petition as provided by Tex. Local Government Code § 211.011, setting forth that such decision is illegal, in whole or in part, specifying the grounds of illegality. Such petition shall be presented to the Court within ten days after the filing of the decision Board in the office of the City Secretary. Sec. 36-134. - Fees. The Board shall be empowered to assess and collect the fees specified in Appendix A – City of Shavano Park Fee Schedule to defray administrative costs. Such fees shall be deposited with the Secretary of the City, for deposit in the General Fund of the City. Secs. 36-135—36-137. - Reserved. II CODE AMENDMENT Appendix A – City of Shavano Park Fee Schedule, of the City of Shavano Park Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to add the following: Board of Adjustments Variance Fees Application For Variance $350.00 Application For Special Exception $350.00 City Engineer Review Fee—actual cost Actual Legal Review Fee (If Necessary)—actual cost Actual III CUMULATIVE CLAUSE That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of the City of Shavano Park, Texas, except where the provisions of this Ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such Ordinance, in which event the conflicting provisions of such Ordinance are hereby repealed. IV SEVERABILITY That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Shavano Park that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance should be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of the Ordinances, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrases, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. V PROPER NOTICE AND MEETING It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Ordinance was adopted was open to the public and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government VI EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be effective upon passage and publication as required by State and Local law. PASSED AND APPROVED on the first reading by the City Council of the City of Shavano Park this the _____ day of ________, 2016. PASSED AND APPROVED on the second reading by the City Council of the City of Shavano Park this the _____ day of ________, 2016. ___________________________ ROBERT WERNER, MAYOR Attest: _______________________________ ZINA TEDFORD, City Secretary Approved as to Form: _______________________________ CHARLES E. ZECH, City Attorney CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 16, 2016 Agenda item: 6.10 Prepared by: Lara Feagins Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discussion / action - FY 16-17 Budget Development Calendar – City Manager X Attachments for Reference: 1) Proposed 2016/2017 Budget Calendar BACKGROUND / HISTORY: Staff has drafted the 2016/17 Budget Calendar in order to allow Council / Staff to arrange their schedules for the required meetings over the next four months. DISCUSSION: Attached is a copy of the Proposed 2016/2017 Budget Calendar. Although some dates in June and July are flexible at this point, staff has organized the proposed dates allowing for required budget preparations and the timing of expected tax information. August and September meeting dates are somewhat firm based on the required timing of publications, submissions of notices to the paper, and the two required readings of the budget ordinance. Council did in October 2015, pass a resolution designating any day of the San Antonio Express News as the official newspaper for posting notices, which provides us with more scheduling flexibility if required. Staff has scheduled the first Council Workshop for Monday June 6, 2016 to begin the development of Council Goals and Objectives for the budget year. NOTE: The City Manager will be attending the Texas City Manager’s Conference from 8-11 June; departing June 7th. Note that the week of August 22th thru 26th, the regularly scheduled Council meeting (4th Monday) would be Monday August 22th. However, a special meeting to hold 1st Tax Hearing may be required as early as Thursday the 26th due to the required timing between publications and hearings. In previous years, Council has opted to move the regularly scheduled Monday meeting to the Thursday special meeting. Staff proposes to move this year’s August Regular Council meeting from the 4th Monday (22nd) to the 5th Monday (29th) to meet this requirement. Staff recommends moving the September Regular Council meeting from the 26th to the 19th in order to meet requirement from the Bexar County Tax Assessor’s Office. The other option is to meet on the 19th as a special meeting and retain the 26th as the normal City Council Meeting. COURSES OF ACTION: 1.) Accept or modify a portion of the Calendar. 2.) Accept or modify the Budget Calendar as submitted. 3.) Take no action at this time FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the 2016/2017 Budget Calendar as submitted. PROPOSED BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FY 2016-2017 2016 15-30 April Receive Preliminary Property Tax Report; pass to Council 4- April – 16 May Budget Kick Off with Departments- FY 16/17 Goals, Objectives, Unfunded Requirements Monday 9 May Brief Water Advisory Committee FY16/17 Goals and Objectives Wednesday 17-20 May Department Budget Meetings - FY 16/17 Goals, Objectives, Unfunded Requirements Monday 6 June Council Workshop – Goals, Objectives, Guidance Monday 13 June Water Advisory Committee Meeting/Budget Workshop (Rev/Unfunded Requirements) 1-15 June Create Revenues for Straw-man Budget Monday 27 June (T) Council Workshop - Budget Basics and Staff Analysis of Council Objectives Monday 11 July Water Advisory Committee Meeting- Budget Workshop - Water Fund Expenses Wednesday 20 July (T) Budget Work Shop – Health, TMRS, Compensation Study, Capital Items ~ 25 July Bexar County Appraisal District Provides - Certified Tax Roll; pass to Council ~ July 25 - 3 August (T) Bexar County Tax Assessor Collector Calculates/Provides Effective and Roll Back Rates Monday 1 August Water Advisory Committee Meeting - Approve initial Water Fund Budget Thursday 4 August (T) Special Council Meeting/Budget Work Shop – - City Manager Submits Proposed FY 16/17 Budget (No anticipated Council action) - Receive Effective and Rollback Calculation Thursday 11 August (T) Special Council Meeting/Budget Work Shop - Discuss tax rate; if proposed tax rate will exceed the rollback rate or the effective rate (whichever is lower), take record vote and Schedule Public Hearings. Wednesday 17 August Publication of Notice of 2016 Proposed Tax Rate Wednesday 17 August (T) Special Council Budget Workshop – (Dates of Public Hearings Published in News Paper) Monday 29 August (T) Regular Council Meeting/Budget Work Shop - Wednesday 2 September Hold 1st Tax Hearing (If Required) Publication Notice of 1st and 2nd Budget Reading Monday 12 September (T) Special Council Meeting – - 1st Reading of Budget Hold 2nd Tax Hearing (If Required) - Schedule and announce meeting to adopt tax rate 3-14 days from this date. Monday 19 September (T) Special Council Meeting / or reschedule Regular Council Meeting from the 26th 2nd Reading of Budget Adopt Budget and Tax Rate CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5-16-16 Agenda item: 6.11 Prepared by: Bill Hill Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discussion / action – Move the August regular City Council Meeting from August 22nd to August 29th in order to facilitate the Budget calendar - City Manager Attachments for Reference: 1) See Previous Budget Calendar BACKGROUND / HISTORY: N/A DISCUSSION: Note that the week of August 22th thru 26th, the regularly scheduled Council meeting (4th Monday) would be Monday August 22th. However, a special meeting to hold 1st Tax Hearing may be required as early as Thursday the 26th due to the required timing between publications and hearings. In previous years, Council has opted to move the regularly scheduled Monday meeting to the Thursday special meeting. Staff proposes to move this year’s August Regular Council meeting from the 4th Monday (22nd) to the 5th Monday (29th) to meet this requirement. If the council’s record vote for the tax rate on August 11th remains at or below the Effective and the Rollback Rates, a special tax hearing would not be required. However, if changes are made to the tax rate at all, staff may be challenged to complete the budget changes by August 15th (the date council packets are published for the Council). Since no issues appear to exist in changing from the 4th Monday to the 5th Monday of the month, Staff recommends we make this decision now. COURSES OF ACTION: Reschedule the meeting for the 29th; retain current schedule for the 22nd; or defer decision. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A MOTION REQUESTED: Approve the motion to move the August regular City Council Meeting from August 22nd to August 29th CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5-16-16 Agenda item: 6.12 Prepared by: Bill Hill Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discussion / action – report on litigation, Texas ARD MOR Properties LP ET AL vs Lockhill Venture LLC, Case Number 2014-CI-10796. Possible Executive Session pursuant to TEX. GOVT’s Code §551.071, Consultation with Attorney) - City Manager / City Attorney Attachments for Reference: 1) N/A BACKGROUND / HISTORY: DISCUSSION: ARDMOR has filed a third petition. City Attorney’s will provide an update on the situation. COURSES OF ACTION: Varies FINANCIAL IMPACT: Varies MOTION REQUESTED: N/A Shavano Park Fire Department Summary of Events for April 2016 • • • • • • • • • • Shavano Park FD responded to 80 requests for service in April. This is a 1.23% decrease from the previous April. Shavano Park FD responded to 4 automatic aid requests from Hollywood Park FD and Castle Hills. Shavano Park FD received 4 automatic aid responses for Castle Hills FD and Hollywood Park FD. Shavano Park FD Responded/stood-by for 40 mutual aid request from other departments The average response time for calls within Shavano Park is 4 minutes, 30 seconds this month. Fire Fighters completed a total of 406.50 hours of training in the month of April Certified Fire Inspector inspected 7 commercial buildings and performed 10 construction inspections. Fire crews performed 8 pre-incident fire plan reviews Certified Plans Examiners reviewed 8 sets of commercial building/renovation plans/changes to previously submitted plans AMS 11% Seizure 4% Cardiac 5% 100 Seizure 0% Cardiac Fall 26% Fall 22 Trauma 58 32 53 Sick DOS 11% AMS False Alarms/Calls 10% 48 40 20 0 EMS 2016 22 2015 28 2014 32 2013 21 2012 26 FIRE 58 53 37 48 21 Fire 2% Fire Types of Fire Calls Good Intent 10% Electrical/Explosion Rescue & EMS Rescue & EMS 28% Public Service 49% 26 Call Trends Seizure Sick 13% 37 60 21 21 DOS Trauma 10% EMS Calls 80 28 Hazardous Conditions Hazardous Conditions 1% Public Service Good Intent False Alarms/Calls City of Shavano Park Municipal Court Activity April 2016 Cases Filed Per Month 400 350 300 250 200 14/15 150 15/16 100 50 0 Cases Resolved Fine Not Guilty By Judge Guilty Dismissed Compliance Dismissal Defensive Driving Deferred Disposition Proof of Insurance TOTAL Court Revenue October November December January February March April May June July August September Current Month 56 12 28 2 49 11 24 8 Prior Year 43 1 28 1 65 10 33 8 190 189 Current 15/16 16,270 13,911 14,868 11,670 20,240 28,780 20,684 - Prior 14/15 $ 20,742 $ 22,199 $ 14,289 $ 16,662 $ 28,403 $ 28,319 $ 20,130 $ 18,319 $ 22,436 $ 15,320 $ 14,224 $ 13,069 $ 126,423 $ 234,111 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $83,777 $126,423 Total Court Revenue FY 15-16 Remaining Budget Budget FY 15-16 $210,200 Monthly Activity Report City of Shavano Park Police Department April 2016 Criminal Calls Handled Alcohol Beverage Code Violations Arrest of Wanted Persons (Outside Agency) Assault Burglary Building / Habitation Burglary Vehicle Criminal Mischief / Reckless Damage Criminal Trespass Cruelty to Animals D.U.I. - Minor D.W.I. / D.U.I. Driving while License Suspended / Invalid Evading Arrest Failure to Identify Family Violence Fraud / Forgery / False Reports / Tamper w/ Govt. Record Harassment / Retaliation / Terroristic Threat M.I.P. Alcohol / Tobacco Murder / Suicide Narcotics Violation Possession of Prohibited Weapon / Unlawful Carry Public Intoxication Resisting Arrest Robbery Sexual Assault Theft Theft of Motor Vehicle / Unauthorized Use of Motor Veh. April 0 2 0 5 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2016 0 10 0 11 17 8 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 21 1 2 0 0 0 7 1 2015 0 39 2 15 29 11 1 0 0 2 2 2 1 2 6 0 0 0 43 1 3 0 2 1 40 3 Calendar Year 2014 0 27 1 8 26 13 0 0 0 3 4 2 0 2 2 4 0 0 27 0 4 1 0 0 36 2 2013 1 12 3 13 34 19 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 8 5 0 0 18 1 1 0 0 1 33 1 2012 0 16 0 19 51 21 0 0 2 3 6 2 0 0 1 1 0 2 34 0 0 3 0 0 25 4 Total Criminal Calls Handled 21 84 205 162 155 190 Activity Report: During the month of April 2016, the Shavano Park Police Department received 915 calls for service. For the calendar year 2016, the Shavano Park Police Department has received 2613 calls for service. Monthly Activity Report City of Shavano Park Police Department April 2016 Non-Criminal Calles Handled Accidents Major (With Injuries) Accidents Minor (Non-Injury) Alarm Calls Animal Calls / Complaints Assist Fire Department / EMS Assist Other Law Enforcement Agencies Assist the Public City Ordinance Violations grass 3 tree 2 nuisance 5 permit 1 parking 5 dumpster 1 fence 3 construction 3 solicitor 1 sign 9 Crime Prevention Disturbance / Keep the Peace Emergency Detention Health & Safety Violations Information Reports Missing Person / Runaway Out of Town / Patrol-By Reports Recovered Property / Found Property Sudden Death / Natural / Unattended Suspicious Circumstances Suspicious Persons Suspicious Vehicles Traffic Hazard Welfare Concern 911 Hang-up Calls April 1 7 35 12 20 5 6 33 2016 1 21 155 52 89 22 20 102 2015 11 47 528 143 276 69 87 343 Calendar Year 2014 9 44 495 170 285 69 108 289 2013 3 45 472 143 269 47 156 100 2012 3 32 458 172 300 59 169 266 665 5 0 0 16 1 43 3 2 5 4 14 4 2 11 1696 21 8 0 45 1 133 6 4 15 30 48 18 9 33 2751 86 26 0 137 1 568 19 8 40 100 120 55 38 109 2119 66 12 0 78 5 626 15 11 57 73 104 42 18 90 1519 48 5 1 10 2 583 11 8 32 91 99 26 35 111 1364 55 7 0 25 1 514 21 13 34 74 125 48 20 60 Total Non-Criminal Calls Handled 894 2529 5562 4785 3816 There was no reported gang activity for the month of April 2016. For the year 2016 there have been no reported gang activity. 3820 April 2016 Breakdown Arrest of Wanted Person Narcotics 1. Lockhill-Selma Road - Potter County Warrant 2. N.W. Military Hwy. - Bexar County & San Antonio Warrant 1. DeZavala Road - possession of controlled substance 2. N.W. Military Hwy. - possession of drug paraphernalia 3. N.W. Military Hwy. - possession of drug paraphernalia 4. N.W. Military Hwy. - possession of drug paraphernalia 5. Lockhill-Selma Road - possession of drug paraphernalia 6. DeZavala Road - possession of drug paraphernalia 7. N.W. Military Hwy. - possession of marijuana 8. Canter Gait - possession of controlled substance Burglary 1. Rustlers Butte - items taken 2. Cliffside Drive - items taken 3. Shavano Drive - items taken 4. Branch Oak Way - items taken 5. Blackjack Oak - items taken Theft Burglary of Vehicle 1. Saddletree Road - missing license plate 1. Blackjack Oak - tools taken from bed of truck Theft of Motor Vehicle Criminal Mischief 1. Cliffside Drive - vehicle stolen from driveway 1. Branch Oak Way - mailbox damage 2. Happy Trail - door damage 3. Bentley Manor - mailbox damage City of Shavano Park Police Department April 2016 Officer Warnings Citations Cases Activity Totals Vehicles Stopped Mileage Crime Prevention A 12 1 18 31 11 1121 24 B 47 36 11 94 66 1209 29 C 55 60 16 131 77 1088 0 D 15 2 21 38 16 1741 74 E 13 0 29 42 12 633 0 F 30 4 16 50 30 1073 78 G 53 20 12 85 63 1398 129 H 40 6 26 72 46 1202 51 I 22 6 22 50 25 890 61 J 6 6 3 15 8 118 3 K 33 6 14 53 36 1280 95 L 18 20 2 40 27 175 0 M 2 1 12 15 3 1164 102 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 8 4 5 17 11 1167 19 Total 354 172 207 733 431 14259 665 Public Works Department Monthly Report - APRIL , 2016 * Distribution and production wells checked daily, filters at # 1 backwashed & replaced * Water samples taken - 1 residential * Landscape maintenance done at well sites, pump stations and City Hall * Elevated Storage Tank is back up and running after getting refurbished * 24/7 hr. manning of system while tank is down * SCADA issues with communication were dealt with while tank was down * Power surges were quickly handled to make sure the water system was being maintained * Water lines along NW Military were located * Mowed Dezavala Rd * Installed street signs - Lockhill (no U-Turn Signs), Wagon Trail (30 MPH), South NW Military (Tree City USA) * Prime Control made adjustment to fix Well # 8 communications * Working to repair a booster pump that malfunctioned at Shavano Dr. * Miox chlorine tank repaired * Inspected damage done by hail storm with insurance adjustors * Cathodic protection system was installed at EST Water Utillity APRIL MO FY Water used by City - Water Used by City Cost # of Gallons Pumped # of Gallons Pumped from Trinity Total Pumped # of Gallons Sold Water loss in gallons % of loss 148,000 $1,098.76 9,217,929 3,753,587 12,971,516 720,000 $5,563.73 71,394,582 15,348,121 86,742,703 Water Revenue EAA Fees Collected Water Service Fees Debt Service Collected Late Fees $34,509.55 $4,962.00 $4,845.72 $4,460.80 $864.39 $287,410.02 $38,300.31 $33,066.18 $31,902.44 $5,888.27 Military (Tree City USA) City Council Meeting 1 April 25, 2016 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Werner called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: Alderman Berrier Mayor Pro Tem Ross Alderman Heintzelman Alderman Hisel Alderman Maisel Mayor Werner 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Alderman Heintzelman led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Alderman Hisel led the Invocation. 3. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Mike Simpson addressed Council regarding the Candidate Forum and municipal tract. Pete Fleischhacker addressed City Council regarding concerns involving 911 dispatch. David Pierce addressed concerns regarding communications with police department. 4. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS City Council welcomed all to the meeting and thanked all that participated at the Arbor/Earth Day event. 5. PRESENTATIONS, COMMENDATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements – Community Picnic (City’s 60th Anniversary) at Beckman Quarry sponsored by Martin Marietta – Randi Wayland Mayor Werner announced that the Community Picnic – City of Shavano Park’s 60th anniversary will be sponsored at Beckman Quarry will be held Saturday, April 30th beginning at 4 p.m. 5.1. 5.2. Recognition - Shavano Park Tree Committee and volunteers Arbor Day Recognition - Mayor Pro Tem Ross Mayor Pro Tem Ross thanked the Shavano Park Tree Committee and volunteer for all their assistance. 5.3. Recognition - Blattman Elementary School butterfly poster contest winners in support of Arbor Day - Alderman Maisel Alderman Maisel announced the winners of the Blattman Elementary School butterfly poster contest and thanked all the participants. 5.4. Recognition - Arbor Day “Tree City USA” recognition - Alderman Maisel Alderman Maisel presented the Arbor Day “Tree City USA” plaque to the City of Shavano Park. City Council Meeting 2 April 25, 2016 6:30 p.m. 5.5. Recognition - Public Works Department for their tremendous around the clock work to operate the water system while the Elevated Water Tower was being refurbished and repainted – City Manager Hill Mayor Werner recessed the meeting at 6:49 p.m. due to an incoming thunderstorm. Mayor Werner called the meeting back to order at 6:54 p.m. City Manager Hill thanked PW Director Peterson and the Public Works Department for their outstanding efforts around the clock to operate the water system while the Elevated Water Tower was being refurbished and repainted. 6. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 6.1. Presentation / discussion - Martin Marietta update on Beckmann Quarry, current and future operations - Chance Allen Chance Allen presented an update on the Beckman Quarry, current and future operations. At this time, Mayor Werner deviated to agenda item 8 – Consent Agenda. 6.2. Discussion / action - Roadrunner Logo Survey Results - City Manager City Manager Hill presented the results of the Roadrunner Logo survey. 6.3. Discussion / action - Ordinance No. O-2016-005 amending the FY2015-16 General Fund and Water Budgets to reflect several un-programmed increases in revenues and expenses - City Manager Alderman Berrier made a motion to approve O-2016-005 for the first reading. Mayor Pro Tem Ross seconded the motion. The motion to approve O-20169-005 for the first reading carried unanimously. PW Director Peterson and PW /Water Department Foreman Lynch returned to the meeting. At this time, Mayor Werner asked all to give the Public Works Department a round of applause for a job well done on maintaining the water system during the Elevated Storage tank project. 6.4. Discussion / action - FY 2016-17 Budget Development Calendar - City Manager City Manager Hill presented City Council with the FY 2016-17 Budget Development Calendar. Mayor Pro Tem Ross made a motion to schedule a Workshop Meeting on June 6, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. Alderman Hisel seconded the motion. The motion to schedule a Workshop meeting on June 6, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. was approved unanimously. 6.5. Presentation / discussion - 2016 criminal activity report - City Manager City Manager Hill presented the 2016 criminal activity report. City Council Meeting 3 April 25, 2016 6:30 p.m. 6.6. Presentation / discussion - Allocation and utilization of our Police Department Resources - City Manager / Chief Creed City Manager Hill presented City Council with the current allocation and utilization of our police department. 6.7. Discussion / action - Review of the City Manager - Possible Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.074, Personnel Matters, Texas Government Code §551.07, Consultation with Attorney - Mayor Werner Mayor Werner asked a motion to adjourn to Executive Session Review of the City pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.074, Personnel Matters for the Review of the City Manager. Mayor Pro Tem Ross made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session. Alderman Heintzelman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Open Meeting closed at 8:17 p.m. The Open Meeting reconvened at 9:50 p.m. There was no action taken on this agenda item. 7. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will only be considered at the request of one or more Aldermen. Coincident with each listed item, discussion will generally occur. 7.1. Building Permit Activity Report 7.2. Fire Department Activity Report 7.3. Municipal Court Activity Report 7.4. Police Department Activity Report 7.5. Public Works Activity Report 7.6. Finance Report (March) City Council did not request discussion of any of the above agenda items 7.1-7.6. 8. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under this item are considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired by any Alderman on any item, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately. City Council Meeting 4 April 25, 2016 6:30 p.m. 8.1. Approval - Special City Council Meeting Minutes, April 7, 2016. 8.2. Approval - Workshop Meeting Minutes, April 7, 2016. 8.3. Approval - City Council Meeting Minutes, March 28, 2016. 8.4. Accept - Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, March 2, 2016. 8.5. Approval - Final Plat Lockhill Shavano Park Unit - 17 Tract C, 2.624 acre tract approximately 330’ S.E. of Lockhill - City Manager. Alderman Berrier made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items 8.1-8.5. Alderman Maisel seconded the motion. The motion to approve agenda items 8.1 - 8.5 with a unanimous vote. Mayor Werner deviated back to agenda item 6. 9. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Maisel made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Berrier seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. ______________________ Robert Werner Mayor _____________________ Zina Tedford City Secretary Meet the Candidates Night 1 April 14, 2016 7:00 p.m. 1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Women’s Club Member Maggi Kautz welcomed all present to the Meet the Candidates Night. 2. “MEET THE CANDIDATE NIGHT” - MODERATED BY FORMER MAYOR JOHN HORNER TO INCLUDE DISCUSSION ON ANY OF THE BELOW LISTED TOPICS OF CITY BUSINESS: Moderator John Horner explained the format for the evening. TOPIC: Budgeting reserves to fund future projects or improvements. TOPIC: Policy regarding use of City Hall TOPIC: City sponsored events for Shavano Park. TOPIC: Improvement of NW Military Hwy and 1604 corridor. TOPIC: Involvement of council members in council-manager form of government. TOPIC: Resolving drainage and oak wilt problems. TOPIC: City and Council Commitment to transparency and citizen input. TOPIC: Attendance of council members at board and committee meetings. TOPIC: Future challenges for Shavano Park. TOPIC: Difference of ideas between candidates. TOPIC: Strengthening and enforcing ordinances. No votes or any formal action was taken on any of the above subjects discussed during this “Meet the Candidates Night” event. 3. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m. _________________________ Robert Werner Mayor ____________________________ Zina Tedford City Secretary CITY OF SHAVANO PARK PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS 900 SADDLETREE COURT, SHAVANO PARK, TEXAS 78231 April 6, 2016 6:30 P.M. MINUTES 1. Call to order Chairman Janssen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: ABSENT: Carlos Ortiz David Jauer Kerry Dike Konrad Kuykendall Kathy Fandel Richard Lazor Albert Aleman Brian Harr Michael Janssen Vote under Section 36-69 of the Shavano Park City Code (“Code”) concerning a finding that each of the items following item 2 on the agenda are “planning issues” or otherwise prescribed Planning & Zoning Commission duties under 36-69(l) of the Code or the severance of one or more of such items for an individual vote on such item or items. Upon a motion made by Commissioner Dike and a second made by Commissioner Lazor, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve the agenda as it was provided as Planning & Zoning Commission issues. The motion carried. 2. 3. Citizens to be heard Steve Davis addressed the Planning & Zoning Commission regarding his support for agenda item 6. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Approval - minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission March 2, 2016 meeting Upon a motion made by Commissioner Dike and a second made by Commissioner Ortiz, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve minutes the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting held March 2, 2016. The motion carried. 5. Discussion / action - Led by City Manager Hill on the Final Plat of Lockhill Shavano Park Unit-17 Tract C, a 2.624 acre tract located on Lockhill Selma Road. Upon a motion made by Commissioner Aleman and a second made by Commissioner Dike, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve the Final Plat of Lockhill Shavano Park Unit-17 Tract C, a 2.624 acre tract located on Lockhill Selma Road. The motion carried. 1 6. Discussion / action - Led by City Manager Hill and Commissioner Janssen regarding amending Chapter 36, Table No. 1, for minimum lot sizes in Single-Family Dwelling Districts A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 PUD. In February 2016, the City was contacted with an inquiry about a lot size being smaller than .7 acres as required by the zoning district. The City investigated potential under sized lots and found 30 of the 90 lots investigated to be undersized. With undersized lots potentially being a wide-scale issue a broad-based solution is needed. A public hearing and agenda item will be placed on the May 4th agenda. 7. Discussion / action - Led by Commissioner Aleman and the members of the accessory building working group regarding the City’s ordinances pertaining to accessory buildings, outbuildings and portable buildings. Commissioner Aleman stated that he had met with City Manager Hill and Curtis Leeth to review existing ordinances for continuity. Commissioner Aleman stated that he would like to have another Working Group meeting to go over the revisions at length. Commissioner Aleman stated that he would discuss possible dates with City Manager and contact the members of the Working Group. Discussion / action - Led by City Manager Hill on amending Chapter 36, Article V – Board of Adjustment, to allow the Board of Adjustment to grant special exceptions. City Manager Hill informed the Planning & Zoning Commission that during review of the Accessory Building regulations under Chapter 36, staff noted is that almost no two portable, accessory buildings or properties are the same. While a general rule of application should certainly be sustained, the City’s Code of Ordinances don’t allow for a resident to request a reasonable “special exception” to the City’s zoning regulations. The Board of Adjustment can only grant a variance when all conditions (very strict constraints) of Sec. 36-132 are met, and often condition paragraph (6) cannot be met by even a reasonable request. The Commission may want to consider allowing for process to gain a “special exception” (usually approved by the Board of Adjustments). The City Attorney advises that Cities can allow for “special exceptions”, but the criteria should be specific and objective. City staff will prepare for a public hearing and agenda item for the May 4th agenda. 8. Discussion / action - Led by Chairman Janssen on possible changes required to the City’s sign ordinance in accordance with Supreme Court ruling. Chairman Janssen informed the Commissioners that he had met with City Manager Hill and Curtis Leeth to discuss proposed revisions. The proposed revisions will be forwarded to the City Attorney for review and will be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission at a future meeting. 9. 10. Presentation - City Manager Hill on the status of the STPMM grant for improvements to NW Military Highway. City Manager Hill informed the Planning & Zoning Commission that the first phase of the grant process has been approved. The second phase and determination of the funding year will be address April 25th. 11. Presentation - City Manager Hill on the status of the proposed sidewalks and discussion concerning the same. City Manager Hill informed the Planning & Zoning Commission that the permits have been approved to extend the sidewalks from NW Military to Salado Creek. As soon as timeline of project is submitted, the information will be forwarded to the Planning & Zoning Commission. 2 12. Report and update by City Manager Hill concerning City Council items considered at the February 2016 City Council meetings and discussion concerning the same. City Manager Hill updated the Planning & Zoning Commission concerning City Council items considered at the City Council meeting. 13. Chairman Announcements: A. Advise members to contact City staff to add new or old agenda items. B. Advise members of pending agenda items, as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. May – Discussion and possible action of possible changes to the City’s ordinances regarding accessory buildings, outbuildings and portable buildings. May – Discussion and possible action on the City’s sign ordinance and the location of signs within the City of Shavano Park. May – Presentation by City Manager Hill on the status of the proposed sidewalks and discussion concerning the same. August - Semiannual presentation by Denton communities regarding residential and commercial development in Shavano Park and surrounding areas and discussion concerning the same. 14. Adjournment Upon a motion made by Commissioner Dike and a second made by Commissioner Fandel, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the meeting. The adjourned at 7:38 p.m. ____________________________ Michael Janssen Chairman ______________________ Zina Tedford City Secretary 3 CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 16, 2016 Agenda item: 8.4 Prepared by: Lara Feagins Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: X Accept - Quarterly investment report ending March 31, 2016 Attachments for Reference: 1) Quarterly Investment Report March 31, 2016 2) Frost Bank Pledged Securities March 31, 2016 3) Cash Balance by Fund BACKGROUND / HISTORY: Per the Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA) (Chapter 2256.023) quarterly investment reports are required to be submitted to the governing body. The act requires that all the investment officers sign the report and that it includes a statement that the City funds are maintained in compliance with the PFIA and the City’s investment policy. These reports are also reviewed by the Independent Auditor during the annual review. DISCUSSION: Attachment #1 is the required Quarterly Investment Report ending March 31, 2016. The reported balances as of March 31, 2016 are the bank balances and may not reflect checks/deposits that remain outstanding. The City’s investment policy requires to show the investment portfolio percentage, the following is the breakdown by Security Type. Investment Portfolio: Pools CD’s Balances $2,098,838 $1,007,947 Portfolio % 67.56% 32.44% Attachment #2 is the Pledge Securities report from Frost Bank as of March 31, 2016. Total depository funds at Frost were fully collateralized with Pledged Securities of $7,461,468 and FDIC of $250,000. Depository Frost Accounts Balances $6,534,128 Attachment #3 represents the actual Cash Balance by all Funds per the general ledger as of March 31, 2016 and total $9,640,727 COURSES OF ACTION: Accept or reject the March 31, 2016 Quarterly Investment Report FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept the March 31, 2016 Quarterly Investment Report Attachement #2 Attchment #3 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK CASH & INVESTMENT BY FUND PER GENERAL LEDGER March 31, 2016 General Fund (10) $ 3,707,093 Water Fund ( 20) $ 1,424,194 Debt Service Fund (30) $ 309,347 Crime Control District Fund (40) $ 816,842 PEG Funds (42) $ 81,324 Oak Wild Fund ( 45) $ 45,657 Street Maintenance Fund (48) $ 124,934 Court Security/Technology (50) $ 54,141 Child Safety Fund ( 52) $ 6,116 LEOSE Fund (53) $ 4,624 Police Forfeiture (54) $ 6,225 GF Capital Replacement Fund (70) $ 3,057,937 Pet Documation and Rescue Fund (75) $ 2,293 Total Cash & Investments * $ 9,640,727 * Total Cash and investments represents all Fund per the general ledger, not balances at bank. CITY COUNCIL STAFF SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 16, 2016 Agenda item: 8.5 Prepared by: Lara Feagins Reviewed by: Bill Hill AGENDA ITEM DESCRIPTION: Discussion / action - Ordinance No. O-2016-005 amending the FY2015-16 General Fund and Water Budgets to reflect several unprogrammed increases in revenues and expenses - City Manager (final reading) x Attachments for Reference: 1) Ordinance No. O-2016-005 2) Exhibit “A” – Proposed Budget Amendment BACKGROUND / HISTORY: The current 2015/2016 Adopted Budget at this times requires adjustments in the General Fund related to additional revenues and expense/capital and adjustment in the Water Fund for additional ASR revenues and expenses related to the refurbishing of water tower and capital. The Exhibit ‘A” contains the column labeled “YTD Actual” is as of March 2016. The column labeled “Current Budget” is the original adopted 2015/2016 budget plus amendments thru February 2015. The column “Selected Budget” is the original budget plus amendments being proposed. The column “Difference” contains the amount the line item is/is not being altered. Only the lines which contain an amount in this column are being amended. Below you will find summary table and additional information corresponding to each change. DISCUSSION: Council approved the first reading of the Ordinance amending the FY2015-16 General Fund and Water Budgets on April 25th, 2016. 10 General Fund: General Fund revenues have been increased by $16,956 as detailed in the table below. Three revenue lines directly offset an expense line and are listed in the table. A portion of the revenue increases are mainly for emergency expenditures which have resulted in budget lines overages noted below. Revenues (GF) Revenues related to delinquent ad-valorem and interest income have been increased based on current amounts collected, these increases are being utilized to cover building maintenance in Admin. And emergency purchases of non-capital computer equipment for Admin., Court, and Fire Departments. STRAC funds were received to offset personnel costs for firefighter that participates in severe weather deployment. Insurance proceeds were received for repairs to a police vehicle and there is a direct offset to vehicle maintenance. A refund was received related to the old web host and this was used to offset the same overage in the website line item within Admin. Revenue Line Number 10-599-1020 10-599-7000 10-599-7037 10-599-7097 10-599-7099 Description Amount Delinquent Ad-valorem Interest Income STRAC Insurance Proceeds Misc. Revenue $ 10,200 $ 1,500 $ 3,736 $ 810 $ 710 Corresponding Expense Line 10-604-1010 10-605-5020 10-601-3085 Reason Salary Reimbursement Vehicle Repairs Website costs Total $ 16,956 Expenditures (GF) - The Administration (601) department has some minor adjustments to the Website Technology (3085) for $710, and Non-Capital Computer Equipment (8015) was increased $374 to replace a bad monitor in the City Secretary office and a printer in the Permit Dept. Building Maintenance was increased by $6,040 to help cover overages that occurred from unexpected/emergency repairs. -The Court (602) department increase is to Non-Capital Computer Equipment (8015) for $169 to replace a bad printer. - The Fire Department (604) Salaries (1010) line item was increased $3,736 for the payment received for salary reimbursement. Non-Capital Computer (8015) was increased by $5,317 for the emergency replacement of a MDT that was no longer repairable. 20 Water Fund: The Water Advisory Committee (WAC) approved the following budget adjustments at their April 11, 2016 meeting. Based on the additional 200 acre feet that WAC/Council approved in March revenues were increased $24,000 and Edwards Aquifer Authority expenses were decreased by $16,800 resulting in an overall change of plus $40,800. Expenditures related to the refurbishing of the water tower and non-capital emergency expenditures are also included for $34,958 leaving a remainder of $5,842 of revenue over expenditures. The table below contains all of the above changes. Revenues (Water) The revenues line ASR Lease Program 20-599-7040 is increased by $24,000 based on the additional 200 acre feet lease that WAC/Council approved in March 2016. Expenditures (GF) The refurbishing of the tank is quite an undertaking without an additional elevated tank located within the system. In order to ensure that there are no major water issues the current water staff has been and will continue (until the tank is back online) to work extra hours to ensure there is 24 hour watch on the system. Due to this Overtime (1015) line has been increased $12,000. There are two additional increase to line item Capital – Water Tower/Storage (8085) related to the tower painting. The first is a change order to perform additional repairs to the steel at the top of the tower for $2,500. The second increase is to replace the 20+ year old cathodic protection system that is located in the tank for approximately $15,000. Also included is an increases of $5,458 for several items under Non-Capital Maintenance Equipment (8020) that were purchased in order to perform duties safer and more efficiently. A Schondstedt pipe detector to help determine the exact location of pipes when needing to dig for repairs, 2 Pocket Colorimeter’s, and a Hach SL1000 portable parallel analyzer for water testing to shorten the time of performing new and additional monthly testing required by TCEQ. Line Number Revenue 20-599-7040 Expenses 20-606-1015 20-606-4085 20-606-8020 20-606-8085 Description Amount ASR Lease Program $ 24,000 Overtime EAA –Fees Non-Capital Maint. Equip. Capital-Water Tower Total Excess Revenue $ 12,000 $ -16,800 $ 5,458 $ 17,500 $ 5,842 Corresponding Expense Line Reason 24 Hour shift rotation New Lease Reduction See Below for Add’l See Below for Add’l COURSES OF ACTION: 1. Approve the final reading of Ordinance as presented with Exhibit “A”. 2. Modify the proposed budget amendment and approve for the final reading. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Varies MOTION REQUESTED: Approve Ordinance No. O-2016-005 amending the 2015-2016 as proposed in Exhibit “A” (final reading). ORDINANCE O-2016-005 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THIRD BUDGET AMENDMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 OF THE CITY OF SHAVANO PARK. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SHAVANO PARK, TEXAS: Whereas, the Council previously adopted a budget for the City’s 2015-2016 fiscal year; and Whereas, Chapter 102 of the Local Government Code provides the City with the authority to make changes in its budget for municipal purposes; and Whereas, the City Council hereby finds and determines it necessary to amend the budget for municipal purposes, listed in the original budget; and Whereas, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the budget amendment provided for herein is in the best interests of the municipal tax payers. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Shavano Park, Texas: Section 1. That the City of Shavano Park fiscal year 2015-16 budget shall be amended as reflected in the revised budget attached thereto as Exhibit “A”. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED for the first reading by the City Council of the City of Shavano Park this 25th day of April, 2016. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED for the second reading by the City Council of the City of Shavano Park this 16th day of May, 2016. ROBERT WERNER MAYOR Attest: Zina Tedford, City Secretary Approved as to Form: CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 1 10 -GENERAL FUND Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NON-DEPARTMENTAL ================ TAXES 10-599-1010 CURRENT ADVALOREM TAXES 10-599-1020 DELINQUENT ADVALOREM TAXES 10-599-1030 PENALTY & INTEREST REVENUE 10-599-1040 MUNICIPAL SALES TAX 10-599-1060 MIXED BEVERAGE TAX TOTAL TAXES 2,309,702 23,017 1,496 191,197 8,358 2,533,771 2,634,913 13,285 3,000 384,000 18,000 3,053,198 2,634,913 23,485 3,000 384,000 18,000 3,063,398 136,002 14,731 39,008 12,562 0 15,240 217,543 251,200 33,000 75,185 25,000 10,737 24,000 419,122 251,200 33,000 75,185 25,000 10,737 24,000 419,122 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 144,535 24,949 4,340 5,272 2,440 6,120 100 1,700 47,274 236,730 249,300 62,000 2,000 14,000 500 10,000 250 2,400 50,000 390,450 249,300 62,000 2,000 14,000 500 10,000 250 2,400 50,000 390,450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ COURT FEES 10-599-4010 MUNICIPAL COURT FINES 10-599-4021 ARREST FEES 10-599-4028 STATE COURT COST ALLOCATION 10-599-4030 WARRANT FEES 10-599-4036 JUDICIAL FEE - CITY TOTAL COURT FEES 82,387 2,680 0 13,753 380 99,201 170,000 10,000 5,000 24,000 1,200 210,200 170,000 10,000 5,000 24,000 1,200 210,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ POLICE/FIRE REVENUES 10-599-6010 POLICE REPORT REVENUE 10-599-6030 POLICE DEPT. REVENUE 10-599-6060 EMS FEES TOTAL POLICE/FIRE REVENUES 141 2,195 30,420 32,755 400 2,777 65,000 68,177 400 2,777 65,000 68,177 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ FRANCHISE REVENUES 10-599-2020 FRANCHISE FEES 10-599-2022 FRANCHISE FEES 10-599-2024 FRANCHISE FEES 10-599-2026 FRANCHISE FEES 10-599-2027 FRANCHISE FEES 10-599-2028 FRANSHISE FEES TOTAL FRANCHISE REVENUES ELECTRIC GAS CABLE PHONE SAWS REFUSE PERMITS & LICENSES 10-599-3010 BUILDING PERMITS 10-599-3012 PLAN REVIEW FEES 10-599-3018 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PERMI 10-599-3020 PLATTING FEES 10-599-3025 VARIANCE/RE-ZONE FEES 10-599-3045 INSPECTION FEES 10-599-3050 GARAGE SALE & OTHER PERMITS 10-599-3055 HEALTH INSPECTIONS 10-599-3060 DEVELOPMENT FEES TOTAL PERMITS & LICENSES Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment Exhibit "A" ( 0 10,200 0 0 0 10,200) ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 2 10 -GENERAL FUND Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MISC./GRANTS/INTEREST 10-599-7000 INTEREST INCOME 10-599-7025 US DOJ VEST GRANT 10-599-7037 STRAC 10-599-7040 PUBLIC RECORDS REVENUE 10-599-7050 ADMINISTRATIVE INCOME VARIOUS MISC COLLECTIONS LAND SWAP TO SAN ANTONIO-REIMB 10-599-7070 RECYCLING REVENUE 10-599-7075 SITE LEASE/LICENSE FEES T-MOBILE CCATT-AT&T 10-599-7086 DONATIONS- ADMINISTRATION 10-599-7090 SALE OF CITY ASSETS 10-599-7097 INSURANCE PROCEEDS 10-599-7099 MISC REVENUE TOTAL MISC./GRANTS/INTEREST 5,467 798 3,736 7 8 0.00 0.00 1,227 22,031 0.00 0.00 2,565 14,961 810 880 52,489 1,500 38,640 0 0 22,050 89,750 3,172,489 =========== 6,032,349 =========== 0 0 0 0 TRANSFERS IN 10-599-8020 TRF IN -WATER FUND 10-599-8040 TRF IN -CRIME CONTROL POLICE VEHICLE MOBILE DATA COMPUTER (MDC) MDC - PRINTERS MOBILE RADAR UNIT WIRLESS MICROPONES GAME CAMERAS (3) 10-599-8050 TRF IN -COURT RESTRICTED INCODE- COURT INCODE- BRAZOS - POLICE 10-599-8070 TRF IN -CAPITAL REPLACEMENT RADIOS- FIRE DEPT. VEHICLES REPLACE FIRE DEPT. MDT 10-599-8099 FUND BALANCE RESERVE ROLLER/COMPACTOR TRF TO CAPITAL FUND TRF TO OAK WILT FUND TOTAL TRANSFERS IN 5,000 2,000 6,033 200 5,250 0 15,000 0 500 74,123 6,500 2,000 9,769 200 5,250 1,500.00 3,750.00 1,500 38,640 15,684.00 22,956.00 0 15,000 810 1,210 80,879 ( 1,500 0 3,736 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 0 ______________ ______________ 0 0 810 710 6,756) ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 22,050 0 ______________ 89,750 0 ______________ 2 38,000.00 76,000.00 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 8 656.25 5,250.00 1 1,600.00 1,600.00 5 280.00 1,400.00 0 0.00 500.00 0 8,530 8,530 0 ______________ 0 0.00 4,184.00 0 0.00 4,346.00 0 18,000 21,100 3,100 ______________ 4 4,500.00 18,000.00 0 0.00 3,100.00 0 1,678,749 1,678,749 0 ______________ 0 0.00 35,000.00 0 0.00 1,623,749.00 0 0.00 20,000.00__________ ______________ 0 1,817,079 1,820,179 ( 3,100) ____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 3,172,489 6,032,349 6,052,405 20,056 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL REVENUES Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment Exhibit "A" 6,052,405 =========== 20,056 =========== ============== 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 3 10 -GENERAL FUND CITY COUNCIL Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONNEL SUPPLIES 10-600-2020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-600-2035 COUNCIL/EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 10-600-2037 CITY SPONSORED EVENTS EVENTS (3) 3 MOVIE NIGHT 0 10-600-2040 MEETING SUPPLIES COUNCIL MEETINGS 10 GENERAL SUPPLIES 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES SERVICES 10-600-3018 CITY WIDE CLEAN UP RECYCLING-ELECTRONICS 10-600-3020 ASSOCIATION DUES & PUBS TML -MEMBERSHIP AACOG MISC 10-600-3030 TRAINING/EDUCATION VARIOUS SEMINARS 10-600-3040 TRAVEL/LODGING/MEALS LODGING ~ 10 MILEAGE PER DIEM TOTAL SERVICES ___________ ___________ 71 457 7,529 5,000.00 0.00 332 125.00 0.00 8,389 300 1,000 16,000 0 1,350 600 1,700 0 2,000 155 3,500 755 1,968 1,968 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 200.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTUAL 10-600-4088 ELECTION SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL ___________ ______________ 300 0 1,000 0 16,000 0 15,000.00 1,000.00 2,000 0 1,250.00 750.00__________ 19,300 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 8,550 1,350 0 1,350.00 1,700 0 1,000.00 500.00 200.00 2,000 0 2,000.00 3,500 0 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00__________ 8,550 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 ______________ 2,000 19,300 ___________ 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-600-8015 NON CAPITAL-COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 400 400 0 ______________ REPLACEMENT - IPAD 0 0.00 400.00 10-600-8080 CAPITAL - IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 0 6,000 6,000 0 ______________ VETERANS MEMORIAL 0 0.00 0.00 MONUMENT SIGNS @ CLIFFSIDE 0 0.00 6,000.00__________ ______________ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 6,400 6,400 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL CITY COUNCIL Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 11,112 37,250 Exhibit "A" 37,250 0 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 4 10 -GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONNEL 10-601-1010 SALARIES 10-601-1020 MEDICARE 10-601-1025 TWC (SUI) 10-601-1030 HEALTH INSURANCE 10-601-1031 HSA 10-601-1033 DENTAL INSURANCE 10-601-1035 VISION CARE INSURANCE 10-601-1036 LIFE INSURANCE 10-601-1037 WORKERS' COMP INSURANCE 10-601-1040 TMRS RETIREMENT 10-601-1070 SPECIAL ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONNEL SUPPLIES 10-601-2020 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-601-2025 BENEFITS CITYWIDE 10-601-2030 POSTAGE/METER RENTAL ROAD RUNNER POSTAGE POSTGAGE METER COURIER SERVICES 10-601-2035 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 10-601-2050 PRINTING & COPYING 10-601-2060 MED EXAMS/SCREENING/TESTING DRUG SCREENS PHYSICALS BACKGROUNDS 10-601-2080 UNIFORMS TOTAL SUPPLIES SERVICES 10-601-3010 ADVERTISING EXPENSE 10-601-3013 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SALARY SURVEY CONTINUING DISCLOSURE - YEARLY 10-601-3015 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-LEGAL 10-601-3016 CODIFICATION EXPENSE 10-601-3020 ASSOCIATION DUES & PUBS TCMA GFOAT GFOA ICMA TMCA TEXAS-COOP ACT-TAX TMHRA OTHER DUES/PUBLICATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 173,377 2,439 855 13,500 115 1,245 285 239 470 20,601 3,188 216,313 369,528 5,450 1,242 27,000 0 2,245 608 377 1,321 51,639 6,300 465,710 2,726 1,650 5,174 0.00 0.00 0.00 230 469 213 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 10,462 7,000 2,955 12,960 2,191 0 0.00 0.00 24,050 3,792 2,381 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500 17,500 2,000 1,000 750 900 27,565 70,000 6,000 4,000 Exhibit "A" 369,528 5,450 1,242 27,000 0 2,245 608 377 1,321 51,639 6,300 465,710 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 7,000 2,955 12,960 6,600.00 5,400.00 960.00 2,000 1,000 750 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 900 27,565 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 0 ______________ 2,500 17,500 15,000.00 2,500.00 70,000 6,000 4,000 275.00 300.00 300.00 920.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 150.00 1,555.00 0 0 ______________ ______________ 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 5 10 -GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10-601-3030 TRAINING/EDUCATION 2,147 7,500 7,500 0 ______________ 0 0.00 7,500.00 TML CONFERENCE - 2 0 0.00 0.00 GFOAT FALL/SPRING CONFERENCE 0 0.00 0.00 TMCA CONFERENCE 0 0.00 0.00 NUTS/BOLTS OF HR 0 0.00 0.00 FLSA SEMINAR 0 0.00 0.00 TCMA SPRING 0 0.00 0.00 VARIOUS DAY SEMINARS 0 0.00 0.00 10-601-3040 TRAVEL/MILEAGE/LODGING/PERDIEM 1,823 6,000 6,000 0 ______________ 10-601-3050 LIABILITY INSURANCE 4,010 3,232 3,232 0 ______________ 10-601-3075 BANK/CREDIT CARD FEES 1,826 2,400 2,400 0 ______________ 10-601-3080 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 3,750 3,750 0 ______________ City of San Antonio-Land Swap 0 0.00 3,750.00 10-601-3085 WEBSITE TECHNOLGY 4,703 4,000 4,710 710 ______________ ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 0 0.00 2,000.00 MONTHLY SUPPORT 0 0.00 2,000.00 SETUP 0 0.00 710.00 10-601-3087 CITIZENS COMMUNICATION/EDUCATI 2,289 6,000 6,000 0 ______________ VARIOUS PUBLIC MAILINGS 0 0.00 3,500.00 DIRECTORY - CITY/BUSINESS 0 0.00 2,000.00 PARKING STICKERS 0 0.00 500.00__________ ______________ TOTAL SERVICES 49,211 132,882 133,592 710 CONTRACTUAL 10-601-4050 DOCUMENT STORAGE/ARCHIVES MONTHLY STORAGE ARCHIVE SERVICES 10-601-4060 IT SERVICES 10-601-4075 COMPUTER SOFTWARE/INCODE INCODE - GL INCODE - GL IMPORT INCODE - AP INCODE - PAYROLL INCODE - PO INCODE - CASH RECEIPTS INCODE - ACUSERV INCODE - BASIC NETWORK INCODE - FIXED ASSETS ANTI-VIRUS-NSA-EMAIL SECURITY 10-601-4083 AUDIT SERVICES 10-601-4084 BEXAR COUNTY APPRAISIAL DIST 10-601-4085 BEXAR COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR 10-601-4086 CONTRACT LABOR TOTAL CONTRACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 1,242 0.00 0.00 18,095 10,386 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,500 7,535 2,927 11,717 68,401 4,992 38,173 14,006 16,500 15,447 2,979 0 92,097 Exhibit "A" 4,992 1,992.00 3,000.00 38,173 14,006 1,454.00 155.00 1,091.00 1,848.00 1,164.00 874.00 375.00 1,045.00 1,500.00 4,500.00 16,500 15,447 2,979 0 92,097 0 ______________ 0 0 ______________ ______________ 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 6 10 -GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MAINTENANCE 10-601-5005 EQUIPMENT LEASES COPIER MONTHLY MONTHLY COPY FEES 10-601-5010 EQUIPMENT MAINT & REPAIR 10-601-5015 ELECTRONIC EQPT MAINT 10-601-5030 BUILDING MAINTENANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCE DEPT MATERIALS-SERVICES UTILITES 10-601-7042 UTILITIES - PHONE/CELL/VOIP TW TELECOM TIME WARNER TOTAL UTILITES CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-601-8015 NON-CAPITAL-COMPUTER MONITOR - CITY SEC OFFICE PRINTER - PERMIT DEPT 10-601-8025 NON-CAPTIAL-OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE DESK CHAIRS ROUND CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE CHAIRS 10-601-8045 CAPITAL - COMPUTER EQUIPMNET EXHANGE SERVER - UPGRADE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,686 0.00 0.00 0 468 12,525 15,679 500 2,000 7,000 14,660 ___________ ___________ 5,864 0.00 0.00 5,864 15,943 173 0.00 0.00 1,948 150.00 0.00 100.00 13,500 0.00 15,622 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 8 0 5,160 15,943 5,160 1,560.00 3,600.00 500 2,000 12,840 20,500 0 ______________ 0 0 5,840 5,840 ______________ ______________ ______________ ___________ ______________ 15,943 0 9,480.00 6,463.00__________ 15,943 0 ______________ ___________ 374 ______________ 374 ______________ 0 ______________ 13,500 0 13,500.00__________ 16,224 374 ______________ ______________ 174.00 200.00 2,350 2,350 750.00 800.00 800.00 13,500 15,850 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 10-601-9010 TRANSFERS/CAPITAL REPLACEMENT 10,000 34,000 34,000 0 ______________ CITY HALL AC UNITS 0 0.00 12,000.00 UPGRADE INCODE-INVISION 0 0.00 12,000.00 HIKE & BIKE 0 0.00 10,000.00 10-601-9018 TRANSFER TO OAK WILT 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 ______________ TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 30,000 54,000 54,000 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL ADMINISTRATION Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 411,551 818,707 Exhibit "A" 825,631 6,924 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 7 10 -GENERAL FUND COURT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONNEL 10-602-1010 SALARIES 10-602-1015 OVERTIME 10-602-1020 MEDICARE 10-602-1025 TWC (SUI) 10-602-1030 HEALTH INSURANCE 10-602-1033 DENTAL INSURANCE 10-602-1035 VISION CARE INSURANCE 10-602-1036 LIFE INSURANCE 10-602-1037 WORKERS' COMP INSURANCE 10-602-1040 TMRS RETIREMENT TOTAL PERSONNEL SUPPLIES 10-602-2020 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-602-2050 PRINTING & COPYING TOTAL SUPPLIES SERVICES 10-602-3015 JUDGE/PROSECUTOR JUDGE PROSECUTOR Adjusted 10-602-3020 ASSOCIATION DUES & PUBS T.M.C.A. 10-602-3030 TRAINING/EDUCATION 0 0 0 0 0 TMCEC 0 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE 0 COURT CASE MANAGMENT 0 REGIONAL CLERKS SEMINAR 0 10-602-3040 TRAVEL/MILEAGE/LODGING/PERDIEM 10-602-3050 LIABILITY INSURANCE 10-602-3070 PROPERTY INSURANCE 10-602-3075 BANK/CREDIT CARD FEES TOTAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL 10-602-4075 COMPUTER SOFTWARE/INCODE INCODE - COURT INCODE - TICKET INTERFACE INCODE - RECEIPT PRINTER INCODE - WARRANT EXPORT TOTAL CONTRACTUAL 0 0 0 0 Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 18,133 0 263 171 0 26 7 43 48 2,107 20,798 36,352 1,000 542 207 262 0 122 63 131 5,132 43,811 36,352 1,000 542 207 262 0 122 63 131 5,132 43,811 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 282 242 524 700 1,200 1,900 700 1,200 1,900 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ 7,200 0.00 0.00 0.00 150 0.00 131 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 80 40 852 8,552 15,600 0 ______________ 0 ______________ 0 ______________ 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 3,770 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,770 4,184 4,184 0 1,745.00 969.00 1,056.00 414.00__________ 4,184 0 ______________ 200 800 800 80 40 3,600 21,120 4,184 Exhibit "A" 15,600 7,200.00 7,200.00 1,200.00 200 200.00 800 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800 80 40 3,600 21,120 ______________ 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 8 10 -GENERAL FUND COURT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MAINTENANCE ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ 435 435 1,020 1,020 1,020 1,020 0 0 ______________ UTILITES 10-602-7042 UTILITIES - PHONE/CELL/VOIP TOTAL UTILITES CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-602-8015 NON-CAPITAL-COMPUTER 169 0 169 169 ______________ PRINTER 0 0.00 169.00__________ ______________ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 169 0 169 169 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL COURT 34,248 Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 72,035 Exhibit "A" 72,204 169 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 9 10 -GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONNEL 10-603-1010 SALARIES 10-603-1015 OVERTIME 10-603-1020 MEDICARE 10-603-1025 TWC (SUI) 10-603-1030 HEALTH INSURANCE 10-603-1031 HSA 10-603-1033 DENTAL INSURANCE 10-603-1035 VISION CARE INSURANCE 10-603-1036 LIFE INSURANCE 10-603-1037 WORKERS' COMP INSURANCE 10-603-1040 TMRS RETIREMENT 10-603-1070 SPECIAL ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONNEL SUPPLIES 10-603-2020 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-603-2040 OTHER SUPPLIES 10-603-2050 PRINTING & COPYING 10-603-2060 MEDICAL EXAMS/SCREENING/TEST 10-603-2070 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 10-603-2080 UNIFORMS 10-603-2090 SMALL TOOLS 10-603-2091 SAFETY GEAR TOTAL SUPPLIES SERVICES 10-603-3012 PROFESSIONAL - ENGINEERING ENGINEERING - GENERAL 0 10-603-3013 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TREE SERVICE/MUNICPAL PROPERTY 0 CITY HALL INSIDE PAINTING 0 CITY HALL OUTSIDE PAINTING 0 BARBWIRE FENCING - CLIFFSIDE 0 LANDSCAPE MAINT @ CITY HALL 0 10-603-3020 ASSOCIATION DUES & PUBS 10-603-3030 TRAINING/EDUCATION 10-603-3040 TRAVEL/MILEAGE/LODGING/PERDIEM 10-603-3050 LIABILITY INSURANCE 10-603-3060 UNIFORM SERVICE 10-603-3070 PROPERTY INSURANCE TOTAL SERVICES Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 67,544 1,505 1,011 688 10,676 77 658 171 151 2,076 8,293 1,696 94,546 160,596 4,000 2,835 828 21,600 0 1,357 365 251 7,669 26,868 7,200 233,569 160,596 4,000 2,835 828 21,600 0 1,357 365 251 7,669 26,868 7,200 233,569 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 434 5 40 146 868 200 703 836 3,232 250 0 250 100 3,000 625 750 1,200 6,175 250 0 250 100 3,000 625 750 1,200 6,175 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 0.00 13,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 824 0 2,702 684 1,333 18,543 5,000 0 ______________ 0 ______________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 52,000 195 250 250 2,703 1,500 1,344 63,242 Exhibit "A" 5,000 5,000.00 52,000 20,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 12,000.00 195 250 250 2,703 1,500 1,344 63,242 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 10 10 -GENERAL FUND PUBLIC WORKS Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTRACTUAL 10-603-4086 CONTRACT LABOR TOTAL CONTRACTUAL MAINTENANCE 10-603-5005 EQUIPMENT LEASES 10-603-5010 EQUIPMENT MAINT & REPAIR 10-603-5020 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 10-603-5030 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 10-603-5060 VEHICLE & EQPT FUELS TOTAL MAINTENANCE DEPT MATERIALS-SERVICES 10-603-6011 CHEMICALS 10-603-6080 STREET MAINTENANCE 10-603-6081 SIGN MAINTENANCE TOTAL DEPT MATERIALS-SERVICES UTILITES 10-603-7040 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 10-603-7041 UTILITIES - GAS 10-603-7042 UTILITIES - PHONE 10-603-7044 UTILITIES - WATER 10-603-7045 STREET LIGHTS TOTAL UTILITES CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-603-8060 CAPITAL - EQUIPMENT ROLLER/COMPACTOR 10-603-8080 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INCREASED PARKING @ CITY HALL DARK SKIES LIGHTING @ CITY HAL ASSESS CITY STREET LIGHT/STYLE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 9,746 9,746 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ 789 1,653 4,386 3,948 930 11,706 3,000 3,500 3,500 8,500 5,400 23,900 3,000 3,500 3,500 8,500 5,400 23,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 500 844 0 1,344 2,300 37,089 3,000 42,389 2,300 37,089 3,000 42,389 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ 17,031 986 0 3,662 17,444 39,124 44,000 4,200 2,120 7,200 34,000 91,520 44,000 4,200 2,120 7,200 34,000 91,520 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 35,000 ______________ 0 2 0 35,002 35,000 0 35,000.00 2 0 1.00 0.50 0.50__________ 35,002 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 ______________ ______________ INTERFUND TRANSFERS 10-603-9010 TRF TO CAPITAL REPLACEMENT 1,020,445 1,088,000 1,088,000 0 ______________ DRAINAGE DEVELOPMENT FEES 0 0.00 50,000.00 FUTURE EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 0 0.00 17,555.00 ROLLER 0 0.00 0.00 DRAINAGE DEVELOPMENT FEES 0 0.00 1,020,445.00__________ ______________ TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 1,020,445 1,088,000 1,088,000 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 1,198,686 1,583,797 Exhibit "A" 1,583,797 0 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 11 10 -GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONNEL 10-604-1010 SALARIES 10-604-1015 OVERTIME 10-604-1020 MEDICARE 10-604-1025 TWC (SUI) 10-604-1030 HEALTH INSURANCE 10-604-1031 HSA 10-604-1033 DENTAL INSURANCE 10-604-1035 VISION CARE INSURANCE 10-604-1036 LIFE INSURANCE 10-604-1037 WORKERS' COMP INSURANCE 10-604-1040 TMRS RETIREMENT 10-604-1070 SPECIAL ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONNEL SUPPLIES 10-604-2020 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-604-2060 MEDICAL EXAMS/SCREENING/TEST DRUG TESTING HEALTH SCREENING IMMUNIZATIONS FIRE FIGHTER CANDIDATE TESTING 10-604-2070 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Cleaning Supplies 10-604-2080 UNIFORMS & ACCESORIES Uniforms for 17 FT FireFighter TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 1 1 SERVICES 10-604-3017 PROFESSIONAL - MEDICAL DIRECTO Medical Direction 12 Other Professional Services 1 Emergency Management Plan 0 10-604-3020 ASSOCIATION DUES & PUBS TCFP Dues and Cert Fees 1 STRAC Dues 1 ICC Code Book Update 1 Nation Fire Codes Update 1 Texas Ambulance Association 1 TDSHS Recert Fees 1 NFPA Membership 1 Alamo Area Fire Chiefs 1 Texas Fire Chiefs/Best Practic 1 10-604-3030 TRAINING/EDUCATION CE Solutions for EMS 1 CE for Fire Fighters 1 Special Training 1 10-604-3040 TRAVEL/MILEAGE/LODGING/PERDIEM 407,180 6,539 5,804 2,885 53,100 385 3,618 936 740 7,938 48,214 1,393 538,731 838,353 15,000 12,415 3,519 91,800 0 6,040 1,622 1,067 21,872 117,638 2,820 1,112,146 842,089 15,000 12,415 3,519 91,800 0 6,040 1,622 1,067 21,872 117,638 2,820 1,115,882 3,736 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,736 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 522 414 1,762 2,300 1,762 2,300 0 0 ______________ ______________ 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 300.00 3,000 0 3,000.00 8,000 0 8,000.00__________ 15,062 0 ______________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 887 3,000.00 1,790 8,000.00 3,613 2,100 350.00 300.00 0.00 1,950 2,445.00 200.00 200.00 1,265.00 250.00 870.00 150.00 25.00 500.00 2,965 2,040.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 376 Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 3,000 8,000 15,062 5,300 5,905 6,540 2,500 Exhibit "A" 5,300 4,200.00 300.00 800.00 5,905 2,445.00 200.00 200.00 1,265.00 250.00 870.00 150.00 25.00 500.00 6,540 2,040.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,500 ______________ ______________ 0 ______________ 0 ______________ 0 ______________ 0 ______________ 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 12 10 -GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Travel Related 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 Food for Training/Meeting 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 10-604-3050 LIABILITY INSURANCE 13,218 13,224 13,224 0 ______________ 10-604-3070 PROPERTY INSURANCE 6,573 6,576 6,576 0 ______________ 10-604-3080 SPECIAL SERVICES 0 1,250 1,250 0 ______________ EMS Billing Services 1 1,250.00 1,250.00 10-604-3090 COMMUNCIATIONS SERVICES 1,804 4,200 4,200 0 ______________ Verizons Data Cards-MDTS 12 264.00 3,168.00 AT&T-LAND LINE/PAGER SYSTEM 12 86.00 1,032.00__________ ______________ TOTAL SERVICES 28,985 45,495 45,495 0 CONTRACTUAL 10-604-4045 RADIO ACCESS FEES - COSA COSA/Harris Radio 1 Harris Radio Maintenance 0 10-604-4075 COMPUTER SOFTWARE/MAINTENANCE Fire RMS User Fees 0 VineLight Data-Reporting Progr 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL MAINTENANCE 10-604-5010 EQUIPMENT MAINT & REPAIR Fire Equipment Repair EMS Equipment Other Equipment 10-604-5020 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Fire Engines EMS Units Brush, Support, Chief 10-604-5030 BUILDING MAINTENANCE Station Maintenance Living Quaters 10-604-5060 VEHICLE & EQPT FUELS TOTAL MAINTENANCE 1 1 1 2 2 3 0 1 1 DEPT MATERIALS-SERVICES 10-604-6015 ELECTRONIC EQPT MAINT STRAC Tablet ePCR Users Fee 3 Radio Tower Maintenance 1 MDT Maintenance 1 Zoll Cardiac Monitor Calb 3 Gas Monitoring 1 Misc Other Equipment 1 10-604-6030 INVESTIGATIVE SUPPLIES/PROCESS 10-604-6040 EMS SUPPLIES EMS Oxygen 12 Disposable Medical Supplies 0 Medications 0 Bio Hazard Waste Disposal 0 5,832 5,400.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 5,832 831 4,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,411 3,500.00 1,500.00 750.00 0.00 2,897 8,000.00 2,500.00 3,051 8,189 1,520 800.00 350.00 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 2,975.00 562 6,488 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 8,900 7,000 15,900 6,000 12,250 10,500 12,000 40,750 9,725 500 23,379 Exhibit "A" 8,900 0 5,400.00 3,500.00 7,000 0 5,000.00 2,000.00__________ 15,900 0 ______________ 6,000 4,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 12,250 7,000.00 3,000.00 2,250.00 0.00 10,500 8,000.00 2,500.00 12,000 40,750 0 ______________ 0 ______________ 0 ______________ 0 0 ______________ 9,725 2,400.00 350.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 2,975.00 500 23,379 1,200.00 15,000.00 6,679.00 500.00 0 ______________ 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 13 10 -GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10-604-6045 FIRE FIGHTING EQPT SUPPLIES 3,426 14,880 14,880 0 ______________ Fire Hose Replacement 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 Small Equipment Replacement 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Fire Nozzle Replacement 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Class A & B Foams 0 0.00 1,000.00 Adjusted 0 0.00 3,880.00 10-604-6060 PPE MAINTENENCE 1,614 15,100 15,100 0 ______________ Gear Replacement 5 2,000.00 10,000.00 New Gear 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 Repairs 1 1,000.00 1,000.00 Air Quality Testing 1 500.00 500.00 Misc PPE 1 1,600.00 1,600.00__________ ______________ TOTAL DEPT MATERIALS-SERVICES 13,611 63,584 63,584 0 UTILITES 10-604-7044 UTILITIES - WATER Water Bill for FD TOTAL UTILITES 12 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-604-8010 NON-CAPITAL- ELECTRONIC EQUIP RADIOS- FIRE VEHICLES 4 10-604-8015 NON-CAPITAL -COMPUTER EQUIPMEN REPLACE MDT 0 REPLACE MDT 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 658 2,400 658 2,400 18,006 4,500.00 5,317 0.00 0.00 23,323 18,000 200.00 0 18,000 2,400 0 2,400.00__________ 2,400 0 ______________ ______________ 18,000 0 18,000.00 8,417 8,417 5,317.00 3,100.00__________ 26,417 8,417 ______________ ______________ ______________ INTERFUND TRANSFERS 10-604-9000 STRAC Grant Expenditures 0 6,033 6,033 0 ______________ EMS Related Purchases 1 6,033.00 6,033.00 10-604-9010 TRF TO CAPITAL REPLACEMENT 593,304 780,514 780,514 0 ______________ EQUIMPENT REPLACEMENT 0 0.00 168,377.00 ROOF-LIVING QUARTERS 0 0.00 4,000.00 SCBA FUTURE REPLACEMENT (10) 0 0.00 10,033.00 THERMAL IMAGING CAMERA (2) 0 0.00 4,800.00 TRF ADD'L TO CAPITAL 0 0.00 593,304.00__________ ______________ TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 593,304 786,547 786,547 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 1,216,247 2,099,884 Exhibit "A" 2,112,037 12,153 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 14 10 -GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONNEL 10-605-1010 SALARIES 10-605-1015 OVERTIME 10-605-1020 MEDICARE 10-605-1025 TWC (SUI) 10-605-1030 HEALTH INSURANCE 10-605-1031 HSA 10-605-1033 DENTAL INSURANCE 10-605-1035 VISION CARE INSURANCE 10-605-1036 LIFE INSURANCE 10-605-1037 WORKERS' COMP INSURANCE 10-605-1040 TMRS RETIREMENT 10-605-1070 SPECIAL ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONNEL SUPPLIES 10-605-2020 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-605-2050 PRINTING & COPYING 0 General Manual 0 Legislative Updates 0 Business Cards 0 Forms 0 Miranda Cards 0 Family Violence Notifications 0 10-605-2060 MEDICAL/SCREENING/TESTING/BACK Psychological Evaluations 0 Drug Screen-Pyhsicals 0 Standard & Assoc. - tests 0 10-605-2070 JANITROIAL/BUILDING SUPPLIES 10-605-2080 UNIFORMS & ACCESSORIES UNIFORMS 0 2- BULLET PROOF VESTS 0 REDUCE 0 TOTAL SUPPLIES SERVICES 10-605-3020 ASSOCIATION DUES & PUBS National Assn. of Police Chief TX Police Chiefs Assn. (LT.) Texas Police Assoication Sam's Club Membership Texas Best Pracice Criminal Law & Traffic Manuals TX Police Chief Assoc. (Chief) 10-605-3030 TRAINING/EDUCATION Firearms Training 18 Officers 375,772 1,191 5,418 2,853 52,200 403 3,249 896 714 8,950 44,072 6,150 501,868 763,420 4,000 11,354 3,519 91,800 0 5,711 1,582 1,067 23,489 107,587 12,600 1,026,129 1,313 248 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 306 0.00 0.00 0.00 196 3,194 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,256 2,200 1,600 744 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 43 Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 1,900 500 10,000 16,200 2,790 2,000 Exhibit "A" 763,420 4,000 11,354 3,519 91,800 0 5,711 1,582 1,067 23,489 107,587 12,600 1,026,129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 2,200 0 1,600 0 1,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,900 0 600.00 600.00 700.00 500 0 10,000 0 10,200.00 1,800.00 ( 2,000.00)_________ 16,200 0 ______________ ______________ 2,790 60.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 1,500.00 900.00 220.00 2,000 2,000.00 0.00 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 ______________ 0 ______________ 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 15 10 -GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~ 20 Various Training Classes 0 0.00 0.00 TML Conference 0 0.00 0.00 Chief Leadership School 0 0.00 0.00 10-605-3040 TRAVEL/MILEAGE/LODGING/PERDIEM 150 2,000 2,000 0 ______________ ~ 6-10 Classes Avg $200-$700 0 0.00 2,000.00 10-605-3050 LIABILITY INSURANCE 10,908 10,913 10,913 0 ______________ 10-605-3060 UNIFORM MAINTENANCE 641 3,000 3,000 0 ______________ 17 officers at approx $175 ea 0 0.00 3,000.00 10-605-3071 PROPERTY INSURANCE 5,423 5,426 5,426 0 ______________ 10-605-3072 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 6,000 12,000 12,000 0 ______________ DeZavala Shavano Vet Clinic 12 1,000.00 12,000.00 10-605-3087 CITIZENS COMMUNICATION/ED 0 200 200 0 ______________ 10-605-3090 COMMUNCIATIONS SERVICES 2,203 4,200 4,200 0 ______________ AT&T Mobile MDC SERVICES 0 0.00 4,200.00__________ ______________ TOTAL SERVICES 26,113 42,529 42,529 0 CONTRACTUAL 10-605-4035 CONTRACT/DISPATCH SERVICES 10-605-4045 CONTRACT/RADIO FEES COSA 10-605-4075 COMPUTER SOFTWARE/INCODE INCODE - TDEX INTERFACE INCODE - CALLS FOR SERVICE INCODE - PUBLIC SAFETY RECORDS BRAZOS TECHNOLOGY LEADS ONLINE PRODUCTIVITY (TCLEDDS) ACCURINT (LEXIS-NEXIS) WEB SITE SERVICES 1-1 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL MAINTENANCE 10-605-5005 EQUIPMENT LEASES COPIER MONTHLY LEASE MONTHLY COPY FEES 10-605-5010 EQUIPMENT MAINT & REPAIR 10-605-5015 ELECTRONIC EQPT MAINT Midwest Radar - Certification Daily Wells - Misc Radio Repai Datalux/IRSA -Tech Support ~ Datalux/IRSA MDC Repairs ~ 10-605-5020 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 10-605-5060 VEHICLE & EQPT FUELS TOTAL MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 0 6,696 10,286 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,982 30,000 7,000 12,304 30,000 7,000 12,304 49,304 511.00 583.00 6,206.00 2,400.00 1,758.00 330.00 396.00 120.00__________ 49,304 0 2,042 0.00 0.00 482 1,495 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,868 10,036 22,923 2,900 4,000 8,300 20,000 40,905 76,105 Exhibit "A" 2,900 1,776.00 1,124.00 4,000 8,300 350.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 2,950.00 20,810 40,905 76,915 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 ______________ 0 0 ______________ ______________ 810 0 810 ______________ ______________ 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 16 10 -GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEPT MATERIALS-SERVICES 10-605-6030 INVESTIGATIVE SUPPLIES 10-605-6032 POLICE SAFETY SUPPLIES FLARES SABA GLOVES, TRAFFIC CONES, MISC. 10-605-6035 FIREARMS EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES AMMUNITION TACTICAL CARRY CASES CLEANING SUPPLIES TOTAL DEPT MATERIALS-SERVICES UTILITES 10-605-7042 UTILITES- PHONE CELL PHONES AT&T DISPATCH LINE TOTAL UTILITES 585 1,629 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,214 1,700 2,250 2,196 0.00 0.00 2,196 3,800 420 0.00 0.00 280.00 0.00 4,636 0.00 0.00 10,085 0.00 0 28,250.00 0.00 0.00 15,142 8,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10-605-8010 NON-CAPITAL-ELECTRONIC EQUIP Radar (1) 0 Ticket Writers/Printers 0 Wireless Mics (5) 5 Game Cameras (3) 0 10-605-8030 CAPITAL - ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT MDC - CODE ENFORCEMENT 0 RADAR SPEED TRAILER 0 10-605-8045 CAPITAL-COMPUTER EQUIPMENT IRSA Server 0 10-605-8050 CAPITAL - VEHICLES Ford Explorer 2 Graphics 0 Emergency Equipment Package 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,110 9,060 3,800 12,595 9,400 76,000 106,745 1,700 2,250 0 0 450.00 1,090.00 710.00 5,110 0 4,000.00 1,010.00 100.00__________ 9,060 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 3,800 0 3,000.00 800.00__________ 3,800 0 ______________ 8,750 0 1,600.00 5,250.00 1,400.00 500.00 12,595 0 5,000.00 7,595.00 9,400 0 9,400.00 76,000 0 56,500.00 2,500.00 17,000.00__________ 106,745 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ INTERFUND TRANSFERS ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 592,694 1,329,872 Exhibit "A" 1,330,682 810 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 17 10 -GENERAL FUND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONNEL ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ 80 0 80 0 1,100 1,100 0 1,100 1,100 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ SERVICES 10-607-3012 PROF -ENGINEERING REVIEW 10-607-3015 PROF -BLDG INSPECTION SERVICE 10-607-3016 PROF -HEALTH INSPECTOR 10-607-3017 SANITARY INSPECTION SERVICES TOTAL SERVICES 3,087 43,622 840 1,220 48,769 21,000 61,404 2,000 4,000 88,404 21,000 61,404 2,000 4,000 88,404 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ CONTRACTUAL 10-607-4075 COMPUTER SOFTWARE/MAINTENANCE TOTAL CONTRACTUAL 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 0 0 ______________ MAINTENANCE ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ CAPITAL OUTLAY ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ SUPPLIES 10-607-2020 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10-607-2050 PRINTING & COPYING TOTAL SUPPLIES INTERFUND TRANSFERS ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 50,149 90,804 90,804 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 3,514,686 =========== ( 342,197) =========== Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 6,032,349 =========== 6,052,405 =========== 20,056 =========== ============== 0 =========== 0 =========== 0 =========== ============== Exhibit "A" 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 1 20 -WATER FUND Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NON-DEPARTMENTAL ================ WATER SALES 20-599-5015 WATER CONSUMPTION 20-599-5016 LATE CHARGES 20-599-5018 DEBT SERVICE 20-599-5019 WATER SERVICE FEE 20-599-5036 EAA PASS THRU CHARGE TOTAL WATER SALES MISC./GRANTS/INTEREST 20-599-7011 OTHER INCOME 20-599-7012 LEASE OF WATER RIGHTS 20-599-7040 ASR LEASE PROGRAM ORIGINAL 100 AF ASR LEASE 200 AF ADD'L ASR LEASE 20-599-7075 SITE/TOWER LEASE REVENUE 20-599-7099 INTEREST INCOME TOTAL MISC./GRANTS/INTEREST TRANSFERS IN 20-599-8072 TRF IN - CAPITAL REPLACEMENT WATER METER REPLACEMENT 20-599-8099 TRF IN - RESERVES PAINTING OF ELVEATED STORAGE ADD'T FOR PAITING BASED ON BID TRANSFER RESERVES TO CAPITAL TOTAL TRANSFERS IN 309,003 5,999 26,682 28,973 41,828 412,485 675,000 7,000 55,000 57,600 87,236 881,836 1,158 4,649 12,000 0.00 0.00 7,155 1,538 26,500 1,000 7,200 12,000 0 12,285 438,985 =========== 1,153,164 =========== 0 0 13,500 3,203 36,903 675,000 7,000 55,000 57,600 87,236 881,836 1,000 7,200 36,000 12,000.00 24,000.00 13,500 3,203 60,903 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 0 24,000 ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 0 24,000) ______________ ______________ 12,285 0 ______________ 12,285.00 0 222,140 222,140 0 ______________ 0 0.00 100,000.00 0 0.00 78,000.00 0 0.00 44,140.00__________ ______________ 0 234,425 234,425 0 ____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL 438,985 1,153,164 1,177,164 24,000 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL REVENUES 0 0.00 Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment Exhibit "A" 1,177,164 =========== 24,000 =========== ============== 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 2 20 -WATER FUND WATER DEPARTMENT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONNEL 20-606-1010 SALARIES 20-606-1015 OVERTIME ORIGNIAL OVERTIME OT RELATED TO TOWER PAINTING 20-606-1020 MEDICARE 20-606-1025 TWC (SUI) 20-606-1030 HEALTH INSURANCE 20-606-1031 HSA 20-606-1033 DENTAL INSURANCE 20-606-1035 VISION CARE INSURANCE 20-606-1036 LIFE INSURANCE 20-606-1037 WORKERS' COMP INSURANCE 20-606-1040 TMRS RETIREMENT 20-606-1070 SPECIAL ALLOWANCES TOTAL PERSONNEL SUPPLIES 20-606-2020 OFFICE SUPPLIES 20-606-2030 POSTAGE POSTAGE ANNUAL CCR REPORT ANNUAL BULK MAIL PERMIT #1024 20-606-2050 PRINTING & COPYING 20-606-2060 MED EXAMS/SCREENING/TESTING 20-606-2070 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 20-606-2075 BANK/CREDITCARD FEES MONHTLY AVERAGE $200 20-606-2090 TOOLS & ACCESSORIES 20-606-2091 SAFETY GEAR TOTAL SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 SERVICES 20-606-3012 ENGINEERING SERVICES 20-606-3020 ASSOCIATION DUES & PUBS STORMWATER PERMIT 0 S.A.R.A. ANNUAL FEE 0 S.A.R.A DUES - SEPARATE 0 REG WTR RES DEV (RWRD) DUES 0 AWWA - AMER WTR WKS ASSN 0 20-606-3030 TRAINING/EDUCATION 20-606-3040 TRAVEL/MILEAGE/LODGING/PERDIEM TRAVEL 0 LODGING 0 MILEAGE 0 PER DIEM 0 20-606-3050 INSURANCE - LIABILITY 20-606-3060 UNIFORM SERVICES Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 67,486 7,921 0.00 0.00 1,107 615 12,274 86 750 195 171 2,053 8,353 3,185 104,196 147,682 4,000 570 1,609 0.00 0.00 0.00 384 39 0 2,660 0.00 440 497 6,198 1,255 4,500 1,250 0 13,005 0 641 3,000 1,500 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,718 1,678 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,880 684 1,932 828 21,600 0 1,357 365 251 5,225 18,307 5,250 206,797 2,000 0 1,500 2,500 147,682 16,000 4,000.00 12,000.00 1,932 828 21,600 0 1,357 365 251 5,225 18,307 5,250 218,797 0 12,000 ______________ ______________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 1,255 4,500 4,000.00 250.00 250.00 2,000 0 1,500 2,500 2,500.00 1,250 0 13,005 0 0 ______________ ______________ 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ 0 0 ______________ ______________ 3,000 1,500 600.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 1,000 2,000 1,000 2,000 0 0 ______________ ______________ 2,881 2,000 500.00 1,000.00 200.00 300.00 2,881 2,000 0 0 ______________ ______________ Exhibit "A" 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 3 20 -WATER FUND WATER DEPARTMENT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20-606-3070 INSURANCE - PROPERTY 1,432 1,433 1,433 0 ______________ 20-606-3075 WATER CONSERVATION EDUCATION 0 500 500 0 ______________ 20-606-3082 WATER ANALYSIS FEES 2,979 11,955 11,955 0 ______________ WATER ANALYSIS FEES 0 0.00 9,505.00 TCEQ ANNUAL WATER TESTING FEE 0 0.00 1,600.00 DSHS CENTRAL LAB - TCEQ & PCS 0 0.00 800.00 TIER II REPORT FEES - ANNUAL 0 0.00 50.00__________ ______________ TOTAL SERVICES 14,012 26,269 26,269 0 CONTRACTUAL 20-606-4075 COMPUTER SOFTWARE/INCODE INCODE-UTILITYSOFTWARE 0 INCODE-METER READER INTERFACE 0 INCODE-BILLPAY WEB HOST 0 INCODE-BILL PAY ONLINE 0 BADGER-METER SOFTWARE 0 20-606-4085 EAA -WATER MANAGEMENT FEES MONTHLY EAA FEES FY14-15 12 MONTHLY HABITAT FEE FY14-15 12 ASR LEASE- RATE REDUCTION 0 200 AF - ADD'L ASR LEASE 0 20-606-4086 CONTRACT LABOR 20-606-4099 WATER RIGHTS/LEASE PAYMENTS ANNUAL WATER LEASE-RWRDG 0 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL 4,370 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 35,317 4,000.00 5,052.00 0.00 0.00 3,143 47,969 0.00 90,800 MAINTENANCE 20-606-5005 EQUIPMENT LEASES 20-606-5010 EQUIPMENT MAINT & REPAIR 20-606-5015 ELECTRONIC EQPT MAINTENANCE 20-606-5020 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 20-606-5030 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 20-606-5060 VEHICLE & EQPT FUELS TOTAL MAINTENANCE DEPT MATERIALS-SERVICES 20-606-6011 CHEMICALS 20-606-6050 WATER METERS & BOXES Meter Replacement 10 Meter Box Replacement 10 20-606-6055 FIRE HYDRANTS MAINTENANCE 0 20-606-6060 HUEBNER STORAGE TANK 20-606-6061 ELEVATED STORAGE TANK 20-606-6062 WELLSITE #2-EAA MONITORED 20-606-6065 WELL SITE #5-CONNECTED TRINITY 20-606-6066 WELL SITE #6 20-606-6067 WELL SITE #7 20-606-6068 WELL SITE #8 20-606-6069 WELL SITE #9 - TRINITY 5,921 100,224 0 48,000 154,145 5,921 0 2,430.00 755.00 1,200.00 336.00 1,200.00 83,424 ( 16,800) 48,000.00 60,624.00 ( 8,400.00) ( 16,800.00) 0 0 48,000 0 48,000.00__________ 137,345 ( 16,800) ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 326 2,827 328 3,250 1,043 1,447 9,221 1,700 8,000 1,000 3,000 3,500 7,500 24,700 1,700 8,000 1,000 3,000 3,500 7,500 24,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 8,108 22 155.00 34.00 0 0.00 1,625 3,506 0 1,400 1,991 456 631 2,195 15,000 1,890 15,000 1,890 1,550.00 340.00 2,000 2,000.00 9,000 4,000 2,000 6,000 6,000 8,000 11,000 10,000 0 0 ______________ ______________ 0 ______________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 2,000 9,000 4,000 2,000 6,000 6,000 8,000 11,000 10,000 Exhibit "A" 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 4 20 -WATER FUND WATER DEPARTMENT Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20-606-6070 SCADA SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 564 15,000 15,000 0 ______________ 20-606-6071 SHAVANO DRIVE PUMP STATION 24,931 18,772 18,772 0 ______________ 20-606-6072 WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 12,192 25,000 25,000 0 ______________ 20-606-6080 STREET MAINT SUPPLIES 0 2,000 2,000 0 ______________ TOTAL DEPT MATERIALS-SERVICES 57,621 135,662 135,662 0 UTILITES 20-606-7020 UTILITIES - PHONE/CELL 20-606-7040 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 20-606-7044 UTILITIES - WATER TOTAL UTILITES CAPITAL OUTLAY 20-606-8010 NON-CAPITAL - EQUIPMENT 20-606-8020 NON-CAPITAL MAINTENANCE EQUIP ORIG-3-HAND PUMPS,FLOOD LIGHTS 0 2- POCKET COLORIMETER 2 SCHONSTEDT - PIPE DETECTOR 0 SL1000 PORTABLE WATER TESTER 0 20-606-8081 WATER METER REPLACEMENT METER 65 METER BOX 65 20-606-8085 CAPITAL - WATER TOWER/STORAGE PAINTING OF ELEVATED STORAGE 0 FINAL BID 0 ENGINEERING 0 CHANGE ORDER #2( #1CANCLED) 0 CATHODIC PROTECION EQUIPMENT 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 27,807 144 27,952 2,400 60,000 0 62,400 4,484 2,265 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0 155.00 34.00 5,008 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,757 0 2,500 12,285 178,000 192,785 2,400 60,000 0 62,400 0 0 0 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ 0 0 7,958 5,458 2,500.00 1,000.00 758.00 3,700.00 12,285 0 10,075.00 2,210.00 195,500 17,500 100,000.00 63,000.00 15,000.00 2,500.00 15,000.00__________ 215,743 22,958 ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ INTERFUND TRANSFERS 20-606-9010 TRF TO GENERAL FUND 0 22,050 22,050 0 ______________ 20-606-9020 TRF TO CAPITAL REPLACEMENT 0 114,683 114,683 0 ______________ INFRASTRUCTURE 0 0.00 92,508.00 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT 0 0.00 6,151.00 METER REPLACEMENT 0 0.00 16,024.00__________ ______________ TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0 136,733 136,733 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 321,758 952,496 Exhibit "A" 970,654 18,158 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 5 20 -WATER FUND DEBT SERVICE Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL OUTLAY 20-607-8012 2009 CO - PRINCIPAL 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 ______________ 20-607-8013 2009 CO - INTEREST 48,790 96,830 96,830 0 ______________ 20-607-8014 2009 GO REFUND - PRINCIPAL 35,963 35,963 35,963 0 ______________ 20-607-8015 2009 GO REFUND - INTEREST 9,132 17,725 17,725 0 ______________ 20-607-8030 BOND AGENT FEES 150 150 150 0 ______________ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 144,034 200,668 200,668 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 144,034 200,668 200,668 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 465,792 =========== ( 26,807) =========== Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 1,153,164 =========== 1,171,322 =========== 18,158 =========== ============== 0 =========== 5,842 =========== 5,842 =========== ============== Exhibit "A" 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 1 70 -CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OTHER SOURCES ============= MISC./GRANTS/INTEREST ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ TRANSFERS IN 70-599-8010 INTEREST INCOME 70-599-8020 TRF IN - GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION - A/C UPGRADE - INCODE TO INVISION FIRE VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT PUBLIC WORKS VEHICLES/EQUIPMEN FUTURE DRAINAGE RECONSTRUCTION TANDEM ROLLER-COMACTOR ROOF - LIVING QUARTERS SACBA THERMAL IMAGING CAMERA ADD'TL DRAINAGE HIKE & BIKE ADDT'L FIRE TOTAL TRANSFERS IN 73 100 100 0 ______________ 1,623,749 1,914,181 1,914,181 0 ______________ 0 0.00 12,000.00 0 0.00 12,000.00 0 0.00 168,377.00 0 0.00 17,555.00 0 0.00 50,000.00 0 0.00 11,667.00 0 0.00 4,000.00 0 0.00 10,033.00 0 0.00 4,800.00 0 0.00 1,020,445.00 0 0.00 10,000.00 0 0.00 593,304.00__________ ______________ 1,623,822 1,914,281 1,914,281 0 ____________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL OTHER SOURCES 1,623,822 1,914,281 1,914,281 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL REVENUES 1,623,822 =========== Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 1,914,281 =========== Exhibit "A" 1,914,281 =========== 0 =========== ============== 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 2 70 -CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND COUNCIL Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTRACTUAL ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment Exhibit "A" 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 3 70 -CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND ADMIN Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTRACTUAL ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment Exhibit "A" 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 4 70 -CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND PUBLIC WORKS Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTRACTUAL ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment Exhibit "A" 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 5 70 -CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND FIRE Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTRACTUAL 70-604-4030 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT 0 18,000 21,100 3,100 ______________ MOBILE RADIOS 0 0.00 18,000.00 MDT 0 0.00 3,100.00__________ ______________ TOTAL CONTRACTUAL 0 18,000 21,100 3,100 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL FIRE 0 Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment 18,000 Exhibit "A" 21,100 3,100 2nd Reading 5-16-2016 4-25-2016 05:29 PM CITY OF SHAVANO PARK BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS OF: MARCH 31ST, 2016 PAGE: 6 70 -CAPITAL REPLACEMENT FUND POLICE Y-T-D CURRENT SELECTED BUDGET EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET DIFFERENCE WORKSPACE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTRACTUAL ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ MAINTENANCE ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ______________ INTERFUND TRANSFERS 70-605-9018 TRF TO CRIME CONTROL DIST. 148,782 0 0 0 ______________ TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 148,782 0 0 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL POLICE 148,782 0 0 0 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 148,782 =========== 18,000 =========== 21,100 =========== 1,475,040 =========== 1,896,281 =========== 1,893,181 =========== Proposed 3rd 15/16 Budget Amendment Exhibit "A" 3,100 =========== 3,100) =========== ============== ( ============== 2nd Reading 5-16-2016