Nov - Portland Yacht Club
Nov - Portland Yacht Club
the P O R T L A N D YA C H T C L U B M O N T H LY Pirate Party & Pig Roast November 2006 Vol. 56 No. 11 PAGE 2 | The Portlight | 11.06 COMMODORE’S COMMENTS Fall is a time for Thanksgiving! A s daylight savings time becomes a recent memory, Fall is a time to be thankful for the great fun we’ve shared at the Club throughout this past Spring and Summer. Again, I want to thank everyone who has contributed to making 2006 such a spectacular year both on the water and off. Our Moorage Upgrade Committee has completed a study of the pilings in our moorage. The Board recently approved funding the first group to be replaced with steel pilings. This replacement process will continue for the next few years until all the pilings are state of the art steel. and we are in the final phases of redesigning the Bar, Flag Room, and potentially a Lounge Area in the North end of the Ballroom. The House & Grounds Committee is actively working toward getting this underway. They’ve done an exceptional job of getting the dining room updated. I didn’t know PYC had so many Pirates, but in late September over 120 members and guests enjoyed our Entertainment Committee’s Pirates Party an’ Pig Roast. The pictures on the front cover only show half the fun of the evening! Many thanks to Frank Tillman for organizing the pig cooking party (truly the best ever) and to Berkeley and Carole Smith for organizing the booty hunt on the Island. Several members brought their children and everyone had an exciting time! Bob Martin wasn’t to be outdone as he put together our annual Beacon Rock Cruise. I’m not sure what Bob did differently this year, but we set several records for participation: almost 40 club boats (16 sail boats) with over 90 members who enjoyed perfect weather, Bob The Bar area of the Club gets substantial use Sudlow’s famous crawdads, wonderful New York steak dinner, and great merriment celebrating at least two birthdays. Meanwhile, the Finance Committee has been tasked with looking into all funding options to expedite upgrades to our moorage – replacing the existing docks with cement docks. the PORTLIGHT published monthly by the P O R T L A N D YAC H T C L U B 1241 NE Marine Drive Portland, Oregon 97211 P: 503.285.1922 | F: 503.283.4960 Email: EDITORS Skip and Mary Ann Nitchie PHOTOGRAPHERS Stan Borys Frank Tillman OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES Commodore Doug Foster (sail) Vice Commodore Heather Adams (power) Secretary/Treasurer Berkeley Smith (sail) Rear Commodore Bill Chevalier (power) Trustee Year 2 Walt Witchard (sail) Trustee Year 1 Eric Gazow (power) Trustee Year 2 Tom Brusco (sail) Trustee Year 1 Mike Stansell (power) Trustee Year 1 Roger Jorgensen (power) The renovation of the Dining Room by the House and Grounds Committee is virtually completed. The 120 members and guests who attended PYC’s Salmon Feed not only enjoyed John LeDoux’s tasty fresh Chinook salmon with all the trimmings, but the new ambiance of the dining room. John’s motto throughout the planning and execution of the event was the KISS principle (Keep It Simple and Straightforward) and it paid off extremely well! Our Portlight Editors, at the suggestion of Ander’s Printers, switched to printing our Portlight on recycled paper the last two months. The quality is still top notch! Looking ahead at November’s Mix: • Don’t put your Hawaiian shirt away yet as it is almost mandatory garb for OCSA’s Beach Party, culminating the 2006 sailing season with a fabulous evening complete with live music and a silent auction. Sailors really know how to party! • November 5th brings a different twist to past wine tasting events – instead of visiting the local vineyards, we are bringing an Italian wine expert to PYC. Italy produces a wide variety of wines besides Chianti in their 20 distinct re- gions. To find out more, sign up for the casual three hours of learning, sampling, and having a fun time! • With so much on the November schedule, we only could fit in one Cookout on Nov 10th. Be sure to bring the whole gang. Our movie masters won’t let you down! The following cookout on December 1st will also feature Hollywood’s best! • Stan Borys and the “Last Act Repertory Theatre Group” promise a hilarious night at my expense during the upcoming Commodore’s Roast. What did Diane and I do to justify this humiliation??? • If you suddenly realize you did not get enough cruising during Summer, pack your heater and join other PYC members Thanksgiving weekend for the “non – official” Left Over Cruise to the Outstation. No dockmaster, no schedule, just a fun time for all! • PYC’s 98th Annual Meeting is Monday, November 27th. Included in this important meeting are the election of your 2007 Officers and Trustees, a financial update, Committee Reports and a presentation of the 2007 proposed budget by Vice Commodore Heather Adams. Members will also get to select the 2006 winner of the “Boner’s Award” from a potentially long list of nominees. Another traditional award, the Larry Barber Trophy, will be awarded to the “Outstanding PYC Member of 2006”. • Invitations are going out soon to PYC’s Ladies’ Holiday Dinner on Dec 6th, entitled “Christmas Memories.” This is an event that always sells out quickly so please make your reservations early! • Speaking of the Holidays, Thanksgiving weekend is always a great weekend to decorate your boat or boathouse for the Holidays. We’ll again have prizes for the best decorated as we “Light Up PYC For The Holidays”. Fair Winds and Following Seas! Doug Foster Commodore S/V Monkey Bar PAGE 3 | The Portlight | 11.06 COMMODORE’S REMINDERS M A NAG E R ’ S R E P O RT November 4 Finance Committee Meets November 5 Wine Tasting November 8, 15, 22 & 29 Men’s Golf November 10 Portlight Deadline November 10 Movie and Cookout November 11 OCSA Awards Banquet November 15 Board Meeting November 16 Bridge Club November 17 Commodore’s Roast November 18 LRP Meeting November 19-26 Club House Closed—Thanksgiving & Floor Refinishing November 24, 25 & 26 Leftover Cruise November 27 Annual Meeting—All Members December 1 Movie & Cookout December 6 & 13 Men’s Golf December 6 Ladies’ Holiday Dinner December 10 Children’s Christmas Party December 10 Portlight Deadline Lunch No Lunch November 4, 11 & 18 & December 2 & 9 November 25 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY! 24-Hour Event Reservation Line 503.735.0632 Online Reservations C R YA N OT E S RYA has a website; It includes the Christmas Ship schedule, meeting dates and other pertinent information. C KEEP IN TOUCH Mike and I are cruising. Please address mail to: 146,000 Boaters Educational Cards have been issued to date. Mike McDonald and/or Ann Elliot 411 Walnut Street #3577 Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 The O’Laughlin’s will be passing out children’s PFD’s again at the January Portland Boat Show. There were 16 boating related deaths in the 2006 season of which 11 were not wearing life jackets. Only 3 involved motorized vessels. Our email address on the boat for text only documents (NO forwarded documents or pictures) is: A portion of the lower dock at Sand Island is damaged and unusable. The cause is not known. There is now a smaller fireboat located in Hayden Bay for quick access to the river. It was donated by City Council. The 2007 Opening Day Theme will be “Centennial Celebration”. Ken Kudrna & Larry Justice CRYA Delegates We are having a ball! We are going to Campbell River (Vancouver Island) tomorrow, and from there, we’ll begin our trip south to Victoria where we’ll moor our boat and winter over at the Coast Hotel Marina with a view of the Empress Hotel. We will be visiting Portland in November to pick up a car that we’ll drive north for the winter. We will definitely stop by the club to say “hi” and reconnect with friends. Ann Elliot I don’t know if all of you have heard yet, but our Office Manager Shannon Thayne has moved back to North Carolina to be near her family. She has worked here since 2002 and has been instrumental in organizing and running the office in a manner that literally changed our landscape. Before Shannon came, it took two employees to do her job. She not only possessed excellent skills, but also came to work with a great attitude and a sense of humor. I will miss her skills as well as her friendship. I know that we all wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors. Now I would like to introduce you to Julie Reagan. She has been hired to take over Shannon’s job so please stop by and introduce yourselves to her. She has been training for three weeks with Shannon and will be an asset to our team. We have also hired Ron Sexton to assist Terry on the docks and with our maintenance. Ron recently moved here from Tennessee. We are expecting great things from Ron. Our Friday night happy hours are really taking off. If you haven’t joined us yet, please give us a try. It’s a great way to relax after the work week. Fred Christmas Ships will pass the club twice. & Friday, December 7 Friday, December 15 PAGE 4 | The Portlight | 11.06 F I R S T A N N UA L FA L L P Y C G O L F S C R A M B L E PAGE 5 | The Portlight | 11.06 PYC ROCKS F riday the 13th turned out to be a lucky day for our PYC Auction. How fortunate we are to have so many members who put forth of their time and efforts to make this auction so successful. Kudos to our Vice-Commodore, Heather Adams, who worked diligently to put the event together. A big “thank you” to all of the donors, bidders, committee people and staff for making this event very special. Also, “thank you” to the young people of Southridge High School in Beaverton for serving dinner and to the Sea Scouts for their participation. During the Silent Auction, we enjoyed listening to the music of the Lowell J. Mitchell duo. After the closing of the Silent Auction, a delicious lasagna dinner, supplied by Ted and Betsy Leonardi, was served, along with a spinach/parmesan spread, antipasti, salad, various breads and a dessert of volcano ice cream, prepared by Chef Dale Richards and his staff. First prize in the successful raffle ($10,000+ raised) was a three-day trip to the magnificent Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. The big winners were Frank and Sandra Tillman (who, at the time, were vacationing in sunny Mexico). During the oral auction, conducted by James Dean and Russ Kuhn, one of the notable bids of the evening was for member #1908, which was won by Berkeley and Carole Smith…..notable for the fact that Berkeley and Carole will be Commodore and First Lady in 2008. It appears PYC has raised approximately $60,000+ for our Centennial Year. The level of participation was so great by new and long-time members that we would have to reprint nearly the entire roster to properly thank everyone…so THANK YOU ALL Elaine and Bob Sudlow Light Up PYC for the Holidays Win Prizes for the Best Decorated Boat or Boathouse in your Row PYC is always a very festive place during the Holidays. The Holiday Magic is even greater when our Boats and Boathouses are illuminated by Christmas Lights! Diane and I will be decorating our boat with strings of colorful outdoor lights over the Thanksgiving weekend. So please join the fun by decorating your boat or boathouse!! We’d like all the boats and boathouses lit up by December 5th, as the first Parade of Christmas Ships on the Columbia will be Thursday, December 7th. This year we will give prizes to the Best Decorated Boat or Boathouse by Row. Judging to be in early December (weather dependent). We’d also like to light up each row at night by putting lights on the row’s handrail via a photocell or timer. If you have outdoor light sets you’d like to contribute to the effort, please drop them off at the club (C7s or C9s). If you’d like to donate some electricity to your Row’s festivities or help staple the light strings, please let the office or me know. Let’s Light Up the River for PYC!! Doug Foster Commodore B OAT S H O W S & R E C R U I T I N G P lease make note of the upcoming dates for both the Portland and Seattle Boat Shows in January 2007. Portland Boat Show January 6 – January 14, 2007 Portland Expo Center 2060 N. Marine Drive Portland OR 97217 Seattle Boat Show January 26 – February 4, 2007 Seahawks Stadium & Exhibition Center 1000 Occidental Ave S. Seattle WA 98134 In 2007, the two boat shows do not conflict, as the Seattle dates have been adjusted to avoid Seahawk game dates. For those PYC members, who have assisted in our recruitment program in the past, plan to join us again this coming year. Those newer members who have yet to experience “selling” our club to the boating public, please consider signing up. Booth assignment times are generally three hours long, compensated by admission to the show. Look for further details in the Portlight and in the Flag Room. Prospective Member Open House February 18, 2007 Prospective Member Flotilla to Outstation March 10, 2007 PAGE 6 | The Portlight | 11.06 COOKOUT SEPTEMBER 29 PAGE 7 | The Portlight | 11.06 November 10 Key Largo Come one! Come all! Movie Nights continue at PYC on November 10th & December 1st Enjoy the cookout with friends and family and then join us for the movie. The show starts at 8:15pm. It runs about an hour and a half. Get some popcorn, your favorite drink and enjoy the show. As a hurricane wreaks havoc outside, Army veteran Frank McCloud (Humphrey Bogart), Nora Temple (Lauren Bacall) and her invalid father-in-law face a worse storm inside the Temples’ tumbledown Florida hotel. Frank stopped by merely to pay his respects to war-widow Nora, only to find the hotel commandeered by exiled gangster Johnny Rocco (Edward G. Robinson) and his band of goons. Will the war-weary Frank step up to the plate to save the Temples? December 1 Niagara Marilyn Monroe is a shameless hussy who wears skin-tight sweaters and flirts with anybody in long pants. Joseph Cotton is her long-suffering husband who, nonetheless, remains obsessed with her. On a vacation trip to Niagara Falls, everything unravels; Marilyn and her lover plot to kill Cotton by flinging him over the falls, but their plan goes awry in this fine noirish thriller. This time around, Marilyn even … sings! This is the last movie for 2006. Let us know what you would like to see. Do you have a favorite film that fits our format? Cliff and I are reviewing films for showing at the club. We are watching lots of movies. Our format: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Not much longer than 90 min. Features boating, cruising on the water, cruise ship, sailing, pirates… Just about anything on the water. Upbeat and fun. Classics. Musical Comedy is a plus. Singing welcomed Nostalgia encouraged. Goes with popcorn, milk duds and your favorite beverage. Multiple short subjects are great. Steve Callihan Cliff Swan Email your suggestions: D I A N E & I G UA NA G O L F S C R A M B L E O Get out to the Bridge Club November 16. Men are encouraged to join in. Bring a little something for lunch and $2 to cover the wine. We start at 10:00 and are usually over by 2:00. There are rewards for top and bottom scores. The humor is good natured and your skill level is never questioned. Day of the Iguana n September 27 some of PYC’s most enthusiastic golfers participated in what promises to be the first of many “all-club” golf fests. Twenty intrepid men and women played the “scramble” on Broadmoor International Golf Course’s challenging front nine. Expertly organized and marshaled by Linda Nurss and Gayle Timmerman, the event was followed by luncheon and awards. Longest drive was won by Howard Shaw, “KP” (closest to the pin) by Julie Hinkley, and the winning foursome, at one over par, included Bo Knab, Karen Owings, Ron Nurss and Larry Snyder. The event was such a success that the plan is for both a Spring and a Fall event next year. Larry Snyder Men’s Golf PAGE 8 | The Portlight | 11.06 BEACON ROCK CRUISE PAGE 9 | The Portlight | 11.06 SALMON FEED PAGE 10 | The Portlight | 11.06 SECURITY P YC is fortunate to enjoy a very low theft rate. Listed below are some things you can do to help keep it that way. SALMON FEED O P I R AT E PA R T Y A n Sunday October 8, we had our annual salmon feed. Thanks to Fred, we were able to enjoy some of the best salmon of the season. Unlike the past several years where we have been supplied with farm raised salmon, this year was special; we had the luxury of enjoying fresh Chinook Salmon from the Columbia River. The salmon was prepared on the BBQ with a lemon garlic mayo glaze, slices of orange and a light dusting of fresh Italian parsley. The salmon was accompanied by wine, green beans almandine, coleslaw and garlic French bread. To top it off we were treated to a wonderful carrot cake. Although the committee did an outstanding job with little effort, the evening could not have been truly enjoyed without the excellent help of Fred and his staff. Thanks bunches for your efforts. Thank you committee; Jim and Julie Hinkley, Skip and Mary Ann Nitchie, Nancy Kirk and her friend Phil (the fire man), Bob and Elaine Sudlow, and my lovely wife Lisa. Together we made an easy, friendly time of working the salmon feed. So on with the tradition. rrr! A vast thar me hearties! PYC got into the “Talk like a Pirate” week spirit with a Pirate and Pig Roast Party. Over 130 pirate clad members and guests attended the fun filled evening. Barbara Peterson and Julie Hinkley decorated the club house in pirate style with skeletons and treasure chests filled with gold doubloons. A dingy excursion across the sea to “Treasure Island” revealed an exciting and fun filled Treasure Hunt, put forth by Carole and Berkeley Smith, along with helpers Bruce and Rachel Aschim, Nancy Kirk, and Cheryl McNaughton. The treasure hunt involved many sailor skills and was rewarded by fine pirate booty, claimed by Captain Don Dell! Brian and Donna Moore welcomed PYC Pirateers to a true pirate feast with a fabulous roast pig or two, slowly cooked over an open pit by Captains Frank Tillman, Bob Lyon, Jim Hinkley, Russ Kuhn, Ken Free, and Dan Dickson. First Mates Sandra Tillman, Sandi Free and Julie Hinkley served the feast with flair. The evening was capped off with entertainment by Freddie Anderson singing country ballads. valuables in plain sight in your vehicle or boat. In the Portland area this is the prime reason for vehicle break-ins. John LeDoux Julie Hinkley Barbara Peterson Personal Recognition Get to know NEW MEMBERS Locks Please lock your boat and boathouse when you leave the area. Lighting Consider installing motion sen- sor lights on the front, rear, and interior of your boathouse. Enhanced lighting on all rows would improve the moorage security. Alarms Technology has advanced sig- nificantly in this area. Monitored alarm systems are available for both vessels and boathouses. Limit Access Please don’t prop open the gate near ‘N row’, as this allows others easy access to the moorage. The same holds true for the automated gate to the PYC lower parking lot. If you see the gate stuck in the open position please contact the PYC office, or the security company and inform them of the situation. Reduce Temptation Do not leave your neighbors and those who moor on your row. Burglars search for the easiest target of opportunity. Locks, lighting, alarms, limited access, reduced temptation, all decrease the odds of a burglary. At this time the PYC Manager and Board of Trustees are researching various ways to enhance our overall security posture. Please do your part to help keep the bad guys on the other side of the fence. Gary Eckert Entertainment Chairs PYC welcomes new members this month. (look for the stars and say hello!) Stephen and Sandra Gordon own a 35’ Carver, Shangri-La. Stephen works in Sales at IBM. The Gordons live in NW Portland. Tom and Sarah Ronne have one daughter, 31, and own a 37’ cruising sedan, Saragosa. Tom’s business is Lakeland Properties, Inc. Tom and Sarah reside in Lake Oswego. The dinghy motor died when Terry was transporting Bruce and Rachel Aschim to the island. He had to paddle them back to the gas dock. PAGE 11 | The Portlight | 11.06 W H AT H A P P E N E D TO T H E C O L B Y S T he two jumped straight up out of the water next to the boat facing each other several feet above the surface and dove back in as if performing at a Marineland show. But these porpoises weren’t, they were offshore with their pals chasing and playing in our bow wave as we slid down swells in 30 knots of wind with gusts to 35. The autopilot held well but while the porpoises played a swell pushed us around too far jibing the main. First the preventer line broke and the boom swung across the boat and the stainless fitting holding the block to the boom broke and the sail swung to leeward unattached and free. After a brief discussion Craig Shambaugh took the wheel and with the help of the engine got us into the wind enough so the main could be brought down and secured. Within hours we were in the lee of Cape Mendocino and had to motor into Noyo River, our second stop since leaving Portland Aug 10. Noyo River is next to Fort Bragg in Northern CA and is shallow and narrow. It seemed we were entering a strange quiet backwater after the roar of the ocean. Next morning large sea lions did come on the dock, as Don Eudaly had warned me, but not on our forger. That night we anchored outside the breakwater of Bodega Bay and the next afternoon went under the Golden Gate on a strong flood with a growing westerly wind: perfect. The City passed us almost too quickly as one wanted to savor the afternoon sail. We stayed 15 miles south of the Bay Bridge at the Coyote Point Yacht Club in San Mateo. Our daughter Joanie lives nearby. Dick, the other crew, thought the yacht club was very hospitable as they made the showers sway the same as the boat. He was still rocking. Three weeks later Janet and I left in thick fog. The only way we knew we were going under the Bay Bridge is hearing the traffic and looking up and seeing the bridge’s underside. The fog lifted momentarily enabling us to see North Beach and Fisherman’s Wharf area. That night we ate in the seafood restaurant at Half Moon Bay or Pillar Point Harbor as they call it. The same restaurant I ate in 25 years ago while anchored there in our 27’ sloop. Before I had calamari and beer, this time I had calamari and beer. This was a trip back in time. Our next stop was Santa Cruz where one of my sisters lives. The little boat harbor was a bustle with boating activity. As a transient boat we were end tied and had a front row seat. We were warmly welcomed at the Santa Cruz Yacht Club. Our departure from Santa Cruz was delayed a day. All but one line was cast off when a boat came in and told us that it was blowing like stink out there--30 to 35 knots he said. Janet said no way. Back for another beer at the yacht club that night. The next day proved to be a very pleasant sail across Monterey Bay and around the corner to Carmel’s Stillwater Cove. The days were getting shorter and a chill was in the air. Next stop San Simeon. There the bay was full of skittish Harbor Seals fishing. They followed as I rowed ashore but when you looked at them they would dive with a splash. Unless you are in a harbor most California coves and bays have a surge and a surf to deal with landing. This was no different. We were out of practice and almost flipped the dingy beaching. It was a short walk to the Hearst Castle entrance and there were no crowds that day. There at the Castle the tour guide told us that the haze in the air, we had noticed it the day before, was from a fire farther south. That fire was just controlled several days ago. San Luis Obispo Bay is not a particularly pretty bay. But what was interesting there was the realization that sea lions had basically taken over. The only floating dock was protected by a chain link fence. From there we made the run around Pt Conception. Winds were predicted to gust to 30 in the afternoon. So we left in the early morning. We tucked into San Miguel Island, the western most of the Channel Islands, and that night at anchor the winds did gust to 30. The next day the weather was calm and warm and we walked the long clean white sand beach and met the island ranger of the National Park Service. San Miguel along with four other channel islands is a National Park. That afternoon the park ranger lead a group to the east point to view juvenile sea elephants. It was a long but beautiful walk with views of Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands farther to the east. The ranger told us that 22 to 23 thousand sea lion pups are born yearly on San Miguel Island alone! But hook worm has infested the herd. Maybe there will be a balance. After seeing the sea elephants at the east end we realized that the group of 25 on shore were also young sea elephants. We should have realized this as they did not bark but communicated by grunts and burps to the degree that they would have made any teenage boy envious of their ability to make gross noises. After stops at Santa Cruz Island we sailed for Santa Barbara and took a slip. Checking in to Canada is easier. They wanted to see the ship’s papers, get paid up front and then put a dye in the head so we wouldn’t discharge into the bay. We visited a friend there who drove us around and let us use her washing machine and drove us to a grocery store. We also visited the Mission. Back at Santa Cruz Island for one night we ran into a couple we had met in Hawaii! They were not on their own boat so when they hailed us from kayaks it was a real surprise as they live in Balboa. We were invited for drinks on the boat where they were guests and stayed for dinner. The next morning we went on to tiny Santa Barbara Island for the night then to Catalina. There, at Catalina, we anchored in one of the only coves facing the mainland that doesn’t have mooring buoys. There were plenty of empty buoys but unlike 40 years ago boats now have to pay and it is not cheap. Now we are docked in Alamitos Bay in Long Beach, at a dock owned by my other sister. We’ll stay here about 3 weeks then on to Newport Beach, San Diego and Mexico the first part of November. Thank you Wylie Grabisch for use of your CA chart books. And hello to all PYC members. Hope all is well with each of you. John & Janet Colby PAGE 12 | The Portlight | 11.06 T S s A ’ O C R Y P S ’ E R O D O M OM C on Friday, November 17th. See how your Commodore & Commodoress react to unusual situations Master of Ceremonies: Stan Borys Performances by The Last Act Repertory Theatre Group of: “BACK TO SCHOOL” Our special school lunch at dinnertime and Program is approved by the PTA (Portland Teachers Anomalous) Entrée: Boeuf Bourguignon (Beef Burgundy) a la Molenaar String Beans Almandine Baguettes Provencal A succulent dessert And a Special Surprise Bar: 5:30 pm Dinner: 6:30 pm Showtime: 7:30 pm Casual Attire Cost: $16.00 per person Pre-registration is recommended by Wednesday November 15th!! (Before enrollment is cut off!!) (503) 735-0632 or e-mail: Remember: No Talking in Class!!! PAGE 13 | The Portlight | 11.06 CENTENNIAL AUCTION PAGE 14 | The Portlight | 11.06 New Year’s Eve Bash Stairway to Heaven in 2007 Dress Totally Your Choice Casual / Semi Formal / Formal (or all of the above) Program • • • • Bar opens at – 7:00 Butler Hors D’oerves – 7:30 Gourmet Buffet Dinner – 8:30 (Catered by Monarch Hotel) Champagne & Balloon Drop – 12:00 Music • Spectacular “Sandpoint” Dinner • Seafood Sauté with Lobster, Scallops, etc. • Slow-Roasted Prime Rib • Stuffed Chicken ala Monarch New Year’s Day • • • • • • Sleep over on your Boat or The Marriot Courtyard Continental Breakfast – 9:00 to 12:00 Leftovers Libations Football In the Flag Room PYC Ladies Dinner Christmas Memories December 6, 2006 Featuring the Lakewood Theater Tap Dancers Cocktails at 6:00 pm • $20.00 per person • Dinner at 7:00 pm Reservations Required: 503-735-0632 or PAGE 15 | The Portlight | 11.06 COMING EVENTS MONDAY SUNDAY 29 TUESDAY 30 WEDNESDAY 31 Nov Ladies’ Golf Daylight Saving Ends 5 6 THURSDAY 1 2 3 8 9 Lunch 10 Men’s Golf 12 13 14 15 Board Meeting Portlight Deadline Happy Hour Lunch 19 Clubhouse Closed for Floor Refinishing 20 Clubhouse Closed Clubhouse Closed 27 28 26 Leftover Cruise 3 21 16 22 17 Happy Hour Bridge Club Men’s Golf 11 OCSA Awards Banquet Cookout – Movie Wine Tasting 4 Finance Committee Happy Hour Men’s Golf 7 SATURDAY FRIDAY 23 18 Lunch 24 25 Men’s Golf Thanksgiving Leftover Cruise Leftover Cruise Clubhouse Closed Club House Closed Happy Hour No Lunch 29 30 Annual Meeting Men’s Golf All Members Dec 1 Cookout – Movie 2 Lunch Happy Hour 4 5 6 Men’s Golf 7 8 Happy Hour 9 Lunch PYC’s Tour of Italian Wines Sunday November 5th from 3 – 6 PM No need to go all the way to Italy. Join Cooie Bates, an expert in Italian Wines, for a casual presentation at the Club, Italian Hors D’oerves, and sampling of several Italian Premium Wines. In just three hours you will become more knowledgeable in the very diverse varieties of Italian wines (whites, reds, desserts, etc). Learn the many subtleties that comprise the different Italian Wine Regions and how to best match your food menu with appropriate wine. This will be the perfect opportunity to restock your wine cellar for the upcoming Holidays. Wine will be offered at wholesale prices. $12 per person Please call and make your reservations by November 1st Gerry and Kathleen Gregg 2005 M/V YOHO Christopher and Susan Dorn 2006 S/V Libertas Ken and Laura Obrist 2006 M/V No Boss Dayle and Teresa Kasner 2005 S/V Stargazer Rob and Carolina Peterson 2005 M/V Paulistana Stephen and Sandra Gordon 2006 M/V Shangri-La New Members “What other luxury dealerships try to be” Special Discounts to Portland Yacht Club Members! 633 NE Twelfth Avenue, Portland • Mon-Fri 8-7, Sat 9-6, Sun 11-6 1-877-802-0091 503.232.5842 Printed on 100% post consumer paper.
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PORTLIGHT - Portland Yacht Club
the area and leave your cars in the lot. Past practice is
to leave your vehicle keys with the office staff if you are
planning to leave your vehicle in the lot for an extended
period of time.